New Heart Nether Portal Found in Minecraft Maizen!

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hey JJ JJ you’ll never guess what I found here follow me yeah what’s it see what is that is it this is a nether heart we need to jump there I wonder what’s inside there’s definitely treasure somewhere inside want to check it out yeah okay huh wait what no way what is it huh wo that’s a long way to the bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to jump on Wow me first sure yum be careful I guess it’s my [Music] turn let go of me huh stop it leave me alone what Mikey are you okay Mikey just got kied kidnapped hang on H who’s that could it be one of Mikey’s kidnappers what’s he doing go he’s keeping watch I can’t let him see me but I can’t let him out of my sight either oh oh of course that must be the entrance to the secret hideout I’ve got to follow him in rescue Mikey hang on H oh wow look at this it’s clearly the entrance to their secret hideout it’s a little scary but I’ve got to go in I’m Mikey’s only hope I have to save him while there’s still time I can do [Music] this slow and steady I can’t let anyone see me M now that is a long staircase I’m going to make my way down carefully I wonder what’s at the bottom of this thing and I hope I can get to Mikey before he gets [Music] hurt there’s no time to waste oh there’s the bottom oh a [Music] door hang on hang on something’s not right wait a sec it’s a trap someone laid down a trip wire I almost ran right into it I wonder what happens if I set it off wa that could have been really dangerous if I hadn’t noticed the wire in time I would have been turned into a pin cushion okay I’m going to go through the door but I have to be careful there could be more traps ahead what is this place there’s a giant pit of lava but it looks like I can use these blocks to get to the other side here I go I’ll admit I’m a little scared but I can’t let that stop me Mikey needs me I just have to make sure I don’t slip there I made it glad that’s over all right bring on the next room let’s see is there anything in here h no uh-oh that said there’s also another door maybe I can slip through without being seen door’s right there y I’ve been spotted I wanted to avoid fighting my way through but it looks like I don’t have a choice oh they’re strong take that they’re backing me up into a Corner got a [Music] bolt one down yes woohoo that was close huh they dropped something 1 2 3 4 weird anyways I better take some time to recover before moving on that fight took it out of me couple more [Music] bites oh okay I’m ready to get back at it there’s no time to lose let’s find out what’s on the other side of this door huh it’s not opening I need to enter the code with a security feature like that it must be guarding Mikey I’m so close to saving him but I don’t know the code wait what was on that piece of paper the guy dropped oh it’s a four-digit number I think the bad guy was holding on to the passcode let’s find out if I’m right 1 2 3 [Music] 4 yes it worked okay proceed with [Music] caution there are freaky creatures down here what are they I’m glad I brought a weapon they look like tentacles just shoot okay one down two to go yes take that [Music] okay oh thank goodness I’m glad I brought a weapon I’m starting to think that I fell into a different plane of existence but why did Mikey come here all questions no answers I see another door let’s just open it and find my friend okay all right that door there it must be the entrance it looks like trouble but the mutation device must be on the other side I’m going in charge [Music] y whoa what’s happening oh of course it’s a trap an impressive arot trap that was a close one [Music] wa anyway the lesson here is to never ever let your guard down oh lava proceed with caution if I fall in it’ll all have been for nothing okay all right made it across come on ph okay just a bit more parkour and the zombies can eat my dust almost up there huh an elevator looks like I can ride it to the top all right here I go wo ha nice woohoo [Music] woo hang on I made it up and look who’s here it’s everyone from my Village even Mikey and it seems like everyone’s unharmed huh help he saw me save us Mikey Mikey keep it down the mutant zombie hasn’t spotted me yet be quiet or he’ll notice me listen buddy I’ve gotten really strong I don’t know if I’m tough as the mutant zombie though so I I’m going to try and creep up on him if I can land a sneak attack I think I just might be able to slay him I’m going to take him down and free everyone he still hasn’t seen me so here I go 3 2 one attack ha didn’t even see me coming still better be careful he seems strong yeah uh yeah take that and that you monster just as I thought he’s really tough come on come on wao I did it I defeated him and now I can finally free everyone come on out wow beating the mutant zombie in one strike that’s incredible I’m just happy all of you are unharmed well thank you so much for saving us of course oh huh what let’s go what’s this it looks like a parkour section Mikey we’re already pretty high up I wouldn’t want to fall that would hurt be careful nice hop across let’s keep moving hang on H it’s a dead end there’s no way to get up there we can’t reach you’re right but look over here we walk right past this chest oh there might be something useful inside let’s see huh well what do we have here there’s a slime block a sticky piston and a lever but how are those going to help us check this out let’s put it together like this see oh we can hop on top of here try it out sure ready go wo I made it sweet thanks yep I was launched pretty high okay I’ll try not to fall off yes nice I made it let’s go all right okay wao what’s all this it’s not safe we’re high up this is scary Mikey I don’t want to fall off go slow so high I can barely look down this is seriously crazy take it easy and you won’t fall all right it looks like we have more parkour ahead be careful stay focused this is tough that was close but I made it okay I made it yes wow we’re almost to the top look wo already that was easier than I thought now we just have to get the treasure from inside this house still don’t let your guard down okay let’s go here we [Music] go what no seriously uh Mikey huh you fell there was a hole inside I know it’s a trap that you have to jump over to get [Music] inside man let’s jump woo it’s pretty easy a come on no way okay try again