Nev’s secret to making $$$ as a Minecraft YouTuber

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Okay now turn this super down like low uh settings not settings God how does oper GX work okay Ram limiter Network limiter we’ll just crank this [ __ ] down to like [ __ ] that CPU limiter as well crank our settings down good I don’t need to see it how does chat look chat looks good

All uh what happens if I I can extend this because it’s browser Source because it’s browser Source I don’t have to worry about it yeah nice okay cool what I need to do is I need to get a bot or like one of those things that

Does combined chats I don’t know how to do combined chats with twitch and YouTube I should learn this twitch YouTube dual streaming is just very profitable is that the correct word grab this chat stick it like right here That is good I think and then I’m sure the game is really loud because it’s Minecraft and Minecraft is really loud for me so I’ll put it like right here maybe I’m sure that’ll be fine I’m sure it is great schile I’m sure there’s nothing wrong schile okay play some [ __ ] Minecraft

Spun around the block so many times they thought it was [ __ ] Minecraft unab Bunga my world name okay Moment of Truth is this we’re going to let this catch up that no way really really even with OBS active wow I’m really impressed with the [ __ ] Nidia mod then that is super

Nice hell yeah do I still have a a default skin I think I do I do default skin Andy over here go right to there actually we’ll do this one because I’m going to have the fence go right here and mo this over right there I guess what I should do in all

Honesty is I should go out of my way right here no I’ll go a little bit further I’ll probably go to maybe here is where I’ll stop so I’ll go to here means I need to do this yeah what I should do is I should go and grind out a ton of

Resources I.E find a village and then use the village for profit uh well I have sand here [ __ ] I need to harvest that later but I will later the thing is I don’t have any item frames yet so I don’t remember how I organized my stuff I do have five

Leather which I need three of for a book I make two item frames off the gate that’s not a lot though kind of remembering though ‘s my tools there we take these with me probably take this I’ll probably take but just a stack of well let’s try to make as many fences

If I can first actually cuz I have all of the stuff where do I put I don’t think I actually put my sugar can anywhere we’ll throw it here for now I guess what I should do is I should delete the evidence of my misdoing SL out but we’ll start like

This I think I’m like almost out of cobblestone yeah I’m like out of everything fences are what they’re like this that’s a fence gate ah fences are more planks than sticks that’s interesting and annoying I guess I do need some fence gates so we might as well start with

This need two of those the rest is going to be planks though we’ll just Bonk Bonk 48 probably just kill these have one left over like that’s so annoying I don’t think that’s enough fences but it’s enough to get started so we will started right did you go to bed

GG unbelievable I guess you just have to stay up now don’t you smile just obliterate your sleep schedule for me forehead going to miss the best stream of the year yeah honestly this is what the people wanted all right it was me playing [ __ ] Minecraft this is what people were

Demanding of me even was to play Minecraft it’s okay you uh Gone But Not Forgotten Luna it’s okay we always remember you I don’t have any more shovels do I so I’m not going to lie to you I slept through the Warframe stream give me a give me a rundown on what what

Happened like what was anything interesting anything cool anything good oh [ __ ] I forgot I had oh that’s so cool it works okay so it only works with axes oh that makes me so happy oh wait oh this is mod of the year I actually mod of the year I don’t care

Mod of the year you’re going to hate it am I I saw that they were doing a bunch of really good stuff oh why didn’t this one work is the tree too big tree must be too big or something this one I break that I know

That for sure but I’m going to be so happy they’re adding an alternative to NR cells but it’s a mission Pablo has been cooking for 10 years I mean okay I’m optimistic about like game modes and such I’m not going to just [ __ ] on anything Pablo

Makes game modes are good even if it’s reskins of game modes the only thing I don’t like is when it’s like reskins of Mobile Defense because nobody likes [ __ ] Mobile Defense but if it’s a reskin of like I don’t know something different something new mirror defense yeah Mobile

Defense reskin I remember seeing that uh mobile or mirror defense was getting some attention for relics I remember saying that I need to go make more tools I’m like out of resources it’s such a sad day for gamers everywhere also I really did not think that I would

Have the resources available for this and I ended up I ended up having more than enough I have too much fence now which is fine cuz I’m going to make adding a reskin of disrup rtion to zerman plus new tile set but that’s fine I like I

Like disruption and I like that sort of stuff that’s okay like okay when I say like a reskin of a game mode is usually okay what I mean by that is that like it doesn’t have to re I had a shovel with me I’m so [ __ ] it

Doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel when you’re making a new game mode because you don’t have to try like a psychopath in order for the game mode to be good and interesting and fun and Entertain You know what I mean everything was fine just scared of 10 years of Pablo

Cook I am too because Pablo isn’t really known for his mechanical prowess but I’m hopeful I’m not going to just [ __ ] shoot it down before I see it there’s a good chance that he cooks something really nice and it’s actually really good and interesting so I’m not going

To I’m not going to discount it just because it’s Pablo making it inaros rework yeah I saw inaros rework it’s really funny that they’re doing an RS rework to me it’s really funny I appreciate it a lot because it’s like the funny meme of inaros

Bad so much dirt but it’s good that I have all this dirt look at my bees they’re all so productive I need to start breeding bees tree this makes me happy this makes me so happy I’m so glad I downloaded this mod this has got to be

The best mod I’ve ever downloaded in my life tree God oh look at that look at that I want I think it takes more durability from your axe but I’m not actually sure I’m sure it does I would appreciate that reworking abilities cuz he can already survive easily yeah in star chart

Lau that’s really funny I haven’t needed to re plant any trees yet which you might think is a good thing but I want to actually get started on a tree farm eventually being able to break all of the wood at once I’m in love I’m actually so in love

Four archon shards into one tow Forge four into one and not two dude de has this delusion about how frequently we get archon shards they think that every single player does call and [ __ ] archon hunts and is always getting [ __ ] all of their nrel drops to always be so do these ones not

Break sometimes they don’t break it seems I I don’t know why I wonder if it’s just not detecting that it’s a tree oh it’s totally chunking durability by the way as well yeah clearly seven shards a week yeah right you get five from the NRA cells guaranteed and then you also get

Your [ __ ] two from call and you get your or your one from call and your one from [ __ ] archons and your archon one is always to forged as well by the way surely yeah and also every player has a a Max pile of archon shards every single

Player that plays the game has every archon Shard imaginable hey I can still make that jump nice GG it’s time for my broke ass to go get resources man I’m so poor on resources I might uh this is a really pointless change but I kind of want to pull this forward by

One we’ll see just cuz I don’t like my head being here I want to change these to slabs but I can’t yet because I don’t really have the means of making my roof super pretty PR my roof is still ugly I need to go get different colored wood and also add

Stairs to give it some personality okay let’s see why this tree didn’t chop maybe it’s durability related yeah it is durability related okay okay okay okay okay no that’s super that’s actually so cool okay that makes sense so much wood now this is all the Cobblestone I have I am

So poor they release 2023 stats thingy you should look at it and scream at it for a while I should actually I’m very curious about the stats of 2023 cuz I have a couple like things that I’m thinking like in my Cranium but I also have things that I just know for certain

Like I know that uh I know that uh [ __ ] AOE weapons didn’t really go anywhere so like natar or like Quest weapons Quest weapons are a guarantee so like I know that nataro is just going to be up there like probably most used weapon is going to be the

Nataro I saw that they were looking at I saw that they were looking at um a stats audit in the Arsenal they’re looking at just weapons that are maybe overperforming and tweaking stats is is that what I’m to understand because I didn’t watch devstream I haven’t seen a devstream recap yet but I

Just saw the term stats audit I’m very curious as to what that’s about I’ll have to watch a Dev streamed recap from a [ __ ] funny YouTuber I know I should be the YouTuber to do the funny recap so maybe what I’ll do is I’ll take somebody else’s recap

I’ll paraphrase it even further and spread misinformation doesn’t sound familiar I saw it on the Twitter I saw it on Warframe official Twitter I wouldn’t mind if they took a look at tuning down some of the weapons because the weapons are so [ __ ] ridiculous but that’s you you know my

Perspective already already on weapons I think that weapons and Warframe are genuinely a [ __ ] joke also wow the whole thing about like cutting down an entire tree with one [ __ ] axe punch is like this should be in the base game they asked for ideas of what to do with Eclipse do they think

Eclipse is too strong cuz it doesn’t work and even less with new lighting ones oh they want to like fix eclipse and the fact that it’s in consistent just make it an ability color toggle like Equinox it that should always have been the case it should have always been ability color related oh

Damn like that’s just how it should have been should make another axe I don’t know why I didn’t Pablo said no toggle cuz it’s broken how is it broken it’s not any more broken than any other damage buff we have Steve said please toggle cuz lighting is his job Lau

Yeah it making it lighting like okay if Pablo genuinely thinks that like oh it’s broken when it’s on then he doesn’t play the game because 90% of the [ __ ] maps in the game you can just force it to be on like all the time anyways so like that doesn’t make

Sense because most of the lighting in the game is is like scuffed slly does say stat audit yeah yeah that’s what I was saying I’m curious about a stat audit because I wouldn’t mind weapons getting tuned down completely missed it GG there are definitely like people that

Are going to be panicking over a stat audit and they’re thinking that de is going to Nerf some broken [ __ ] or something something or like some secret weapon that’s too strong I’m more than confident that they’re only going to buff underrated weapons like I would be

Really happy to see them do something to the velt because you know my opinion on the velt it’s like the worst weapon in the game and doesn’t do anything like actual joke weapon comical weapon so I’d be really happy to see them give that [ __ ] thing some attention this broken water source here

Is driving me nuts water water is dumb they surely care about the V well if they’re doing a stats audit and they’re looking at all the weapons in the game from Like A New Perspective like okay we’ve got all these new things that are in the game that are

Gamebreaking as far as damage is considered it would be nice if they wouldn’t rebalance some stuff these trees don’t want to break I wonder if there’s ‘s like a thing with uh can I break it from the top I can interesting just being weird I don’t know how I ever played Minecraft without

This mod but I’m never playing without it to be honest from Reddit post recap clean up different stats for slam spin damage less important certain stats as tool tips more more explanation detailed explanations for others clean up stats for slam and spin damage I wonder what they mean by that I

Wonder if they’re going to be like tweaking some uh tweaking maybe just display numbers better but not rebalance Bing maybe maybe that’s what that is as a stats audit that actually kind of makes sense I okay to be honest de doesn’t balance weapons anymore they balance like Riven dispositions and that’s it de

Hasn’t balanced weapons in like ages because they kind of can’t be [ __ ] to go through and change a weapon if a stat is broken like they’ll change like an interaction before they’ll change a stat on a weapon which is kind of crazy to me because I feel like if you wanted to tackle

Balancing it would be better to leave the mechanics and to change the stats because it means that if players want something they can still get it but they have to work for it as opposed to just just Nerf the [ __ ] interaction instead because it’s easier than finding stat balance I

Guess yeah they said they weren’t lowering Riven dispo which is is and I think a [ __ ] stupid decision whole incarn for new weapons is basically just saying they suck without incarnate that’s the sad part is that they don’t though like the Dual [ __ ] toxic is just a strong weapon and it

Always has been the incarn and just broke it same with like the Dual iore they were always just a decent weapon in my opinion stats wise not even in my opinion stats wise they’re very similar to the Silva andus Prime which the Dual ior similar to the Silva andus Prime

That’s pretty chill that’s a prime weapon versus you know dual swords the only real thing is the Dual iore didn’t do anything it wasn’t interesting as a weapon it didn’t have any like mechanics that it had I’m sinking there’s a hole here go like I need resources I like the torid like the

Torid was an amazing weapon two new incarnate weapons not adapters just weapons okay that’s interesting I don’t know why they wouldn’t go the adapter’s route that’s I I guess they want to do more stuff in the zerin they don’t want people to think that they’re done with zerin because of

Uh I don’t know that’s that’s definitely interesting I should fill this in I have the dirt to fill this in and make this level so I think I’m going to cuz I have a bajillion [ __ ] dirt fist that transform into claws interesting epit 2 could be kind of interesting as well I’m

Curious new frame is deo’s place I’d assume the weapons also come from there they’re very iny interesting yeah I kind of wonder how they’re going to fit uh in them frames into the lore uh cuz the whole thing with war frames is that they’re post iny because it’s they discovered the

Void and they got science and Magic they got magic time traveling science and so because they got magic time traveling science they tried to go to another solar system and then that started war with their automated sentient robots hence the sentients hence the war so warframes in the timeline were way later

Than inade going missing so it and like the tenno and all that [ __ ] like the like the tenno happened way after in so like I’m curious as to how they’re going to I mean I’m sure they don’t care about the lore after killing Bas I like they

Killed Ballas and the lore kind of went to [ __ ] I stopped really paying attention man has exalted book that’s all we know GG hope hopefully his book is better than the grimoire stats wise I think the grimoire is cool but it’s just a stat stick that’s being mean the grimore has

A really good alt fire and it’s pretty cool but I mean that doesn’t really mean much oh my nose itches look at how many saplings I got good god look how many logs I got good Lord this is going to be a the casts look interesting Lavos esque I

Think you cast life death or death death combining something I cast life death now to remember where I put my there we go I need to organize my chests a little bit better but that’ll just come in the future when I decide to be autism and Go full skitso on the

Organization for now we do things very simply 28 Apples by the way that’s drops I don’t care about drops you I do care about you I just chunked my dirt Supply which is good CU I don’t really like having a large dirt Supply probably do like that much coal into torches

Probably and then go exploring cuz you can see I’m broke On Tools leaving for real have fun with the crafts yeah take care have you know be safe sleep well I don’t know enjoy yourself do do legal things very legal stay completely legal 100% legal don’t be

Illegal guys I’m being so serious don’t do illegal illegal can be considered bad and that’s not good I don’t need uh need shoes yeah food let’s just grab I don’t know this I I always like steak I prefer steak oh I have food to cook as well go do that okay more

Honeycombs that’s what I need like that I just took the shears out of my inventory and I need them right away immediately after Su give me my food okay I don’t know if bees breed randomly or if I need to go out of my way to force them to make more

Bees how many planks do I have I have enough need to add a crafting table right over here let’s just make another one real quick that’s not how you do that bunk uh bunk what am I doing more beehives more bees yay I almost forgot I was going to do a

Thing do I have any more Birch slabs I do let’s put it like right here I think that’s good I like that did I make an extra bed to take with me extra beds are like a double-edged sword because sometimes it’s like nice other times it’s like I wonder I

Wonder yeah my wishful thinking is that stats audit actually means something in reality stats audit is probably just going to be they’re going to look through it like weapon descriptions and see if things are correct or incorrect I what I would love for them to do is in

Game put in uh quantization in the stats so that people aren’t confused about quantization because they shoot damage and get different numbers out of the gun just have it innate in the system so that people don’t have to calculate for it the new tile set is nuts yeah for

Real they really expanded their open Worlds by quite a lot as you can see uh the graphics took a interesting change you know very stylized very cartoonish it’s it’s not quite the Warframe you’re familiar with definitely different I don’t you know what I might not have changed my game category to uh Warframe

So that’s actually really funny or to Minecraft so it’s probably like streaming in the Warframe category but I’m playing Minecraft that’d be really funny if that’s the case I’m not going to check you guys are just going to have to tell me all right I have backup resources on backup resources

I’m on Minecraft GG oh [ __ ] beehive beehive ow what the [ __ ] why what what what the [ __ ] ow what the hell man [ __ ] bastards make me more honey I probably just lost a bee because of that yeah you learn a lot from the calculator breakdown well thank you I’m glad I’m

Glad I you know that calculator breakdown video I like I don’t like he died why did you Ste me whatever I didn’t really like it I wasn’t proud of it because I realized that like I did a really poor job explaining a lot of stuff and also my calculators have just

Gotten so much better since then mag bubble with zod’s whisper is also considered quantized for damage calculation is ma but everything is quantized everything is quantized literally everything whether or not the damage changes based on the quantization is what matters typically speaking quantization works perfectly if you only have one damage

Type and you do not gain or lose damage if you have multiple damage types is when things start to break which is an obvious problem made me look into the way damage works in the game I’m glad yeah the way damage Works in Warframe is very complex and stupid I need to find

Like I don’t know I have this weird okay maybe this is just me right with Minecraft but and like maybe I’m the weird one for this but like after they changed the caves around and after they redid that whole thing it really feels like caving with like torches and [ __ ] is like completely

Worthless because it’s much better to just run around like with night vision and just grab surface materials and then just throw mending on everything because you can Farm iron way better in just villager Farms you can Farm gold way Better in the Nether you don’t need copper for anything and you

Don’t need diamonds after you get mending so like the only thing you need is coal but like charcoal exists and is renewable so like who cares about coal oh you [ __ ] it’s a skeleton GG I hate skeletons God damn it I actually can’t do anything about him either is the worst

Part because he’s just [ __ ] oh he’s under the water now so he’s going to have a worse time yeah his arrows don’t really go anywhere in the water we’re chill hello I got AR that’s nice you watch the dev stream today hope we get AC disruption on the in tile set yeah I

Didn’t watch the dev stream because I was [ __ ] sleepy I was I was I was going to bed going BTY bu okay um I’m just going to like check down here okay there’s an air source so I can chill here for a second uh I’m not seeing any surface for me

To explore oh there we go there’s a surface surely I can make that that’s just just outside God damn it underwater caves are actually really cool I think that underwater caves are [ __ ] awesome that the only real issue is how useful they are there’s lapis here which is cool but I don’t

Really have a way to get that we could risk going deeper but going deeper is really scary there’s a water po there’s an air pocket there I think I see another one over in this direction scary it’s always so scary to move through the water there’s another one over there

Good God water caving is terrifying Go oh there’s iron here though which is good see the the thing is I don’t see any surface so like let’s get this iron just cuz I need iron to replenish my tools uh give me air give me air thank you all right let’s go go go go go oh

That looks like Noe that’s just water God least horrifying Minecraft experience be like I guess what I should do is I should just take this and move it yeah might as well it’ll still give me air regardless uh I need to be quick about how I do my inventory real quick give me

That and throw it here nice I can just take one of these magma blocks with me and use it to keep exploring water breathing who smile murmur demolis would be interesting murmur demolis sounds really annoying because they’re going to get status immunity yeah but I guess we’ll

See I’m pretty sure I saw one piece of iron like float up somewhere I don’t really know where but all right let’s go I see more bubbles here oh my God amethyst okay holy [ __ ] POG that is hollow guaranteed there’s no water in there so we just have to get in

And then we can maybe explore a cave uh which is the scary part is getting in also I heard a bat so there’s ow there’s an empty cave somewhere here like open air let’s TR try just going in through I could just break in to be honest instead of being fancy about it

Like like there’s empty air there now so I can just kind of amethyst okay they did not change that so you could break it but that’s honestly like kind of whatever I don’t care I I don’t really care I’m excited for amethyst though because I can make spy glasses

I don’t really care about this material at all let me in there we go open yay oh my Lord we found ourth I think I can only break this one and get crystals out of it yeah G I got one Crystal GG that’s honestly all you need you only ever need one spy

Glass these are useless for anything else whoa horrifying absolutely horrifying look at this oh that is terrifying okay that looks like open air down there we’re just going to kind of go for it uh uh okay there’s a bubble pillar here we’re good I was so wrong about it being open air good

God dude underwater caves are actually terrifying I am so far from the surface this is the worst thing I’ve ever done actually I’ve I’ve done stuff before I’ve done like you know I’ve done scaries before this is terrifying there’s a skeleton down here really really there’s a skeleton down

Here that’s so cool actually no that’s awesome I should just have more of these to stand by to be honest with you I don’t know why I didn’t grab like three of these I should grab those I don’t know why I do this to myself actually whenever I play like

Games like this like Minecraft or like Legend of Zelda right I do stupid [ __ ] like this to myself all the time oh there’s diamonds okay I found out why I do it I remember why I remembered why just now it’s crazy how it just came to me oh my God it took

My magma block slot that was horrifying yeah I hear the skeleton and I really just don’t want to deal with him like I’m not going to lie to you let go away buddy okay diamonds woo guys Minecraft Minecraft diamonds wow I do not want to deal with the skeleton right now

Give me that here’s what I’m going to do stand right here nope right here I still take damage okay I still take damage that’s really annoying um well fine cave noises are the worst it’s actually the worst thing it’s actually the worst thing actually awful do this grab

This I need to put the magma block back in my empty slot soon if you aren’t scared right now you’re lying just so you know I’m just going to gra this and go let’s go okay okay we need to be smart about how we organize inventory blam blam blam blam

Blam blam thank you ma’am all right we’re good I’m going to grab this magma block as well we’re just going to keep on going deeper uh hopefully we find an air pocket somewhere but I mean we won’t oh my god get up get up get up get up

Why am I doing this nobody’s making me do this I’m doing this to myself this is the worst there’s more diamonds I [ __ ] remembered why I did it GG I am so far beneath the surface too this is like not oh so not safe nothing about this is

Safe there’s more diamonds down there all right all right all right all right right I think I’m actually going to I have more diamonds than I do iron at this rate holy we are so we are so back ow terrifying terrifying terrifying terrifying terrifying terrifying terrifying terrifying oh my God but it’s

So many diamonds it’s so worth it Place Crouch Chill dude these cave noises can just not right now honestly just can you don’t actually can you don’t like I’m terrified right now I am like if I have to deal with skeletons I’m actually boned because there’s not really a way for me to fight them without returning

To my little like my my little oxygen block okay ow I wonder know how many diamonds I have ow check eight diamonds okay I guess we’re going I don’t know I stop we’re going up Exel oh my gosh Moss blocks okay lapis blocks dude no aqua affinity no

Respiration no no anything I am just raw dogging this water horrifying experience this is this is real [ __ ] Minecraft exploration this is Hardcore as [ __ ] what if I did this on Hardcore Mode i’ I’d [ __ ] vaporize actually okay light light means magma or it means other stuff uh I hear

Bubbling ow diamonds well that’s nice I hear magma there has to be magma here somewhere walk there ow stop stop there we go this Magma’s terrifying cuz I’m right next to it okay there it is let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go that’s so po this is

Open air as well why are you so deep in the water anyways just join stream don’t ask questions like that ow oh God this is a problem oh God this is a problem Oh God this is a problem okay open [ __ ] cave air let’s go oh

My God we did it Gamers we have open air it’s we are so back we are so back oh really really man that’s [ __ ] tough um I know there’s lava on the second layer here why is this water not flowing here give me air please thank you there

We go now the water’s slowing now our diamonds should be protected I will just hold space bar diamonds okay oh God there’s more water there uh H oh give me a nothing about this is [ __ ] this is terrifying my leg is jittering like crazy cuz I don’t want to [ __ ]

Die stop burning me it hurts my feelings okay here’s an interesting dilemma I don’t have a water bucket um how do we use this water to our advantage here let’s oh you do get the block of amethyst GG let’s just take this and just no just swim up forehead listen as much

As I love your funny and as much as you’re a silly guy um I would like to show you how where the up is where up is can I fit than you so up is just more cave all right I am like way deep I can

Just press F3 instead of doing this to myself I don’t know why I did I don’t know why I don’t know why I didn’t do that uh oh oh I’m screen oh I’m yeah wait what why that shouldn’t be happening whatever okay give me solid block to stand

On just so that I don’t don’t deal with this okay there we go F3 I don’t know why I wasn’t working earlier I am at -7 on my y-coordinate you see the green the XYZ is red blue green it’s like the first one on the left side -7 right now

Brother I am so far away from the surface uh iron is that diamond or is that plant I can’t tell I just bump my microphone um okay so we have this area I guess let’s just start let’s start smelting iron get a bucket we’ll water bucket across that’s our

Plan whoa that’s not how you do that there we go okay we can place this honestly we’ll place this here oh that’s not what I wanted uh actually this can kind of be useful break this give me you and then do that there we go okay

This I’m so low on Stone I originally came here for stone where are we now I never grabbed any coal [ __ ] uh okay we’ll be smart then we’ll do this I have I have sugar cane on me it’s so not helpful do that do that there we go remind me to grab coal

Gamers glowberries are cool I want glowberries they’re a good food source okay we just kind of have to sit here and chill I’m also low on food throw this here we’ll honestly throw all of these into my little extra storage down here 11 diamonds very pog quick reminder you to grab coal wow

You’re so helpful wow you know yeah you sure are something you know that okay have bucket good bucket is life sustainability is what this is very important tool that we’ve added to our Arsenal is the bucket uh just grab water thank you okay all right and just like that we

Have now found a cave a terrifying cave but a cave Redstone Nifty more water Nifty everything is Nifty everything is cool kind of want to go in that direction because I see more cave but this is what’s immediately in front of me so we probably take that five iron

This can just go in here that’s fine for now I’ll keep the furnace on us tropical fish don’t you can’t eat these yeah they’re just they’re just whatever yeah I think they’re just whatever I might not hold on to them all right let’s just go on our

Merry way more iron is good I see more iron there too I know there’s iron above me but I kind of don’t feel like dealing with that so there’s gold which is nice how much you want to bet there’s lava here no Lava GG oh I guess I should

Have made a diamond pickaxe while I’m here I could start grabbing obsidian like the Casual that I am Nev as long as Chad is dead you have a reminder in chat you’re so real for that actually rather than be active chatter and boost engagement leave it dead for a bootleg

