Mysterious 7-Day Minecraft Challenge

Video Information

Hello today’s video we will be doing seven days in Minecraft infdev so we will be doing world one we will be playing on a world in which I’ve already existed we will be doing our 7 Days Challenge on a Minecraft world that I already play on a bunch in fact if you

Watch this channel it’s the video from my Minecraft infdev is special video I already have a bunch of materials but because it’s a 7 Days challenge it’s not really a challenge it’s more just like seven days of chilling basically uh I I will not be using any of the tools that

I I did so instead of starting here we’re going to start fresh on that island over there and we’re going to build some cool infrastructure that I’ve been meaning to build on my world anyways but we’ll just start from scratch just to you know to refresh

Anyways my my base is far in that direction I keep dying yeah so uh I I I whenever when I started like that infd video at first I didn’t like it but for some reason it became the only version of of the game that I could actually

Play uh for long amounts of time and now I think it might be my favorite version of the game but ironic I was kind of roasting it in the last version I was saying that the trees kind of like they kind of sucked and that the fact I can’t

Hear anything is like weird that’s actually a glitch I should be able to hear stuff it’s just something to do with like modern minecraft modern computers and old Minecraft versions I don’t know I could fix it and yet I haven’t I don’t know I just I really

Enjoy this version of the game I like playing with no sound and just putting a YouTube video on and doing something in this buggy version It’s so simple and yet I can like actually play this for hours I got like full on addicted it’s crazy uh what I’ve been feeling like

Doing is actually I want to connect a road um to my base because I always get lost I’m thinking the best way to do that would be to to mark it out and we’re not going to get this finished by the end of the the seven days but maybe

There’ll be 14 days in Minecraft or something I do not believe there is thunder thunder or anything like that so I want to make make this road entirely out of wood just like a cool aesthetic build instead of making out of stone like every path is made out of we make

It out of wood so let’s mine these trees place these down and then go underground I need to make tools and I need stone for that obvious Minecraft 101 minecraft 101 here guys uh this could be our little Hideout Shack though and so one thing I did discover recently was that

There is in fact there are in fact creatures at night that spawn but I think because I was loading new chunks when I first started up that one INF Dev video a while ago zombies and creepers and skeletons just didn’t spawn or something uh I don’t

Really know it was a weird you know buggy version you never know exactly why something’s broken but something always breaks I usually die because of a bug and lava usually lava and bugs because I’m I’m working on an underground project at my base maybe I’ll show that

Off later I’ll show it off when we get there so how much day do we have left got about half half the day left so we spawn here I I’ll mine the rest of those trees and I think what I’ll do is I’ll take these and I’ll turn it all into

That and then I’ll I’ll plot it out from here because you spawn around here and my base is is roughly a diagonal exact stretch in that direction pretty much what I’m thinking is I will actually just stick as pretty much a perfect Diagonal in this direction yeah so I’ve been playing a lot on this world it’s like 19 megabytes if that makes any clue I’ve gotten lost so many times I’ve generated so much world there’s something about these versions that just yeah it just it satisfies everything that I want for Minecraft and

For some somehow manages not to underd deliver it’s just perfect perfect perfect balance for me I don’t need I don’t need all those new features I actually I need to be limited there’s too much choice I suffer if there’s too much choice and what to do and uh well

While we’re at it I’d like to talk about where are we at on the the channel uh since I uploaded that video a while ago um I’ve been posting a lot uh as of recent yeah I decided to commit to a schedule of uh a post every two days and

Actually as recording this video I’ve kind of uh fallen behind slightly uh due to some I guess just like procrastination on my end and a couple of like real life I guess you know just stuff gets stuff happens and you just don’t get things done when you want to

And then you don’t like get your routine kind of changes and then you’re like I have to adapt and then you don’t adapt instead you just play Minecraft INF Dev it is what it is uh I want to get with this I want to get back into it record a

Lot more uh I think my my main thing is that I’ll have days that go by where I have nothing recorded and some nothing to edit and then I just don’t feel like recording so I think it’s it’s more important right now to like get that recording done when I feel like it

Because if you don’t feel like editing it’s just hard to get yourself to start but when you start you feel like editing and then it stays but if you don’t feel feel like recording um is kind of really obvious when you’re recording that you don’t really feel like doing it and then

It just it seeps into everything and is a overall is negative so I feel like it’s best to record when you feel like it and you’re in like a good moood cuz Vibes Vibes actually matter a lot when it comes to recording and also when editing you know ideally you want to

Feel good when you’re doing everything I talked about that in the get more sleep video it’s really important to feel good when you do things if you’re somebody who’s motivated by feeling good if you’re motivated by feeling terrible and when feel bad you get things done then

You should try and get yourself to feel terrible all the time whatever motivates you is what motivates you and I think I somebody who’s motivated mostly by good circumstances when I’m feeling good when I’m feeling healthy I just I get things done uh just way faster than when I feel

Terrible um there’s a there is a mode that I usually rely on which is like sheer Panic where it’s like I have to you know stress like I got to get it done but as time has gone on that method of do working has been slowly

Slowly uh eating away at my ability to do anything and I actually I think it’s just counterproductive it’s not working out for me right now and uh I’m just going to try and avoid having to resort to that as my method of motivating myself uh because it it doesn’t work so

It’s not working anymore when if it worked I you know I play into it more but it kind of gets less and less effective as time goes on yeah all right let’s see how close we can get to the base if I just go in literally a straight line now there’s no shift

Button so I am actually a little bit curious I don’t want to build anything too high in the sky actually because of that so let’s do this okay oh well if this is uh what it takes to get us over there It Is What It Takes

I think this is actually perfect cuz we go like this we build an exact diagonal I think that would be kind of cool uh I’ll just I’ll stay at this height for now and then we mine through the mountain yeah okay I might uh break my

Little rule that I made 10 seconds ago not 10 seconds ago a little bit ago and actually be like you know what forget it I will use some of my materials um cuz you know this isn’t technically a challenge video my last time I think I

Made the mistake of trying to make it like a challenge trying to really be like you got to do this you got to do that du du du uh and instead I think I will resort to just just make it more chill more V I actually I I would be

Curious people watching are you interested in having music attached to these videos or is it better if I don’t have any audio at all like any music or anything like that CU I was wondering I was like how do I really improve the format that I already have going and I

Think the only addition that I could add would be music but I actually don’t know if music is something that people would would be interested in having added because it might detract from like I don’t know just the because there’s sort of like a a low effort more like kind of

Authentic vibe that goes on here it’s like really like anyone could do this and that’s why people like it cuz anyone could do what I’m doing and so if I start adding too much complicatedness then it starts to feel like lose that that that special feeling I don’t know I

Want to hear you guys’ thoughts on that anyone you who think you have an opinion on this you actually enjoy the videos and you know tell me tell me why you enjoy them actually I’d be I’d be curious what one makes you watch this video as long as you have already and

Continue to watch them see I’m getting shot at uh Retreat okay let’s head this way uh there aren’t a lot of mobs that spawn on these versions I’ve noticed like not a lot but when they do spawn they’re extra dangerous extra effective I recently I went and I worked out for

The first time in a while CU I’ve been neglecting my like workout work workout ethic I haven’t been going to the gym as much as I wanted to or at all really just been working out like at home we got like a I got like a bench a bar bench or

Whatever uh but I only I only I just like I when things are at my house I find it harder to motivate myself to do things I’d rather be around a bunch of people doing the same stuff that I am I just I’m more you know if you’re in the

Place where you do the workout as opposed to the place where you do it like in the living room where you watch movies or something just you there’s other things happen there that just doesn’t feel like a let’s get you in the zone for that kind of thing but I I went

I did a b like usual workout Maybe be actually less than my usual workout and I got to tell you I am in so like my joints are in like pain like it it’s like the kind of pain where it’s like you they’re like like you know the The

Ripped like muscle whatever but it’s like in my like elbow area sort of is kind of nice though once you get out once you get to the point where you can you know uh work out a little more consistent like the first time you work out that’s usually what gets a lot of

Like I would say like older people and they work out and then they’re like oh I’m so sore I’m going to be sore for like 7,000 days and it’s like there’s a an element that’s is definitely true yeah you’re probably going to feel pretty sore for a while but I you that’s

Got that feeling has to get better as you do it more right like it’s you at least for me and I’m a young person obviously young people they heal faster whatever that first one sure you’re out for a while and sure like if you’re older it’s going to be for longer right

Like my dad or something like that eventually I would say that it goes like that that feeling gets better if you just keep at it you know just don’t put on as much weight as you did last time or whatever you just do stretches instead of working out for a bit until

You can move your joints again if it’s that bad you know but I don’t know I’m not old so maybe maybe there’s like maybe it’s way way more painful than I’m imagining but I’m I’m I’m feeling pretty sore right now and I know that it’ll go

Away and then I’ll get back into it and then the next time that I go work out it it won’t feel as sore as this it just it just won’t like even if I wanted it to feel the sore like that’s what I have

With like leg day I like I I like that I like to go away from leg day being like I can barely like walk upstairs like stairs feel like my enemy I want that to happen but it only happens to the first couple times you do it and then after

That you’re like you have to you know level up the weight and maybe it’s just cuz I’m not adding enough weight onto it but I always feel like I’m going to break myself if I add too much more so I get scared maybe that’s part of it but I

Also think part of it is literally that like your body gets like you know it’s just stronger and like the amount of damage that is caused oh get away from me my my anecdotal non-scientific evidence presented to you um okay I I think that’s enough like lowlevel

Splunking so let’s let’s go back to this uh I just wanted the Torches so I didn’t wouldn’t have to worry about the creatures for now um we will have to mine through this mountain that’s what’s going to happen it’s okay I think genuinely I think I picked the exact

Right direction to to go and so it’s fine uh I feel like I might want a sword for self-defense uh yeah and as far as like stuff I’ve been doing outside of just working out um been producing a lot of videos I actually I hired an editor

Recently I got an editor together just it’s actually tins tins I did a live stream interview with him you can totally check it out he’s cool uh if you speak Scottish Scottish if you speak Scottish uh you’ll you’ll like them if you don’t speak Scottish the the new other

Language then you know you’re probably not going to be able to understand it but you will be able to understand the FBF video that he did which is the video about Minecraft server which I happen to say I do think uh is a good video to

Watch uh it’s a good video of his he just did a good job with it in fact he’s working on a sequel to that video which is probably going to be out by the end of this month uh so that is pretty cool and so you know

Maybe go check that out after you watch this video who knows uh yeah and I’ve gotten him working on some of the videos and not really like out of like oh I I can’t work on these videos it’s like it’s just to you know ease the burden

