MY BIGGEST BUILD YET! – EP 11 (Cozy Survival Let’s Play)

Video Information

I think it’s time that my villagers get a little bit of company today Hey what’s up guys it’s Nash and welcome back to my woman by cozy Minecraft let’s play aka the 1.20 Minecraft Let’s Play Welcome Back you guys in today’s episode we are going to be working on a villager breeder I think I it’s kind of the next

Step in our progress that we need to get accomplished so it’s gonna be a doozy of a project but we’ve just gotta do it we’ve gotta get it done especially before they start making changes to Minecraft where villagers are going to be biome specific in the future I would

Actually really like to have one of these and all the villagers in a trading Hall before that update comes that way we can come back to this place and reminisce on what was before villagers were biome specific now if you guys haven’t heard about this news and it is

In fact news to you then um highly suggest watching Waddles video maybe I’ll link it down below it’s a it’s a very uh good video and he covers most everything that’s going to become in a future update but the first thing I want to do with you guys is a little bit of

Planning in the last episode we built this beautiful Barn to house my animals right outside of my front house here the right outside the front of my house here what am I saying can I English today um so we got shapes we got cows I did

Get myself another cow as well as a little baby in there you guys can see very very cute this is working pretty good I mean it’s a barn it’s doing its job but anyways guys what I wanted to do to get us started today was actually

Plan out some future builds I am going to take this wool and we are gonna go start mapping out areas that I would like to have as builds in the future so this build I’ve actually had in planned for a very long time I want to build a

Cute little and actually hold on I’m doing this I’m doing this all wrong I’m doing it wrong serve on blocks what we’re gonna do is every two should we do every two yeah that works um I’m just gonna map out the builds like this and right here is going

To be a fisherman’s Hut now the reason I’m doing this is because today I’ve got to figure out where I want my next Builder breeder build to be I have a feeling it’s going to be up on this back Hill please excuse my voice for dying

It’s it’s in the morning I just woke up so it’s kind of it’s kind of a little scratchy but that’s fine so then I had another idea I really want a chicken coop area with like a fenced off chicken chicken coopage sort of situation here

Now this build isn’t going to be too big I’m also not specifically planning out exactly how big these builds are gonna be I’m just getting a very rough shape down so that we know in the future like hey this location is taken for something else this is where I would like to have

My sugar cane Farm I was gonna build this in a previous episode and then just kind of never got around to it because it is gonna take a lot of resources and it’s gonna be very very big I haven’t really done any City Planning in this world yet so it’s going to be

Interesting to see how how all these builds come come together in the future but it gives you guys some stuff to look forward to we have a fishing shock a chicken coop a sugar cane Farm these are all builds that we’re going to be working on in upcoming episodes all

Right it’s getting to be night time and you guys know I’m a scaredy cat so let me get out of here go to sleep and then we’ll start planning out the location for today’s build all right looks like we’re gonna have to fight some monsters early this morning that’s fine we can

Take care of you guys get out of here all of you guys are ruining my morning okay so this up here is a huge area we have so much space to work with I don’t think we’re gonna be able to fill all this space with today’s build although

It would be kind of fun to see if I can make a booger like a super super big big bill because I do sort of have a plan of what I want this to look like but at the same time if I do that this build is

Going to be massive I want to have a villager trading haul now if you guys don’t remember from a few uh previous episodes we have a village off over there so I was thinking about having a boat entry over the back side where we can bring in villagers from the other

Village into our village that would be cool and then up top is going to be the Welcome Center so there’s going to be like a villager Welcome Center slash hiring quote unquote hiring center where we will will give them jobs and everything like that and then cart them

Off to other areas of the land of we haven’t even named this area so we have to make room for all of these ideas well what I’m thinking is I want there to be like a big entry boat dock kind of thing so I want this build to be butted up

Right against this Rich here and I think we’re going to plan it out just like so that’s actually seems like a pretty good size there and what we can do is this could be sort of like a tunnel that comes in word I’m gonna get the plan

Laid out you guys you know it’s just been putting down wall blocks but I’ll come back with you guys once I’ve got a good General size really quick I’m gonna pop in here and say that this is one of the builds where I have no idea what I’m

Doing ahead of time I have not planned this even on a little whiteboard drawing or anything I have no idea what I’m doing as you guys can see this is gonna be a big build it’s probably gonna be our biggest build in town and not only

Is it gonna have this upper Story part to it it is also going to have a lower section below so that’s going to be very interesting for us to work out here in the future but first things first I guess I should just start kind of getting our framework in working out the

Details and seeing how big we want this build how we want the rooms to look that’s sort of the plan that I have and then of course the docs are going to be down below where we bring them in so we’re going to need a way to kind of

Push them upstairs now before we get into the framework of the build I’m going to take a little bit of a detour because in the last episode you guys actually gave me ideas for this spot here right here this is a big empty spot

That I have no idea what to do with and so I of course went to you guys and said hey I need help what should I put here and a lot of you guys said Fountain I should put a fountain there especially because I took out the fountains from

