MrWoofless – THE POOP SLAYER! (Minecraft Battle-Dome COMMANDER with Woofless and Lachlan!)

Video Information

Hey what’s going on guys it’s wuffles here and welcome back to another episode of battle room and this one’s a very special one as lachlan is sitting right next to my booty while we’re recording this i think you guys are going to love it gets a little creepy in terms of our

Story don’t be turned off if you guys enjoyed this story and enjoyed the episode make sure to hit that like button let’s go for 3 000 likes on this delicious episode about them and we’ll do more of these very very soon either way take care and goodbye

Hey what’s going on guys it’s ruffles here and welcome back to some battle dome red versus blue red ready yeah i’m i’m oh i gotta pick my team i’m blue yeah dude my blue shield to the ground yeah mine isn’t they don’t do that on the right team it’s like exclusive

Features we have a blue one i would just like to point out that 7v6 i am at a one person advantage doesn’t matter no you have seven people i have six oh jokes the red team no but you’re right you’re right lucky you are right you are at a one

Person disadvantage because i count for three no yes no yes no yes no okay yes minus three yeah like true minus three no i just follow the rules man all right the rules no screaming there’s gonna be some like bragging oh there’s gonna be screen picking like okay so we’re guys

Uh watching at home we are right next to each other right now literally right like here like look like i’m now on my unlockless microphone oh no it’s actually it’s like a a love circle no and we’re completing it right now oh my god and you know what no matter who

Wins i think in the end we’re both victors um no no the loser loses and the winner wins but you know what that’s fine you know you could think that sort of thing but i i believe especially after what we’ve gone through tonight you should know

That i keep on hitting the wrong button i’ve just changed up a lot of my settings by the way guys so you’re going to see a lot of derps legit strats for days yeah i’m actually kind of reworking my entire stuff i’ll probably do like maybe even like a setup

Video once i get used to it i’m serious man it’s actually it’s it’s legit stuff like i’m actually getting used to you know what though you know my issue is well i’m gonna i’m gonna go change something on camera just because it’s really just it’s just flipping me off

Right all right that’s that’s cool you know what i don’t know i can’t give it no give yourself you’re right you’re right you know what you are you are 100 right i think i just stole this person’s iron jag battle woof yeah battle woof jack battle woofles what

Jack battle woof in the house drop them beat so hot stop being a jag like you don’t know what oh my god you’re just afraid yes it’s my intimidation tech i’m looking at you right in the face i’m looking right at your screen i’m looking at you right in

The face no i get it no look at me right in the eye like goblin on facebook look at me right in the eyes no look me in the eyes right now no lock them look at me in the eyes no look at me in the eyes

Lachlan i’m call the police look me in the eyes wow yeah such gay such goose such hot such hot and spicy all right that’s it i’m gonna win this and what is it winner get uh the winner gets a snuggle no you’re no yeah no so what does the winner get

Lucky the winner gets a free coupon yeah at tim hortons so i have to buy you at tim hortons no because it tastes horrible it’s okay arguably the places that we went to the tim hortons we went to were not phenomenal no they were bad they were not phenomenal so how about this

Whoever wins no i want a beaver tail yeah whoever wins is gonna get some free cruising casto oh no it’s a beaver tail no oh that’s my iron girl that’s my eye where is that hell where is that where is that by the way if you guys are not

Watching lachlan’s perspective he just found a whole bunch of iron and i’m gonna go slurp it up so i’m assuming it’s over by uh so you’re you’re in a pretty good situation i think i’m gonna go i can do like everything that’s necessary kind of

Like an afk almost kind of sense i think it’s story time story time yeah oh creepers i think i think we should explain to our viewers what we went through tonight oh no that was just it was literally poop it was absolutely poop so

I i live in i live my own in my own condo here i moved out um a while ago of like october last year and i’ve never had an issue with the plumbing no i haven’t had not once and and i’ve had some people who are notorious

For just crushing toilets person not not only person just other people other other and not and not to be like racist right other americans you just typically have just oh can’t fill within three blocks yeah i’m on that i’m on that area now who are just who are known for just crushing

Toilets this crash is crushing so i’ve i’ve had absolutely no issues in the past uh but for some reason tonight yep it was a it was a a full moon the the snow was was gently falling from the sky by the way we built a snowman we

Built a snowman you can check our instagrams for that or my instagram uh you can re-upload it actually oh that’s a dangerous hole oh actually that’s not dangerous i’m gonna dip down and um i found like zero this person i don’t know where he’s going and i don’t like it oh kind of

Probably three blocks is the jag rule i’m stuck you know i gotta just go down with this guy sorry dude hello what up hello hello hello all right so the the the snow was was softly falling on the ground 10 capacity and you want to know it wasn’t working in 10 capacity

