Mythbustingnoob – I SURVIVED 200 DAYS IN HARDCORE RLCRAFT v2.9.3

Video Information

I survived 200 days in hardcore rlcraft in these 200 days the goals are simple first to beat rahovart the lord of the underworld then beat asmodus The Mastermind last of all I need to beat AAL galich the soul Devourer day 101 I updated the shaders uh which made some

Blocks look weird other than that I got straight to work I started swapping some bobles around and then with the right setup I hopped on my rock to explore I ended up in a Dragon’s Nest and looked through every chest for mimics since I had no luck with that I jumped down to

Destroy this battle tower at this point with regular gear I was basically Invincible to regular mobs but against some of the bosses and parasites I would still die immediately running through this battle tower I got up to level 56 and hopped into a cave that connected to

It this Shader also had like weird night vision effects so it still look kind of dark in here anyway I cleared out some monster boxes and uh started looking for tier five Dragon Nest as well then with the 57 levels I had I put it on the

Final iron skin level I ended up recalling back towards a waist Stone next to the Dragon’s Nest and as I went went over to the Village next to it I noticed that this Shader kind of bugged out on glass so this uh texture for the

Glass was going to be kind of annoying I started advancing the Trad of this librarian because uh these guys were going to be essential to beating the boss this guy didn’t have anything too good so I came back home to prepare for a Wither fight the next morning I jumped

Down into a cave to summon a Wither and managed to take this guy out super easily also in the last video someone in the comment said that you could pick up way stones so I tried to and I even picked up all these mining perks but it

Just wasn’t happening once I got back home I used a bunch of these glowing ingots on the dragon’s eye but I didn’t get undying on it so I had to uh use more blaze rods to craft even more glowing ingots this time I used the other reforger as well to get extra

Effects on the bobles this one ended up taking a lot of levels the second go around I still didn’t get anything good on the eye with that done though I hopped into The Nether and got a weird spawn which dropped me into the lava

Once I made it out I got attacked by a few mobs but uh these guys are really easy to take care of I hopped on my rock and fought this uh Lan night’s dragon now I was super lucky that this guy moves slowly so I actually was was able

To take it out pretty easily it didn’t drop anything good but after that I focused on the Fortress to get a bunch of blaze rods while exploring one of the rooms I ended up getting a cracked black dragon scale which was huge for me I also took a quick detour to grab some

Bone mushroom spores and went right back to farming rods once I picked up a stack I was done with the Nether and as soon as I got back home I made the black dragon scale and combined it with the bazor and then swapped it with the

Poison Stone I was using for the blaze rods I was able to make a bunch more glowing ingots and got undying on the dragon’s eye I also had to start disintegrating a lot of old bobbles to reforge the new stuff from here I went off to find more Villages and ended up

In a cool structure here I grabbed a few grapes and a lot of food from the basement in the main bedroom I even picked up an XP to and finally ended up in another battle tower once again I steamroll through this place and only stopped to bring the second to last

Chest down with all the loot taken I wiped out the Golem and grabbed whatever I could from the top as well since I had tons of levels now I filled up a tone and uh found a village as it was turning into day I had to get rid of the drag

First though and then I activated the was Stone as well day 104 to day 105 I put a ton of loot away and even crafted an extra XP toone once I put all my levels into it I smelted most of the diamond gear I had collected as well now

That my backpack was empty I could actually explore that one Village properly I leveled up a librarian who actually uh had a subject PE book and since I was going to be using wine I think this thing wasn’t even important I blocked the guy off regardless just in

Case and uh found another librarian whose trades weren’t even good at all I did manage to get an absolute ton of weo was able to stock up on food from there I was back on my rock and tore through another battle tower inside of the chest

I was looking for a few more bobles which would be needed to make an ank charm I took out a blighted mob here and demolished a Golem now this guy or one of the other mobs dropped the greatest book ever this Advanced power five book changed everything I grabbed all the

Loot left in the tower and kept moving on I ended up taking a dragon down from the ground since my rock died and as I was looting the chest a mimic spawned this time I didn’t get that lucky uh I really wanted an antidote vessel or a

Feral claw anyway once my rock respawned I found a village where I crafted another XP to to store my levels into plus there was an Infinity trade and an empowered defense two trade on one librarian since I felt pretty Invincible I decided to go on head first into this

Fire dragon I took the guy out even though I couldn’t see anything there was no luck with any more mimics so I moved on to this uh one Doom likee dungeon in here I fought a blighted spider and uh these zotar there weren’t a lot of mobs

Spawning just yet so I was having a pretty easy time going around looting the chests I actually ended up making one more XP T to store even more levels I don’t think this mattered in hardcore but I was just so used to it this Doom like though was really easy and I breeed

Through each room which got me up to level 56 before I recalled out of there as the night was ending I managed to find another Village and took out the dragon next to this place as well so at this point I had enough XP Toms to fill

Up like a whole crate and I also had tons of chupacabra meat turns out I had to craft even more chests to sort a lot of the new stuff I had with all the housekeeping done I started working on an endgame bow I chose a fire dragon bow

And started getting the books ready to enchant this Beast I already had a ton of the stuff I needed to Max this thing out but some of the other books were pretty rare so I started rolling some enchants with that in mind I decided to keep exploring and hoping to find some

Good Librarians along the way at night I was around these cold biomes and for the ank charms I would need to take out a ton of Strays and husks I quickly cleared out a structure which had some diamond blocks and fought a bunch of Strays with my looting sword till the

Morning I got nothing good but I did end up finding a four Tower which I marked down and then a little villager area past that the librarian here sucked but I did manage to get to The Cellar and grab a ton of books plus another XP tone

From the shelves there were some really good books on the top floor as well eventually I was sick of the cold biom so at night I went to clear out some husks and hopefully uh get a bobble from them I rode around to my zotor and started clearing out some of the desert

Structures as well while I was there the next morning I took out a few dragons and found myself inside of a jungle battle tower I put 29 levels into archery and and took out a blighted mob right after then I made an extra copy of my Atlas and made sure to grab every

Bobble in the chest to disintegrate later since I had even more levels I put those into Arrow speed and brought these chests from the top floor down to a safe area with the best stuff looted I took out the Golem and cleared out the final chest before jumping down before this

Night ended I actually ended up taking out a fire dragon who was sleeping and I ended up in front of another four Tower day 109 to day 1010 I was actually looking forward to uh clearing out of Four Towers since I could get tons of emeralds and enchanted books some of the

Books were really great here which ended up feeling uh most of the crates that I had I also picked up some enchanted golden apples and fought off tons of vindicators also since I was now resistant to the Wither effect these wither skeletons were nothing to me with

The bottom floor cleared I made my way up to the second floor library and handled all the mobs in there as well these chests had even more enchanted books and as I was putting all the stuff away a lyan night’s mob event started this one was actually going to be really

Hard so I had to be very careful I got some mending books in the room across and uh saw these vespids who were really strong I had to recall out of there this gave me a chance to put all the stuff I had collected away since I had so much

Stuff I needed even more chests and while doing that I used some levels on this broken heart Bobble and got a good modifier on this reforger I also used an XP tone and uh reforge the rest of my bobles as well with some more Hearts I