Notepad that I could ah don’t hit me hit the zombie hit the zombie hit the zombie hit the zombie you can do it you can do it you can hit the zombie come on you can do it you can do it come on oh my God there’s lava here this is so this

Is so much riskier than just come on hit the zombie you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it I don’t have a shield this is so much harder hit okay well that works actually that works

I want that that plant I want that that’s a really s tier Decoration just now occurring to me that maybe this isn’t safe but like you see diamonds like this you really say no let’s be honest I just threw my sugar cane oh my God I couldn’t find the Q button on my keyboard several times and just almost through Jesus Christ that was that was

Embarrassing for several reasons uh uh Cobble deep slate GG I put it in the wrong [ __ ] slot good God I like this inventory mod with like the extra two slots but I’m not going to lie to you it’s kind of stupid that they’re not on top it makes them function really weirdly

Cuz that’s where my hot bar should be and so it’s really distracting and it’s confusing grab this gold might as well gold is gold and gold is good how many diamonds do I have 14 14 is a decent number There’s a Zombie out in the distance grab a little bit more of this

For stone purposes cuz this stuff works the same as Cobblestone thankfully doesn’t go on the same stack unfortunately but it kind of makes sense they never gave us those bundles they were on about which would have been really nice oh red stone this is going to be

Useful [ __ ] yeah need a lot of red stone Redstone very powerful no bow which is terrifying cuz no bow means I’m just the victim to skeletons for a while until I get a bow and skeletons can deal a relatively decent chunk at there that is so many creepers and skeletons

There that do you see that puddle literal puddle of [ __ ] mobs here good God leave me alone there’s so many of you okay I can just lure them one at a time uh I’m more worried about the skeletons than I am the creepers creepers are chill skeletons are

Scary okay good good good good good uh two Creepers gross okay nice pathing bro did I not get I got one gunpowder for that good God skeletons I don’t have a bow it makes it really awful to deal with you okay hit the creeper for me why

Don’t you uh wow it literally went over the creeper that’s crazy okay oh my God this is what I mean by the way two shots and I’m at [ __ ] three hearts down skeletons are actually overpowered four shots and I’m half dead bro hate skeletons I really hate skeletons they’re so [ __ ] strong early

Game I genuinely think skeletons are more difficult than [ __ ] like anything else actually until you get a bow and then it’s like they’re a joke it’s like bro so annoying I haven’t seen by the way this entire time any spiders like my entire place I haven’t seen spiders which is really annoying because

I need fishing rods and I need bows and I need all kinds of stuff ow oh my God I missed stop I’m so squishy okay I’m just going to put a torch there is it just me or is fighting mobs with hide Advantage easier than fighting when you have Advantage hide Advantage

Doesn’t feel like an advantage you know uh where are those diamonds at there’s diamonds over here I like almost forgot about them 16 diamonds that’s not bad chat all zero Chatters I know all of you guys are probably like asleep right now most of my viewers

Are [ __ ] Gremlins like me they go to bed at weird times it’s 3:00 a.m. for you yeah exactly I wonder like I know there’s analytical data on how many of my viewers are international what’s weird is that like theoretically most most of my viewers should be American yeah but then

Like all of my community members are international oh you [ __ ] really oh my God skeletons I hate skeletons they hurt so bad like look at that like he hit me twice twice and I’m [ __ ] starving it’s like bro it’s a [ __ ] drain on your food all they

Are I don’t know if there’s anything there that I want to see nothing the cave music is cool every now and again the cave music kicks in I like this song a lot this only happens when you’re like how about diamond boots to help you

Survive a bit if you already have 16 the thing is right as much as I would like to craft diamond stuff right now it’s actually more important for me to kind of not until I can get netherite and until I can get mending so like as much as I

Want to craft diamond stuff it would be more useful for me to instead find spiders get like string and start fishing because you can manipulate the game to give you treasure enchantments um because the body of water that you fish from is what determines whether or not it get

Treasure enchantments uh wow there’s diamonds in the ceiling and I didn’t see them this bat is going to take a [ __ ] stray doesn’t chill y so like as much as I would I’m realistically I’m going to make a diamond pickaxe and then I’m going to go

[ __ ] off and try to find spiders because spiders are more important do I have dirt on me I didn’t bring any dirt that was a dumb maneuver by my part not bringing dirt is a bonian mistake give me that whatever about that also Moss very useful stuff I need to get

Up another water pool a diamond down there GG Diamond’s over here though isn’t it kind of big leap from Diamond to netherite no it’s really not um um the reason it’s not is because you can just [ __ ] TNT farm so to go from Diamond to getting a bunch of gunpowder

Is not that big of a leap oh my God I’m getting like so pushed by this water oh my God water more diamonds all right where’s my oh where’s my magma oh here it is holy [ __ ] that was scary okay you can sink I guess yeah um a lot of people will use

Beds to mine netherite and that’s cool and that’s fine I’m not going to tell you no but what I am going to tell you is TNT is it’s a huge [ __ ] chunk of diamonds all right if we oh that’s not the right block since we have so many diamonds at

Our disposal now uh my strategy might change to be honest didn’t play Minecraft since they added netherite and such yeah netherite is a supposed to be a pain in the dick to find realistically you just use TNT people use beds um I don’t like beds because they set

Everything on fire and they do more player damage and they have a smaller blast radius so it’s a stronger explosion in a smaller area and it sets everything on fire and it’s just really annoying to do whereas with TNT you can uh get a really nice clean explosion in a big

Area and you can be far away from it and you don’t have to take damage so I prefer using TNT we could do TNT duplication methods that could be kind of spicy so many diamonds so many diamonds I’m so excited there is like a bajillion diamonds here this seed is amazing Hey

Listen all you got to do to get this diamond luck is to go to this horrifying [ __ ] cave did I break my magma I did that was terrifyingly stupid yeah just just dive under the water for several hundred blocks uh and use magma blocks to go from place to place and barely survive

Several times and then you’ll just find the diamond hot spot okay pickaxe broke that’s God damn it there’s more diamonds there’s still more diamonds GG all right um you know what let just do this really quickly uh I guess work there we’ll do it here I don’t know why I expected the

Lava to flow like more dramatically and be cooler I’m disappointed okay crafting table I left it behind didn’t I son of a [ __ ] I need to not do that I need to not be wasteful with my resources I have spare inventory space so I have to think like that I don’t

Usually have spare inventory space yeah 30 31 Diamonds by the way very nice wow that’s just nice menuing Nev okay yeah we are going to be cooking in diamonds we are chilling I’m like okay to use diamond pickaxe now no enchants so no looting or anything I guess what I

Should do technically right if I wanted to really min max would be stop while I’m ahead get enchantments going get fortune and then come mine diamonds but Ian like let’s be 100% honest with ourselves I don’t give a [ __ ] uh okay that Di is going to the other side that’s

Annoying hopefully there’s a really shallow roof uh diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds okay go God what a horrifying environment to be in close to 40 diamonds but no coal yeah right it’s okay I know where I can get more coal I thought I saw more diamonds just

By sheer chance that’s insane I was like what’s down here and then I saw like this saw this and was like you sound so close you’re like on the other side of this Mr zombo please relax okay we are at a terrifying place there’s more gold go up go up

There go I want to go up here this my next objective is go up and get some glowberries zombie sounds like my stomach [ __ ] for real I can’t think about food right now I don’t have any money for food so I have to just chill glowberries are very very

Cool oh yeah you can crouch on theide for door can I just like okay so you can’t Crouch and hold on to the block crouching just makes you stand still duly not okay I clearly have a Death Wish let’s just not I can’t I can’t place okay hello action models I’m just going

To okay okay there we go friend oh you’re prettier than this guy hold on I don’t want the brown one I want you give me give me water bucket you’re cuter you’re my friend now okay gpst Le moment I hear the skeleton oh my God uh wow this is really

Awkward this is really awkward stop he is actually [ __ ] camping this environment right now dude has home territory Advantage what the [ __ ] oh my God see why can’t they do that why can they shoot like the second you’re around the corner you can’t like jiggle Peak them or

Anything okay you can just get better I guess oh my God there’s three I’m going to die here I’m actually going to die here dude they hit so hard actually the least Fair mob in the game I don’t care what anybody says they hit so hard literally Aimbot dude

Honestly skeletons are wow that’s lucky skeletons are not fair know why people are okay with skeletons being the way they are in Bedrock Edition skeleton are literally a machine gun unit they just [ __ ] blam blam blam blam blam you can’t get to them because they have so much

Knockback I personally think that if they removed the knockback from the bows and they cut the skeleton like fire rate in like half it would still just like it would barely be balanced like barely like that would be fine I think the real issue is the fire

Rate I don’t actually think it’s the damage I think the one and a half parts of damage is fine it’s the fact that it’s [ __ ] blam blam blam blam blam and you’re like oh my God I don’t know why skeletons shoot foes the same as players to be

Honest they should shoot them very differently also can we just comment on the fact that no spiders still spiders just aren’t real actually I made them up I know there’s more area over there but I’m just going to kind of I want the Moss carpet I don’t think I

Do it’s so dark in here as soon as I did that good God glow Berry is op I have glowberries now I don’t really need more they are a good food source so it might be wise of me to grab a bunch but me we’re also slowly making our way way

Closer to the surface which is good okay there no spider way to get string um I don’t know I dude no way did you see that [ __ ] what the hell I hate skeletons I hate them I actually hate them so much dude I hate them so much okay he pissed off a zombie

Okay okay okay that’s so annoying this guy’s still fighting me oh my God skeletons dude not [ __ ] balanced at all you know what I could do I have the iron for it let’s make a shield Shields help a lot I don’t have any wood Shields do help a considerable portion

Oh my God my iron okay this skeleton right next to me and I’m not excited about it what oh there we go oh you [ __ ] oh I don’t have any food do I I have rotten flesh GG okay we can live off of rotten flesh for a while there it

Is very crafting nerds for skeletons is never ending fight against devs yeah oh you’re scary are are you going to you going to do it again no okay oh hi I don’t know why game devs feel the need to make things harder than they need to be some things just make your

Own M skelly’s nerves GG like you can have difficulty in your game but having interest difficulty is more important to me like you don’t need your game to be [ __ ] like unbalanced for the sake of difficulty you can just make difficulty interesting you’re now a food source to

Me Mr Mr zombie so thank you um what do I not need here I don’t need this right now hey we got the lucky fill on uh rotten flesh GG rotten flesh is actually a surprisingly good food source just because of how abundant it is you get so much of it

Constantly that it’s actually okay at giving you like sustain very underrated Food Source by me I underrated because I [ __ ] hate using it there is coal above me wait there was coal where where where there was coal above me there is there is coal above me nice

Good eye good eye it’s one [ __ ] thing of coal that’s crazy that’s crazy one block GG literally a singular coal hey it’s it’s worth it very necessary in our current situation speaking of no oh my God you know I don’t understand how come uh how come the arrows that you reflect

With the shield don’t hurt the skeleton in Java but they do in Bedrock why is there a [ __ ] version inconsistency hi this where things get scary because I now no longer have okay that was I didn’t mean to SC all right I have food again we’re good no longer scary hello

Zombo thank you for the slow regen Food and we run away from that for a second let the zombie get some Distance okay they move at the same speed for some reason cuz their pathing is dude mob pathing is atrocious Sometimes Minecraft music Cole yay more zombies No I’ll be very happy to upgrade myself to Diamond Sword soon here how many lucky refills do you need to not have hunger you need what two or three also not get hit having a diamond pickaxe just feels right you know what’s the brown green or in the

Wall That’s copper it’s it’s entirely useless other than you can make a light lightning rod with it so you can like guarantee lightning strikes and you can make a spy glass with it to zoom in which doesn’t you know you can’t like combine it with anything to make a scope it it just

Zooms in that’s its whole feature I’m lucky Whoa secret thing about hung even though it whittles away at your food if you just stand AFK what difficulty normal because technically normal is harder than hard mode in hard mode um the mobs hit harder but in exchange for hitting harder they drop like more [ __ ] like a lot

More so technically it’s it’s kind of a tossup between what’s harder they’re technically all the same difficulty yeah no no scope for your bow no scope for your crossbow either very sad the the only real increase in difficulty is actually going from regular Minecraft to hardcore mode

Because then it’s permanent you die once and everything’s J and the mobs hit so much harder that it’s actually Difficult uh you know what I don’t know if I ever changed the game rule for this world for Phantoms and O Enderman nice I need to get more of this Cobblestone type block I could piss off this Enderman might actually be a good idea cuz if he teleports here he just

Gets in the water and he teleports out I actually don’t have a way for him to teleport to me let’s piss him off hello okay let’s not walk in the water though okay so he’s teleported the question is is he able to get to me in any way cuz I want him to

Get to me and I don’t think he can let’s try to give him some space is this three blocks this is three blocks he could in theory teleport here and then we could scrap I wonder if he’s cooled off uh I can’t tell if he’s nope that’s mad

That’s mad Enderman for sure that’s a super mad Enderman look at him vibrate I don’t know why he won’t teleport here actually is he mad I can’t really tell whatever we’ll just go out there and [ __ ] scrap with him manow Mano I have water blocks for my protection so he

Won’t be able to reach me hopefully actually I’m unarmored I shouldn’t fight skelet or Endermans being unarmored against Enderman kind of a bad idea I guess I should actually leave end Marine screams haunt me since the day they were added fair I should just try to make my way

Out of this cave because I have a really good yield right now thr this in here like I had like I actually this is a really decent Hall down here yeah this is pretty good I got my Moss blocks I got my aelia which is good I got a little bit of coal

I should go oh my God I have bows we’re so back okay we are so back 12 arrows as well that’s good that’s really good okay unfortunately fighting skeletons with bows is a net loss for a little while because it always takes more arrows initially but that’s okay we will get

Enchants really quickly and we will begin to beeping chilling Minecraft is one of the games I never get into you always get bored super fast like watching it I can understand that actually um for me that is fighting games I really enjoy watching fighting games like a lot I

Like I love watching fighting games I think it’s so interesting it’s so entertaining I get so into it I get into character [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God you’re still mad why are you still mad chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill oh my God oh my God

Oh oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me he was still Mad oh my God I think I actually [ __ ] peed a little bit oh my good God I didn’t really but Jesus Christ that was horrifying that was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had oh diamonds yay oh Jesus Christ chilling in bed trying to fall asleep

Yeah you know I was sitting here talking about I love fighting games I get so into it I get so invested instead I got actually jump scared oh [ __ ] dude oh God damn hey look we found coal though look at the bright side yeah that’ll wake you up won’t it that’ll

[ __ ] wake you right up oh my God okay we’ve now got a decent chunk of iron I’m so terrified of this skeleton wherever it is I don’t have any food I have like a couple glowberries which is not a really good food source yeah it’s one each

So we’ll do that and then we’ll chill I won’t use anymore I’m just going to we go there we go oh I have light source yeah glowberries are not the food source I need to get out of here cuz I have no more food I’m very terrified of

This area hello squid lapis this is great that Enderman encounter like cost way more than it was worth what the okay we’re just going to chill okay okay are you pissed off yet oh my God okay okay okay okay I have no HP I have no food this is where we start

Going okay you know let’s let’s H let’s H about this Mr zombie villager yeah indeed let’s go up what’s my elevation we’re at 29 so we’re above zero we’re still really low but this is good as places I need to start just digging out okay uh right I came in here through

Water cave which means that getting out might actually be a go through water adventure which is really scary I need to inventory magma block now okay that slight light is good let’s take the light suddenly this is now incredibly intense oh light was not good light was not good enough oh [ __ ]

Okay thought I had an extra block above me I did not let’s just keep on keeping on this way don’t go to the light at the end of the tunnel yeah for real though okay we’re now good to start going up again oh I saw I don’t know if you saw

There’s like a flash I don’t know if your frame rate is high enough it’s 60 FPS but I’m at 160 but there was like a Flash oh coal of outside world so we’re pretty close I hope and assum you know what I should have killed that zombie villager for some uh rotten

Flesh got me a couple of Hearts dirt oh nice hello let’s [ __ ] go boys we made it out now where the [ __ ] are we ah okay here’s a funny thing I did not keep track of where my House’s coordinates were maybe new sub gasp no way a new sub on the Warframe players

Minecraft stream that’s crazy I need these lily pads though I’ll take these Lily I need these these are very useful don’t let anybody undercut how useful lily pads are I need these need all of these like well more than a stack did they stack to 16 or 64 I don’t

Remember ttic as [ __ ] you’re goddamn right the [ __ ] super autist is here okay I’m just going to use my G General game sense and incredible intelligence to assume that I need to go in that direction to go home I have nothing to base that off of because I never took note of my

Coordinates and I have no map just good old intuition my ID what about your ID s hi hi hello hello over ststar okay I need to kill anals get food age 101 no se experience just make a new home [ __ ] no I’m not making a new home all my resources are

There do you see how many trees I cut down in that area I put a fence in that area all right fence means home okay this is great there is food here hello food all of you are Food hello okay see okay here’s what makes me think it’s this way that looks like put that over there ah I really should have taken note of my coordinates you know I just kind of went on a [ __ ] Adventure more lily pads for me join this when you’re like3 in the

Middle of the water I don’t know what your home looks like oh yeah see I made a whole I I had a whole home my God like a whole home those are my favorite flowers let’s [ __ ] go I love these flowers so much these ones and the corn flowers are

My favorite they’re very pretty I a flower collector kind of guy I like flowers a lot Minecraft flowers is very underrated I put flowers in my homes all the time just check your stream to see house coordinates that’s not a terrible idea uh but I’ve been streaming for like

[ __ ] I don’t know an hour and a half now so like like I think I pressed F3 like once I’m just going in a direction and hoping it’s correct to be honest with you thankfully I have sheep so because I have sheep I have wool which means I can

Skip a night if I have to I could do the reverse throw all of my stuff in a chest grab coordinates die teleport home I lose Levels by doing that but I’m okay with losing well I’m not okay with losing XP actually but I could intentionally die

That is a that is an option that we have is to die all right no horse sad days y dude you just you look like a [ __ ] wizard what the [ __ ] what do you oh my are you looking through my YouTube videos now oh okay no inventory space uh we

Dropped these I don’t need the Moss carpet to be honest I need this egg don’t need that [ __ ] did I pick up an egg did I have eggs in my inventory I did do that you get lost again lose all your loot and despawn no no throw it in a chest

You goofy throw it in a chest silly silly boy chest don’t despawn chests are chests Dango you look Majestic well thank you dog I appreciate that you’re not the only person to tell me that actually wow I you guys like my [ __ ] insane parkour skills can you tell that I played this

Game you’re tree yay I now have a walkable surface okay I have more and more reason to suspect that this isn’t the correct direction and it is that way [ __ ] we’re taking the gamble you sub appreciate the sub my guy big sub uh I don’t think I can oh I can here

I’ll do this oh Vines moment all right we’ll just swim not going to lie you look like critical GG it’s soj over the critical comparisons are in I’m the critical that plays Minecraft so that makes me cooler I love Charlie Charlie’s awesome lowy a dream of mine to get raided by

Charlie he does a YouTube stream and he [ __ ] stumbles upon my channel as like this guy makes great Warframe content he’s got a bigger penis than everybody I guess I should just stop and cook food and eat food cuz I’m low HP yeah this is not the correct direction damn so unlucky Minecraft

Charlie yeah no bigger PP I’m pulling it out right now he’s pulling his [ __ ] out okay I I have enough food that I can actually just stomach eating raw food for a second here I usually wouldn’t cuz it’s wasteful but I mean it’s getting to be nighttime so we are now in

Desperation so we might as well just like get food in and start surviving we’re going in the other direction now which sucks cuz we just made a bunch of rivers foress but it doesn’t suck because there’s flowers yay I like flowers Feel like we’ve heard this Minecraft song a couple times now like a different Minecraft song I’d like one of the classic ones please all right zombies are spawning that is terrifying zombies are actually chill I don’t mind zombies that’s what I mind that [ __ ] right there wow he

Sniped all right to make a hasty getaway yeah eat my Dick All right the getaway was Hasty as you can see you suck nah nah I know what I said God damn it okay nice no that’s cool pathing actually that just shows that I know how to use a mouse and keyboard It is good Minecraft song can’t can’t be mad at the Minecraft music ever to be honest no way let me up let me up there we go oh ruined portal let’s [ __ ] go P say my goddamn name you’re goddamn right yeah you know what I never watched

Breaking bad but I got like the majority of the plot through like YouTube shorts and one of the funny things is that like the uh the Walter White like you’re goddamn right thing you’re Heisenberg you’re goddamn right that [ __ ] scene like I saw that like 30 times because YouTube shorts

Moment YouTube shorts is so [ __ ] awful for copyright holders bro Breaking Bad is nice I I have nothing negative to say about breaking bad I know why people love it I just don’t have the [ __ ] brain to sit and watch a show I don’t watch a lot of TV or

Movies 30 30 what 13 13 what what is that that’s cheap getting away from that same man I get to crouch on those I don’t oh same as in they don’t have inventory uh we’re dropping the clown fish clown fish useless GG I never grabbed any [ __ ] obsidian

I’m such a bonian oh my [ __ ] brain is Tiny trying to ruin portal chest I also don’t watch movies your shows yay I picked up on that after I’m dumb uh where’s the chest you know what I mean like like where’s the where’s the ruin portal chest where’s the but

Where’s the chest though you know what I’m saying like where’s where’s the chest though are you high bro no I’m not never being chill and not melting my brain using his calculations and new discoveries hey none of my discoveries are new they’re all well known in classic oh my

God so many zombies go away my inventory is a little bit roded I don’t know what to drop I could just drop these planks oh I could just turn these into sticks boom there we go now I’m not wasting and now I can grab this you only watch shows movies with

Others same though that’s the thing it’s like I like watching shows and movies I think they’re cool and fun but it’s like it’s a social experiment uh experience for me personally like I’d rather watch a show with somebody chest maybe under red just mine it all down yeah under the Netherrack

[ __ ] GG then it’s really weird that you can get Netherrack in the Overworld it’s cool World building but it’s so strange we love obsidian we love obsid and it takes so long to mine I should just do the speedrunner thing and get lava buckets you [ __ ] sneaking up on

Me I kind of don’t want to kill you I’m going to I I was thinking about it and I decided on it no open lava blocks yet scary bro you look like Kratos with a long hair I’m you’re so fixated on the way I look it’s kind of funny

But also these are all compliment oh my God the chest is here oh no shot clock obsidian silk touch axe well this is just gaming PL these are all really good really useful um issue is inventory I don’t need this dirt I don’t need this Netherrack I want the clock cuz the

Clock is cool Realistically oh here’s what I can do turn the block into ah [ __ ] never Mind perfectly Tim to rain God damn it I need like all of these I need these especially oh here we go this is just decorative I don’t even think you can do anything with this that is lightning that’s just so so terrifying don’t need that and I can grab that

This rain sound is the best yeah it is G what do I drop ah I will drop the mostly broken shovel I suppose for that that’s fine fine I could have thrown the stone axe to be honest actually no it’s too late you know what’s awesome about this

I am at Max render distance and Max simulation distance and no frame drops with rain on Max particles no frame drops [ __ ] I downloaded a mod called invidium which is a companion to sodium that’s a creeper Minecraft grim reaper that’s a witch oh my God she’s still yucking oh she’s still yucking you’re

The oh she’s oh my God oh my God oh my God okay this got really scary really fast this got terrifying incredibly quickly okay uh I made it here and this is not where my home is this is becoming a problem really quickly wait that’s a spider behind me I

Need that I need spider wait I need string [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God okay well I need you oh my God oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] dude there’s so many the witch is still chasing me by the way good [ __ ] God oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ]

What the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] this became so intense so quickly I should have cooked food I should have cooked the food I should have cooked the food I should have cook the food it’s okay all right we just

Chill my sword is low the witch is still after me bro get lost oh my God okay we’re good we’re good we’re good cuz now she starts healing oh my God she poisoned me it’s so over it’s so over it’s so over oh my God it’s so over it’s never been more

Over okay she’s poisoned herself so over it’s so over it’s never been more over it’s never been more over oh my god dude okay she somehow hit me with slowness I don’t know when oh wait the shield doesn’t block okay that’s a huge that’s a huge

Step okay okay I have no HP I have no HP I have no HP I really really really don’t want to deal with this you [ __ ] Bro I don’t know where I was I don’t know where I was let’s sleep and get the [ __ ] rain away dude that’s so annoying oh my God [ __ ] skeletons dude I hate skeletons I actually hate skeletons they’re so not fair I really don’t know where I was I really

Don’t the lava fall was pretty close to where I died that’s familiar that’s over there is familiar that cave shape that’s familiar that I recognize looking at so we’ll just book it over there I guess dude I’m so [ __ ] upset about that that’s so dumb dude I actually just don’t I don’t

Know I don’t know where I was I’m going to go based off of biome knowledge I had so much stuff I hate I’m so upset I will end stream if my stuff despawns or if I can’t find it I’m not going to lie didn’t have rolling guard for real

Dude dude I don’t know how the [ __ ] witch hit me with poison like what the [ __ ] oh my god well this is the right biome it’s the right area this point you should write down the hor cords nah hi Mr Enderman should have grabbed some food before I left so I could keep

