Narles – 【Minecraft VTuber】Acacia Wood is garbage

Video Information

So [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so So Oops that’s my bad i forgot to uh uh hit the transition button i was talking for the last like minute um yeah hello hi it’s me i’m here today we uh theoretically today i was planning on um doing uh my house in minecraft on the vt smp server

I got a nice little cave going on and i was gonna like uh you know make it look nicer but uh realistically i’m probably just gonna get distracted and do something else entirely different maybe even get lost actually i definitely will get lost but uh yeah i almost forgot to start stream

Today actually because i was busy listening to greta greta van fleet and uh i lost track of time you know sometimes you just get lost in the music you know yeah uh but yeah i might as well let’s get started because uh my concrete plans is trying to make my

Cave look look like a place you live in and not a place that looks like garbage let’s uh let’s just switch over there huh yeah light f around murderer dragon yeah exactly exactly whoa i should put the chat above me there we go alright so uh my music on so like

Oh i still a little loud turn that down a little bit up a spidge all right that’s good yeah so you know i want to make this look more like livable because this is right now just a cave really it’s just a cave so want to change some of the stuff i

Like the stone and clean up some of these things i have the wood flooring all in I kind of want to put carpets down too i’m not really sure i don’t really have any sheep which to do so and i have to replace all this stuff here bombs away i guess there’s bombs and i think like i don’t have any leather it’s the problem so i want to

Put paintings in here but i don’t have leather so that’s something i’ll need to do as well let’s go lure some cows so i can trap them forever in fact god this is such a mess i need to make more chests actually um there eight chests

So i uh can actually store some stuff and kind of slightly organize it i’m gonna put storage over here for now this will be a little storage zone This is super temporary you got me addicted to apex do we mostly but you helped you’re welcome enjoy enjoy apex i still like it a lot even if sometimes it just tilts the [ __ ] out of me You know i’m sure you understand the feeling keep the wood at that gold dust uh i’ll put the gold dust in here i want the wheat seeds because i’m gonna start a farm fences keep the wood put the iron away and the gunpowder food what is this oh right an enchanted

Book don’t need the boat keep the sticks keep the flinches still all right that’s pretty good all right um so let’s start a farm but i’m gonna start the farm downstairs so i’m just gonna like harvest some uh some uh words words are hard wood dirt oh i have three crafting

Tables oh my god well only i could turn those crafting tables into something well it’s time to uh harvest some dirt i don’t have any stone apparently how’s everybody’s week so far nice it’s a nice tuesday here today sun is out it’s a little windy though oh it’s often super windy around here

And i hate it because i just want to enjoy the nice sunny day i almost wanted to just stay outside but i wanted to stream too only i could stream from outside you know i also like i got it this morning and i told myself okay i’m gonna do some like

Work or something you know yard work or whatever and then instead of doing any of that i just played uh turner return instead and lost a whole bunch it was very cool very cool it’s a big fan of that getting pronounced by my own stupidity is what happened oh

My sugar cane’s nice and big yeah give me that all that sugar i needs it is that everything yep and what is taking so much oh it’s opera ah i know what i should do close this and that should be good yeah ah i hope you’re at least enjoying your

Time in apex the event they have today seems weird though i’m not sure i like it or i guess the next week i think it’s a week now where am i gonna put the farm should i have a little farm right here no that seems like a weird spot for it i

Could have it over here not a very big area though i should make it bigger um yeah oh we’ll put it back this way actually okay don’t pick ax big suck don’t want this get out of here i’m gonna make an iron one put the iron in here make me some picks

I don’t really want to get out of here be gone i don’t really want to break my diamond pickaxe yet yet Iron pick all right so we’ll expand this a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit even right now you know i’m kind of thinking about apex although i played so much the other day like eight hours big big stream big amount of apex

I need to not play apex for a little bit So i don’t hate it forever Also it was my dog’s birthday yesterday she’s 10 years old she’s getting kind of old but she really doesn’t act like it she still thinks she’s a puppy she jumps around like a doofus even though it hurts her hips now and you know she she suffers a little bit afterwards she’s very cute

Even if she’s a brat i complete a total brat every time it’s time to take her for a walk she loves being on walks so god does she ever but like go actually leaving the house for the walk she’ll just watch me from another room as i call her get up

Keep looking at me for a while to call her like 50 times before she eventually comes halfway and then she comes forward and i get the leash on her and all of a sudden she’s real excited to get out and go oh oh if she’s just being a brat she’s trying to like

Start some kind of dominance but she never does that so i think she’s just being lazy just listen to other stuff dogs are weird man i guess just pets are weird this seems like oh one wider i should go one wider so i can have what two and two

With water down the middle that should be enough for me for now it’s a weird song all right and then replace all this with dirt wait a second oh i don’t have i’m i’m not smart okay it’s fine it’s fine well well we’ll this will still work it’ll look weird

Though i gotta have to go away with one wider i think so i’ve been thinking about other games that i want to play with people and i’m like super looking forward to playing jeep rock galactic with some people and also last planet too i love lost planet 2 so much i don’t

Know if anybody’s played it but it’s such a good game i played it on the xbox originally and i love it’s just everything about it is so good and it’s got a graphic that’s how you know it’s a good game if the game has a grappling cook it’s a good game

It’s so good so good i absolutely love it oh my pick broke i’ll just finish it with this so this will be water and this is all dirty [Applause] i need to make bucket do i want one closes with glass yes i do i need to go get a bunch of sand

One two double just go get a ass load of sand and lots of cobblestone i need more wheat seeds too oh i need to buy make a bucket do that before i forget one two three dude oh [ __ ] kind of banging all right time to just shake my camera back

And forth and hold down left click i’m sorry if this looks like garbage on your screen because it looks like garbage on my too Grass goes burr okay how many is that what is with all these saplings what the heck i mean i guess i’ll plant these that’s weird oak am i getting oak saplings from the dirt coconut cranberry all right i’ll plant these that seems neat peach cranberry blackberry cabbage raspberry brasco spur all right

Uh i should have made another bucket i’m gonna do that right now get out of here i’m glad summer’s coming up now i’m so ready to be like be able to go outside it’s going to be so nice god i legit can’t wait go to the beach or something

Just get outside sit on some grass nice alive grass me Where did i not light up enough uh right here maybe Well i guess let’s add some more torches that’s definitely up here hello gdi soldier hello i still don’t know what I i saw what she said about that and i still don’t understand it i mean if you say so i’ll believe you and eight a little dark over here there nine ten it’s a little dark right here there we go and it’s a little dark over here too that should be good

Um put one dirt here nope that needs to be over one can do this there perfect now i just need to make a hoe uh huh uh-huh i vaguely remember how to make a hole i think it’s this start my farm farm life my stardew valley What do you mean i didn’t need that block can i make an infinite water source without in a bigger than 1×3 area if so i had no idea Hello server lagging again Why can’t i plant in that do i need to hoe it again what’s going on weird i need some more seeds yes oh yeah farmville that’s me i’m playing farmville this is a facebook gaming stream please look forward to it my epic farmville uh stream that was a facebook game right yeah

Pretty sure it was i don’t remember anymore i haven’t looked at facebook in a long time so my neighbors across the street are getting their roof redone uh so you know they’ve got people who are making lots of noise because shit’s loud well my dog is a giant baby she doesn’t like

Loud noises so she’s she sees me outside and she’s like oh you’re outside i want to be out there with you but then as soon as she comes outside she’s like oh yeah oh two waterfalls blocks and one air between four will flow oh okay

I can’t die i they plant in these what the hell is it too dark oh maybe it is you were right it’s too dark you are absolutely right it’s not too dark anymore uh i have a lot of cobblestone anyway she’s like oh yeah there’s loud

Noises out here i hate that i want to go back inside and then she goes out inside she turns around and looks at the door’s like wait you’re still outside i want to be outside because you’re outside and she does this like three or four times minecraft experts here she’s she’s so weird

She just wanted to be outside with me but she hates the loud noises Do i have any string i don’t Um are there mine shafts around here we’re gonna get some spider web or string i think What’s this that’s kind of wild somebody’s roof is on fire that netherack or something wait are those all campfires I think they might be damn this is a hell of a house This is kind of cool so those must all be campfires then i like that the little little cave with an iron golem in it hey buddy hey dude just just chilling huh all right now i want leather so i need wheat so i need to wait for that

To grow so i can do some other stuff while i’m waiting right yeah right i wanted sand so i’m gonna go get some sand because i want glass i’m gonna glass their ass oh man there’s nobody online ain’t nobody online cool I wish i had aqua affinity right now god harvesting sand underwater blows Blows big sucks I’m looking forward to dinner tonight i made burgers oh sunday saturday or sunday and now i’m gonna have them for leftovers the ones that i didn’t eat and it’s gonna be great burger i love burger I don’t know what i want to have with a burger though do i want to make fries or do i want to like have something else maybe i don’t need a salad do i wanna basically do i wanna like use oven frozen fries or do i wanna make new fries

And fry deep fry them or bake them Baked fries would be pretty nice but deep fried fries truly that is the og way to have fries how much sand is that that’s plenty of sand wow i almost got lost already and i’m barely anywhere from my house Did it randomly boot everywhere just me huh what is this did i put that there is that like a black peppercorn or something What cs corelib’s head okay i guess i’ll just leave that there i don’t know what the hell all that’s About Sand And more coal in there and i don’t think can i blast furnace sand no i can’t okay i didn’t think so Do i have bones for bone meals i would like some wheat i do boned all right now grow a little wheat perfect that’s all i need uh replant that and let’s build an enclosure for my cows when i go find some anyways we’ll put the cows here i guess

This is my little cow pet get out of here sunflower oops whoops uh-huh when did i place that what where did that come from uh i don’t like having this here it is easier to get over this and then mobs can get in and kill all my cows Then we’ll put that there and all right time to hunt for cows with my single wheat i don’t have much food left i should do something about that bouncy bouncy looking for cows and as already i’m getting distracted oh this is for proofing my house i swear i swear to god

I swear to god bump bump so i’ve been having that you know I’m sure some of you had the same problem or you got like this know you got a collection of games and you’re looking at them and plenty of them you haven’t even opened ever yet but you’re like man i don’t know what to play i’ve been having a lot of that lately

You know just that the like i don’t know i don’t know if it’s too much choice or if i just don’t want to play any of them or what i just look at them and think i don’t want to do this and then instead i do something else that i’ve played a

Million times before Oh yeah i also added cloudbot and i’m slowly adding the commands i had on my other channel uh so you can for example let’s see if this works my cloud bot’s not connected all right i need to look this up i want to add a click creeper sound alert uh