Wanted to go back to that four Tower and clear it out properly along the way though I got sidetracked first I explored a village and then I ended up in front of a lyan night’s dungeon I jumped right into this place and started clearing out the first floor eventually

I had taken out the first boss the Gilded great worm and uh got some very average loot since I was trying to go as fast as possible I ended up falling into a level five fire Dragon’s Nest this is why I had so many uh enchanted golden

Apples stocked up I ate one and started slashing away at the dragon I wasn’t taking a lot of damage and I managed to hurt the dragon quite a bit it started to fly out so I swapped on my crossbow and since it was such a large Target I

Got tons of shots off so I ended up taking down the tier five dragon as as soon as my rock resummoned I harvested the scales from the dragon and I uh think I might have missed the egg anyway I went back to clearing out the dungeon and this Crypt executioner guy actually

Ended up doing a lot of damage to me I took it out anyway but it cost a bunch of Hearts deeper into the dungeon I fought the guardian Dragon once again and got a cockatrice as a reward there was literally nothing else of value in

The rest of these chests uh for the rest of these days my hearts were kind of halfed by the bosses so I had to be really careful clearing out the vespids in front of this four Tower I was very lucky that I had a good crossbow but uh

Even with that these guys were still scary with the bulk of them gone I looted one of the open towers and uh got some pretty good loot from there since I had taken out so many vestment I actually unlocked a knowledge rank two from there I made my way up these towers

To the better chests I took out some bled mobs looted the regular chest and leveled up quite a bit sadly though this specific Tower sucked and the loot was average at best after wiping out hundreds of witches and more blinded mobs I ended up sleeping to get a lot of

My hearts back from there I finally got some really good loot in one of the towers this vitamin Bobble was clutch since now I didn’t have to fight an Elder Guardian I got two more rare potion rings as well one was for reach and the other one was a true shot that

Was my CE to leave and as I was out I found another librarian randomly who had like a reinforced sharpness book I chose to advance this guy really quickly but uh there was nothing too good I did however put 37 levels into Arrow speed from there a blood moon Rose and I tried

To find a desert as quickly as possible my goal that whole night was to fight a ton of husks to get the forbidden fruit Bobble there were so many mobs spawning at this point my game was lagging it took a whole night of farming and beating these Champions but I did get

Some really good loot I ended up getting an advanced mending book from a champion and of course more importantly the forbidden fruit Bobble I was now like one item short well two to be exact but those two can be combined I came back home and made a separate chest for the

Ank charm items then I cleared up my main chest by turning a lot of items into blocks with that done I used a bunch of XP TOs and uh Enchanted some more books I got a life steal 2on one which made it all worth it finally it

Was also time to Max this bow out I did the 1248 method of enchanting which was basically like uh starting with the most expensive and then combining the next two most expensive and then combining the next four together and all and so on I messed up a little bit by not

Combining the last two books together but I did manage to get the perfect bow I also had to put a bunch more levels into agility but now I was set oh yeah and I use like my only Advanced mending book on this bow to help with the bow

Damage I reforged and equipped this uh potion of true shot to test this bow out I flew around looking for some structures I cleared out a bunch of spawners and one broken battle tower and then was able to take out a fire dragon very easily this bow loaded so quickly I

Could just Spam shots the next dragon was taken out in like five or six shots so I was very proud of this bow I ended the Night by taking on a proper battle tower where I fought some blighted and infernal mobs picked up an enchanted book and tried my best to grabbing the

Loot on the top floor and I put like 31 more levels into my archery across this Tower I entered another battle tower and this one went underground fighting this Champion mob also gave me a really decent book and uh getting deeper into this Tower I actually got some really

Good stuff by the time I exited the tower it was morning and after uh some more traveling I finally ended up in another Village I leveled up this librarian in here and it ended up giving me an Unbreaking 3 and multi-shot 4 trade which is pretty good with that guy

Marked down I demolished another dragon and as I went to loot some chests I got blessed with another mimic since I was pretty unlucky I got this thing called a drinky hat anyway I was also in the plains biome so I picked up some aaur meat and uh cleared out another Dragon

At this point I stopped harvesting scales and Bones I actually ended up getting a really good amount of raw arasur meat and Lamb Chops from this Cyclops cave before this day ended I was in two Villages and the latter one actually had a library these buildings are pretty clutch because of the

Multiple Librarians and there’s like three chests all filled with books I opened the main chest while leveling up the librarian and uh sadly the trade suck but I did manage to get some some really good books from the chest The Librarian On the Floor Below had an

Advanced power five trade I marked that down and uh advanc this librarian but the rest of its trade sucked once again I took out another dragon and fought another battle tower again this battle tower actually had even more good items which filled up my backpack fully from there I cleared out another Village’s

Dragon and I used that was Stone to come back home day 118 to day 119 since I had so many more levels I had to make even more XP Toms while I was putting all the items away I also uh grabbed some spectral silk which actually gave me a

Good quality on the broken heart Bobble I cooked up all the lamb I had collected and then wanted to start working on an endgame Mele weapon as well I chose the ice dragon bone nunchucks to be the weapon I put that in a barrel and started placing down some of the books

That would be good on the weapon one was life steals 2 another was Viper 5 and then Ash Destroyer 5 as well I still didn’t have the main en chants though and those ones were like Supreme sharpness 5 and piercing capability I had to back out and find more structures

For those I started from the last Village I was at and here I leveled up up a librarian who had a clear sky favor and apparently that one was really good from there I looted another battle tower which meant I officially had more than a stack of golden apples across the pond

Was another Dragon’s Nest and with that guy gone I actually fought one more mimic of course though I got something that I really didn’t need like this Panic necklace as I entered a desert I found a lycanites dungeon which I uh prayed would give me more bobles these

Purple structures actually have a lot of very annoying mobs that give you the Decay effect still I only got the same few bobles I’ve already always had a natural blocking two book was actually really good though one of the bosses was some uh giant rat named experiment 69r

This guy was no match for my bow some of the other mobs are quite a hassle though they took a few of my hearts as I got deeper into this dungeon I fought another boss called The anarchical Hound I wasn’t really comfortable melee fighting this guy so I used my bow from

A distance I picked up two Beast Soul stones from this structure once I defeated the hound and put 37 more levels into archery at this point there was one boss left and it was named aaku I cleared out the room in front of this

Giant and I took a few shots at the boss as long as I stood behind the doorway though I took out this boss without any challenge but a blighted void trite attacked me and uh this thing was even more of a challenge than the boss with all the bosses in the dungeon cleared

Out I looted the final chest and uh for some reason these lyan nightes dungeon always give me garbage so I just made sure to grab anything that looked like it could be dismantled into silt once this place was empty I hopped out on my rock and made my way towards a nearby

Village to end the day off inside of this Village I got some really good stuff first I leveled up this random librarian in a house and uh then I made my way into the library where I picked up more enchanted books the librarian at

The front desk sucked but I uh did get a lot of really good books so it didn’t matter moving on from the village I found a desert battle tower and wanted to get my hearts back so I slept turns out I was also in front of a pretty

