MY *RICHEST* FIRST 24 HOURS OF THE SEASON! | Minecraft Skyblock | ExodusMC [1]

Video Information

All right guys we’re currently here on my Skyblock server that is the server IP if you guys want to hop on this is a server IP right here as I just said make sure to add this to your server list because I am going

To be doing a playing with fan series I will be inviting you guys to My Island if you want so if you want to play with me or a chance to join the island make sure to drop a like on today’s video subscribe to the channel comment your

IGN down below and like why you want to join the island and obviously you gotta hop on the server and start playing already so I’m not going to invite you if you’re not already on and stuff so yeah you’ve got to be online and stuff

And playing for the for me to invite you so it is now a couple days into the server release the server has actually been out for quite some time in is top yeah people are incredibly stacked already there’s so many islands up here already so uh yeah we I don’t know what

Our competition is going to be like but uh yeah there’s a lot of islands on a lot of people on so we’re gonna have some competition guys now I did do a live stream on release I haven’t really played since then that was like two days

Ago like I said I’m like two days late to release but uh it’s just because I’ve been busy with other stuff IRL but yeah we’re here now and we got this actually uh we actually have this Valentine Zoo Box that I opened couple of them as you

Can see in my video and we got a bunch of spawners and yeah spawners are incredibly easy to get on here you get a lot of them from crates and just grinding a lot of these I also got from grinding not very many I got from crate surprisingly so yeah guys the first

Thing I want to do in today’s video is just pop this open so we’re gonna place this down right here and hopefully we can get something good I don’t think we can fly and spawn can we no we can’t okay but hopefully we can get something

Good I like the animation that they have right here and let’s see when we get actually out of this we got a legendary pet box uh I don’t even know what these are these like bosses yeah they’re like monster eggs we’ve got some cell ones oh

This one’s pretty good uh 4.5 x oh I can only use it one time that’s really weird this one’s an infinite use with a 3X multiplier that’s really good 128 witch spawners that is very good and I’m pretty sure that’s everything we’ve got we got 750 000 mob coins as well which

Is going to be very helpful and 750 000 tokens and yeah it looks like pretty much everything so I do want to pop up in this legendary pet box we’re gonna oh it automatically did that so we got an advanced minor pit that’s actually

Pretty good I think I stored it so if I do search pets now I have it in here so I can equip it I’ll just click it I might as well I don’t know what it does what does it even do it like follows me around that’s pretty cool it’s gonna

Like yo oh that’s actually sick I actually really like that but what does it do let me look oh so I’ll just get haste too okay wait that’s actually pretty cool because that’s gonna help me so is what I did in my stream mainly I’m

Gonna go back to my Island so I can store some stuff I don’t know if there’s a chest or something uh I don’t really want to store stuff in the chest because there’s a bunch of other people on the island I don’t want to get like robbed

I’ll store the stuff I don’t really care about like a lot of that stuff in pv3 will store this stuff in here I’m gonna set up a grinder later but uh we’ll start off I want to start off there’s going to be a lot of stuff I have to

Talk about and explain because I’ve actually done quite a bit in my stream already so uh basically if I do zones zones are the ways to make money they have Slayer zones which you kill mobs they have mining zones which you mine obviously and fishing zones where you

Obviously fish so I have been grinding out the mining one I was told that one was pretty good and I actually do like the mines I like the whole system that I got going on here so you spawn in with these custom pickaxes and stuff you also

Get like a sword and a fishing rod for uh Mob grinding and fishing and stuff like that as well as the pickaxe obviously and you just come down here and you mine these ores I think you have to start off with lapis and you have to

Actually level up to unlock new ores so right now I’m actually Max out in this mod I’m pretty sure so I can mine all the hours in here but there’s only going to be up to like iron iron is the highest so I have to do such zones yeah

As you guys see right there I just leveled up my pickaxe to level 12 now yeah if I do size zones you can actually unlock more zones so uh right here I’m only on mine shaft level one mine shaft level two is gonna be the next thing but