Our sniffer Sanctuary build so putting a fountain there with maybe some nice little palm trees would look perfect in this section I am very much considering this my warm-up build for the day you know we’re going to be getting into a much much bigger build later so it’s

Going to be nice to be able to warm up my building skills and just build something smaller and then go into the big build this will give me a little inspiration Foreign Is done I like it I feel like it fits with some of the other taller structures that we have in this area I I think it’s cool I think it’s cool let me know what you guys think I think it fits really well in this spot too and one of my

Favorite things about building in Minecraft is sometimes you get these little unexpected pleasures and these little unexpected things that you really end up liking that weren’t originally planned such as this Fountain kind of hanging over the edge and just bordering this path and it looks so tall from this

View so when you’re kind of walking up into the house you pass this really tall Fountain and from this side it just looks like a normal fountain on the ground but from this side it looks so tall and Grand because the ground level is lower on this side so I just think

That that’s so cool I love how it hangs over the edge like that there but I would walk you guys through my process of how I do palm trees because I think having a palm tree right here and a palm tree on the other side would look quite

Nice not the only thing is I don’t think I have walked you guys through my process of how to make palm trees the first thing I do when building a palm tree is choose the direction in which I want the Palms to go we’re gonna do it

So let’s actually get rid of this we’re gonna do two on each side we’re gonna have one going up this way so kind of canopying over this and actually even more diagonal sort of over towards our door and then this one is going to canopy over that way towards the mining

Entrance so what I do is I always start low and shallow and then go taller so we’re going to start with this one being low we’re going to go over and then jump up one and then keeping it low and shallow so we’re only going to be going

Up by one at the very beginning to create an arch effect so we’re going to be starting with one then going two then going three then going four so kind of here you can see on this as a demonstration we started with two then we went up three then we went up four

Then we went up five so it just gets taller and taller low and slow low and shallow is kind of the way of doing it then we just come over and you can really start playing around with going diagonally now this is the hard part

You’re gonna have to put in a lot of filler blocks so like this one’s going to be a filler block we’re gonna go over so that we are on the diagonal there but we’re going to come up by two uh and actually maybe I should use a different

Blocks so I can show you guys these are filler blocks so filler block and then going back up and then we can kind of come on over that one’s going up by three the others were two we can kind of even go up the side here like this

And then we’ll do filler block try to come up like this and just determine how tall you want this most of my trees are pretty tall here so we just are going to keep coming over that’s actually going to be a filler block and then we’ll go

Up by maybe three or four here yeah I think I think that’s pretty good that’s a pretty good height then I’ll just jump down and what I do on the way down is I do my stripping and I get rid of the bottom block there get rid of all of my

Filler blocks so we’re gonna get rid of this little block there and then I also like to add some slabs and some trapdoors to connect these diagonals together because it’s going to look a little bit funky um if they’re just barely hanging on by that little thread there the little

Corner piece so by adding a slab to the bottom it makes it thicker it makes it look more connected then again we go through and we strip these getting rid of the bottom one getting rid of the filler block we’re going to add a slab

There jump down come to the bottom add a slab there to connect these diagonal corners and then just repeat the process is there a block under there yeah let’s get rid of that then for this one we’ll do a trapdoor and then on the bottom

We’ll do a trapdoor I just kind of vary that is definitely in the wrong place I just kind of very trapped doors and slabs whatever I’m feeling but I try to make it of a similar color you know you don’t want it to be to look too different from the wood texture to

Really stand out so Spruce looks really good with Spruce just keeping that the same you can see it’s starting to climb upwards in that sloped pattern all right so for this bottom block here we are going to get rid of that one putting a slab there putting a slab there and

There we go so those are going to be two of our palm trees they’re going to be canopying over the walkways which I think will look really nice okay so I’m not quite liking this one here I’m gonna go through and get rid of it because I just feel like it’s it’s over

Complicating it a bit we don’t need two on each side just having uh two on the other side and then one on this side I think is gonna look bitter yeah that way too we can actually see the fountain when we come out of our house another

Thing I might do is maybe get rid of that back one back there and just have that one and this one not quite sure yet but we will see what they look like once we actually put in the little leaves I can’t even tell you guys how many times

I have moved this tree farm in this world it is crazy at this point I’ve moved it six times I think I move it almost every single video because I end up building in the spot that I put my tree farm got all my eyes daily leaves

Now we just have to wait for those to despawn so I can have some more azaleas that’s very important for this world I need to not forget sometimes I don’t know if you guys do this but I get so into the building Zone that I forget to

Go collect the uh the saplings and then they end up despawning and I’m like no no sucks um I’m I’m sure some of you guys feel my pain but what we’re gonna do is start working on the leaves of the trees or the palm trees so Scaffolding

In this case is gonna be your best friend make sure you have scaffolding or this is going to be an insanely frustrating process uh doing custom trees so let me I’m trying to like I’m trying to get this so it’s and the way I