Off of uh just having to post a video every two days instead I can work on like um other stuff basically cuz like recording takes time and then editing the recording always takes more time than recording the video and it’s like and if I can just put that time instead

Of putting it into you know actually the editing process which is mostly just like really fundamental like really basic right now it’s not like uh it’s not it’s not fun editing there’s like fun editing where you’re like oh I’m expressing my creative like here it’s like these videos are really not like if

They had creative edits in them I feel like that would make them less good they that you’d lose the appeal of these videos if they were well like really really high high edited um you know there’s like a there’s the subtlety editing and then there’s the flashy

Editing and like if I put if you put the fun flashy editing you know it’s not going to be it’s not going to be really like good but you know there’s a lot of subtle stuff sort of that goes into these videos not a lot but you know

There’s uh mostly like sentence cutting together and all that stuff so it makes it seem like I can talk better than I actually do most of that is what what goes on and that takes time uh even not as much time is like a lot of the flashy

Kind of stuff that I would do you know like all those things not as much but it still takes time and uh if I could just take that time and put it into thinking up a better title of thumbnail or like planning out my next video better or

Working on like uh I’ve been posting stop motions working on those uh cuz like I find stop motions are like really cool animation as a medium like all kind of Animation I love that stuff I think it’s really dope but uh you know YouTube doesn’t really has a habit of being like

Short form videos that are not like don’t make money first of all I don’t make money but like at some point that’s going to be a factor that plays a new up they first off they don’t make money second off they don’t well first off they don’t get views second off they

Don’t make money or it’s very hard to make them make money so uh I ideally what I want to do is get to a point where I can make money uh and and get views and to you know to make money you got to get views basically they don’t reward

They’re not they don’t uh inherently making stop motions especially given that that my brand is Minecraft and not an animation channel on top of that leads to very very love viewership on top of the fact I’m not like a very good animator my skills are mostly editing

Based so it It All Leads to being like this is going to be a financial loss for me you know or it might even hurt my channel to post videos that aren’t it but I think longterm I think long term it’s not going to hurt my channel but

Shortterm getting like these videos do not perform as well if the they’re not you know if YouTube sees me posting 40c Lego stop motion animations even if they are about Minecraft it just it’s not something that YouTube wants me to do people people just don’t really want to watch

That from me they want to watch it from the guy who does Lego stop motions and they want to watch like the 10-minute Lego stopmotions too I really don’t have the time to put 10 minutes to make a 10-minute stop motion I think I might have a two or three minute stop motion

Somewhere uh that I will eventually put together but two or three minutes is still not 10 you need 10 if you want to go viral you need at least 10 minutes I maybe eight they they they lowered it to eight it’s possible with eight but I generally speaking 20 minutes might even

Be like where it’s at that’s why these videos do so well it’s like I I put together a good thumbnail add a good title to that and then make the video 20 minutes long that goes viral doesn’t matter if the video is like like the presentation of it doesn’t matter the

Quality matters and a certain like like depends on like the vibe of what you’re going for right but if you’re doing like a 20 minutes on motion the work to reward ratio is not going to be the same as a 20 minute Minecraft talking video

So you know to to free up some time to be able to work on those and other projects and that I have and I also you know work as a video editor on the on top of that um you know to free up time and make sure I can do that I’ve got

Tins yeah and and so that was the the things that have been going on and I’ve been I’ve been happy with how what tins has been putting out and I I want to shout him out publicly on the channel for that um I also want to make that

Clear cuz like I remember I made a video the video I did talking about how all like we need to have higher standards for YouTube videos for us to watch I think uh that that video is a little funny um but I got somebody who commented saying that like all of these

Like people who like hire editors to make all their stuff and none of it’s authentic and I thought that was really funny because uh the video was edited by tins um I mean it wasn’t like a hate comment or anything it was just like it

Just felt ironic cuz I got an Editor to do that I I got tins to make the video and there is actually sort of an element to that uh where it’s like how much of your your creation is lost when you’re not the one involved with every process

Of it and I just think about it kind of like like how directors make movies that’s this is my cope I guess it’s like it’s not really any different because if a movie director can get all the this Acclaim and credit for making such a great movie and yet a director just

Tells other people what to do sure they might they don’t even have to be the writer of the story they just have to be the guy that tell who knows what what he wants that’s the thing he knows what he wants and then he tells people to to try

And make what he wants uh and then he knows when you know it’s just like somebody a director is somebody who directs what’s happening tells everyone to what to do but he’s not actually the guy who makes all the art he can have an idea but you know they have a

Cinematographer isn’t even a lot of the times the guy who directed the movie isn’t even the cinematographer so the shots you’re seeing well the idea of what’s happening and the way that the guy is like being like you know it’s being basically think of you know like

Back SE like driving or gaming or something where like the guy is telling this other dude what to do but the other dude’s doing everything he’s like what are you doing that’s kind of basically what being a director is it’s like being the guy telling the guy how to do his

Job and uh but it doesn’t make that like you know people seem to could be fine with that as far as the concept just doesn’t make that any less authentically like a Tarantino film is not any less authentically a Tarantino film cuz other people helped him make it right I’m sure

I think that directors get a lot of like over like too much claim over uh you know the their subordinates and whatnot and that’s that is I think unfortunate a lot of people don’t get the the credit that they deserve but at the same time it’s like that’s just kind of how like

Human society Society uh you know is put together it’s just how like we like to idolize people and over overstate the importance of people usually I think from what i’ I’ve seen when I look behind like a direct look up a director and find out like what’s up

With them usually there’s like this director is paired with like a certain set of actors with a certain set of uh like you know if they’re if they don’t like usually they write their stuff it’s like they either have like a co-writer that writes with them and uh you know

They’re the director of course but they have a writer or they have you know they can have a writer and an editor who follows like edits all of their movies like a co-writer that writes all their movies with them uh actors who like always appear similarly in a lot of

Their movies not always all of their movies but like there’s actors that they like to work with they have you know and that goes all the way down the chain like the production to like design of the casting director like all of these people will follow a director if you

Have a successful movie the people who helped you make that successful movie tend to help you make the your next successful movie cuz it’s like the director will get all the credit but everyone Underneath Him stays with that guy and sure they work on other movies with other directors too because you

Know that guy’s not always working on projects or whatever and there’s so much time and not enough movies to go around I guess for people that’s how it works yeah that the just you know cuz a YouTube video isn’t 100% done by one guy doesn’t mean that it’s not authentically

A piece of interesting art or an interesting video or good or unauthentic to that guy you know it just means that there’s another hand that’s involved that’s being guided that doesn’t mean that it’s not good you know not that any anyone here necessarily is making that

Case but I just I think it is an interesting topic to to discuss and think about because there’s a lot of like you know implications there and also I just want to talk about movies I like movies movies are cool I don’t know if you can tell I like movies movies are

Cool uh I’ve been watching a lot of them recently I recently watched a bunch of this guy called wongar y uh he he is a he’s a Hong Kong director he he did this movie called Chun King Express he’s done a movie called fallen angels and I think a movie called happy

Together I think I don’t know it’s a they’re all all three of them are good that I’ve seen there’s more he’s done more than just that but like it is uh it is interesting it’s interesting what uh other like directors got he’s got a really really like interesting style

Because I recently watched this movie uh ghost in a shell you know any cyber any kind of cyber Punky movie they all like they they have they turns out they’re just kind of like a movie movie that’s shot in Hong Kong looks already

Like or at least a won car Y movie but I think Hong Kong just kind of looks like a cyberpunk world for some reason because they got a lot of that neon light or maybe ’90s ’90s Hong Kong because I was also watching police Story by Jackie Chan I watched that and for

Those of you guys who don’t know that’s one of Jackie Chan’s most famous like big league good movies uh and it’s got like crazy stunts and it’s pretty funny too and I I actually heavily recommend it police story and police Story 2 both are fantastic actions fights and then

Like set pieces and everything and then like good story really funny you know and uh you know even they even hit some emotional beats and stuff too so it’s like all really good uh and uh and just impressive like you’ll see stuff they’re doing and it’s like this was done in

What is it the 80s and it’s like there’s yeah I think it was like ‘ 87 or something like that it’s like they didn’t have they have technology like that that’s not fake there’s it’s not fake like there’s safety Tech right but that’s not fake a guy still had to go on

The side of like a bus or us there’s a scene where Jackie Chan is in a mall and he slides down like three story pole and then Falls onto like a greenhouse at the bottom or something and it’s just crazy cuz you know you know that guy did it

For real even even if he’s like wired up and he’s totally safe you’re still like wow that guy did that that is that is something you know that’s like it just it just it’s like whoa um yeah uh but I’ve just been like the action movies are great I love

Action movies um I also like some like ROM romcoms or like you know romantic stuff dramas and all that serious movies funny movies I love them all but I action action and animation and action animation really has a has a has a has me probably animation I love animation

And then I love it when they go hype actually it’s not doesn’t necessarily be have to be action but a hype emotional beat mixed with some crazy visuals that are happening and not just like surreal like whoa but like somebody’s getting like there’s like a boom like an impact

Of some kind oh it’s the greatest it’s the greatest kind of I kind of just I just love watching that stuff like Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen I still haven’t finished season two yet I think there’s maybe one episode I have left to watch but that slps I uh it goes crazy

Hard all of it even season 1 which isn’t even half as well animated as season 2 and it’s it was already really well animated it’s just the problem is like the stord a bit generic especially at the start but you’re like oh this is good it’s just like everything that it

Does is just done it’s just the same stuff but done really really well and then season 2 is like we’re going to do that and then we’re just going to we’re just going to go insane we’re going to you know like you can tell like when

When they people say that oh like the the animators for this show are just dying like they’re all being overworked and they’re dying and it’s like yeah I can see it I believe it I believe 100% they are dying absolutely that show is phenomenal and it’s not to say that like

Everybody you know to make good art you have to be dying or like suffer but you know you can tell tell I can tell I can tell can I say when something looks like it took a long time to do I’m in a vulnerable position one creeper and it’s it’s

J yeah I’ve been uh drinking a lot of water out of plashing bottles recently I think I’ve got that like microplastics probably in my brain or something like that I’m gonna die I should stop but this plastic water bottle like it’s it’s just so convenient it’s so tiny too it’s it’s but here’s

The thing it’s not like a like a proper plastic water bottle it’s like a Dan like you know garbage water bottle which is why I’m a little worried that I’m probably dying because if I leave water in it over a day it starts to taste like plastic so that probably says something

