Neremik2: Minecraft’s Decade Journey Unveiled!

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Hi and welcome back to naric 2 let’s talk Minecraft I’m pretty heavy on the Minecraft theming across my channels but I mean this channel certainly isn’t focused on the game and neither of the other two so surely I must just like the game right in reality it’s just because

I’m lazy but it’s a good springboard into today’s topic do I like Minecraft I’ve been playing since version 1.2 and I’ve had more than enough time to think about whether I actually like the game or not and if you want the short answer yes but with the exception that there’s

Always a butt after that and well yes the game I bought back in 2012 is technically still within at its core every single version of the game that’s come out since equally I have to acknowledge that there’s been additions made which I don’t exactly gel with all

Too much so that’s my rationale for why I say yes and I like to think it’s simple enough at its core the game is still what I liked a decade ago and I can choose to play however I want if I don’t want to engage with the newer

Features nine times out of 10 I’m not made to in the new newer versions and there’s always the option to go and play the older versions themselves in the launcher but why would I not want to engage with some of the newer editions well from my own perspective I never had

A knee-jerk reaction to what an update brought to the game until 2016 at worst the 1.6 horse update seemed a little lacking but you can forgive that when it sandwiched in between two other updates that dropped within the same year I might be beating a dead horse here but

The first time anything seemed off to me was the 1.9 update surprisingly the combat wasn’t what I took it issue with I was mainly playing on the laptop trackpad at the time so not having to spam click to win a fight was a welcome change mending might be controversial

But I think it frees up time to do more engaging things like mining the expansion to the end wasn’t all too bad either as was the changed end dragon fight a itas at their Inception weren’t all too bad either being a glid with situational enough uses But ultimately

Still a novelty now nothing in this update is outright bad I’d say what I think gave me and other people some immediate enies in its releases is how it felt different to the updates that preceded it it changed a whole boss fight and expanded a dimension while

Those changes were arguably quite good I think it upset some sort of careful balance I’m nostalgic for the old end but I know the new one is better it just felt weird to see the old Island go even if it was still there in a way it was in

My opinion a first step to a different direction for updates and while I don’t think 1.9 is bad I think the vibe around it is less about the update content itself and more so what it signaled could have and did follow it now granted 1.10 didn’t add anything I think people

Would take issue with but I also didn’t really get excited by the few things it did add there’s a whole conversation to be had about new passive mobs and where they’re placed in the game is and you can argue here that with polar bears being included but at the end of the day

That’s about it 1.11 though H Sher boxes are admittedly welcome solutions to portable storage that are scarce enough to justify the benefit they give you why armas were also added this update and I’ll come back to them a little later so just leave a pin in that so Woodland

Mansions they were added also in 1.11 and you know they’re pretty cool I like their Decor they’re quite rare and I like most of the new Mobs they all look pretty stylistically cohesive to what we’ve got in the game so far alls well and good and honestly if this segment ended here I’d

Say 1. 11 was fine but I’ve pulled out the face cam so you know that probably isn’t the case this is the evoker and it’s arguably the rarest mob that spawns in Woodland mansions and also the most dangerous see it has two attacks and I’m just going to stake them both on screen

Now that one it summons another mob called vexes that will try and fly towards you and attack you they’re a bit annoying to deal with cuz they’ve got quite the small hit box but honestly I don’t mind it as an attack you know it’s something we haven’t seen before but it

Still feels minecrafty enough which I think is you know a passing grade but it has something else it has this like shock wave attack where it sends like kind of pillars spikes out the foro to hit you have got to run and jump out of the way but the animation

For it has always irked me because I think this is the first point at least in my experience with the game I looked at it and I went that feels like it’s from a mod more than the bass game it just didn’t feel stylistically consistent which I the look in Minecraft

And whatnot you’ve got a very specific expectation to stick to so when I see these things coming out the ground they’ve got animation cycles and stuff previously stuff you’d only really see with like the Ender Dragon and even that was quite Limited it just feels a bit

Weird it doesn’t feel in line with everything else cuz when you kill it for as powerful as it is it drops something equally as powerful you know it’s rare it spawns in a rare building in one specific biome no less and then it’s the rarest thing inside that building and

Also argu the most powerful it drops a tot of UND dying which as the name May imply stops you from dying once you hold it it breaks and it gives you a cocktail full of potion effects and an immediate injection of Hearts to make sure you don’t die now when surviv I don’t

Actually mind this because I mean you know it just means you don’t have to go back and collect your stuff at the end of the day or oh it saves your stuff burning once fine but I take issue with that in hardcore because to me it kind

Of nullifies the impact of the mode like when I think of hardcore mode I always think of that one time filser died because it was on news round for some reason U but you know like that that was impactful because he died the series came to an end and you know it was

Sudden but there was no way he could have gotten out of it but with tomsan dying that kind of changes in a way because you kind of could like if that was filmed on a modern version of the game his offand would have probably had

A totem in it it would have popped he could have gone out and he could have kept on going on his merry way which to me would have nullified the difficulty of Hardcore because at that moment he did objectively die but hardcore went from you die once the world is gone to

Now we are giving you an intended mechanic to where yes you did die but you only fail if you die when you’re not holding this specific item which I think to add that sort of caveat just feels cheap in my opinion especially in hardcore worlds survival don’t care

Hardcore I think you know just make them drop it or drop something equally as valuable that just doesn’t nullify the meaning of the mode would go a long way in my eyes but I don’t have to give credit where it’s due it is a risk reward thing

Trying to acquire them and they’re rare for the time being so for as much as I have an issue with this update I also can’t take too much issue with it because it’s at least balanced and at worst at least it’s out of the way and I don’t need to see it

Often for now and then there’s the elytra which also got changed this update yeah um so I initially didn’t mind the elytra is initial inclusion I think gliding kind of a nice enough novelty on its own you know it it can fit within the game just fine and I

Think swapping it out for your chest plate and what not well a little bit weird it’s you know it is how it is people complained at least I imagine that’s why this got changed that the Electra was underpowered you know you put all this effort into defeating the

Ender Dragon something that was like notoriously easy even in 1.11 and has only gotten easier since and you know the people wanted recomp pension if that’s even the word they wanted this thing that they put their hard earned time into to work exceedingly efficiently and well um they got their

Wish as of 1.11 the elite regained the ability to take off if you right clicked a firework rocket and had it equipped in your hand which is um it’s something but in doing this just allowing that single action to take off anywhere or just gain additional height

If you were already in the air killed horses boats and rails as a form of transportation leaving the only one even remotely viable to be boats now let me explain in the time it would take you to go get the iron and the gold for Railway Network and whatnot you could defeat the

Ender Dragon probably find an elytra even slap mending on it and maybe even build a creepy Farm to start farming gunpowder and to a point I think you know yeah rails probably did need a quicker away to go being built because it takes that forever but at the same time I don’t

Think the solution to that and making you travel that faster you know that instantaneous ability to get from one point to the other was to give an item such an overpowered ability it erased the purpose you to use rails at all unless it was in a farm or for a roller

Coaster I think as a transport method they were fine maybe needed a little bit of a buff and I mean the same with horses you know I like that having the stable and what not that good but now it’s like why would you go out and find

