!multi ✨【VTuber】Minecraft w/ Ryker: Cult of Jeff_ :^)✨

Video Information

Um Um Wow Wow Wow oh um No Ah wow Hmm Now wow um Oh Um oh good morning afternoon evening and welcome back everybody i hope you guys are having a fantastic saturday so far and a good continuation of your weekend um yo hello there sammy and lion what’s going on yes uh today is a bit of an early stream due to the fact that

Um this is a collaboration with another streamer uh known as riker aka riker ninja he’s a really cool dude and actually exclamation mark multi in the chat which i will do with my phone just because yeah um snh mark multi in the chat if you want to see both streams at the same

Time i do recommend you go check out riker he is a really cool dude and a very fun streamer and i always enjoy uh doing the collaboration with him because it’s just always really fun especially since we have like a collective amount of brain cells so definitely go check out riker go

Support him as well but how’s everyone doing today hopefully good um uh how’s it going both of you um oh i need to undefine uh at the moment i am deafened just because i was you know gonna you know just talk to you guys for a second and uh

Yeah so he can’t hear right now um so i will have to undefend him so let me just uh do that real quick hello hello oh all right you’re gonna hear do you want to hear my intro then cause i was about to start you know might as well

Might as well man what’s going on all my dudes into this is your boy the one the only oh that [ __ ] mic what’s going on hello everybody how y’all doing today we are doing some men’s crafts with the fuendo the one right next to me on this side look

At it look at that he’s moving she’s driving it’s the coco you’re my you’re my cliff it was just [ __ ] great i loved it oh my gosh that was beautiful um yeah let me actually open up your chat too so that we can see what they’re saying um

Exactly oh you want to see my screen because uh yes we we have done it i have hinted at it to you but now you get to see full quality of what i’ve done what have you done i’ll just no you’re gonna enjoy this one oh boy

Um cool cat yo asian andy hello how are you doing today hopefully well early cocoa stream yo kiki only what’s going on man how you doing um okay chaturino yes cool cat cool cat is one of my favorite emotes here on twitch um even before we had emotes even before

We had emotes that was one i used a lot and i also use it for the raid message that we do um close that one close that one close that one close that one okay there we go i got everything open um yes is that the coco i don’t know is that

The nick huge fan send my five head oh before we start guys uh i do have a new another new command we get to use um so people were asking last night um if we could do this and even though i was a little drink um yes uh a little drink um

I have gone ahead and uploaded a few of the vods to youtube so smh mark yt in the chat i got dc because of an activity that’s understandable um hey so yeah if you ever miss a vod and want to see it um just go to that

Link all of them will be exported during the week because since i am an affiliate i am under a 24-hour period for every stream and i’m not trying to lose my affiliate status or get banned um so like yeah i’ll just export stuff out now some of the vods at the moment

Two of them had like parts of i mean all of them all of them had uh music that i cannot claim as my own um that yeah so they can’t get any revenue on them which is fine i don’t care this is mainly just more of an archival

Thing anyway um and also just for clips yeah because i’m a twitch affiliate you know i couldn’t be monetized on youtube even if i well you could be monetized on youtube but not youtube partnership um which i don’t really care for um but yeah so two of them are kind of

Hidden because of two of the songs apparently uh just can’t be shown in some areas i don’t know so i’ve cut out those segments of the audio um and it was still processing it earlier but uh yeah no no no hey zombies all right so let’s go see what

Oh yes we have uh two cows in our house that riker just [ __ ] put in here yeah let me see all right let me just hi little zombies could you come in here please uh i i i hear you are adding more to our jeff pond uh yes for anyone who doesn’t

Know the name um oh i have to grab uh things for him then yeah for anyone who doesn’t know the reason why we’re cult of jeff is because we have a it started off with just like one or two had ended up getting caught in our um pond and

So the collective brain cells of riker and i which uh how how many do you think there are total riker if i may ask uh one and a half no i have three so how many do you have i got one you got one okay so we have like a total of four

Our four brain cells combined decided hey why don’t we just make a giant pond where we have everything we have just a giant pond of uh drowned things and why don’t we just name them all jeff um okay especially so they wouldn’t despawn um so this is what this has led to it’s

Kind of [ __ ] i’m not gonna lie but it’s also just kind of funny and now we just have the cult of jeff uh i don’t know which ones i didn’t name oh gosh because they turned already they turned already um so i’m gonna have to die potentially

To find uh our missing jeff that’s okay we we have items kept on because i’m baby exactly that would have been a pain in the ass if we didn’t have keep inventory on yeah but um i was slain by jeff no yes jeff um okay so let’s see jeff

Oh there’s one there’s one there’s one there’s one there’s one there’s one i see one no no no no no no come back here come back here buddy come back here you must be named jeff um we’re just gonna start clicking we’re just gonna start clicking oh that’s unfortunate oh every time i

Respawn i’m in i oh yeah our fish next to the bed which is an l for a reason because we uh you know we take these l’s uh all of our fish are named jeff too yes on the aquarium yes yes the aquarium like this is just beyond [ __ ]

Um exactly this is the most like scuff looking thing and the only thing oh no even our cows are named jeff everything yeah we literally were going for the goal of naming every absolutely everything we could is named jeff um oh yes oh oh hold on wait we might have jeff down

Here hold on let’s see because we have uh an underground farm that you guys know my gremlin ass has been working on do we still have that no we don’t have the other men oh yeah the enderman one of them like he disappeared and then there was another one we named

That went straight into the nether and yeah so we have um is he still there yeah i think he is uh name yourself jeff uh if i could i would sammy but i sadly could not um maybe one day though um so yeah let’s just have the opportunity to look into my

Screen to see what i had done um oh no hold on i did not give me one solid second um to go collect oh boy harvesting all of this we’re never gonna starve we’re gonna have bread forever we’re gonna have endless bread it’s like [ __ ] olive garden up in this [ __ ]

Hell yeah [ __ ] level nah i’m actually you know what i was gonna say i love all our garden but i’m like man it’s a hit or miss for me i’m like i occasionally like it but it’s not something i would eat very often i’ve actually never been to olive garden fun fact no

I’ve never i’ve never been to olive garden i’m never do you not have any olive gardens near you or something there might be one like 30 to 45 minutes away maybe even an hour i don’t know um i would look it up right now but but

If i was using my phone that would very much expose me and i am not trying to get doxxed on stream oh oh you’re using v2 studio on your phone no no no i’m using my phone right now for um chat just to see like for doing commands

And things like that since i have this full uh full open also guys audio does it sound good can you guys hear riker well uh is the game loud enough uh you may hear my fans because yeah yeah it’s good good to hear no no oh my god i almost blew up the

Pool of jeff screw you you freaking crazy oh my gosh yes kill the creeper the the creeper literally blew almost blew up one of the like at least i heard that one are the jeff’s okay yeah the jeffs are okay okay as long as the gifts are okay jeff’s incoming

Sweet um i might need more name tags you might need to make me some more name tags is to make it so that we can literally just die instantaneously yeah what i want that’s actually what we were going for last time for anyone who uh wasn’t here the last time we did this

Uh that was our goal is just to get enough um drowns in the pond that if we just fell in we’d [ __ ] die um there’s just no way there’s no recovery yeah they’ll come abroad from that oh we got all of our other veggies ooh sweet i can plant them nice

So let’s plant some care what’s new and our beets beetroot seeds uh i want we got potatoes what are you doing dominic by the way you chillin bro oh wait i forgot to put on music i was like i i told my i literally sat there telling

Myself i’m not gonna forget i’m not gonna forget i forgot it’d be like that sometimes no worries oh boy i hear those car seat those car signs car noises yeah yep and i also hear my cat going off in the background don’t worry patches please please do not be a gremlin please

Thank you patches is deciding he wants to sit on my desk potentially and he’s about to he’s asking for violence yes he’s trying to get in my lap will you be good like last night and just like sit in my lap properly like like you were

Because if so like by all means you can chill in my lap bud but you’re not getting up on the desk with my computer that’s the one thing you’re not going to be doing right now bud he like shuts off your computer it’s like i’m like what happened

Cowboy hat would be cool um well you have to do oh i actually oh cowboy hat yo i have to put on yeehaw yeehaw so people on your stream are gonna Yes uh for anyone on riker’s side i have redeems where you can put on silly hats for me um uh or you can tell me to put on the damn cat ears uh because that’s its own separate wand uh i wish i could put these on can i put

These on the same level i cannot they have to be on their own level oh okay well i hope that goes well for you bro i hope you find better opportunities my friend because you deserve it you work hard uh what was i gonna say um ah yes

Here we go yeehaw yeehaw [ __ ] yo hibiki what’s going on how are you doing hopefully well um yes it’s hibiki hello yes nice um so yeah for anyone god what the hell what what what the hell what’s going on dude this freaking skeleton missed me and shawn arrow like eons away freaking

What the heck actually hold on i can have my bot do the multi-command hold on i’m gonna have my bot do the multi-command on the timer so that i don’t always have to type it out look at the voicemail real quick and hold on let me copy this real quick

Um there we go tell me the losing no no no no no no the music got nothing yes careless whisperer is in the background that’s losing oh my gosh okay so yeah um for some reason i never thought to just put my multi commit my multi-stream link command on

As a timer for my bot i never thought to just hit i never thought to just be like hey i’ll just have this run so that i don’t plug it myself or ask for it to be plugged um every so often and yeah okay let me see riker’s stream right now um

Let’s see what okay hold on of course i got an ad that’s okay we’ll let that play okay so potato you’ll never know i’ll never see it coming yeah you’ll never see it coming you’ll see got my money uh lord what do i what was i gonna do i

Don’t remember what i was all right i was making obsidian and i was gonna go mine it uh oh my gosh you made sir or in a body pillow yes i captured him and put him into a body pillow he is now mine uh you will get him back if you kill the

Ender dragon if you lose get the final kill it’s mine now he is my husbando well see here’s the thing here’s the thing uh riker that’s a very bold assumption on your part that i will actually listen to this and much less do it you act like i’m scared of your

Threats i am not not a this is not a request this is a demand happening well see here’s the thing um you cannot contain sir oron i i’m like you caught him in a pillow yeah you’re not wrong um but you still do not own him

He is a free spirit no one does uh so [ __ ] you uh that’s all i can say but he’s in the pillow now he’s my [ __ ] body pillow why would you even want him i’m alive coco yo clear what’s going on man how you doing i am the husbando waifu stealer

That is my job i steal all the husbandos and the waifus this is why i asked also we out here like you’re saying oh yeah we will only get it if we beat the ender dragon [ __ ] do we look like we are even close to being ready

To fight the ender dragon when we’re doing this right now he he is no one’s he is just being held captive this is really fun oh him oh even maybe one now oh we learned fun fact guys the baby ones grow up they they do we’ve learned that i

Thought they just stayed babies forever but yeah um yeah they become grown men that was a thing um yeah just fight him lol yeah just go fight the ender dragon no big deal um exactly Tell me if the music is loud by the way guys because if it is i’ll turn it down um okay so what do we want to do uh hold on gotta fix twitch all right that’s just my mo and i have to let you know so now you know

Knowing is half the battle that’s why like everyone like looks at me can like every person collab with they’re like why do you always ask who’s my husband or wife and mike you will find out yeah yeah you act like this is gonna motivate

Me and it really is not shame on you you made me think it was 10 30. pengy i put out a schedule every week and i mentioned on this one too i didn’t say it was gonna motivate you i merely i’m stating happening it’s not it’s not about the motivation

Thing i’m merely stating that this is happening oh my gosh but yes tangy hello what’s going on and olynyk’s how are you doing man uh i’m banned on twitter you [ __ ] oh i forgot hey that’s like me wait but i can still see your account though like it’s not like rikers where his

Account got [ __ ] completely snapped i can still go to yours also wait probably like a temp thing how did you know that nick got me then with the [ __ ] uh summer meme thing how did you know about that then if you did if you don’t have twitter how do you know he secretly

Has another twitter okay where’s our iron where the [ __ ] did we put this i think the second one yes it was well it wasn’t the second one you [ __ ] took it didn’t you you are out here you are out here just taking the [ __ ] like a goblin uh yes i am

I i remember okay but here’s the thing though i need uh some pants and a new chest plate no you don’t need pants go pants listen do you want me to go fight the ender dragon with no armor [ __ ] bet you riker you say that it is if i won’t but i will

No i know you will but you’re gonna get your ass freaking kicked to the moon what’s it the cowboy hat yeehaw oh um a linux it is a command it’s a channel point redeem um so if you go to the channel points which also by the way we have a community

Goal going on right now so if you guys want to see me do a 12 hour stream uh and suffer donate points to it um what we should make after this coco you should make one where you eat spicy ramen there you go enjoy i mean that’s something i would do without a

Community guide because i like spicy food like the korean spicy ramen uh the two-time spice uh i just finished off my last pack of the five pack i bought um what the [ __ ] yeah doesn’t really affect me oh my god it’s smoky um how do i convert points to money

Um what’s up man how you doing i i wish you could convert buttery bucks into money but sadly there’s no way to do that yet um maybe one day though uh buttery bucks will become a viable currency in life yes a bitcoin if you will yes

Um but if you click on the little um icon in the bottom corner should be like bottom left of the chat um you’ll see all the redeems there one of them is to have me put on a hat we have a list of hat options and then there’s

Also a separate one that says put on cat ears and then like the detail of it is put on the damn cat ears coco so it’s it’s whatever you guys want so can i just pay you ten dollars and move on oh my gosh linux no channel points aren’t even real money

You would prefer it’s better to use channel points because you just get them by watching the stream and talking and things like that but also cat uh cat thank you for the lurk i appreciate it can’t i just pay you ten dollars the [ __ ] off no

Oh linux i don’t want your money i appreciate that you would but like no that would be a great way just to make it make that for your room hey guys if you donate like a hundred bucks i just end the stream right there that’s it goodbye

Uh to be fair i’d rather keep the money i need food i’d rather you keep your money too [ __ ] i’d rather you keep your money as well um i actually want to pick up a channel point thing like me make a root beer float ooh rip your float sounds nice

I kind of want ice cream good mods uh why did it take so long for the mod message um well because of the fact that maybe i have a mob that’s doing something else right now at the same time also i didn’t approve that i could have approved it myself because chatterino

Also shows that but i was tabbed out of it so i was trying to make sure i was keeping an eye on ryker’s chat just to see what he was doing coco be like cute uh i don’t see how but also hello beans how you doing man hopefully well i these thumb

Riker i got clap for calling someone like a [ __ ] uh killed pengy’s saying bless you uh peggy says right here kill the bees i said f off how is that a bad thing i i don’t know auto mod [ __ ] is weird you have to remember auto mod

Has caught what are some really dumb words automatically there’s one that it like waifu it has actually caught waifu and it’s not even like my auto mod it’s like all of twitch’s auto mods catch waifu for a while it actually caught coco so if someone asked you for your name

Yeah it’s i’m glad it catches the things it’s supposed to but then also the things that it doesn’t things that it shouldn’t be catching yeah these aren’t things you should be catching stop it damn don’t say coco with a heart oh um oh my god yes she takes all the hearts

Oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh anyway yo beans what’s going on man uh linux how are you doing um how’s everyone doing so what’s me mate uh not much just sitting here playing [ __ ] minecraft we have a collective four brain cells total so

We might be able to actually beat the ender dragon we might not who [ __ ] knows um all right so what’s the plan riker do we want to go to the nether and like try to do whatever it is we need to do i think i think it’s time we should

Explore the nether we have found wait didn’t we find isn’t there another portal where we could like tp2 that has the perfect biome that we needed i think we might have found it but i don’t know we we did but i don’t remember where the portal was oh i remember it’s far away

Yeah it’s pretty far away complete it’s in the complete opposite direction you know what we can still make it we’re adventuring ladies and gentlemen all of my kokas uh doing a manga story learning and vibing nice uh i i’m all of my he’s not a okay listen up you little [ __ ] i already

Got god with summer earlier i don’t [ __ ] need this right now riker i do not need this cease and desist um i guess i’ll take my shovel um i guess i’ll take yeah let’s take all my tools you know did you hear about uh up dog you can’t get me with that one

I know that one too well uh might stream tomorrow oh nice nice olynyk’s nice yeah those emotes what is that let me see defuse has a cute emote i love that yeah pengy i saw what you just said i was getting ready to read it and then i got

Sidetracked um i ordered an andy’s meant shaken arby’s and they gave me plain vanilla uh call call back and complain call back and complain tell them you got this wrong obsidian base yes i know everyone gives me [ __ ] for the obsidian base but listen man it’s blast proof it’s nice so if a

Creeper comes along it’s not going to blow up our freaking area it’s precautionary yo who wants some bread literally basically i just came back from the bread bank actually no hold on i’m still there you’re not wrong it’s not like the prettiest thing in the world but hey blast proof is worth it Hold on i like making nice little even stacks actually you know what since i’m like always into like the video games and and the news uh what what you excited for coco in the upcoming year from veggie game wise uh i don’t know what’s really coming out

In this year i don’t pay attention a whole lot to things it’s more like i just god damn it i i just wait until it comes out and or people tell me it does and then it’s like oh okay you hurt me you know that like i’m over

Here like i’m pre-ordering [ __ ] like [ __ ] five big braining it and just being like all right i’m gonna do this because this is like perfect for my channel i feel like the community will love this and coco’s over here like i just i vibe and whenever i see it it just i do

Yeah i just you have to remember i i live under a rock essentially like all the time like i am just under the rock like a [ __ ] centipede uh and just yeah oh okay that’s fine dude uh see you later smokey thank you for coming out bro i appreciate it i

Appreciate the station my man see you smokey um defuse needs to get online uh coco did you hear about the tomato town incident yo i heard about tomato town can we can we get an f in the chat f in the chat for tomato town it’s a pity

Are we going to sing we should the only the only version of chug chug with you i accept on the stream is hatsune miku that’s it um who decides what hat you wear uh linux whoever does the redeem actually gets to choose from the list of options

The [ __ ] you know what you know what here here oh did you get a hydrate does that mean i have to hydrate oh okay oh i was gonna be like you know what i’m gonna make a community like uh point goal right now i think for like a temper or

Like a pole to see if you guys want me to go make a freaking root beer float because i’m tempted too are you like lactose intolerant or some [ __ ] though like well that make you sick no not at all no it’s because see okay i’m not he’s the thing it’s just like um

I try to like make sure my sugar intake because like my family has a history of diabetes and i’m like i don’t want to get diabetes at a young age put a cowboy hat on your cowboy hat god holy crap okay thank you smoking for the host

That was louder [ __ ] thanks bro okay hold on i have to put a cowboy hat on my cowboy hat um i think i can stack hats hold on let’s see you know what [ __ ] it we’re doing it we’re making a ruby flow [ __ ] it

I want a root beer flow can you make me one yeah sure let me just bail it thanks man [Laughter] hold on we’ll make it like a little tiny one is that [Laughter] hold on i have to start stacking more on oh gosh looks like the other parts

I look like the upper part of a ketchup bottle okay hold on hold on um yes oh shrek ketchup let’s go yo shrek ketchup hold on i have been told to put another one on so now we’re just gonna start stacking them like this like literally

Um hold on so let me add another one and another one and another one and another one so yeah i guess if we’re doing i will allow hat stacking if they are the same kind of hat i will i will allow hat stacking like five cowboy hats on top of each other

Do you ever think god stays in heaven in fear of what he has created probably and that is created buttery cocoa multi hat streamer okay so we’re adding another oh my gosh how many [ __ ] okay just heads up you guys can make me put on other hats too

Like like i have kids i have cat ears i have cat ears you guys can put on me i’m just saying and the cat tail comes with it like you’re like make me an echo stop making me multi cowboy god damn it stop making me yeehaw stop making me the yeehaw yeehaw

You just become the texan that you are you’re meant to be i ain’t even a texan my family isn’t even from texas there we go so that we can also see them too uh this is hi i’m elizabeth hi i’m coco and i do whatever the chat tells me to basically