About it maybe just tastes stale I don’t know but I should get a metal one I really should yeah but it’s just this one is is so tiny I need to find a metal one that’s the same size and metal ones like they Dent you know plastic ones they

Just kind of they just don’t like break in the same way I don’t know it is crazy how much plastic we use that is just absolutely never like going to get like it’s not recyclable well no it is recyclable I mean like not that it’s recyclable it’s you we could use an

Obscene amount of plastic and we know that it it’s being taken from a source that’s not renewable within like a thousand of our lifetimes right right so it’s just odd to think that we why are we so okay with using that kind of resource so so much CU we think there’s

Like unlimited amounts of oil because it uses oil so not only are we burning oil into the atmosphere you know to killing the planet or whatever um and also using it all so quickly and not doing anything to like slow it down like we should be making things out of plastic that are

High quality built to last why are we making disposable things treat it like it’s like metal but the thing about metal is metal is recyclable like 100% you can you can take that iron and remelt it back into something it’s still going to be Iron I think I think that’s

How it works unless I’m wrong um you know you make a make a iron door you can melt that iron door into anything else as long as you have metal it’s just one metal melts it down reheat melt whatever but you you do that with plastic it like

It’s like really doesn’t doesn’t shape in other things very easily and wears out so just seems to me very counter what you would want to do with a material that you can’t really reshape is use when you make something out of plastic you should think about it even

Better than when like more thoughtfully than when you make something out of metal I don’t know like I think uh when I think about like high quality plastic I don’t actually I don’t know like in the the rest of the world what what like kinds of plastic is being used but I

Know that like when I think like high quality plastic I go like oh yeah Lego Lego that like that is that is high quality plastic and I think they they always make advertisements about it it might not actually be that high quality but when I think about it it’s like Lego

Pieces just they don’t degrade really they do but they don’t it’s like they’re really they’re they they they keep their their mold and sure it’s like why is the Dan water bottle that you buy for two bucks not thought of with the same level of like care why

Is it like you’re you’re expected to just throw it out why don’t you care it should be something that you buy and then you carry it around with you for like seven months you know and I would pay like 15 bucks or something for something that I would carry around for

Like a long time I bet you can probably in the future they’ll Trace M microplastics to like the increase in like ADHD diagnosis or something I bet it has like that in like the internet absolutely 100% the internet is the reason why like people’s brains are just low functioning now

Nowadays yeah okay I still think this angle is perfect cuz usually I go up around that way then far into that direction and then I take a hard right so we should be we should be good yeah but let’s go back to movies I’ve been

Watching a lot of movies one of which I just watched was Ghost in the Shell that movie I like that movie that was a good movie I I didn’t really follow 100% of it but I think it’s cuz it’s like seems like it’s a part two or

Something there’s another one I got to watch I watch the 1995 and then there’s a 2005 seems like it was made with a sequel in mind but it was good like usually when I watch these movies I go wow anime is cool this is really well animated didn’t understand it thing that

Happened in it this is like like Akira is like that if you if you watch Akira you’ll be like wow that’s the fastest two hours that’s ever I’ve ever experience that’s a 2-hour movie I felt like 45 minutes you know right when you’re like oh this is getting a little

Bit like long it ends it’s like oh okay it’s actually it’s perfect but you the whole time you’re like what’s happening in this story why is it why is this guy doing this what is why do I don’t care about a single character in this that’s the whole like thing that’s

The whole when you’re watching it just that that’s all you’re thinking you’re just like I don’t know what’s happening and like a lot of people like that I’m not one of those people that like that I I could I may even talk about uh my least favorite anime of all

Time but I I want to make a whole video dedicated to why I don’t like that I might actually write out bullet points for that I actually wanted to make it like a proper video maybe I’ll write a script even for it uh and you know do

Some fancy visuals but for now I am going to just leave I got to keep my hands off it because it’s a project that’s either I want to do it really really big or I don’t want to do it at all I I was really passionate about it I

Want to rewatch it actually because maybe I’ll rewatch it and I’ll think it’s like amazing or I’ll like oh it’s actually not that bad because I I finished the show and I was like this just sucks but maybe if I rewatch it and I like it then maybe I won’t make my

Video maybe I’ll make my video about how I thought I hated it and I actually love it but I don’t know if I’m going to be like I actually think I do actually here’s this I the thing is I actually do kind of like it but I don’t like the

Fandom around it CU I I think of it as like it’s aesthetically beautiful you don’t know what I’m talking about still but it’s fine it’s aesthetically beautiful but it’s not the story makes no it’s like the story stupid it like kind of makes sense it’s stupid people

Think it’s oh it’s so deep it’s so deep it’s so great people being my friends and some YouTubers online like that’s General consensus I’m like no no you’re wrong you’re wrong and I I want to make a video being like you’re wrong just you’re wrong I don’t even I’m not going

To say anything I’m just going to say you’re wrong no but I actually want to like lay out points because I I’ve tried to convince my friends they don’t they don’t get it and I think it’s because I I I don’t actually have points I just

Don’t like it and so I actually want to figure out the real reason I don’t like it because I I just don’t like it and say you can just not like something but this is this one feels like I feel vindictive about it feel like upset that

I don’t like it other people like it and I I need to explain why I don’t like it in a way that like the average person could understand but I’m not going to say the name of it but yeah Kira is kind of like mid story mid story good very

Very good on an artistic level extremely good artistically people seem to think vague and like is is equal like symbolism and vague like equals good story or something like it’s kind of hard to explain but with Aira it’s like the whole movie goes by and you’re like

What happened I don’t know what happened like I why did all of the who is this character you know they think that like just I think it’s just cuz the manga’s really long and the movie is only two hours so it’s like they got to condense

A lot maybe maybe that’s the the reason it is the way that it is but a good-look movie mixed with a good well told story that’s my favorite kind of movie is it one that looks good and has like a good story speaking of a movie that looks

Good and has a good story I thought that I watched Sin City which is not an anime but it is an comic book adaption that is made to look very similar to black and white Noir film uh and it has its bad acting moments it has

Its moments of like this is kind of cringe uh and it’s like a bunch of short stories uh that’s directed actually by the guy who did the comic which is cool and another guy Robert Rodriguez who’s done an animated adaption actually called Lolita no not L not Lolita Alita

Lolita is a different that’s a whole different that’s a whole different genre of the anime World um Alita battle Angel it’s a really good actually I liked it it’s not the great it’s not like a great it’s it’s a good movie a really good V effect

Uh which is usually sounds like a knock but it’s one of those ones where I’m like actually think it’ll hand hold up mostly because the V effects are not trying to look like real it’s kind of like Avatar where it’s like they’re not people they’re like she’s like a robot

Lady she she they gave her anime eyes and you think it would like look incredibly creepy but you actually get over it in almost like five minutes it’s it’s actually kind of crazy how how like you’re just fine and I rewatched recently and I was like yeah this is

Still the exactly how I F like was when I watched in theaters so I’m happy about it he also did another movie called uh Dawn till Dusk written by Quin Tarantino and directed by by Rodriguez and star has Quin Tarantino Direct and that was good and I will admit that the first

Half of that movie is a lot better than the second half first half is like wa this is a Cool Crime Thriller and then the second half is like this is a vampire murder film you’re like that’s not what I thought it was going to be

But it was good it was good regardless of that even then it’s like ah this is a pretty good vampire murder flick I just it just Swifts it just switches genres on you and you’re like bro I really like the other genre though you did it too good okay yeah you’re not

Nuh-uh nuh-uh what why did he walk backwards bro uh yeah and actually I thought Tarantino was doing a pretty good job acting as like a he like a like a nut psychopath nut guy with a foot fetish it’s like wow sounds almost like the guy himself you know pretty crazy

Huh but it’s a good movie and Tarantino also directed a scene in it which was actually a pretty good scene uh and it’s it’s got it quirks and I I actually recommend it if you anyone wants to watch Sin City that’s just fire uh there’s some really good there’s a

Really good like storyline and there’s a couple of really good ones and a couple that are like more cringe but you’re just like who cares this such a weird movie you never see a movie like this it’s like it’s shot entirely on green screen which sounds terrible but the

Backgrounds are like trying to be like a comic book so they they just like are playing with like green screen and playing around with it and they’re just experimenting with that style and uh like what they show cuz cuz it’s all in black and white except some parts

That aren’t in black and white and it has good actors in it and it’s really actually you really go wow they are really good actors when you realize they’re all acting in front of a green screen there’s nothing around them they’re all just doing no there’s nothing like I saw something behind the

Foot scene footage they’re supposedly in a car and they’re just on a giant green screen set and you’re like how how do you act and they’re they’re SE in character it’s like perfect cuz it just it fits it’s really it’s actually kind of like really weird cuz you’re looking

At and they’re like completely in character they’re all soaking wet like it’s raining you know they look like they’re in the world that the green screen there but there’s nothing there and it’s like they wow they were they were thinking when they made that some

Of it doesn’t hold up 100% but most of it does it’s pretty crazy yeah and there’s a there’s like a cool there’s just all these like weird like creepy characters and and it’s just it’s just a good movie it’s just good movie good time good time uh good kind of movie to

Just put on also in the background while like other people are doing things you know like a party or something something you just have that playing in the background it’s like you do it’s so it’s a visually striking that you can be entertained without words and that’s

Usually pretty much as much as you want to get out of a movie if you can be entertained and then without dialogue even that’s like wow um it’s a good it’s good I liked it uh I’d recommend it m makes me want to watch more by that

Guy um you CU like uh what is it the Rodriguez guy his Robert Roger Ro any yeah one of the directors of it um he’s he makes good movies I already talked about his movies Robert Rodriguez I think that’s his name wow how did I how

Am I not sure I’m pretty sure I said it with like complete confidence earlier this is the plastic the water bottle plastic I was talking about earlier it’s just infecting the M the water bottle plastic the micr Plastics PL passing the the blood brain barrier that is something that I’m a little worried

About I’m thinking like when I get older like I think at the end of the day you could probably fix all of your old people problems with enough money you know just a healthyish lifestyle or whatever but one you can’t fix is if you get like dementia you can fix it sort of

Like not fix it but you can make it so it doesn’t seem like you have dementia like I I saw that like a guy who’s just like you know really working towards it but you have to work on it to really practice you have to actually

Start you know like old people they get to a point where they’re old and they’re like I don’t want to exercise anymore and then they stop ex see that’s my light Trail the base is right over in this direction so I think we’re that’s my trail of like you walk across there