Large DEA structure as well this battle tower was actually super easy and I made one more XP to him to put some levels into I picked up some really good stuff took out the Golem and got back up to level 50 with that battle tower done I marked down the desert structure and

Another battle tower then I came home I filled up most of the empty XP TOS I had lying around and then set aside a few more books that I would have to put on the nunchucks since my backpack was cleared I went over to take on the other

Battle tower I ended up getting a ton of levels very quickly and started putting levels into the crafting perks I increased the cooking efficiency harvesting efficiency and also got green thumb with the levels day 124 with all that done I wanted to take on this huge desert structure now this place is

Jam-packed with gold block blocks before entering the main gate I actually grabbed as much of those blocks as I could from the outside in total I ended up with 30 before even getting into the main room once I did get into one of those rooms I basically wanted to farm

These uh magma cubes since these guys split there happened to be a ton of infernal mobs spawning and uh that was really awesome I took out a bunch of these guys and got some really good loot for fun I actually spammed the bow as well and that basically just cleaned

House I picked up a few enchanted books from some of these guys and uh made it to the wall which had a bunch of golden Emerald blocks blocks I ended up with two whole stacks of gold blocks and a bunch of emeralds from one room the other room was basically the same thing

I cleared out the spawners and uh put around 40 levels into smelting and cooking skills once I got rid of the Cinders I mined the blocks on the wall again and ended up with almost four stacks of gold blocks from there I kept exploring the surrounding areas and

Noticed some charred blocks I broke through it and fell into a tier five Dragon’s Nest this is my second one at this point this time I rapid fired my bow which worked way better than I could imagine from this Dragon I finally got a fire dragon egg and that was my cue to

Basically recall home where I crafted a ton more enchanted golden apples they 125 today 126 with some of these new farming skills it was time for me to start producing the wines I chopped down a tree and lit up this area to the left

Of my house I also put a bunch of levels into farming as well after a little bit I had set up a good place for grapes to grow then I went to fly around to get some Greenhouse glass and uh wild berries I picked up some bushes and made

My way towards this huge bone structure just in case I would ever need bone meal I had around a stack and a half of bone blocks and I even tried bone mealing The Grapes but uh it just wasn’t working I had to get my farming up to level 12 and

Apparently bone doesn’t work for both of these fruits once the morning started I had a row of wild berry bushes and made a crushing tub I set that and a double chest up but I was still six level shy of using the uh Brewing Barrel while

Everything was growing I used my XP Toms to get Farming 18 and with that I placed down two Brewing barrels to finally start wine production I started off with grapes for regular wine and uh this was way more important in my opinion I only put one glass bottle in

And uh hope to get some high- rated wine the entire Brewing process took a pretty long time so I made another diamond pickaxe and put silk touch on it I nabbed up some Greenhouse glass and put that a few layers above the grapes before the morning started I actually

Ended up getting the wild berry wine production started as well so I actually messed up a little bit by putting another bucket of grape juice into the barrel as it almost finished and uh that reset the Brewing so I now had to wait even longer while waiting though I went

Over to this giant Village to grab two mending books the first one I put on my flame dragon bone sword uh since the nunchucks would take a good amount of time to be fully set up with that done one bottle of wine was finally done and

It was rated at a 73 quality which was a pretty good start I used that wine as a base and started working my way up from there the Wildberry one though was really bad it came in at like 34 quality I drank it to see what the effect was

And I ended up with like 3 minutes of nausea this effect lasted all night so with uh more of those wine Brewing I went out in a direction I hadn’t gone yet just to kill some time after some exploring I found another lyan knes dungeon in a snowy biome now this one

Had some really strong lyan knes mobs the good thing was that my sword was finally getting repaired I got some okay Loot and uh almost got in trouble in one of the rooms since I was uh taking a lot of damage with that taking care of I

Took out the first boss precious then made my way down I used some of these XP TOs and Rapid fired into the chaos serpent who dropped a uh really good Soul Stone from some of the chest and champions I picked up good enchanted books as well before fighting the final

Boss I got my gathering skill up to level 18 and uh then this night shade boss was actually tough since it could get out of its Arena anyway with that guy taken care of I looted the final few rooms and I noticed some charred blocks next to the dungeon of course I broke

Through and uh into the Dragon’s Nest here I ate an enchanted golden apple and I think the gapple was kind of an Overkill since this guy didn’t put up much of a fight at all I picked up my second fire dragon egg and came home to

Put a bunch of items away day 128 to day 130 I hopped back on my rock and went right back towards the direction of the last lyan I dungeon I was at I was out in these unexplored areas all day and even took out a few dragons at night I

Had found two Villages and a little camp but those places uh didn’t have any good Librarians that basically took the whole night and in the morning I was back on top of a battle tower I started making my way down and picked up some enchanted books from the chest the loot here was

Pretty typical but as I hopped out of the tower I ended up in another little camp now this place had two Librarians I use a lot of books and animals to level these folks up but they had some pretty bad trads that night I found a really cool Village in activated the waist

Stone and uh this place happened to be right next to another battle tower I got a ton of levels moving up this structure and put 41 levels into melee damage after looting the second highest chest I actually tried to take out the Golem using my bow and flying Mount this

Worked pretty well and the top chest actually had a Nether Star in there basically right behind this structure was another battle tower and these underground ones are my favorite since the whole Tower doesn’t collapse I blazed through this and went over to the village on the coast nearby one of the

Villagers had an inner berserk book which would be great for L game armor I bought a book and marked this place down and then managed to fight like four dragons just getting away from this area before the night ended I found an advanced efficiency trade and then came

Home to grab a boatload of emeralds with the advanced efficiency villager I wanted to get a better pickaxe so I made another dragon bone pickaxe and started putting these books on it I ended up with an advanced efficiency 4 fortune 3 Unbreaking 3 mending pickaxe I also

Enchanted some uh books and got uh Advanced looting plus my regular wine was like actually increasing quality really well I filled those br barrels up once again and uh while that was working I got masterful quality on the pickaxe I stocked up on even more emeralds and

Used 24 levels on the farming skills as soon as morning hit I was back at the last Village I explored and wanted to see if there were any more good Librarians I also ended up buying tons of advanced efficiency books to advance this guy’s trades another librarian sold

Atomic deconstructor which was huge so I made sure to secure this guy up once I got back home I combined up all those Advanced efficiency books and got it up to level 5 live then in the meantime my regular wine was doing great but I was getting some really bad rolles on the

Wild berry wine once again I was back exploring after the housekeep and I fought like my 200th Dragon at this point day 133 to day 135 a lot of things happened I started off by uh taking out three dragons in the morning then I made my way inside of a library the first

Thing I did here was Advance the librarian at the front desk to see if I could get anything good this guy ended up offering nothing good so I went to grab all the books from the main chest on the second floor here I actually picked up a ton of useful stuff and in

One of the other houses I got another Atomic deconstructor trade aside from that there was nothing good so I moved on to another Village By Night Time the first librarian in this Village scammed me so I moved on and found a much better structure and this place had some really

Good enchanted books and some of the chests too the morning after I cleared out another battle tower and ended up in another Library structure once again the main chest had some really good enchanted books as I moved along I filled up most of my crates and almost

