NEVER Play Seed 1556 On Version 1.0! | Minecraft Creepypasta

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This is a weird rumor and I don’t even know if it’s true but I’m just going to check it out apparently there’s an accidental mob in Minecraft version 1.0 if you play it on a certain seed so we’re going to try it cast the seed now I found this on a

Website that I’m not too familiar with but you know we’re just gonna do this and it’s just we’re going to call it seed one five five six so I don’t forget okay here we go oh old school oh it’s it’s been a long time for me well this ain’t too bad The cow how fast they’re moving are they supposed to move that fast because it really has been a long time oh my gosh well maybe I need to set up a little house not post or something oh the old step sounds I had forgotten you know that’s actually gonna get kind

Of annoying after a while what else can I do let’s let’s just make a little house [Applause] Wait Why isn’t an ax supposed to chop through really fast I’m here that’s a half slab right well it’s taking a long time look at this oh gee pickaxes fat oh wow that’s weird okay let me oh you can only do it on the bottom half slab but look ax super long and super long wooden pickaxe fast okay whatever I’ll just you know

Finish this out here okay it’s at least done enough see you know at least it’s you know Gonna Keep Me safe mostly Now remind me are there spiders in this older version can they climb through there so maybe I ought to go get something like sand or something I don’t know

Maybe make glass whoa that’s where I was how can I not know that you know what actually let’s try fences fences just sound so much easier honestly I think these cows are creepy pasta how fast they’re moving the sounds they make so glad they’re not like this anymore oh there it goes

And a chest too right just like that I’m pretty much out of out of Oak again I actually always keep dirt on you you never know when you’re gonna need that and can I make a sword right yeah I’m gonna want that oh boy am I grateful for torches

Gonna light up the house oh just in time I think it’s getting nighttime right now see maybe just a little bit in my cave here and I’m gonna be fighting the monsters here real soon I should make this a secondary hold up a bunker that’s not such a bad idea

I wonder if I should go exploring or not I don’t know but come back on the house you know especially since I don’t have any any beds yet you know zombie Dangerous oh yeah you can block with sword I forgot about that well that skeleton was easy yeah I kind of like the way they take damage back in the old Minecraft that was pretty cool anymore I can go kill well let’s come back in the house for just a moment here

The way some of that stuff there’s another colors just a lot of cows I really need sheep though I’m gonna get mine for iron torch oh there’s a creeper I haven’t seen one of those in a while I’m gonna place a torch out here just so

It’s easier for me to see around a little creeper whoa an interesting sound that fell I like how they just they bounce when you hit them I actually really like that I’m kind of sad we don’t have that anymore I like that look at that that’s awesome get this other creeper here

Way easier oh wait okay what’s that sound wait we’ll back in my house oh can’t Sprint oh I don’t think they had sprinting back in this version wait no wait there it is okay okay it is only double tap okay whoo am I the only one hearing this listen to that

What is that sound I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of that is really weird I think something’s going on here this is getting kind of creepy so I think I can still nope it’s gone I don’t hear it anymore Well that sound wasn’t creepy I’m sorry I got a kill a cow but I need food that sound I like the old texture that looks nice the outline there hello zombie I can hear you they’re so much easier to kill What’s down here nothing I gotta go exchange my my oh look when I put my curse over it doesn’t tell me what I have in hand does if you do this then okay that’s something that has changed change these huh I have to put them in manually like that

At least now I got more torches in case you need to light up the place oh and I just dropped it that’s right that’s another thing that’s different I need food oh yes hey look at this this is F3 this is the way it used to be

Seeds and then I’m gonna need to get iron I know there’s water nearby I can start my own little farm hopefully day will come soon those stars look bigger aren’t they yeah I think so they used to be bigger which of course is cool oh spider that was easy too

Pick up this stuff miss me skeleton I’m pretty sure they used to be worse shots back in the day too and bigger hitboxes boy it’s just easier they made Minecraft harder There we go now let’s get some more seeds and whatnot here swamp oh wow my grass is really different oh good it’ll be day very soon that was a close canoe oh the old terrain generation I actually loved the old terrain generation something really cool over there in the corner

Hello skeleton oh you swim fast wow pick up some sand while I’m here I’m actually kind of having a hard time finding seeds sort of I swear you you get seized more quickly in the later versions because I wrote quite a bit of glass or grass there where’s my food probably let me

Put you here for now because I need to go get iron oh pickaxe bro yeah that’s okay I can go drop some of this off the surface still no iron whoa I thought I saw something maybe I don’t know unless it was like the torch smoke I saw but

