Multiplayer Vault Hunters Day 3 (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack

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Welcome to the Mischief I’m Bellin I’m Casco and we’re here today playing some more Vault Hunters indeed that’s right Vault Hunters I bet you guys didn’t see that coming so yeah we’d canceled this stream originally and moved it to Saturday uh which we did play with the zone and

Callisto on vault Hunters but uh we wanted more so we’re playing more and we’ve got the day off so we are doing so So uh kashka’s been doing some decorations as you can see we’ve got these really cool lights going on I made a little street light kind of things so lanterns and the storage area has been expanded yeah I moved to villager like previously this spot was the Villager breeding bit

I moved that down here and then made this bit like double the width yep which we now have like a working space and so now we’ve got workstations there yep and I moved the chests that were there and now on this back wall and I finished the floor yeah

I just oh you know what the one thing that I didn’t do though and I extended the uh the villager trading Hall yeah felines Starlight Carlock Astro Burger rose heart Yuna and siren moons and those others that may be in chat joining us now why the kitty has been good my kitty has

Been giving us lots of stuff only once did my kitty not give me something so far hi Vengeance how you doing so yeah Carameling that’s good it’s good um so yeah we’ve got stuff to do some of which has already been slightly done like I’ve got these kind of set up um for going down you can actually drop down from above and you land on these supplementaries feather blocks which you

Kind of sink into a little bit and there’s just another drop down further over here for that as well but this needs to be redecorated and we also need Soul Sand which is also one of the things on the list water elevators are in place but they’re not as

Functional as they could be if we don’t go to the nether for blaze powder and glowstone show villager trading is going well uh whoops I went to the wrong area we’ve got featherfall 4 Quick Charge 3 and fortune 3 currently for decent costs and then we’ve been selling sticks uh

Wheat carrots and potatoes as well as pumpkins to these dudes for the rewards so that we could buy the books and also scaring the cats in the meantime so a lot lots has happened there I have to say actually yeah we spent all day applying basically

Well I mean not playing too much though oh somebody gave me a chest Starlight thank you just in part part of your soul into sand we got three obsidian what better way to help us get to the nether a couple apples and an iron helmet which is

Actually really really good that was a good choice now let’s put this in the armor uh because I don’t we don’t have any backup helmets in here either so that’s good and we’ve got another chest we can put some more obsidian in which means we can make check the portal a little bit

Bigger which I’m a fan of thank you hello Wren how are you um oh right I was gonna make some jungle chests so that I could add in one more they’re all facing that way nope that didn’t work okay so how do I get up there I’ve got to put this down

And then I can’t no I can’t jump up there either I need a block um these will work just climb okay this isn’t TFC there we go and now I can put these chests down like that there we go okay and then just pick this back up got it okay

Put these jungle planks jungle vertical slabs whatever they are they’re getting back put back in there as well as the apples okay baked potato going to semi-lurk working on making a port for the South Ocean oh okay enjoy your lurk in South Ocean South Ocean porting good got done the Sunday

Cleaning time to flop sounds like a plan flops hello emperor um put potions in here but I need a shelf which we’ve got some cool there we are tall how you doing welcome on in it’s in the middle here nothing why didn’t I put them there I don’t know

Don’t ask me these questions it’s a silly questions I probably should have put it over here in fact I could still do this let’s do this take that over there it makes more sense over here I feel I don’t know why it just does oops because all the glowy stuff’s over there

Except for these books which probably could use to be moved over there as well because this double chest of copper is which is crazy which is almost done on the sfc server soon you’ll be able to not starve I’m a fan of this sounds like to me like you’re not trying hard enough

People can park their ships there once it gets done nice I’m a fan of this um so there was also another thing that I need to change since the water elevators are actually in place uh they do just need the soul soil but or Soul Sand um that is collect bees

Which is what I’ve got a couple jars for the moment though I put them in here and put that in there too I don’t think I need all this stuff got torches money and a pick this picks almost dead going to the nether I need another pick

Uh that’s not going to be enough I only have three levels as well I don’t think I can combine those two so I might need to make another pick general purpose pick so I’m not using up the diamonds um couple sticks as you tone onto that okay

So I’m gonna build a phone I’m gonna do it but I’m building fine that um will be harvested thank you passively producing crops via villager slave labor so you’re building a vanilla Auto farm for crops right sounds good to me once Winter’s done I’m going to redouble my port work cool

Experimenting with role playing with an AI the reactions of the AI act competently it’s like talking to a real person I don’t know my experiences in role-playing isn’t a real person always ends up doing things that you haven’t planned it’s from a role-playing game perspective things we need to do is Harvest that

Fault Rock that too yep yep yep um oh where should we put the another portal so I set up a suggestion of a spot because like so like oh crap you can’t really see like down there so I set up two like plinth kind of

Things and I ran out of I was one block short on the plane oh okay uh and and the North and South walls yeah okay first thing in one for the vault portal one for the Nether Portal okay uh I’m gonna say another portal farthest on the north wall that okay yep okay

Should I have it sitting on top of that or embedded in it I don’t even know or even in the wall decisions decisions Define real person yeah there is no such thing as real people it’s all fake let’s take the obsidian that I do have

Um I also want to enchant this pick real quick if I can with the three levels that I have efficiency or efficiency let’s do efficiency there we go done that should make it go a little bit faster in the hall for poor I see patch four is

Out now they keep releasing stuff just just as they as it comes out or just as we start playing in the butt for portal oh that’s true and free full something that talks portal butt huh oh no but this this is a good decent way

So we could make it three wide I I kind of oh oh that’s right in the wall might be slight challenge just build it out behind it yeah I I mean I I plan to I just wasn’t expecting the mobs that’s all I forgot that the

Cobble wall was blocking out the um the cave anyway uh let’s see so we’ll do just realized that my phone’s gonna be here because this needs to be three wide now it’s gonna be 12. yeah I think we can do that we can do uh three block Cube

Of stuff okay so we’re gonna have to have to set this row here like that but the there will be yeah yeah hello nightcast how you doing right I don’t know we’ll see what the production is like I mean enlarging them oh really oh [ __ ] God damn it

I can’t mine it with this pick either I can’t draw things out like I can with the sack okay well I guess I oops picked that up meant to do that uh Wait a minute where’d the pick go that was in there what it’s in this one you have multiple shulkers I have a shulker and a sack I was like wow hello nightcast isn’t the dead get thing supposed to summon one of the loot Corpses oh did you turn it all off because

Because of the ish well not the issue but the thing where it was still working well we were in the balance all right it is supposed to do it so let’s try replaying that again well they look a squirrel worked yeah I don’t know it the the dead get okay

Um so if you’re summoning one of the empty Corpses they only stay for about like 15 seconds 20 seconds something like that excuse me um because excuse me just me sir because thank you infern for gifting a sub to steros the Great much info I’ll get this out at some point I swear

I’m sorry the uh it only works for a few seconds because it’s an empty corpse so it won’t stay for very long so if I was looking up and you summoned it and I didn’t look down at my feet you probably wouldn’t have seen it and it might have even been like

In a line this way so what you’re saying though is that that reward is not one of the loot Corpses right I think so if it’s the one I’m thinking of see death board request spawn empty corpse and that was the 75 Point reward it didn’t even have a screen message or

Anything yeah I didn’t I didn’t see it in chat I think it’s not working though okay well it’s only 75 points so I guess just ignore that one oh [ __ ] good for you it’s gonna hit me with obsidian gosh constantly in my face hello Keon and thank you very much for

The sub and for five months of support thank you very much I had to keep you on your toes see if I can actually place these obsidian there we go perfect and then I don’t even need to fill in the back side of this we can just leave it open

Because I don’t think anything can get up here not easily at least I mean maybe from that side but best case if pigment comes through it might go through that site I consider that a benefit I just tried opening my backpack oh sad face no it shouldn’t be that

Shouldn’t that be one lower so you can walk into it you could but I I feel like it it’s then not being as displayed as proper I don’t know I feel weird about it so which one’s up I don’t remember this one that one’s all the way up I the

One on the far right is all the way up the middle one I still need to put signs down there we need the Blaze Blaze powder oh if you have lag though you might fall oh that’s true I’m walking right through I didn’t think about that oh thank you wallet how you do

What do we get leather tunic a slice of bread oh and leather actually leather is very valuable to me right now thank you so much we’ll put that in this chest with the other mob drops 21 this is good so I know I need to grab some purse and this and then

Okay what do we got what do we got hmm polish deep slate am I think no I don’t think I’m doing that deep sleeps with that there we go there we go pull the Deep Sleep breaks that’s only three we need more than that oh those away where’s the

There it is deep slate bricks cut deep slate bricks what about regular deep sleep bricks is that just regular deep sight okay yeah Icarus wait oh gosh how oh yeah hey Chris thank you very much I forgot about that that’s two whole years hey Chris Fox thank you for two years of support

Two years and that’s a hype train that is a lot of support oh yeah and we are we’re like six percent away from a level one Hive Train That’s that’s good okay that’s really cool so I think this is the chest that I already

Did oh did you turn my heat no okay I did not touch the Heat well hype train too my subscription hasn’t shown in months damn you twitch oh no redpad but you got a little mousy well we bought you still doesn’t matter if it shows in chat or not

Thank you Robin for the pity bitties [Laughter] I will grab some some arrows Skelly bro another set of free armor that’s fair enough but I want to brag um yeah you keep getting gifted oh no no no no stay I’ll put that there let’s keep piling up the skulls oh and I

Need to put this armor in there which funny thing I think which one of these is to say yeah the iron leggings and the chainmail leggings both to give the same protection same as the chest plate so it’s just they have a little bit less durability like this

The boots though are a little bit less all right I know I saw some drinks drink I need two of those I pay for this happily uh deep select bricks that’s what I’m going to use exit only up on it down there we go blink okay there there

Now people shouldn’t fall through so easily actually given my sub so I have to give them to others ah I see I see I see that middle one goes up to here I could probably get go through the other one as well honestly but where did the badge go puggy snoozems no type

Uh I’ll be right back just gonna go get some potatoes and carrots I used all of them up without replenishing them I’m sorry it’s night time let me do it oh shoot I thought I had my can you sleep no because I just came upstairs oh [ __ ] I’m being bitten by invisible fast

There it is actually I don’t think we have any uh Phantom membranes so maybe I should kill this by the way uh before you use that there’s a fortune one uh right over here oh like this one yeah right yeah well I guess I guess that’s it for that dude okay well

And it is dark going along here so I might put some torches to light it up still gotta work on this entrance and stuff but um I did get a phantom memory see just say thank you after digging I know something blocked that you will never find in the waltz

Either wouldn’t be happy with you not completing the corners of your portal I intend on using other blocks for the corners of the portal um I’m pretty tempted that she should just hide the portal hide the obsidian completely like have something more decorative in front of it okay well that then I don’t

Need to worry about getting that fourth piece of crying obsidian oh were you putting crime obsidian uh I haven’t placed any of it yet but I was thinking about it are you okay you look injured um yeah I uh there was the the dude the little Slime Guy was oh right forgot

About those deep slate is good for corners or polished bolt stone block looks like a broken texture colors too bad no Tetra or some other good tool mod yeah yeah instead you gotta rely on the vault whoa I don’t know we got we got stacks oh that I backed into a wall

Got it got it oh sneaky buggers I can’t hit it Jesus are you okay yeah I just couldn’t hit him thank you sir for the 300 biddies of silverfish Tower silverfish Tower Defense oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m gonna die okay oh [ __ ] I had not reset my spawn since I moved

The bed so I’m outside well at least one isn’t very far oh God how they’re hitting me with diamond swords oh God thank you for gifting five Subs oh [ __ ] kitty look out there’s dudes oh sitting out presents that’s it I’m gonna punch you little [ __ ] thank you very much for watching

All right Robin thank you for gifting Subs to theravos papalo wizard Glick done against Skye and utopian and then wow thank you for gifting a sub to evermill the hype train was over yeah you want to murder those dudes I thought I did oh there two more dead thank you we’re

There more than that I don’t know tell me you’re down there I don’t see any I don’t see any wait I see Pablo 7 is over here did it where is it ow [ __ ] little [ __ ] surprise attack yeah that’s the downside about carrying another right sword around is those guys

Those mimic guys yeah they’re level with you and I forgot to put the thing back so now I have to go back up ah did you click on a bed no okay um right yes uh sir I totally forgot what I was doing we got the portal down there

Yes thank you so much and the hype yeah thank you so much guys for good night train started up and and all the gifts ups and stuff much appreciations what’s this do yeah I think that’s broken yeah I’m gonna that’s the 75.1 yeah give me one second it’s not disabled huh

That’s really weird that that one is doing that all right well yeah I will disable that one in the meantime you get to watch kashka cam while I do that at least it’s one of the weaker ones because it didn’t did not happen I was looking down that time as well and nope

Nada I think all right that’s what we’re gonna do I think this one back to the view what’s up also remember people who just got gift Subs if you guys are not already part of the Discord you can join and get access to the Mr Community Minecraft servers this is true

Thank you Robin and then he posted the Discord link at least boo is still there hmm let me just verify boom Works sit in there yep yep there um that was a lantern up there every time I get back on track I forget what I was doing

Why would I not post the link if I mentioned that yep still works yeah a little close to the edge I would have that that might have pushed me over Boop nice champ pick for Old Stone drops I did do that I have a pick here with Fortune three because I rolled

Villagers uh for Fortune 3. so we got that now which is good it’s very good works on hose too for harvesting crops expensive test um but I will need what what’s the matter I’m trying to plant a potato one of these what go down light levels

Okay I guess I need to get the light going on thank you Clairol wow we has portal kashka what okay ah boy that that really messed with me that time crops tend to be pretty picky with light yeah rude let me forgot that it just stops you from planting

Instead of just stopping them from going yeah hits me every time when I go to do farming so torches sack hmm I think I’ll leave the sack here put it there uh take the shulker arrows bucket of water I think I’ll leave here because that’s not gonna do me much good

I’m gonna go into The Nether kashka you coming um I might actually just because I kind of want to get some more Stone and stuff okay if I put this in here there’s no fire resistances there no just just Unbreaking that’s about the extent of it okay thanks Rowan and hello

By the way high Global I don’t think I said hello to you still over 100k Channel points oh my gosh okay that’s what the carrots planted anyway just kind of grow a bit so I can spread them because somebody ate all the carrots or use them all at least I’m sorry I

Went to go get more all right um oh and I’ll need some building blocks uh so stack of Cobble trips down chirps out of there okay I’m going to go down to the portal okay and go through and see what happens is that okay um yep I hear zombies close to this

No it’s dark it’s pink uh come on there we go oh we’re next to a warped Forest oh man that is very good head portal I’ll make a dark purple this would be good for Enderman farming wow I think I even see Soul Sand nearby oh like right on the edge of one

Okay cool wow that’s really high up there okay hello BJ whoa that’s something to come in on hello zombie pig man oh we’re invisible we are invisible indivisible every time I come across a jungle in Minecraft I’m compelled to pillage it oh that’s Coco oh he’s not

Happy I get you I don’t have anything called on oh yeah me either I’m gonna go put some gold stuff on because I don’t want to die those guys can shoot me make a waypoint let’s ask bro did you forget the gold armor yes yes I forgot the gold arm red

Honestly it’s gonna be about as protective as the iron we’re wearing it’s more just for avoiding the aggro yep uh Soul Sand I miss you already oh gosh those are so slow um but they work it’s the only gold armor we have is cursive binding gold armor really

Can I take this off with a sharpening stone or grindstone let’s find out it is a curse no it does not work okay worth checking oh there’s another Fortune just to the South um nice nice that’s that’s really so that’s a good spot yeah so true shopping but it’s not so good uh

Leggings two armor ah leggings is where it’s at Okay so if I could do the hat but I like the aqua affinity which actually doesn’t make sense to wear uh there let’s do the helm Helm is cheaper there and then I can keep my aqua affinity hat here what’s that pink

What another yes I might put Unbreaking on there that would probably be a good thing let’s grab some lapis gold gold hat not gonna last as long uh lap is back this on down we go like and for some reason I have the grindstone with me I guess

Fix that there we go coming back through OMG her snores yes I I have to go back the same way to get back to the base so I’ll put the grindstone back then oh oh look at this never quartz hi dude so it goes oh [ __ ] that’s cast yeah

There we go we’ll just do that for a moment it’s gold on the Shelf I wish I had done the inventory shuffling not going to put the grindstone back gee her snores get a siren or plushie anyways I already have a waypoint thank you Rowan anyways I’m gonna continue managing my

