New EPIC Garden Build! Watch Now! – NordBerg Minecraft

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time for another trip see what I did there another trip another trip we now you got us throw a fit oh yeah oh yeah throwing a fit to save the world I think if we do the Hamachi Nord host it and we copy his Hamachi ipv4 address and put it in our [ __ ] to connect to it’ll work and then we have per Nordy servy that won’t go a wordy and the hell do I have a stone sword for for stoning for getting stoned see I see what you did there all right let’s go oh what the hell his blade on it says what’s essential is that so how is have you been in the oh oh oh oh I guess if we okay I guess I would rather want to get it done sooner than rather than later if we were going to do it so that way we don’t have to like give up later you know what I mean um all right what do I do and then I have full control over the mods we choose uh mod you launch with and you start the game with all right and I don’t I didn’t mean for that to sound like you guys aren’t going to have any say but it’s just mainly like no that’s exactly what you I don’t give a [ __ ] I just want play something that’s not going to disappear that’s kind of where I’m at I won’t lie cuz I want to keep playing Minecraft but like if I’ll be PC cuz like have someone run it whenever they play it appears to be 20 Gigabytes come here from what I’ve seen on the backup side come here and look at my garden look at how beautiful my garden right now I don’t even know where you are I’m down here in the tunnel or what’s left of the tunnels oh you could but yeah you can go through the mod list and remove whatever you wanted or add whatever you wanted and then just start a game and then open the land and then I’m still in the chest down there that’s pretty cool nice Grant experience to your lowest skill ignore skills below oh I’m taking that yeah I just mainly want more bioms like I I feel like the biomes they’re cool but there isn’t enough chaotic and I’m not coun dimensions that’s a nice Garden yeah we got we got grapes we got [ __ ] beatroots we got you might want to jump on water I forgot that I do fire damage I wish I could done but it says it uses seeds but I yo what seeds yeah it’s a it’s a plant gun I love being able to climb up walls dude it’s really cool corn I got corn I totally thought you said something else bro where can I put this mask at medium skill C Crystal how do I do how do I use the crystal I don’t know get this trash out of here lot man there I’ve sent over the complete instructions for the process there’s so much stuff over here [Music] we want to go try to get this blazeck [Music] [Laughter] oh what I’m in here I’m in here like swimwear um radiation yummy all right so where the hell are they oh I did it I I shot seed sounds so weird whoa something sounded like it blew up oh what the hell is that thing [Music] what did I just hear what was that that’s I want that big ass snake boy to go [Music] away um there’s that Magma Cube I don’t need a Magma Cube I need to find a damn [Music] Blaze I really love these boots dude yo what’s good zero welcome welcome to the stream oh what just happened the Cutie is back I appreciate that bro I appreciate that uh I’m lagging yo there’s a frog in the lava what the hell frog you bastard ow oh please tell me that’s a blaze right there what is this right here what is this just a random block never [Music] mind you remember which way we went to get to the blazes or uh was it south I mean hold on let me let me come in there and then you just TP to me yeah but I’m not actually a fox [Music] hound I don’t feel like this is the right way hey should I get the shirt that says milk I mean [ __ ] I mean there was one time that I saw a shirt um that said uh Bigfoot is real and he tried to eat my ass and I thought it was so [ __ ] funny and I was was like dude dad can I get this and my dad was like [ __ ] no what the [ __ ] and then I didn’t power to you go go go get some funny shirts don’t let the man stop getting that the man zomia compressed zombified pig what the hell we were going south well if we check the map there is one way down south map doesn’t show me anything it’s all like not [Music] on further investigation it says man I love frogs that’s pre fire i w yeah I’m a mil I’m a man who loves frogs [ __ ] man love frog what I hear something what is that was that you just over yep that was you do you see this thing right here have we been to this yet no we haven’t been oh my God what are these things I have a damn mosquito on me mosquitoes found another gem thing um oh this is one of those places again you know what I’m talking about there’s got to be something we can do here like this this has got to be some sort of boss fight or something dude [Music] go what what the hell are you a giant ugly ass ape [Music] well then I’m dying y’all the want says damn I love frogs what the [ __ ] you in a in a shirt store right now jealous maybe they’re online shopping oh that to very true it happens we have been streaming like all day so old man what the hell is this skeletal Cowman how can you see the blaze things what do they look like um I haven’t seen one pretty close to one I I don’t know either there I found lots of lava and purple and whoa is this a piglin place what is this oh dude you got to come see this what is this my size is 4L 4X I LT got order nice te 10 weeks straight [Music] damn what welcome to the stream brother [ __ ] you stopping in how’s your day going oh I found you want some uh Nether Warts oh give me one second you want to TP me to [Music] you um oh okay hang him where is he here oh oh my God got it nice grab them let’s [Music] go another gobber I don’t want to kill one now that way I can turn into [Music] one finally bro I can turn into a blaze turn you haven’t been able to turn into a entire time I haven’t had one yet czy right right hey though you know what they say about being it means like evolution best pop Predators Tall Grass you are going to be the one that you have the genetic many times what the heck is this dude what what is this did you say he just he has a genetic advantage to not be kidnapped no from like Predators Ling oh the those kind of predators what is this place H have we ever seen this place D there’s like I don’t even know where you are there’s oak leaves here there’s plants where are you God this smoke is so annoying on this damn Blaze I know I hit F5 yo what is this I don’t know this a really cool City nice ramble that didn’t help all what do you mean still see the smoke yeah but you can see around it oh what is this in the mid game it’s an Ender Hut we need ender pearls o some really nice fancy stuff in here it’s like an ender Castle a bunch of iron life mending what fishing rod picks your life up what no life just start fishing granted I scare people with my F what why’ you say uh oh and stop it like that cuz he didn’t finish his sentence Oh I think you know what he’s talking about uhoh now we’re left to wonder do an experiment see how long you can stay awake and stream yeah but I got a schedule I at least try to at least try to keep not very good at it so it’s just this little area yeah all this grass stuff well I know what this is where I’m going through now but lots of grass here um I’ve seen a lot of gber upset how high up can we mine I’m actually kind of curious some point is it I said resting face I think you were about to say something else or something else by my calculations what is this all right I think I might go home and uh put this Blaze thing in and see if it finally [Music] works okay this more pieces oh my God Gober sensor’s the other word d it I see I see it’s your struggle sir maybe now we can get the factory back up I don’t know why it only made dark matter for us once dude that was such BS wanted skin the way you said that sounded so sus oh I found another bushy area so weird see oh we need a a spout to fill this dude we need lava and Blaze cake base hello hello how are you you guys doing what are you guys doing trying to see why our Dark Matter isn’t making Dark Matter so we got a blaze to see if maybe that’s what it needs heat it made it one time and then stopped you may be switching to I don’t know I don’t know what you’re talking about what you mean wa wait what do you mean new server like new server like if this one is well this one’s ending in like this month sometime so we don’t know when it’s going to I forgot when it exactly ends that kind of sucks I was going to join totally I mean join new one something different what was it that we were using coal uh yeah there just a bunch of coal sry I had to remember think about it not coke uh block of coal will block of coal work use charcoal I have an idea I’m going to take away one of these and make it a single chest and see if that does anything see if that makes a difference also okay [Music] seriously all right let’s the process and fold 20 this would be good gang H Kelvin how you doing what the [ __ ] what what the flip chat what the flip you streaming Ramen no I’m playing Counter Strike how’s that going uh terribly I died so will the blaze not cause heat if it’s not fed or is it still going to cause heat what you had to Fe you to I know there’s Blaze cake but I think you can feed it anything let’s see if this will work it doesn’t like wood planks like Lumber logs I have I threw a bunch Co also Moment of Truth wait do we have a block of diamond in there I don’t know yeah all right come on Blaze head I really hope I don’t see it working is there maybe something wrong with it like hold on give it time we got things on his way this one’s not spitting those out or maybe it has the old ones in there that’s why yeah oh you added more okay this is actually kind of relaxing to watch still not working no it’s working no this one well that one doesn’t oh how many does it need four okay there’s two do we have more coal did damn from coal to black matter one man’s story how a small business made him rich in Minecraft it’s just like logs that’s it just regular logs we have plenty of that how you I guess it’s full [Music] oops oops how do you see how many are in there can’t see it I see two I think so far possibly three do at Max pleas work hi best how you doing huh I’m talking to chat oh sorry no I was talking to my little brother oh there’s another one so many logs man yeah I I just put 64 it’s not working it’s irritating what the hell nervous little bit bro what is going on with this this I just didn’t get it what was that no still not is there four in there oh there’s one oh what it doesn’t need four this [ __ ] needs eight we’re going to be sitting here like double this time oh so that’s why it takes double the resource and we’re just idiots okay well how can we get so we don’t even need the BL okay he’s just there for motivation I guess no might bro what I need to do to make more charcoal um well you but I mean gu oh yeah down to the mines I go Yoo all righty if you want to that is not all right there’s so many chests down here bro with just manuscripts so what are we going to be adding to that one what what do you mean that’s like last stage the Dark Matter that’s it then we craft with that no that’s not what I’m talking about oh what are you talking about the new server oh but hold on then repeat the question like what what are we adding to it oh I want more biomes animals like that um maybe not as I mean I want chaos you know um I would like there to be some get some wacky [ __ ] off wall like random [ __ ] I would like to like bro who went on a mining spree down here what the hell happened so empty like it just looks like someone just took a nuke and just nuked it underneath here this is a cave this was what’s under the tree yeah [Music] oh excuse you on I don’t remember it being like this though like this bad or big I need more coal I think that’s coal over there hate it because now I don’t know what cole looks like with this mod pack well I don’t have mod or without the mod pack I mean is what I was trying to say my bad scoria this isn’t cold co ah sh oh is this it oh yes the hell is that it’s just lava just casually going into the water over here hello whatever happened to all that coal we put in there last time used up and we still didn’t make a dark matter block no [Music] these are not the droids you’re looking for these are not the droids I’m looking for what are those emojis like a Chinese [Music] lantern what one Z One 0 one one0 one Z what the oh oh they’re automatons get them out of here they’re automatons nightbot oh maybe they’re talking to nightbot in code oh maybe makes sense all together we’re we’re you guys going to get found out [Music] bam better watch it nightbot will come for [Music] you oh my God nice little rocket boost you got there have you ever been in this room it’s this room right above here all this gold gold piles that’s what that is is gold yeah I want coal screw the gold give me the coal well coal makes us more money doesn’t it I’d like to think I like to make myself believe that the see make us rich praise the coal live by coal Co is life bless this [Music] coal a bless Co mine oh hey floating box Stever eight is that any good needs off AR was beheading yeah that’s maybe it’s the arms or something [Music] [Music] get my face silverfish here what the heck they’re your best friends Nord you don’t remember your your best friends no actually frankly I remember them not being a gross little silverfish damn yeah that’s how you talk about us wow you want to be a gross little silverfish that’s what I thought uh what and if I do oh yeah there’s so much coal but it’s so dark down here I’m scared I’m scared I need you to come hold my hand Nord oh yeah did you did you find enough coal oh yeah I found like what that’s what 7 six something stacks of it yeah uh six oh yeah I forgot you have a thing that ow I’m now this [Music] [ __ ] that’s a lot of gold dude there’s just 21 gold ingots just chilling there did you know I am part spider so your poison doesn’t phase me weakling nice I bred you I bred