Um oh gosh oh wait hold on um hold on redeemed oh [ __ ] sammy put on the cat ears oh that means the cowboy hats have to go oh no i just got that [ __ ] stacking them too okay we’ll do okay we’ll do like a minute or two with the cowboy hats and

Then i’ll put the cat ears on okay sammy like a rum float how the [ __ ] like putting rum and ice cream together i don’t know it sounds like it’d be delicious oh i didn’t know that no it’s it’s fine it’s fine well then again i’m not an alcoholic or indulge in alcohol

Very much to begin with so i i do one of those things i’ll leave that to the audience to guess um which that is okay so yeah let’s go i got bread do you want some bread i got like look at get the [ __ ] away from me you are too

Close sir back up back up back the [ __ ] up i do not like that take your bread go turn around take your bread i threw it on the ground behind you fish i’m gonna slap you with this fish did you [ __ ] i slapped you with the fish

[ __ ] off do not hit me i will not [ __ ] take this um yeah coco is just like me coco i okay i’m not an aaa uh i am i can’t afford to be one because i’m too poor and also i’m just i don’t have an addiction i i’m just

I don’t have an addictive personality too so yeah i do that see that’s what i’m glad for is that i’m not i’m not glad that i’m poor but you know it is what it is hey man i’d be i’d rather be poor and happy than rich and sad

Very true yeah there are a lot of people who are oh [ __ ] i hear the um whatever it is oh we probably should have a shield oh [ __ ] i just realized we probably it broke too oh it broke two of the portals oh yep i’m coming back in i need a shield

Yep we’re getting out of here the portal is not working uh what do you mean the portal’s not working uh it’s not letting me go back what do you mean please let me go back let me go back please please it’s all because i think it broke the other two oh

No that are up there and there i didn’t break it i’m stuck here oh i know never mind they’re back hold on they’re back they’re back please just let me [ __ ] back out please is this vanilla minecraft yes uh i’m not good with modded

Okay so i have to go through one of the other ones um i need a shield i need a shield why did we not make shields before going in why did we not do this let me out let me out and it broke them again

Um hey riker if you want to like tp me back to where you are that’d be great thanks actually wait hold on we have it to where things are saved what the [ __ ] am i doing yeah yep damn this takes a while though what drowning in lava why does why doesn’t burning alive

Just why does it so [ __ ] slow oh hey i’m on i’m still on fire it says why it’s pl i’m not on fire but it’s playing the [ __ ] animation that i am still on fire i’ll give it a second oh my gosh oh my gosh okay

See linux that is one of the things i was talking about auto mod is [ __ ] weird hold on where’s did your messages are so caught hold on where is it where yeah it caught it for like sexual [ __ ] i don’t know why oh brown sugar for all that actually

Sounds really good dominic i’m gonna lie dude like just brown sugar i love it hold on why will it not let me prove your message hold on let me go on to the pop-up mode it’s not letting me approve it um allow there we go um it’s still saying i’m on fire

Hold on i’m just gonna i’m just gonna disconnect and come back like i wasn’t taking any damage though that’s the thing i wasn’t taking damage it was just showing the animation on my screen okay so linux i don’t know why it won’t show me the message also ava thank you

So much for the contribution how are you doing today darling uh why is ada otta 15k um so that i’m not doing it all the time um that’s exactly this is that would be busted and i’ve been saving up for it so you better

Why the why the why the [ __ ] do you guys want to hear that is what i want to know because it’s it’s just it’s it’s holy it’s a holy thing it’s a rite of passage if you will coco everyone’s got to do it at some point making coco say ada

Is a rite of passage don’t push me in here no no no no no i’m reading chat right now um dammit uh coco hot get it uh i’m clinically depressed so i can be both poor and sad oh oh i felt the worst is being said feel that oh

That hit hard um koko’s on fire tonight it’s not night but you get it uh i mean 6 54 pm might as well be night at this point i guess um but yeah we’re playing vanilla because i can’t mod minecraft to save my [ __ ] life

Okay where why are you going down to the to the to the mine what are you doing away okay i’m gonna go through the portal and hopefully this time uh you know hopefully by the way oh no i already have a cold one never mind yeah there’s a cauldron in the um

Room yeah um okay so yeah these two portals are still out that’s unfortunate um we kind of we made a [ __ ] lucky and it kind of yeah um so i’m gonna have to like get my ass into the forever box oh because i i made a [ __ ] walkie do you

Ever just eat mcdonald’s and it just fights back a little bit yeah okay so now i’m gonna take all the hats off we’re taking we’re no longer yeehaw yeehaw um also uh bean thank you for your contribution to the 12 hour challenge along with clear thank you very much

Um i already have a graphic like started out for it i just have to decide on the day and then also like some other things but yeah um so hold on let me take off all four cowboy hats all four of them [Laughter] There we go okay so let’s put on the cat ears hi jeff sammy i will give you the option uh do you want the red cat ears or the black cat ears i’ll give you the option even too black caddies holy [ __ ] yeah i like the black ones they’re kind of

Cute uh i normally the only person i won’t ask is uh max because he always wants the red ones on because they have to match everything which is funny because the tail doesn’t match uh i like the sound of red alright well i guess we’re we’re not watching our enemies stained

Into her fur oh yeah i forgot i gotta make these oh you know what you should have a redeem if you have the caddies you should have another red team where it’s like make me say yeah at the end of every sentence for like five minutes like you know yeah yeah like

And then we get the cat tails you’re just sad one day and you just say neo that’s it that’s all you got just yeah oh and we found out tails can be pinned uh hold on where the [ __ ] are you know that yeah they can be pinned to the model [ __ ] off

Blanky we have to make you bigger why do you have a black tail with over here this hurts me because it was the only one i could find [ __ ] off let me live my life you know you could just recolor it right yeah but you know

That’s effort and i’m not trying to do that bruh do you how much effort it took to make the freaking body pillow do you know how much effort it takes me to not give a [ __ ] okay um let’s see what can i do where we are at here in this particular

Uh in particular oh hey there’s some stuff over here i want to go see uh and hopefully not just fall off and [ __ ] die um you know what to make my life easier because i’ll essentially just remove them from downstairs creative i’m taking whatever the [ __ ] don’t stop

Cheating i will literally remove all of the obsidian blocks from down under underneath this because there’s like an entire like pool of like obsidian and i’ll just break as many as i need downstairs it just takes too damn long and i just wanted to make this process oh hey what

The [ __ ] are these things what is this i want this whatever you are oh no that’s a magma cube i do not want that please do not i’m on fire this is unfortunate uh i’m going to die well then dome forehead oh okay he’s dying now yeah you say that as i was

Dying like you’re that’s like you know like if someone’s openly bleeding you know and you’re telling them like oh you know like after they’ve already when the [ __ ] did the baby cow get in here what what the [ __ ] are you it’s a child why did you block out the

[ __ ] portal you [ __ ] no wonder why i haven’t been able to get back you [ __ ] you are actually a piece of [ __ ] you know that david i i am the chaotic neutral sometimes man i make things fun oh coco let’s go to the let’s go to the nether so we can like

Get stuff to go fight the nether dragon also riker let me just [ __ ] block the portal so coco’s ass can’t come back ever [ __ ] you oh it’s [ __ ] crazy We have fun here at the buttery cocoa in slash riker’s dream that was fun i [ __ ] slay you oh my god it’s dragon wait what i’m gonna slay you oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh damn sister you gotta slay me come on you have to admit it was pretty

Clever i’m actually going to fight you you have to keep inventory on yes sammy with [ __ ] like this that’s being pulled as you just saw why would you think we would not have keep inventory on because riker left my ass to die basically so you know what what are we to do you

Know what what is that girl to do yeah what am i to do when riker is out here pulling [ __ ] like this which you know what [ __ ] you obligatory the obligatory [ __ ] you all right fair enough all right we we’re making this blast proof oh by the way how you doing dragon master

Bro all right let’s uh let’s take it back now y’all let’s uh try not to die to skeletons that are shooting me into lava this time yeah hearing all these [ __ ] sound effects of things i don’t know oh so yeah fun part riker’s pulling [ __ ] like this i i don’t

Know what’s in the new update this is my first time playing the new update please tell me you did not go into the nether portal yeah why that broke it you [ __ ] did not complete accident by complete accident i meant to just destroy the like thing in front of me

And then completely so you’re kind of just trapped there now no i’m not why the [ __ ] did you take down my wall i was putting it up there to keep you from doing [ __ ] because i was like you know what here i’ll be nice i’ll remove it

Also dumb question why did hitting the magma cube with a stone sword [ __ ] break it like like what do you mean like my it’s [ __ ] gone like i had it you know when i was hitting it and then my sword just magically disappeared and it was like

Like because it wasn’t broken it wasn’t broken also hello there cal how you doing that emote is lovely i love it very much um but yeah so as you guys can see this is just going very well that’s good brother you’re doing well i mean hey

It’s always nice to hear that yeah like my family lambs are doing some [ __ ] fantastic that’s that makes them happy yes i am doing good thanks how are you that is good to hear i am glad and i’m doing well also thank you um just a friendly reminder for anyone who you know

Has joined us recently we are in a multi right now with riker aka riker ninja if you’d like to see both streams at the same time uh click that link there uh riker for as much as an [ __ ] as he is to me in this game

Uh he is still a very cool dude and i do recommend you check him out listen man one of us has to be the chaotic evil in this game and that you’re having it on i will we have a collective four brain cells together and you are trying to pull this really

Okay so what are the bone blocks for what do they do i have no [ __ ] clothes to be honest oh you can just get you can get bone meal from it i figured that much but that’s we can already get bone meal by normal bone so like

Don’t understand the point of just oh you mean from like the nether okay yeah you meant you made a bone block and i was like well that’s kind of useless right or coco said riker is what okay i say that because i asked riker literally at the beginning of stream

Riker how many brain cells do you think we have all together and he said one and i’m like oh well i have three brain cells how many do you have and riker himself said he had one brain cell so no this is not a cancel cocoa moment this is coco just being

Just saying what riker told her where the [ __ ] is our hole there yeah likely story oh you are not [ __ ] backtracking on this [ __ ] right now you are not i refuse to let you slander me i will go back and clip it uh oh hold on i need these to

Make some more oh okay we might need to put more torches by the way uh that’s fine i just actually made a bunch of more yeah put them outside in between the gap because uh otherwise enemies are gonna start spawning hold on i have to make some swords real quick

So that i guess if whatever happens like whatever happened there i’ll be able to actually defend myself in the [ __ ] nether Okay so what gap like uh the one between the pond no no no right here you see all of this area no no no no come back inside oh and oh like the walkway uh around the house yeah it’s the wall yeah okay um okay so we’ll um

Let’s see how to do this uh let’s do it on the outside part what the [ __ ] no i didn’t want to put these on the wall i want them on the ground we’re just going to be [ __ ] chaotic and just put them on the ground who cares god damn it

I mean i can put them on the wall if you want that would be nice now you’re making me have to take down all my [ __ ] work listen it’s not that hard i mean it’s not but i’m still gonna complain about it anyway oh my gosh we are completely [ __ ] in

In branched in obsidian now i i just looked up and saw it’s like oh [ __ ] all right well let me do the corners first so that i can [ __ ] see because hi i cannot i wanted to make it blast proof i feel like you’ve just entrapped us basically

Yeah this this does not feel safe it feels this feels like uh like a like a prison well you want to test the theory of its blast proof are we are we in gay baby jail basically uh essentially well you all heard her here more like

Horny jail this is horny jail oh my gosh yeah yo we got signs put a sign out that says that just welcome to horny dale or something yeah sure hold on ow oh yes by the way horny jail at the cult of jeff i you know

What more do we need in life exactly what more could you ask for like what all the money in the world money’s for losers yeah you’re not wrong that’s why i don’t have well actually no i’m still a loser and i don’t have any no you’re the famous buttery coco i’m

Not i swear i’m going to throttle you for that joke one day i’m gonna one day the joke will [ __ ] die i hope it does i really do i i pray for the day that it does i i pray for it dude the moment we all

Meet up it’s just like all the youtubers come together i’m gonna make that joke i don’t care if i die i i will be happy i will have done it i will accomplish me i i accept the happy birthday joke more not even gonna lie

All right so now that we have hold on did you put the signs up or nah yeah let’s see being harassed ow spider what the [ __ ] tell the spider to piss off or something tell it to stop bullying welcome to morning hold on i want to make i want to make it

Like uh hold on where are those where are those other signs i know we have like 500 of them or did you take all of them no i didn’t hold on let me make one then what do i even need for a sign i can’t even remember

How do you make a sign how do i how do i sign you [ __ ] get out of there oh some new recruits get in here yes join us join it all right i gotta need some new recruits in there maybe i guess is that how i make a sign

Coco we have three new recruits for the cult of jeff no seriously how the [ __ ] do i make a sign i cannot remember here do you want some signs i have some signs here yeah thanks because i literally cannot remember how to [ __ ] make one like it’s it’s wood sticks and what else

The three brain cells are really working there man bane cells yeah beanzo and i see yours are fully active too listen man when you’re 80d a lot of [ __ ] just tends to come out of your mouth and you just don’t even know and you’re sitting there like well i don’t even

Know what happened hold on we’re going to make this very big um ow oh by the way we have three new recruits the jeff pool just letting you know thank you uh we have no more name tags though uh do you want me to give you some name

No we do i’ve used them all trying to get some of the last ones there we go right here there’s like two oh oh hey sweet well we can uh we can name two of them you know what yes i’ll get you more name tags here yeah let’s uh

Because we have to go make them jeff too oh hi spider oh gosh okay so i’m gonna get the regular zombie who just turned as i went in uh we’re just gonna yeah just make a bunch i’m just gonna fall in here and can we drown the spider do you want us

Is it can the spider drown though okay i’m here yo luck what’s going on how are you doing it will not drown it will just stay there yeah yeah we’re gonna name it we’re gonna name it jeff too it’s gonna stay in the jeff pond just forever maybe this is gonna make it

A lot harder to get more jets but sure won’t they won’t the other jeff’s just fall in i mean if it’s gonna make it harder i’ll kill the thing right now no you threw him down there no riker i don’t even know if i got them wow you [ __ ] you [ __ ]

That was completely accidental to be honest with that was actually not intentional here okay well first i’m gonna oh that that fell down too okay so yeah let’s uh let’s let me just start clicking at random and just hope to god that everyone gets named jeff they’re not they’re not they’re not used

They don’t have the name why you didn’t put the name in oh [ __ ] yeah well this was a bad idea well why did you this this is the brain cells at work oh there’s a creeper be careful um oh zombie in unrelated news i’m doing

Well that is very good to hear i am glad luck i was gonna ask how you were how you’re doing um although we’re gonna do that and these are all going to be jeff underscore uh all three brain cells that work okay well i have three and then riker has one

So we have a combined total of four yes yes yeah be like that welcome to horn ah i like this yes welcome to horny jail i’m going to see how many of these [ __ ] uh we can just name we’re just gonna put this front tag we’re just gonna well okay clearly you

Messed up because that one was not named jeff okay i literally just died hold on i’m trying my best okay oh you’re gonna get another one in oh get another one come back here so i can name you jeff first there we go now he will be he has joined the cult

Okay i need more name tags i ran out already yes because i’m literally going in there and just clicking everything hoping to god i’m naming them all jeff i can’t there’s too many of them at this point to be able to see like who is named what until i am close

Enough to dying that’s the problem here riker also when did i oh wait hold on never mind i have my armor i thought i lost all my armor for a second uh no you don’t lose all your armor that’s why i should tell you to take it off

Oh i i can oh yeah i probably should take that off then um hold on a new iron armor [ __ ] most of the iron we had was some [ __ ] i was mining while making the farm don’t even don’t even no no you are not about to do this to me

Right now no no no no no not in my house not today not today sorry i had to sit up real quick that was fun there you go back in that [ __ ] my name jeff yeah that was actually going to be the name of the stream but then it’s like

I don’t want to do that so i just named us the cult of jeff yes because why not i think i’m going to go get i think this is the time the time has come for what for ice cream yo get me ice cream i want ice cream

I don’t think i can ship you ice cream you can try that’s gonna fail spectacularly okay i’m just going to assume that everyone oh my gosh you made me a lot of name tags you were like i’m running out so i’m like fine here have like five stacks of them

Thank you well i think every one of them in there right now is named jeff just let me know when you are about to kill another one so that i can name it jeff before it goes in also might be building a second floor to this area

Oh okay that’s fine the base yes okay all of the name tags are gonna go in uh we’ll put it in with the weapons one because that doesn’t have a whole lot going for it so we’ll just put them all here um do you have any more oak by the way oh

We do okay we have more than enough oh yeah if we don’t have oak we have um sasia kaya whatever [ __ ] it’s pronounced i don’t know how to acacia acacia thank you um yeah we have plenty of acacia um her three brains are really working there guys okay you know what

You have one compared to my three so i don’t want to hear this [ __ ] hey man all i need is one that’s all that’s all you ever oh i got high spiders i heard when transporting a type of fish salmon i think they put uh they put in a catfish so the

Salmon don’t die along the way maybe he um to keep the ice cream alive you just put a fat man when transporting it i don’t think that’s how i don’t think that’s how any of that works luck but i understand can you name the blocks can we actually name blocks with the

Name tag let’s test this for science let’s let’s test this for science science let’s see if we can piano what block should we name jeff though i’m gonna name sp okay hold on i’m gonna just try to name blocks oh hold on we didn’t name the cow

The little cow jeff um so i just tried clicking on the obsidian blocks and everything uh we cannot and we’re gonna have to make some incest with those cows though sadly why are we resorting to old-time farming methods this we’ve evolved beyond the need for this

Because i can’t find any more cows oh my gosh this is getting [ __ ] listen man in more ways than one you’re going alabama we have to do it oh my gosh all right i’m going i’m going back to uh the nether so yeah please don’t block me out

Thank you that’d be great um i’m gonna go try to uh get things or something oops that’s too much i might need more oak yeah that’s what i just killed a magma well no i didn’t just kill the magma cube it became many many small things oh yeah those tiny

Versions of itself yeah [ __ ] off die don’t fall off the cliff i’m yeah we’ll need more oak there’s a gap and then this yeah come here [ __ ] come here catch these hands they are rated e for everyone ready to everyone tend to know i’ve slayed some uh this is not the way

I wanted to go i wanted to go the other way oh my god jeff has grown up that’s fast i know right he no longer baby jeff he all those he adopted jeff um yeah i went the wrong way whoopsie poopsie i want to give jeff hepats uh let’s see

Actually would you have a pet cow coco if you had the opportunity um yeah maybe better like a little like a pet pig because like those little teacup pigs are so cute i love them um she knows what she said coco will square up with the toddler

She don’t care oh no my no no luck no no no not not like that no no i will not fight a toddler i’ll arrange that let me go to a freak oh my gosh no no [ __ ] preschools around the world oh no coco’s coming we get here

Okay but hear me out what if the toddler’s annoying no luck i work with kids no i’m not gonna fight them wait do you we’ve had many conversations about this yes i work with uh age groups uh three to twelve at my church and then for the marching band i work with teenagers

Yeah and also the high school uh marching band that i was a part of that i graduated from we still volunteer for that even though i’ve been out of school for many years now um hey man yeah like we we just kind of got involved and like

They haven’t told us to go away so it’s like yeah they haven’t told us to piss off they yeah since you work with kids you do you know how to beat them oh no we are not assaulting children with our fists no yes let’s go stop oh my god

What’s up what’s that one joke the one meme from like i think bbc where they’re like the slap what slap what is that what’s called what’s slap i don’t know what you’re even talking about no it’s called like it’s like a short thing it’s like a short like comedy sketch where it’s like

This guy and he slaps everyone at this party it’s just everyone falls oh that one okay i think i remember that one yeah and he ends up like slapping the children too uh i think he also slaps like an older person as well and it’s like ah oh that’s a gas

I am close to fire i don’t like this all right i am afraid why is our poor [ __ ] child they will they shall be breeded very soon and we will have all the meats babies are constantly staring at me i’m gonna teach them steroids rude no luck no stop