Space Empire in Stellaris so lurk to enjoy your lurk Picachu and hello wild xanthor happy Sunday to you as well [ __ ] I mean I’ve got a crossbow Got it glad I brought my crossbow jeez okay uh right I don’t know why I just placed more blocks let’s just pick those back up that Soul sander right it’s just a matter of how to get down there gosh that happened I can go around okay kind of that no no no no

No no no oh that’s okay I need to go back up to the portal like around that’s fair three huh okay made it over here at least does this go down no it doesn’t these look really cool these shaders man and this looks like it goes in the wrong direction

Oh God that looks horrifying um what if I just go this way and keep this in my office for now that gas would have been dead even faster with a touch request true oh what the [ __ ] what is this my top what what the heck and heck what the heck and heck oh

I think I found what I’m looking for these are where are you does this just go oh my gosh really [Laughter] okay well that’s not what I wanted to place that’s what I wanted to place that’s a hoe for chopping them out there possibly one-shotted I wish the Warped

Wart was actually useful for something amazing Bass There and then there close down yes pillaging your pillaging glowstone I am pillaging all the glowstone okay well congrats on your list on pillage speaking of let’s just NAB it now joint okay it’s basically blue beans what oh yeah blue beans you’re right basically butt beans

Use it in a composter for bone meal though not fortuning the glowstone Fortune works on the glowstone on there I’ve got a fortune pick with me I did not realize that or I would have done that with that in fact I should probably be using that instead for now just because

Get out of there it’s okay I’m gonna get this bit and then I think that will be enough to get me started pretty well so all right I will stop there there is a lot more glow stuff in the nether so this is the good news right

It’s not always easy to get though okay okay map trying to actually go back out this way now that I look at it um Fortune three guarantees that you’ll get four gloves under oh okay you can always make a witch farm for closer don’t be fun I don’t know how to make

Witch Farms but I am curious about this map it’s gonna stand on it for a sec [Applause] nothing bacon echinites what month’s it from do you know oh I have no idea then you know look at it that is you’re like school okay and you’re coming home with me

The prettiness is dangerous exactly you don’t want to be mine to try to be less dice quite a little less delectable gold oh it kind of gives off light I think it does so now is this Basalt Basalt it is right you’re also coming home oh [ __ ] no you’re not because

My pet just kicked the bucket all right well I guess that’s me here for now okay there’s my first pick loveliness this is the thing I can never remember which way cause I need to get over there now hey I’m here if I change to a different 45 like this

Let’s give myself a little space to work with here it was this way a little bit not that way it’s a gold I hear dudes walking around above me I’ll also take the quartz I’m not sure about that I’ve gotten three with fortunately they didn’t say pretty much not

All the time even though they did use the word guarantee I think that those words kind of cancel each other out but I get the idea it helps to ensure that you get the most out of your glowstone I can’t remember how I got it just pillar up maybe uh-huh never mind

That wasn’t also those crystals seem to give off a faint light yes who wants to be with you you don’t need to pick the Mind glowstone it’s true but something with fortune on it would probably help probably could have put that on on a hoe if I really wanted to

That one okay this looks about right yeah there we go just got it there okay all right okay I checked fortune 3 gives an average of 3.5 glowstone does without Fortune you get an average of three okay excuse me friendos Okay so your pulse is Christmasy

Yes they did uh with the latest update there’s Christmas stuff with it they did do like a quick hot fix I thought though because there was some kind of uh bug already with that version so hopefully they’ve got that resolved and it was it was something to do with

The whole Christmas update too it’s a map oh I think I found my way out okay now let’s put a torch up here if I can all the mops are elves what [Laughter] evil evil mobs a little too Christmas I feel like these days there we go all right and then now torch

Torch torch okay now where is this Soul Sand Dead Ahead would have been hilarious if you had fallen while going do do so do I get in trouble by mining the gold yes I do already in trouble oh [ __ ] he almost killed me wow

That guy hits for a lot uh yeah we come from anti-christmas to Blair less energy burned yeah yeah on that it’s like this thank you cannot be asked basically that’s what you get with paper armor come on I’m ironing gold there’s only one piece of gold as well all right well let’s

Aim this way and try working my way down here there we go oh that was close and I just picked up some oh wait I don’t want them to pick up there we go picking up more of the glowy stuff for vaulting because it’s very bright I

Aged quite a bit he has that new movie coming out he plays Santa Claus again okay behind the screen is bright oh gosh foreign decorations but my house is small we had to have a talk that is blinding yes yes this is what I was commenting on this is very bright

It’s going to be easy to find in a vault yeah that’s the markers mining it when you’re in a room filled with this stuff is very very bright laughs there we go oh I knew that was coming too oh my gosh thanks Red Dead monkey blue yourself all right let’s put that there

Now that that’s out of the way let’s go back up here eat some food there’s a friend or man up there [ __ ] there’s aghast time to go I’m gonna need a gas tear at some point now too aren’t we [ __ ] don’t turn me around stop that [ __ ] no

Let’s go towards the Casper right that’s a smart thing And then like this okay so just fine I should have a bunch of vibes 35. some but that’s more than a Brady come on almost got 59 Moss blocks [Laughter] really made me jump in my seat that’s all sound on the other side I just needed a couple I just grabbed a bit more than what I needed honestly ah okay it’s all insane oh custom it’s right over there so then I just need to get to it let’s go to

Excuse me I got sneezes oh solitary sheep are poor solitary sheep excuse me zombie friend I’d eat it it should be under you soon that there we go now I have a path around okay here we go now I can grab this put it back all your boot proofing Bridges

I’m I’m more valid proofing than I am boo proofing me and lava seem to have this strange magnetic attraction let’s put all these in there there we go sort get sorted and Port blocks another quartz and lots of the nuggies lots of the golden nugs oh wow 25 and a

Half I think it’s worth that’s pretty good pretty good villager stations Boop and now to go downstairs and make this work a little better there we go yay and then this one yay okay and now I just need some signs I need to get blaze powder for that oh

Which direction did you say the it was south from the portal thank you looks like I need to go back but I do have the uh where is it another for blaze powder and glowstone oh well we got glowstone villagers trading we’ve got a bunch of that going this tree’s getting a haircut

Foreign drops did that actually I could just straight up remove that side collect bees that’s that’s for future me that’s not for current me I do need to get rid of it let’s see what I’m doing it’s too dark oh gosh I can’t I can’t jump kill it okay whoa

Zanther thank you very much for the sub thank you so much oh no never mind BJ Wyatt thank you for the sub and for gifting it to Wild xanthir thank you oh my gosh I find another scary enough as it is and you even have a redeem for being pushed head off too

Oh it has been used many times to cause me to die there thank you so much for the crypto song yeah I get moused you’re gonna have a cute mouse next to a name yes thank you very much for that okay time to actually you know what do we we’ve

Got some smooth Stone here or some regular Stone we do like I gotta fix this this is driving me nuts it’s I I know that it’s going to be something different color but until I do that to be sorted I’m gonna get this coal out of here and go from there

But Minecraft be speed up cockroach oh that’s interesting also we should probably alternate the rows for that extra little tiny speed buff as well ultimate the ropes yeah it’s a Minecraft thing where if one row of um one type of crop let’s say carrots and then the next row is a different crop

Or just nothing but it’s tilled land it will grow faster than it’s than if it’s just next to another row of carrots come on you know okay there we go I got I got a bunch of coal out of that I got one stack of coal out of that yay Fortune picks

Three more bits three more Vines oh there’s some up here sort and all right three stacks of Vines Now speaking of smelled some of this stuff is it night time it is I would like to sleep if you don’t mind because I haven’t slept in ages okay

I will wait for you because I want to sleep and have my kitty give me gnomes good kitty competing for nutrients or something all right I’m ready all right let’s do it flip it kitties laying down good kitty thank you kitty I got a chicken this time Kitty you’re amazing

Would you like a chicken chicken yeah I got it whole chicken wow from rabbit hides to full full chickens uh let’s put this in here and I gotta Kitty rewards me I reward Kitty there you go don’t tell us laughs pop into his chat right now melon’s cat gave him a whole chicken

He’s not gonna care about that honestly yeah Kitty was out having fun indeed all right I’m gonna go and see about uh I don’t think you want to wake up with a chicken on you whole chicken usually it’s like husk of a rabbit so I don’t know if it’s better or worse

Oh I see it yeah I know here map oh there map yeah I think that that pretty much does it right there so let’s try and make this so I can get there oh what did I do what class I thought I had some glass cooking uh oh

Sorry I put it in the soft materials chest okay there ow yay for feather for like frienderman hello frienderman we don’t need to fight or anything you can just go about your business there is ready boom boom such a good sound oh that’s a Basalt biome oh gross

See if I can actually work my way up yes I can put a torch here a few torches like get off there there we go I know I don’t understand it either Night cast like what Glass isn’t soft uh it breaks very easily and shatters I consider that soft

Fragile that’s what you think okay there you go fragile material Regio I don’t know I put it in there because I don’t know what else the thing to put it in and it doesn’t seem to fit in blocks because those are always overflowing thanks renderman party has to be brittle for

That to even happen you know what I’m just gonna call it soft now no valid oh yes foreign [ __ ] I’m also looking for the no no oh yeah I have no idea I’ve never seen it no no no no no no you don’t want to they’re dudes they’re a dudes

We’ve seen it dozens of times okay that’s fine right um now I need to decide um how did these bricks look with the mossy bricks oh yeah that’s not bad [ __ ] if we buried the man oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I hit the I hit the pigment

Dawn oh and they send the baby after me [ __ ] [ __ ] Yeah that chipped one doesn’t look like it belongs but that’s too samey maybe I am wearing paper armor what the heck and this one oops doesn’t match as well pick up some of this stuff that dropped head back why would they not send their best warrior what um Quick Journey Ed around boys Quick Charge I love you crap the only one who hates the basalt biome no I hate people very much excuse me anybody know how long it takes for a pig to pigment zombie pigment to like stop AG growing why would they not stop the hate

Around the round one doesn’t look that’s good I can’t get like what they were going for but it doesn’t match with the other three bags can’t decide if that okay chat what do you think does that mossy cobblestone one looked weird with the tough ones like if we mix them in kind of

Sporadically you know oh oh hold on a second people want to see this there you go foreign however church has like so many so many local I’d so be dead right now if I didn’t have this crossbow this kind of thing huh here’s Skelly dudes I’m gonna collect the stuff

I feel like this is like No it’s not like [ __ ] yeah because that’s what I was going for oh this is just a cobblestone like what does that have oh another one another warts oh see this might do for like the clean variant [Applause] in fact I’ll even grab yeah okay get it some of this Tuffy Moss what

I love the mod shift yes I actually I I agree I like I like that mod a lot too okay let’s turn that top and back into [ __ ] [Laughter] this is um this is what I love about it right instead of ending it with like 50 blocks that I’m never going to use

Because I looked at them and decided that I didn’t like them I can flip them back to the vanilla blocks and just put them back in the stack so good cats what are you doing rare get out of here out head out damn cat pick up the arrows

Oh this is the same exact chest I just got maybe no no I got another set of another horse armor oh boy let’s make a bunch of those this room is going to be a bit brighter I think then we can still put more dude

Which chip was on 119. oh yeah you can switch between the different variants at any time try stop cutting the top I don’t think I think I did have a look where did that go I still don’t remember where I put everything Springs what the heck oh what is this

Do I even want to I don’t think I want to yeah I know I was doing like all right said research required I was trying to tell me that I needed to create but other research required oh that’s what it is Magnum keeps splashing in lava splashes because of because we’ve got that

Splashing mod in here that’s why you guys come in here let’s get your drops yeah one second you’re almost dead okay they’re dead oh my gosh oh that was awkward hello we do foreign how did you get your cat out of the wall would you mind the wall uh yes and then

I just nudged it you can also um use a lead on it right there come on arrows Two magma thingies that’s it so far oh gosh okay oh [ __ ] spam bot what thank you for Banning them kashka what are you doing Cat lava isn’t meant to be shiny I don’t know have you ever actually gotten that house please come away from it all right

How did you get your cat to sit on your bed I got it close by and then I just nudged it onto the bed right click on the cat I mean it’s fine where it is [Laughter] right click on the cat I write I I hope oh yeah come here

Okay all right so get ready okay that’s it all right there you go jerk it’s gonna float away isn’t he I’m getting the cool music going on again this is nice this is a huge place oh my gosh thanks Pikachu hi dude what’s up uh let’s put this down take a stack of

These out continue on oh boy what am I doing for arrows doing okay almost through a half a stack beds count as something like a bottom slab so you can easily sit your cat on the floor and then push it onto the bed hello miss playing mod packs

Unfortunately I had to sell my computer in the middle of the year now I have a weak laptop oh no helicopter games sorry to hear that I have swam in lava before and I can say it is indeed that shiny Java so shiny would swim again there there was where did he go

[ __ ] he’s right there good thing about that piercing is that if it does Pierce through them you can salvage the bolt as well okay then throwing knees and so because earlier this year I was hit by a car oh I’m so sorry to hear that oh my God I hope you’re okay wow

It’s awful and obviously you weren’t then so this one is Did I finish this one as well I think I did to see through in terms of how lava looks hey stop picking it’s pretty as well okay so I’m gonna block this one off and then this one this one as well all the way around it not expecting you [Laughter]

That’s an excellent spawn well done little dude ah that looks like Blaze spawner over there that looks like certain death over there a bunch of skeletons with bows okay we’ll leave this one for now and from that way have not been this way I feel like unfinished stuff is that way

That looks like a sword I see the health bar oh you can’t get through those blacks I forgot about that give me that all right it’s time to grab some more stuff [Applause] nice monster also that radiation noise though it’s actually fire nearby oh no there it is you’re right you’re right

There was a radiation noise oops could go up it doesn’t really need anything there oh okay let’s go and see what’s up I don’t think I’m gonna like it ah hello big man damn it Trump has stopper yes oh diamonds where are carrots go excuse me

Excuse me carrots I got this wow the diamonds oh lots of dudes let’s just go down here and don’t need to go in either of these directions anymore I should do that hi dude give me your stuff thank you so it went that way is this the way I came from originally

Or is this the dead end that’s the dead end okay dead end oversight them oh yeah oh God do not jump on goose crops good I can’t hit it God damn it did it just how are you goose and thank you for the 31 months thank you the tier 3 sub and

31 months of support thank you so much just waiting for the cooldown so I can heal again because I only have two potatoes left yay for the healing ability it’s not radiation but a geiger counter yeah people just associated with radiation at this point oh thank you for the heel thank you Robin

There we go that that tops me off topped off tops off that was a dead end so I can mark this one closed sorry dude you stand back there now how are you doing Goose by the way I feel like we haven’t seen you in a little bit I hope so as well

Oh that was close yeah if you want to see the different things that can happen from uh CCI you can scroll down if you’re not on mobile and look at the uh like where you see our links and stuff there should be something talking about Vault Hunters options

Otherwise there’s also the channel Point stuff you said that’s a massive dudes over there oh look Okay I need some smooth stuff or something mixed in with us oh I can’t I can’t maybe I shouldn’t have planted the crops first basically world has been hell for a while but I’m getting by sorry to hear that uh yeah there it works kind of sucked

Like why can’t I heal oh I’m out of Mana oh [ __ ] what happened to the corpse redeem it got turned off because it wasn’t working I don’t know why uh Bank the light now let’s see if this does something oh [ __ ] uh well that’s a quick trip back home [Laughter]

Uh yeah so this one I’ve got all my stuff and you’ve got all your stuff yup by the way thank you very much Goose for the 700 videos yeah thanks so we swapped places um which is convenient I can go get some food I mean you say convenience

Um I I strongly disagree I can come to you in just a moment especially because I just got out let’s take a bunch of these how about another one right oh there’s there you go people just gave you invisibility let’s do another stuff thank the lighters whoa

You okay ow what am I getting hit by what um I just one of those um lightning guys just wanted by uh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he’s followed me yeah oh that was so close no no Skelly bro get off my face goose where’d you go oh Goose huh it’s a

Backstabber is what it is think runs behind you and stabs you in the back Jesus oh thank you very much Goose thank you Goose for the 600 and the 200. I will take all these yeah the invisibility didn’t really help me on that one there we go okay now to head back down

Ow oh God oh I got knocked off the edge oh that’s not good nope that’s not good at all I think ladders are gonna be needed deposits more stuff here a little bit of chaos is always fun over here I’m on fire welcome back I may have to be locked because this is