with you I mean what nothing I broke bread with [Music] them how dare you break the sanctity of the thing you you know you enjoyed it don’t pretend like you didn’t my heart you get any yet how many are in there I don’t know we need eight my mouth was open oh ate some of it no you farted in it what oh I be you ate some of it you ate product you know we haven’t played in a while that I really want to play what Remnant yeah I was really I was thinking about that the other day Le company did you say strudles or toodles toodles compy did you try it nor did it work I sent you the code and stuff nobody joined by what on it right now let’s let’s do this sh G my C WWE show and she eventually scratched me and it’s long claw Mark do you gave your cat a WWE show ah WWE show sent the cat off the top top rope y’all don’t miss rnet lethal company yeah I miss some leave the company too watch I’m going to go get some coffee and while I’m gone it’s going to make one of those black matter things and I’m going to hear you screaming in my headphones all right I’ll load up this [ __ ] uh if you do a a single player and go to open the land I’ll see if I can connect and that’ll tell us if it works and works you’re man no try Wizardry [ __ ] doing wizard stuff whoa Wizards Wizards power old mods are here excuse me oh [ __ ] SKT skir I need to see one thing what the I [ __ ] hate this game hat this I I literally keep getting [ __ ] head shot and counter stri [ __ ] that factory looks cool as [ __ ] I just want to see if this one will work right now we have like seven we need eight of um that thing is make these things whatever the [ __ ] that thing is and uh so I just want to make sure it works and if it doesn’t work be very disappointed here we go I’m out of coal this [ __ ] does [ __ ] must not be enough need more coal need more coal all right I don’t think I go single player yeah you see that button right there you go single player that button is not going to be great and then I’m on a hchi I got the Hamachi address you need cheats on for this to work did you already add the mods or what do we need to do what do I need to do I don’t want to do you already did the uh new world I haven’t pressed actual create yet I how do I do this Nord I the stuff you sent me I don’t know how to that’s the the network ID and then the password oh my God pyro that [ __ ] and I just put it through here uh much yeah a much there where’s the download I don’t uh it’s so click allow sheets make the world however the [ __ ] you want to make it I think you already made a world for this did you not I feel like you did the new world CU you’re like yeah MSI oh it’s from MSI that’s pretty badass MSI made this I think you got a DOT MSI yeah go do the try for free or just install yeah just install you don’t got to pay or do anything but you do got to make an account I know sucks for admin you don’t got to make an account and it would connect but it wouldn’t it’ kick you after a minute and then [ __ ] uh oh wait and Nord couldn’t connect at all but I figure if I have Nord going and I think Hamachi has a different protocol kind of tunneling thing that’ll you know it’ll be different since radman didn’t work this is a different type you know what I mean preparing for World creation we are loading this is the loading process welcome to loading welcome to loading so when you click open to land it’ll say s uh Port server opened on Port d d make sure you give us what that Port is it is important where will it be so join existing Network yep and then he sent you the name and password of the network all right so this is going to be a brand new server yep are you’all ready for this Chad are you ready I am well I don’t know how Wild be I just want to see boots on the ground yo let me join and then you can copy uh I see ha ha just join the network hia hey what’s up are you Ender yeah yo yo can I join let’s see if it works no you’re not allowed to join see how ah but there is I don’t know if you see there is a five person limit I’m sure there’s a way we can daisy chain the network get creative with it but uh with this free version of haachi there’s a five person limit but there are other options what other options what other option are now she hisses well like theoretically if I’m connected to the network and I’m on the land you could connect to me on the land and it would technically connect you maybe probably not but maybe connect you to the land maybe it’ll be a big land potty if even if you connect Big L poy big lamb poty your WiFi and Wi-Fi password and I’ll join and you got to make sure the mods work for like 1.16 so you like you you gota like look up we’re on we’re on 1.6.5 so you can go to curse Forge browse mods for 1.6.5 game version game version 1.6.4 it’s not this my live stream’s not doing void mod adds a new dimension void writing all this information down Halloween bio mod chat said they’re writing all the information I don’t even think you’re in all right what’s the so you want to you want to press start and click open to land allow cheats and then uh and then you’ll it’ll say 5495 54 95 dead so just disconnect from this right what do you what I’m in the other Minecraft server yeah let me see if I can did you already add everything to it it’s going to be the same mod pack right now just to see if it works how do I how do and I’ll be throwing more things into it how do I do this am I supposed to manage it or I’m so confused I missed a few steps guys I’m I’m I’m uh so you want to turn on that Hamachi I’m not even showing you on that I’m on Hamachi right now shows you disconnected did you hit the power button hold on let me give my chat something to look at I’m going to give them my other monitor okay there now yall have something to watch so that you don’t look [Music] so oops oops I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] up that planet Earth turns slowly there y’all go y’all can look at the pretty pretty OBS all right what am I doing yeah I don’t think uh connection timed out yeah I don’t think nord’s router is letting us do it so you have to log into the router into it Port It Forward yeah it says he’s on how do I connect I don’t Yeah so basically you you copy his Hamachi IP address by right clicking on him and then copy ipv4 address which one’s him all I see is the one that’s not your desktop name and not me so I guess it’s this one the dd3 maybe cuz you’re Ender right yeah you said copy the ibv and the IP V4 V4 and IPv6 or just four want four and that’s that’s the IP address of his server and I just go into the crazy crafts no you just want to direct connect to that server and with a with curse Forge just go M multiplayer yeah 5495 is the port yeah it didn’t work right oh correct what is happened what oh I’m gonna try it real fast once it loads in give me a let me load in and try it wait what mine crash mine crash my game crashed too trying to join the regular server Universal crash connecting to [Laughter] what M crashed taking a very long time to connect what do you mean he crashed all right we tried there it was I think uh I think if me and H whack at your router Nord I think we could fix it but I understand if you don’t want to [ __ ] with that now we’re gonna need your IP we also need your password to your router and yeah s us a picture in the back of your router all right y’ I’ll go ahead and give you all the other screen now we’ll load some Minecraft’s back up real [Music] fast [Music] uhuh why is it the screen goes black and the viewers start coming in so beaching don’t want to use the HDR why would the HDR wash out the colors like that [ __ ] ah like on TVs it looks nice right but not on monitors yeah I think if you just if you don’t have high dynamic range and it’s like a permanent on it just I do have hdr on this monitor I I don’t know if I do this is actually expensive this is like a $400 monitor it’s just probably some might have to like go in and mess with you know not supported on any of my monitors this say keeps popping up activate HDR what you pressed bit what up kind of excited all the M well if you if you want we can push it and we can get it going we can get you going bro with your own [ __ ] server we know what the problem is now it’s your router we get in your router we [ __ ] tell it hey [ __ ] this is what we’re doing you’re going to [ __ ] you’re gonna [ __ ] do it just assign that Port if you want yeah we can [ __ ] we can [ __ ] do it we can be like hey [ __ ] you’re gonna [ __ ] do this and it’s gonna be like okay and then you’re gonna have complete control over your own thing if you want it we can [ __ ] make it happen and then yeah let me know we do they have new features for shopping my uncle also what also on the other that’s [Music] fine my uncle was mentioning something about he he can run servers or something like that whoa whoa whoa i’ have to talk with him but I’m sure like if we all got together and did like like five bucks here or there or something that’s what I’m saying though like nord’s got 64 gigs of RAM he can [ __ ] run a server you know what I mean they still have more head room yeah well how many cores does he have because that’s another thing I know and that’s what I was thinking too if like if we need cores I got the coriz them I got the 7700x you know what I mean I have a 12700 I have 20 cores yeah so there you know if you got the CH he’s got the ram we got a [Laughter] Serv if we need just to have more cores we got yours if we need more RAM we got nerds and then I got the graphics I got the 47 TI between us we got a whole boy right really irritated because this [ __ ] wait a minute minute oh that’s the wrong one Factory over here yeah but Factory is not [Music] factoring it’s kind of irritating Life in the Fast Lane life in the poop Lane metal to the metal metal metal oh my God my [ __ ] god that scared scared the [ __ ] out of me yeah same [Music] here pants oh my God that was my XLR not not not not not not like a whole minute man what the [ __ ] I have Discord Nitro this is so sad oh I don’t have Nitro either I have a XLR that’s what I use what the heck is that so like I can record sounds like if I hook it back up to my speaker I can record your voice right now and make it a sound Bo flip oh no thanks no thanks yo can someone tell me why uh we just have this here what the [ __ ] did I slow it down on accident or did I speed it up oh no I I think [Music] I Machine Factory continues to be built it does too bad it’s not doing too much of what it’s supposed to do we just have a iron golem chilling over here okay you want me to look it up on how to make the portals to other dimensions oh yes yes yes oh place four blocks in a row on the ground and stack four blocks on both sides of that row use your last two blocks to connect the pillars on top you can make the same portal with only two obsidian blocks oh that’s nether portal or end portal never mind um custom World J okay I don’t need [Music] that the what what are they called uh room what [Music] runes I got a bunch of them in the basement at Advent of Ascension right yeah Nord I sent you some [ __ ] and basically all it’s saying is we we go to this so your your router is chilling on an IP address we find that IP address us like 192168 1.1 it’s usually what it is we connect to it the log into it’s usually on the back of it and we go in there and be like yo this is what Minecraft uses to connect the 25565 we give it that and we’re like if anybody’s trying to connect on 25565 we want to let them connect to my Minecraft server and then once you do that wait you have an extra number than what you gave me for the port last time you’re a port maybe I I I I tried connecting it it didn’t it didn’t let me anyway bro I want to go to the box SP it looks so cool was taken with night vision an apocalyptic Wasteland [Music] Dimension what make it looted gas what what huh I know I like soundboards except that one let me see maybe I can true I wonder if I can just cross okay I’m going to backward it where’s these portals at are the portals still down there yeah you’re going to backward it I’m going to uh backwards engineer it is what I’m going to do where the hell is the okay Nord I don’t know where it [Music] starts what someone saying something what are they saying about their balls what that might be my little brother seeing some weird nonsense all right n how do I get to the portal room rainbow furnace what the [ __ ] hear you take the cave next to my house oh it’s right there oh if I just like I just got to look for the sad no no leaf tree thing exactly exactly I was being a smartass I didn’t know it was going to be that personal I apologize what I’m sorry I didn’t mean to burn your house down okay it’s okay it’s okay you know now look at me now Look at me I live in a modern house you need a water bucket you have a water bucket yeah get I need a bucket of water I also need to see I don’t know I feel I don’t want to destroy one of these portals but I feel like I’m going to have to what I don’t know what he’s using for them I I have some rooms rainbow furnace bro I know that’s CH yo y what’s good silver Knight what’s good welcome to the Stream what you doing brother uh we need ancient Rock I think is what it is yeah ancient rock you have that bucket of water they call that Dad Rock now um wait what oh I see what you did there that if you lost your thumb it gets replaced by your toe if the requirements are me what I watch that one I watch that I watch that short oh you have where like if you lose your thumb you can use your thumb toe to replace your thumb did you thumb toe what do you mean thumb the big toe the big toe the big toe like thumb toe so like my thumb has a toeing off of it I hate that just don’t use your thumb d damn son don’t lose your thumb I don’t think anyone who loses their thumb plans on losing it you never know ins scam I know I don’t no I’m serious there’s this one guy that’s crazy there’s this one guy who cut off both his legs and tried to scam but they found out that he did it and then they got his ass now possible where are you H you’re