Toilet the toilet wasn’t no toilet decided that uh tonight of of all nights they wanted to uh it wanted to just take a poop and literally just stop working so uh i mean i was napping i was napping when that when the debacle happened and uh from my nap from my slumber

What did i hear what did i hear you my brother talking about well how did the conversation he’s like um yeah it’s sort of a problem i was like uh not going anywhere it’s just not good it’s done is that a red light yep it’s

At a red light the red light is broken and uh so i was napping and then my brother was like you gotta deal with a ladder and just left yeah he was like yeah now just leave right through it it’s it’s his job it’s rob a dog

Has got a job he’s got a job yeah and rob and got a job and i i had to assist like i was like what’s this murder like it was tough to get you to assist but in the end in the end you came through and yeah because everyone loves dealing with

A toilet full of shite yeah oh it was it was lovely oh look at this cape some i just found that’s you know what that’s lovely i’m not fond of any iron at all dude i really needed this too like this was like where are my torch rule like

Don’t i get like 10 000 torches like what is this no this is great dude look at this oh iron yes no this is terrible so i’ve eventually woke up from my nap and locked and decided to help me and uh went to my bathroom to kind of uh

Rectify the situation and uh and found it to be unrectifiable no it was uh it was pretty severely crushed and guess who didn’t have a plunger and i don’t have a plumber a plan of a plumber or a plunger so we kind of got stuck in this

In this situation so we uh we took out our good friend mitchell the poop slayer mitchell the poo slam mitchell the poop slayer he’s uh not a player he’s retired now oh god um mitchell you know retired is oh oh well it’s one way to get rid of a

Creeper i’ll tell you that much uh so so mitchell the proof slayer is one of those like toilet cleaners yeah and and he be bored as a game he brought his a game you know what um we we went in after a bunch of trial and

Error of trying to find ways flushing it filling it up literally oh no way oh i gotta find diamond now um literally going down and and emptying the bowl with a bowl oh dude that lab looks creepy on your screen emptying the toilet bowl with another bowl and putting it it’s just terrible

Oh terrible hygiene don’t don’t do it don’t try it at home what did we do after that like because it was a bit of spillage there was a little bit a little bit of spillage i got some of my shirt the ball okay yeah

I had it like a foot rule like you know yeah i splashed a little bit i i mean i came in with bins when needed to and stuff like that but yeah i got i got a little splashy a little bit of uh tidal waves splashy but we cleaned it up we

Like we went ham with the detergent you just went oh yeah i went i went crazy oh no lava so we went a couple a couple of trials and errors here and there um and eventually we found that uh it just you know it just wasn’t working

So we emptied we emptied the toilet bowl completely right yeah the water the water levels were pretty much was pretty much empty that was that was a feat within itself um and then we took mitchell the poop slayer mitchell the poop slayer how did we get that name

Did we just thinking of mitch at the time honestly i don’t unless i you know mitch poo poop mitch i don’t really know i don’t think so but that’s pretty much just what happened it just it just happened that way it’s a nice name yeah

Just happy that way and uh so we uh we lachlan just says woof go for it oh no no because we got to a circumstance where we were google for days google for days like he was trying to help us and then we found one with

Like a coat hanger strat and guess we had no metal coat hangers so that didn’t work and then it was literally like all right let’s do it let’s just get mitch because we put him in the bin we were like mitch all right we threw him out yep

But it was the iron right that you couldn’t get i just snagged it and see how many um fudges i’m giving right now a lot okay continue continue i’m i’m actually i’m i’m just i’m rich so i mean like yeah we can do this all right and then

So i i i told will falls like right now like you may need to go to the toilet really bad oh we both had we both had to just to urinate in the worst way oh in the absolute worst way so i told him we saw some guy on youtube

Put a plastic bag around his like what was it broom it was it wasn’t a broom it was a mop mop yeah it was a mop but we had mitch yeah not a mob not a mop not born him up but by god damn he became a

Mother oh he did he leveled up he did a very good job he fought the cast system he just came in and he just went bang yeah erased it just got him like it was and then like because the first time we did it we flushed it and we just

Crossed our thing as we were like by the way i’m running down we flushed it and we were like please please please please please and it worked no the first time it did first time in the first time the second time the third time yep and nearly just

Like overfilled yeah with oh yeah within inches yeah with three water yeah it wasn’t fun we were freaking out oh freaking 360 no scoping each other in the face of just you know with looks of despair yep it was like back just just sadness all around so um the sadness so i started

Going in i went in with mitchell the poop slayer and my god mitchell the poop slayer he went in oh he went he went in hard and like just there was a battle of epicosity oh anyone who’s i don’t know like have you ever like tried to unclog

A toilet before i’ve never done it before this is i mean as living alone this is the first time that like i didn’t have my mommy to do it for me you know what i mean you’re going along watch out yeah i’m just i just i’m just thinking back