I have to get mining skill level five which skills is a whole different thing there’s so many things on the server guys it’s really cool but um uh where’s it minor right here so I have to get this to level five and it’s only at two

Right now so we’re gonna have a lot of grinding to do if I want to get to the next Zone and you level up this and you level up your skills you level up your pickaxe all that stuff just by actually using it so using it in the minds just

Grounding these out and actually mining so that is the best way you also get money and you get uh I believe it’s Essences uh from using it you get Essences from using your tools and you can actually right click this go on upgrades there’s a whole bunch of

Upgrades for these custom tools as well there’s a lot of stuff guys this video might just be a whole explaining video because I’m still learning and I found out so much in like the hour stream I did on release and you also get like coins and money from this so um mining

Is really good for money so that’s what I was told so this is what we’re doing right now I I’m trying to uh just slowly grind this out and I have 15 Bill uh from opening a crate I did on my stream as well so yeah that’s how I have that

We’re pretty stacked right now 15 Bill really isn’t a lot on the server it might seem like it but money’s just pretty easy to get on here so that’s why and just like that right there in the chat you can see my mining skills reach level three I’m pretty sure these

Actually take quite a while yeah so I have to mine like 550 blocks I think I’m guessing oh if you click it as a whole tier yo this is so cool but I actually like this a lot and obviously they do have skills for Slayer like Slayer skills uh farming skills wood cutting

Skills and fisherman skills so yeah there’s all kinds of stuff so boys what I’m gonna go ahead and do is I’m gonna grind up these mines for a little bit I’ll bring you guys back when I actually am done uh mining but I want to get this

Pickaxle up and I want to unlock the next Zone in the mine shaft and after that I don’t know what I’m gonna do probably just set up some Grinders and invite some people to the island and stuff like that so I’ll bring you guys back when I’m actually done with that

And uh we’ll see where we’re at guys all right guys so if I do size zones really quick you guys will be able to see that I have unlocked the second mine shaft now okay we finally did it it only really took like 15 minutes it didn’t

Take that long so uh yeah we got our pickaxe like this this is all the other stuff I got from mining actually so I told you guys it was pretty easy to get spawners from mining spawners are really easy to get I literally got all these

Just from grinding in the mine so we got five iron golems eight villagers eight witches and three creeper spawners this Skyblock server is more like op style so everything is a little bit easier to get so it’s a lot more player friendly it’s a lot easier to get set up on here it’s

Literally just by grinding you don’t even have to like go pay to win to get all these spawners like I’m saying I got most of these from just grinding the mines and stuff on my stream that’s how I had most of these we got a bunch more

I’m just gonna store in here now so I should be able to ghost zones and click this right here and go to the second mine shaft and this should have like gold and diamonds maybe I don’t really know what’s in here yeah gold they got

Redstone in here iron as well uh I don’t see any diamonds so I don’t think diamonds are oh okay so it’s probably like diamonds and emeralds in the next one then okay that makes sense okay how do I get to the next one I have to be

Mining skill level 15 oh my gosh I think it’s out of 25 total so uh I don’t even know oh it’s 22 it looks like or no 32 I can’t read roman numerals messed me up a little bit but okay so that’s not too

Bad I guess then uh so we have to get all the way to right here on the skill tree so that’s like halfway that is gonna take a lot of time okay if one XP is like one block mind oh yeah that’s gonna take way too long bro holy crap

And we’re currently right here we’re minor uh skill level six so guys I don’t know if we’re actually gonna end up making it to the uh the third final mine anytime soon I don’t even know if we’ll be able to get there I’m gonna be honest

So I don’t know guys we might just have to stick around here but obviously this mine looks a lot better I mean they have better ore so it’s gonna sell for more money obviously so we got here and uh yeah I think I don’t know if I’m gonna

Grab this out anymore I’m just gonna leave this for now I’ll probably grind out uh some more Minds whenever I’m bored a little bit later just off camera and stuff because you guys obviously don’t want to sit here and just watch me mine so so what I’m going to do is I’m

Gonna go back to the island and I also did uh get my pickaxe through level 27 I forgot to mention that but this is the island that we have we created this on the stream and uh yeah that’s what we got I guess somebody tried to build