My whole backpack with a bunch of enchanted books then I got super lucky as I ended up in one of those giant village structures the first thing I did here was take up all the gold block from the Bell Tower and then I checked out uh

As many of the Librarians in this area as possible I did a quick look to see what their first level trades were I have to come back home though to grab most of my emeralds since it was going to take a while to level these guys up

Back at the giant village I ended up using a lot of my emeralds to advance trades and some of the books were really good like this higher level Atomic deconstructor one of these guys also had education but the best villager here was the subject English one I grabbed all

The lapis and other junk from the main tower of this Village and then became the luckiest person ever one of these chests had a supreme sharpness 4 book it wasn’t fully maxed out but it was uh more than good enough for me day 136 to

Day 137 at this point I was only a few books shy of having a pretty good nunchuck before that though I maxed out my pickaxe and combined a few more books together since there were so many enchants that I needed to put on I made a separate chest and ordered the books

From most expensive to least I also picked up this uh subject English book and started getting close to8 quality wine after one last round of combining books together I had enough for a pretty stacked nunchuck I just had to be careful though since it would be impossible to place new enchants if I

Messed up I only had one upgraded potentials book which I didn’t plan on using just yet the next day I chopped on all the bookshelves I had and took out a blighted spider with that done I went over to the giant village once more and started buying a ton of these Adept one

Books this one librarian also had curse of possession which would be great on melee weapons I ended up fully running out of emeralds so I had to start grabbing all the wool from the buildings with the wool I could sell them for emeralds or turn it into string and sell

That instead I was still uh shy a few emeralds to get more Adept books so I farmed some of those bcos since I still needed battle burritos for later I also picked up tons of arasur meat and then hopped down into this Rog likee dungeon I fought some weird mobs but eventually

Decided to teleport back out of here so I didn’t have any uh more advanced mending books left which meant for the nunchucks I would just have to use regular mending still I was uh missing a few more Adept books that I really wanted so to get more emeralds I started

Trading my gold finally I got what I needed and was ready to enchant this absolute Behemoth I started off by gathering all the levels I had stored up but I had no clue just what was waiting for me just like last time it was the same method the 1248 method I started

Off with the most expensive one which was Supreme sharpness and uh since I didn’t have the piercing capabilities Rune I moved on to other enchants also my Advanced looting book had other enchants so I couldn’t really do this method perfectly this basically drained my levels and as I was planning on

Combining more books a lyan nightes mob event started so for these I try and run away as far from my house as possible since some events can destroy all your stuff I got on my rock and fired at as many of these mobs as possible I didn’t

Even know which mobs were there because of the event once I took out all those guys it was morning time and I decided to reforge the nunchucks and got it to Legendary quality from there I combined as many books as I could and finally started getting better and better wild

Berry wine as well my next goal was to uh get tons of levels to finish this weapon off after traveling for a while I made it to a four tower that I had marked down previously day 140 to day 143 in all the time I’ve been playing

Rlcraft I don’t think I’ve ever had an advanced looting weapon so this Vindicator area was like the best place to test it out first of all this nunchuk attacks super fast and Shred through these mobs plus I started getting so many emeralds since there were anvils here I combined more books together and

Checked to see how many levels it would take to put on the nunchucks things weren’t looking too good at all the first floor also had some really good enchanted books that I snatched up then with those spawners cleared I moved over to the other side that was filled with

Even more vindicators taking every mob out here took until the morning and actually started lagging my game with all the dropped items the basement had the most mobs but they still only took like one or two hits at most with that place cleared up my game ran a lot

Better and I started moving up the towers I had tons of levels tons of animals and fought a lot of very annoying witches 58 levels ended up being used to put like four more enchants on this Beast of a weapon this made things even easier which allowed me

To combine even more books but now things were getting super expensive and the enchants weren’t even fitting on the screen I had some more trouble with the blighted mob but I uh ended up getting on top of one of these towers I picked up anything that looked good like

Bobbles enchanted books and random rare items from there I moved on to another Tower which was jam-packed with witches and got splashed by a perplexity potion which uh inverted my controls I picked up all the good stuff on that Tower and got out of there I was eventually in

Some village where I Advanced a librarian and some of these guys actually had some really decent trades at this point once again my crates and backpack had been filled up with enchanted books so I came home and I decided to use an upgraded potentials book on my nunchucks this made the next

Few enchants much cheaper but they were still like relatively expensive the 144 I worked on the wine some more and while that was brewing I went back towards the last Village I was in and explored from there I ended up on top of a battle tower and started working my way down by

The time I got down to three floors I had enough levels to combine the last two books I had but not enough to put that on the weapon just yet I have to fight through the rest of this battle tower though to get the levels I basically burned through each floor and

Got down to the tower Golem who happened to be infernal and even with that my nunchuck shredded through it one of the dropped items was an XP tone which got me up to level 40 and this allowed me to get almost maxed out nunchucks I was only missing like Ark slash piercing

Capabilities and a few more random little enchants also these nunchucks took a lot of durability damage already so I uh had to take out some aaur to get some levels also while I was there I took out some Maas since they’re also needed for battle burritos then I fought

A dragon from the ground and found another battle tower I started from the bottom floor and worked my way up trying to repair my weapon at this point I’d already taken down like maybe close to 100 battle towers and I still didn’t get the ring of overclocking that I really

Needed day 145 to day 146 I came back home to craft a potion ring of regeneration and use that instead of the true shot with that potion ring reforge I wanted another Bobble as well so I had to make these glowing gems that allowed me to craft a shield of honor and after

Reforging that I got a decent quality on it I also ended up using most of my spectral silt on this Power Glove and didn’t get anything good the next thing I wanted to do was dip a sword in some potions so I bought a bunch of glass

From one of the Librarians with that done I used a good amount of bone mushroom spores and ender pearls to brew some random teleport potions I put in a few levels to increase the Brewing speed which was helpful and then ended up filling up a cauldron after that I

Tipped a uh regular diamond sword into the potions and had a perfect way to handle Tower Golems I kept the shield of Honor inside of the backpack now since I didn’t need it just yet day 146 to day 148 turn turns out I never harvested The Village’s grapes they were just lying

Around so after grabbing all of that I had like a stack and a half more I also had a really good amount of wine now and decided to move on while searching for more structures I found what I assume was a cathedral and inside this place there were spawners scattered around and

After breaking all those I looted the chests there happened to be tons of these uh instant health and regen potions moving on from there I made it inside of a battle tower but this one was underground so I didn’t have to use the random teleport just yet the chest

Has some pretty good enchanted books and I raked in the levels I kept most of the levels in the TOs and picked up a bunch of bobles which were very helpful from there I took out the tower Golem and grabbed the loot from the best chests I hopped on my rock activated another

Wayist Stone and found that one house structure again this time I picked up a lot of the greenhouse glass while I was there I also made sure to grab all the food from the basement and at that night I ended up leveling up a librarian who had an advanced looting trade I made

Sure to buy as many of those books as I could as if I couldn’t get luckier in this one defiled lands biome I noticed something very gold the last time I played arcraft I had to farm hundreds of bookworms to get one of these guys this