Gonna win for me yeah that that’s understandable too yeah I know you gotta fix this the fire okay I need some oh yeah blaze rods but a gold needs to go away uh this I got a blank rune put it in here for now oh some ingots how’s my armor holding up

It’s still okay thank you very much Goose for all those bits yes thank you that was very kind of you and also uh rather masochistic at the same time I feel like um I feel like we’re the masochistic ones for um for putting these Point rewards in CCI to begin with so maybe

Maybe oh this has taken a while I see you uh do we have I’m no longer on fire that’s the good news um oh diamond sword that sounds good don’t forget a bunch of building blocks uh you you well that’s three now I’m gonna do up your prices you jerk okay fine

You have three of those uh would you like a quick quick charge crossbow so you can shoot mobs without having to get in their faces like blazes and stuff we get this and book okay I’ve got some ladders oh boy do we have any did you make gold

Armor uh I I made a hat can I borrow that hat uh I would recommend just making another one because I’m going back in with you oh okay you I and then I need to combine those I need to pick this this piercing one okay type those two

And then to combine them three and go this and this three okay yo Chris Quick Charge crossbow and 48 volt and 48 arrows so you can shoot dudes I didn’t really you said you weren’t sure so if not it’s good for me to have so you can just put

In the treasure chest I’m sorry okay whoo away we go this Veil but for me it would be sadistic for me but mac and cheese so good where did I put that oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my gosh indeed oh my God I think I just gave all of them diamond

Swords [ __ ] Goose how many did you just oh my god did you just give 20 subscribe me wow I don’t know if they’re gonna be there but that was a wow that was a hopeless death thank you for very very much for gifting 20 Subs the B Center actually I should respawn

And then read these as well as V sinner uh Medics 165 robin bird Dark Wolf 6660 Shadow Cat or Shadow c64 gosh I don’t have anything uh your presence just grab an iron sword and see what happens uh Dark Wolf Shadow Cat yabbony Ultra Cyrus flexor benefit DS Torres Tick Tick boom

Kamikaze chaos red beats pyro Burnham exocon boronograph oh my God yeah I hit a bunch of mine with diamond swords before I died I’m sorry your presence honors me that is a deadly way of subbing you’re just an agent of Chaos let’s get those words of wisdom from Bud spots oh

Okay there’s another one dead is it that I get that one I think I got that one all right just little aggro at a time okay do it again while we’re at that spawn point oh pigment now wandering around the base I’m gonna fix that wow oh [ __ ] your presence honors me

Hi Kitty good kitty your presence honors me all right let’s get another sword back in I go oh that would be funny as hell I gotta give them some breathing room now if you want to go right ahead hello pig man Jesus right they’re gonna take out the pig man nope

I’m building a little Pig enclosure yes no Pac-Man allowed oh [ __ ] this three of them and you stay over there transfer okay there’s one corpse dead or done no why are you obsessed with being in there all right I hit the wrong button heal [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God oh [ __ ]

Oh God damn it they’re so aggressive yes they move so fast as well you don’t have a chance to swipe because they just glue to your face right welcome to Alex’s mobs I’m taking this one that’s a good idea oh I wasn’t expecting the little enclosure

Sorry no that’s fine man I don’t want them in the base in the overall base it can be totally blocked off and they’ll they just appear from the portal now oh God [ __ ] okay all right a little bit more cautious this time should I hear the heels happening

Get the hit but for some reason it they’re like they go through you and then you can’t hit them because they’re behind you okay it’s heal it’s dead okay [ __ ] there’s more of these dudes that knockback is really good it is actually happened quite a bit oh come on

As bad as baby zombies they are worse than baby zombies actually they bounce around so much it’s a bit of a dog fell back to my spawn all right I’m not even gonna grab a weapon this time because I’ve got like four Swords on my court my character right now I just need

To make it to that character and click transfer more help thank you well there’s 40 of the suckers no stop it okay we got some of them yeah oh it doesn’t look like a wall what okay that was weird oh I’m not bothering with anything I just want that sword because that sword

Works pretty good Maybe I feel like they jump pretty good got it okay okay I got back to my original corpse oops oh that sword’s almost done though aha I can shoot them where is where are they there’s one over there got it okay got it

Okay the bow that’s how you killed him you get away from them if possible after you’ve died and then shoot them with a bow weren’t there any more left I don’t know is the experience of orbs over here Arrow Corpses oh I can’t get away I’ve just shot as

Many as I could with my piercing attack [ __ ] up [ __ ] just give it another 20 [ __ ] sub Jesus [Laughter] In progress the presence honors me dang indeed thank you very much I mean hopefully they don’t have opposable thumb they don’t have arrows so they try and Mealer you with the crossbow that’s the advantage that I’m finding oh yeah okay so I’m gonna grab another regular crossbow and try and

Snipe some of them maybe I don’t know thank you very much that is tremendous that you have done this God you’re an [ __ ] not the word I would use yeah seriously very very generous um one each to this car hand ginsurai Billy boy the axis of Mischief have the blue bear Jurassic Gargamel

Divergentian major mustache ride tougher Lone Wolf up uh tiger like the biome blank to noars here flick Joko Texas Raz slowbo fidget or fidget and hexanamous oh my gosh wow you’re the bait I’m going through the portal I’m going I’m going hello Kyle how are you your presence

Honors your presence honors me did you know that oh there’s a pig man here son of a [ __ ] your presence honors me your brothers I see them where the heck is oh it’s there okay bounced off oh I hit one of them it’s dead okay from a distance

Yeah that’s my corpse actually with the oh [ __ ] oh that it shot at me oh [ __ ] really oh no it shot at you it shot at me would get arrows oh [ __ ] that’s a problem Butt Bows fire fart darts oh [ __ ] I can’t shoot it come on

So slow it’s right there where is it dang it why did that happen because I shot next to you oh you’re we’re invisible we are invisible does this actually work it just helps it doesn’t stop it from happening maybe I can get my stuff killed another one no kill another one

Cannot get my stuff oh God I’m not being quite that bold oh my God this is terrible oh gosh what direction are they all right I think I I think it’s time to just cheese the [ __ ] out of them I thought that’s what we were doing we’re using crossbows yeah

All right so oh [ __ ] there’s two of them I’m just gonna punch the damn thing okay there we go actually you know what I’m getting it oh I’m sorry I found your corpse with all your stuff it’s it’s clear yeah did you notice I died yeah uh yeah

But I mean I I didn’t realize it that the dudes are all dead that are around it now so foreign your corpse at least I hear them blobs are fast they’re fast blobs very fast blobs killed another one there’s a hear a ghast behind me too this isn’t helping [ __ ] Who take that this the one that’s right next to me has um Cobble there’s a bunch over here yep away it’s all right are you two more dead is is there a bunch still uh I don’t know but I just got my stuff oh the Quick Charge bow thank goodness that

Is so much better um you see an XP orb I think I forgot to get that but you did you get that corpse I did okay okay did you get yours um yes I’ve got all of them except the original one which is down in the lava right right okay oh gosh

Thanks Kyle thank you engineering lady and hello by the way okay where were we going again thank you it’s Ender gaming for the tea time we were headed towards another Fortress the nether fortress okay I don’t know how you got there do you remember how you got there yeah I kind

Of went up and then at some point uh okay no I don’t remember hi what oh thank the light yeah for some reason this thing’s acting really weird but thank you for this uh I will take these oars and that pic thank you siren thank you siren

For the hundred biddies and then more building blocks Kabul thank you I don’t know why it looks like that way is it that I need to take to get over there is it just south found a path oh I found it okay map no you’re already over there okay

Oh no way this is the way that I took the kid up here yeah what I don’t know is like how you got been there because I have no idea I kind of like where you were when I died um actually I see your name tag yep can you come towards mine

Hi hello ah I see aha take a break from making a road to the port okay oh no oh you can’t drive more have a nice Road nice come down there I take it yeah yeah I do remember kind of like yeah I think I was like oh assault went out here

Oh and then yeah there’s like all kinds of um dudes up there okay so my my corpse is like just you know like down there okay do you want to like mine your way down there I was kind of thinking about like I’ve I’ve got a bunch of Cobble that

Helps and a lot of um Iron swords as luck would have it oh Jesus what oh it’s a little busy sorry taken care of putting some torches here okay said they’re actually not dropping more blaze rods how often they’re spawning I lost where you went oh [ __ ] you went through this couple

Wall yeah it’s all right okay fine oh are they not dropping rods it’s just not that often really yep that’s my corpse down there still really far down I mean it’s in the lava hang on one sec I can tell you like because this goes down really

That corpse or my death was at 28. why level 28. okay well this goes down to 53 down here maybe we could like mine down this wall here like this on the stairway oh yeah look at you oh brother oh is this okay that I do this do you mind

I don’t mind her talking he was like go for it if you want to die you go go ahead I just I just yeah okay and I’ve got a couple there you go oh coming back up oh God The Sounds these make when you break them is really good okay there you go

Oh thank you for the Loot drop some feathers and forklift not the best of drops but still we don’t have any feathers so it is very useful see that’s just lava what is that stuff um I don’t think I care about any of that to be honest did you need to give me

Stuff I’ve I’ve got half my inventory is empty and I’ve got a shulkers I mean the stone swords a bunch of Cobble the only thing that is kind of interesting is this gold helm rich so then I kind of take all this out so the corpse disappear okay now that I’m

Seeing one of those guys splashing around in the lava it looks amazing sounds terrible but it looks amazing foreign whoa look at that yeah did you see a yeah yeah you do okay I saw it too yeah I think we can reach it from up here all right

I need to put some stuff also I have a single leather brick let’s see about not quite there if I can see this stuff well I’m almost there so what’s that I don’t understand like you’re up in here trying to come in from above but then oh when you mine it

How we or when one of us mindset how does that work I don’t know I don’t know if the entire stalactite Falls or if it’s just a block at a time or what I’m gonna try breaking one and see what happens is that okay we added additional mods to

The original mod pack yes we added CCI for starters um and we added chipped for extra building style yep and effective for the special water lava splash splash in the water and I added item Zoom so I can see you know textures nice and big but but I think that’s it right

Um and then just Shader stuff yeah I mean the big difference is shakers so how are you okay so you’re getting that uh no you can get it I was I’m off on something else I’m getting distracted I’m sorry have fun um they don’t want this so I’m going to put this right

There we go cool let’s gobble around the below maybe yeah it’s probably gonna probably a good idea yes ah no that was not where I wanted oh ninja mode push blinking button man my armor is almost dead after that oh um what’s this empty chest yes

All right so oh that Splash is pretty uh intense it’s really cool though ow what’s the matter I just got hit by a blaze now again where’d he go oh he’s dead I killed him you know what I’m out of there I don’t need to be in this spot that was a spot

I didn’t need to be future me if I want building a crystal tower base would be cool with those crystals yeah you imagine trying to find enough of them to do that though it’ll be a bit challenging hello dude let this stop there oh there’s plenty of them out there okay all right

I’ve been here I have been here okay so then I can put this across there oh oh that just looks like a dead end okay I think I’ve gone through most of this um I was looking for more blaze rods for more of the uh so I can make more of the

Neon Stuff Plus blaze powder for potions oh speaking of blaze powder anything go yes it’s dead end excuse me let’s see that end so then that’s just following this back okay okay that went pretty well um got Soul Sand I got some blaze rods not many and they only make

They only make two I think I got like four or five of those total so let’s see about making an obvious path oh foreign 22 blocks a bit so far okay 24. oh hey excuse me do you have another word yes and sand to grow yes yes and yes you are correct

Have all the above let’s go and then how to get to portal this is questioned uh that’s not a good way to go excuse me actually this would be a good spot here to go down I think yep we’re actually gonna do any faults today there we go

I’m gonna go downstairs and go mine some of that stuff you know the pick the good pick yeah come back I made it from the nether without dying look at that folks hello Saturday what are we up to in the nether I was getting Soul Sand for bubble Vaders originally

Now once I got that um which I might as well go upstairs uh once I got that then I needed blaze powder for some of the signage to put above here because at least you can’t really read that from a good distance like this like 10 blocks away it’s just too pixely

So I want big arrows Burger arrows nice very nice um and I got some more just regular nether materials it’s kind of cool some oars in here some cobbles in here did I not there we go oh and I gotta put some weapons away I also died many many times

Dying dying more dying I blame goose thanks again for that goose sort and arrows to put some more away put away the spare crossbow that I was using mob drops wait what kind of what kind of chests are these did I did somebody give me a chest drop they did thank you

Got some pork chops it’s cold random loot reward chest from a village thank you very much Starlight as usual you really love giving those chests and I I really like taking them iron pick warped fungus that’s a new thing for the tea and dying dying in a bit more dying hey

You couldn’t be helped pull the death boots let’s put some foods in here just in case we don’t have any Norm any fresh any uh fresh fish oh no I had to use something to tame my cat I’ll I will get I’ll need to get some then um

What chest did I put the freaking Flint in oh my gosh let’s do that no no here yes it is in there hey okay and then I’ve got some wire to put in there there we go sort oh hey heading down into the underground to go mine a bunch of the stuff

For the thing yes those chests are cool yes they are gosh found and liked the the Jungle the jungle chests the soft materials chest soft materials and fragile items there you go hey I have mind all of that indeed it was a stack and two blocks

Oh and there’s a block here is this your what there was one of those glass blocks yes okay got it oh I already got your Vault um I don’t like to get some whistle while I’m here some salt and then get there so if you’re not familiar with why we

Need this stuff uh on occasion we’ll get chipped malt Rock which apparently doesn’t happen very often at all um and with that we can use it to make the volt Rock uh the dead Vault rocks that we Infuse so that we can open a vault so we need to have that stuff

I don’t think I’m gonna find something better than fortune 3 at my current level so this is the best we can do and I’m gonna mine a bunch of it so we can get a bunch we have enough for one at the very least and I mined 46 of the Cobblestone cheese

Of the Vault stuff all right let’s let’s continue on my flavor of the day is spiced chai good for cold evenings coupled with a warm blanket and a cozy stream nicely lovely is excellent sounds delightful I got well I said it was for Val but really it was for both of us

Um a tea advent calendar it’s been fun a lot more fun than I thought because it it didn’t focus on fruity teas which a lot of selection tea groups are like here have a fruity tea it’s like that’s okay but okay I don’t know um like that can go away now time

I agree I’m just yeah I mean yeah they a lot of them don’t work for me like I’m not a big fan of Mike oh boy let’s take a screenplays friend one more layer and then probably call back right now maybe I don’t really know how to get out of here

Just scared me oh I got this stuff um oh this looks promising okay follow the Torches and it should lead you out I don’t see any torches then you and this torch is that oh oh turn around and go straight that way I I might have missed the first couple torches sorry

It’s gonna distract me anyway yeah at least I thought where was that I know I just saw that oh it’s up there okay 26 that’s not bad but we could do better and by the way if you see the textures with these little like oh gem things in here

Um they don’t have any higher or lower chance than the ones without it’s just part of the varied textures of the rock that’s all okay I want mult Hunters pack where you’re on the Quest for a milkshake drainage I drink your milkshake cool there you go

I have no idea what this stuff is the side twins just weird nether stuff I think that there you go people like to do weird stuff in the Nether and that’s what you got but I am a big fan of nether weirdness basically deep sleep silver sure but it’s coming

Home with me okay put a torch here torch there I think that’ll be all right let me use the stone pack to break this is okay it’s gonna take a bit longer okay there it goes and then a little bit more here what’s left oh there’s one sneaky block right sneaky block

All right now I just need to get home without angering the Enderman it’s like a whole party going on over here I did make somewhat of a straight line from yeah you did say that I’m sorry the thing to get back home the entrance is down okay okay so up here

Ah I see a torch okay might as well mine out the rest of this little tiny bit itty bitty bit and I can use some of this to block up the water meantime so that it doesn’t wash the stone down the slope do I have torches I do

Finish torching the the little bit that I missed well I don’t know where you went from there actually I know more or less just went straight South I know okay all right there was a stair up now I can’t even find where that came out it was like right around here somewhere

Wasn’t it what the heck porches all right I’m lost again clearly it’s a long way down oh wow the zigzags wow The Zone was busy doing some zigzags milkshake would be really tasty right about now I agree all right I lost where that was I see the portal home but I lost your

Torches well okay the middle of the I was placing the Torches and just kind of assuming oh God I’m totally lost I think I came down too far and then the ores and then the chip default rug can go in there too ow dirt bike thank you for gifting a sub

Dude thank you thank you I’m like what the heck why am I taking damage in the pool like there was the stair and then I just walk forward a bit and there was this bit I can see where I got lost here where’s the other