Something down here I don’t know what the heck was going on here there’s probably one of the members we invited and somebody made like a tree house with holy crap yeah see what I mean this is just from like probably a no rank member that and got invited to the the island

They probably got all this stuff from just um uh Mining and stuff just just playing the servers so yeah getting set up is pretty easy this guy’s got all kinds of loot I’m not gonna touch this stuff I don’t know whose this is we’ll just leave this here I guess somebody

Built a cobblestone generator I think that’s kind of cool I think it’s like a one that switches or wait what what I can’t break it okay I don’t even know so can I do Island upgrades uh I don’t know if I can do that okay I can so uh border

Size unavailable is this unavailable I can’t click this wait why not uh lacking the permission to upgrade into another level what I don’t know why it won’t let me upgrade I’m the leader of the island so I don’t know I have to look into that

But uh I guess I can’t upgrade the size I wanted to make the island a little bit bigger it is fine for now it’s big enough for now for a couple Grinders but in the future I am gonna want a bigger island border size no this is actually a

Lot bigger than I thought actually we have all this space right here this should be fine then where’s comes the worst we’ll just have to take this big island right here down for some more space or just go above down I forgot we have all kinds of space so yeah guys I

Think is what I’m going to go ahead and do is I’m going to buy some stuff from shop and I’m gonna get started on a grinder because we have so many spawners here I want to set up all these spawners in a grinder and uh yeah I’m gonna do

That really quick I’ll probably is there robots do you have any robots or anything I do not have any robots no all right I was really hoping I could I might just try to buy one off the auction house but yeah I want to set up

A grinder so I’m going to go ahead and work on that boys and I will bring you guys back when we’re actually done with that all right guys so I didn’t even realize this but I did Slash crates and I have a ton of creakies literally 38

Monthly keys so we’re gonna pop all these open really quick because you can quick open on the server if I just press Q that’ll open everything that was super loud but holy crap we got a bunch of spawners from that uh we got a pro 10

Chest plate what and this is like an armor set too so if I get uh the full monthly set I get 2.5 more XP no fall damage no hunger loss I get speed 5 jump boost three and H3 that is gonna be crazy we have all these Keys as well

Let’s just press Q here that was so loud bro it didn’t even open all of them because we had so many oh my gosh we bro what is this we we have so much stuff I really just want to robot all of this stuff if I get a robot that would be

Crazy dude this server This Server is crazy bro I’m getting so much stuff out of here I’m just gonna store this all on a PV uh two I guess and uh I want to see if I can uh what the she’s gonna die anyways okay what was I doing crates I

Want to uh try to get a robot is there any robots I can get uh that’s not a robot uh Diamond robot yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay so if I right click that such robots that should be able to kill mobs right

Oh wait what I think this is basically just a money producer so yeah I just get five thousand dollars every like couple seconds from this bro that’s stupid I thought it was actually gonna kill stuff for me it just gave me another five thousand dollars I don’t know what this

Means uh I don’t know what I’m gonna use this for but okay this is just gonna sit here I guess oh so I get 500 uh dollars per second and per day I’m gonna get 43 million dollars and per week 302 million dollars okay that’s not too bad actually

You know I’ll leave that there we’ll leave that sitting I don’t know if I have to be online for it to work or not but we’ll just leave that there for now I’m just gonna store all this stuff in pv3 now because the other ones are full

And I might have to actually make like a grinder with a like a lava or whatever which I didn’t think I’d have to do like an old style grinder but uh yeah we’re gonna try to do that I guess so yeah boys I’m gonna go ahead and build this

Ground around I’ll bring you guys back when I’m actually done with that all right guys so it is now quite a bit later and I’ve gone ahead and built this grinder here we got this finished so uh yeah these are all the spots for the spawners now so uh I’m gonna just start

Placing these down honestly I think I’m gonna start with I got a lot of villagers I know I have a lot of silverfish yeah there’s 35 right there uh they stack really weirdly on the server I don’t know oh I also need to set up like a collection uh chest or a

