Navi Ch. – 🔴Dungeon raid w/friends on the Minecraft Server🎮✨ |【VTuber】

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Foreign Give me Foreign Little Things Oh you didn’t hear that shut the [ __ ] up Oh my God is that is that the Jesus the Jesus Christ the one Jesus Christ is that Jesus in my chat okay I believe now I believe I I do not believe for the past many many years but now now I believe if Jesus drops a like on this stream I

Am officially blessed to get YouTube Partner today is my last stream before YouTube partner and I’m happy I mean today I’m gonna apply for partner but I don’t know when it’s gonna happen probably gonna take a little bit obviously I need to do some uh verification and stuff

Yeah yeah dude drop a like drop a like bro drop a like me and uh me and your father are we’re bros we’re Bros you know is that what Jesus said did he actually say that I don’t know I wasn’t there anyway what’s up Chad how are you guys how are you

Today we’re gonna be playing some Minecraft we’re gonna be doing a dungeon raid on the Minecraft server with uh the rest of the guys I don’t know how many are uh are gonna come today but we we saw she I’m doing great I’m doing great if you’re watching from above aren’t you

Like dead no am I wrong isn’t Jesus dead he is yeah yeah it’s Jesus is in chat I don’t know what what is happening in heaven but uh I just want to say that lore-wise you know just lore wise I am a demonic catboy so I hope that’s not too

Much of a problem but other than that other than that um hey what’s up what’s up what’s up uh yeah I’m doing great today I posted another clip what’s another clip my Clips are my Clips do better at like around 6 p.m to 8 P.M somewhere there so yeah we’re doing great

And it’s YouTube Partner day in a few days well technically it’s today but it could also be in a few days who knows depends on when they accept me again I have no idea when that will happen why are you talking about Family Guy why are you talking about family

Why are we talking about a Family Guy again guys come on come on please I love Family Guy I love it but you already applied no bro I’m applying today I just don’t know when I’m gonna get accepted yeah oh because then you’re short of course partner was going to be this

Year dumbass of course it was gonna be this year it was either this month or next month or is there no when ah and of course my calculations were correct I calculated that back in like March that our get partner between July August and September

And it’s August and I got a partner so well I didn’t get it but let’s hope that they accept me Chad yesterday’s stream did not get copyright striked but you never know you don’t know we have to be very PG today we have to be very peachy

No I’m kidding I’m not gonna be PT if they want to accept me as a partner even when I’m not PG then that’s cool if they don’t want to accept me as partner because I’m not PT 13 then you know YouTube maybe 13 year olds shouldn’t be

On this app maybe have you considered that maybe 13 year olds shouldn’t be on this app but I’m just saying anyway it’s so weird to say hi Jesus and chat I don’t I hope your partner soon uh I can’t wait to use these emotes here I mean okay

Here’s what I’m thinking but I need you guys before we start because we have some time before we start right I think we’re starting in like 15 minutes for the raid the dungeon raid uh eight minutes my bad okay we still have time it’s okay I just wanted to ask

You guys I’m gonna have multiple theaters of memberships okay there’s gonna be a tier that’s pretty cheap there’s gonna be a tier that’s normal price so 3.99 uh the cheap tier I’m thinking is going to be around either 199 or 250 I I don’t know yet

I have to figure out the taxes because I would make it like a dollar but then with taxes and PayPal taxes in my country’s taxes I get nothing so I get like zero um which is not great so you know I wanted to make it one tier as cheap as

Possible so everyone can join and use the emotes but they’re gonna be more expensive tiers for people who Wanna um who want to contribute to the Stream but that’s that I don’t know if I’ll be closing Kofi memberships we’ll see about that um because someone asked me if you get

YouTube memberships will you be closing coffee memberships I don’t know possibly not sure depending on how YouTube memberships will do um because not not like I’m I mind getting more money but I just don’t know if I’m gonna have time to give more attention to my YouTube

Members and my coffee members so you know I don’t know I’m just gonna buy the most expensive shut up he better not he better not oh by the way uh remember that girl that we raided the capital meal uh we we were talking in DMS and she was like oh yeah this guy

From your chat uh is a simp and I was like yep yeah he is yeah he is anyway think of VIP in the description or along with YouTube membership what guy in the chat she was talking about Tom no she yes he did she did she did we were talking we were talking

No no no uh when I rated her she said this guy from your chat and I said Tom yes and she was like he immediately came in and dropped a membership on a super and I was like yeah he’s a simp and he said yeah excuse hey Rio hello hello

And hello the person that said pug I can’t read your name so it would be nice if you can tell me I can’t guarantee that I’ll remember it but yeah ah chat partner stream next week hopefully if they accept my application Let’s us all pray together that they accept my application and yeah

That’s gonna be really poggers really poggers so yeah we hit Partners today and there’s a whole entire process behind it if you don’t know I have to apply because well depending on the country you live you have to pay taxes and you have to connect your bank account or whatever whatever and you’re

Government number whatever uh so yeah that’s gonna take a little bit I hope not too long I really hope it’s not gonna take too long uh from the people that I’ve talked to it mostly takes around the week or so so let’s hope for the best and even serial killers be allowed to

Acquire one yes uh there is a serial killer on YouTube who served about 18 years of prison and now he makes fishing videos but he got really old so whatever people changed it was 18 years okay most of you guys in chat have never even lived for

That long so yes people change the guy served 18 years and like he’s making fishing videos on YouTube and he’s a he’s a partner so why not I’m watching 144p oh damn wait why are you watching on your data go away go away stop I don’t want to pay for your data

Go away Hovis Redemption Arc is going well yeah that’s gonna be me in a couple years I’m gonna disappear for like 20 years and come back all old and wrinkly and be like ah yeah Chad I killed like a family of five and now we’re gonna make fishing videos and farming videos

You don’t pay me anyways I don’t but I feel bad because now you’re spending your data and I don’t know how expensive it is you know in a [ __ ] third world country and nothing stop saying another stop Chad there’s new people in the chat okay you can’t say another family of five

Guys we don’t say that you can’t say that there’s new people in chat my friends are in chat you can’t say that anyway I got some Red Bull today because I will pass away if I keep streaming like this I stream like eight hours yesterday and then four hours and then

Oh so we need to like chill a little bit actually don’t know what you are some kind of catboy I’m a demonic catboy I’m in my catboy arc right now I’m getting Navi 3.0 who will be a defend Arc let’s say my chat has seen a little sneak peek because they uh they

Contributed on the sabathon donothan whatever you want to call that and yes they got a little sneak peek and uh we are transforming into the other Arc whatever that is in a little bit in a little bit originally I wanted to do the debut the 3.0 debuted uh with the YouTube Partner

But I got YouTube Partner way faster than I thought so again exclusive sneak peek no hey only people who got to see the whole thing where uh people that I really really trust or people that were willing to draw me so yeah it’s like three people

After all I’ve done for you which is which is also I got your haircut Rio did I tell you that I got your haircut I showed my hairdresser a picture of your face and I was like this and he said okay if your hair if you did not give me

Heritage you just send me a picture of your face with your hair dumbass yeah we have matching haircuts I’m so hot and now we want it to look like me our faces are very different I will tell you that very very different to help me like one of your French cat

Get out of here you have like 20 minutes of delay with your [ __ ] Argentina Brazil or whatever the [ __ ] you are data oh my laundry hold on BRB oh My God Foreign Sorry I didn’t want my clothes to get moldy again uh because they’re not close I’m washing my my bed sheets and my mattress stuff and I told you already I’m making the living room bigger in the kitchen bigger and uh breaking a few walls so everything has to be removed so yeah

It’s gonna take a lot a lot of laundry what are you guys talking about Avi loves me so much he decides to look like me that’s what I think about this not laundering money not against We know how life stuff happens here but there was actually a lot of stuff on my bed sheets but you guys should not know that um anyway Uh oh this thread will taste so good when you didn’t eat lunch chat when you when you have an empty stomach and you don’t eat lunch Red Bull tastes so much better hi Abyss how are you you pissed the bed again no but my dog did as you guys know I

Have sadly plenty of bedrooms in this house and I do live by myself so my dog just picked the bedroom and now he sleeps there on the like queen size bed and not his little 30 centimeters wide dog bed um and he pissed on it so now I had to wash everything

Well not now that happened like a year ago but still and put the bed guys I’m not I’m not Amber whatever her name was are you living it up yeah my dog is living a good life me on the other hand not so much I literally took my laundry

Out put in the dryer and there was a ball of hair a football of hair with all the like mattress covers and the bed sheets and the pillows it was a football of hair and it’s not mine okay maybe it was like 50 mine but it was 50 not mine

I was like catford shut up shut up shut up anyway uh we’re gonna be starting in a little bit actually when are we starting oh it’s starting in a bit okay starting in two minutes or so I had a hairball shut up I know Ariel Navi is as there is

Something there I am there bear naked right now yeah AC at 17 degrees Celsius Bear Naked as [ __ ] we we running around TMI okay whatever the huge ass Windows next to me the neighbors can see everything and I do not care one bit so well whatever we all have peepees at

Least 50 of us so whatever those poor neighbors oh shut up it is very comfy when your ass is small it’s very comfy but you wouldn’t know that would you um all right I will oh hold on coffee is having some issues yo yo oh hello looking

Oh oh I don’t have my headphones on I forgot there you go okay everything good with Minecraft I’m trying to get myself back I’m struggling did you get on the server okay good bye I’ll see you in a bit no what I’m streaming oh sorry I’m dying

Okay okay I’ll see you in a bit for the dungeon raid I’m gonna need help like I don’t know who cares we’re all gonna walk there [ __ ] oh my God oh my God so um I’m in fact melby’s neighbor yes yes neighbors see a lot of things

Darling the twink next door is flashing us again shut up shut up that’s not how it that’s not how it works shut the [ __ ] up oh my God okay I’m gonna get on Minecraft okay I’m gonna go to my favorite VC with the stream five right here okay and

I will log on to the server oh my God by the way did I show you guys the Mushroom House I did right I think I think you guys were here for that how are we how are you doing are we good why is he not capturing the game

Why is he not capturing the game okay it’s gonna capture it soon oh God the window crashed [ __ ] windows 10. oh God why is he not capturing it why not [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on oh there you go oh oh you had to piss me off first thanks [ __ ] all right then Chad today we’ll be doing a dungeon raid with everyone else I don’t know how many people are in it I don’t know how many people will actually join oh Jesus

Christ why did you move me I didn’t do [ __ ] you moved me to stream one oh no he didn’t I ah oh I see I see I started the event so it moved me to stream one are you an idiot shut the [ __ ] up how are you already fighting and I just

Joined the PC How’s it how’s it going man shut up I I was being sincere why is there a sheep on my table so suck these nuts chat about you how about you go to Chic oh my God I’m lagging so bad no I’m good I’m good I’m good oh my God I forgot about this

I forgot about the big chungus outside of my house oh yeah the [ __ ] dinosaur why the [ __ ] is there big chungus and Medieval Minecraft Tav are you streaming yes okay hi tops chat I’m Navi I stream on the better platform bruh wait you didn’t say anything TLS did you uh come on okay

Uh fanboys Emirates Pokemon shut up okay okay okay hello I swear hello how to Wrangle you shut the [ __ ] up there’s people here well one people no no no no no no no no okay should we start walking there bro you didn’t even tell us where there is what the [ __ ]

I figured I had that handle on okay so the dungeon is here I will put the bear hi coffee oh yeah anyway do you not like genuine friendships poor yeah a little [ __ ] okay with your own body’s just [ __ ] like saying [ __ ] yeah it’s over there no that’s death uh oh

Okay guys we’re gonna do a lot of a lot of [ __ ] today so not one dungeon okay so if you have something like a horse or a dragon to ride that would be ideal because no one wants to walk across their lap so I don’t have anything right me okay