You go up into the mountains over there you turn right so hopefully I’m actually dead on them with the dead on with the path and we’re going to be there just straight but well yeah yeah so I like I I don’t want to be like old and just be

Like yeah my body’s all up I’m just going to stay up like I think I think a lot of old people could fix a lot of their issues if they just decided to put more effort into it and I guess a part of being old it really is

Like a mindset thing like you start to really be old when you start to think of yourself as old more it’s a lot it sounds stupid especially coming from me who’s young and knows nothing but um I think that is part of it I think it’s as

Long as you always feel like you know you remain like you know like that that what’s it that uh Aristotle or whatever like a lot of those philosophers were there I don’t know if it was Aristotle or like play or something where he’s like I know nothing I’m stupid I’m

Stupid and I’m trying to learn I feel like that guy you know I feel like that guy knows what’s up but also there’s like Plato Plato was like jacked apparently apparently he would just like like he would just like start flexing and he could win arguments I don’t know

I heard that like down the like the chain of Internet War I haven’t actually Googled that but I think Plato means like strong or something like that in Latin it’s not unrealistic I would I mean I don’t even know if it means L it might be like this is something that

Sounds believable for some reason and is not something I’m going to fact check cuz I I want to believe it and I don’t want to be wrong I mean I don’t want to know that it’s not true I want I want to be true that when he would just flex and

He would win arguments because he was so jacked you just start just flexing his biceps and just instant insta win I want that to be real okay let that be real please I want there to be documented scroll evidence somebody in the comments who knows about this please tell me

That’s real and if it’s not real don’t say anything we need this this is a kind of false information that needs to be spread online because that’s like that is good fake in fake info because it’s like who cares if that’s true or not that doesn’t actually affect much it

Just affects my opinion the guy go wow he’s jacked that’s cool that’s fun it makes me want to learn more about philosophy because of the Jack philosopher I’m sure they a lot of them existed you know but you always think of philosophers kind of like people maybe

Greek ones you always think of them as like buff kind of like Chads or whatever you know like modern day philosophers you think of them kind of like or maybe more like like when I’m saying modern day philosopher you think like n another them are Jack you’re like these guys are

Like worry too much oh God is dead and d d d so bro chill out chill out the the West has not Fallen not not the way you’re thinking okay we’re not the we this is not like a social collapse or anything here and like or like there’s

This one guy can’t remember his name um he was like talking about like he’s the guy who’s basically credited with the coming up the I think there for I am mindset and that was his way of proving that because he was so like neurotically afraid of the world and being like I

Think that maybe we’re not all real and we all aren’t actually real may have overshot you know what I’m going to do I’m going to going to walk out a little bit we’re just going to plot this out like so have a feeling my Bas is around the corner like literally right there

Then if I’m wrong it’s just over there I’m wrong let’s just try and find it I think it’s over there this is cuz I I I baited so far out uh kind of my fault for doing that but look I was doing a video and I never thought I’d come onto

This world again but here I am doing it anyways for some reason what is this this is like day three yeah that’s looking like it more okay I don’t want to actually walk that far out we will continue and then find out that I actually in the wrong spot and it this

Was all for nothing and it’s fine because we’ll build a like a cool thing at the end if there’s no base at the end and it doesn’t connect or something I don’t know so imagine if I had sound on this game right now think about how obnoxiously loud the swimming sound

Would be right now but we we’re also sadly not blessed with the Minecraft OED sound so it’s Rip but whatever it is what it is we will move on we’ll live I’ve been thinking about cinema and movies a lot I’ve been thinking about making a movie I really want to make one

But I I I like wanting to make a movie I don’t know if I actually want to make a movie I just want to want to make a movie I just like the feeling of wanting to make one every time I watch something I get inspired to make something and

Don’t don’t ever make anything uh rarely actually so I I got inspired by Arcane and then I I went and I got to work on a gokanaru video and I made like a whole little like mini animation thing for it that was like one of the first times I think that I’ve

Taken like movie like directly watched a show and then been like I am doing this this is I’m making something that’s inspired by it uh and it was it was a work of prion um yeah it was the uh it was Destiny versus sneo fight it was it

Was just like a mini short cartoon basically for cartoon it’s like a weird it’s like a internet historian style animation uh for uh just a quick drama video that he made it was pretty good it’s a pretty good intro I would say it was a pretty good intro but The Others

May disagree not to be narcissistic here but I think it was the best thing I’ve ever done it’s the not even the best thing the best thing ever made oh yeah I mean it’s out right now on his channel for his Destiny divorce wife divorces him it’s a it’s a fun thing I

Storyboarded it’s the first ever anything I’ve storyboarded I think that wasn’t like an actual animation animation I guess it’s the first like edit kind of thing that I’ve storyboarded I thought it was pretty pretty good pretty cool it worked out pretty much exactly how I wanted it to

So can’t really complain when it everything works how you want it to oh the the fight was like this let let me go let me break it down with you with my words Destiny he fights off the suitors of his current going to be W ex wife or

Whatever like cuz she divorces him and so he fights off leafy is here is the first suitter that he fights off just cuz like there’s a stream of him and sneo talking about her he’s like she’s so hot I think it’s something he said something he’s like you you have to bang

Her and then the next one is sneo so he kill he decapitates uh leafy’s here sneo gets scared cuz sneo is like a not I would say he’s a bit of a wimp my personal opinion I thought it’d be funny to make him like scared so he was

Terrified he runs away and then there’s like a hooded figer it’s like who is it and then it’s meme tick no mimics or whatever it’s the guy who Destiny’s wife ran away with to speeden to fall in love with him or whatever so they’re they’re together now and he

Allegedly threatened to un unexist himself you threatened to no longer exist he’s like pulls out a bomb vest that’s like the funny joke of it he’s like bomb vest I’ll take us all with you with me if you don’t if you don’t let me don’t let her go and then she leaves and

Just like kisses him and he Destiny falls on his knees and he cries and then he signs to he has to sign the divorce paper and that’s the end of it and it’s like it’s not it’s not the the coolest thing in the world but if I’m being

Honest it’s I I think it’s pretty cool it’s not the craziest thing in the world but it’s it’s the craziest thing in the world it’s actually best piece of media ever made I don’t know I I spent like a lot of time on it and I liked it

By the end I have you have to like it if you work on that much although I’ve had times where I’ve worked on a project and and then not known if it was good or not after spend I SP spent 60 hours working on a video one time and like when I

Watch it now I don’t like it I can’t really don’t really like it like it’s not a bad video at all really I just don’t like it I just I look at it and I only see flaws I only see like things that I could do better now it was such a

Learning process video for me uh it’ll be on goken AR’s Channel eventually uh and I I spent literally I I I clock my hours when I when I make videos just so it’s not like like cuz I get I don’t get paid by the hour I get

Paid for like commission but paper video but I like to log just how many hours I’ve gone down the drain and uh 60 for that video and I was like whoa that’s a lot of that’s a lot of time um and it sadly doesn’t feel like it was worth it

I don’t think you could tell 60 hours went into that but it it it was a it was a lot and then it was like the video was just like okay at the end of it um in fact another guy ended up working on it as well and like

As a Finishing Touch and his like edits which probably maybe it took a while but it didn’t it didn’t wasn’t 60 hours right ended up improving the video like probably like a 50% increase in like how easy to watch it was and it’s just like that just goes to show how much like

Pacing really matters in a video like I I didn’t have any idea about how to do pacing or anything it’s like I’ve improved since then I’m a far better video editor now don’t worry that was like my that was my really my first big project it took so long and it was like

I did it for I was like I think it took two or three months so it’s like ultimately I wasn’t working on it like like hell like a lot a lot because it’s like 60 hours and like three months it’s not a lot of time per day but I was like

W all that time went into it at the end of the day just 60 hours went into it and it only was that good it’s like now I now I can make a better video in less time in like less number of days and less number of hours which is like just

Go to show how much I’ve improved it’s nice I guess look back and be like wow yeah that really you really could do that but it is I guess sometimes it’s like there’s a thing that’s like a product of like a lot of like Blood

Sweat and Tears you know it’s not like I I just I I got really like stressed out over that project I think uh and I was just like this uh I really have to work on this I really got to get this out it was a first time ever doing any project

I was like w what the heck I needed to get this done well I didn’t need to get it done but I was like I would have liked to have gotten it done in like a month as opposed to like two or three I forget how long it was but you know I

Got my together now doesn’t take that want to make a video anymore it’s just like I don’t want to uh I don’t want to spend that much time on a video and it really is it’s like more is less if you can cutting a video pacing a

Video matters so much more than the actual edits like if you spend 10 hours on an edit you know even if it makes the quality good it’s not worth it the amount of time it takes to make that good that makes your video if you can just cut it and it cutting cutting

Something out of a video takes like 20 seconds to cut something out Max like to remove something and as opposed to adding stuff which always takes longer but the removal can save you like hundreds of hours by just removing content that you don’t need to add more

To but is it is really actually cool to be able to like have a video and a concept that you don’t have to think about right and the recording of which you don’t have to it’s not your concern about how it was recording it just gets

Sent to you and then you’re like I get to play a key role in in like you get the plot beats you know of how it’s supposed to go down here’s the 3A structure of your video here’s how you know uh gokar would want this video put together and then you get

Uh and you get you go okay and then you get to shape how that actually works in reality as opposed to just on paper you get to actually shape and it’s like that’s really cool and you get to to to put together like an interesting style I

Really like um on my YouTube channel I have a a series of thumbnails that I do for a live stream series uh called like resident evil streams or whatever something like that uh it’s just my Resident Evil streams collection I think it’s on like a playlist on my channel but each one of

The thumbnails for that is like a mini little art project that I do it’s not like I don’t usually spend too too much time on it but it is something where I I want to try and make this like an impressive kind of like a little like I

Want to make it look cool that’s what I want to do I want to make this look like uh almost like a something you would put on the wall or something it’s like I don’t know if I succeed every single time but artistically I like it when

Videos kind of look really each of those videos have a lot of uh noise like different colored like noise artifacts if you know what that means like a like a very staticky looking like static like TV static but you like cut color it different I like to add that

Kind of effect on top of or behind like images and text and stuff and then making different colors that kind of match the scene and like set the lighting to be like really distinct and then also like really noisy and um very like static staticky like like the way that

Looks where that sound personified as a as a as a visual uh oh writing dude I want to write a story I want to write like a I have written a short story actually I did it on stream one time but I I want to I want to write a a full

Book just so I can write a full book that’s the problem I I want to make a movie just so I can make a movie because I thought I think that would be really fun but I never have it’s like the story it’s like What story do I want to tell