Do this is I make a little plus sign on top just like not like that like this and then from there I do each Direction goes out and down and then I also do on the diagonals as well if you do it just on these four plus sign outing Parts

It’s gonna look a little sparse it’ll look okay but it’s really those diagonal bits that make it look so so good so the way I do this is sometimes I’ll go up and over sometimes I’ll just go over and usually I’ll do the opposite side so

Like let’s say we’ll get rid of that one this is really all just about playing around with it and seeing what you like and what you don’t like and so I’ll do the plus sign first and what I like to do is just kind of come out and over is

The way to go until we’ll get rid of that one until you come out about three so that would be one two three we’re on the fourth now so I’m gonna go down I’m gonna start going down we’re gonna get rid of that one just so gives this nice

Arch and then we want to come down by like about two or three palm trees are very very droopy trees where they kind of have that like nice Arch puffy Arch on top and then they go droop just right down now to make this a little bit

Thicker you can go through and add some blocks underneath we’re going to do the same thing over on this side so kind of coming out uh yeah we’ll do it on the top one coming out there and then just basically stair stepping down until you

Get to your last one then that’s the one you’re gonna droop down uh quite a bit and then I’ll demonstrate how to do the diagonal so see that see how we got that nice little drupage there it’s just a little bit of like stair stepping down

So just over one down one over one down one over one down two or three on that last droopy bit and that’s that’s how you do it I would love to make a more dedicated tutorial video to this because it can be a bit tricky all right so when

It comes to the diagonals I like to keep this uh by putting a middle I like to start this by putting a middle block there then this is going to use a lot of placeholder blocks so I’m going to use a wool block normally I would just use

Um a leaf block and then just punch it and get rid of it but for the sake of the of you guys learning I’m going to use a placeholder block so it’s easy to differentiate them so we want this to be diagonal the best way to do diagonals is

To place a block and then put another block and let’s go up a little bit and then we’re going to get rid of that placeholder block so that’s going to create that diagonal sectioning there then again with this what we want to do is just start working our way down

Um again this is where it gets a little bit tricky and being in Creative would be a little bit easier to demonstrate this but we’re going to put a me let me grab a placeholder block for you guys placeholder block come over next to it and then we are actually going to go

Down here so that kind of worked out there and then just to make this extra thick we’re going to add a couple blocks there let’s actually get rid of that top block so that’s going to create an arch and this again this is all about playing around with it

And just seeing what looks good I’m probably terrible at demonstrating this but when it comes to doing the diagonal sections just remember to keep it diagonal work in the diagonals and then droop it down so you can kind of see right there it’s starting to get that

Droop that we’re we’re going for and I put this way too over there we go okay so yeah we just kind of want to go down one more with this I think I like it I like it I like it so we did this tree together I did the other two myself I

Actually really like how when I come out of my house this is like another unintentional thing but I feel like this tree kind of just frames this little um statue flower structure flower holding thing and like I don’t know look at that look how the Sun is like

Perfectly behind this tree it’s just this is really shaping up into a really nice area I think and by adding these trees it just adds a little life I added some bamboo as well I didn’t want to go too crazy with the bamboo so it’s very

Sparse but you know as we walk through this area you’re starting to walk under these really big tall trees it gives you some interest as we walk through here you can see more palm trees palm trees have really been adding a ton to this area now we can once we come around this

Corner you can see the fountain I think this this is this is really cool I like it now I don’t think I’m going to get to building the farm today I just kind of want to get the build finished I don’t want to add too much onto my plate and

Overwhelm myself so I think just kind of getting the framework of the build maybe not even doing any interior decorating just get the outside of the build done and get the structure good I think that would be awesome so that’s what we’re gonna do I need to figure out what the

Heck I’m doing for this I need to figure out where the entryways are gonna be where the exits are going to be I need to figure out flooring but yeah I need to do a little bit of brainstorming here so I’ll be back with you guys and we’ll

Get this started work has been done it’s a little bit different so I decided to change it up from what I had because I felt like it looked a bit random like a little bit too random and I I kind of scrap the entire thing guys I scrapped

The entire original plan that we did and I’m just going through now and filling in some of this sand because we currently have a floating building which is not gonna be ideal once we get this bolt out and stuff but yeah it’s it’s different I think this is going to be

The entryway I’m gonna kind of carve this hill back and we’re gonna have the path come through here this is where you’re going to enter and then we’re going to have four little columns on each side we did this with my starter house it’s actually very very similar to

My starter house except for this area over here is kind of similar to what I wanted where it’s going to be hanging over the edge in fact these uh little corner bits are going to hang over the edge more and the reason why I’m doing

This is because I want to do a different roof style than I’ve ever done in this area I thought we could do some Dome roofs never done those I do see those on a lot of deserty kind of builds so hey I thought let’s give it a go great we need

