My Viewers Apply An Effect Every 30 Seconds! Can I Beat The Ender Dragon? – Minecraft Chaos Mod

Video Information

Hello and welcome to episode 2 of chaos Minecraft where my chat picks a randomized effect every 30 seconds to apply to my game to prevent me from beating the Ender Dragon I start a new map because the last one I had was terrible let’s get back into it so

Starting a new world and hopefully this time getting some goddamn beds bed please thanks okay so again we need some of the wood I’m gonna have like a huge pile of it this time and I’ll never lose it or need any more okay ah no no no no

I’m next to water though chat that’s that’s not good chat I think there’s probably some Stone down here trap Maybe okay ah are you so uh the settings aren’t there to allow me to keep my my stuff oh adjust World second settings when you’re making a new

Thing okay keep inventory off to death okay bed please take two still haven’t got a bad chat snow snow is bad previously on Minecraft I am in snow I like snow all right so this time we collect wood there’s a huge Ravine there okay there’s

Iron I see Iron there chat for the first time ever the [ __ ] is that what was that creature that’s a snow fox that is the ugliest looking snow fox I’ve ever seen in my life I see you’re using an older patch of GTA 5 today yes crazy how much Mojang ripped off our

Rockstar there’s an Optimum of stone that I need I do not know what it is and therefore I would get more than what I need I can’t believe Mojang ripped off GTA valve please fix now I need to find some iron you just need to not fall ow getting back out of here is going to be a huge pain you think you’re so good I have the stone sword okay stop it

What no are you insane how is this a monitor downgrade is the lack of a monitor are you how am I losing a fight to a [ __ ] spider thank you where’d my sword go what I don’t like that Ravine it was scary I should just dig another hole and hope

That I find some iron I know you’re not meant to dig down chat but this is just optimal okay yes you’re looking for some good RNG what’s that oh Mega explosion iron it doesn’t come as a square anymore oh my God I am the greatest Minecraft player of all [ __ ] time doubters silenced

One of these see I know how to play it ah you killed that Horse Chat I mean I know how much you hate Red Dead Redemption 2 but Jesus has a little bit aggressive can’t believe you just did that spawning a horse into a wall and instant mine

The horse’s death was not in vain how the [ __ ] am I gonna get all the ender eyes can’t you get end eyes from what this is the slowest credits of all [ __ ] time Quake fov why Quake f o v chat it’s terrible are you it’s funny because they have the option for quick

Fov in the game it does not look like this I don’t know how I’m gonna get all the ender eyes I guess I’ll trade with the piggies and get some gold or something and try and do what all the uh the pros do uh do I have enough blocks to get out of

Here how deep is a sinkhole quiet deep thanks that might single-handedly be the dumbest thing anyone has ever done ever I have explosive pickaxe oh it’s actually doing damage to me on I was hoping that was far enough away that it wouldn’t I five timer speed no one everything’s

[ __ ] chaotic I need to find diamond or a village no I need I need wool so I can make a bed if I can stop spawning at the oh an Enderman I need those I need his eyes killing him with mouse drifting it’s gonna be hard oh I’m gonna die oh

Okay it’s it’s harder than a looks chat with mouse drifting all right am I outside stop it why do they make a bucket and get some water okay I can’t make a bucket okay No why is it five timer speed again this is this is stupid there’s too many things okay oh I got Diamonds oh my God something good happened okay fun facing view is so dumb this is so annoying you can see how good this outfit is though chat look at this beard

I can do it it’s fine [ __ ] you chat fix that in a second no need to pick it up right now before everything gets destroyed there’s my wood okay I have a lot of debt and I won’t make that same mistake with that substance that has no physical Mass what’s the things called

Gravel gravel there you go no way Viper man in playing Minecraft the Viper man playing the Minecrafts okay wait what the [ __ ] was that entities titties two more iron then we’ll be able to have lava and water and then I will make myself a portal to the

Nether there’s no way I’m gonna be I do that Chad that’s insane I suck I’m not meant to cheat and see what you guys are voting for chat someone in chat was a spamming run I got three though I got three it’s fine let’s just get the [ __ ] out of here no