Chunk cop or chunk collector right here okay so I need to set one of these up uh do they have uh SC or whatever the C chunk no I’m just gonna have to oh I have chunk borders on lunar Clan actually all right so I’m gonna need

Like four chunk loaders I’m pretty sure uh did I grab before I think I did it’s just glitched out yeah okay so this is a two by two grinder it’s pretty big because there’s gonna have to be a lot of spawners so what I’m gonna do is I

Think I’m just gonna go ahead and place these down uh probably just right in the corners to be honest so there’s a chunk collector there we’ll put one right here uh we’ll put one over here in this corner and finally one right over here in this corner and that should be

Collecting everything then it just goes right here so you can see uh owner Robbie total worst sword I think there’s no limit on how much it can uh store inside of these chunk collectors which is actually really nice because then um I don’t have to like sell it super

Often I can like leave it at AFK all day so that’s going to be very helpful so I’m gonna place it on these villager spawners right there we have 40 of those and I’ll add some more to that stack as well can I add uh yeah let’s add 64

There or something can I can I add these how do I add them all okay there we go we added them all there’s 136 villagers there I’m gonna put silverfish spawners right over here in this corner uh can I add okay I gotta add like this so we’ll

Just add all of them so we have 40 there we have some more Silverfish here and I’m also going to set up witches I’m pretty sure witches are good we have a lot more villagers and witches and stuff we have a lot of those actually uh Iron

Golems I’ll throw iron golems in here those are very good I don’t know if Guardians are good or not I’m gonna have to look into that but uh for now I think we’re just gonna do villagers witches and iron golem for now so I’m just gonna

Add all these in okay so we added the villagers now we have almost 200 villager spawners and oh shoot they’re spawning right here I did not realize this okay I’m gonna have to change that from I’m gonna have to change that to like a different block so they don’t

Spawn like that but they should just go down and follow Only Love and Die okay that should be pretty easy then so we have the silver responders added I believe and then I’m gonna place it on iron golem oh no we got a place down which spawners as well so this is

Already gonna be a full grinder we’re gonna click this add those in there and then we have 70 witch spawners and finally we’re gonna add our five round spawners we might have more than that I’m gonna have to look here in a second but I’m gonna break these and oh wait I

Can’t break it what I might have to use a regular pickaxism I guess if I use a regular one that works okay yeah okay I can’t use the like custom mind pickaxe or whatever to break that so I’m just gonna break these and I’ll replace it

With like a glass block I guess all right I can’t find glass in here so we’re just gonna buy some Stone and we’re gonna make this into stone breaks and we’ll use stone bricks instead of glass we’re gonna put this here uh I am also going to replace the uh glass with

Uh stone bricks otherwise it’s gonna look weird oh are you kidding me I can’t place it on the spawner because it’s like a spawner and it’s gonna bring up this many every time can I like quick double click yeah that’s not gonna work shoot bro I’m gonna okay I can just go

Like this actually it’s not too bad I’m also gonna build these up a little bit higher because I’m pretty sure is what can happen is they’ll uh be able to spawn uh like on top of here if I only do it too high they’ll be able to spawn

Like on top of this here so if I build them up like five high that means they shouldn’t be able to spawn higher so we should be good here then bro The Witches aren’t dying to the lava they potted up Fire Res potion what are you serious bro

That’s so annoying but yeah guys it’s pretty much all our spawners right now we got that all set up which is good I might have to figure out uh how to get the witch Bonners to work but we already have 100K in this side uh what about

Over here we have 100K in this side as well exactly 100k this one has like 800k holy crap and this one has a 118k so yeah uh I’m probably gonna if they okay this for a couple days until the next video and I will just bring you guys

Back in the next video and we’ll see how much money we have in all these just combined I’m really hoping it’s gonna be a lot of money I’m super excited to see this guys

This video, titled ‘MY *RICHEST* FIRST 24 HOURS OF THE SEASON! | Minecraft Skyblock | ExodusMC [1]’, was uploaded by Rawbie on 2023-02-14 23:01:02. It has garnered 1571 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:59 or 839 seconds.