Sprinting oh my God oh my God okay so somewhere over here yeah it must be it must be somewhere over there there’s so many pretty flowers that I want not making this jump oh my god oh you’re so slow 223 68 425 so it is this direction

425 is this way it is this direction big big big big at least we know the way home now so butt hurt I had so much stuff on me I had diamonds what the [ __ ] was that oh baby [ __ ] we lost like all we got to level 30

We lost our levels all the way down to seven that’s tough that’s [ __ ] tragic is what it is but honestly couldn’t really give a [ __ ] less 42 diamonds on me that’s what I care about do I not have any food where’s my food the [ __ ] did my food

Go let me just make this apparent and abundantly clear skeletons are the [ __ ] worst and they actually should be removed from the game and I hate them no [ __ ] way there’s a skeleton right now [ __ ] you [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] dude I hate skeletons I hate them so spider spider’s

Good oh I didn’t even get the string from the two spiders that were there huh cuz they somehow lost aggro that’s so annoying this raw food enjoying oh [ __ ] hate skeletons so annoying I want the spider where the [ __ ] huh dude the 3D sound in in this game is

[ __ ] 2D and you cannot tell me otherwise well at least I was heading in the right direction to get home is I’m not a crit hit what the [ __ ] I guess I just can’t crit on sheep I’m just mid I cannot land a crit on sheep no matter what actually it’s so over

Over Dude I want the spider so [ __ ] J Dude they’re they’re under here they’re in here like under this ground and I kind of just don’t give a [ __ ] anymore I care about the spider more than anything but whatever I have a bow which is fine need a fishing rod though

Sword like a really cool sword noise I don’t need these eggs I have so many [ __ ] eggs at home skeletons in Minecraft are straight Dark Souls they really are they’re [ __ ] so annoying I might actually [ __ ] make a mod that just lowers their fire rate what I always thought

Would be a good idea for skeletons is that they get really weak when you get close quarters and instead of getting weaker when you get close quarters they just get stronger because they just Spam so fast I don’t need the these wheat seeds inventory loaded by the

Way did not mean to take that for all I don’t have the HP for well that was a stressful Adventure I’m a little bit upset that I lost my [ __ ] levels I lost so many levels losing levels in Minecraft is stupid I don’t okay hot take that isn’t too hot

The [ __ ] enchanting and the magic system in Minecraft sucks Minecraft’s magic is awful downright one of the worst magic systems in a game ever thoughts opinions thoughts I’m right I know I’m right I’m 100% right Minecraft’s [ __ ] magic system blows home sweet home with a [ __ ] mostly

Broken Sword this sword took me through the entire Adventure level 25ish gaming yeah something like that I was like really high up there I was like almost level 30 or I was close to something something or other let’s do just make it warframes modding system as much as you’re joking it would

Actually be so gamer if there was like Warframe damage modding in Minecraft that’d be [ __ ] awesome that would genuinely be amazing I have extra furnace now mob drops we’ll throw that that that’s really nice that I have bones that’s really good uh I’m going to you you you you

You that makes sense to my brain uh wool can go in there what the [ __ ] Cobble Cobble magma magma hard carry this stuff hard carry hard carry that entire Adventure only happened because of the magma my tools chest this is ores don’t worry about the system right now and how

Ugly and not sorted it is we will sort things later throw that in there throw that in there throw that in there have this in my inventory that in my inventory have a Bow oh yeah I have all this [ __ ] too I was like damn where are my diamonds at we’re getting something are we I’d be really upset if I forgot my diamonds that’d be Ridiculous pink let you get XP farm and villagers are getting en chant with BS yeah dude the magic system in this game blows I like I it’s so lame it’s like it’s probably one of the worst magic systems that’s out there to be honest with you definitely at like lower end of the

Spectrum borderline [ __ ] Awful oh okay I have oh I want to show you guys my Bedrock world I have this really awesome Bedrock world where me and my friends it’s outdated now which is why we don’t play on it but we went Hog Wild on that world for like

A good while like a good chunk of time was spent refining that world and making it really good and really [ __ ] puggers and man I’m so proud of that world I go to that world every now and again just to check on it just to see

Just to see you know go through Memory Lane gas diamond sword 400 crit meta yeah the Warframe streamer finally snapped and started [ __ ] click baiting Minecraft how to get red crits in Minecraft oh red crit Minecraft diamond sword op secret hidden [Laughter] meta so we need faction damage against the spiders all right

Bonk oh that’s one too many there we go very good uh I guess I also need this Bonk Bon and then 42 diamonds feels [ __ ] great I guess I could also do some of that but we’ll see fck Minecraft Bane mod is Bane of Arthur pods true one shotting EV Ender Dragon

With level one Bronco I took the toret incarn to end fight in Minecraft oh there’s such there’s so many good there’s so many good bullshits that you could do I have a friend now as well uh Axel I’m sleeping I’m sleeping and I’m resetting enemies God oh yeah I took a bunch of

Screenshots on accident earlier for some somehow how did this happen why are you in here these are all my textures why is it in my textures folder H whatever I don’t care Oh feels good you know all this iron yeah lapis feels good to have glass bottles are here that’s

Strange what a strange gamer yeah I wanted to press F3 underwater and for some reason it took screenshots I was so confused because the button I was pressing is just F3 and just like that I’m level 10 okay well good things are a foot we can make some more tools very

Important armorless run yeah you [ __ ] wish I’m not that stupid I have my arrows in here also I have an issue with skins okay here’s a thing Java Edition refuses to load my skins it refuses my skin is in the game it’s in the system folder and it works

If I go to bedrock Edition right now it will load my [ __ ] skin but for some goddamn reason Java has never ever used the correct skin it always uses a default it always uses Steve Alex or [ __ ] Pedro here whoever the [ __ ] this guy is Andre the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is

This guy he’s a default skin it’s not my [ __ ] skin it won’t use it it’s so frustrating so annoyed at Java so dumb so stupid it right [ __ ] stupid a it bro a tell what a fat [ __ ] C skin issue literally though okay we have iron we have diamonds let’s

Be really smart about our diamonds do I have enough for a full diamond set I do and I also have enough for a sword and another pickaxe which is good and then I have 13 diamonds left over that is pretty good we just go straight to the diamond

Armor and then we don’t use it to be honest I’m not I’m honestly not going to use it until it is enchanting time speaking of enchanting where’s that obsidian that I grabbed that was what I was doing uh sugar cane my bees yay I have sugar can you

Told me to make the diamond boots you did you did you did you did becoming apparent how much I don’t know my own sorting system yet paper animal Bonk Bonk book that’s not what I wanted book diamond diamond enchanting table [ __ ] swag money okay which archon Shard best for Diamond

Set which which archon Shard best for the diamond uh so [ __ ] stupid for that I love it that that’s that’s very funny very impressive very nice another one of these that’s not how you make a sword that’s how you make a schmor hell yeah Bonk I do anything with that not really uh

Wait a second I’m an idiot didn’t I have K where did my Kel go I didn’t have it with me during the main Adventure I thought I grabbed kelp but I guess I no I have it right here okay here we go kelp is going to be super

Important for us because kelp is how we’re going to optimize our uh help is how we’re going to optimize our fuel uh economy because kelp is a really good fuel source really really really good fuel source and we have a giant abundance of water so before I forget about it I

Should have planted this ages ago like well over well over forever ago plant all this k Get started on the Keling right meow uh I need so much more K my plan is to fill this entire area with Kel like the entire area I don’t need more sugar cane I just don’t need it right now I need to not be skit okay stick

Diamonds don’t want to spend any more diamonds right now that’s the pickaxe I could make an axe but I’m not going to I’m going to do iron Instead let’s Do I guess iron set right that’s kind of The Logical step until we get netherite cuz I’m going to be taking the iron stuff into The Nether is the big deal so I’d rather have an abundance of that let’s make some we’ll do that we’ll

Do that I’ll also do one of these just because that’s going to be useful later I don’t think I need another bucket right now but I’ll make one just preemptively for when I do need it cuz I’m not going to be taking my Axel friend into The Nether cuz that sounds

Horrifically stupid Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk those can go in there for now bucket bucket a friend can chill in here until I make an enclosure for him make a Chum Bucket helmet God you got sure are useful okay enchanting tableting schable I’m just going to toss it in

Here for now I don’t really have a reason to have it throw this in here for now okay grab one of these to take with us because that is just the foundation of everything pop up on these grab grab food food food food food food I am going to be cooking so much

Food need to start getting food on the brain food is actually going to be an issue even with a bow want to buy diamond hoe [ __ ] Minecraft players or Warframe players good God I don’t even know what you oh it’s just the fence okay I don’t even

Know what you players are anymore I don’t know I don’t know you people who are you what are you hi nice give me all of my food very nice all right why not both you’re not allowed it’s illegal you can’t play more than one game as of Royal Decree 36 Apples by the

Way what do I have I have decent chunk of wood this needs to get sorted but I’ll sort that later for now our objective is actually going to be finding a village almost night time so maybe not right away but here you guys can remember cords for me 12 2 204 negative 122

204 I play doorframe what is this Warframe you speak of based Village village Village village Village you know I thought that made Villages more common negative one uh 204 as well but I mean it doesn’t it doesn’t it doesn’t need to be that precise 00 -200

Good enough for me to find it cuz I’m in this giant area parkour be bro how did that happen I thought I saw somebody say cint but it’s crit meta still in chat that’s actually perfect for the beehives that’s crazy actually more than it’s more than enough beehives

Yay uh I don’t know bong bong oh don’t be backwards I will need to start breeding bees very soon the bed is too far away suck my dick suck my wiener lick the fart out of my butthole I don’t need shears empty inventory is good inventory honestly this is kind of a crowded

Inventory to begin with but I have the extra space down here which is why I’m okay with it I think this is okay probably throw this in here as well I could make a backup Shield cuz a backup Shield would probably be nice but don’t need it right this a

Second let us adventure and look for a villag Uh I don’t think I’m going to get a village in this Forest cuz Forest Villages are really hard to come by okay so probably on the other side of this Forest okay dud nice oh dog [ __ ] I don’t have my bones I would I would give you bones whoa whoa what the [ __ ]

I don’t know how he still hit me but whatever rude roses roses are good I don’t want to collect flowers just yet actually cuz then I’ll have to take them with me the entire time that’ll be really annoying these are close enough to home that it’s okay also

We have the goal of not just finding a village but getting a jungle biome jungle biome very important because of bamboo Bamboo very good y multiple I have a feeling you’ll soon regret I’m making a backup Shield Nah The Shield durability is honestly a lot more

Than like what you would expect it to be like that entire night I like abused the shield and it’s still like half full being able to oneshot B Vines is very satisfying you on the other hand you are being very annoying oh my God this guy gave me the [ __ ] runaround that was

Crazy we are looking wow Village well you know perfect next thing on the list is jungle and Pillager out [ __ ] nether highway or some Advanced [ __ ] oh dude I always build Nether highways although getting large quantities of ice is a real pain in the dick squid was being

Weird something that I like doing that is just a me thing it’s my favorite thing to do in Minecraft is is large Maps because you can place the maps on a wall and you can have your entire Minecraft world like mapped out and I know there’s like sites like chunk base

And [ __ ] that’ll just do that for you but man it is so cool to like wow that’s a lot of testificates it is so cool to have like your own [ __ ] like gigantic super wall all thanks for all your food by the way GG idiots these guys will eventually be

Migrated over to my home maybe I might just make an industrial complex over here testificates are annoying but Whatever nice free beds I guess I should actually keep their beds here for now cuz I’m not going to actually kidnap them yet so that’s fine that they have beds there I’ll fix your marriage by putting your beds clo together skeleton noise inside this house where underground underground

Somewhere what holy [ __ ] there string GG okay good good good good good good nice and that’s enough string for a fishing rod as well we’re so bad bees okay bees are good [ __ ] I should have taken my silk touch axe uh to grab this beehive add it to my own corn flour

That’s good need corn flowers need all the different flowers I said I wouldn’t grab flowers God can you tell I don’t [ __ ] listen to myself I will come back for these flowers because I actually do really care about those I am a flower enjoyer I am also a free wheat enjoyer

This will fix our food Problem by a lot red mushrooms those are very important red mushrooms are honestly harder to grind than brown mushrooms change my mind I don’t care if anybody says they’re the same oh they’re the same they’re same they’re not the same same Diamond House sock po dragon’s dead

Later yeah right I am uh I am a mining off stream kind of gamer that is something I do hello Josh oh there’s the Beehive GG I don’t have silk touch so I can’t grab that man I just made this [ __ ] I’ll take it anyways though it’s good to

Have chest plate and free sword I’ll honestly use it for a while cuz I don’t have any enchants so there’s not really a point need a stone cutter Warframe not profitable enough no I need I need the balloons man I need the balloons bad I’m [ __ ] unironically I’m actually out of

Money but I don’t I don’t pure you guys for donations or anything because I don’t have a I don’t have a immediate crisis empty map good empty map good very good wait does that mean there’s a cartography table in here there should be there is good these are very useful

Yeah how Niche is my audience now by the way I went from being a Warframe content creator to being a Warframe content creator playing Minecraft if that’s not Niche then I don’t know what is dude by tomorrow I will have but three fans it’ll be so

Over I don’t know what to do now that I have a th000 Subs to be honest just here for the zenar rebirth based so you guys probably you I I know a couple of you guys know this cuz a couple of you guys are in the community you can play whatever you want

If I can catch a stream if if I watch it well that’s so [ __ ] wholesome thank you D guy that’s [ __ ] awesome oh stone cutter GG stone cutter is good these are all good resources that I’m going to be pulling from this [ __ ] place free book nice Su anything

Else in there horse good any Saddles though the real question are these carrot seeds those are carrots map on your home cour you won’t be lamenting that you’re lost later again I already listen I listen when it comes to mapping things I know a thing or two all

Right what well the leaves didn’t break it’s so annoying oh they’re connected to these logs here that’s why there we go okay is there another log that they’re connected to yeah there okay there it is a strip log nothing anyways Uh I don’t know if I checked this house or not I don’t remember horses but no saddle is so heartbreaking for so many reasons I did not check this area yeah smoker very good Smoke House is good although I have campfire so smokers are kind of useless why not make server though like

Uh like one that I could have people play on it with so the thing about hosting a server that way we could build Clem Shrine GG thing about hosting a server is even if you get like a really cheap one or like even if you get a free

One perform performance on them is really really tough to manage so if I were to make a Minecraft server I would want to make it myself and host it and run it and the thing about making and hosting your own Minecraft server is that it’s not only a lot of work but it

Also requires like quite a bit of dedication and if I wanted to have a server where like my audience could like play Minecraft and just hang out and chill and [ __ ] about it would probably end up being a realm which is a paid subscription so like I would forward the

Cost to you guys which would suck as the content creator having a having a Minecraft realm is like or like having a Minecraft server is like it’s for the people you know also thanks for your thanks for your bed Mr testificate you’re very not useful to me I have not checked

Trades uh and that is for good reason none of these guys are Librarians there’s cartographer though which is good isn’t RAM for 10 people only exactly that too actually no there’s realms for larger numbers isn’t there there’s realms for like 100 but it’s more expensive I think maybe question mark I don’t

Know I don’t know I don’t remember I know you can get large quantity servers like big Servers um for pretty cheap but I also literally have $ Z I’m like broke broke out of money out of money like 100% okay well the village was chill um not really what I was looking for a lot more testifius than I would like very small village but it is still a

Start make server some guy will finish the End Dragon using oh I don’t mind if people like speedrun and [ __ ] you can re thankfully you can respawn the Ender Dragon so people would be able to fight it plenty I’m really happy with that change by the way being able to craft

End crystals and use them to spawn the Ender Dragon is very cool 100K views guaranteed lamu I’m glad that everybody liked the zenar video that I worked on I really am CU I worked pretty hard on it obviously okay the best way to exploit the market is through these guys red for

Emeralds potatoes for emeralds you’re kind of icky why did this happen uh but we can just roll you who became my Farmer where oh where did my Farmer go there you go beetroots well you have beetroots here which is nice but not enough for me to be profitable you know what I’m

Saying it’s the stick villagers that are op yeah which one is that that’s the Fletcher yeah Fletcher table is Flint gay name I feel like Fletching table is the Flint one I don’t have any Flint on me cuz it’s at home I could go try to grind

Some also this Village has two Iron Golems very good yeah it’s Flint yeah where to get gravel in this moment I have enough food I can kind of be careless and start Sprint jumping because I’ve got so much [ __ ] wheat in the inventory where oh where is some shrav okay

I wouldn’t be so lucky as to have gravel just here would I oh but he would how does he do it let’s grab a couple of these I don’t have a shovel on me but that’s easy fix y there we go we will not waste our cooked

Food I say that while wasting what could be perfectly good food pumpkins are also really good pumpkins and melons are incredibly good with the farmer um farmers can be a you are way far from home big guy you should probably not be here because you’re going to you’re going to not have

A good time actually honestly it’s a good thing that you’re out here let’s just uh make sure you stay out here huh let’s just let’s just make sure that you yeah there you go and then um you know all right we will remember him because he’s way he’s like landmarked by

This tree you will forever be safe will he despawn I think he won’t despawn if I put him in a boat yeah let me put him in a boat oh careful now buddy grab your bottom blocks first here so you don’t jump out farmer with golden carrot roll if

It’s not reroll the Villager yeah true get in the boat okay yeah you’re funny get get get in the I hate boats what it’s on his head how did that happen I okay there we go get in the boat there we go now you’re not going anywhere if I’m correct I can’t place

The dirt block here CU it’ll suffocate yeah yeah he’s just in the way actually I can’t even place it if I wanted to it will be very hard to miss this guy to be honest we will uh we will have a lot of trouble missing this guy but he will stay here for

Now there probably don’t need this corner he is now safe there’s a lot more work than it was worth but to be honest I don’t care I guess I should have taken that time to make a shovel as well huh let’s do that Bonk Bonk FK wooden shovel

GG we need two flint by the way rolled a multi-shot villager yesterday you know villagers are kind of like rivons aren’t they except the gambling is [Applause] free everything is Warframe if you put your mind to it does the trick to M gravel with torch no longer work it does it just doesn’t

Give give you uh uh Flint which I think we just got our two flint we’re good we don’t need to do any more gravel [Applause] GG Bonk Bonk Fletching table very nice very emotional inspiring music right now didn’t you make two iron shovels and left them at home we don’t we don’t talk about that I could make this guy my Fletcher honestly there’s not really a reason not to do

This like that and then I’ll go steal a bed from the village and then he can be my Fletcher and then I will keep him down there forever there’s no good reason for me to not make him all right come here piss boy you get the piss

Bed no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no stop stop it I will delete this block you can no longer Escape [ __ ] Boo there’s your bed bond is this the version that Valance villager trading I don’t know it’s uh 120 so whatever 120

Is is this block just too close to the [ __ ] main village is that the issue is some villager weigh the [ __ ] over there detecting this become Fletcher Brown coat equals bad no it’s the green coats that are bad cuz the green ones don’t the green ones break they don’t they don’t do

Anything what’s wrong with this guy did they redo villagers in some way that I don’t know I know they balanced something or they said they were going to I don’t I didn’t really look at it the green ones are knitwits yeah the nitwits don’t do jobs what is this guy just

Not he’s just shying a slow learner [ __ ] clearly somebody over here must be connecting to it that’s typically what that means you’re my weapon Swift wow wow 15 coal for an emerald what a [ __ ] ripoff the skeleton is still down here bro found it [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] [ __ ] you oh my God I thought I killed him there we go [ __ ] you you [ __ ] oh my God my inventory is full Jesus how could this happen how could this happen to me I made my [Applause] mistake huh I don’t want to check out what’s over here seems like another

Cave more Minecraft shenanigan nanigans no exit either so this honestly isn’t a terrible idea to just light this up so that there’s no actually isn’t it a good idea for me to have mobs spawning down here that way they don’t pull from the above ground and cause issues not a bad idea

If they’re not spawning above ground then they’re not causing me problems so honestly who gives a [ __ ] it’s in my inventory uh what I should do is cover this up so the [ __ ] bimbos don’t walk into it bro discovered a mob switch LOL LOL a weird stalemate here cuz want to get started with this Fletcher but I cannot because the Fletcher doesn’t want to Fletch we have cartographer useful we have our farm armor we have carrots here which are nice he has carrots and potatoes you want beetroots which is so [ __ ] annoying beetroots suck perm

Oh my God he became a Fletcher and he broke out what the [ __ ] how did you break free what the [ __ ] huh okay so you didn’t break free you just I was right you just didn’t want to [ __ ] connect to it so here’s what we’ll do trade places right

Now get out get out I mean I guess I could leave you here for villager breeding purposes but get out there you go you go in your hole your name is jebadiah from now on on congratulations 32 sticks for one Emerald is kind of a scam but I can farm

Hero of the village are you playing single player I am nice title thank you I am playing single player Minecraft okay we’ve made progress though which is good we now have jebadiah here I don’t know what to do with you grent binary Vision he’s just a little bacterium what the [ __ ] all

Right h the next objective would usually be like turn this guy into a zombie and then cure him but that’s like a [ __ ] load of time in getting to the Nether and [ __ ] and I do need to get to the nether I plan to do it in this stream

But I’ll be honest I almost want to find a Pillager Outpost and do a raid instead I also just kind of want to find Pillager outposts in general because getting a raid Farm started would be really swag money although I know raid farms in uh Java are different than Bedrock I’m used to

Bedrock raid Farms you know what as well I need to crank my render distance CU my render distance currently is capped at 32 I want this to go way higher uh and for some reason it won’t and I don’t know how to do that I need to figure that

Out because I know on Bedrock I can get [ __ ] 128 render distance jezy peasy easy peasy japanesey squeezy lemons please me don’t tease me touch my weenie easy peasy but for some reason that’s what I wanted for some reason on uh you know a hunga Bunga I’m sure one of you knows because

You [ __ ] probably Google it and find it I also need a saddle did they make it so you can craft Saddles yet or do you still have to go [ __ ] find saddles CU if I have to go find saddles and I’m going to switch gears start fishing get saddle and then start exploring

Again fishing is going to be really valuable for us I have a boat on me I have a boat on me we’re good I also need to drop some [ __ ] off Java probably needs a mod probably I mean dude I needed a mod to

Get this frame rate like I have I so I’m hitting my frame rate 165 right because I have vsync if I turn vsync off really quickly uh vsync if I turn it off and I’ve got my unlimited frame rate here 400 FPS Minecraft does not run like this at 300

FPS and also I’m streaming right now so because I’m streaming also take into consideration that I’m [ __ ] going crazy and streaming at 60 FPS 1440p Minecraft doesn’t run like this normally how annoying is it that I needed a mod to do that it’s this one right here it’s

Called invidium it works with sodium so if you have an Nvidia graphics card um and then I think the requirement is like a just have a 30 series is the easiest solution but there’s like a there’s like a thing that basically this right here just massively improves performance I like I

Don’t know I don’t know why or how moyang Microsoft hasn’t made these optimizations to Minecraft yet it is insane that I needed to download a mod in order to play the game like at good efficiency I can actually I hang on let’s just do it let’s just turn this

Off really quickly we’ll disable it apply it my frame rate is now not able to keep up with my vsync just vsync and looking at it visually it’s choppier it’s so much less consistent like I can see it’s not consistent is that not insane you’re seven-year-old PC coughing blood looking at this

Lou also I just realized did I [ __ ] click on it am I dumb yeah okay we’re good is it not like pathetic though on Mojang’s part like bro like how do you how do you not optimize this game like there are so many videos of so many people with so many different mods

That increase performance if you go to like anything for like mods like anywhere ever half of the mods are improved performance by doing this differently improves performance by doing this differently improves performance improves performance like bro like how has moyang not [ __ ] improved the performance of their game

How come it’s up to the moding community to do that is that not ridiculous the fact that I need a mod in order to play a game that looks like this by the way it looks like this I need a mod in order to play this at

[ __ ] high frame rate and also stream to you guys at 60 FPS I don’t know when games stopped optimizing for performance I don’t know why they started doing it but I want games to go back to being [ __ ] optimized man there is like there is like no excuse there’s a YouTube channel

That I watch uh for this Graphics engineer his name is Ace Rola you guys might have actually heard of him because he’s got a couple videos that pop off and get really popular and he was just basically showing like how to make like grass in a game

And how to render a [ __ ] ton of it without destroying your performance and he made like a whole series on it he’s got like three different videos on it and it’s like I don’t know why games don’t do that I don’t know why they don’t optimize it’s really insane like optimizing for performance

Should be a priority and it just kind of isn’t he also does a bunch of other stuff like he did an entire ocean simulation and uh the ocean simul ation itself was gigantic and it was beautiful and it was like no frame no frame issues too much to afford for no Financial

Profit haven’t you done one and true Minecraft horn that is blowing more TNT until it starts lagging oh yeah yeah I’ve done that plenty of times I had my I had my funny TNT days we all have let’s be honest we’ve all done our funny TNT Okay 13 raw meat we we did good on the meat Hall as well which is another unspoken quiet requirement that I’ve been like slowly like yeah I need to get more food I have bread now which is good I can really quickly just consolidate that into bread hay bales is