Is cloudbot even in the channel firebot is not in the channel okay i will need to get cloudbot into the channel dashboard uh Cloudbot oh don’t forget to mod streamlabs by typing slide stream labs with your chat it’s most relaxing in here aha oops it’s uh there all right um now let’s see if this works it didn’t that makes me upset Okay is this the wrong chatbot this my wrong streamlabs account no this is my twitch one i don’t know whatever i’ll figure it out let’s just go look for cows and potentially spiders to kill yeah i don’t know whatever i’ll i’ll work on it I’ll figure it out okay i shouldn’t go towards the beacons there’s definitely not gonna be any cows over there god i have so far to bring these cows now and i don’t even know where i am all right this song kind of sucks let’s go to a different one let’s play

I don’t know this one i don’t know where i am anymore oh hey an enderman and now there is no enderman oh is this the area they’ve been building i think it has i think it is yeah it is i didn’t bring any diamonds with me or gunpowder well let’s just see what’s

Going on here again because there’s always neat stuff got a little pirate ship here that’s cool little park with uh what’s this someone’s house it looks like it’s a nice little little building there king guppy’s shop 64 with skulls for four double chests of cobble all right whatever extra chest

Right i’ve been here i’ve looked at that one let’s see if there’s anything more in the market yet it doesn’t look like it af mart now opened where items let me get stuck Cool i don’t know what anything’s costing here though so i’m not gonna like like start taking stuff three iron bars per stack of stone it’s not bad bones or mending out for a straw mini mart one diamond six emeralds 12 lapis 10 gold 15 iron 20 coal okay Okay okay nice selection here i can probably get leather here right leather leather yeah what pricing per stack so one diamond is 16 leather that’s uh it’s not bad i might do that i can go find some more diamonds i’m still looking for cows though one day i’ll find cows one day maybe

Maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe I feel like there should be a bridge right here actually didn’t there used to be pretty sure they did and i found so many animals last time i went out and now i can’t find any is this monster hunter what is this am i trying to hunt for a gem

I i hate this give to me cows cow spawn in show yourself cowards cow herds enjoy yourself cow herds get it cow cowards cowherds eh eh eh nah no no i’m sorry well no actually i’m not sorry that’s that’s a damn lie i’m not sorry i feel like cows should spawn around here

Right right totally maybe not maybe not it seems this isn’t where all the animals is there too many players here do they not spawn in here i don’t understand is it those little stupid squids are they blocking spawns i feel like they might be Do How i feel this playlist kind of all over the place not sure if i like that cows where are you where are you cows Cows hello Okay well guess i’m going into this weird mountain area i’m actually super excited for the 1.17 update too i know i’ve said this before but i’m going to keep saying it because it looks super cool bringing lots of new stuff that’s a horse you’re not helpful A cow two cows perfect that’s all i need two cows come on cow let’s go we’re going home Like the new new gens some of the new features they’re adding everything just looks really fun so i’ll probably be spending lots of time with that i might start a single player world if even if this is still running just to try that out or maybe maybe like a server with somebody

And hopefully for new mods like uh i knew sky factory would be dope as hell i love sky factory also i saw there’s a release date for subnautica below zero uh damn supposed to be um about a month i think hey cows i have more wheat look at me hey hey

Look at me look at me yeah that’s right okay come on come on let’s go we’re going on a trip yeah that’s right let’s go let’s go you stupid cows i want your meat and your leather The two of you are going to live in a pen for the rest of your lives or yeah actually for the rest of your lives i don’t know how long your lives on come on yeah that’s right now i don’t remember where my house is i’m lost who could have possibly seen

This coming me being lost weird weird uh i think it’s this direction but i’m not sure uh what is it like i’m probably really far away from it i don’t remember the coordinates anymore it’s like 45 200 or something pretty sure it’s this direction oh okay yep yep yep yep yep

Got lots of coving vaccines kobe’d vaccines rolling out too in canada i’m hoping to get mine before the end of june we’ll see i should excuse me that’s what i’m told everyone will be vaccinated by is the end of june so soon oh there’s my house over there

We’ll go around the water because it’s faster i guess actually will they come through the water they will come on Come on you stupid cows you’re very slow very slow swimming through the water Yeah yeah yeah come on come on come on come on come on yeah that’s right that’s right come on come on come on oh god i guess i should count myself lucky that they were this close so i could have had to go really far for this All of yesterday was supposed to be a day off and it was so hard i just really wanted to stream yesterday because i don’t know i just enjoy it so much but it’s my day off and i’m not supposed to stream but i wanted to life is hard But i did hold to it i didn’t stream at all even though even though i played a game with somebody who was streaming i don’t know does that count does that count hope that doesn’t count Come on yeah yeah come on let’s get you in here let’s get you in here i need to make a gate in you go in you come perfect you stay there you are now my cows Coming along nicely All right so i have some uh i can make one more weight just so i can make the cows have a calf All right i would like more diamonds too i should get some more diamonds oh it’s night time great for me more cows please oops There we go the cowening has begun a weird tree what is this that’s so weird what is this coconut tree there must be something you can do with those i’ll be down if i know what it is all right now i need to figure out What exactly i want to do with uh house i kind of want to like relocate all this stuff to an industry center maybe i should put it over here also yeah this is way too high okay sugar cane we’ll put some veggie stuff or plant stuff in here

Put more stone stuff in here um oh i don’t know where i should grind that i’m gonna crush crush crusher not fall down that hole And i know that didn’t work so i need to replace that with just regular stone what burns better i guess wood wood wood burns it’ll disappear but it burns for a while i need netherracks what i need oh went out all right i gotta go get some netherrack

Good thing my neighbor has another portal might be a little too high intensity for minecraft i don’t know don’t tell nobody tell my neighbor i’m using the portal this is a stealth operation perfect easy in and out baby it’s just an in and out operation and

Then i’ll make this leap over the fence and we gucci we gucci baby let’s go to the next one Uh uh copyright free playlist i ain’t feeling that uh that playlist it ain’t it ain’t he named me homie he named me dubstep trap edm electro house uh no copyright low five beats to sleep study too we’ll just do that that’s good those are nice and chill perfect perfect that’s some minecraft

And music right there down down down to the bottom uh what the [ __ ] are you doing in here how did i not like that up enough bruh what the [ __ ] nothing like coming home to a goddamn creeper in your bed bro did i really not light up this stupid

Little section enough i hate this i hate i hate it here what have i done to deserve this oh wow it goes out it actually consumes the fire um Does having magma next to netherrack light on fire i don’t think it does right right i put a magma under there once but it didn’t um lava whatever no it doesn’t but i guess i need that ignition chamber bizarre and now it’s only doing one oh it’s stuck around this time oh

If i hold right down down right click it’ll work i don’t know maybe uh where’s my slime fun book Basic machines pressure chamber magic workbench or washer Or washer i have seven levels i don’t think i get anything else oh wait what is this enhanced furnace too huh I have this prevent the smelter from using out fire just fill it up with flint and steel placing the adjacent to the smelter dispenser all right i need an observer what do you mean what the heck what these uh this is part of the slime

Fun mod it’s the only mod that i know exists on this server saying all this stuff like there’s there’s just basically multi-block machines essentially i thought i fed this wheat to cows yeah some neat stuff there’s like this oh god stupid creeper there’s this which is a multi-block thing

It’s like a enchanted special crafting table or whatever i still haven’t made a gate Make it to baby please Thank you my cows will grow exponentially eventually where i got that wheat from i’m still too lazy to make a gate um my door whatever did i break my iron pick already oh yeah i did that’s right i totally did that’s not grown yet he’s not grown yet all right i’m just

Gonna go down i should put water down here so i don’t eat [ __ ] if i happen to fall down here But i have to find some water first but i’m definitely going to do that That’s not water that’s in fact lava All right more torches might as well get some more coal while i’m here i know coal is not exactly the most useful thing in the universe but i can’t leave a coal vein untouched i got to mine it i need the tinklies a tickle i got a tingle i love tinkling

Oh yeah last night for dinner i tried this new recipe for black bean sauce beef thing and oh my god it was so good oh but i had i used like like two two to three times as much black bean sauce as it recommends which uh which apparently is the secret

Because it was very good with that much black bean sauce in it didn’t i have another exit around here i feel like i went somewhere else with this oh yeah down here it’s my strip mining shaft where i did strip mining and then i sort of gave that up

This is the vt sim server it can’t be just me that every time i see smp i think simp now right it’s not just me is that just me i feel like that’s not just me it can’t just be me right no no no no it’s the kids that are wrong

Definitely not just me uh let’s go this way i don’t know where i am to the surprise of everyone watching this i’m lost i’m so lost i’m very very lost well i’m gonna just keep mining it away and maybe i’ll find something i want what am i on ten yeah ten’s fine

Ah one two three Nothing All right let’s keep going where was i digging to what the hell was i doing did i just dig around around i did all right cool i guess Yeah all right i guess i’ll just keep digging i’m really hoping i was hoping to find a cave or something maybe i could find one back this way Oh excuse me oh that’s gross tastes like lunch lunch which was left over black bean size which was even better god this stuff gets even better the next day after it’s marinated all night long so good i’m basically making this recipe all the time now hey gold

Hey diamond look at me i’m a pro gamer only one diamond sad single diamond single diamond boys tiny vein i really wish i had fortune fortune that’s for mining right yeah for yeah looting looting and fortune and fortune i gotta go to the bathroom though uh i should be safe here i will

Be back very quickly turn this on yeah okay be right back Do do hello i have returned to my body it is i once again inhabiting this mortal husk six streams open atm need three more monitors damn that’s some evolved stream viewing right there how do i get home i don’t know i don’t know which way is home this way this seems wrong

Maybe maybe this is the right way oh god i’m lost in my own mind i think this is the right way i hope this is the right way is all i’m saying huh yeah okay okay okay okay nope nope this is not the right way

This is in fact the on right way so is this this way please yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay we getting there we getting there we getting home ain’t nothing to worry about ain’t no fang think maybe it is a thing this way did i come from i don’t know

This is the right way there’s that fence that’s my landmark weird random fence what is that is that cave noises or is there a zombie in my tunnel i don’t even know okay i’m home we back we back did i find anything i was looking for kinda

I do still need to fill this up in water so i don’t die to my death die to my death bother my dad okay yeah yeah okay so uh i guess i’m going to a glass panes yeah brushed gold and the iron wait i didn’t get any iron

Oh god that’s right gold comes in carrots i completely forgot about that and i hate it so i’m gonna store that um i guess i’ll count that as plant material i don’t know right wooden dirt sand coal question mark my organization system is already falling apart coconut put the lime in the coconut

Make it all better lime in the coconut and mix it all right you put the lime in the coconut in don’t yawn all the time i did it though i yawned where’s my diamonds up here yes i have so many ender pearls i could uh i mean i guess that makes

Sense there is an ender farm enderman farm so you will end up with 5 000 in your pearls that’s a low estimate that’s a very low estimate Wow i’m the only one here oh hello wandering trader come back come back what do you got for me wow this is terrible get out of here llamas you guys suck Well i need well i can make glass panes at least i’m going to use these to enclose come in let me in close my farm and i don’t have silk touch so i actually need to be careful and i’m not being very careful and i just broke the wrong one and