A horse with good stats or you know go and find horse aror to make our your choice it stays alive or you know find gold for powered rails when you can just go find an elytra get some firework rockets and do the same travel distance quicker whilst going over all your

Obstacles I like the initial implementation but taking off everywhere was the wrong way to go about buffing the item because it’s just too overpowered and I’m really surprised it hasn’t seen a tweak but also the same point I’m not surprised at all I think it could have used tweaks but now we’re

This far into this iteration of the item I don’t think we’re going to see it because could you imagine the backlash from everyone that relies on this item Sheely because of how effing useful it is complaining that oh it’s done this and they want to make rails more thing

Like there’s going to be complaints unless other stuff is changed and I think there’s just too big of a undertaking Mojang are willing to make like I think it’s just going to be kept the same and that kind of bums me out because it does just nullify all the

Forms of travel by making such a no-brainer option there’s no reason to use them at all for their intended purpose at least 1.12 went pretty fine it was criticized at the time for being lacking in features like 1.10 but in terms of being of version of the game

I’d argue it’s pretty damn good just now of some ignorable caveats that I can take issue with but ultimately don’t need to engage with myself treasure this peaceful moment and believe me we’re going to be taking a short detour and talking about game development you see

I’m not the only person to have said that certain additions to Minecraft don’t feel like they fit within Minecraft or feel like something you’d see in a mod and I’ve seen people choke that up to being resistant change or biased by Nostalgia towards other versions and while that could be a

Factor I also want to give that claim a tiny bit of backing because it isn’t as simple to refute as saying no you’re wrong ultimately it’s a matter of preference and it’s been a debate within the Minecraft Community long before 1.9 came around there are still people out

There who play the alpha and beta versions of Minecraft because they found that version of the game to appeal best to them having taken issue with later inclusions such as Bland the world generation and the hunger system to name a few it doesn’t take long to look and

Find people who play those versions in the same way you still find people playing 1.8 who don’t like the combat update that came immediately afterwards they’re entitled to do that if they so wish with each Camp fostering a community with an A verion or so before

A major change to the game was made Minecraft was starting to become a much bigger game towards the end of beta and by the time 1.8 rolled around it was arguably the biggest game in the world and that combined with Community backlash when trying to clamp down on

Pay to Win servers at the time ultimately led to not to sell Minecraft to Microsoft and leave the company if you want to split the game’s history into three eras based on development at the time I think the very early days where it was mostly just Notch

Developing the game could be called the notch era once the team started expanding into 2011 we can call that the Mojang era and once Notch left we’ll call that the Microsoft era now I could be off base with this but both examples of splits in the community I made

Earlier coincide roughly to each of those eras 1.8 released a few short months before the game was bought by Microsoft and beta 1.7 6 months or so into the Mojang era right before creative Direction was handed over to Jeb from Notch as you bring more people into development there’s always going to

Be a chance for durative correction to shift especially when the people at the top get shuffled around and hell even with the same group of people they change over time so that may even end up impacting what does and doesn’t make The Cutting Room fall again after Minecraft

1.0 release Notch took a backseat and handed main creative control over to Jeb going forward now to some people Minecraft was notch in a away they liked the ideas that a single person brought and programs to the table and their Vision aligned very strong with his vision for the game so that when

Creative control shifted that guarantee was less so there Jeb might have added something that skewed away from that path and that might have been ultimately what pushed them away there’s nothing wrong by almost entirely agreeing with one person’s vision for a game but it means that when eventually controls

Handed over to someone else there’s no guarantee that the newer additions which are made are going to appease the people who were so directly aligned with the original Creator’s vision for example for every person who thinks the EV Fus range animation is cool and goodlooking animation there will equally be people

Who look at it and say that that falls outside what they expect the scope of the game to be and then double that when they’re bought by Microsoft I can’t tell you specifics but I can speculate certain features such as youu youu and you weren’t decided by the people

Working at Mojang and on the topic of those people working at Mojang by the time they’ve been bored it was half a decade since the development team had initially been set up there’s going to be some change in the staff and Hell the people that might have stayed on may

Have just changed themselves all of that impacts creative Direction some people will be on board for it others maybe less so but come 2018 and I think a conscious effort was made to change the direction of the game given it had somewhat fallen off in recent times because 1.13 feels so different from

What you’d expect in a Minecraft update that it feels almost as fresh as the fish you can catch in this update now to start this update off I touched on this earlier but Minecraft is largely an additive game and at best things will get reworked nothing’s ever going to be

Outright removed unless you only see in a pre-release version however if there were to ever be a case to remove something that managed to make it into a final version of an update these would be a front runner number three I don’t like you barring that I actually

Like this update bubble columns are effing great I like the new swimming the coral wreaths and Aquatic Life all look really damn good and the Trident has a level of usability I only wish the elytra came with situational but you can work to make that situational nurse a

Little bit more convenient for your sake and 1.14 keeps the street going initially I wasn’t a huge fan to the Village changes but it’s clearly an objective Improvement the newer furnace and crafting blocks had some delicious quality of life even if I do forget to

Ever use the most days and I like all the mobs that were added but unfortunately the worst thing about this update which means I can’t rate it as highly as 1.13 is the result of something that was added three updates earlier and also the introduction of Bedrock Edition for

Every single player on Console but that’s a discussion for another day if this video does well overall I also think 1.14 is a good update I think all the blocks and utility stuff that was added this update is pretty good and the village changes are definitely a

Highlight even though it took a while for me to warm to them but there’s another change to do with villagers that unfortunately has forever stained this update and again it’s not something I think we’ll see changed see I want to cast your mind back to three updates ago when we were

Talking about 1. 11 where you know the alliance we got a Bu from a few updates ago and now in the same manner toads and dying are about to get the biggest buff in their history indirectly because this update introduced Village raids if you were to go to an iller Outpost and kill

A certain type of guy that spawns there semi consistently or into a raiding party that can spawn randomly in the wild and kill that guy as well you get bad Omen if you go to a village with bad Omen active it activates a raid and the

Same guys from 1.11 that you find find in the Mansions come and attack the village kill people you need to kill them yeah it’s a challenge maybe something you want to try and avoid with a few buckets of milk it is how it is there’s a few new Mobs as well though I

Don’t really have much to say on them other than this elephant looking guy looks really effing goofy but you know that’s neither here or there um the main issue is that Within These raiding parties evok spawn and as expected they drop totems of UND dying so previously I said that at least

They’re semi balanced because they’re rare but with the inclusion of Pillager outposts you know raid parties and well the ability to kind of start raids on command they went from a risk reward type of thing where at the very least trying to get one risk you losing

Another totem or even losing your life out right with the battle being on your terms this update you know you’re not in a mansion anymore with like restricted corridors or whatnot um you don’t need to adapt like that you can just prepare a village beforehand to basically just

Kill the raid for you and it’s really not that complex like you could do something as simple as just making Cobblestone wall and a pit around the entire thing and like you know like within like 30 minutes I’d argue you can cheese any raid that comes to the

Village by just some you know clever positioning of blocks and I use clever very Loosely there um so obviously that makes raids um fall into what I called the age-old rule of Minecraft next only to don’t dig straight down see if anything can be formed in Minecraft