Good that’s good apples an extra chest plate which I guess can go in here the hiccups now God damn it empty Maps we have two of them by the way bu a roll I [ __ ] love acce Rola God damn it want to watch one of his videos now

Okay add some shaders in there too that’s the only disadvantage to this mod is it doesn’t support any shaders right now which sucks cuz there is a couple shaders that I do like to use but there’s a really technical reason for it not uh need uh not supporting shaders

And I completely understand and also don’t blame the mod developer it’s a lot of work the [ __ ] mod Dev that made this this is awesome and they put in a [ __ ] ton of work to make this [ __ ] bajillion year old game Run not like garbage so like how much more can you

Ask for really really how much more can you ask for I’ll throw the wheat in here for now even though doesn’t make sense what I’m really excited about is this that’s not it there we go did I am I special holy [ __ ] I don’t think I’ve ever seen

Anybody struggle to make a fishing rod before in Minecraft I certainly managed though I’ll tell you what I figured it out I got you guys covered in the whole struggle Department you guys should check out ex Rolla is this Ona for uh yeah Ona forger cursor yeah yeah that’s mine I love this

Cursor so much she blinks and then it doesn’t show here uh actually maybe it will oh no it doesn’t so if I hover over over like links and stuff like hyper links uh she goes waku waku which is very awesome her eyes light up and everything and she’s like excited uh if

I’m hovering over like a text thing like a normal text thing uh she hides behind the cursor which is adorable I love it I love this cursor so much it’s so [ __ ] cute love spy family spy family was good anime empty map is no longer shty hello

So this is a level one map we don’t give a [ __ ] about level one Maps um what do you need for a cartography table is it crafting table plus paper feel like it’s crafting table plus paper it is cool cartography table going to be very useful for us in particular

Because we’re going to do cartography because I like doing cartography and you [ __ ] are just along for the ride aren’t you so grab some Scherer there we go one two three four I don’t there’s four levels hell yeah there we go can I rename this unfortunately I can’t there we go

Big map very exciting on top top of that we have enough wool to make a banner so let’s Banner very cool uh kind of lacking in the department thank you for my food a lot of food now we’re very chilling on food I’m a little bit upset with this

Map placement on the corner here this is really annoying cuz it means my house is in this very bottom corner which is just dumb it’s not the end of the world though what is honey good for so admittedly I actually don’t give a [ __ ] about the honey right now the honey is

Just another food source and honey blocks are alternative to slime blocks uh which makes them not only way more accessible but way more useful in that regard um but the big thing I want the bees for is actually for free pollination they’re not going to stay there um despite that looking like a

Permanent fixture the the honey bees are really really good for basically running across a field of crops and constantly dropping pollen on them which basically gives them bone meal so it allows for you to get really efficient large scale Farms with villagers because the villagers and the bees just don’t interact with each

Other at all and the bees will constantly pollinate and the villagers will constantly grab food and you’ll be chilling so it’s really good for large quantities of food that’s kind of the only purpose it serves um but you know let’s really quickly we’re going to cross this

River which I’m I’m just going to do this cuz this is really annoying there we go it seems like across the river should be enough to trigger the next map but I’ll go a little bit further it’s just an efficiency boost it’s not really necessary we get this map going over

Here so this is on the next chunk so when we expand this map it’ll be on the other thingy 1 two three four Bonk Bonk Bonk map five okay and just like that these two maps are now next to each other which is very useful for us we’ll start with the

4×4 grid I think um honestly nice thing about the craphy tables is hello hello dark Leo there we go no honey is good for pancakes you are so correct about that you are so correct how do you make a map I know you don’t need a compass for every map do

You do you need a compass for every map in Java that’s really brutal if you do I feel like there’s a cheaper way to make a map how the [ __ ] do you make maps there’s no way you need a compass for every single map in Java in Bedrock

You don’t you only need a compass to make what they call a navigator map which you don’t even need that cuz you can duplicate maps you can make an empty map and then you can take your Navigator map and copy it to the empty map and it’ll be Navigator really that’s really

Expensive I mean it’s not that expensive but it’s like damn that’s a lot of Iron make a compass let’s just speed things up oh my gosh you totally need a [ __ ] uh a compass for a map that is expensive I don’t know how the Cartographer table works you can duplicate maps with the cartography table which is very useful so I’ve got

This empty map here we’ll take id4 cuz that’s our home base right this is the one that our home chunk is on take our map and we take the empty map we now have two id4 so now I’ve got this map which I can throw in an item

Frame so let’s make an item frame I should have put the cartography table up cuz that’s where my storage is I think I will uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 s eight BK BK maps are really expensive in [ __ ] I now have an item frame we’ll just throw the map

On this wall for now just for demo purposes so there we go there’s my map so as I map and I fill this thing out and I and I go and explore and whatnot these two maps will syn they’ll be linked basically you don’t know much English

That’s okay these two things will sync up though very useful let’s go better keep a chest full of compasses cuz that’s BS it’s okay it’s not that bad because you can find empty Maps so because you can find empty Maps you’re chill it’s not that

Bad what I will do though is I will go take my banner that’s not what I wanted let’s I kind of want to change its color I don’t have that much dye I will go translate okay I have bone meal which means I can start duplicating flowers I start

Breeding bees which means I can start getting all that other stuff started this is going good but let’s really quickly go back over to the village and we’ll plant the banner down don’t tell me you need a [ __ ] loom in order to die a goddamn Banner

I’m going to lose my mind if you need a Loom Minecraft taking away features and forcing you to use the [ __ ] other ones cuz why wouldn’t they we love Minecraft I think you need string for a loom why there we go yeah you need string son of a [ __ ] all right well

It’s fine it’ll be a white Banner for now then uh I have a red Dy just randomly and I don’t really know what to do with it pay to win my Minecraft update when dude they already added some really stupid Shenanigans with like the [ __ ] mine coins in the store like what like

What were they thinking dude who the [ __ ] is I know kids are going to pay for Cosmetics because they’re kids but really really like do you have no respect for your [ __ ] player base with the mine coins [ __ ] GG every time I see a mine coins gift card at like the at like

Walmart or something I just get so depressed because I know there’s some innocent sweetheart grandma who’s trying her absolute best to get a good gift for her kid and she’s like oh I don’t know what a Minecraft is that’s what the kids are talking about these days right all

Right do you think Billy will like these mine coins for his Minecraft Surely I’m old and have dementia things changed after Notch is gone I’ll be honest with you dude Notch wasn’t really like he wasn’t that amazing I’m not going to suck his dick or anything he was good don’t get me wrong a good Game Dev I think he did a good job but

Like there’s nothing wrong with current Minecraft it’s more just like they haven’t done anything to current Minecraft and it’s very lazy like we get one update for Minecraft every like two years and I mean that because the in between updates suck and if you think that they count like they

Don’t it took them how long to give us caves caves mind you like yikes caves should not take so long until his transphobic Arc was not transphobic was that a thing I didn’t hear about this this is the first time hearing of that that’s a big L if

True is this a confirmed thing was Notch just like a real piece of [ __ ] I I didn’t hear about any of this so like that’s that’s news to me book cool well actually we’ll use this uh home 100 think he wasn’t invited to minec con

Cuz he said trans women are not women or something that’s the first I’m hearing of it that’s interesting not in the good way mind you but interesting there we go that’s uh damn that’s an L you know that’s a that’s a pretty big L not going

To lie to you I’ve heard some L things before that’s one of them I like that I have fence gates and I don’t use them GG what I am going to do I’m going to just blow this shovel out all right cool go grab a iron

Shovel what is even the purpose of minec con what what what do you go to mine con for mine con is just Minecraft convention yeah but like what like what happens at minec con aside from like maybe children being really annoying that’s fish what am I doing there we

Go look at blocks or some [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying I don’t know like celebrating Minecraft seems like such a goofy ass thing to do because Minecraft kind of sucks sorry not sorry this game is kind kind of dooky damn no full wheat this is so sad I’ll just take

These and throw them into [ __ ] bread buk bunk cool I now have food for days GG [ __ ] it probably don’t need that to be honest all the time probably don’t need to carry this what is Tenon though same thing as Tenon I guess Tenon is [ __ ]

I want to go to Tenon I guess that makes me a giant hypocrite what do I want to do next that is a great question because I do not know I do know actually which is make item frames I can make eight of them right now I cannot make eight of

Them I can make four of them because I can’t do math this is going to help me out a ton actually okay I don’t need one for this because I know this is the wood chest know this my food chest I kind of have that memorized this is where I get confed

This is my tools we’ll throw the golden ax in here because it’s funny cobblestone in here this is where we’re now we’re cooking uh that sure this is food that’s wood that’s nice Pillager noise I think I heard a Pillager noise oh horrifying you have nothing of interest to me these are all

Worthless so thank you your llamas are now mine ow just let them shoot at each other a little bit I don’t really care about these guys they yamas I don’t care I care about these cuz these require slime balls holy [ __ ] they’re breaking in oh

My God no rude I will kill you you guys don’t give me anything I will just run away for a little bit actually I don’t want them to hit my bees so I shouldn’t stand here here they’re still spitting do they not lose aggro this doesn’t seem to take any your

Ability from my shield h they’re so mad well here’s what I’ll do in the meantime then line of sight H it’s probably something like that but here’s what I’ll do instead I will just tie them down here like that and then I will just walk away

And then they will they already seem to have oh they broke the leads or this one broke the lead yeah they seem to forgotten now oh my God they didn’t forget God damn you little bastards oh my God snipers man aggressive little [ __ ] monsters aren’t they God damn they

Bastards they’ll forget eventually I’m sure and if they don’t then they will get executed it’ll be GG I don’t care I don’t think they even drop anything useful which is kind of why I don’t want to kill them do I have everything that I need I think I

Do throw this in there for now God damn it I don’t need this leather yeah I don’t need that they’re still angry get them out of your render distance they become passive again it probably something like that I don’t really care I’m not too worried about it if they don’t become

Not aggro eventually then whatever also I just realized something I didn’t realize I had this happening the entire time where is it view bobbing oh God I hate view bobbing see how my map is steady now and I can look at it at the same time I’m playing crazy

Huh [ __ ] view bobbing shaking your entire [ __ ] arm constantly when you walk so annoying guess where you’re from your name is Leo I’m going to guess Russia although I wouldn’t be surprised if you are some other European Earth probably based guess y where’s my boat I don’t need this right now Sagittarius A that’s a real guess there’s lava underneath me that is a wild guess actually okay we have found the vagy and guess what we will do we will mark it how uh that’s a real [ __ ] question I wasn’t ready for way point all right all

Right let us go on the hunt for something I want to find something you know I want to explore and maps are a great way to do that and give you a nice big area to wander through and find some stuff didn’t boats break into sticks and

Wood they used to back in the day a billion years ago they used to Once Upon a Time I will Sprint to be honest I have enough food to afford sprinting there’s an OG right there for real major OG that is some ancient uh Minecraft can knowledge pumpkins pumpkins are good pumpkins

Are Adventure for Pillager Mansion listen I’m not going to lie to you I will way out there is that another Village that’s another Village out there yeah nice uh I will just straight up cheat to find the coordinates for the Pillager Mansion I’m not going to lie to you and

Uh if it’s super super far away then then we’ll we’ll journey to it we’ll venture to it but I’m not [ __ ] finding it randomly and I’m not going to do that stupid [ __ ] where you get a map and just [ __ ] keep walking aimlessly for 5,000 blocks all right those [ __ ]

Woodland Mansions don’t spawn for like millions of blocks shows you how long I didn’t play Minecraft true actually that is some uh ancient Arcane knowledge right there is what I would classify that as more wheat is great also more wool here so I can make another Banner really

Quickly and Mark this as another Village Mansions are usually 10K to 60k blocks according to yeah no they’re insane and that’s usually there Minecraft uh Woodland Mansions 90% of the time they’re like 50k blocks away dude they are so far hello thanks for all your delicious

Wheat I don’t want to hit any of you guys you guys are being so annoying 0.9 before red stone was made since Java had it interesting get off of this wheat block go away what the [ __ ] they’re like trying to protect their [ __ ] precious food source from me

That’s really nice brewing stand that’s nice that’s what we like to see brewing stand structure spawned that’s good now when we go to the nether we only need to bum rush for Netherrack or not for Netherrack for nether wart and then we can like immediately dip

That is very big for us that’s very good very happy with that very very good for us hello Mr guy you don’t have anything of interest to me so I’m just going to just going to oh you need a pickaxe for that [ __ ] well I [ __ ] up that’s okay I didn’t

Know that for some reason I’ve been playing this game for so long I [ __ ] forgot oversaturated grass without food bar lol it’s okay we will stumble into another one of those for sure I’m very butt hurt now though can’t believe you need a pickaxe for those eh

Whatever not the end of the world blast furnace is very good that’s very good that’s mine now good old days LOL so many of you are old you know that you old [ __ ] you old ass geriatric [ __ ] oh I remember back when Minecraft you mined and crafted you

Didn’t go to no the villagers were useless you didn’t have no Iron Golems or nothing all right Grandma take your medicine you know what I’m going to do right now actually I’m going to show you guys something that I want to throw on this save right now and honest honestly

I might if it’s compatible I’m going to show you guys a thing that I personally [ __ ] OverWatch released in 2016 8 years old now G [ __ ] G dude as an OverWatch gamer yikes I’m not going to lie to you dude a lot of people Miss OverWatch

One I don’t miss OverWatch one but I miss double tank like I think that the game is so hard to balance for single tank double tank does need to come back in some form or another like I genuinely believe that tanking an OverWatch is probably one of the worst changes

They’ve ever made I don’t I can’t think of like a single downgrade that was worse and I know they had to for the sake of the balance I know they needed to but now it’s like now support is broken so now that support is broken and now that tanks can’t play the

Game and they can’t balance around anything and they can’t figure it out still remember left for dead too GG but like now they can’t figure out the balance so it’s like at this point is it okay to just say Hey listen we were wrong about the

The tank shift and it was really a support issue and now that we’ve balanced support to be better now we can bring tank back to being decent and not being worthless I think it’s worth Merit to have that conversation because OverWatch with [ __ ] single tank is

Like it’s faster the game is faster but man is it [ __ ] impossible to play if like if your tank is bad or even if your tank isn’t bad if your tank is just getting rolled because they’re getting like unlucky off spawn or because they’re getting countered it’s like what do you

Do like as a support my job cuz I’m a support M my job is like take the DPS duel every now and again and take the support duel every now and again my job is to like make plays and like land cooldowns and [ __ ] and so now I have to

Balance that and I also have to heal a dude who [ __ ] evaporates in a single second and it’s like I turn away from him if I’m not babysitting my [ __ ] tank player they just explode and it’s like how do I how do I be useful if I can’t even [ __ ] help my tank

Player also I’m going to turn the weather volume down because I just realized how loud it is it’s driving me nuts actually weather volume turn that [ __ ] down to like [ __ ] 30 there we go OverWatch one was just another kind of vibe this one’s meh it’s not that

This one’s meh this one is more like OverWatch 2 is more competitive and I like that I think that it’s healthier that it’s more competitive because it’s more balanced it’s more fair the game feels better but in the pursuit of more balance and more fair they’ve kind of like killed OverWatch

One and even though it’s more balanced and even though it’s more fair the balance isn’t good balance because now every time I’m playing support I am pressured to like pick Anna like I’m a mercy man right I play mercy more than anything I am a mercy enjoyer that’s me

I’m the mercy guy I think Mercy’s fun I think that Mercy is just very satisfying gameplay-wise and I think that Mercy is like it just scratches an itch for movement I love the movement for mercy and so I play mercy a lot and I just kind of can’t because if I play mercy

Then that means that like you know my DPS needs to be a [ __ ] like a god tier DPS who lands every shot who doesn’t make any [ __ ] mistakes who’s perfect at everything like my DPS needs to be [ __ ] shroud if I play mercy because if I don’t play mercy and the

Enemy team plays Anna well like we need a Ciro now I can’t rely on my other support to play KIRO so I probably have to play KIRO and if my other support is playing something like Lucio then it’s like forget it you know like it’s j like

You’re so done it’s so done it’s not even funny you’re not back you’re so screwed if you’re doing like Lucio Mercy comp so it’s like as a mercy player not having that extra tank to kind of like take some of that punishment take some of that stress away from me is annoying

And it also means that that my DPS can’t do their job because now my DPS are on the front line and now I as the mercy player am on the front line with my DPS and so now I’m just in constant [ __ ] danger playing for my life and it’s annoying and it’s

Horrifying and then like let’s say okay I do play Anna because Anna’s a must pick my job as Anna is not to support my tank and get a nano and farm for like nanoblade or anything my job as Anna is to go DPS and take an off angle and land

A nade on every cool down but also make sure that we bait out the Kiri suzu and also I need to make sure that I sleep everything and it’s like dude the Nate and the antie or sorry the nade and the Sleep Dart do too much they’re too strong objectively they’re too strong

Nade and ante are just way too powerful for OverWatch 2 because there’s no other tank to eat that cool down so they keep nerfing it Brig is too strong because brig’s job is to keep Anna alive and keeping Anor alive is incredibly valuable is it’s just like it’s just

Like there’s so much issues in the support role Zen is still really [ __ ] strong they only just recently nerfed his Discord orbs slightly and the Nerf is there the Nerf is definitely there like you can feel the Zen Nerf for sure but it’s like man it took us that long to [ __ ] Nerf

Zenor and he still has his kick which is a better Boop than what Lucio has because it doesn’t have a cool down and does more damage like huh like are we for real right now like as a support player I’m tired of my role being too strong because if I

Ever have to duel another [ __ ] support you bet your bottom dollar I am miserable the entire time and I’ll win my support duels but then it’s like my tank explodes and then he’s frustrated because he’s not getting heal botted because if he’s not getting heal botted he blows up because he doesn’t have

Enough HP it’s like dude like holy [ __ ] it’s so frustrating for for OverWatch like ah and I I’ll also say this as well I will say this I think a lot of people sleep on how powerful DPS is because DPS is one of two things either you are

Useless you are standing there doing nothing because your supports aren’t doing anything and so you’re just shooting at nothing because you can’t kill anything or you are overpowered and you are running the lobby case in point I think Ekko is incredibly unbalanced Echo does too much damage her cool Downs

Are too F parrot her cool Downs are too fast for what she does oh parrot right away easy GG so Ekko is just kind of like this really annoying state of being incredibly powerful but nobody complains about how strong Ekko is because at the end of the day you can just pick Anna

Shut down the enemy tank and then your team wins for free so it’s like nobody talks about how Ekko can blow up a hero before before they can blink or how she completely counters so many kits entirely by just being Echo by just being like innately that character has

Counters just built into it nobody will talk about that because they’re too busy being mad at Brig and it’s like I agree bre is strong but it’s like your DPS exists in the same place where like Soldier can one tap Tracer with rockets he rocket melee and you one tap

Tracer that’s just insane but is so strong and so overpowered his Rockets have no falloff damage so if he’s just spamming a corner and he just launches his Rockets down at you from across like let’s say you’re on push and he just launches rockets at corner if you’re a

Widowmaker and you don’t have a support glued to your ass you’re just dead you lose the duel immediately it’s really frustrating it’s really crazy and it’s like there’s no downside for Soldier they nerfed his heal Pad but they only nerfed his heal pad because they buffed it to be

Stronger than Moira heals so now if you play Soldier you can just survive a Rin shatter if you play Soldier if Rin shatters and you have your heal pad down you literally just live it’s insane like like the DPS R is just as broken but nobody talks about it because the support r

Is there to like make plays and make big moments and do things like land sleep darts and land antes and land all these crazy cooldowns so because they land all these crazy [ __ ] cooldowns that are too strong everybody’s upset at supports and it’s like if you look at like tank

As a roll tank does nothing tank does literally nothing compared to both DPS and support tank is just ruined the only good tank that we’ve had since since season one for OverWatch was [ __ ] malga and I do mean that he’s the only tank that’s been good this entire time everything else

Has been like it’s playable not good it’s playable my bird I also am really not a fan of the passive they’re introducing where now everybody gets the support roll passive I think that was a mistake I honest hly I think that the support rooll passive was a good change I think that

Ultimately what made it too strong is just the fact that like if you don’t put constant pressure on a support they don’t die but then they tweaked the passive down a bit so that it’s not like okay it’s not like so overbearing like there’s no way to

Kill the supports like you can you just can’t let them start healing if they start healing it’s Jo which I think is fair if you leave a support alone long enough I think it’s fair supports were left out to dry for such a large chunk of the game’s life that like that

Passive was like NE like it was a necessity nowadays with how much support balance has shifted and now that the supports are just kind of constantly on top of each other and they’re not really left alone anymore now we can see the balancing issues but that really only

Happened because the tank left if it was still two tanks I think the support passive would be really healthy but because it’s one tank and not two the support passive is too strong and now they’re giving it to every other Ro to balance for it and it’s like is that really even balance

Anymore are are we really talking about balance like that doesn’t seem balanced to me now every role has a [ __ ] overpowered heal passive Mercy pistol DPS meta is still something or did the devs put it in the grave the mercy pistol DPS meta is was a

Joke it was a [ __ ] post Mercy was never strong Mercy was never too strong there was one season and it wasn’t even a full season it was a half of a season Where Mercy was strong and that season was when they gave Mercy uh a stronger ult and

Healing uh for when she was healing somebody else so if she was healing an ally you walked into an OverWatch too conversation if Mercy was healing an ally she would receive a small amount of healing uh like a whilst healing an ally ooh a loom nice we don’t have to craft these now

GG so basically what Mercy would do is like if you’re healing a tank you heal at like okay bye no the OverWatch convo no it’s okay I don’t blame him for that one OverWatch is a pretty sad game to talk about but for Mercy what you would do yeah is

If you were healing like your tank or something you heal at 55 Health a second or sorry that wasn’t even the major change the major change is that she also increased healing when you were under a certain HP threshold so you started out healing at uh 50 a sec or 45 a second

And then they buffed it to 60 a second when uh enemy was or when an ally was under 50% HP that was what was really strong is that it made it so that Winston couldn’t kill anything which I’m just going to say this Winston couldn’t kill anything to [ __ ] begin with

So Winston’s strength was never it was never him beating Mercy in the heels duel I got you I didn’t leave yeah you did you scared that’s very Funny headshot damage was something on her on uh else on her pistol for a time no that was just a meme what they did is they buffed her ammo capacity from 20 to 25 that was it they didn’t actually buff her emeralds holy [ __ ] Emerald gaming also tall grass and the worst tree

Sapling GG smithing table that’s a nice find want a free thumbnail you know what that’s just such a loaded question and I’m so scared of what you’re going to send me you’re going to send me something [ __ ] horrifying you know I don’t know if I can handle that I’m just going to be

Honest with you I don’t think I can handle whatever is you’re going to [ __ ] send me cuz the the question do you want a free thumbnail you’re going to send me your butthole that’s just what’s going to happen and I just don’t think I can handle that emotionally no I won’t you

Know I just don’t believe you actually the internet has done things to me I’ve seen too many butth holes I know this gag I know this play I’m not falling for it never again your butthole won’t hurt me so many [ __ ] wheat seeds so much grass as

Well I don’t need that don’t need that give me a chance well the Discord server is there for you to where is your whole reveal for the 1K sub special man what a cool conversation we’re having anyways we were talking about OverWatch for a while I think we

Should get back to that before we get too distracted with this awesome conversation such a cool conversation so cool more [ __ ] wheat seeds four [ __ ] seconds it took you four [ __ ] seconds to piss me off again that’s a funny M yes yes I would give me give me the

Deons I don’t know what $135 in yen is I don’t it’s yeah just do it send it full full punch the money I’ll I’ll take your money I’ll take all your money give me every scent you have actually give me every Deon I’ll freak out when I celebrate so that you know I’m

Legit Warframe is so different oh my God for real the Warframe player plays a different game his community cannot adapt how are you Nev I am uh well I’m Nev because that’s my name that was such a stupid [ __ ] [Laughter] [Laughter] joke I I hope that I hope that like I joined but where are the text channels you have to follow you have to read the rules my guy you read the rules you click the button you get the roll to click channels it’s Discord that’s how Discord works and by

How Discord works I mean I I made it that way so that I don’t get people jumping in and [ __ ] raiding the server you have to at least click a roll I think I’ve grabbed every chest here let’s grab one sheep somewhere there’s a sheep BR it’s just Out Of Reach it’s

Crazy bro it’s 18 plus yes my server is 18 plus if you’re not 18 I don’t want you in my community come on yeah no children allowed in my server let me pretend to be 18 no the content that I make is not for children never has been it never will be

I do not appeal to your kind I speak with you in diso server that’s a problem dto server is also 18 plus let me let me Banner there we go did it grab it the banner is not showing up here in though shouldn’t be I can’t can’t grab this I can grab

The brown one but I can’t grab the white one there we go [ __ ] game do I need to add my pre-war ID to get in what you’re [ __ ] huh have you been to war did I miss something I know I’m underage just look at the thumbnails I sent

God why are you watching my stream if you’re a teenager don’t teenagers like [ __ ] play fortnite do teenagers still play fortnite Feel Like Warframe is a game that’s too complex for a teenager actually that’s not true when I was a teenager I was playing Warframe I started playing Warframe in God what was