To start filling in the walls and doing some of the decoration and getting the roof plan worked out so I think the way that I’m gonna do this is in very big progress updates because this is so much of a bigger build than I normally do and

It’s going to take me a while to wrap my head around how I want to get this done and how I want to do it but I wanted to come back and show you guys the basic framework alright team I got the walls in place I mean look at this look at

This place oh I don’t know it looks so ominous I haven’t worked out this area so we are getting some lighting here I’m gonna have to build out this little section but I just wanted to get the walls in place I have some ladders going

Up so we can actually go up and down maybe I have some scaffolding started around too but this is what it looks like from the top here in this area we haven’t worked too much with circles which makes me a tad bit nervous because I think I want to do some sort of

Circular pattern for this top section now with that being said I think I need to Mark out some circles first so let’s actually take my orange here and we’re gonna have little circles that are at the top um and I need to find is that going to be perfect square okay it’s probably

Going to be there I want to do this with you guys so you can see if I if I mess up yeah hold hold the phone okay I’m already messing I think this actually these might be even which is probably gonna make my life 10 times

Harder I think we’re gonna do four and then we’ll go in by two and then over by one nope that’s not going to match up we don’t want to do that this is me free balling the circles here we go so two and then two and then one two and then

Two and then one and then we’ll go two and then one two two and does this make sense two uh where did I mess up here oh no two and then two and then one and then two and then two there we go so there is

A circle now can I get up to the top here to to look at that so that would be the Dome part of our roof I think it’s fine so we’ll do that on every single side here we’ve got something and boy does is it starting to look good uh so I

Wanted to come back I got the Dome worked out it actually wasn’t too too hard and I added some pillars and columns so you can kind of see what we’re going for here let me let me pop on up and actually show you guys and then we’ll build one of these together

Uh but this is it so this is the smaller Dome another thing I actually wanted to mention was I made this circle down below one bigger it actually just looked a little bit too small so I popped it out by one if we can kind of come over

To the side here you you guys remember it was originally on this block I popped it out by one and just made it a tiny bit bigger but it’s of the same pattern so four two one two four two one two four two yeah you guys get it

Um but somehow it worked out perfectly we’ve got a a nice little little Dome here now what I want to do was actually go through and strip these because we’re using stripped wood um I just wasn’t sure if I liked this so I didn’t want to go through and take the

Time to strip it if I didn’t like it but I actually do and another thing that I’m really liking about this is the orange trim around the cyan I think it would look better if it wasn’t wool though and if we incorporated some of our red Sandstone brick I think that would look

Awesome so I’m gonna have to go get more of that and then switch out the orange here for for that but I want to have this go all the way down and I don’t want to have the orange around this bottom Edge and that is what it’s going

To look like it’s gonna go all the way down now I also am not loving the corners being sharp here I’m probably going to get rid of these make these round but we’re not going to the bottom yet we’re going to work on the top we gotta replicate this on the other side

So did this pop out yeah this this starts on the one block out so we’re gonna start it here I think it was one two three four and then one two one perfect yeah that lines up with that corner and then one two and then one two three four

One two one punch not one two three four and then this is where it kind of pops out here so we can kind of go boom and then this is where the four takes place if you guys know what I mean two three four boom and it looks like I need more wool

Okay we’re gonna do the last one together so this should be pretty quick just coming on the corner here is where I started and we can always look at that one as a reference but we just want to go one and then two on both sides kind

Of in the diagonals and then this is where we go four this meets up right with the edge so it’s super super convenient one two three four and then we go in by two coming to the other side going in by two then one then two right

Along the edge there I’m in by one two right along the edge there and then this one I think goes one block in two on the edge two on the edge and then four is on this pop out here so one two three and four boom now I

Just need to go in with my little logs here and on every corner is kind of where I decided to do this so we can get rid of these and then on the outside logs so not this inner one so that they’re next to each other but this this one here

Then we’re going to skip this middle one on the outside one put one there outside One open here just remember wherever there is an outside block that’s where we’re gonna put it so not on the interior one interior of the circle so on this one we went up by one two three

Four five so we’re gonna do the same thing one two three four and five so I’m going through and adding the top orange bit just like we did over there this process should be fairly easy I hope uh to build the Dome up on this one and I

Want to do this with you guys on camera I’m just gonna do one of them with you guys because I feel like if I do oh gosh if I do all four of them and then the big one in the middle it’s just gonna take forever but I do want to show you

Guys a trick on how I built that Dome I did not use any sort of online generator to build the Dome or anything I just did it from what I know so to build domes guys this is going to be the building domes with Nash starter course so we’re going to jump

Over here and I’m going to get a good feel for what I kind of did oh gosh I gotta remember what we’re gonna do what I know that I did do was I started out with uh doing the outline first you never want to just kind of go straight in you

Want to make four points on each side that come together in the center so I know for a fact and this is even so we’re gonna build it out in twos I went up by one on each side here so this one I think instead of going up by one I