When it comes down to it I’m like what is there for me to what what am I supposed to what do I what what is there to to do you know what how do I how do I do that what do I how do I write a story all I want

To do is the visuals of it most of the time so it’s like I I guess I need to find a writer who wants to do that but at the same time it’s like it’d be cool to write a book then I can adapt the

Book into a movie and it’s like what am I going to write about and it’s like full blank no idea what I want to write about when it’s like I I’m sure I there’s something I want to write about I just don’t know what it

Is and then it’s like it’s a matter of sitting down there and figuring it out I guess but something about that it’s just something is stopping me from figuring out and I think it’s myself can we see it you see it that looks like a little bit of light in the distance

That a star maybe no that looks like a a forest with that has up some lights on it that might be exactly where we need to go it’s actually I might have been 110% completely spoton about the location of this thing I want to talk about uh won car y

Movies Chun King Express Fallen Angels particularly fallen angels I like that movie uh gu is most the most recent one that I’ve seen chunking Express is also good but it is a it is a quality move movie Fallen Angels it’s got It’s got this directing like every time I see a

Movie by won car the Hong Kong director I watch it and I I want I realized that I I could make a movie like this there’s no part of this is that I technically like I don’t have the capabilities to do right now all I need to do is find a a

Grungy looking place locally and then bring a camera and an actor and have a scene that I want to shoot and then I just make it color it funny I just color it a funny color and I do some interesting effects to it and suddenly I have a movie that’s totally

Watchable totally my totally like cool and like really unique suddenly I have a Criterion Collection worthy movie why don’t I do that maybe I will maybe I will do that I I every single day I feel like I’m getting closer to just being like breaking having a psychotic break

And directing a movie maybe I should do that maybe I should have a mental breakdown and it like cure Myself by turning it into a film maybe this is a cat but I really feel like I have not nothing I want to talk about that’s not

True I do but what is it that I want to talk about I want to talk about Minecraft can I make that into a movie I wonder if I could do that I wonder if I could make that into a movie just talking about like because a lot all

Movies are just really just talking in different places that’s what a movie is you want to know what a movie is it’s just talking in different places that’s fact that’s just what it is there it is that’s my base hey talk about being pretty much spoton location wise I’m a genius dude because

Script writing is like my weakness but there’s like a guy called Jo Joel hav on YouTube and he makes movies he’s made a couple movies I’ve only watched one all of them are completely improvised completely improvised with the actors they’re beautiful like the one that I watched was beautiful I was like wow

This is emotionally resonant and great completely improvised complete fabrication of a film and I was like wow that is crazy that is crazy absolutely crazy uh I I just I was just taken taken away by how good it was and how planned it felt and maybe there

Was like a plan but like apparently you know he just goes like I don’t like writing so he just improvises the movie it’s like there’s no way the first movie he ever made was good absolutely no way that’s fine you know that’s life there’s nothing you do in the first try that’s

Ever good there never never every single person you think has been good since the beginning just put their 10,000 hours in earlier than you did you’re like a child it’s like if a child’s the only thing a child has ever done is do 10,000 hours of piano lessons you’re going to be good

At piano okay be good at gymnastics or whatever the heck they do just cuz they got it done earlier if they make movies when they were really young and they painting even you know especially children you know they have a lot more free time than adults do it’s so you can

Get you can get better than a child easily you just don’t have the time you have Society is holding you back life expectations are holding you back that’s the only difference I I don’t know I I I’m always disappointed by my acting chops whenever I try to do anything impro it might may

Be not like acting trops exactly but my improv chops like bismal it’s bismal not funny simple as that I’m not funny not funny as myself and I’m not funny as someone else either that’s that was the disappointing realization not funny as somebody else either yeah it’s just I I

I used I did acting classes a while ago actually and it was it was cringe but I got into it I got really into it and I don’t know for the time for me I guess it was like wow yeah that’s actually not bad you’re not a not a bad performance

From me right there but the amount of times I’ve like what that t that what that uh class actually taught me though was that uh I I’m terrible at remembering a script I the number of times that I had to read that script to memorize it cuz I didn’t I guess I

Didn’t use any memorizing tricks and maybe they’re you’re supposed to but I just went with the brute force method so I I think I read that script like a hundred times like I only had like a short scene to to do but it was like a lot of times because I was like

I’m not going to remember any of this and then I just kept saying until I was I knew until I had it down so hard that I I I just I could remember it that I I didn’t need the script anymore uh and that was pretty crazy like getting

That feeling where you know something like that long it’s like whoa I actually know something like and then then it goes if you’re like fellow fellow act toids ooids fellow actors one of them messes up you can totally bounce off it and just be like yeah doesn’t matter if you

Don’t remember your line cuz I remember it I remember the line does it really matter if this is all made out of wood you know what I might I might just say forget it why did I mine it through the entire thing when I can just connect the

Bridge here oh oh brain moment is happening okay okay okay I had like I wanted it all to be out of wood and then I changed my mind and now I feel foolish for this I should have an eloquent little path and this should lead to like some sort of

Castle comic books are uh you know graphic novels manga anime all that stuff that’s another medium that I have been getting into recently not recently but like I actually started making my own comic which is kind of a recent Development I’ve made one page be be proud of me I’ve made a page

Made a page of art so it’s actually a sketch of what I want it to look like yeah all right this is giving me like man-made bar like whatever like uh bay kind of like water stopper dam is that the word I’m looking for I don’t even know if it’s the word

I’m looking for oh yeah Mickey Mouse recently public domain they tried to stop him they tried to stop Mickey Mouse from going public domain and it’s done we now have him we own the first ever version of him and I guess is every year or so goes by we’ll get get more and

More of Mickey Mouse it’s kind of nuts to think it’s been that long like people have been born and died before Mickey Mouse had became public domain cuz it’s like 95 years like Disney ruined the public domain so badly it’s it’s we we really didn’t have a lot of public good public domain

Stores for a while I mean like the good ones but they’re all old good ones the only reason we get zombie movies today is because they accidentally forgot to copyright it copyright the zombie Movie Stop they forgot to put the register trademark when they posted it and

Because of I guess maybe some sort of legal I don’t know why forgetting to making a simple mistake like that ruins the chance for you to copyright your film but it did for them meaning that anyone who wanted to could make their own zombie movie and now zombies are a

Staple of Pop Culture imagine if there was only only zombie movies by the mro guy not that there are that many good zombie Medias I think maybe early I’ve heard Walking Dead especially early Walking Dead is good haven’t watched it though I watched Sha of the dead and

Going to be honest not super impressed by that movie then I also watched what other zombie media have I really watched I haven’t watched a lot of zombie stuff I guess like well I guess there’s like left for dead it’s a zombie like game watch I played a lot of that that’s fun

I like that game that wouldn’t exist yeah the last of us I didn’t really play The Last of Us I just watched videos about it but I like the story like from what I’ve heard of it it got me invested and I just heard about the story like I I watched

Uh somebody play the game not all of it just like part of the story and I saw it like through the cut scenes or whatever it was like it was like cinematic version where you just have it through the cuts scenes and some guy plays the

Game with the HUD off I watched a lot of that I wow I’m invested dude they got the who’s that guy who’s like I’m the new the new actor everybody likes who’s not Ryan Reynolds Pedro Pascal that’s his name he’s the Mandalorian in the show the Mandalorian you wouldn’t have

Known cuz he never takes his helmet off I like that he doesn’t take his helmet off I I wish more people tried to just keep the helmets on helmets you can tell you can don’t need to show the face to show emotion I feel like personally I think

It’s more interesting if you make the environment show the emotion that would be showing in the face you know I think it’s cool I think it’s cool if you you you figure out a way to do that there’s something about hide in a face that it’s like just get it’s just

Cool actually to be fair though that’s the same thing that furries do and that’s not cool but you know like why is it like Halo Master Chief or clone troopers Storm Troopers Darth Vader no they’re cool that’s not furry that’s not furry at all there’s nothing weird about

That obsession with hiding your face it is actually kind of fun there’s something about putting on like a mask and lots of crazy like horror concepts with that but it’s like no no when furries do it it’s up and weird I’m not trying to defend furries I think

I think it is weird furries are weird I also think it’s a little weird how much like I like clone troopers maybe it’s just because I like them a lot or whatever but like the concept of it to me as a child like got me like why is it

That the Clone carbon copy clone characters are like the ones that I most attached to that I like these guys are so cool maybe it’s just because the writing for them was like they took special care with that but maybe it’s just that the fact there’s minute differences between a bunch of clones

Makes the differences way stand out more in your mind all all I know though is it probably saved them billions of dollars on like having to redesign characters because they just have to like give one guy a tattoo or change his hairstyle and voila you have now made a new character

Even though it’s the same model with the same rig everything it’s no I knew it I know that for a fact that when George Lucas in like the what is it the the 60s Star Wars come out in the 60s or the 70s I don’t know whenever it came out

And he said that your me and your father like he he wrote the lines me and your father fought in the Clone Wars or whatever for Obi-Wan canobi guy to say when he wrote that he knew that in the future he was going to make a fully

CG Army of Clone Troopers and do a prequel series he knew that with a fact he knew that if they were all clones that would totally save him a lot of money in designing characters he knew that he knew that for a fact imagine you’re George Lucas and then you made

Star Wars and people go freaking like crazy and you’re like whoops what do I do now and then you never make anything else except a really weird CGI musical it is actually weird how how like George Lucas is probably one of the most profitable filmmakers of all time he’s

Like made the most money but he hasn’t made a lot of films he hasn’t made the most films but he has he’s made the most culturally impactful film series I want actually I want to watch t THX or whatever that looks like a cool movie I

Just want to see George Lucas be weird because like he he’s a weird guy I can tell just look at him he’s weird and he hasn’t made it any movie except that stupid musical which was not good I was so surprised by how really not good that was was he uh I remember

Hearing like not hearing but I remember I watched it I was there when it happened uh he won like a he he had a short film assignment to like tell a story in a 60 seconds or something and this was like you know in like the 40s

Or 50s or something I don’t know how I don’t know the exact timeline but something like that and he he made a story of the world in 60 seconds or something and it was just like you know something I could have I can do now an

Hour maybe you know it’s like 60 seconds long it’s just pictures moving with s effects but like nobody had ever thought of doing that before I guess that it won awards for his like creativity with it and it’s like imagine being the guy who just

Invented that it was also good like I I remember like I looked at on one yeah that was a good little story thing he had there that was that was good that was well done um so it’s not like he did bad job either literally did a good job I think