Why does it suck me in rather than sucking me off is that what magma blocks do oh just won’t let you get away chat it’s so needy these magma blocks okay I have no food up water no I can aim for this what up it’s impossible to do that chat it’s

Impossible all these [ __ ] lying people who drop the water like that it can’t be done spam right click when falling I tried to do it it didn’t work and if I failed that means it’s impossible because I am the best oh no not today you will not not suck me today

Oh an Ender dude okay but I’ll die no I’ve got armor okay [ __ ] come back and face me like a demon creature I got Naya vinda now I just need like a bajillion more make in progress chat forget about another Enderman over there all right this is the worst I can’t kill

Him like this face me like a demon how about you I hate this [ __ ] murder can you please stop picking it it’s like the worst thing that has ever existed stop come [ __ ] face me Enderman please okay spamming water I could have guided myself to the water I did it I’m the

Best [ __ ] gonna become that dream guy where’s the Enderman there I mean he’s probably scared of me because I just achieved like the greatest trick in Minecraft history but you know so we will now go an adventuring Deja Vu feel like I’ve been here before I still don’t

Know the words of this song even though I’ve looked him up 50 times no that’s scary oh there’s something over there I think it’s a it’s like a bad thing I think but it’s something he’s a bad guy it’s okay I should have made myself a shield hey

No no fire bad okay you got him good chat the polar bear’s still coming for me this mouse drifting is so annoying the [ __ ] is that it’s a demon is it friend you don’t want me to kill it ah it’s polar bear why did this kid I ain’t

Doing so much damage to me run it’s gonna warp me back why are you still following me he ain’t following me now Chad spam no I don’t want to be back here I need a bed I’ve been doing this [ __ ] Minecraft Chaos for like three hours

Total and I still have not got any bed once get it get in get in the boat make my own sound effects chat that’s why you watch the stream this looks so much like GTA 2 now though doesn’t it then we need to loot this place surely they will have something good like

There’s Towers over there like ice oh my God Towers ice is bad though okay wait oh you did that I was like how did I achieve this uh no I was posting that seems good get off get off the edge did he have the edge good good okay bottle of enchanting

A goat horn is that good use the horn what did I do is it I think it’s just a cosmetic thing okay fair enough is there anything else under this oh wait what ah you’re mixed Get Wrecked okay So many of these guys these weren’t this many people oh [ __ ] they infinitely these run flee explode thank you you can run out of Health uh I have nothing to hear with why are you not helping me oh what is that do you steal my potato did he just steal

My potato he’s helping me but he stole my potato [ __ ] Hobbit like [ __ ] taking potatoes I can’t hit him whatever oh I can grab it from his hands I see I can give him stuff okay do you cook bread in the furnace you do right yeah

And then no how do you cook bread oh you just use a crafting table I mean that makes it that makes just as much sense chat there we go okay let’s go kill those Enderman Give me your eyes when you think about it’s kind of mean I’m

Floating you can’t be the guy who’s floating yeah [ __ ] they get one I don’t think I got one dang it what’s this potion of enchanting what is a bottle of enchanting chat gives you exp that may as well drink it how was I to know that using it wouldn’t drink it

Are you your Herobrine [ __ ] copy pasta [ __ ] I only have two HP it’s scary as [ __ ] it’s gonna teleport me all the way back chat I can’t I can’t run outrun this thing maybe I can I gotta run maybe if I run really fast I won’t get hit

And I’m dying no I don’t want to die I don’t want to go back I don’t want to go back no I happen to glance at what you’re selecting and I don’t like you can you not I’m too slow can you like not dude I just lost all my [ __ ]

Uh why is everything so damaged thank you okay wait you guys get to vote on timer speed that is stupid so it’s gotta run now because you guys have ruined everything again I just want a village or a bed at some wool or something I hate this game

F5 to change camera oh okay wait I’m still levitating okay no we’re good okay oh I did it I’m the best okay are you stupid tell me if you see a village chat I I don’t even go around circles or not are you my boat you don’t [ __ ] with a man’s boat chat