down there I went back to my house cuz I got impatient you son I’m back I’m back yeah we do need ancient Rock how do we make ancient Rock oh let me see it let me make sure first that it works or may I please have it cuz I wonder if I just SW swap out these runes if it’ll change the portal did you say buy a deaf leopard CD there it was it took me a second I was like wait a minute some ancient Rock for you what the [ __ ] now throw a bucket of water on it agent cummer I cve women you have to be close to it and throw it through I think he just threw the F get it I’m sorry this not it’s not happening um I think it’s got to be flint and steel Place water using your bucket at top the highest block of the structure you built behind you then jump oh that’s not it um all right Nord give me [ __ ] to do um use a realm Stone on the car Rune of power if the portal stru built correctly the portal will activate a realm Stone you have a realm Stone no look like I just got realm stones on me what the [ __ ] is a realm Stone I got Runes of space Runes of travel reality Direction wait a minute I think I saw one of these upstairs in the one thing Runes of reality that sounds pretty crazy water Rune if you have anything that says realm Stone on it that’s not the right place so dude where do you find these things that is definitely not anything that I saw oh how do you make a ram Stone I think you can you got to find them needs to be charged with the gods right click to view what needs to be charged with the gods Jesus [ __ ] man’s going way above me he’s going to the gods my God no big deal at all just needs to be charged by the gods that’s crazy I challenge you in PvP we need a blank R Stone let’s all play highx dud we need pretty much every sapling Hypixel H High pixel yeah where’s Blaze’s house Blaze should have one Blaze lives in the tree that burnt down look around on the on the ground there might be one around trampoline trampoline oh the fun trampoline trampoline oh that sucked challenge you but in Pocket Edition what’s Pocket Edition that’s Minecraft but mobile what you probably win I don’t play on mobile I mean you can go on Minecraft Bedrock Edition I’m pretty sure I feel like I could jump on this trampoline for hours that what this is I thought it was a solar panel take two Cobblestone and put them close together holy [ __ ] trol you see you quit jump you yo yo you ruin my bounces when you hold down like that what it [ __ ] your balce up too how realistic you can [ __ ] up other people’s bounces you fed I went up in the air the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what oh my God oh whoa whoa oh mobile how did you make this trampoline I don’t know how did y’all make the trampoline a sh the farts man we need to find a real fading matter fading matter need some Cobblestone what is that do the two Cobblestone pyro fell from a high place want to talk about it bud I was feeling the trampoline jump and did you press shift what were you on wait was the choline on the slime block what right no it’s natural oh I that was slime blocks yeah and I I fell off the side of it oh my God yep have anything trag have y gone through these to see if there’s anything I’m about to go through you hey come here don’t take me back to senior night whoa all right so I I have kind of no uh no grip in this server in terms of like uh what the [ __ ] is going on besides uh opening a warn block what’s a warn block book we have to get from book is kind of smoke and watch what you guys are doing sounds good to me well I mean yeah book anywhere chinman what warn book like we yeah I do feel like we that’s C I wonder if I have any at at home anent home oh random Cobblestone here here the hell oh I found chests please let end pearl amethyst oh bomb what why is there just a bomb over here Source gem we’re quirky like that all right well we’re looking for worn book or a realm Stone how how I kind of feel like I might be able to get one with the EMC because I think blae shared his recipes with me so I might be able to now here’s the thing here’s what I so oh okay each one we have to have each one has its own thing like each one is its own realm right we should go dungeon hopping and look for some worn books now we’re much yeah all right let’s go gang and I say we all fly away to a new land that way we don’t lag when we leave area I’m going to go to my house real fast and see if I have anything that could be of use tablet of Awakening what how’ that hit [Music] me I got a bat let me see I don’t think I have a blaze I think a bat’s my only flying thing I have I have a blank R zone nice you do that I just found one in my chest I know I was keeping one for something what flies can’t fly this [ __ ] [ __ ] he said what flies can’t fly this is [ __ ] dude flies can’t fly it’s all a conspiracy it is all right so now which one do y’all want to go to which one did I say it was what the Vox ponds so we need a Vox one make sure it’s not one we’ve already been to the box one is like the green area with like poison I don’t know if we’ve been there Slimer Nightwing oxus Undead Herald stepped on me dog you almost got hit No Cap but if I didn’t see that monocle and take another Second Glance I was about to smack you cuz I was like dude this bat why is it walking next why is it flying in my perity I’m about to kill it that’s usually how all Bats die around me it’s just like get the [ __ ] out of here Dimension how do you fly when you’re blazed you want to go to a mountain just Crea oh my God I got to spam space bar on this [ __ ] what you say there’s a lunis it’s like in the moon like cluttered asteroids there’s also a mountainous haunted Dimension a dark Forest Dimension R i’ be down from Moon you can fall though just so you know very easily it goes to nothing what is grien I think we’ve been to G and then there’s nowhere a dimension consisting of unbreakable structures currently a work in progress so which one are youall thinking Rune Andor looks really good a mountainous runic themed Dimension yeah kind of gives me some like valheim Vibes sounds like right so prerequisite Dimensions so we need mysterium and Vox ponds I think we have the VX pawns to be honest I think we’ve been there what’s mysterium oh we’ve been to mysterium I believe with the mushroom trees what was it called rander Agent kummer why are the Wolves speaking to me I don’t know bro Stone uh so it’s rander that’s one why can’t I craft rander so I guess some of these I can’t craft until we have the other ones unlocked I can’t click on any of these actually what the [ __ ] only one I can make is what Shel lands we’ve been to sh I could be wrong though you oh how to make rander SOA you going to tell me how you burn down the tree my viewers don’t know the story okay so it was actually pretty funny Nord and I were messing around and I turned into like this this monster and every time I do it it starts creating like lightning that strikes the ground and catches everything on fire around me and does like pretty much explodes everything around me it was one of the bosses that we beat I did that we were playing around and then cuz we were taking a break from the factory and then we got done and we just nonchalantly walked back in and we’re working for like like what 5 10 minutes minutes and I go outside to grab something and I’m like oh everything’s on fire oh my God it spread dude it just went from like by the factory to his tree it was just full gone while in mysterium oh we have to make mysterium first using an active run Stone on a box I’m still I still have par we have mysterium at all CU D I’m still terrified terrified that ja gmer Jeffy dmer I said jav g why would you say Jeffrey dmer I don’t know it just kind worked all right bro I saw you and then I didn’t huh it worked huh I saw you you and then I didn’t what happened I don’t know where I went whatever I’m in your house this is my house now wait a minute what is this one have we I don’t know if we’ve been to this one I can’t sit near it’s really dark I’m taking all the [ __ ] [Music] y you got a few of these runes as well are you both in there taking my [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m not taking anything I’m just looking I’m I am I I definitely take in here taking stuff right now pyro why would you do dude ha he killed one of your dragons no he didn’t what shooting fireworks dog can’t believe bro was crazy I didn’t think I didn’t think he’d do this he just turned into a life of crime n n look did you really you’re about to condemn this man to death no bring it [ __ ] let’s go mutual combat as my wife would say mutual combat all right are you ready you ready for this mutual combat yeah wait I have an elephant I am curious that who the heck is the strongest one here what are you going to do if I roll up in your house in the middle of the night I’m pissing myself I wake up to the bath No Cap how did you jump I couldn’t jump as can you fly as it wait are you Nord I have these things that let me double jump oh yeah I can’t fly as that you have a big green neck you good I caught a Batman scar a Le mashing my [ __ ] space right what is this thing a giddy Blaze he doesn’t even fly what kind of Blaze doesn’t [Music] fly are you the Iron Golem right here what are you where are you what are you BL looks kind of cool it kind of does I have one more I want to show you where the hell is it how’s actually I have a couple that one looks pretty cool a Nether wart cocoon what the [ __ ] when did you get tell me I can turn into a giant herpy there you go where is it oh yeah I forgot I could do this what oh I think what I can do hold on he’s like still want to face me mortal I call upon the fire the god this is when H’s house burns oh it is when H’s house burns I’m on fire silly fools I made it out of cobblestone not all of it definitely the wooden parts are definitely on fire right now wait are they really yeah it’s fine I’m a bat I’m designed for this oh this isn’t my house right here let it burn [Music] all right well guess it’s not doing what um what farting hi hi FY no strangely all right slug she have a good night thank you for stopping by what oh I think I got to be under apologize I’m for not being very responsive um that’s not what I wanted what the hell really like what are you doing trying to [ __ ] on the ground what what are you [ __ ] mole yeah right f are you unlocking a new power right now bro guys iol I’m training right now hardcore right this is your training Arc bad my training involved me hitting you I’m sorry understand what are you doing you’re train what do you mean you’re training I almost missed the live what’s up Shy you’re mine now what are you doing why are you getting stuff out of my chest and coming outside I’m not I’m not getting anything out of your chest trying to get this stupid thing to work what is it why are you getting things out of my chat listen it’s me you want not him I’m the one that stole all the things out of your chest look in your chest you’ll see how many things you’re missing I don’t even know it looks like someone put stuff in there also start it up it’s definitely what I did I came in and I gave you all my old [Laughter] Cobblestone where’s my tablet at tells me all F1 all no all one what one should activate an ability and it does doing it earlier what where did my tablet go there it is they called I don’t have any realm Stones oh [Music] well this sucks we’ll go and get some realm stone that don’t suck that’s fine I I have an old one that I know how to do I know how to run around oh my God you did it what are you hold on what go back in I want to see a turd how did I do that how did I do that careful you might switch your [ __ ] keyboard language you get too crazy yeah right start talking writing in Japanese all right hold on oh I don’t see you this time yo the fact that he could undig you is kind of crazy dude don’t und dig me dog that’s that’s where my special place is certain set of skills why the [ __ ] is it so inconsistent to get it to activate dude I’ve got I’ve been trying to get this [ __ ] to go off for like 15 minutes I’ve gotten it twice and this guy can just dig me up that’s great that was crazy he [ __ ] dug you right up dude like a [ __ ] plant so this was the old house uh when we first started the server this is where we bunked we slept it was on fire you remember Nord this was not it this is it this was not it it’s way too small no it ain’t no it ain’t it really ain’t bro I could have sworn that it was no there Maybe not maybe it was way bigger bro cuz remember it had that big kitchen that went to the left and then you went farther in back and then there was a ladder it wasn’t stairs well I mean a lot of that burnt down H it worked again dig him up don’t dig me up you guys don’t know [ __ ] all right let me see if I can find you no you disappear on the map oh he disappears on the map I saw you dude I saw you that was kind of gross what I didn’t like it yeah I don’t know if I like that oo oh what what was on my head just there for a second ow what the something was on my head there just for a what you [ __ ] digging man you be digging that’s weird that’s cool though hold it yeah I hold it you can just it is the first house no it is not it’s not oh is that youa yeah oh sorry bro you have a creature chasing you yeah I killed his brother should we get these portals activated or do we need some ancient stone or some [ __ ] I saw you I saw you coming up and I just had PTSD from the [ __ ] that area and I was like oh my God kill it kill it with fire Qui all right wait aren’t we going for an adventure I think we have to to get stones or whatever right War I say we go straight South why is Tasmanian Devil attacking you he’s trying to mate with me come on gang get him away R tasan Devil’s trying to mate with me come on H you know how hard it is for pyro to fly he’s got to break his space bar you know how hard this Tasmanian Devil is no you say you know how hard no we can set the tree fire oh there it goes all right both are [ __ ] Blaze most people uh South Great [Music] South what