I would teach them some manners um you do the you know it’s not even like the like normal like front hand slap it’s the the back hand just oh my gosh what the [ __ ] is wrong with y’all oh no i’m late yo red what’s going on how are you doing you’re not late

You’re you’re literally never late y’all are out here talking about fighting children right now what the hell listen listen they started it they started being existing they started it by existing what the [ __ ] riker i’m gonna dig straight through this first just to see if it like leads to a safer spot

Um on the other side yeah oh in the yeah the portal in our house went through that one oh yeah that broke that’s unfortunate that’s okay that’s why we have more wouldn’t it be funny if you found the other portal uh that would actually be kind of funny not gonna lie

Um red want to fight some toddlers with me oh hell no stop cease cease and desist i probably should have brought more pickaxes i brought more swords instead why the [ __ ] did i do that why the [ __ ] did i do that i don’t even have any sticks on me too

Oh [ __ ] so it looks like you’re in a sticky situation there friend yeah so don’t block the [ __ ] portal i might have to come back i’m not even near the house where the [ __ ] did you go let alone how about you go get more wood oh yeah and we have

Not many trees close by to us that’s understandable exactly it’s not the [ __ ] journey i had to venture i had to go on a quest i’m a brave boy you know that that’s that was my motto all the way oh hey look i found oh wait that’s the

Other one that’s near the house hold on i can use my shovel i can use the shovel finally ow ow ow could you not could you know al could you not could you not yeah if we find the fortress or whatever the [ __ ] replaced the fortress that y’all were talking about because i

Literally know nothing about the new updates uh i have some soul sand now That’s what i’m saying if we can find whatever replaced the fortress that would have netherwort we will be in business for starting another wart farm in our house ah remind me why i have you turned up all the way oh that mic peek oh that kind of hurt

Uh hey coco wanna play catch with me uh wait why are we playing catch um speaking by the way on my end it’s not peeking it is on my side i can hear it i hear it i don’t even need to look at obs

I can hear it oh my god i almost got struck by effing lightning holy crap why are we playing catch luck i’m confused okay yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna come back because i need uh yes read the past messages no do not eat the children yes yes the fetus

What the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is wrong with y’all listen listen listen they did it to themselves now now people are saying you just defeat us in the chat oh no let’s go no let’s oh no let’s nod and say we did okay so i’m gonna make a little like breadcrumb trail to where

Uh i was oh my gosh yes yes of the tagline that’s what i’m gonna do when it comes later i’m freaking the mayor is just like we shall yiddish all the fetuses oh my gosh make america what the [ __ ] what the actual [ __ ] okay so hold on i’m going to use some of

This netherrack i’m assuming i don’t need that yeah we got we got a lot of it luckily we have a lot more acacia so it won’t be as hard to do this all right let’s uh [ __ ] off back to the portal people say life starts at conception so

I guess i’ma just have to start kicking pregnant women what the [ __ ] okay riker okay there we go oh damn it [ __ ] it plugged me back no no i i thought the portal wasn’t working for a second and then it did and then it did the thing oh hey there you are hello

Yeah it spawned me to the one outside of our house instead of the one in it there’s a creeper oh no there’s there’s enemies i don’t like this i have one over there oh did that happen i i don’t know and i’m not gonna question it we okay what the heck um

In my defense i’m saying this screw with you uh yes thank you for not being serious um also yo geo thank you so much for the helps i appreciate it hola doda yo gio what’s going on geo just came in saying hola soy dota what hello Uh hey dora uh also dojo hello how are you doing today i love that little emote that’s that’s cute um geo’s i’m very tired i am sorry to hear that geo i hope you are able to take it easy soon um why am i being shot

Why is there don’t [ __ ] push me into there i’m going up here [ __ ] [ __ ] this no it’s worse up there i’m just letting you know that now oh there’s a spider oh no yeah [ __ ] put me down put me down i told you i don’t have a [ __ ] weapon right now

Well i mean i could use the pickaxe that’s almost about to break i just came in here to get sticks so that i could make pickaxes so that i won’t die hey what happened to the what happened to the what uh so we’re down a cow

No we only had three oh wait no we had oh you made them [ __ ] again oh um well i guess this is why you were uh inbreeding them i guess uh just pop in before i go to sleep how are you coco yo dojo i’m so glad to see you thank you for

Stopping by uh i’m all right and i hope you’re doing well also because what you know we might need to mine that uh thing outside the other nether portal yeah probably okay so i can have four pickaxes oh why is there a skeleton here why are there so many why is there so

Many anything here like why are the spawn rates on our world so [ __ ] I feel that i also tried to swim in lava i’m on fire and it’s still going to be the fire animation oh it’s doing the same thing it was doing for me earlier to you oh no okay so we gotta go um um yeah you have fun with that i’m

Go oh hey we got glass [ __ ] cow went into the nether portal well that’s unfortunate um well we have some glass if you want that i’m putting it in the the ore chest uh i remember we were gonna make it at some point for something i don’t remember what i’d what is this

Cow i’m mad we lost the cow well as long as we have the other two still maybe this is why we should make uh an outdoor farm and not just have them in our house um hold on i have a lead hold on well oh that’s where the lead went

Yeah we’ll add you there there yep there you go um oh yeah i got a leather for it too so i’m just gonna throw that right in here um i’m giving i’m feeding jeff oh he ate all my wheat all right i said i would do the acacia

Stuff right right right right yeah did i take off the cat ears yes i did no i didn’t oh you did yes because it was like a while and it’s like yeah it’s time time to remove them time no more cat neko freaking coco no more into

The coco there you go yes that’s that’s what we’ve been calling it you know what i think i’ve always said this you should ah i said what you should have a model that’s just like your character but made of butter oh yeah actually real talk um if you want

I could make um so you know my emote my yay emo right that’s buttery the butter stick uh would anyone be down to seeing a buttery model that i could just rig up and use because it wouldn’t be that hard to make like what do we would we mean down for

This because i was already contemplating i mean aside from the model i had planned i was planning on sorry microphone i didn’t mean to hit you i was planning on making another one potentially um like a chibi one but real talk i would i think i’d like a buttery model a lot more

Um let’s go boys let’s get this hold on let me write this down all right i’m gonna need a lot of vocation this second floor is gonna be we should make that our farm you know what we’re making an upstairs farm like maybe i could find out how to do

Voice changers too since buttery is a guy so like we could have like buttery come out for like however amount of time or i’ll just become buttery who knows and we just sound the same the butter just ones that become buttery will sound the same even though we’re not

Um but yeah you know um okay so hold on we need that i’m gonna put these right there we’re gonna throw that in we’re gonna need some light sources do you mind what we might you might need oh wait there’s a zombie do you need more torches i got 21 if you

Want them right now oh okay so there is two things wrong with that okay there’s a spider in our uh jeff pool and then there’s a creeper what the [ __ ] is that thing next to the creeper see i love how i keep making accidental explosions and now i just leave them there

I want the strings of the freaking nukes that just fell give me the string [ __ ] something just broke yeah i heard that i didn’t even get the string damn it hold on it it’s gonna despawn potentially it’s hold on oh my lord i want the [ __ ]

Uh no i have my boots i have my boots i’m gonna take everything off um my boots are about to break and my pants oh my my chest plate’s about to break oh my god no that’s fine bro it’s chill man i just happy to have you

Around and to have you vibing with us today um you know the vibe sesh yeah because oh geo um you weren’t here when we first started this were you um so uh this is our jeff pond uh for the cult of jeff um we had like a few that came in at first

And then it just kind of turned into us having uh multiple and we just decided to make a pond that basically if you fall in it you’ll die without any armor on and you do um but also because jeff that’s why any percent speed wow that was okay we can make we can

Improve those times exactly we can make it even better yeah we can i’m gonna go back to the nether though with uh without a helmet on because [ __ ] it why not i’m not wasting our iron i’m not wasting our iron [ __ ] that out of iron yeah geo um this is what the collective

Forebrain cells has done um and honestly i wouldn’t have it any other way would you say the dummies oh hey i found our cow let me just kill him no bring him back bring the cow back i don’t have a i don’t have a lead to

Bring jeff back and i think he’s getting ready to like potentially find his way into lava then try to push him um well he’s kind of just well now he’s stuck hold on i’ll try to wall him in so that we can get him back at some point

When we get more leads yeah fair enough uh well nope never mind he found his way onto a cliff uh jeff i’m gonna need you to not fall off this cliff potentially uh because i’m also not trying to die for a [ __ ] cow listen we need me

Okay let’s see let’s i’ve gotten him back into can i wall him in okay i have him pretty much walled in i think hold on he might be able to hit that other block um so let’s just [ __ ] yeah prepare that okay i have him pretty much walden i’m

Going to put some torches down by where he’s at so we can maybe get him later at some point um yeah awesome yeah don’t expect me to do that again though fair enough pretty much if anything falls into the nether i just consider it dead in our eye in my eyes

I kind of wish i had a shield right now because there’s a one because i’m not trying to waste our iron and i also didn’t realize that just how many uh i just had like i didn’t realize just how much i would actually need something like that okay thank you

Hold on now that i’m off oh no but i’m back on soul stand but that’s okay i run i run yes and i run i run so far away i just run and run all night and day oh you fell that’s unfortunate my face that had to hurt it did hurt

My legs they’re broken i can no longer run anymore sucks suck you go freaking you see a pair of blades like huh no that’s no not only for you not not everyone i see how else is well maybe you should just get good um okay so this looks somewhere my god

This light somewhere thank you holy [ __ ] i still don’t know why that doesn’t work host hosts were working earlier i don’t know why the [ __ ] raids aren’t working i’ll have to figure that out but uh thank you holy crap uh is it i think it’s elena’s ordealia thank you holy [ __ ]

For the five raid well welcome everybody the name’s riker uh i’m just your friendly average uh ninja boy who steals all the waifus and husbandos for himself uh so you better watch out you’ve been hide your kid hide your wife oh my god what oh my gosh i like how that’s

Becoming like part of your brand now it’s just stealing husbandos and waifus i love it yes yes that’s i have it start it started with boo and now we’re we’re continuing onwards nice every collab i do i always ask what’s the husbando or indoor now are you gonna change it every time

We do it are you just going to keep it at sir oren if i may ask do you want me to change it because i can very easily change it if you want to i’m going to stop you from doing whatever you want okay so i have to crouch

I’m going to build a bridge basically we’re going to try to build like usually i like to switch it up first three but since you have so many and it would be goddamn impossible because when i asked say okay so some fun fact when i talked

To coco about this i was like hey coco what type of um uh like what’s your who’s your favorite husbando and she’s like i don’t have a favorite i’m like what do you mean you don’t have a favorite like there’s just too many like there are one

And she wouldn’t pick one until she’s like pick a franchise then i will pick one yeah because there’s a lot i’m sorry okay oh hey i found blue fire is that a good sign of a biome that we need to go to yeah that’s our new biome

I think that’s an interesting bio if i remember correctly no i was asking if that’s the one we needed has like blue fire in it or some [ __ ] stuff in there that could be useful uh oh i see blazes hold on i see blazes yeah let’s go

Did i pop some ear drums right there uh not yet i had you i turned you down at some point i made the smart decision to do so uh to not have you at 200 hopefully you do not have me at 200 as well why the [ __ ] would you do that to

Yourself i am so sorry i am so sorry everyone that has to hear that okay so now we will continue to shift it’s not that bad honestly you say that also wow the music’s getting really loud on my side i need to turn down minecraft a little bit really

Well yeah because you’ve played minecraft so much that the music annoys you this is the newest one so i’m this is newer music so i’m guessing yeah this biome is like cool i guess i just see blue fire and i just look over and just see a bunch of

Y’all no it’s not just blazes i found a bridge to a [ __ ] fortress oh my gosh yo let’s [ __ ] go hold on let me build let me build this walkway so that we can safely cross over because i had to like cut through some [ __ ] to get here um

But yeah like yo [ __ ] let’s go fellas we found our portal our never force was finally oh [ __ ] the blazes are trying to hit at me well yeah it’s part aggressive jimmy the pizza’s aggressive the [ __ ] you did you have you never seen that meme

I’ve never seen that meme i have no clue what you are talking about and i am scared that’s it we’re watching oh [ __ ] i dropped it what did i drop we’re watching this [ __ ] oh these are oh i can use a shovel on this i’m pausing i’m pausing my music

Hold on hold on hold on hold on no no no less culture we must culture hold on i don’t have your stream open you just want to send me the link and i can throw it on mine yeah uh let me uh okay so hold on

Put that right there um okay so hold on class have to check i’m getting a dm okay here it is just regular okay i will send you the link right now y’all y’all are gonna have fun with this this is gonna be fun this is gonna be a fun time oh my gosh

Let me do this i’m gonna send this to where’s the buttery of cocos there she is i ask myself that a lot sometimes i see that face on the thumbnail alone and i kind of feel fear a little bit um all right all right all right all right tell me when

Hold on let me go because i have to uh open up obs uh and then firefox i have it open i’m ready whenever you are we’re doing meme review me oh hold on we could do the clap properly hold on let me okay hold on let me it should not up

There oh my gosh like just that thumbnail alone fellas how are we all feeling uh hopefully confident about what we are about to watch um cs guys are we ready for meme review okay um hold on make sure this is turned down so it won’t like hit me okay you ready uh three

Two one go what the [ __ ] her in the face what now it is i’m scared he’s just holding any gun what the [ __ ] oh yeah coco forgot to mention the chest pain thing is gone it’s probably because i italian late i’m glad that it’s gone oh whoa that pizza

Is aggressive the pizza oh oh hi patches and dead nutrient oh my lord this is oh no there’s oh my cat just took my headphones out okay can i have these back please no no stop stop calling at them oh gosh sorry about that guys um

I had to take these back from my tip my cat okay i look over the other one one of the other ones is like trying to get on this desk no no you are not no but no you are not getting on the desk toto not today oh my god

Do you want to send me the second one do we have to watch the second one too do you if you want to that is completely up to you you know if it’s anything like the masterpiece i just witnessed uh [ __ ] it why not um all right we’re watching the second one

Boys uh but i’m glad to glad to hear the chest pain has gone luck um also just a friendly reminder we’re in a multi so go click that link and watch both streams at the same time now you get to watch our reactions to this yeah you know uh great

Watching freaking jimmy mitchum not not not run nutrient yes uh a day in the life of the nutrient household yeah i i wish i could create [ __ ] like this i wish i could create these masterpieces um just have these magnum opuses if you will yeah like nothing i will ever create

Will be as good as this and uh you know i do feel a little insecure about that but you know what that’s okay i accept this fate i also have to ask ella are you doing well yeah i hope you uh have a dream i forgot to ask i was so

Caught up with conversation i forgot to ask my dad oh my gosh okay so uh three two one go oh oh we are oh oh hi oh he’s dead is he is he dead i think he’s dead thomas the tank engine is um tucker from danny phantom sheen

Uh the mayor from the powerpuff girls oh sheen is crying oh that emotion oh i like that the mayor of townsville is there i love that there’s just one decapitated body there too with just the eyes nothing else what the The pizza was aggressive um oh the one little girl i think from like bioshock was there air to the knee let the cake is a lie all oh that was oh that was clementine oh Dead joke cemetery oh jimmy nutrin oh that’s unfortunate damn that actually made me [ __ ] sad damn dead memes i feel that though aren’t we all just dead me ah what the hell i know i am that’s for sure oh you died that’s unfortunate yeah it is a very unfortunate situation

I love how we we were we were playing minecraft and all of a sudden we just ended up watching [ __ ] me you act like you’re surprised like you act like you are shocked by this and i don’t shocked i’m like i i bet you someone who

Comes and be like what the [ __ ] just happened magic that’s what magic magic yes spell you got on me is like magic and got me feeling like i’m falling in love you got me feeling like i never give up i love freaking mystery skulls you already know how i feel about

Uh i have been uh what’s the newest album i don’t know if i’ve heard it oh my god what’s it called hold on let me find it let me find it let me find it hold on wait wait i got this i got this boy give me two seconds i’ll find it for

You i can do this i think the blazes are shooting at me and some are failing miserably like one caught me on fire and then like the others yeah they’re all shooting at me right now this is unfortunate now or never that’s the name of the name now we’re never uh

I i have not heard them also i died unfortunately but that’s okay I will have to listen to an hour hold on let me actually see let’s uh let me google this real quick [ __ ] godlike godlike i promise you it is great let’s see the now or never album let’s see um yeah i have not heard ah any of these so i know what i’m

Listening to after stream tonight because i’m not trying to get my vod muted exactly we wish dude honestly i would totally pay money to have like be able to stream that music yeah i i will pay him like just my entire wallet because i love i’m just a [ __ ] fan

Um oh did it send me to the other portal no actually yeah those at least works out one of the things i would like to do because i know you can actually do this with monstercat they actually let you like play their music

Um so long as you pay for i think a goal memberships or a license a golden license to be able to play the music oh it’s kind of cool what the [ __ ] is it it’s really cool a lot of streamers tend to use monstercat because of that

Oh you can get gold here in the the nether now i didn’t know that really i don’t know yeah there’s like little blocks that have little gold bits you can get little bits hey pats i love the nonchalant like what’s up hats yeah be like that um yeah no real talk

I’d i’d pay for a [ __ ] membership to stream mysteries calls oh this is the thing that the cow or for the cow hold on let me yeah well i’ve built i’m building the top layer the second layer of our house nice and i’m gonna have to bless protect it

Oh what’s up zack shadows what’s going on how you doing oh [ __ ] that’s why we built so many more i hope you’re doing well man i appreciate the the sentiments and i appreciate the lurks too you know i don’t i don’t know why when people because i’ve you know and

This is just this isn’t like a me thing it’s merely like i just wanted to state this like i’ve seen a couple streamers kind of get like a little hissy about like lurks i’m like what’s the point man yeah i don’t understand how people are upset with lurkers like i

Appreciate it because you could be lurking literally anywhere else and the fact that you want to lurk in my my domain of all things really means a lot exactly um like i appreciate that i appreciate all and any support that i get uh thank you guys

Uh cause i i know i i i play a lot of things that not everyone likes and that’s fine it is what it is um so i appreciate that you guys would spend time with me like this i feel that go that’s a mood coco that is amazing yeah

So when there are people that get hissy about lurkers or like call lurkers out too in their chat like i i i will never call out a [ __ ] lurker i do not like that i cannot cosign with that idea um no it’s it’s mine dominic i like you don’t

I mean you’re busy dude like i i’ve known you for a long enough time bro to know that you’re [ __ ] busy like a lot i think i am stuck where i well i need to like dig my way out um exactly exactly exactly exactly is that i feel like some

People just kind of forget what it’s like to be with no one and just have an empty chat and just kind of have to like roll with yourself yeah and like learning to talk to yourself which i mean it’s a great thing for learning how to do that because there are times where

You know chat might even be slow when you have more than like one or two people in there like say you learn how to talk to yourself because you don’t want dead air that’s like one of the worst things you could [ __ ] do for yourself as a streamer i think with

The specifically with stream you can get away with dead air it’s less it’s less problematic it’s more problematic when it comes with like videos because like that’s like oh [ __ ] you’re dead you got dead air uh i just see i just i don’t know i’ve i don’t like personally having it

In my streams but maybe that’s just me i also i’m a part-time dj with my dad so that’s kind of why yeah that’s where i’ve actually learned about it i the reason i i think you can get away with it because there’s always something going on like for me when there’s dead

Air it’s usually king or i’m like doing something intensive where i cannot do both at the same time so that’s why i’m like oh i think i can get a you know consumers can get away with it because at the end of the day if you’re doing something interesting if

You’re playing the game to a specific level i think most people would be like oh that’s [ __ ] cool look at this guy he’s [ __ ] pulling off some crazy ass [ __ ] yeah that’s definitely why i have to have music on in my streams and the whole thing with dmca that happened

Twice um a couple like the one that happened in the summer and then the one that happened uh of like summer of 2020 and then also the fall of 2020 because there was two instances of it okay so yeah i cannot go this way i’m going to

Uh block why is there slimes why are there slimes in the house why are these lines in the house why are they are they magma slimes they might have come in they might probably came in from the portal which yeah i guess having a portal in our