Think I went up by two then we go over by one and you’re gonna have a hinge point this is the point where it’s gonna start instead of going vertically up it’s gonna start going over now anytime you have a dome it’s gonna go straight up and then again you’re gonna hit that

Hinge point where it starts to go back into the Dome I know this probably doesn’t make a lot of sense but just looking at this other one here you can see it goes pretty much straight up here on the sides straight up and then right around this mid section it starts to go

Flat over so it goes flat there hinges there and then down there and then we just kind of fill it up make it fluffy if you will so this is that vertical Zone going going up by one here going up by two here and then this is going to be

The hinge Zone this is our hinge this one block we’re still going to want to go up and over because we do want that height but we’re going to want to start going to the side instead of upward so what I mean by this is instead of going

Up by two and making it taller what we actually want to do is go over start working our way over so we’re going to go over by two so just like that and again that’s our hinge point and this is where we’re starting to go over that is

Going vertical okay you guys get it then for this we are going to connect this up to the top so we’re going to go over by one up by one and this should actually be the center of our Dome here now let me show you guys what this looks like

From the bottom it’s going to be a little bit easier to explain and let me go get rid of these placeholder blocks down below because these make it a little bit confusing so let me show you guys a little bit better what I mean by

This you see how we have a pattern here one block two block one block two block one block and this goes up vertical so this is the vertical that I was talking about we’re going upwards up towards the sky towards the bottom to get that height on our Dome then we need that

Hinge Block in the middle that’s where we’re going to start transitioning from going vertically into going horizontally or instead of going up going sideways and then after that hinge block is where you want to start going sideways you still do want to go up because you don’t

Want to totally make it flat like a pancake on top you want to still get a little bit more height but you want to focus more on going sideways instead of up towards the sky and you just want to keep going over until you meet the

Center there so again we want to do this on every single side so that we make sure that these meet up correctly and you want to follow the pattern on every single side as well so let’s do this together coming over to the center on one of one of the sides whatever side

You want to pick we are going to go up by two or go up by one block then we can see there it’s two one two one so we want to go vertical up by two so coming back one two then we want to do our hinge block which

Goes over and up by one so over and up by one then we want to go into our horizontal blocks it goes up by one over by two so we want to go up by one but over by one two and then this one just goes up by one

And meets in the center beautiful so just doing this last one with you guys going up on the verticals and this one was up by two and we need to make our hinge block this is where we’re going to start working our way sideways instead of vertically this is

Going to go over by two boom boom and then just up by one to meet in the center so next thing we got to do is connect it up on the sides now this is a little bit of a harder process um and I kind of suggest you you can do

This really however you want uh this is where I don’t uh to be honest with you guys really have a structure for things uh but one of the things I do like to do is follow the Baseline like follow the line on the bottom here so this Orange

Line we’re just kind of going up and back by one so you can see here it just you can see all the orange blocks I’m following it creating a little outline for it and that’s sort of the way that I like to go about it at least now you do

Want to get some height on these so like say this block I’ll do up by two and that’s gonna look good and let’s see up here too here’s another one where we can kind of just follow the outline you basically just want to go one down and one lower and then probably

On this one too we’ll we’ll go like that and then for this next thing we’re gonna create an outline it’s those parts difficult again I don’t really have a system for this so I do apologize guys normally I do like to have a system but in this case we don’t quite have one

Um but to create a dome again I guess one thing I would say if we’re looking over at this again keep the the vertical on the vertical because you can make these too low like if we go like this make this lower here and then we can go

Like this you can do this but it’s gonna look very patterning do you see how that looks so just like it looks like a cheese grater whereas this one we keep that vertical because on the bottom we’re going up by two blocks instead of going up one block one

Block one block one block it’s going two then one then one then one it looks a little more shallow on top and then you get that vertical on bottom building the Dome I think once you get one side that you like just mimic that on every single

Side that’s my my suggestion and then again to keep the vertical on the bottom that’s what’s really going to make it look like a dome so yeah Minecraft is hard but I’m going to finish this guys I’ve been talking for so long I this is a pretty long segment so I’m gonna get

The rest of these done and then we’re gonna get started on the big one and then I’m gonna come back with you guys there may or may not be a creeper up there just waiting to drop on top of my head but we’re gonna continue on anyway

So guys I’ve been doing a little bit of work on the build and you can see we’ve got all well you kind of can see that we’ve gotten all of the domes in place place I’m just going through and figuring out the detailing side of things it’s going to look pretty similar

To our starter house so it’s not going to be too crazy but we have this whole back section that is uh well it needs to be terraformed because check this out yeah there’s uh we’ve got some hanging floating buildings and they’re not grounded into anything which looks a

Little bit odd and I wanted to do this before I got to any detailing so I need to get this all built out so when it comes to this section here I’m just building this out so that we can make sure we have a walkway so what I did

Here was I wanted to create a a shelf for that floating thing up there because that does look a bit odd so we’re gonna build this up and we’re just gonna work on the Sandstone Parts first because this is the very very basics of what we’re doing here so we’re just gonna do