To when your brother was talking about south park today and he was talking about fudge packaging you’re literally a fudge back today i i guess okay i’m gonna put myself an iron chest plate that’s like the first thing i’m doing just because i can have that so let’s continue the story about mitchell

Because it’s it’s it’s a story of triumph and and just okay look oh i’m so messed up no seriously like all like stories aside i need to get my a game on like yeah there’s four minutes i’ve gotten my c game on and no it’s not

Very doing here we get a game with gtfo let’s do this i’m gonna dive straight away to our qq you know you’re gonna have a demon sword i’m gonna make my friend a diamond sword because wow you got that much diamond yeah oh and i literally just dug down

And i’m at uh i’m at y11 there’s nothing here really there’s nothing here i might strip mine a little bit it’s like four minutes left of those match time of course why can’t i where’d my bucket of water go why does it always happen on the server that happens my bucket of water

Just disappears you know a lot of buckets of water everyone knows that it’s just like no so the mitch slayer went in mitchell went in deep and we’re concluding our story by the way um it’s coming to an epic conclusion yeah um and uh it did its work but we weren’t sure

If if it had succeeded it was one of those battles where like it’s not won until you actually look at the casualties yeah we we we plunged well you plunged it i sat there like a little girl 10 feet away oh yeah you’re like and then you plunged it and it was like

Did it work you flushed the toilet and at first it it like fell pulled back up filled with like damn gg and then it went in it went in it just although all the pooey water went back into the toilet and it was gg that might have been the

Best feeling of this entire two weeks oh when when when the when the water went back in ecstatic oh absolutely beyond ecstatic i could see i don’t think i took it i didn’t think i went to the toilet yet you should probably go you should enjoy

That fresh well i mean i’m so ahead right now i’ve got dual wielding diamond swords wow i barely have enough iron to like being myself no it’s not dang it i’m gonna get back up is it slash pawn works i’m not gonna freaking tell you that and it does

At sea level or initiate a teleport you can do honestly i’ll tell you just just so you don’t get crushed just do a slash surface and then do slash spawn that’s so silly all right surface you have been teleported to the surface yeah i’m just gonna have iron

Yes yeah i’m not gonna have any diamond well you can screen shape like plus audio cheat and know that i have diamonds right yeah you wouldn’t i mean i i wouldn’t have known because i haven’t been looking yeah you have you cheated you know what i’m i find that effect so

Let’s let’s finish the story we’re almost we got two minutes left to build phase we got two minutes left to finish up the story good yeah um it flushed flushed it flushed and uh we had to put uh that’s true we had to put mitchell the poop slayer

Down oh it was the worst i mean he got us through tough times yeah and then we just threw him down the chute like the duck the garbage disposal here we want yeah we walked down the hallway i got a garbage shoot there was a moment of silence for everyone wondering nice little

And then it was goodbye it was goodbye i’m gonna come crying right now man it’s mitchell man it’s what she can’t change the story it was mitch the poop slide now it’s mitchell it was always mitchell the poop slayer get the fudge out of here either way he fell in

Into whatever heaven or hell or whatever laid down at the bottom of that that shoot and hopefully he’ll find himself in another toilet just like just like oh it was it was a moment there was a moment to be had i really hope yeah

Yeah if i see him one day but who took his place what was it i forget his name i don’t really care about him william william why we didn’t not name him william yeah yeah it was william no yeah william william i don’t like that name

I didn’t well you know he’s he was just a cleaner he wasn’t a boob slayer he was a cleaner that’s all he did you know what i mean like he he cleaned he cleaned the sink and he cleaned the floor william was william was just a just a guy that cleaned mitchell

Was a guy that slayed mitchell was a guy that fought the system that fought equality or lack of equality for equality and just went to town just everything wait what’s this your obsidian has been dropped into its retrospective place all right all right now seriously now i

Think it’s battle dome time i just did oh it’s battle base here we go all right i’m ready all right you ready you ready to lose it’s infinite spawns isn’t it wait i’m gonna chuck my diamond sword in a special place i can get later if i need it

Because you don’t lose your armor do you oh you don’t lose your like um you respawn until the obsidian block’s dead yeah here we go one man army dude yeah we’re on the same team mate auto balance for days do you have that extra diamond sword yeah dude over here

Bro it’s 6v3 yeah i’m going to cook some food we’re going to win this is it was meant to be bread versus blueberry honestly though this is just a medium for story time all right yeah okay what do you got where is it i was going to grab it oh

Here it is you just left it there you know that would despawn smite seriously yeah well like it’s honestly it’s better than my sorry i’ll change it no because i’m going to i’m going to literally i’m going to keep let’s just absolutely crush city these guys i just i’m gonna

Come in with a diamond sword i’m just getting some food dude all right no i don’t need food food you need food fruits why are they green odds green and red yeah all right dude do you want food or not bro useful chicken there’s useful chickens lots of useful chickens yeah they’re useful