House is probably not the best idea um oh hey what’s up zach thank you for the follow zak shadows i appreciate it welcome to the clan i hope you enjoy your say i welcome wait holy [ __ ] that actually means we’re almost at 200 and holy crap i might have to do the spanish

Only stream espanola lamented i’d say worst case scenario just use them like a mix of english and spanish like if there’s a word you’re not certain on because i know a lot of people that were native speakers especially my teachers um that normally when they would be talking

In spanish oh so hi pat’s what’s going on how’s the minecraft um i’m lost in in the nether at the moment i totally like png2 like i think that’s another thing that i also taste about like because people gave [ __ ] to like png tubers or other things like that i’m like bruh

Some of us can’t afford [ __ ] like this this this thing cost me a lot this wasn’t cheap yeah all of us started off somewhere i started off as a png tuber and i i think it’s cool yes everyone remembers png coco that was great [ __ ] missed that i’ll miss it you missed

You want me to just say [ __ ] off to my model and just go back to being p and g only um okay so i think i pretty much dug around uh the portal uh i’m still lost in in the case very much on the same but with you zack shadows like i

So like one of my favorite things i love to do sometimes is i like to go on to twitch and just look at my recommendations because now it’s all it is it’s just yeah who’s a new v tuber and i like to like watch them for a little bit i’m

Like oh i like them and then i follow them and what’s funny is a lot of them are starting to catch on about this so some of them know it’s me so they’re like oh you’re right i’m like [ __ ] they found out who told them who

Ratted me out how do they know who you are that’s what uh mr riker is like the famous riker ninja yo yeah no you’re the famous i don’t have people recognizing me like that dude you are famous okay i need to find a way out of this clip side because this is really

Starting to get annoying partially from my like twitter days because like i talked to a lot of people on twitter back in the yeah twitter when you’re gonna unban my boy riker and also uh unsuspend pengy like just saying at twitter support right now in my streams hey twitter support [ __ ] i’ve

Already had like and this is super sweet of them two of my other friends um boolean and [ __ ] aussie yeah i love bullying bullying’s so sweet i love bullying i love boolean i remember okay so a funny story she actually so this is a very like circular sort of situation she found out

About me through pablo um pablo channel if you don’t know who that is uh i do not so he’s a cool dude and um she uh he recommended uh boolean to me and i saw that you follow me and i was like okay i wonder who is in because i like this

Bag this was back earlier in my career and i would look at some people and like involve me i’d like check them out and then follow them sometimes and i thought it was like she was a youtuber it was a png youtuber for a while i was like [ __ ] i like this person

And you know i i started hitting up boolean like we would chat sometimes and um yeah it was a really nice friendship and then obviously i’ve done like two streams with her i did one stream which was caligula effect because we didn’t have any games similar to each other for a while

Then we did mario party 2 for a stream oh boy mario party that’s actually one thing i want to set up with some people if i can get parasector run properly i want to do like mario party seven yeah parsec whatever parasect parsons well you can you you have two options you can

Either uh do this because there’s with um dolphin you can actually just do a um netplay and it works but you would all have to have the same file that’s the only problem you don’t have to have the same version of the game yes and that’s the thing i don’t know if

Everyone that i’d be playing with would first off be able to run dolphin emulator themselves or uh anything like that so i think that’s why i want to try parsik okay because i remember i tried parsec because we had two options with uh when i was doing that i remember it was

Either parsec or we did netplay we couldn’t get parsec to work he just would not want to register her controller inputs at all period that stinks um also i don’t know i’m just gonna fall i don’t know where i’m at we ended up um having to uh can you [ __ ] stop this [ __ ]

Please like like seriously this is this is getting old this is getting older than me thank you i need to make some more um sticks anyway we might need to put some torches up there wait we need torches already yeah well i finished it

Again oh boy okay yeah here i got a lot of gold nuggets um we’re just going to put these into here nice so horny jail is like fully this is like super duo oh okay well um i can understand the struggle like i think that’s just i think youtubers have become such

A big thing like a hot commodity the community if i remember correctly someone was telling me it’s like when it first started off the youtube community was like consistent of like maybe 500 people it was pretty tiny now we consist of maybe about 10 000 plus yeah i can leave that so

It like and i we’ve come to a point where it’s like you have niches with the niches it’s kind of what happened with like the wow the minecraft community yeah where there was a ton of like people in said community and now there’s just people within people within people

Yeah and it’s like it’s kind of hard to like find people and what i recommend is just go to twitter to start hitting some people up uh maybe dm them if you know you feel comfortable enough if you talk to them enough that’s what i

Like to do like my rule of thumb is i like to talk to people for at least about a month before i then hit them up in dms or something and then i go from there wait there’s now soul soil on top of soul sand i’m sorry what

Hold on okay so soul sand soul sand some let me put those together and then like we have soul soil i i just i don’t know how to feel about this i really don’t um oh yeah i’ll tell you i think for black stone there we go there’s that um the salt

Let’s throw that there got some more um but that’s all but not safe assault no i know but i was saying bass all like you know alternate version of a bass wow like uh superb like a super bass or uh as we like to call it sometimes superb ass

Yeah i bet you never thought about that one now did you fair enough like like i’m not wrong you’re not wrong of what oh did you not hear me when i was saying uh super bass sorry i was reading i was like yeah yeah super super bass and superb ass you know

Um that’s pretty good yo zach i feel that too yeah i was gonna say zack i think we all a lot of youtubers tend to be introverted and you just gotta take that plunge i know like i say that as like i started off like being super pessimistic being like

[ __ ] i can’t do this can’t do this i can’t do this like i don’t know if they’ll and like coco is one of the hardest ones i think to do really you yeah i’m sorry what you terrified the hell out of me oh because you were so much bigger than you

Had such a very big personality like [ __ ] i don’t think she wants something with me i’m not a big person at all quite the opposite like i know there’s the whole running joke of coco’s famous like i know that’s been a joke and for anyone who doesn’t know that’s been a

Joke for a while i don’t know where it started it just kind of has gone on uh it’s the furthest thing from the truth i am a i am a small channel i am a small stream like that and that’s fine i i don’t care

I like being small but the fact that i would intimidate anyone that’s surprising to hear i never would have thought that well i mean i had to take the plunge eventually and i started talking anymore it’s like ah you know why am i scared you know i should just [ __ ] grow some

Cojones and just do it well i am very glad you did because i actually was i’m very scared to talk to a lot of people which is why i’ve tried to like you know be like hey if you’re fine with me like hitting up

In your dms uh for things or like if you want to collab like you know react with this post and there’s people who still liked it and i don’t know if that meant that they were just like interacting with it to give attraction or if they were like like interacting

With it because they want to collab i don’t know i did that for yeah i totally would like join in on a lot of those things like and i remember i i used to my my entry point was when people like introduced myself and i would

Always go for those and then kind of go from there like i remember when annie was still doing the like writing stuff i would join in all the time um but yeah that brings me back i never would have thought that i could be intimidating to

Anyone uh this is just a surprise to hear i’m sorry i want to collab with the coco uh pengy we already pardon me i just burp a little bit almost sorry excuse me peggy we’ve already got something in the works you know like you know you know you know yeah you know

You know if you know but you know like i totally get that it zach is that you know that that first step is always going to be the hardest step but it’s going to be the like i think the best thing that you can do it’s always

Because i mean everyone wants to make a good first impression i think that’s just as a general fact of life a lot of people don’t want to be like uh i wanna like [ __ ] yeah so yeah basically just like yeah what riker’s saying that the best thing you could do

Is to just like hop in there take the plunge what i do when i’m talking to people because i also have social anxiety um pretty not like to the point where it’s crippling but it’s still like pretty high uh one thing i like to do is first off pretend i’m not anxious

I i like to pretend to myself you know that i am i am i am not baby yeah eventually yeah lie to yourself a little bit say you’re not baby you’re big strong tough coco and you can send a message and with that momentary courage i have i

Will send a message and then press send and then i will regret it afterwards and wait till after it’s sent to hate myself a bit for it um so faking it till you make it can kind of help a little bit with courage and things like that i wouldn’t do that

For everything else in life um because yeah uh but at least with getting over the anxiety of sending a message to another person because real talk chances are they’re just as intimidated as you are and scared like you know like oh like they don’t want to you know

Be seen as annoying the worst you can get is like a non-response which i’ve had a numerous times and trust me it’s not a [ __ ] it’s never fun when someone you’re like oh i guess they don’t like i’m just gonna be by myself but like you know

There’s probably like less of those uh yes send message chuck phone across the room and read it see exactly that’s exactly how i do things in my life is literally that i yep i did that for a while there’d be a lot of times i’d be like i don’t want to

Look i don’t want to look i see i see a response i’ll [ __ ] off [ __ ] i’ll [ __ ] off like just [ __ ] my pants yeah basically out of terror yeah um also the most intimidating youtuber out there yo what’s going on man how you doing uh hopefully well um oh wait why are uh

Do we need to sleep i hope what what me and coco are saying that can help you a little bit just a little bit yeah um i want to collab with the coco more than once peng you already know we we are going to um you know you know you know what you

Know um uh yes the pengy i should talk to pengy more yeah pengy’s cool pengy is very cool i’ve known pengy for quite a few years he’s one of my best friends i can trust him with a lot of things and i know that he’s always got my back just

Like i have his and yeah um what was i getting ready to say oh yes um the best piece of advice i think i’ve ever gotten for something like this um comes from the wonderful bubs and if anyone who doesn’t know who bubs is um hold on let me let me pull up

Let me do you not know who bubs is no i’ve been no so like this hurts because i was i was talking with bubs a little bit before my twitter went down i was like [ __ ] oh no um well here it is it was getting [ __ ] suspended i was like [ __ ] i’m

So sorry well his if you want his twitch it’s uh i’ll talk about it bubs um yes i’m gonna just plug his uh his twitter in my stream because why not because bubs is actually a really cool dude and you guys should go check out bubs

Um otakumaru bobs um the best piece of advice i think i’ve ever been given was from him and for anyone who doesn’t know bob’s he does a lot of really cool things in the community he’s you know he’s a very positive role model he’s also a nice guy

Um the best advice bubs gave me uh which honestly when it comes to talking to people this is like honestly the best one it’s just take your just shoot your shot literally that’s what he told me and it’s like dude it’s so simple but it’s like true like it’s really good advice so

Just honestly shoot your [ __ ] shot regardless of what it is shoot your shot just see what happens worst case scenario the worst thing you’ll be told is no that’s it it’s like oh okay whatever it is what it is at least you can say you tried because trying is a hard thing to

Do um so yeah this is uh this has been coco shrimps for other people and promotes them better in chat because she just is a shrimp um i definitely am above shrimp that’s for sure um i’m a shrimp for like pretty much all of youtubers at the end of the day like

There are again i i literally go online and just follow every v2 where i can under the sun yeah i’ve even found some that were like only speak like a specific language like i think i found a german one i think i found a portuguese one

Nice um yeah i actually sat there and i was like [ __ ] how do i respond to this because like i don’t know what they’re saying i’m i like speak german i don’t that’s why i use deep l it’s one of the best and most accurate translators you could get

That’s what i use since i do have some people that follow me and i talk with that are non-english speakers they speak solely japanese and yeah because [ __ ] google translate google translates some poor [ __ ] yeah google translate is the equivalent of like hey asking a friend who like half understands the language

Could you translate this for me sure it gives a half-assed translation uh i will admit the one thing you should do though if you are talking with someone who um and you’re using a translator like deep l um one of the best things you need to do avoid using slang

Like any amer any english slang because there’s a chance it might not translate properly or it translates into something that could potentially be offensive um so just keep it keep it simple um don’t use slang don’t use anything like that like i wouldn’t translate like um

You know like two shakes of a couch sale yo what’s going on my home skillet you know yeah um and just short and just keep it simple uh and yeah and it’s really cool and i am really glad that this one youtuber who follows me oh my gosh i can’t remember their name

Um they have been very encouraging of uh en v tubers for like you know potentially having japanese in their names and things like in their profiles and stuff for um japanese youtubers be able to understand like who they are and what their platform is and what they are

And i think that’s really cool because i think the whole bridge between like the english youtuber community and the other communities definitely needs to be like like clothes like you know what i’m saying like yeah like yeah no i i totally get i totally feel you yeah communicate with it because

There are some really cool people outside of the ian um youtuber communities like for there are so many cool people and i love them so much um awesome people but it’s like man i just wish i could talk to them more but like yeah that is the one thing i i do regret

Is not being able to talk or part of the uh esp uh youtuber community oh nice yeah as opposed for like it would be a bit harder for me because i am not very my cat my spanish is very casual and i’m also rusty um which is unfortunate uh rojo gatto biblioteca

The red red cat library what the [ __ ] so what happened was i i knew a guy who was like that’s my extent of my spanish so whenever i was talking spanish with like my family or like with other hispanics he would just do that because he had no idea what the [ __ ] was

Going on half the time wrong did he at least roll the r on rojo because i can’t do that Um small spanish lesson for every even though i’m probably not fit to teach that um small spanish election for anyone who doesn’t know in with spanish language uh when you have an r at the like beginning of a sentence you roll the r so like it’d be like like

I can’t even make the sound the sound that i used to be able to make to imitate uh of the rolling of an r i can’t even do that right now i don’t even know if i could do it still because i can’t roll my tongue i cannot

Roll my r’s i’m not even uh roll my tongue it’s for me it’s a vibration i can’t do it it just sounds dumb i can’t and i hate it um i can’t i can’t make the haha funny car sound to do spanish i hate it i hate it so [ __ ] much but no

Bad when i have to do specific lip movements because then it like vibrates my nose and i feel weird that’s funny okay i’m going but it really happens and it’s not fun because it makes my nose feel weird yeah i can imagine that like when you’re like drinking something um

What the [ __ ] get out of here slime slimes uh get out get out oh oh really i didn’t know there was such a big de uh or the german all in consider i only seen a couple of german people and usually they’re like pretty much a part of the yan community

Oh yeah i haven’t seen any german youtubers now i think about it i’ve seen like a max 3. two of them only spoke german one of them speaks english where the [ __ ] am i this is a whole ass different portal this isn’t even the same one we started off on

This but yeah like where the [ __ ] did what but i i’m i i don’t know i just really hope that you know like viewers can come together and we can try to be the best we can yeah and understand each other yeah exactly so i feel like and it’s

Also not just that it’s also the fans too sometimes there’s some very divisive fans yeah there are some fans that are just that’s actually one thing i was um talking with um well actually i wasn’t talking it’s more like this other streamer i’m in sungi um he

Was talking about that because there’s a lot of people that are more from the en side of things that will go into like you know japanese streams and just start spouting like some really weird [ __ ] and it’s like dude like the whole you know we know how

Like the whole thing like the booba memes and things like that you know like which honestly even an ian some of the things that some people will do is just it’s still disrespectful but even more so like on the you know japan side of things and everywhere else and it’s like

It’s like they forget how to [ __ ] act and it’s like you don’t do that to somebody like you don’t go into their chat it was like the one time wait you’re not pg-13 are you like me your streams like what what is the rating of your stream right now for what

I’m about to say okay um it’s not it was like they will start doing things to these in these streams like that are the equivalent of the one that are like the equivalent of when the one guy came into my stream and said um show your show your coochie i’d like it

It’s like first off i don’t even have a webcam on [ __ ] second off who just goes into someone’s stream and just says that like what nice restraint thank you destroyed actually i think they were trolling but like even like as a troll it’s like what the [ __ ] you don’t do that

You know like i said we got someone they said the other word for it though i i yes uh the restraint there thank you destroy i appreciate that also how are you doing man hopefully well uh give him a horny box oh okay i know jesus christ dude like okay like here’s the

Thing i’ve had a couple of people do that to me but like is it like it’s like a haha funny that is this is the thing and i’m like yes and i roll with it but like i wouldn’t say that to a you know a female streamer that’s kind of fun

It’s yeah i mean i’ve had we’ve had some clowns and this was before i even became uh a youtuber we’ve pengy you can you can tell them about some of the clowns we’ve had in here uh it’s an experience the internet is [ __ ] walk and doing well been addicted to

Minecraft and monster hunter rise people on the internet [ __ ] wild people on the internet are wild indeed um also i’ve heard ryze is pretty good yeah i don’t own it though because i’m not a big monster hunter fan and i was like already kind of getting other games like

Again ninja gaiden uh metopia [ __ ] uh shimagami tensei three nocturne uh [ __ ] what else is there oh the skyward sword remake that one i’m getting oh okay i’m guessing i’ll get some water then i guess okay so for some reason the portal um that we have

Where our portal leads to now is not the same place it was starting off on with leading us out to where like it leads us to like two additional ones so um yeah i basically have lost access to that bridge that had the [ __ ] uh that was the bridge to the you know

Never fortress so bless you oh lord oh wait no we had to be no no no no no nobody here clipped that nobody here clip that i sneezed once and no one clipped it and thank gosh i think the vod got deleted sneeze always hears man sneeze knows

I know that’s the terrifying word he’s like everywhere i love him he’s so funny he actually was off he was asking if people wanted to collab with him and i’m like [ __ ] yes i do i want to collab with the sneeze person i also want my otta ottas to one day get

On the vtuber ada uh twitter yeah that was like i saw this and i’m like finally the twitter for me the twitter the twitter where i can maybe finally one day be on there yeah uh so no i do other things beyond minecraft what do i do i

I think i’m a mix of everything but it usually tends to focus on because um i just i love my switch a lot and i’ve just played a lot of stuff on there and jrpgs too like those are like my two favorite things to just like hang out and just chill with

And it’s the easiest for me honestly because my like to anyone who doesn’t know this i always joke like oh my 80d ass and like you know some people actually joke about that but no i’m actually dead ass like i genuinely do have 80d and it’s it’s really not fun

Like a lot of people like to make it as like oh it’s glamour and like look at this everyone on twitch has added hahaha but i’m like there’s struggles with it bro and it’s not fun there’s some [ __ ] that i don’t appreciate about it

Like a lot of the times where i just i can’t [ __ ] focus on [ __ ] and some people will tell me [ __ ] and i will not remember it and it’s [ __ ] it’s not fun yeah i feel bad because like i don’t want to be like that [ __ ] who like forgets something

And i have to explain to people no no no i promise you i’m not a dick i’m not just trying to forget to forget i’m just i have horrible memory yeah i could like constantly write [ __ ] down i feel that because we’re gonna sit here and talk for a

Second since i finally found where part of okay so the portal doesn’t lead exactly to where it is but i dug away through and found where we got where i got back to to get back to the uh another portal anyway i don’t have adv or adhd but as someone

Who has very bad short-term memory like to the point where if it just doesn’t click in i’m not gonna remember it most likely and like it makes me feel bad too for having to tell people like i don’t remember this like or i can’t remember like oh what i ate

Or anything like that you know um like it sucks so i can only imagine on the scale that you have to deal with that like how bad that is like it’s another thing when i’m like kind of like yeah kind of fiddling with something and people think

Or i’m not looking at them they’re like oh you’re not paying attention like no no no i’m paying attention i’m actually trying to focus that helps otherwise i will not focus and i’ll just kind of like oh look the pretty butterfly over there you know that sort of thing yeah and it’s like

There’s just some people who are like they will get really mad at you for not being able to remember things and like i i’ve had i’ve been yelled at before and it’s like i’m sorry i have a bad memory like i i i if it just doesn’t click over to long term

I’m not going to remember it i feel it and it makes you feel bad you know exactly because you’re not trying to you’re not like i’m not trying to be a bad person um hold on i gotta catch up on my chat real quick um we got the biggest cloud

Ever right here it’s just it’s ander oh my gosh andrew’s not a clown but he was thinking the same way you also laugh like a hyena um first off then i have the men for you his name is alex i love alex he’s a sweetie uh i i i

Shrink for him too that’s for sure [ __ ] i love alex dude i there have been multiple what the [ __ ] creeper oh god damn man um like me and alex would like totally there are a lot of times where me and him have just chilled and we just talked