That um can I reach that can I can I reach that yes okay awesome so then what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna come in by one uh finding the edge here because if we look at this this is actually this used to be like

This but then we sort of kind of made this more rounded on the sides so if we come in actually we can even look at the top to help us out too is that in line with that wood part it is okay cool see this is why I build it on one side

Because then I know exactly what I’m doing but we want to come up on the bottom as well so we’re going to attach this leaving one block on the side here and this is actually just to make it a little bit different from the original

On the starter house we did it on the edges on the starter house this just makes it look like it connects up to the top a little bit better which I like then we are going to come across the bottom and then I’m going to have to go

Make some stairs but just to give us some depth we wanted to add a big Square there so we can go in the middle and add some detail now there’s a few more blocks that I need to grab I need to grab some Spruce I also need to grab

Some red sandstone and some glass and some walls and some stairs so let me go do that really quickly and I’ll come back and meet you guys here all right so I got the rest of the stuff that I think we’re gonna need might be missing one or

Two things but here we go uh so let’s get this started we are going to add the upside down stair detailing that we’ve been adding on pretty much all of my builds will go through and add glowstone later but similar to on our starter house we have upside down stairs going

Across here stairs have been a really huge part of my design process in this Village you guys don’t underestimate upside down stairs or just stairs in general these can be your best friend when building in Minecraft ninety percent of the time when I want to add details to my builds I’m gonna

Chuck in a stair somewhere and upside down stair a right side upstairs see these are right side upstairs but they actually make a border and a sliver they’re not in the function of a staircase at all they add so much detail and you guys you can get away with so

Many cool things if you add stairs to them again my go-to and I suggest if you’re not familiar with playing around with stairs all that much in your worlds go into either a creative world or go into a survive the world and play around with stairs and just

Make that you know do stuff upside down do stuff right side up put them together slap them together any way that they’ll go and say hey do I like this do I not like this because you might find some really cool interesting things that you never thought you could do with stairs

And then you’re like hey wait a second this actually looks way cool and I really like this depth is another thing we always play with in my world so adding this transition here between this full block this colored block and then this Slimmer wall block is another

Another thing that you can do just adding a frame around the glass that we’re gonna put here later which I didn’t bring with me of course but we’ll get it added later like I said but I’m gonna go through and let me actually pop my little scaffolding back a bit just so

We can get a better view of this so let’s kind of jump up here so we can see now we’re gonna connect this to the top and the best way that I found found was adding our little pop out logs where we can hear so we’re gonna go there and

Then we also want to come on the sides here and put one there put one there so anywhere there is a line that goes up we want to have this nice transition with the wood there and I felt also like this looked quite abrupt uh kind of hanging

Hanging over there so we’re gonna add a detail there that kind of connects that and makes that look better but we got to go through and strip these because we are using stripped wood that’s another thing I kind of suggest is I’m I’ve been sticking with one wood type uh just

Because we’re in a desert this doesn’t really apply if you’re building out of planes or anything like that because you’ll probably want to design with more than one wood type but here I’ve picked Spruce and I’ve just been rolling with it and I do feel like it has connected

All of my builds together it adds that brown pop of color sticking to a palette will be your best friend and it can to really make your builds look cohesive which is something I’ve talked about in the past that I’ve struggled with a ton was making my builds look cohesive and

That’s because I would build with one color palette for one build and then the next spell that would build with a completely different color palette and it started to make all of my builds look like none of them look like each other and it was really weird so some of my

Old worlds are like very random and weird in that way but yeah just going through changing this out to pillars we have a lot of texture going on in this build so I wanted to break it up with a little bit of a smoother surface we also

Have some detailing to do down here with some stairs just to kind of connect the stairs here over here so it all makes one line there so we are going to kind of snake our way over this way connecting that up here and then right here there is another little block we

Need to add like so popping that one out and I think that that’s right I think that’s how we want it and then we’re going to do an upside down stair there just to connect those two across even though we have this block sectioning it off we still want to have that cohesion

Of it going across there we go I think that should look good I think that’s gotten us to a point where we’re looking awesome so now we just have some these uh walls to put in and I think that’s pretty much a lot of it finished uh so

At the top of each Dome we are going to be adding a pop-out log this is the pop-out logs are basically just to hold my lanterns and keep the lighting cohesive because we have these on pretty much every single build again it just makes the town look like it’s all

Similar which I like so we will do that then we’ll take our lanterns that I have been getting from my villagers and we will put those underneath taking my cut Sandstone my red cut Sandstone we are going to add some slabs over the top right above those blocks there but not

Directly on top of the spruce blocks but right next to it on top if that makes sense I know guys it’s a little confusing but that’s basically going to double it up so you can see here it’s a two by two now on the back blocks we are

Going to come down with a little bit of detail again just adding more depth to our build that’s going to give a little lip between the top there and then this one pops out to add some depth and then it goes back again it kind of recesses