Someone will probably find a way to do it and oh God did they to cut a long story short this update basically made farming for totems of UND dying piss easy and um it basically took the one caveat to okay I like the Rarity and difficulty of this item to obtain to

Just go out the window you can basically get them on command at this point and I don’t like that it just doubles down on my bad feelings about the item to where there’s no real upside I feel as so it just further you know allows people to

Cheese hard core and take away from that initial kind of high stakes feel of it it’s like cutting back to the filser example I gave before um imagine now instead of just having you know four TOs and dying from the one thing he’d found so far um imagine now he’s got a farm

And he goes back to it and just half his inventory his totems and dying so even if he fell into the void he could probably at this point in time pop a totems and dying and use his elytra to fly back you know out of the Void like

That’s that’s the stage we’re getting to here now and just absurdity so you know dying is just the void isn’t even a threat anymore man speaking of things that kill you that wraps up all I have to say on 1.14 so we’re going to be jumping straight into 1.16 cuz 1.15 really

Doesn’t have too much to discuss now 1.16 hugely revamped the nether arguably in a more extensive way than we saw the end getting the same treatment back in 1.9 it adds a range of new Mobs biomes blocks structures and most importantly of all netherite now I like netherite is

It an absolute pain in the ass to try and find yes is it cool and worth the time I put into acquiring it absolutely as for the new biomes also pretty good new wood types are always welcome and I appreciate the addition of piglins and that one skeleton biome to make the

Place feel more proactively dangerous than it had previously realistically unless it was an accident Pigman hit or a surprise guest you weren in danger unless you were inside a fortress they also added hogins I do not like hoglands they scare me and look funny I think as an update that ultimately changed the

Traditional Minecraft formula going out of its way to make a higher tier of tools and armor available while simultaneously making getting to the Ender Dragon a tiny bit more difficult I think it does it well as anyone could have asked when I think about every single thing that’s been added this

Update I can’t give it anything lower than higher marks if there truly was a change in direction to try and boost the game’s popularity from 1.13 onwards these three major updates and 1.15 had succeeded in my eyes the aim had pulled itself out of a w and interest and was

Once again a front runner for when it came to online content if the trade-off is one major balance issue and two mobs I think look funny for all these good updates that have been brought to the game then I will happily take that trade now 1.17 brought back the concept of

Splitting an update in half something we haven’t seen since the game was about to leave beta with the adventure update 1.17 and 1.18 together form the caves and cliffs update and definition of Mojang’s naming scheme for them so reasonably you’d expect some sort of delivery on that promise in each half of

The update like the cave revamp in One update and the mountain half of the update in the next well no almost all of the world generation elements are actually found in 1.8 caves and cliffs part one introduces the infamous glow squid copper Roar goats candles lightning rods axles and

Some blocks intended for use in the following update’s Generation Um additionally axles were also added um I like them and think they’re a nice match for The Aquatic Life added in 1.3 but if you’re looking for them well they could spawn in the cave generation at the time

But I think the case with them and all the other generation related blocks in this update is that they’re all there but just in technicality I don’t think I’m out of line for saying that caves and cliffs is an update was only completed at 1.18 all the stuff in 1.17 didn’t really deliver

On the promise of the update other than saying look at all this cool stuff you use in its intended way because the remaining portion of the update hasn’t been developed yet it just doesn’t sit right with me and I don’t think it’s sat equally right for a lot of the community

Either I can see the reasoning to have split this update in two because of Co and to give a little bumping interest in the game and whatnot but I don’t think they needed that bumping interest because they still have stacks upon stacks of cash and honestly I think I

Would have been happier if they had just delayed the update until it was one larger update because as it stands right right now 1.18 is a very good update but I’m not going to have much of a course to play 1.17 when I’m basically playing a pre-release version of the update that

Came immediately after now for the additions that didn’t depend on the second half of the update to be realized kandles are like fine they feel a little bit too detailed for my liking but at the very least I can see them being used in some cool castle builds now on the

Other side of the coin is copper the First new Overworld ore added since emeralds in 1.3 I don’t like it it serves to construct the lightning rod item and the spy glass Bing its block variance that is its only use I don’t understand why it was added exactly the lightning rod

Feels too oddly specific to justify I don’t think anyone was exactly screaming out for a solution for lightning striking their house that was coincidentally made of wood on the roof but you know maybe I’m just in the wrong circles and the sky glass they can half get for console players who don’t have

Access to optify to get those sweet sweet zooms but when you’re adding a whole new or in the game you’d expect it to be justified in its inclusion from the outset and not feel as though it’s playing catch up in all future updates now do you remember when we spoke about

Llas earlier and I said to put a pin in the topic well with the glow squid and goats being added in this update I feel as though I can finally have this conversation with enough course to justify does it ever feel like there’s been mobs added into the game just for

The sake of it or is that just me glow squids exist to look nice and drop an item that makes signs glow and goats Ram things this could to be another disconnect in what me and developers both think is best for the game but I can happily live without seeing llas

Goats glow squids or any of the mob you might categorize as that and I’d be just fine there is a lot of effort that goes into making those guys I’m sure but there’s only so many times I can look at an animal where its main use is to look

Nice before I start thinking about what else we could have had if that development time was allocated elsewhere um like I don’t think these inclusions take away from the experience but I do think they take away from development of features that might add a little bit

More to the game instead so leaving 1.17 1.18 gives us the promised new mountain and Cave generation and despite my GRS with 1.17 handling and at times pointless features this update is just unabashedly good lowering the Bedrock level to minus 64 to give more room for

A huge cave was a really good call and all the new generation is also just bang on I can’t really fault this update because everything I don’t like is just kind of handed off to the first half of the update oh sorry first third 1.19 added in a another new underground biome

The deep dark along with a new unique structure that can spawn within it the ancient cities this was originally planned for the caves and cliffs update but because they didn’t have enough time to fit this into 1.18 they then went and put it into 1.19 this is like my video schedule for

This channel levels bad of planning that aside everything to do with this inclusion is hella spooky and also pretty damn good the new Warden boss that encourages sneaking around the skull infested areas in the world is scary as he is to defeat it’s all good

In this department but I do want to ask why this just wasn’t part of caves and cliffs because to me it is if it was a few years down the line we got this I’d say it was just a Natural Evolution they hadn’t thought of at the time but this

Is the next immediate update afterwards beyond the deep dark we also got the mangrove swamp biome and the frogs that can spawn in it now frogs half fall into that category I was talking about earlier however with the unique construction of how this biome works I

Think having them spawn in here to at least give this biome some sort of life is nice and ultimately half justifies their existence I can of LM them in with parrots and jungle biomes for the same reason Additionally the new boats with chests Mangrove wood and compass that

Points to where you last died are all nice improvements with the only thing in this update falling short for me being the AL it seemed like a useful mob during the mob vote but from my own research and experience it has very limited use cases and then we finally

Hit the modern day with 1.20 I like the Cherry biome the wood type they added armor trims are neat and hanging signs are something I’m surprised we haven’t had for longer I appreciate the new stuff you can craft with bamboo and I like the idea behind the upgradeable