It’s like rule number one am I really gonna have to start another world again why do I get the worst [ __ ] worlds chat there’s nothing of value in this world nothing this is meant to be escapism chat it’s not meant to be like real life nihilism give me this [ __ ] horn this

Horn sucks I’m deleting this [ __ ] off horn I threw away the horn I want to oh my Well is going to be all obsidian no it’s just it’s okay well like I won’t let me swim up why won’t let me swim up okay why is there a spoon in the top right hand corner of my screen what the [ __ ] is mining for tea

I was like who’s shooting at me it’s you guys I can’t I can’t even take mining for teachers right now finally okay running this direction is that the same thing from before let’s play the same thing from before that’s a [ __ ] demon again you [ __ ] stupid demon I kill you demon

I see your creepers chat I don’t care I have one heart okay I kinda care now I just had to be fast ah but I’m on top of the hill now I’m gonna fall off the hill and die no no no no I’m somehow not dead no no

I can’t do this with five timer speed chat it’s impossible I have to remove it I’m sorry cause you can vote for it you’ll vote for it every single [ __ ] time it’s not like chaos mod in GTA 5 I don’t want to be here for the next 800

Years yet and more times in Minecraft than you’ve had like the entire history of GTA 5. switch chaos Minecraft what is this magic this is this was made by by Valve but it wasn’t no was made by Valve it was it was made by Bungie how we make jokes clearly Rockstar made

This there has to be a village somewhere chat or a single [ __ ] sheep I will [ __ ] the Sheep myself if need be and that was it was a an eagler there must be something in here where we’re not I’m not I’m not moving up single [ __ ] step until I get to go

This [ __ ] igloo in this Igloo will be a bed I didn’t actually know that was true [ __ ] yes chat I have a bed break the carpet wait or do you just want me oh here we go the [ __ ] is this oh this is teaching me how to make zombies

Oh sweet stuff thank you chat I cured him chat wait can I can I trade with this dude here’s some sand give me a million dollars he’s not doing a chat he’s being belligerent Rex he is jobless then he should get a [ __ ] job man

I’ll sleep out on the ice the best place to sleep the zombie had a drop that’s true zombie better than villager wait a second now that I’ve broken the bed has that changed my respawn point [ __ ] you know what they say about Piggies Piggies are near sheep a very common expression chat

Wow I’ve made it to the end of the game I saw pigs that’s all you need to [ __ ] see I can’t but help but see teleport to heaven and you’re about to kill me before I can set my spawn point so let’s hope that did nothing because of all credits is here

Stop looking I hate you guys so much you could be anything in this world chat and you choose to be complete dicks suffering okay we never went this way over the mountain chat so surely up here there’ll be a village you’re gonna invert gravity so we can see further there’s a village that’s

That’s Direction and in there they’ll be like oh would you like these 800 ender eyes for two dollars I still haven’t found the new woofer okay that’s actually weird for I don’t I don’t have a thing to make him a pet though what do I need to make a pet woofer are you

You’re stupid Bastards of course what happened to the other wiffle uh let’s not talk about everyone will know because you’ve all watched my Viper craft video All of you know the Minecraft law of the Dark Viper channel of course it says infinite lava that I could use to make myself a oh [ __ ] you quicksand let’s go find this Village ah I don’t want to eat their village with quicksander be very mean okay we’ll just eat around there Village

Just stop it stop stop I I hate I hate quicksand so ah you stupid Herobrine [ __ ] you copy Pastor Minecraft nonsense hey guys I mean followed by some kind of a demon hi I’m Gabe Newell I’m just wandering around your neighborhood you guys will protect me right

I need I just need to get up here so I can change my [ __ ] spawn location I’m I’m getting mad just just not finally okay okay so let’s change the spawn location right good yeah we know change spawn location here put my chest down here give me the beds

I can’t afford to lose the bets stop stop [ __ ] mad only mad cause bad skill issue okay get rid of all this stuff I want the food we get back together okay I was about to say if you guys bamboos with me I was gonna be very mad