There it is oh I see your name tag you’re up above me oops um oh I passed past you hold on a second there’s a wait a second where are you down here yes hello hi guys goodbye [Laughter] did it wait Did you just all right so I wasn’t supposed to go

Down the stove no this was a way to get back up because I had fallen down there okay I saw the Torches because you were like follow the Torches so I saw the Torches and was like oh okay then let me do this there thank you to get me totally lost oops uh

There we go right here excuse me not those torches geez torches thank you loving it just wanted something new and fresh Style I always get lost in another yeah it’s not not the easiest place to get around in hahaha Okay now neon tubes because I’m using half the blaze rods with this is her an Enderman uh yeah oh he’s on the stair do you want a boat hey buddy are you good I think I’m good glass right all the glass I know it’s around here somewhere

I have the glass because I was using it to build it um yes I need six pieces in total eventually if you don’t if you don’t have any despair I can cook some up okay this and I need some iron nuggets let’s grab some of those and neon tubes

Nice let’s make one more set oh that didn’t use up as much as I thought it would okay there and then put this in here what is it for that oh fudge okay maybe I do need to cook a little bit more sand taking the stone that was in there and

I’m putting it in the Cobble chest okay I don’t know if you were cooking stone or not I don’t remember if I was I think I was that was seems so long ago now benedicted to valheim again and I’m re-watching your stream vods of it again oh yeah that was a while ago

Uh yeah we do need some more sand don’t we only got 24 bits yep uh what is it to make these that’s four didn’t even have to use the ladders use oh so it’s the white arrows okay Arrow so we’re gonna need those which is like this

And then oh it’s even it even gives off light oh that’s great okay and then the other two like this and then I I bet you I either click them with a die which oh oh Starlight oh Emerald tradables thank you yoink boot okay in there mob drops

Okay okay feather get in there and chest thank you Starlight and I’ll put that emerald in here okay um I’m gonna need two more of these which means more glass is this your cat yep that’s running around like crazy oh no no that’s a different cat pushing your cat around

Your cat’s the Calico yes I push it back up on the bed because it got knocked off by the other Kitty rude okay nice try wolf rail I think that needs to be some smooth Stone in that mix just to make it um a couple of these there

A couple of those there okay and then some dye uh cactus that we have let’s try to smelt some of that and get some green and then what was it we needed red for the other which I can use Beats oh does that look I think that’ll look

Fine once it’s a few more in there so like that green now green okay I’m kind of excited about this let’s try it oh wow that’s great and if I [Laughter] crap I colored it the wrong color well we’re gonna go with red yes and then actually I should have this be something

Else um an X I really missed the um what is it uh immersive engineering it has there’s like an atom mod that adds in some little things mostly decoration but I really like the exit signs from those um so I’m gonna need okay yeah yeah okay I’m happy with that chairman oh boy

Well in the meantime let me do this is going to be down let’s go to the other one now that does work as as green I don’t know why it would need to be [Laughter] Kitty I can turn these into red as well okay so

Green to go down up only so let’s change this one two up and then exit only that one should be the letter X which is going to need there’s a bit more blaze powder um to make one of those nukes sounds like a hardware problem oh that’s right

You can’t seem to play the newer couple newer versions of modern Minecraft because I keep getting crashes and even bsods ooh that sounds rough there’s many any number of reasons that could be goodness or glass sticks there we go oh chase that scared me are you okay yep fine

There we go up and down when you get the opportunity let me know what you think of the signage okay it’s rather bright actually which means because it it’s the equivalent of a torch so I’ve got extra candles hahaha all right so let’s go downstairs point

And then I can put some signs here for now as well uh this is exit this is up and this is light up they are popped because lack of light I don’t know why I’m doing this because I keep accidentally stepping on them and whatnot I should wait till I’m done building no There’s a trowel item that randomizes the blocks you place from your hot bar yes there is and hello oh yeah it’s from Cork we don’t have issues with older versions and other games I mean look that would be nice that would save me a lot of time have you updated your Java Wolverine

Come make that thank you very much for the hint actually I’m gonna take one of these put it there oh gosh hi so uh what’d you think ah sorry I got so distracted by the trial prospect that um oh yeah that’s cool I like it it’s a little different at the bottom

But okay then I will work on maybe decorating this up a little bit uh in the future but that another for blaze powder pleated I’m working on Villages for order food and then I just need to put this away all right so let’s get some replacement two and two I’m gonna make

A mate a bit more of the mossy I’m going to replenish itude the master tude download the new version of java okay did you uninstall your old version sometimes it’ll run dual versions depending upon which windows and everything you’ve got going on I’ve had it before where I had three

Instances of java running I had to uninstall and then re like everything and then I had to reinstall Java it was a bit of a pain but foreign my pick could use some extra bonus life um don’t we have a diamond pick we’ve got several Diamond picks okay

That would just give it efficiency I should see if there’s two trades what’s up I guess one two three I need puno with villagero um let’s see who we can steal they’re all sleeping I come in the night and steal your people wow it’s quite dark it worked I did how goes it

Let’s roll us that fortune three we already got that and that’s a bad come out rattled affinity all right let’s go play some random blocks yay I can’t reach I already got quick charge three it’s like all right which which trades do you already have or not want I will

Give you those ones you can have multiple versions but it can be tricky yes very serpent charmer yeah that’s that’s what I’m looking for I want Infinity nah nah I’d rather have mending I think topple with me for underneath time at all one day I’ll remember personally I just

Wants that I need a high efficiency that is cheap ER right because I’m not actually using it potato recovery piercings just space in so touch Quick Charge three oh my gosh this guy is like here I’ll give you a quick charge three all the times now that you missed with the previous guys

That we were doing and infinity it’s like four infinities 24 for mending I think we can still do better than that not that we’re gonna need it for too much longer but it would be nice to have oh there we go you okay yep this is so much easier thank you very much

Oh wow that is a really expensive feather falling oh my gosh I’m never gonna get this impaling come on efficiency high efficiency please that’s not a cheap mending okay what do I gotta do dude outside they need to set you outside so you can get converted scene one

That’s not gonna happen is it this guy’s just not gonna yeah there we go okay I will do I think oh uh kashka can you do me a big favor what’s that I’m afraid if I leave this guy I’m going to lose the trade I’m meant to bring over the stuff

Can you bring me some like at least 19 emeralds and one book Place sure because the last time that I did this with a guy I walked away and I was like oh I need to get go get the the gems by the time I returned from just picking

Them up from the chest he had changed and a book coming up thank you I realize efficiency five is better but this is really good it’s cheap too thank you that work wasn’t quite close enough there you go thank you no problem yoink now we can make efficiency for

Mending ER efficiency 4 and kitty and fortune 3 picks which I personally appreciate at least um and then I don’t need to feel bad about using those as much let’s grab this one grab one more book what is the bsod message bsod uh I don’t know what bsod is for some

Reason I’m sorry I don’t think that question must be okay then never mind Easy peasy kashka I really like the Vault style you are using for the living space oh thank you thank the chat these Four and then seven there we go so kashka when would you like to go for a little stroll in a vault um That was really good good this that looks really good is this just Moss Mossy cobbled Mossy nice it’s a good variety you got there Yeah yeah and this is an infinite Work Source by the way oh oh okay cool but I’m just trying to decide like the best way to do it I mean I could like finish setting this up actually uh-huh thank you Starlight okay go away it’s dangerous to go alone take this

You never get to open one of these here would you mind maybe you got some some good luck sure three weeks well a slice of bread I get it I need more glass for that I’ve only got three glass something that I found that you might be interested in

Is that you can actually put the trapdoor in the water I don’t know if that interests you yeah yeah um did you take the wheat out yes I did okay um oh it’s night time Kitty stop pushing around the other kitties it is night time if you would be so kind

As to join me for a sleep with the kitties I will go and get some sand at night There’s no oh it’s not nighttime okay it must just oh yeah it just switched over never mind never mind they’re all good kitties up we go Like sorry is there what put the green dye in the miscellaneous chest uh there’s a chest on the above to the left that has a DOT uh Kitty splashing in the cuddle the music did get a bit louder it sometimes varies a bit but it’s jump off I should empty my inventory Oh we are ah I was gonna get sand yeah but I mean like eventually oh okay okay do I want to bring the crossbow there’s a lot of sand up there map uh stick to the left okay it’s been too long for me to remember what it said stop stop

I stopped playing after the last one corrupted my save file oh no worries if you’re on the Mischief Discord and do you ever run into problem again feel free to DM me and I’ll see if I can help I was very kind to me to offer that black dragon butt spot back off

I wish we had like a clear glass kind of thing going on I’m surprised because we’ve got connected textures mod in here but maybe the shaders like messed that back up well this has just vanilla glass I probably should have looked a bit better oh that’s right I need to change my

Helmet out it’s still gold armor oh this frameless glass yeah engineer lady just called it it’s like maybe you should look whoa rainbow glass oh it just started raining and all the drips on the water are amazing what’s that right here is that just regular frameless class like like not tinted

Uh I don’t know these all look like they’re tinted and I see the animations on the water like this it reminds me of uh Wind Waker and then I get all nostalgic for the music from that game it was so good here we go

Yeah this is look at this this is why we added chipped I’m gonna leave it like this for now I might come back with like a different colored glass in the future so I need to decide what to make the ceiling out of I’m about to say I’m kind of tempted to use

Actually I might need to change the design oh my gosh also I just noticed I didn’t finish that bit over there what the heck me whip it over where this little line over there all right carrots prepare to be trampled oh because you’re jumping oh come on oh

I’m trying to blame the torch I don’t know why you want to see me digging dirt or digging sand but you’ll see it now there you go probably about halfway through a couple stacks so far thank you I finally beaten the Elder and got into the swamp in bellheim oh nice stop

Thanks for the love of God the swamp is a terrifying place it is my least favorite place in the game yeah I think I need to change the design of the ceiling a block card hello black party how are you so the other thing I was thinking about an idea

That we should unlock create I think that’s a great idea because then we can get infinite amounts of iron and sand let me get trains steam engines how cool would it be if you could actually like make a a creation and it just goes through and mines

Everything as you you just plop it down and laughs just binds all the stuff for you it’s one of those pocket creations uh what do I got left I don’t know if 3H Bella Bella did you recognize this as a door though maybe nine two three four five

Six oh weird okay that’s not how I thought it would be I was thinking it would be like solid excuse me almost done here there we go then Oh I thought that I got some dirt as well oh all right well the more Sandy way it looks like there’s one piece

That I missed how on Earth could I miss such a sweet little succulent piece of sound of course there’s multiples going in here all right now I just need to fix the seat scaffolding time all right there we go I have completed the sand scouting Mission I’ve got four

And a half stacks of sand but your phone is acting up oh no worries at all no worries yeah thanks for stopping in Wolverine take care the trial away now I hope you found recovers quickly the Mr pocket Mouse so are you almost back then I’m on my way back now okay

Uh I’ve got to travel down the river a bit so I’ll be out that’s the question I’ll be a minute or two I’m not back yet I don’t know what more to answer I’m working on it okay oh [ __ ] it’s a drowned came up right next to me

Literally either destroy it or store in Connected storage my block it took out into something sweet excessive yeah we’ve heard of the rats mod but have you heard of the the mice mod I don’t have the water engine well you know I mind it through but I didn’t like um

I didn’t like uh do anything fancy with it yet just say that there’s a water trying to decide if I want to bring my crossbow with me or not it takes up two slots two inventory slots I think I do because of that oh it’s so dark

We’ve got a dock and a Stairway that leads up but it’s not a bubble Vader it’ll lead up to the top which then I can take a bubble Vader down to as the Vault coins for is there a shop in villages or something there’s often a shop in vaults

There we go there’s the there’s the dock bring a pair of shares with me okay everything also you need coins to upgrade gear did not know that and and I’m here hello now let me put this shovel together and get a new shovel so I guess I’m ready when you are

Now that I’m back that’s fine might as well take a little bit this this there and this is piercing One Quick Charge three it’d be better if it was piercing two or three but I’ll take what I can get I’ve screwed myself yeah okay get my pocket you saw nothing Golem

I’m stealing another villager I did I need to get I need to get the stuff get the stuff before I start cycling through they’re also using crafting Vault gear and whatnot so they have a lot of uses yes yes they do in fact I think I left

I left this stuff here I’m gonna trade my helmet um okay what the heck I know I might oh there’s a mine cart in the name tag chess now I’ve made two Hopper Minecarts and I could have sworn I set them in place thank you Starlight

Oh three lobes of bread what the heck four snowballs a block of blue ice interesting and I can think of those were kind of expensive it would be root sits thank you all right what did I do with them can you help me find two hopper Minecraft I’m looking through chests now

Did I put them in them in for my card there uh no oops no that find me mod would be really nice is there a chest here oh sorry that was a loot chest that I just got and you’d asked me to help find your stuff so I paused to do so food

Ah what the heck so I just searched through all these chests and didn’t find it um there’s no other chests nearby nothing there fine because that was kind of a lot of iron uh walking down the Villager Hall nothing in here that could store it only got torches in there is

Is rooted to the chest though you’ve got two Minecarts with Hoppers here it’s just not rendering for me they’re both in place um what are they in the chest now yep at least one hopper and two mine carts I’m gonna go put the rest of this stuff away that was weird

The rendering yeah all right is I don’t know where to put these the miscellaneous chest is getting a little full um oh I need to take that out that out all right then I need the villagers oh shoot I’ll send you to hang up I’m really

Close that this is what I was kind of trying to get to an idea of how far away you were random blocks there we go sort I’d sorted oh and I need to take all the Torches out of this okay I’m one one slap short can I convert these back eventually foreign Thank you so much for the looty booty oh look at this thank you officer a couple of chests XP nuggets gold nuggets iron nuggets a diamond nugget copper nuggets nice Nest thank you all right now let me just grab the pillow inside my chests away there we go

Two three don’t have I’ve got torches to my offhand still more things to put away there we go and then I just need a stack of magma block my block um so the thing is I don’t know I feel like they’re probably still gonna see that as a door aren’t they let’s see

What is a door even though it’s got a different texture hang on I need one more thing just to make sure I will block craft reframed door that’s cool well I thought that it would be cooler I thought that um I thought it would be like

Uh like the whole thing would would look like instead of having the glass insert that makes sense yeah yeah I’m just gonna Farm some crops real quick while you’re doing that okay sorry [ __ ] get that on my off hand yeah that’s why I’m just making some trapdoors to do it

Instead but yeah frame trapdos might be cool [Applause] um [Applause] it’s pressure point where is it okay so six blocks grab some scaffolding purpose this I got okay a little bit more because I need okay I’m gonna need two for each side but yeah but that’s end with the word that’s right

Four of those okay coming back up with some groceries I’m pulling her in I’ve got 10 bags of groceries on each arm you could use two framed trap doors to make a door and they can’t go no I still don’t have everything I need because I’m just

Realizing I need something to stop them from jumping on top of the freaking compost bin we’ve got glowstone I know I know but maybe you can chip the glowstone I put a leaf block that would stop them right I should do we have any uh I don’t know oh must block

For now help or they jump on a moss block we’ll find out I guess um I know that they won’t jump on azaleas or I actually I don’t know but I’m pretty sure they won’t jump on as Alias break all the things sure that is not enough okay yeah excuse me no stop

Compressed seed blocks would be a good thing I sense a soul in search of answers Jaguar thanks for the follow welcome to the mischief I’ve got some veg to put away no I don’t want it to open that one paper sword sword oh pumpkins I forgot

And then I’ve got a little bit of emeralds sticks is where I was making all my money before that’s the right oh my God why is this why am I making this so much harder than it actually is okay thank you okay right good Lord yeah okay yeah okay

Okay good there we go I looked Adam what was that had a butt of Zia of Ian EXO butt guides for vhd a little bit of em guides for vh2 so I used a lot of Sci craft references um let’s see let’s play set just place it no

Who wants to buy sticks you do how am I getting like what more sticks something weird I think the block is still there so oh my gosh how many sticks you buy dude buying a wow okay this is great keep buying no I can’t posted it oh oh you composted it

Do you have to jump while sneaking and looking down oh my God on top of it it’s gonna be a bit of dirt just give me a bit of dirt oh my God all right all right well thanks dude for buying the sticks I’m gonna need to do a lot

More tree harvesting at this rate who has a lot of sticks okay this lab works too I’m pretty sure that’s probably true yeah you can probably jump up on a trap door but I don’t think they can jump up on us on a slab would you like a slab