Time I found a golden Bookworm by pure luck and it dropped five scales once I killed it I also noticed this a doom likee dungeon underneath the defile lands biome and this place was jam-packed with some weird mobs since now I should be able to disenchant items

Uh these random pieces of armor in the chest were actually helpful I spent a good while fighting mobs in this dungeon and as the defiled land started taking over the regular blocks it was getting harder and harder to see anyway I got up to level 58 and decided to move on from

There finally I found a battle tower where I used a random teleport and it worked super well I looted the top two chests without any issues and at this point my inventory was completely filled up so I came home I used the golden skilles to make a disenchantment table

And leveled up my magic to 24 I used some more uh spectal silt as well and then combined all these Advanced looting books but I didn’t have enough levels to put them on the nunchucks just yet day 149 to day 150 I made a bunch of a cold

Resistance potions since I was still hurt by hypothermia after that I changed the GUI to see how stack my nunchucks were and they still weren’t even maxed out anyway I upgraded the Looting on it and had crafted a set of silver armor to start working on an endg game set I

Already had tons of good books and I disenchanted some of the old items I wasn’t going to use anymore at the same time my wine was getting significantly better so from there I went out to explore once again since I really needed Advanced protection on this new set of

Armor I ran through another battle tower where I picked up tons of levels and bobles then I took out a dragon right before I turned into day with that done I grabbed a lot of levels from the toms I had and uh teleported around to see if

Uh any of the villagers had good books for armor I combined two more books together and saw that it was going to take 72 levels to put on my nunchucks I ended the day by finally getting above A8 quality wine and then I made tons of

Potions as well they 1 51 to day 154 was really hectic I uh drank some of the bad wines I had and got rid of the rest then as I was collecting some arasur meat I noticed a gigantic structure now even with a pretty good computer my game was

About to start lagging like like crazy I entered through the main way and noticed that I couldn’t break the spawners just yet so I assumed that there were end Crystal somewhere I fought a few mobs who were pretty easy and entered one of the corners of the structure now this is

When things started getting pretty nuts at first it was just a few mobs and uh it looked pretty easy the chest in here were also stacked so I knew I was going to start getting some really good loot I checked out the basement really quickly

And this is when the game started to lag I farmed these spawners down here until they broke and picked up tons of emeralds the moment I started making my way up the stairs in this Tower is when things started going crazy these witches were the absolute worst and started

Setting the entire place on fire usually the actual game lag isn’t as bad as the recording but there was so much going on that the recording was pretty accurate anyway I got some levels and decided to just bolt up to the top and break the crystal over here the chest up top had

Some really great loot plus some of the spawners started spawning uh Champion mobs who also dropped some really good books on top well as this side started burning down I was on my uh Rock taking out some of the leftover Mobs with the flight I could easily open up some of

The chests and once again I was surprised with how good the enchanted books in here were I filled an entire crate up and still had like 10 more chests to open just from this one area once I grabbed everything good from this corner like these Advanced protection 3

Books I moved on to the other Towers now this side had less books and more bobles I actually ended up getting a ring of overclocking from here and needed one more item for the ank charm now for the rest of these days I was clearing out

The other corners and I picked up so much loot it was actually insane the basement in here also had some good as well this was by far the best structure I had ever been in in RL craft once I came home I had just enough books to

Make a really good silver chest plate I combine the two Advanced protection books together and then put the strength and vitality on after finalizing it with Unbreaking and mending this chess plate was going to be perfect for late game before the days ended I also put inner

Berserk on the chess plate and uh combined more books together to put on the nunchucks but I realized it took like 82 whole levels day 155 to day 156 I used a bunch of silver ingots to get masterful quality on my chest plate then after that I use an ancient toome to

Increase the Unbreaking level once that was done I set up all the items needed for an ank charm and was only missing the shulker heart to get that I made my way towards the stronghold I jumped in the portal hopped on my rock and I immediately flew in One Direction

Eventually I found an N Island and my rock died as I was grabbing my warp Scrolls so I had to wait for that little guy to respawn from there I finally found an n city and started taking out as many shulkers as possible this Bobble

Has like a 20% chance to drop which was much higher than the others than started off slow as I only picked up shulker shells and this uh pinky meat even though I cleared out an entire n city I still had to uh move on towards another

This one had a ship which had an elytra wing and uh that was actually pretty clutch there was also an ark slash sword here which I snatched up and that was one of the enchants I still didn’t have on my nunchucks just yet from there I took out tons of more shulkers and

Racked up more pinky meat still no shulker heart just yet next up I challenge this end battle tower since I was there and as I teleported this Tower Golem my rock died I made my way up this Tower the hard way and some mobs ended up doing a lot of damage and Argus

Almost made me fall into the void so I wared back home I wasn’t done with the end so I went back through the portal and this time I found a much safer battle tower got rid of the tower Golem and looted the chests behind that place

Was an n city and in here I finally got the shulker heart I cleared out one other random structure before coming home and uh worked on the wine really quickly as well more importantly though I made the Ring of free action and then crafted the ank charm then I combined

The charm with the Obsidian Shield to make an ank Shield I also disenchanted and got an ark slash book and then combined it with the other enchants that the nunchucks needed but it was too expensive to put on just yet before the night ended I got healthy quality on the

Ank Shield as well just for a little bit I crafted a diamond Shield temporarily and with that done I collected some ink sacks and a bunch of wool since I had some cocoa beans from before I was able to make this a teddy bear Bobble now this thing makes you immune to regular

Fear not the parasite one since I couldn’t figure out how to reforge this Bobble I uh decided to stick with a thorn penda for a little B bit and uh this thing was dropped by a mimic which was pretty cool a 159 to 60 I jumped

Into the Nether and fought a bunch of blazes and magma cubes I also put this uh Diamond horse armor on my Mount and broke into what looked like a doom likee dungeon inside of this Fortress the chests in here were pretty good but I only stuck around because I uh really

Thought this place was going to have like a Wither spawner it really wouldn’t hurt to farm some nether Stars sadly there were none here so I hopped out in search of more structures I eventually ended up in a nether lanit dungeon the mobs in here were pretty strong and the

Chest happened to be fairly good I fought some blighted mobs in here and cleared out tons of spawners then I finally found a boss mob called Prime lava Soul who didn’t put up much of a fight I activated the Soul Stone it dropped and started running out of water

So my vision was all messed up for some reason though there happened to be water all around this nether dungeon and with that cleared up I fought the Tyrant dragon and this boss was even easier since it couldn’t get to me the mobs inside of the boss room actually ended

Up doing even more damage to me however I did get a cool dragon Soul Stone which I activated immediately once this place was cleared out I warped back home and I was able to make more spectral silt then I almost had enough to make a bunch of battle burritos but more importantly

Than that I put a bunch of enchants on the nunchucks that cost 82 levels and I was still lacking the piercing capabilities enchant day 161 to day 162 I was getting close to .9 quality wine so while more we Brewing I started going around collecting Mac meat I also

Grabbed a bunch of Aspen meat as well then I needed the bebeos too but as I was looking for those I found a mega battle tower this is when I uh start lagging again I decided to attack this Tower from the top and took out the evoker first then I jumped down and