Thank you guys for watching! Hopefully you enjoyed this video. ☕ Make sure to watch this video in 1080p 60fps for the best experience!

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#Minecraft #Skyblock #ExodusMC EXTRA TAGS (IGNORE): skyblock servers,minecraft skyblock,minecraft skyblock servers,minecraft server,skyblock server,skyblock minecraft server,new minecraft skyblock server,minecraft best skyblock server,minecraft skyblock server series,top 5 best skyblock servers in minecraft,hypixel skyblock server bedrock,super op skyblock server,fadecloud,op skyblock island,island skyblock op,rich skyblock,thearchon skyblock,thearchon,thearchon genesis,thearchon skyblock genesis,op skyblock

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    🔥 NEW Minecraft Mobs REVEALED!! #shortsVideo Information as of today Minecraft version 1.20.5 is out and  it’s not just a bug update it actually has some   of the recent snapshot features it mostly adds  the last mob vote winner the armadillo and also   its scutes and the Wolf armor they even added  the dog variants that were previously announced   armadillos are found in the savannah and Badlands  biome they will periodically drop scutes or they   will drop them when a brush is used and their food  of choice is spider eyes armadillos will also roll   up when they detect any sign of danger and  when… Read More

  • Insane Hospital Chaos in Minecraft – MUST WATCH!

    Insane Hospital Chaos in Minecraft - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Malenia Madness Disrupts Minecraft – Callums Corner Stream 16/04/24’, was uploaded by Saint R. Moat Hospital on 2024-04-16 23:21:58. It has garnered 3322 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:57 or 837 seconds. Malenia went mental mental chicken oriental there… Read More

  • Insane COCA COLA Build Battle: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen

    Insane COCA COLA Build Battle: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information oh what is this Mikey where are we I don’t know but it looks like a bed one of mud and one of diamonds wow what are they for I wonder and look we have a tape measure that says mud and a block of diamond ha I think this is a challenge they prepared for us there’s a diamond bed and a mud bed and whoever gets what from the tape measure will survive on that bed I think it’s interesting yeah so let’s spin the roulette wheel for you first and what you get Yahoo I… Read More

  • Shocking Villager Life in Trendy Minecraft POV #shorts

    Shocking Villager Life in Trendy Minecraft POV #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Zoxtic Gamerz on 2024-04-07 19:36:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam O Alikum! POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ [ Details] … Read More

  • Cosmic Network

    Cosmic NetworkCosmic Network is a new network which was originally created to promote the idea of skyblock, we feature alot of features including – PvP – Bosses – Custom Recipes – Crop based Economy – $30 Paypal Payouts! and so much more to discover. Read More

  • Mystic Dominions Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.4 Geopolitical Lands

    Welcome to Mystic Dominions – Where Legends Are Forged! Embark on an epic journey into a world where imagination knows no bounds! Welcome to Mystic Dominions, the ultimate Minecraft server where your creativity takes centre stage. Forge Your Legacy: Craft your own unique story in a world shaped by your imagination. Mystic Dominions offers limitless possibilities to carve out your place in history. Forge Nations: Take the reins of destiny and establish your own mighty nation. Lead with wisdom, strength, and diplomacy as you shape the course of history. Create Guilds: Unite with like-minded adventurers and form powerful guilds that… Read More

  • Attack On Titan Roleplay Server

    Attack On Titan Roleplay Serverattack on titan minecraft server Made By Skele Animates Join Noww!!!! This Server is for 1.16.5 This Is A interesting Server Go Join Now This Is A anime Roleplay Server Attack On Titan Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minechesty Goodness

    Minecraft Memes - Minechesty GoodnessI guess you could say this Minecraft meme is a “block-buster” with a score of 4! Read More