Inwards and that adds even more detail it adds this little curved lip there does that make sense uh so yeah if we put that on the back uh yeah that’s that’s what it’s gonna look like I know it’s a little bit confusing guys I’m sorry I’m trying to

Explain these things but I try to make it intricate but also simple like I guess that’s how I would explain my build style but anyways these are supposed to be walls here so I’m gonna continue that over making those walls then again we’re gonna put trap doors

Here making that spawn proof and then we need to add our pop-out logs up here and then the detailing to the roof that we did on the other side this video is already getting so long and because this build is so big that I I just need to

Buckle down and get work in I hope I explained enough for you guys to where you’re kind of getting the feel for the details and I hope I was able to give you guys some tips but I it’s just it’s at a point where I just gotta get to

Work so I will come back with you guys I will probably have the big dome in the middle done I’m gonna do it super similar to the other domes so you guys won’t be missing anything that’ll be it hopefully next time I see you guys I

Will be showing you how to how we are going to do the entryway okay we’re in the home stretch guys so I just gotta do the entrance and then this build is done and I wanted to come back and do this with you so we are going to be using

Quite a bit of sandstone I think I want to make sort of just like a pointed big entryway I don’t know um let’s see how do we want to do this is the question I kind of want to start I guess here and go over so we’ll go

Over by or like up by four is what I’m thinking on both sides of one two three four it’s gonna have this weird sliver back here but maybe we can put something there and then go over by one and then oh up by three I think

I guess we could just kind of jump and place jump in place put that there and then I think we’re gonna obviously come in by one more but should we do two or should we do because that’s gonna need to go up more I don’t know if I want

That any taller we’re definitely gonna have to see what this looks like from the bottom because I don’t know if this is going to give the illusion that I’m hoping it will I don’t want it to cover up too much of that top part yeah um

Is that what I was hoping for I don’t know because what I wanted to do too was also have a little bit of a like a border coming around the other side so like I guess maybe we could get rid of this and then we could have this go all

The way up and over and then around and then just keep working our way up and over to create like a little shell around the one that we placed first if that makes sense so there we go okay I don’t hate that that does look quite

Cool I think we need stairs to make it look a little bit more um flowy I almost want to like cut off the top so we kind of round this off getting rid of these yeah okay I think I do really like that better having that

Kind of cut off and not go pointy there um I do think we need to do some stairs though to make a transition here maybe we do this kind of staircase would look good yeah I think that adds a little bit more I think I like this I

Like this little bit of curved Archie thing that we’ve got going on I don’t think I’ve really done anything like that before okay we’re working out some stuff here so I’m coming in with the red red Sandstone to create that little doorway pop of color that we’re looking

For I think that that could look nice we’re obviously gonna go up with um more more red Sandstone through the entire area so it’s not gonna be oop I just took out my stairs that’s fine we’ll be fine but yeah I’m thinking to add like a nice little transition color of red

There might be good just to add a pop of color this entryway I had a vision in my mind but like to do this pointy kind of beautiful looking thing and it’s not turning out the way that I had hoped it would so I’m struggling I’m struggling

This is kind of the first time in a while that I’ve struggled I don’t mind the orange I just feel like maybe it doesn’t work with this this Archway yeah I think I need to go back to the drawing board guys this I don’t know this is just not

Not doing it for me so sometimes adding stairs can be your friend I basically just kind of played with this by adding a bunch of stairs to it and I like it a lot better I do like the red actually now that we’ve added the stairs I think

It was just a little bit too much when we didn’t have those transition blocks between there we go okay so this is what it looks like from the inside we’re definitely gonna have to decorate the inside uh look at this I also added this stair feature which I think looks quite

Cool there is the doorway let’s get a get a close-up look of this door I think that looks good I think it’s it’s very simple it’s very um usual I think one thing I will change is going through and adding um maybe some more um cut Sandstone oh my gosh here I am

Like never satisfied so what I was thinking is because that kind of just goes across awkwardly maybe we could switch this out I’m like doing my outro and still fixing things okay so like what I was thinking is maybe this comes up and over over and then we have oh

Gosh oh my God I’m ruining everything and then we have this in the center as like a little bit of a detail block yeah I think that looks quite cool I think that looks a little bit better than than that straight across I don’t know maybe

I’ll do one more up too I have no clue I’m just gonna play around with this but you guys that is gonna have to do it for this build holy moly like I said this build took me a really long time to do um so I want to get this video out to

You guys so we’re gonna do the the interior in the next episode but what do you guys think what do you guys think I really like it the domes turned out so much better than I had expected I have really not done domes like this in a

Build ever and so doing this was something really really really out of my comfort zone but I’m so pleased with how they turned out and I hope that you guys really like the build too but thank you guys so much for watching this episode in the next one we are hopefully going

To be getting our villagers in because this is our villager Welcome Center so we need to get some villagers in to actually Welcome to our town our city and you guys this place is looking so it’s just starting to come alive it’s really starting to look like a city and

All the trees and stuff oh man I’m loving it so much and I hope you guys are enjoying it it sounds like you guys are so that makes me happy but anyways I’ll catch you guys in the next Minecraft episode I have a very beautiful wonderful day and I will talk

To you soon bye guys thank you

This video, titled ‘MY BIGGEST BUILD YET! – EP 11 (Cozy Survival Let’s Play)’, was uploaded by NashCrafter on 2023-09-01 16:00:15. It has garnered 719 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:45 or 3045 seconds.