Wiped out the tower Golem with that guy gone I unlocked the four chest in that room and grabbed whatever was good after that I made my way down the tower and here I uh fought some pretty high level Champion mobs a very annoying siren made the job a little harder but once that

Siren was taken care of I was able to steamroll through this Tower this got me up to level 55 but I ended up getting nothing good from the chest in here anyway from there I moved on and cleared out two broken Battle Towers then I put

All of my XP away and I fought more dragons during this entire journey I I stocked up on a good amount of maca and asped meat for the rest of this journey I decided to ditch the backpack for the shield of honor and started using shulker boxes instead one would be for

Essential items and the other one would be for all the junk day 163 I cooked up all of the pinky and bobco meat I had stored up and that allowed me to make a few stacks of battle burritos I stored some good wine in that shocker box and

Uh noticed my limiting factor was aspid meat in the meantime I produced even more wine and traded for tons of glass that was all just for bottles though before that night ended I got uh armored quality on my thorn pendant for the next few days I did some research and it

Turns out that these stealth perks were super overpowered I didn’t know how to use them for a long time still though to help me with the boss fight I decided to start advancing those I then hopped on my rock and picked up a bunch of asid meat to make even more battle burritos

Once that was done I found a four Tower and this place was perfect to level up the stealth skills I broke my way into the first floor and started looting the chest in the library now this chest had a piercing capabilities book which was huge there was also Advan sharpness as

Well since I didn’t need any more emeralds I wanted to clear out as many spawners as possible by just fighting these mobs regularly I got up to level 35 and put all of that into the stealth tree I picked up a vampirism book took out a blinded mob and put even more

Levels into stealth I then ran up to the end Crystal room and blew it up and from there I just started working my way back down taking out all the mobs and spawners below my stealth was up to level six now I didn’t know where this athletic skill was so I really couldn’t

Increase my sneak speed just yet anyway by the time the four Tower was cleared I had level seven stealth and uh level three stealth damage from there I quickly ran through another battle tower and used even more levels on those previously mentioned skills after that I

Leveled up a librarian took out a dragon and found a vampirism one Trader as the morning rolled around I was in another Village structure and picked up all of the good books on the highest floor of this place since I still really needed levels I decided to clear out another

Four Tower and this place had some more great books I got up to level 40 on the second floor and maxed out the main stealth perk which made me even harder to detect with that done I broke the crystal up top and then the spawners after that I worked my way down and

Moved on to the other Towers there was an Unbreaking 3 toome in one of the chests and uh once I took out a blighted mob I got my stealth damage to level four as well this place had a potion ring of diamond skin which I decided to

Equip for now my inventory and a shulker BLX was full so I decided to move on from this structure that night I found a librarian Who Sold strength and vitality three so I would now be able to upgrade my chest plate some more I picked up a

Few of those books and then came home to combine it all after a little bit of combining I put that on my chest plate turns out the cross necklace would be much better for bosses so I stuck with that and then to max out my nunchucks I

Would need 136 levels day 168 to day 169 once again I did some research and learned that Resistance 2 is better than Diamond skin so I swapped some rings then I went to the nether to grab a bunch of Soul Sand once that was done I

Went to the desert to find some flat spaces along the way I took out a dragon and leveled up some Librarians once that was done I summoned a Wither and took it out very easy easily since it was one of those uh Champion mobs I got an

Enchanted book as well as a Nether Star I summoned the next wither a little bit further away and was able to wipe this guy out as well with that done I explored a village nearby and as I took out the dragon in here a lan night’s mob

Event started this one was pretty hard since some of these nether mobs actually did a good amount of damage I ran away from the village until the spawning stopped and uh once that was done I was able to clear out most of the mobs the library in this Village had some great

Books which I snatched up the next morning I discovered a four Tower and uh took out a dragon and leveled up some more Librarians there also happened to be a battle tower right next to this one Village so I teleported the Golem away and I picked up all of the good loot

With that done I took out the Golem after for the rest of the night I actually found these two Librarians inside of a camp and just started leveling them up but their traes happen to be garbage from all of that though I did manage to get like two Advanced

Protection 3 books from some of those structures I made sure to combine those two to set up for a proper helmet day 170 this was the final few steps before I challenged the first boss I used up a a lot of good books to make a proper

Silver helmet I then swapped the ank shield on my off hand and went over to summon a boss kod demon I had to use a Nether Star for the soul key once this boss was summoned I took it out pretty easily and picked up the Demon Soul

Stone with that Soul Stone and the Ender biotite I made a demonic Soul Cube after that I had to craft another Soul key and then I reforged the helmet and then put the teddy bear on just in case all of the blocks needed for the boss were in

The shulker box but I noticed I needed a bunch more obsidian so for that I flew over to the nearest mega battle tower and uh grabbed a stack of them with all that done I flew over to the top of the Nether and cleared out a large area to

Place the altar I placed all the blocks down necessary to summon rahovart and then ate my battle burrito once I got those effects I drank some wine to extend the time I swapped to Ender Pearls as well and summon rart now my first strategy was to get to a far

Corner and start spamming my bow this is working at first but I ended up not being far enough since the main attack in Phase 1 hit me it surprisingly didn’t do a lot of damage I managed to Dodge the second attack and realized I might have been way too strong for this fight

Since I was able to do tons of damage to rahar with my nunchucks I teleported after I noticed uh rovard stacking up these Fireballs since I didn’t want to get caught in the phase 2 main attack this time I just had to evade its move and uh once the area cleared I focused

My melee attack on ralar and actually managed to take the boss out once that was done I had to clear out the rest of the mobs then with the area cleared I picked up all the loot to drop the most important being these demonic Hearts I

Also got a lot of levels and as soon as I got back home I used some of these Soul stones and wanted to keep the rest just in case I wanted to challenge rivar later even though the wine didn’t work too well for this boss it would still be

Necessary for the uh Lost Cities so I kept producing some more I put everything away and then made a waist stone with one of the nether stars that were dropped this one went right inside of my house I was an idiot and named it a similar name as another waist tone but

For some reason it just wouldn’t change anyway I spent 41 levels to max out sneak damage and only focused on wine for the rest of the day I put the new highquality ones in my sh er box I also made two Soul keys and uh placed the

Alter down for a crimson epan once I took that guy out I had a aberration Soul Stone day 173 I had to make my way back towards the end portal and hop in I needed to collect a bunch of end Stones this was still pretty dangerous but I

Managed to pick up the Ender Dragon egg while I was here as well and then jump back through the portal with all that I could make some aberant Stone and that allowed me to make an aberant Soul Cube to really prepare for the next boss I

Made a waist Stone and even more Warp Scrolls I also hopped back into the end portal and found a safe area to place the way Stone down in the end then I used that was Stone to come back home for now the next day I found one random

Little end eyelid and started setting up the altar on it all the boss Alters are the same but this one was very scary because it was right next to the void I Ed my rock to set it all up and then hoop down before using the key this is

When I ate a battle burrito and drank the wine to extend the effects I use the key on the Altar and summoned as modius now this boss ruined my last hardcore RL Craft Run so I know just how dangerous it could be I started off by uh staying

Behind one of the pillars and did some damage with my bow but this absolute Beast got very close to me so I swapped to my nunchucks that did some serious damage and it was already down like 25% of its Health after hiding behind another pillar and firing some shots I