It’s been great yeah alex seems like a nice you don’t wanna i wanna talk to him more uh he’s definitely one of the people that said uh when i get to final fantasy 14 uh he wants you to play with him yeah it’s like everyone’s on a different server and it’s like i’ve

I know i’m waiting for those i told people that i was playing final fantasy 14 ozzy alex all of them were like bro bro bro what’s over what’s over whatsoever i’m like holy [ __ ] i was literally not prepared for this um which luckily axem i think yesterday

In chat mentioned that there’s like a new thing coming out where um you’ll be able to like play with everyone like the central center whatever [ __ ] i don’t know oh hi patches are you gonna be good are you gonna like try to cause chaos probably the latter

Is he craving uh is he craving chaos today he might be i don’t know hey you want to stop my lap you want some of my lap patches you’re not you’re not getting on the desk you’re not allowed to get on the desk but if you want to sit on my oh don’t

Knock my mic over he like knocks the mic over breaks and explodes yeah um wow coco didn’t remember to put me on the collab list until just now yeah pengy i literally that’s one thing i you also didn’t i was responding i mainly just did it for those like

You know people that commented on the post first i wasn’t thinking outside of people that i normally collab with that would already be fine with that that’s why i made it very clear to comments on it but then i just remember you got banned i did comments on it

You did oh thank you got banned he actually hold on if you’re able to [ __ ] see that pengy your account isn’t banned you [ __ ] it’s probably just temporary temporarily like let me harass you in peace we just got done having a conversation about this pengy

About memory yes it [ __ ] is why can i go onto your profile that wait okay so he’s able to still see like notifications and [ __ ] and his account is still there what the so yeah it’s probably it’s probably a temp thing it’s probably like a temp suspension or something

Yeah but that would have been only like 12 hours wouldn’t it don’t call me a [ __ ] hoe pengy i’m just saying your account still exists like as opposed to rikers which i go to right now if i’m if i type in uh at riker ninja um like his is [ __ ] non-existent now

You goober baby coco i told you it’s seven days that’s isn’t that more of a suspension as a is it a ban well i guess it is still a ban is this business well suspension usually means it’s a permanent thing wait so bands aren’t permanent but a suspension is that big

Wouldn’t it be the other way around cause like when you think about it like in you you think that a suspension like i just it makes sense because i have i lost my appeal after oh until i delete the tweet oh i’m sorry okay so at least you got a response yeah ryker

Hasn’t still gotten one for his which i guess they just don’t respond to people who get suspended and that they only it’s so goddamn stupid oh no riker did he didn’t get a response oh okay i thought he did because it was like well lucky you i guess

Because i’ve been fighting for a response for like literal like almost a month now and i still haven’t oh we have new uh jeff’s by the way i don’t know like getting it back nope not on the desk nope um they didn’t say anything i just

Deleted the tweet yeah he got banned for calling someone a [ __ ] but yeah as peggy’s pointing out yeah people are allowed to use [ __ ] slurs and you know that’s fine but calling someone a [ __ ] is is where the line is drawn i mean if you even want to go even further mine

Was like a dabby joke yeah i was wondering what you got like suspended for specifically because i didn’t see whatever tweet it was it was like it was just so so okay here’s the thing it was a context so it was like someone was talking about like

Putting on made outfits on like a lot of the male youtubers like yes i agree with that already and and i was kind of like making the joke like [ __ ] no and at one point they’re like i will make you put it on i’m like

Not if i stab you first that is exactly word for word what i said and they banned you for which i that’s some horse [ __ ] oh my gosh and i’m like i have seen worse things said i’ve probably i’ve threatened to drop kick people literally there’s like someone else in

The youtube community tiny she’s like threatens to steal kidneys and then like apparently that’s not too far stealing internal organs is fine oh i accidentally fell from a tall height that’s that was unfortunate nah fam that’s chill the [ __ ] stabbing someone yeah that’s too far man you’ve crossed the line

You’ve gone too [ __ ] far holy [ __ ] hey baby zombie while i’m here i guess i will uh just uh continue to do that ah spiders coco remember i got banned for calling scream girl a [ __ ] too oh yeah i just that that makes no sense how is [ __ ]

An insult here but like people are out out here [ __ ] using slurs on twitter like actual slurs and that’s just you know that’s acceptable and tolerable like i don’t understand no jeff get in the water jeff get in the water jerking in the water jumping in the water jeff get out jeff

Get in the water i don’t have a shovel so i’m just using this pickaxe i i’m people are probably gonna be mad by the way um yeah um the thing is i the portal as i was saying earlier it um leads to somewhere that’s a completely different start so i

You’d have to like find your way back to it which from what i’ve been digging kind of works um but i it’s like yeah it’s a little messy fair enough yeah um is a little bit troublesome if you will [ __ ] was caught by automation and slurs aren’t what the

What the [ __ ] is it because you like did it before in the past so that’s what caught it immediately or what also i’m going to take the time to sit here and eat some of the food i brought because this is my dinner oh yeah what food did you bring a little snacky

Little snacky things but if we want to have like a like a like a show time with coco um for what coco is eating i don’t know [ __ ] know how twitter works that’s the only thing i could think of thingies because they got you on it before that they put

It like in there for you but you’ve also used [ __ ] before too though outside of that so it’s like i don’t know uh so we got some cheez-its uh we got some some vienna sausages which are great and i love them and i will fight anyone who tells me they’re trash

Uh i got an apple uh and then also uh some cheese sticks and a couple baby bells this is my life these are my choices oh so i’m gonna like spread my my feast out on my desk babybel cheese baby did you just say spread my toes out

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] no that’s nasty get that [ __ ] out of here don’t talk to me just don’t talk to me anymore right girl i am i’m tired um listen man listen for some reason the the the it’s just like yes toes my favorite thing i’m like what

This is what the community has done to you man if it’s not if it’s not if it’s not if it’s not an unironic pink fetish it just turns into toes exactly oh oh oh yeah baby belt uh zack i agree baby belle cheese is kind of underrated like it’s pricey

I understand why it’s so underrated because it’s pricey but it’s still good though by the way we have more drown so you have to name more jeff’s bro why couldn’t you wait until after i got out of the portal because i got stuff man only time i got banned was when i said

On a tweet that k-pop stands or just a cult with multiple pages oh my gosh not wrong you know what i can’t even i can’t even be mad at that that’s kind of an accurate stands in general will kind of be like that though so it’s like they just got butt hurt

That’s all like like the the cult worship with stans is kind of creepy i’m not gonna lie i mean there’s some that draw a very like hard line and they still just keep going man yeah like they go way too far um okay so now i’m back here and i’m

Pretty sure that i’m going to get shot at again by the blazes um yes i i am on fire now this is unfortunate you know you know what you know what you know what i’m gonna make that repair i’m gonna be right back i’m gonna brb

Real quick i’m gonna go do that right now the cult proved my point oh hi hello um all right so uh you had took one of the stacks out and put them somewhere sadly well my name jeff just a sad name i’m just a sad my name jeff yeah um all right

There you go there’s there’s this one let’s check the upstairs now because uh i think it’s pretty good we have a lot more gold nuggets now just to say you know yeah um i’m gonna take my armor off to do this um so as you guys know i’m just gonna

Dive into the jeff pool uh and just uh hope that i name everything jeff properly that’s how we do things here how many new ones are in there but there’s quite a number i did get like numerous new ones we’re just naming everything jeff i’m just gonna click click

Click click click clicky clicky clicky this is this is efficient this is efficient it’s gotten it’s honestly starting to kill a lot faster i don’t it’s still not at optimal peak we need it like at least two seconds how how many deaths do you think we will actually need

To just kill ourselves instantly but those fools i have 70 alternative accounts oh my gosh oh yeah were you ever going to make a new account or no i have another account um i made it before this situation but i’m a little nervous to do anything

Just get you just use a vpn if they’re gonna try to catch up on the ip just use a vpn whenever you’re on twitter but see that’s the thing i don’t have a i would have to because i do it mainly on my phone i don’t ever do it on pc

That’s kind of the problem oh well what you could do um if you have a vpn that works uh with a modem you can set your modem to be on a vpn so that any device that connects to it will also be on the vpn like i probably

For that type of like vpn i would probably have to pay for it and i don’t have money i’m [ __ ] poor as hell you say that as you just as you just mentioned that you had ordered games listen cause i okay okay here’s the thing i plan i’m a [ __ ] planet i could

Seriously genuine okay let me let time out before i go do anything else i’m actually gonna i’m gonna sit down we’re having this conversation so okay i’m a type of man that likes to plan [ __ ] like two steps in advance that’s understandable totally make a [ __ ] spreadsheet of like okay

What what’s coming out what can i do what do i think my audience will what is for me what is for the audience you break out the [ __ ] microsoft excel sheets nice yes yes i genuinely like using those people like give me so much crap for like making spreadsheets about it i’m like

Listen i’m an efficient [ __ ] you’re allowed to live your life i’m sure i get everything huh you’re allowed to live your life people give you crap for it tell them just go shove it like i hell i almost i i like the same way i love uh google docs

Because some are not google docs um microsoft um word because i i write a wrong i write a route of ripped no i write a lot of scripts um and so like i love using it like there’s not a lot of programs out there that i enjoy writing within microsoft word i

Remember i tweeted and i seriously genuinely tweeted to microsoft word being like is it weird that i really enjoy microsoft word and then the literal microsoft word twitter was like no no no first off they’re gonna be very biased with saying that you’re saying i like using your program a lot is that

Weird of course they’re gonna [ __ ] say no it’s not let’s see that’s the thing i never added them they just randomly found it bro there must be they must be searching up that like any mention of their name then and when i looked up microsoft word i

Saw that they had like so many troubleshoot problems oh my gosh yeah i know that i know that dominic that you’re still there whenever i need to proofread the script and i appreciate that my friend yes i’m back i just got gi yeah welcome back clear what’s gi though

I think i’m addicted oh gentian impact oh yeah you probably are a lot of people are i i can’t get into gunshins it’s not my thing i like it i like playing it but i’m an extremely casual player with it like i there i go i go mumps not playing it i’m seasonal

For me i think like uh and like over the the conversation of like me being so efficient i’m hearing rumors of a switch pro and i’m like my wallet now that i have been hearing about and i’m like that’s a good thing because like i honestly really do like

Don’t get me wrong i love the normal switch i don’t hate it i’m not getting rid of it but my problem is is that it’s kind of getting like there’s some games that don’t run well on it uh there’s a lot of the time that uh

Like i wanna like grind or play off camera and like since i have the original model switch not like version two like version one oh it’s garbage of a battery life oh no yeah so certain games don’t last very long it’s like two and a half hours i’m

Like if i need to grind dude for like games like bravely default that munches through battery life because bravely default added in the like whole uh carrying system and like encumberment and i’m like i hate it i hate it so much because it makes battles so much longer

And a lot harder for no reason why they decide to pull in elder scrolls like that like in the newest game for q i don’t know why that’s so weird because with the kind of game that bravely default is that makes no [ __ ] sense to have exactly because it’s so counter-intuitive it’s

Like man i want good armor not like oh i have to sacrifice a good weapon and now i’m here kind of like struggling getting my ass beat six ways to sunday because you know i didn’t i had i was too encumbered to do anything if i got that better weapon

Okay what i ended up having to do was level things up i think everyone’s named jeff nice so i’ve just been leveling up and that’s been a pain in the ass because there’s so many times when ow the save feature doesn’t work because it only it only works at

Like the beginning of dungeons or outside of dungeons yeah so there are times where i’ll get like i’ll die and i’ll be like i just and then i just don’t want to do it again because i’ve made so much progress but that one battle that came out of nowhere

And for some reason fleeing is significantly harder for another no reason they made it harder that’s both yeah like every for some reason i can’t i struggle to flee like there are multiple occasions where it takes me like multiple turns to be able to flee and i’ve already taken like a massive amount

Of damage i’m like at the verge of death and i’m like it finally lets me flee i’m like great now i gotta waste many ethers like potions and like healing just to get myself back up so i can get the hell out of here

Okay so hold on let me mark this for i mean the story is good and the gameplay is good i won’t give it credence for that but like there’s some some thought process that i was like squeenix the [ __ ] yeah squeenix what the [ __ ] man

Hey yo what the [ __ ] it also reminds me that the world ends with youtube comes out and i’m also really excited for that i still need to play the first one and i do actually have it so maybe one day you should make that a subscriber sunday thing you really should

We’ll see here’s the thing i don’t have a modded 3ds or that so i can’t use like a capture card and i if you own it okay oh you are right you are right i do own it i can do the thing i can do the thing

Exactly you are right yo thank you for reminding me of that riker yeah thank you legality legality is a hell of a thing exactly okay so here’s where i ended off and before i fell down and tried to go back don’t know i haven’t i you if you ever needed the uh ds

Simulator i can send it to you no i have desmond um because there were some ds games we were playing on the channel i just haven’t played them in a while and we probably should get playing them um let’s see like oh oops hold on this is not what i wanted

Um like but we started a pokemon mystery dungeon run of the regular pokemon mystery dungeon um Yeah i had some other ones panned that we were gonna do and i just never did it you got citra oh no no no this is des moomies just regular ds um regular pokemon mystery dungeon was just regular ds uh destroy i probably could run citra oh [ __ ] i

That was not what i wanted to do but i don’t think there’s any point in having oops if you don’t oh come on zombie come on little time if i want to do like a randomizer for like sun and moon or like omega ruby alpha sapphire x and

Y like yeah i’d probably get citra for that for sure probably oh the bad b look at the little bad b he’s so sweet and he now dies goodbye oh we got another jeff oh my gosh can you at least name it please i’m in the nether

Sure i can do that for you thanks man no problem where the [ __ ] are the names oh they’re there yeah they’re all in the one chest uh i mean that also kind of reminds me of a situation that i saw earlier where on amazon and i think this is like uh the

Fact that like the world ends with you is not getting a lot of promo like oh there it is ah no he was slain by jeff i did i got i got slain there you go you happy you were slaying my job um that uh the world neil the world ends

With you is not getting very much advertisement i think we got one and we haven’t heard anything since because it’s supposed to be coming up this this summer oh and there there’s another game that um they announced for the japanese audience what was it uh the sequel to caligula effect two uh

Effect i’ve heard that game i don’t know anything about it but i’ve heard the name so it’s a persona like it’s written by the same guy who wrote the original persona it’s kind of cool and it’s very very personal like i really do highly recommend it to people

Um to give it a shot but um what happened was they had never announced it for a uh an american audience i was like huh i want i bet she’s gonna come out like probably 2022. um and i was you know as one does i scroll through amazon to see

When uh my listings kind of come up so i can save them in my wishlist and remember them so i’m not a forgetful [ __ ] yeah and forget to pre-order them and when did it say i was scrolling so i was scrolling through and then i saw wait a minute caligula effect is

There and it had an esrb rating and normally if it’s like because i’ve seen some like um like because the switch is not region locked so you can get games from other regions and play them and they obviously make it clear as they it’s not an american version they’ll be

Like asian copy or like whatever copies yeah they’ll mark like if it’s like japan or they’ll mark it yeah exactly or they’ll have an image it’ll have like the uh peggy or like settle on it but this no this had an esrb rating and it’s a caligula effect too which in

Japan is just caligula too so i was like wait a minute what is this coming in the west and it’s like october or something i was like oh this announced wow that’s kind of cool um i i’m awesome but i just feel bad because i’m like that’s awful because

There’s gonna be no marketing for i didn’t even know until i went on amazon i’m like how is anybody who likes the original games or supposed to bring in a newer audience supposed to know like what the guy what the hell guys you just shot yourselves on the foot

Yeah uh i am heading out uh by coco and riker have a great stream yo sami thank you so much for stopping by have a good night take it easy and i’ll see you later bye um yo annie what’s going on how are you doing darling

Oh my god is that the legendary yes the any guma huge fan sign my five head please my sister from another mister my partner in crime my fellow debaucher um i just wasted my entire saturday afternoon building up a fleet and obscure in an obscure free-to-play game and

Subjugating to pirates to pirate planets and then i sold most of my the fleet i built up i don’t even get much money from the planets i don’t even know what game you’re talking about timers but that sounds that sounds unfortunate also hello tigers how you doing

Um is that the buttery cocoa from from the twitter.com fromthetwitter.com Oh my gosh speaking of twitter esquemeshmark twitter in the chat uh if you’d like to go follow me there i actually have to go plug the stream because i just realized i still haven’t even taken a break it’s been like two and a half hours i’m gonna go plug the stream though if

Anything yes it has been two and a half hours we should get up ow what the [ __ ] who hit me yeah we should probably take a quick break uh if you would like yeah we should all like yeah go i’m gonna go get my that ruby or float

Yes um oh my god why are there magma slimes in the house i’m being harassed uh ah jesus christ no no no wait wait wait please please please on your place please i want to live please please don’t hurt me i just got the alter ego skin and gbf

Wait you only just now oh wait no because you’ve been playing for of zombies in a house i thought i thought you had um all the seraphic weapons uh you all beat though ninguang is a name on twitch uh yeah i’m not surprised to hear that but probably

A lot of people do have the names of like a lot of characters um now it’s okay with it i was too lazy to finish the rest of them ah understandable okay well i’m going to take a quick break though guys uh i’m gonna mute well

I’m mute my back on my side um you’ll still be able to hear riker uh but i’m going to take a quick break uh hell hello uh i’m taking a quick break i don’t know about you um i’m probably gonna go grab that root beer float now all right

That’s understandable as well yeah i’m going to put up the brb screen we’ll pause minecraft for a second and we’ll put on the booty jams um i will probably leave my music running the chill stuff but i i might just put on some like hella [ __ ] pumping music i want i

Want to feel bump and i want i want people to have that heart-wrenching moment where it’s like inanimate it’s like oh the power of friendship compels me yes but i’m going to go stand up take a break uh get more water uh so enjoy big chat uh enjoy the booty

Jams and i will be back all right i will be right back guys i’m gonna pull them brb oh hello encounter overload let me put on the the the the jams and i’ll be right back so hello guys all right i’m back bye guys all right i’m back hello why is

Why is coco tiny actually let me look at kog’s shot real quick i don’t have multi stream up so give me like one second and i’ll pull it up oh wow i do not actually uh let me see if i can find here it is it’s the music and then i’ll put up

Coco’s chat on my end as well let’s see what happens so what’s going on fellas oh you were spazzing the [ __ ] out yeah because i was just sitting down also for some reason my webcam can kind catch me when i’m standing a bit away from my chair which is really [ __ ] weird

I see i want that i want to be able to tell like distance yeah which uh it’s still kind of weird though with mine though because like i still have a [ __ ] webcam i mean it’s all right though i have to admit if it’s able to catch me when i’m like

You know this far away and you know even further away like ah honey i shrunk the cocoa [Laughter] is it actually oh it’s catching like my mouth and everything too still [Laughter] Hi i bring uh greetings of doritos and uh guava juice this is a collective for brain cells for sure um also why did the minecraft music get [ __ ] serious what the [ __ ] oh it’s because i’m in the nether that’s why also hello how are you doing today darling hopefully well hold on

Um yes i want guava juice that sounds good right uh let now catch up on chat um i’m okay uh i’m done i quit twitch didn’t let me post a while ago but now it’s fine with it quick coco’s away let’s commit arson now let’s commit tax fraud okay hear me out tax

Uh i’m up for it hell yeah i whatever let’s do it we could also do a combined bone arson and tax fraud insurance fraud bone arson i’m interested um oh yeah we both back uh yeah about to have some colombian beer dip and pretzels ooh that sounds

Good typos but yoshino how are you doing today darling hopefully well hopefully everything’s all right with you also i just realized i forgot to actually plug the streamlink on my fleets on twitter that’s the only thing i normally use them for aside from pictures of my cats and hot memes

Um but yeah i’m just gonna hear airsome army i mean i’ve been noticing gamers uh yeah dc that’s unfortunate gamer food the gamer foods the dorit yes the dorits um my favorite that’s cool i like cool ranch i also like the nacho ones f yeah it is what it is