I guess like this i don’t know i don’t think that looks any good i’m gonna break those those look poop be gone sure love just wasting glass i ran out of pains i should have made more good thing i’ve got this really right here uh that should be enough right i’ll make

Some bottles too for the hell of it i was hoping they’d give me an advancement actually There got a little nice little enclosure for my um farm i don’t like how this this works though like i wish these half panes like rounded off to something but it could be worse could be worse lanterns i should make some lanterns uh plan Iron nuggies some nuggies and a couple lanterns Hang damn lanterns up Nice and then there and there then in line that is not in line perfect lanterns are pretty cool I need to expand that i think a little Nice nice and bright in here now okay that’s looking good looking good um what i want to do this lower all this down because this ended up being way too high and i don’t like that i really need some carpet i don’t know if that shop has any wool i could trade some

Iron i think i don’t know if they want iron ore though or iron bars oh [ __ ] i have to look since i want iron or i have to go get some watering traders gross i wish llamas made like way less noise they are so loud man having [ __ ] up talk about apex

Earlier makes me kind of want to play it right now but i don’t really want to switch yet i’ve only been playing minecraft for like an hour but apex what apex what oh i guess the watering trader is fighting a zombie i can hear them suffering up above as the llamas spit

Oh llama died i guess i better go see what’s going on up there i could always kill the traitor too i wonder if that’s gonna get me branded on this are they all dead looks like they’re all dead oh islam is still alive perish all right traders drinking an invisibility

Give me that yeah i got a lead actually i want another lead nice and leather two leads all right where the hell is the wandering traitor there you are Where’d he go where are you buddy i just want to commit a little murder i see you come back i know you’re around here somewhere uh-huh uh-huh come back stop being invisible i can’t believe how effective this is being against me ah he’s dead good now he will no longer

Make noises around here and now that he’s dead time to go to bed to save his life dude whoop How much leather do i have one leather is that enough to make a painting oh i need wool for paintings oh [ __ ] um what did i want leather for books was it books i don’t remember anymore oh item frames that was it uh all right how the hell am i gonna get wool

I don’t see any sheep anywhere i don’t want to go hunting for more sheep not gonna lie Not gonna lie i don’t know why i wanted leather i actually do not remember why i want another how are you alive it’s daytime you’re in the sun wait was he on fire and i just couldn’t see it Spider speeder give me string nice nice what is this corn cabbage oh was that a cabbage it is a cabbage can i eat cabbage yes yes i can look at all these cows now these cows are all gonna have cow kids i must expand my cow empire become king of cow

Become the ruler of all cows they will call me the cow master and i will rule them with an iron fist there shall be no cow left on murdered i don’t know where i’m going with this anymore so i’m just gonna i’m just gonna move on

Let’s just move on with our lives huh yep my inventory is full again i cannot stop this it will happen to me constantly because i have poor organizational skills and i’m gonna just keep doing this too got stuff in your inventory no problem just stick it all in a chest somewhere i

Don’t think about your organization’s skills at all look at that look see i got all this i got all this room in here now oh this lava bucket get out of here i need to make actual stairs i don’t know what i’m doing i still need a gate there

Make more little cows for me please yep yep perfect i will return soon to give you more wheat for more cows workouts never enough cows well that was a hell of a yawn excuse me i’m sorry it’s time to hydrate i gotta hydrate myself blood glug gotta grab my ah delicious

Okay um now i need to do the water thing right now before i forget speed all right you redeem spin here you go uh let’s let’s uh we’ll zoom out a little so you get a better better experience and spin oh god i’m getting dizzy oh oh just a minute

Okay okay i’m okay i’m okay i’m okay i think i’m okay i think yep nope uh okay um Gonna turn that off um i’m gonna test i’m gonna test something here because i i messed around with this a little bit and see if this works loyalty uh store edit creeper oh there next save and let’s try this i don’t know if that worked or not i

Think i might only play on your end that makes me sad i should play it though i don’t know weird guys what else what i’m really lacking here is wool i think which is gonna what makes me look much better and more iron i think why is that wood back there

Oh i could use smooth stone actually that might not be a bad idea in fact i’m gonna do that i’m going to grab some my cobblestone and start trying to get into sumu with the stone smooth skin stone i’m going to have to play with the cloud bot for twitch a little more

I have not quite figured that one out but uh that’ll come that’ll come all right now we got that stone cooking cooking away um oh more food good let’s take a look at what we got in the slime fun here maybe there’s some decoration stuff armor talismans easter who’s that oh lilin hello

Welcome i am i am trying out twitch right now thank you for the follow welcome i still like youtube i’m thinking trying out twitch for a little while to see how that works out too you know most people still prefer twitch i don’t but you know other people do and that’s what matters

I’m here for you wheat flour gold pan butter heavy cream salt grindstone craft this item is shown using a grindstone how the heck do i make a grindstone grindstone oh it’s just this right This not a grindstone my dumb dispenser wood fence oh it’s a dispenser and wood fence whatever i’ll use this i put my wood fences away I put it away Um oh actually if you’re still here lillian uh you seem to be a little experienced with using vrm models for stuff do you know if there’s a way to make like totally new animations play within v c face like while it’s open ah wheat flour

All right so what do i do with wheat flour Oatmeal bone cobblestone makes me gravel stone chunk uh bringing in the prismarine charts And you can make new blend shapes for expressions yeah i knew about that oh good i can make mayo corn into cornmeal This is neat i have ender into ender lump That into dirt okay compressor carbon Uh Spencer’s pistons another brick more like gnarls p greg what the hell get out of here and congratulations for wasting two thousand of your points you just have some good tutorials what you do with the v-roy and vc face earning yeah i was looking through those

I didn’t watch all of them uh it’s not exactly what i was looking for basically to basically give away i want the end result what i want is um okay so i want i want there to be either appointment name or chat command or whatever that people can waste the points on that

Will basically run if like the bot sees the command happen it’s gonna run a command that will make me dab that’s it i wanted to make me dab that is my grand design and i want to have this like i want to do like a quote-unquote official debut and i want

That to be in there so people can make me dab and like i won’t have any cooldown for it then so people can just make me chain dab or dab for the whole time uh so yeah that’s that’s my plan that’s my dad plan i hope you like it

Uh and that that is what i envision and i think that would be pretty cool and by cool i mean extremely dumb and cursed but i’m doing it anyways because that’s that’s just the way i am you know just like greg in his stupid jar jar butthole picture

And if you want to know what i mean by that don’t ask because you don’t you don’t need to know you don’t want to know too many people have been plagued by it as is oh okay yeah the toilet ended mmd dash mmd oh okay yeah the bot command will basically just have

To be a script that’s something i’d have to do on my own ah but i could probably ask for help on that but adding mmd using mmd okay i’ll look up the mmd one because that’s probably what i’m looking for and i’m sure there’s an mmd motion for dabbing And the fortnite dance oh [ __ ] i can have the fortnite dance that’s a good one you can call me narls the fortnight dance v tuber it’ll be sick as hell can watch me for and i dance i didn’t really need two buckets but i’m doing it anyways

There now i can jump down here and won’t die oh maybe yeah i’ve also always i don’t know if you’ve ever played around with it but i was playing around with fup bup vup on steam and it’s actually i like all the stuff they have built into it but the face tracking on

It is uh not good it’s not it’s not good there’s like it doesn’t even have aeiou faces shapes for your mouth it’s basically just open and closed mouth flaps which i’m not super happy about but it’s got cool emotions and stuff in it well i don’t know if that’s a way to

Integrate that yeah me too because vup would be really cool and as far as i’m aware emilia has made the vc face tracking stuff open source right and vup is freeze as far as i know so like it would be great if they stole it

And by stole out i mean use the open source code and yeah being able to set accessories like uh v tube studio please you can have the the meme sunglasses show up who doesn’t want that they’ll be great based even i also i want to look into the the tutorial for having

Um 3d rooms but that would be something i want to add when i have uh maybe vr but at least um elite motion well this is like so far into the future for me i need i need to save up and buy a new computer first this thing is like all this [ __ ]

It struggles rendering uh vc face and a modern video game at the same time i tried to play control the other day didn’t work the frame rate was poopy garbage i wasn’t gonna make people sit through that all right this is putting me to sleep i need to find a better playlist um

No copyright music jazz type beat of bread all right you got my attention I mean okay still kind of sleepy music let’s let’s try this one back go back please there we go uh dubstep trap edm electro house i think that’s a little higher energy right oh nice the picture is is of course diva all right we’re off to a good start good

Start i like this so far I did recently get a new webcam though with better the better viewing angle and it’s so much nicer of course now you can see me when i’m like like i’ve shown this before this is this is me with proper posture this is me while i’m hunched over like a shrimp

So now now people are going to know if i’m actually following through on posture checker games and also when they’ll do them because i’m shrimping we’d be shrimping here how’s that bgm level by the way is that good i feel like that’s probably good sound it’s it’s not too loud for me but

I don’t know what it is for the stream My god my god we’re gonna just move on with our lives and not look at that gremlin mode engaged yeah no kidding sounds fine to me okay good good that’s what i like to hear this is me hunched i’m shrimping we are here shrimp all right sit up

I have been doing new stretches though for my neck and in my back so i don’t turn into the hunchback of notre dame notre dame notre dame notre i saw it i was actually i was i saw it on tick tock of all places they were talking about

You know hunched over looking at your phones or gaming that’s a good stretch right there yeah you know there’s just some things you can’t do with live 2d like this you know can’t can’t stretch and everybody can’t see it i would love to have vr i think that’s like high on my list

Of things that i want to do after i upgrade my computer you know like get get an iphone x um guess i’d better make one uh get vr get elite motion plus you know because then i could like just hang out vr chat and do dumb [ __ ] all the time

I think that would be fun as hell the hell is this first key the temple [ __ ] you hoglet get out of here just the end portal ingle jin’s home i can’t control this tell me dark phoenix because i can’t control it vr chat you say imagine playing that

Yeah i really want to do vr chat streams yeah me too honestly i should probably just do them even now because it’s not like you need vr to do them but it’ll be so much more fun with vr right you can get so much so many dumb shenanigans in vr chat

And i already have a 3d model i could convert it to vr chat so easily although i might have to do a little adjustments i’d have to talk to my uh the the model person i commissioned the model from this for uh for a couple time minor adjustments uh

I don’t think it was really it wasn’t really ever intended to be vr chat avatar uh if you catch my drift is the end portal why is there a guest underneath me oh no this is another temple key i need to do enough vr chat to upload my model

Is there a requirement for that or is that just you don’t don’t feel like it’s worth doing yet is there is there a requirement to be able to upload your own models i don’t think there is is there you need to play some amount oh huh i guess i should just start opening