I’d like something that’s it I’ll bring you a slab also like something is weird would you mind um if you’re bringing stuff would you mind grabbing um the hoe as well uh so you can Harvest things or look at that rail cards have disappeared for me again okay

I did put them down again do you want the Looting hoe or just a regular I’m trying to brush but it still thinks there’s a block there for me look right there uh okay well here’s your hoe thank you that’s your slap oh I didn’t know that there was two of

Them oh we got another slab reload I still think definitely thinks there’s a block there do you want me to click on it with a torch or something or okay oh no I don’t because I oh okay that’s progress actually yeah there we go okay fixed fixed nice okay oh yeah sadly

Quark makes it impossible for you to tilt the land first you have to harvest the things nearby okay so potatoes on one side carrots on the other cool all right dude oh You released one excuse me can you get out the flapping corner thank you he’s like no

I want to escape the escapee oh that’s slick that looks really good I didn’t even know that that was there um so that’s that guy he’s doing a wander looking around oh that’s right and you still got to put one in the middle too right yeah

You think they’ll try and throw them at each other I guess it doesn’t matter Battlefield had been set to potatoes versus carrots for world domination that’s right oh okay fine fine oh Jesus oh yeah that had rendered as normal for me okay like it was already moist Farmland

That’s interesting yeah I know I know so um is that everything for this side got potatoes or planted composter the slab the mine cart oh thank you Starlight go potatoes forget hey it works Starlight you gifted potatoes that’s hilarious carrots also apples and a book why dude dude done the Hat

Done the farmer oh he has to be within a certain distance yeah okay Harvest potatoes come on trap doors that’s right trapdoors they think are are not are like empty space blocks so they they might think that that’s an entryway they won’t fit but yeah stuck

Oh hang on I can put the guy in the middle oops I mean I could put a um a magma block down on this side and then he won’t pad through it anymore or try to because they don’t try and path over magma blocks

You do have to sneak to get in and out anyway so that’s kind of okay and that guy is in the middle get out of the corner you [ __ ] do you want something all right let me put down stuck let me try this hold on okay I swear he’s guarding against you

The other guy on the other side doesn’t seem to even care I know right what I find interesting why does this guy what is it because there’s there’s a block here what if I did that I don’t oh that might have done it I don’t I don’t know he’s just kind of

Doing a little staggered walk there okay yeah Escape Escape stay sneaking well we’ll see easy to remove I I think the difference between the two if you’re interested was where that cobblestone was where the Cobblestone this Cobblestone over here is that wasn’t there and it was an empty

Space I put that there and he started wandering around shy farmer he just wanted to be a carpenter and you forced him into farmlands foreign I think I might finally be done with this did you gonna type them a bit to get going but oh you did put the one in the

Middle okay I did cool right what I am gonna do though is um check this guy some carrots better have some carrots yeah hello tell her she’s carrots just to get his inventory a little bit loaded up yep exactly and then for this guy maybe I can Inspire him potatoes potato pelter

There you go my dudes here I’ve got an idea to inspire them all you ready you ready all right there you go I see I think I’m finally done okay all that [ __ ] I’m gonna just put away the the rewards oh my God that took like way more foreign

Except we haven’t put the crystal right so no we have not so let me get where is that stuff one two three four and some chromatic iron oh also I stopped the hoe on me that’s unacceptable wow sometimes useful not really gonna bring it with me not this day all right okay

Evolved The Rock and just because you did it last time I picked breaking it up because I’m spying on the villagers anyway he does he’s wondering a bit four apples where are you spying on the village but he’s not really harvesting uh 52 Cobble look at that

Doesn’t seem to be harvesting at all actually uh one book which was just gifted To Us by Starlight And six cold they all say complete Preston Bhutan butan say good to go yay I has Crystal I cast Inspire yes oh I have I have the fortune hoe doggone it well it’s now in the uh in the chest okay we doing this they’re not harvesting yes let’s go okay

We can kill them when we get back I know I didn’t grab any sorry one oh no not that okay do it ready one I opened Vault you did we’re on the same team are we yes it doesn’t show on my screen anymore do you want to do the thing yeah yeah um

I’m gonna leave and maybe you can yep thank you yep there we go there we go can chromatica and be found in caves or does it have to be mining it’s just um not exposed to air yeah it can be exposed to water though so you can find it in flooded caves

Or like uh chasms like um in the ocean yeah we have found a lot involves as well we haven’t done that many bulbs but hello paradigmix yeah hi hi our first chromatic iron took us a while to find it was so it was a few hours of our first stream

Um but you you have a chance of finding it really low down and when you find it you could get a small vein of it to a large vein I sense a soul in surgery thanks for the following you know I have my Aussie emotes as well um

But uh if you can locate some the first time which some people actually they were taking door we were taking doors and looking for chasms and deep oceans so we could get down to the low enough y level I think it’s y minus 32 or lower

It needed to be or it was minus 24 lower I can’t remember but it was a very low y level and then lower any Square in there you’d find it as a possibility it is not easy to find once you do you look like you’re studying the magma block intently

Oh it’s because they’re holding the crossbow that’s funny all right shall we do this then yes okay I’m going in negative 30 or lower there you go thanks Paul in the end we found at mining we got an orange Vault oh that’s not great for Magna blocks well

It’s what we’ve got they glow in the glow though oh we’re getting raided just as we start off thanks clarpole thank you very much thank you it’s a three monolith vault uh that okay so it’s actually kind of doable for the there we go for the objective um oh you’re heading upstairs there’s

Nothing up here but over there there is stuff oh magma blocks are my building block material [ __ ] okay it’s your time no I could just mind this and we could just work our way up here this ah that sounds like dudes that’s a lot of dudes that’s a great part

That also sounded like uh what you call it spawner Ambush spawner beckmore thanks for the follow welcome to the Mischief yep I’m up here there there was how did I not hit you oop I’m grabbing one of the two chests in fact can I chop this I can it just

Takes a bit of time and do I get a chest I think I’m curious about nope I nope not at all there we go I now have some new building materials oh did you go down yes I said okay do you mind if I just loot this other chest then no okay

Got it and is there anything over here oh that’s kind of difficult to get to especially with seven blocks I could probably work my way over this way are we just trying to empty out this one as best we can wow he was an excited dude

Um I don’t know what do you do you want to go for the objective or do you want to loot uh I’m all about the loop right now okay oh I hear another what you call it spawner oh hey look at this we’ve got baby freaking husk s hey oh God

Okay that probably wasn’t a good idea just running around in a circle like that who to do and welcome in Raiders I hope you had a good Stream Global how how was it what were you up to today are you playing some of this a lot of people are doing it

A book creeper ditch those tusks yeah okay no I’m not I’m gonna die oh [ __ ] I got so overwhelmed and knocked off the edge wow but a little like warm-up fault I feel like I’m sorry about that oh there we go I got nothing but I don’t

I’m not dead uh this does give me a chance to get something besides uh blocks though let’s grab us ah deck of Cobble that’s what picking his grace is for yup that is exactly what beginner’s Grace is you get to make this Crystal blah blah that’s what I say to that

And there’s this Altar for you wait there’s only two chipped full Rock in here what there oh I put them in the uh ore’s chest I’m sorry I should have put him in the other chest on my phone thanks that’s me right there yeah so running around in a circle when

I wanted to get away from them was a terrible idea shocking Resto and pesto need to get a chest scroll to make them for your house I like fat Loot and I cannot lie four Moss blocks seven potatoes two iron ingots and an amethyst Shard and amethyst breakfast amethysts

There’s more of those potatoes that Starlight gave us protect that and take that oh shoot right there we go I didn’t bring ammunition for my crossbow I’m thinking oh I might be able to lend some some ranged support to koshka nope you have one shot and you can shoot

Through one enemy ain’t gonna do it seven potatoes and four Moss blocks for a moment I thought you said boss blocks and I’m like what yeah this is all the boss blocks Go for it if you’re ready foreign oh we got a white Bolt okay interesting well it’s a two monologue wow that could be easy or very difficult excuse me thank you no problem all right do you want to stick together or are we gonna I don’t know

Do you have any preferences let’s stick together oh hey uh you get the gold I’ll get the chest sure back there Sandstone um did you put this down yeah it’s so that when we come into the room we can see in the middle the direction of the

So wait sorry are we doing the objective or are we running around uh uh I don’t know what do you feel like doing here um I have no idea I’m gonna run downstairs that’s what I’m gonna do I totally lost you already you’re so fast okay that way okay I see it it’s

Difficult to get down here oh I see one of those shrines I know oh it’s just I don’t know but I’m gonna start shooting some of these guys with my oh oh it’s a murderer damn it baby it is a murder Shrine there are dudes down here that need murdering including a creeper

No idea how many you need to get murdered but there’s some of them that was okay that was just one of those one of those four out of six is what we’ve got four out of here husk huh there we go oh there’s some down here I got the ones in the water

I’m gonna get the water chests okay and we got these ones oh sorry give me sword give me and candles yes candles and I don’t really see much of anything else there okay oops oh didn’t grab this stuff okay accidentally clicked on that did I missed one no yeah that’s this one I’m

Standing on here oh oops oh the pennies oh do you have a looting uh yes okay well okay nice it works on all those but there you go that’s fine sorry that’s what I was like um so what did you want the living bag for coconut logs it’s crazy there are dudes

That spawner does not look like it’s going away my materiality oh um get rid of those not the right foreign did you get the one underneath the top one no no that’s the only one left then thank you for the heels oh it’s just a loaf of bread okay baby zombie

I am I’m retreating heck I’ll punch you with this thing just die uh you went back up yeah yep okay sure um go around okay let’s wait are we going do you want just go keep going a straight line okay let’s see what happens yep sounds good thanks for the heels it is

Okay loots I see a point of Interest over there you want to go should we go for it yeah it’s got a spawner oh that’s a permanent spawner okay yeah wait for the next one This one whoop oh what do I need to get rid of oh [ __ ] wow you made it out of there unscathed I’ll pick up say unscathed Get rid of this I’m gonna go check over here okay there’s another Spooner yeah and some four chests okay the dudes behind us are dead is waiting for the spawn come on don’t mind you I got the upper chest oh yeah and this chest on the right

Get rid of this sticks have you opened like just the two on the right yeah I hear the dude sorry okay is there a further path down there yeah okay yes there is okay foreign I’m running out of space already we can consolidate in a moment

If you’ve got arrows you can throw yeah it’s like you can throw those out I’ll pick them up oh God damn it it’s some skull blocks thank you I kind of got stuck there checking down here okay coming with you want to consolidate briefly yes because I see like however I also hear

I don’t think they can get to us from there though all right nope I just see a lot of so um you know I also have my let’s see put these in here how do I have two scaffolds like that um listen here all this stuff in here there we go okay

Ready for these ones yep here I don’t need the sticks or the Torches actually thank you you want to get the bottom one no you get it not to be a mistaken with medium rare scathe consolidate it all into one loan with six easy monthly payments scavenger eye yes Hunter’s eye

Um so that I see something over here like a point of interest that I’m interested oh yeah look at that however look at that that worked pretty good you’ve got the Looting I do I’m going to lewd away so I have some of those blue Gems by the way Jesus Christ chat

Can we have a tea time okay thank you for the tea all right pennies not the creeper fuse anything you want to give me uh here these are important I don’t know what that was but okay that yeah there was something back here and it stopped spawning so I think it was a

In English Maybe we might just get ambushed I don’t know no there’s a spawner [ __ ] creeper Road I killed it okay damn it more creepers thank you baby zombie so how are you gonna get in there I think we should Retreat there’s just too much here

Okay or or not I mean I stopped it well oh some of your stuff just broke oh you okay there yep how are you I’m okay oh poison okay I think we might be done with that yeah I can’t I can’t I can’t oh [ __ ] oh gosh right You ready done yes I do place there you go thanks should we go back up yes oh is this permanent spawner here so you might wanna screw past that get a boogie on right come again in a hurry um another Perma spawner I’ve got 11 minutes left

Thank you for the small heel engineer lady sorry so we came from over there right so we should go this way East three okay okay look at all the coinage down there I totally missed that okay um not this way but the other way oh no there’s a there’s just right here

Oh you’re gonna get that one oh okay oh that’s a little too close You’ve Got a Friend waiting for you yeah uh I can’t there’s a regular spawner there so I’m just gonna mine this stuff I know oh geez dude’s fallen and then try and get a little closer so I can

Mine these the stuff’s gonna fall including the dudes which I could care less about okay so I don’t know how if we’re able to get those or not but it’s just right here okay hello subby how you doing good morning I felt oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God oh

Oh no no no no no no no no I don’t know where you are I jumped down after you but then you disappeared oh God I think he ran up the stairs thank you for the healing okay I’m back up the stairs okay we’re fighting my way through where you just

Were oh God I just saw it Arrow fly yep they’ve been very useful I’m very happy with my crossbow so far hi hi let’s stick to the right on this one okay all right Monies do it foreign get that out of here no oh it was a I know I could hear my

Armor breaking oh your pants broke oh no yep and my chest plate has a sliver of life left I need you to come pick up some money here okay nope okay not okay hang on let me get rid of some of this crap it’s a good idea what kind of crap can I

Get rid of nothing wait I can get rid of two scaffolds and three coal there we go all right I have an idea come on over here okay seven minutes left okay and then can you toss me the arrows and if you want like a few of like you

Can toss a few of those stacks back at me it’s just to quickly consolidate our stuff together I only have nine arrows left oh [ __ ] that’s great okay copper that’s where you fell down I think so yeah oh sorry that’s quite rude a little bit this is the way down

I did see some good points of interest as I was running for my life yeah there’s one over there yep and then there’s nothing at this one what is that no there’s there’s coins at the top huh let’s go pressure plates gold buttons glad that none of these pressure plates

Are actually activating TNT or anything foreign there we go got it okay and I can just throw this stuff out imagine closer yep I’m waiting wow he looked at me and just went nope don’t care about you oops that’s not it oh [ __ ] creeper [ __ ] well there goes some of the money

And the the mob spawner actually no the mob spawner is up there oh [ __ ] okay good night creature I’m mining it ah damn gosh there’s gonna be nothing it’s dead it was a chest at some point actually you go ahead and go for it I’ve mined a whole bunch you go ahead

Uh that’s like kind of heartbreaking a little bit actually those and that and the other thing a bunch of Rocky sand there basically I got it all right um is Ruby going back up we got 344 left I see it uh do you wanna try going up this way that we haven’t

Gone up we missed money oh yeah and candles oh there we go do we need the candles actually we do don’t we that’s all right and ours breaks but when you need it break area cast boom okay this way blah blah blah but but I just threw out my Cobblestone

All right well that’s gone uh we only got two and a half we should probably head back just in case we get turned around okay because I we need to get up another level anyway okay where is ah there it is upstairs we don’t have time

But we can explore more when we get closer I think because we are two vaults away okay whoa oh it’s not that way I can reach it secret looting I don’t know where you went to get there going back to the I think I see it I think

Okay I found a chest along the way and just grabbed it okay yeah we’ve got plenty of time I think your presence oh my gosh chatra oh wow thank you thank you so much thank you so much for the 15 Subs wow ten Subs they thank you for the subs

That’s that’s a lot of Subs oh gosh I’m so distracted by the subs wow oh my goodness that’s incredibly generous tatra thank you so much your presence honors me yeah look at that minute to spare at the time yeah your presence I still I feel good about leaving with this this much time

Is good less than a minute leaving that’s good tonight is the night did you leave already in did you leave already I did okay okay chatra thank you so much for gifting 10 Subs one each to zero Diggy Rock Boris B unitria red sadki Mana dryad crazy Sammy

M82dk search Kawaii and calyx thank you so much tonight is the night of the many mousings yes it is Kind of you so did you close your stats already I bet okay sorry oh I think I was a hog on this one I got I I’m halfway to level I’m halfway through level two I’m like three eighths through oh so I’m not that far behind you uh this one dream Stone interesting

Uh chromatic images oop put some more stuff in here man I just click skill Essence in there and I don’t see it in there now I just sorted and I don’t see it either oh no it’s that’s why it’s because it’s a rainbow okay oh it changes colors yeah okay

Do we have the money in a specific Place uh I’ve got the money on me in case we end up running into a what you call it I think it’d be the man’s give me the money months money here we go and then we can actually spread some of this as well

We’ve got two gold four silver and eight bronze off to dinner and then work on a puzzle all right good night Red Dead monkey thank you very much for hanging out yeah thanks monkey take care always appreciate your company have fun oh and we just got a supplied wrap with clay