Oh my God that was not me that was totally you guys you just lit uh hey guys I didn’t do it I’m stealing your stuff though that is totally something I’m doing that’s not good I just hope that this doesn’t destroy my uh my bad backpack fine set it here however those villagers

Can sort that [ __ ] out the goal of this stream is to beat the Ender Dragon but the best way to do that right now is to get diamond pickaxe I have lava and water but I suck at making portals there’s no way I’m gonna be able to do

The speedrun Strat to make one so I need Adventure Mode this is my face of disappointment chat I’m not mad I am mad but I’m also disappointed Adventure Mode means you can’t break any blocks look at me go like okay this is promising got some iron

I just realized that entire time I was wearing a jumper disrespecting my tank top method lapis I don’t need lapis what’s this it’s gold I yet no I don’t want to leave wait I’ll hook myself in oh yes perfect okay you have been hoodwinked Bamboozled is is gravity still inverted I can’t tell

Is not ah I’m live okay Foreign He’s gonna die so as long as I’m in this hole they can’t spawn on me I’m a genius make this light in here ah creep up I knew creep was gonna spawn please please one time one time one time one time one time one time was on the ride I [ __ ] hate

Ultra Zoom chat it’s like the worst one except all the other bad ones if you ignore all the worst ones this is literally the worst one Ultra zoom’s almost off what ha stop it you [ __ ] zombie a hyper slow if you ignore all the ones worse than this it’s literally the worst one I tried to jump a chat I did not succeed just pointing out the obvious there oh oh Enderman okay uh yes you guys are the worst you know that right I can’t even kill this mini zombie you dude dude dude dude foreign view I still have not found you

Even I have another bed I was kind of hoping to use these later for the Ender Dragon but there’s an Enderman okay he just teleported near me he wants to go and I’m I’m ready to take it to him let’s go give me your precious innards my friend yes did I get one

Oh there’s another enemy it’s [ __ ] ghost son I got Thrifty Mouse but I can do this that I’m gonna lose no no way to go there he is where’d he go now that sound in my ears is super not cool so I imagine getting [ __ ] in the air sounds like

Um he left of course he did I mean he was scared understandable Um what happened what the [ __ ] oh another right oh you gave me cool stuff thank you chat I guess I need to wait I I can keep going no but I need I need new pickaxes we gotta wait foreign ah you wait if I’m deeper then maybe I’ll just

Use the pickaxes that I have and hopefully run across stuff now I’ll just dig sideways until I’ve run into diamond Mega explosion didn’t matter cause in water I believe water diffuses explosions in Australia and I’m in Australia so that’s how that works wait I’m too I’m

Too high for diamonds but we dug a hole so this is this is going awfully right now are you thank you okay now I’m poguing so I can’t even dig thank you thank you so much Chad appreciate your contribution to this Enterprise so spend this time making a crafting table put

These out and put this in here and the the water keeps pushing my [ __ ] garbage back to me just like in real life Chuck these in the hole to make sure that I end up accidentally getting them later and then I’ll act all mad and be like this is [ __ ] content chat I

Know what Digger ride is but it can dig go [ __ ] itself there we go now we have everything we need just to dig down for diamonds amazing view thank you I always pride myself on having the highest quality content possible wow that’s it’s beautiful what

I mean what are the odds of that that’s like Millions to one okay I’m gonna put some water then I won’t be able to get my water for later whatever get up over here explosive pickaxe that did no damage oh cause I’m in water no that that’s not why

Can’t I get over this I don’t stand oh only backwards movement oh so dumb ah I’m gonna use my lava for visibility okay I can use it to check out some of these garbage items too oh the lava was spawned by chaos oh it was you guys who were dumb like there’s

No way you can enjoy this you just like making me suffer hot tub I’m burning okay up this way okay what [ __ ] you I’m the big mad right now chat I know it’s gonna be worth it when I get these diamonds can I make torches no I can’t oh Big Mad

Okay there was coal at the top here I will I will eat the coal I was I was gonna do something you wanted me to do chat and you ruined it why would you do this please we will be here for a thousand years okay I’m gonna spam this it’s imp it