I hate Navi saying Ride me no no I did not say bro it’s recorded no it is out of context it is out of context your honor honors you’re not in front of a judge judge you enough yeah they do they do they do so I’m Rusty I’m glad they do

What the flick you know what V2 record V2 record oh God it’s you Chad uh coffee’s low okay I made him a little higher I’m gonna make the music a little lower too okay that should be like you you can barely even hear it right yeah it’s a negative 40. you can barely

Hear it so a dungeon Ray that starts and like five start walking there what is that uh x one four three nine said one two seven one there you go all right so chat I’m giving you this uh bit of attention did you guys see my upgraded house so I put some diamond

Armor on my bird and this dinosaur is Rio’s pet um so he got that I also made a cow Farm because I love meat I’m kidding but uh food and also milk uh I also got a sword I got a sword it’s sharp three I’m breaking two thank God for the dungeons

Um I will make some food before we leave or the dinosaur the dungeon no the dinosaur can’t fly but that can fly I want to write that because there’s an ocean between us and the dungeon it’s a little bit big so yeah he claimed this entire region even the

Boats God damn Haru I only claimed this I only claimed this land why is Yuki in my area should I claim more you can claim around like 500 Chunks I think 500 Chunks yeah what should we what should we claim I want to claim more but I don’t really

Like the rest of the forest said back off [ __ ] it’s mine okay what else are we getting are we getting any more weapons um okay I have some good stuff here but I don’t know what I want to take with me oh that’s cool take a bet you are right you are right

Good job we do need a bed in case we die everyone take a bed with you okay let me announce it on the Discord that we’re starting hi Here take a bet so you can respawn yeah yeah I’m not gonna teleport everyone you better [ __ ] take a bed or a walk I don’t know I don’t have a bed that’s what I asked before I only have one bed all right so I just reached the Stone Age congrats thank you

Um fun fact multiple people can sleep in a bed oh yeah true okay I’ll get a bed for everyone I I mean yeah that’s logic um no no oh my God it’s not raining please no no no no no it’s raining it is raining but it’s raining turn off the rain

Wait coffee what kit did you pick want to let me to let you know you stink yeah tell him to [ __ ] off and get in here so we can do the raid I’ll raid his [ __ ] why is there seal all the way up here what are you doing coffee where are you

Are you at spawn I’m a thousand meters away from The Raid oh nice nice I see where you are okay uh also if anyone has a Way Stone please bring it just in case we’re not only gonna read that place we’re gonna read many things

Uh so if we’re supposed to let you know Navi he’s currently driving okay you can play Minecraft in a Tesla I think it doesn’t own a Tesla you better get a Tesla I don’t have a Tesla either if he gets it that’s why he better share it

Shared the Tesla or perish oh it’s raining I’m just gonna I’m just gonna uh no please don’t it makes it bad I’m just gonna no it’s amazing I’m a cheater what did I do you’re you’re a big fat oh my God I’m definitely you guys better be there when I unbeth him

Okay okay so Chad this is a modded Minecraft server uh oh sorry something is in my eye it’s called the Medieval Minecraft mod pack there’s 372 mods um including the origin mod I am a demon so I can oh my God I thought that was a dinosaur

I’m a demon so I can do uh this yeah that usually does more damage but it’s my land here so you I can’t do any explosions but if you look at the mini map if I go out of my land I can do that yeah and I don’t take fire damage

Because uh I’m a demon but water hurts me I can literally swim in lava but uh yeah water hurts me why are there colorful sheep around my house oh my God okay anyway I’ll start going there uh and the guys better [ __ ] be there okay Haru lives close to it

I’m close to it too with the very very first there uh I don’t know where Yuki is I don’t know where the [ __ ] Yuki is anyway I’ll start going there Minecraft DND nah I wouldn’t call that I would not actually call it that uh actually before I go I think I’m gonna

Need a lot of food so let’s make that real quick do we have any we better have some food cause I farm [ __ ] and then Rio goes in the chest and he’s like oh mine no I don’t blame him good for him oh can I eat the guts hello

Oh okay that is a little bit I only have that uh okay cow Farm cow Farm time hold on I’m gonna feed the little children and then I’m gonna kill their parents um great let me put all that ah look at all those milkers damn good job now

Is it time yet oh [ __ ] my bad my bad my bad hold on there’s cylinder I’ve also provided I know I know I’m not actually slandering you if I wanted to slander you I would do a better job than that foreign there we go some children died but it’s fine

It happens in genocides like this perfect did I punch the dog no he’s fine how much did I get 22. amazing okay get out of my way or the genocide will continue perfect um I’m an amazing slave owner I mean farmer let’s put that [ __ ] in here no I got some okay laughs

Oh I want this oh by the way Rio are you coming to the raid oh oh he literally just logged on is it raining again no it’s not okay I don’t want it to rain it’s not animal abuse they’re fine look look overpopulation [ __ ] are you guys there yet

Oh they’re actually beds right next to it at a campsite oh okay how is coffee oh coffee don’t go to that campsite I think that’s an evil place but be careful okay we’re all sleeping right now definitely okay I I asked you a question why is it evil

Oh I think there’s a pillagers there yeah that’s a villager campaign people hey yo graveyards whenever you see them good loot I rated graveyards really fun actually speaking but then the sunset was not so fun you could have said that before I started coming but I’ll bring your sword

Uh do you need armor you definitely didn’t need I need anything anything you can get flask what’s up the hurries crazy water oh I think Rio has one of those when he goes on the Discord you can ask him uh Rios currently said in the chat he’s trapped

In the dead cells Dimension yeah oh my God thank you he went to the dead cells Dimension and got trapped goodness if you guys load like 30 million chunks again I swear to [ __ ] God I haven’t even gone that far yet well someone did yesterday because I got

Messages from this from from the console the console being like hell holy [ __ ] the console was like four million texts behind Rio hello okay coffee and bring you your armor for getting me out of the dimension yeah whatever how did you even go there uh there’s a bunch of portals around

Yeah oh is that the dungeon yeah it’s it’s a circular position yeah but there’s a portal at the end of a dungeon there’s a portal uh that takes you into another dimension within the dimensioner Yeah it’s you’re basically playing dead cells because you’re going through all the different

Locations and that’s all yeah okay if you’ll get your dinosaur we’re getting the [ __ ] out of here ow [ __ ] damn oh the rain stopped the hole would you look at that [ __ ] how amazing the weather is crazy today guys start going to the dungeon please I’m already online I’m going I’m going

I’m going oh Rio let’s get some food there’s some food on the pan get the food I’ve got I’m gonna get it for me [ __ ] I don’t care I put the food in there and I left I forgot it it’s it’s it’s so you can thank me for teleporting you

Yeah you live like like next to it we live two months away from it yeah I I can I can literally when I live right basically live to it use my altar to get to your Island oh yeah you have that what oh my God briefer turn off your fridge

Who is living in a bee farm it is worse interesting ly like five wood briefer I want his wood just say it just say it we’re all streaming right now no proof or anything on the internet no digital Footprints no no no no no say you want his wood

I don’t oh briefer where are the catacombs can you put the oh my God shut the [ __ ] where the catacombs shut up I will ban you I will ip-band your family [ __ ] that guy screaming I am a scary man thank you not him not Nami Navi is not scary holy [ __ ]

Don’t go in everyone in the VC know that they said hi hi I had a chat imagine having a chat oh it’s an ant farm now my ears are gone I’m Dreaming right now if you’re not streaming um imagine holding up a career I just literally landed on a cloud that’s amazing yeah

That is not here her drink ocean water will I forever be thirsty oh my gosh you can eat you can eat ocean water I think Chad anyone too low too high buy this I’ll see you later anyone too low too high on the Discord on death and real quick so you can tell me what the [ __ ] what’s up oh God ah shut up Jesus what is happening what what happened

I put my boat down and as soon as I like walked down to where I place it I just like started spasming and got stuck you’re stuck stuff bro also I wanted to say haru’s Chad please convince Haru to stream on the better platform please wait wait this this call the majority

Are YouTube streamers that’s so poggers do I even count yes yes you count you count you can’t you can’t that’s enough I’m an X twitch user you’ve streamed twice more than the average YouTube streamer so you count you count didn’t didn’t you just stream on Twitch this morning me yeah coffee oh

I swear I [ __ ] saw you yes he isn’t he is insane he’s in sync he’s insane twin you might know my twitch but okay coffee can you stop moving I can’t find you oh it’s evil people I’m staring at you were you usually I think I summoned lightning to a villager a devil

Uh coffee yes you you can stay here come here huh we we are not family friendly in the least you can swear have I not been swearing you said what the freak what the hell 16 attack damage wow I swear it is a [ __ ] hassle to get wood guys are you coming uh

You are not serious ly you’re kidding me I mean um bro he is insane I am putting the coordinates in chat Buffy put on your [ __ ] Armor I’ll shove it up your ass I did put on my um okay good because I got that from my chest

Because I want to crack your nuts it is not raining again it is not raining again I pray to The One and Only God Navi to stop raining oh my God it stopped raining look at that Yes when we’re inside I won’t touch it I’m not sure what are you touching mainly me you’re pee pee wow hey yo hey yo hey I’m killing a butterfly oh yo did you bring the food I’m not people no way Navy’s do you take it off my my hands then

Oh you’re [ __ ] kidding ow sorry I forgot I shouldn’t bomb people inside their houses hey Navi can you like teleport me um because like I live further than you do and I flew here with my dragon so you better get your ass here right now will you let me [ __ ] finish my sins

The boats don’t work who did that I didn’t use the bird who did that who did both don’t work first and I didn’t do anything I can’t do anything I don’t have anything that does anything I’m a cat okay Navi oh I saw you I saw you I saw you I saw

Get back here get back I will slash kill you Navi what God is [ __ ] impossible to like get your attention teleport me because I can’t move okay what do I get in return I don’t know Dixie okay good enough for me I like how the squid

I think the red there are evil ones I’m sorry had to wrote Potter are you PG friendly too bad uh yeah I’m fine I’m not I’m not Fiji friendly no good unless you have like all the tags on stream so that’s a thick and I would smash so bad [Laughter]

Chad look at this [ __ ] oh look at this look at this when I first saw the ant my reaction was holy crap too normal okay it’s almost night time let’s go in the dungeon if anyone is not here too bad foreign let’s go in let’s go in let’s go in

Hi Cado how are you are they all dead where are they there were people here we killed them what do you mean we killed them there’s like spawners all right good enough stream goodbye guys I’ll see you tomorrow no no we have a list of dungeons okay we have a list of dungeons

Oh oh here’s one here’s one attack me yes now I’ll kill your fam oh it was that easy oh wait you guys are people holy [ __ ] sorry that’s probably me what is a lost soul bro I I just got the gay Emerald yeah I saw that what was that what’d you get

I got someone’s armor is this it wait what was that was that it yep guys I’m sorry guys I’m sorry I didn’t go in I thought it was like two floors no no no we’re going to the catacombs we’re going to the catacombs Do you not know where it is if you if you don’t know where it is we can go to the hell dungeon I remember like the place I just don’t have the permits so I’m just gonna okay okay you can go and well what the hell is this rabbit hole

Oh it’s so cute what is it not being able to enter I’m in furnace crafting table how did you get into the wall I have this ability called uh Phantom and I can go through wolves I don’t actually think it’s called that but oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ]

Oh my God it’s almost daytime coffee be careful the sun stop shut the hell up hi Chad hi Altair I was someone Rich enough to afford a good PC in Minecraft you don’t really need a good PC for Minecraft oh my God Yuki died oh God it’s raining it’s a skeleton skull

Just just like no emotional I’m tired let me don’t leave me alone I’ll die please are you good I’m fine right now but like I’m trying to find oh yeah what if I shoot you with a fireball I think it’s dark what what if I shoot