I 14 that’s fair actually I’ll keep at a walking pace so I don’t lose my bird I hang out with older people for some reason oh you’re one of those you’re 17 you still prefer Warframe more than [ __ ] fortnite based I like Shooters I’m one of those people that

Like I like Shooters I think that fortnite is actually [ __ ] great I’m not going to lie to you I think that it is a goddamn hilarious game I haven’t played fortnite but the content around fortnite is so [ __ ] funny to me because imagining like dropping in as Darth

Vader and like squatting up with Naruto and [ __ ] Spider-Man web slinging you [ __ ] all right there’s a creeper nearby scar SC the [ __ ] out of me need you for the next Banner there we go no I will look at the thumbnails eventually I don’t know where they I

Don’t know where you sent them but I’ll look at them at some point I was talking about OverWatch Balan yeah kind of want to finish that conversation I wasn’t done with my thought yet joined Warframe in 2014 so old yeah this account that I linked my main

Account so I did I did the account link right so I have the Xbox account that’s linked and then I got my PC account it’s actually not my first account in general I’m probably going to be kicked then for being underage probably yeah no miners allowed in the in either

The disto server or in my server I don’t know why he uh I don’t know if he accidentally turned off the setting or what or I wonder if I I might not have just ever had it turned on when I was mod but uh yeah I’m a miner in Minecraft

You’re a minor in real life as well [ __ ] Zoomer stupid kid fortnite is pretty good when there’s no sweats building and cranking night see okay but I think that it’s so [ __ ] funny the the whole cranking 90s stick the whole [ __ ] joke of it I actually love

It I I think that it’s actually fine to be competitive in a shooter I don’t know why people don’t like competitive shooters I mean I know why it’s because it’s frustrating and because it’s really easy to get pissed off but like I don’t know man for me when it comes to Shooters

I’ll get really angry for like five minutes if it’s like a really bad like really awful game and I just like [ __ ] fed up and I’ve had it you’ve been here before you have you have Josh you have been here before but for the most part the

Frustrations of like the one game will typically go away after like 5 10 minutes for a shooter like yeah I got frustrated and yeah I got mad but it’s like it’s not the end of the world because I can get over it quickly you know I feel like a lot of people can’t

Handle that or they aren’t like that they’ll keep playing while they’re mad and they’ll just get more mad and they’ll just get more and more angry and more and more upset until they can’t [ __ ] play anymore and it’s like I don’t know you can’t really have that

Sort of mental when you’re doing a shooter because a shooter requires so much [ __ ] like I guess muscle Memory I don’t know it requires so much [ __ ] mechanical attention nowadays in the modern gaming landscape that like if you aren’t focused and locked in you’re going to get rolled semi-finals in 4 hours and here I am watching aaro s play Minecraft while talking about OverWatch we’ll talk about

Shooters in general but yeah talking about OverWatch yeah it’s kind of funny the Warframe player just plays different games I have such a wide perspective but I mostly play Warframe the main reason I’m not playing Warframe right now is actually that I’m really upset with the de the

Developers the devs are making a giant [ __ ] like set of clowns of themselves right now and it’s really gross and I’m really unhappy with what they’re doing you guys might know uh Baker Baker TV you should know him uh he hi creeper you’re annoying he does Minecraft stream or not

Minecraft he does Warframe streams um but what he does is very true to old school style endurance and what I mean by that is he doesn’t actually play the endurance content just for like Rewards or anything like that like that doesn’t matter to him the rewards are whatever he plays the endurance content

Specifically to go as far as possible as hard as possible as long as possible his objective in Warframe is to break the game and he does however Warframe has this really outdated incorrect system for determining whether or not somebody is cheating um and it’s entirely based off

Of how many rewards you get it’s not based of how many rewards you get over a certain amount of time it’s if you get too many rewards the game thinks you’re cheating and that’s it that’s how that works it’s super [ __ ] up I don’t want to deal with

You oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m talking about the shooter and here I am losing the [ __ ] battle I spider don’t hit me yet I want to grab my arrows that I missed there we go give me this ow spider’s very good so Baker plays the games to very

High levels he’s a very legitimate player he’s a good player he’s well respected in the community and he doesn’t cheat at all he plays the game legitimately but because he plays the game for so long for these long stupid intervals the game detects that he has an irregular number of pickups or is

Spending in a regular amount of time in Mission and so it it bans him he has been banned several times now for cheating even though he is a legitimate player no sometimes he’s had to he’s had to leave missions or call it quits because he’s uh because he’s you

Know had some memory leakage issues because his comp silk touch pickaxe oh my God silk touch pickaxe is [ __ ] huge we will drop what do we drop here I I don’t need The seeds I don’t need what the [ __ ] I tabed out on Minecraft good God I guess I shouldn’t have dropped that just yet but whatever let’s just clean these out really quickly don’t need seeds don’t need oh my God a saddle dude we’re so back okay we probably start heading back

Home at this point because I’m now getting kind of loaded up I’m a miner in Minecraft I feel like we said this joke already but that’s okay baby zombie God damn it oh my God I can’t hit this little [ __ ] thing okay hold on can you swim you can’t swim all right

Good I don’t want to continue mining this oh God damn it I covered up my chat on accident hold on have to fix this again click have you watched any anime I have I have watched a few anime you don’t need a singular bone and three nuggies here’s the deal about the bones

I actually do need the bones bones are very valuable because bone meal for farming and even aside from farming bones are just valuable in general uh as far as the three nuggies I don’t need the three nuggies you’re completely correct about that uh okay you somehow what how did I get hit

Here oh oh okay [ __ ] baby zombies are nuts dude yeah I’ve watched a few anime got any recommendations here’s the thing about me with anime Rex I’m actually terrible for that because I only watch like Slice of Life animes cuz I think that they’re really cute and they’re

Adorable although I do have one anime that I recommend but it’s really sad it’s really really it will [ __ ] break your heart and you will cry I cried like a big [ __ ] baby I cried when I watched that anime and that’s Violet ever Garden it is a [ __ ] Masterpiece

Of an anime it’s on Netflix but good God you will SOB it will turn you into a whiny [ __ ] you’ll cry like a [ __ ] child it is one of the like Peak fiction Peak anime I think it’s it’s [ __ ] actually one of the best anime ever but that will [ __ ] kill you

Inside other than that though the anime genre that I watch a lot of and the anime genre that I uh enjoy a lot of is like [ __ ] like Slice of Life animes or like cute romance romcom animes yeah so one of those one of those

Uh actually two of the two of three all three of those are not wholesome so uh no don’t listen to No hello Mr Enderman you and I have some beef ow Okay ow you pit so fast ow ender pearl yay I don’t need that egg that I picked up I don’t need this grass block there we go oh yeah there’s uh there’s an anime about this elf girl who just [ __ ] kicks ass and just absolutely obliterates like demon people I don’t

Know what it’s called but it’s really good uh that’s another one that I’ve seen a couple clips of and it’s really it’s really [ __ ] like a lot of people like that one rightfully so it’s good anime yeah I don’t know how I managed to sleep in that bed with the mobs right

Here but I’ll [ __ ] take it dude this bird has a death wish we never named our Bird by the way what do we want to name him oh my God Joe such a [ __ ] midn name the hell what an awful name never letting you guys name anything

Again oh I can’t pick up this gunpowder [ __ ] I don’t need iron nuggies don’t think the nuggies are worth anything to me these arrows are though okay we have a saddle which means that we can get a horse and we can scadaddle our way back on the [ __ ] out of

Here I don’t have the leads with me uh okay we can actually take this land mass over and around I don’t think there’s actually any single body of water we need to cross bird looks kind of like a Kristoff to me but spelled like you’re a psychopath I can see Kristoff Kristoff

Bird what a horrific way to spell that by the way but you know I don’t need this fire charge I’m not going to lie to you flinton steel op so that’s going to save that he’s not a psychopath he’s polish I’m wait no isn’t that Welsh don’t Welsh put

Like [ __ ] W’s and random [ __ ] in their letters just for the [ __ ] fun of it they can’t like name anything normal yeah look at the look at the [ __ ] that’s a Welsh individual right there look at his [ __ ] name yeah yeah uh-huh yeah this [ __ ] is Welsh

He’s like he’s right you’re polish Jesus Christ where did we go wrong in society I guess it’s not my Society # notmy Society I would keep watching you if I didn’t just wake up have things to do have fun love to see the Warframe player

Trying other things oh yeah I will I uh I play all kinds of different games I’m sorry for that for real at least you’re funny n dude maybe I’ll play OverWatch on one of these streams huh that’d be kind of funny the OverWatch play you guys can make fun of me for having

Warframe player aim you see the little hook thing below that’s Polish that’s French French people do that too that’s how they make their C’s make the S sound for some [ __ ] reason I have so many melod what the [ __ ] I probably don’t need all these but I’ll take them

Anyways good for trades is kind of my copium there that’s why we play the PVE game yeah exactly okay hot take I was never really that excited for OverWatch PVE it I know that’s weird I know that’s really weird I know that’s super weird but like I play OverWatch as a shooter I

Play it as a competitive shooter where I’m shooting at people so so like everybody was like super butth hurt about like the the [ __ ] PVE not coming and like I was upset that they didn’t deliver on their promises but I wasn’t upset that the PVE wasn’t coming

I was more just upset that they over promised underd delivered you know what I mean and then they just didn’t deliver anything it was not even underd deliver they just didn’t deliver anything they just lied that’s what I was upset by but to be completely Frank I can live without an OverWatch PVE

The excitement wasn’t for the gameplay it was for the lore yeah the OverWatch lore is actually pretty cool to be fair I think OverWatch lore is pretty fun I think OverWatch lore is honestly low-key carrying because the whole premise of the [ __ ] sentient robots fighting the war against the other

Sentient War robots because they gained a conscious and gained a soul and forgave Humanity for torturing them like it’s such a [ __ ] like strange little [ __ ] like universe that OverWatch built up the robots are the bad guys but also the robots aren’t the bad guys but

Also ratas here and the robo are going to be the bad guys again because [ __ ] hot take over watch is mostly live because of adult videos it’s not a hot take that’s [ __ ] known that’s just a fact you just made a statement it’s not a hot take that’s just true objectively

True how do you think the voice actors feel about their characters and voices being sexualized I feel like if I ever voice acted something and then later I found on the internet you guys my viewers had made like horn out of that character I’d be more mystified than

Anything because like I know that I’m the the actual deity of sexual appeal and I know that I’m super attractive and hot and beautiful and funny and I’m very modest as well and I’m also rich with a lot of deons a bunch of other words the take of course yeah the most

[ __ ] mild take I’ve ever heard in my life it’s just a correct statement bro stated effect for real I don’t have inventory space I don’t have inventory space for these ores then I don’t need them do a face reveal like dream brother I did a face

Reveal look at my look at my look at my YouTube I did a face reveal I’ll face reveal right now I no I won’t I’m wearing boxers I lied but I could face reveal right now you just you know you’d see my you’d see me in my boxers which

Be a little awkward probably against to but hey you know he is Rich while making Minecraft stream for profit dude honestly why do you think I’m streaming Minecraft right now it’s so profitable and it’s defin not because I’m upset with why do you wear boxers on your face

It’s not that the C oh okay the camera is just bust technically but if I had to like stand up to stretch or get water you guys would see my boxers and therefore you know my bare legs my bare manly legs all my hair rich with the balloons making

Minecraft stream for profit and telling 10 times he has no dollar to his soul you’re goddamn right you’re goddamn right the profit comes from within it comes from the emotional stability that I get from being an OverWatch player who can also do other things can’t be worse than the fat CA

Guardian bro those ca Guardians are bulky bro I don’t know what you mean fat the [ __ ] are on the bulk just that cut when the when the CUA Guardians go for the cut it’ll be insane it’ll be actually insane just you wait dude there’s like one pixel on the

Map that didn’t want to fill in good God there we go one thing I don’t like about the fulls size Maps is how little of them you can fill in at a time if there’s one thing I would change it would make it there’s two things actually I would Nerf

Skeleton fire rate and probably increase their damage to be fair I think skeletons having high damage but low fire rate is good probably like two maybe two and a half hearts of damage but like firing at less than a rate of once a second I think that makes them more interesting

And it makes them different and then uh maybe once a second fine to be honest if not slower and then I would make it so that you could like [ __ ] map differently doesn’t bread fill three bars why do you keep snacking on them like that saturation so so bread fills 2 and a

Half um but anytime you eat something over your hunger bar you actually get something called saturation which basically in layman’s terms it overfills your hunger um but it’s also how you heal and whatnot right so like if I eat uh something and I’m at full hunger and I have a saturation of like

Two then I will uh heal for two hearts really quickly and then I will slowly regen as my health bar drains up to like I think two health bar or two hunger bars away so for saturation you see how I’m sprinting sprinting sprinting Sprint jumping Sprint jumping my food still

Hasn’t gone down I’m snacking on them because I can do this and it’s not going to pull from my food it’s going to pull from my saturation hello Togashi I’m just gonna call you Togashi because I don’t know how to pronounce your name see how it’s just

Now peling from my f from my food bar if I eat right now I will have two things of saturation basically which also means that if I take damage I will instantly regen for two hearts and then it will start pulling from my uh hunger bar this isn’t Warframe I can’t cope and

Must unsubscribe based how am I I’m doing great almost home what’s your favorite Slice of Life SL romcom it’s a hard choice I would have to say I think recently hm H H favorite Slice of Life SL romcom get out of bed probably probably Comey can’t communicate I think that was uh [ __ ]

Adorable ass anime I loved everything about it hener per based it’s my favorite type of bread there’s this really really like thick bread that they sell at the local supermarket uh it’s actually kind of popular but the [ __ ] company or the brand that makes it is named artist o or like

Artisano which I think is you know [ __ ] whatever but it’s just marketing but the bread it’s like half of the thickness of Texas toast so you can still like make a sandwich out of it and whenever you toast that bread the like the inside is so soft but the outside is exactly what

You expect it’s toasted so it’s so [ __ ] good um more generally speaking though any kind of homemade bread or any kind of like any kind of like classic like like something that’s not store-bought something that’s not white bread um Hawaiian bread is really good I love

Honey wheat I’m a big fan of like all the sweet bre sweet breads sweet rolls love those hey guys are you done being how did how the [ __ ] did you get to the other side of the fence I imagine you went through here but like this is so far away how did you

How did you make it here the leash should stop you shouldn’t it well you know what that’s impressive where’s my bird bird bird our Bird friend made it with us look at our map slowly slowly filling in um but that’s my favorite kind of bread is like this it’s like it’s not so

Thick that it’s like you can’t make a sandwich with it it’s thick enough that like the inside stays really soft when you toast it but the outside gets really toasty and like it just tastes good oh you’re making me hungry somebody somebody uh somebody donate a bajillion

Dollars right now go subscribe to my patreon so I can get food so [ __ ] hungry sounds so good you have no idea oh yeah I have a saddle now and I have no [ __ ] GG that that probably toss that for now more wheat which is good this is actually a very productive

Little Adventure we went on Gamers we went on like quite the journey I have 10 extra chests I don’t really know what to do with them oh yeah I have this inventory as well oh my God I actually was so productive what the [ __ ] the sticks can go in here the logs

Can go in here the crafting table stays there we go slowly making a pet Army nah the okay hot take that isn’t hot the pets in this game are worthless like genuinely worthless like the dogs I like the Minecraft dogs I think they’re great but

I’m going to keep it a buck 50 with you they’re not [ __ ] useful efficiency one on a gold shovel kind of based smithing table loom loom is Loom is good Loom and smithing table are both very good for us right now oh my God I keep forgetting that’s not my hot

Bar nothing to table Loom I think what we need to do next is probably take advantage of the fact we have a lot of nice open floor space here and I like that let’s make a staircase down and start expanding into the basement probably soon but before

That I have obsidian I think it’s actually time we make our way into the nether cuz the nether uh we need stuff we need stuff from the nether specifically I’m going to go to the nether for the sole purpose of getting uh Blaze stuff and that’s it I

Just care about potion brewing and nothing else this isn’t a hot State hot take he just made a state he just told a fact bro how delayed are you holy [ __ ] you must be like way far back in the in the watch so L under age by YouTube standard

Even though the age can s is 16 in Japan so you can’t send a super chat ah well I do have a patriot but I’m also not going to you’re underage it feels a little it feels a little weird to be like hey underage child give me money you don’t have to

Give me money I was being funny I hope I hope that came across I was being funny I’m not dream taking money from children is is a weird thing to do God Shield’s being dumb go I make Warframe content normally this is just me playing Minecraft because I

Really don’t want to play Warframe because I’m really mad at them I don’t know if I finished explaining why I’m so mad at them by the way they basically keep accusing B of cheating even though he has hours and hours of videos proving that he doesn’t cheat like they just

Keep doing it and it’s insane looked it up found out that my favorite kind of bread doesn’t have an English name what is your favorite kind of bread in its native name another villager Trader wandering villager yeah another one nice more slaves pumpkins Coral odol I don’t need any of these

Other than maybe the Tulip I think I’ll actually take one tulip from him um reason being I can make more tulips and I need more flowers I’m not going to deal with you guys again it’s going to [ __ ] assassinate you oh right I forgot that this isn’t

Solid I forgot that explains how you guys got over honestly you guys I didn’t know that you gave leather and now that I do you’re dead leather is good leather is great four leads and five leather and I got a pink tulip out of that exchange isn’t that nice this is very

Nice hi did you want the flower little buddy poor guy but I think we get constructed we get started constructing our basement we throw our nether portal down there it also lets us put more space for our enchanting table and enchanting stuff it’s called seal but it’s not the only name for the

Kind of bread also the German word for soul well let’s look it up I’m curious you’ve got me curious seal bread German bread seal I don’t want 31 days of healthy dinners thank you it looks kind of like sourdough bread oh this is just an ingredients list right here I could just make

It salt sugar milk cor salt cumin seeds interesting cumin seeds huh it looks like sourdough bread German Souls bread traditional bread from Baden sourdough German Souls bread it’s just sourdough actually at least it looks like sourdough when I when I searched it up this is just

Sourdough at least that’s what I found I maybe I’m wrong I I’ve been wrong before about a billion things it’s called seal but that’s not the only name for the kind of bread also the German word for soul interesting interesting interesting what I found just looks like

Sourdough but I’m I’m sure what you’re thinking of probably it might be sour though I don’t know I’m always down to learn about stuff like that pumpkin cartography stuff let’s put our cartography stuff in here I think that makes sense yeah that makes sense I have so many blocks of

Gold because of nether Shenanigans this is actually cool get some that done though diddly dly torches gunpowder probably shouldn’t take diamond pickaxe into The Nether so I won’t probably throw my tool my diamond tools here for now probably will take another pickaxe probably take an iron pickaxe Shield is still good on the

Durability by the way Blast Furnace this is a really good the blast furnace really really good Blast Furnace are going to end up going downstairs in the basement when I get around to that okay I don’t really know where to throw these chest so I’m just going to throw that in there

Too uh we’ll throw the saddle in there too gunpowder have one just spare torch and it’s just been in my inventory taking up a slot I’m just going to throw it here and I’ll use it later it’s not going to go anywhere uh three arrows I feel like I

Had more arrows did I not I might just craft a bunch of them because I have so many feathers that’s kind of all feathers are good for I also never did that fishing stuff that I wanted to do that’s that’s good because I still have my flint and steel

Here I don’t need a boat for going to the nether get this crafted up two ingots Bonk Bonk Bonk need that need I’m not going to need the water bucket I could try venturing out to find snow biome but that sounds like a pain

In the ass to do to be honest with you so I’m not going to oh I have a cauldron as well which is good it’s kind of a sourdo bread roll interesting very interesting oh bedtime I’ll throw the cauldrons in this chest for now cuz that’ll be going downstairs

With the blast furnace too the four leads I don’t think I need to bring with me ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl these are the queens of our drops paper go in cartography chest here we go hello hello k k k I don’t know how to [ __ ]

Pronounce your name I’m so sorry I’m just G to stop trying hello person howdy howdy howdy how are you on this fine day slash night I don’t know what it is for you bon bon don’t need that don’t need that right now probably don’t need this craft up a couple Shmi

Axes I need to bring these you are good well that is good I am glad welcome to the stream friend [ __ ] Southern American no cuz Southern America is uh that’s uh your Spanish-speaking people that’s your Guatemalans and your Mexicans and your no North American good

Try and you just earned a sub well thank you appreciate it are you into Magic the Gathering no I got into it close to a year ago now it’s been ever present in my mind I’m not into Magic the Gathering magic of the Gathering is was my ex- roommate’s thing Brendan loved Mt

Big MTG enjoyer me not so much uh MTG is one of card games are another one of those things remember we talking about like things that we like watching but don’t really like doing card games are another one of those things for me where like I get really

Invested in the card games themselves but I don’t really feel like playing them I want to put this table somewhere more productive I think here actually makes more sense I think instead of this corner cuz I don’t really use this this one put that here and the reason for doing that is

That I want this have I ever heard of cbmp no is that child beating survival Minecraft play something I don’t I don’t [ __ ] know what that is speaking of foreign language to me there my friend I do not typically play Minecraft I am a Warframe content creator Warframe funny guy as it were

Okay I am not up to date on the uh chicken burger smpp chicken burger Nifty oh spooky the south of North America I see what you mean so like not Canada uh yeah I am from United States yeah that’s me USA what is SMP even stand for survival

Minecraft what what’s the p in SMP riddle me this Rizzle me this Gat man I don’t need that many stairs what am I doing good God I almost like overdid it on the stairs for no reason other than because I’m a [ __ ] Doomer brain no brain cells no thinky sexual Marketplace that’s what

I’m thinking bro like what the [ __ ] could the S&P possibly be that’s good single player hello skill AA that’s a cool name how does that look is that I mean I know that’s not deep enough because of the water here but I think if I go in this direction I’ll be fine question

Mark I don’t know all right let’s go get the diamond Pickaxe all right we’re good your heart little I think this will be deep enough to start on basement y SMP survival multiplayer of course yes of course that’s what it is it makes sense what the [ __ ] did I just put away I just put something what was here was it

Birch it couldn’t have been important cuz I don’t remember what it was me that all right why did I just do this I don’t have an extra stair to put down I’m sometimes I amaze myself with just how [ __ ] not aware I am [ __ ] die right okay I’m in such a risky

Position I want to go a couple further out but I know the water is here let’s try to get away with like four so far so good oh [ __ ] there it is damn it damn it damn it I mean that’s okay actually cuz that’s just because the sand so we’re kind of

Chilling oh my God I already broke it I’m causing more problems for myself y that’s actually not too bad I was really expecting it to be worse that is a okay in my book nice hopefully there’s not more sand you doing a portal room or library for enchantments I’m doing both I like

Having I’m also going to end up moving storage to be down here and a bunch of other stuff but for now we’re just doing the be Basics so that I can get potions started cuz potions are going to be the main thing and then after potions we’ll

Probably actually go to the Ender Dragon really quickly usually I take my time and I grind up a bunch of gear and like I don’t like going to the Ender Dragon too quickly to be honest with you I usually take my sweet [ __ ] time going

To the Ender Dragon but I think for the sake of this playr I want to get to the Ender Dragon a little bit faster than what I normally would usually I would grind out like Nether rde and I’d [ __ ] get a bunch of Ender Pearls ready and I’d have like a cool epic

Battle cuz I think it’s fun that way and I think it’s more interesting kind of in the mood to just kill the [ __ ] guy remember to bring Bronco for the fight yeah for real did I ever tell you guys about the time that uh somebody on the forums

Tried to argue with me over whether or not the Bronco incarnum was good I was doing a by the way I was doing a bug report so whether or not the Bronco incarnate is good is completely irrelevant but I was doing a bug report and I was like yeah there’s some

Inconsistencies with one of the evolutions being used on hildren it’s seems to not really function properly if this could get a fix or if this could get addressed it’d be really cool you know and I also noted that like decimals seem to really break the energy cost um

Requirement in order to use the thing for the evolution cuz the evolution is like spend like it’s like spend like 50 energy uh for a buff that lasts for like 5 seconds or something and so I was like it’d be really cool if this was tweaked

A little bit cuz it’s a little weak cuz you need to spend like 20 energy a second in order to use it it’s kind of no point no and yada yada blah blah blah this sand is going to piss me off but that’s okay I’d rather get the sand out of the

Way what the [ __ ] is happening with that diorite good god um and you know and I was doing a bug report mostly on like the fact that like it’s really broken with hildren there’s a lot of interactions with hildren that weren’t correct uh that were like breaking and this [ __ ] dude this

Clown this clown of a human being was just like yeah here’s a better solution just don’t use the Bronco it’s bad [ __ ] huh Bronco incarn is incredibly strong because it’s an incarn any and all incarn are incredibly strong by default and if you don’t think so you’re just wrong they are broken

They’re not they’re not balanced weapons they are very very much broken and it’s actually a little unfun sometimes with how powerful they can be like every incarnate weapon is incredibly overpowered and this [ __ ] clown of a human being was like trying to like teach me how to play the game

He’s like here’s the more realistic Solution that’s the term he used it’s a more realistic solution for them to not bug fix the Bronco and instead for me to just use a different gun because the bronos so bad like huh what a [ __ ] clown you know [ __ ] absolute Bozo just talking out