It happens we’ll we’ll get it back up um i don’t think i’ve ever asked you this what’s your favorite trip in general uh i don’t have a necessarily favorite brand of chips but i do have a favorite flavor of chips uh sour cream and onion and jalapeno are both my favorites jalapeno oh

Jalapeno chips are delicious because i like spicy things um they have a sweetness to them yes for me it’s a tie there’s this dude sour cream and i’m getting is opi but for me it’s a tie it’s between either the spicy barbecue hawaiian chip that’s [ __ ] great oh my god

Because it starts off sweet with barbecue and then ah the kick ah oh um a chip from my childhood which is lazymon i kinda want chips now aside from my cheez-its like but i want like chip chips yeah you a lace type of personal fritos like i like lays i like fritos

I like them all you got my wife wait who’s what oh oh clear was trying to say earlier that he got ninguang in uh ganshin impact nice nice oh ning wang is my wife uh ning wang is really cool i have her she’s i don’t use her

I probably should though now that i’m thinking about it um yeah so whenever you get back i’m gonna need your help uh with what um so our upstairs i asked hey could you put up some like torches uh they’re now infested with zombies how did the zombies get up there

We have two zombies no i’m saying how did they even get in there because we had torches around the top of the air like i just i don’t oh my gosh uh i didn’t know that’s what you meant or that you needed that i might not have even heard it uh but

Still that is twitch was being an ass about it yeah twitch is funny with words like that like it caught cowboy coco as a sexual phrase somehow i what yeah uh a linux a linux sent it no just literally i will read word for word

Uh what a linux had sent that auto mud caught and that it wouldn’t let me approve for some reason it literally he just said cowgirl coco that was it and it caught it for being sexual somehow hilarious that’s funny all cowboys are sexual apparently i think it’s because coco is slang uh

For what uh just look it up on urban dictionary now i gotta do this hold on let me wash my hands real quick cause i’m eating doritos you’re eating the dorit yes i’m eating the wreaths and they’re messy and coco is yes that word is sure yeah i usually just use my mouth

Just use your mouth for what to grab the chip because i don’t want to get my hands ready i like getting my equipment like with cheeto dust and stuff like that true you’re right fair point fair point um yeah like you could just have the bag

Open just like dip it in your mouth that’s i’d do that makes sense or like put it into the palm of your hand instead and then just like knock it back oh yeah yeah you know yeah hold on twitch was like hey you’re trying to say something racist like why yeah twitch is

Weird with how they catch things i still feel like what i did for the entire afternoon was both impressive and depressing oh yeah you commented oh what the game was hold on let me catch up uh the game i was talking about is called endless sky

You go from a nobody in a tiny ship to a damn subjugator in a giant ass city warship that’s kind of cool hi back i’m katie oh my god i hate you i hate you so much right now bots are in charge or if we get perm you

Get permabanned or not god help us i’m now scared of onions have i bunions are pretty alright cause like i’ve heard people say like it’s a hit or miss it’s kind of one of those it’s kind of the same with like salt and vinegar it’s

Kind of like a hit or miss for some people yeah i’m not a big salt and vinegar fan but i also don’t like salty things a whole lot i loved oh my god you gave me and i’ve always said this like you give me like a bag of potato chips over like

Like any candy hell yeah i’m game give me cheeseless and this guy’s also completely free nice i’ve now scared us of the events that occurred for that to be a banned word no info needed though destroyer you already know because i think you were there for it

Let me let me see this this slang of coco now i won’t say it out loud i’ll just look and then you can gauge my reaction oh so urban dictionary here we go everybody ready you all in your seats yeah definitely what the first thing that came up is

What okay people with this name tend to be quite sarcastic they also see the beauty in all things and usually act shy when you first meet them and no coco isn’t a slang okay so that’s like for a name definition keep scrolling one of the other definitions is for these playing terms

That it refers to okay that’s still not bad okay um uh there’s another one that’s a koala bear that’s fluffy as [ __ ] lazy as hell yo me i’m the koala bear just you know what we need a cold wall you need the koala here behind the koala ears yeah real talk i’ll

See if i can find some right now and save them let’s see you guys know what we do on our streams all the time we like to stop and just google for things um koala ears dude hell yeah homemade apple pie man best okay now i found no bad one okay

Yeah because the other ones were not bad like it was like one that is like a nigerian term which means subject matter or most important thing i was like okay oh yo there’s like one that has a koala nose in it too what the [ __ ]

Do i do i want the nose as well yes let’s go for it um let’s see how awful of an idea this is there’s another one let’s keep on coming use uh to close a text to encourage someone having a bad day yeah keep on keeping on yeah i do know

About that one um we’re gonna name this uh koala um here’s no but yeah it’s the fourth one that’s bad i’m like what the heck i love yeah all the other ones are like actually not that bad and then it’s just that one yeah okay so let’s see

Let’s see how cursed this [ __ ] is um let’s see if i can actually align it with my nose and face properly that’d be impressive um oh that is not transparent you [ __ ] you lied to me hold on hold on we can fix this it’s not we can fix this don’t worry um

Maybe with photoshop with anything’s possible speaking of yeah yeah timers yeah we know that one we all know that one sadly uh i’m not even gonna repeat that one just because it is pretty bad ah fair enough i was just confused yeah no i don’t want to update adobe photoshop

[ __ ] off yeah i want to do that right now at this moment in time i totally yeah 10 million years later i did it i did the one thing actually hold on they just uh oh my god hi hi skeleton sucker can’t catch me actually hold on we’re just gonna see if

We can save the find a different one okay no [ __ ] let me close out of photoshop please uh i do not want to save these oh you can fix it yeah it’s it’s one of those ones where it’s like all the squares or the background and it’s like i’d have to select everything

Individually and it’s like i’m not trying to do that right now so that’s okay um we’ll fix this for later we’ll just uh find this right now hold on tools transparent you do not need the bag no stop you don’t need plastic bags baby you’re a cat like okay i just

Ears let me look up filter let’s see if i can find a transparent one on that look away did you get a goddamn reel gonna die oh this one’s kind of cute and it’s actually transparent Oh my face oh my god oh can i not actually save my image zombie yo baby zombie hello ow uh so uh you’re we’re gonna need uh how [ __ ] is our house right now like on a scale of one to ten like how bad we’re talking dogs all eleven solid eleven

I just want a thing of koala ears that are transparent please just let me have haha cute koala years that’s all i want well too bad we we can’t have quality ears we can’t have nice things we have to make some uh well i’m going to go ahead and delete the

One that is in here we’re going to yiddish delete us um and that’s okay maybe one day i will have koala ears and be really cute exactly and you will become the coco that you were meant to be the cocoa that i was meant to be

My cat loves plastic bags a bit too much at one point yeah like as hell like lazy as [ __ ] koala yeah like all my cats decide that they want to just like take all the plastic bags and play with them and it’s like you don’t need that

Why because we want chaos we’re agents of chaos they really are agents of chaos oh and then jasper’s here hi jasper oh that is a gas right under us oh boy i i know fear let’s see what the heck um oh boy what Like theme thing really yeah i kind of like how it sounds especially the remixes that people make with it like i like it all right fair enough i’m gonna have my colombian beer dip now later yo uh tigers thank you so much for stopping by hopefully it is

Just as delicious as it sounds uh take it easy and we’ll see you later jasper oh hold on i got pat jasper and remind her that she’s baby yes big mama jasper’s baby oh my god how am i bobbing and weaving holy bobbin and weaving bobbin and weaving

Weaving oh americans [ __ ] on this ain’t got [ __ ] on this [ __ ] oh my god why are so many skeletons and zombies coming together why i’m literally being shot at that’s unfortunate zig-zag maneuvers exact maneuver yes evasive maneuvers fellas okay you shot evasive maneuvers boys you don’t need that either patches

It’s not here like trying to take all the trash and everything that i like from my cheat like for my cheese wrapper and it’s like you don’t need that you don’t need that at all they just see plastic and they’re like one toy they literally see anything in their like fun toy

My hair ties like anything build the blow dryer the bloat oh dude that would have been terrible if you had like actual power tools nearby yeah there’s actually um a like uh bridge uh not bridge bush trimmer that is out in our hallway and sometimes otto just likes to like get up where

It’s at and just rub against it and it’s like okay you know okay you’re about to die but all right we’ll just take that actually you know what be smart i think we should just name them before we throw them into the pit yeah that’s what i was thinking we probably should do

Ah okay so here now hi jeff i don’t know why like i don’t know if there’s a good asmr it’s just me just chewing on stuff can’t be any worse than me stuffing my face okay so oh i just have my console you still have your tonsils

Yeah why oh that’s just normally like sometimes i can get pretty dangerous to have them or like you’re at least more yeah no i was very close to losing them but nope that’s a lot of them normally you’re supposed to lose them though riker that’s the thing because tonsillitis can happen lived to

Be 88 and had tonsils so you know what i’m surprised they didn’t get infected that’s impressive like there’s yeah that’s playing them out you just how do you clean your tonsils like wouldn’t that make you throw up like getting back there trying to clean them like i i don’t know

I had mine removed when i was four so i do not recollect what it’s like to have tonsils yeah maybe i’m glad i got mine removed because like having this like so essentially tonsil stones so what essentially tells us the little bits of food and particles

That’s kind of still that gets stuck in there and they they smell horrible yeah it’s like it’s it’s sulfur it’s mainly like sulfur and a couple of other things so sulfur doesn’t smell great anyways okay so yeah they get caught in there occasionally and you’re supposed to clean

Every once but it’s not too bad for me i’ve not had a problem with them yeah i’m glad that i don’t have tonsils then because that just sounds not fun um you learn to live with them i feel like i’m that one guy who just so happens to have a lot of random

Most people look at me like you’re a weirdo okay it is what it is one of those times okay i’m going to try to explore this fortress uh if not because now we finally have a path and wither skeletons have poisoned me and are attacking me back back back back back

Pancakes wow thank you for the encouragement you’re supposed to get rid of those oh yeah for tonsils um well some people i guess can live with having them i guess i’m i’m one of the few people yeah you can you don’t need to you it’s nice to have them but

It’s kind of like the appendix where you don’t need it but you don’t need to remove it well your appendix if it gets inflamed and you know bursts yeah obviously then you need to remove it but like you can live with your appendix and it you’ll be fine yeah it’s just i think

The presence of them is just what gives it like it’s a potential uh like i think it’s a potential medical thing that can be avoided because tonsillitis can be avoided by removing them and appendicitis or the bursting of the appendix can be avoided by just removing it

Um before it gets inflamed it’s just like one of those things i mean hey you know if it ain’t broke don’t fix it i guess exactly that’s kind of like my philosophy also where did you go you died where are you oh sorry i haven’t respawned yet because i’m

Opening my baby bell uh when i tried to rip it um like you normally do with a baby bell uh it decided it didn’t want to like separate the cheese from the wax so i’m just sitting here just ripping off pieces of wax to eat cheese no just eat the wax with

It don’t tempt me i will you like you wake up in the morning you’re like man why is my poo red all of a sudden i don’t think that’s how i would wake up in the morning but you know it is what it is i don’t know your morning routine uh i

Normally wake up and try to actually get fully awake so that i can uh be productive but that doesn’t always work usually i wake up for like that’s like my thing i wake up for my morning poop i listen man my my bowels are just telling me to use it anyway

Since i’m still sitting here eating me i’m not judging you i’m trying to eat my dinner i fix the problem do we still need torches up here or no just double check oh oh you should be good for that oh the poison animation still playing for me

Dang it you need to restart your computer or restart my minecraft all over again probably have to restart mince raft can you not punch me thank you can you you want a love tap here you go there’s your [ __ ] love tap [ __ ] jesus with such an aggression man

You’re out here tapping me when i’m not i want to be tapped and it’s like not cool bro just [ __ ] cease keep your hands to yourself bruh yeah look you’re out here like the i’m not touching you i’m not touching you and you’re like putting your hands around me like

Yeah yeah and maybe it’s on to that that’s how that’s how it is basically um okay so i need some more torches so i’m gonna make some oh yeah no problem man i you know i’d love for time to time but yeah thanks for chilling with us man i

Appreciate meeting you as well and i think coco poison yeah zach i think you’re pretty chill well have you played persona uh i’ve not beaten it but yes um how far well let’s see it depends on which one we’re talking about because with p3p

Uh i stopped i think i am in like july like the beginning of july because i’m trying to get the best ending possible which if you don’t remember means you have to get all the [ __ ] quest lines done and the quest i’m stuck on is the one where um

You have to like grind out for those brass whatever iron i don’t [ __ ] know i could probably pull up my note that i have in my phone and it’s like just i’m on a level grinding trying to get these items to drop and they’re just not and it’s like they’re very they’re very

Rarely doing it um it’s a very low drop rate if i recall correctly so that’s what that’s put that one in limbo and then with persona 4 i just stopped for like i i i don’t know why i just stopped though well you can get on pc now but i have it

I have it on psp though but like you can then stream it you can stream experience but then that means i have to redo everything let’s see isn’t that the fun is being able to you know make a new i don’t know i messed up my 100 run and decided to

Say [ __ ] it i didn’t want to restart i feel that wait did you not play persona 5 then no any and he was saying that uh i don’t have a console to play persona 5. i don’t have a ps4 i have a ps3 uh we do have one

But it’s currently not accessible to me what do you mean is it like in a storage facility more like it’s upstairs in my brother’s room for when he and his wife come it’s up in his room when he was still living with us and we just have nothing

To hook it into downstairs because my brother has his switch and everything else hooked into it and if i took it out of the room my oldest brother would say something about it i know he [ __ ] would it’s like i’m not trying to deal with that [ __ ]

I’m really not so yeah no i have i’ve just been waiting and hoping that maybe they’ll put it on steam one day i mean they poured in three you know four golden and also isn’t strike um strikers or whatever is on pc pc switch and ps4 i own it for switch

So yeah like there’s a chance they may bring persona 5 to the pc as i did this i bought persona 3 no not personality persona 5 for oh yeah so so what i do is um or what i did was i actually bought persona 5 for ps3

And then i uh i did some uh fun things because that’s technically legal technically yeah there’s a really good ps3 emulator oh uh why i have not bought the game though so uh legally i cannot do that it’s cheap as heck it’s like 25 15 bucks you can get it on amazon for

Oh yeah version but buy it for a game that i’m not going to play buy a copy of it so that i can emulate it okay oh dang well it’s not emulation it’s it’s reading it off of the disk i mean actually that’s a better question

Do you have a cd tray in your pc i don’t know uh not in my streaming laptop no i would have to buy a usb uh external one which means that i don’t know how much they cost either you know what amazon time let me see how much this would cost it’s

Like 20 okay destroy saying 20 bucks or something for a cd for a usb cd reader usb cd reader i don’t remember is the is the ps3 a blu-ray cd reader or no um that depends on the model that depends on the model you have because

Older ps3 is like the first one we had and i think actually the second one we got because the battery burnt out and we had to go get a new one um the newer models are blu-ray readers like i don’t [ __ ] know why well i was asking of the games blu-ray

Because i know ps4 games are blu-ray i don’t believe all the games are though i just believe that the ps3 has a blu-ray reader coco tell riker to stop making sacrifices to r jesus so we can fight properly in smash wait who is this annie oh annie

Uh so why will you not fight her properly in smash so no no what happened was at one point i said you know what [ __ ] it and i played hero which is just r jesus what ended up happening was at the end with i think she was playing mithra and tyra

I got so lucky so what i got was a critical she didn’t die i then shot her with another thing she did not die or no no no what i did was i oomph and then i hit her and then she wouldn’t die and then critical hurt she didn’t die and then i

Got a sweat and then she died my luck was impeccable that day and i will never be able to pull off what i did that day in specific ever wow now the more you know like for some godforsaken reason that day the universe was like give him the win give him the win

Oh my gosh but yeah no yeah he’s right whoever said it was um destroy 20 bucks yeah destroy he is right it is 20 bucks it’s like about 20 22 bucks so if we’re talking like 25 for the game and then 22 or like 25 ish that’s about 50ish

That’s not bad i probably need new armor um no i do not need new armor i just need to [ __ ] get good um like all things consider that’s actually pretty decent oh he critted me at 30 and killed me oh my gosh i had a full stock lead

Holy [ __ ] ps3 games you own you can just play them on your computer now nice and i’m pretty sure you can also oh i accidentally press the button you can also rip any games if you would like to your pc as well that’s also legal oh yeah do that

For like for like backup sake because like legally you are allowed to make as many copies of as you like so long as you’re not distributing it yeah you can do that and you own the copy and it’s a functional copy so meaning like i backed up my beautiful joke copy

And i have like already one of my pc so i can just play it on an emulator yo i want to play beautiful joe that’s definitely one thing we will probably do for subscriber sunday beautiful [ __ ] joke pension to go go baby well if you don’t want to rip it yourself then

I mean i was just going to go to a place where i can find the rom for it since i bought the game and legally own it no that’s fair it’s just because sometimes the the quality of junk right either it’s never tossed up you don’t know if someone

Ripped it properly or if it’s like a garbage rip and you’re like oh i don’t want to look at this oh it doesn’t run right the place i go to has decent stuff so i trust it i don’t know and if you don’t have to torn it that’s even greater because i’ve

Had a couple sites that i’ve had the torrent stuff i’m like oh i hate this yeah i can understand that not being fun yeah morning’s a pain in the ass i remember i remember back in the day little little wee loli princess coco uh remembers those times and it’s like

Yeah this just doesn’t appeal to me so i just wait till things are on sale and buy them exactly i’m kind of well i think i i’m a little bit of the same but i also want to get things on um release date because i like to enjoy them with other people

And experience it together yeah like like fall guys that game that i want to play because uh i’ve not gotten to play it and yeah um really i’ve been waiting for it to go on sale and it’s like not on sale ever and the game’s practically dead now

And it’s like well there goes that chance i mean how much is it expensive you want that yeah i’m not i’m not telling you you i know where you’re going with this no i’m also back to grinding our carom yo good luck with that i can’t be

I can’t be bothered with our carom to do more than just a fast run i’m no i’m not listening i do not perceive i will [ __ ] reject it if you do it i will reject it i will not accept it all right chat did we do on this chat we

Doing this is that is that the game plan i will unfriend you i will unfriend you right now to avoid this it is it is on sale what do you want about uh like not like for like 15 yes it is oh i actually didn’t know that well maybe i’ll buy it then

What it’s like 14 bucks i’m literally looking at this right now hey i killed one i killed a wither skeleton then we go let me okay now let me look at uh persona let me see how much that one is but don’t i need to play first i know

Which one you’re no no no no no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop okay so we’re gonna make this little path so that we can oh i’m on fire somehow i’m going i could you will finish this game i will fight you you will not fight me

You will accept it and you will enjoy it i am burning i am dead you’ll never know when i’m saving this i have to say um oh i didn’t know that wither skulls can just drop coal all right that’s kind of cool i hear give coco money no

It’s no that is not what you hear we are not doing this no this is no stop cease it’s called gift coco the game that that is what we’re doing chat no what we’re doing is saving our [ __ ] money and being smart listen listen you deserve this

God damn it i will i will smother you with this game i swear to god i appreciate the sentiment but i do not like people spending money on me especially excessive amounts like it makes me feel right it’s not excessive okay that can buy you that can buy you a

Lot of chicken nuggies 20 bucks is fine 20 bucks can buy you a lot of chicken nuggies dude 20 bucks is nothing that is a lot of money it’s not that bad it’s still a lot of money and i prefer that you not do it i’m being i’m being serious

I appreciate the thought that people would like to do that but i do not like people spending money on me like that especially since i work a job and i can save up for it and wait to get it like i’m i don’t even really play games a whole

Lot outside of streams nowadays i mean i feel i’m not essentially the same i very rarely ever play video games i’m constantly editing i’m constantly doing something yeah like related to configuration and it’s like god damn it which i kind of miss being able to play games outside of streams i’m not going

To lie i know right you just play games at your own pace or like speed through a game and like watch all the sin oh man i remember my childhood when i used to like speed through games like years eight that was a good game uh xenoblade two another good game

Like i missed those times and now i just i can’t like i’m like i’m limited to like two three hours-ish on average maybe even four if i’m really pushing it and it really does suck man because i’m like man i just want to play like all the video games i can

And enjoy them ow oh that’s unfortunate i mean i don’t count things like gbf is really playing a game because of the fact that gbf is something that i can just full auto and not think about so i don’t really count that as playing a game um but yeah

Oh no no no no no no pop oh you got slain by jeff were you in the jeff pond no what happened was a creeper blew up in the jeff pond and the jeff pawn oh how bad is the damage uh it’s on one edge but i need you to help me

Fix it hold on let me it’ll be faster just to fall off the edge hold on okay so not that many jeffs are gone so let me go into game mode let me catch on fire okay okay i’m back in the house and of course i am on fire

Hold on i’m gonna dc real quick just because the fire animation on top of the poison animation still playing gets really annoying okay patches you do not need that bag it’s not bad oh okay let’s see hold on ah if you can get some of these jets in

There that would be really nice get the [ __ ] creeper out of here oh no oh no no gosh i think one of them fell back in i am dying i am dead to the to the death pond all right let’s see if we can fix this okay

Boy howdy is this the situation that we’ve gotten ourselves under i did one explosion and somehow it got progressively first nice okay what we need to do is now we need to cover up the like the jeff pool and find a way to prevent creepers from coming in as easily

Do we want to blast proof it like like you did the house do you want to well no but then we won’t be able to get more in there i mean we’ll talk if you want hold on give me the spawner egg for drowned we’ll just put a bunch in there

All right i’m just fixing the whole and the gapingness of this situation there we go my shoes are gone oh no let me go grab a stack of name tags yeah if you just get if you just give me the monster spawner for rounds we’ll just

Make a bunch we’ll put them in there and name them as we go actually i’ll just give you zombies and then we can go from there perfect where’s this where’s the miscellaneous i think yeah yeah or if you just type into the search bar for it and this is getting back right

Zombie yeah sorry zombozo zombozos yes i can’t stack them wow sadly that lily pad is no more that’s okay we’ll find another okay so you can’t fish who’s still okay so we can’t stack spawners no clown eggs oh no i can perfect give me like i don’t know why just give

Me 64 of them i did hold on let me i only had one i gave you wait what how what zom hold on hold on hold on wait wait i think i might have messed up or just didn’t want to there we go how many do you want let’s do 64.