what’s racy CH Rosie watch out fly high there’s a bunch of pixies they will pick your pockets what never ran into a pixie before your ass no horrible can I just light the whole Woods on fire bro probably do the world of favor nothing’s happening [Music] is it on fire for you guys I don’t know I’m still going south same going hard South and just uh flying way slower than y’all I’m looking squid that mob like your friend yeah it does yeah I did chased him apparently liked a lot SP Hearts uh I wouldn’t cuz it might oh which one like these one if you want to but spamming like emojis in chat the bot might like put you in timeout the bot will attack you it knows where you live okay confirmed um there’s a ship here there is a ship here there skeletons spooky scary skeletons what’s up we doing the Super Fly we’re going to land unnown barrel of gunpowder Land Unknown we’re going superly this is a pretty shitty boat yeah it looks pretty [ __ ] it looks pretty interesting at the same time we’re going to keep flying feather falling three iron boots anyone want look like uh area yeah we got some Coral under the water pretty neat we just need warn books right yeah warn books what you said nightbot when spam ID 27 what was that burn the ship guys someone go burn that ship burn the ship pull this whoa whoa nothing I’m going to hit this mountain it’s going all this Santa just go all down Unbreaking three hello do accept that no thank you sir the desert there desert of South South desert a lot of worms South the Deep South yo there’s like a sign here dude there’s an actual sign here it says something’s 800 blocks that way and 400 blocks straight y that’s pretty cool I can’t get the hell out of here I want to see what’s 400 blocks did you kept going south yeah that’s fine I to take that had to take that skin though this is a chillam yo yo this ship is full of people yeah skeletons yo set it on fire I got you dude collector I got you bro oh don’t in the water as a blaze BL what’s this so many diamonds there’s a lot of multi jump two wait is this the same one or a different one Jaws wait what anyone have a flint and steel oh my God there’s a skeleton guys look on the map anyone have a flint and steel I have t this is a skeleton under the [Music] water right oh my God I’m a man with too much power oh I see it the rib cage look water take one last good look at that ship collector it’s Up in Flames as requested is successful you said this ship ship that you’re on all right but we need to get under get out of here what you’ll see it’s going down for real it’s going down for real I got a leprechaun hat yo there’s a dune here and [ __ ] starting to hurt from flapping These Wings get you a blaze yeah all right here what is an Infinity ham oh you can eat that ham DP to me pyro did you close it go one of these bles I guess they have the same name you’re filibuster that’s your name filibuster The Blaze I’m Hot Pocket The Blaze how’ your name how’ you get yeah how do you songing SN what’s what song is that how they get here they just spawning ow ow ow why is there techno music playing [ __ ] is going on what is going on why am I in like Tech what is going on oh my God no no going on I don’t know but it’s to him what’s going on with you what’s happening don’t let me fall oh sorry I’m sorry I don’t why do you keep walking off the edge I’m not walking off I’m being moves oh I don’t understand I don’t understand either I just want to not die did you get one of the blazes though there it was I don’t know what that was toxin you you joining us on adventures I’s dead body down here in the [ __ ] desert my what up good how are you well hell yeah damn it’s late he’s the [ __ ] late night Late Night Guru all right let’s go get you a blaze brother there’s one over here that’s that that [ __ ] this [ __ ] was [Music] looking this thing go [ __ ] uh happy content content warning yeah that [ __ ] short is blowing the [ __ ] up you by that [ __ ] igned screaming and running it’s at like 463 views already yeah there you go oh yeah [ __ ] racking up boys that’s a Dixie let’s go I’m flying I’m a blaze you’re Blaze now with theaker right now because what a dead man oh yeah that’s the that’s the that’s the thing that’s the thing right there right that’s good isn’t it that was pretty good what is this place I bunch of gold sure what should I do I’m trying to see how fast I can get banned from Twitter well Twitter has like a spe probably have to like yeah I don’t even think that would get you banned to be honest yeah you’d actually have to like [ __ ] try you say you going to a concert for free yeah Bri there you go damn she won tickets and should I go like [ __ ] yeah yo what’s good C welcome to the stream how you doing today what’s is this did you see this that follow button with your godamn face face look at it what right here where you at long gone long you see this it’s like a badass snake oh you’re talking about the death oh yeah oh that thing now I’m looking at it I didn’t even notice that that was a snake what the [ __ ] yeah it’s snook there’s a secret chest inside of it garbage flesh and dried kelp and paper what there is there anything underneath it should we just blow it up yeah blow the [ __ ] [Music] up there’s nothing here this is trash past two days I had school so I couldn’t get to your stream oh you’re fine dude you like the new style of how I’m oh yeah I thought it sounded good did you think it it was better like I sounded like the old Bruce Buffer and [ __ ] yeah I I just I like the style period you keep doing it you’re like you’re like honing it yeah if you guys haven’t seen his like if you guys like wrestling I’m dropping it right now right now no chat there you go make sure to go to YouTube to nordberg make sure to subscribe yes he’s the make sure to subscribe to pyot teic Productions he’ll touch your butt a lot oh make sure what if I subscribed before then you’re not getting I go subscribe right now damn it I’m un so I can flavors Ramen flavor even has a new flavor of ramen out right now called spicy [ __ ] so all right there’s only a limited time only guys only 100 spicy [ __ ] bro I can’t go forward every time I go forward I spring back like yeah don’t worry we’re going to be going to be chilling and then make sure to subscribe to ha the gamer you know if you want a ha at the gamer you subscribe to right there thank you toxin y’all go check out toxin the reaper also yo what is this thing what is this check out toxin the reaper he does some badass W check me out you’re not going to find anything that you like I promise what’s this what’s this Tower yeah you fight all your way up all all the way up all your way up yo what then you get up here and then yeah yeah there’s a boss up here once you touch this Crystal yo what are you touching that [ __ ] fresh [ __ ] means so lot much to me what was that what do I hear what is this land your mom all right let’s go let’s go normal mode like this nobody I don’t care what did you say to me oh yeah I sent you thaty have you have you searched it up to see if anybody does oh we got I there’ll either just be no music commentary or it’s like the games builtin commentary but no music Nobody Does the music the announcements and the [ __ ] commentary like I do okay I’m sorry all you other ww recreat she just not on my level I’m sorry suck and it wasn’t going to be me he’s like actually recreating the show like you com like a real show everything’s simulated so like it’s you don’t know who’s going to win I don’t know who’s going to win yo jacket jacket lad welcome to the stream Jack lad take off your pants and jacket oh what the [ __ ] beat you to it yeah did got you so quirky this guy’s so quirky so quirky fresh all right what is this we we could be talking about again if I was fresh oh my God oh my God like no you got to be fresh for that I do I can’t I can’t be drained for that conversation’s going to [ __ ] fly off the handle and be like just start speaking German out of nowhere right just all a sudden just [ __ ] just start swear how many mods in here this is so cursed um we have 320 some mods this is crazy not enough why is this this loot is so trash guys when we play in Lethal again I don’t know dude they they did a lot of updates I bet they stealing all our malware what stealing all our m i mean I would love yeah I think we let him take that stealing all our malware that’s a good one good night man all right have a good night tox I’ll see you brother love I was telling my cousin good [Laughter] night thought you what’s up marel welcome in what’s going on everybody Welcome to the [ __ ] show are these last that pizza man every time I see that pizza pyro reminded me pizza of that ass thank you for reminding me that we had pizza you’re welcome my PC would crash nah it’s not that bad all you need is a good amount of ramp yeah do you want me to stop by tomorrow and get those sausages by the way this episode of Minecraft is brought to you by pyrot teic spicy pickled sa buy it a store near you yeah on the real though I need you I need you to come get else someone eat I smacked a whole [ __ ] little jar today he going to come over you’re hand my empty jares I made like a good amount like I got a really big jar and then I have like seven little tiny jars I did have eight for the big jar tomorrow well I got a couple for you to like hand out his tasters oh you want me some their PCS are on life life support I have a question if people actually want to buy your [ __ ] how the [ __ ] are you ever going maybe the stream’s lagging you can you can get license and stuff and sell them through your YouTube subscribe to patreon get a free [ __ ] jar get a free jar of [ __ ] Pickled Sausage [ __ ] right other streamer doing that I’ll tell you what you know that be making pickles barely noticed that [ __ ] night while doing it work none but yeah come get you some of them sausages uh where did you guys where your boys go sausage are you guys still in the tower here if you Subs you subscribe right now we’re just will give you his we saw this Tower and we’re just what we do in there am I not but our main goal is to like got to get round cores that [Music] way did you find any no had that one but Bill Billy Buster what the [ __ ] that’s your name in the game yep I’m fil Buster The Blaze I’m not okay with this I think I have problems with this I need a y remember C dog yeah show oh dude that was one of my most [Music] favorite you should try pixelon it’s fun unless I yeah I pry fun like hey do you like endangering animals and keeping them against their will power world is fun yeah World SP oil oh wait no way too late moved on what are we doing now have you moved on from automatons what we Tesla there’s this one scene where there where the F guys sucks himself what the [ __ ] I don’t remember this scene from what I don’t remember this scene either are you sure we watched the same one this man watched the boot late Mexican copy I think I’m down the wrong C the cardly dog [ __ ] not again the Russian Hack version I think we need to go down and search dung I’m not I can hear hell around me really nothing you see what I do babe I give comedy gold to the [ __ ] scrubs and they don’t even grab more pizza back did you find the at8 no we never saw the at8 sadly we wish we oh I found a dungeon I think this is a dungeon no this is what is what I found a railway area yall want to come to me what this may be a dungeon what the hell is this lots of loot guys you weren’t supposed to see that let me just put that back the way oops whoever did the pig snort okay I couldn’t help it man I I even knew it was a bad joke and the pig snort made me [Laughter] laugh he caught me off guard I do that a lot uh of all mobs why Blaze uh because we blaze it got him a lot of the other mobs don’t want to fly they ground animal The Blaze you can actually fly quite well you have good Mobility with blaz it’s just the visibility sucks cuz there smoke in your eyes constantly yeah it’s like like it’s like a weekend on ch ch Chong how was everybody’s day pretty good pretty good today Friday today is Friday oh TG it’s Friday yes thank God it’s Friday what what God now I’m about to listen to some because we l God you just now got that you’re 10 minutes late to the [ __ ] no my chat I’m reading chat your chat’s 10 minutes late to the [ __ ] there’s chat delay chat you better yeah what the FP jump so I’m in a little dungeon area you guys can come to me if you like oh I can come I found one as well you sounded so excited to say that Ramen was so excited I was I wanted to come you God damn it I think I my track being immediately shut that [ __ ] down [Music] no what is this a straw fig give me this where’s this go what the hell home with me you’re going to take a straw Effigy home with you yes you did it babe what is CH we have to predict the future exactly going to breathe air right now dude how did you know how did he know that dud we got a witch we got a witch it’s just you and me pal two viewers [Laughter] you guys are [Music] down they have you trapped Lord Prett you are so smart oh the episode name is is evil Weevil we need to find warn books should be some warn books down here right think I haven’t found a single warrant book dude where I’m at I found a bunch of music disc though lead block damn it dude computer inlay I don’t even know obliteration what is this what did I uh it’s not letting me in it what’s going on going to still be reading the structure still be looing the structure by the time real watching a slideshow it is not that bad gang Chad it’s not that bad not that bad it can’t be that is real chat the lag is real a [ __ ] bro I’m craving chocolate man Dr Pepper who’s looting oh loot boogy dud this [ __ ] is laging chat why do you have to point it out my ignorance was [ __ ] great now you pointed it out oh my God n you got to come to me we can make music see in the dark how do you see in the dark I have night vision gogg I look sick dude Splinter Cell dude how’d you get the night vision goggles I found them they just dropped off of a [ __ ] random [Music] mimic