No no we’re not Americans This is an EU friendly stream you say it I am American what does that mean for me you’re American I always forget every time I reminded yeah I forget we exist can Americans exist yeah and this is a peaceful time in my

Life when I forget they exist and then you are so incentive oh there’s a dude wait that one tackle what the frick lot is this harder stop moving I can’t see what that oh my God I’m one-shotting them this is so much fun coffee I give you the best weapon in the

Game I got one of the helmets I get their whole armor if you wanted I want the armor do you wanna it’s not good it’s literally elk [ __ ] yeah yeah take the helmet oh great book oh I I died to protect you guys also why I’m fine I I don’t die why did

You why would you want to protect me I like how he was like get down the guy was like the worst armor in the game [Laughter] I got epic Dark Souls for boots are they better than what I currently have no uh briefly can you ping us and

Chad when you find the catacombs because I’ll mute for a little bit no that’s slightly better hi Shinobi the Wizards go to spell Fireball yes foreign I love this I love I love my Fireballs I love look at this sick ass ant no look at this ghost oh how did it live

Look at this look at this [Laughter] also at least now we know um whenever one of these appear uh not to have her hopes guys yeah if you go to spawn there’s like everywhere there’s like fire you know that was me okay so please don’t judge didn’t you literally

Say like ow oh I found a dead cells oh where is it where is it I got the chungus emerald yes the trunk is Emerald should we go to a hell dungeon real quick and clear it and then go to the catacombs or catacombs first then hell dungeon

You don’t know what they are at least at least I got some decent stuff from uh this place I got it yeah what is the what is that gay Emerald uh it’s the chungus emerald is it electrical it’s literally called the chungus emerald if you get it yes

Wait did you give me this I got an enchant the Golden Apple so probably got better [ __ ] than you guys did damn I only got the golden apple noise yeah bro graveyards gave me so much good [ __ ] what the hell I I have these you know actually makes me happy that I

Have the old it means I can just skip the enchanted table all together there’s a creeper creeper I explode before the creeper guys guys go to the coordinates that um briefer put in the chat I don’t think I will Daddy what was that noise did you see a big black man

What was it hey hey no no guys they’re in games they’re in game and they’re dangerous in game I swear it’s like those those huge huge black guys and then it was like you were blind oh ow ow ow ow ow ow right behind yeah I think Navy’s experiencing sex yeah

Oh it’s storming it’s okay you can play the rain now as long as it’s not if it’s if it’s if it’s rainy drinks say less you know okay briefer where is that uh catacombs again oh wait oh never mind oh okay I found it I found it it’s like two

Hour two hour left guys it’s like two hours left if you look at the map where briefer is scroll a little to the left it’s right over there so we all go there to these coordinates uh apart from me because I can teleport no I’m kidding I’m just gonna follow you

Um I’m So Far Away coffee I can fly coffee I can fly you’re not gonna follow me you guys are leaving Rio where are you oh what the hell who did that who declared the war who declare okay let’s get the [ __ ] out of here let’s get the [ __ ] out of here

Let’s get the [ __ ] out of here no I just fall on YouTube um where are you going I’m going to my dragon I don’t know where you guys are going dragon on these nuts I’ll drag your [ __ ] nut sack a clutch across the floor oh my God do not recreate our our bedroom

I really hate it here master bedroom I wish I went to sleep oh it’s daytime I pressed G H so get away from me right at the like like right next days oh this is fine it’s whatever okay hi James I came here from one of your

Shorts thank you which one was it thank you thank you for coming hello we’re just going to another dungeon okay guys start going to the dungeon oh hi Rio oh my neighbor I’m going by foot you are too yeah I don’t even have a food

All the way here Haru what did you claim like a hundred chunks give me the ability to claim area I claim area but so I claimed these lines I’m scared that every time in the map it says the Haru Clan I pay taxes or something

What the hell do not read that it says well like even the ships are thank you James for the sub welcome welcome do not talk about that is guys I know you’re a bottom I will okay just wait till tonight wait till I land wait till I land

Where’s your house I’ll nuke it right now with my admin Powers I’ll nuke it by the way I know I added them wait whose bed is that or is that just a bird nope that’s a bird and a person you can tame it oh yes I’m trying to tame the bird but

How do you tame the bird wait what Maria where’d you in front of me how the hell did you go back how how does trying to change the way there yes ow you guys are not actually swimming 2 000 blocks wow I don’t have a boat you can make one

No I literally cannot use a boat okay everyone go to the island I’ll wait till everyone is here and then we can start stop flying around me it’s actually really um mean and it makes me very upset for real let me take let me pull up my

Old origin right yeah guys just change your kids become a pixie you can fly smile you’re very annoying very annoying and very tiny for real yeah welcome to the chaos uh don’t forget to like the stream please and yeah thank you for joining thank you thank you oh what’s that over there

Briefer is that an ocean Monument right there oh oh yeah I went there hey hey who took my oh that’s not mine wait what the hell yeah [ __ ] you scared me uh I had to um Park here yeah Park your birds [ __ ] your [ __ ] here all right funny guy

Should I TP you all or are you guys good uh I still got like 1200 meters Jesus Christ let’s see who’s on oh Yuki is not coming by doing hickey’s not coming okay so I can’t tip you all anyways I’ll do it no I won’t do it it’s raining again it’s thundering Jesus

Christ thank you thank you anyone else want a TP you’re good Rio are you coming you guys really need to talk is this the area we’re waiting yes wait let me scope out the area yeah it’s down there I’ll go in the walls guys I’m not an Enderman I’m a demon look

Yeah cheers yes please please please what the hell is he doing how did you hit me no reason can I have my food please all right Joe I’ma do what you want me to do all right boys why is the weather so loud when I put it like two percent

Okay are we going in are we going in uh do you guys have torches nope it’s really dark either uh guys I have a feather from my bird does that work yes it works okay let’s go yeah that’s how this work oh my God guys I’m only clearing the weather because it’s really

Loud and it’s bothering my existence right now wait oh raposo anyway um [Laughter] all right come in come in we’re starting we’re starting the second race don’t yeah yeah okay okay all right let me read your mind what’s up uh I’m gonna just Regina real quick hello did you go in

No uh there’s a Summoner nearby and I was killing the Summoner ah let me kill this Summoner these are so funny to kill I love killing people wait where it’s already dead uh oh that is unfortunate that you sound like so like disappointed I want to kill people

Why do you think I’m doing this dungeon raid okay said you’re spawn set your spawn here before you go in set your spawn here yeah set your spawn if you go in There’s No Going Back first I ain’t a baby I’m not playing no baby my baby what’s that child

All right I’m in I’m in all right we’re going in oh dude oh my Lord yes anyone know how to turn off Friendly Fire because I don’t want to kill anyone hello do you know how to turn that off maybe I genuinely don’t know how to stop friendly fire I’m sorry

Okay if you find false yeah okay Taff is already in one of those so I would suggest not going into many of them let’s all focus on one at a time wait I unlock the other one it is not thundering again foreign okay uh let’s go this way this way

Oh I’ve been in one of these with another mod can we leave like a mark behind so we’ve been here yo yo what did you set your spawn point did you set your spawn point I did oh nice nice imagine these were netherride blocks on the wall yeah why what

Did you hear it let me have let me have what the boss shot what mini box let me yeah with the ball is truck can you shut do you need a Teleport or not what the [ __ ] are you talking about okay whatever I don’t care yeah I mean I’ll be tag team

Your teamwork is so great are you oh that is just the ocean yeah okay do you want me to check the game rolls real quick let’s make this way less stressful I feel like if one of you guys hit me I would die yes you will it’s tested on tap many

Times I have what the [ __ ] uh you have five hearts I’m used to the Phantom I used to play Origins all the time that was by the Phantom and I enjoyed it very much and my whole thing was based around the Phantom and I was a phantom um

And so I was like okay I’ll just use the Bedtime because I’m used to it but no you guys can change your Origins you know that right it is I mean you can’t just be a human you could probably get more and add them into the mod pack

But that means adding mods into the mod pack no that’s going to be such a pain in the ass the most boring you’re like actually land real come here real quick come here come here come here where are you don’t go in there don’t go in there

Okay where’s the I saw a staircase likely died Navi I’m not gonna die oh Rick I’m here there’s nothing down here oh sorry it’s set on Google that if you’re in the same team oh my God I got scared I’m scared he just called you ugly

I am uphold where is my where’s my death okay next next next next I I literally tped you right there how are you that blind I love blind people no there’s not I get them hey guys oh my God relax stop it I’m not doing it on purpose

I don’t know how to turn it off hang on I think there is okay assistant let me have a lookie let me have a little look see yeah that goes down quite far oh let’s go there how do you turn it off how do you turn it off into the server file

And there’ll be a thing that says PVP equals true okay no no if I go into the server files and do this you have to restart the server yeah no I’m not gonna do that I’m not gonna do that guys I’m not giving any more tp’s okay

Chad gamble PVP is not a thing it doesn’t exist anymore oh no that’s not him oh did I do that no I didn’t do that maybe you guys kind of suck anyway I’m I marked the the interest of the cave with my feather okay okay anyone coming in with me

These are Big I went into a hole wait did you kill the cloak guy yeah he was killed I want to fight like a boss like an actual bosses The what comes with bosses like the birds that we have and stuff that the motto of the birds come with the come with like glasses yeah but like how do we find the bosses right now locate the last lock is what especially okay and then yeah slash

Locate no [ __ ] but slash locate what you know interesting structures I think the mushroom Valley like the Waypoint we have is uh a biome from that mod s what Oh yeah we have toilet Farms yes we do what is that mod the Twilight Forest yeah it’s like a dimension oh [ __ ] and it’s like wait tough tough if you were making another portal can we go in uh yeah should we go in another can I have this

Can I have this one to myself the Twilight Forest is like uh you have to unlock the arrows they’re gang banging me okay several like actually yeah I think it’s like they just like navigate but it is still like oh there’s still people working on it no no rips

Oh my God I have 20 Hearts now every time I die I get more hearts ow why don’t you just kill yourself shout out to Clinton wow Chad clipped that don’t take any opportunity to say that to him wait I don’t get death messages anymore what the hell wow low tier coffee over

Here what did I do I was just making it a street observation you know it was a genuine question uh-huh clipped thanks Chad we need a diamond and flowers guys someone help me I can’t see anything no you guys have such cool birds why can’t you give me one

I couldn’t find I know the word there’s one there’s like just wild there’s just like flying around the ocean where’s the staircase oh free [ __ ] who’s playing with a Fisher-Price keyboard me oh my God shut up oh Jesus wait I have I have a saddle

Guys help me oh God it’s like what are you looking for Abby oh my [ __ ] it’s like wait it’s like down there wait tough you’re down there where’s the [ __ ] staircase there is no staircase yes there is I literally went down there wait where are you Navi um at my desk

I think I found like uh well if it’s my grave it has my face on it so no stop stop I was there oh so oh that’s all though you were my one hope wait I know I tried to get to me nothing no I’m going to my corpse uh this horse is

Like a hole that goes down there where you need to go yeah there’s a hole Yeah I mean there’s many holes but that one’s specifically I’m making a hole with my hands okay I’m a man uh-huh please who’s playing music who’s playing music grab it thanks but I already did it all right

Time to kill everyone’s families now Who’s that tiny guy help me Jesse I mean Jesus and that was the one thinking about drugs right now damn what um what the [ __ ] did now you just like intake drugs at a young age yeah that reminds me of I had to be on the station and I called the dragon

Stop where’s the spawner I can’t even find oh there we go I had to put the mask on and then it would pump in like nice that’s what the mask I got someone’s backpacks out oh there’s falling they’re awesome God damn you I’ll kill you on your child okay I found your grave

Is on to my [ __ ] for distracting the zombies of course how do we get up nice I don’t know okay I might die here oh we all did the cat that comes everything’s dying here why do you want to get oh I found the staircase nice hey Lily let me come with you