Version of the skull sensor but the archaeology system they tried to bring in this update wasn’t it with Pottery sniffers and camels all feeling like lusive to me for reasons I’ve already given out to other features earlier and to a point I think the fact I can say

That allows me to circle around and Define the issues I personally take with some of the modern inclusions of the game without be needing to dive into these features much and I think the first one should come as a surprise to know one but it’s the fact that things

Can never seem to go backwards even when it would make sense Phantoms should have been reworked or disabled I don’t really know a single person who likes their inclusion beyond what they Dro repairing elyas likewise I don’t think we’ll see a removal of the chat reporting system or

Mine coin store in the Bedrock editions of the game despite the fact the community has voiced their approval for both features secondly I think the game balance may slightly need to be addressed more elyra totems of UND dying and to app Point mending are two

Youthful in a way that I don’t think is helpful for the game especially with the ease all three can be acquired the heart was in the right place with the recent neite change which required you to visit a Bastion to get an additional item used to upgrade them it Justified that

Structure’s existence a little bit more and equally made netherite a tiny bit harder to get it wasn’t just limited by how many beds you could craft to go mining for it it was equally defined by how many bastions you were willing to go looting to get the upgraded things or

How many diamonds you had for the crafting recipe that would then duplicate them I think tweaks like that are healthy for the game because as it stands right now you don’t have to do a lot to be the best and that personally cheapens the overall survival experience

To me third while states have gotten better conceptual wise since 1.13 I feel as though some Focus could be redirected to more important areas to make them have more of a punch behind them I have seen a lot of criticism for 1.20 essentially just giving us a biome and a

Few blocks in terms of meaningful contributions and to an end I agree I don’t think archaeology or copper are examples of systems that could could justify their inclusion from the outset and I don’t think it’s fair to take away from future update features to instead focus on making those underdeveloped

Systems justify their existence a little bit more it just takes away development resources where they could instead be poured into newer ideas that would be a bit more exciting and equally I think the same line of logic could be applied for certain animals and mobs though to

Some that could equally be a matter of preference and last is the performance on Java Edition from 1.13 it Dema been just got a downward trend from being able to run on lower end machines there is a reason sodium and OptiFine still frequently top the most used mods list

And if it’s not for shaders it will be because of the performance benefit they give I understand Bedrock is coded in a different language and may be seen as more of a priority given it contains you know money but even still I think something needs to be done with Java’s

Code even if that means cutting back on a few updates will allocate your resources your players on a budget will thank you so where’s the Ki here because I went into this video thinking that I’d script it in such a way where I’d get to

The end of the segment and I’d say so yeah since 1.9 I feels though the updates have been going like this with a few Peaks and generally that the game is less consistent in strength overall yada yada yada creative Direction not Left End video but that doesn’t seem to feel

As the case I still stand by that yes the game definitely has issues that need addressing and it you know has Falls but equally after having systematically gone through all the updates in my head I thought were issues I realized either a I didn’t really dislike the update all

That much or B the issues I did have which is a lot less in number than you know I thought I had so it’s kind of confusing because this is where the original conclusion would have been but I don’t have a conclusion I just can walk away saying yeah turns out um I

Thought I hated the game just a tiny bit but still had a long-standing appreciation for it whereas now it’s okay yeah the game has fls but I still like it so instead of having the conclusion here let’s go into overtime so why did I not like the game

Or at least should I rephrase that and say if I thought I didn’t like the game if it wasn’t the updates that made me not like the game in its entirety then what else was it play no matter how much Twitter or YouTube may try to tell you

Otherwise Minecraft has its issues but it isn’t anywhere as bad or going anywhere anytime soon and I think fa to mention multiplayer much in depth now too but I want to give it its due praise also I think the inclusion of that mode and what people are able to achieve with

Plugins and command blocks is super impressive and to see those accomplishments bringing people together in their thousands is really cool a lot of the content that people look fondly back on was built upon the presence of just having that mode available at all and while I understand it isn’t exactly

A brown breaking feature for Minecraft to have included I do think that multiplayer allowed Minecraft to foster a community much greater than ever could of a solely a single player game even at its most basic a vanilla server with a few friends is some of the most fun I’d

Argue you can have online even when I was super jaded on the game hopping into a realm with my friends was just like it gives you the sense of magic I can’t exactly describe in words that just manages to hook you with this infectious fever to keep going back and play more a

Lot of games and websites have the ability to connect people from all across the globe but I think the ability in Minecraft to make a world that you can really come to call your own is practically unrivaled to me the fact alone that no matter my current stance

On the game’s updates that I can boot up a world and still have unparalleled fun making memories with my friends is why I think the game deserves to be the bestselling game of all time despite where it has shortcomings so what has been swaying my opinion then or at least

Making it worse than it should reasonably be it’s the other side of the coin when it comes to the community specifically when it comes to online discussions and content creation when you’re surrounded by negativity it’s easy to fall into the same mindset and ultimately end up repeating the cycle

Plus it’s a lot easier to agree with negativity or stay silent than it is to challenge it with a positive view as for the second half it’s a little bit more of a systemic issue with YouTube as a whole but doesn’t it feel as though Minecraft these last few years has

Gotten increasingly water down on the site there are good people out there making original ideas with unique personalities but as of late there’s just a sea of Mr beastify trying to be other people and playing up horribly safe creators 100 days was a novel concept when Luke the notable did it the

First time as was building something stupidly complex in Minecraft hardcore but does that same idea remain as fresh and interesting when you see a sea of people doing the same thing following the initial Trend without much to change it up you hear the same songs from the Wii as background music because that’s

What worked for someone else before you don’t get a second to breathe because their competitors edit the videos at the same pace so going any slower might mean you like leave they can’t show too much personality because you might not Jael with them if you get to know too much

Much about them and they need to equally be squeaky clean and seemingly always speak in a higher pitch tone of voice to make sure they don’t alate the Todds who might be watching too conceptually those videos are good and I’m sure they’re all equally well edited titled and

Thumbnailed but they don’t stand out for more than another in my head behind all the boxes they tick they missed the one where I remember the video afterwards this whole section isn’t meant to be a jab at any one Creator I’ve seen in particular I just genuinely cannot

Remember or differentiate the videos I meant to be slating here but I do remember the mounting feeling of this is safe of course this is high energy are they being as basic as possible on purpose recently Game Theory posted a video on how the Risen short form video

Has meant that people don’t remember creators on YouTube shorts or Tik Tok but they do remember specific videos instead those platforms Tik Tok especially don’t lend themselves to being about creators a lot of the time whilst some will gain notori themselves a lot of people don’t leave that stamp

On the site whilst their videos do and Tik Tok has been wildly successful since its launch and I think while the short format of videos is one component of it I think people took notice of how videos succeed on there and have tried to translate that into YouTube videos you

Take that high energy of a 1 minute video and then make it 18 you pull on Mr Beast and show as little personality as possible to have the biggest possible audience and you edit like those 5-year-olds will die if there isn’t an effect on screen every 10 seconds and

Your Resort is something suitable for a mass Market that appeals To None I kind of see it like this imagine there is a market and there’s bunch of different stores around by different Bakers and they all sell a wide selection of cakes now as time goes on and they hear you