Got this guy down to phase two but now some of the random mobs around the arena were doing a lot of damage to me once again I buffed up and went back to attack the boss this time when the health got low enough it summoned other mobs who kept itself invulnerable I had

To get rid of those little minions first but after that I managed to do some really good damage to asmodus I got the boss to almost phase three but had to get rid of more minions really quickly this time I focused my attack and uh

That got as modius all the way down to phase three and eventually all the way down too with the second boss done I got rid of the extra mobs that were around the area and went to pick up the loot in total I got 80 plus levels and tons of

These lanite items the most important obviously being these corrupted skulls with that done I came right back home and from here on everything is unch harded territory for me I had never gotten this far in arcraft before for the rest of the day I focused on the

Wine and filled up all the XP TOS I had with the leftover levels I put versatility on a pickaxe then I went out to explore and cleared out a little battle tower day 175 to day 176 so from here I really needed just like one good silver armor piece for the Lost Cities

So I would be spending a lot of time just looking for books that meant these four Tower structures were pretty important since they always managed to have some good enchants I speedran my way through and picked up some good book on the first floor I also managed to get

A ton of emeralds as well and on the second floor of course there were even more books one of these happened to be an advanced protection 3 enchant plus I found an iron chest plate which also had Advanced protection 3 on it so with all that done I cleared out the whole

Structure which had some great Loot and got me up to level 65 in the morning I used the waist Stone to come home and here I disenchanted that iron chest plate and combined the two Advanced protection books together since that was done I grabbed basically every other

Book that I had that would be um good on a set of boots with all that I finally started enchanting uh silver boots I started with uh Advanced protection then feather falling and after that I just put in the rest once again it wasn’t fully maxed but it was really close day

177 to day 178 just so I would get the Cure effect I decided to use the silver leggings anyway but uh just with regular protection it should be fine since the rest of the set was pretty solid turns out I not only got the Cure effect but I

Managed to get 50% movement speed as well I got the whole set up to master as well and started raing these uh desert structures for crafting room runes I was actually worried that the silver armor would have too low durability for the Amal galich fight I ran through a few

Desert structures took out a few dragons and even cleared out a battle tower as well that in turn got me some really good items and I eventually ended up on a pirate ship this place ended up having some skulls and after that I jumped in the water which surprised me since uh

Underwater Strider made me go really fast as the day was getting dark I picked up more crafting rooms from a desert temple and then recalled home I used the duplicate runes to make a rune reader and turned it to the advanced version as well also my wild berry one

Was finally getting to good quality I placed the advanced Rune reader down and saw that I had a Golem chest plate and boots I finally got undying on my cross necklace as well the next day since I was still worried about the durability I wanted the rest of the Golem armor I

Teleported to a desert far away and started to explore from there there was another battle tower here and past that I fought a dragon who was in front of a large pyramid in this place I managed to get a bunch of good stuff right behind that structure I found a mimic on a

Dragon’s Nest now once again I wanted the feral claw or the antidote vessel but I got something I already had anyway from there I explored some more desert structures and I went down to an underground battle tower once I came home I checked on all the runes that I

Had and I finally got the helmet and leggings as well day 180 to day 181 I moved the Rune reader down to the main chest and started Gathering the items needed for the helmet to start this one took a little bit of crafting and I actually ended up having most of the

Items already with the helmet done I needed to get more ink sacks and then make a written book then I cooked up some Netherrack to make stairs and with all that that done the chest plate was ready as well I got the leggings in the morning which were very easy to craft

And the boots happened to be the hardest I had to travel to the end Dimension but uh before that though I set up the rest of the crafting recipe after that I quickly ran into the end and store a chor flow the rabbit me was also super

Annoying but I eventually got her in the desert and now had a set of Golem armor just in case I only had to worry about like not breaking my silver armor before the night ended I actually decided to buy a bunch of strengthen Vitality books

And then set them up next to the Golem armor day 182 to day 83 I used and had to make tons more glowing ingots since I was trying to reforge this Shield of honor at this point what I needed most were a silver ingots so I hopped down

Into a mine that I made while I was fighting the Wither I was only looking for silver ore and after digging lower and lower I found a few which was a good start I fought a Monster Box down here and came up to cook the hall that I had

Collected from there I also realized that a potion of flight is necessary for the Lost Cities especially with silver armor before going out to look for that though I collected some glowstone in the Nether and got sidetracked back by some structures I found these large city-like structures and made my way inside this

Place was jam-packed with tons of lycanites mobs as I entered one of these basement I fought these mobs who dropped wither skeleton heads oh and I also picked up uh sinite lanterns in here to the left and right of this one structure were also these little libraries which

Actually had some really great loot as well one blighted skeleton got me a bunch of levels and I ran around just clearing out most of the spawners I ended up with tons of books more golden apples and eventually had almost like 30 Wither Skeleton skulls plus the

Enchanted books on the second floors of these libraries were awesome I used an Unbreaking to on my helmet after forever I figured out where the Athletics perks were so I leveled those up and started increasing my sneak speed as well from there I got back up to level 30 and

Found myself inside one of those nether doomlike dungeons once again I really needed that one wither spawner since you could uh use Nether stars to reforge any items when I got out the level 40 I put all those levels into sneak speed sadly I didn’t get any Withers to spawn but I

Did get some really good loot I even managed to level up sneak speed once again I called it quits when I got back up to level 41 day 184 to day 186 at this point my sneak speed was up to level seven and I used tons of silver

Ingots to make even more glowing ingots I also started getting really really close to 0.9 quality wine and uh actually ended up with undying on the shield of Honor which was really important later that day I got undying on the broken heart as well and then finalized it with getting undying on the

En Shield after that once again it was this teddy bear which I could not reforge for some reason I eventually figured out that it was the glowing Ingot and obviously that did the job using a bunch of those my bobles were basically all maxed out as soon as

Morning hit I teleported around looking for flower forest biomes I needed very specific pixie dusts for uh flying potions I flew around this tiny little patch and eventually found a pixie but for some reason even with Advanced looting I got no dust from the first one

I cleared some trees and then turned hit boxes on but it still took me until the night to get more pixie dust just past this place was a much bigger flower forest and I spent the whole night right there I took out tons of mobs and in the

Morning when I came home I had four pixie dusts with that and these bone mushroom Spurs I uh started brewing potions of flight since that was working I set up the portal to the lost cities using a lot of the wither skeleton heads that I had collected the only thing I

Really needed now was higher quality wild berry wine so I up the wine production and teleported around grabbing more grapes I put more Brewing barrels down as well and that basically doubled the production day 187 to day 188 I started using up all my XP Toms

And uh with those levels I increased my Sprint speed and Athletics any spare levels I had I put back into those Toms once that was done I uh crafted Shadow stones and then went to check out this end lanit dungeon to see if I could get

The Soul Stone I needed the one I needed was actually the undead Soul Stone I broke into the top of the lanit dungeon and started ripping and tearing through this place I fought the arachnotron right away who happened to be the first boss this guy dropped an aberration Soul