Nope Rio do you wanna I hey hey here here what what huh okay oh God there’s so there’s so many bulbs there that’s the best part oh my God there were so many flames Flames this water that was me that was me guys okay Declaring war I’m sorry I actually keep clicking the horn real do you need some help maybe can you help me okay area where are you for the skeletons this is actually a nice dungeon the undead does extra damage to me this [ __ ] is can’t get out of here it’s actually the catacombs

What was that oh that sorry that was my victory music [ __ ] what the flip oh by the way Rio you send me something for PVP that doesn’t exist anymore that command doesn’t exist anymore no no it’s not a command oh okay oh still I can’t do that right now

I somehow died at the entrance who keeps playing those sounds okay so your stuff is here yeah I know I know ow dungeon raid stream like struggles to survive stream Ow [ __ ] that was easy to swim for five hours you’ve been streaming for five hours oh good luck with that no one helped me because I couldn’t help you too late I broke up with my hands but I helped I had to yell like 60 times for someone

To give me a damn pickaxe I’m hungry so I’m just gonna sit in the water and I don’t even have a pickaxe oh my God guys I just noticed I have something in my backpack oh I completely forgot I had a like a ghost cloak and I can earning video for

Half a second half a second wow amazing half a heartbeat it also give me give me like I love how Chad says was slain by skeleton time still let me get you your stuff I’ll protect you where are we going we’re going we’re going over there okay

Do you want me to break the wall all right yeah let’s create the wall just like it’s like right over there right here just keep in mind just keep mine don’t tell me keep my uh [ __ ] break your head open oh [ __ ] oh I found I found it I found it

It’s right here Navi Navi Navi Navi Navi what you have your foot oh this was the secret staircase hello Venta how are you hello hello Chad this is your one minute of getting my attention oh look at me giving you attention amazing streamer perfect please like the stream Liz all right oh

My God I made this look like a game so the hell all right so I have no idea how to leave and I can’t mine Stone so oh you can’t mine Stone oh that’s trash do you need help wait okay I can mine I can make this Vlog because they’re not stunned they’re

Like bricks Rio what’s up wait I don’t know where you are [ __ ] what is that philosophical [ __ ] I think you’re this way it would be like Jill Biden oh my God I found an amethyst room sorry I’m on my way to help you I’m just getting some amethyst real quick oh oh you’re here hi I’m dead do extra damage to me ah skill issue all right

Real issue grills you cruel issue foreign oh I have 20 Hearts okay get I told you to get away from me after you hit me what did I miss is everyone struggling oh you just walked here oh my God how did that happen Ah that’s crazy um ah spawner

You should have an arrow pointing at it how are you lost with a mod pack about waypoints tell me where it is I’ll mine it is new there is no entrance there’s no exit good baby zombie no no it doesn’t tell me tell me accidentally just deleted one time

Okay tell me where it is and I can mine it hmm you want to tell me kind of quick because we’re here this way get out hey Rio I found I found your grave oh thank you where I keep going it’s like 74. oh God all

Right that’s why I want to see my name tag no we can’t see it through walls oh yeah I made every model oh wait I see names I did not make every mod I made every single one here because I suck oh little guy hi guys we have to fight the little man

So you’re pee pee why are you so quiet yeah yeah I’m gonna fight you yeah there’s no there is nothing here this place yo did you get your stuff no it’s somewhere oh my God there’s there’s enough in here I’ve been here for like 20 minutes I don’t know how to

Get out of here anymore I can memorize math but not the French catacombs this way all right nope I banned him from my map oh this way go away from me go away from me go away from me go away from me I don’t wanna okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh here oh no

I love those sounds oh God protect me for a second nah finding stuff in that I’m opening I need more inventory well I need to upgrade my backpack but I don’t know how oh uh I know how I know stop exposing me I know how I’m just too lazy to do it stop

Exposing me exposing exposed leading get exposed idiot did you find your stuff oh my then why are you getting away from me stop running in circles tell me where you need me to mine feel it oh thanks [ __ ] okay now let’s get out of here someone lead us to the exit please

Okay okay follow me I can find a way because almost that’s almost everybody okay great but it’s very easy I shall let that explode because Australian Wi-Fi Australian weight yes yell them and their families this is just oh bro said I wish to this trillion wife comment wow what’s wrong with the Stream

Huh yeah yeah that’s the problem I don’t want to hear it from European combo [Laughter] European Farmer Boy you guys better not talk [ __ ] about Europe we made every World War filling out what makes you think we’ll make another one bro you made a step kid that hates you huh

America who broke the block under me are you stupid me I needed to break it oh my god let’s get out let’s get out we are going to hell but why whose bed is this oh my what the [ __ ] yes the victory music Victory music God which one is one is mine oh no I think it’s this one yeah this is the one this is yours okay guys I got lost too bad it probably no it’s fine leave him hey Sunfish joined the game ah a lot too late a lot

Too late a lot too late yeah Navi I’m gonna expose you half are you down down rice is it down yeah okay we’re going to a hell dungeon guys hey wait I found it I found I found you yeah this is me oh careful oh [ __ ] does anyone have a clean

Brand new dungeon that we can go to okay no uh I don’t know if I need to check if it’s a dungeon I’d sell like uh what is that don’t worry I’m don’t worry I’m scraping out the area oh wait this is the entrance okay this thing is just

Like it goes down let’s go let’s go let’s go oh God okay I fell down here as well by the way okay where are we going okay how long exactly do I get out there oh it’s not that hard do you guys want to do a little break

For a bit me and briefer we’re gonna go to the next dungeon and then we’ll call you there in like five minutes don’t make fun of my accent that’s racist that is a dragon chat that is a dragon someone tell us some first that we’re doing a raid there’s so many like deaths

Oh hey there’s another catacombs I’m gonna raid the boat and kill everyone on board like like the Titanic submarine boat rave Titanic submarine Titanic there’s nothing here wait briefer where you at going towards my Island no [ __ ] best where is that oh oh wait there there’s like

An aqua Castle over here did anybody read this uh nothing there oh no it does something in there there’s something in there yeah well I’m going this way anyways so I can put the [ __ ] in my house someone who’s on land because we can’t type we’re flying can

You tell us something first that we’re going to a different dungeon and he can join us I just said that I said we’re not done okay sorry I don’t read what you type some first is going on foot oh oh oh then why are you speaking oh wait what yeah yeah you’re right

There what the frick why aren’t you speaking camera shy Jared okay someone play the pipes like he doesn’t get scared anymore wow yes just scare with the other scare no no it’s so he doesn’t get scared someone play a sound alert LOL Jesus Christ can you stop the [ __ ] sound oh my God

Silver separate like so receptive is that from my server yes why are we flying in circles go somewhere oh I’m gonna battle I’m gonna world war three review right now I’m gonna [ __ ] you’re gonna Battleship what you could use I can throw Fireballs when I’m flying with the dragon it’s not great

I’m gonna find the person through like throwing [ __ ] on the other side of the wall I guess I can do this as well Battleship I think I’m gonna kill you Robert if I get it so like let’s not do that [ __ ] probably all right so I have no idea where it is

But it’s somewhere here okay hopefully I don’t run into another like commune skeleton can someone sleep so I can do time set day and pretend that we slept okay oh my God one person is sleeping let me sleep too oh good job guys wow look at that I

Yeah I’m not I’m not okay briefer I’m landing on your Island all right because you don’t know where the [ __ ] you’re going why is there a zombie I curse you and I feel like I don’t know if I said hi already uh good luck with your sickness whatever it is also did

Your redeem suck you don’t have points you’re broke I think I’m not sure if this is a dungeon this is like a Tempo thing found it where oh God why are you all the way over there who did that who did that shame shame on you get out Fortune to you

Yeah just from killing a guy oh my God Oh I thought my Chad played the pipe sound on it I thought you guys did that was about to shoot everyone because when I play it I take my head start off here in board gear hamburger white grape and a burger grape

Oh my God I think we crashed the shirt no we’re good oh an ocean Monument oh let’s go we’re flying what do you want oh there we go can you please make a little bit of land because if I land there I die yeah I’m trying

Okay I don’t have any blocks to give you so good luck why squid okay should I give them the cords no it’s like I can’t touch water because I’m a demon yeah do you not have any more blocks imagine being hydrophobic I’m not phobic anything I’m not scared of anything hydrophobic yeah hydrophobic

Navi why are you phobic because I hate you sure you just let your bird go away uh it’s gonna come back though I’m very scared to do that I put a fence for you I murdered the skeletons guys we give you the chords in chat

I know shut up okay relax we have eyes I’ll be there in a moment yeah we we can we can see Navi I will ban your family from McDonald’s I will and your fat American family from McDonald’s why are you being so oppressive who keeps playing that nothing even played you’re actually

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God I found a soul star what is that looks very deadly it’s being played in my heart I loved her um I I like the one with the [ __ ] Mario ‘s being played right now Ashley actually actually briefly do you have wood to make a chest because I need a chest right now I’m stacked I mean I have wood no you don’t I don’t do you have oh my God angel that’s it that’s all the wood you have oh my God

There’s no trees on the ocean no I found one of the the trees that you guys are talking about earlier guys guys someone bring wood flea all right I’m going to ah oh never mind I can just fly there oh and that that’s why I named the Waypoint

That’s also what I named for my Waypoint what about what really who took my lead give me my lid back are you watching stream I’m not watching anyone stream oh bad friend bad friend rude bad friend see coffee thank you thank you I’ll give you kisses after playing this is

Briefly do you take full damage if you fall from the bird or like fall with the bird s that I fall for you the bird is gonna take a damage oh okay [ __ ] you yeah okay someone’s bird is not yeah someone’s bird was just fine uh it’s mine don’t

Worry he’s gonna come back thank you all right I’m getting there I’m almost there definitely I don’t know who’s playing that channel who’s playing the sound alert yeah I wonder what’s some pasta just stop the Australian which one which one uh Um which one uh the one that’s a dude um oh damn real they’re [ __ ] sound alerts stop playing your sound Awards it’s real it’s real with his sound alerts I don’t have a middle type [ __ ] you like what I was talking about but I do have this oh my God oh my God

Hamburger I will hand you over that [ __ ] and a burger oh my God you’re family friendly okay who do you think would win Navi the rules master or Ryu the [ __ ] sound what’s real buffer stop pushing me in the water [ __ ] I love hitting your children werewolf to bomb you right now

I will I will I’ll do it you think I want I’m European yeah that’s true Europeans just love hitting people yes every 20 years we get bored and make another world war don’t you have a farm to win yes but we’re worse is another thing

Why don’t you go back to your farm egg boy when you go back in a country American Girl deal home country and make a hamburger I’m here pull don’t worry something says no American said they don’t exist yeah you guys know the server in this server is Arizona or like something like that

Guys I’m here oh hi who cares how to make sign oh ah I made it back to spawn somehow the Cherry Village okay guys you can take these signs if you wanna uh name your stuff so if your inventory is full basically in your backpack you can just put

Everything in the chest that I made and read this other thing that’s not gonna get confusing I made signs sure I made signs that can put your name to oh my God you know what just don’t do it don’t don’t do it don’t do it don’t

Do it I don’t care I’m gonna set my spot on my Island real quick because I forgot to do that oh I have a bed here if you want there that’s why backpacks are amazing okay is everyone here is everyone here nobody’s going back again here it’s like submerged

Leo where the [ __ ] are you and coffee why are you over there I don’t know I need to be teleported too oh my God I will I mean he’s probably the only person that has asked for more than like 50 orbs in this entire game in like three days look all

Right this should be my final it’s fine it’s fine set your spawn point here in case we die which we probably won’t but yeah oh [ __ ] I don’t I don’t have a bed there’s a bed right here I just [ __ ] said it guys I got a squid