  • “Farm life: where cows do the grind” 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    "Farm life: where cows do the grind" 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Who needs a gym membership when you can just play Minecraft Bedrock Edition and work on your virtual farm all day? #FarmFit” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Why You Should Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless creative opportunities, Minewind is the perfect place to shake things up and have fun in Minecraft. Why Join Minewind? Endless Creative Opportunities Vibrant Community Unique Gameplay Experience Exciting Events and Challenges How to Play Minecraft the Right Way After watching the video “the right way to play minecraft” by Breadfish, you may be inspired to try something new and shake up your Minecraft gameplay. Minewind offers… Read More

  • ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans

    ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a Minecraft Adventure Brothers Ian and Ethan dive into the virtual world of Minecraft, ready to conquer challenges and unravel mysteries. Their journey is filled with excitement and unexpected twists as they navigate through different scenarios. Unveiling the Gameplay In Minecraft, the brothers encounter various roles like murder, sheriff, and innocent. Each role presents unique challenges and opportunities for them to showcase their skills. From strategizing to quick reflexes, every moment is a test of their gaming prowess. Thrilling Moments and Hilarious Mishaps As they progress through the game, Ian and Ethan… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hack: No Pipes! Energizing Blocks in 1.19.2

    EPIC Minecraft Hack: No Pipes! Energizing Blocks in 1.19.2Video Information hello there everyone the andrada here and welcome back to episode 15 of our FTB Skies let’s play series and it’s a long one today we got a lot of stuff that we got going on uh a lot of big changes or or big improvements to our setup and everything uh so get started sorry for the length hopefully you’re okay with it um but yeah let’s dive in welcome back my friends to another wonderful day here in the world of the andrada uh where I have a couple things that I would like to work… Read More

  • Becoming Ghosts in Minecraft

    Becoming Ghosts in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey BECAME GHOSTS in Minecraft? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizen JJ & Mikey on 2024-01-13 20:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How JJ and Mikey BECAME GHOSTS in Minecraft? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved … Read More

  • Dronio Discovers Hidden Minecraft Worlds! 😱 #viral

    Dronio Discovers Hidden Minecraft Worlds! 😱 #viralVideo Information Minecraft но вы управляете кругом Оу Нет я застрял в этом крошечном Круге Стоп А что если просто выйти из него что происходит э когда кто-то ставит лайк Круг становится больше Стоп А что если кто-то подпишется серьёзно вы уже открыли шахту и прямо там разрушенный портал вы открыли Уже половину Моего Мира продолжайте ставить лайки и кстати моя цель – это открыть мир на 100% было бы намного проще если бы он перестал уменьшаться ээ что эти железные блоки могут остановить уменьшение Круга я собрал абсолютно все самые прочные блоки в игре Так что Круг не сможет… Read More

  • Insane Nyan vs Mad Squirrel: Ultimate Escape Challenge!

    Insane Nyan vs Mad Squirrel: Ultimate Escape Challenge!Video Information [Music] all right am i y yep we’re ready okay it’s the temp number 12 here we go right are we recording yes yes yes yes okay uh yeah this is attempt number 12 of the decked out to survival escape challenge thank whatever we’re calling oh wait I should have wait don’t close the door I don’t know why I thought that door closed it doesn’t all right we got a Escape Decked Out by building another portal and we got got to Traverse through the nether build a second nether portal to escape into the Overworld… Read More

  • Transforming into a Hacker on Twitch! #Minecraft

    Transforming into a Hacker on Twitch! #MinecraftVideo Information I might go back to UNI and study cuz I feel like my brain is just like shrinking I was going to study cyber security computer science I don’t know I feel like it’s a lot of dedication I want to do it that’ be the best thing for your fual life yeah the other month I wanted to do [Music] marketing This video, titled ‘i’m becoming a hacker #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by thepizzawaffle on 2024-03-11 06:58:45. It has garnered 2595 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Why Hytale is BETTER than Minecraft | Ep. 7

    SHOCKING: Why Hytale is BETTER than Minecraft | Ep. 7Video Information minecra se va a quedar siendo igual de [ __ ] pero es que la gente está tan acostumbrada a la [ __ ] que te saca una Maza y bro que es una Maza tío dilo tú bro dilo tú no no dilo tú dilo tú dilo tú dilo tú vale lo digo lo digo dilo dilo dil ahí te saldrá Bienvenidos a todos los orbit culaciones a este nuevo orbis podcast nuevo episodio nuevo domingo estamos a domingo efectivamente en el día de hoy estamos con nuestro compañero nuestro brother con el bro nerw qué tal nerw Bienvenido al podcast… Read More