I thought it was on this side of the Walnut that side up there the cow walk into my tunnel or maybe something spawned in my tunnel With all that dirt breaking sound because that’s the footsteps it gets me every time empty Okay so what did I see if anything there’s nothing here by the entrance okay that does I’m gonna put a door over my my little mine area there we go how far put it right there

Okay not the prettiest but at least it’s safe okay now nothing can get in so that should be okay right oh wait my door’s open I could have sworn I closed it when I came out I’m just gonna have a closing door so things don’t get in and out but oh

Okay that’s kind of funny oh I found gold iron yes yes oh I needed this so bad and they can come down and get the gold although there really isn’t much point of gold back in this older version I’m gonna do me much good okay I wasn’t too far from there to there

So time to go smelt it Oh okay I swear I closed that door and I came in that’s really weird I could I could swear that I closed that door and I came in oh wait why is my house a dark didn’t I put torches in my house yeah okay pretty sure I put torches in my house but

Came back and they were gone gosh things are getting really weird here more fuel in there and I don’t need this in my inventory and I’ll cook the sand later and put that away that uh that should be enough for now um I mean I can go mob hunting a little bit chickens

Come here chickens you can feed me one hit from the sword that’s nice come here chicken oh there’s one up there hello creeper chicken where’d you go come back I want to kill you don’t you know I like the old texture the way they look I don’t see what’s wrong with them I

Think they’re great oh I’ve done that like three times tonight I don’t know my sword’s gonna break before long maybe to the house this way right this way there yeah I can see the light from my house oh yeah there’s the other creature blew up there’s lots of creepers oh creepy creepers

There’s a bunch of creepers oh not again okay you know what you’re stuck in there right I can hear something swimming okay I’m just going back to my house hey Okay the door’s open didn’t I close it the door’s opened I always close doors at night time so hostile moms don’t go into my house and surprise me why was that open cat that’s really weird let’s get this stuff there we go yeah put that in there

Now I can make some good stuff let’s make a bucket some shears if I find sheep I have just enough for iron pickaxe that that’s something that will be definitely quite useful oh shoot creeper blew up right there stupid creepers I’m gonna have to fix my house again did the door drop

I think so I’m gonna have to build another door that is really annoying indoors are more expensive back in the old versions of Minecraft we’re just gonna need some of this food probably oh good good shoot each other thank you I’ll just watch the show hey it’s a triangle of skeleton oh and

There’s a fourth one oh yes shoot him yeah just getting four of them they all shoot each other this is great I hope you don’t mind if I just watch this show oh fine I’ll kill you you guys are terrible shots oh finally well that sure made my life easier

Oh look at all these arrows everywhere that’s a lot of arrows I’m shooting each other oh all this broken stuff you know you have to fix this uh so mean okay I’ll put a door right there fixes up with Cobblestone right here there we go I’ll come right here

And at least I can get back in there back into my lower line shaft down here oh okay that dirt was not there before did they like cave in or something or did an Enderman teleport here and place it here I don’t even remember their Enderman in Minecraft yet

That’s a lot of dirt oh that opens okay so unless there’s something down here in the tunnel I don’t know how to explain that why is there dirt suddenly there it shouldn’t have been there get this gold one here because then I can go cook it

That’ll be really nice and I hope day is going to come real soon here hello oh how did you hit me from there look he’s he’s just nodding at me huh how did he hit me from there that was that was very unusual I need to there’s more Oak here

I don’t need much it’s just repairing the house um I guess I need some of this too because it blew up the corner so it wasted some of the wood let’s just fill us and I got so much dirt now from those creepers blowing up but oh yeah yeah oh no stop it

Stop doing things wrong Ray Savage okay I’ll just might as well just fill it in like this because I don’t care about making it fancy I just I’ll put a torch right here now it’s probably time to do my farm there we go at least gotta start oh why’d it break there

That’s my whole thing’s not working isn’t that supposed to be fine if it’s close to the water huh maybe it takes time for it to get wet I don’t know trying to remember old Minecraft mechanics here is all oh yep it was right next to the water

What am I doing wrong I don’t know I’m gonna put the gold in right there so I think now I’m gonna go explore a little bit now if it hit F3 the way it was you see where it says F the number is a Direction so I’m gonna go three

Which means that one is the way back I’m just gonna go see what’s in this direction oh yes yes sheep sheep sheep and pigs okay well this is plenty of wool I don’t actually need more than this but I am going to get rid of these pigs poop anything stupid Pig