No what I meant was like I don’t have a bed at all I I forgot at the other place Bozo um how do we get in there oh yeah that’s a thing right a sponge wow yeah yes I I have a sponge yeah it is it’s in the water I have a

Sponge I have a sponge where do you want me to dry entirely underwater uh no the inside is probably not Um guys um I regret to break achieve what do you mean what there’s nothing go down there’s nothing there there’s nothing here no we have to go in there has to be something there there’s nothing there I just went into the Wallsburg show me to send [ __ ] proof there’s something there there’s nothing

Here oh by the way uh I rated like the only chest there oh that’s okay I just went there I don’t like this guy there’s there’s a there’s a there’s a drowned here yeah guys but hi Ken how are you not being harder yes yes I didn’t know you know how to

Uh Ray uh pirate ship somewhere here why’d I spawn the way over here I’m a little late but I not to do that this one didn’t do much it’s dead down there um does the door thing still work on Minecraft underwater no guys nothing yeah guys there’s a boss

Now I tried it with one okay let’s go then why do you need my [ __ ] sponges all right no it’s I didn’t know I was down there okay where are we going someone make a hole so I can swim through it um I can’t touch water oh so it’s not full of water

How did everyone pick an underwater cloth um I can go through walls sir did no one pick a mermaid I think you okay yeah someone tell me where I can get in from like a place in the monument that has no water Is it actually all water it can’t all be watery said there’s Redstone there so obviously there’s no water this is like the very bottom yeah but the Redstone is covered in the water yeah okay I’ll just not join oh wow I have a lot of wood if you want I can

Make something yes God damn it take some doors no someone takes grab some of the dog oh it’s over there my wood is floating that was a bus yo can can I have the drop they’re just random bosses I found the wood can I bomb someone in the ocean

Ah perhaps yes I can now that I have tested my European waves I shall kill okay next dungeon next dungeon next I’m not done with this one Max yes we are there’s nothing there we should really do this wait I’ve got all the loot hang on

Share it not with me because I didn’t go in yes yes I just don’t know if we have one there’s another boss yes let’s go to the nether I have I have the portal who owns the ship with the chest uh I don’t have a ship I have a bird on the water

Oh that’s gonna be fun okay so I have okay this is what I got um I got put them in the chest put them in the chest no I want first pick I got this [ __ ] no I mean like share your [ __ ] okay is your portal ready can we go to your house

Okay let’s go everyone grab your [ __ ] I’m crying I broke the teleport by the way or does the bird stay and you get teleported probably yes yeah that seems right why not you why not just fly we can literally fly I am more blood I don’t

Need a boat I am one I’m just researching you know okay tough I’m coming to your house having an existential crisis I’m a bird I’m a bird aren’t I oh yeah did you pick a bird oh the wings are really nice uh I think you could probably just take

Anyone oh my God I I might I might have I might have stolen your boat what the hell guys can someone grab whey Stones since we’re going back on land if anyone’s house is near can you grab a Way Stone yeah because I think we can use another not sure probably

Hi Chad this is your one minute of attention hello how are you guys also I think Ken left I didn’t get to say hi sad I didn’t see his his chat logs [ __ ] I just I’m deafened I just I’m deafened okay here we go down here damn bro this cordial good

You guys need to get birds everyone needs to get birds they’re so useful and they like the server that’s so beautiful but unlike this stuff no don’t know my bad creeper oh oh man oh man yes it was near your house Taft oh my God you stupid version you claim

The Toy Story and I can’t go on my bird you useless idiot what unclaim it I can’t get my lead back and I can’t tie him and I can’t go on him did you claim the territory unclaim it yes just move the bird out of the

Town I can’t move it dumbass I can’t go on it oh well you should have been a bird oh my God unclean the territory because I need to get my lead if you don’t claim it I’ll just kill you forever somewhere here I don’t know it disappeared bruh

How can I not use my own [ __ ] bird that’s so stupid I’m removing this feature yes I am I don’t care you should be able to get on it I don’t know what [ __ ] perms you gave the territory but it’s horrible there I I removed now why would I do that

Why are you trying to kill your own bird I’m not okay good good I got on it now I can’t find my lead so I’ll give myself one all right I’m gonna claim it again do whatever you want it would have been great if I just would put him here That’s because can you change the perms we can’t even touch the door change the perms nah wait so I’m like trapped in my house class IP ban you could trap people in your house that is crazy yeah that’s a horrible horrible feature I’m removing that tomorrow this down

This down here is another come first come back I have a boat oh tough how did you do the Axolotl one and Aquarium yes I did that I gave him the Axolotl not Navi Navi said we’re gonna do another part later I I might as well have you know

Did you put my Axolotl in the class chart yeah Jesus it’s corpse in a gel you better not have developed it that remains to be seen wow oh my God I hate this mod I’m killing the developer did I give myself some leads and creative damn you guys don’t have that [ __ ] power

Is everyone here where is everyone no I opened the Waypoint so if you’re at a waypoint get in oh you have a waypoint yeah I have a way it is up here I don’t have it hold on oh let me say the spawn point on your bed where’s your bread

I it’s gone remember oh did I take it all right probably I don’t want to play this game and now it’s not can I have can you like give me a bed please oh no I can just place my own bed another Navi please no

I need a bed so I can have my own spawn you make one it’s three walls my only bed okay then make one rip like I have wool obviously but I don’t have like specifically colored wool well then grips bozo steal some from a village

Navi I’m very sorry to ask you this but may you please grab me the owner of being teleported to your location you’re right there wait if you died then you you have to get your stuff or some yeah but my stuff is not far from where you are awesome wait

Oh I teleport you on the land that doesn’t work no it’s fine okay let’s go in yay you still haven’t given me in my food can you please give me a bed like I need one no no I seriously need one Abby why don’t you steal one from the 10 villages we have

There is no Villages over here 500 meters I need help getting my things 500 to 1000 meters I need one bed one bed I’m coming guys I’m dead again what the [ __ ] is this you said a bed oh can I sleep in here no I can’t

Hey light it light it what what oh wait I only used one more teleport I I died again because it’s daytime and I what uh where is everyone else can someone escort me to my belongings please no they’re quite literally just over there but I need food so I can be invisible

The entire way thank you that’s cool Rio do you do you still have the food that I put in the pot in the pan whatever it was anyway I will slash kill you on the sky and you will not be able to get your [ __ ] Jesus you put my [ __ ] axolotls corpse

In the [ __ ] ant farm okay light the portal you procrastinator everyone come to the basement come to The Sex Dungeon wow yeah coffee where are you going back up I hope look at me look at me look at me I will press G continuously and I will

World war three Ukraine your house right now okay if if anyone is not it’s not here in like two minutes I will Ukraine this [ __ ] I’m on my way okay wait can I can I light it oh no I can’t nope [ __ ] okay let’s go let’s go ah there you are

Here’s everyone good all right all right my favorite domain why don’t take damage guys wait tough tough can we send you can we set our respawn points first just no no we can’t you have to unclaim this chunk yeah or you can just change your perms I changed my perms okay

Set your respawn points I’m not teleporting anyone okay does anyone have a Way Stone we can put it in the nether Are you I can go grab it we’ll find one we’ll find one I have like I have the way stuff no we’ll find one they’re all kidding you they’re giving me a brain tumor the size of an orange I used to eat like eight oranges a day

Okay any everyone here right now will you join stuck on Saturday will you join Group stock on Saturday I am not sure the pens yes yes and no I don’t care about depends I don’t care but I’m not sure yes or no okay okay on Saturday won’t you join I grabbed okay

Okay okay okay okay okay I love you okay Chad oh okay join here we go here we go we’re gonna spawn in the middle of nowhere I can guarantee or am I gonna kill the server one of the two is gonna happen or both oh the server is dead oh the server is

Dead hold on guys let me Scout this place I can’t take damage this is amazing pile okay put the waste on somewhere you could we found somebody for you to live forever yeah I always knew Navi belonged Waypoint yeah guys guys before you leave the Waypoint there’s obsidian glass

Place in place to place it [ __ ] them okay name it another so we know which one it is uh my domain you claimed it oh my God you put it down what kind of Modpack is this I don’t know you you’re the one who owns it now developers I will find your house

And your mothers do not want to know you don’t want to know okay playing The Way Stone is called nether you can just pull in if you want or not I don’t care actually was that there was a Giant floating squid I want to say

Oh my God I want to go there I want to go swim in the lava it’s tough to claim to this area already you [ __ ] idiot we can’t pledge blocks you stupid [ __ ] foreign everything you’ve claimed so if I ban you right now first of all my patience is out

Okay unclaim it right now I will make your father unclaim you in an orphanage that’s funny the fact that the claim also works in the nether is funny oh my God remove it now I’m it goddamn other movie from this [ __ ] planet okay uh time to go for a swim oh that’s

That’s fun I can’t mind the Netherrack as well that’s so fun yeah because he claimed the land what a useless idiot I think he already like Carolyn claimed it right and I still can’t I think it’s the cat thing yeah I’m pretty sure it never acts attack a rod oh

Look at this gym guys can I can I like have the obsidian Jesus Christ chat ignore whatever I say unless I don’t where is this guy what is that oh that’s cords bro floating to my balls okay let’s go explore don’t step on top of the like Jets they

[ __ ] murder you instantly oh yeah the what the like where is that human these are [ __ ] particles uh my area yes my domain going in the morning I can’t yeah guys of course if the particle is the minimum what are you talking about and look at this level 48 zombified big one

Wait I want to kill it where should I kill 125 Hearts that’s like two hits from my sword get his ass I found the gay or all right Gaylord level 45 zombies who’s dying Rio I don’t think it’s a good idea to fly here probably not I want to get over there okay where are we going it’s over me oh God does anyone have blocks that guys a what now oh [ __ ] oh my God briefer look at me um again now we can survive in here because he’s a demon oh you die from the climate

I’m bold well if you die from freezing cold okay shut up you know what the worst part is my house literally just the four chunks of my house or a freezing Zone outside it’s not that was the end wait so like we die in the in the end

And then darians don’t is that what that means okay good enough for me I’m going for a swim ow he hurts now don’t touch the jellyfish heading out before uh I die of heat wait what if you guys drink bottled water does that does that work s pretty sure water just disintegrates

No like bottled water bottled water oh yeah so I have the like the flask thing from the dehydration mod yeah yeah and I drink it yeah and oh but you can upgrade it oh yeah I’ve got a diamond blast this Dimension is amazing sucks I’m leaving I’m leaving us all

Honestly I love it I’m just a cat anyone want to come here with me any other demons on the server no no I think you’re the only demon oh sorry I have a whole dimension for myself then but yeah I think of that whole like uh climate thing like we die in the

Overworld in ice cold and you die in another it’s kind of a trash and whoever made that needs to be punished by the guillotine and how do we turn that off uh by removing the mod in the mud pipe okay if I remove them out of the mod

Pack you guys need to like remove it as well from your files yeah yeah which kind of sucks yeah because no one wants to do that you you can you can do it with info stupid house wait no I’m not oh no the door is closed but I just woke

Kicker was I want to go back in I can just really oh no my bird rare crafting material oh my God I am a god at this game another Diamond what oh that’s me that’s me I’m the nether diamond oh my God I found a Bastion my friends let’s go greet my friend

Who shot anyone who gets in my way I need a water I told you to get bottled water it doesn’t evaporate oh [ __ ] did you guys all get out of hell oh no some people are still in wait something first and tough are you guys not dying or do you just not care

That again oh there we go do you actually have to purify the water Rio could you use the the system that we have at home to purify water for some people or is it not that good flasks oh my God they want to kill me this is so much fun

Um what about a brewing stand um would that work I mean I have an infinite purified water oh my God they have a lot of parts oh my God they have a lot of farts Like but I don’t think you can do that because that’s my claim gland but anyways oh my God if you have copper you can do the thing fire in the campfire I’d need like a campfire the live obsidian is that good I can fire cauldron and we need a copper counter cat I