It up then and doing some stuff i’ll have to look up the requirements once i hit the enderman farm i think i’ll think i’ll take a second to look that up oh is this it i think this is it that’s end portal stuff or end the end where’d my boat go

My boat’s gone all right pretty sure the end portals up this and this server’s wild by the way there’s just some cool [ __ ] here yep and then down here you need a certain number of friends to be trusted first oh huh well that shouldn’t be too hard

Because i know plenty of people who want to do vr chat as well so i always hate this noise god this always spawns so many endermen constantly all right i’m gonna let’s just hop over here vr chat upload avatar requirement uh creating your first avatar oh this is about actually making a model

Not helpful wait uh minecraft war crimes is it a war crime i mean endermen are kind of jerks ah here we go how long before you can upload uh this is there’s no answer here there’s just people speculating ah trust systems press system make it a friendlier place

After spending some time in the app and having positive interactions with other users they’ll eventually receive an in-app email and email notification to their account it’s access to world and avatar creation capability this time may vary from user user depending on various factors so just play a bunch and get a bunch of

Friends i guess all right look at me oh god all right well that should be easy i’ll have to talk to some other people too like i don’t know this guy this this person named uh kind of shibari they i hear they want to play vr chat too

I bet i could get them to add me to friends i don’t mean i can upload on my account you can just copy me oh that’s also oh [ __ ] that’s right hell yeah lapis lazuli what what did i get i don’t know what that account was called don’t friend lillian their nerd friend

Me instead i don’t know i heard you uh i heard you made a uh a homestuck v tuber avatar that’s kind of cringe can i not sprint hop in here i guess i can’t well anyways i i’ll be i’ll have to spend more time in there anyways I have to admit it was pretty good it actually fits perfectly what the [ __ ] are you idiots doing here whatever there’s a boat here i’m taking this boat and i don’t want these ender pearls there’s too many freaking ender pearls what do i do with all these ender pearls do i crush them

Only the bastards would stop blowing stuff up under the apartment building so i could put my third camera back up oh i forgot you had vr that’s right i can’t grind that i wonder if i can grind that in here that must be annoying then again like i said earlier i have

People across the street having their house redone or the roof redone and it’s so loud build something into the bedrock minecraft ao minecraft bedrock just tell them to go to the nether roof give them an ender pearl and they can just get up there easy it’s easy easy as hell

Why is stuff stuff used to be growing kind of slow oh well the light level should be good right um 10 yeah 10 should be enough oh whatever oh i have food i’ve got this yes pork chop so uh the whole five-story apartment building shakes a few times

From like eight to 11 a.m the whole building wow that’s um kind of incredible that sounds like uh oil rigs [ __ ] or something but i feel like you wouldn’t have oil rigs being built anywhere near buildings especially in your country because they like their citizens to not be

Unhappy and everything to be [ __ ] you know you know but uh i don’t know maybe i’m wrong i want to make a compressor what do i need to make a compressor spencer pistons near the brick fence i think i could do most of that might be something for the subway oh oh

Yeah public transport i bet you actually have public transport worth it i don’t have enough string Well time to bring some diamonds and iron with me and go buy some string i know it’s annoying when you don’t hear the alarm beeps i bet and suddenly everything shakes and a huge boom that must be pretty disorienting huh although i don’t know if that would actually wake me up

So a long time ago i was living somewhere else uh province especially when you’re trying to fall asleep oh yeah that’d be pretty bad oh that’s right you live weirdo hours like uh so a long time ago this was this is a long time ago i was a lot younger i

Think it was in junior high at the time uh my mother apparently i only learned this like after i got up after a while that sometime early in the morning um uh there was a street light across the street from me because we lived in a little cul-de-sac

And there was like a street light on the other side apparently a pickup truck had just like full-on slammed into the street light and like crumpled quite a bit and i guess it woke up the neighborhood and by the time i got up the the

The site had been all cleaned up and the only evidence it was there was the crumpled light apparently i didn’t wake me up at all and my window was facing that too by the way so it’s not like i was on the other side of the house or anything it was just yeah

I guess i i guess i don’t sleep quite as strongly anymore but i guess even the dead you know nothing would wake me up when then i was basically dead to the world i kind of wish i could have that back right just being dead to the world for eight hours

Though that means sometimes it makes me wonder if i would actually wake up if the house is burning down or something you know little little worrying wish that were me yeah it’s not it’s not me anymore but still sometimes i’m dead to the world this is not the shop i’m looking for so

This one i think no it’s over here wait over here wait this one right now choker boxes 20 diamonds or 60 gold ore i mean these days i’m taking sleeping pills so that’ll uh that’ll tell you how good my sleep is lately this building oh what’s this gremlin store everything costs one

Diamond oh [ __ ] gremlin store is cool af signed af etsy books everything’s one diamond huh food one diamond for five idek any string in here joker shells three diamonds for two shells fancy armor elytra’s three diamond each you know what i now have an electric ores and minerals

Building stuff not for sale stones hey guys check it out i found my own elytra plants all right let’s check that other store because i am hungry easy i know right this game’s so easy check it out i’ve got elytra but now i need mending uh so i’m not gonna wear them

This is the wrong house this is somebody’s house epic gamer right here i know i’m so good at this game well you can turn wool into string right one diamond sure i’ll spend my diamonds uh i’ll buy two there any complaints can be taken to the nearest cactus

It’s kind of nice having an established server with an economy and stuff going already so i don’t have to like go searching for every little thing time to go fishing come to me fishies perish become my food nice manual fishing baby what do i want to put on my burger

Mushroom onion mustard nah no mustard this time unfortunately i can’t put cheese on burgers because i’m lactose intolerant and cheese will make me feel like garbage for the next few hours just my dreams mushrooms and onions tomato tomato lettuce mushroom onion I don’t have any avocados yeah i guess it’s all put on my my burger that sounds fine to me uh i think my house is this way not being able to sprint blows you ever put fig jam on a good burgers fig jam really i’ve never even seen fig jam before

Although if i find some i have to give that a try is that actually i like figs even despite the fact that like every fig you nearly every fig you eat has a dead wasp inside of it did you know that or is that dates is that dates or figs big wasp

Yeah it’s figs yeah it’s gross as hell that looked like a pig to me and i was so excited to kill it for food but it’s not extra protein yeah see now you’re thinking we’ll all be eating bugs soon anyways nice cricket burger or um you know cockroach sub cricky beergy grasshopper stew

Although then again we have like the the all the synthetic meats coming out now too all right 20 strings should be good for now bow i need sticks um we’ll make a bow and we’ll also make a fishing rod for food um i need a dropper

Oh wait i didn’t want to make a bow whoops well that’s okay i don’t have enough sticks anymore where what what did i do with all of my wood is it over here my god one day i’ll learn how to organize my stuff there it is

Uh cobble uh i’m gonna store my diamonds back in here my bow in here elytra wheat flour are made randomly itchy she knows um what was i doing i’ve already forgotten what i was doing right sticks i hate akasha wood it’s so ugly why is it so ugly why are you like this

Acacia wood why can’t you be like the normal kids uh all right what else do i need for compressor two pistons and another brick fence i have another book friends so piss we’re pissed bart get out we’re piss Oh i had cobblestone right here wait what am i missing can i not oh i don’t have any planks One two all right so i need this i have another brick fence Um put it like right here for now spencer facing up pistons on either side what how is a kitty how is he stinky i hope i see i see i have v tubers all right everything is stinky um time to compress some ender pearls because i have a bajillion of these things

What are they point of compressing them i don’t know wait can i not compress ender pearls i can’t what the hell can i do with ender pearls do i grind them i grind them why wouldn’t they grind earlier right they should grind in here Wait is that eye of ender is that what i need oh um oops well what the [ __ ] can i do with ender pearls then i don’t have any blaze rods um panning machine industrial miner i should have bought the industrial miner well i can get one later uh juicer enhanced furnace

Carbonado edged furnace excuse me magic workbench sure [Applause] oh red i wanted to make a backpack um i need leather for that can i make a small backpack i need one two three four five leather please tell me i have five please tell me i have five leather or

Not four i think i only have four i do have calves i can kill though i mean harvest i mean i have three leather i need two more leather well sorry cows it’s time it is time for you to go home you must return from whence you came from dust to dust

Ash to ash god i feel like i’m in the 90s right now or early 2000s i bet you didn’t know this i used to go to raves quite often i was out i was one of them going to the raves all right have you made enough cows yet

Looks like you have now perish Perfect I need to make a gate still i’m still being lazy you’re not making a gate gate Gate man why do i only have acacia wood Get out of here stupid cow that’s so ugly i hate it egging dude hey dude can i do with all these seeds can i grind them oh i thought that was raw beef though uh backpack backpack backpack backpack backpack enhanced crafting table okay i need two six carat golds

Uh i have two six carat golds got my leather and i need a chest i need to take this off and make this enhanced crafting table one two three one two one two ah can i equip this oh [ __ ] sick as hell oh my god a backpack is the best thing

This server has to make a bigger backpack i need more leather a bigger backpack needs even more leather all right that’s kind of dope i love this already All right uh now i’ve got wool so i can make some paintings too uh is wool up here it’s not fact right here uh take these sticks paint one two three four uh five six that’ll do oh i want that painting back i didn’t anticipate this problem with

Using fences but i suppose that’s okay let’s do this uh and we’ll put a painting over here also i can make carpets now and i’m going to do that i don’t have any dye but that’s um don’t want to dye them i kind of want to dye them

Purple die such a pain in the butt to make screw it just carpets i don’t remember how to make carpets is it this i think it’s this oh hello gamu welcome i’m playing minecraft it’s me i’m a professional minecrafter oops that torch back give me that torch actually come on

I may have messed up slightly i’ll use these crafting tables as building blocks to get up there how you been it’s been a while man i do not have nearly enough carpet i don’t know about that i’m still going to turn the rest in the carpet because i have no sense of self-control

I hope the one seven fully comes out yeah yeah you know what this is all right um i think i’m gonna move him away from here just you have him in the corner for now i’m gonna put my bed over there i still need to find me some purple dye

Oh that’s right i can’t have carpet under there perfect ish perfect ish i should make another bed but i’m on a wall now i didn’t think of that way too long since i’ve played minecraft only really played some mods a bit before the attack cooldown was really a thing

Wow that was a long time ago there’s a lot in the game now even vanilla has more than enough for me personally like don’t get me wrong i like oh wait those work done i like mods next as much as the next person but vanilla

Really does have a lot of cool [ __ ] in it now i only play vanilla hardcore a bit oh uh i die too much you get lost all the time i ain’t a hardcore kind of player my hardcore runs will not last very long well maybe i’ll try that sometime see

How far i can get spoilers not very the answer is not very it’s not exactly the great music for minecraft i gotta say but i like the energy let me join some time yeah this is this is um a d v turbo server so you gotta apply to join but um i