Bread and yellow dye which actually is good because I thought we had yellow dye no we don’t so it’s going in bing dong That’s a virus that oh yes please I was actually very low on arrows and I really feel that I’m able to help you a lot more with my crossbow than I am when I’m up there with my sword yeah yeah I was able to like hit them and sometimes kill them

While you’re killing one or two it was good okay sorry I I felt like it was working well you may disagree you’re like it sucked I was just um the whole time it means I have to yeah a tank uh the book The Books okay oh dear Zoe

Zoe agrees dude she just got a drink and we got more Brokers and cheese for the Zona Callisto to do a Ketchum up uh oh and I’ve got some decorative skulls to put in here for bottle oh enchantings yes in the books there we go

They still got more bold stuff to put in here I don’t know why I didn’t take that Vault geez exactly Vault Jesus cheese found in the vault because it never expires it’s like crap singles don’t question it nightcast about to hunt skeletons in the outer World sometimes they drop Quivers yeah

That would be really nice but they’re also very dangerous see got some in there I can buy some more arrows if I need to oops how did I get six bulb dust what what even okay do we want to go again I do but I need to get more arrows so

I’m gonna I’m gonna go buy some more arrows okay why you do that I’m gonna have a look and see what we need arrows there we go I feel that’s good one obsidian nine actually I would like to take a bathroom break all right I won’t be right back I’ll

Collect the stuffs while you do that okay be right back folks be good oh we’re done is it up here oh there it is going in and then while we’re waiting for balance to get back Okay all right that’s ready to go I just want to go see if these dudes are actually doing anything is that guy still standing in the corner he is block him in I don’t think he’s done anything oh maybe he has actually 35 or maybe that was me

Wait why do you why aren’t you employed any longer oh my God these villagers give me the death of me I’m gonna have to do a murder where are you balance what would I do no I’m just kidding villagers what about the villagers one of them has

Decided that he does not want to be a farmer oh seriously might need a bed to pop fine too um could be going to the nearest bed oh geez glad we’ve got railings otherwise I would have walked right off the edge there I’m just gonna block him

Oh you know what actually hang up let me try and get him to be at the farmer again come here why you no Farm farmer dude this is your job you see this you have one job Farm good job what we should do is do a single trade with them

Once they pick the job of course let me see what the other guy is offering dude you’re selling carrots and radishes thank you actually we could sell them whatever we want now that I think about it because they’ve got that stuff all right carrots and we’ve got lots of Ranchers what’s that

A varsity I was suggesting to place and break the compost it’s just a pain in the ass to oh it is hello you know um I know you can do you mind if I do a single trade with the other guy no I don’t mind okay then I’m going to do that now

Come here thank you actually might as well he climbed in here we go he climbed in oh he’s gonna break the block I know I know it’s such a jerk go get something to put on top and check if it’s night time he wants to be composted

He’s about to be composted uh just turned day oh yeah like a moment just a few ticks um maybe I will put like a black stone all right yeah and do you want carrots to trade with them once he does yes you do here have some carrots he’s in there and there

All right apparently you don’t want the carrots the carrots back in here oh it’s a different word Branch Jesus oh God okay they’re just getting regular glowstone but oh chip requires a different chipped bench or something that requires a different chick just you are a jerk oh now you’re gonna run away

No no I don’t want to be He wants to be compost ah hey you come here no all right hang on hang on uh vorsi was also suggesting break break and place the composter yeah yeah oh okay oh I see you’re blocking the tracking it so you can’t pass out this runs away no hi Amber

Hi Amber how you doing and hello Jaguar they stopped looking for jobs after a certain time I’m just gonna go make sure oh this guy’s harvesting I’m just gonna go make sure that I didn’t read this the clock wrong can you just yeah click on yeah I’m clicking on it nothing happening okay

I have no idea I mean there are tables nearby right like how far away are those that is because the trading hole we’ve got the trading hole like just over there I mean technically we should oh you did it you did it good job I was about to say technically we could

Remove the um potatoes the workstation once that we’ve traded with them once and then that should be good I tried up potatoes for them cool get traded jerk what a deal jerk Andy’s harvesting already next I’m still gonna block him in okay and more like What’s your deal exactly sure um

All right I’m not gonna mess with that anymore they are both doing what they need to be doing I think sure are so I’ll come back see what this would give this piercing one again oh but I could combine that with this so that would be worth it what are you doing

Upgrading my crossbow okay um to show curves for another that doesn’t add you it doesn’t matter it’s fine all right the bolt is ready whenever you are so okay and I’m ready all right I’m going in okay so there’s some other tail over there all right

We’re three we’re gonna try and can we try and do that this time yep let’s go okay Come on load yeah all right love load chunky vault is chunky oh how all right so our monoliths are they downstairs do you know they can be they can be Upstairs Downstairs left stairs right

Stairs any stairs skills we’ve brought ladders we could use those but you know oh I’ve got a water bucket oh you want to try sure you check there and I’ll okay ow I also just fell so that works oh nope nope that’s not what I’m looking for hi everyone it’s not downstairs okay

Direction to be coming from that way what huh it’s raining it’s obvious so we came from that way we just want to keep going west you okay yeah do you need help uh I’m gonna proceed West oh [ __ ] dude are we going west yeah because we came okay

Yeah we came from the East all right I am also going west that’s North why am I going north all right there’s a clear upstairs in the Next Room so I’m checking that all right I will head downstairs did you mark the entrance if not I’ll mark it no okay I did not

Marking it I don’t see North up here going back downstairs there’s definitely a big downstairs though oh you’re down there yeah I said that if you’re going upstairs I’m going downstairs all right then I might keep going is that all right yeah that’s fine it’s until I

Get to the end of the Run okay oh geez [ __ ] nope see you dude I’m out oh okay I’m heading west are you in the third room okay hello RN Ira how are you good to see you okay and you said you’re checking upstairs again but I don’t so

Guys you check downstairs I’m checking now okay well that’s not what I want no no no no Skelly bad [ __ ] it’s a ghost that’s the first ghost I’ve seen oh yeah no sign of monolith okay I’m continuing West I’m gonna head back up thank you the music is good oh God

I see you left somebody for me hi this is the end of the road right yep wow you got a train of him coming sorry [ __ ] nice sometimes it’d do really good job so I don’t look upstairs I didn’t see Ron upstairs um okay oh geez this doesn’t lay down um

Is there a downstairs I thought yes there is but I don’t know how to get down oh okay I’ll do the same thing I did before water bucket okay so I go back one and um sure I’m gonna make a background okay oh God [Applause] okay I already done the bankers because

Cold yeah I get that [ __ ] there are several Ambush spawners that I’ve triggered down here so as I’ve done that I’m I might grab some stuff quick I mean it’s just unguarded chests at this point so just quick grab but I do not see the uh the altar down here

Who cares about the copper okay uh water there it is okay said villain didn’t react to the creeper sound so I probably did just it was not in an area that it was a worrisome to me um so you went back East one um I went back East one and then went

Then I went North okay okay no rest I see your markers I checked upstairs I didn’t see it upstairs I’m just having a look downstairs oh God I don’t see it down here okay so I’m gonna head north a bit more okay oh God okay uh you said let’s drop before you go

Thank you I got it I’ll open it when we get back home um there might only be three for like all of these vaults so that might be why it’s so difficult oh I didn’t put any markers foreign okay uh you’re going up I will check down okay

Oh my gosh I just heard like so many of those things just spawn all right thankfully they all lined up for me though oh my gosh oh no no no no no this and get rid of that and get rid of that there’s just dudes spawning out everywhere there’s so many of these

Crazy spawners oh that’s a that’s a Skelly with a bow oh no no no no no no no no no no time to go okay I’m rich reading there it’s not downstairs I’m not planning it upstairs either for what it’s worth just making sure they’re not following

Me no it seems they’ve lost me okay and you went you’re still in the same room just upstairs I remember just checking some other size bits see if we can go north any further nope okay oh you did follow me little [ __ ] the skeleton with the bow came up

He’s dead though thank goodness okay shall we continue on um yeah which way this way uh East okay I think these monoliths are alive I’m going downstairs okay I see a way up so let me go up no monoliths here if I can see [ __ ] [Laughter] you’re right yeah the ghost is making

The frog sounds fire D what the [ __ ] all right come on let’s already feeding the dragons how are you hello FTD which way do you want to go continue East continue East okay oh gosh I’ve got so much stuff oh I need to mark it oops there we go I’ll head downstairs okay

I hear you guys hello Skelly friend heck there’s no easy way to get over there oh God jerk [ __ ] that was a mistake okay uh I go up this way yep it’s not downstairs okay okay I really find upstairs either okay then let’s continue headed heading east that all right sure great

I’m gonna call it a night don’t die thanks nightcast we’ll do our best thank you you’re feeling a little sorry for yourself after not really a not really date with a friend oh sorry to hear that oops uh there we go and I see dudes being upstairs taking shortcut to get down okay

What’s that uh I found some valuable ores that I’m just mining because I dropped down right on top of them so there you go that’s what that is and [ __ ] yeah off of me check it because I have no idea how to get up there these are these like this okay

And then I can get rid of that um I see some bits up there but Heck if I can figure out how you get up there without mining your way up you know and I just don’t know that there’s time for that uh what do you think should I try uh sure

I don’t think I have enough of a thing to nerd Pole [ __ ] I accidentally fell there we go oh [ __ ] set them all off aren’t they okay look there we go foreign running up here but now I’m on the left oh uh let’s keep it up nope yes Um rid of that all right I don’t see it up here either and I’m coming up thank you okay all right which way uh continue East hold on I got some blocks I can hang on I’m just gonna oh you got a friend behind you oh East is that way gotcha oh

Yeah I guess it is oops oh um also oh whoa whoa oh cool this is awesome excuse me oh there’s there’s a lot of loot to be found in here but um we’re running low on time five and a half minutes that’s a trapped chest okay yeah

Good room no mops unless you get trapped chests nice so maybe I don’t know Jordan just spent some time looting this room uh yeah we just don’t have much time to do that though that’s all I’m putting everything in this here are you right here at the

Entrance no okay never mind all right we’re on top Stars okay so you can put stuff in the shelter and then oh yeah they can combine but there’s an ornate chest um those are nothing another one up here this one oh oh unidentified Vault Shield oh nice uh and some blocks If we can survive it uh okay I’m putting a couple blocks down the rooms that I’ve been in oops all right was that the one I got I think it is four minutes yeah oh how fast I mean I’ve lost track of like which way we need to go to get back

We’ve got a bit of a trek ahead of us I think we should probably head out the next few seconds here okay so the ones with the Cobble you’ve been in yes okay oh loot foreign there was a chest oh [ __ ] there’s a dude okay uh I think we should go okay

Uh West right yes that’s where it came from yes this is the one room that I didn’t actually put the markers I never got so excited you want to live in this vault it’s very cool though all right we got Ta go ah somebody just landed on my head I’m like screw the to the back of the blocks come on go go oh [ __ ] is that a ghost it’s okay running yes running just keep running I think Shields not be crafted um I think they’re like if they can they’re super duper expensive

Goodbye oh boy I can see all of our Mark [ __ ] okay running am I going the right way I believe so okay um where the heck is that okay I see it is it across yep okay where we really did some just keep running just running Just Bounce

Keep bouncing I got a lot of chests in that last room just like it all right uh yeah yeah keep going we still gotta get through the next room and I think another room or two after that yeah I think it’s another straight across I think we probably could have

Taken a shortcut at some point yeah oh it’s it’s just after this here it is that it’s just through into this next Corridor is the exit oh yeah I see it all this Soul soil is not helping me Oh my gosh All right last no first second to last how many 17 chests 11. oh you’re leveled I love wood it’s all right I think we have cheeseburger I’m gonna put down this and then I’m gonna oh I even came back with some red carpet there we go oh

Much excite yeah it was good that was good looting especially with this unidentified Vault Shield yeah dude I get a vault Shield level two Rarity Scrappy model good old vanilla Shield 111 durability 10 block chance 13 Thorns damage hmm interesting I now have a shield which you don’t it

Doesn’t work like a vanilla Shield you just get passive a 10 passive block chance that’s it look is nice Shields I mean I don’t know it seems crazy how do you even find them all like we were running pretty hard I felt like I think that’s why you really need to

Like spec into one of those skills the one that’ll like find the yeah yeah here Starlight left us a departing gift oh apples potatoes some flowers a tree sapling yeah some arrows to go with thank you to the other side of the your shocker got it

Would you be so kind as to put that chest away for me I would greatly appreciate that all right let’s try these Hunter is the skill you want yeah oh is that Game Keeper oh we haven’t had this one yet we got a bunch of fences

A few carrots and wheat and a sheep a pig a llama a horse a goat a cow and a chicken nice chicken callisto’s gonna be really happy about that one also I have defense I got frantic in there feel free to have cheeseburger okay I’m gonna save those for some I got

Three vaulting kits that means we can make a vault pick that’s crazy find some Bolton nuggets actually where are they they’re in that somewhere they’re like I don’t know where they’re they are Vault nuggets Vault nuggies yeah so there are 16 of those actually a couple more and that’s some couple of Angus

It’s fine oh nice let’s see anything else Borgore I got three now the right ingots oh [ __ ] what we need we need a what fell you just need to raid a village I think so oh you can trade with the armor for them though well I got it set up over there just

Didn’t plunk it down villager you can put the crystal down and see what you get I’m still throwing depositing stuff here hold on I’m gonna check um if these dudes are still behaving okay good luck they are have they been harvesting 23 potatoes for today were they in there before I can’t remember

Too many duckies need to compress oops oh my gosh way too many of those let’s compress that too oh and I just made some blue dye by accident that’s great let’s do one of these and that is a question for chat oh boy the we were talking about Val and I were

Talking about setting up a mob farm but because we’re underground somewhat well we are underground we’re trying to figure out how the best way to set it up yes because I mean on on a Skyblock like we would have you know just put the platform with the water and the drop um

But we are underground here in the other world loads of caverns like how do we how do good night feeding the dragons thank you for stopping in good night FTD I hope you cheer up or you’re able to cheer up yeah yeah and that you feel better soon yeah carry yourself

Switch these out don’t compress carrots or potatoes I thought you took them back I didn’t compress them we can uncompress them I just did not I didn’t compress them to begin with those were rewards from Chad oh yeah and yeah we get them back it’s when you uncompress them

Uh you don’t we can’t get them back unless we’ve unlocked that mod got to get a nice Subterranean base like this set up sometime hello Cape sorted thank you very much this is modded this is uh the Vault Hunters uh Third Edition or whatever um that’s on 118 Minecraft

Torch spam in the nearby caves that’s all you can think of to help with an underground mob file yeah um uh arrows yeah I got I mean at first I was suggesting like putting the Box still putting the box in the sky but then um

Yeah I think that our y level would be too different for it to be for it to work I guess maybe hmm my boots in the helmet aren’t looking that good about sad I said my boots and helmet are not looking that good I might uh might do a repair on those

Thank you engineer lady but anyway and oh I just got gifted more stuff we got the gift chest all right kashka you get to open trees and bread and pumpkin pie what’s the base how long have you been playing the pack this is day three sublimiter or that’s the base how long have

It yeah we’re playing this is our third day we started with uh the Zona Callisto uh above ground oh here Oh it’s night time I was like and we’ve got some farms and stuff over there Kalisto started making a house um and then we started Mining and then got the idea she wanted to build underground so she took it to the next level and here we are with these giant alcoves and stuff

All right but the degree may be negligible depending on your needs so I guess I just don’t I don’t know the rules regarding like y level how y level impacts mob’s bomb right how wide level is it it’s a level three armor or two actually I’m gonna go steal a villager

And put him behind the armor stand and see how easy or difficult it is for his trades is that okay okay hey you come here yeah because I do not recall sing about at the there was one Village that we found down here and I did not recall still no crops yet um

Armor Roar armor Roar okay well that’s the only Village we found I’m sure oh would you mind sleeping oh sure I thought if I did oh you did okay he doesn’t seem interested in picking up the job yeah yeah see [ __ ] well so much for that you know what come here jerk

Did I lose both of those I did oh son of a gun okay let me uh try it again hold on a second I lost a piece of the floor trying to set things up oh uh uh there it is one of those there and then I can put this down

Him there there we go all right we can buy iron helmets and iron chest plates for a few emeralds they Enchanted nope just regular oh wait let me see we can re-roll that so let’s see if we can also get probably trousers and coal for emeralds female I’m going