Definitely because no one else is in that in the nether so might as well talk to you guys are you enjoying the Stream you better be you better be you better be because I’m enjoying it a lot and when I enjoy streams I just really hope that you guys are enjoying

Them as well because if not then it’s kind of a one-way thing and it’s gonna not fun anymore you know yeah battles but I don’t do much damage to them because I’m a demon and I think they’re in hell and that’s why I don’t know my shoulder is really good

So I don’t know what’s up can we go up no okay no up chill watching nice thank you I’m glad Jesus anyone’s still in the nether oh Taff is in another for some reason Taft why are you in the nether what do you mean why are you in the nether

Yeah I like being in there aren’t you dying slowly but I I don’t like going and go out oh okay okay do you want to come to the Bastion with me yeah sure it’s really fun here we get to kill people yeah no he has three hundred dollars yes

No no no no no no no oh no he’s doing a lot of damage he’s doing a lot of damage that’s not great nothing is fine guys I can’t do much damage to people in hell because I’m a demon um yes 300 HP is more buff than Rio’s dinosaur is Boston real

I’m going to bed now buy coffee that was fun oh my God the server lagged this oh no oh no oh God what’s happening oh no are you guys lagging yeah it is slave wagon okay that’s probably my fault it’s usually your fault be quiet

Let me look at the console let me see who’s doing this it could be me what are you doing I went to my Island so oh no Rio is doing it Rio is Rio stop doing that it says Rio move too quickly Rio moved wrongly Ryo moves too quickly can’t keep

Up what are you doing oh is it me oh no it’s also briefer I got like 10 warnings about Breakers far away we live literally in the middle of spot s I had to spread my legs wow not you again ha ha bro turned into a [ __ ] monkey just shut up

Navi is dying I am not dying I’m just running [Laughter] I’m gonna head out here bye briefer it’s so hot I think my piece is gonna overheat if you keep playing Minecraft same to get out the get out the Never mind I already did all right there’s another actually that bad bye oh oh damn well I Can Hear Peppa Pig I don’t think that’s those sounds she makes I hear a boss I hear a boss boinking me you want me Bacon who keeps guys I don’t know what to tell you anymore what tough where are you are you not coming I I’m I’m in the Overworld um I found the hell hound that can’t be good oh [ __ ] I found the bus oh [ __ ] it’s thick all right I’m I’m coming Abby I’m coming

It might oh my God it’s thick okay I don’t think you you can Waypoint in another why not or specifically you can’t connect the Overworld and the Never way points no you should be able to it’s not shown up for me oh you [ __ ] wow okay I I get I guess

Oh I had to touch okay hi purple guy how are you oh oh I’m going to HP does this [ __ ] have 531 I don’t know about that bro I don’t put that I don’t know about that so how exactly did he get over there uh I swimmed in the lava Brad

Ley oh no my Fireballs aren’t doing no damage still here oh it’s fun I want to be here but like this Bastion specifically is like kind of a little bit a little bit out of my league because I have no armor oh never mind he’s so easy to kill is

That a boss what the [ __ ] pickling Beast my [ __ ] is a beast that’s nothing you better not summon those dogs again I started [ __ ] gone actually too easy for me actually too easy it actually sounds like Peppa Pig ah and what did I get why am I getting three golden ingots wait what

I just got the cheap up oh because we’re in a team yes we have a guild yeah it’s okay you contribute to uh whatever you do at like 5 a.m for me bye couple thank you for lurking I’ll stream for a little bit more even though people are starting to get out I’ll

Stream for a little bit more guys is blue obsidian good maybe and blue obsidian class really where where where where where can I see you on the map right now near the it’s like right next to the temple wait where are you in the map bro how

Wait what what’s going on what temple in the nether no no do you remember the temple had spawn yeah it’s like right next to it no we could we would have seen it in the map no no because it’s kind of it’s slightly hidden it’s on the cliff side oh it’s saucy

I I just took a trading Goblin with you I took a trading Goblin with me oh God I’m getting some bacon I found Hell bamboo oh never mind they’re explosive never mind they’re they’re explosive plants how the [ __ ] did that happen I’m taking those back home

Yeah hell kind of sounds like oh my God really you don’t say I want to take them home I wouldn’t take them oh hi King I’m sorry I wasn’t Rio should I make you your own bedroom because I feel bad you don’t have a bedroom in the house

I mean you sleep with me but like that’s kind of too soon for me kinda so maybe I should make your own bedroom till then why why is there a Lapis in another why are you in the nether is a great question Fair Point did we end up finishing this Temple what Temple

I killed Someone’s Child that’s amazing just like real life orphan parent oh there is lapis in the nether I see it I saw that too I saw that too can’t confirm chat don’t call it bam boom that’s not funny that’s very father humor yeah I hate their sense of humor oh my God Half click LOL one on the sound alert soundboard please please no please I will give you I will give you some bacon when I come back in the Overworld perish oh oh wait I can’t die in lava oh oh my bad turn to an ape thank you oh

Stop making fun of me okay I’m sorry my masculinity comes out when I when I Hey you you give me some pain sometimes man okay yeah I need some pain half you dirty Pig I am I am the most muscular person in The Voice I didn’t say masculine I said muscular oh how dare you oh this biome is so cute let’s let’s compare [ __ ] let’s compare show me

And yes muscles [ __ ] oh oh my God I just lagged another sorry I was in the middle of playing who yeah your bird is you want you to like the right or the left right mine does that too if you guys love to just leg up the server

I’m trying to find a phoenix how did you find them me yeah it came to the house yeah I was up for adoption so it’s not like different than the actual lapis that’s so cool I get more max HP Jesus I’m like stacked how do I go back how do I go back

One thing or or oh my God is this the area are you looking at my stream is this the temple right here another one that’s a Bastion oh right right how do we have two bastions next to each other what the [ __ ] on a world generation is that uh they’re pretty common

So if I just do this right oh I use the wavestone what if it’s like a huge monster I swear to God whoa I just got rubber banded though whoa yes Chad we’re getting YouTube Partner this is the stream that’s gonna get us to YouTube Partner

And already it’s been doing so well so obviously it’s gonna get us a YouTube Partner it’s okay yeah oh I like this song I’m going back to Earth and I’m bringing hell materials with me what is that oh my God where did you get that from tough where’s you saying anything

I forgot it was [ __ ] weird um yeah I got like a [ __ ] a what I I said that I had it yeah but how do you trade it doesn’t just trade with you because it’s not trading with me oh it’s probably because of the oh right

Right yeah okay you know what I’m gonna leave for this area so people can I think I’m gonna I’m either gonna disable my thing or I’m gonna fix the perms so like people can touch stuff but not explode the house okay uh see if it works now oh yeah it does

All right yeah damn that’s nice 64 Netherrack for an emerald that’s a steal yeah it is no no 64 Netherrack 4 and emerald so easy yeah okay yeah uh I’m gonna score oh my God Diamond Helmet protection four five five yeah okay the V is five shut the

[ __ ] up I live closer to that Nation than you do yet you don’t know that one carat for an emerald stop it real make a carrot farm right now uh sex make a carrot Farm let me go out of the [ __ ] house I will jump from the roof I swear to God

Get the [ __ ] out of here let me in I’m wearing the crown I’m the king why do you have those oh sorry do you want to go to that other Temple that you found it’s the spawn one I guess I mean it’s not that exciting

It’s the snowy one right let me let me go to the temple yeah it’s the one that we found can go there again no I think we’ve already been there that would probably be like the last place I go today no you’re leaving pretty tired yeah I’m pretty tired

Hey hey that’s my [ __ ] I’m just looking I’m looking okay I need to find out how I’m gonna get that back milk bucket oh that’s a steal oh but I’m taking it okay please don’t take it I’ll come back for it okay yo yo I’m gonna I’m gonna have

Milk I found a pot no you’re not gonna have navi’s milk don’t say that don’t say that yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought no she broke my [ __ ] fat [ __ ] we ride with you nope you can’t what are you talking about ah 31 experience isn’t that fun no I flew

Where are you we’re getting hit I’m flying in the air I’m getting boys God doesn’t like you are no Icarus oh no no yeah I’m getting Evie oh are you gonna go oh my God there’s world war three out of our house after this Tower after we raid this town

I don’t know if we’re going to is this the one that we already have when we started the server [ __ ] don’t forget that extra thing it’s just a little extra thing but where is it because I don’t see it no no I see if you go to the map near

Spawn uh there’s a Temple that’s like complete almost completely covered in snow is that the one that you’re talking about yeah but it’s not the actual Temple okay where your dog is dying I don’t know what’s happening outside now we come here behind you what what uh I need your help with some

Please tell me you brought my stuff and I don’t have to go back you didn’t ask me to bring your stuff you told me to leave it there I thought it was obvious okay what do you want by the way can you can you touch stuff

In my territory no I can’t no okay all right here break this for me and give it Navi please I gave you a bed yeah but that’s for for people to like save in the nether or whatever why are there Phantoms here yeah why are there fan oh it’s probably

Me what if I do slash kill at e what does that do it models everything oh that’s great then no like absolutely everything like everything it’s not good though not a good thing like it kills your Phoenix it kills your cow trying to get the picture literally

Everything all right I have that power huh I I mean exactly until you can are people gonna be ultra pissed with you yes that’s the best part hi are they gonna stop playing the server yes probably this ghost is giving me slowness can we kill him can we Guillotine him

He’s coming here tough kill him please I’m doing something what am I supposed to do kill him I don’t even know where it is on the floor somewhere here coming where hear it oh oh Where You Are come to me okay you are the best place

I’ll actually do because I have to go to tap’s home and get my [ __ ] half’s Kingdom [ __ ] um the door is shut I swear to [ __ ] Jesus Christ I will Ukraine this house I will Ukraine it okay thank you and Claudia yes you did Wow okay where are we going Leo is there anything I start [ __ ] God I lost an opening right here dumbass I’m just gonna I’m just gonna yeah there you go I use the way Stone I promise Navi do you have any Soul soil Soul soil no I had very little inventory

Get me your soul or perish shop you want me to come oh who made that noise what are you [Laughter] The [ __ ] you okay are you like ill or something probably physically our families are at stake here Shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up it’s funny I am this welcome guys welcome I I have I have I have to agree with frail are you ever gonna learn to say his name and the guy is like so nice he’s not even correcting you or anything wait what

Okay how do you say your name now you say your name oh me real real okay yeah he’s Australian I was trying so many of [ __ ] very I know I realized I was laughing I had to like mute and last person that people would get it wrong

Okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming your stupid brainless sheep is standing at the door he’s not even giving me speed it’s just an idiot okay Rio where are you going stand somewhere stand somewhere no you’re not I can see you move oh there you go amazing Way Stone that you placed here

Um I swear guys I wish I could give that ability to everyone but I just can’t no not really um what the [ __ ] wait I’ve been here I didn’t know there was another floor there’s lots did you already steal everything be honest yo Navi what’s up please TP me say please [ __ ]

I I just did I I didn’t tell you to commentate on my sentence say please peace never mind um bro hamburger can you stop can you stop yo yo what how did we miss this indeed I did not okay I didn’t miss it I came here but I

Didn’t know there was many floors nope nothing happened just I actually did this Jesus kill him ah okay guys uh remind me someone remind me uh when you’re when we’re all out of the server to set PVP to false so we can do more [ __ ] like that

Because if I do it now we all have to restart I know us to do that are there any more floors look it’s over here oh yeah break it break it break it well damn it oh what is this meth let me grab it false water yes that’s what chunky said

Oh we have to dig it out oh my God it’s probably nothing hold on I I missed there we go beat that [ __ ] up where’s the stair going even though I think this whole place is like it’s a whole ocean I got I got guys I

Gotta go up the brass block you got a glock grass block I think there we go this whole place says nothing because it does cause yeah it got covered in stuff so all the chests probably disappeared I want to go somewhere can we go to that