Know about new flavors or things that other people at stores are doing a hell even people at different markets are doing to get higher sales naturally they put them in their products they want to succeed and you know make them work you know and then it kind of gets to a point

Where it’s like you know everyone’s happier you know the customers getting more stuff and they’ll bang for their book the deals going down everything’s going well and it starts to speed up and you find you know it gets more and more optimized IED somebody finds something

They can add onto their cake to make it sell better and everybody else copies it and now well just one person doing it gave my Boost and all of them get that boost but then somebody else does that thing then everybody does it and they can’t stop doing those things which

Aren’t really giving them much of a benefit anymore because those are the things that they’ve kind of just set the standard for they’re the precedent almost it’s like I can’t make my cake have you know one less layer because that’s what’s keeping me on par with everybody else that’s got that extra layer

And it starts to get a little you know concerning because you keep going and going and there’s these changes and iterations and they keep like getting it down to a practical science to where you go there one week and almost every single thing being offered is the same

And you can kind of tell who’s selling what you know the Bakers all still look different but when you go to them you don’t see their personality because it’s gotten that optimized to the point where they know exactly how to act to almost guarantee the highest chance for

Themselves to sell you that cake there’s no personality behind them and while yeah you know they don’t have to act like that the fact everybody else is acting at that optimal level means they have to too and yeah everything there is statistically designed to be enjoyable it’s high quality this should appeal to

You but eventually you have enough of it and you realize I don’t like this even though it’s been designed to be exactly what you want and you bought it reaches a point where you get sick of it and you might go and look for something lower qualityy because it just isn’t

That so you leave you don’t come back go to a different place that sells different stuff and you know you can see the person behind the coun there themselves and not this robot that’s just trying to sell cakes and Purge themselves of all personality but would you go back to

That market a few years down the road when the optimal formula has changed you know they’re selling still all the same cake but it’s a different flavor of cake you know one you might even like would you go back and buy some of that knowing that that still exists under the same

Ethos of it basically is just a maximum performance to them would you go there or would you keep going to different places that were offering maybe something not as objectively as good but something with a little bit more Soul behind it you can have a conversation

And get to know the person behind the counter and yeah some of the things are serving you might be a little bit but equally they’re giving you a newer experience not everyone might like it but you might or would you have even noticed what if the environment had

Changed so much that before you even had time to think if it was good or bad you just moved along your opinions kind of stuttered ining because somebody comes they brush along onto the next thing yada yada you know get you out the door as quick as possible on the next thing

They don’t give you time to think they don’t give you to form an opinion and then when you do it’s going kind of like a phase in your mind it’s like yeah I remember watching this and like yeah it was high quality it was well presented and whatnot but you can’t remember how

It tasted but you just remember oh it was well produced you know it looked nice you know and I didn’t dislike it either so therefore I must have liked it somewhat and it’s like they’re basically serving you something that no one dislikes so it’s disliked by almost

N but in a way it’s also liked by almost no one either but the environment that it exists in and kind of is curated by you know the market it doesn’t give you a chance to really properly criticize that because it just keeps moving you don’t have that

Moment to reflect and go did I really like that you know you could keep coming back because you still liked it technically so therefore you go like it but what if despite that the cake you being served over time just eventually became really Bland and what if this was all just one

Very big analogy for the set of Minecraft YouTube it’s my opinion that online media is getting stale and I feel that Minecraft has been hit the most by these changes in part due to its popularity and pre-existing Mass Appeal there’s a reason I made a video on a TV

Show I enjoyed earlier this year and it wasn’t just to try and get the attention of the casting team but yeah hey I Can Dream seriously I enjoyed the Traders as much as I did because it felt fresh it had something behind it and it stuck

With me after it add for medium people say is destined to fail and response to how good online content is it was the best and most engaging thing I’d seen this last year in short I think Minecraft content has got on stale as of light and I think that lack of

Personality and new Innovations in videos will influence people’s opinion on the game I mean what’s easy to think this video is simply boring because Minecrafter is or this video is boring due to a series of social factors impacting the creation of online content of which is partial to the concept of

Death of creators and a series over acceleration of methods better used to grab the viewers attention whilst increasing the maximum appeal of the video there in result in a high guarantee for me to watch such offerings while simultaneously not overly enjoying them at all I mean the second one

Practically just rolls off the tongue wow and I think this issue was exemplified with Minecraft a lot more uh because the game’s main like blow up even back in 2009 it was arguably one of the first games where you saw it getting mainstream success because of the online

Content being generated around it and I think when that online content has shown time and time again to cause renewed interest in the game um for that online content to they become dry stale and repetitive I think that impacts the game a lot more than people realize because

If that content is responsible for boosting the game’s popularity I think it can equally be said that it may decrease the game’s popularity through means of being boring and I would think when all the concept becomes syy it becomes boring and it’s not really expressing anything or doing anything

Creative to stand out I think that’s going to impact your thoughts on the game cuz you see these videos getting bigger and bigger and bigger on what they do and I think that again has a passive effect on the player base where it’s like yes this person has built the

Biggest thing in Minecraft hardcore and now this person has and all these people have committed to these massive Feats and while I haven’t really like observed this anywhere else I think passingly on a players like want to play the game um it’s like okay yeah all these people are

Doing insane stuff 24/7 and none of the content at the top of the ecosystem what I’ve seen has really promoted that ground level content which you could do yourself you don’t need to invest much time into you can just play the game and have fun and I don’t think there’s much

Content that has really highlighted that as of late and I think having that content at the top is important because it shows that without any sort of random prerequisite to quote unquote spice the game up to be interesting it can be fun at a base level um I think it’s very

Important to note that when the game first saw its massive blow up in success it was people making that type of content because the online standards hadn’t gone that high up and I think that’s quite telling but when most people attribute the game second rise in popularity not only to increased quality

Of updates but additionally PewDiePie Survival series like that series is just Tim playing Minecraft and it’s not like the content we’ve discussed previously and I think the fact that that of all things was attributed to shooting Minecraft back into the public Consciousness at least in part is really telling because content was already

Heading down that road back then so for a series like that to put the game back on the map or at least give it a boost and not one of those overproduced videos I think says a lot personally I mean I’ve spoke to a few friends about

Scripting this video and time and time again they’ve mentioned oh yeah I really used to like the yogs cast and one video came up in both conversations I had about it which I went out and watched and I was told it was basically it got better the more you would engaged with

The channel at that time what was still funny if you hadn’t seen any content from them uh what basic they just make a black hole Shenanigans and so I think the fact that that’s still remember 10 years on as just something good good enough to pass on to me who didn’t even

Watch them to begin with goes to show that there is quality in videos that aren’t necessarily super overproduced that one mostly is just switching of perspectives and that’s still a lot more engaging than a video that’s over edited and designed to keep me engaged it was

Just fun and I think the current Climer I’ve seen people Reminiscing on all the content like that and getting more dissatisfied with the current state of content I think eventually we’re going to see the trend come full circle where it is the trend to just make Minecraft

Content at that lower level I think all it takes is one person to see good success with a series like that for them that to become the trend once you show people that that is the alternative and it can still be done well in the current year despite being arguably more basic