All right they’re chickens jack hammer oh dude away from me away from me away from me again oh too easy man did you did you did you stratum did you block stratum yeah oh no i didn’t actually when we started doing that yeah box strap bro

The ink sacks blue what was the stuff that got you like messed up once what was it what it was like it was like a blue but it wasn’t a blue i don’t even know what’s your there’s some levels lying around here i’m gonna enchant uh my my chest plate

Because now i’m just gonna absolutely moisture these this guy’s got leather arm i feel like he’s got a leather arm and a wooden sword i feel like a bully right now because i’m actually just going to comment and just go slap chop like a wrecking ball

This is for you who mitchell the poops oh he’s trying oh he might get me breaking it down break it through if you think about it just just last word of the story what mitchell did breaking through the cast system becoming you know turning into a slayer of poop from a from a

Basic cleaner he pushed through the the small pipe system of life he did to to achieve greatness he did you know what i mean very well very very well i don’t know how you switch teams it’s happened every like the last two games we’ve played in the nexus capture the wall jerome just

Pulls the switcheroo this game you pull the switcheroo because people are afraid of us dude like i mean where’s the auto balance in this like we have six players for jesus like put me on put me on the other team you know what i mean i don’t

Want it i’m just gonna go mine they’re obsidian all right you mind them obsidian i’ll start like wiping out them but these useful chickens i swear dude like not cool not very useful not very useful yes for all right i’m minding their obsidian they’ve got three people left

Oh that’s oh yeah what someone on the red team just got slain yeah i think it was over here new why dude go finish that we’re going to end this game quick i want this to be a quick quick quickie jump gg quick though i i see him is he gg is he

Standing here here we go here we go he’s over there he’s over there he’s over there i’m gonna go the cut off yeah do you know what the cutoff is yeah cut that off it’s where you get like something cut and then you cut it off

I wish i had a bow and arrow right now i just snipped him i was slain are you in that obsidian like today or next year it’s i’m going my fastest oh he killed our member all right good did you all right what member he actually killed our

Dude yeah that’s what i was saying he got eliminated not eliminated because we have uh no he killed one of our dudes yeah but we have the obsidian so we’re fine all right i’m going in now he’s dead he’s dead you want to wait for me

Please no jack mine at 21. he’s dead okay i’m gonna go for the nearest enemy then jack hammer jack can we take him out dude oh you got this bro oh my gosh oh but who’s getting hungry yeah i don’t care hit him with a hit him

With an egg you have an egg i don’t know i have an egg oh he’s gonna be uh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh lamborghini mercy my choo-choo oh we have a disc he’s out your school was oh look at this enemy right here i’ll just smoke him i’m

Working him murk and darker just go murder dirk and bella jihad whatever that meant that’s just you know reference the top part um i do my my my teammates uh right here let’s see if this guy’s a red because if he’s a red he’s jimmy g g i think he’s red

Yeah i’m breaking the dirt with the wooden axe what are you gonna do all right i’m gonna take out the nearest enemy which is right here and uh he’s gonna get eliminated my friend unless he has like ridiculously good armor watching just turn on me and just crush me

Now it’s looking sort of green and it’s like even like a red useless teammate dude oh we got something down here we got something down here is there any coal wait does this compass work target any of anything yeah oh it totally does all right i just i would like to get um

Oh an egg i’d like to get some coal so i could actually see instead of oh here’s cold okay sweet all right i found like a little recruit here hey buddy do you mind if i just mine this coal and you not walk in front of my face thank you

Dude we’re gonna win the hunger games i don’t know why you’re trying to mine cold no just so i can have torches so i can actually see where i’m going oh no but your brightness is not on full your brightness on your brightness is unlocked it’s for the viewers yeah turn

It on full you’re derp you’re a derp you’re an idiot they are literally seeing pitch black right now no no look now look you’re as useful as the useful chickens dude this is pretty useful i know it’s useful but come on oh look at this guy dude i’m

Gonna dig straight down on him i’ma break every rule of minecraft i’m going in oh dude i’m laughing lava to make my day i have i have a bucket all right here we go i’m going to them wait it’s like we’re slain by blue there’s one left i’m

Going in for him oh here it is oh just gg i’m gonna watch this i’m gonna watch this come on i’m gonna throw eggs in the air like i just don’t care where is he dude i gotta get to him though oh he’s this way

Oh sugar oh sugar there’s two of them i do myself what there’s only one of them no there’s not there’s two of them we the blue team oh shoot dude i need backup right now all right where are you i need backup sauce right now all right

Well this is impressive but i’m coming all right tp waffles cut tp all right where about shoot i’m gonna die i’m do you have any extra gear yes okay what do you have because i’m gonna need gear back all right here we go this just actually got serious man all right

That way i’m here to win hunger games dude that’s four that’s one it’s one it’s one you got spawn yeah that’s one all right they might they might get eliminated by our our teammates but okay there you are so what extra good you have i have that okay i have that i have