We’re a pig piggy piggy Pig actually kind of hate killing him some ways because the pigs are so cute why do we have to kill them things are cute oh that’s cool cap got to go down there what’s the easiest way I don’t see another way in no

Okay I don’t see another way in okay here we go oh that was easy zombie all right oh creeper there it is Okay this may not be such a good idea after all Okay where’s my torches get my tortures out and put my food somewhere and hit the double tap want to make it the controls are better Oh there goes a cave sound you know I’m almost forgetting the whole reason I even started doing this is because right the thing said there’s an accidental mob on this seat right an accidental mob you know how like the the creeper was accidentally the pig

You know and you messed up and ended up just using it for the creeper the mod well there’s supposed to be a more secret one than that and I guess as you know supposed to be only on this seat on this version which you know to me that

Sounds a little bit too strange that’s why I’m kind of not really believing that all together but you know I thought if I you know I saw this just barely I thought hey let me actually come down here maybe it’s supposed to be a cable oh cave mob and there’s a spider

Of course didn’t specify it just said it was on this version you know there is something that’s not been quite explained because remember I was in my Tunnel right and I looked up and I thought I saw something and I still don’t know of I’m just you know totally tricking myself because

You know how your mind can play tricks on you but like what if accidental mob was actually in my tone right then and I just saw it for a second it was gone I don’t know that you know maybe announce I’m done with all this I can review the footage and

Get a better idea but I don’t have time to do it now I gotta keep exploring always make sure you have a quick way out see that’s why I broke that block right there gravel the way gravel used to be [Applause] oh it’s a whole nother area of tunnels hello anybody down there

I’m getting this really weird vibe in this spot there’s well there’s nothing here oh is that a cave sound that’s not a cave sound I know did they used to have a really weird cave sound back in this version okay this is getting way too weird where’s okay that was a weird sound

You know I’m getting out of here oh no no don’t drop I need that bucket oh look there is a way out skeletons oh shoot okay get out of here oh it’s getting louder oh it’s gone as soon as I left the sound was gone foreign Dropped In that was really weird

I don’t know why I did that why would it make that sound down there maybe the cave sounds used to be different back in the old version of Minecraft I don’t hardly remember well but it’s getting dark where’s that’s one okay let’s book it back home my door’s open again

Okay I really don’t remember if I closed or not that cat look that cow’s really trying to get in oh look he’s really trying to get in why are you are you scared or something Look the cow’s like acting scared like he’s trying to just get in my house he’s gone Oh he’s gone the cow just disappeared that is so weird I can hear the other cows but the cow is just gone you know it’s just been kind of weird creepy stuff that been happening every now and then that I just can’t really explain you know I haven’t actually

Truly seen anything definitive you know it’s it you know I’m recording this but it’s there’s not really any proof so what can I show people I don’t find anything if I don’t see anything people are just going to think I’m nuts they’re not going to believe me and you

Know I don’t blame them that’s the reason I haven’t heard of this before you know there’s a reason for that Bed back when they used to only be red Oh sleep and spawn point although it doesn’t really matter that much right spawn point in this version I think so zombie there’s a cow over there that’s so weird to the coward here just was gone oh my sword broke didn’t it Oh cow I guess it’s possible that was the cat from last night so the other cow came this way and went away I would have seen that one when I woke up I saw it coming from that way that’s the wrong way so I don’t think that is the cow I think

It’s a different couch Gosh my crop’s taking a long time to grow and look these keep dying why aren’t you staying wet Oh this walking break oh is it walking oh my gosh that’s what it was you see I didn’t even know that something I’ve forgotten you can’t trample your crops well I’m glad that’s something they fixed since then otherwise that would have been really annoying okay well I’m still here to try to find

This weird thing so I’ll show you having a guy I’ve gone that way I’m gonna go explore this way today more of the swamp squids do I need ink sex or anything I don’t think so but oh I need more wood make a boat oh the old boats and I’m stuck

I remember these old boats I thought they were lots of fun I actually kind of missed the old boats get going oh this boy it does not turn well though I made it turn better and a little bit later this is not turning well now oh no no it

Breaks so easy no that’s not even fair boy boats are super breakable broke twice just trying to get over here I really just want to come to these mountains you know maybe this this mob this thing I’m looking for it lives in the mountains I don’t know but yeah you know