Stone with the Cure effect I wasn’t really getting instability which made life much easier against these mobs plus now that I had increased my Sprint speed I was bleed sing through the rooms I got up to level 46 and still hadn’t found another boss yet however I did level up

My Sprint speed some more I wish I did this like 200 days ago since this made everything a lot easier in that direction I ended up finding um no bosses so I hopped on my Mount and uh broke into the dungeon from another angle here I fought another boss called

Experiment 69r and used the two Soul stones that had been in my inventory from there I picked up more bobles and enchanted books then got my Sprint speed up to level 9 before coming home though I actually managed to uh Max the skill out since I didn’t have the undead Soul

Stone I had to uh make an altar for the lunar Groove this one also needed a soul key and once I took the boss out I could craft the undead Soul Cube I had all my wine ready and uh reforged this Lucky Clover which I swapped a teddy bear for

Then as a last resort I made some invisibility potions in case I ever got stuck they 189 to 191 so it was finally time to get into the Lost Cities I had just enough high quality wines I ate an enchanted golden apple then a battle burrito with those Buffs I drank a wild

Berry wine to level them up and then finally started drinking the regular wine I made a little mistake by not drinking the potion of wings right away but it ended up working out anyway with all those Buffs I hopped into the Lost Cities my goal was to grab as many

Chests as possible and also to try and uh stay indoors if I could I immediately F parasites but I was holding strong as long as my flight didn’t run out things would be fine the chest and you were really good and uh my nunchucks also managed to wipe out these mobs very

Quickly these assimilated high level mobs were very scary though like this Ender Dragon who I actually manag to take out with my bow those mobs are very annoying since they always follow you around and they can see you from anywhere on the bright side a majority

Of my armor was mostly fine and I actually picked up my first ring which happened to be a fairy ring I placed my shocker box down grabbed even more wine and then ran out of the first batch that I had from there I fought my first bomber parasite my actual main goal here

Was to get a dragon ring which happened to be one of the rarest for some reason I also started getting hypothermia here which was very annoying I skipped out on tons of other loot since I really wanted those rings so I only glanced into most of the chests even though I was

Relatively safe the whole time this journey was still super scary I knew that if a few mobs grouped up on me my armor would be shredded for some even better news I got a Titan ring which I didn’t know the Rarity of and uh once that was done I grabbed even more wine

And took out another Ender Dragon and also took out a blighted bob as well I also realized that I basically had to be flying the entire time otherwise a bunch of mobs would start teleporting to me at this point I had drank a good amount of

Wine and uh got up to level 58 from there I decided to call the quits with a two- ring haul I put those rings away since they weren’t the ones that I needed and then used an Unbreaking toome on my nunchucks actually put most of those levels into skills as well I then

Spent the entire next day stalking up on wine which was completely worth it since they were all great quality now day 192 to day 194 I buffed up fully once more and made sure to also grab a good amount of wine I also drank a cold Resistance

Potion just in case and felt ready to take the Lost Cities on again this time I went in the other direction and started looting all the chests again I picked up mana Crystal and another Titan ring I fought even more blighted mobs and uh finally got a new ring and this

One was the Ring of the fais as I moved on I actually got that ring again and uh this trip really wasn’t that good the only thing valuable was uh finding a flat area to fight a maloit on so I set a waist Stone down and decided to come

Home at this point I already made up my mind to where I was going to fight the boss so I started Brewing even more really good quality wine since I had so many wither skeleton heads I wanted to collect a good amount of nether stars as

Well to do that that I went pretty far away and dug all the way to bedrock here I placed tons of Soul Sand down back to back and started summoning these Withers one by one in total there were like five of them here but as I just held left

Click I took them all out without even breaking a sweat that gave me a good amount of nether Stars before these days ended I found a good strategy to hopefully save my armor and that was to just make these mending potions I compiled these days since I actually did

A lot first I drank all the potions I had and ate a battle burrito once I buffed up on wines I built up the alter a little bit away from the waist Stone I had set down in the Lost Cities I made sure to be on the ground while doing

This once I activated the alter there was no turning back with my inventory ready I was finally able to start the fight against a Mal galich but it turns out that I actually found a way to cheese the boss all I had to do was hold sneak and the parasites couldn’t see me

Which actually made this fight so much easier since I invested so many levels into sneak damage and sneak speed I was moving just fine and also aalo couldn’t me will either so this thing was super easy using my bow I did tons of damage and only had to worry about one major

Move which was uh Amal galit dragging you in I nullified that move by using ender pearls and honestly sneaking made this fight so easy I only took damage from my own ender pearls once the boss was gone by means of firing tons of arrows nonstop I uh had to clear out an

Assimilated Ender Dragon and then picked up all the loot here I think I got the sin pendant and tons of level plus a bunch of random like night blocks and here’s where most of the days went though I ended up spending absolutely forever going through the Lost Cities

Looking for the dragon ring I was basically just exploring every single building until I ran out of wine and since I had tons of wine I was there for a really good amount it ended up being really clutch and as all of my effects started running out I stopped on top of

A building and luckily this chest had the dragon ring getting down was one of the scariest things ever I took tons of damage I felt like I was going to die but luckily running into the water saved my life with that done I was able to warp home and then create a separate

Chest for all the loot I had then I went to see what I could do with this dragon ring I didn’t know what this fruit thing was I eventually find out that that’s how you make the transformation permanent but I just put the ring on and

This thing gives you 25% more health and attack damage and 50% more armor toughness as well plus it gives you sick Wings the only thing negative was the Mana every time you flew but still it was super worth it I wish I had gotten it before the final boss I maxed out my

Mana by eating some crystals and at this point I basically completed alll craft if you enjoy this video leave a like and in the comments let me know what other challenges I should do

This video, titled ‘I SURVIVED 200 DAYS IN HARDCORE RLCRAFT v2.9.3’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2023-10-16 15:00:12. It has garnered 21047 views and 614 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:00 or 3540 seconds.

I survived 200 Days in RLCraft 2.9.3 on Hardcore Minecraft. This is one of the largest Minecraft Modpacks and It is one of the hardest as well. In these 200 Days I wanted to Defeat the 3 Bosses in RLCraft, Rahovart, Asmodeus and Amalgalich.

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—————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev, Skyes, WelcominTV and many more!

100 Days in RLCraft 200 Days in RLCraft 100 Days in Hardcore RLCraft 200 Days in Hardcore RLCraft 100 Days in Modded Minecraft 200 Days in Modded Minecraft 100 Days in Hardcore Modded Minecraft 100 Days in RLCraft 2.9.3 ——————————————————————————

Modpack: RLCraft 2.9.3


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Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:13 – Day 101-110 07:25 – Day 110-120 13:55 – Day 120-130 20:00 – Day 130-140 25:15 – Day 140-150 31:15 – Day 150-160 36:30 – Day 160-170 41:51 – Day 170-180 48:38 – Day 180-190 54:05 – Day 190-200 58:59 – Finale

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

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  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

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    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – ● TIP: YOUTUBE ● MAIN: ● CLIPS: ● STREAM: SOCIAL ● KICK: ● TWITTER: ● INSTAGRAM: ● SNAPCHAT – ● FACEBOOK: ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥 🏠 Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! 🏠 In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More