Oh my gosh um well we’re definitely gonna have a lot i should probably go and grab another stack of name tags then here no well i we already have some that are used or do you still have some on you from before here have these two oops are they already oh they’re blank

Ones hold on i mean we have more stacks i can always like go and grab another stack that’s already been named let me go rename them like i want to make this the absolute monstrosity that is it’s going to be a [ __ ] show it’s going to be an absolute [ __ ] show i

Hope we are ready for this i’m ready i’m excited oh my gosh what the [ __ ] are we doing with our lives i don’t know that’s a good question i asked myself like what am i doing with my life how am i playing video games for other people and people are enjoying this how

How did we get here okay there we go we’ve got two stacks okay so i have everything on one and two so we’ll like spawn it into there and then just name it as it goes down okay so for some reason it’s gonna be a tedious process but a worthwhile process also

It’s gonna happen foco i promise you it will we’ll never know when there’s my promise for me to you what the [ __ ] is this oh my gosh all right once you’re done with one of them tell me and i will test it out we’ll see how let’s see how fast it kills

Because i want to know how fast we can kill i genuinely am curious to know how fast you can go oh my gosh look at all of them what the [ __ ] okay no i still have 47 to go through um yeah keep going yeah hold on because it’s

Like i have to tab back and forth uh between these so yeah oh i think i lost that one oh that’s unfortunate oh my riker oh my that’s a [ __ ] bloodbath uh i don’t know hold on i’m gonna stand over on this side so that i can name tag them easier

Out all right chat chat chat time list for me once once coco puts in a couple more time this for me i want to know how fast i want to see if we can do insta-dead that’s our goal hey there’s a baby one oh look at that bee

This is so [ __ ] what are we actually doing with our lives oh that one has a sword oh that’d be fun that’s gonna be hell this is gonna be this is not gonna be fun for us coco yeah what have we created yeah i i don’t have sound on so i don’t

Know what it sounds like but what does it sound like uh it sounds like what you would imagine it if you just want to like mute your like just pop into my stream and just i’ll be quiet just hear the sounds all right let me let me get on your screen

Let me let me get on my phone real quick research shop we’re gonna search up uh butchery hope everyone’s enjoying the nice asmr of uh drowns that is loud yeah that’s a lot of them yes all right after the next three tell me and i’m gonna jump in

Well let’s do we want to wait till they get converted though because they’re so regulars you wanna you want me to wait well uh i mean this is they’re not there’s some in there that aren’t uh drowns yet so i just didn’t know if you wanted to uh

Wait till they drowned no no let’s see let’s like have those hurt me regardless okay well if you want to go for it go for it my guy all right ready guys three two one let’s go all right what was that that’s time what you got for me dominic what’s it looking like

Less than eight seconds okay we can do better than that we can do better than our goal is to do this in within like what do you want to say coco i want like less than five seconds less than five seconds all right that’s our goal because our goal right

Now is to get this in under less than five seconds where you can hop into the school and you’re just dead with no armor obviously with armor it’s gonna take a lot longer yeah i think we just lost two of them there because uh i forgot to tag him but that’s okay

Dude i bet you this like if we fished in this pool you just get all the rotten this is honestly getting to the point where i’m going to have to turn off the minecraft audio and play music instead like i [ __ ] can’t oh my god dude i’m i’m ready for that moment just

Turn off minecraft music how far are you into that first act um only right now because of the fact that we have a bunch of these things just there actually hold on let me swap the position of these yeah what how many how many sacks are how much

Are you well i’m on the side i’m on the stack of the other stack of 64 and 64. oh my god you’ve already gone through one full stack yep oh boy i’m ready i’m ready for this oh the surfer just lagged a little oh i love this

This is a monstrosity and i love it i want more of this give me more i think we are probably going to potentially crash the server and i’m fine with that i’m okay with this like i like how they’re just spinning around wow that killed me significantly faster good

I don’t think it was that much though i might have to ask dominic’s tommy again but that was honestly pretty stinking fast because i’ve bounced around a lot i think that’s kind of the problem is that you tend to bounce around like shove yourself all the way to the bottom [Laughter]

Hold on uh guys in case you didn’t know we are in a multi right now so escalation mark multi in the chat if you want to see both streams at the same time jesus christ i barely sit in there for like a couple seconds i like come up and

You can see them almost reaching them yeah like oh my gosh they’re all there what the [ __ ] Oh my god in less than five i can promise you that yes let me finish the stack of the 48 let me finish the sack of the 48 um oh my gosh this is a bloodbath oh it killed you on land too the server logs are just like recording

Just like giving it just 25 of his diet gamer ninja 25 is dead you know it’s like oh my god yeah what’s happening over at that server he keeps getting killed by this uh one character named jack who the [ __ ] jeff underscore exactly there’s something oddly fitting about

Listening to the sim gratina version a remix of megalovania while [ __ ] making this monstrosity there’s just something that it just hits it it’s different this is hitting real different right now look at that i like barely even go in and you can already see like a ton of them just gravitate

Like hella quickly oh my gosh oh i don’t know if i want to help with that okay we’re 29 29 almost done yes goodbye jeff would you like to be the honors uh after the last one to jump in yes hold on all right then we’re gonna enjoy this it’s gonna be fun

What the [ __ ] are you doing we’re making the jeff pond danny we we okay so it started that this pond we were making for fishing to get name tags ended up getting some zombies in it and they turned into drowns um so then we decided at some point the four brain cells

All fought together why don’t we just get more zombies in here so we started collecting more and more that were just come by since for some reason we have um a bunch of spawns like out the wazoo on the server i don’t know why um

So now it’s just got to the point we are just spotting and naming them and dropping them in cause we want to see how quickly we can kill someone with this that is the goal of the jeff pod yeah it’s supposed to be under five seconds

No armor you fall in there you’re just dead that is our goal right now there’s no saving you you fall on that pawn you’re gone and it also just adds on to the cult of jeff exactly these are all followers of jeff oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i got knocked in what

Knocked me oh it’s a skeleton oh can you make a daytime please yeah sure let me just kill the skeleton first thank you thank you there you go no problem yes slash time that day because as you can see i’m very busy with this important work

Of exactly the the most important job of all making making making jabs oh my god this is a cluster only 73 more pieces of paper nice annie nice how many are left coco um i got 10 more oh my god the last ten here we go boys

None other one has a sword there’s still just one that has just a sword yeah i hope we get another one that has a sword because real talk that [ __ ] was kind of cool oh my gosh it’s lagging so hard they’re not even able to drown properly oh my gosh

No don’t tempt them they’ll all rise up hold on i got five more five more all right come on i believe in you honey oh my bad not eddie coco who’s about to say that ain’t my [ __ ] name what you said beforehand and my brain was still on there oh

So um any what are you uh grinding our camera for is it like oh boy because you already have all of the evokers don’t you oh my god it’s literally lagging it can’t handle oh i can’t even uh it’s not even letting me click oh we might have just crashed the server

Oh no that was named jeff that was named jeff go go yeah i know his name jeff but it’s like trying to spawn them in it’s like oh okay there we go and then last ones there we go we’re done we’re done it’s just they’re above they’re still

On like at the top on my side like they are not even sunk oh my gosh we are [ __ ] breaking this and i love it um i’m missing burger in the sweet potato oh nice so you only need two more nice you have to wait for them to become drowned

Yeah that’s what we’re waiting for we’ll wait for them to all become drowned and then i will jump my ass in there without armor exactly and then we’ll see we’ll see what uh what’s the time looking like let’s see um what’s the time oh yeah our speed

Our speed runs for the any pers the any percent jeff how did you do jeff yes how did you fall out of the world i killed myself oh okay um do you have any more of those no no no no do you have any more of those acacia um planks because

I need one to make another chest i have oak i don’t i had like a random oak plank i literally used all of the wood for the top floor i’m about to just go out and go punch a tree real quick bruh i’m so excited to see the paw the jeff of

Onto jeff i’m gonna have to clip this and just post it onto twitter with no context like be like yeah this is what we did this is what we do in our minecraft world how about y’all yeah what do y’all do y’all build like magical kingdoms y’all like medieval

Villages we made the pond of jeff that’s where it’s at oh my gosh it is lacking so hard hello smokey welcome back bro well it’s fine dude you can come keep coming you know come in and out it’s fine bro it’s chill it’s chill we’re just uh waiting for the ponder jet

To be complete i think it’s almost complete or if not it is complete no i think it’s complete coco i think it’s actually done it’s complete hold on let me go make this chest so i can just start throwing a bunch of stuff that i get from the end

Or the nether just into uh one thing because my inventory is full of just [ __ ] that we don’t need all right coco i’m ready for this i’ll get my stopwatch ready you’ll get your stopwatch ready perfect okay hold on let’s okay so all the end stuff like the nether rock

And the magma rock and all that shit’s just gonna go in here um soul sand soul sand all right let me get a stopwatch uh stop watch tell tell me when you’re ready and i’ll get it ready to go okey-dokey um pretty soon i got to farm more europa

And wham does i decided since i hate myself i’ll farm two flb weapon lambdas weapons what why why any why are you doing this to yourself and do you want my wamdus host to help you with this potentially bones are in here sweet hold on um what

Did you probably just get it on my phone honestly because i don’t think happening in my computer would be probably a good idea because i won’t be able to tell yeah let me enter my phone real quick and i’ll probably wrap up stream soon because like i’m getting really tired i’m hungry

Oh okay i’ll probably go for maybe a little bit more then probably not on the server um maybe i’ll play some gbf just to end things off gotcha well it’s only it’s been like four hours to be honest with you so i think it’s been

Pretty yeah which is why i like to go the solid four hours um so like if you want if you need to end before four that’s fine don’t worry man thank you for joining me though regardless like this has been this has been a chaotic collective of four brain cells uh for sure

That okay are we ready to test the jeff pond for how fast it will kill all right all right all right all right let me get the stopwatch ready all right all right okay i’m ready also chat should i say something when i jump in

The jeff pond what should i say uh both chats not just my chat riker’s chat too i’m getting you all involved what is there any last words you want coco to say before she dives in yes uh my what famous last words should should i say

Is this a mob grinder or a torture hole oh my gosh yeah it’s a torture hole so many zoombies yeah actually let me pause the music let me just hear let’s just take a listen to what the jeff pond sounds like right now oh my gosh what the [ __ ]

Is this um okay so let’s see uh destroy suggests to say pengy ain’t [ __ ] that’ll get me beaten so probably not no um pinkie ain’t [ __ ] oh i have one okay i have one based on that though if you are fine with it okay so are we ready so

You’re going to time me like the second you see me in the wall hit the water right okay uh hey guys oh no oh i jumped from the house hold on i want to jump from the house we’re going to make this some actual like welcome to jackass

Type b oh my god hold on do we have do we hold on do i have a ladder do we have ladders still so i can yeah we have ladders that go up there you just have to make a hole because i didn’t make a hole up there perfect i’m doing it um

Oh boy you’re okay oh hold on you’re ready all right hold on i need to get another set of ladders so that we can have like a hole to the rooftop do we have ladders and we do still have ladders perfect yes we do they’re in one of the chests your mom’s

A hoe okay so annie wants me to say your mom’s a hoe honestly i was just gonna say [ __ ] ain’t [ __ ] but hoes and tricks that’s pretty good i like that all right ready whenever you are just uh hold on i have to wait for the block to [ __ ] break

After i’ve already hit it there we go oh yeah and then collecting it there oh yes okay are we ready guys hi i’m coco and welcome hold on let me get on the let me get on the obsidian part there we go oh hold i just lost health hold on we

Have to regen at first to make this a fair a fair 80 death run we have to be starting at full health oh my gosh it’s not even letting me eat food properly oh no oh no it’s so [ __ ] cursed it’s great this is the [ __ ] greatest thing we’ve ever done

Combined together this is our greatest magnum opus hold on i’m gonna try to like i’m gonna dc and then join backhead [ __ ] ain’t [ __ ] but hoes on twitch oh no okay it’s not letting me eat oh no okay hold on um okay we have to make this fair so

I’m going to go like just get myself killed somehow no i got it i got it oh hold on yeah just yeah just yeah there we go thank you thank you for that um anytime maybe zombies or maybe kill have the zombies wait what okay so hold on we’re gonna be smart

So that we don’t get injured again um because we have to have to stay fair uh no i have uh ladders we’re just gonna like put some ladders down here hold on this is gonna this is honestly like the the funniest thing i think we’ll ever do in this entire oh damn it

Okay hold on i’m gonna put up ladders i’m gonna need you to murder me again can you do that okay wait never mind i’m good never mind i’m good i’m good never mind i’m good i have full hearts they’re mine i got full hearts okay so

Uh our hello i’m coco and welcome to jackass [ __ ] ain’t [ __ ] but hoes on twitch [Laughter] that was seven seconds oh my gosh okay um i feel like we need to bring them to the top yeah okay so maybe i can’t jump i can’t swan dive off the house uh all right

We’ll try this again hold on okay so yeah we’ll do uh okay so we ready yeah i’m ready okay hi i’m coco welcome to jackass [ __ ] ain’t [ __ ] but hoes and tricks okay now oh i am surrounded completely oh no oh no That was six seconds okay so we have a six to seven second uh kill time for the jeff pond this has been quite the experience um let me see come on have the zombie okay maybe kill have the zombies and decrease half the zom okay decrease half the zombies and

Decrease the render distance oh yeah they’re under distance hold on if i if we do decrease the render distance i wonder oh one of the zombies got out how’d they get out that should fix the lag oh the lag true i like how one still just has a sword

This one kind of got out i like how he didn’t get far though like yes no he was on fire he went right back in the water he literally just walked back in like he got out look he literally got out looked at me like he was like

For real on god just like that and just walked back in like like i’m probably gonna just clip that i i love he’s like [ __ ] this [ __ ] walks right back in oh my god [Laughter] oh my gosh bruh bruh they literally encompassed you you know

That right yeah like i i i was only seeing um zom like drowned yeah smokey get some sleep yeah go go get some sleep buddy it’s fine we will we’ll still be here well actually i probably will oh my gosh that anyway i have to mute that and the sound

Is starting to get to me again which is how loud they are well just how loud they are um what do you mean it’s too late it’s no point in sleeping no there is a point you can still take like an hour and a half for like maybe two hours it helps

At least make you functional you don’t need to like nap for like the entire time we’re taking long-ass leave yeah exactly um well uh this has been an experience riker uh i don’t know if he wanted to end it here for you now let’s we might as well try to like

At least wrap it up like let’s get to the four hours we’ll go to the four hours okay uh what do we want to what do we want to do then uh do you want to just go to the nether and just explore sure let’s sure i can show you how to

Get to the uh nether palace uh dungeon fortress whatever [ __ ] um whatever [ __ ] yeah we should call it the whatever [ __ ] yeah exactly um so hold on we’re going to take that i’m going to take a stack of the never rack just to be safe

Um i’ll wait till we get in the portal and get through there and then i’m going to uh like turn the music back on to regular minecraft sounds actually i probably do it now because real talk the music and the nether is kind of cool um i don’t know why like it’s just

Really especially like getting closer to the fortress this is not persona 5 this is persona 4. all right i’m going in oh it is i knew it was like heartbreak it was like i knew that was it threw me the [ __ ] off for two seconds like that’s not persona 5.