That take it all take it all that’s all i’ve got um there’s that there’s some food it’s better than what i had before dude i was using a knockback sword oh choices all right that’s it let’s go win that’s that’s where’s the way okay so you compass and

Then set it to nearest enemy so it’s this way dude ah now you tell me yeah you gotta just right click it all right follow me and together do you have any buckets you can fill with water no we don’t need buckets dude you got leather boots i got the booties okay

Here they are here they are here they are so we got to go around here dude i feel like you’re just this is a team of two that’s just crushing it okay remember yeah look zombie 190 zombie hunter 6 36 oh wow they missed like 80 slots but whatever who cares dude these

Guys man we’re fighting the zombie team where are they this way this way follow me follow me follow me yeah you have to come here and then they’re underground where did i where’d i dig down i got to find the area that i dug straight down

It’s like a guy just right here dude look and jungled my jungle a bountiful so they’re right there this way yeah they’re there they’re there they’re there that’s our whole team is like engaging on them they’re right under us dude can you just dig down with what with the egg sure done

Uh here no nearest nearest enemy yeah there they are they’re they’re right back straight pickaxes dig down yeah i’m going don’t jump in yet okay let me know when i can jump in don’t jump don’t jump i should probably shift a i’m gonna shift because i’m sneaky all right here we go

Shoot i can’t jump that dude oh oh oh oh jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump no that’s way too far i’m dead oh how many hours three and two and a half all right he’s like on the other side of this wall he can probably come in and

Just barrage us okay shift click shift click yeah nearest enemy is right oh they do they’re on the move they’re on move this way this way this way this way look look look get your compass out yeah he’s this way he’s this way he’s like he’s gonna come through here

Oh there he’s on top he’s behind you he’s behind you he’s behind you oh no they’re stacked no they’re stacked no they’re stacking their stack we’re crushed dude oh they’re going to win tries in housing no yes not win the hunger games no dude they’re going to

Win like we have no gear right i killed one of them i killed one of them did you actually yeah zombie donut died from no from blue team has died no there’s one left no there’s oh there is one left it’s a i got one out just before i died

Okay so this is what we need to do dude is there any kill them with wooden wooden stuff we can do it yeah i agree i can make a wooden i can make it an iron shovel make stone swords stone swords good call all right we’re gonna do this

Click click click click click click go dude this has turned into something that’s like actually a lot more epic than than i want it to be all right let’s do this you know what i’m gonna i’m gonna sharpness my sword by killing all these chickens they like they’re like outplaying us man

No i can’t did you actually kill one of them yeah okay so you actually eliminated one yeah it didn’t say i eliminated it i don’t know if it was like yeah he hit his friend or if someone tried someone just tried to swim in lava this guy just like killed him by

Using lava or something no it wasn’t it was a pretty clean flight flight flight it was good very clean fly all right so i got one level i’m gonna enchant the stone sword and get sharpness okay that’s good it actually hits pretty hard dude six point two five all right so the nearest

Bad uh nearest enemy okay this way oh dude we need to go in together are you going in by yourself yeah okay wait for me away from me i gotta sharpen this one stone sword because both me and you if we just keep on slapping him i died so

Quick because i was hurt from that fall where did you go did you go in through here yeah okay no i went through one of the falls all right right over okay moving like dirt down just to try and not lose full damage all right this is a very very uh wussy

Tactic but it works so honestly dude i might just make an iron an iron like i’m gonna gather some iron okay cause there’s a lot of iron right here dude man all right man you’re in i’m gonna come he’s shifting so i’m gonna come in like an assassin all right where are you

Shifting yeah i mean he’s in the mind okay can you show me how you got there i just went down a hole do you know where the hole was no not in the slightest clue okay well i have a pickaxe i want to make an i want to make it he’s shifting

So as long as i stay on the prowl like i’ll be near him okay so you do this you try and look just try and spot him okay is that no try and spot him i’m gonna go ahead and just make a little bit of iron

What i’m gonna do is i’m gonna make us some water buckets because i feel like what they do is they drop the side of me or something watch out dude oh he’s up there he’s all the way up there dude where where he’s like coming at the top like on the

Surface yeah he can come in and rush us like there he is i see him he’s on the move yeah yeah i can’t get out now um dang it there’s two people following him i’m going on him that’s so annoying okay there’s two people on him if i

Could flank him and get a couple shots off actually i have six eggs he’s going for our obsidian dude get him whackers get him okay we’re three on one right now oh my god we’re three on one come on now they’re all like oh my god

You have the pelvis gear out he can literally one bang a lot of years yeah i honestly feel like killing myself just i just hit him with an egg nice nice how do i get out of here i’m stuck forever how are those eggs missing i don’t even know maybe bad

Come on where’s my way out oh he’s dead he was one he was like one shot yeah he was like really low he just kept on just wailing at him are you serious so that was an actually ridiculously epic ending for an episode that probably shouldn’t