Am thinking of maybe starting a small server or something when the one seven update drops something like that anyways i think that would be cool that’s a lot of cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure oh show you still playing final fantasy because uh i kind of quit

Me too yeah i was not uh basically i don’t i don’t like much of the content they put out anymore so i just didn’t see myself playing it for much longer and so i stopped and that’s my story very exciting story i know i need to turn all this into smooth stone now

Good thing i’ve got all this coal i’m just very dissatisfied with the poor performance the general power blazing can’t get into decent groups so i stopped playing ain’t that a mood that’s another thing but i just don’t like the raids anymore so it’s like do i really have a reason to play and

The answer is no that’s really the only reason i play four plus with the no ultimate thing it’s like no thanks my fire went out but you know whatever it is freeing me up to do some other stuff with my life and it was only a matter of time before

I moved on from that game anyways because i can’t play it forever i just didn’t have like the i didn’t have it in me to play mmos anymore i think at least not for a while now i’m a professional minecraft player but not really this song is weird as hell

Really say i’m i’m still gonna play it probably but not as much now i might go back for the next expansion i’m not sure but i certainly don’t care about uh it right now i’ve become very whatever to it need i go back please oh god yeah what’s

Aggro that doesn’t exist anymore what are you talking about it’s a foreign concept to me i mean to be totally fair it is barely a thing in mmos that i’ve played in general it doesn’t exist in guild wars it doesn’t really exist in wow yeah i mean

I’d be okay if it was just a minor consideration but it wasn’t even a consideration when tank stances were ready just being tank stance whatever easy easy game i don’t know if i like that tiled square appearance it’s okay i do anything with smooth stone probably make everyone use all their ag

Abilities all the time or tank stance go burr yeah kinda yeah i mean yeah yeah for the most part i don’t think i could turn all i can turn it into slabs i don’t know maybe i should throw some stone in the stone cutter i have a stone cutter right yeah

Oh wait i need to get rid of these first stone bricks i don’t really like stone bricks either all right i’ll just stick with the smooth stone for now um i mean it’s okay could be worse i suppose yeah whatever i’ll just live with it i mostly don’t want to

Think about it right now cut into this and replay oh up there too Are the cows directly above me they are that’s uh kind of annoying maybe i should move them maybe i don’t know maybe not yeah whatever it’s time to feed them anyways yeah get out of here wait oh i already have those steaks you will stay in here and also you will

Make me more cows man the number of cows you have sure grows pretty fast are you all are you all you all weeded you all weeded out okay get out of here you guys need to grow up before you get any weed no feeding until you’re grown up

It is in fact exponential oh my god exponential growth i need some more water i shall return uno momento Thank you so i’m back i also grabbed whoops that’s the wrong thing um i grabbed some turkey pepperoni bites they’re delicious delicious hydration excuse me now where was i right i think a stone i mean it looks okay i guess ideally i’d have color roll instead or concrete concrete

I think concrete’s a good idea but that means i need a shitload of sand and gravel um also a composter uh let’s make the the special slime fun cauldron actually oh wait this is not oh interesting i could turn stone into nether i can sand into soul sand and wheaten another word

Watch this sifted ores how the hell do you get sifted ore gold pan how the hell do i make a gold pan horrible dust bin i’ll unlock that um wools gold pan wait grappling hook how many levels do i have five i have to go back to another farm

One two three four five stone and a bowl interesting all right interesting okay but i still need gravel and i need to empty out my pockets too this daytime daytime also f that guy okay he went to bed i’m gonna take some other pearls because uh they’re good for traveling

Somebody got pushed over Bum bum um what if there’s a gravel mountain around here might be gravel over there oops that was too early it’s fishing time it’s fishing time it’s fishing time if a video game doesn’t have fishing it sucks i hope you like my song it was a good song i think

At least i think so right good song yeah oh that’s not gravel that’s cobblestone i thought there’s gonna be gravel under here it’s a horse or some chicken an egg hey chicken i got four eggs for throwing an a gator chicken that’s progress right there all right

There’s not gonna be any gravel here that’s weird this mountain’s weird excuse me i’m still thinking about apex right now what are you doing over there i think i could fishing rod him oh he’s gone big ass cactuses oh there’s a desert over there i can just get sand there

Yeah lots of free sand get sandy up in here pig irish also playing risk of rain yesterday has made me crave playing the game again i hadn’t played it in a long time and now i kind of want to play it again too maybe i should do some solo ones

I also want phasmaphobia to update get some new stuff going in there give me a reason to play the game again yeah there’s green too it’s green who owns they added the bandit who i have no idea what does i didn’t even look at him because bandit

Is not loader and loader is the best it’s scientifically proven that loader is the best character and that’s a fact even though i’m bad at the game and uh i’ve only beaten the boss a handful of times still waiting for sniper wait is that on is that coming i don’t even know that

They have a road map for characters they want to add not looked at like any development of things 40 at all i’ve only been watching the development of two like two games hard space ship breakers and and uh satisfactory because satisfactory owners and heart shapes ship breakers is super cool for a game

Where nothing really happens sniper within whiskering one oh okay i see i see i see i don’t remember risk of rain one at all not gonna lie i don’t remember any of the characters except i think commando was in it and that was it that’s all i remember commando

Which sand do i have that’s probably no now i need to find some gravel maybe there’s a gravel mountain around here somewhere it’s bad buggy mess what is risk of rain one i i already forgot what i’m talking about i have the memory of a goldfish

I mean i remember enjoying risk of rain one and it being 2d and that’s the extent of my memories about it i’m assuming that’s what we’re talking about anyways our shelves about to break a ton of bugs but it’s a good game yeah okay that’s fair i do remember being a little mildly

Buggy that is definitely true and my shovel broke yes i’m going home ah this way my hands are cold why is it so cold in here all of a sudden close the window i hate i hate that cow pit over there okay It’s a bit more of a mile if you know about them i mean i probably knew about them at some point but it’s been so long since i’ve even thought about risk of rain one that i don’t i can’t i don’t even yeah i don’t know i don’t know them anymore

But i’m just gonna throw some eggs in my cow pen and maybe some chickens will come out at all They make a chicken nope Chicken chicken no chickens Beer cows come get your your wheat make me more cows oops all right good enough oh no Oh no slain by a lucky sword Gold got a gold bomb do damage based on off of the host’s money only in multiplayer and on top of that they’re not supposed to even drop but another bug made that not happen cool oh so the hose could like stockpile all of their money while the other

Player just spends all their money and they both do insane damage then or the other player will probably do even more insane damage because they have all the items that’s crazy i thought you could make concrete Dies for it meh all right do i have any do i have any flowers scavenger’s missile attacks has no cooldown if he’s off screen from the host sick you’re on a ladder at mp when the whole switch’s maps your game is very likely to crash i had that happen to me

More than once pretty sure i did oh my god my hands are still freaking cold Hey corn These trees are weird yeah pretty sure that’s happened to me like 99 sure oh my god my hands are freezing i could turn the heater on holy [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] cold in here ah watch the opening cutscene then the particles from the spider bots attacks move slightly differently

Wait really that’s a weird one that’s hella weird barbed wire makes enemies do more damage because buggy nice sick that’s a good one the barbed wire becomes a detriment to you then all right yellow dye i guess i’ll make yellow concrete i don’t want yellow concrete i want purple concrete yeah um

Purple that’s such a pain in the ass to get though there’s a way to get it there’s one spot in a map where the floor has a hole when it’s not meant to i’m not fairly certain i encountered that one that sounds familiar anyways let’s go oh i get i definitely

Get the idea absolutely oh lucky blocks right i remember lucky blocks um chest terminal mob capture magical gadgets Armor miscellaneous items organics pandora’s box pog i feel like that might be a bad idea to make this also i don’t have that much lapis lazuli but i will make this one day it’s not actually that expensive i have plenty of gold to turn into 12 karat gold

All right one day i’m going to i’m gonna make one put a very far away from your home i mean that’s the plan but i don’t have this much lapis i have to find some first beef jerky monster jerky i don’t have enough experience anymore uh resources dusts ingots carbon chunks

All right i guess there’s probably no easy way to get dyes oh hold on i need to sit on my hands they’re freezing oh my god okay okay they’re slightly warmer now slightly warmer slightly warmer slightly warmer oh god my hands are [ __ ] cold do i have any bone meal left i could

Make some bone meal all right i have like nine tries to get red and blue flowers it’s white oh there’s a red flower look red and blue another blue that’s sick sick sick sick sick sick we’re sick Put your fingers in blender they will feel less cold i i mean that’s technically true yes because i won’t have fingers anymore so they can’t feel cold you’re correct that is however not how i want to solve the problem sorry these stupid bushes get out of my inventory garlic cowberry raspberries there What are you dragon fruit strawberry pineapple purple dye pog um light gray light gray nice i got a whole bunch of concrete powder now and now to turn it into concrete this is a genius idea this is going to take forever though i probably should have done this in like two

Instead of one but too late now look at that look at that that is a huge brain at work right there my massive intellect you never come up with that [ __ ] in your arm oop i’m slightly off the screen let me fix that uh move me in a little more there we go

The blocks floated away what oh whatever they’ll be fine thank you for letting me get yeah this should probably be fine stupid squid get out of here why are these squids gotta bother me so much come back you are mine forever you may never escape this dragon fruit

It is you ever had dragon fruit before i have it’s uh well the truth is it actually kind of sucks it looks wild as hell and it tastes like flavorless kiwi and there’s literally no other way to describe it it’s actually just flavorless kiwi i mean dragon fruit drinks are like the

Flavor is whatever else you put in there yeah it’s watery kiwi it’s like if kiwi had no flavor and was extra water despite how wild they look they’re a shitty tropical fruit is what i’m trying to say here they all have or not durians so they got that going for them

What are doing this concrete i made all this concrete and i don’t know what i want to do with it make stairs out of them nope do i want to do with all the concrete then did i make a pattern patterns i could do just the entryway area i don’t know I don’t know i actually don’t know maybe maybe i will just do like this little entry area with all the machines and stuff i think that would work i don’t like that i don’t like that at all i’m stuck stuck squirtle um makes me want to play a mod pack again i

Know right i’m just waiting for like moz to get updated i want to play a sky factory again but i don’t like i want to wait for it to be updated because it feels so outdated these days and it is they’re like super old versions of minecraft and skyblock

I need to light that up so nothing spawned in here to kill me guy factory pog i played a bit with someone they kind of didn’t really do much and i played a lot alone it was very sad i mean that’s that is quite often minecraft mod packs with people it can get

If you if people are not on all the time when everybody else is it’s very easy to feel like you’re falling behind on literally everything you know you know my hands are still cold i mean that’s definitely looking way better than the stone i think so i just