Than the over optimized content that’s current I think we’ll see a shift and with any luck hopefully it leads to some sort of return through personality to YouTube as well well you know I Can Dream and even in despite of that I know there will be good Minecraft content out

There but equally it’s not going to be easy to find the state of YouTube in its current form will promote the highest performing content because that’s what works and what everyone else has quote unquote enjoyed already but if you dig enough I reckon you’ll be able to find a

Piece of content that makes you feel something taking the time to look for that and voting with your viewers on the content you want to see by yourself will make a change even if it’s just you it means you’ll get shown the content you can walk away from and feel SN feel

Emotions and opinionated about and even remember and differentiate the creators that are making it I’ve held the opinion that you’re able to tell when someone’s heart is in what they’re making for a while now and that Rings true for all of YouTube there’s a reason I’m able to get

Invested into whatever Nick Robinson uploads regardless of if I’m familiar with the subject is covering or not and it doesn’t have subtitles that are obscene in both size and speed or a pace that you’ll need a kilogram of g-fuel to keep up with it’s engaging in its own

Way that still allows each beat time to breathe and has plenty of moments to show the soul behind the video I’ve consistently loved CND D’s set of Series where he camps outside the Nintendo New York store so he can be the first in line for their major releases I went

Back and watched a few of the original series and despite having been six years I still found those videos Charming to the point I ended up watching more than just the one episode I said I would but would those videos be the same if there was a change in Creative direction if

More people were brought on to help make and direct them or if they sold what they were making to a bigger company that wanted to ensure it was profitable for them hang on a second that sounds awfully familiar this isn’t some sort of surprise Revelation that’s happened in

YouTube before it’s happened in music film and TV many times before and every time there’s a snapback a point where eventually the viewers and listeners at home realized they could vote with their money and attention to protest a stagnant landscape in any of those mediums sometimes it’s gradual and

Sometimes it’s an unexpected snap that can come out of nowhere I think Disney is the best example I can give among the oversaturation of Marvel and liveaction remakes where only the Aladin one was good they’ve seen a sharp decrease in viewership especially on Disney plus things got saturated and

Felt like they were stagnating and they’ve been feeling that impact gradually reflected in their viewing and subscription figures and then you have those snap moments where something comes out and it’s new it’s fresh it’s different to what people have seen and it’s not a question of when you’re

Speaking to someone oh have you or do you think you’re going to see this thing it basically becomes a oh have you seen this yet or what episode are you up to the expectation isn’t if you are going to watch it possibly it is have you

Watched it yet it’s like squid games and stranger things everybody was talking about those when they came out and like why was it it was because yeah they were good they were well produced and put together but there was something different something new and in a landscape where stuff kind of tends to

Stagnate you have those snap moments where yeah people maybe get complacent and the studi making the stuff get complacent it just kind of flattens out but it means that when you have something like those that stands out and is still really good that there’s going

To be a jump in people to go oh my God that is different you know I think whether people realize it or not when a media landscape starts to stagnate even if they don’t know it they start to get bored and when new and exciting stuff comes out that presents something new

And interesting and has done well I think people are naturally drawn to it because it’s something different and even if they don’t quock it entirely I think the fact that different offerings that do something divisive and stand out do so well is because subconsciously or not that’s what people kind of wanting

To look for and yes this is still a video talking about Minecraft but um that happens in all sorts of genres and I think my favorite one um thankfully is my favorite band of all time go so um yes while we are still definitely talking about a game made by Mojang in

2011 how many of you have seen the hit 2002 reality TV talent show pop stars the rivals let to say I told you it would be a tangent see the general synopsis is that this show was going to form a boy band and a girl band that

Would then battle it out for the Christmas number one of 2002 and the general expectation I think within talent shows then and even now was that yeah they’ll have some short-term fame maybe their album and a few of their singles do well but generally they were formed on reality TV they’re not going

To push the boundaries they’re not going to do anything to particularly make them stand out they’re only going to be big as long as they’re on television getting that exposure now that expectation both of these groups to fail became 50% true because after losing the race to Christmas number one you don’t really

Hear much about one true voice anymore and didn’t in about a year after they were formed either girls of out however went straight to number one sat there for 4 weeks because the song they produced wasn’t exactly what you wouldd expect to hear from a girl band

Especially in the 2000s it was like R and bass this song was different and you know what I’d go ahead and played in the background if it didn’t get this video copyright claimed that was something else it was this snap moment where it was it was different the expectation that they were

Going to fail and just produce some kind of generic thing was smashed out of the gate and then continued to be smashed Time After Time After Time Again to the point where they are like the exception not the rule that they were able to maintain relevance all the way through

Until the end of the decade like they seriously became one of the UK’s best selling pop acts ever and that wasn’t just because of their debut single doing well it was because their career was continually hit after hit of different sounding songs that push the boundaries of what people would expect from The

Medium seriously if you show someone with a basic understanding of Music Theory uh the more extensive the better and you play the hit song biology for them um they will have a stroke and die that said you could say UK music despite that kind of Renaissance in the 2000s

And whatnot is in a bit of a wall once again but that doesn’t mean that it can’t get out of it as established when stuff’s in a wall that gives the best possible chance for something new and exciting doing something different to completely succeed cuz whether people

Are only passively or actively tired of that climate to be presented with a choice that is something different than what all the board Executives know they’re going to do and sell well and whatnot being presented with that sort of option in that climate is unironically the best start those

Projects can have because when people are sick of the current status quo they are more than happy to jump on the alternative if it means they can stick it to a few very Rich billionaires and their board of directors I think a stagnation in Minecraft content’s creativity arguably

The reason most people know about the game to begin with is the real corporate as to why the game itself doesn’t feel exciting as it once did there are factors of course there are issues that take issue with the game’s updates but I think they get exacerbated when most of

The content I see and watch about the game stagnates because if the thing arguably responsible for keeping the game in the spotlight as it has been starts to feel boring and an interesting I think that passively impact opinion on the game itself as well just like any stagnation in media it’ll eventually

Correct itself and feel fresh again when audiences get sick of it and seek out something new so while it may all seem a little down for Minecraft right now with a moderate amount of videos I found covering a similar topic when researching this section combined with the sentiment in the comments and the

View counts on them I think we’re closer to seeing another shake up within the content sphere than we initially realize they were just videos talking about Minecraft but the Mr beas ification of YouTube has been the topic of debate for a few months already too and I think

With each day that passes and the more people and momentum that sentiment begins to snowball I think the market of complacency and optimization is going to find its Revenue taking a downturn and I’ve got to say having avoided most Minecraft content online while making this video these last few weeks I’ve

Been passively correcting my prior mostly negative opinion towards the game this was just a me thing but trying my hardest to avoid any and all content surrounding the game and just playing without engaging in any of that it had so much more of an impact than I thought

It would have there was no passing negative sentiment to acknowledge on Twitter after I muted the word I just had my own play sessions to inform my decision and it was fun the game itself wasn’t planned I could always do something to make sure that wasn’t the case

I enjoyed setting small goals for each session or just going on to mess around with my friends N Stuff I’d seen online but just stuff I remembered as being fun it may vary from person to person but I’d have no idea how much my opinion of the game has been swayed by content

Online without even realizing it I mean this video you’re watching right now started because I was feeling dissatisfied with the game but weirdly enough this video is now the reason I have a greater respect for the game than I presumably have had at least in the best half decade

There’s a lot more Nuance to this topic is what I’ve learned while writing this and I think it’s more complex than simply calling the game bad or Mojang lazy so yeah go make that surf with your friends and see how much you enjoy it once the ball gets roll and let me know

Did it change your feelings on the game and what about those of you that went for single player instead I don’t think the game is as stale as the internet might have you believe but as always let me know if you agree or disagree with that down in the comments down below and

With all that said and all that aside seriously startop working on that Minecraft server and you both know you’re itching to do that yeah but uh that’s everything for now um so yeah until next time all said and all that as side thanks for watching guys my name is pinic and peace Out

This video, titled ‘The Ups And Downs Of Minecraft’s Last Decade (Video Essay)’, was uploaded by Neremik2 on 2023-12-31 22:17:36. It has garnered 480 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:54 or 3234 seconds.