It is impossible okay get this cold first call that I’ve received because I am a good boy ah I think a cable touched my toe and because it’s Australia you know you have to be really concerned when that kind of thing happens this isn’t a monitor downgrade it is the

Work there’s no grade here we’ve gone from great 100 to grade negative 74. okay let us finally dig towards diamond this is low enough chat lower you want me to be minus 54 that’s impossible it’s possible if you do that 12 year olds can find diamonds I mean yeah with

Like mods and hacks and stuff I could make a bed down here thinking about it why didn’t I die does bed make you immune to explosion clearly I have outsmarted you chat because I am some kind of Genius foreign stop killing horses chat again I know you don’t like Red Dead

Redemption 2 but just don’t take it out on Minecraft Australian streamers struggled to find diamonds in a game made for 7 year olds why does it have to be Australian streamer why are you gonna put my failures on Australia as a whole quicksand well that’s I’m gonna hit bedrock oh wait

We have diamonds chat a lot of them all right first step to going to the end and beating the dragon dude now I want to leave I know a good way out chat okay I probably shouldn’t be cheating like this a trip chat 100 that I trip you know

Complete accident okay so we have water and lava I can make myself a lot of obsidian and then dig it up that’d be bad I imagine I think only like the base blocks become obsidian right this is why I make obsidian right I’m gonna see if I’m gonna find some lava very quickly

Take so much damage hi angry is this anger speed right now we’re my items oh my God there’s a spread no my progress like I never got anything everything I missed so much they’re My Diamonds oh my precious diamonds must dear sweet children ah that’s the Enderman who caused all this

Bloody problems I’m staring at you they get one I did not can you shut up he’s dead where’s water water how does that how does it never work we’d be speed the love over there lava mixed with water makes that black stuff that I need infinite water for that okay

Don’t you like place it and then take it immediately and these become this everyone who plays this game is just crying right now oh okay I am done there you go see it’s one block I did a chat one whole block so here’s the plan

I take the water and uh we go back to the cave and no we don’t die um okay not not dying is not going well right now I had a marine yes okay give me a bunch of eyes there is a chance what was that a diamond ax okay it’s completely

Useless good good something must be useful for me that goal that’s gold I think that’s useful I can trade with that that’s a skulker box of course it is I mean of course choker box is a portable chest okay uh oh no no I don’t know what a shocker box look

Like I have no idea what’s going on there’s so many things there’s a there’s a villager there coming towards me to kill me I can’t I can’t do anything I need to sleep where’s my bed where’s the bed where’s the bed let me sleep okay did I lose my where’s the diamonds we’re

Diamonds Where My Diamonds where the [ __ ] diamonds okay I had it’s a stroker box so you’re saying this is a chest okay hi no my bed can I place the bed why can’t I place the bed it won’t let me place the bed why can I not play is this because Adventure Mode

I’m just I’m just so angry they’ve got some water though but it’s not going to help me oh five minutes into the stuff he spots I did it on the best okay I think I’ve got everything back okay oh you place the diet a a thing okay

Don’t mind him water why okay it’s fine seems fine okay we got one thing I don’t know why uh I need to find the uh Village again where was The Village because the vid I left one eye in the village Ash yeah it was near oh there’s

The lava from ages ago that’s what I need yes on the village was over there I remember now I remember all the things yeah not take any rest and just make a bed there the huge damage all my items you suck so like put two here do this

Then like go back here and then go like bang okay so this is clearly the slow way of doing this but it doesn’t matter if it’s slow if I stay here too long you will destroy this thing I’m gonna move away until upside down is done I’m on to you chat oh

Sinkhole this is fine uh no what I’m being attacked in here are you what I [ __ ] hate upside down it is impossible to control that chit chat it is the most garbage [ __ ] thing foreign back to the thing aha I’m just gonna wait here until it’s done stop cheating it’s not cheating it’s

Creatively succeeding wouldn’t it be funny if I could just like act to combat what you’re doing chat it is the Stream hello Mr creeper it’s fine water stop oh this is fine don’t you just destroy my bed I wait [ __ ] hate creepers okay fine no that’s my last bed I’m actually angry now I used oh wait it’s in here right I have more bets okay I okay I’m so happy they didn’t destroy that that would have been very bad stay away from me zombie prick okay