Temple is it really strong but we can do this cap this one the big one did you already do that Temple no we only went to this first second floor or whatever although I think Yuki literally took all the [ __ ] so yeah I just want to explore really oh Emerald why not

Oh yeah no I can see they literally yeah you could just dug a hole from the from the top would be the good Chester in the middle I’m copying so hard right now second the second highest floor he just went to the top floor Maybe I can’t find the staircase I’m uh I’m

Gonna head out okay Jesus Christ there’s flying assassins yeah they’re really strong by the way I I left a opening in the Waypoint anymore they’re walking on the ceiling and they’re shooting each other what is this American thing can’t even get up all right it literally generated inside the snowy mountain and

I I can’t there’s no stairs all right oh sorry Billy uh thank you for I love how this mic cuts off it’s very funny is it the greatest one yeah my everyone bye I love who he just wants to say something mean to me but I can’t hear

Him this is Mike cut off all right all right the only reason I’m up oh my God okay thank you for coming thank you for the dungeon rate remember to do the do the baby thing yes yes okay I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it right now okay goodbye

Oh my God Rio does not know how to organize chess oh he’s still here bro you put everything in the wrong chest how do you manage to do that how is that possible how is that possible Uh he put sticks next to my diamonds how is this possible how how is this man get out of my face this is Rio’s pet you can tell because it’s brainless go away I hate taking care of things that are not mine I hate I hit uh

Anyone who’s in chat right now hello how are you did you enjoy the Stream I hope you did I had a lot of fun with friends today it goes really nice I’m gonna plant some Sakura trees here because why not you know hello what up guys you didn’t actually

Have to enter I was just talking to myself I’m just gonna plan to some uh Sakura seeds okay I wanna go on a ride with the Rio’s dinosaur oh oh I can’t see anything his head is so big oh whoa that’s kind of crazy can we fly oh no he

Can only jump oh my God he jumps high wait let’s see oh my god oh no I’m burning him oh he’s not burning damn that’s good yeah let’s go back home because there’s a lot of dangerous things here um let’s let’s uh go home over here oh

My God there’s a there’s a [ __ ] ghoul here this is a [ __ ] ghoul okay big boy you sit here where’s where’s Ken kaneki that’s it that’s all you got okay I’m not killing him he’s Fireproof tested tested and proved but yeah I want to make real his own bedroom because I feel

Bad because he has to sleep with me because I found the house and it was only like one kind of bedroom I guess so I want to make him his own little thing but I don’t know where because there’s no space here like technically I could separate this part and

Technically I could separate this part but then that means that I have to move every single chest like I cross the room and I kinda really don’t want to do that like I could put just I could put all the tests here because they fit

But I don’t know if you would like that first of all but I don’t I don’t know no we’ll see maybe next stream will redecorate this a little bit maybe I’ll cut a line here to the fireplace and then this part is like his bedroom I’m

Gonna put his bed next to the fireplace I’m gonna move all the chests uh here we’ll see we’ll see for now we’re good though we’re chilling all right let me sleep because I think I’m alone here oh no I had a rose here this is a

Uh oh chat I’m so excited we’re gonna reach partner if you believe it it’s been so long well not that long but still I always knew it was gonna be like June July August somewhere there and we did it we did it so yeah universities

IRL yeah this is actually how I did my Renovations in real life I just well technically it’s the opposite of that because it was like this is the living room this is the kitchen and there was a bedroom here and I completely destroyed this wall well I’m going to destroy this

Wall remove the bedroom and just make the kitchen bigger so that’s how it’s gonna happen yeah so it’s literally the opposite of what I’m doing here literally the opposite which is cool oh yeah look at my heart Chad how does this even happen I have no idea what my kit does

My kid does not give me more hearts that is not true is it my armor is it I think it’s the armor what if I remove everything oh yeah I think it removed some heart didn’t it no it didn’t it literally did not no no I have all my heart oh never mind

Okay some hearts are removed but still not even close to as many it’s like three hearts removed or whatever but if I put that back and they’re all back damn that’s kind of crazy I have like 23 Hearts that’s insane all right I think this is gonna be it

For today so let me go here I’m gonna log out I’m gonna remind myself to actually go to the server folders and change PVP to false all right Chad did you enjoy the Stream did you enjoy the Stream yes MC is done for now okay uh really quick I’m gonna do this

On stream because then I’m gonna forget so how do I find Everything Chad because the console is like huge it’s huge there’s so many things and I don’t know where that is oh God yeah yeah I’ll change it right now on stream options

Oh I think so I think this is it I think this is it EVP no hold on we’re still talking I’m still here but um chat while I was gone yeah Chad changed I changed the pictures and everything and the colors and we are ready for the

New members the members have a really cute color Chad approved of it because I literally changed it on stream so yeah yeah you have been gone for a while it’s good you’re good um oh my God I don’t know how to do that I don’t know how to do that there’s some

Of the guys are gonna [ __ ] talk me because I don’t know how to do that hi Joe it’s okay it’s okay It’s okay Abyss um no I don’t think it’s here mod data no where is it I mean so much I’m gonna have to keep makeup for it yeah nah you’re good uh variable oh my God how did it turn off PVP in Minecraft server right uh you control F that’s what I’m

Doing but it doesn’t work because um sorry because they’re still loading there’s like a lot of them and they’re all loading so it doesn’t doesn’t do that all of them are like just do slash game roll PVP off yeah that’s not how it works it’s not how it works

Server properties file okay but how but how configuration Elden ring excuse me okay sorry I’m here I’m here we can still chat chat but I have to do something because I’m gonna forget to do it Google out I’m doing it but uh how about that reimbursement what reimbursement what reimbursement Foreign I can turn off the temperature changes let’s go tap if you’re still here I just turned off the temperature changes okay false cha-ching green chatting what is that um money money why do you want money oh penis why why what do you want what do you want [ __ ] oh hold on

What what do you want what do you want say bro what do you want I’m doing something right now I’m kidding oh I didn’t know I can just change everything that’s cool that that works that works definitely I mean we’ll see I guess someone named the file Deez Nuts in the

Mud pack I just want to say what a break from the ads yeah tell me ducky tell me tell me what’s up what’s up oh my God how do I find it ah Can somebody please add sibinavi as a command do you just want to see Tia V Navi the [ __ ] is happening we’re just talking while I’m trying to figure out something Um oh my God yes right now okay fine for the rest of the stream you guys get shipping Navi since it’s my last stream before getting YouTube Partner for a little bit okay I think you guys love chipping away because he has great movement so Supremacy

I briefer briefer I’m trying to like fix the thing but it won’t let me help please help please I’m I’m not not looking at home and let me but I can’t find there’s so many Modpack files I don’t know where it is there’s so many oh my God I love Chevy thank you

That’s cute no an extreme until you find it yeah yeah that’s what I’m doing that’s what I’m doing oh my God server browser is that it no it’s [ __ ] not What are you doing I’m trying to turn PVP off in the server oh by the way I turned off the the temperature thing like seasons are on which they’re gonna change the seasons in the server but uh the temperature will not affect anyone so I’m into configuration files and

There’s like a million files and I don’t know which one is for PVP so I I don’t know I don’t know help help those are names what if I name one of them these nuts what if what if what if what if what if I named them these nuts

Okay there’s like a lot of possible names I’ll add these nuts to one of them uh World Maybe data okay World data no never mind never mind that’s not it world Um server configuration no stats no do you control F and type PVP yeah no [ __ ] but I it’s not showing it because they load like 10 at a time and I’m scrolling the property files okay what if I let you guys see what if

I let you guys see is that bad no it’s not bad you can’t do anything if you see well you can see my IP technically but I won’t let you do that there you go so I’m into home right now okay configuration I have already been here

And there’s a lot of things see I typed PVP in the control F but it won’t show me anything I have your IP now it’s it’s on a VPN so you can’t really do anything with it but okay um you’re trying to fix something yes yes

Also for what you said it’s supposed to be uh the property files every server hosting has different files and every mod pack has different files so I think so I don’t know I suppress server properties oh there you go okay Cardinal components is not it that’s not it that’s not it

That’s not it not it not it not it not it no no uh no no no no no no no no no no I’m just guessing that it’s not any of them Lucky’s Parish social oh no I can visit you okay visit me we’re good imagine I click into like

The player files and I I just leak everyone’s IP address wouldn’t that be fun wait so if I go into world um hold on oh server properties oh actually actually max players I can change that damn PVP false save content good job GG ah so the [ __ ] world IP

It’s okay it’s okay it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay Chad it’s okay don’t worry about it don’t worry about it okay let me see the console oh my God how do I join the server while I was making changes all right roll that back no hi Malay how are you

Okay model thank you this is my chibi this is my chibi this is not the real me it’s the chibi this is me I feel like you guys love this outfit because I do I love this outfit oh how do I left okay I’m gonna restore it bring back it should be

Chad type one if you want chimpy I remember your other model yay don’t watch in a while that’s fine that’s fine I get it it’s okay you have to watch all the time for chilling also chat don’t forget to like the stream this is my last stream before

YouTube partner for anyone that just came here um yeah last stream before YouTube Partner but the application for YouTube Partner so yeah we’ll see we’ll see when or if they accept me Yeah thank you supers thank you thank you I was watching a few clips of old old V and I I found the clips of like some old viewers that were here I found clips of when suppressor’s name was okay and I kept calling her okay to piss her off

I found clips of Tom’s twin brother Brendan um yes way yes wait I found Calypso when I started streaming on YouTube in October and Elias was here I was playing Genji and Elias was here in October What the hell also I remember when everyone was like talking about how Brandon is Tom’s twin brother and I believe that too I thought they were the same person but they’re not they’re not uh today’s stream is so important to me so if you came here if you managed to

Make it to the stream even like one minute um yeah what happened to your black-haired model you mean ireld Navi I still think it’s the same person guys they’re not the same person yeah that was the first that started that that was that was the first that was surprised laughs

But yeah it was so fun back then and it’s still very fun I’m still having a lot of fun with Chad and probably even more because there’s a lot more people here and I I still love you guys I do now that we’re gonna get a partner

And I’ll get you guys your emotes it’s gonna be so fun I also got you some badges I also got you some badges um hold on I forgot to confirm the order for the badges hold on I should do that now oh my God there’s so much porn on my Twitter oh my

God oh my God it’s like 70 porn oh my god oh oh God please don’t do display capture oh oh god oh that’s venti oh my God please don’t do this play Capture please don’t do this play Capture so this now that it was a while back

Then it was wild back then it was wild everyone was new every day and they had no idea what was happening it was very fun oh there it is Okay let’s go here uh yeah wild days wild days but we’re only getting better and yeah chat I want to show you some samples okay just be quiet about it okay don’t tell anyone I want to show you some samples and I want you to tell me

Which one you like best I already have my favorite but I want to see if we agree okay there’s samples for the twit of twitch bets well there’s some badges there’s some bads okay so oh we have one okay we have one all right that’s one remember because I’m gonna do

A pull for one and two this is one look at it take a good look take a good look for the people that are watching lower quality take a good look okay now this is number two same colors same everything but it’s a different pose this is number two

Number one and number two so instead of you guys just spending it in chat I will do a poll well one or too because I can get either Tom that was directed at you with your 144p maybe a little bit a little bit oh Chad has a favorite oh Chad has a favorite

You guys really like won 83 percent that’s kind of insane I thought you’re gonna 50 50 it why what I don’t know I don’t know why one there’s more there’s more that I can show you if you want yeah we’re playing on Saturday if I can get a lot of people to join

Oh let me see if the server went back up oh let me tell I’m a server oh why am I still on VC Minecraft okay I’ll end up all in a little bit okay all right I’m confur down Saturday okay okay okay I need to start counting people okay so