Minecraft is the best selling game of all time, though in recent years there has been a growing sentiment that the game has lost the charm it once had, especially following the Microsoft acquisition. In this video, I dived into every Java Edition update starting with 1.9 to find all the things I liked and didn’t like to see where my opinion ended up at the end of it all! And the results were… Not what you’d expect! In fact, we definitely deviated from the original script for this video purely because of just how different my conclusion ended up being! So sit back get ready for a blast through the past until present day as we take a look at Minecraft; all the things good and bad that’ve been added these past 9 years, and the other factors that may also be at play when it comes to current sentiment on the game. — Timestamps:

0:00 – Intro 1:08 – Update History 26:04 – Main Takeaways 28:55 – Hang On A Minute 32:04 – State Of Minecraft Content 39:08 – Why Content Matters to Minecraft 43:58 – Snap Back To Reality 47:13 – Going Off The Deep End 50:50 – Outro — Credits to:

Minecraft Fandom Wiki – Information/Images GitHub Minecraft Timeline – Update Release Dates/Info Game Theory – Video Credit MrBeast Reacts – Video Credit Pewdiepie – Video Credit Yogscast – Video Credit Alex CND – Video Credit SkyDoesMinecraft – Video Credit Nick Robinson – Video Credit Mojang – Video Credit Microsoft – Video Credit BBC – TV Production Credit All The Realm Homies – Giving me footage of a realm to tour Minicandy – Test viewer/helping demo thumbnail title combos — Once again, I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned into 2024 for new info about future uploads!

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    "Insane Villagers IQ Test! Can You Beat Them?" #MinecraftShizoVideo Information hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and baby that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit do that make me insane haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that… Read More

  • AvdiCraft

    AvdiCraft[1.18.2] AvdiCraft is a new community-driven survival server with BEDROCK SUPPORT! Your voice matters! Years of experience is the foundation of AvdiCraft! [⁕⁑⁕] SURVIVAL INFINTE [⁕⁑⁕] RANKS [⁕⁑⁕] LEVELED MOBS [⁕⁑⁕] ECONOMY [⁕⁑⁕] CLAIMS [⁕⁑⁕] SHOPS [⁕⁑⁕] BEDROCK SUPPORT [⁕⁑⁕] RECRUITING MODS/BUILDERS Read More

  • Ordinary SMP Vanilla Java 1.20.4 Hermitcraft-like Whitelist

    Welcome Crafters! Join our Vanilla Whitelisted SMP where cheating and mods are not allowed. Our diverse player base from around the world welcomes you to join us! Features include Simple Voicechat, 1.21 blocks, and improved Wandering Traders. Help us create a better world by providing feedback and suggestions. Join our active community with over 100 members on Discord. Click here to join us! We look forward to seeing you there! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Memes: Spicy Selection!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Memes: Spicy Selection!"Looks like this meme is scoring higher than my grades in math class. Read More

  • Quakes, Rains, and Blocks: Labrash’s Minecraft Outbreak 2 Adventure

    Quakes, Rains, and Blocks: Labrash's Minecraft Outbreak 2 Adventure In the world of Minecraft, Labloush roams, Navigating challenges, finding new homes. From virus outbreaks to earthquakes so grand, Labrash plays with skill, a master hand. Through dark caves and treacherous seas, Labloush explores with playful ease. With ladders and boats, he charts his course, In search of treasures, with no remorse. Parkour and puzzles, he faces with glee, No zombies today, just parkour spree. But fear not, for Labloush will return, With more Minecraft adventures, the crowd will yearn. So like and subscribe, show your support, For Labloush’s journey, a thrilling report. In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Spicy Witherstorm Shenanigans 🔥

    Spicy Witherstorm Shenanigans 🔥 Why did the Wither Storm go to therapy? Because it had some serious block issues! 😈 #minecrafttherapy #blockproblems #witherstormtherapy Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Thrilling Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Thrilling Adventures! Are you a fan of intense Minecraft challenges like the one in the video “One Block Skyblock With Horror Mods, I ALMOST DIED AGAIN! (#4)”? If so, then you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With a hardcore survival mode and a variety of mods to enhance the horror element, Minewind is the perfect server for players looking for a challenge. Join the Minewind community today and test your skills against terrifying monsters and intense survival scenarios. Connect to the… Read More

  • Dytolan’s Heart Rate in Minecraft Club SMP LIVE! #shorts

    Dytolan's Heart Rate in Minecraft Club SMP LIVE! #shortsVideo Information e e oh oh my God everything’s finally set up I got that like perfectly timed that was crazy okay okay let’s go to the screen or why isn’t my heart rate matching up hello it should be well I’ll let it run again oh my God okay oh no I have to put weedex on sh’s Coca Bean Farm I want to break through damn we got a lot of teror w out of nowhere that’s crazy shout out to sh holy [ __ ] okay um so I don’t know where I put my clein star… Read More

  • Exposed: Blob Frank vs. Wilbur Soot in Minecraft

    Exposed: Blob Frank vs. Wilbur Soot in MinecraftVideo Information make sure go everything wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I bet this gu will find my [Music] money yo we go first we go first okay I’m not going to be able to look at the chat actually that much but um actually no I think I can if I’m smart about this oh bro no I can’t be bothered uh I’ll get it off on my phone bloody hell the music’s loud chill the [ __ ] out bro um actually no I think I can okay [Music] yo my my… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Picnic Build – FOXLINE SHIZO!

    EPIC Minecraft Picnic Build - FOXLINE SHIZO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic Picnic Place Design Build #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-04-30 13:00:06. It has garnered 255 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Minecraft Realistic Picnic Place Design Build #minecraft #shorts #fyp #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fy #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #shorts #youtuber #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #youtubers #balkan #guinessrecords Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft videos Minecraft shorts Foryoupage Mc Shorts Balkan Bosnia Serbia Croatia Gaming RTX Realistic Read More

  • Mikey & JJ ATTACKED by SNAKES in Minecraft

    Mikey & JJ ATTACKED by SNAKES in MinecraftVideo Information all right let’s get started today Mikey and I have become real snakes wa friends look at that we’ve really become snakes we got an incredibly big tail but also super strength and super speed where did we get all this stuff a head like this appeared near our village yes it’s a snake Lord he gave some of his poison to make us become snakes it’s just something incredible let’s better show what we can do we can run fast jump fast we can climb trees we can breathe underwater and S swim fast that’s just unbelievable… Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT Server Gameplay with Seb! You don’t want to miss this!