Yeah that’s right time travel [ __ ] what you gonna do ah no you know it’s not night time go away go away how are these things still here leave me alone why is it snowing I’m I’m just I’m just so cranky do I actually have to kill these guys they’re

Just gonna keep harassing me you juice one more lava one more lava okay so getting the diamonds complete completely pointless now I need um I need flints and steel right do I have anything to make a spade out of here I have no I I Stone a note

I hate crafting chat I hate it so much it just makes me so sad it’s losing 50 of Minecraft well I hate 50 of Minecraft I don’t know how many of these things I need to I was over water though look at it ease my weight beautiful what

A God a god gamer of jumping turn when you see me get flint there it is okay do I have Steel I have one steal perfect okay okay and away we go sleep in the nether that’s the oldest trick in the book I need to find Piggies to trade with I

Used to have gold wait I hear the pig I’m wearing a bit of gold so shouldn’t they think I’m a friend isn’t that how that works gold okay oh a [ __ ] quick set one lava where the lava come was that me what nope I’m gonna fall no it’s bad don’t

You get stuck in one of these things it’s terrible no stop go die please leave me alone at please stop okay Farm gold it’s fine it’s almost over just leave me alone okay sideways movement only it’s good I just can’t move I don’t know just jumping across singular blocks with

Sideways movement where was that gold there was gold moments ago okay I’ve never traded with the peas before but I know you can because of speed runs Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds this is some trippy effects like I’m on LSD is a Lucy some person who does a lot of

Sick drugs their best kind of drugs I don’t think boats can go and lava but I mean they can go down places I’ve seen that dude do stuff you’re that Minecraft dude PewDiePie and there we go okay okay oh [ __ ] yeah TNT you saved me chat completely unintentionally serves you

Right for trying to kill me with some TNT peas so they won’t hurt me right what oh you know you you chopped on my gold you [ __ ] because you’ve wait you’ve wearing gold they don’t hurt you you shoot me I’m gonna die give me give me

Give me the stuff before I die uh no I’m stuck I’m stuck ah I don’t think they’ll just forgive me now but no Emma then why don’t you drop my thoughts I’m gonna die am I dead okay somehow alive hello piga can you just go in this hole please oh

No he’s gonna leave the hole stop don’t leave me I need you I want to hit him ah no doesn’t mean it was creeper no just did not foreign okay now how do you combine these together three by three okay what no no quicksand oh it’s the worst [ __ ] one oh no

No where’s the block where’s the block okay there we go what no oh what it in the nether true they get all the stuff there’s more stuff in there I need this stuff okay uh did my pants get broken it broke my pants so can I trade with him still

Uh he wants to kill me throw him gold yeah okay yeah I just gotta there’s probably a more efficient way to do this I don’t know it though this is not speedrunalicious oh he’s he’s dropped stuff okay I swear I left some gear behind maybe not

Why can’t I run oh [ __ ] I have no food you ate my took my food I’m gonna die no you [ __ ] I thought I could run away gonna be hard-pressed to get back there being blind is not good chat as a matter of facts where’d my portal go deep pit

If that destroyed my portal I’m gonna be really pissed okay thanks [ __ ] all right I assume I went this way get this gold uh I didn’t get the gold chat wait what did you destroy my bed that is really bad chat I have no idea where that was

Anymore it’s been too long over the mountain oh yeah true yeah there’s my portal down there he’ll keep running and they’re not gonna like me to remember where that Village was see I’ve been here before I make those things or by the you make those things with me in them can you stop nah [ __ ] God damn it good work on your TNT chat see that pole there I made once before wait have I just got it full circle if I have gone

Full circle then over this hill is where I need to go I have oh [ __ ] yep 100 lost this is gonna take a thousand years chat I should have made a less lofty goal quicksand [ __ ] you you guys are never gonna let me kill the ender dragon go play with dream you mean

I should let dream play with me because it’d be such an honor for him right let’s see how skillful I am at the game what’s that oh it’s an unfinished portal that would have been useful like our per trillion years ago but there can be loot here