Need to find more purple dye and gravel yeah yeah yeah yeah um yeah i think that’ll be good okay okay okay okay okay we like it we like it we like it and the floor i think i want to do Hmm blast no smooth stone no iron blocks bone blocks wood blocks honestly i think i might just be wanted to be whoa or maybe hay bales ooh hay bales might be nice i need to expand my farm for that though for sure yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s use the last of this uh right here excuse me big yawn hmm okay that looks good i like that uh except for the part that it’s not finished you know i don’t like that part but the that’ll that’ll change the time uh i need to make moves

I need to make steps there now i can finally walk up here again because i had a creeper spawn in my stoop oh i didn’t sleep in my bed i need to set my spawn point this way i should also put a trapdoor over that there we go Yes yes yes yes i like how this looks i’m liking the progress so far it’s looking good and i can do some more smooth stone here all the way up to the you know after the farm probably stop it after the farm and that’ll all be purple

Or ceiling i will do something else in glass maybe yeah yeah i like that okay um hands are cold if i had leap motion you would definitely see me rubbing my hands right now Dump the sand off ah okay that’s pretty good i like that i like that now what let’s do some fishing and do some fishing debating if i want to like play an hour of apex or something maybe herbs play herbs herbs is pretty fun wait servers are going down for

Maintenance at some point i forget when that is yeah let’s just fish for a little while i’m gonna fish your fishy fishy my hands are still cold as hell i’m gonna sit on one hand warm it up with my big booty big old booty

Wait what did i get out of that did i actually get an enchanted book holy [ __ ] i got a protection three book first cast dude i’m so good at this game all right this is kind of banging dude song’s over songs over making me sad music make me lose control

Music make me lose control i don’t even know where that original song is from all i know is the meme with the weird triangle dude cheese is he cheese we’re cheese man try cheese wedge he’s triangle that’s all i know where he does the like like swaying his arms back

Music makes me lose control music makes me lose control let’s go i wish i had vr for that because then i could do the dance god i wish i’m gonna add that to my list of things i want to buy new computer new mic i need an iphone x

I don’t need one but i want one i want a vr i want i want elite motion plus god a [ __ ] list of overly expensive things i don’t really need but i want anyways because i have no no other desires i enjoy and right uh i don’t wanna

I’m uh just just to be clear i don’t want the iphone x for its phone capabilities or the apps i’m i’m happy with my android phone oh i want it for its cameras which is why i i’ve been looking at used iphone xs because then you can get the the really

Good tracking i can have eye tracking better mouth tracking just better tracking period because iphone x is the only phone right now with as many cameras as it has all the other ones are just like single camera dedicated camera i have one i have i have a webcam right there

It this this is a this is a v tubing thing the iphone x has the best tracking because of the r kit software that they use as well as the fact that the iphone x has a camera suite rather than a single camera so it allows it to get much better

Tracking of your face no other phone or webcam is able to do that unless you go really expensive and i’m talking like the the like thirty thousand dollar tracking software kind of stuff but no other phone does it because uh iphone has the only is they basically cornered the market on

It so no other company feels like it’s worth it to invest into it because it’s all locked down by iphone thankfully you can get a used iphone x for a reasonable price for what you’re getting if you’re buying it for a camera which is basically very sophisticated camera on

It like uh let’s let’s see how much i can get one for use iphone x ebay yeah i can get it for like three 300 bucks which is not bad honestly it’s not like i want it for the phone or the app store or anything like that all that shit’s duty

But that’s me that’s that’s just a v tubing thing t hello thank you for the raid welcome welcome raiders welcome to my minecraft fishing stream how was your uh the patch do you finish all the story in the patch darls hello mighty germ awesome plant raid or something what is

That is that her raid message i feel like that’s a raid message hello welcome welcome to my minecraft stream where i pretended to be redoing my house to make it look nice that squid just killed itself i made it up just now nice i don’t have

A right message oh thank you for the follow kimberly i’m trying i’ve been i’m gonna be working on twitch for quite a while i want to see it i don’t have a writing message i’m too unprofessional for that you can just make up a raid message like t raid good

Doc red thing hey thanks for following doc welcome welcome to the comfy club get rid of affiliated dumb don’t make my mistake did you get rid of affiliate yeah i was surprised around here yeah i’m trying not twitch for a little worry yeah see they go tea party

Tea party raid no i’m stuck with it oh it’s because it’s actually yeah i thought about ah offboarding of affiliate just to get rid of the pre-rolls but i don’t know it’s like it’s something i’ve been thinking about i’d love that i’ll help myself yeah see there you go surprise tea party

Because i know pre-rolls are like [ __ ] they’re they’re dog they’re duty big duty inside baseball tag for later yeah for sure but you know we’ll see it’s it is something that i’ve been thinking about and it is why i was streaming good enough ff tying you’re right there’s fishing in final fantasy i

Played final fantasy and i don’t know what you’re talking about me being a viera i’m a a legally distinct non-copyright infringing bunny girl right i’m not a vieira there are new ocean fishing things sure on that kamui don’t call me out like this i believe it yeah see have you ever seen

This outfit in final fantasy huh have you look here let me show you you won’t find this at final fantasy wait no well you’ll find the pants no you won’t find this in final fantasy see there’s no there’s no tattoos like this don’t look at the pants don’t look at

The pants those these pants are totally not in the game absolutely not you will not find them if you look for the sky rat uh pants of healing uh what about the boob and hand wraps they’re not also not in the game i don’t know what you’re talking about

Anyways how how’s the patch did you finish all the story i haven’t even done five point four or five whatever the last mini patch was uh is that like six hours ish yeah that sounds about right it’s good it’s 5.5 for the story split in half oh yeah there’s gonna be like a

Five five or whatever or five one four five yeah four or five i haven’t even played yet i hope you really like my extremely appropriate minecraft music next month will be 5.5 yeah we got blue ball at the end by usgp for a new class cool wait i thought the new class was

Sag or is that you’re talking about the next one the sag class oh they haven’t released the i haven’t announced the other one huh i wonder what it’s i wonder if it’s going to be melee or ranged i have so many friggin ender pearls i hate this maybe i’m just gonna throw them

And kill myself with them i forgot to take damage when you use them so i’m not gonna do that i’m not i’m not gonna kill myself with them bailey i’m assuming hey question mark alfie has a big sad it’s thinning pisses off alice and everything is going to hell in a hand basket

Oh it’s melee oh okay what what is this this is going to be dark knight tarp part two darker night darkest night wait this is a blast furnace i’m calling there unless i was just guessing people right it’s probably guessing i don’t trust anything that is said about what new classes are because

Nobody ever gets it right templar reaper on the table what zenos is picking up eh i really wish they get rid of zenos he just kind of sucks i think he’s a shitty villain i think he’s a shitty boring villain actually emperor 6.0 well oh please please get rid of him

Xeno sucks balls he is not our friend he’s a weird psycho murderer that’s what he is weird weirdo psycho murderer machine murder boner um all right i think he’s not bad the story portrays him so badly and he doesn’t do anything special with him either i

I kind of agree with that they don’t do anything interesting with them but i think he’s just a shitty character because his motivation is i want to fight someone strong that’s literally it he has nothing else he doesn’t care about anything else he just wants to fight you

Like he wanted to fight you so bad that he resurrected from the dead sorry that’s a spoiler i guess but that was last expansion oh wait did that happen this expansion i don’t know whatever i mean they could make him good they’ve written good villains before gaius was a good villain

Um emmett was a good villain stormblood had shitty villains nobody in there like made any goddamn sense i just don’t know why they wrote xenos to be such a one-dimensional villain hell they believed at olympus at delabus elibus elizabeth elitabus ellie i’m going to call him ally

Bussy i’m going to call him bussy actually the asian [ __ ] debussy elitibus olynys sit around on one of those temps sure a little [ __ ] yeah that’s his name a little [ __ ] first that’s what i am this is cursed content right here that’s that’s my whole full stick that’s creeper well they killed the

Spiders for me thanks a little bussy yeah a little busy is really good and i’m gonna steal that forever gamu thank you now we have zanussi and a little [ __ ] um everyone calls guys daddy just cursed nancy everywhere and fan fan van gussy wacky meme dispenser and

Decides my own living being for it it’s okay earlier i was talking about how i want to figure out a way to get uh uh okay so sneak sneak peek to what i want to plan for my debut is i want to have a bot script that when a certain command

Is played with a chat redeem ah it is going to play an mmd motion for my model automatically that makes me dab that’s it that’s all it’s going to do and it’s going to have no cooldown and it’s going to be like 100 points or maybe 50 points so people could just

Spam the dab so i can just be dabbing consists constantly so uh i hope i hope you’re looking forward to that script part is gonna be hard but i there’s a way to get mmd motions with vc face so also i’m thinking about the fortnite dance too

Because you know we like fortnight we like fortnight we like fortnight uh right anyways uh what am i doing here i need i still need more flowers i don’t know t can you get me some flowers here what are you gonna make the script with uh well i only personally know

Python so probably python unless i just oh i was gonna go to sleep i’m going to lurk for just a moment i need food okay enjoy get something nice but uh otherwise i might just ask someone to help me write a script because i know plenty of people who program

But uh oh right oh somebody sleeps already slept so that’s good but anyways that’s that’s my cursed plan for a debut stream in any case that is very awesome i support it thank you i’m pretty proud of the idea too uh i don’t know if i should reveal this but i also

I’m also going to rick roll everyone i’m not taking this all that seriously uh i wanted to just be very very um never said i was exactly proud of it shut up be proud of me or else uh but yeah so so if you’re here and you see this

This this vod or this stream now you know my video is going to end in rick rolling everybody please look forward to it it’s a classic really or i can do something else what don’t use the water to your advantage do a little [ __ ] get out of here I wonder if i can stream prey i don’t know if prey runs better than control does what a piece of junk what did i get out of there bone flesh rotten flesh i don’t know because i would really like to play prey i’ve never played it and it’s on the game pass

Pray yeah the the latest prey i don’t know how well optimized it is because right now the my my throttle on basically anything i do on this computer is my cpu is old as [ __ ] so it is kind of difficult to run my model program stream and play the game

They say they’ve got crafting raws near the end of the game though and i never finish that sucks that always sucks see what happens for me is i get close to the end of the game like maybe three quarters away through the game and then i just stopped playing

For absolutely no reason whatsoever forget about it for months maybe even years and then way down the line think oh yeah i was playing that game and then star start it up thought up the save file and think i don’t know what the [ __ ] i was doing

And start again and the cycle repeats and uh unless i never finish games Right i mean i feel like that’s uh that that’s basically a description do that with monster hunter world but also spent 200 playing it already yeah i mean that monster hunter doesn’t count that’s not a kind of game that really has an end the end is when you stop playing and

There’s like not there’s no like story progress or really [ __ ] that you need oh i got some levitt that you really need to follow right you just you hunt monsters i wish i had a capture card oh that’s a thing i gotta add i gotta make