this [ __ ] is fire I’m Splinter Cell damn showing my age what you mean you you you don’t remember [Music] that I do remember that that’s what I’m saying all right good good good that was my dad’s favorite game it was a good game yeah yeah now I look just like him I fart all the time was made by Tom CL chest mimic what is this um all right yo what is it that’s broken kneecaps oh there’re so slow dude a you son of a [ __ ] yo this this skeleton has some aim dog and he like jumps back and forth like I know they trained this guy they trained him this guy has his whole life down here man I think he murders people Prett sure for a good cause now I got this Effigy I can hang out hang out with no I think it was just because he wanted his money I’m just kidding that’s not why I’ll just beat his diamond sword with disarming it’s so hard to find a damn warn book down here bro even in the mines I’m not sure not lag [Music] you guys still way out there no where you at down here with the creepers I’m in a m shaft right [Music] now hello y yeah I want to be a rockar oh let me show you the cool Parts it’s over here any of these worn books no I have not it’s pretty irritating actually oh my God I I wish I would stop climbing walls I’m tired of being Spider-Man oh my God magic mirr don’t mind if I do oh my God I fell another Dragon you found a dragon ring yeah you want one should i e coin dragon or a real one uh coin Dragon de getting nervous down there again wonder what this magic Mir does what is this uh oops that’s not where I wanted to go uh Nord can you accept this sure I went to the wrong a you good bro oh my God zombie spawn eggs why do we need spawn eggs you’re invisible am I I touched I did the magic miror oh I also have am I really invisible no now you’re not oh Unbreaking two punch one good god dude the [ __ ] on that Critter D I have so many carved runes here Nord try this goodbye it’s okay it’s fine happens we all have to start somewhere right I think I’ve only got one viewer also dude a zombie sword it was weird our hell my H the hell diver stream for both of us did a lot better than the Minecraft well now that it’s been pointed out that it’s [ __ ] laggy I won’t lie I just can’t [ __ ] unse it I see all the [ __ ] mobs lagging about like what is it what’s I don’t get what’s lagging is it because of like they just take they should play something else guys I’m almost getting to that point oh yeah I was just joking oh I saw a mod that I know of really well Advent of Ascension we have that mod yeah that’s what we’re using that’s what we’re looking for right now we’re looking for stuff so we can go to the other Realms ancient to wish we find the damn worn [Music] books I haven’t found a single one yet was that you that just went P me hey what’s up Zer I went down thought maybe down in the red chamber or whatever there’d be more likelihood to find a a bob or whatever they’re called the warn books yeah or the realm best mod in my opinion is this oh the furniture one those would be my favorite I like customizing my house I’m a big build I’m a big base Builder so like any mod that gives me more like creativity over building and stuff I like we should get the create mod you have that one what you make like factories or something oh [ __ ] Azure Berry I’m just surprised it’s not like oh artist what’s that you found a tardis yeah um this spider thing is actually kind of irrit what does the Tardis do exactly oh I’m mining it I don’t know I’m breaking we’re about to find out honestly I think uh that people think it’s cursed but the Pixelmon can be really fun I think pixel mon I think it would be funny if like if somehow like I know the server is going to lag somehow we could all go in like separ dire back in 5 days here take half babe that’s not Happ he ain’t read chat well whatever well I mean I heard him well oh did is my no it’s working hold on pyro I’m currently breaking a tardis you’re cool where is pyro oh there you are what’s up dog tox G send me one and I’ll bring you back I’ll bring you you to me my it would bead it would be what the hell is a course bro so say someone had an arrow of SL just so happy to shoot it in your general direction would you go slow or would you speed up well given that I’m already slow guys I found a leprechaun hat teleport me sauce you sauce man uh TPA and then type my name and I’ll I’ll accept bring you here we’re in the same area yay graving soda guys I did but I don’t need to drink soda I did thing you did a thing how many people died what not enough do a thing that involves catastrophe and death well a tardis I try to break one work out it’s not working um H Co I can walk are you sure we’re supposed to break it I can walk on lava I forgot about that [ __ ] walking on water [Music] bit [ __ ] are there only buff people no teleport pyro pyro um quick accept it please just stand by me just stand by me you’ll be all right here you can walk on lava yeah I just found that out thank you for saving me oh those were the boots we got last like what two sessions ago I think yeah there’s a special pair of boots I found they’re like lava actually no I think that’s mob they’re called the magma Walker you go you saved my life dude I keep finding books that don’t yeah I can’t find the waren books dude it’s kind of your saved me you’re my hero H the gamer you say it like that man you ever watch Adventure Time yeah my kids did mainly three trunks three trunks Crystal Ro Crystal apple and it exploded that was the end of that [ __ ] episode there he’s dead now that was how that [Music] end I sent him into an oblivion what the hell oh oh oh are you down there again you good you dead where are you above you running there’s some [ __ ] over there bro I don’t recommend it oh my God how many spawned what is that not a good time ow W Yoo yippe yippe oh here pyro yo the heck is a stone Ling heck can ston Ling nor stop dying he isn’t yeah I literally can’t die literally it’s laging all lag D about these shoes these shoes give a damn about you never walk but but they love you are they the lava shoes if so well then they should have put a ring on it I didn’t you don’t do that they were just sitting in a mimic yeah what happened to my shield I definitely had like a cross Shield you know oh yeah he wanted me to live forever that’s what I’m that’s what he’s not that he wants me to stop dying you could not somay my PC will die I will buy a new one I don’t think I’ll rebuild it oh said was badass pay time it’s not bad I enjoy I don’t know I love I don’t I love building PCS it’s like an addiction for me yeah yeah I built my first one and all that brought me was anxiety hard a no thank youil now first PC I built when I was like 11 or 12 I ended up like blowing the whole power socket so Define the anxiety was it because uh what what what caused the aniet worried because anything goes wrong there’s nothing here yeah like literally if I anything goes wrong then I’m I don’t have PC it was really anxiety we’ve already been down here we were just here son of a [ __ ] yeah my first computer I dropped a k on it and like I put it all together and it didn’t turn on yeah this computer I put 26 into when I first built it it didn’t [ __ ] what what was it what’ you end up figuring out my Ram but either way mine parts were Dead on Arrival it even all lit up like the motherboard blad and everything that sucks man I would be pissed I can’t imagine paying all that money just for it to be oh yeah yeah that’s why I don’t really want to build it again like I feel like uh I’m putting like Rand down thousands of dollars into it uh I want someone else’s [ __ ] time spent on building it [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] I’ll tell you what [ __ ] that Minecraft is real life if you take total of 10 damage twice you die yeah no actually no I’m up to three I have like technically 20 20.5 health [ __ ] [ __ ] your PC is really not that bad Nord to be honest like my only recommendation for you would be to just get a newer graphics card like yeah if you spent 2,600 on it you probably got really good internals yeah oh yeah like like your motherboard’s probably like really good I didn’t SK and you have ayon don’t you like a Ry CPU what you have but like yeah you should just be able to like you like 47 40 TI yeah you should just be able to swap out what you need to boost it you should be good to go with that initial investment you know what I mean oh my God I found ancient Rock I’m sorry got excited dude don’t we need this so I don’t change my CPUs very often it takes a lot for me to change my CPUs which is weird but my gpus I’ll change like what the hell they close but I have this weird thing with gpus I love gpus for some reason I don’t know why I brain it’s probably because I used to be M I used to mine like cryptocurrency and stuff me so that’s probably why stairs [ __ ] anent Rock D I got a bunch of ancient Rock can you build portals now we still need that one [ __ ] uh we still need the [Music] thing turn I just found the mother fish I we need one boook we need fish need one one boook don’t tell me what I need I know what I need I’m telling you what we need as a society as Society we live in a society will Union State about unionize I feel so unioned so unified right hold on wait what am I doing to prove him wrong also Minecraft not then why would you call it real life instead of while he doesn’t have you want me to add like human bone mod human bone mod and then physics mod and boom we’re in there it’s real life scared oh my God overclocking reading pyro I have something for you yeah you’re not around me I have this D for you there you go take that necklace put it around your neck me me I get straight this is Minecraft I get straight me I get straight MC’s you should turn on the PlayStation it’s fine it’s fine oh are you going to be up yes possibly [Music] oh [ __ ] arrow man he’s doing all he can has inside of it o o St getting real dangerous up here up in here up in here what why am I stuck cheater cheater bro stuck me dude I’m stuck bro it’s a virus what the hell is that oh my god oh my god dude I’ve never seen that before virus literally cold chills dude I don’t like that cold chills pay the billsus I killed it dude in your butt yo what up thank you for liking the stream I say your name but he what up though those glasses bro those glasses dog it be dangy down here oh nice nice shades dog they’re night vision goggles nice shades oh my God the he’s Splinter Nord split don’t go in there don’t do it I gotta goater what is this good night good night I don’t know what caps No Cap boys I’m scared yeah ow ow ow what I can’t see everything zoomed in yep zoomed me in stuck I’m zoomed and I can’t move little did he know why did that Arrow not do anything was that the wrong bow that was my wrong bow where did I get this from I can’t believe we haven’t found an A Worn book man Nord yeah you could try you could try making it to uh putting it to like capping it to 60 and see if that helps what your frames on the game uh it’s just it’s just lag I mean it’s not like act drops just like made a grave terrible mistake I made a horrible mistake mistakes I’ve made them I’ve made them oh oh I’m containing my mistake I’m containing everything so you know the only to get the war we have to get it from the corrupted traveler contain it can give any food item for the wor book see it’s contained we’re good the corrupted traveler yeah that’s in the I just met that [ __ ] and I had no food to give him all right follow me gang that’s all we [Music] need damn it you you son of the [ __ ] what is going on Nord we’re done aring that’s good that’s good um get a TP sure sure um what well we’re looking for this one guy so that way we can get wait what plastic drinking Runes of teleportation of Realm shifting or whatever but I literally saw him didn’t understand what he was look at me that’s a pretty cool headit what is dude you have like one that’s badass I’m kind of jealous now I’m pretty excited about it lost my shield at some point though I’m a little sad about that [Applause] [Music] glad you guys are done arguing good mom and dad are arguing again oh my God oh my Good Golly oh my God this is too much power for me oh my God who gave me bombs but I got for a while all right C I appreciate you watching for as long as you did will’ll catch you back when you return peace peace oh my God no it was a boss no no and I’m stuck oh no please I didn’t know what I was doing oh no I’m sorry no please no no please I also have a midnight robe for him cuz you already have one don’t you oh oh SK St no please I’m so sorry oh all of my apologies boy I made great mistakes say you made gravy hey man um well I think I escaped looks like a lightsaber down there what down there how does this work no it’s just like a tunic or something oh my God all that lava way over there there a guys make crazy craft server what is up ttty milk mil oh N I [ __ ] up again what um we have a buddy who bought this one but you just download like for a crazy craft pack that you get oh my goodness we also have more though let’s go few more how’s your night Name by the way Elite witch yeah you’re new and welcome in I’m trying not to die not so Elite look out no match for all of [Music] us oh so normally we do like we’ll we’ll have one of us who host or runs a dedicated server but this one was kind of like a win thing because the server that we originally had kind of uh had to have some maintenance so we did this one yeah pretty much and so like a bunch of us have our own like computer gear or know people with stuff and can make our own like make our own servers it’s it’s actually really nice how’d you get over there n walked over The Lava oh don’t really [ __ ] help me does it just stand close just hold my hand I’ll take you over there make a path bro that’s how I saved your life yeah the boots are really badass aren’t they ow they still burn me but slowly swear to God that one guy get can I join no Sally it’s not my server I don’t have any say over it my apologies backy wacky also play Minecraft