To spy on these guys challenges and yeah they seem to be doing all right harvesting boots and chest plates the kids that they need to Chuck it to that guy in the middle yeah they do let’s see how easy or difficult it is to actually level this guy I don’t have

Many for much for emeralds right now a little resource Gathering and Mining went into making something like this yes kashka mined out this whole area she’s in no I didn’t but I’m out because you see like okay that’s true if it was okay if you see that big that big bubble

You’re right she enclosed this area and mined out clothes like like this bit up here adds mine out but like the rest of it I’ve just built box in in the cave like out from the outside it looks really silly uh so kashka look busy boss was watching what

The uh the guy it’s gonna take more emeralds than what we have well do you want to try putting oh me doing it yeah sure let me put these emeralds away up top and see if there’s some uh potat that I can break it I guess okay let’s do this

Oh that’s bright up here it’s just dark down here that’s all just enjoying oh do we have any glow squid inks nope [ __ ] oh yes we do got more before look at that um 14 of diorite okay that’s calcite we only have 11 diorite and that’s Granite oh well

It would seem diorite’s going to be our downfall kashka so we don’t have the the goods for either then yours oh my diorite how can I make it Cobble in another quartz we’ve got it we’ve got it and another quartz is going to be in here you’ll be having pizza shortly oh very

Good tasty mm-hmm diorite there we go we do have enough I just had to craft some throw that at it throw that at it I need eight carrots whoop I have 33. let’s make that work and then seven copper yes a use for the copper that’s all and let’s

Let’s just throw that over there chunk I just need a little something to eat right now like like no don’t eat the Almond pumpkin pie leave it in there oh I know what I’m gonna I’ll eat some bananas what are you gonna do put this trapdoor down the water oh okay

Save me a slice would you For you yeah have some potatoes kitty I have some carrots Kitty here have some carrots good job okay you’re loading up the guys in the gardening area yeah I’m trying to get their inventory so they start sharing oh we’ve got to build that’s right but we have to build a fish tank downstairs

For the ouch the mighty ouch here can I give you this I don’t know what it is oh um Maybe because uh I would like to carry the magma blocks I just it just does a passive 10 block chance on any and all damage oh so I can’t block with it

Not actively it passively does it gotcha that’s weird I was like why isn’t this blocking I’m pushing the button nothing’s happening you could be taking drowning damage and it might block one poison damage it might block oh interesting it’s a 10 chance of blocking some damage It also says it does thorns

Yes well it said plus 13 Thorns but I don’t know if that’s if Thorns is on it gosh I don’t know I didn’t even check to see if we can enchant it but I don’t know we can try it out um I have food I have arrows

I have tools my armor looks like it’s gonna last long enough so me too shulker box is empty my sack is filled with money I’m good to go how about you yep I’m good then let’s do it what it’s a creamy colored one or is it white I don’t know dude come on

Load Vault load that you can do it so three mile Let’s Fall together yep what do you want to do loot or objective uh let’s go this way okay you don’t you want to check okay I want to see what this is look after the pressure plates um skeleton okay

This could be bad I don’t know just this place looked interesting oh well aisle room before Oh we come in with the key behind this chest great okay so maybe this is a bad one what is that yeah but oh gosh sorry NAB I hear you I hear them too

I’ll make a room probably should play it for fine to stand up laughs um did you get this chest converted yes oh geez for a minute I thought that Brass Lantern was a bell and I was like oh that would have been nice but that’s good dang they spawned pretty quick on this

One there’s a downstairs as well I don’t know did you want to continue with this one or move on or what I just wanted to check it out just to see what it was okay I’m right there now thank you oh you’re downstairs okay all right that’s an actual oh foreign

That’s a bunch of unstable TNT great crap I went up so far that I activated another one upstairs And that one’s already been nabbed you came up the other side that doesn’t lead anywhere okay thank you foreign which way do we come in North this way and I didn’t mark it oh okay gosh the crossbow is just so good sometimes I might check up inside some of these buildings okay

I mean that’s cool Escape Escape oh God help help I got stuck okay no I’m not um okay okay uh so you’re okay now I’m okay okay I accidentally threw my crossbow and then couldn’t escape oh my gosh I was panicking thank you siren moons lime that’s root

Oh it’s a bunch of dudes up there oh you hear a lot of dudes up there too and there’s chess just sitting on TNT in there of course there is I’m I have to go for it you want to stand back yep dude oh geez that skeleton has a ball we’ll close that

And yeah put a block in front there we go from that room started checking this room but did not very far before [ __ ] happened this is suspicious it’s filled with TNT right sitting on TNT oh how’s it going guys let’s go how are you I’m all right I’m all right

That’s good oh that’s a dead end that was rude foreign just like looking at the blocks foreign ER under there oh she’s oh God that’s Madness hurts so much yes I agree oh that’s a skeleton with a cross with a bow [ __ ] [ __ ] out in the open oh that hurts all right oh

I really should upgrade my sword oh God that’s good okay um anything else you want to look at at this room I’m gonna Escape for the evening all right trapped trapped okay that one’s done now I think I’m done with this room oh [ __ ] ah shall we continue on yep yep let’s go this way okay go back okay Ah that’s a little better okay nice to

Be out of there that was just too many spawners that was a lot of this was a lot of loot though I’ve got some arrows if you will yes please take care of BJ there okay which way um and for looting actually but I see like an ornate do it do it

Just Loot and grab I’ll try and shoot as they spawn I’m gonna grab my arrows okay grab the ornate one hello my friend stay a while and listen I’m getting them both that’s cool okay oh I heard a witch there’s a ghost oh it’s the ghost

Jesus in fact the ghosts actually do get affected by knockback now it’s very different you okay yep I scared myself I was looking up walking forward Pro tip don’t do that sorry we’re um a little preoccupied with with looting yeah I’m looting depending you know what your preference is cool

Uh you still in here yep I’m going up okay then I’m going to stay um I’m going to go down ah you okay yeah wow maybe something can’t hit it there it goes there’s a lot of dudes out there I see this oh God ghost s okay um do you want to try going downstairs instead sure look out fast guy coming in

What ails you my friend let’s go that way because he came he came from that direction implies that we can get up there go down that way what there so we can see where it is okay this way oh yes it’s the right kind of spawner there it goes grab the stuff

Thank you Glam daddy J for the follow and welcome to the best gym junk Bank in don’t want yeah go ahead and get one on the top is this this this don’t other side okay yes it’s another Amber spawner oh that was close that was so close

Around it right yeah there we go damn it oh did they catch you no there’s a chest in there oh one gold nugget or diamond is another spot point of interesting oh thank you for the heel thank you thank you I heard it hits as well yep that’s all

Right I got the one underneath the red okay the other one on the bottom so I’ll take the bread oh some arrows for you thanks um what I got those you grab the other one which other one this one right here right in front here is my

Thing of me you want to dump all your stuff in there there you go cool mine it ready hang on hang on sorry I just spotted some diamonds and that um that I got a fall ticket come on all right there you go sorry okay you got that one yes okay next

Next loot oh there’s another oh it’s baby zombie I fell in the water I don’t think it’s an ambush spawner oh yeah I got knocked back out of this room I’m in the bottom one and this one okay this I forgot them all yeah I think so either

Way I’m done with that room all right let’s go I am out oh there’s another one over here all of us okay there we go another one over here oh yes it’s a good one super fast dude yeah I will punch you with this crossbow dude don’t make me do it

The gifts of a bladed bags oh I think another shocker there’s one on this side you want to get it I thought I got that already that’s what this one here on my side oh okay well I’ll get this one then okay I got two wrapped up the pie Okay so oh

I mean there’s some back with the other area ah there we go this way dudes so we can kill you proper a Little Closer that’s three I’ll go get the next patch of the next batch everyone thinks the pistol whip is painful but the crossbow width is truly powerful

It’s kind of the true artists one two three yeah loot it oh that seems a bit disappointing a Wither Skully skull I was able to mine the uh yeah all right so I’m gonna get the coins since you’re getting that nothing behind it [Laughter] all right

Um we probably got like four and a half minutes left okay oh there’s a spot over here did we get this this one pretty sure we did I feel like that’s why we went first oh let me grab the candles oh good call I have actually I have candles if you want

If you want to find with inventory space tuck it out popper I know she’s snoozing she is doing a snooze she’s really sad because the snow melted yeah so she was really disappointed when she went outside early there’s the portal right there I know so how about up here go for it uh

Trying to see how I can even do this much disappointed thank you [ __ ] okay that spawned him they should be coming down there’s also a pathway up over here oh I’m out of arrows going in all right so I think that did it yeah and there’s two chests up here and some

Candles all three chests and candles oh crap four chests and candles sneaky chest is sneaky and I will grab that one I got a book do you get the candles already yes next Thursday or Friday we’re going three to five inches of snow at 25 mile an hour winds great good Lord um

Should we head out then um I mean Marquette I’d just like to check really quick because we’re so close there’s this spot up here okay I’m gonna grab these candles quick and then I’ll join you thick steel what did I just pick up some steel I think I did okay oh wow

Yep trying to get up there to you I don’t have a crossbow anymore if you turn come here oh here is some arrows thanks um over here look in here oh lovely hi dudes [ __ ] all right oh [ __ ] get rid of this torch there we go okay

We should go we got less than a minute which way was it was it this way yeah go faster go faster that’s this last minute stuff that gets me every time okay here we go right oh let’s see let’s see the stats all right loaded more chest than you

This time oh yeah yeah how do you see that and the Green Dot at the top Green Dot to the top the top tab I can see you looted 20 chests and I um says I looted 20s okay you killed more dudes well I mean the crossbow helped

Although I took a lot more damage but level three and a half Vault level three put all the stuff in here that I can and then dump stuff in dump stuff in it oh congrats um and I have dirt to get rid of here there we go Plus

Tough and oh so I got a gilded chest scroll what is that I don’t know I don’t know what that is notice some people did some nice Shovel Knight skins for Minecraft so we sound like they need a cough Lolly super dry through well I mean they’re dead so

I don’t know what that is that you can use that to make a gilded chest from a base oh gotcha nice no that looks cool it’s kind of cute we’ve got a lot of candles we’ve got 29 candles plus five light gray ones yeah that’s good a Wither Skelly skull

I see the mod box is good all right now to grab all this stuff back out do this all over again shift oh wow it’s a lot of stuff shift not sure where to put this the Gilded chest girl uh I don’t know it there you go there’s your half oh thank you

And your half of those oh mystery box Ulta so we’re gonna need a chest just for Vault dust uh I got two laramas congrats that’s pretty good candles feel like seasonal items or like they suit the magic mode yeah I got two Golden Kids like the Vault dust needs to come out

These carbon nuggets are used to make carbon so we could like actually just make the carbon that makes sense because they’re not used anything by themselves you want to do that and that in there and we can uncraft them if we need oh really okay nice regret no Gates Driftwood sort sorry

Okay I’m putting that scroll one there can we make blocks of chromatic iron and then uncraft them as well just for storage sake it’s all sorts of crazy stuff oh my gosh oh yeah there we go and then this can be used yup they can be uncrafted it’s beautiful oh what

I think we have enough do we have enough enough what oh close so close don’t we need like 72 knowledge essence or something oh gosh I I don’t know oh man hang on knowledge star so that eight diamonds and the and the extraordinary Benny and then eight knowledge shards

Each of which is nine knowledge essence okay the chromatic iron block is actually really pretty oh and it changes colors that’s awesome so we are so how many do we have we have 64. or excuse me 68 so we have four knowledge Essence away from being able to craft the knowledge stuff

But remember we actually can’t unlock anything unless we get two knowledge Stars because all the knowledge costs at least two candles feel like seasonal items are like they suit in a magic oh sorry you read that already earlier sort okay um so actually we need 144 knowledge accesses man um I need

Oh you know what I don’t think we have enough pennies either it’s fine is there anything in either of these no oh excuse me oh it had to fall down there didn’t it okay yeah yeah and an extra four perfect ones and I think we’ve only got enough for two perfect ones

So wow two and two and three chord so we still need some more of those fellas as well yep oh we’re getting close though yep getting closer we’re running vaults a little bit better as well I think as far as getting lots of loot so oh that fell back there didn’t it I

Got it actually what did I think about this how we got the metal bands and bolts on the pillows so this is oh what sorry you know that’s not the torch off the back now [ __ ] [Laughter] the one thing that we did add to um to this is uh we um

We added in a mod called chipped but it’s just ads like um variants on existing blocks so so yeah it adds um these workbenches and um and you can like uh yeah like basically take a jungle log put it in the Carpenter’s workbench and then pick a different variant on the texture it’s

Just it’s entirely cosmetic there’s no additional value in it at all except for that but I really like yeah changing it up made it hello Casey Batman and thank you for the tea time hi Hello Kitty Wampus gamer glad to see her playing Vault hunters and I look forward

To watching I was wondering how you got the metal bands and Bolton okay that’s what you were just answering and talking about yeah all right Thomas oh you’ve been doing it I see one carat and 40 potatoes okay well done Farmers there we go Gigi’s and I will work on your ceiling

Sometime Vault dust now has its own double chest what are they producing the veg they are slowly nice I mean they are pretty small farms sweet and they’re um in their defense still it’s a passive thing that we don’t need to worry about they’re they’re getting us stuff we

Could make like tons of those but uh yeah jobs got this got the monies got the arrow got three arrows so you’re gonna passive things how’s it going in here hey dude oh the Villager making room there’s quite a few do you have anything yet you’ve got efficiency for

Wait oh that’s right you good you did get traded I didn’t put the sign on there I need to put that on there that’s Iron Golem you’re kind of in the way dude hello I can’t but I can’t see Ranchito three arrows three rice is efficiency poor there we go and and you

We still have to decide what you’re gonna come up with I was hoping for more piercing so I could Pierce through to more mobs but I got piercing two on here at least so let’s be shoot through three mending actually is what I need next everything good

Yep they doing what they should be oh how do we get these angles eggs what oh that was in the the farmer corpse oh wow or the the no the not the Rancher not the farmer the um gamekeeper Corps gotcha nice I just had a thought maybe Infinity would be better

Actually that’s really cheap let’s do Infinity okay we have an infinity and I don’t need to worry about running out of arrows anymore and I don’t need to worry about carrying a freaking quiver oh my gosh this is our life now oh oh my gosh

I can’t kill it it did Kill Me Oh My Gosh black dragon thank you so much for gifting 10 Subs this is like the the fourth sub bomb this is crazy you guys are absolutely nuts thank you so much gifted a sub to Ivana ivanolich Elena axiana rifterlands

Numenol Angel hex blood empathy vessel dreland Dreamer played too late awesome jelly thank you black dragon thank you so much thank you very much practice honors me mimics a player’s character not the mimic I hoped for yeah this this one doesn’t quite do that your presence honors me oh my God here comes

Bugger off that’s incredibly kind of dude thank you so much got it go for the eyes boo go for the eyes one at a time they’ve got Shields why do they have shields stop it there’s two of them now oh my gosh I’m punching I’m punching I’ve got a

Torch my hip for some reason I’m dead uh there torch I’m also dead just keep punching my brother nope you’re Lord wallet let’s get out let’s lure them out it’s the problem that we have no breathing room that’s fine that’s why I ran out of the room I found gotcha and I died

Oh thanks for the loot help for the slimes oh it’s just bread so they’ve got a 10 uh hit reduction now oh my God there’s so many I guess they don’t have much health but man they they take your helmet and your weapon this is why I’m fighting them bare-handed instead because

Honestly I feel like I’m having better luck I can spam it oh my God it’s because they they actually spring towards and through you so you’re hitting in front and they’re behind you you know I’m getting a weapon oh boy because I think some of them have like

They’ve got a shield already and a helmet mimicked so that’s my my theory here’s your corpse oh right over here by this dude that’s attacking me awesome jelly okay finally got them thank you for gifts oh percussions all right now to go upstairs [ __ ] that one’s got a diamond sword running protect me

Perfect Anymore gonna die from Fall damage transfer items okay let’s eat some food heal and to eat some food and and eat some more food I was about to put Infinity on this thing but tonight how you doing okay thank you guys again thank you again blackblade for the uh gifts up or the

Gift bomb give sub bomb yeah that very much so you already got that yeah okay it’s gonna disappear there it goes never mind okay oh ah oops what are you doing I’m mining too fast apparently I just wanted to take this and this and I can’t put that on there

Infinity doesn’t work with crossbows oh rude oh And that’s a lot of torches that’s so mean I’m so disappointed oh is this someone’s base it’s nice yes this is what koshka adopted a a stray um Cavern and then carved out the rest of it and and um let me uh back up a bit