MY BIGGEST BUILD YET! – EP 11 (Cozy Survival Let’s Play)

Welcome to my Cozy 1.20 Minecraft Survival Let’s Play! 🤍 This is a series where we are going to play Minecraft and take things sloooooow. I hope this can be a calm chill series for you to watch while cooking, studying, gaming, or just relaxing! We are going to explore the NEW 1.20 tails and trails update that just came to minecraft I hope you enjoy – thanks for watching 🤗


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    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update Features! Welcome to the Minecraft 1.21 Update Review! Welcome to our comprehensive review of the Minecraft 1.21 Update! Get ready to dive into the exciting new features, enhancements, and changes that this latest release brings to the beloved sandbox game. Exploring the New Features In this video, we take a close look at all the additions and improvements introduced in Minecraft 1.21. From new mobs and blocks to gameplay tweaks and optimizations, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about this update. New Additions One of the highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 Update is the introduction of… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Realistic Mahakal Statue REVEALED! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #shorts #trending #bholenath

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  • Haunted Seed: Mystery of Kailash Parvat

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  • INSANE Minecraft Damage Swap Challenge! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shorts

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  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure – Day 9 Live Stream ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure - Day 9 Live Stream ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival โ›๏ธ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ”ฅ| Day 9 -| Live Stream ๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by Jeet Plays on 2024-01-17 17:06:18. It has garnered 68 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:17 or 11417 seconds. Minecraft Survival โ›๏ธ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ”ฅ| Day 9 -| Live Stream ๐Ÿ”ด minecraft live #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcjava #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #mcpe #minecraftsmp ______________________________________________________________ My Social Media Handles….๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ Join Our Discord Server๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ˜ : Follow Me Now On Instagram โžก Follow Me On Twitter โžก ๐Ÿ™‚ ___________________________________________________________________________ IF INTERESTED… Read More

  • INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! ๐Ÿ˜‚ | Minecraft Shorts

    INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! ๐Ÿ˜‚ | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trolling in fb fights;) #minecraft #troll #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Just void on 2024-04-04 18:28:26. It has garnered 894 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraftpvp #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #pvp #minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftsurvival #minecraftonly #funny #minecraftpe #minecraftdaily #skywars #minecrafters #youtube #freethenipplemovement #minecraftbedrock #zovax #fortniteitiemshop #freevbucks #hypixel #minecraftideas #minecraftbuild #fortniteskins #ps #minecrafter #mcpe #gaming #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 100 Day Challenge Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft 100 Day Challenge Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘BOYFRIEND vs GIRLFRIEND Minecraft ONE BLOCK 100 Day Challenge!’, was uploaded by RageElixir on 2024-01-18 01:00:07. It has garnered 102003 views and 4079 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:42 or 4122 seconds. BOYFRIEND vs GIRLFRIEND Minecraft ONE BLOCK 100 Day Challenge! Watch The ENTIRE Series: BECOME A MEMBER: Follow Me: Twitter – Instagram – TikTok – Discord – My Other Channels: RageElixir Vlogs – Gaming Channel – Minecraft Channel – Roblox / Games Channel – Reaction Channel – Intro Song: Another… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE & SEEK with QUEEN ELSA ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE AND SEEK WITH HIDEOUT SMP MEMBERS ๐Ÿ˜ฑ| QUEEN ELSA’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-01-07 07:40:46. It has garnered 503 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:19 or 919 seconds. ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE AND SEEK WITH HIDEOUT SMP MEMBERS ๐Ÿ˜ฑ| QUEEN ELSA ๐Ÿ’™๐““๐“ป๐“ธ๐“น ๐“ช ๐“›๐“˜๐“š๐“” ๐“˜ ๐“ช๐“น๐“น๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ฌ๐“ฒ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฎ ๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ“ข[ INSTAGRAM ] ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ“ข[ Discord ] ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ“ข[ Rooter ] ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ“ข[ SMP IP ] ๐Ÿ‘‰ DISCORD JOIN KRO๐Ÿ’— WAHAN GENERAL CHAT PER IP MILEGA๐Ÿ’™ AND INGAME USERNAME CHAT PER BATAO ๐ŸฅžAND WHITELIST HO JAAO… Read More

  • Mysticite – Unbelievable Clutch! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts #hypixel

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  • Insane One Block Challenge with My BFF! #MinecraftMadness

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MY BIGGEST BUILD YET!  – EP 11 (Cozy Survival Let’s Play)