Of his [ __ ] nose like just absolutely insane and he like he was adamant and I was like I called him out for it I’m like one you’re useless this is a bug report and not a [ __ ] balancing thing so like this entire [ __ ] Arc you have against the bronos is just completely non-helpful

And nonfunctional and non-contributive to the [ __ ] the [ __ ] asking for like something to be fixed or changed or like reworked and then being like Noah you don’t need to rework it just use something different is like such a [ __ ] brainless thing to say like if there’s a problem why would

You choose to not fix the problem just because there’s another option you can fix the [ __ ] problem like yeah there’s another option you can use that other option but like just fix the problem hello forehead and like this [ __ ] guy like I know he’s not all there I know he’s [ __ ] stupid there’s

A couple of my posts that he’s responded to and I just started [ __ ] calling him out I was like dude listen I don’t need your [ __ ] feedback anymore you just don’t need to contribute you just don’t you just don’t need to contribute like you’re not helpful like

Every single one of my posts that I was like here’s a rework idea or here’s a change that should be made or here’s an issue with like a current system or here’s like a thing that can be improved like every single one of my criticisms and feedbacks every single one of them

His response was just use something different forhead just do something else idiot just [ __ ] like dude it’s every single [ __ ] time too it like nonstop this guy is such a [ __ ] clown and eventually he stopped replying to me eventually I think what he ended up doing was probably blocking me on forums

Because I just kept [ __ ] fighting him on everything like you’re an idiot and he is he’s a [ __ ] idiot it was so stupid so unproductive he ended up getting um he ended up I don’t know what happened with his uh with his Forum post but he stopped

Posting which makes me think that like he pissed off a mod because he’s so argumentative he’s not just like this with me by the way that’d be really nice if it was just me what the water isn’t going down and I miss a source oh it’s over here surely surely there we

Go but he does this to other people too too he goes on the forums and he just goes on the forums to [ __ ] about the things that he thinks need help but then also if you think something needs help the solution is use a different thing so like he thought that melee

Weapons were weak and that melee weapons needed help melee weapons didn’t need help and the [ __ ] Arcane Buffs that they introduced and the new melee tenai [ __ ] is insanely broken and it’s incredibly overpowered and overtuned and we know this because melee influence is breaking the game because of how

Unbalanced it is and because of how [ __ ] ridiculous it is melee did not need any help but he thought melee needed help so he made a post about it and he made sure to fight with every single person who called him out and said melee doesn’t need help your build

Just sucks his complaint about melee use torches for sand there’s water I know you like the torch thing for sand I know you do but there’s water here I don’t quite know how I’m going to place the torch in the water but I appreciate the thought it’s definitely

There it’s just not you know there’s water there’s water kind of in the way of the Torches I don’t mind using the shovel for the sand the shovel is designed for the sand also it lets me you know mine it when there’s water kind of the purpose of the

Shovel the shovel does have this distinct utility specifically for breaking dirt blocks and sand y give me this if waterproof matches or a thing waterproof torches have to be real dude you’re so correct for that Baker God he’s so real for that oh it’s night time interesting why is there a dirt block

Here I could alleviate all of this by just not building deeper you know I I could just stop while I’m ahead and not do this to myself oh there we go oh my God there’s more of course there’s more need to go get more dirt this is tragic we will grab

Sand there we go also sleep water goes straight down therefore it isn’t water just under the sand that’s not how that works what you can’t place torches in water you just can’t place the Torches in the water what unless you mean to selectively mine out all of the bottom blocks first and then

Put all of the Torches down and then do the rest of the mining which would only work for one block because as soon as the water comes down it would take out all the Torches I don’t I don’t know what you I don’t know what your idea is

You just can’t you just can’t put torches down when there’s water cuz there’s water in the way that’s just how that works I don’t know what your four trillion IQ plan is for the Torches with the sand but you know good on you for having it I guess

I more creative than at this point TNT is needed nah I don’t mind being able to rant and ramble like this I want this sand anyways sand is good oh my God a fishy hello fishy oh yeah I need to do a a thing there you know what’s annoying about

This is I’m going to change this roof anyways from dirt to Stone at some point I’m just kind of [ __ ] Myself by not uh by not doing it as Stone right now but it’s okay I’m going to do also TNT doesn’t work work in the water you guys

Seem to not know Minecraft very well fine I forgive all of you my thought process is just 400 years Ahead yeah at 400 years Ahead and backwards at the same time laugh sounded like a monkey you sound like a monkey H yes kakarat the monkey I will need to go above and

TNT Works underwater just by putting a falling block on top of it for some reason that’s because the falling block technically has air technically there’s some weird Minecraft shenanigans that happens help me I am under the water all right let’s try to make this entire thing two blocks

Thick so that when I inevitably replace my ceiling with Cobblestone it’s nice and thick and I don’t have to worry about more water falling in that should be good oh my kelp is grown [ __ ] I should have been harvesting this kelp very good unfortunately you need a large quantity of kelp in order

For it to be really efficient for like the uh fuel source that I have a planned for but we will have a large kelp Farm soon for now it’s going to be small but it’ll be large soon in the mean time I guess I should get started on getting the kelp

Automated I got a decent Chunk from that give me more K what I what I should do is I should try to find an ocean and go ocean exploring ocean exploring very good uh cuz getting water breathing thingy from the place is like magic and it will allow me to be even

More optimal with my kelp Farm Don’t Drown ow you can see the Kel grows so fast it’s already starting on its Shenanigans all this for half of the expansion by the way we go this direction next hopefully hopefully we don’t have to worry so hard about this

Direction CU I think all the water was just this side but I don’t know actually here’s what I’m going to do to find out so far so good how far across did I make this one from the center I didn’t really count 1 two 3 four five 6 7even

Eight one two 3 four five six seven eight so right here really huh what do you know looking back my idea was Goofy but trying to explain something when autism overtakes is just annoying yeah I have no clue what the hell you were trying to convince me to

Do trying to convince me some [ __ ] deep black magic I don’t want to use my diamond pickaxe for that we’ll just torch this for now we’ll we’ll we’ll get back to that right I think for now this is good enough to get started on what I want I

Have a ton of cobblestone from this adventure as well which is Gucci let’s just get on with the whole nether thing yeah beautiful and I will get some more stairs cuz I need stairs for everything stairs also now have a gigantic quantity of stone to just there we go

Upload oh boy and also more glass which is good or sand I should say which will be used to make glass which is good diorite G [ __ ] hate diorite honestly I’m going to throw it away but not right now stairs actually yes right now why did I place that with stone

I had soft blocks in my inventory but no [ __ ] I want to do one more stairs one more time I wish you could craft stairs individually out of a single block I could also make this out of stone to be honest lowkey you’re using a Razer Naga

Could never be me [ __ ] yeah I’m using a Razer dude Razer is awesome the razor mouse and keyboard genuinely hard carry genuinely hard carry I use my mouse button s almost religiously at this point being able to have like keyboard buttons on my thumb use Raper Viper mini no Raper Razer I

Don’t know what I said razor Viper BL no no razor Viper and here’s why the Naga has all the buttons and that’s it it’s just buttons buttons buttons buttons that’s all I care about I have both the six button panel and the uh 12 button panel and I use the six button for

Literally everything every game I play I use the six button panel I’ve I used the 12 button panel occasionally like rarely widen the portal so someday there’s just a gas there yeah uh-huh that’s exactly why I didn’t widen the portal I’m glad that you are here for

Funny is this is my dirt chest I have raw copper I guess I can make a [ __ ] spy glass this is good for XP at the very least really 15 15 16 whatever I’ll take the one waste it’s fine Logitech trackman marble mouse lol M bro needs a cactus farm why would I

Need a cactus farm for the XP I’m going to do a raid farm for XP to be honest okay I shouldn’t bring wood into The Nether and I should instead bring Cobblestone to be honest with you Cobblestone is way safer to bring into The Nether for obvious reason I might

Even bring a second stack of cobblestone honestly that is one of those things that’s way smarter to bring into The Nether than anything else spy glass created now I can look you know I would have never seen that I don’t know if it’s useful but I would have never seen it so that’s

Cool all right copper can go here I guess cuz that’s where it was before surely why don’t we get started on getting the kelp smoked up cuz the kelp is going to be hella efficient a [ __ ] there we go and then I don’t know which whichever

One has the lowest number this one does so we’ll split this one like that and then we’ll split this one like that cool and I’ve got this extra kelp left over for later but it’s whatever the kelp is actually going to go in the coal pile because it’s funny and it actually kind

Of makes sense how do you make a copper lightning rod how you make a copper block how do you make a lightning rod okay you know I don’t know why I didn’t try that I don’t know what the [ __ ] I was thinking this that makes a lot of sense though I’ll tell you

What I think I tried everything except for that which is really funny all right lightning rod oh God put that right there I could put it on top of my house cuz it’s funny but also I don’t want to put it on top of my house because that’s really stupid okay all

Righty allow us to now go on our adventure bro tried to crash the lightning rod with balls I really did though uh let’s not bring the diamond pickaxe into The Nether let’s instead make a couple more iron pickaxes one two should be plenty I hope I don’t know why I grabbed two of

These I only need one oh my God my menuing is [ __ ] Immaculate don’t mind me pickaxe pickaxe food torches should I make more torches I should bring another shovel with me I’m going to need that flint and steel is a backup let’s grab another shovel just cuz I’m going to need one for

Sure I guess what I should do is I should have a golden helmet because I don’t want to deal with piglins right now less protection but it’s worth it we’ll just toss this in here for Now oh I should make another Shield as well just to be ready Okay I think we’re set bow is good arrow is good I’m low on torches but it’s okay what’s my take on the mob vote [ __ ] hate it stupid they’re lazy they’re lazy and that’s why they do the mob vote there’s no reason for there to be a vote

There’s literally no reason you could just make all of the mobs it’s very clear your community doesn’t like them and gets upset by mob votes why do you keep doing it it’s cuz they’re lazy all right starting up not strong there’s quartz here which is

Good that has been my take on the mob vote and that will be my take on the mob vote forever I hate the mob vote and you should too everybody should hate the mob vote it’s really stupid he already there are a ton of Ghasts which is concerning but good

Signs there’s magma cubes which are good I really want is nether fortress what are i y 53 interesting did I bring anything valuable with me I didn’t right no okay mm the mob vote should make everybody equally angry to be honest it’s really dumb a God damn it oh I missed the second

Hit damn straight also sucks cuz brainless kids will just overvote useless mobs because it looks cool the actual useful ones get the void you’re godamn right you are 100% correct about that this is beautiful that magma slime is going to jump to his death okay we are looking

For nether fortress we don’t really want to be here for too long I would Sprint in here but the nether kind of destroys your food so I am going to actually take it slow ish and walk everywhere I have I have a decent chunk of food but I’ll blow through this super

Quickly everything damages you a lot in the nether these guys are hella valuable see if I can’t piss them off come here there you go they jump really far too they’re kind of scary how far they jump come on come on are you stuck let’s get him a little bit farther

Away from the lava I need your Magma Cream sir you are one of the more useful boys can you like back a little further away from from the lava they are really confused I don’t know why they’re not jumping but I’m okay with it be a little disappointed if I only

Got the one magma cream from this guy come on little buddy you can do it there we go okay I got one magma cream from a big one that’s kind of tough hi little guy okay oh terrifying jumps to be made in this area you are scary I feel like you can reach

Me this block is really cool and it’s really pretty but it’s not very useful this B salt also I love the radiation noises this area makes like ah instead of cave noises it’s Radiation that was a little closer than it needed to be I’m not going to lie to you okay you know I’m just not seeing another Fortress in this direction but this environment’s cool I’m also going to get way lost here I should have taken track of my coordinates that’s actually such a I’m

Going to go back because as much as I trust my navigational prowess this is the Nether and I actually get lost in the nether pretty frequently I’m not going to lie to you so there’s a lot of lava here this kind of a bad place to

Be not be stupid I’m not going to [ __ ] up this jump and kill myself did you take cords or will you get lost again you you said it at I already I already monologued you know you know I don’t know if I don’t know I don’t know

How long ago you said that to be honest but yeah yeah that’s that’s a really good point and I’m on the same [ __ ] page I don’t want to deal with this gas I would love to deal with you [ __ ] you’re so far away you’re so far away too that’s the annoying

Part yeah yeah yeah Soul Sand H Soul Sand no no no no no no no no no no so annoying wrot it down before you took a monologue Hey listen listen all right chat at1 53 okay so we’re actually just like right at 1010 which is kind of crazy1 and negative

Uh uh 15 right that’s what we’ll call this1 and -5 NE portal1 53 15 yep that’s the book and quill that’s the whole purpose of that thing so now if I die and lose that then we’re [ __ ] then we’re boned all right I feel like the gas aggro range is really

High I want to go I don’t know where the [ __ ] nearest Fortress Is and I don’t want to pick a random Direction just to [ __ ] be lost so this right here open air [ __ ] hate this we’re using Cobblestone here we are not bridging across without Cobblestone and we’re also making a [ __ ] guard

Rail I don’t care if it’s wasteful or what because I am not getting knocked off this [ __ ] Shenanigans there this this right here this saves lives these guard rails didn’t notice the book smart yeah it’s one of the that’s one of the main things I look for right away is get book

Okay yeah okay bro oh my God I Missed [ __ ] you you’re so far away Ur stop being so far away I cannot hit you you are 5 miles away [ __ ] GS I would bet if your finger slips off the sneak while making one of those bites but I’m broke too little M all right here’s the

Deal I have sneak on two buttons I have it on my mouse and I have it on my [ __ ] control on my keyboard as well so good luck with that that used up a lot of cobblestone actually to make that one bridge I did not expect to use so

Much bit no bueno I want these arrows back also piglins are kind of a good sign because piglins mean that Civilization is a foot hopefully Okay [ __ ] guy oh my God [ __ ] quick scoping you know the shield deflect should be uh a stat that you can increase like the amount that it returns hey these guys are terrifying they will [ __ ] you up and they will [ __ ] you up quick okay they don’t care about quartz

From what I remember but they care about gold if they see you mining gold they’ll just [ __ ] jump you and they can be aggressive he took some gold armor doesn’t work on whatever version no it works it’s just if I mine gold in front of these guys they will [ __ ] ratio

Me or like if I accidentally hit one of them it’s Jer they are [ __ ] aggressive and scary I have shields but these guys have axes which break Shield which by the way Shield is low sword is also a little low but that’s fine the sword can

Be low because I can scavenge tools and because ultimately the difference between stone stone and sword is is one extra crit um for a quick kill the real main difference is durability but we’ll be fine dude oh nether fortress nether fortress let’s [ __ ] go let’s go boys all right nether

Fortress nether fortress gaming that’s not too far that’s really good that it’s not too super far um getting there is going to be another story see like this gold right here like I could probably mine it but I’m a little worried I’ll piss off the piggies if I do so I’m not going

To the nether fortress is a huge find that’s also a what is that a mediumsized fortress that’s pretty good that’s pretty good not a big for uh Fortress but a medium Fortress I’ll take that it’s really close which is kind of what I care about be really careful here

Oh Soul Sand you hurt so bad Ur Soul Sand is the worst Shield should have access to enchantment to deflect arrows onto enemies they should have access to enchantments period I I’m not going to risk you you’re going to be annoying oh [ __ ] AR got him I knew it was low I

Didn’t know it was that low this is where it gets scary because getting hit once can mean death but Blaze spawner is right there and in the open so we’re kind of set this is a really good like it’s not very far which is super nice I’m very happy that it’s not

Far that sounds like wither skeleton noises yeah there we go okay hi are wither skeletons three tall they are right right so I can break this yeah I can we’re good that’s a lot of wither skeletons okay oh that might have been protecting me and I might not have known it

Um I guess gu we’ll find that out later won’t we consider making cobblestone generator don’t need one cobblestone generator is for like challenge runs where you’re like you have no resources let’s piss one of these guys off come here come here come here you can see me

Yeah there you go get this guy wounded dude your pathing sucks Wither Skull ear oh dude Wither Skull early huge the big thing I’m worried about is the blazes [ __ ] this is what I’m where’s the blaze that where is that Blaze is it that one no [ __ ] way dude you’re so

Joking these guys are the whole reason we need potions before we can [ __ ] come here H I’m low on HP no no no no no I’m going to die I’m going to burn to death yeah I got hit somehow uh do I die here no way come on regen HP regen HP regen

HP we’re good regen HP wither skeletons are three blocks thank you regen yeah fire damage is really [ __ ] strong oh come on bro you’re so Annoying okay that’s big Blaze Rod’s big that’s huge that’s part of the puzzle why you ignoring read chat I I have been reading chat I just didn’t see your message Man it’s not I’m not ignoring you I’m in the nether all right I’m I’m locked in I’m focused all

Right didn’t ignore you just didn’t see you another WEA skeleton there’s also a lot of delay on YouTube but how did I get hit there I what the [ __ ] dude where you from United States United States of America USA okay I need Nether wart more than I need anything else smithing

Armor that’s the thing you need now yeah I don’t remember how these work the smithing templates I really don’t do you need them to upgrade your stuff horse armor that’s cool for if I ever find a horse diamonds very nice don’t need the gold armor probably don’t need these these

Chests yeah but I’ll take him anyways okay what I really care about is getting getting Netherrack and getting the fresh we’re good Netherrack is gotten we can get the [ __ ] out of here now I would like more Magma Cream that’s what I really care about is magma cream I don’t need

This but I’ll take that you know more is more hi okay easy dude two for two on the blaze rods we’re so cooking I didn’t pick up the Nether wart from this chest chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill yes I did it’s in the other hot bar okay we’re

Good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good Nether wart super important that’s like the big thing that we’re here for more than anything else that’s what we’re here for really don’t need these um I don’t need the gold sword either but I’ll kind of hold on to it

Because it’s useful I don’t need this that I can just whatever I don’t really want balt but I do need it so I’m going to hold on to it I don’t need a second horse armor I want diamond horse armor hi server world this is world my world Magma Cream I [ __ ] up

Twice all right be a little bit more confident with the Wither skellies they have my shield durability for what I need it dude hell yeah with the diamond finds so many diamonds so many diamonds lot of gold swords they do less damage yeah four damage versus six yeah same as pickaxe

Any server uh no not right now I might make a Minecraft server trims are decorative for other kinds of upgrades oh my God he shoots random okay that’s really annoying there’s a Wither behind me there’s a Wither in front of me I’m so dead okay so annoying [ __ ] Blaze dude

Easy easy peasy wasn’t even scared a little bit I thought they made it so that you needed certain trims to upgrade your gear was that not a thing did they change did they is that not a thing yet cuz I thought you needed to get like an upgrade trim for your

Armor go mining and make full diamond upgrade I already have uh full diamond set but I’m not using it until I get netherite I only have one Magma Cream that’s the only reason I’m still here I want more magma creams I think I’m going to go back to that Basalt

Biome and I’m going to go get magma creams I’ve Got two blaze rods isn’t really enough cuz I need the blaze powder oh I only need two crit okay I need two crit and a regular for Withers yeah yeah yeah I have the Cosmetic one okay I need more Blaze kills AR I don’t really need Wither Skeleton

Kills they’re just kind of in my way so I’m getting them passively did I ever get I didn’t get any gas TI God this music’s so [ __ ] good oh nice Nether wart Farm very good I hear a blaze as well somewhere nearby he is really loud and really Close okay it’s actually good it opens up an inventory slot which I just spent on a stair block that I kind of don’t need but we’ll see I know there’s a blaze spawner over in that direction I’m kind of it’s over there no way this guy’s sniping at me like that

You maniac you’re not going to hit [ __ ] okay now he might hit me cuz I’m move in a pretty straight line now we’re good he no way homie’s following me cringe I hear the Wither oh my God he hits twice why [ __ ] what is that backpatch sword to

Lower pocket on the inventory uh I down I was testing and seeing what mods were compatible with my performance stuff typically I don’t actually like this inventory mod at all I really don’t um it sucks but it is compatible what I really want to use is a mod called Inventor [ __ ] I’m so dead I’m so dead it’s so over it’s so over it’s so over it’s so over it’s so over I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead Dude I hate blazes I really do I really do hate blazes all right well we know where to go I think I’m just going to grab food and book it I don’t think any of my stuff is going to have survived a bunch of it fell but I mean we’ll

See jump was kind of stupid no [ __ ] Sherlock just do that there’s more for the sake of just killing it quickly I didn’t see the Wither Skeleton otherwise I wouldn’t have jumped do I need anything n I’ll just take [ __ ] what am I doing portal here I hate fire damage fire damage is

Dumb Soul Sand is dumb too you you had bow though yeah but it wasn’t really about the kill I wanted the blaze rods that’s what I care about cuz I need more of the blaze powder for [ __ ] potions once you get fire resist it’s no big

Deal swear to God if this guy tags me again oh my God Soul Sand moment Soul Sand moment Soul Sand moment Soul Sand I hate Soul Sand I hate Soul Sand well we’ll see if anything’s still there where was it from here do you remember I don’t remember oh my God I am so [ __ ] slow I hate Soul Sand I hate Soul Sand I hate it all there we go all right ow ow bro oh my God there’s so much Soul Sand

Ah [ __ ] so dumb you know what the worst part is About Soul Sand too like the actual worst part about it is they [ __ ] added an enchantment to make it less dog [ __ ] like bruh why and the enchantment sucks too all right let’s try to get back to where

I was this is going to be a tight squeeze ow yep okay now where there it is y well some of my stuff dude the diamonds are gone my [ __ ] [ __ ] okay the rest of it down there I grabbed the pickaxe which means I can just go down actually I don’t think I

Lost anything to Lava I just need to go down that’s really lucky enchantment is just a half measure kind of I get what you’re saying I think the enchantment just [ __ ] sucks it takes your [ __ ] durability as well that’s the big issue I have with it is it [ __ ] takes durability from your

[ __ ] pants or from your feet so it’s like what’s the point of it Soul like [ __ ] uh the Water one is free you know like all the other ones are free every other enchantment is free just that one takes durability it’s so stupid like efficiency doesn’t take extra durability neither does looting or

Mending or like [ __ ] anything like why hello I probably lost something to the you’re [ __ ] you’re sniping at me from up there what kind of [ __ ] joke is that oh I lost my arrows that’s actually a big loss that’s a massive loss thankfully these guys have like dog [ __ ]

Accuracy I got that I need to put armor back on like yesterday chill for a second okay helmet I got what that I got the diamonds I got the blaze rods I got the Magma Cream the Nether wart no tell me the [ __ ] Nether wart isn’t gone

Dude that’s so [ __ ] ass I grabbed so much Nether wart I I grabbed like all of it are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] for real dude ah what dude I okay if I don’t find any more Nether wart in this Fortress I’m lowkey going to [ __ ] cheat some in or

Something cuz that actually I’m so butt hurt about that that’s crazy I’m so mad about that dude cuz I don’t want to have to go find an entirely brand new Fortress cuz I didn’t [ __ ] cuz I [ __ ] got unlucky with a [ __ ] wither skeleton that I couldn’t see that’s so

Upsetting dude [ __ ] Soul Sand needs to actually just stop being a piece of [ __ ] it’s not anywhere here no Nether wart at all bruh that’s so upsetting thank God I got my Cobblestone though [ __ ] unbelievable all right see if we can’t find some [ __ ] Nether wart now I

Did I get my Magma Cream I got my one Magma Cream equip the shield though it doesn’t matter against these [ __ ] Blaze enemies dude blaz enemies are so [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] fire damage [ __ ] dude I’m pretty sure I grabbed all of the [ __ ] Nether wart in this Fortress dude like I don’t actually

Think there’s any more available which [ __ ] blows if true okay oh we’re so good it’s so okay all right no cheated Nether wart for me but I’m okay with that to be honest with you I’m so okay with that I would rather have the [ __ ] Nether wart legit I really

Would okay Nether wart secured 34 of it which is a decent amount I’m okay with that I have to go [ __ ] find a new Fortress hey I still don’t have what do I have three blaze rods I lost my legs which sucks but I think I think I’m okay to dip for now

Now and come back to that Basalt area to get more magma Creams cuz I think I want the magma creams more at this point to get more fire Rose potions just ready and the basalt area has more magma spawns not the big I’m like we kept the diamonds did we really lose anything else that was super important we kept

The Wither skulls which is nice we can fight a Wither which is actually kind of chill all things Considered okay okay wow dude Dude what the [ __ ] where did he go why oh my God Blaze stand enemies are so Dumb okay okay okay oh okay yeah I need you to just stay there I don’t know why these guys freeze when I look at them but I’m I’m really happy about it you just you you chill you chill big guy you chill we’re friends right now

You just no no we’re friends right now stop it okay all right we’re good now we we can strap Again did I get any Magma Cream I got one yikes how many blaze rods four they have scuffed AI they’ve never fixed it yeah I know it’s really dumb The Blaze enemies have some of the [ __ ] most baffling Ai and I feel like they’ve

Left it for the sake of ah I don’t have torches that’s no bueno I can’t cut the spawner um H okay I can’t kill the spawner with the Torches so I think and I have coal do I have my wood I have wood I have sticks okay hold on I