Have been that epic yeah no it was six they played really well they did they you know the zombie team yeah like yeah small small applause zombie 190s right there oh you just left oh well uh gg that was that was really good awesome so huge congratulations to the zombie guys

For literally like almost doing a 2v6 yeah like if they if if we didn’t have our obsidian well if we’ve never seen that would have gone in so aggressively yeah but if we didn’t have our obsidian they would have won that it’s the only it’s only because we mind their obsidian

That we were able to win yeah yeah because i like that rule i like the traditional battle room like you know you you you kill them you win like that one no but with the obsidian you kill them and you essentially win because they lose all their stuff it’s like dota

Sort of yeah it’s exactly like dota exactly yeah so anyways guys if you enjoyed this extremely weird uh episode go ahead and smash that like button leave a comment down below check the lock on myself in the description as well as all the other info

And uh don’t be too turned off by the weird story done done that was done and we’ll see you guys all right do

This video, titled ‘THE POOP SLAYER! (Minecraft Battle-Dome COMMANDER with Woofless and Lachlan!)’, was uploaded by MrWoofless on 2014-03-14 00:56:22. It has garnered 75921 views and 2577 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:12 or 1752 seconds.


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  • Join Minewind: Where You Can Build Your Own Epic Stadium!

    Join Minewind: Where You Can Build Your Own Epic Stadium! If you’re a fan of Minecraft tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a stadium, then you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a thriving community of creative builders and redstone engineers, Minewind offers a unique multiplayer experience where you can showcase your skills and collaborate with other players. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Whether you’re into building grand stadiums like Signal Iduna Park or exploring intricate redstone contraptions, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of… Read More

  • Senpai Spider Series: Minecraft Madness

    Senpai Spider Series: Minecraft Madness The Exciting World of Minecraft Unveiled Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft with SenpaiSpider in the #part1 of this captivating series. Dive into the immersive world of #lapatasmp and witness the magic unfold in this Minecraft extravaganza. Exploring the Unknown SenpaiSpider takes viewers on a mesmerizing adventure, uncovering hidden treasures, building magnificent structures, and battling formidable foes. The vast expanse of Minecraft’s universe is brought to life in vivid detail, showcasing the endless possibilities that await. Building Dreams Witness the creative genius at play as SenpaiSpider constructs awe-inspiring creations, from towering castles to intricate… Read More


    ALMOST WON CHAOTIC MINECRAFT EVENT The Chaos Wars Event in Minecraft Recently, Minecraft players were treated to an epic event known as Chaos Wars, hosted by the popular content creator lalitojr1804. The event promised chaos, excitement, and intense battles, drawing in a large audience eager to witness the action unfold. What is Chaos Wars? Chaos Wars is a unique event in Minecraft where players compete against each other in various challenges, battles, and mini-games. The goal is to emerge victorious by showcasing their skills, teamwork, and strategic thinking. With unpredictable twists and turns, Chaos Wars keeps participants on their toes, making it a thrilling… Read More

  • Revenge of the IMMOCRAFT EMPIRE

    Revenge of the IMMOCRAFT EMPIRE The Legendary Tale of Boba and the Shiny Harp of Bard In the bustling village of Rhythmwood, Boba, a young boy from a family of musicians, harbored a deep desire to become the greatest musician in the world. Despite his dreams, Boba was constantly belittled and oppressed by those around him, including his own father who doubted his abilities. A Tragic Misunderstanding Tragedy struck when Boba’s home was set ablaze by angry villagers who mistakenly believed false rumors about him and his mother. Despite the devastation, Boba’s father remained silent, fueling Boba’s desire for revenge. The Quest for the… Read More

  • Checkmate: @rizz_app Chess Rizz Shenanigans! 🎮 #shorts

    Checkmate: @rizz_app Chess Rizz Shenanigans! 🎮 #shorts In the world of Rizz, where texting is key, Funny stories unfold, for all to see. With chess and Minecraft, the tales take flight, In a world of humor, shining bright. Download the app, for a texting delight, Where stories are told, both day and night. Rizz brings the fun, with a twist in each line, Entertainment galore, in a world so fine. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, For Rizz brings the joy, let the fun begin. Texting stories so funny, in every rhyme, Rizz app is the place, for a good time. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Heroes Save the Day in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Heroes Save the Day in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the thrilling adventures of Efekan in his latest YouTube video. In this video, Efekan transforms into a superhero to rescue Esra from the clutches of the bad guys. The action-packed scenes and heart-pounding moments will leave you on the edge of your seat! But why stop at just watching Minecraft adventures when you can be a part of one yourself? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server and immerse yourself in a world where… Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