So you can see she’s got like the different archways right now we’ve got the main inventory storage uh and workshop area then we’ve got the Villager Hall village of breeding area and then these are two um villager Farms where they’re currently harvesting crops and giving them to us automatically yay

And then we’ve got some bubble Vaders that go up and down and a bunch of other farms and a partial house built upstairs how’s the false treatments good Stone all right yeah yeah and I sent out the monoliths which we meant for actually trying to find you know monoliths similar to them

And ran through quite a lot of rooms and did not find a single modeler yeah I would say we went through at least 15 rooms probably more actually no I don’t think we went total success it’s getting late and I’m nodding off yeah we’re gonna have to call it here as well

If it’s a gifted sub speaker you killed a bunch so task failed successfully I can’t find them at all okay all right I as I understand it um it’s not like the first or the previous Vault Hunters where you’d get like 11 obelisks or monoliths or whatever and

You’d only need to find five you know it wouldn’t do that like overpopulate instead it’s like if you if there’s three I think it’s there’s three in the whole thing and I think that’s the challenge that we’re running into is that while that’s great it also means

That we have to really like bust a move through the vaults to find him I’m speculating here I don’t know thank you very much for hanging out Wilds out there yes thank you thank you for your company because of party life thank you there is an irony it’s failed successfully yes 100

You even did the hunter skill nothing oh okay it does like a little sound thing if you’re close to it but yeah and respond to hello how are you um oh sorry that we got attacked were you panic placing chests there I took care of it thank you for

Reminding me about that one sorry I’m sorry no I don’t speak Spanish hahaha [Laughter] um so let’s put this here and the bread I could probably keep on we that’s that’s my my food now oh my gosh is it night time I can’t tell what is put that clock somewhere a bit

More do you want to do one last sleep with our kitties and see if we get any good items like here well I was just putting it here temporarily by the beds until we come up with a more official spot for the Bell you sleep

Did you get your kitty to unsit oh no I didn’t well is that what we have to do yeah you have to like it has to be standing I think we need to go fishing now we do because I just got a raw chicken from mine and I don’t have any raw

Fishies to give where I would say we’re about halfway blockchain yep oh I’m sorry Kitty come this way we did this kitty kitty so then the only thing that we haven’t done that we were supposed to do or try to do is collect bees good kitty you stay there we also don’t

Really have a spot to put bees yet so yeah I’ve got some jars created so we can capture them uh there they are the it it does take a while yeah there is a great Elementary’s jar should be able to use those and you can use them the supplementary straws for liquids too

And faucets based on the Vault theme the green particles are hard to see difficult to find Hunter skill only has a certain range to it depending on the Vault theme okay Google me too me too hold on I got it there we go put that in there sort oh

Nothing there that’s empty oh that was the other thing I just need a few arrows one two three four I can put the rest in here then you want to call it yeah probably okay because I think um yeah unless I start like a whole nother project you know

Why can’t infinity beyond crossbows I am so disappointed I like Gary I am very disappointed to do the ceiling in that room there that room right there oh oh that’s right I just made this guy Infinity I forgot to mark him I guess if someone has a bow if you can

Get quick charges somehow on a bow good luck I haven’t seen anybody use a bow when vaulting so far I have to decide what to spend my skill points on I have two of them now oh my goodness that’s actually really cool you get passives like speed

That would be really good oh Heist Jimmy no I meant speed like running oh I feel like applies it permanently that is kind of interesting strength is very handy being care so strong that’s your beautiful thing as much as I love them that doesn’t mean they listen to me it’s true

Strength is very handy oh that would be pretty good it’s also very buddy I do I mean I mean I feel like speed is gonna be the death of me because I’m just gonna run two fat stuff places be one level of speed I think is actually going

To be perfect for you personally and I think haste um I don’t know I’m not actually doing that much mining in the vaults maybe that’s maybe that’s an error though maybe I should be more damage would definitely be nice uh where’s the thingy oh I think it’s over there more damage

Oh from strength shrunt well you could what sword do you have right now the um oh you do have another right okay you did taste so you can break this bonus faster it’s a good call well pickaxe one level of heist and efficiency five can break spawners in

Between spawns nice I I have efficiency for another right pickaxe now and I’ve been able to break them so far so this is this is encouraging I just upgraded my pick so that it’s never right hmm I’m built first for mining speed are you still perusing your yeah your

Choices I’m gonna sleep on it I think come back next I don’t know how to not spend a single point though I’m like oh I’ve got a point to spend I must use it cannot wait I am thinking about the area heel but I don’t know I don’t know of call

Maybe I’ll just go with taunt and call it good efficiency before you gotta be perfect timing or I have a friend to like take the hits for you that’s I’ve been able to mine a few times now so yeah yeah but it’s been a joint

Effort it has been yes one of us has like taking the hits while the other one is mining yeah it’s usually you mining me trying not to die look at all these skills that require massive levels we just need to give up get more get more just need to get good all right

You good I’m good okay well done with that folks we’re gonna call it here thank you all very much for coming out today we really appreciate it was kind of a it was a canceled and a rescheduled stream because we may have a small problem yeah we don’t have a

Problem you have a problem wow rude before you got to be perfect timing uh thanks for streaming we bought you we bought you two things thank you so much absolutely not super support today it is so much appreciated hello I care too much as well thank you for streaming thank you for

Joining thank you for for the the bits the subs the tips the loves the the coming in with with just the chitter chatter and helping us through annualarks as well especially the lyrics basically would bite you butt you back but that might be rude no we we take butt backs

Back butts though maybe not okay here let’s let’s see who’s on Twitter we’ll see if we can find someone for a rain tonight it’s taking a lewd turn foreign Showdown oh they are they are he’s still playing what he’s absolutely not completely addicted as well all right so uh our our good friend

Uh serious creeper you haven’t practicize all yourself kids thank you it’s playing hunt Showdown serious creepers playing hunt Showdown which I regularly stream with him on Thursdays playing Elden ring and uh he’s probably playing with ningo I’m guessing I think he might be playing with his brother

Maybe with his brother maybe both Sunday fun day I don’t know I I can’t tell how many people are in his party right now but still he’s a great guy we’re gonna go raid him uh it’s not Vault Hunters I’m sorry but it is just as much action going on here so

This is gonna be fun all right so uh if you’re a sub to the channel which I know many of you are oh because it was gonna spell it right so I gotta spell it right uh raid sub there we go there you go here’s some

Emotes you can copy paste into the chat when we get there if you’re not a sub to our Channel consider no uh just please feel free to join the raid so that we can you know hey say hi to a serious creeper and use whatever emails you like and Hunt

Showdown is really cool actually it’s got some cool it’s a cool combination of mechanics yeah so it’s Cooperative PVP v e all of those things yeah it’s uh you’ve got PVE yeah we’re gonna go see so yeah yeah let’s have a look I gotta click the button before it starts the

Raid so I’m going to copy that thank you siren Moons for reposting that so I can copy that and we’ll see you guys over there yeah have a good night and for those yeah tomorrow Happy holidays some more of the forest yes poopy time spoopy stream tomorrow good night yep see ya bye

This video, titled ‘Multiplayer Vault Hunters Day 3 (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice 2 on 2023-07-23 17:00:26. It has garnered 49 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:41:22 or 20482 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at #MischiefOfMice2 #twitchstreamer #createaboveandbeyond This video is a recording from a LIVE broadcast to either Twitch ( or on our Discord in a mini-stream with our supporters. Join us! Mischief of Mice links:

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    Mac's Misadventures in Moosey Town Surviving the Harsh Desert in Forever Stranded Modded Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the desert planet of Forever Stranded, a Minecraft Mod-pack in 1.10.2 available on the Curse Launcher. Join Mac as he navigates through the challenges of this unforgiving environment, trying to survive against all odds. Will you test your fate and see how he tames this unknown world? Crash Landing and Survival Challenges Imagine crashing on a planet with nothing but sand surrounding you. In Forever Stranded, players must follow quest lines while braving the harsh desert environment. The first challenge? Securing water to combat… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametix

    Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametixVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of Noob Getting Diamonds 😎😦 #minecraft #shorts #gametix #viral’, was uploaded by Gametix on 2024-01-10 06:36:14. It has garnered 3180 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

    Welcome to Plains n’ Peaks! Plains n’ Peaks is a private Minecraft SMP (Java only) for a select group of friends and individuals aged 14-20. Our server focuses on a safe and fun Minecraft experience without excessive automation or inflation. We enjoy hosting events, hanging out in voice chat, and having a great time together! We offer a vanilla experience with a few quality of life plugins, like one player sleep, and the Simple Voice Chat mod for socialization. If you’re interested in joining us, please apply here. Requirements: Discord account Minecraft Java Edition account Microphone and computer capable of… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Straight facts: Minecraft > Netflix animations”

    Minecraft Memes - "Straight facts: Minecraft > Netflix animations"Well, at least Minecraft doesn’t ask you to pay extra for “HD Dirt”! Read More

  • Wathi’s Minecraft Melody: Already Dead in Rainimator’s Realm

    Wathi's Minecraft Melody: Already Dead in Rainimator's Realm In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Creativity flows, setting imaginations free. With updates and news, we stay in the know, Crafting our worlds, letting our creativity grow. Wathi’s “Already Dead” video, a masterpiece in sight, With animations and lyrics, shining bright. The pressure around the neck, like a guillotine, The struggle and pain, in every scene. But in Minecraft, we find solace and peace, Building our dreams, letting our worries cease. So let’s dive into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, In the world of Minecraft, where our imaginations take flight. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Building Plr_Hightower in Minecraft!

    Crafting Chaos: Building Plr_Hightower in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building Plr_Hightower in Survival Mode! Introduction to the Adventure In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved. Join Lyfe and Me on an exciting journey as they embark on the challenge of building Plr_Hightower in Survival mode. Creating a Dye Farm The first step in their adventure involves setting up a dye farm. This essential resource will provide them with the colorful materials needed to bring their vision to life. From planting seeds to harvesting vibrant flowers, the process is both strategic and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of Minecraft animations like Monster School Reanimated? Do you enjoy being part of a creative and active community of Minecraft players? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, players can experience a unique and exciting gameplay experience unlike any other. With a focus on survival gameplay and player interaction, Minewind offers a challenging and immersive world for players to explore and conquer. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! – Minecraft

    Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ALPEREN HAYALET OKULUNA BAŞLADI! 😱 – Minecraft In this video, Efe and Alperen spend a day at the Ghost School. They learn how to scare people and how to become ghosts themselves. For more videos like this, don’t forget to subscribe! Subscribe now: Minecraft Parodies YouTube Channel Most Loved Minecraft Videos Check out our most popular Minecraft videos here! Support the Channel If you enjoy our content, consider joining our channel here! Join our Discord community: Discord Contact us at: [email protected] Disclaimer: All our videos are purely fictional. The characters and events depicted are not real. The… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POWERFUL SPELLS in Minecraft with this Magic Minecraft Mod: Archon #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kaupenjoe Mod Showcases on 2024-09-05 14:30:01. It has garnered 5224 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. In this Short Minecraft Mod Showcase, we are looking at Archon. An awesome Minecraft Magic Mod that adds powerful Magic to Minecraft. == HASHTAGS == #minecraftmods #minecraftmodshowcase #moddedminecraft #minecraftmagic #minecraftjava #kaupenjoe Read More


    HAUNTED SURPRISES IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Thought This Was A Safe Place | #minecraft #gaming #funny #viral #scary #gameplay #vtuber’, was uploaded by ChaotixOP on 2024-03-29 21:00:53. It has garnered 414 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You cannot escape 🎨 follow me here too: ⭐Discord: ⭐Twitter: ⭐Instagram: ⭐Newgrounds: ⭐ Or more: ⭐Youtube: ⭐Twitch: Read More

  • Unbelievable Find at Raaanch – Crystal Room Revealed!

    Unbelievable Find at Raaanch - Crystal Room Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t – Another Old Base. Crystal Room. Dupe Stash Hunting 369 (Stream Highlights)’, was uploaded by Raaanch on 2024-08-14 13:00:41. It has garnered 968 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. Welcome to my #2b2t #minecraft #2builders2tools stream highlights. If you wish to join us, please drop a follow at Would love to see you there! Streamed on the 23rd and 24th of Feb 2024 2b2t is a Minecraft server with the goal to never reset the world in a free for all no rules pvp environment,… Read More

  • Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shorts

    Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft lazy players be like #shorts’, was uploaded by teaSer7 on 2024-05-23 06:14:28. It has garnered 2556 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #tiktok #viral #minecraft Read More

  • 💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #Minecraft

    💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-04 18:25:24. It has garnered 113 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:04 or 13504 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: Port: 57892 Discord :- Youtube :- Instagram… Read More

  • Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PC

    Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cách Cài Addon From The Fog V5 Mới Nhất Có Rừng Slenderman, Herobrine Giống Pc Cho Minecraft Pe 1.20’, was uploaded by Noob Gamer🇻🇳 on 2024-03-02 11:30:08. It has garnered 66129 views and 1212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:28 or 808 seconds. Addon Slenderman by SlothBuddy206 How to Install the Latest Addon From The Fog V5 With Slenderman Forest, And Herobirne Like PC For Minecraft Pe 1.20 🔭 I am a new youtuber, I hope everyone will support me 🔭 After watching, remember to subscribe and like if you like… Read More

  • Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | Minecraft

    Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tập 3 | KHÁM PHÁ MỎ HOANG BÍ ẨN TRONG FROM THE FOG VIETUBER SERVER ! ! ! | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Dino Sakura on 2024-09-05 08:19:55. It has garnered 12668 views and 478 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:39 or 6819 seconds. ►Subscribe to the channel to receive the latest livestream: ►Join Channel Membership: ►Donate to Dino Sakura: – Wescan: – Playerduo: ►Other social networks: – Fanpage: – Group Fans: – Tik Tok: – Youtube: – Discord Sever: ►BUY DINO SAKURA CORNER… Read More

  • AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!

    AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-08-11 16:02:32. It has garnered 123790 views and 1297 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:54 or 10014 seconds. I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle! 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► MAIN CHANNEL: 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – Music: SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Piano Cover – Billy Joel Phantom

    Insane Minecraft Piano Cover - Billy Joel PhantomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Piano Man Note Block | Billy Joel Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phantom Note Block on 2024-08-31 13:00:45. It has garnered 174 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Billy Joel – Piano Man Noteblock *Turn on CC for lyrics* Arranged and built by Phantomette / PhantomNoteBlock ============================================ This is one of those songs that I didn’t care for until I started building it. By then, it really started to grow on me. Fun fact, this video was uploaded at 9 o’clock Saturday for 90% of my typical… Read More

  • Evrim Craft

    Evrim CraftEvrim Craft, Minecraft’ın sınırlarını zorlayan bir skyblock ve MMORPG karışımıyla geliyor! Adından da anlaşılacağı gibi bir evrimin başlangıcını temsil ediyor. Burada, pay to win kavramının izlerini silip, adil, dengeli, yenilik dolu ve eğlenceli bir oyun ortamı bulacaksınız. Sadece blokları kırıp eşyaları toplamakla ya da AFK bırakma ile sınırlı kalmayacak, aynı zamanda epik görevleri tamamlayarak Evrim Craft dünyasının en güçlü oyuncusu olma yolunda ilerleyeceksiniz. Desteklenen sürümler: 1.20.4 – 1.21.X Sunucu adresi: Web site: Discord: Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2+ No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Welcome to HearthCraft SMP HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us to be a part of our community! Features: The world will never reset. Join a long-standing community. No pay-to-win perks, just pure gameplay. Resource worlds that reset monthly. Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more. Unique pet system and level-up based on playtime. Marriage plugin, land claiming, and more. Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia. Block logging and inventory rollback for player protection. Main world size is 90,000 x… Read More

  • SiteBB’neath the surface

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Screenshot Shenanigans 🔥”

    Looks like these screenshots are getting a solid 21 out of 10 in my book! Keep snapping those pixels, gamers. Read More

  • Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown

    Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Hive Games is where the community thrives. Join the discord, join the fun, Explore Legaci City under the sun. Shoutout to sparkskye for the thumbnail design, And to Ghostyy and Kamkam for their duos that shine. Cinematics by qRedblu, capturing the action, Bringing the excitement, satisfaction. Become a member, unlock special perks, Check out the merch, it’s a great perk. Join the channel, be part of the crew, Supporting the content, that’s what you do. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Hive Games is where stories are told. So… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

Multiplayer Vault Hunters Day 3 (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack