My Attorney Said WHAT? In Minecraft! feat. BDGG Josh

Video Information

For A oh Oh A good evening ladies and gentlemen and thank you for tuning in look at this beautiful we already got about 30 people in here chilling waiting for us to start do me a favor uh channel members sound off and we’ll go ahead and greet All of You Beautiful People for uh for jumping

In here I hope everyone had an incredible Thanksgiving dude it’s uh it’s been a crazy week I apologize look I left y’all hanging oh man I left yall hanging on Tuesday and Thursday I knew that I wasn’t going to do a show Thursday but Tuesday that was all that

Was all me okay and yes for those of you uh watching here wondering what shirt is dark wearing I am wearing uh the new dld merch shirt thga verint didy 11 oh man wear this one of Thanksgiving and uh see y’all the questionable faces in your family yeah especially when here

Here’s the real magic when people are looking at you and they’re like what is that shirt and then they say it out loud and then they’re like it’s like that that one news anchor that or who I think it was somebody on YouTube that uh was reading a comment from a young gentleman

By the name of Nick G and when she said it and it all flowed together she was like oh my God and that is exactly what happens when they read it so it’s funny however I just found out that there’s an issue with the merch

Shop so um I’m working on that so for the people that place the orders already be patient I’m going to get it taken care of for some reason it it was set to not fulfill these orders so I’m G to have to clean that up and get it taken

Care of so that company took your money uh and they they didn’t give any to me either because nothing was fulfilled so just hang tight we’ll get it all Tak care of so let’s go through and say what’s up to all of our channel members and then we’ll go ahead and get started

As you’ll see the um the uh name of the stream tonight is dld live my attorney has instructed me to say in Minecraft obviously we know it’s it’s a joke right because everyone knows that in Minecraft wasn’t there a white paper that was circulating between like the FBI and some other places about

In Minecraft they were like a gas that it meant lowkey for real though you know like come on come on anyway let’s go ahead and go through and say what’s up to everybody so Kurt 24 was first this evening Kurt 24 congratulations my guy uh and for everyone here that’s new if

You don’t know how we do we greet everyone as they come in so if you don’t like that then do me a favor and uh cough and then come back in like five minutes okay uh Kurt 24 not only a chin memba but also first in chat tonight my

Guy congratulations you know we all love you uh also Channel member we got too many choices in the building what’s up brother too many choices also is a channel member we got Mark Tucker Mark also a channel member uh let’s see too many choices Kurt 24 Johnny propane

What’s up brother another Channel member for show uh Rusty crusty trombone Shackleford great to see you appreciate you coming and hanging out I I honestly at this point I have so many Rusty shacklefords in chat I never know when it’s the same one I actually think this

Is the rusty Shackleford that came over from um uh Cap’s show from out of battery podcast that maybe not is this AR Rusty Shackleford or a different I don’t know look every Rusty Shackleford here we love you okay uh fluffy bunny Arsenal what’s up fam great to see you

Another chemba appreciate you and the reason that we greet all the channel members is because we literally would not be able to do this show if it wasn’t for y’all so shout out to y’all love y’all uh zanti Misfit what’s up brother good to see you another Channel member for show me

See uh okay hold on one second guys okay my bad uh all right so zanti Misfit also a channel member my guy great to see you Mike mclone the lon what’s up another Channel member appreciate you coming in hanging out as well uh hey benie go boom what’s up fam

Another Channel member of course Drew also a channel member what’s up brother great to see you uh let’s see zanti Kurt key ASC what’s up man I guess guess that’s like a term that’s like a tech term or something like that I I don’t know I don’t know it’s not my thing and

Thank you to all y’all that stuck around during the Instagram stream that I did last night and for those of you out there that are like what you did a stream on Instagram and I didn’t know well then you got to go over on Instagram and follow me too so uh goom

Beam what’s up fam goom beam man if you don’t know then now you know the best tactical flashlights in the business right here goom beam it is no joke these are literal lightsabers I’m just waiting till he is uh you know somehow you know restricted by the federal government to

Say you can’t sell those those are actual lasers look look at that photonic focus of that beam bro and who knows maybe something is coming in the future with goon beam and dld after doc I’m just saying that may actually just be my vape uh my vape

Smog oh man great to be here with y’all all right so we got goom beam in the building and by the way just so you all know there is a link in the description if you want to support goom beam and also support the channel and there’s a

Discount code in there too uh Tim HOA what’s up brother Tim HOA uh he is also a channel member appreciate you we got zanti too many choices z z Meep great to see you appreciate you coming and hanging out as well also a channel member ad xr90 now now I can finally say

That I too am of the family of the XR 920s yes Black Friday is a mofo with guley super dookies and Shadow systems and the whole nine it’s crazy I know we be we be doing crazy things around black uh Black Friday did I say black Christmas Black Friday whatever you know

What I’m saying however black Christmas is an excellent aotp song uh Army of the Pharaohs if youall don’t know that go check it out it’s kind of an extension of Jedi mind trick anyway go check it out out all right moving along Joe Morris what’s up fam also another

Channel member my guy appreciate you goom beam Senor Gort great to see you appreciate you coming and hanging out as well you guys are great John Doe what’s up brother another Channel member Tech money salute always saluting man I’m pretty sure Tech money started the whole salute thing on the channel because

Prior to that we didn’t really you know he he did that so shout out to you Tech Bunny and salute yes I’m doing a left-hand salute because honestly I got the mic right here and it just gets in the way just gets in the way uh I know I have not worn the

Shoulder rig in a while I know I know I got to bring it back I know especially in the winter time right it’s cold it’s cooler nowadays so I should bring it back uh let’s see Z Kurt 24 te money gour Joe Morris my guy great to see you

By the way Joe Morris did didn’t you get win that um that uh OTF box cutter and a goom beam I think let me know uh how the OTF box cutter is working out for you man I love mine I use it every day Tac knives is incredible man I’m looking on

My desk because I know I got tack knives all over the place but Tac knives Tac knives is awesome and they’re doing like giveaways two for ones they’re doing bogos they all sorts of cringy stuff go look at what they have going on on their website use code dark you get 20% off

Your order as well and I’m not chilling I’m just trying to support them because you know they support the homie so uh Joe Morris Kurt 24 zanti Misfit Gort Gort uh let’s see takech money zanti hey constitutional Carpenter what’s up fam good to see you another Channel member

Let’s see who else we got goom Bame fluffy is That Yo goom Bame yo goom Bame Montana my guy great to see you appreciate you coming in and hanging out as well constitutional Captain Z testing testing one 123 what’s up brother great to see you uh let’s see Tim HOA Z Kurt

24 John Doe testing testing one two3 Mark Tua Mar fluffy bunny Kurt 24 Tech see adx r920 uh Mark Tucker Drew my guy Drew dlon how do you feel that I’m not a channel member you know what I if you and I’m just GNA throw this out here for

You ger chop great to see you by the way I hope your trials going great um if you uh you know what can somebody Ro G chop all right just let the Man live okay um that’s a release talk your own recognizance by the way um okay so if

You go in your device and you allow gifts it’s where you click around the Super Chat area somewhere uh the last I saw if you click allow gifts when people give Channel memberships away then you would then be able to receive the the gifts as well so uh try that out

Hopefully uh because I mean dude I think everyone has been a channel member at least once cuz people look a whole bunch of people aren’t lining up to become channel members on uh dld after dark right um I mean some do and I love yall

For it uh but most people give a bunch of Channel memberships away and that’s how we get to this place where we take 20 minutes to welcome everybody uh so for the people in the beginning when I said come back in five minutes who came back and we were still greeting everyone

I’m sorry we have like over a 100 channel members who all engage it it during every single stream it’s insane it’s insane um but I love y’all for it uh OTF box cutter with a skateboard tape still holding up yes I love it I love it

And for like 50 or so bucks he got it for free cuz he won that in the giveaway which I may be bringing back here in a moment but bro like 50 or so dollars for a a an OTF razor blade knife like fire fire I love mine uh and I purchased Mine

By the way for anyone yeah but you get free stuff from tech knives bro I’m not I’m not Mr guns gear I’m not demo Ranch I don’t I don’t get come on I mean some people sent me stuff but you know what I’m saying anyway moving along Kurt 24

We got Z we got Mark Tucker Joe Morris San Misfit who else we got all right let’s move to the honorable mentions here we got geop in the building y’all know Dam in Christ what’s up brother my brother in Christ appreciate you coming and hanging out G23 what’s up fam great

To see you uh let’s see Gera G23 uh everyone else is a channel member I guess look at that Rumble Vulcan what’s up bro nine minutes behind playing 2x to catch up awesome uh Donald R deico there was AO there I think there was an attorney

On somebody I knew that was a Dio too right that’s how you pronounce it um I don’t remember but uh you know I just assume people like that are important who have fancy last names uh yo dark happy holidays everyone appreciate you SL uh Scott deep magnificent what’s up

Bro great to see you I probably always say your name wrong C prea what’s up what’s up uh let’s see I think we got everybody everybody Run Gun run gun in Minecraft was a court case oh that’s right I think somebody did share that with me I think Crump shared that with

Me uh you can see that it’s stuck clearly DB says scored Glock 17l today boom boom first question what generation second question hell yeah I’m just kidding that’s not a question but uh that’s dope it it honestly if I could score like a second generation Glock 17

L oh and I think there was some like gen 1.5s that are like between gen 1 and two but they have a very gen one like frame uh those those are dope those are dope I think those were like 89 to 91 time frame man those are just such cool guns

I I got a whole bunch of second generation Glocks and I I I love those I mean they’re they’re just great guns they’re super smooth they’re just incredible guns love it uh Hey Gordon what’s up bro happy bladed turkey they appreciate that you as well my friend

You as well flying Rich firearms in the building what’s up y’all great to see y’all and uh let’s see DL Mother D I love that every single time I know it’s coming appreciate you uh and yes so for the I think we had one or two come through uh for the shirt again

Uh chill out on the merch orders because something was was messed up I know a few of y’all had already placed orders but uh for some reason uh the the store is not fulfilling it even though they took the order took the money and it just

Says hold hold on uh fulfilling so just hang tight I’ll get it figured out within the next couple days but just so yall know I do have uh some interesting stuff the first one being the shirt which is the gu verment did I 11 oh man again I wish y’all could have

Been there when somebody today actually that said what does your shirt say and I was like read it they were like thugga verman did 911 and they’re like like you should have seen their face it was incredible uh we also got some exciting things like uh phone cases for your boy

Chips aoy uh yes that is the Sleepy roofer phone case I know it’s exciting this is uh for all of those branch deidan nights uh when you just have to use your phone and uh also you just want to celebrate the first sleepy ATF agent at Waco uh there you go

Uh available in a whole bunch of different kind of phone cases but I think they’re iPhones only so uh big fish what’s up fam good to see you uh yeah so this is hilarious it’s also relatively inexpensive for uh for what it is um this stuff is so bad oh and and check

The back got the little blue Kim light on the back you know what I’m saying uh and then we also have this so this was a a special make for detective young Kimbo um because you know over here guys we are patriotic okay ATF ambian yes so uh to make sure

That we can celebrate how patriotic we are together I made this now notice which side the uh holes are on it might be backwards it might be a reverse American flag with a sleepy ATF agent on it yes but you know what it’s what the people wanted it’s actually what they literally

Demanded they were like dark I was like yeah but check out this ATF pillow and this ATF backpack and the they’re like yeah we want the flag we want to fly the flag of the lazy roofer so there you go ladies and gentlemen look I didn’t want

To do an American flag upside down okay because I still believe in what the country is supposed to be okay but what the country is supposed to be and what the country is are very very very different things so I figured it would still get my point across if I did it

Inverted you know what I’m saying and oh oh oh don’t follow don’t follow me homie and then uh also of course make it the lazy roofer so there’s that there is that that drawing is hilarious so funny thing hopefully I don’t get in trouble saying this come on

So um I made it look like a drawing it is uh man I don’t if somebody has rights to the picture I don’t want to whatever there’s going to be like 500 people that see this uh thank God for my small YouTube channel right so I took the original picture

Like of that day uh the real life liveaction uh picture and uh I took it and then I like you know how there’s those different filters that like make it like kind of like cartoonish I did that and then I applied some other filters and then made it look like

Pencil lines and then I kind of put the you know what I mean so like it it it made it like like this and then I put different uh like color patterns on it so I have it in like actually like every single primary color I even got like bro

I got like red white and blue that’s the backpack is in red white and blue I got the hoodie that’s like red white blue glowy blue and then purple and and red yeah red and uh I got also like yellow and some other colors too but uh it’s

Hilarious like why why would you not want to hang a picture like this above it’s a it’s a picture the whole family can you know be involved with so it’s great and for anyone that thinks it’s a little too I don’t know brutal to celebrate the sleepy time of uh an ETF

Agent um let’s remember what happened there and in many other places and let’s remember our friend Matt CRS firearms and remember the challenges that he’s going through due to a corrupt government and uh let’s look at our lives our individual lives and remember how much has been totally Deed on by uh

By these same people that we’re talking about here and not and not only them like just people in power okay the people that are you know the string pullers like come on let’s be real all right do they not celebrate when we die that makes me feel a lot better okay

Anyway moving along facts thank you Tech I mean bro they do they they yall know what I say should should we do a shirt of of my uh government saying the government hates you and wants you dead I think we should literally make that a shirt too now that I have the creative

Ability to make anything into a shirt I think we should just I think we should do I mean what whatever y’all want to see right in Minecraft that could be a shirt that’s not my idea you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying anyway let’s go through and say

What’s up uh Mark Tucka G23 jc9 what’s up fam good to see you prepper book club in the building great to see you uh G23 wired tight what’s up fam good to see you my bad I think my gain is too high for me to be talking this loud my be my

Be let me turn that okay great okay fluffy B the fact the Kim light is on the back of the shirt versus on the sleeve is no coincidence yes yes um there’s a lot of like little Easter eggs in when I do stuff like this

Um you know stuff uh so you got to you got to be on the lookout for that like on one of my hoodies uh I hid on both of my hoodies I hid a a Kim light somewhere so you literally have to find it and it

It’s just a cool thing right do you guys remember when I man I didn’t oh I didn’t say this publicly never mind uh cranes cranes MC basketball Jonah what’s up fam Jonah I promise the second I get off I am gonna shoot that over promise pinky promise

You’re probably never gonna want to help me again for the rest of my life deck piics that would be a good shirt um shout out all my dudes Maga because our forefathers sacrifice hell yeah sport bra appreciate you um by the way sport bra you’re the guy I got a holler at man

Because uh something happened to where when when dudes are going to dld Hardware because the merch is available on dld Hardware but again Paul’s don’t don’t go like crazy buying it okay because the orders that have already been placed for some reason it is not fulfilling them so I got to figure out

What’s going on there I went through every setting that I could to see what was going on so sport brand is the man he knows about all this [ __ ] so I got to holl at you got to holl at you so actually Jonah um I want to set up a

Separate show um our guest should be on here in a moment uh I want to set up a separate show damn where’s my drink at bro I want to set up a separate show uh focused around night vision and dirty civilian type is and I want to have

Jonah come on and uh do like a deep dive into night vision and like what to look at what to think of and you know specs and the difference uh you know all sorts of different things like that t for TAS what’s up fam good to see you and since

We just gained like another 10 people in here let me just show y’all again okay so one more time the shirt says thega move that thega vermint didn’t I 11 I dude I will NE I’ll never get enough and I literally who to whoever saw it like I just took a Sharpie drew

That out on a piece of paper on like a cereal box and I was like y I’m GNA make this my next shirt and I asked y’all I asked y’all I asked uh rid cromp a bunch of other people and they’re like yes absolutely you should do that because

It’s hilarious it’s not only hilarious because you it it sure is a conversation starter but to hear other people say it when they are trying to read your shirt is like oh my God it is just music to my ears uh dark if you had to provide guns to people for what

Uh oh uh greater than 400 for greater than 400 you talking about yards greater than 400 uh what would you go with consider these people to have little to no firearms training oh man um I could think of uh F uh man sucks yes it does very much so hold

On oh less than 400 yards for so for 400 yards and within is that what you’re saying my bad my eyes are struggling I should have just I should have just made it big um so 400 yards and in um look nowadays uh ARS are extremely simple and

ARS are highly effective at 400 yards and in and you let me just say this okay okay so now I know people are going to be like you’re I’m not a wealthy man okay but when certain things pop up for the right price I will absolutely buy it

Even if it kind of stretches you know the the the wallet as some would say um I recently purchased the guley Superduty I’m also building the OD Green Superduty lower and on Black Friday gisley put out there uh 1 to six by 34 so their uh lpvo

For sale it’s normally like 900 bucks and they had it on sale for $350 and I was like bro that okay that’s a deal right is it the absolute best optic no is it the best optic for $900 absolutely not from what I hear from other people that know more than me um

Is it a very well-made optic for the $350 price range at absolutely I would take that all day now their 400 450 whatever dollar Mount that they have um that’s expensive okay it’s a schmitten bender government contract overrun uh the one that I purchased it was a schmitten bender government contract

Overrun mount on sale for 277 so I put both items in the cart and went to go pay and then it says 70% off of the mount when you buy these items together so it was already reduced down from like 450 or whatever it is to 277 and then I

Got 70% off the mount so we’re talking like $46 or whatever it was 420 is for whatever about 400 bucks for a a scope or lpvo that is equivalent to a burus rt6 cost I was literally and I know I would have gotten so much for

This I was literally about to take this $2500 geysler Superduty guley gez sorry I’ve been yeah Geisler gisley they’re both things check them out uh anyway so for the guley Superduty I was literally about to take that $2500 what sells for $2,500 here I would never

Pay that but I got the 40mm green one that usually sells for over two grand most of my local shops have them for 2500 uh one had it for $25.99 that is insanity Insanity anyway I know that if I put a uh burus

Rt6 which is a 1 to6 by like 24 MIM tube uh lpvo on that thing I would have caught [ __ ] by everybody but I was going to do it because it made sense financially so you take what makes sense financially and you put a better quality optic in that category absolutely I’m

Going to do it so I did it everyone’s going to you know $420 69 oh Beni I can always count on you for a laugh watch it actually be that too I I would not honestly I would not be surprised that that’s that’s about what we’re talking um and there’s 69 people

In chat right now heyo I’m just saying where’s my but butl openo hold on and you you should also get yourselves one of one of these these shout out risky krisy brought this up on his uh video the other day and I was like man this this is something that

Every single person should have come on so uh two things what the fudge sorry two things for the people that are going to ask number one uh this is a tool that will allow you to get water from almost any current modern commercial building out there uh yes you

Can use other tools as well but uh this is a good handy tool that you can just throw in your pack you can also use it as a blunt force object um but mostly just for water uh so this is a great tool to have and

Literally you can get them for like 5 to 10 bucks uh depending on where you get it online and for the people that haven’t asked yet but are going to ask this is the uh NC Star vism yes the world’s cheapest company out there for Glock stuff but this is a multitool for

Glocks this has obviously the punch it has a bottle opener because you know why not this has a uh magazine tool on there so I can actually get this so I can pop this piece out okay I can hook this piece into a Glock magazine you know

What you you want me to show you you guys want me to show you you want to let me know if you I’m just kidding I’ll show you first off let me take these uh G9 defense rounds out of this bad boy okay so it also has a Glock front sight

Tool on it whoop this is like the best like $14 or whatever $11 whatever it was at the time I have not found all of this in one tool since that day but it’s fire so uh what you do is you take this part of the tool so you pop your magazine

Tool open okay you have your Gizzy magazine right here what you do is you pop that piece in there okay you leverage it on the magazine okay you take it y’all ready tell me when to go tell me when to go I always forget to mute when I do

That so you guys get to listen to W Probably sounds like a high power sprinkler all right one two three boom that’s it all right now I get to take this off roll that bad boy down boom boom got everything in there captured so I don’t send stuff popping all over the place

Even though some have been telling me that I do keeps it popping uh then you put the base plate back on right pop it in boom look at that installed again is that KCI oh no that’s Glock I was going to say what what are the chances of me

Grabbing a KCI mag and for people that are complaining about Glock magazines let me explain something to you they’re $29.99 bro come on okay I’m sorry I need to get back to what uh what my guy was asking oh hold on not yards oh you’re talking doll hairs I mean we could do

Both so anyway the whole the whole reason for me bringing up ARA go BV what’s up brother great to see you so the whole reason for me bringing that thing up about the uh about the scope was this no I usually do not buy super high dollar stuff when I do it is

Usually a very rare occurrence and uh when I do it’s because I know I’m buying something for literally the rest of my life and what you guys also usually don’t see is that sometimes I even sell other stuff to get it although I am not a proponent of selling stuff because

More guns is better for anyone out there okay so that’s the only tool one of the only tools that we have to uh you know fight against Z zavan ran out of characters on my massage H that sounds like a personal problem okay so so let me let me go back

Here okay uh Glock bags should be $11 absolutely there should be a free Glock magazine station at every MC Donald’s drive-thru but you know aside from that um gon’s going to Glon 100% pepper book club knows what’s up okay so the whole reason for me

Bringing that thing up was to say this I usually don’t buy super high dollar stuff but when I do I know that I’m buying it once and you know that’s it um the guley Superduty and the uh the optic that I got in that crazy Mount is going

To last forever that is an excellent choice for 400 yards and in now if you’re talking $400 an inch so pause that that is a 16inch 5.56 with a one in seven twist some people would argue that the one in seven twist is not optimal for blah blah blah

Whatever I don’t care uh it works just great for me when I’m running typically 55 grain to 62 grain it’s not optimized I don’t care it works just fine right I’m not going for you know quarter MOA [ __ ] like I I I don’t care um now if

We’re talking sub $400 range range you can absolutely build an AR for about $400 and and E even if even if it puts you around like $450 if you go higher Dollar on some stuff the only things you need to go like higher Dollar on Is For

Real the the BCG the bolt and and the barrel that’s it everything else can be dog [ __ ] cheap you know if if you wanted to uh Rich what’s up brother uh thank you for the Super Chat only a fool would buy a guly Superduty okay so rich

Um they know that you’re also uh on the guley Superduty team with me now so rich also got a guley Superduty but he man he got a deal because he didn’t care about the color I was dead set on that 40mm green it is crazy you know what I need

To show yall so what I think happened is I think these fools were trying to do some normal OD Green uh stuff and then they had some freak accident too much of something somewhere and then they were just like oh my God this looks and then somebody was like based and then they

Were like yeah let’s sell it let’s call it uh what does it look like it looks like the casings in 40 millimeters okay we’ll go with that okay so let’s see all right so this is the 40 mm green gisley um some people call it noveski green some people call it you know

Bazooka green uh but that is the guley Superduty that is the exact guley Superduty that I purchased and that should be in um it’s actually in right now but unfortunately they don’t have people there on the weekend to log in the paperwork so I stopped by to see if I

Could grab it and they’re like yeah you’re going to have to come back Monday I’m like bro I’ve been waiting like two months for this I know um now the other guy Superduty that I’m working on is the OD green one which is slightly different shades 50 Shades of uh OD Green thank

You for the super super chat Rich by the way uh so this is the OD Green gly Superduty some people are going to be like well I can’t tell the difference and you know what it’s fine it’s not for you that’s why people spend $2,599 to get a special color of

Something because they’re about that weird stuff um I’m also about that weird stuff let me pull up my chat for tonight give me one second I’m going to have to mute might be um but then of course you can also put uh OD Green uh put put an

OD green one together together put a black one together uh shout out to my Luna black lovers out there uh and Luna black is that sounded weird Luna black is gle’s color of uh of rifles uh no visitation they they didn’t even um hold on and sent it via Instagram

Hold on I got to send him a link again un sugundo uh let’s see what all right he’s saying he didn’t get the link sorry guys bear with me just for one moment we’ll get right back into the conversation hold up copy okay where sending the link to Big

Yash hold on y’all my bad one second I’m getting him in here see yeah it’s the same one oh you know what I thinks I made a boo boo my B my B all right got that boom copy boom boom Boom what in the mother of pearl yo are you serious dog hold on okay this this is weird something is going on y’all give me one second this is super weird dude yo my bad Josh hang on one second sorry guys okay uh that should work boom boom boom all right I’ll send

That no okay all right sorry my bad I had to send that to my guest cuz apparently the first one I sent out didn’t get to him so okay getting back to it uh so uh for everyone out there do you believe that uh you can build an AR for

$400 or or less um now is the AR the only option absolutely not especially if you’re looking at like I don’t know let’s say you’re looking at a you know 100 yards and in so maybe everyone’s different okay but let’s say you wanted to have uh a little

Bit of a unit and it was small and it consisted of like four to six guys and all those four to six guys kind of do stuff together and they train together and they you know maybe buy ammunition bulk ammunition together and they go to training and they go to the range

Together they have coms their radios are synced and you know and these are just dirty civilians we’re talking about Safety Harbor Firearms what’s up brother dude go check out Safety Harbor Firearms go check out stin parts. Co and stuff uh go check out dirt foot racing uh he’s the man what’s what’s

That guy um so let’s say you have this like small team okay and in this small team you have uh two of the dudes that have shotguns shotguns are excellent close in you know firearms and you could have two guys on the team that uh that are rocking shotties and they’re going

To be good to go what’s up brother what’s going on welcome welcome welcome to the show and and by the way uh everyone out there that’s going to be like but shotguns you can absolutely get a shotgun for under $400 if you can’t then your brain is tarded and I my first

Shotgun was under under $200 actually it was the Mossberg Maverick model 80 say Maverick Maverick yeah and that thing rocks Montana my Mana thank you man appreciate dude that’s an awesome pump shotgun pump 12 page amazing and you can beat the dog mess out of it and it still runs it will

Ask you for more oh yeah Montana that question yeah yep that see and that’s the beauty of uh of pumps too and and Montana you brought up a great question so how about this how about we dive a little bit more deeply into it and we’ll

Do it with Josh here and we’ll think outside of the AR-15 and maybe even consider things that aren’t AR r15s that are a little bit cheaper that maybe also take AR-15 magazines huh so we’ll see um but Josh go and take a second and introduce yourself my friend I’m Josh

With black diamond guns of gear uh our YouTube channel and uh sometimes podcast whenever we do on um but yeah we just uh like to play around with a little video and uh when we can you know is what it is that’s where you can find us black d

Gun GE on YouTube and on Rumble actually yeah man you’ve been doing the rumble thing a little bit here and there uh a little bit they take you know they take our uh videos from what we put on there and sometimes we’ll put some extra stuff

On there that we can’t put on YouTube you know yeah so here and there you know not not not as active as I should be probably but because I mean obviously you think like those platforms should be better for I guess freedom I guess or whatever you know but

I don’t know I’m just I’m I’m on there here and there you know it is what it is yeah yeah oh Jason Schmidt brings up an excellent point here uh Jason Schmidt says a shotgun might be the only legitimate place for a bayonet that is a very good point because uh if you’re

Looking at like the uh oh thanks Kurt appreciate that man if you’re looking at like a a small team right a small unit of dudes um it’s likely that let’s say you have you know six dudes and one of them has a shotgun it’s likely that uh you’ve already

Established certain things like sectors of fire um you know certain things like who’s going in for close in work and you know you’re shooting and moving and communicating and when you do those things you know who’s going to be going after closer targets U provided that the

It’s a very fluid environment okay but in that instance they’re going to be focused on The Closer targets so he might be right and let me know if you guys in chat disagree that may be the most appropriate use of a bayonet I mean you got to think you’re

Running out of ammo quicker so you gotta have something you know for a little bit more protection so that might be pretty good which you know if you think about it the slam fires had them on it yep yep you can dump a uh slamfire shotgun

Quickly oh yeah I mean know I wonder if they take those shorties what do you mean which one oh like the shorty shock shells or whatever they are like the ithas and those slam fire so I just picked up I just picked up one at a pawn shop oh that’s right it’s in

Layaway I haven’t got it out yet but I wonder if they will take the shorty shells only if that company and shout out to my guy Archie out there who did this for me uh the company has to make a it’s like a little stop Gap that you

Plug in there little rubber piece yep yep yeah you could also 3D print one um you could as long as it basically did the same thing which is it it stops the the manual pump from from going all the way home um and he also Archie also sent

Me two boxes of birdshot in the little mini shells those things are badass I cannot wait to go out I finally got an invite with a dude that has some land and uh I’m going to be going out there uh I wasn’t able to go a couple weeks

Ago when I was inv did initially but uh yeah I mean that certainly changes the uh capacity of your shotgun and also also uh the ballistics are not that different yeah like the ballistics on like a one of the shorty slugs is not that different than the ballistics of a

Full-size slug yeah I agree I mean we we played around with them I don’t think I’ve ever actually did a video on it I wanted to but I never did um but yeah I think they’re they’re definitely it’s easier for them to go in there and I

Think I actually even had one of those rubber pieces that you put inside of a Maverick 88 that’s where I first put that piece was was in that Maverick and uh and it worked just great in there and it and they took I think that shotgun

Itself took like five in the tube One One in the Chamber or maybe four in the tube One in the Chamber and it took it from that to like 13 or something like it was something stupid yeah and I mean you for say for a home defense situation

You can’t beat that dude 13 rounds of Buckshot basically I mean oh hell yeah and and there’s people sleep on shotguns a lot or or ARs and you know semi-auto 9 mil Glocks excellent for home defense 100% they’re incredible guns and some of the same reasons that

They’re some of the most incredible guns are just because they’re popular right like I would much rather be running my beta m93 on my kit but I don’t because the guys that run with run Glocks and I bet I bet they would run different guns

If I wouldn’t run a Glock and so on and so on but because they’re the most popular guns you know we’re we’re going to be running the most popular guns for law enforcement military and and all that uh and civilians of course but um when it comes to shotguns ammunition is

Quite possibly the most important thing out of all of it right you’re you’re going from like let’s say an AR to a shotgun where your gun holds like you said six seven eight rounds maybe like 9 10 Rounds depending on what kind of gun you got um yes there are shotguns that

Hold 25 rounds I know it okay that ridiculously long keltech KSG yeah I get it they’re out there how reliable is that thing versus a regular 12 gauge pump shotgun I mean it’s pretty reliable I’ll give it that yeah I’ve never mess with one I never never shot one never

Never mess with one I think it is um I may have shot one88 I may have shot one there yeah I would say it’s just as reliable as a it’s mostly reliable um as long as you slam the [ __ ] out of the pump you got to

Really run the pump um if you short stroke it you’re you’re done so you’re having problems and also uh unless you are strategically stag like staggering ammunition changing the the tube and stuff just leave it in the middle and let it just do its own thing I wouldn’t

Mess with it but when you’re talking like a either a semi-auto pump or a manual pump honestly what you got to do is you gotta get shotgun cards because this way you can have your shotgun cards on your on your firearm right yeah and then you grab the little string and then

You rip it off and you can take your AR-15 plate your uh plate carry your with uh your um uh with your uh mag mag carriers and you can shove these in there loaded it’ll it’ll stretch them a little bit but it’ll be worth it uh push

Hard it’ll go and then you can hold now you know eight in here eight in here eight in here or six or whatever which one you choose this this was $15 like that’s nothing when it comes to gun stuff that’s nothing you know so yeah I would highly recommend it you

Can also because they’re hook and loop you can throw them on your gear right when you’re when we were just having a conversation with Dave mods official about this um 870s I absolutely love 870 shotguns those are incredible shotguns um I also love just brass be yeah go

Ahead I also love just brass beads but that doesn’t mean that I won’t run a red dot can you guys believe how heavily I got criticized for running a DOT on my shotgun I was like brutalized by this dude in the comments for being like you’re running a red dot on your

Shotgun how stupid is that and I was like well it doesn’t seem very stupid at all I look through the dot and it shows me where I’m going to hit with you know what I mean like it it was just baffling to me to think that running a DOT on a

Shotgun was was stupid right and this dude just couldn’t imagine I was like well hold on you may not know this but uh I can run a brass bead or steel sights or ghost Rings or what I can run that like a mofo like I

Shot SK for a very long time I’m not good at that really following and no I’m not I’m terrible if it’s going sideways I’m struggling if it’s going at an angle like like that I will crack them all day yeah yeah actually I was just shooting uh skied

I88 and uh rich and some other folks were there dots being more on a shotgun than a pistol um that guy’s a dumbass and can eat my ball cheese there you go ball cheese uh my money is on the beta 1301 bro the I’m I’m not going to lie the patrol the

Ultima Patrol the 300 man I would definitely consider that for half the price the end is near what’s up brother uh unless I got my Josh’s mixed up Josh has lost lots of weight good job man what’s your strategy you won’t need the fat guy holster anymore IND near beware

Thank you and uh by the way the IND near beware I totally forgot to hit you back I got your email I’m sorry I’m a dirt bag I do this all the time to everyone not just you oh yeah uh I had weight loss surgery that’s the reason why I’m lost a bunch

Of weight yeah but you’re don’t don’t cut yourself short you’re also uh exercising a lot of discipline uh to maintain that yeah for sure I mean it’s uh it’s definitely different it’s a lifestyle changeed for sure I think I mean before uh I mean I wasn’t I wasn’t eating candy bars every

Second you know of course I always thought about my weight you know I always thought about you know what to do to help it or whatever uh but yeah I mean it it definitely takes a a different kind of mindset to to do what

To do what you had to do to get through to where I am now like I’m I’m like two and a half months out now almost three months out and um before that before doing all that stuff you had to do a lot of liquid stuff and and if you are not

Willing to give it your 100% to stay to the liquid that the doctor wants you to stay to you can’t do it because it’s uh it’s very hard really hard I I basically did liquid for almost a month straight that’s it’s ridiculously hard and I’ve had people comment on like the

Videos and stuff I done they’re like yeah remember when you used to just be able to just go to the gym work out and lose weight what happened to that and I was just like dude you can still do that yeah but once you get to a point to where you’re so

Big it’s it’s hard to do that it’s like when you’re when you’re 350 pounds almost it’s hard for you to run at the gym you know it’s hard for it’s hard on your knees it’s hard on all that stuff so it’s like yeah you know I mean paid

For it so why not do it you know yeah yeah I mean that I I’ve put this year much more of a focus on my physical health you know being active going out and just doing just being active as far as like walking and you know mostly one

Of the reasons why I really really really want to lose weight is so I look cool in a plate carrier um but I also want to live a long time too no I’m kiding yeah um no but I mean look the reality is that like I I am not going to

Be uh around for my daughter as long as I want to if I’m not taking care of myself I I I’m not going to be around for my family and for my friends and for other people if I don’t take care of myself and if I’m at least not active

But you’d be surprised a lot of the people that have have gained like a substantial amount of weight like the amount of G weight that I’ve gained over the last five years A lot of it is due to a combination of bad habits but also the medication that I’ve been on that

Has totally [ __ ] me even when I do work out it doesn’t it the weight doesn’t move like like it used to you know so oh yeah part of its Age part of its habits part I mean there’s so many other things diet age habit habits um you know hydration uh what activities

You’re doing there’s so many other things like that but uh man the the medicine’s been a been a [ __ ] yep I know there several people that have been on certain stuff and it it definitely uh it definitely has a hindrance on that because it it Alters your mind to

Thinking like I don’t care yeah you know and um I know several people have done that and um it’s not only that man I was I was I was watching this um a video on this guy who does bariatric surgery and he’s a well-known doctor and he’s had a

A YouTube channel for a while and he was putting out this video and he was basically said um if you’ve had gastric sleeve or or Bypass or whatever you you want to go to the gym because there’s there’s two different things there’s a fat brain and there’s a

Skinny brain and skinny brain is what most people that work out all the time they have a high metabolism uh you know and stuff like that they look fit and all that sort stuff when they’re your same age basically when you’re when you’re a little bigger I’m a little

Bigger all these other people that are fit and stuff they have skinny brain which basically means they go into the gym they enjoy working out because it’s not a habit and it’s not punishment for them they get they get the runners high they get the the feeling of feeling good

When you work out because I mean it does feel good when you work out eventually but they have this mentality all the time when you have a fat person that goes to the to the to the gym it’s punishment for them it’s always been punishment for them because of how big

You are just is you can’t move as good you worry about what you’re looking like when you’re in gym with other people I mean I don’t I don’t give a [ __ ] but you know what I’m saying most people they care about what they look like they you

Know are it’s hard on them it’s harder on their knees harder on their joints harder this just just harder it’s punishment no matter what and and that’s fat brain basically and when you when you and he was talking about when you have this surgery you uh you basically

Get to the point to where you’re like I feel guilty for not going to the gym because I feel like if I had this surgery and I’m losing weight I should be going to the gym and he said that you should actually wait until you’re about

Six months to four to six months out from having this surgery before you even think about going to a gym because because with this surgery you can’t intake enough calories to make your gym working out worth it oh wow yeah yeah Mak sense yeah Mak sense if I

Can only take in uh you know 1,200 calories a day which is what my stomach can handle or whatever um based on the size of it if you go to anybody any trainer or anything like that and you ask them about working out and stuff they’re going to tell you you have to

Increase your calories to make your body work and yeah and make you know make it good whatever and he’s like can’t do that when you’re you know until you’re a couple months out and your stomach has stretched a little bit all the inflammation has gone down from the

Surgery then you can do it until then stay away from the gym so because I was actually going to start I I had a trainer up lined up I was going to do all this stuff and I started doing some research and he was like if it was me

I’d wait so I guess I’m gonna wait for a little bit Yeah well good for you for actually taking action and doing something I cannot tell you like the world that we live in now so much of the world we live in is on the internet and

The internet and our world is full of people that talk and it’s full of people that just talk about [ __ ] and run their mouth and and don’t actually take action so I commend you for taking action and I don’t give a [ __ ] if if if if somebody said if someone says something like

Whatever happened to just be disciplin and they don’t understand the amount of discipline that it takes to do what you’re doing right now as it is like I If if we can’t take advantage of you know technological advancements that can help you lead a a healthier life that’s

Going to keep you on this planet longer uh for your family provided that our planet survives uh then you know we’ll be good flying rich thank you for the $2 Super Chat he says Skyler and I just sent you MC flurries please tell me you’re joking uh

Because yeah so I I used to eat at least oh my God I love MC flurries do you really oh yeah I used to eat at least one every day really at least one every day I A lot of times I would order two two of the smaller ones because it was

Larger than one of the bigger ones but it was it was more I don’t know it’s just I used to have make terrible decisions um and regardless of what people think I don’t care look it up this is real [ __ ] the medication that I’m on makes you first off it slows your

Metabolism down like crazy crazy and then also it makes you crave sweets and I think part of it is that you get this like dopamine Rush when you you know fill your and look I’m not saying the people that are not on this medication don’t have that same impact right um but

Uh the reality is that like this is documented [ __ ] that like in clinical trials people were craving sweets when they’re on this medication and it just it [ __ ] you up but anyway I used to eat one if not two McFlurries every single day and it was August of last year that

I stopped going stopped having McFlurries and I’ve had one McFlurry let’s see August to August September October November in a year and three months I’ve had one McFlurry but I just shared that with my daughter So for anybody that’s like oh you slipped up you no this was different I shared one

With my daughter cuz she had never had to make flurry so anyone that gives me [ __ ] for that you can [ __ ] off so man mfes are awesome one of my favorite things to get at McDonald’s and they’re just sugar they’re not even real ice cream I just

Put that video in in the chat it’s basically guy talking about skinny brain Fat Brain thing oh nice thank you uh oh he thank you I forgot I G to say about it um I think that was all I was G say but there there was something else in there

That that he mentioned that I can’t remember what it was now I feel for Josh he was misled about much and was mutilated for it um I don’t think I understand that I don’t either um dark I can’t read all your shirt it’s hold on I’ve already showed this a bunch of times

Okay look at my shirt thega verment did N1 the government did 911 that’s all it says hard yeah it’s not hard must said is better when it’s wet I figured I literally was going to guess that because it says it’s better and I was like it’s got a when it’s

Wetter because the AK actually is better when it’s wetter and I’m going to guess that um sir sir Madam M against the masses just did that so he could actually get a screenshot of uh um free parking lots of of me with the shirt on

Uh so we’ll see I don’t know what this guy’s talking about what do you mean I feel for Josh he miss he was misled much and was mutilated for it what does he mean by that um I’m not sure maybe because he was talking about like the

Carnivore diet and and stuff um I think that uh I think I’ll tell you this I have done every diet you could possibly do I’ve done carnivore I’ve done keto I’ve done low carb I’ve done no carb I’ve done all the ones that you’re supposed to do and you committed to them

Like 100% yeah 100% I mean I’m the type of person that like once I start something I start it and then I do it to the full extent until it doesn’t work then you get disc discouraged and you just kind of quit but I’ve done every

Diet you could possibly do and it just event when I was younger it worked 100% it worked but as you get older it doesn’t work quite as well anymore well you’re coming up on your uh 55th birthday right yep actually 65 6 wow I must have misheard you yeah yeah uh I

Don’t you know rich I don’t believe he does uh but he does have uh some some great guns um so we all recently took on the whole guley Superduty AR challenge um and I know we talked about that um what’s the nicest AR that you have

Um I I mean I I have a couple uh the ones that are my favorite to run are what that spray painted one yeah describe what you mean by nicest gu uh reliability longevity like something that um so we all have the rifles that like you regardless if it’s like how where

It’s priced or I know dudes that have PSA guns that just they just [ __ ] run right yeah um like my for me right now because I haven’t actually touched my guley Super Duties because I don’t I haven’t done paperwor on the one that I got yet and I’m still halfway building

The other um my like nicest like the nicest for me um that runs that will probably outlive both of us it is uh a Franken bill that I took an lwrc lower a 10.3 in Colt Barrel a BCM upper with a BCM and now this is just a BCM stripped

Upper with a BCM BCG and bolt and a BCM gas tube and gas block and all that yeah uh and Midwest handguard and I think that’s it but it’s got like a foste echo binary trigger uh and a primary arms 1X Prismatic the Cyclops uh scope with the acss rticle and that’s

That’s my like battle gun that’s actually that one right there right behind me okay here I’ll show you all John do says try starving diet it works and I’m basically that’s what I’m doing right now so dude I’ll tell you what um you I can only eat like four bites and

I’m full so it’s like so so that starving compared to what I used to eat you know yeah I I think one of my biggest issues is that now like I basically intermittently fast on accident I eat once a day and I eat a huge amount like probably I don’t know

Roughly a pound and a half to two pounds of food I just punish it and then I don’t really eat anything else sometimes like after like a late stream I’ll go down and I’ll eat something else but for the most part I’m eating one big ass

Meal a day which I know is incredibly unhealthy well not really I mean it’s I mean people that’s a that’s a that’s a in itself it’s like intermittent fasting you intermittent fast for like 16 hours and you got like an 8 Hour window or whatever you can eat but the thing is

When you eat so much like because you haven’t ateen so long eat so much you’re kind of full for you eat one meal and you’re done because you’re so full that you can’t eat nothing else because you ate so much that right one that second and usually when you eat after not

Eating for a long time your stomach can’t handle as much so it also stops you from eating so much and then you just kind of eat less anyway yeah but yeah I mean it’s it’s not it’s not necessarily unhealthy really there’s a lot of people that do intermittent

Fasting and they eat whatever they want in that 8 Hour window and they do fine yeah yeah you know I think um um it’s the lack of activity so when I when I got up every single day at 6:30 took a shower went you know put on a suit and

Went right to work and was literally running around all day from room to room to room to room to room to meeting to meeting to doing and I barely got to eat anyway right but I was you know always moving like constantly all day so even

If I did make poor decisions I was running [ __ ] off you know quicker and yeah I would go to the gym and whatnot like every now and then but uh I don’t know it was just it was just different now that I’m you know like probably postco and then starting the business

And then having you know the almost everything that I’m doing is me in place right as opposed to me but I told myself I was like look I’m not happy doing this [ __ ] like I never ever want to put on a suit and pretend to be something that

I’m not every single day for money ever again I never want to do that you know so I was like [ __ ] that so well that means dark you’re probably suffering financially yes well it probably means you’re making less money yes it probably means yes everything that you’re

Thinking is exactly true guys I just was like [ __ ] it I’m not going to compromise my Eternal Soul for you know for pay er um whatever yeah so kind of I agree with you yeah uh I’ll be honest with you when you get to the point um in your relationship with Christ you

Get to a point to where none of that stuff matters yeah that’s just God’s on this truth yep no pun intended do yeah yeah Rich says how did I do on Thanksgiving same as usual I ate you know there was a lot of stuff there and I pretty much ate

All the protein that I could and that was it I mean I stick to a really low carb diet like I figured you had a turkey Slurpee or something yeah no I mean usually like I mean I ate couple debled eggs you know a couple bites of

Turkey couple bites of ham and that’s about it couple greens that was uh that was about it for me yeah and then you know you come back and eat the same thing again a couple hours yeah but It’s Kind everybody’s like oh it must be depressing it’s really not that bad I

Mean because you’re still getting full your your body is still tells you that you’re fool in your brain you’re thinking man I need to eat more but you physically cannot eat more otherwise you’re gonna throw up so I think I think that’s what changes your psychological relationship to with

Food right I think that that impacts you know even like you were talking about with water you know when you got hella thirsty you would grab one of those big old one lit deer parts s and just bam pound the whole thing now I see you like like taking little from your bottle

Pretty much it yeah you can only do like this is 16 ounce bottle it’ll take me you know an hour to drink this probably yeah few days just kidding uh well let’s talk about uh you know what you’ve had going on recently uh any new projects anything you’re working on any

Videos not video well that’s not true videos yeah uh just whatever I can find around and do but look at this thing hold on let me bring you up is that a guillotine I’m just kidding uh is that a workbench workbench did you build that yeah dang okay okay and is

That a pegboard it’s a patch board on the back of it patch board nice that’s dope dude you know what I would do if I were you there’s my vice so it’s just got you know stuff I can oh let me tell you why so uh the reason why I wanted

This we do a lot of work and stuff at Josh’s right Josh does a lot of work on guns and stuff well we’re not hanging out as much anymore because he’s got a lot of family stuff going on and so I’m like well I’m gonna have to find a way

To do this at my house so speaker stuff over here anyway so I built this thing literally just in the little last little bit and uh I found this I’m GNA have to find it and show it to you and I’ll put the video uh to it

In the description here in a second but basically I watched a video from um oh we were we were supposed to do this on your channel too I ain’t no big deal damn my bad um we can add if you want um we can revisit it but I think I can add

It Midstream too so let me know okay I gotta I got to find this thing hold on a second well you pull that up I’ll tell you I was literally thinking of doing the same exact thing and I was going to integrate this pretty crazy thing it is a

Hanging workbench area that the back of it when you open think of it like a lock box essentially it’s like a sheet metal you hang it up on the wall you you know plug it into the to the studs drill it into the studs and then it’s it’s got a

Key lock on it and then when you open it up it’s like a little workstation I wouldn’t actually work on it but by behind it is peg board and you can literally hang all your tools up in there so I was like man that’s like a hanging gun safe like how dope would

That be behind me right and then make a workbench build a workbench below it and have a whole little like thing thing yeah you me pull this up one second I’m trying to see if this is it or see if I got the right one it’s not the right

One but this one will be so I was looking at um I can’t remember this he’s a he’s a big YouTuber too and I can’t remember his name I know him um man what’s his name LLY outdo ta toolbox tax toolbox okay so I was looking at his video because I was

Looking for like tools and stuff right he did a video on this thing right here this is a real Avid armor Master kit yes dude this thing is sick and right now on pal medal State Army Black Friday deal it’s $1.99 is normally this thing is normally

300 something do yeah almost 400 bucks bro there I was about to pick up their Vice uh the other day $359 dude it’s amazing yeah I mean check this out like it literally comes with everything you could think of and for everyone out there that wants to go buy

This right now I just want to add that uh your boy dark has a PSA link so if you want to go buy it I can get you the link and then that’ll support the show and get you a toolbox for $199 I’m just saying I’m just saying I’m just going to

Explain to you what’s in here like I mean you first of all you have the hammer right you have a hammer with all the tips and Extras that you can screw onto the end of it and this Hammer has extra weight to it too which is awesome bro a torque

Wrench proper torque wrench by the way I just bought a I bought a proper torque wrench like I don’t know like a few weeks ago and that in itself was a great deal and it was $58 yeah and it came with uh like the a bunch of stuff but like it’s not cheap

To get a uh a proper uh torque wrench and it comes with the vice block it comes with everything for your upper receiver you can put stuff in here to I mean it helps you what’s the thing that they called that you put on your um you

Put it on your front uh pins to put your detent in and stuff oh um yeah it’s got you can do the same thing with the air takedown tool um yeah it comes with all that stuff already in this box like everything you could think of is in here

All these punches everything I mean it’s it’s a crazy deal and he explains it on the uh YouTube uh video and I I’ll put that video in there if you want to watch it but basically it’s really cool hell yeah that’s what’s up um Fally rich

Thank you for the Super Chat oh my bad I didn’t see this D after dark Terry says hello hello Terry great to see you uh Mrs flying rich and uh he says Terry wants to know when the baptism is thank you for the uh Super Chat Rich um look I

Don’t know I so I was baptized as a baby this has come up a few times uh I’ve shared this that I’ve been uh you know um um continuing to work on my relationship with God and uh as I do that um I’ve been going to church I’ve

Been bringing my daughter to church and and as I do this I I’m a lot of people have been like hey you should go get baptized again and I don’t know I don’t feel like it’s really authentic I feel like some people do that for you know kind of H I’ve been thinking

The same thing man and and it’s not and I but I’ve been thinking the opposite I’ve been thinking I have been a Christian my whole life and I knew about what I was doing when I was younger right and I got baptized when I

Was like seven eight years old um I I do believe that I I did it for the right reasons I do believe that I did it because of the way they explain it to me why I need to do it but I don’t think I don’t think I was

As in had had such an intimate relationship with God that I have now yeah and think part of it we talked about this like it’s a religion is inherited right you’re you’re born into it essentially yeah yeah sorry no you just you just don’t really I don’t know it’s for me it’s

Like I I know more about it now I know the reasons why you do things I know I feel like I know him closer I feel like that I actually understand what’s going on I understand why he did the things he did you know that kind of stuff so to me

It’s almost showing like this is a newer version of myself and um yeah and and you know you don’t have to be baptized go to heaven you don’t have to be anything to go to heaven you literally just have to ask for forgiveness and you know that’s it

But it shows the outside world that you’re basically you know washing away everything you’ve done before and and you’re a brand brand new person in Jesus so yeah I don’t know I thought about it I did think about it oh flying rich said ter and I got baptized January 1st 2023

Okay nice that’s what’s up yeah and I certainly don’t want to uh like discourage anyone else from getting baptized a second time I and I think actually Wes Eli nailed it uh he said your first baptism is good enough uh but if God is telling you to do it again

Then do it again if he’s not then there’s no need and I’ve had these instances in my life where I did feel like God was talking to me or guiding me to things or or not to do things and um yeah I don’t know I just I don’t I don’t

Have that uh that feeling you know um but and you know i’ I’ve heard both sides of the argument and I totally understand it and appreciate it and sometimes uh some people need that recommitment I guess um and and I don’t know that I necessarily do and and I think you

Know I don’t I I don’t know I don’t know about it and I just I just kind of feel a little off about it that’s all that’s all a whole bunch of my family members did it and uh a whole bunch of my family members do a lot of other things I would

Not do as well so yeah I don’t know I just I don’t know if I’m I don’t know if it’s if it’s totally necessary that’s all I’m saying yeah it’s I mean and like he said I think that if if you feel like God has telling you to do it then do it

You know if not then I agree there’s no need solid advice uh and Wes Eli says well you also have to repent don’t go skipping that part 100% And repent after I mean you do that beforehand you know yeah right just repent before you’re good no but like repenting and not doing

It again doing everything you can within your power to make changes and look guys we talked about this right like look this is a gun Channel we talk about guns but we would be doing a disservice if we did not have these real conversations

With you okay A lot of times we get into these conversations and we do talk about religion we’ve talked about substance abuse we’ve talked about weight loss we’ve talked about there’s so many things that make us men who we are and I think it’s important that we cover all

Of these things um but uh the other thing is with The Changing Times and things that have uh changed in our country and things that are going on right in front of us it’s important to make sure that you are as close with God as you possibly can be because it has never

Felt like we are closer to the end than we are right now so do whatever yall got to do to make sure that you are as close with God as you possibly can be because uh you know um but uh in that same same stroke when I

Was when I was thinking of uh uh like you mentioned uh you know there’s been people that have gone to heaven that have not been baptized right like when the two thieves were at the foot of the cross and then they were both in the beginning mocking Jesus and then Jesus

Uh you know looked down on them and this was on like the second the end of the second day or something like that I forgot which book of the Bible it’s in but uh basically uh the second Thief came up to Jesus at the end of like the

Second maybe even the beginning of the third day and he came to his feet and apologized for what was happening and said this is wrong it should not be happening to you and he said um remember my face and save a place for me in your

Holy Kingdom now this was a thief that had never been baptized that didn’t openly say I accept Jesus Christ as my one and only you know what I mean like that he didn’t but Jesus looked down at the thief and said I will remember your

Face and I will reserve a place for you in my Holy Kingdom like babies that aren’t baptized likely go to happen I would I would assume as well right so like yeah I’m not saying that people need to be baptized again or don’t need to be or what in anyone’s

Individual thoughts and plans like y’all do your own thing okay like Le Eli said whatever feels right to you and if you feel like God is leading you to do certain things then means do it but um I just don’t know if I’m sold on it that’s

All I’m saying yeah I was watching this video the other day it was a okay you know the guy you know um Logan Paul right he does impulse of the podcast or whatever the guy George that was on his podcast and that they basically split and he’s not on there anymore he does

His own podcast and his own podcast is basically it’s about his faith I mean it’s basically a faith-based podcast where they talk to different people and preachers and all kinds of stuff and um he was he was talking about a a book in the Bible and I cannot remember

What it is but basically it was saying that um and I’m paraphrasing because I can’t remember what it says either but basically it was a it was a he was saying uh if if you come to him and and you say you know look at all these things we’ve

Done in your name we’ve we’ve casted out demons in your name we’ve prophesied in your name we’ve done all this stuff look at all these works I’ve done for you basic basically he’ll say you know turn turn away from me because I’ve never knew you and the whole thing about that

Is you don’t have to do certain things to to make it to Heaven basically yeah as long as you have an intimate relationship with God doing doing Works isn’t going to get you into heaven yeah same thing with being baptized and all that stuff doing those things aren’t

Going to get you to heaven I learned that like this year by the way yeah the only way to get you to heaven is through Christ and that’s it that’s the only way yeah and believing that Jesus y’all know believing that Jesus died on the cross to forgive you know

The masses like to forgive you for your sins in advance of of you know uh it’s mindboggling to think that uh somebody would literally give their only son and we’ve talked about this um you know uh but no Bob just so you know so I I was baptized so I I don’t want

I don’t want people to think I’m saying like I don’t know if baptism is a big deal I’m saying I was baptized as a child I’m talking about a second baptism um I don’t think a second baptism is necessarily um you know a big deal but I

I said I think it’s to show people for you to show people and your congregation that you have been a that you became a part of or whatever I think it’s for you to show people that you are washing away your old person and you becoming new in

Christ I think that’s all it is yeah true Bob said if you die tonight or tomorrow will you go to Heaven to Hell the thing is is that it’s it’s really no one to know except for you and God yeah you know I think that I I was talking

About this with that guy tonight basically after Jesus died and took our he took our punishment basically he took the wrath of God all in himself to allow us to have a weight in heaven through him right so when he did that uh I lost my trth basically when he

Did that that that between the time when he died and when the Rapture happens some people believe there’s a there’s a pre-trib Rapture and then there’s a midrib and after I believe in a pre-trib Rapture basically he will come back before the tribulation starts um and I mean there’s text to

Show that and everything too but anyway that’s that’s another story but basically in between the time that he died and and Rapture you are given this basically this grace period of time that God is allowing you to make up your mind whether you are going to follow him

Follow Jesus follow Christ follow God and go that way or if you’re going to choose not to and so because you are given the choice to do what you want to do and we have free will it it all depends on what you do if you’re going to go into heaven or not

You and because God doesn’t send anybody to hell you do that yourself if you not choosing to follow him and not to be Christlike and not to be like him and not to be you know as loving and and give back and and as merciful just like he is he’s a very

Merciful god what I’m saying is I don’t think if I if I do whatever my conviction is right now and I go out and or whatever I sin or whatever you want to call it to me it’s a conviction for me like if I’m if I’m doing something

That I’m I’m getting feel convicted of or you feel convicted or whatever if you do that you go out so you’re get in a car wreck on the way home you don’t get time enough to repent I don’t think that God’s gonna be like no no NOP you didn’t

Repent you’re going to hell go ahead go go on go on you know I think he’s a very merciful god he knows that you’re working on that he he knows that um you’re struggling with it because nobody’s perfect right nobody’s perfect we’re never going to be perfect so to

Think that we are going to be perfect in a moment to go to heaven right before we die is is crazy you know I I don’t think that anybody’s ever going to be perfect so you’re always going to be struggling something you’re always going to have

That time where God is merciful and you know that’s my take on it anyway yeah no I think that’s an excellent uh way to look at it and I you know when we talked about it um the last time you were on the show I had a parent teacher

Conference with my daughter’s teacher and you know we were talking about that you mentioned that you know uh your mouth is a conviction right that it it could potentially discourage someone else from following Christ right yeah see I said [ __ ] earlier and I was like dang it shouldn’t said that I mean but

But you’re aware of it and you’re working on it and that’s that’s important right um and you know it I had jokingly said in that it’s not even it’s not even the fact that I think cursing is a sin yeah I just feel like for me

Like you said it’s just it could it could it could impede someone else yeah yeah no and I think that’s that’s good that is a courteous way to look at it and that would that isn’t a Bible you’re not supposed to do that by the way yeah yeah and that is a very

I mean that is a very courteous way to to to look at it like impeding someone else’s relationship with God right um but like when you and I had that conversation when you last came on the show I jokingly said like like man I I’m

I look straight up I am a man of sin I am a man of um you know Temptation I I’m I’m a man I’ll just say that so like you know and and I’m also in a difficult situation where look I’m I’m still legally married right now I haven’t even

Talked to or or touched another woman like that since you know and I’m not even even going to consider that until after I am completely divorced and and I have issues with the whole divorce thing because I you know I in my mind I took

An oath in front of God that I was going to spend the rest of my life with this woman and you know things didn’t work out but you know we we’ve talked about that too but in that conversation I had kind of jokingly said like you know um

Being a man of Temptation when I met with my daughter’s teacher I was like woo like she was gorgeous right like I you know I’ve already done terrible things to her in my head right but like for real like I like that is a thing for

Me you know what I mean like that is an issue for me so um you know that’s something that I that shows your heart your intentions and you know but at least I’m aware of it and I’m working on it and I’m looking at like my intentions

And and not only who I am being on the outside and who it looks like I am being who I am truly being being and for the one that truly knows my mind and my heart yeah you can’t hide from that you know uh red Don ready says uh By Grace

You are saved through faith not of Works lest any man should boast is pretty clear now works are a sign of Faith but faith is what drives it all 100% yep believe it um we are all sinners absolutely 100% oh yeah um since yesterday

Uh yeah so uh hold on dark I too was baptized as a child not by uh my choice uh it was Choice made for me my point is when you do it yourself then I think that shows it’s your way of showing your love and commitment to him yeah and I

Totally get that and I you know I I just I haven’t sold myself on the importance of it um it but I totally understand that and every argument of both Sid that’s all I’m saying but but I I I get it um you know uh me personally I I believe that

Jesus Christ is the Son of God I believe that uh Jesus was crucified on the cross for all of us and uh I believe that he rose from the dead and I believe that I I am a Christian and I I believe in God Jesus Heaven and Hell and um that’s just

Who I am and I’ve been doing my absolute best to be the best version of myself uh to also be kind to my fellow man and Willman and uh not be a scumbag and sometimes that proves challenging Have You Ever Seen The Chosen no you told me about that but I

Didn’t I didn’t start it I’m telling you it’s a it’s a free app just it’s called The Chosen app on on any any app thing um I think Android and Apple uh but it has all the series on there and basically I’ve been watching that and it shows you the

Timeline basically of Jesus’s life after he started preaching the gospel right and um it has helped um me personally see the works that he did and the reasons behind him and like his I guess his uh personality behind it why he’s doing it all all that stuff like I’m telling

You it is a see there go it’s an amazing show I’m telling you it is you you get in after like one episode because the first episode You Don’t See Jesus like first episode you see like beforehand and uh I’m telling you man it’s awesome show if you can get a chance download

The Chosen app and watch that series it is amazing it’s really good it explains a lot of stuff that you like a lot of things that You’ seen or hear in the Bible like stories of like what he did and stuff like that it puts it all into

Perspective and in a timeline that you don’t get in the Bible because the Bible’s kind of all over over the place right yeah it puts it in a timeline and it makes it make sense in my opinion it’s very very cool would highly Rec yeah awesome yeah I’ll check that out I

Haven’t had time over the last couple weeks uh and I will make time for it I’ll watch it on Drive nice um all right cool let’s get back into gun stuff then we’ll get back into um salvation of your Eternal Souls later okay yeah yeah um so

Okay so are you’re still carrying the 19 yep yep I’ve been uh you know funny enough losing weight helps you carry gun better you know who knew it I I I literally I talk to these skinny guys all the time I’m like you guys are so

Lucky like when you sit down your gun actually like moves with you when I sit down mine is like Wham like stabbing into my gut you know now thing is go ahead no go ahead go ahead you’re good I was gonna say the thing is like I still

Wear the the Tuck holster yeah um it does help the only thing is I can I can get to it better is all I’m saying like yeah yeah I can it still helps to wear it underneath my stomach because I still have a gut can you get to it in a seated

Position now yeah I mean for the most part yeah hey that’s progress I like it I like it it uh it definitely helps for sure and uh and I was never like uh you know dumb on the idea that obviously losing weight would help you

Carry I knew that I just you know just never really lost the weight so yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s actually it made it easier to carry a a a thicker gun you know versus carrying a 43x or something which is what I used to carry yeah and I

Still carry it when I go out and about if I’m it the way I gauge my stuff like if if I’m G to be more than 30 minutes away from my house I don’t carry 43x I carry a glock 19 or bigger and uh and then usually like uh you know have you

Know other stuff in the truck with me and stuff like that so I can yeah make it back home or whatever you know so so just out of curiosity your your reasoning behind that is is what for what what do you mean so you said like if you’re going further away you’ll

Carry the 19 as opposed to the 43x now some things come to my mind right away as far as why one would choose to do that but what are some reasons why you do that uh it’s all about magazine capacity and also magazine capability

And maybe the need to have one if if I ran out of some somebody else may have that exact one because it’s the most popular handgun in the world okay gotcha so the compatibility with other magazines that may not be yours um running into other people whether it’s military law enforcement civilians and

Uh capacity but just out of curiosity so the 43x like right now I got my 43x I’m forgive me when I’m at home in my in my Snuggie um I’m I’m not I’m not rocking the tuck the tuck is tough on my uh on my on my pantalones um this is the 43x

With 21 rounds and it so is it do you keep some other uh 33 rounders with you or um yeah no what now say it again uh do so are you keeping like uh I guess my point is is that the the 43x and the 19 are actually like spoton with the

Capacity if you’re rocking like the S15 mags and that’s what I do carry when I carry the 43x I do use the S15 magazines okay I do and that’s the other thing too is that I do have other magazines pretty much when you do videos and stuff like

That they’re all over the place and and you know maybe other people that are normal people and aren’t do YouTube or whatever maybe they have magazines all over the place too I don’t know I just know that that’s what I do so I have magazines all over the place they’re in

My truck I have extra ammo or whatever that I have to take to do videos whatever so dude I had to move 10 12 magazines off my desk to do this show exactly yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying so they’re everywhere that’s the only down I’ll be honest with I really want

To carry Smith and Wesson MMP 2.0 yeah I really want to because I I got the metal the metal frame and it’s got the new trigger in it like it’s it’s amazing right I can shoot I can shoot really fast with it and on target like it’s a great

Gun the only thing stopped me Glock magx and that’s the only thing that stopped me honestly yeah I mean I I would say that uh well first off the 43x is an extremely popular design right um and will take decades to get to the uh you

Know um Glock 19 category as far as like adoption right so many people have adopted that platform not only law enforcement and Military but civilians have individually adopted the platform and with a 19 you can run 19 mags 17 mags uh 33 round mags the 24 round mags

Which by the way if if you’re setting up your kit and you’re rocking um so uh fish set a 19x 45 or 47 if you’re rocking guns like that and my go-tos are both that’s a uh 40 45 gen 545 9 mil yeah and that’s the equivalent over

There but it’s a 19 slide excuse me but those 24 round OEM mags and the 21 round magpole mags are great for your gun belt because no matter what Glock you get your hands on you can run them just the same well see that’s the thing thing

Same thing about where carrying a 19 is that the fact that if you come across a 19 mag which a lot of people have it’ll go in your 19 versus if you’re carrying a 17 or 45 or whatever 19x you’re only gonna get that 17 round or higher yeah

And if you have a 19x and you come across a 17 mag you’re not getting it in your gun true that’s what I’m saying so you’re basically screwed out of it so 26 yes technically that would be true um and I used to car that for a long

Time yeah I carried a 26 for a long time I carried a polymer 8026 for a long time uh but let me say this for everyone out there that carries a 19x that has a unique grip that will only well you will not get Gen 5 17 mags in your gun you

You will get gen 3 Gen 4 and prior uh magazines in your gun what are you talking about so the front of a 19x has a cut that off first got it I didn’t even shoot it yet and I cut it off so I personally I like it but I that’s

Exactly what I was going to say is that if anyone is out there and you guys have a 19x and you carry it so I personally like mine so I’m not I’m not removing it however in In the Heat of In the Heat of the Moment if I absolutely need to get a

A Gen 5 17 magazine in there I am literally going to chop that thing off with my pocket knife in two seconds flat like no problem at all didn’t even didn’t even shoot it yet and we brought it back to the house and I chopped it

Right off see I I like it I like the feel of it I I like the the lip it it almost helps with uh you know with uh it’s kind of like a Magwell you know what I mean but it looks so smooth like it doesn’t even look

Likey show doesn’t even look like no it looks good it looks good so how did you cut that off just uh basically we did a Dremel tool we just dremeled it right down and then we took the buffer wheel and buffed it right out and went right off with

It he said I mean if I got time to pick up mags I got time to transfer bullets okay so so let me give an example okay usually that may be true okay um or sometimes that may be however let’s just say this let’s say that if you are in an active shootout

And you’re behind cover with like I don’t know a police officer and some dude is just randomly shooting okay and he’s randomly shooting you run black on ammo and then the cop next to you gets shot in his face right you may have like two and a half seconds to grab magazines

Off of his plate carrier or his gun and I you know what I’m just giving a crazy example know you never know what situation you’re going to be in okay you may literally be behind cover and have to fight for your life and you may have

Seconds to do it this is why so for everyone looking it’s like oh dark his draw time is so important to him yes it is my draw to first shot time is important because I do not want to die at the hands of another human being and

Unless that’s my time to go and that that’s out of my hands I want to have as much control over staying alive as I possibly can that’s why I have medical with me constantly that’s why I have a tool constantly with me that’s a tool of self-preservation an extra magazine a

Pocket knife hot hot sauce all that [ __ ] flashlights you know I have have a video that I’m G to try to get done tonight editing and stuff wise and it’s going to come out tomorrow hopefully if that’s what I got to do when I get off here um

But I’m GNA because to try to put it out tomorrow it is my church carry okay and uh and it’s not just what I carry on my on my body it’s what I carry what is this try you speak of oh yeah I know right I’m not I’m not

I’m not familiar with that I’m just kidding okay this this is important go go ahead first oh no I’m just saying I got I gotta I gotta beat up at church to play drums in the morning at like nine o’clock so you know what you should play um you

Should play um Metallica One when the uh when the the beat really starts to was it like three or four minutes in dude that on what song we’re playing dude that you said that’s one of your favorite songs I said it depends on what song we’re playing if it goes with it

You know yeah I know right dude that if if I man I don’t know why but when I play that song I picture like Chase scenes shootout scenes it is such a dope song that like how has there never been a a gunfight scene or a chase scene in a

Movie with Metallica One not in the background I I don’t understand it I never really understood that they had a the song don’t tread on me oh dude they were they were completely based back then before we even knew it yep Darkness imprisoning me all that I see absolute

Horror I cannot live I cannot die dude that is like such a dope song uh okay so big fish of the boat brings up an excellent point by the way guys if you don’t know go check out the Tactical turkeys these dudes are an incredible Channel they do awesome live shows they

Do great content they’ve been stepping it up big time with their content they have over 230,000 subscribers and big fish is uh is the man um so he asks are you guys going to trust random magazines yep we brought this up on a a stream not too long ago where a

Dude in Russian was showing that there was an AK 545 magazine that he picked up it was a battlefield pickup he removed the floor plate and he looked and in the bottom was packed with like RDX okay on the top it was you know at least three to four rounds of 545 but

When you take the bottom of the magazine out it’s literally packed with high explosives so the way it was set up is if you were to strip one round off the top whether you loaded in your rifle or you popped one out with your fingers yeah the follower goes up and then the

The battery touches the boom and it goes off so in the Ukraine they were booby trapping Battlefield pickups it’s so easy to do I mean literally you could take a magazine tie a string around it to homie’s grenade pull pull flatten out the pin so there’s Little Resistance

When it gets pulled out right and literally when someone Yanks a magazine out in three to five seconds they’re going to blow up right like it is the most simple thing I never thought about that man that’s that’s that’s pretty brilliant actually if you think I’m

Going be playing dirty in in the end of the world well I mean you know if I need to U but I mean it’s difficult to trust any magazine that you find because now that yall know it exists it will forever plague your mind and then now it so okay

So let’s say another thing so let’s say that the bad guys saw that video andless say okay so now they know to check the floor plane so on the next devices what we’re going to do is set a trigger up for if you pull the floor plate off boom then it goes

Off it’s a crazy world out there man you never know it war is war is bad yeah I mean yeah I’ve never never thought about that but that totally makes sense I’m dropping mag with a 300 Blackout hidden it dude that’s actually really smart yeah seriously that is very smart oh yeah

Yeah hopefully you don’t accidentally pick up one of your Ms yeah yeah dude it’s easy to uh you know sabotage you know um that every single war that has ever existed that has ever occurred there’s been sabur and there’s been a gang of sabotage trust uh Johnny got his gun uh read the

Book that song is B based on oh okay I will oh what the one song uh yeah yeah I didn’t even know that there was a book based on that me neither Johnny got his gun uh no Not a Hipster but I have a CZ I love uh I bought Shield mag extensions

And worked great till I went to hollow points and they caught the open tip on the transition between the extension and the mag body really H I haven’t had I have one extension uh and I don’t think I’ve ran it that much I have ran the magazines but the

One that has the extension on I haven’t ran that much because I never carried it always carried just the regular 15 because it fit in my pocket just right you know what I’m saying yeah never really showed above my pockets by the way um have we ever talked about um the

Vertex I know we talk about EDC stuff yeah the vertex stuff in the pockets yeah I actually just three more pairs of vertex uh just recently I just picked up I’m wearing some 511 uh Defiance jeans right now oh yeah is that what it’s called well Defiance is vertex okay well then

Defender Defender okay okay yeah that’s what’s up and these are great man I have a 511 store in Knoxville and uh nice it’s pretty cool I ain’t gonna lie I like these jeans a lot dude I uh I’m happy to check them out I so I got a

Pretty crazy deal on them uh the the vertex defines jeans and I think the 511 ones are are are similar they have similar Pockets that are in those areas right yep do they fit a 30 round PMag too yeah nice okay that that’s super important because like if if you needed

To grab your rifle and take care of like a really bad situation you go ahead you could literally just go to your trunk grab your rifle get two mags and then put them in your pockets one in the gun and then go take care of any situation

That you have too oh nice there they go okay yeah 17 round Glock mag okay a MAG yep nice heck yeah it’s pretty good I like it that’s awesome let’s see let’s see if it does AK Max oh that’s a good point I’ve never

Put AK mags in uh in my other one uh other ones so I got the Defiance jeans and let’s see nice dude that that is a slepton feature that so many people do not I mean for about the same cost is a pair of jeans that would be incredible for

The cost of two pairs of jeans to get one pairs of jeans that would do that I would pay that all day yeah dude and they uh I mean the fact is is that you can wear them everywhere and nobody knows you have it like it’s great and I

Wear a neomag whenever I don’t wear these jeans or wear these kind of pockets I need to get the neag man neoag is great and and everything but it still makes your pockets to out if you have a double stack magazine in your front pocket you can feel it it’s always there

So and I figured this out too if you lay down a certain way on it or you lay on it it’s kind of like falling on your keys kind of thing it flips that well no they they say pretty good but it hurts your it hurts your

Legs and stuff if you’re if you’re or anything like that like it definely hurts so I’ve had that uh so Damian Christ we’re talking about the vertex Defiance uh and also the 511 Defender uh jeans or pants um the other thing that I so so I got these um beautiful blue so

They’re they’re like um think of how like U like Dicky uniform kind of material right they’re like that that blue kind of Dickies material for jeans or pants they’re not denim though um but they’re very very light and Airy they breathe a lot they’re like athletic uh

But they look like jeans right and they’re great for dress clothes for jeans for street clothes whatever uh but they have these same benefits they also have handcuff key pockets on the front fly and on the back on the inside so you can literally hide a rolled up $20 bill

A handcuff key uh back are dope whatever your thing is right you can you can you know hide [ __ ] like that obviously don’t do drugs and stuff but I’m just saying drugs are bad yeah drugs are bad okay um but also here’s the dope thing so these

Defiance vertex jeans are uh like $69 if you’re a bigger dude uh they are like 77 or something like that uh because it’s obviously more material right however I came across these pants on um on vertex site which they’re called the cutback SF so the cutback

SF is the ones I’m talking about that are almost like a really thin light Airy um almost like a Dickies material right they’re $9 on sale for $30 no kidding so I bought three pairs of them first I bought one right now so I don’t know if they’re still available

Because they were discontinuing them they only had blue they sold out of every single color they may still be available but when they sell out of these they’re gone forever literally never coming back they’re called the cutback SF they were like $30 or $34 so

I bought three pairs of them and then I bought one pair of the Defiance jeans but they were way too big so somebody was like you need to order like two sizes up so I did terrible decision don’t do it order order your size um so I exchanged them for the right size

And uh I picked those up and man I love the Defiance jeans they’re actual Jean material but the cutback SFS are money for 30 or $34 bro they’re incredible vertex has a 30% off sitewide going on right now yeah yep that’s true let me see if they got their shorts

I love their um they had shorts that were like they were called hide LTD shorts or something like that yeah they were amazing and um I I love them and because they have the same kind of pockets and because they’re made of that thinner material and it was like a

Moisture wicking material kind of deal yep yep so Delta see Delta LT on here that’s not the same ones I there’s the cutbacks right there they still have some oh they do uh but it’s not the price that I’m seeing this one looks like it’s

$71 but maybe if you take the 30% off of that maybe maybe maybe they U cuz they said they were discontinuing the ones that I got and and it still says cut back SF yeah says cut back 85 men’s well no it doesn’t say SF it because cut back

8.5 men’s short oh okay no the the ones that I was that I was talking about pants like they were actual pants yeah actual pants they were cutback SS pants and they may have replaced them with a new uh with a new type too so they may

Not be 34 bucks anymore by the way I just got a message I got a message from Andy lipo he apparently is still banned or hidden from my channel so I’m going to need to go back to my studio and figure out what is going on

Here they do have them on her steel they’re 3399 oh bro cut cut back SF pants I would grab them so SF uh is as much as I would like to say that stands for like Special Forces uh it stands for slim fit

So um I I would get a size up on those I got I got those in 4432 okay and they’re uh tight on me I’m I’m six feet tall and like 250ish pounds you normally wear 44s and everything else though I usually wear

42 is so I can have room for my gun um but uh because H and 44s were tight uh no so the 44s are like exact fitting because they’re they are slim fit but they’re a little stretchy so they have a little give carrying in them is still extremely

Com comfortable because they do have a little bit of give um let me see if I can take care of this now hold on settings yeah anybody else if you can man I would tell you right now jump in there and grab some because those pants

Are not going to be there forever Mark says LA Police Gear has good jeans for 40 bucks I didn’t know that oh nice I never tried their St or well I’ve never looked at it but uh know we don’t support those copper I’m just kidding

Um okay so I’m looking to see if he was hidden by the channel I’ve looked in here several times and did not see him in here Andy he says dark just buy some jeno jeans you can fit up to mb5 in the pockets dude somebody else said that

Before that is so true jenos you can hide bring back we could bring him back not a new thing it’s a it’s a thing that’s coming back it really is dude how have we hidden this many people from my channel like I so do not want to be like

Black Scout survival and just ban everybody what for oh he is he is oh I just found him I just found him hold on Save okay so he wasn’t in there both other times that I uh sorry guys um both both other times that I checked Andy

Lipo was not in there I just found him so let me refresh and hopefully we start seeing um uh Andy lipco back in here soon uh Kurt accidentally banned him or hid him from the channel oh my bad I didn’t realize you were you were showing this um what is this

Here uh so that is um Duram mag Duram mag came out with these really cool m81 magazines look at this ude sick although they’re $30 dang yeah their mags are usually like 14 15 bucks yeah they’re usually pretty cheap this right here is awesome though yeah that’s fine it looks sick

And I don’t know if they have a different yeah there’s a different picture look at that nice that’s fire that would match your holster o and Duram mag usually has the orange followers too so it’s like the hunter safety look at that thing that’s dope that’s dope I would rock that I

Just bought three more Duram mags today oh there it is with the orange look at that oh that’s beauty Beauty dude I may have to grab some of those okay so I’m not sure if you guys are hip but uh is Andy lips lips go back in

Here um yeah my fault plug my phone in my truck and give me a minute yep you’re good and when I guess my fingers slid over yeah I’ve done that before too I’m a mod on uh a bunch of other channels and sometimes you just accidentally ban

People you don’t mean to you know I’ve put my phone in my pocket and I’ve been playing with my daughter before and then like I look and everyone’s like dark why did you ban Ting Ting I’m like what so yeah I’m sorry ban all testerone salesman okay so I hope hope you guys

Over the Thanksgiving holiday got all the testerone that you need because we all know that testerone is testosterone from turkeys um but if you guys didn’t get your fill of testerone you need to make sure that you go to the Tactical turkeys live streams because you will

Have all the turkey that you need there okay um I have a case of uh Mill FD mags 39 bucks is crazy well they’re 29 bucks um only mags I’d spend that much are the steel HK yeah no I agree um I honestly I felt bad spending

$14.10 or whatever they are on the OD Green um Duram mags but because I know that uh I’m going to be rocking those with the Superduty that is 40 MIM green I need the green mags right and uh fish I think I’m going to keep the black

Stock with the black pistol grip with the black you know black accents on it um I did get a pretty dope hand stop that I’m going to run on it dor just used turkey testosterone viag H that sounds disgusting uh but yeah um that’s going to be dope and then I’ll probably run

All the green stuff on the OD Green Superduty OD OD green with black furniture yeah I don’t know see I don’t know I’m going to have to see how it looks but I have everything so I have all OD green stuff for the OD Green build that

One I’m going crazy on like I’m going to do green if I got to paint stuff there will not be black on that gun at all uh or all the green stuff I’ll transfer over to the 40 millimeter green Superduty and then have OD Green stock

ODI Green grip OD Green mag OD Green everything but if I put the black um optic with the black mount on there it’s going to look weird so if I keep the black stock with the black grip black mag black hand stop black muzzle Brak black uh um Mount black optic then

That’s good right that’s 40 mm green with some black accoutrements around it but yeah I don’t know I mean I may I may just do all green on the other one we’ll see pure OD Green prod project is base yeah no I uh I agree this this OD Green

Uh let me show you here this OD Green right here is like super duper fire all OD Green everything this thing is beautiful that’s the OD Green uh duramag and I’m I am loving the way that that looks prior to this I was not an OD

Green lover get rail scales I don’t know I may do the uh what is it the taco the Hot Pocket whatever that is that little kidex and Cordura thing because I’m going to cook the [ __ ] out of that I may put my fost echo trigger in the Superduty

But I’m probably just going to keep the ssae with the lightning bow in that thing that thing is crazy I can run that just as fast I’m gonna tell you this is what one of the coolest things if you don’t wear super toat jeans this is where it’s at right

Here oh yeah ankle glove from Galco Galco ankle glove yep that’s with the sheep skin on the inside right yeah it’s awesome and uh that would go with the uh the thing we were talking about like having the the uh the gun that would basically get any mag like you put a 26

In here in your ankle glove dude is that a 43 in there this is a 40 this is a 26 oh really put that on your ankle and you always have something that will take every magazine possible yeah dude I uh I love the idea I originally was like you

Know what I should put um I should put a um uh I have the Jesus I’m sorry oh my bad I’m working on that my apologies if you guys ever hear me say Jim any crickets it’s because I’m stopping myself from saying the other

Thing so uh I have the FN 510 the 10 mm pistol the 22 round 23 22+ 1 right uh 10 mm um semi-auto that I was like that’s a great car gun I’m going to throw that in the car but then I was like well hold on

Once I run through the 40 or so rounds that I got that’s it you know so yeah that’s a great car gun and that is a great gun that will drive Mass through other vehicles but for how long you know yeah so I was kind of thinking about it and I

Was like man maybe something like a 26 is the way to go and I have this right here whoopsies D I’m dropping mags all over the place so this right here this little sack is uh there you go little little dld patch right there this is a sack which

Is like about the size of a a little bigger than a lunchbox that has my Beta m93 my glock 19x six magazines for each of them and nice like what 180 rounds or something of each of each uh handgun and it’s a tiny little sack you you know um but

There’s just that thing of like the 19x doesn’t take all all magazines all modern magazines yeah well I’ll tell you what I did I I picked up a um an Amazon special and it was a a woodland m81 Woodland like sling over sack that just

Like the one sling you know yep and U it was big enough just big enough to wear it held like 12 magazines in it and I think I I bought a pack of dur mags and I put 12 d uh duramag magazines and are fully loaded and then I put uh and it

Was able to hold like seven Glock 17 mags in the front so I stack them up basically so I have a 12 12 AR mags and seven Glock bags I keep in my truck all time nice yeah that’s uh similar to we just had a conversation recently um about um so I

Have um it’s called an amaz an ammo magazine wallet or an ammo wallet and it is about the size of a small briefcase and it is like nylon Cordura whatever you want to call it and on the inside it’s got elastic and you can either put

Uh four AR mags on each side so eight loaded AR mags total uh or you could do like four AR mags on one side and then eight like 9 millimeter subgun mags on the other side and that just always lives in the car and that was like $1

Yeah anything that gives you extra ammo is awesome I mean nobody’s ever complained about having too much ammo in a gunfight yeah for sure so I will tell you though there was a gunfight that had occurred that a dude almost lost everything and he oh man we should tell

The story so you guys can look all over the Internet you can see this story all over the place this guy had a I believe it was may have had a Glock 21 it was either a Glock 17 or a Glock 21 I can’t recall right off hand I think

It was a 21 because I believe the capacity was lower than you know what’s typical right now how many rounds do you think you would need to fire to stop a man Center Mass dead connect nothing nothing in between you and the target it just depends I mean honestly

Like I I’ve I’ve seen videos where it’s taken you know guys have shot full full mag dump into somebody and it’s and they keep coming I mean it just depends on what they’re on and everything so you really don’t ever know yeah yeah you know you would think dumping a full mag

In somebody would stop somebody usually I’d say yes of course it all depends on what you hit right um are you hitting the spine are you hitting you know the the brain are you hitting the T-Zone are you know like where where are they being hit like just hitting somebody in you

Could literally hit somebody in the sternum it could deflect off of a rib and not neutralize them yeah I mean shot placement is key 100% no matter what yeah that’s why you always train you know you know whatever you want to train but I would usually train you know to

The body to the head you know or transitioning between both or vertical lineup in between each or whatever yeah and that so the um the uh Rhian fire drill the uh the failure drill is an excellent way right two in the chest two in the sternum one in the head um and at

The same time I’ve met people that have been shot in the head so you never know right now of course for the most part there’s certain areas that you want to aim for not necessarily like the head but you know I mean yeah yeah um anywhere on the center line for

The most part from the top of the Dome where where your brain connects to your spine and all the way down all the way down if you can drive through the center line and you get good expansion and it you’re usually G to stop they call that

The man I can’t remember what they it’s called but it’s called the it was there was a drill that I saw that was basically like a zipper drill is what they called it basically up the middle you kind of go up as you go from like middle chest all the

Way up to the top of the face basically in the eyes I can’t remember what it’s called it’s some kind of drill there was another guy it’s like six six shots like and you do it build drill yeah while you’re shooting up it’s sort of like that yeah it had a name to

It I can’t remember the name of it yeah um the mosam Beek so the mosam Beek is a failure drill um that’s uh two in the sternum one in the head um which is is what fish was talking about Craig what’s up bro Craig uh just while you’re here I

Mentioned this a couple times earlier but the the the merch that’s out live life what’s up brother the merch it’s out for the people that have placed orders for some reason they’re not fulfilling it I don’t know why but just hang tight I’ll get everything figured

Out probably within the next few days so just be patient y’all I’m working on it um if I need to give everything back if the company took the money because I didn’t I didn’t get anything but if the company took the money and they have not fulfilled it I’ll literally kick

Everything back to you guys and then just re redo the uh the orders um whatever I got to do uh dick shot with a 410 t Okay that was something true that just happened recently um shot in the pecker with a with a judge but we don’t

Stop anybody yeah because of uh current uh legis or um uh litigious uh I’m not going to say anything about it because there’s ongoing court cases and charges and stuff uh really yeah we won’t talk about that wow wa a guy that a guy that kind of runs

Between two groups uh in real life shot another guy in the dick with a tourus judge 410 and I believe it was one of the um PDX ones uh with like Buckshot and the discs the dude got hit in the dicks with the discs wow yeah so uh droing clean off huh

Yeah um I you shot me in the deck I mean basically it was like dude really you shot me in the deck like and apparently he waited H yeah so I don’t want I don’t want to say anything because that’s a real life thing right now but um I would

Say go check it out but there’s nowhere that you can check it out so just wait till we can actually talk about it uh anyway so here’s the deal um and I did watch somebody else said 12 rounds of 9mm there was another video that came

Out of a homeless guy that was totally sober that took 12 rounds of 9mm Center Mass and just I think just up here he was just done fed up ready to go and he was just walking towards this officer swinging this like that’s that’s the one