    EPIC MINECRAFT Server Gameplay with Seb! You don't want to miss this!Video Information oh yeah boy now in the middle of a r and I knew what can I [Music] do together another The [Music] Kill [Music] oh first kill there you go H don’t forget to do FAS and more practic G play getting killed the perfect thing would be go hey S I love you stream I think you’re amazing one of the best stream world that would why you should [Music] [Music] be y [Music] you’s got it [Music] get you got him well done black that was awesome dude great well done yeah thanks good job [Music]… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft 1.21 Trial Chamber LIVE!

    Unbelievable Minecraft 1.21 Trial Chamber LIVE!Video Information [Music] [Music] a good morning ladies and gentlemen kings queens monarchs my dear friends good good morning how are you doing what’s up uh today I want to start uh with a big shout out to my viewers from from Arizona dude big shout out to the Arizona gang oh my God everybody the chat is going crazy this morning hello how are we doing what’s up is this your first stream is this your last no no no no no this is not going to be your last stream of mine uh can can you guys hear… Read More

  • Insane NEW Minecraft Modpack with CallMeCarson LIVE!

    Insane NEW Minecraft Modpack with CallMeCarson LIVE!Video Information this could have been infinitely funnier if we had Immortal oh my god oh no oh my [Laughter] e why is everyone so unbelievably quiet what did you do to the render distance oh godamn it dude yeah so it looks like um oh no so you’re saying it’s not that durable look dude on man thankfully this uh there is thankfully something nearby fre what what is this ping button guys careful I pinged them I ping them steep sheer Cliff here a wicked Beast the [ __ ] in it what happened wow they physics while… Read More

  • EPIC Sword4000 vs 100 Players ANCIENT PURGE in Minecraft!

    EPIC Sword4000 vs 100 Players ANCIENT PURGE in Minecraft!Video Information imagine spawning into an ancient Minecraft server with deadly players trying to survive custom ancient weapons to craft and giant ancient structures to explore well today I’ll be trying to survive for the next week in this ancient Purge will I be able to survive until the end I was about to find out as I spawned in completely alone with only one life so after quickly grabbing some wood and crafting some basic tools I started exploring the nearby area and eventually spotted a Roman village so started to approach it but then realized there was already… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Codes in Snuka Game – Master Minecraft Secrets Now! 🔥

    Unlock Hidden Codes in Snuka Game - Master Minecraft Secrets Now! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] love this feeling I [Music] [Applause] [Music] me man I said I do not dance gun inside my plant and the ho was in his hand wa trying to get [Music] his my my back my and Ne my This video, titled ‘How To Play Minecraft With Friends #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #bones #animation’, was uploaded by Snuka Game on 2024-04-14 10:59:11. It has garnered 61 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. Playing Minecraft with friends allows for collaborative building, exploring, and adventuring. Minecraft Java edition offers different options… Read More

  • MineKage

    MineKageMinigames Server Doing Events every 2 months active players are selected and can win real money! We have Bedwars,Skywars,Among us MineCity CROSS PLAY AND MORE!!! port:25565 Read More

  • Dad Energy MC Server: Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 Java Fabric Whitelist Hermitcraft-inspired Mature Family-Friendly

    Welcome to the Dad Energy Minecraft Community! Come and join our community of mature Minecraft enthusiasts. It’s not just for dads and there are no strict age or gender limitations. We offer a friendly, drama-free environment to play the game with like-minded individuals. Our community has been active for a few months with plenty of builds, farms, and activities such as minigames and competitions. Join our Discord and say hi! Join our Discord Read More

  • NovaNexus Skyblock

    NovaNexus SkyblockWelcome to NovaNexus Skyblock!NovaNexus Skyblock offers a thrilling twist on the classic Skyblock experience. Stranded on a small island suspended in the clouds, you’ll embark on your own written journey of creativity and survival. Choose from custom easy, normal, or hard islands to match your skill level and preferences.Features:Island Customization: Build and shape your island into a masterpiece. From humble beginnings to towering citadels, the only limit is your imagination.Resource Management: Gather resources from your island and beyond to thrive. Mine, farm, and trade to expand your island and unlock new possibilities.Economy and Trading: Economy with a free ranking system…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not another creeper incident!

    Minecraft Memes - Not another creeper incident!I guess you could say this meme is really raising hell with that score! Read More

  • HunterZ: Lost Island HCU Adventure

    HunterZ: Lost Island HCU Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a virus on an island, a story untold. Hector Lemière, a scientist so brave, Called to the island, his family to save. With Louis Pelin, they faced the unknown, A virus that brought the dead back to roam. The military, the infected, all in a fight, For survival, for hope, in the darkest of night. But Hector’s courage, his determination strong, To find a cure, to right the wrong. With Liam by his side, they faced the storm, In a race against time, to find the norm. The cloud of… Read More

  • “Escaping Minecraft Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #shorts #meme

    "Escaping Minecraft Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #shorts #meme At age 5: Panic and run around in circles screaming “HELP!” At age 15: Strategically plan your escape route while calmly muttering “This is fine, I got this.” At age 30: Call for backup from your fellow Minecraft players and discuss the best course of action in a group chat. At age 50: Take a break to make a cup of tea and contemplate the meaning of life before casually strolling out of the trap like it’s no big deal. Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Playing with Real Mods on Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Guide to Playing with Real Mods on Minecraft Bedrock Exploring the World of Minecraft Mods on Bedrock Edition Introduction Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? With mods, you can enhance your gameplay, add new features, and explore exciting worlds beyond the vanilla game. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing and playing mods on Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Installing Mods on MCPE To begin your modding journey, you’ll need to download the “MCPEDL” app from Safari. Once you have the app, search for the mods you want to install. Make sure to check that the mod version matches… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Foods REVEALED!

    Top Minecraft Foods REVEALED! The Cooked Porkchop Reigns Supreme in Minecraft Many Minecraft players believe that the golden carrot is the ultimate food source in the game due to its high saturation levels. However, a revelation has emerged that challenges this notion. In a recent Hardcore series recording, it was discovered that the cooked porkchop actually outshines the golden carrot as the superior food choice. The Cost of Golden Carrots While the golden carrot offers significant saturation benefits, its cost can be prohibitive for players who are not in the end game. Each golden carrot requires a gold ingot, making it a luxury… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Mikey and JJ discover secret underground treasure in Minecraft! (Maizen)

    SHOCKING! Mikey and JJ discover secret underground treasure in Minecraft! (Maizen)Video Information H Mikey what did you see there look urgently to the side there is a huge poster hanging there they are looking for him all over the village and no one can find him every villager asks for help so that he can be found H this is very strange look the whole village is crying here they are standing with signs for help let’s do something already we urgently need to run through the whole village and ask everyone what’s going on here I agree let’s run through the whole Village and ask the villagers I see… Read More