Bedrock it’s fun you can make a realm so we can join yeah but there’s not as stuff on Java as there is on B I think there’s more on Java so far from from my experience cuz I first started playing on bedrock and Bedrock only lets you have ch chickens what yeah it let you have what chickens 12 chickens that’s the only difference uh the worlds are bigger usually Java gets the updates quicker uh Java was usually a couple versions ahe last time things like that what’s up I can’t believe this dude’s name was titty milk that’s really badass chassity the sage over here beating her ass than oh you heard here first Nord woman beat her zombie beater what zombies don’t have feelings not in this world did you see see these blue thing the Blue Grass up here or white grass up here ow here you want this pretty cool also let me show you something that’s really cool that makes you sit I’m sorry that was kind of funny there so many runes yeah oh give me one second [Music] you good echoed see wait what is this takeoff self launch time two Glide duration down launches the Caster into the air and grants temporary elytra flight I’m taking that definitely that’s cool glowing water should I drink the GL glowing water of course all right what’s up what do I need what do I need to do what do I need definitely do that was pyro not me barely any be able to do more yeah it’s not enough Dage this is what I’m talking about look at this it’s like a booger sugar rug glow celium what what oh Nord disappeared I the mine which what which mine M down here yeah where we were oh hey did I give you a spider necklace if I did you should be able to climb walls yeah I did I did kind of notice that I was doing that I was kind of like yo it’s it’s a gift and a curse yeah I picked up on that too what is a broken heart lethal damage destroys empty heart containers instead sleep to regenerate heart containers oh what the hell are you doing back up damn the knock back on this thing how much knock back wait was that you Nord or was thisone I hear noises I don’t like Liam the Supreme who’s Liam the Supreme Liam the Supreme is really hard to kill [Music] [Music] oh why did I do that can I have that back please you son of a [ __ ] wait where’ my funny joke go I ate it I ate it he says I he says it’s what he said what why did those disappear this guy just what what he stole my bom my bombs for some reason stole your bombs dude yeah I found more night vision goggles oh you didone word I would love them but I wants him first he can have him first and I’ll take next seems like you would love them to where to where me it would be merely convenient to have so you go ahead back you fiends back why can’t I kill this Liam guy hey I found the ancient dude dude’s so ancient I found a corruptor guy guys bring him food what kind of food kind of me say take me says you take meef yeah that’s it there’s a buch other Foods you go bro me no no no no no put it in his inventory TP me to you please with an [ __ ] right now I gave him me he gave me wor book and Wither Skull fragments oh worn book yes we need a worn book oh wait it shows what he what he [Music] wants well he wants the weird [ __ ] sper eye what’s that what are these things croissant he want he there’s a sword he’d eat at one point these are all the items he’ll take cooked fish an apple frog legs frog legs frog leg py bun tomato bro he takes so many dude I found Liam’s retreating SE Shield it’s indestructible Shield sorry Dragon you’re going in the lava all right so you want the scr book [Music] or War Book whatever of it guess no funny World War II Hitler joke oh well I guess YouTube C that out so what do I do with the book do I just oh hey the journey entry appears I don’t have any background noise do I oh so much I just want to make sure my wife’s watching the movie right now I mean I wasn’t going to say anything four carved rooms one of reality one of travel one of space build a frame from the black and stone six blocks high include the carved runes at the center and the base of the frame insert a carv room in right now hell yeah takes the keys 13 of the black and Stones five no it’s not yeah it is don’t let him lie to you we need an Eye of Ender now ancient Rock and unpowered runes to make carved runes okay have carved runes guys this man is still I’m putting oh I gave him bread and he gave me one books but I kind of feel like we only needed one so I feel like I did all that for no reason I also got a warm [ __ ] all right go home the [ __ ] out dude I have 1 2 3 four five worn books so we’re going home home yes yeah I’m home already okay I’m in the ground please help me why am I a please accept that before I die thank you wonder what I was in oh yeah I guess my little bed’s not here anymore all right so we head down here I got a bunch of this ancient Rock for you H I’ll lay it down I want to test out these boots are they made for walking [Laughter] I get for every half a second I spend running the faster I get by 5% theoretically I can get fast as [ __ ] boy so wait they didn’t really tell me how to make the runes though here’s the issue how are we supposed to make the runes now eat a banana what that didn’t my God I do feel like I’m going very fast where you at huh right next to you are you invisible what up Chris he the stream how you doing what are you up here right here damn Nord you’re fast dude D These Boots are pretty sweet they definitely are not made for walking who was that damn dude you zipping Around Jesus Sonic the Hedgehog Cal the [ __ ] down right Jesus oh where’s the night vision goggles can’t even keep up with homie [Music] dude shut the [ __ ] up excuse you how do you activate them all just put them on your face oh and I’ll automatically see at night yeah so now what do we do well now with the blank runstone what do we do with this what what all that book did was show us how to make the Rune the runestone thing we already knew how to do that yeah but we got one of the blank things and I just made it into a Le on accident which one Ye Ye yeah we do we already have this one damn it no but some of them you need for other stuff like you got to use other ones to make it so we need to have the Vox Realms and the mysterium have we gone I don’t think we’ve gone to mysterium yet have we it looks like Mystic ferns Mystic Bush they have like the yo what’s good calling me Fox welcome to the stream wonderful night wonderful evening how you been bro killing a creeper chill so we have to kill a creeper to get the mysterium so we have to kill a flying creeper head where the hell are they they’re in konia where the hell is konia where’s this Lounge you be go where’s what konia who oh so that’s another one we got to get okay invisible are you invisible I don’t know why do I have my shield back all of a sudden I haven’t had the shield in a long time why do I go invisible when I sit I don’t know surviving a creep explosion with a prime TNT nearby while having a blank rone in your inventory what’s good what’s good fox saying bro out a creeper’s explosion with a prime TNT okay so I need TNT and flint and steel and we need to go find a creeper cuz we got to make this one and we got to go kill a creeper and we have to get the mysterium and then we in order and then after that then we’ll be able to go to the other one but these are these are two new these are two new map three new maps we’re about to go to so you need TNT you said how do you TNT flint and steel and you go I have I have something on that makes me disappear how did you how do you how did you get it what how do I leave this place Nord through the door through the door hold on I’ll come get you through the wait a second this is the false door that the Platform 9 and 3/4 okay I understand now okay okay do you have a flint and steel I wasn’t thinking with I did but I must have gotten rid of it how do you make it um it’s going to be the hardest part and then all you need is one iron which I can give you there was so much Flint down there in the tunnel we were at I know we have gravel up here no we don’t you don’t have any gravel rip [Music] rip um um this is the corrupted traveler all right so now I just need to get I there should be flint and steel down here in these tunnel areas oh well then all right I got some flint and steel where you at oh I’m going to need wait there should be creepers down here isn’t there want to TP to me hold ones see how fast I’m I can go now I equipped it in another speed item you to turn to the flash I guess I am speed teleport me huh teleport me Daddy oh hey I just need to find a creeper and I need a flint and steel ow yeah don’t do that my G you want another spider neck nor do you want a spider necklace so you can climb walls no I’m okay M ancient T your Ste luck of the C8 what the [ __ ] carved Rune of reality do we want that uh excuse yes all the carved runes you want to keep okay those are what we make the portals out of okay I’m just got to get lower find a creeper I don’t have my lava Walkers that sounds like it sucks you didn’t put them on no I had them turned off oopsies oops all right I got to find AER somehow I’m sure you’ll find one don’t worry okay I have Flint for you we need to combine it with iron which Flint steel yeah okay I’m doing I’m making you a flint steel already already gave me one oh my God what did you he just committed Su did you see that that villager just jumped off into the lava he was done with this [ __ ] he’s like nope yo welcome back C how you doing what up he’s just chilling there bro chilling bingling bingling well I appreciate you taking up that rooll though backpacks are gooded dude every streamer’s got to have his viewer you know what I mean word did someone mine the [Music] lava that’s a zombie not a creeper like a bit ow [ __ ] I’m a spider [Music] too hey I found a creeper H you did TP me that might up oh I found a creeper I found a creeper good mine blew up blew up in my face got it all right nice should we go back home and put that one in yeah new dimension Time new dimension Time new new dimension Time Dash home my keyboard switch I told you you kept [ __ ] around bro well to be honest I think it’s I think it’s been switched since hell cuz I never reset my computer after hell d just [ __ ] not anymore uhoh uhoh damn gain and lost of you are all at once I’m just kidding oh is that maybe that’s I thought damn maybe you’re right oh I was just kidding I may maybe maybe you’re right maybe you’re right H maybe you’re right they’re gone come on you got to on the bright side maybe they’re right where are you H I’m I’m waiting on my portal I want to go to whatever thing creeper land creeper land yeah there’s going to be flying creepers [Music] nice what in the [ __ ] hell [Music] I don’t know how to use this thing how do you make it okay how do you do it has a day night cycle just like the Overworld beds and responds anchors both work in there how do you do it how is it done finally building me a little area Okay so to activate the portal player must use a RM Stone on the carved run of power if the portal structure is built correctly oh it’s in the middle on the bottom that’s why all right do do it nothing happens maybe there’s something missing oh my God what the [ __ ] just happened um maybe it didn’t reality I think I put these in the wrong car travel direction is what I need oopsies I’ll be back I gotta go back home real fast I that’s what I [Music] need it’s got to be this one it’s got to be my literally next month oh that one has to be carved R of space Maybe hold on am I building this backwards wait what maybe I built it hold on but car of Direction never went live on the vertical let me do that oops go ahead do that [ __ ] it’s not right [Music] uh where’ that other one go so now we need carved Rune of travel on this side here carv room of reality on the left there we go I did it bro did it yo what up MD welcome in lighting up my spot I’m going to be living here getting everything ready keep climbing the walls like a spider cuz I am a spider I don’t even need these freaking these stairs dude I need it h H I think I got yeah I think I have I do oh it is time damn son it’s time damn son where’d you find this [ __ ] where’ you find this B flip there’s not a [ __ ] crafting table there by by g [Music] g o some brick ooh ooh there’s a crafting table oh yeah [Music] bro my meat is Invincible your meat yeah I can eat it for as long as I want and it won’t disappear Bros got me so many portals dude [Music] on wait can I push him no way Dam that’s not how I want not how I want let my intrusive thoughts go invade my mind or should I act on my intrusive thoughts you can push players and there’s a ground portal to the end yo able thank you for following welcome to the technicians let’s go how’s your evening all right I’m back sorry for the W all right pyro you ready 10 or kill warden for 100,000 late does that mean need more no it is wen’s here sure m it is not it is not oh no what yeah Warden was introduced Oh I thought he was in NOP server stuff you should still have it in your Discord do you see yeah I don’t think there’s a password or anything you gota be wh listed it’s all know yeah sure we already did that though oh the Portal’s ready yeah all right in the regular spot yeah okay I’m coming down started working on a little hidey hole here you have that other do you have that other one Nord what the other weed book uh the other Rune I one that I [ __ ] up wait what do you mean we need a blank realm Stone yeah I [ __ ] made that one on accident took fall damage with it so while the player is inflicted with poison and has a blank roomstone in their inventory killing a creeper will convert it into a mysterium r Stone so we need one to go in here hey escar’s in hey so the blank realm Stones can be obtained by opening a war book almost got killed by someone’s intrusive thoughts send to the end why you were AFK who tried to do me Dy no no which one of them pyro snitch them out snitch them out do not fear oh dude I got one hell yeah all right I’m coming but I need to be inflicted with poison are y’all ready