All right um so yeah the cow thing i because yeah as you can see this is not where our portal first started off with us i have no clue it’s down it’s down below us okay so if you want the cow uh hold on let me

Shift if you want the cow oh do you just [ __ ] push me off didn’t you i didn’t actually that was your own damn i literally was shifted but okay i guess uh anyway part two electric boob let’s go back and do this let me show you where the cow is oh

Okay and then died okay i see the portal thing too okay so we’re gonna have to angle this a bit so hold on i think if like we can see it from here maybe um i just saw that what okay yeah so go over towards that way and eventually you’ll find

An encased area of the nether rock okay let the portal you can come down here by the way uh i will die no you won’t i lived because you’re floating i’m not floating i saw that you act like i’m [ __ ] blind i’m dumb but not i’m

I’m not kidding i didn’t float what are you on about i literally did game mode it just aim for the top pillar you’ll be fine i don’t trust this this is this is a play this is a trick isn’t it i’m not tricking you this is not a troll

You can make it okay i’m trusting you oh hey sweet um okay i you know i riker just after everything we have been through i don’t know what i can trust with you anymore anyway so if you want the cow uh hold on the cow should be up here somewhere um

Yeah right oh that’s a that’s a magma cube okay so it’s the red red uh that’s the new monster thingy it kind of looks gross i don’t like it i i died that’s great you knocked it off ironically enough no it jumped onto yeah i knocked it off

Great you would have liked that oh no never mind you didn’t ah wait is this gonna [ __ ] up the portal now that’s a good question because it’s not sending me through uh-oh i think there we go no it sent me through um okay so the main in-depth version of

Hell like that’s how many people reacted oh yeah so anyway okay anyway riker where are you okay yeah come up here so if you want the cow back um hop over on here because cow got some distance for he he cal made oh [ __ ] there’s another magma cube

Nope it’s the same backward cube ah no okay cow’s right in here try me [ __ ] goodbye okay yeah cow’s in there um right there with the torches no no i i know i’m just saying what hit you because you took damage oh i don’t know um oh yeah so there’s the cow

And then you see where those blue flames are and there’s a red stairwell because i had to make a port i had to make a walkway from where the portal originally sent to us after this one got before this one got fixed um if you go and follow the torches in that

Little pathway um that is what will lead to the nether fortress so i’m going to go that way um oh yeah because he fell in some you fell into the hole with the cow yes do i need to come help you ah it’s too late now i’m going into creative

There was no way for me to get out without messing up the castles like ah well anyway um see i just like kind of like maneuver yourself down this way uh gotta go this way though because there’s like a hole there um what’s up slowpoke yeah you know hey

Creative mode must be nice don’t put me in creative mode i don’t want to be in it um okay so now you can do progressively worse things so yeah worst case scenario if we ever get knocked back to if that gate ever gets destroyed again um there’s some torches that lead up to

This part right there that go through as you can see the walkway up there that i had to make to get there um so anyway oh [ __ ] that’s a ghast run run run run run run i hear it i heard it and it just attacked us behind us run

Okay so i didn’t okay i gasped there’s did you not hear it crying no no i don’t have the audio on oh i do it was behind us um yes keep running where are you going wait for me you’re going to be careful of the next

Part because some of it is a bit um hard okay so yeah you’re gonna go through don’t go through no no no wrong way wrong way no this way um oh yeah i’m gonna lead you this is what took me a very long time to get okay so yeah oh i

Lagged a little bit i lagged back okay so anyway glad that we didn’t get to that this part or else that probably would have thrown me off the ledge okay so yeah and then you don’t go straight because yeah you go through this one and then just down the little stairwell

I mean it’s a cute little stairwell there’s blue fire um that’s not good and i made this just so you can be faster when walking on the sand i was starting it and that’s when all the blazes and everything started murdering me oh yeah but on the bright side

If it is another fortress i saw the bridge no i wasn’t able to go in that’s literally that part where we stopped at was where i stopped at because i kept dying because the blazes and the wither skeletons were too overpowering okay well i can maneuver hi coco high chat yo coco

Hi coco oh my gosh guys you need to go follow coco ah aka coco luna she is an absolute sweetheart oh okay it’s my name twin i love coco she’s such a sweetheart so cute uh yes sorry i just looked yes i found a way in you actually found in nice you actually

How did you get in though like i thought everything else was like yeah sneaky sneak nice uh there’s your cow oh that’s unfortunate well at least she got in though um for like two seconds before i got [ __ ] murked i mean two seconds is better than

Nothing but yo koko what’s going on how are you doing thank you you are too oh thank you twin i appreciate it yes you guys should go follow coco yes yes we have coco and coco um leo how was your day coke butter and then

Other no you you do not you do you do not call me butter you call me you kind of just call us both coco you know honestly make a game out of it which coco are you talking to just just yes just yes no that hurts my

Brain too much that’s what i’m just that’s even [ __ ] worse margarine’s actually worse for you why would you even call me that that’s basically for you margarine is much less healthy for you you kidding me like yeah that shit’s bad for you like butter’s not always not the best

Obviously but it’s better than margarine also cooking with butter uh this is very biased but also uh just nicer to do uh pretty good just at work ah nice how’s work going hopefully hopefully well not too hard it’s not too aggressive why did you say it like that aggressive

Because i’d like to do voices why are you out here doing some ubu [ __ ] that’s not you um because i like doing them because it’s funny out of context it’s just like what the [ __ ] are you on about like i like the blue fire it’s pretty

But also it burns you know blue fire progressively hurts more because it’s hotter right yeah i figured that was the case given oh i see how you snuck in okay because i’m a ninja duh no it’s you went in this underhole here and there’s a blaze and it will probably kill me

So here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna dig a hole into the side of this fortress i’m beating i’m beating you with a rock die oh no i don’t wanna i don’t wanna get rid of that you actually beat up something with a rock it’s kind of [ __ ] cool

Um you know in cavemen time that’s not impressive but here mike was like damn that’s pretty much bro yeah oh my god ten let’s see then go to sleep smokey if it’s physically impossible for your eyes to not close then just go go go lie down buddy yeah smokey that is

A sign that you need to go to sleep okay hacker voice i’m in oh there’s a skeleton right up there that’s not good hi mom yes please i wish i had my sword out i do not well sucks to be you oh all the blazes are here

Running running running so fast past all these guys because at the end of the day i’d rather rather you guys take care of yourself first before you take care of me you guys mean a lot to me but by the same token i want you to be

Sleep deprived we’re in like any sort of like bad position because that’s not fun yeah make sure to take care of yourselves wow i want goku very much of the same mind when it comes to that okay so i’m gonna put my sword back out there

You’re not mean to do that all right sorry i was just looking at some things real quick you double check that everything was running smoothly that’s okay i am here fighting more of these slimes and of course i’m not able to eat food properly because the game’s lagging oh

[ __ ] good job we’ve done a good here we’ve broken the server yay i can’t hear you no come on smokey bro well i think you know think of me as like all papa riker in that sense even though i’m not the i’m on fire oh you care too much

Listen man because me and boo are very also very similar in that sense like i think there’s just a lot of youtubers who are very health conscious and we’re like go go go yeah because we’re we’re used to being in so poor help ourselves you know exactly so we already know what

It’s [ __ ] in hell oh my dick how did you die i’ve never heard that one before but uh what happened oh you fell that’s unfortunate no you’re not gonna die bro you just need your body needs it it’s yelling at you it’s saying hey yeah that’s how your body replenishes

Itself is through sleep gets rid of some nasty things getting asleep yeah sleep helps sleep is good it’s also very nice i like sleeping i’m also i’m also like a very massive hypocrite because i hate sleep and i wish i didn’t need to do it but i do it anyway grudgingly

I love sleep the best thing since sliced bread i would much rather be productive that’s kind of like my emma oh you good i’m trying to live i’m trying to live why do i have to be stuck in a soul sand no okay total okay so toad is saying over there

Oh i barely alive oh that’s unfortunate there’s just too many freaking skeletons how do they keep ending up in the freaking nether that’s a solid question is there is a portal just causing them to like pour in i don’t know honestly now that i’m thinking about it

Yo individual hello how are you doing today hopefully good yo individual how’s it going bro oh my god oh my gosh because i’m drowning all these [ __ ] monsters oh my gosh they are like blocking my way to even get further into the castle hold on let’s see can i go up this way

Castlevania no i’m just kidding i wonder why am i making a drowned pond uh because we thought it’d be funny and we wanted to see how quickly we could kill ourselves without armor it was kind of funny though yeah it was pretty good i like so what happened was here here let me

Explain the story to you so essentially what happened was one day i was like trying to run away from zombies and then i accidentally dropped like i think one or two in there by complete accident and they became drowns at one point we said you know what it

Would be funny if we named them and just kept them in there and then we got to the point where like you know what we should add more so we kept adding more zombies and here we are we made the jeff pool and the cult of jeff yeah we are the

Cult of chess background music um it’s person uh wanna say persona 4 which is the uh yes i have not played persona 4. don’t hate me let me use my torches uh i’m good haven’t been here since february 22nd that’s understandable life happens glad to see you again though it’s nice

To have you around buddy no need to feel sad because you weren’t here yes we are actually i’m sorry i hit something um we’re actually to multi right now uh we’re finishing it up just uh to round it out to the full four hours um yeah but we aren’t a multi with riker

So if you would like to uh watch both streams at the same time while we were still going i would appreciate it also go follow riker because he’s really cool we have two live models uh magic that’s a isn’t that a thing yes it is um we tried another program it didn’t work

For some bizarre reason and it was a pain in the ass to deal with um but but but we did do it through discord and that was that’s not fun i don’t like i don’t recommend doing this through discord it’s a pain in the ass yeah okay i have more gold bits

Because she has my model and i have her nice my brain just go burr for two seconds and then english no working okay i still hear them also speaking of discord smh mark discord in the chat if you guys would like to enjoy welcome welcome wait wait wait wait does that mean

We’re five away boys yo nice yeah exclamation mark discord in the chat speaking of if you’d like to join our discord well my discord you can go join riker has his own discord i think um i try to talk there every once in a while uh and he kind of popped in there

And we played some some smash bros some speeches i’ll go is it individual i wanna uh you wanna be invited to coco’s discord uh sure uh just do um here let me let me find uh i think this is how you spell her user name i should have put this on my uh

Freaking nightbot i’m dumb is there an underscore yes there is an underscore yes we are buttery underscore coco oh i’m on fire how did i die from oh the blaze found me oh that’s unfortunate you’re clucking chicken yes i am the dinosaur chicken i make the eggs and i

Cause murder my eyes are dead no they do make for a delicious meal of murder okay so we will find netherwort in this [ __ ] fortress we will oh my god i make it my mission wait coco have you ever eaten a chicken that you raised and killed yourself

No no why wait like in minecraft no like in reality no what do i look like a poultry farmer to you look like a hey man i i know some people who aren’t poultry farmers who just you know do that okay it’s just i know i don’t think i could

Do that i think it would just like make me i’d be too sad to do that it would make me very sad it would make you very sad why are you doing the oo i know i’m baby but come on sorry i had patronizing i promise i had to kill a

Skeleton real quick um i love you also loved eggs so i make eggs commit murders and cannibalism okay put that into a a nice healthy uh american breakfast there you go you have some american murder breakfast oh my gosh it’s true though am i wrong you are not wrong you are technically

Not wrong delicious murder god i love me oh man i want some bacon right now oh do you have bacon for i take it for breakfast this morning it was pretty good wait there are people who don’t can make ed murderer yeah no oh no i don’t know i don’t know anyone

Wow why don’t you just add me next time while you’re at it oh wait you’re banned on discord you’re banned on twitter [ __ ] off [ __ ] you want to go there you started it okay so uh attempt number three i think of getting into this [ __ ] fortress twitter box can’t jake jokes yeah

Yeah no they can’t well they’re not designed with humor i don’t think an ai can understand human humor it’d be like the [ __ ] is this all about this seems just offensive okay so the blaze is gone finally nice so i’m gonna sit here and i’m gonna continue digging above where those other

Ones are and then just dig down into the fortress i don’t know what what to say i’ll see anyway guess who yo hello there ella nine and also yo um oh let me double check yo l nine thank you so much for signing up that follow welcome to the buttery battalion

How are you doing today dude i love my headband it has like wiggle physics in the background wiggle wiggle wiggle some people like hey can you show me jiggle physics i’m like sure jake’s head i’m just just you just make everything jiggle physics everything i’m not made of gel i’m not a slime

I mean you can be but i don’t want to be though i like being human okay am i good to dig down let’s see let’s see is this safe i think we’re safe yep all right hold on hold on wait wait all right all right

I think it’s a good place to stop what do you say hold on i am i just got into the fortress safely oh nice sweet okay um yeah there’s some other stuff around there’s like some pigs and stuff around here there [ __ ] blaze place let’s see what’s in here

No oh nothing but there’s a stairwell let’s see leads to [ __ ] nothing never mind oh [ __ ] blaze sees me i’m out oh wait have you watched any of the enemies okay i found the spawner found the spawner oh [ __ ] i hit a pig oh no ah that was

The worst mistake of my life that was and now every time we go back welcome back hey heavy slime now his name is slimy can i murder it no do we actually want to name it jeff because we have two extra name tags i was gonna name him slimy but okay nah

If he’s if he’s staying here he has to be named jeff there’s no ow that’s that’s the terms of living here um my model has logical physics my dna outfit has ears that can change based on my current expression so if i spam change expressions i can make the ears wiggle ooh

Nice i am eternally tired but that’s off topic i feel that ella i feel that yeah i died now we have a slime though and jeff killed you i’m gonna walk away from jeff uh not towards this direction um go for her java do it actually if jeff

Comes into the aquarium what will happen i don’t know that’s a good question i don’t think anything will happen yo jeff in the aquarium yo push him push him push him in push him in push him in push him in push him in oh damn he can get out i’m surprised

He’s not catching like the beds on fire or anything i i figured magma keeps could do that maybe damn i want jeff and our this can no i’m not gonna put down the lava oh hold on i have an idea hold on i have an idea

Hold up by any chance yeah i was actually about to go grab the two of them from here hold on okay so get him in there and then you you drag him in i will okay i’ll get him in and then just put it like right on top of here it

Should be fine you might push him you’re a chuck czechosaurus rex the most feared animal of all oh damn it i can’t it was in a bad position like okay yeah push him in push him in okay so hold on there’s there’s chef let me get out let me get

Out let me get out damn damn sink in the water ah jeff what the [ __ ] hold on let’s see maybe if we put one up there already and oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh get it get it get him [ __ ] get in knock him in knock him in push him in

Push him in i can’t i can’t that will kill him yeah we yeah it will kill okay jeff get the [ __ ] in there please jeff please please jeff we want you a part of our aquarium oh okay coco move ever so slightly i’ll break this block ow oh my gosh my name jeff

If they become drowned cubes if they do wait they become drowned cubes we need a drowned cube right now okay i’m gonna break this today i don’t believe this sarah’s saying that i trust them rar i’m a clucking chickasaurus look this up i drown drown cube is not a thing oh

Sarah was just goading me i knew it i’m like that actually kind of sad [ __ ] oh wait you you put it to i had it too high i was like so close too i was like oh bed come on stay in the water god damn it stay in the water

Yes chief is a very much a troubled child he won’t he won’t listen he doesn’t want put jeff downstairs no no no no no no no don’t put it down don’t put it down hold on here we’ll get them in here trust me i have a plan

Okay jeff stay in here with me yeah stay near me that is fair dominic all right take care bro oh my god jeff get the [ __ ] in here please jeff get the [ __ ] in here get in get in the aquarium get oh there we go here we go here we go oh

Damn it how do you get out jeff i don’t think he can get your [ __ ] ass in here oh no hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let’s push him push him in a push okay okay they won’t let me damn we had

It we had it for a second and then it broke it hold on jeff get in here let me put down the block when jeff’s i think he’s too big damn jeff killed me this is unfortunate local couple tries to put molten cube into aquarium exactly that’s how it feels

At this point i’m just tempted to check them down the basement and call it the day hold on i have an idea i have an idea hold on what if i just uh okay i’m gonna need you to get me a spawn for the cube

For the cubes give me a magma cube oh wait can we get if we get a magma cube spawn can we get a tiny one or would we have to damn if we could because i was like oh maybe we can just put him in here like just put the spawn in there

Uh like a spawner yeah like no no not a spawner like the spawn like if we could spawn a tiny one of his size on its own magma cube okay okay i’ll give you one here accidentally hit him oh wait no this might work hold him okay you’re gonna need more than that

Shove him in there we’re forcing naughty naughty magma cubes get have to go in the water box okay hold on hold on okay so here give me some more glass because if we knock that one out we might be able to knock him into it and then put one on top

Or we’re just gonna keep him in here like that i think let’s do this i think this is funnier he’s caged he’ll never get the water we tempt him naughty magma cubes go in the glass box it’s beautiful majestic what the [ __ ] is wrong with us we’ve made an aquarium

Out of our l-shaped beds we have a magma cube trapped behind glass and we have a [ __ ] pond of drowns behind our house what is wrong with us there we have problems i think that’s what we can only say that we got problems and yeah uh coco yes or no no contacts

Just yes or no uh yes i guess um all right so how long have we been up for okay so we’ve hit the four hour mark um so if you wouldn’t mind uh do you want to do a raid um like we can join rates or joint rate someone

Oh my gosh pinky no thank you thank you for the 500 bits i appreciate it 500 bits holy crap you told me i didn’t know that it was for something like that i would have said no immediately it’s too late now you’ve been you have to accept it now

Coco can you vc in a bit i’m lonely also don’t end yet but pengy it’s been four hours riker’s tired and i’m tired too i’m getting sleepy too all right i have someone in mind here i’ll send you literally one second okay we have to wait because pengy said wait

One second but we’ll fight they’ll give us time to go find who we’re gonna go raid i have a person in mind no do you want to send me the link yep rooney my friend rooney yepper rooney listen i’m peppy sometimes leave me alone some days i don’t want to be a jaded

Ninja some days i just want to be the pepe ninja i feel that what the [ __ ] wait hold on all right let’s see let’s see who the person you got in mind is let’s see oh i know this person i know them but i’ve never talked to

Them that’s the pablo picasso one right pengy what the heck too for the freaking follow welcome to the clan what the heck bro this man doubling up what you’ve never it’s fine bro oh my god this man we we are literally for off oh my god i’m gonna have to do a

Spanish stream a spanish only stream nice imagine having money for this It’s fine it’s fine sometimes i appreciate the fact you’re even here i appreciate that because the fact you’re spending time and enjoying and laughing and memeing with us isn’t mean more than enough to me okay let me just make sure that this this person you’re wanting yo [Laughter] okay

Well i hope you enjoy the emojis um for this person that you want to read you do do you know how long they normally stream when they stream i don’t you it depends but i i love this man this man is my homie i’ve seen this person on twitter um i

I think um so yeah i’m getting to host them if you want yeah so let me just get it up uh you seem like an oh coco gbf grind tonight um i don’t know because i do kind of want to do some exam prep stuff

Um and i also kind of want to just go to bed i’m tired but maybe i don’t know probably not though if we’re being honest um there we go yeah hold on oh wait are you hosting it right now oh [ __ ] oh i’m i’m doing a raid i’m i’m getting ready

Get ready get ready okay give me give me give me a second so that i can get my stuff copy pasted um so hold on uh and then also so that i can host two um so it’s all right i’ll see you guys all tomorrow which will be a smash

Collab as well i hope you guys are excited for that as well i’m deranged i know i do a lot of collabs i really need to stop but like it’s too i can’t i have a problem yes you do um and everyone on my side we’re going to

Go host pablo uh i’ve seen them on twitter before uh they seem like a really cool youtuber and if riker vouches forum i’d trust it um so thank you guys everything today for all of the bits the hosts the follows but more importantly thank you guys so much for spending time with me

Just because that’s one thing you can never get back we’ll be back here tomorrow at our usual time of 10 30 p.m 11 p.m eastern standard for subscribers sunday with paper mario the thousand-year door so i hope to see you guys there but until the wait what but actually what

Actually what that’s going to be a raid message it’s going to be called the cult of jeff we’re going to say that cult of jeff he’s not gonna know this is the perfect meme this is perfect everyone even on uh freaking oh the cult of jeff the cult of jeff

Uh i’m gonna do this i’ll throw it at the end of mine uh the cult cult of jeff all right get ready boys get ready i’ll see y’all later bye-bye i love you please take care yes uh guys have a great rest of your saturday good start

To your sunday i love you all very much and stay better my friends now let’s go rage shall we

This video, titled ‘!multi ✨【VTuber】Minecraft w/ Ryker: Cult of Jeff_ :^)✨’, was uploaded by Buttery_Koko on 2021-04-05 00:50:32. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:14:59 or 15299 seconds.

[Streamed 03/27/21]

We join our smoothbrained duo as they continue their quest to (maybe) defeat the Ender Dragon. A continuation of my Minecraft Collab w/ Ryker. Come check me out on Twitch every Friday through Sunday:

Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/buttery_koko

Check out Ryker as well! https://twitch.tv/ryker_ninja — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/buttery_koko

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  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

    Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile How to Fix Lag in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Mobile Are you tired of experiencing lag while playing Minecraft on your mobile device? Look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Optimize Your Settings One of the first things you can do to reduce lag in Minecraft is to optimize your settings. Lowering the graphics settings, render distance, and disabling fancy graphics can help improve performance on lower-end devices. Use a Lightweight Texture Pack Another way to reduce lag is by using a lightweight texture pack. Some texture… Read More

  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build wood tutorial house⚒️minecraft ⛏️ subscribe, like share channel.’, was uploaded by magnate_gamer on 2024-05-11 05:40:00. It has garnered 130 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. I will make wood tutorial house We are playing mane game after so long sapoot my gaming videos (like .coment .share and subscribe) Instagram- Facebook- Distord- Twitter- Other channel About me. My name is jakariya khan, I am from West Bengal and i am a student. Now I am pursuing YouTube. I make family friendly clean comedy gaming videos… Read More

  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

    EPIC Police Station Build Challenge - Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE – Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD / Animation’, was uploaded by Noob Builder – Minecraft on 2024-06-11 11:00:07. It has garnered 5818 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:37 or 2497 seconds. In This Video: POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE Welcome to my channel – Noob Builder – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker challenge – Build Battle and Building Tutorials! Subscribe and leave a like for more video animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro #build #tutorial… Read More

!multi ✨【VTuber】Minecraft w/ Ryker: Cult of Jeff_ :^)✨