A list of this stuff i have a notebook here i’ve actually started taking notes in a paper notebook now it kind of does i mean yes it has a story but the story like is short and not that important so like you can get away with like not

Knowing what you were doing because it tells you exactly what excuse me you need to do and it’s still just monster hunter right it got a little worse with iceborn i will admit that because of the grinding lands they challenged me into the game yeah no for sure new mic new pc

I f phone x uh what else did i say uh vr vr headset leap motion oh yeah capture card never got there only good bit into iceborn iceborn i suppose didn’t last as long for me i don’t know i just didn’t get as much into it

I don’t like the clutch call i also don’t like how isolas behave that’s fair the clutch claw was i think it ended up being a detriment to the game the whole like tenderizing monster i don’t think it was very good i didn’t like it barbara’s pog is hell though so i’ve

Been enjoying rides i bought ryze and i’m still two star village one star hub like and i love monster hunter i want to play it more i just haven’t been oh partly because i’m streaming and i can’t stream it but also i’ve just like so in the in between when i’m like

Doing stuff for stream or working on my stream i think about games it’s like oh i should play a game and relax oh but i should actually try to do some work uh then i don’t do work and i just sit there reading shitty isakai mangas on on the internet

Charge blade has been a lot like shooting yourself from the foot and hoping to accidentally shoot the monster instead wire bug really helps that that’s how it feels charge blade’s too big brand for me i just play switch axe switch axe and hammer and great sword unga bunga dude

That’s about the size of the complication i want to do me smash that’s me me smash come on minecraft give me some fish all right that’s good and i’m going to have that burger wirebot gives you a counter that fills your files for free you can charge

Immediately to if you capture wow that’s sick the thing that what got me with charge plate was counter points or guard points because i want to use them because it’s cool but i suck too much to use them so i just ate [ __ ] i hope that’s relatable

I like this playlist this is a nice stream oh some of the music is a little maybe intense i got i got sick of my other playlist of like mega chill music that makes me yawn every two seconds guy points require an insane amount of timing so i just abused wire about

Counter said yeah i mean that’s true like i played some long sword in world because i loved the counters in it so i played like a super meme long sword build i used uh the velcana set bonus which while your weapon is sheathed you gain bonus charging bonus damage and then i also

Did like draw attack crits so i did like the weird resheath stuff and it was awesome and it was also kind of [ __ ] long start is cool but there’s no more like free flinch free and multiplayer hunts so long story uses to become the worst because they just trip everybody and that nobody

Likes it and everybody hates it i mean i say that but i haven’t even gone online yet like i said i’ve barely been playing ryze i need to play it more well the good news is is a youtuber friend of mine olivia is going to be um

Streaming her plays of it and i’m going to join her in some of it so technically i’ll be streaming it the greatest fan would launch our long story guy into the airport and follow the helm splitter see that dumb [ __ ] like that is why i love monster hunter

Because that’s in a way that’s actually good but it’s also [ __ ] it’s dumb and also amazing and good and i love that i need to stream it i’m really early in the game still i mean you could yeah might not be a bad idea yes my cow pen is filling quickly Oh oh oh oh there we go are all my cows fed nope okay it looks good now i just want i just need to play it more honestly i need to play it more because i just i just i just like monster hunter how many hours did i have

A monster in the world let’s take a look let’s take a look shall we library monster monster hunter world all right so Well here i’ll just show some of this um we’re gonna switch to a new scene real quick uh there we go okay so I’m gonna make sure i get this right add a game capture steam specific window uh can i not capture steam i don’t think i can capture steam interesting how am i gonna do this can i add a Window capture apparently you can’t see the inside of steam anymore so you can’t stream wow okay all right so never mind that that’s over with all right so keep in mind that uh i played this also a shitload on console as well before it came out but i have

278.9 hours of monster hunter world on pc and on ps4 i probably have the same if not more because i played a shitload of it until the pc release came out and then i played a shitload more of it in fact definitely way more ps4 So i think it’s safe to say i like monster hunter i also have generations which i played as [ __ ] load up generations are so good they added really cool monsters glovinius glavanos livinius very cool what is cooler than a t-rex that has a blade tail and sharpens it in its own mouth to

Slice your head off i had some of the coolest moments in rise with the trick arts the i used ariel style with switch axe and if you dodge roll an attack into uno if you don’t roll into a monster you can leap off of them and get aerial attacks and i

Remember one time i dodged rolled into geniuses like tail swipe right off of it onto him and i made him flinch and it was the best coolest thing i’ve ever seen and i can’t record it because it was on 3ds and that makes me so sad my crowning achievement of my gaming

Career never will i be that cool again i’m just a shallow husk of a of a being right now never again will i achieve greatness such as that and it pains me every day every day i think of what i could have been and every day i’m reminded

That it’s no longer what i wanted uh yeah but that’s it that that’s my water horror world story oh i ate the corn i wanted to grind the corn but i ate it okay um i don’t know what else i mean i guess smooth stone roof i would make

Nether blocks yeah they’re bricks yes nether bricks uh oh bc face crash or is this always cause i was out of view okay yeah nether bricks nether bricks and another bricks i can make with a composter three slabs and a cauldron wood i’ll just go get some more wood whatever

This is oak wood give me the wood [ __ ] do you mind get out of here stupid baby zombies it was funny i’m actually kind of looking forward to resident evil village i don’t normally like resident evil games i’m kind of looking forward to it and it’s got nothing to do with the

Giant lady before you say anything at all it’s not because of the giant lady or the goth gf okay okay okay are we clear that’s not why i’m excited for resident evil village and i know none of you believe me but i swear to god it’s the truth please please believe me

You have to believe me ah let’s see i need six slabs three one two three cauldron composter uh-huh all right and the composter needs that’s that’s an enchanted book that’s the other rack is out of four stone do i have stone i probably need to make stone there

You don’t have to lie to us because they are the reason for me as well as the fact i enjoyed re7 i swear to god it’s not because of them i’m not saying that they’re not a draw okay okay i’m not gonna go that far but they’re not the reason i’m playing

I’m interested in playing it okay okay okay please please i’ve seen all the tick tock memes about the big lady okay they’re all about like her choking you or or just demolishing you and i mean i get it okay i get it i get it i totally get it

Just that’s not why i swear to god even if you don’t believe me but that’s okay you don’t believe me you don’t have to believe me oops i tapped out is it composting me cool sus don’t you suss me you son of a they just look fun okay they just look fun

Here netherrack yeah this is cool i like this this is a neat little mod slime fun is very cool and i cook netherrack and another bricks can i do that in a blast furnace nope Wait how much is it for an upgraded furnace um seven processing speed times two basic circuit board what needs to be unlocked elsewhere oh my god oh machines no technical components eight levels Do i need to go back to the ender farm i don’t want to do that right now whatever i guess that’ll come in the future that’ll come in the future come here come here near another rack uh yeah Okay i’m gonna empty out one of these furnaces i guess to start making nether bricks got my stone hook it away are there any other games i’m looking forward to lately not really uh yeah i don’t even know what’s coming out i feel like there are games that i’ve

Been looking forward to but i don’t exactly did one drop down i don’t think so sussis among us dummy thick susses excuse me oh it’s clear you’re gone i’m looking forward to dinner my burger that delicious burger oh yeah for those of you who are joining us from the raid and still here

You can definitely know if i’m doing a pasta redeem or not because here this is me sitting up properly with good posture this is me normally gaming this is me this is me is gremlin you know for sure when i’m grambling and i don’t know if i like that about my 3d model

But it is a thing so now you can know just how garbage my posture is me gremlin i am grambling ding ding ding ding ding nice uh do i have any food to cook salmon i think this will look pretty good as nether brick roof right

I like that all right that’s that’s a plan for the future definitely definitely definitely definitely i’m hungry maybe i should go heat up my burgers soon eh whatever oh wait i can wait i have control now what can i compress um machines presser smeltery magic or washer table saw composter compressor

Steel engine steel plates ate coal into carbon all right do i have enough coal for this i want to see i have some coal around here somewhere i have a block of coal i mean that’s that’s that’s enough coal whoops oopsie doodle zoom Got my carbon so what do i do with carbon uh huh i can make steel i’m pretty sure iron dust carbon iron ingot all right all right i don’t think i have any iron dust because i don’t have any iron ore right cold war nope that chest is a tragedy don’t look

At it don’t think about it don’t acknowledge it iron no iron um iron all right go find some iron real quick because i want to play with the compressor that is redstone i does not care about redstone what stupid skeleton did you come from down here

What is up with my screen okay nothing down here nothing we nothing we nothing get it oh he probably spawned in here my axe is about to break i have wood so i guess i can make a replacement um surely there must be iron around here somewhere Um oh i know what i’m looking forward to there are two games that i really really want to play they’re both basically the same thing i don’t know if anyone’s ever played the we were here games they’re so good they’re they’re co-op puzzle games two people asynchronous puzzle solving first one’s free

Highly recommend everybody play it find a friend play the [ __ ] out of them stream it i don’t know do whatever you want but they’re so good and then there’s uh don’t have friends to play it with okay whatever you say buster um an operation tank is the same thing

But you’re spies instead of explorers in a cold area and it’s like one of them one of them is like the the hacker overseer that does all the like technical stuff and the other one is the spy that’s inside the the place that they’re trying to infiltrate look even if i do have

Friends no one wants to play that sucks i mean i get it’s not for everyone it is a co-op puzzle game it’s not you gotta like puzzle games and they can be pretty obscure but man they are a lot of fun if you like those kind of things

And then i want to play operation tango with a friend like in the demo i think the devil’s still on the i don’t i think the temple’s still out there but in the demo uh when the spy is in the elevator the quote-unquote hacker can control the elevator and one of the

Things they can do is you know they can change the theme of the elevator so have like an ar overlay where it’s like hey it’s christmas also you can display text messages any text message you want at all i’m sure you can imagine the kind of things that happened there

And that just that that was an instant sell for me then you know being able to display whatever message i wanted to the person who’s trapped in the elevator i never pushed it but there’s also a button to call security i don’t i don’t know what that would do though

Other than call security which would that end the game i don’t even know but it’s something you can do there’s there was like a jank ass platforming section though that was kind of weird but anyways you can look forward to uh uh me playing that at some point whenever it comes out

Uh i have too much cobblestone okay okay okay okay okay okay this morning as usual i had the the roster park theme stuck on my head i don’t know why i’ve been like thinking of it so often but it’s been stuck on my head so constantly except this time it wasn’t the jurassic

Park theme song it’s um you know what better to show not tell i just wait a minute a minute here jurassic park this is this is exactly what is stuck in my head all morning long oh let’s skip ahead this was my morning this is the entirety of my morning Why i don’t know why did my brain do this to me i don’t know but it did that’s all i could think of this morning that was what my head was filled with ba i’m sorry for that i couldn’t help it i had to get it out because i started thinking about it