I saw he was basically like swinging a thing at him right yeah like a big piece of wood or something like that yep I just think he was he was done he was just like I don’t want to be here anymore you know possibility yeah stuff hey man I gotta go you’re

Good man do I appreciate you coming on brother take it easy thank you for having me uh yeah I’m sure we’ll do it again yeah man absolutely and sorry we didn’t do it to your channel as well uh if you want to do another one tomorrow

Or the next day or something me know we’ll do a podcast together here in a little bit yeah let me know man I’m down awesome man see y’all later peace Brother on his deck no doubt yeah for sure uh okay so going back to it um there was

An incident where um and that that other incident where the dude was shot 12 times Center Mass with a 9 millimeter it’s kind of a similar situation okay um but in this situation there was a police officer I don’t remember all the details of the story from start to finish but

Here’s kind of an idea um he was involved in a traffic stop the traffic stop turned violent somehow and there was a gunfight between a bad guy and a police officer the police officer Drew I believe it was a Glock 21 so he had 14

Rounds in his gun and he had um uh I think two other 13 round mags on his belt and I think the the video was called why this police officer carries over a 100 rounds of ammunition on him now in the shootout both him and the

Other man were shot he shot the other guy like five times Center Mass with a 45 ACP now during this exchange they’re shooting each other um he’s getting hit the other guy’s getting hit they’re shooting at each other from under the car they’re basically chasing each other

Around the car shooting at each other uh go watch the actual story uh that’ll give you more information uh because like I said I may be saying some of this incorrectly but uh he literally got to a point where he was like down to his last

Round of ammo and he had already hit this dude five times with 45 ACP jhps and the dude was not stopping and I think he actually got to the point where he had one more round left he ended up hitting the guy again for a fifth or

Sixth time and uh was out of ammo and then the dude eventually bled out stopped but uh the guy was like running up on him to kill him and it just ended up over time his shots being effective but you guys got to remember that if you don’t hit somebody with like an

Anatomically significant a a you know um a CNS shot that will physically stop them um if they don’t have that thing in their brain where it’s like oh [ __ ] I’m I’ve been shot if you guys watch animals when they’ve been shot they they freak out and they run and they fight until

They physically cannot until they are drained of blood and then you’re going to see that in some situations with people too so this cop was down like his last round he ended up Surviving the incident shot I think a couple times and uh he almost died okay the guy was

Walking over to him to shoot and kill him and uh he basically started leaking to the point where he collapsed or something like that I’ll have to pull up the actual story and go over it but after the the police officers survived that event um and thank you Drew by the

Way for uh for putting the BAM smash that like button y’all appreciate that uh I’ve seen that yeah it’s a it’s a it’s an interesting um interesting situation um 10 mm 10 mimet will stop anything uh depends on what 10 mm uh what ammunition most of it is under 500

Foot pounds of energy which is basically 40 caliber depending on what you’re pushing 10 millimeter good 10 millimet is pushing 7 to 800 foot- pounds of energy and shot placement is less important but man whether it’s 22 9 45 10 mil 5.56 shot placement is uh definitely the one of the most important

Things as far as uh if you’re going to be able to stop something or someone um um but anyway after this dude survived this event with a lower capacity semi-auto firearm um he switched over to a I think Glock 17 9 mimer with like the standard 18 or 20 rounds or whatever it

Was 23 rounds and this dude was now rocking over a 100 rounds of ammo on him be the police officer because he was like dude I never want to end up in a situation like that ever ever again people are like well I got a 45 it’s a

Man stomper maybe maybe not right like this dude uh Buffalo boore so Buffalo boore is really good uh double tap is really good um um if you guys look up corbon corban’s got some good 10 mimer if you guys look up uh whatever ammo you’re purchasing

You have to look up the specs it is vital your 10 mm may be between four to 5 500 foot PBS of energy which is literally right in the you know ballpark of you know hotter 40 cal and the purpose of having a 10 mm is having like

The you know best ammunition that you can to stop the biggest threats that you can in the smallest package if you’re just throwing 40 Cals at them it doesn’t you know it doesn’t matter and uh obviously Big Fish nailed it you got to train right I’ve seen

Dudes running FN 510s on their kit uh like Clint uh with classic shout out to him he’s come on the channel before Clint we love you bro um you know he’s running an FN 510 from time to time on his kit but he’s running it he’s training with it and if that’s your

Thing that’s cool but uh I’ve thought about it I I don’t think I would run the FN 510 on my kit I think no matter what I’m always going to go back to a semi-auto 9 millimeter and it’s probably going to be a Glock because of ammo commonality magazine commonality and all

Of my guys that are with me are going to be running semi-auto 9 millimeter Glocks so 650 foot pounds is where 10 millimet starts honestly yes yep if you’re not pushing 750 there’s no purpose of having a 10 millimeter you know um it’s pretty ridiculous how big

Ammo big big Pharma it’s pretty crazy how these ammunition companies get away with this [ __ ] like how the hell can you sell the literal exact same thing with a longer casing right uh 28u was saying the other day um 10 mm is 40le 40 long and expensive I mean

Basically is if it’s not and then like Underwood is a really good one too like why the why can these how do we allow these ammo companies to get away with this [ __ ] right they’re they’re out here selling 10 mm ammo but it says 472 foot

Pounds of energy on the box like what no we need to blast them for that and of course this has gotten more popular over the years but I didn’t know this when I was a kid and I bought a Smith and Wesson 106 for 350 bucks I had no idea

That there was a difference between 10 mm and 40 cal you know which by the way I sold that 10 mm for like 350 or 400 bucks as well and man do I regret that [ __ ] I was like you know what I loved that gun that’s Smith and Weston 106

Which was basically the the Denzel uh the training day gun but in 10 mm and I was like you know what I want to get another one you know because of nostalgia and then I look and it’s like $1,299 I was like fudge that not doing

It Desert Eagle 50 AE is no slouch and carrying a Desert Eagle 50 AE is not very comfortable thank you Kurt I appre man Kurt you’re the man so what Kurt is posting here is a shortcut to my shadow systems lower parts kit for Glocks so if

Anybody out there is looking for shadow systems lower parts kits for their Glocks if you want OEM reliability a performance grade trigger and great parts that are super reliable here you go right here $59 sh or $59.99 whatever shipped uh so hell yeah thank you I appreciate you

Man um got to roll out DJ play nice appreciate you uh thank you thank you uh too many choices DJ play nice Gore yeah I mean we we got a desert eagle is a safari gun I mean it look Desert Eagle is cool um it’s just

Not really it doesn’t have a lot of uses other than flexing you know what I mean um it’s a very short cartridge and slower heavier bullets do penetrate well in targets with like a liquid medium like flush but uh I don’t know I mean I I would almost rather have like a Smith

And Wesson 500 single shot handy rifle or something like that you know what I mean um or something with capacity or something like uh you know 50 Bay Wolf or something like that I don’t know like mostly if you look at any gun in my collection I’m mostly rocking 9 mm 5.56

762 x 39 12 gauge you know and some others right but for the most part those are like my go-tos man I just put money down on an M1 carbine paratrooper bro that’s dope those 30 car 30 cal Carbine uh rounds are pretty pretty crazy looking just had

To replace the Locking Block in my G23 what why the hell would you have to replace your locking block I have a lot of questions with uh with that deagle is just AK pistol what use code that’s not a hemroid it’s a Kim light for free

Shipping oh man Desert Eagle is a MAG dumping into the trash with your boy’s gun absolutely yeah uh I really want one of those 357 deagles man they uh they don’t run very well be honest with you man that cartridge was designed for something completely different and it shows up

When you shoot your 357 mag deagle trust me especially the older ones the older ones they did not master uh functioning very well um now there are other guns out there that have done a decent job like the the Coan 357 Magnum is uh is

Cool um now the newer the newer iwi IMI military is weapon IW sorry I have to say it out loud the newer iwi 357 Magnums do function better but there’s a reason that they remade them it’s because the other ones functioned terribly it is a rimmed cartridge that

Is not intended for that design and people are like man well why isn’t there more semi-auto 357 Magnums it’s because it it’s it’s just not supposed to exist that’s why I like that 500 magnum uh I got the fire yeah the 500 Magnums No Joke Man uh those are no

Joke I can do it single I can’t do it single hand anymore since the [ __ ] truck hit me that sucks dude 460xvr is about as practical as a EDC as a de50 absolutely no hand Canon dark 44 mag and up so I used to run um run I used to

Carry EDC a Smith and Wesson 296 tii titanium uh this was a really cool gun this was a five shot a little bit bigger than a jframe technically it was a K&L frame it was a five shot 44 special and man carrying the basically I could only

Carry gold dots because it had a 200 grain um limit on it because it’s titanium Scandium and and all those crazy airlite you know aircraft grade aluminums and [ __ ] that gun was cool uh I got that gun for super cheap too and that’s another one that’s now selling for like 2,000

Bucks that I sold for 400 back in the day that’s why I will never sell guns again man I may sell some things here and there to fund some purchases but like I’ve made too many mistakes so just these two examples that Smith and Wesson

106 I bought for 350 is now selling for well over a grand 12,300 bucks easy that uh Smith and Wesson 296 in uh 44 special is uh now selling for like two grand right um I also had a Ruger vako in 44 magnum that was the

Sheriff model um it was the uh taow exclusive 3.75 inch barrel it was the sheriff model it was so sick man that thing was so dope uh that was really cool loved it and then that was tied up in that pawn incident where the dude sold them from

Under me when he sold the shop I never got that back that was unfortunate so as far as hand cannons I don’t have I don’t think I have any hand cannons currently I do have a couple 10 millimeters I got the Glock 40 that I

Built that’s a 10 mm uh that’s the long slide 10 mil I have the FN 510 that I bought uh that’s clearly a 10 mimer um and I got hot 10 mm out of that thing uh like 785 foot pounds of energy out of a 4 and

A half inch barrel something like that uh that’s pretty hot [ __ ] uh and then I have my favorite hand Cannon which is my seru super shorty with a 6 and 1/2 in Barrel bro that 12 gauge it it is an AOW it is an NFA item but man that thing that thing is

Fire bro bring it to any range and people freak out they’re like their brains can’t even comprehend a shotgun so small it’s cool as [ __ ] man now that okay so those are going for 1,200 bucks or more okay now looking back on it excuse me looking back on it I

Absolutely would have purchased a Safety Harbor Firearms excuse me keg uh instead of Mark subu’s uh uh shotgun but it’s what I got so but those are selling for over 1,200 bucks and I got that [ __ ] for 600 650 something like that so I’m just never GNA sell any gun

Again and if I do it’s because it’s gotten like massive increase in value uh somebody else mentioned 57 I wouldn’t I wouldn’t consider 57 a hand Cannon um 357 Sig Glock 33 Palm rocket too small to be hand Cannon but bro that thing okay so this [ __ ] right here this

Right here homie 357 Sig this [ __ ] bro look up the specs of a 357 Sig now I’m launching these out of a polymer 80 okay this thing is is throwing Fireballs out of it and it is a just a mindblowing experience to have it’s like a noisy

Cricket it is so tiny it is so small and it just blows of course it’s glowy blue but it just blows like massive Fireballs out of it the ballistics are insane and although some people will say the Liberty civil defense ammo is a gimmick

It kind of is but if you need a tiny pocket pistol that uh can get through soft armor you may want to consider a Glock 33 in 357 Sig because uh the Liberty civil defense will be rocking like 2300 feet per second out of that tiny little Barrel it’s insanity and

People are like but it won’t retain all of its mass it will blow through soft armor different guns are for different things you know there are different applications that you need different tools for so by the way I picked up a 42.5 inch antenna for the bayang and I

Got that thing over there it’s like a slap bracelet from the 80s it is incredible I absolutely love it Gods Marine 70 all I need is a United States Marine 45 long slide with a 3030 and a russian-made AK-47 so I can drop drop it in the mud

Puddle and pick it up next week and it will still be smoking uh yeah they will work um so United States Marine 45 long slide uh don’t know what that is I know that it a 1911 um there are long slide 1911s um a 3030 uh is a good lever

Gun and uh if you find a Russian made AK-47 please let me know because I will actually absolutely purchase five of them today no question uh but thank you for coming and hanging out uh there’s a tool for every job absolutely and there’s a job for every tool uh I carry

A 43x with Liberty civil defense okay so no joke um I would consider Liberty civil defense think of it like ah this is going to sound so bad okay so you got to look at what what rounds already have so much testing to the point where it is you’re leveraging

Other like organizations to do your testing for you so look at uh hsts look at uh Hornady uh all the different you know ammunition out there and look at all these other agencies and organizations that have done all the testing bro I’m like getting out of breath from talking it’s crazy if

You uh was the best way to word it hold I need some nicotine if you look at the Liberty civil defense stuff it’s basically as good as um uh frangible ammo if it hits a a hard target or bone or something like that it’s literally going to speckle into

Dust now if it hits something like um Kevlar like level 3A uh armor it’s going to punch a hole through it and still throw matter through the the liquid medium behind it but it’s not going to be as effective as for for the application of

EDC you want to retain as much of the weight as possible if you’re trying to get through armor then yes using 2,000 feet per second uh you know projectiles in your in your handgun definitely that’s that’s worth it in an EDC situation though you really

Want to retain weight so so you can dump as much energy into something as possible um the Liberty civil defense if you come up against a person like this it it’s it’s going to poke holes through them and it’s going to hurt them but you’re not necessarily going to transfer

The energy that you want into them it’s going to basically blow through them and turn into dust or you know if it hits a bone or something like that so I would say switch to something like um you know uh you know HS or um something like Hornady or

Something like that you know that’s all I’m saying um it’s not a gimmick it’s just only to be used for certain things we need the Le G9 though so that’s what I’m carrying in mind right now and it took a lot it took a lot for

Um for me to unload the hsts from my handgun and switch over to the G9 defense the 45 long slide with invented for urban Warfare at a distance it will hit you like a rifle and a quarter of a mile um okay dope um the sight hole is drilled

Slightly caned it’s driving me nuts I’m about to take the sight off and just use the holl sun are you what are we talking about you talking about an AK or something more beta Prince what’s up brother great to see you Happy Thanksgiving everyone just getting back from traveling for the holiday that’s

What’s up uh did your daughter choose the Vape color for you so it’s it’s based on the uh the flavor I don’t get to choose I would color it black if uh if I could right with the Barstow Barrel so now you’re talking about a a

Long slide 1911 is that what you guys are referring to or hear me out use it like don’t be a menace do we have a problem I don’t know bro armor is getting more common in crime okay so absolutely I’m not saying it’s not a bad