  • Insane Transformation! Kc’s New vs Old Minecraft Skin

    Insane Transformation! Kc's New vs Old Minecraft SkinVideo Information it’s out with the old and in with the new goodbye clouds of gray hello Skies of Blue This video, titled ‘Kc new vs old minecraft skin’, was uploaded by ZZ WORLD on 2024-03-26 20:24:46. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Watermelon Play with Ghostrider – Sonoyuncu Titanyum

    INSANE Watermelon Play with Ghostrider - Sonoyuncu TitanyumVideo Information This video, titled ‘Karpuz Oynatıyoz – Sonoyuncu Titanyum’, was uploaded by ghostrider titanyum on 2024-02-11 03:28:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft 2.0: Drawing ANYTHING in Game?!

    Minecraft 2.0: Drawing ANYTHING in Game?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We Can Draw Anything!’, was uploaded by JUNGKurt_ on 2024-04-17 09:00:38. It has garnered 40192 views and 1370 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:13 or 1873 seconds. for sponsorship: [email protected] Maizen Parody Funny Mob Battle Aphmau RP Parody Cash & Nico RP Parody Watching videos PepeSan TV, OLIP TV, Habitat Gaming, Esoni TV, Ar Ar Playz, Sheynnn Playz, Jey Jey, Micolee, Clyde Charge, MoiraYT, JUNGKurt, Mizumi, Tankdemic – Minecraft, Asheru, PlayOfEl, ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ music i used in this video 🎧Cute BGM Yummy Flavor: Minecraft, Omocraft, Minecraft Tagalog, Oneblock, Minecraft but,… Read More

  • Bushi Craft

    Bushi CraftBushi Craft is my response to rejoining Minecraft and wishing for the kind of server I used to play all the time in 2013. Building a tight community is my goal, and this is a simple SMP server. One cool thing is that everyone can /fly in survival mode, which can’t be done in solo Minecraft. Anyway, I hope you check out Bushi Craft and join, whether you’re a veteran player or brand new. Read More

  • AtlasSMP – SMP Vanilla

    Welcome to Atlas SMP Java Server! Are you looking for a new vanilla SMP to join on Java? Atlas SMP has just recently restarted and is looking for new members to join! You can expect a small group of active members that are online everyday. In Atlas SMP you can be yourself, whether it be grinding, making friends or even just building. There is something on atlas for everyone. If this sounds like you, follow the link below to start your application! If your discord friend request is on private, please send me a request on Shyy1707 Click here to… Read More

  • QenCraft Bangladesh

    RULES FOLLOW THE RULES:-Be respectful. This means no mean, rude, or harassing comments. …No inappropriate language. …No spamming. …No pornographic/adult/other NSFW material. …No advertisements. …No offensive names and profile pictures. …Server raiding. …Threats are forbidden and Hacking…[12:24 AM]SERVER RULES1.No Griefing2.No Spamming3.No Advertising4.No Cursing/No Constant Cursing5.No Trolling/Flaming6.No Banned Items(Tekkit Rule)7.No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items8.Respect all Players9.Obey Staff There the LawNo Racist or Sexist Remarks.No Mods/Hacks12.No Full Caps Messages13.No Builds Near Spawn14.No 1×1 TowersMod/Admin Rules:15.Be Responsible with the privileges you are given as a Builder/Mod16.Do not spawn blocks or items for other players17.When Trading, only buy and sell legit items18.Only… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t Like, Just Report: Minecraft Bot Jokes

    I guess this little twitter bot is feeling a bit insecure about its meme game! But hey, 1883 is a pretty solid score, so maybe it should just embrace the likes instead of fearing them. Read More

MY *RICHEST* FIRST 24 HOURS OF THE SEASON! | Minecraft Skyblock | ExodusMC [1]