yeah I’m here I don’t know what happened Nord it just oh my God ow re log oh this place looks looks pretty cool it does doesn’t it wait which one the green place you guys went to yeah yeah yeah yeah one flowers so I need to get poisoned this is yeah creepers fly they’re like flying heads yeah creeper cow creep cow wait what yeah me I love New Dimensions Boys New Dimensions are so cool so yeah double meat bro I saw that wait give you oh dude there’s a castle right here there’s a castle yo just got here we’re already exploring greatness oh my God there’s a hole oh my God there’s a already exploring greatness falls directly into hole great holes Lord have mercy great holes are fire I think they were trying to tunnel in I just jumped on top broken table of disintegration a tablet used for rituals all right um um I can’t get on this damn hole you say you just broke in Yeah I broke in too I’m in the bottom ground taking a while to load in yeah I will how many mods there are yeah dude you got like 27 years oh and our game might crash ask oh yeah it is no I think escar’s been here before Bob the AC oh no that’s on the other server I forgot oh boys be prepared to crash so ready hey clock a loom ah there’s a building over here yeah you’re not in the castle anymore you left you got bored I went through the roof it’s just um checking out this building next a you [ __ ] son a [ __ ] you don’t [ __ ] want it with me you got an next you winged creeper oh look there’s a chest in here with Mel’s Journal Mel Rose Place what’s up solom oh armor armor private server sorry oh sharpness five like tweaker charm what do you mean tweaker charm I don’t know bro safe I guess the Tweakers Keep Us Safe mhm have no fear oh my God oh my God what did I walk into oh hey chest hello what there’s like tree caves or like no there oh I’m poisoned I need to find one of those things ow stop hitting me just let me po come here you Creeper Creeper crafting blueprint yo yo how long do you stay poisoned in this oh hello chat delay chat delay do be Minecraft has has a buil huh uhhuh uhhuh M uh War impact wait what I can jump and make booms thank you dear villagers for being so kind to me no I will murder you and your whole family if you don’t stop it h h boys my right palm is itching so bad I don’t want to itch tble of summon Wen what’s that oh two wooden spikes that don’t look like wooden spikes you want a bucket of blob fish and a bucket of lobster you want a bucket of blob I know how much you love those bucket of blob fish snord bro blob bro blobs what you don’t blob you’ve never blobbed bro bro don’t blob you’re missing out man a demolitions expert over here sells bombs discharge gross and discharge wait what that’s just what it is your snitch boss your snitch boss nice nice need you guys need you guys snitch on my friends me to me yeah snitch on him what did he eat for breakfast which way does he wipe his ass yo how does he like his marshmallows those all come together right they all make sense maybe what’s up mzar maybe who wants a bucket of Honey dude they got so many bread sorry guys you are now going to be [Music] starving what the hell huh to I’m robbing these people and they the only thing they can say is huh huh stop climbing the walls I’m I’m up here climbing the trees dude sweet I’m trying to enter a room and every time I do damn wall you ain’t doing that I have to crouch in order to get in H winged creeper I see it oh you see one is there anything over there that can poison me what is a creep alter a calter huh what happened oh a tablet used for rituals maybe this is it what happened to Bob uh I don’t know he said uh oh whole computer just locked up Chucky in Minecraft what yeah he bone creeper Chucky is in m what Chucky in Minecraft where’s The Flying creepers they’re all around bro I haven’t found a single bro what’s this giant creeper head over here ow damn pyro you good might VI yo homie I got to be poisoned anyone have any PO anything they can poison me with I can poison you with explosions that’s not the kind of thing I was thinking but well you know beggar can’t be choos yeah you are you got a point there creeper Tower dude I missed ow oh my God I don’t know how I how did I get a how did I make that oh my God why did it make the leetta room realm what the hell what the [ __ ] I got to go home I got to go home the boss fight bro the boss can anyone poison me like please like I I legitimately want to be poisoned I don’t even know what this [ __ ] is geminite oh I think you can poison can you oh big tower is a boss oh well I just [ __ ] broke the [ __ ] spawner I bet boss completed speedrun yep boss is technically defeated you can’t spawn him anymore what the why can’t I be poisoned by anything there’s nothing to poison me over here and it pisses me off nothing here is killing me down and I’m angry about it grab some more coffee and tea boys be patient oh the creeper got you the one thing I’m trying to find to kill me it killed you assassinated that’s such [ __ ] I can’t even die when I don’t want to die I can’t die when I want to die I can’t I mean when I never mind I don’t know where I was going with that this is when the tired kicks what the I know what the hell come on oh it’s explosive expert that’s about worthless oh my God my Expedition is going well I’m finding a lot of new ores are you under the ground yeah anything down there that can poison me do you have any poison you have anything that can poison me like please I really need to be poisoned um I’ve been a bad boy maybe these monsters down here can poison you I just killed a witch creeper a witch creeper yeah okay well you know what that actually might work is there any creepers down there not I just found a MIM down you where they at poison me baby find him again the last one I saw all these green blocks over here block where the hell did you go trying to find a way out R Network message list is not compatible data may be inacurate due to protocol size limits what how much space did you allocate for Cur Forge I don’t know I don’t know if that’s going to be 22 gabes no not you for my man is building God’s stairway right now wait yeah ow why am I on fire don’t know where can I see/ change that so go to curse Forge and in the bottom left you should see a cog wheel all right go out there fight those monsters um and in there Minecraft should already be selected so you’ll just scroll down and you’ll allocate these things don’t have poison well I we’re looking for the one with the witch hat I just said go fight them see if they are um but yeah you just like allocate more memory need more memory memorize me baby memory me me where be creeper [Music] poison if you have like a poison arrow you can just poison me I don’t what’s up to welcome in oh it is fire is in a wall I am the wall where are you creeper ores really oh what is blowing up right now hey I found it magical creeper hey hit me hit me with poison where’d you go how’d you get up there hello oh there’s no poison like at all son of a [ __ ] you’re worthless worthless oh see me creep worthless he magic magically an [ __ ] magically an [ __ ] all right ow you son of a [ __ ] that wasn’t very nice was it I’m having Fallout withdrawals yeah I think we should most definitely [Music] oh oh here get that trash out of my inventory what I’m joking do this from all we been through yo it changes color down here what is this it’s shiny what is this for real have we primed stone stone is so primed bro oh yeah I like being out of cave creepoid yo did you said you’ve been down here I don’t remember I thought it was all green yeah I mean was oh you me that I don’t want to die young to die too young to die too young reminds me of that buster scre when dud about to be when uh James Franco is about to be hanging how do we spawn the boss he looks over at the guy to his left he goes first time even do you know how to spawn the creeper boss bro what the hell yo yo word Bird’s the Word the bird bird bird Bird’s the Word um well this is about as deep as we can go gentlemen we’re back on the surface we need to go deeper and if and I don’t and if and I did oh oh my God I’m dead where are you n you said we are back on the surface there’s no we it’s just you pyro was back there faster is that a creeper there’s a creeper man but [ __ ] need to be poisoned I need to have one of these guys follow me to the castle where’s the castle show me the castle follow me to my house to my house follow me to my house [Music] creeper you know what I’m craving oh my grandfather used to eat this like corn beef sandwiches with want to go back to the castle you said yeah corn beef and cabbage oh my God it’s so good oh yall ever had corn beef and cabbage I look at this movement yeah lamburger cheese ever have fine movement all right Joe Biden calm down what do you mean fine movement moving fast I know it’s been a while movement is fine so I know it’s been a while what’s up brohood thank you for liking and sharing yo what’s popping how’s your evening a [ __ ] son [ __ ] have y’all seen the Ozarks no what’s what’s a phark the Ozarks what’s the bozark it’s about an accountant who moves to the Ozarks to launder money ozar I never seen the Ozarks though is that like the the sequel I thought it was called the Ozarks n oh there’s the castle never mind I never doubted you yeah I’d be standing on [Music] it pyro died somewhere is there any creepers nearby uh I’m not sure do I keep just floating in midair for some reason bro’s a little floaty bro’s a little floaty bro floating um what I just like fell twice BR is falling twice can’t believe Bros fall haveen these events I fora them twice oh [ __ ] back to the future I’m my own dad I mean what that explains a lot what was it uh there’s a predestination or something with like uh what is it some people in it but there’s a movie called predestination and there’s something like that going on there brose’s own dad dude I just found a badass glove like they turned what you said into a movie interesting [Music] broke my leg I’m okay G eat it’s just a leg that’s what you have another one for why I got this meat for what’s up sea welcome in thought you were about to say that’s what you got this meat for I was like what good you never seen a homeless man before n i just uh I was running from creers and I turned around and you were running really fast Direction did you just say blob fish there’s a creeper there’s a creeper I’m sorry was my my polation not I need to be poisoned Poison Poison Poison Poison son of a [ __ ] poison me blobfish poison damn you did that creeper just blow up please don’t tell me that was the creeper that I just saw bro saw the creeper is no longer there is it it’s no longer I like how the creep Birds just telling some dude going what’s up seaha let’s go how’s your evening outo it’s good to hear that you’re still you’re still kicking GL to see kick still kicking in chat let’s go let’s go my God you don’t want it with me I’ll [ __ ] kill you I did that man is dead I killed a man in Minecraft but did he deserve it I’m not poisoned anymore oh my God this is getting annoying where’s this damn creeper bro get creeper Pate what are you doing brother playing Minecraft still I’m going to [ __ ] lose it man it’s still playing games what I I’m streaming [ __ ] studio right now [ __ ] yeah dude finally you’re on K stream inl Studio yeah I am that’s what I’m talking about what’s up sub thank you for liking the stream let’s go yo pH your editor how you doing welcome to the stream apprciate you stopping in that’s pretty cool so you got like your birthday today happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday bro happy birthday happy birthday happy birthdayy birthday to I’m about to make him a bir beat with the guitar no bro so on stream I can’t [ __ ] do the guitar dumb issue we have I gotu over yeah I yeah we need to figure that out Apple no over fish Bast I miss you to bro I’ll be I’ll be I feel it do your [ __ ] Bro do your [ __ ] thing I’ll be locking in with you soon lock in with me bro I’m going to show you everything that I just learned isn’t it 2 a a.m. time right now it’s near yeah it’s one almost all brother love you love you don’t kill me please also where is my body cuz I didn’t get all my [ __ ] what is not on my [ __ ] y i to get some soda there it is so Nord guess what I got to go back home because I keep getting the damn Leeta Leeta oh the fall damage one yeah I haven’t slept and it’s 500 a.m. for me oh my goodness I am that guy well done it is nearly midnight and I am tired all right do I play Roblox um I mean I haven’t played it in like years but like I mean I feel like it would be fun get like gang on it or something want check out some of the horror games I heard some of them are pretty good yeah they do have some pretty good ones they also do really good on views damn yo why can’t I find I need one of y’all to poison me or something dude or bring one of those creeper can one of y’all like like have a have one of those creep hards Focus you cuz that’s literally all we need to get to the next realm that way we can get to the key for the next thing wait what do you need you need poison you I need to be poisoned and then was it kill or get blown up by a creepoid [Music] can be obtain [ __ ] off ads open wait that’s a blank one of raccoon tailes in here what’s going on here hair a bear can I like play with you or something yeah when we get on Roblox where [ __ ] am I while players is inflicted with poison and has a blank realm Stone in their inventory killing a creeper will convert it into a mysterium realm Stone so that’s all I have to do is be poisoned and then kill kill it and then I’m good where I found an echolocator that is so if one of yall cuz I have a poison thing here but I need a creeper that’s my only issue I’m having there a creeper [ __ ] right here on me wait a regular creeper or creeper creep bird and birds a creep there’s a bone creeper because I have to just drop down in here to get poisoned but it’s wait I might just go in through here oh hey there’s stuff in here should we let them out