Idea to have a magazine of that ammo with you I’m just saying what’s what’s the and you need to answer this question for yourself and I’m not I’m certainly not telling you to change I’m just saying you need to answer the question of what is the most likely threat that

You’re going to become going up against and in in my situation it’s likely another person and or people that are wearing normal clothing they may be wearing armor they may not be so that’s why I’ve taken the the plunge I’ve switched over from the standard hsts that I was

Rocking to uh the G9 research but I’ve staggered um you know the [ __ ] that’ll go through aramid fibers like Kevlar or other level 3A armor soft armor and then also just the traditional and here here’s the so here’s the difference so these are um external hollow points so when

These hit a liquid medium like flesh it’s like a buzz saw they just deposit all this energy poof and then it just splatters outside it’s crazy but that’s not the only round that I have in here if that blows through a um you know armor first then it’s still

Going to do damage behind it and I’m not saying that the Liberty civil defense won’t um and I also have the 124 grain uh plus P which is going like 1350 feet per second this is really made for going directly into a liquid medium Target like flesh uh this could do either but

It’s not going to break up and and shatter like the Liberty civil defense is as the only reason that I chose this over the Liberty civil defense however the Liberty civil defense absolutely has a place it’s just uh sometimes it’s like this loading loading a few magazines

With a few different types of ammunition gives you options where if you do have a split second to load different ammo into it you know you’re you’re going to be able to kind of make the decision to grab something else for if you have the time you likely won’t I likely won’t um

It’s not a bad thing to have different mags loaded up for different stuff for the same reason that I have some mags loaded with you know XM 193 and then I have some mags loaded with with m855 and I have some mags loaded with uh you know 40 grain black

Tip uh 223 that goes through out of a 14 and 1 12 inch barrel it will go through level three steel plates so I mean you know you just got to make that call and if if you still think that the Liberty civil defense is the best round for you then I totally

Support that 100% I’m just saying it’s just something we all got to evalue wa alternating is always a good idea so I didn’t used to do that I used to kind of make fun of people that uh they do a salad I always called it a salad because

It’s like mixing a whole bunch of different types of ammunition but uh hey if if you want to it just bothered me when like I used to see dudes with like 10 rounds of FMJ and then like seven rounds of jacketed hollow points or five rounds of jacketed hollow points I’m

Like bro that it bothers me to be carrying a gun in that condition but I mean hey you know it’s just like an OCD thing so you know I just had to kind of make a decision based on that but these are great rounds but they’re not the best

Thing they’re just uh a good option for maybe going through a barrier and maybe going through armor and flesh or if they do only hit flesh they you know work very well and then these other 124 grains work well too you know wood chippers the only place for

The energy to go is into the target the only place for the energy to go is into the target but but if if a round going 2,400 feet per second just blows through it then it’s it’s not going to go into a Target that’s all I’m saying

Uh Federal HST is my carry around hsts are good [ __ ] and I’m I’m not the authority on carry ammo I’m just saying you know some [ __ ] that I’ve learned here and there love my hsts and everything but 45 have you not had good luck with it in the 45 that’s like the

Only only HST round I’ve not done any uh like you know uh I don’t even want to say like testing or anything with because I’ve done like unofficial testing um in pools in you know random [ __ ] with like U you know meat and Denim and and all that but hsts have been the

Most consistent rounds that I’ve had out there I’ve had like uh uh CCI like spear uh Spears and gold dots and and uh what spear gold what’s the other one what’s the what’s the brass golden savers golden Sabers I’ve had those literally not even expand and

Not not just not expand like over and over and over not expand not expand in water the long slide is a monster so is it a 1911 or am I am I just not hip yeah I think I think I’m just not hip to what y’all are talking about um

No go watch the G9 defense video vers HST yes agreed uh the 45 is for up close and personal 3030 is to snipe or hunt uh hunt out food uh the AK is to go no holds bar out okay Glock p80 build try M Michigan Cherry ice okay

Okay print a glowy blue TPU Vape cover that’s not a bad idea uh most likely threat groups of shoplifters hey then do it up car jackers man you may have to deposit precious metals to something that’s behind car doors too you know uh which if you can just

Uh yeah if you can just switch mags or something like that I don’t know I mean look then people are going to say but then a you know Prosecutor’s going to [ __ ] that you need to do whatever you need to do to live okay dark carrying blenders basically Lehi

Defense Philip tips those are good too yeah [ __ ] him you got a gun and you’re coming towards me you’re going to be dead uh C told you good to mix a match yep sorry I’m behind in chat right now the best 9 millimeter ammo is the Barnes

Tech xpd defense for all of it okay that’s what’s up I have to check it out uh five ft female with a bait knife what caliber 5 foot female with a bait knife what caliber uh Louis Vuitton obviously drop a purse on the ground they’ll freak

Out they can’t hit you guys ever seen a chick set a purse on the Ground um I got a 68 grain plus P extreme defender in the CZ just for that reason yeah so it depends on what the application is I watch many body armor tests and not as of yet seen any of the civil defense go through Safe Life can

It maybe but not seen it yet so I think it depends on which one there there is uh different grades of uh Safe Life Safe Life defense armor um what’s the extreme carry one it’s like super super duper thin I can’t recall what it is but it’s

Super thin um that [ __ ] is uh not getting through it uh also depends on what length of barrel if you’re shooting it through a Glock 43x it’s going to be less likely to achieve that speed that it needs to get through it but if you’re shooting it through like a 7.75 inch

Barrel uh CZ Scorpion or something like that it’s going to get over 2,00 2,200 feet per second and it will blow through um the Lesser quality because that uh hyper somebody help me out what is it it’s like hyper something um [ __ ] I can’t remember um but whatever

It is uh it would probably get through the other ones if it’s coming out of a longer Barrel but I don’t know for sure um I just uh would have to do some testing and unfortunately don’t have uh Safe Life body armor to test it but you

May be right safe life is like hands down the best soft armor out there period Gold Dot 45 any good I would not run gold dots in anything the only way when I look at all the ammo that I’ve tested the only ammo that has consistently not expanded literally like

Out of all of them Gold Dot did not expand more than any other projectile period golden Sabers matter of fact the 115 grain white and green box Remington expanded more and more consistently than gold dots so sorry CCI I’m just you know just being honest

And TMC says gold dotts are good you may have had different experience with mine but uh than than mine rather but I just haven’t had good luck with them a heat round is your best round it goes through anything what’s a heat round I would love heat rounds U oh

That’s like a speed round when you go fast like uh no um are you talking about like incendiary rounds like tracers I’m just busting your chops because you’re new here God Marine I’m sorry I’m just I’m being h honest uh D after dark like an AMT hardballer okay I can get with

That actual names of actual guns I [ __ ] with that I [ __ ] with names and [ __ ] uh pumpkin spice latte and a Vogue magazine there you go uh better to be judged by 12 than carried by six yep see I always thought it was better to be

Judged by 12 than carried by two because you’re going to be carried by two before you’re carried by six you’ll be carried by two coroners you know two people to the Corner’s office so uh but I also understand the whole Paul bears and you know and all that I don’t know maybe I

Just heard it wrong uh if I was going to go long slide 45 I’d go all the way to HK HKS are sick are there be judged by 12 and carry by six dang all y’all are dropping the same is look at that see how see how much alike we

Are uh C4 trick rounds are dangerous but wow holy cow wow you got to love those C4 trick rounds I wish Liberty civil defense wasn’t a hollow point you know if it was uh something like a full metal jacket or an expanding full metal jacket that would be dope because that would give

You better barrier defeat defeating capabilities and it would still expand that would be dope uh but also did you guys know that uh projectiles that are completely made out of brass are illegal I was like hold on then what about the brass uh golden Sabers right like those Remington golden Sabers they’re their

Brass apparently in in the federal law or whatever for ammo um uh for ammo that’s uh armor piercing rounds that are completely brass are armor piercing for some reason I was like [ __ ] I had no idea I don’t know know um [ __ ] those 12 anyway facts high explosive anti-tank

Heat uh guess I’m talking I hate round it’s a center Round is guess I’m talking I hate round it’s a center around is that makes sense that checks out brass jacket copper not brass well well no the I’m saying that they’re saying that a a round that is completely

Made of of brass is armor penetrating or armor piercing but those golden Sabers are brass brass jacket yeah brass jacket but I’ve never seen a a completely brass round anyway um all right let’s go ahead and wrap it up um look I appreciate you guys for

Coming to hanging out and uh we got some exciting guests coming in over the next week I have a giveaway coming up and I know I got to figure out what is going on oh my God a Zid is it zil zilan zil whatever the symbol company uh is a devastating

Round yes it is a soup can is a devastating round um yes a heat round is DEET needed uranium round I’m not looking just to shoot you but through you in the tank as well man you going to fit in just fine we love it I’ve seen the rifle rounds that are

Solid brass never seen any pistol uh Z Jan don’t put energy behind it oh man you guys know what with this whole [ __ ] of the ATF uh saying smoke bombs and and these fake ass cardboard flashbangs are banned like bro first off you know that you can make

A smoke grenade at home like in under a minute you could with potassium nitrate and powdered sugar make a smoke bomb okay you don’t even have to do all these people that are like you have to cook it and simmer it and this till you get the Forbidden peanut butter and then you

Could literally just dump it in a soup can with a fuse like it is so simple if you want to make a flashbang then what you do is you make flash powder to make flash powder you take potassium nitrate and then you take an oxidizer like a

Metal like uh magnesium for an example magnesium gives you a bright white flash aluminum gives you a bright red flash uh zinc gives you a bright green flash right there’s all these different things on how to do different colors you can mix them to get other colors too uh then

You also include sulfur in that and uh when you mix that up be cautious mixing it because you don’t want to use a metal spoon and you certainly don’t want to use a metal plate uh you want to use a plastic spoon and a piece of paper you

Want to use a process called diapering diapering is when you literally have you know paper or pieces of paper taped together you don’t want to get [ __ ] folded up in all the creases and all that so use a larger piece of paper don’t tape a bunch together you can but

Whatever uh tape will cause static electricity static electricity with flash powder is no good so to defeat that you can also put a bowl of water in the microwave and you can bring it to a boil then bring that over to a workstation and you can literally just

Have uh the steam in the air to uh take all the static electricity out of that area you could do that too or you could just not be stupid and don’t use anything with static or metal or anything around you should be fine you should be fine but uh certainly don’t

Build anything with flash powder or build smoke bombs because that’s bad and the ATF doesn’t want you to do it so I would say never do that and definitely don’t pour in black powder to dry nitrate to make big fun explosives don’t travel with them don’t uh you know uh do

Anything other than consume them immediately because that breaks Federal rules and laws and regulations and you really want to you really want to use it right then not for commercial purposes uh only only for the purpose of doing things on your own property because that’s lawful you can do the same thing

With RDX you can say do the same thing with uh erthal Tet nitrate you can do the same thing with cl20 if you wanted to by the way cl20 is uh you know what they use to send uh ibms all the way around the world twice it’s a it’s a

Pretty crazy explosive um but yeah the ATF can do whatever they want to encroach on our rights to stop us from doing things but what they can’t do is take what’s up here okay and when you can build things you have that capability in in your in your mind they can never take

That from you you can do incredible things but also don’t do anything to break the laws or federal laws state laws rules regulations restrictions ordinances sanctions anything like that don’t ever break the law be good little boys and girls and just just be good okay I love all you guys thank you for

Coming and hanging out and just uh Stay Frosty and stay strapped just kidding we’re going to do this my way um the most important thing as I feel like we’re walking on this uh diving board of life and we’re walking to the end um get right with God y’all because this uh

It’s important right life is but a blip on the radar of your Eternal Soul so make sure that you’re getting right with God and as we close we’ll remember the most important things are your rules the standards and expectations of what you yourself the the standards and expectations you

Hold yourself to okay so rule number one is to be kind it’s so important that we’re kind in everything that we do that brief interaction that you have with somebody else could have a massive impact on their life so be kind rule number two is to live a life of care

Compassion contribution give to others when you bless others you become blessed because a hand that’s open to give is open to receive rule number three because we know the only way for us to defeat evil is with good men skilled in violence make sure that you’re becoming

As highly skilled in violence as you possibly can be and be safe be dangerous and keep that thing on you and make sure that that thing is a semi-automatic 9 millimeter Glock that’s all I’m saying peace out y’all love Yall Oh And if you’re here at the very very end you are one of the real ones and I appreciate you every single one of y’all y’all have spent almost 3 hours with me in the fam and I appreciate that so much okay and I was just watching the chat

And despite the fact that it still smells like belt feds in here um I just appreciate you guys so much like you have no idea how grateful I am to be here and to be here with you guys okay now although my attorney has instructed me to say in

Minecraft you know I’m not going to let’s be real um things are spicy so stay spicy love yall Bye oh and [ __ ] Israel and [ __ ] Palestine and [ __ ] all of those cocksuck

This video, titled ‘DLD Live! My Attorney Has Instructed Me To Say “In Minecraft” – Feat. BDG&G Josh!’, was uploaded by DLD After Dark on 2023-11-26 06:10:31. It has garnered 503 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:13 or 10693 seconds.

#DLD #DLDafterDark #DLDhardware #Independence

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Thank you to all my viewers!!!

For music used see reference below Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: SF2TLXJCXVNDQKFI

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    Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods Explorando os Melhores Mods Para Minecraft PE O universo do Minecraft Bedrock Edition está repleto de aventuras e desafios, mas para os jogadores que buscam uma experiência ainda mais emocionante, os mods de sobrevivência são a escolha ideal. Vamos explorar cinco dos melhores mods que trazem novas mecânicas e emoções para o jogo. 1. True Survival – Zombie Apocalypse Descrição: Este mod transforma o mundo do Minecraft em um apocalipse zumbi, aumentando a dificuldade e a necessidade de estratégias de sobrevivência. Adição de novos tipos de zumbis com diferentes habilidades. Sistema de saúde e fome mais desafiador. Novos itens… Read More

  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

    🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The Best Blaze Farm In Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-23 13:00:48. It has garnered 703 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Watch All My Minecraft Skyblock Videos Right Here → ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → Bedrock IP And Port → | 19132 Website And Store → Discord Server → minecraft,minecraft skyblock,minecraft prison,skyblock minecraft,prison minecraft,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft prison server,skyblock minecraft server,prison minecraft server,skyblock,prison,skyblocky,prisons,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,notconner,notconner skyblock,notconner prison ,mchub,mchub skyblock,mchub prison,mchub skyblocky,mchub prisons ,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,akumamc skyblocky,akumamc… Read More

  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ ► Twitter ➜ ► Instagram ➜ ► Twitch ➜ ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD- In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – Discord Link – Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More