Can make torches we’re good A bit risky here let’s go inside in case a gas comes around cuz I don’t want to get gas blasted let’s just make a few torches we can actually just go crazy with the Torches cuz it’s the same slot requirement no matter what and I’d rather lose

The I’d rather lose the coal slot uh okay do that this way really really sniping at me from [ __ ] 5 miles away okay bro Music’s so [ __ ] good okay okay I forget if you need four or if you only need one I think in bed rock you only need one but I think in Java you need four I know that there is a version of the game that only needs one torch and I’m pretty sure it’s

Bedrock [ __ ] a magma no it’s not it’s just lava do this what the [ __ ] what dude fire does so much damage okay no let’s not deal with that let’s just not deal with that I don’t have any arrows which is a big issue I can’t deal with that gas okay

Ow okay I don’t know why doing this didn’t make them not spawn I’m going to burn it okay that’s fine I know where I am this area is it’s on fire it’s a little bit safer question mark I don’t know music of the nether so good yeah

Think you only need one waterproof torch what the [ __ ] are you smoking okay try to avoid the Soul Sand a little bit more more but it’s going to be hard cuz the Soul Sand is everywhere dude fire damage is [ __ ] so dumb there’s so much Soul Sand

Everywhere all the time g i I hate the nether by the way I don’t know if I’ve ever told you guys I think that the nether rework made it [ __ ] infinitely worse I really do hate the nether rework I don’t know what the [ __ ] they were

Smoking I hate ancient debris I like I hate this [ __ ] place like the nether rework just [ __ ] made it so dumb okay I don’t know how I missed that but whatever get away uh here bro really dude really holy [ __ ] [ __ ] Aimbot skeleton GG it’s so over

Dude I’m going to not be able to Sprint really soon here because the skeleton tagged me yeah that’s no good skeleton tag is no good okay took fall damage there somehow whoa what which way did I go but it’s prettier now that’s such a cope that it’s prettier now

Like they could have made it pretty without making it [ __ ] god awful I’ll be honest it’s definitely better on Java than it is on Bedrock but the reason for that is really depressing on Bedrock if you’re play in the nether it’s literally just skeleton spawning hell because your [ __ ]

Simulation distance on Bedrock is like locked so because your simulation distance is locked there’s nowhere for the enemies to spawn I’m going to get hit by the skeleton and it might actually kill me me I’m not going to lie that’s God they’re blocking my path

That’s no point no I don’t think I can take a hit from them cuz I got tagged by the skeleton I don’t know if we can get our stuff back these guys are in the way um no I don’t think I can get my ah [ __ ]

I need I need to have some health could get there we’ll grab this I guess doesn’t matter all right we go again this time I’ll be able to take a a few more healths you need arwing to exploit you dude honestly my issue with the nether is just the [ __ ] abundance of Soul

Sand and the fact that the skeleton spawns were cranked through the roof like skel skon spawns are so insane in the nether like 90% of the [ __ ] enemies you deal with in this environment which slows you down which makes it harder for you to dodge

Them so it’s like it’s harder for you to dodge the [ __ ] skeletons because of the environment and there’s just so much of it it’s so frustrating it doesn’t feel [ __ ] fun to move through this area and it like mandates that you have a [ __ ] enchantment and that enchantment wears

On your durability so your shoes can just randomly break underneath you and you go back to moving like slow dirt it’s so awful like Soul Sand just feels awful the Soul Sand deserts are what make it feel so bad it’s not fun being in a desert of Soul

Sand I’m going to get tagged here oh maybe not okay you could risk it with a diamond set but it’s not worth it no it’s not worth it I’m not going to I don’t need the diamond set I just need the [ __ ] fire resistance that’s literally it I just

Keep sticking around cuz I’m like oh I can just grab a couple more things no just get fire resistance it’s so [ __ ] annoying it’s just just a mandatory like potion effect to have it’s just mandatory that’s it that’s literally it you just need fire resistance in order

To be in the Nether and also meat is typically better because your regen is faster but I didn’t want to bring meat I wanted to bring bread cuz I didn’t want to risk it but meat’s just better let’s see if this guy is still here hopefully not we got really unlucky with the

[ __ ] wither spawns just completely blocking our path last time this time it’s much better woo that was scary I almost [ __ ] that up all right all of my stuff there’s no way it despawned already huh dude how long ago did I die Huh how long ago did I Die dude all right despawn is five minutes rip bozo I’m Banning you from my server well that’s that world honestly that world’s just done now like that was all of the Nether wart all of the [ __ ] stuff that was everything the The Blaze P the blaze rods blaze powder

That was everything there’s no getting Nether wart unless I find another Fortress and there’s no way I’m getting another Fortress so that’s so that world’s done that world’s dead which sucks but I mean whatever I have cheat so I could spawn in some [ __ ] Nether wart but like at

That point like what are you even [ __ ] doing it for besides admittedly I kind of don’t care about this world because I I got invested into it for no reason this world was literally meant to be a test to see if the frame rate stuff was compatible with

That inventory mod now that I know that it is I want to see if I can’t get my other inventory mod that I really like so I’ll show you um I’ll show you guys really quickly game that I do like I know the despawn is 5 minutes by the way

Way I know I didn’t die 5 minutes ago is what I was freaking out about it didn’t feel like 5 minutes anyways let me show you the mods that I want to have for inventory management because I actually [ __ ] like these I love these inventory mods to the point where i’ I’d

Lowkey might play on the [ __ ] outdated version of the game for the express purpose of having the mods although I don’t know how the performance is going to hold up with uh Minecraft is already running we [ __ ] load it then good God slow ass loader YouTube timer show six plus

That’s so [ __ ] annoying it didn’t feel like five minutes that’s for sure it did not feel like five minutes let me show you the inventory mods that I want to use because I [ __ ] love this inventory mod to death so first off you’ll notice

Oh my sense is so low on this version o what was I doing not video settings controls Mouse settings 30 there we go it’s a little bit better so you’ll notice that I have a second offhand which is really cool I like this a lot the second offhand is really nice

This is nice and and it saves a lot but that’s not what I really care about what oh I’m in Creative why am I in Creative what the [ __ ] oh god dude no autofill moment there we go okay uh that’s really annoying that I just broke that

But this mod aside from having the extra offhand slot which is really useful uh it also has this going on for the inventory this is just an enchantment on the legs which gives me extra inventory space so you can see it’s just it’s attached to the the legs

Themselves which is why it’s so [ __ ] like why I gave it [ __ ] mending and protection and Unbreaking and [ __ ] like that’s why this is this is [ __ ] crazy for resource management but what I really care about is this little sidebar here also I just realized is it showing

For you guys actually I just realized it is it is it is it is okay okay so what I care about is this sidebar what this does is it changes what tool I’m using based on what I’m punching so I don’t ever have to left click anything ever so like so like so

The tree here it swaps to my axe immediately I don’t have to worry about it and then if I wanted to mine some ground there’s my shovel immediately I don’t have to worry about it where is this dirt there it is now aside from that um you can

Use was it h i don’t know if I have that one enabled there was another thing that lets you scroll through your hot bars really nicely uh so you can have different hot bars pre-loaded and it makes building way easier it’s kind of like uh creative where you have multiple

Hot bars in Creative you can do that it’s really nice the only other thing that I did is this is just a texture pack so glass texture looks different all this stuff looks different yada yada um but this world I actually care about oh this is the other one that I

Really care about so you see how I have all of my chests here if I press e for my inventory there’s tabs up here and if I click on these tabs it lets me go through all the chests that are within reach so I don’t have to [ __ ] go and click

On every single chest I can just go through my tabs here and because it shows you item frame pictures I can use the item frames to like see what chests beforehand so like this one is unlabeled and then this one’s like My TNT chest and

Stuff so I want to have these mods with my performance uh my frame rate increasing mods this is this is the world that I actually care about the other one was just a test to see if I could like uh if I you know how the frame rate

Enhancement mods work to see if they do they do work and that’s what I care about also my inventory became a mess it became a [ __ ] disaster so quickly but yeah this here this extra sideand this is so [ __ ] useful it’s so nice it’s so nice I remember I was [ __ ] cracked in

This world as well holy [ __ ] I was stacked up what the hell I was insane I was [ __ ] going crazy holy [ __ ] yeah I forgot this world is like loaded to the teeth cuz I was in the middle of grinding a bunch of [ __ ] oh yeah this is cool it puts a

Diamond Needle on the jukebox as well so that the Jukebox actually has like you know something to do with diamonds yeah these are the mods that I care about I could give a [ __ ] about that other world that one’s dead also you might be able to see I

Spent a lot more time making this house look really pretty too cuz I really cared about this house I really cared about this world I worked really hard on it my bees oh yeah look at the skin for the bees they have funny eyes have a bunch of honey blocks here as

Well I don’t know if I went To I feel like I did but I don’t remember if I went to the nether or not yet on this world I don’t think I did I think I just got a [ __ ] ton of good enchantments from fishing cuz I spent a lot of time in the

Ocean yeah I did I got all my good [ __ ] from fishing I hadn’t gone to the Nether on this save yet cuz I [ __ ] hate the nether I really do hate the nether if there was a way to skip going to the nether I really would

Like I only need to go there to get magma slimes and Blaze and that’s it I never need to go there again and honestly like I’m fine with that I really do hate the nether you missing some utility mods like the auto tree chop yes that was a thing I don’t I

That’s why I grabbed the the mods that I did for the performance mods uh CU I wanted to test the I wanted to test this one the performance one um since it doesn’t work with texture packs unfortunately I don’t get like my pretty tree leaves or my funny bees with the silly

Eyes but that’s okay I think small price to pay but I don’t know if inventoria is updated for 120 yet and I don’t know if the performance mod is updated for one or is backwards compatible with 119 I don’t even know what they did in

120 did they do anything oh this is also a nice thing about the texture pack it removes the blackout from the sides of the spy glass G but yeah that’s the that’s the Minecraft does this one still works on vium that’s what I’m going to find out

That’s what we let’s find that out right now because that one was running at 70fps so like the performance mods are super super [ __ ] important but let’s see if I can just pump invidium into that one because if I can that’s cool or better yet if I can take these inventory mods

And toss them into the other one so let’s really quickly open the folder for this update all mods worlds resources and your mod pack please note that this may break everything well let’s try it let’s update everything here I don’t need hot bar cycle so I think I’ll delete

It because hot bar cycle is kind of whatever and then let’s go to my other mod pack which is the FPS test one we’ll open the folder for this open folder there we go uh mods there we go we’re just going to take all of these mods and just stuff

Them into the other mod pack invent mods open folder mods let’s just stuff all of them and then hopefully that doesn’t break everything we’ll see I don’t know we’re going to find out how this game is made is a mystery if one mod can push from 70 to 200 FPS dude

If I wasn’t streaming it’s 500 FPS consistently consistently 500 FPS the like moyang and Microsoft [ __ ] blow they are not they suck they suck as a as game companies they really blow incompatible mod set okay here we go I think it’s because the version of the game

So yeah game crashed that’s fine that’s what I thought okay so with that being said let’s try oh well I don’t need this one I just need to be there doing that I don’t need that get rid of oh you know why because this one was

Made using Fabric and I need it to come from moang is owned by Microsoft they take two years to add a new useless mob that’s literally the issue that’s 110% the issue let’s go to FPS test we’re just going to [ __ ] delete this profile actually wait uh open folder did

I pull the mods from it ah [ __ ] I did son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] okay here’s what we do in this scenario open folder mods okay I need uh Bobby cloth 13 better F3 CLA fabric 120 fabric language falling tree inventory o inventory tabs invidium sodium fabric

120 take all of these God damn it Dad G it when did Minecraft begin its downfall Minecraft didn’t have a downfall it still doesn’t have a downfall it’s that they stopped giving a [ __ ] and they stopped updating it and they stopped caring and they stopped trying and they stopped adding things to

It the things that they add to it take so long sort by date modified here we go what what sort by why what huh oh it should be this one this one this one yeah it should be this move that I don’t know why it didn’t copy the mods

It moved them and that’s what caused the issue so I’m like [ __ ] trying to figure this out and fix it again uh this one I don’t think I need this I think that’s a duplicate that came over if I have to redo everything I have to redo everything mod menu was over

Here son of a [ __ ] this one’s better F3 Bobby cloth 120 fabric 120 Bing tree 120 inventory tabs was over here invidium sodium this is over here because this is sodium 120 there we go okay hopefully that that’s whatever but like honestly like it’s kind of shortsighted

To say that like oh Minecraft had a downfall oh Minecraft used to be good and now it’s bad uh you can always go back and play an older version of Minecraft and you can always go and like return to like a version of Minecraft that was that was better in your opinion inventor

Fabric inventory of fabric download here we go what is the latest version of this 12 121 is what we have so because it’s 120.1 what is this one is 120.4 is what I have FPS test on they don’t have inventor for 120.4 but that’s okay let’s do 120.1 120.1 this needs to be

Fabric FPS plus inventory I also I realize you guys probably don’t see anything do you what do you see right now you see literally nothing I will give you uh here here’s my face it’s not not very bright in my room because it’s 11 o’clock at night and I don’t have my

Lights on so whatever you guys can cope and deal with it try to not show you guys my [ __ ] boxers there you go it’s me you can do you can look at me while I do this okay so FPS plus inventor and then we will grab inventor for 120 download the

File give me the file give me the file download thank you inventory 120 yep and then we will also grab Our me this open this folder throw it here mods okay there’s that now from this one we should be able to just yoink Bobby falling tree Invidium the falling tree no but Bobby and invidium and the fabric API H let me just go to the [ __ ] video and grab his [ __ ] guy has the links and the iname measured efficiency of 66 is due to other inefficiencies what this clearly shows

Us is that the time to kill has a huge impact on overall F efficiency hey I just want to take [ __ ] noise in the background I like this video a lot but I don’t need it right now my channel playlists so this one has all the links to it Nvidia

Mod so invidium doesn’t need a compatibility check which is good which means Bobby doesn’t need one sodium sodium 55 cool okay so we’re good on that so I just need to grab these these don’t have uh version differential to worry about not mods FPS mods what FPS test oh there it is open

Folder all of these except for falling tree should be good which I mean we can try just tossing falling tree in there but I don’t think it’s going to work we can try oh God damn it copy paste there we go we can try and

See if it works I don’t think it will but we can try uh FPS plus inventor is here dude who thought you had boxers on your face is probably missing out he so is gamer he so is let’s see yeah I understand the [ __ ] risk of playing modded Minecraft

It’s so dangerous to play modded Minecraft guys don’t play modded Minecraft at 3:00 a.m. okay install fabric replace one three yeah okay so let’s see F3 no.0 this fabric should be good but falling tree I think no point0 try that I could get a a different version

Of falling tree I just want the game to load first oh Bobby requires 122 which frame is made to the peak kit design Etc Vault Vault has the most complete kit inventory requires fabric language cotlin which is missing okay that’s fine so [ __ ] can I not do inventor with

Bobby I also need to grab the uh fabric CL config API okay so that’s fabric okay there’s the tree Harvester One okay Bobby can uh Bobby can work on this one it just I just needed a different download of it so I’ve now changed Bobby to be the correct one this one can go yeah but unironically best uh best frame in the game everything wise is volt and

There is no competition there is no close second there is no anything it’s just Vault vault is just the best frame period there is a reason that vault is so popular and in every single meta like there is a reason for that and it’s because vault is just so [ __ ]

Like his design is literally fundamental like best design every single one of his abilities can be built around every single one of his abilities is useful every single one of his abilities is relevant they all matter they all have an influence on something they’ll have an impact on some

Aspect of the game whatever build it is you’re making he scales he scales really easily he scales really fast a base VT can like install fabric language cotlin any version this okay fabric API oh I grabbed the wrong wait how did I get the wrong fabric vers version what

The [ __ ] how did I do that how did I get the wrong fabric how did that happen open folder how do I have the wrong Fabric in here oh I have fabric 124 in here that doesn’t need to be here that’s the that’s the entire issue is 124 is just

In the folder but it wasn’t showing up it was just there okay everything else should be good now God [ __ ] G Minecraft watch as it still says something’s wrong okay apparently I’m just missing this apparently I’m just missing a thing from here I’m missing this

Okay okay I’m so goofy I guess I was missing a [ __ ] mod would you change anything about him IMO his passive got old his passive is really good his passive is really good there’s not a single thing about Vault I would change literally nothing like unironically there is nothing to change about vault

His passive is really good just so you’re aware his passive is really really good okay now I shouldn’t be missing anything we should be good to click this and why does it say that Minecraft is already running why I’m going to [ __ ] throw a temper tantrum I’m going to throw a temper

Tantrum and scream and fight that’s what’s going to happen I’m going to get angry you know what I should have done I should have done Auto ads okay it says Minecraft is already running but it’s not so I’m going to go here and I’m going to kill Minecraft really quickly

Maybe maybe not hold on we seem to be good we seem to be okay it is so dark in my room game crashed well of course the game crashed it’s got like three different instances running hold on we’ll go to we’ll go to game here um cuz the game should be coming up

Soon let me go to my [ __ ] process hacker which is a slightly better version of task manager find over overwolf and kill it okay there’s no instances of Minecraft or overwolf anymore face reveal face reveal already happened use Zoomer to be honest didn’t play him much but am I missing something

I don’t think flat 1K damage would make much a diff in high level fights here’s the thing about flat damage increases people think about them wrong so mesa’s first ability is a flat damage increase and it’s a flat damage number that comes after direct damage bonus however that damage is still Modified by

Your faction damage and your Elemental bonuses so that flat 1,000 in number is added to your base damage after say sertion so if I’ve got a weapon that deals 50 damage right 50 damage it doesn’t matter how much serration I add it like I can add a [ __ ] I can

Get chroma for a th% serration and then I will beat volts passive also it’s just not working the FPS mods and inventor are not working so why did you click on that so 1,000 flat damage doesn’t sound like a lot but it when you’re doing like a multiplication with a bunch of different

Mods and you’re doing like faction damage and you’re doing crit and you’re doing a bunch of other stuff that 1,000 damage is significant a lot of people don’t think about the multipliers that are at play volts passive is not crazy it’s not insane it’s not overpowered

But that 1,000 flat damage can be added to any weapon which is struggling with base damage and if you use his shield augment which makes it so that damage that is absorbed into the shield immediately goes into the passive you don’t even need to move around to get

Free 1,000 damage on pretty much every hit because it’s always going to be blocking damage so it’s always going to be full charged so you will always have maximum damage basically okay so the flat 1K damage is misleading cuz a lot like a lot of people think about that flat 1K damage

Completely wrong because they think that it happens after all mods and it happens after everything what are we talking about volt passive dude the game just doesn’t want to [ __ ] load why doesn’t it want to load what’s wrong with you why are you not working

What is this I think this might be doing it let’s try doing this killing this launcher and trying again we’re talking about volt I’ve been streaming for like six hours yeah I have okay it’s just telling me the game is crashing it’s not telling me why I’m going to try turning Bobby off

Whoa that’s kind of normal try doing it without Bobby game crashed okay uh uh that might be it to be honest uh that might be the stream just because I can’t get the mods to be compatible the way that I want them to play the Uncharted games great story

No exam got canceled so I’m enjoying keyboard and mouse input gameplay yeah you you guys are just watching that because I swapped it back over cuz I thought it would load but it just just doesn’t want to maybe if I okay let’s get rid of this one get rid of

This and let’s try with just that nothing else let’s do level cap in like two days I have some stuff that I have to redo that I’m a little bit like I don’t want to redo because I I was was really happy with the Run itself and I was

Really proud of how it looked and I was really like excited to show you guys this one and uh and I wasn’t recording like any of it so I kept pressing my record hotkey and it just didn’t matter okay that’s probably going to be it for the stream just because I

Can’t okay we’re going to take all of this terminate it we’re going to do one last thing which is just hard kill Minecraft and hard kill overwolf because good God overwolf is such a [ __ ] insane hog terminate all of overwolf damn good night yeah we’ll do

One more thing before we before I call it quits I [ __ ] hate overwolf dude it’s such bloat wear but like it’s kind of required for a bunch of stuff but it’s like man I do hate it one more Try yeah okay it crashed yep so there’s just some incompatibility here between something I don’t know what it is I really don’t catch crash log and search what’s not cooperating if you know PC Magic it’s supposed to just give me the crash log it’s supposed to just give it to me

So I can just check it myself and see what’s causing the crash however what it’s just saying is that the C the crash code is one and that’s it it’s not telling me why it’s not giving me compatibility issues it’s not giving me anything I bet if I turn off fabc

Language and inventor try this again and just load it with just Bobby and invidium it’ll be fine and it’ll load actually no okay so the issue is probably something else that I installed I’ll probably try again I don’t know probably off stream you guys probably see it but uh I’ll probably try again

Later and then if I get it working I will there we go there’s me if I get it working then I’ll I’ll do another stream I guess what I could do because I’m not really tired I don’t want to stop streaming because then I’m going to

Go make food do you guys want to see some Warframe simulacrum test Shenanigans just some funny stuff to do in the simu I can do that always down to throw up the simu and [ __ ] do silly stuff there oh nice yeah just for for a second game capture will be Warframe

Bunk there you go do that do that uh oh I don’t want you guys to see my password hold on disable my keyboard GG Warframe and Warframe do that there you go trying to do AOE armor strip with zenistar it’s not hard oh goodness what is more worth it to me I

Guess the booster I don’t know this is actually we we’ll call this the teaser of the loadout that I was going to run oh my God I can’t [ __ ] cursor not complete keyboard so you wouldn’t know it anyways it still shows characters over here they’re just not visible all the time

See I have a message in my inbox for what oh Barrow is here who cares I don’t care about Barrow all right this guy’s not going to survive hold on I need a tankier enemy get a couple shots farmed up just to get the head shot and to get the multi-shot oh my

God oh my God all right so that’s the build that’s the whole build that’s it although that one kind of sucked for some reason you hate priming I mean you don’t have to Prime with this one it’s just for the sake of making it charge this the bit

Faster okay I don’t know how that missed but okay I guess the void bubble disappeared or something oh my God I am a sham can’t land a [ __ ] head shot to save my life the issue is that if I wanted to here and charge this with the DQ you see

How slow it’s charging up at the top almost there now it’s at 100 what’s the bow DQ from what exactly are magic numbers appearing from so remember how we were talking about flat damage numbers mesa’s ballistic battery can be charged up to 20,000 damage so what I’ve got going on here in

This setup is uh high power strength build this actually doesn’t matter um uh and you’re better off using like fire rate or something for convenience so I’ll probably change this in the Run um only because it’s inconvenient to use what matters is this here so I’m going to run this down and explain

It every single one of the mods that you’re looking at except for these two are multiplicative to everything what I mean by that is this is a unique four times damage multiplier this increases your headshot multiplier by 75% and a headshot multiplier is completely unique from headshot damage which is three times

Damage so this is three times damage time 1.75 so so this is also a separate multiplier this is multiplicative to any serration bonuses I don’t think I have serration bonus because I don’t need it because M’s ability remember mesa’s ability doesn’t account for serration because it’s a flat damage increase so

The flat damage increase from that doesn’t care about serration so this is multiplicative to that this is a multiplicative mod which is 40% damage if the target is over 15 meters away um oh when my thing flies over it [ __ ] with the mods this is crit damage

This is crit damage and crit chance this is a faction damage mod which is multiplicative to everything so my damage is multiplied by four multiplied by three because it’s a head shot multiplied by 1.75 multiplied by 1.9 multiplied by 1.4 multiplied by 9.7 which is then multiplied by three

Because that’s my crit tier because I’ve got the crit chance plus the crit chance from the augment multi multiplied by 1.55 all of that is then going into zada’s whisper which is another 104% extra hit and this number here is 20,000 so 20,100 plus the 700 base for this weapon

This weapon’s like 700 base damage yeah 00 Time 4 * 3 * 1.75 * 1.9 * 1.4 * 9.7 * 1.55 remember using ballistic battery with the Magnus mhm it’s very good now the important thing is that this headshot multiplier is different from what you might think it is so if I

Were to equip dead head which is also a headshot multiplier this 30% bonus to head shot down here this 30% headshot multiplier is additive to this bonus so if I were to use both of these it would be 105% extra damage on head shots and also three times damage so it

Would be three times damage on the direct shot and then another 2.05 times damage on the head shot how high can this build go this is the build that I took to level cap and this is the build that I was going to get footage for that

I was really excited to show you guys that I [ __ ] up because I didn’t record I didn’t record any of it and I was really excited to show you guys because this build is really awesome and it’s very good at level cap now now what I’m doing to make it really

Really broken is I don’t have an armor strip on this setup I don’t have any way to remove armor the way you can remove armor is you can use the vastel loock to strip armor with the pellets per shot right because you’ve got this set up

Here so what I can do is I can go over to this enemy and I can just [ __ ] D and you see his armor going down and now he’s at Red HP CU his Armor’s gone you can do that to remove armor or you can use green archon shards

Instead of all these strength shards all of these strength shards are really unnecessary for this particular build I just want this number to be as high as possible this is a 400% strength build you can do this with 300 I just want this to be really high

So you can use your archon shards for corrosion or you can even drop zada’s whisper and even though you lose damage because you gain the armor strip it’s really the same my way of getting around armor strip is not to use any of those though and is instead to use something really