THX is also really we weird movie which is why I want to see it I want to I want to see George Lucas before he got big yo he also co-directed that one car movie forget what it’s called with Steven Spielberg that actually made them money I think just about racing cars or

Something Street guys that was a good movie I really like that movie actually I think that was the one that got those two guys their big break something like that they got to make whatever and they got to they got to finally make not whatever but they got to chance to make

Star Wars oh they also did Indiana Jones together I forgot about that never mind he still still made some bangers still at the same time it’s like I want to see George Lucas be given only $10 million to make a movie I know sounds like a lot of

Money but it’s actually very little for a movie budget I want to see what he would do with $10 million nowadays I wonder what he would do I wonder what he would do because it’s like a lot of these big time directors they get so

Used to working with a crap ton of money you know like tarantina or something those guys tarantina does great work but it’s like his great work in these days it costs like $100 million to make you know millions millions millions millions millions upon Millions like I want to

See what this guy does with like $2 million like you know bring him back bring him back to the time when he when he had nothing like see what he can do with little because that’s where the real creativity comes that’s where they start cutting Corners when they have too

Much money it just gets like it gets crazy things balloon out of proportion yeah well movies movies are cool they’re really cool and I would like to get to to making them one day you know and Indie movies are also really cool and I want to make Indie movies more than I

Want to make like a giant ass Blockbuster and I don’t want I think I just I have a weird confidence I feel like I will do it at some point I will make a movie I don’t know if it’ll be a good movie but one day it will happen

I’m not that might be cope though I need to I need to actually do it though maybe I want to make this all look like a oh a gravel path would be kind of cool I miss gravel beaches that is something in modern Minecraft that I think we need

More of I I I don’t see the point in removing them I I don’t know why they got rid of them bring them back put them back in what’s wrong with them just make them really rare make gravel beaches like 1% chance of I don’t know whatever

Metrics they use to make the spawning rights of these even a little bit of gravel we’ll try we’ll try the gravel path uh try making a gravel path at some point we’ll go back now I want to go get a little bit more sand before we take

Off all right we’re back and I went back and I recounted it turns out this is day six which means we have only today and tomorrow left and today is almost over so let’s uh let’s do some last minute touches of uh of that I want

To finish that before the end of uh the day uh before the end of the next day before the end of day seven man that passed a lot faster than the last last episode I wonder if days are shorter no I’ve been recording for the same amount

Of time I think I just had more to say so it felt less like rushed perhaps ah I was just on H Twitter looking at art because I I realized Twitter is like AIDS and I do like to keep up with like YouTube drama like commentary Community

Stuff on there uh but I also like to not feel terrible and not interact with any of the other stuff and so I’ve managed to reconfigure my my Twitter presence so that it is only our art stuff almost so like I follow people from the commentary YouTube space because I like commentary

YouTube and then I also follow a bunch of artists and like I like every time I go on there I see like a thousand old drawings that I think are cool and then I like the drawings and then I’m done that’s my Twitter and then it just shows

Me more drawings so I’ve kind of cracked the code where I can have an enjoyable Twitter using experience without having to get like constantly mad about something or like feel like I’m being roped into being upset about something I don’t actually care about cuz that’s what Twitter does does Twitter be like

You’re mad now you’re you’re that’s why you have this app cuz you want to be mad I just want to I just want to look at cool artists dude not actually I don’t want to be upset constantly okay so here we go let’s go one deeper than

This and then I think that’s probably the extent that I will do any of this you got that and then it can just drop off but it it’ll look that looks pretty convincing doesn’t it yeah there we go hey this reminds me of a like thing I I

Saw where they had like a gravel path and it was like a man-made buffer between the rest of the the world how does that look if it’s gravel I think it’s kind of cooler if it’s gravel what if I put the gravel on the side so you put the gravel on the side

Like this uh and then it’ll look like there’s a layer of gravel that was on the side here when there really wasn’t and instead of it being like this it could be it look like I I I layered it in gravel okay let’s go make the dirt layer like

So there we go I think uh Grass Grows pretty quick in these versions so I’m not I don’t think it’s going to be too big of a deal yeah so I was talking about my Twitter usage any I think that’s the only way you can interact

With Twitter is to use it for Arts and nothing else uh really like I I have it so 99% 90% art 10% I get like brain rot drama YouTube and No politics at all so or or maybe maybe like 0.1% Point 0.5% of it is like politics or something

I guess uh maybe gravel’s not quite the right material to use because it is sort of in low Supply at the moment so I’m not going to use gravel but I will keep it in mind for like future projects yeah look at that there we go it does look

Pretty good though I like the the layering here makes me feel like it’s like a like a painting you got to have that second layer for authenticity sake it’s looking pretty good though maybe maybe there’s a there’s a gravel beach somewhere I can also take resources from but I’m a little

Skeptical I can’t remember there being one oh there we go now we have enough gravel to do at all this is my farm it’s a pretty it’s pretty humble farm and down there’s my mine it’s not really mine it’s more like I’m doing some weird lava art sculpture basically uh it’s

Pretty fun though it’s pretty cool so we’re now on the last day of this uh Adventure here it’s pretty fun pretty cool yeah any I’ve been uh I’ve been inspired to do a little bit of animation of my own um you know uh so I actually

Do have a project that I have well I have a couple animation projects actually that are all in there but I’ve got one that I did a group project with some people I know and uh we were all working on it and then it kind of just

Like it’s like we’re at that point where the Project’s like probably like I would say animation wise like 80% complete but it’s not actually finished uh I like I storyboarded the entire thing and I got people to like separated all of the the segments into working pieces uh I got

All my my cuts done but everyone else is kind of like you know falling behind we used to do like a call every like Thursday to like discuss and make sure we’re like actually working on something and then I stopped doing those so then all the productivity for this project

Just kind of shut down so now I’m trying to get that back in motion but I I don’t really like we’re at the point where I can just do it all myself without having to have anyone else help so that might actually appear on the channel at some

Point uh since I want to want to get doing that so that’ll be pretty cool get that going get that finished get that posted I don’t think it’s uh going to go viral or anything that’s the problem where it’s like I know what videos on my channel do well now it’s

These videos uh this is the kind of stuff people like from me uh but I I I do want to post things that aren’t that so I’ll just I just got to pick and choose my battles I suppose not really complaining though it’s like fine uh I

Will work within it you know I’m glad that people watch my videos though I am actually despite how I’d say sounds I’m actually happy with how that is and I’m glad that people are checking out my stuff uh you know like I got attention before but not like in the same way

Where I had like so many videos pop off like I got we got 11k views this month and I’ve never felt so consistently able to get like a large like a viewer base like I was like averaging like a thousand views video was I say was because my last couple videos have been

Underperforming but I think I think it’s not fluke so I think it as long as I return back to the the old formula I think it’s fine but we’ll see we’ll see maybe it is all Fluke maybe it’s all luck maybe this video won’t perform well

Maybe no one will watch me anymore and it’ll be like oh God this a the end of the end of everything uh but that’s fine if that’s the case then I just go back to making other things and like I was doing before it’s not like uh I have a

Complete lack of anything it’s not like the entire it’s not like everything falls apart if none of these videos take off like that’s totally fine in fact the uh the time investment for these videos is far shorter so it’s not like it’s like more more important that uh my

Other videos take off but they they never do it’s just so so sad like I really am sad about that Jordan Peterson video but it’s okay um it’s probably not as good as I think it is it’s probably why like usually when people don’t watch something that has more to do with

Actually I didn’t make it watchable enough uh and like I think once you get a built-in following it helps like you don’t need to have as many like your videos don’t need to be as algorithmically friendly they still do right but you have a built-in audience

Of people who watch I don’t have that really yet I do have a built-in audience but it’s like way smaller not not really large enough to uh affect the uh YouTube space or whatever so I have to really make these videos things so that’s going

To be my uh you know pill to swallow buet bullet that you got to swallow or whatever that’s what I got to take because you got to I got to understand that if I want a video to do well on YouTube I have to make it algorithmically friendly like I can’t be

Like I’m going to be an artist because I don’t have the the mental capacity to be an artist I need to I need to get to a point where I can get people to watch it if people don’t watch it then I I get depressed and I’m like well why did I

Even do that and it’s like obviously like that’s not the you know not entirely extrange motivated but a lot of that is there and then it’s like yeah if I want to make money doing this like I got to I got to get traction you know it

Just makes sense if once you got the the traction then you can make all the crazy uh crazy videos you want and people will actually watch them and you’ll have the funds to make them better than you ever could that’s just the whole thing and a

Lot of it is just keeping me like motivated and keeping me making things and this so far has been the best way to do it these videos I can make something pretty quickly consistently it’s and it’s doing pretty well and that’s exactly what I want right now cuz I’ll

Fall off the map because when when a video is like 9 months into production it doesn’t actually mean I’ve been working on it for nine months it means that I’ve been like procrastinating it for nine months there’s no no nothing’s being worked on it’s not like getting

Better the longer it waits like I I would rather I wish I could I like that’s what those big channels that uh only post like once a month or something or even less people know that like oh well if there’s no video that means that it’s going to be better when it comes

Out because there always being worked on there’s a reason that it’s taking for so long it’s not like oh I just didn’t feel like it that’s why those channels are able to continue like I would say like H bomber but guy is able to do I know he

Posts other stuff on his like patreon and whatnot but like you know there’s all of his subscribers are not there on Just for his patreon right and they you know they know that like when he posts it’s going to be a banger and so I want

To get to the point where people will wait for my uploads instead of like having to be reminded that I exist because it is there is a certain like you don’t want to fall off because if people forget that you exist then you you get you start to rack up dead

Subscribers and you can be forgotten on YouTube in a what is it a week on the internet everything Cycles out every week right so that’s why a weekly upload schedule is so important because you need to maintain your energy for more than two weeks you need to maintain your

Relevance for more than two weeks that is oh there’s this one guy I literally have a video of his open right now um I found him when he had like 5K Subs Jeff fat Jeff yat his channel I found when a video of his I forget how when he had

Literally like less than 5K or 5K something really it was like a tiny Channel and the videos I was like wow this is so high production but I tried watching his it’s the call of the Void video and I was like this is this is so high production value but it wasn’t

Algorithmically friendly I would say it was really high production value really like good but I didn’t want to watch it because I would I it was like not it wasn’t the kind of YouTube it wasn’t YouTube video it was more like a short film almost and I just like didn’t

Finish it but I was like kind of like shocked and I was looking at his other stuff I’m like this is really good but I was like this isn’t stuff that I would watch it’s not and it’s not that it’s not that there at least I didn’t really