Gold yes and obsidian which could be useful later too now I have gold armor that’s basically what I needed how long would it take me to collect this obsidian one block every 12 seconds with diamond pickaxe you give me diamond okay well you took away my gold everything else is great kinda needed

That gold there okay this is like that mad scientist laboratory is this one I’ve already been to it was not all of them have a basement that’s [ __ ] dumb um get real go to portal okay I don’t think I’m wearing any gold oh come on dude

That [ __ ] let’s just go down here I assume there’s more gold near lava anyway are you please tell me quicksand still isn’t working I might barely be fine I can hear lava it just ended it then reapplies credits this game’s dumb hey [ __ ] he’s instantly goes to the pool it takes

Me 50 years though what ah [ __ ] off uh yep chat you always pick quicksand this is why proportional voting exists in GTA chaos because you pick the same thing every time surely I’m going somewhere useful here right I don’t have food to heal myself and I don’t have water

Hate this game I need to Smith stuff that’s right while we’re out here put this in here and then uh put uh this in here and then this in here and then I’m gonna dig in this uh what please be gold okay I got some gold that’s something okay

Are you [ __ ] you you spawned two in a row I’m gonna die I have one life which I would definitely lose just the tripping over um all that [ __ ] you [ __ ] you off the edge off the edge off the edge this is dead it’s a message to everyone

Else we’re gonna have to go over there Hey man I’m stealing this goal from the wall that you could totally get yourself at don’t seem to be shooting me shooting at me I want to be friends what if I pick up gold near them they get mad what they think they own the gold in the walls

I cheated John I’m sorry I did nothing to stop this from happening but I did see that it was going to happen definitely pick everything up except whatever fell over the side oh my box went over the side okay we’re definitely going then wait you can blow

Up my items wow okay we’re done we we are we are done so I lost all my progress my progress being one ender pearl I think we just have to accept chat that this is impossible I might die my armor special no it’s not because um there’s

No way in hell I’m going to be able to collect 16 ender pearls and [ __ ] if you’re just gonna destroy them so if I’m going to continue we have to remove drop inventory drop item in hand is fine drop inventory okay you won yes um I’m going to the one place that hasn’t

Been corrupted by capitalism spikes should be looking for a village there’s the village it was there it was right next to me this entire time I am dumb I now remember that [ __ ] how could I forget that chat okay and you did this last time too you’re making other villagers panic

That was the bed I left here and here’s all the stuff I left oh there’s one Ender item here okay why it’s so much stuff in here thank you for destroying their Village even more chat I don’t mean that sincerely [ __ ] you right he’s not having a good day how the

[ __ ] can I get in here I don’t have a pickaxe and then [ __ ] God dang a chat mine I guess you can say this place is lit I’m sorry you’ll go see myself out thank you dude yes go see yourself out there it is so five beds what oh drop multiplier

[ __ ] yeah can I just drop stuff and pick up a lot of it no I can’t [ __ ] and these won’t stack together [ __ ] no my entire inventory is [ __ ] now let’s have to like dig and get stuff but I can’t [ __ ] well at least we got a bunch of bits that’s something chess

Um okay this didn’t kill me I need a smell gold are you stupid [ __ ] I hate quicksand why don’t I still have one HP because I can’t even [ __ ] heal okay great cool don’t destroy my bed okay it’s fine okay I have a lot of gold now I’m making myself some boots

They have so low you just damaged them I just made them mine get Rex I kept my shoes if anything it repaired my shoes what the [ __ ] is this ah the [ __ ] is this flowers and stuff in here interesting interesting by that I mean where’s the gold there’s

A bad dude I can’t mining for t yeah let myself on fire it’s it’s a brilliant tactical decision random drops uh it’s a hat at the head is the head good are you uh I’m dying help help top down view sucks chat you know just just in case

You didn’t pick up on this at any point it’s garbage is there any reason to explore in here hey man how you doing you’re gonna sit there and just do nothing it’s great good for you man I’ll go and save the universe from the dragon that’s minding its own