You guys voted one bam I actually did not expect that I like one more because it’s like think that think about this it’s gonna be in very low quality in a very small aspect right here because it’s gonna be like tiny tiny pieces in chat and it’s also gonna be right here next

To the chat next to your uh name so it’s gonna be very small and the cat the whole cat is really big because it’s like a whole body right and if you make it small small you can’t really see what it is but if it’s just

The phase then you can kind of see also can someone tell me what the [ __ ] is up with balder’s gate what’s up with that what’s up with that what’s up with that what is up with this game I don’t understand so uniform would be better we also have

Another one that I loved it’s not so much branding like Navi branding but it’s really cute and let me show you look you can you guys can say that you don’t like it that’s fine oh also um if you if you’re thinking why is it like different colors so if you Subs if

You’re a membered for one month then you have a different color two months different color three months different color so this is my other choice oh my God where is it oh this is my other choice it’s really cute because it’s like cute little juices and you

Guys know how much I love fruit juice um but I’m thinking it’s not so branding but not everything has to be branding right I really love these I love them so I’m between uh in between these and the cat faces so let me put them side by side then you

Guys will do another fold because the pull between the cat face and the cat body the cat face obviously won by a lot so let me show you okay this is uh the both of them oh God sorry okay here I’m gonna hide you guys for a little bit don’t cry again

Hey here’s both of them side by side oh oh [ __ ] I have to do a pull uh one juice juice boxes two cat faces that these are your sub badges as we call it on Twitch or like member badges on YouTube okay he had a stop crying again Jesus

That’s adorable you think damn a lot of people went for the juice boxes I did not expect that hi Abba how are you I can’t decide me neither technically I could buy both but how am I gonna do that how am I gonna like mix them up like I could buy

Both of them I don’t care but how am I gonna mix them up you know I love the juice boxes and we are a juice juice fruit juice Community right we are a fruit juice Community but this is way closer than the other one the other one was like definitely cat faces

But this was like 67.33 one tier juice block is the other cast but how many months do you have these are like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so it’s like 11 juice boxes that’s 11 months so it’s gonna take you a year to get the

Last one technically you know unless I use half of the fruit boxes and half of the cats but that also doesn’t make sense you know it also doesn’t make sense can I have okay I I want to ask this any any YouTube partners in my chat okay you

Guys clearly voted for the juice boxes but you also like the cat faces I feel like you guys can’t decide can you I think you guys cannot decide so I’m just gonna ask yes this can you have multiple so I think different tiers get different member badges but I’m not sure so like

If you pay less money technically um catch you spot if you pay less money for the Lesser tier you get for example a juice box or if you get I don’t know more money you get the cat I I don’t know I don’t know is that how it works [Applause]

Oh I’m gonna go into Haru stream real quick to tell them that the server is back up he wants to join I’m sure you can I don’t know oh my god I’ve never seen a hydro without his hat all right I told him uh we’re done with that

So technically I don’t know yet how it works like how do you configure the different um tiers of members but I need to unlock the YouTube Studio first I have no idea I have no idea I have no idea how it works so I’ll probably wait till I uh

Till I see which one I want I’ll keep both of the tabs open just in case and yeah we don’t want this we don’t want this we don’t want this okay oh uh I’ll keep both of the tabs open when I get YouTube studio YouTube Partner Studio whatever you want to call

It then like a few days if they accept my application please God um we shall see so I can apply tomorrow for YouTube Partner or tonight at 12 am because that’s when the watch hour is reset and uh we’ll see I’ll keep you guys updated you know whatever I know

Right now which is nothing so [Applause] when they accept I don’t know bro I actually don’t know like I’m really sad because I have a strike on my Channel right now and it’s been tough getting that removed like I tried and I don’t know I I tried

Every time I get copyrighted I try to remove the copyright but some idiot because like you watch videos and then the Bots the AI automatically copyrights you because it’s not your content right like with music and everything copywriting doesn’t mean you get a strike you just get a little thing

That says you know if the artist wants to copyright strike you they can if the artist doesn’t want to so like the music is free for everyone you’re not gonna copyright strike you but some idiot I was watching videos on the you laugh you lose no the garden Ramsey got removed

Um I was watching some videos and no Coronado didn’t even strike me he just ended my stream that’s all he just ended my stream he didn’t strike me at all but in the you laugh you lose we were watching like different videos different Vines and some idiot copyright strike his videos

His video of like five seconds what was it YouTube said it was like 12 seconds or whatever come on yeah the Netflix thing was like a Netflix parody 12 seconds and you give me a strike come on now and I tried disputing that and at first they just

It was off but then they it got back on I don’t know bro all I know is YouTube has removed 150 000 of My Views a hundred and fifty thousand zero zero zero okay of My Views at least 500 of my watch time hours while I was grinding for partner

A bunch of Subs okay I don’t know I’m very sad like I get emails I got an email a few days ago I told you that I got an email and it said from YouTube and it was like congratulations on 300 000 views I was

Like okay thank you and I go to my channel and it says 160 000 views in all videos across all videos which is not true because I have 300 000 and something but they removed 150 even if they remove it from their system I still get emails that I reached the milestone

You know it’s so sad because if you like subtract all bad that’s a lot that’s a lot that’s a lot of effort whatever I don’t I don’t know what to say anymore I just hope they accept me because like I’ve been grinding for so long and

Making so much content I make videos I make Clips I make streams I I literally am the best type of YouTube Creator I I use all three of their services like what else do you want me to do I’ve told so many of my friends to move to YouTube

What else do you want me to do free [ __ ] advertising I was grinding your stream for a while and they’re basically destroying my community effort yeah yeah like it’s not just my effort I know people stay awake to watch the streams some of them skip classes because I get

Those Discord DMS you think I don’t see them because I don’t reply to them but I do I do I should Discord DMS being like hey I skipped class today to watch your stream thanks but it’s so sad because it’s like a community effort either way doesn’t matter now

It doesn’t matter I’m not gonna sell my soul okay if they want to give me a partner they can give me partner if not shit’s gonna go down no I’m kidding but yeah I really want partner it’s like the one thing that I came into YouTube streaming wanting that I came to

YouTube Framing and I was like I want YouTube Partner now that I’m so close to it they don’t accept me I would bang my Ikea desk but it’s already broken so like I can’t do much oh so there’s you guys my plans did I tell you guys my plans I’m moving my

Setup to my living room because the living room is going to be bigger um and I’m gonna have some more natural lighting and I’m gonna have a TV next to me and everything it’s gonna be so cool yes maybe maybe I don’t know this desk because like there’s two choices three

Actually one to get that out of the way is I leave the setup where it is next is I remove every monitor from my desk and the desk drawers and I move the desk and number three which is my favorite is I just lift up the desk on my back with

All the monitors in and the PC on and I just move it to the next room so I’m kind of leaning towards the third option uh your neighbors get a break from you nope it’s the same windows it’s the same facing windows it’s the same facing Windows they don’t

Get no break in fact it’s gonna be even worse because I’m gonna be looking straight out the window so it’s gonna be straight across them like right now it’s a little more hidden because it’s like my shoulder is at the window but if I move it it’s gonna be my

Face at the window so yeah I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know do your desk upside down Place everything on the Disco it’s sliding slide into the next room oh yeah yeah why did that why did that remind me of the double it and give it to the next person

I don’t know I have no idea for Neighbors shut up shut up they’re chilling they’re chilling they’re like [ __ ] 853 years old each uh my thighs hurt ah also I need to buy a chair God damn also let me say that bro you know this Red Bull flavor that’s

Like Rebel and caffeine and coffee that makes me [ __ ] so quick I drank like two sips of that and I can hear it cooking like I drank two sips of that Red Bull coffee I can hear it I can hear it cooking so so drinking that on stream is not the best idea

But I do it either way because why not it’s funny it’s funny no anyway TMI TMI here cookie yeah what do you guys are like cooking the [ __ ] if you know when you eat and then your stomach is like growling and you can hear movement in there that’s the [ __ ] cooking that’s

The [ __ ] cooking that’s that’s the noise if you have a dog or a cat mostly a dog if you feed your dog after like 30 minutes approximately put your ear on their belly and you can hear you can hear the company cooking you can hear you can hear it cooking it’s in there

It’s getting ready knocking on the door it’s waiting waiting to go screaming go for a walk okay I I do that to my dog when I feed him after like 30 minutes to an hour I put my ear on his belly and if I can hear it

Cooking we go for a walk if not we don’t so anyway TMI um TMI let me put down my wings I’m no longer [Laughter] I love this I love this I I am loving this conversation so much um all right guys I think that is enough um streaming for today that’s more than

Enough watch time hours definitely I had no doubt uh that we were gonna get them but I want to ask you guys because two of my friends are streaming nobody’s streaming Danga Danganronpa I don’t know what that is and yango is also streaming you know the shy wolf Fanboy that was in chat

Yesterday he’s streaming uh a gentian spiral bits and Fontaine something who should we rape who should we rate who should we rave Noma or yangu to be honest I do rate normal a little too often and he won’t mind if I go to someone else they went to the English stream before

But oh we are collabing next week wait are we no that was someone else oh I didn’t tell you guys something remember Alice the girl that I rated yesterday were playing phasmophobia together in seven days on Wednesday next week we’re playing the new phasma hobby update um yes

Alice a woman a female alright I will be reading younger right now and thank you guys so much for coming to the stream okay uh get your Navi raid messages ready please please please please and let’s make sure that he’s not ending the Stream he’s not ending he’s not ending okay

She’s good he’s good he’s playing some bosses in Fontaine all right Chad thank you so much for joining I’ll see you guys uh tomorrow actually I see you tomorrow we’re doing it uh tea drinking stream okay schedule is on YouTube and on Discord and on Twitter get your Navi ready emotes tax

Ready go ready and go uh I’ll see you when I see you tomorrow feed drink extreme alright goodbye guys last non-partner stream copium all right goodbye bye

This video, titled ‘🔴Dungeon raid w/friends on the Minecraft Server🎮✨ |【VTuber】’, was uploaded by Navi Ch. on 2023-08-23 18:18:27. It has garnered 128 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:24 or 12624 seconds.

‧₊˚ ꒰ HII IM NAVI !! ꒱ ˚₊‧ Like the stream if you enjoyed:)✨ ~ Just a demonic catboy VTuber who streams games and chatting🌸

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【Channel Points】 – Every 10 min of watchtime = 25 Cat Paws – Use !redeem pipes, scream, succ, amongus, vine, fart for Sound Slerts

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【Rules】 ・Be respectful to other Chatters / Mods / Navi ・English only ・No promo / Self-promo / Mentioning other streamers ・Keep chat in context, No random stuff ・Don’t say out of pocket / NSFW stuff unless I start it ・Don’t trauma drop idc i’m an anime boy ・Clipping helps me a lot! Clip anything that you think is clippable (send it on the discord server)

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【Tags】 ✦ General: #NaviCatboy ✦ Art: #/Navisillust ✦ NSFW: #/NaviSussy 【Credits】 ✧ Live2D Model: Shiroukosan ✧ Chibi Model: HoneyKudzu ✧ Thumbnail: FluffWrathful, Mavros_15rs ✧ Overlay: Shiinareii / aeru studio ✧ Transition: Spvwvky (red star) , PaleFilmsUK (genshin wish) ✧ BGM: Stream Cafe🎵 #vtuber #envtuber #catvis

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    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

    Batya MineКлассический сервер без модов для тех, кто просто хочет спокойно поиграть без вайпов. Read More

  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: Server IP: (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

    Neighbor's Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap! When your neighbor upgrades their portal but you’re still stuck in the Stone Age of Minecraft. Looks like it’s time to start buttering them up with some catnip bribes. #DesperateTimes #DesperateMeasures 😹🪨🚀 Read More

Navi Ch. – 🔴Dungeon raid w/friends on the Minecraft Server🎮✨ |【VTuber】