I can get up higher and I can see a little bit better I thought that might be a good thing Just looking for something anything For the mountains Maybe Okay I really thought I saw something over there somewhere and it was barely hard to see how do you get how do you get out of the boat you have to break okay I’ve got to get up there somehow Okay whatever I saw it did not look like pigs or chickens pretty sure it wasn’t them myself get up here somewhere near that bridge maybe I don’t know I don’t see anything That Pig’s just hopping that pig Sir Oh no because it’s weird I really thought I saw something I’m not seeing anything now I’m sorry chickens maybe I need to kill you get food so I’m not trusting my wheat farm back home it’s growing slow here chicken something moved over there oh no no no it’s just the terrain

Loading oh that got me how much is the terrain loading when I thought I saw something over here terrain was not loading so I couldn’t have been fooled by that so what in world did I see I don’t know look around for just a minute or two if I don’t see anything

You know I’ve got to go home before it gets nighttime if I’m lucky yeah pretty sure I’m almost done come on get back there’s my home we’ll wait something’s wrong something’s wrong where’s the light my torches are gone right oh wait where’s my gold I only just realized my Gold’s gone I

Had gold in this chest oh it’s like someone’s been here all my torches are gone what about my mine shaft out of my way cow please get out of my way now oh it’s dark in here Stark touch one of my torches it’s just sitting there so they didn’t just disappear look it

Was broken and it fell okay what could cause that is it The Accidental mob that’s really weird The Accidental mod would have the ability to do that I’m really creeped out right now being down here what if it’s down here right now it could be Only one place left down here I’m gonna run out of torches do I have more oh thank goodness thank goodness for lots of torches what if it’s right here I’m recording it’s not there’s nothing down here wow okay so I just came in here and there’s nothing here I hope the torch is

Gone something removed them but it’s not here so did it like leave or something or I don’t know and unless it like left went back to my house this is so weird that I haven’t definitively seen it what if it’s been like following me this whole time and I just can’t see it

This is really so weird Yeah the monster thing darn it don’t have to fight off zombies I’m kind of a little bit scared to wait that was weird I’m on both sides of the door I can go in or out Zombie can I hit you when I’m half in the door Stuck why are you stuck Like that And I’ve been doing this whole thing all this time without any armor but you know I can’t make it I don’t have any more iron but leather can at least make a lot of armor no can’t even do that yeah just no good stuff away okay

Oh thank goodness I can go to bed you can get this this night over with is that much broken Well it just kills the seeds look oh that’s just me that’s just ridiculous oh well I’m never going to get food this way boy hunting’s pretty much the only real way to get food and that’s just the way I’ll do it see anything happen to him like my shaft overnight

I mean everything looks the same oh wait wait oh do you hear that what kind of sound is that There’s a creeper could be a creeper oh there it is again I don’t see anything what is that cow creeper okay this is just getting super weird What what the okay what’s just happened go back into the world here what what oh my gosh oh that was the craziest thing that was what was that that was so creepy

This video, titled ‘NEVER Play Seed 1556 On Version 1.0! | Minecraft Creepypasta’, was uploaded by RayGloom Creepypasta on 2023-08-08 08:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Seed 1556 on Minecraft version 1.0 can be very dangerous as something lurks there! Rumor is . . . it’s some sort of . . . “accidental …

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    Insane One Block Challenge with My BFF! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft One Block with my friend [First Episode] #minecraft #video’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-02-13 16:15:17. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. Minecraft One Block with my friend [First Episode] #minecraft #video @YesSmartyPie @AnshuBisht minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft hacks minecraft house survival minecraft house small minecraft house tutorial minecraft animation minecraft game download minecraft live 2023 minecraft 100 days minecraft live 2022 minecraft hacks download… Read More

  • AlgidPrisons

    AlgidPrisonsAlgidPrisons is a new upcoming Prison server, it stated on the 05/06/2020. We hope to be one of the most active Prison servers out there and we will keep on improving until we reach our goal! We got a casino, lots of mines and vote crates! Read More

  • Wisteria Fields – modded, whitelist

    Welcome to Our New Server! We are looking for builders and casual players to help expand our world. Our main goal is to incorporate lore and eventually open up the server as an SMP. This Java server has 80 mods including The Aether, Botania, Biomes O’ Plenty, The Twilight Forest, and more. We are welcoming adults only and have a few rules that must be followed. Message me on Discord at daisyfacedkilla for more information or to join. Read More

  • MadCraft

    MadCraftDive into the chaos of MadCraft! Welcome to the wildest ride in Minecraft! Experience the thrill of near-Vanilla anarchy on our server where freedom reigns supreme. With minimal rules, you’re the master of your own destiny. Build, destroy, conquer – it’s all up to you! Join MadCraft now and unleash your inner madness. Let the adventure begin! IP: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I summon free Minecraft Minecoins on 💥