Like really really watch it so I I just like kind of put him out of my mind I didn’t even I think I may have subscribed and then unsubscribed I don’t know uh but then one month ago the doot doot skeleton meme video that he made called no one knows who

Created skull trumpet until now that video got popped into my recommended and then I was like holy crap it’s this guy and I was like well it wasn’t it was kind of obvious it was a matter of time before something eventually hooked but he can he finally cracked the code and

Now I’m like into him I’m like this is this I’m this I’m subscribed to this guy now I like this YouTuber before I didn’t though before I was like this is good this is not for me and now now I’m like no no this is for me I like this guy I’m

Going to watch all his videos now I’ve got him on notifications it’s weird it’s weird how that works let think the the newest YouTuber guy that I’ve seen blow up that I uh I truly uh enjoyed dude I don’t know if anyone else remembers uh

But I do I remember uh there was a time when uh people were thinking that like YouTube uh like you couldn’t there there weren’t a lot of new new channels blowing up on YouTube I remember when people were kind of like blackpilled about that uh I don’t know back in like

2018 18ish like not a lot of new channels that like blew up in 2018 or even like 17 18 and 19 like there weren’t a lot of channels from then maybe 17 was like the last time for a bit uh it wasn’t until 2020 that a lot

Of channels started blowing up not until like Mr Beast shared his formula to the world I think that people started blowing up again it was weird though there was a very big lull of videos for a while uh or new new channels that weren’t like OG’s getting hundreds of

Thousands views I remember that I remember being like man I I I started getting like losing a little bit of Hope for uh my future on YouTube I was like how am I ever going to like get you know blow up or get in the algorithm it seems

So difficult you always need to all the only people I watch have like already got a million subs and it’s like so difficult but now I don’t have that sentiment anymore I see so many new channels popping off like crazy so I think whatever was causing that is no

Longer a thing which I find it to be to be interesting to to say the least looks like it is done this was the seventh day so let’s observe what we’ve got uh this is the night I guess we’ll get we’ll go we on the eth day we’ll do

A little tour of everything that we’ve done um so we can keep building until the night is over so let’s let’s head out that way but I did there was a time when I think uh people were a lot less optimistic about being able to be

Successful on here for a bit it kind of went a dip in EB and flow but I think we’re we’re in a new golden age of YouTube video is uh I’m pretty proud of this uh little little base I got going on here this this I was working on this

In the you need sleep video and and you like better YouTube videos or whatever the two of my other videos and I want to expand it someday to cover the entirety of this ocean I don’t think it’ll happen but it would be funny it would be funny

A funny waste of time to cover this entire ocean in this weed farm cuz weed Farms like on this version not really useful like at all but for some odd reason I really want to make big wheat farm and you can’t even shift in this version so I’m just going

To make the big Wheat Farm the way that it is right now dude when I ever since uh I okay so years ago I I got a job working as a like I I recorded textbooks for like a school and ever since then I’ve got like into listening to my like

Own voice and being like how do you edit your audio your voice to sound good and I realized that that was when I realized I couldn’t read without making a mistake for more longer than a sentence without messing up a line somehow that was kind

Of a a weird Revelation that I had I just I I have dyslexia so I guess it makes sense but like I was just it was just really like after doing it for like 3 years I still somehow could not read longer than like two sentences without

Making a mistake uh of like pronouncing or reading a word wrong it was really it’s like it really made me think it’s like not as skill thing it’s not a skill issue for me like I should know it I must be just disabled I would use like audio editing like every single file

That I had for that was like chopped to bits cuz I would retake audio like uh the lines over and over again it’s crazy it was really annoying but ever since then um I’ve like kind of just been aware of like my how I talk and my even

My speech patterns were just like listening to it more and then when I started doing like videos where I do these Rambles I’ve noticed like I all of the filler words that I use which are like um and uh you know so yeah all of those words can be cut out of my

Vocabulary and it doesn’t actually add anything what those are are like uh buffering buffering sounds that my mouth makes when I run out of words to say when my when my brain has not able to catch you up to the speed of my mouth so

I have to put in some some stall words instead of just going quiet because for some reason I can’t just stop talking I need to constantly be talking instead of just going and then saying what I had to say I have to go uh yeah so then I did this and

Then I did that and it’s just a weird it’s a weird thing that it bothers me a lot I really don’t like that I speak that way cuz I think if everybody could speak without filler I would I would be able to articulate better and these

These videos would be better I think if I could avoid those words more at least it would take less time to make them because I wouldn’t whoa did I just make a thousand different sticks why did I do that oh I saw him earlier and I didn’t

Do anything oh jeez we’re not dying we’re not dying dude that was Panic inducing but one guy who’s really good at this I’ve noticed probably maybe the only person on YouTube who’s really good this except maybe Vsauce Vsauce I think on podcast is pretty good at talking but moist

Critical I’ve noticed is is the best at this like like I I I was really shocked at that cuz he he’s somebody who doesn’t stutter he just talks he doesn’t use filler words either from what I’ve known like really he instead he does it he uses like the same examples like he

Always does like some sort of peen joke or something or some sort of sex joke when he’s talking and that’s like his version of a filler word is he’ll go he’ll reference that a lot he’ll always go back to being like and then I was like prodding the anus of this or

Whatever or this was such a stinky situation it was like some sexual thing you know and like if you listen to it really that’s all that he that’s the only crutch that his speech has he actually is extremely well spoken and able to put across a point like none of

His videos are edited when he posts a video it’s just him straight talking for like 8 to 10 minutes you know and and you think that’s oh it’s just 8 to 10 minutes that’s nothing and it’s like that’s kind of true that’s kind of true

It is kind of nothing but it’s also not exactly nothing either because that’s kind of really impressive to be able to talk without stuttering without messing up and be so direct to your point the only crutch being you have to like talk about some sort of sexual e like

Innuendo or something has to has to be put into every single sentence that’s not the worst like crutch to have as a someone who could as a speaker you know I just find it really really interesting the way that he talks and how easy it is

For him to just like maybe he does a lot of takes Maybe that’s what the thing is that I’m not even noticing because he you know hides it so well or whatever but even he has those live stream clips of him talking even those are like not

Unbearable or anything to watch not that I actually enjoy those uh that content too much I’m not a big fan of his live stream clip so I rather when he talks about a topic and actually you know isn’t just doing a game or something but regardless regardless of

That it’s just kind of impressive how he talks he’s one I think one of the most impressive talkers uh com commentators on YouTube not even just like regardless of what he his actual opinions are he just is a really good speaker I think I’ll keep that that makes it feel like

There’s a bit of erosion happening but I’ll I’ll cover this one up like that yeah there we go let’s let’s observe what have we got doing here so that’s the base over there and this so far is our path our beautiful path to the base right here so we’ll we

Walk up here we go to the base over there and now we’re on our way back oh what a beautiful path this this truly does feel like a like a like Scenic maybe I’ll do that for the rest of the the path as well maybe I don’t know might be a fun

Project to to fill it out I thought it would be a wood project but now I think I’m feeling a dirt path with some whatever you call this not sand I man my brain is slipping we got the the groundwork laid out like very well for this yeah I was originally thinking that

I would but now I think I I’ve gone for dirt path with the gravel on the side that’s the word I was looking for dude it’s this plastic water bottle I’m telling you it’s it’s I’m getting like I’m losing my words the holes in my brain is are being clogged but with

Plastic I need those holes they need to be open but yeah it’s a this is this is a pretty good progress as far as what we’ve done here here here’s we go continue walking out this way we really did just drill a hole right through the

Center of this I I love how how it just goes on until until the fog hits and we’re on like the highest render distance right so the The Fog really it really goes out far dude I like how there it dips in and out of these little little areas so I could

Make a little fort on each one of these axises or not access but like access points I could build a little a little Pavilion or Castle or something look at this this is nice little beach be beach side like Road I could see that being something I’m thinking thinking when I

Feel like I’m done with this world I will do a like World Tour world tour of my INF Dev world my 7,000 year old infdev world tour I noticed that those videos get a lot of views people will be like my four-year-old beta Minecraft world or my foury three-year-old Alpha Minecraft

World oh the spawn is almost in sight is kind of a mistake to walk out that far but hey look I didn’t think there were so I thought I would never die and yet I died like I’ve died like 10 times now so this should make the whole experience a

Whole heck of a lot easier yeah we’re back well that was uh the progress there looks like that’s the island that we destroyed everything from and that’s what we got done today seems kind of simple but it is extremely an extremely long thing yeah I’m thinking like a cozy

Cottage or something will be on the end of each of these and also like at the accents points I can build a little house or something but let’s get the the road done first well regardless of that thank you all for watching I appreciate the the viewership I appreciate the uh

The watching that you watch this far really um you must really like listening to me talk uh so yeah thank you and uh I appreciate you listening to me appreciate you subscribing watching all that stuff it’s really means a lot and I’ll see you guys in the next video goodbye

This video, titled ‘Seven days of Minecraft InfDev…’, was uploaded by SapLow on 2024-02-05 09:52:28. It has garnered 213 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:17 or 5477 seconds.

Minecraft InfDev is the 7 day of 7 days days 7 days… ——————————————————————– My community is for cool people only, uncool people begone… • Discord – • Twitch – • Patreon – • Twitter – ——————————————————————– Video edited by @Tinszz

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    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft

    Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Digital Miner Exploring the Depths of All The Mods 9 Lensmanoz embarks on a new adventure in the vast world of Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. With over 400 mods, countless quests, and a built-in endgame, the possibilities are endless. The quest for the elusive ATM Star and the challenge of facing the Gregstar loom large in this exciting journey. Unveiling New Mods and Features In All The Mods 9, Lensmanoz delves into the world of tech mods while simultaneously building a Minecolonies… Read More

  • Escaping the Superflat Jungle

    Escaping the Superflat Jungle Minecraft Adventure: Surviving a Superflat Jungle Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey in an infinite superflat jungle world! Join the excitement as our protagonist navigates through this unique and challenging terrain, facing dangers and discovering hidden treasures along the way. Chopping Trees and Crafting Tools Our adventure begins as we spawn on top of a massive tree in the jungle. With determination, our protagonist starts chopping down the tree to gather resources. Despite the flat landscape, dangers lurk beneath, including slimes that must be avoided. After collecting wood, crafting basic tools becomes essential for survival. As night falls, the… Read More

  • Insane Chapel Chaos! Chatting in Minecraft #6!