    Uncovering Minecraft's Lost Levels: 15 Years Later The Quest for Minecraft’s Lost Levels Introduction In a thrilling turn of events, Minecraft enthusiasts recently unearthed the long-lost custom maps based on the iconic game DOOM. These maps, created by Notch in May 2009, had been missing for a staggering 15 years until now. Minecraft Multiplayer is Born The release of these DOOM levels marked a significant moment in Minecraft’s history, coinciding with the birth of Minecraft multiplayer. Players were eager to explore new challenges and experiences within the game. What are the DOOM Levels? The DOOM levels introduced a fresh and exciting dimension to Minecraft gameplay, drawing… Read More

  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

    Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug The World of Minecraft: A Dive into UniversoCraft Exploring UniversoCraft Server For Minecraft enthusiasts looking for a vibrant and engaging server to join, UniversoCraft is a top choice. With the server IP, players can immerse themselves in a world filled with endless possibilities and adventures. The server offers a thriving community of players, making it the perfect place to connect, collaborate, and explore. Connect on Discord Joining the UniversoCraft community is made easy through their Discord server. By following the link here, players can engage in discussions, participate in events, and stay updated on server news and announcements…. Read More

  • Crafty Comments: Mod Mania Unleashed! #minecraft

    Crafty Comments: Mod Mania Unleashed! #minecraft Welcome back, Minecraft fans, to the latest episode, Where we dive into mods, and the community’s code. Today’s special part, a mod released with glee, Modding Your Minecraft Comments, version one, you see. CurseForge is the place where you can find, This mod that will surely blow your mind. But don’t forget Modrinth, they’ve got it too, For all your modding needs, they’ll see you through. And let’s not overlook Neoforge, so grand, With the latest installer in hand. So jump into the verse, let your creativity soar, With Modding Your Minecraft Comments, you’ll never be bored. So join… Read More

  • HEROBRINE draws HOT Zombie Minecraft Girl!!

    HEROBRINE draws HOT Zombie Minecraft Girl!!Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP jock HEROBRINE draw ZOMBIE MINECRAFT GIRL! – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Zombie Minecraft Girl on 2024-03-25 21:46:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HELP jock HEROBRINE draw ZOMBIE MINECRAFT GIRL! – Minecraft Animation #minecraftanimation #herobrine #monsterschool … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Trick! 😸 #shorts #meme

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Trick! 😸 #shorts #memeVideo Information This video, titled ‘tricked😸 #minecraftshorts#minecraft #майнкрафт #shorts #мем#приколы #мемы #fypシ’, was uploaded by Wuzba on 2024-05-01 04:00:26. It has garnered 18468 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. tricked😸 #minecraftshorts#minecraft #майнкрафт #shorts #мем#приколы #мемы #fypシ @MrBeast @PizzaaMC @PizzaaMC_2.0 @Nqisik @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2 @minecraft @DaquavisMC @TwiShorts @Upper_gaming @GEVids @Wuzba. #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #trending #explorepage #viral #tbt… Read More

  • Ultimate Crafting Adventures in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Crafting Adventures in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 19’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 23:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • EPIC Indian Army Flag Remix – INSANE Minecraft Mining!

    EPIC Indian Army Flag Remix - INSANE Minecraft Mining!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft bedrock mining #music #remix #bass #bassboosted #animation #beats’, was uploaded by Indian~Flag~Army on 2024-07-28 02:05:42. It has garnered 572 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Nepiz Kingdom

    Nepiz Kingdom> NEPIZ KINGDOM # Kingdom Creation: Only Kings can establish kingdoms. The process involves applying and, upon approval, managing a kingdom’s economy, defense, and diplomacy. # Currency System: The server will use two currencies: # Cash ($): For general transactions and shop purchases. # Resource Points (RP): For kingdom-related items and upgrades. Exchange rate: 1 Cash = 0.5 RP. # Diplomacy and Warfare: Kings can form alliances or declare wars, affecting their kingdom’s standing and resources. # Roles: Kings assign roles like Nobles, Generals, and Stewards to manage different aspects of the kingdom’s administration and military. Kingdom Upgrades: Invest in… Read More

  • Enival SMP, semi-vanilla, Java, whitelist, trust-based, QOL mods, starting today.

    Welcome to Enival – Minecraft Survival Server! Server starting in 40 minutes from post date! Join us in shaping this new, soon-to-launch Minecraft survival server called Enival. We have a few quality of life mods and an amazing community waiting for you. Why choose Enival? Democracy: Players vote on server changes Whitelist: Safe and friendly environment Quality of Life mods Launch Date: Today, September 14 in an hour! Join our Discord: 👉 Enival Enjoyable survival – the name says it all! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – End this Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - End this Minecraft madnessWow, that meme scored higher than I did on my last math exam! Read More