    Minecraft Memes - I summon free Minecraft Minecoins on 💥Wow, this meme is so crispy it’s practically a snack! Read More

  • Surviving Beta 1.7.3: Crafting the Perfect Start

    Surviving Beta 1.7.3: Crafting the Perfect Start In Minecraft Beta 1.7.3, we take a dive, Into a world where memories thrive. Nostalgia hits hard, like a wave of the past, As we embark on this journey, it’s sure to last. The perfect start, in this version so dear, Brings back the joy, the fun, the cheer. With every block we break, every mob we fight, We’re reminded of why Minecraft feels just right. So join us on this adventure, filled with delight, As we explore, build, and survive the night. And if you enjoy this content, don’t be shy, Hit that sub button, and let’s reach… Read More

  • Crafting in Minecraft: The Hot Mess Chronicles

    Crafting in Minecraft: The Hot Mess Chronicles Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop

    Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop Welcome to Sweaty’s Craft: EP 1 – Let’s Begin! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Sweaty’s Craft! In this first episode, players will dive into the world of Minecraft survival and witness the adventures that await. Let’s explore the key features and elements that make this gameplay experience truly unique. Immersive Gameplay With Sweaty’s Craft, players are immersed in a world where creativity and survival skills are put to the test. From gathering resources to building shelters and exploring vast landscapes, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and challenges. The game’s open-world… Read More

  • Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the top 10 highlights of the recent Minecraft 1.20.5 update. But before we dive into that, have you ever thought about exploring new Minecraft servers to enhance your gaming experience? While watching a YouTube video about Minecraft updates, you might have come across the idea of joining different servers to meet new players, engage in exciting challenges, and discover unique gameplay features. One server that stands out among the rest is Minewind. Minewind offers a thrilling… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Creepy Minecraft Encounter

    Herobrine's Creepy Minecraft Encounter The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can be an exhilarating experience, but for those brave enough to delve into the realm of mods, a whole new level of terror awaits. One such mod that has been sending shivers down players’ spines is the terrifying horror mod that introduces Herobrine and the Cave Dweller. Herobrine: The Mysterious Entity Herobrine is a legendary figure in the Minecraft community, often described as a ghostly presence that haunts players in the game. With his glowing white eyes and eerie demeanor, encountering Herobrine can send chills down even… Read More

  • Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!

    Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring The Wonderful World Of Minecraft Magic Mods’, was uploaded by anlog on 2024-04-24 01:26:51. It has garnered 1619 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. Thank You For Watching! Second Scripted Video, Hope Ive Improved Some!! Outro Song Screen Recorder Video Editor Music Used: Sources:’s%20name%20and%20fame%20were,expanding%20on%20in-world%20structures. (yes i do not care that imma just cite wikipedia) Videos Used… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your Dreams

    Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your DreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘These mods are TERRIFYING.. #cavedweller#minecraft #minecrafthorror #mcyt #minecrafthorror’, was uploaded by tacoz on 2024-03-17 17:00:50. It has garnered 2512 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Me and @kohexx made a youtube video and this is just a clip from that video. Full video IGNORE TAGS ———————————————————— #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #nightmare #minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #youtube #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming #minecraft #epic #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #cavedweller #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy… Read More


    "JOINING DEADLIST SMP, EPIC SWORD ACTION! #viral" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i joined this deadlist SMP Sword SMP #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by FivemateYT on 2024-03-21 12:35:51. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:31 or 151 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Waterfall Discovery – Found Secret Treasure! #mindblown

    EPIC Waterfall Discovery - Found Secret Treasure! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thrilling Waterfall Exploration Uncovers Hidden Prize #minecraft #learningminecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Jamza313 on 2024-01-04 13:19:26. It has garnered 113 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. In this video, . Enjoy! Minecraft educational gameplay, Fun Minecraft learning activities, Educational Minecraft tutorials, Creative building in Minecraft for kids, Learning math with Minecraft, Minecraft science experiments for children, Exploring history in Minecraft, Minecraft coding for kids, Art and design in Minecraft, Minecraft geography lessons Read More

  • SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvP

    SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Tiki” | Minecraft PvP’, was uploaded by sxbaswhy! on 2024-02-09 22:00:07. It has garnered 43 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:36 or 96 seconds. Like y Sub (: Tags hechos por Baifo: IGNORAR baifo, yipix, tomix leaderboards, clickero, sussano, daof, cdbs, jeremyasg, tahmn, shurroxd, shurro, top 3 minemen 0 losses, top 1 minemen, abif, woney, k0xar0, koxaro, vegard, tier s chilean, leaan vs staind, blackzide, how to beat leaderboard players, blackzide, jp2k16, ipraise, haxlux, staind vs marcel, potpvp tier list 2022, potpvp tier list 2021, potpvp tier list, potpvp… Read More

  • Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft Gameplay

    Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играй на самой лучшей Анархии FMC #minecraft #майнкрафт #анархия’, was uploaded by Swisher on 2024-01-07 12:33:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, in minecraft, mine, games, facts, trolling, compote, video minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    INSANE LIVE MINECRAFT CYBERGAMES 🔥 #LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 AO VIVO CYBERGAMES MINECRAFT 🔥 #LIVE #CYBERGAMES’, was uploaded by CYBER GAMES on 2024-04-04 19:43:47. It has garnered 343 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 09:32:47 or 34367 seconds. LIVE ON! #freefire #freefireaovivo #cybergames #aovivo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ lili.lilllili.lili. DEIXA O LIKE E COMPARTILHE ili.lillili.illi. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💥AJUDE O CANAL💥 🔴 LIVE EVERY DAY 🏃🏻 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (VIVI ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 VIVI: 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (SCAMMER ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 SCAMMER: 💥WANT TO KNOW WHO DOES MY THUMBNAILS?… Read More

  • “Ramix’s insane Minecraft bed trap!” 🛏️

    "Ramix's insane Minecraft bed trap!" 🛏️Video Information This video, titled ‘La trampa definitiva de camas en Minecraft! 🛏️’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-01-13 00:00:02. It has garnered 270746 views and 36950 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: → Twitch: → Instagram: → Discord: #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Circus Mod in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Circus Mod in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-06 08:52:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. the amazing digital circus, minecraft, pomni, minecraft the amazing digital circus, fuziondroid, mcpe, digital circus, jax, caine, the … Read More

  • HityCraft

    HityCraftHola a todos, voy a crear un de server de Minecraft survival con un montón de personas, Todo el mundo vivirá en una base donde estará su hogar y sus construcciones, También habrá clanes que seria como bases pero compartidas con varia gente (5 o 6 personas). Si os interesa entrar la IP es: Pero aun no podréis hasta el día 9 martes Normas: No está permitido hacer spam (publicidad de cualquier cosa) sin autorización de la administración. Usa un lenguaje correcto y educado, respeta a los demás y evita los insultos, ofensas y faltas de respeto, Evita escribir… Read More

  • MineVoid Anarchy – Semi-Vanilla PvP No Rules

    Welcome to MineVoid Anarchy MineVoid Anarchy is a new Minecraft server offering an authentic vanilla experience. We aim to stay close to vanilla gameplay and minimize Admin involvement. Join us on the server or Discord! Created on: 04/16/2024 Features: No Anti Cheat (may change in the future) Dupe plugin temporarily installed No rules, minimal Admin interaction Connect with Us: IP Address: Discord Invite: Join our Discord Read More

  • KUVERU NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20.x) ɴᴜᴇᴠᴀѕ ᴍᴏᴅᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇѕ ► ᴛɪᴇɴᴅᴀ.ᴋᴜᴠᴇʀᴜ.ᴄᴏᴍ

    KUVERU NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20.x) ɴᴜᴇᴠᴀѕ ᴍᴏᴅᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇѕ ► ᴛɪᴇɴᴅᴀ.ᴋᴜᴠᴇʀᴜ.ᴄᴏᴍ Read More

  • Trash Panda Triumph: 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

    Trash Panda Triumph: 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I embarked on a challenge, a trash panda’s dream. Surviving 100 days, in hardcore mode, With paws of determination, on this winding road. Spawned in The End, a place so bizarre, But I stayed paw-sitive, reaching for a star. Solving mysteries, with each paw and claw, In this wild adventure, with no time for a flaw. Join my discord server, where gamers unite, To create amazing videos, in the Minecraft light. Together we’ll conquer, with laughter and fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. So come along, on this… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft bromance 🔥

    Hot Minecraft bromance 🔥 “Who needs real friends when you can have a whole squad of blocky buddies in Minecraft? #FriendshipGoals #MinecraftIsLife” Read More

NEVER Play Seed 1556 On Version 1.0! | Minecraft Creepypasta