    Insane Chapel Chaos! Chatting in Minecraft #6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Starting the chapel + Chat! [Minecraft #6 + Free Chat With Friends ENVtuber]’, was uploaded by Sytymy Ch on 2024-03-17 23:47:47. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:49 or 10549 seconds. Thanks for coming to today’s stream!! 鉁ˋny language spoken in chat is ok! Just follow the rules! If you follow the rules, the host will translate and read out your comments, so it’s all good! 鉁˙e respectful to other viewers, and me too! 鉁⊿tay on topic and don’t mention others unless I mention them first! 鉁∟o… Read More

  • 馃敟 Insane Moto Patlo Free Fire Gameplay 馃槺 #viral #foryou

    馃敟 Insane Moto Patlo Free Fire Gameplay 馃槺 #viral #foryouVideo Information This video, titled ‘Moto Patlo Free Fire Game Play 馃槏 #ytplaygames #freefire #gameplay #viral #foryou’, was uploaded by YT Play Games on 2024-05-26 09:48:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Guyz; Welcome To The Channel of yt play Games, here You Can Find Some Awesome Minecraft.freefire.pubG.etc Videos … Read More

  • Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won’t believe what happens next!

    Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘#song #newsong #music #comedy #dj #sairam #freefire #sai #minecraft #shreesai’, was uploaded by Mo sairam. Zx on 2024-02-19 08:06:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • JustLand

    JustLandjsme 膷esky survival server ktery ma vozidla a modovane v臎ci a budou 膷asto update a eventy a odm臎ny na eventech jsou i n臎kdy hodn臎 dobr茅 Read More

  • Industrial Earth: Renaissance Vanilla Roleplay Geopolitics 1.20.4 Dynmap Plugins

    Welcome to Industrial Earth! Industrial Earth is a geopolitical server with heavy roleplay elements. Join us as a leader of nations in the 16th century, or fight as a citizen until the last stand. Our server features a minimal amount of plugins and a dynmap to track cities and borders. Engage in wars, diplomacy, sieges, and other activities within our faction/geopolitical community. Features: Dynmap War & Diplomacy Sieges Roleplay World Map Set in the 16th Century Suggestion Chat for New Features Diverse Nations to Choose From Power Struggles in the Holy Roman Empire Join Now! Discord Invite World Map: Explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Childhood memories in the era of Minecraft

    Looks like my childhood is bringing all the skeletons out of the closet in this new era of information! Read More

  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

  • Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle!

    Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle! Minecraft: spends hours building a house, mining for resources, and fighting off zombies. Real Life: spends hours looking for a parking spot, waiting in line at the grocery store, and fighting off a cold. Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 24

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 24 Minecraft Challenge: Day 24 Exploring the World Seed In today’s Minecraft challenge, the player found themselves surrounded by towering spruce trees in the world seed: -1206291632661826736. Using a clever technique of creating a staircase on the tree trunk, they managed to gather blocks from one of the large trees in a single go. Sending Greetings Not only did the player tackle the in-game challenges, but they also took the time to send greetings to fellow gamers on YouTube and TikTok. Shoutouts were given to creators such as @SilviaPatriciaNunezValdez, @m4xi_183, @facha918, @naim2518, @bwaaa-sdr, @jeffer2651 on YouTube, and @unpapelfurioso, @juanchy129k, @imm61664,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown Minecraft Secret Base Logic: NOOB vs PRO Welcome to our latest Minecraft video, where we explore the concept of secret bases through the lens of a noob and a pro player! In this epic showdown, we will witness the different strategies and tactics used by both players to create the ultimate secret base. The Battle Begins Watch as the noob player fumbles and struggles to build a basic shelter, while the pro player effortlessly constructs a complex and well-hidden base. Will the noob player be able to catch up and outsmart the pro, or will their lack of experience… Read More

  • Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!

    Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Quest for Obsidian in Our Survival Saga: The Minecraft Agency’, was uploaded by Agent Omega on 2024-03-07 02:38:48. It has garnered 45 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:40 or 13420 seconds. We finally found a cave with what seems to be unlimited resources! Now we just need an ender chest and we can start moving forward and fast towards our bosses. This time I want to see if we can trigger a pillager raid, let’s see what can stop us. Come hop in and have some fun! Don’t Forget… Read More

  • Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!

    Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I WON 9 STACKS OF ORE on an SMP – Metacraft S3#12’, was uploaded by Brevort on 2024-02-13 10:03:17. It has garnered 115 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:56 or 2396 seconds. Survival Minecraft 1.20. In this episode, we build a glow squid farm using guardians, then we join a mining competition (Meta Mining Expedition) where the person with the most ore after the time is up takes all! Featured in this episode: AlphaMike17 – @alphamike17 Bygl – @ByglPlays classicFaye – @classicfaye FuryRaptor – @furyraptor LadyZentra – @ladyzentra… Read More

  • Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2

    Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival series #2 | Going to the VALLEY & collecting diamonds ,iron etc.’, was uploaded by Epic Edge on 2024-05-06 12:49:52. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:47 or 827 seconds. _Minecraft Survival Series #2: Going to the Valley!_ “Welcome back to our Minecraft Survival Series! In episode #2, we’re venturing out of our safe haven and into the unknown… Our journey takes us to the Valley, a mysterious and treacherous region filled with hidden dangers and untold riches. We’ll need to be cautious and clever… Read More

  • Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memes

    Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘water bucket trick 馃挭馃榾#shorts #memes’, was uploaded by ZA GAMING on 2024-02-03 07:28:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our channel! In this exciting video titled “Mastering Minecraft: Unleashing Creative Gameplay,” we dive deep into the … Read More

  • Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!

    Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unbelievable Tree House Build on Minecraft!’, was uploaded by GAMER816 on 2024-06-23 03:53:37. It has garnered 11 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses #cricut made diy activities minecraft backrooms minecraft shorts minecraft simple tutorials minecraft tutorial Tree house offgrid tiny house My Instagram Account Read More


    INSANE BASE BUILDING DAY 2!! | LSLIVE Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Day 2! Building a base!’, was uploaded by LSLIVE on 2024-03-11 07:13:12. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:57 or 19677 seconds. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! DONATE AT : SOCIALS: Instagram: luckyshot.w.k Discord: The Wolf Pack Twitter: @LuckyShotxWK TikTok: @luckyshotxwk MERCH!!! SPONSORED BY ULTI ENERGY!!! USE CODE WK 7 TO GET 10% OFF EACH ITEM!!! Read More

  • Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05’s Live Stream

    Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05's Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Herobrine Is There 馃か #live #stream’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-17 16:34:08. It has garnered 366 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:51 or 7371 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft (Patch)! Join my Club on Turnip sumit: Thank you for watching my Minecraft (Patch) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 馃敟, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 馃檪 And share my channel with your game friends. 馃檪 See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More

  • Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!

    Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-01 09:15:23. It has garnered 23879 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:00 or 3720 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinja

    Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinjaVideo Information This video, titled ‘”That Me Is Not Me” | FNAF Minecraft Animated Music Video | Song By 鈥狜TryHardNinja’, was uploaded by Transfangames07 on 2024-06-22 19:00:06. It has garnered 10152 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. Well Good Day people reading this, honestly didn’t think this momment would come so quickly but here we are, new animation :D, now before going into me leaving my own thoughts on my own animation, i wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @BAMation (Spider Manny) for helping one of the scenes of this video since… Read More

  • DragonChief

    DragonChiefSurvival Minecraft Server yg Bekerja sama dengan THF Server ini dapat di mainkan di bedrock maupun Java Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This server offers a unique experience with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity for all playstyles. Whether you’re a builder, PVPer, trader, or nomad, there’s a place for you here. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them! Key Features: Great Performance: Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal client-side lag, and the server has high-end hardware for smooth gameplay. Safezone-Borderlands System: Experience both bloodshed and peace in different areas of the server, catering to various playstyles. The Origins Mod: Explore unique custom origins along with the base origins, carefully curated for a balanced and exciting… Read More

  • WebMC OneBlock

    Play our game mode reimagined on our very own OneBlock server! With custom mechanisms inspired by DeblokMC, start off with just one block and build your way up to greatness. Fun, challenges, and a friendly community await! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft pro or nah?

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft pro or nah?That meme must have really passed some gas to score so high! Read More


    PEDRO'S FIERY MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS! 馃敟 Why did Pedro bring a pickaxe to the club? To mine some sick beats! #minecraftparty #miningforlaughs #pedrotheDJ Read More

  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

    Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops! Minecraft Cheating with Ore-Dropping Items! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where cheating with ores that drop items takes center stage! Join the excitement as new possibilities unfold in the world of Minecraft. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the innovative concept of cheating with ores that drop items, adding a unique twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Witness the magic as these ores reveal hidden treasures and unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Unveiling the Cheating Mechanism Discover the mechanics behind this intriguing cheat, where ores become the key to obtaining valuable items. By leveraging this cheat, players can… Read More

  • Minecraft Ice Island – Episode 2 – Sewage Treatment

    Minecraft Ice Island - Episode 2 - Sewage Treatment Minecraft Wyspa Mrozu I – Epizod 2 – Oczyszczalnia 艢ciek贸w Exploring the High Voltage Pillars As the Minecraft player ventured past the high voltage pillars, they stumbled upon a surprising discovery – the Sewage Treatment Plant. The sheer shock of the encounter was evident in their reaction, making for an exciting viewing experience. Stay tuned for more! Map Details For those interested in exploring the same Minecraft world, the map can be accessed at the following link: Mapa Wyspa Mrozu I. The map was created by the talented duo of RemBX and Astyn, showcasing their creativity and attention to… Read More

  • EPIC WITHER SUMMONING in Minecraft?!

    EPIC WITHER SUMMONING in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summoning The WITHER.. Minecraft: From The Fog #6’, was uploaded by stimp on 2024-06-04 19:06:00. It has garnered 14819 views and 945 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. NEW GLOWING EYES CLOAK: Follow my socials! (2nd Channel) Read More

  • World of Twilight Forest: Razz Gaming Minecraft #9

    World of Twilight Forest: Razz Gaming Minecraft #9Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tapi Kita Berada di Dunia Twilight Forest #9 #minecraft #shorts #razzgaming #twilightfores’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-02-15 10:00:30. It has garnered 2737 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video : Minecraft Riot Playlist : Minecraft Mysteries: Support me by: (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: Subscribe : Instagram : Tiktok : Join this channel to get access to various benefits: ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution ( Source:… Read More

  • Shadow SMP – Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Shadow SMP - Ultimate Minecraft Experience!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is the BEST Minecraft SMP.’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-03-23 02:22:10. It has garnered 96 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of… Read More