Released snapshot 23 j07a which has added a lot of new features here they are we have a first appearance of the sniffer apart from its huge size for now it does nothing special but he has a special characteristic his nose he sniffs the ground and when he’s doing That he can dig up seeds that give us this pretty flower a new biome has been added the Cherry Grove biome which has very cute pink trees which adds a whole new type of wood and therefore a new boat a new door a new wood a new Trapdoor a new button new sign and also new trees and also a new flower but this snapshot also means the addition of archeology how does it work the first step is to find a desert temple once this is done if you dig in a new hidden Room which is usually on the right you will be able to find some suspicious sand once you find the suspicious sand you can use a brush to retrieve what’s in the sand there may be lots of stuff but you have to find some pottery pieces if you find the four different pieces You will be able to craft them into a decorative pot Video Information
This video, titled ‘Latest #Minecraft Snapshot is Crazy ! #shorts’, was uploaded by Natop on 2023-02-20 16:30:12. It has garnered 1593 views and 79 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds.
Latest #Minecraft Snapshot is Crazy ! #shorts