Again and i had to do it you know i had to do it to him i’m not actually sorry iron perfect this is what i’m here for sorry not sorry posture check oh [ __ ] okay i’m gonna leave now let me know what’s up with the micro server if you make one

Yeah for sure i will absolutely and have a good evening what is wrong with me and a hydrate alrighty alrighty i got you ah delicious hydration a pick brook whatever i have iron ore i feel like i’m watching that teddy lloyd music video now you know the one i will not mention it

On stream because it’s definitely uh something i would classify as yabbe a little too uh yab for me uh but you know what i’m talking about you’re all cultured enough to know what i mean especially tea if she’s around i know she knows what i’m talking about

All right we out and now we’re going to go back up because i was here for iron ore oh my back is itchy there we go nice scratch nice scratch ah i scratched too hard ow i scratched too much don’t tell me i’m the only one who’s

Ever done that right like you’ve you’ve scratched too hard before right and it kind of hurts a little bit it’s not weird is it that weird probably weird huh uh what do i make this in a smeltery so i need some iron bars i can only make one right now iron dust

Carbon uh and i need a fire you don’t have enough knowledge to understand this oh my god do i need to unlock stealing it uh items weapons items no it’s not here uh resources I do 11 levels i don’t have 11 levels i alright we’re gonna go commit some crimes please look forward to it do i still have a boat on me i do i really should pay attention to what direction it’s in i don’t think i’ve ever even looked

Out of my way you stupid zombie don’t look at the cow pit it’s terrifying actually terrifying is any other i should look at some other loyalty free music channels oh god i haven’t slept in three days Oh no i forgot i haven’t slept at all ah gotta go gotta go gotta go goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye don’t bother me phantoms please please get into the portal get into the portal oh thank god it’s daytime i don’t have to worry about it anymore well how many

Keys does a stargate have oh that’s a lot of keys two three four five six there’s still six more nice and hollow hmm Oh yeah if you didn’t know the vt smp server holds events this is the current event right now a stargate in the server spawned in and everywhere within 24 hours of when one key is found another one will spawn in with a special structure somewhere in the world and once we find

Our keys this the stargate will open and lead to question mark and that’s pretty cool what is it gonna lead to i don’t know how do i find the keys it’s the luck blue is it the blue one i feel like it might be the blue one

I don’t think it is though or maybe no i don’t think this is it this ain’t it wait what is this first key of the temple yeah this thing doesn’t it hello game please oh god boats are so hard to control on ice i am speed all right i’m pretty sure it

Is over here also this this by the way wild i feel like this was like spawning like this but that’s totally wild i love it it looks so cool yep this is it here all right i’m gonna get out of the boat because this is just easier we’re gonna go murder some enderman

Oh that’s probably my boat well whatever oh so that’s a really cool portal too i like that a lot into the magic tree to get sent to the what are you doing here get out of here stupid enderman i can’t believe these endermen it’s so nice having someone already made

An intermittent farm because these things are annoying to make i find them very annoying to make but now they’re here they are ready for slaughter they spawn in such an incredible rain isn’t this insane this is just insane and there’s so many ender pearls i have so many ender pearls again

Nobody wants these look at this nobody wants all these pearls is there lapis here probably not right look at how many ender pearls are here All right time to learn stealing it uh there’s another thing i wanted to learn what was it uh basic machines furnace reinforced furnace cutting machine crucible industrial miner that was it i don’t have enough xp well easy easy to fix just out here murdering enderman ow i still can’t believe

Choco and hololives got to level 300. that’s so insane to me like how do you spend that much time grinding into it just stayed there forever uh components basic circuit board i probably need bronze too [Applause] iron golem kill that mob to obtain this item really you have to kill an iron golem

For that all right well i know how to do that back to reality we go Make my way downtown talking fast eating ass i don’t remember the rest of the lyrics of this song just that one and that’s not actually the lyrics because i’m just thinking about eating ass what’s this down here nothing okay cool making my way downtown talking fast eating ass and i’m home now

No no no no no no no no no no no multi-block will mine any ores in a seven say seven area underneath it place coal or some early and it’s just to fuel this machine oh this is actually easy to make all right i’m gonna make an iron golem um

No actually i’m gonna hold on back because i don’t have enough iron yet i’m gonna instead eat this fish I don’t know why i put the boat in there but i did it nighttime nope You know sometimes i think things that happen to everybody i take for granted and don’t happen to everyone so i have to ask once a while like have you ever just like spontaneously thought of a song from a million years ago and it’s just stuck in your head and you can’t help but

Like hear it all the time i hope that’s not just me i’ve got so many cows now yeah Soon we’ll be calm again i hope it’s not just me anyways it might be just me i don’t think it is I’m gonna just go ahead and assume that it’s not yeah that’s uh that’s what i’m gonna go with it’s not it’s not just me it’s uh everybody everybody is just as weird as me Um i need a cactus i’ve got some cactus at some point There’s sand right here wait i thought you planted cactus on sand right or does it need to be next to water oh maybe it needs to be next to water well anyways out of here inner pearls i do not want you nobody wants you anymore you you are a

Pain you are a menace there are too many of you be gone it’s a dragon fruit tree still i guess it must be oak apple strawberry garlic but you can cook with this Are these just floating peaches yep i should break these leaves eh eh i’m too short i’m doing my duty to make this server look a little nicer so we don’t have weird floating leads everywhere there and then i’m gonna chop the wood chop chop chop the wood chop the dough wood away Bow i feel like these leaves should also be broken like why are they not breaking is it because they’re attached to this tree maybe perhaps if i knock down this tree nope well at least break them this is weird i feel like they should be disappeared all right so i like to say

This playlist in general that i’ve got going on but uh some of these songs i don’t know about they are a little little much for me i think oh no need to go to bed i need to stop this from happening leave me alone my house is underground you can’t get me

Uh oh i guess i should let them know then uh i will go to bed and do that what Um there we go did my duty i’m doing my part i should move this over here no there’s only two people on here oh my god this zombie is protected oh oh they’re asking me a question oh but the zombie is trolling me look at all these beautiful cows it’s

Time for a culling ah no we’re getting away you escaped now you must perish there shall be no escape Wait where’d the cow go all right you win this one cow you may live Did i get all the meat i have all the meat i should really just use carpet maybe one day i’ll learn to have uh not full inventory constantly maybe maybe one day but uh science point to no all right uh i am starving so i think this is a good place to end

Uh i actually did some good renault on my house today i’m liking how some of this is turning out i got some nice pictures i got this floor a little flattened out storage area over here with some art i’ve got a nice plan here so i have

Purple walls and this main crafting area with another brick roof all through the house i’m gonna use these smooth stones around this area uh for the bedroom area and want to get some more carpet and get some little pattern carpets going on here oh i got a little farm set up

I got all those cows up there and i have some more progress made uh so i am going to actually end it there for now this is usually when i end anyways uh so i’m going to Hello hi welcome all right so um thanks for joining me today it was really cool thank you to t for the raid uh i had a lot of fun i always liked playing minecraft i just i can never focus on a task i always get so sidetracked to do a million other

Things and never finish the task but i still did pretty good today discovered a lot of stuff the mods on this server were really cool uh but i am starving and this is usually my hand time so i’m gonna go heat up my hamburger and eat my burger

Maybe maybe maybe cook some onion mushrooms yeah but uh anyways thank you all for joining me once again and i will be streaming tomorrow i might be playing eternal return i’m still thinking about it i might play apex or i might try something new i didn’t really know what games i wanted

To play this week so i just have my times and for those of you who are curious my times are always tuesday wednesday friday saturday 2 p.m pacific until 6 p.m pacific so right now and i start four hours previous uh and i sometimes will stream on thursday and sometimes on sunday

It’s sort of a however mood takes me and so far i never stream on monday but i might play with games with other people on their channels on monday but personally i try not to stream on mondays oh and i may be trying some schedule changes in the future

I’ve been thinking of trying to start at noon instead of two see if that works out better for people oh but that’s something i’ve been playing with a little bit uh but we’ll we’ll see for that uh and i wanna i really wanna try some vr chat streams in the future so i’m

Gonna try to either get myself to a point where i can upload my own models said me right here look how cool i am or uh get somebody else to upload it for me so i can copy it from them and they could just make it private and i could too right

Uh but i think that’ll be cool and hang out with some people in vr chat just just hang out really it’s just it’ll be great to hang out because i have not hung out with people in person in a long long time and uh why not do it in vr instead right

Yeah yeah but i think i think i’ll play herbs tomorrow there’s a patch tonight actually and i’m gonna check out the patch tomorrow new character i don’t think i’m gonna buy him but there is actually if you want to play herbs tomorrow’s a good time to start because a right now they have

Double coin events so their free currency if you play league it’s basically ip or blue essence you get for free um to buy heroes uh and then uh they’re having twice as many free characters they will have 12 free characters for the next two weeks

Out of like i don’t know there’s like 30 characters so it’s almost almost half of their characters will be free so you’ll probably get to play all of them over the next two weeks uh but other than that i don’t know anything else i wanted to say oh

So i guess check out my youtube channel i have a youtube channel c gnarlsvt hey uh yeah i don’t know that that’s it you guys are cool i love you all oh i’m gonna go eat my hamburger now because i’m actually starving uh and again thank you t for the raid

Thank you all for the follows just hanging out chatting working it’s all cool and i will catch you this time tomorrow i might honestly i’m gonna be real with you i might gorilla stream like apex tonight or something after dinner it’s okay you don’t just showing up at all or even just

Anything just just that you know anything you do supporting me just being here once in a while is cool you don’t even have to be here very long show up for five minutes and go do something else you know but yes thank you for joining me um i will probably play epics tonight

I’m gonna be honest i might even stream it uh but i will officially end my official stream for now i left for a while yeah i mean that’s fine yeah that’s cool no you’re nobody’s ever under any obligation to stick around for the whole stream or be here ever every stream show up

Once a week that’s cool with me thank you for the stream yes thank you for joining me i’ll catch you all later i’m i’m eat burger now bye i love you i love you all goodbye Wait i should raise someone always pay it forward before everybody leaves i’m gonna raid someone uh who who is online that i can raid hi i’m back i just realized that i should rate someone so let’s see who’s online huh who can i raid zooey streaming she’s probably stopped by now uh let’s

Raid for those of you who are extremely um let’s see guild wars phasmo minecraft and playing minecraft all right i’m gonna ray dan hi no raid message just say hello be nice to her it’s me dream start raid okay goodbye i love you all love you all bye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft VTuber】Acacia Wood is garbage’, was uploaded by Narles on 2021-04-14 20:26:08. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:10 or 14590 seconds.

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  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

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    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

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  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

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  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

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  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

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    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

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  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

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  • Astraley Network

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  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

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  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

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  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

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  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

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    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) TikTok minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More