nah I like watching them do not hit this lever um I hit it oh what the [ __ ] oh Nord yeah Nord you have a grizzly bear look behind you I should have hit the level guys you want to be with me what lizo yo guys we got lizo up in the house happy birthday let’s go birthday to tur this what is going on in here oh my God I’m about to actually die bro a thrilled shark dude I have a thrilled shark should I ask the [ __ ] is that noise I got nervous huh yo these noises # yo is auto jump on or something it’s a spider are you not a [ __ ] Dam they are really after you what is that is that a flag that’s like stuck waving or something ow ow oh sweet Lord oh friends where I want friends George friends up at the top of the tower no don’t shoot my friends ow no I’m dying for some unknown no ah get murdered I’ve been moed we got moed again [Music] [Music] [Music] and same make sure you leave these guys alive cuz this is where I get my poison [ __ ] up your whole thing oh damn never mind I literally had them all there by the time you said damn it damn dude the moment I [ __ ] realized that man that guy was sick no kidding why is this guy glow I didn’t even think about it you’re good I have so much stuff in my inventory you stop hitting me oh hey dude Nord come to me there’s so much stuff and Pyro if you’re in the tower also I am in the tower my God what the we’ll beat you with a shovel playing Roblox right now nice where you at in the tower I’m up near the top oh my God all right I’m very top of the tower oh I’m not at the tower I’m in the building where Nord was I don’t know what that means did I say Tower yeah you said it top Tower [ __ ] my bad there’s stuff up there also though all right yeah meet you up here I’ve already been up there pumpkin pie anyone want some pumpkin pie anybody want pumpkin how you doing yo assassin Rider is that what you said that’s such a badass name that is a badass name I agree as Rider 5,000 ow ass is on fire L dude you want to fight me bro where did you spawn from oh hey Gastly gibbis oh there it is Gastly Viv I’m watching the stream on my phone so every Emoji I put looks weird on PC I wish there were more Universal the you you Emoji can these guys poon me where the bloody hell are you guys now you just sit at me and go a is there no like bottle of poisoning or something no you can make probably how do you make it bottle of water spider eye or something Su at a frilled shark oh my God they’re fighting the grizzly bear is fighting them I don’t want no part in this grizzly I didn’t do you wrong I didn’t put you in that cage they did I saved you actually I didn’t but I’ll take the credit for it so you don’t [Music] H yeah definitely up that he’s like but I only have [Music] six H accept my teleport a thank you a The Gamer The Gamer The Gamer I’m a gamer that what I just heard the gamer I’m a gamer are you a gamer I’m a gamer I enjoy the gaming I’m a gaming Enthusiast I meant gaming I meant gaming Enthusiast I hope my mic cut out on acent all right I really don’t see much more of a point to be here other than that the the only way we can get the key is to do yeah there’s no more poison here so no my pickaxe oh no my big ass and oh my god thank you you see your big ass you big ass must of course there’s a freaking Creeper right here you are a son of a [ __ ] you know that I was getting rid of stuff you [ __ ] what’s a Crimson ladder you booty shaker hey hey I like that I am familiar with sure if I canun I mean well how many how many gigabytes does he have excuse me how much how much RAM do you have yeah that’s what I meant yeah [Music] that’s the way uh I like it which way have we not gone yet I’m doubting to get a blaze or something and just like look for something to hurt me look for something to hurt me my daddy issues are coming back all of them all of them father father why why didn’t you beat me why did you throw my pet rat against the back of the garage when he bit me took my Nintendo [Applause] 64 that’s a true story by the way my dad actually did that yeah no threw we had a pet rat and it bit me and he got mad so he show showed the rat who was boss pretty much yeah the garage wall yeah that uh that R learned something that day he’ll never forget yo does this guy sell poison is like poison bombs no all I saw was grenades and like charge worthless worthless you said you said worthless and my brain was just like Dad 16 Rams a g or 16 gabes yeah your m g to need all that allocate like because you’re going to need four minimum just for Windows and then plus like an extra one or two for I would probably do 10 so I would just do 10 yeah and try it that doesn’t work try I got a piece of candy o piece of C nice I’ve been running in this direction for hours and I haven’t seen anything ien a piece of found a tool box what the hell build something please oh I’ve been uh working on the house at the base please please ow we’re out here exploring this uh this Castle as sporing as sporing nor can I get a Telly belly yes yes yes hello Mr super speed never catch up with me oh bye goodbye good see do you s poison no sell [ __ ] no one sell poison in this damn place [ __ ] so hard to find some poison huh it’s all green you think there would be some poison yeah right [Music] found the lottery man yo what’s a creep Banker yo what oh it’s good as girl I’m good um I’m I’m going to try closing my browser see if that helps oh that would definitely help are you using Chrome Brave I don’t know what that [Music] is okay so right now I’m at like 5. two gigs out of um 15.9 with a quarter being used a third a third I would just like close down as much as you can that you’re not going to use is that with wait with like Minecraft or your back oh no there was something in the candy guys what do you mean no not open right now oh no what do you mean so whatever you can close I would close it uh this is crazy craft so should I close curse Forge as soon as I run Minecraft that’s what I do and you can kill Windows Explorer too in the task manager and then run everything from the task manager for maximum [ __ ] power should I N I can’t close Discord especially [ __ ] Discord yeah crazy craft is like 320 or [ __ ] it’s using 2 260 for me all have a good night yo peace and my expired antivirus is like taking 270 megabytes I don’t know how to take it off it oh huh remove it from your HRA it’s so funny that people think like those antivirus softwares actually like help much when just the built-in Windows one just does the same thing well it took a while for it to get to that point it’s I would say the past like couple years it’s it’s been like a pretty good thing the only thing about it now is like zero days and like just things they ain’t caught yet and then you hear like all those antivirus softwares where they have all the data breaches and [ __ ] it’s like wait is it your job specifically for that well it’s just no matter how good you get you just kind of especially you have information you’re going to become a Target yeah yeah there’s just like there’s always going to be ways to get in all you’re doing is increasing the complexity of the ways to get in you know there’s always going to be way harder to catch him I mean yeah people are pretty [ __ ] clever bro if they just chilling there ain’t doing [ __ ] they get pretty [ __ ] clever yeah have you seen some of the stuff that people have made in jail I don’t know if you listen to oh there’s a podcast cross out of a hanger there you go ow oh hey hey there’s your new friend lot of man whoa oh poisoned man why is it so hard to get poisoned here hey I forgot what I was talking about wait do any of my arrows have poison poison anybody else getting uh some Zomboy ditches lately yeah yeah yeah what is it me and the wife watched this new they made like a new Living Dead movie on tub or whatever the [ __ ] and it was making me really want to play some everything just turned yellow what the [ __ ] you eat the candy no but it’s weird should we like scrape off some mods or not well I mean I’m kind of hoping b42 [ __ ] drops and then we’ll just [ __ ] do a vanilla oh no not vanilla oh no what’s p42 what was coming out on that uh new this year the latest the zomo update the 42nd build PCS Mar uh no that’ll be build 43 I agree they push that back is there a yeah but single player yeah and it’s unstable it’s like broken found another Castle you did yeah TP me to you TP on me please I mean TP please Daddy nordberg you can be my nler oh my God warn someone first you were lit asking literally oh hey you were literally asking for it I love just caught me by surprise Nord I’m going to have to go to bed here soon boys I got balers gate tomorrow I don’t want to oversleep it again like I did earlier oops what was that that was my plate don’t worry it’s just now broken shattered at my feet [Music] mhm okay so there’s got to be poison in here does anyone see a creeper next like nearby at all yo chappy Moon munano how you doing bro thank you for asking uh my night has been pretty good pretty good you know don’t lie though getting kind of tired so it might be winding down here here soon at least for me I about guys then tomorrow we should look into either getting on like call at 76 definitely down I sadly am getting tired somebody say that or we get want to say anything there’s no creeper around here bro I really want to get this Rune before we get off though I want to see how that Ser looks what you mean what the hell caveen what you mean I’m tired I’m tying tired I’m going try go hopping on then it crashes and then it crashes what is this I found a house over here what the hell enchanting Tower I don’t think seven seven pigs is enough it didn’t work still not sure all right guys you have a good night I have a good [ __ ] yeah Nord Nord broke the seal he popped it not what’s wrong with the username and now you’re tired no I’m GNA lock I’m gonna take that opportunity to lock in on music oh before I pass out then yeah I am tired as [ __ ] but I [ __ ] around off some music first all right have a good night pyro all right good [ __ ] with you guys you have a good [Music] night GG’s boys boss yo I need to find a creeper and I need to get poisoned creeper I found a creeper now I oh dude there creeper right outside here this is perfect poison me please can’t you just make a poison potion I don’t know how to do that I think you need a spider eye or something but I don’t I have a hard time listening sometimes he just doesn’t like that’s no I’m actually just too lazy to actually do it yeah my frames are whose corpse is this I’ll take your stuff yeah look at that two bars two bars of connection damn nice how go to beds hell yeah all right well then I think I’m going to follow suit then I’m tired come on someone has to have some poison here all right give me one second thank you everybody for tuning in I hope you guys enjoyed it if you guys did be sure to hit that like button if you guys loved it consider subscribing to show some support to the channel and we will see you guys tomorrow with some either some zomboid or some Fallout 76 who knows and Ballers gate possibly I need to double check on that I don’t know if they’re doing that all right thank you guys again

This video, titled ‘Furthering the Gardens Construction! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by NordBerg on 2024-04-13 20:51:16. It has garnered 19 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:57:10 or 14230 seconds.

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  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

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    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) TikTok minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More


    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More

  • Clowdy Skies

    Clowdy SkiesWelcome to Clowdy Skies, where epic battles, cunning strategies, and thrilling adventures await. We’ve meticulously crafted a unique and immersive Minecraft Factions server. Engage in heart-pounding custom raiding, unlock treasures from our exclusive crate system, experience balanced PvP, and prove your skills in dedicated arenas. Our dedicated and friendly community is at the heart of it all, and we’re committed to creating a server where every detail counts. Join us in shaping this evolving network as we build our community and perfect our Minecraft world together. Patience is key, but the journey promises excitement at every turn. Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

    Charged Creeper SMP Server Hark, brave adventurers! Welcome to Charged Creeper, an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. Join us for a captivating and enriched survival experience like no other. What’s in store for you: A lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Quality of Life features like Player Warps, Homes, and Land Claiming A voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Cross-platform play with friends Informative Discord channel and custom Help menu Links: Website Discord Channel Gallery Java IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 We eagerly await new faces on our server and extend our warmest… Read More

  • Lycana Network

    Lycana Network🌟 Welcome to Lycana Network – Your Ultimate Minecraft Destination! 🌟Get ready to embark on an unforgettable Minecraft journey with Lycana Network! 🗺️✨ Our network offers a diverse range of servers, each meticulously crafted to provide you with unique and thrilling experiences. Whether you’re a fan of classic Survival gameplay or the excitement of Prison servers, we’ve got you covered!🏕️ Immerse Yourself in a Captivating Survival Experience 🏕️Step into a world of endless possibilities with our feature-rich Survival server! Explore beautifully designed worlds, engage in epic PVP battles, and unleash your creativity with our exclusive features:🌿 Discover four immersive worlds… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Ominous Trials ain’t got nothin’!

    Why am I not surprised? With a score like that, this meme is definitely a survivor! Read More