Really silly because it’s so extra and it doesn’t make sense and it’s Goofy and it is instead to use heaten herit Now heaten herit is really good and heat and her’s really silly but one of the things about heat and herit is that you need to get a heat proc the

Thing about the DQ is that it has a really good base status chance and you can just throw a couple extra shots in there and you’re very likely when you have a high enough multi-shot like we have here to just get a [ __ ] heat proc let me grab some EXO

Boys here and show you if I get some head shot going and just kind of farm these up you can see I get a lot of Slash procs there’s a heat proc there get some more multi-shot going and you can see like okay now we’re at four multishot and now pretty

Much everything has a heat proc on it now we’re at five multishot these guys are all going to die that’s a heat proc that’s a heat proc that’s two Heat procs that’s a heat proc heat proc heat proc so even though I don’t have a 100% status chance like that one

Didn’t proc heat but it’s like it’s pretty close to guaranteed and so when we put heat in herit into the mix right uh this guy here and I’ve got a really strong do I forgot to shoot that guy in the head there we go that guy in the head it gets really

Silly and you can see even without using Ma’s ability and even without giving ourselves any serration at all we’re getting hundreds of thousands of damage on fully armored enemies these guys are not getting stripped aside from the one rare corrosion proc that’s happening and These Guys these guys aren’t even dying to the

DOT this guy’s just going to evaporate so this build is really silly um and it’s really really strong and it’s really overtuned you could just throw an armor strip on instead and instead of using heat inherit for the setup you would then do uh cold damage mod the primed cryo rounds here instead

Because then you would get more Elemental bonus because this is 165 instead of 90 so instead of doing heat inherit you would do this cold mod for 2.65 times damage instead of 1.9 which is more by a lot and then you would do a rapid primer uh something like the

Grotas here for this is corrosive cold setup and this just lets you how does heat and herit work okay put really simply put really really simply I have a tutorial for this in my Discord server although I don’t remember if you’re old enough to join or not so

I’ll make this really simple let’s grab my Silva and agus Silva and agus which is this one and then Isis all right really really simple stuff here it seems more complicated than it is so not talking about Elementals but does order of mods matter I feel like you

Switch positions to multipliers yield a different result no order of multipliers doesn’t matter order of mods is just for order of mods is just for Elementals and then for companions so for companions they have things called precepts so the order of mods matters for precepts so this sacrifice mod here if I

Moved this sacrifice mod uh let’s do this one see how Fatal Attraction is here and sacrifice is here if I moved these two then he would never revive me because he would use Fatal Attraction first and then he would go to revive me and this breaks the

AI uh and the Fatal Attraction just lasts longer than the revive so I would just die so order of mods matters for precept mods because the first one in order is the first one that it wants to do like it wants to do this first before anything else any nothing else comes

Before doing the first thing and then after that this comes and then after that this and then after that this so this can get really annoying with things like these right where I’ve got like an attack one and then if I change this to be Fatal Attraction uh right here then what will

Happen is he will only ever attack enemies and he will never actually use Fatal Attraction because this is in front of it so it’s really important that you make sure your precept mods are in order and then other than that your Elemental mods need to be in order everything else doesn’t

Matter so to explain heat and herit before we get sidetracked again the way heat and herit works is when I shoot a Target right and I do damage to the Target and I get a heat proc on it the way it calculates your damage for your heat proc for your heat

Dot you see how much damage this guy’s taking 8,000 that’s the heat proc and if I just load it up a bit more goes up to 9,000 and a little bit more goes up to 24 18 12,000 11,000 there we go that’s cuz viral procs and whatnot yeah the reason that’s happening

And the reason he’s taking so much damage from that heat proc is because of all of these mods here so when you deal heat damage there are three things that scale it that’s your direct damage bonuses so that’s going to be your serration bonus your galvanized shot

Bonus your direct stuff yeah it’s going to be your heat mods which is what I have here I have a lot of heat mods and then it’s also going to be your faction mods your faction damage bonuses faction damage is super important because faction damage double dips so right here

I’ve got 1.55 and 1 84 uh 55 and 84 is uh what 139 so I’ve got 239 per or yeah two sorry 2.39 times damage multiplier on my Isis on my on my faction damage bonus yeah that will Al that will be double dipped that will be squared so that 2.39

2.39 squared because it double dips is now a 5.7 times damage multiplier so when I shoot an enemy for a heat proc if I’m shooting a grineer unit they will take 5.7 times the damage from the heat proc they will also take 165 60 and 161.5 all those put together they

Will take that times the damage as well and then they will also take all of your direct bonus like your serration your crit anything anything else that’s like an external multiplier like Eclipse will be accounted for all of that good stuff yeah the way heat inherit works is it

Takes the last part of the damage calculation which is the plus heat damage and the plus faction damage and it applies it to the all following heat procs so you might be losing me so I’m going to make it really simple I think these have different colors these have different colors okay

So uh do I have a demo I have this but this is really strong and it’ll kill them it’s fine you’ll be fine I think I think you’ll be able to keep up let’s grab I don’t want either these actually I don’t want any of these let’s grab a single enemy with

Overguard as well bombard exus okay so when I hit this guy with my sword and I get a heat proc it’s a pinkish purple heat proc you can barely see it because this eximus is pinkish purple and it kind of [ __ ] with your color perception but when I get a heat proc

There it is it’s that pinkish purplish heat proc sort of sort of let me finish let me finish explanation when I shoot this guy it’s blue blue instead of pink right notice though that if I start smacking this guy and I put more heat procs on

Him okay well I [ __ ] didn’t do it quick enough also I’m going to run into issues because I don’t have a naked config I’m just going to make my life really easy uh Speed just going to make my life easier because it’s really hard to demo this speed speed I feel like there’s another mod there is where’s quickening where the [ __ ] is quickening dude de e [ __ ] D Fest chance nice thing is we don’t need to worry about these because these don’t

Actually affect our damage at all we’ll just grab that we’ll grab [ __ ] melee prowess 93% uh I think that’s good to be honest I don’t think you need more but we yeah we’ll just leave it at 93 okay try this again kill this guy respawn it maybe

We’ll get a different color so it’s easier to see is it the same [ __ ] color no it’s not as Arctic xmus okay so I hit this guy purple right purple heat damage 319 that’s what we would expect to see is 319 heat damage uh because of math and whatnot I

I should have explained that before how the math works but it’s fine it’s whatever I shoot this guy and I’m dealing 7K heat damage one of those ticks is from toxin but the 7K 7.6 that’s the heat damage right notice that if I shoot this guy

Once and we get a big number our other number was 318 so when we hit this guy we should expect 318 damage increase but instead we go from 4,000 to 6,000 and if I hit him again from 6,000 to 10,000 so it’s going up by a lot more

And the reason it’s going up by a lot more is because these heat mods these heat mods and these faction mods are being applied to my DPS weapon or my other weapon the reason this happens is because when you hit an enemy with a heat proc you can scale the heat forever because

It inherits all the properties of the previous procs and the Damage scales up linearly so notice how the heat damage number is continuing to climb and we are now at 100 200 heat procs up at the top there and it just keeps going that’s because heat damage increases

Linearly because the the the heat procs increase the damage linearly let me let me do another example here’s the IGN ignis with just pure heat build I’m pretty sure I have one here it is just pure heat ignis nothing else on it if I shoot at

This guy this is radiation I lied I so lied but if it takes the properties of last Croc shouldn’t it scale exponentially that is why here we go this is better it takes the properties of the last proc so it still scales linearly but now it scales linearly on a higher multiplier

So here’s this damage right notice how whenever you apply a heat proc uh like four different things are happening it’s converting your damage into a DOT it’s stripping some of their armor every new heat proc the third thing every new heat proc will re refresh the duration of all previous

Procs and it will also the fourth thing inherit the properties of the very first heat proc notice how as long as I’m shooting at this guy none of my heat procs are ever going to expire and they’re never going to disappear and the damage of the heat procs is going to

Continue to climb because instead of doing individual heat damage numbers the damage is Consolidated into one damage instance so you can see here instead of of doing 538 small heat procs I’ve got one heat proc for 787 so even though I’ve got 650 numbers on here it’s

Only one number it’s One Singular heat proc so the way heat and herit works is because it’s just one number it’s One Singular number if I hit this guy with a primer that has a bigger heat number initially all of my new heat proc numbers are going to scale using that other

Multiplier and look at how much more damage I’m dealing because the heat is scaling so high now that he’s got armor it’s a little bit he’s a little bit tankier he’s taking a little bit more but you can still see in his health bar how much like faster it’s

Decreasing the heat proc is SK scaling it’s still scaling linearly the damage is still scaling linearly but now it’s scaling faster because that linear scaler is Multiplied and you can see with 500 procs now we’ve got 8,000 damage whereas before with 500 procs we had like 300

Damage it’s so weird to Prime after you attack yeah you don’t Prime after you attack you prime beforehand that’s why it’s called a primer so for your primer weapon for your primer the only thing you actually care about for heat inherit is heat damage and faction damage that’s it

Those are the only numbers that matter to you everything else everything else is for convenience I mean like heat priming I don’t know what you mean then I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about you prime the enemy and then you attack them you don’t you don’t the

Primer is that’s the point of priming something it happens before damn but so here right heat damage faction damage heat damage heat damage faction damage all of these mods another way to think about it and this might make it easier in your brain all of these

Mods are attached to the very first heat proc that’s the easy way to think about it all of your heat damage and your faction damage are applied to the very first heat proc so because they’re applied to the very first heat proc what that means is that when you shoot this

Guy this Dam this gun now has all four of those mods on top of it basically it has those mods as well now when we calculate the damage for this let me pull up the calculator like let me actually pull up the calculator that I made physically this will make

Things really easy I think let’s go to Desmos and let’s change the screen to show browser internet uh Desmos okay sorry if this flashbanged you you you’ll live though Desmos I just accidentally flashed my email GG it’s over graphing calculator here we go Kon her calculator

2.0 let me get my chat up as well so that you can see so let’s do we’ll turn the graph paper on graph paper on there we go oh I guess it doesn’t matter so this is your damage calculation yeah this is how heat and herit calculates your damage right

Here it takes your base damage your direct damage and your faction damage that’s on that weapon so your DPS weapon this is your DPS weapon right here is these red parentheses this is your DPS weapon so it takes half of that damage 0.5 and then it multiplies it by your heat

Mods and your faction mods but the heat mods and faction mods are coming from your heat primer that’s the difference and that’s what heat inherit is here’s your damage on your weapon here’s your heat primer this is the math and then you’ve obviously got things like your

Crit your viral if you have eclipse or whatever if you would Prime with the ignis the primer wouldn’t inherit the scale from it or override it it would inherit from the first tick so if you shot the ignis first and then use the tyus the scaling would be backwards

Actually I can show you that um let me go back to the other source go back to Warframe go back Warframe here we go so I can show you that so this guy has no overguard so we’ll grab his overguard so here’s leech eximus right

If I shoot him and I get him a heat proc there I shoot him with the tyus now the damage number will still be bigger from the tyus but the heat proc is now substantially smaller and you can see it’s still like a thousand damage and whatnot and that’s just because this has

Faction damage on it it has more mods on it it has viral priming and corrosive and all that stuff so it’s increasing the damage but you can see that instead of us getting more damage per tick we’re getting a smaller number by a lot by a large number

So you want the first proc that you do to have as much faction bonus and as much heat bonus on it as possible that’s crazy I’m going to dream about this good night see you tomorrow I guess he he yeah see you later mens see you later good luck GG’s have

Fun take care I hope I hope you learned something with heat and her GG it’s not really that complicated it just seems complicated cuz it’s kind of hard to explain like in practice and in actuality what’s happening is really simple the heat damage calculation looks like this the heat damage calculation looks

Like this these mods come from your DPS weapon these mods come from your primer weapon that’s it it’s really simple but in practice explaining this is kind of hard oh I also have status d in here CU I’m really silly you can see like here’s viral by the

Way here’s your base damage here’s your direct here’s your D if you have crits and whatnot I made this calculator so people could use it long story short linear still go up but the increase be smaller which one do you have to shoot first the primer weapon primer weapon goes first that’s

What priming means priming means you’re getting it ready for the next thing to happen that’s the point of having a primer weapon is the primer goes first primer primer primer primer first last thing I swear I’m going to die afterwards laau I can show you what

This looks like uh so here I’ll show you uh x equals y times this uh y over this over Y where is this line there it is technically this should be y over oh my God it just won’t go over I’m not going to [ __ ] figure it

Out never mind lied I’m not going to [ __ ] show you GG do you have a PhD in math or is it just hobbying this is just hobbying just this is just my hobby my guy [ __ ] PhD and Mathematics do you know how much smarter those people are

Than I am here let me show you something let me let me show you something this is my math right this is what I do and like my most advanced calculators like my prettiest calculators will look like this right like this will be like my most like tedious calculators with as much math

And as much numbers going on as possible this is my like big brain stuff right this is what I this is what I make let me do graph paper off graph paper there we go off there we go this is my math and you can see it’s

Kind of advanced right it looks Advanced at least there’s like some stuff going on in here there’s a lot of stuff going on in here it looks scary but in reality this is really really simple algebra this is just algebra that’s it it looks scary

And you look at this you’re like oh my God this is insane this guy’s crazy at math it’s not it’s really not it’s really really not this is so so simple so so so so so simple here it is this this is simple stuff simple simple simple stuff this is

Algebra let me show you what some people who are really [ __ ] good at math and really smart can do this looks really silly just out the gate you’re just like oh this is just a bunch of numbers and oh I’ve seen cosign before that seems really scary and yeah

This is [ __ ] horrifying but do you want to know what this [ __ ] made do you want to know what this person made they made a working functional clock in a calculator this is a clock it works completely 100% it works it’s a little slow right now it’s really struggling uh

Because I’ve got a game open and I’m streaming and I’ve got a bunch of other [ __ ] going on so it’s it’s slow and it’s it’s chugging really badly but I promise you this works and it’s also like correct like TimeWise like it is 100% accurate in everything is this not [ __ ]

Insane this is insane this is what insane people do my math is nothing compared to this this is insane I can’t even tell you how to read this I can’t even tell you how to [ __ ] read this yeah I can’t even tell you how to begin looking at

It this is what like my rough draft for math looks like this is like what I do like when I’m rough estimating and when I’m doing testing and stuff I take notes like this and then like my most advanced calculators will get to be like this because my my objective is to make

This really simple for you guys to follow up with and to follow along with and to keep up with so even though this looks really really scary and it looks like there’s a bunch of numbers going on especially this [ __ ] right here this is the dumbest [ __ ] thing do you want to

Know what this number is you want to know why this doesn’t matter at all this number is just 10 like 7331 this number doesn’t need to be this shape this is just [ __ ] that de threw into their code because they thought it was funny this is just

10.33 7 or 10.7 331 it’s not really [ __ ] stupid like that it’s like an arbitrary number that they just grabbed and they just [ __ ] did it because they thought it was funny and I mean that this number could easily be 10 and nobody would notice the curve would not feel any

Different it really wouldn’t this is [ __ ] ridiculous that de threw this in here it’s just arbitrary it’s just for Funnies and this is what my calculators look like I do them so that you guys can read them here’s a good one this is how bad melee retaliation is melee retaliation

The mod is a joke it is a joke you need or the Arcane excuse me you need so much Shields and you need so much [ __ ] investment and it’s not even based on your max Shields it’s based on your current Shields so if you take any damage or lose Shields it’s j you

Literally need to be hildren Prime in order to use this and you still need a mod because of how much Shield requirement you need it is so stupid it is so blatantly dumb if you have t forged archon shards right to forged archon shards on hildon you still need over oh you don’t

Need overshields okay on hildon Prime you don’t need overshields on regular hildren you do because regular hildon is less than this yeah this is a base of 1680 I’m pretty sure that’s regular hron I don’t know actually it’s [ __ ] stupid the scaling on this thing sucks God I [ __ ] hate this thing so

Much I hate the I hate melee retaliation it’s so bad it’s [ __ ] awful what is this one I forget oh yeah this is the [ __ ] yeah this is the uh Co calculation mess you can see how much of a [ __ ] mess this turns into really quickly because there’s Co reduced

Shenanigans and there’s effective and blah blah blah blah blah oh God I had to work so hard on getting these [ __ ] looking uh oh this is so much pain just remembering this oh yeah where it hides behind the cursor and where she goes like waku waku yeah there’s another one that you can’t

See whenever I do um like a screenshot of something and I get the Precision cursor you know how the Precision cursor’s little cross sign if I do that it’s her eating a piece of bread what’s wrong with retaliations it’s 2,800 Shields no it’s like 4,000 it’s like 4,000 Shields gamble it’s

Awful retaliation’s really bad it’s like it’s like 3,000 Shields it’s like horrifically bad where is it oh I have archon shards that’s why I was like what the [ __ ] bonus is half for overshields yeah yeah it’s 2200 base like 2200 Blue Shield like regular shield and Max overshields in order to

Get it it’s bad it’s 3,000 Shield total with overshield or 3,400 or whatever the [ __ ] this is 3,4 probably 20 is what that number is that golden number I could probably find more precisely by having a smaller Base number 420 here we go and then oh 16 14 oh it’s

3,400 3,400 so yeah 2,200 Shields and Max over Shields which is insane because that is so much [ __ ] investment for nothing this thing sucks oh yeah I have it all written down here minimum base shield required with all three Shield mods is 531 so even if you have three Shield

Mods equipped and Max overshields you still have to have a base of 531 or else you don’t get the bonus yeah and if you want to do it with no overshields it’s 675 this doesn’t have primed Vigor in it which is why I say all three there’s

Actually more Shield mods but this is primed redirection boreales and augur is with these three Shield mods if you also did primed Vigor uh you could probably do it a little bit lower but I mean this these numbers are still ridiculous for base numbers you need 117% shields on Haro in

Order to use this at max level because he has a higher overshield cap he’s the only frame that can get away with that you need at least yeah 786 base it’s basically just hildren butaro at least no it’s hildren and Revenant and that’s it hildren Revenant and horo needs

Primed redirection you literally if you want to use this with a single mod you need primed redirection and even then your base shield has to be 786 or higher yes this is also a thing here I I wrote this down this bonus is not un likee condition overload it’s not a

Multiplicative bonus meaning that getting the maximum benefit from this bonus is the equivalent of stacking five statuses with condition overload plus 20% which can be done in under a second there was a guy buying a Rak the dark dagger Riven for 10K to 30k when the Arcane came out

Get that man some [ __ ] help get him some help right now no way Nev is calculating Minecraft I was playing Minecraft you guys missed it I got butt hurt and very heartbroken because I lost all my stuff in the nether because I [ __ ] got actually like completely scammed by uh by Blaze

Damage you got any sheet for her or this one applies to you just take the overshield and slide it over to 24 cuz that’s haro’s cap regular overshield cap is 1,200 which is this number Haro is 24 because of his passive which is this 2400 so this just works for

That you were lurking while I was talking about animes while killing an Enderman yeah that Enderman jump scared the [ __ ] out of me that was a funny moment I want to do different mods but they don’t seem compatible right now I’m going to do some more work to try and get them to

Work off stream that it was so awful yeah no matter how you split it melee retaliation is a [ __ ] awful Arcane it’s genuinely bad there like if you grabbed every single Shield MOD right every Shield MOD and to forged arcanes you still need a base shield of what is this number

220 there’s a lot of frames that have 220 base Shields I think that is actually the lowest but think about this investment five tow forged archon shards and having overshields if you don’t have your overshields up then you Need 340 342 341 I wish I could increment this with like my keyboard it’d be really nice does most modders in the community please let me put arrow keys in the slider so that I can just go by one tick or like make it a a [ __ ] bracket or something please I beg

You let’s see 341 342 you need 342 Shields with five archon shards and four mods all at Max rank that’s primed redirection primed Vigor that’s two primed mods primed redirection and primed Vigor and augur Accord and boreales in order to use this you feel like a lot of people that

Worried SL understood the math left they did stupid question but do procs cover over other procs like would Max viral help with heat damage that’s how the procs work make it great again you know Lal so here I’ll show you what that I’ll show you what that looks like here here here stream

Okay so let’s say I’ve got enemy here right let’s say I don’t have any other status on this on this uh tyus yeah nothing else on this tyus just heat damage and this has corrosive but it’s okay CU we’re going to be shooting overguard over guard’s not affected so our heat proc is

256 2566 we do all this damage right and we get this guy loaded up 69,000 damage damage very based very very good armor reduces that to 258 if I load this guy up with corrosive procs here 15,000 damage because I’ve stripped a giant chunk of his

Armor and as you can see if I apply a couple more heat procs the damage goes all the way down to 4,000 if I did viral same thing applies where virals bonus that gives viral virals bonus this gives 4.25 times damage on uh encumber 4.25 times damage is the

Number for viral right when it’s at Max Stacks kill this guy again some another one so you see I’ve got viral in this guy if I give him a couple heat procs you can just see how much more damage he takes 51,000 because it’s overguard and then again we’ve got 1,000

Here if I load this guy up with statuses and get him all tapped out he’s at 53,000 is his number and he’ll probably die from this yep he did so your other procs do matter if you’re asking if they go into the heat damage like the heat tick damage like

These mods don’t count for the heat tick damage it’s just these ones because heat damage heat damage faction faction and heat damage these ones don’t go into the heat tick these ones do I want to reveal this one but I’m not sure I’m not sure if I want to reveal it

Actually because it’s so silly it’s such a silly setup like I’m so tempted to not reveal this one but I think it’s fine because there’s only like four people in the Stream and two of you already know about this build you guys want to see a really funny build

I want to see you guys in chat tell me if you want to see a really funny build yes gamble you want to see the funny build all right you can’t tell anybody okay cuz this is very strong but I’m going to kill this bombard with one

Bullet all right just one One Singular bullet okay no no nothing else just one bullet see it only took one ammo that was one bullet there’s one bullet that one I [ __ ] up cuz I missed the head shot because it was weird one [Laughter] bullet

H I love this setup it’s so silly it’s really [ __ ] strong too actually really strong I was going to do a run with this one you guys can’t tell anybody you guys can’t tell anybody what you saw here today such a goofy [ __ ] setup I love it so much it’s so

Dumb sarin is so [ __ ] strong dude these shards are broken I love these shards this would actually be a great way to Showcase these shards he it’s so goofy one of my favorite loadouts actually to be honest this is this is like one of my favorit it’s like a guilty

Pleasure he de from the weight of the bullets slowing him down and not the damage died in a couple business days he’s drowning well that’s why it’s the sron rifle that’s why it drowns him that’s such a goofy ass build I’m so excited to run this one sometimes the headshot attractor

Does not work yeah really weird it’s so good like how do you say say no to this you know how do you how do you look somebody in the eye and tell them no this build sucks like how could you ever how could you ever this is so fun it’s so

Goofy definitely a favorite of mine maybe I’ll do that video next I need to do the dieq one I’m so mad at myself for not recording that but all right I’ve been streaming for seven hours and it is is 1220 I need food I’m going to go make myself some

Food guys we had fun we played Minecraft we taught how to heat in herit we taught the math we we beat uh uh the allegations we beat the everything yeah yeah yeah we we yeah and then we totally didn’t die in the Nether and we actually beat the

Ender Dragon this stream guys it’s so crazy I hate the [ __ ] nether in Minecraft I hate the nether at Minecraft all right goodbye guys have have good have good time have a good day uh it up you know what I mean you know you know what I’m saying

Goodbye oh wait wa wait before I go before I go before I go I need to do the the the end stream screen because that’s the screen right cuz we like the screen the one shot under dragon with Bronco yeah yeah yeah it was real guys

It was real we use the Zenith to break all the end crystals and and go through the fight really quickly all right there we go turn the music up a little bit all right goodbye stream E

This video, titled ‘Becoming a Minecraft youtuber for profit’, was uploaded by Nev on 2024-01-27 08:51:32. It has garnered 207 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 07:10:22 or 25822 seconds.

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    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • Day 2: Pillar Chaos – 1K Days in Better Minecraft

    Day 2: Pillar Chaos - 1K Days in Better Minecraft Day 2 – Mixed Pillars Galore – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with our dedicated player as they craft their way through 1,000 days of adventure. On Day 2, our builder focuses on creating stunning pillars to enhance their virtual abode. Materials Used: Echo Log Maple Log Acacia Log Purple Terracotta Bricks Purple Terracotta With a mix of logs and terracotta, our player is set to transform their house into a masterpiece. The choice of materials adds depth and character to the structure, making it stand out in… Read More

  • 100 Minecraft Builds Blitz

    100 Minecraft Builds Blitz 100 Minecraft Builds in 100 Minutes Embark on a whirlwind adventure through the world of Minecraft as Minecrafter Joe takes on the challenge of creating 100 unique builds in just 100 minutes. From whimsical structures to functional Redstone contraptions, each square tells a story of creativity and determination. A Creative Odyssey As the clock starts ticking, Minecrafter Joe dives headfirst into the challenge. The journey begins with a copper goblet and swiftly transitions to a peaceful forest, an archery range, and a mini ancient city. Each build unfolds with its own quirks and surprises, from failed bed traps to… Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – ► Instagram – ► Twitter – 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – Music by Kevin MacLeod (… Music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: Join the Classic Discord Server: Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: Discord: Twitch: —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮 —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More