Business in a completely different dimension I’m a hero you quicksand again you pulls guess I’m never getting that iron you can’t go upwards why can’t I go upwards let me upwards if you [ __ ] would stop using quick sense if you remove more options it’ll only make it easier for us to pick quicksand

Now gold was down here ow creeper anxiety it’s fine but I probably don’t sleep not gonna do it I’m gonna go for it please don’t spawn a creeper no it’s gonna go back it’s fine there are no problems here but I do hate you a lot and you should feel sorry

So sorry that you give me free stuff don’t need this don’t need this what is play ahead chat I can give myself head is decorative so decorate their place with head I’ll go into the the Nether and see if I can trade with the piece here pigo

This one ah chat why why I didn’t do it why did I bring a sword how are you not dead yet stop die thank you hey friend hopefully the other pigos won’t realize my crimes ah okay let’s I’m going in this direction no you know what I’m gonna go directly downwards see

Him find some diamonds tell me if you see something good chat oh go I mean that oh diamond diamond diamonds yes wait no drops I didn’t think you’d ever chosen that before man I didn’t even think to look I didn’t get the gold out of here did that kill me

No that is a damn shame this looks like it could lead somewhere good out death death is good okay I’ma call it you made me cranky now chat [ __ ] that nether portal dude [ __ ] it so goodbye chat I will see you another time Boop

This video, titled ‘My Viewers Apply An Effect Every 30 Seconds! Can I Beat The Ender Dragon? – Minecraft Chaos Mod’, was uploaded by DarkViperAU on 2022-12-02 19:23:43. It has garnered 197501 views and 10151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:08 or 3008 seconds.

The amazing trend of chaos mods comes to minecraft! My viewers get to vote on an effect to apply every 30 seconds as I attempt to find and beat the Ender dragon. This is basically a speedrun, will I get world record? Probably.

Entropy is a Chaos Mod where random events happen every 30 seconds. The events are selected randomly from a pool of 111 (and growing) events that can be anything from meteor rain, physics changes and much more. Entropy was heavily inspired on the excellent work of pongo1231’s Chaos Mod V for Grand Theft Auto V! Thanks to Im_JC52 for making it and Kanawanagasaki Yoko for adding to it.

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Made in collaboration with Martin Editors (On Discord) Martin – @BobTheMartin3484 DMoDMusic – @DMoD8772 Ein – @Ein Typ ohne Gehirnzellen9964 YellowBat – @TheYellowBat4705 Rogerio – @Rogerio6703

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  • Boy Love in Minecraft: Music Video

    Boy Love in Minecraft: Music Video Minecraft Animation Boy Love: Exploring Love and Music in Minecraft Love knows no boundaries, even in the pixelated world of Minecraft. In the latest installment of the Minecraft Animation Boy Love series, viewers are treated to a heartwarming tale of love and friendship set to a backdrop of captivating music. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft Animation Boy Love and discover the magic that unfolds in Part 10. The Power of Music in Minecraft Music plays a crucial role in setting the tone and atmosphere in Minecraft Animation Boy Love. From the pulsating beats of “Earthquake” to the… Read More

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  • Sculk Dropper: Minecraft’s Sound Block Plopper

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  • Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz

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  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge: ONLY One Color Build!

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  • Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short Gameplay

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  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

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  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

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  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

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  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

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  • The ComBREWter Strikes Again!

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  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

    Grow in Minecraft with XP! Minecraft: Size Matters in this Hilarious XP Adventure! Imagine a world where your size grows with every experience point earned in Minecraft. Sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens in this comedy video where the player’s height changes with XP in the popular survival game Minecraft. It’s a satire video that promises plenty of laughs and unexpected challenges along the way. Surviving 100 Days with Size Equal to XP One intriguing question posed in the video is whether you could survive 100 days in survival Minecraft with your size directly linked to your XP. It’s a unique twist… Read More

  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

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  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 # # # 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: Wiki: Discord: Map: About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft meme: I’ve spiced it up

    Looks like this meme got a critical hit with that score of 64! Read More

My Viewers Apply An Effect Every 30 Seconds! Can I Beat The Ender Dragon? – Minecraft Chaos Mod