  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

    School's Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen's Minecraft Misadventures In a world of blocks and pixels, two friends were expelled from school, Naughty Efekan and Alperen, breaking every rule. But they didn’t let it bring them down, they found a new path, Becoming workers in Minecraft, facing the aftermath. With shovels and pickaxes, they dug deep into the ground, Building homes and structures, their creativity unbound. Laughing and joking, their friendship never waned, In the world of Minecraft, their joy remained. So join them on their journey, as they work and play, In this virtual world, where they spend their day. Naughty Efekan and Alperen, a dynamic duo… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad #boom Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos

    Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos Minecraft Survival Adventure: Exploring New Horizons Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with Catrophy in the 3rd episode of his series. Join him as he delves into the depths of the game, mining for valuable resources and uncovering hidden treasures. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with challenges and excitement! Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything their imagination desires. From constructing elaborate structures to designing intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Catrophy showcases his building skills and demonstrates the art of crafting in this episode. Exploring the… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: TOP PRISON SERVER 2024 REVAMP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers!’, was uploaded by Magic on 2024-09-10 22:36:58. It has garnered 941 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers! JOIN THE SERVER! ⬇️ 🎙️ 🎙️ 🎙️ Bedrock Port: 19379 Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new Minecraft OP Prison server! 🡆 PvPCloud Minecraft Prisons similar to other servers AkumaMC, OPLegends, Fadecloud, MineLucky What is… Read More

  • XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!

    XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘The XP SMP!’, was uploaded by XPGamesNL on 2024-05-19 03:34:10. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:41 or 8561 seconds. Welcome to the XP SMP! A Minecraft Multiplayer server where my friends and I will be chilling, playing Minecraft and perhaps even let a story unfold! Hope you enjoy it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray’s Day 77 Craft!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray's Day 77 Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ray’s Crafting Minecraft Hardcore LIVE! Day 77’, was uploaded by Ray’s Crafting on 2024-04-30 10:20:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Watch me start off playing Minecraft in Hardcore Survival mode Continuing from the last live video, this is starting at day 77 Mods … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: School BUS House Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-19 21:05:21. It has garnered 565064 views and 9492 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:39 or 7359 seconds. Today Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty have a Bus Build Challenge In Minecraft! Who will build the BEST house? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Cristalit’s Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!

    Cristalit's Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Teleported Players Into The Void’, was uploaded by Cristalit on 2024-03-04 20:05:16. It has garnered 409836 views and 15510 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:28 or 1828 seconds. I Glitched the End Platform to drop my enemies into the void on a Minecraft Youtuber SMP Will I manage to trap them? Watch to find out:D & ENJOY!!! SLOTS SMP Discord: THUMBNAIL INSPIRATION FROM BACONNWAFFLES!!! If you enjoy other SMP creators like Baconnwaffles & Rekrap & Parrot from Lifesteal, or other creators from Levels SMP, Bliss SMP, or Infuse SMP, I… Read More

  • Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft Skywars

    Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-04-11 22:54:21. It has garnered 34449 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:21 or 13041 seconds. 4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars Download The Mod: Join The Server: (Oasis Realm) Type This Code In Game: /partnerredeem Jerome Thanks to AnubisMC for sponsoring us! Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord… Read More

  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

    Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘【minecraft】baby english【vtuberen/jp】’, was uploaded by Angol Mois Ch🌕🌿アンゴル・モア on 2024-04-21 00:53:06. It has garnered 40 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. i’ll be in australia in sept! i’m nervous☺ so teach me english 🙂 i wanna be a language —————————————– ■Twitter ■Donation(Mini Angol appears in screen) ■Membership —————————————– 🔸 Art # AngolArtV 🔸 Live # AngolLiveV 🔸 Clips # AngolClips 🔸 Fan Mark 🌕🌿 🔹 Illust & Live2D – Angol Mois —————————————– Hi there! I’m Angol Mois from VTuber🌕🌿 I’m learning English📚and I’m Japanese… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft KFC Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Silent Java on 2024-08-24 10:00:04. It has garnered 2475 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Welcome to my latest Minecraft build! 🍗 In this video, I’ve recreated a KFC restaurant block by block. Watch as I bring the iconic fast-food joint to life in the world of Minecraft, complete with all the details you’d expect. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next build or just love creative Minecraft projects, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment,… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

    Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no CopyrightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Background music that will boost up your content -(No copyright)🔥.@Anitrooz’, was uploaded by Anitrooz on 2024-03-01 08:30:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #shortsfeed #trending #viral #epic #clutch #animation #edit #creepypasta #build #minecraft #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • ViiPerMC

    ViiPerMCWelcome to one of the best minecraft network servers around! We offer a variety of exciting gamemodes including Lifesteal SMP, Sky-Gens, and Sky-Mining. Our server provides full support and guarantees a lag-free experience. Join us for an unparalleled gaming adventure! Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with PvE: (1.20.4) Creative: (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡ te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: Tips/donations: Merch store: For more content check out my… Youtube channel: I find channel: Twitch channel: Tiktok: For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: My Discord Server: Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK:… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More