finally I made it wo nice all right that hole we made it to the chest so let’s open it up and see what kind of treasures inside open wo oh nice amazing check it out it was full of coins awesome woohoo we got the treasure I’m really stoked about all these coins coins woohoo what’s down here let’s move huh here I go W here’s water down there see anything no way wao what’s this it seems like a one-way bridge I bet it’s dangerous we better cross it quick huh this bridge drops into the void it’s game over if we fall what do we do what’s this there’s a button let’s push it H nothing did we get faster huh wao cool oh yeah you’re right it’s still dangerous but at this speed I think we can make it across the bridge really let’s see ready yep go look I’m really doing it made it now it’s my turn 3 2 1 yo woohoo wow cool I made it across Mikey awesome now we have no choice but to keep moving forward that’s true what’s past here let’s find out come on huh look those guys I can beat them with my sword H we can’t keep climbing if we don’t deal with them first take him down yeah we did it it was easy H there’s a chest what could be inside let’s try opening it oh wow there’s a ton of armor and stuff perfect a powerful Katana and golden apples too hey this armor looks cool wo let’s put it on Amazing sweet so cool wo wow these are much nicer katanas we look like Samurai I want to see the top yeah let’s keep climbing up what’s next I see a door I want what’s inside open H it looks like a maze let’s go I want to go higher up uh what is that it hit me it’s an enemy what is it wao this sword is awesome it sets things on fire it’s so creepy all right I beat that weird octopus thing nice H thank you is this way right huh huh my I think I see the treasure chest behind this door oo can I open it sure careful not to let your guard down let’s go huh all right let’s open it oh what is it apples Mikey apples thanks here you go let’s eat wow these look delicious all righty then yeah they did huh h Huh where’s this what is this place what’s in the chest let’s open it oh what’s that this is no way it’s a flamethrower huh wo it’s powerful it’s practically Unstoppable so strong I can’t believe we found our own flamethrowers nice nice wo cool Mikey let’s move on we might find our way out of here if we go through this door I bet you’re right I want to get out 3 2 1 open what wait a sec huh what’s going on here help me are these enemies maybe OU oh they’re attacking ouchy let’s take him down nice job use the flamethrower wo go away keep fighting this is amazing oops I set you on fire oh ouch it burn this is bad that was a close one I almost burned up my dad all right one left nice attack yes we got him oh we won huh nice job it dropped a key for what I’m not too sure Mikey maybe here oh it’s a lever open wao good thinking amazing what the what’s this Yik hold on a sec huh this place is seriously something else wa it’s over a lava lake and the course has made made out of TNT plus if you step on a block it’ll drop down we have no choice Mikey we should try to dash through to the other side which side do you want left or right I’ll take right you take left okay we’ll go on three I’ll count us in okay go ahead 3 2 1 go nice okay good make sure to watch your step quick Mikey huh get on oh Mikey give it another go okay I’m waiting for you Mikey all right this time around I’m going to make it oh wow you’re doing it that was incredible hey nice let’s go time for the next area that was some tough parkour now then yeah let’s keep our eyes on the prize and make it to the top of this enormous tree right huh I think it’s more parkour this one looks fun let’s go we’re on our way out this way yeah this way really I guess come here sure nice job oops I fell off Mikey’s down I’ll be back it’s super easy to fall off here now where should I jump to so hard where now I don’t know over there I figured it out there’s a pig huh right here oh I see it this is the way I made it okay now let’s see what is this place wow what kind of basement is this it’s a lava pit I see something to be honest I’m kind of scared me too I hope we don’t find anything too weird up ahead yeah if we fall it’s game over right let’s be careful we’ll find the treasure eventually no need to rush we made it nice this place looks super weird H I think this is some sort of prison we can’t get past this point wait can’t we break through the iron bars good idea that’s more like it let’s go wow yes huh oh look another chest and it’s got JJ look out the fat guys are here quick Mikey get to the chest there’s a super powerful weapon inside a yeah now we’re talking it’s called a bio gun it’ll make quick work of those guards let’s move out nothing can stand in our way nice this bio gun is so strong for real he’s down come on right behind you easy peasy keep moving what’s all this are we supposed to pick one of these doors there’s gold there’s dirt and there’s Diamond which one should we pick Mikey gold dirt or Diamond the dirt door that’s probably the wrong choice maybe gold I think so Yep this is it I choose gold all right let’s open it up cool pris break W I don’t think that’s safe oh I’m glad you didn’t run into the lava close one wow you would have fallen in Mikey dangerous gold was incorrect it’s wrong a what’s next there’s only dirt or diamond in that case it’s got to be diamond for sure come on okay 3 2 1 show me the sky slow down what the we’re not alone uh-oh there’s no way that thing’s friendly what is it well it’s not attacking me wa it’s definitely not friendly look out JJ get it I don’t huh that was easier than I thought I guess this was the wrong door too I had a feeling the dirt one was correct it’s the last one you open it let’s give it a shot dirt seemed the least likely option but I guess we were wrong time to open it well what is it huh there’s more oh wao I guess this was the right door all along huh it kind of looks like a parkour challenge this was the right door can we escape from from up there go for it JJ yes made it nice job my turn yes yes yes yes wow great work uhoh it’s so close I almost made it okay again yes yes yes yes yes yes yes wa it’s a dead end no Mikey look there are slime blocks down below for us to jump on bounce up and land up here I get it like this that’s the stuff nice upstairs hurry I want to see the sky I think this is a slime elevator if you want up you just have to push the button like that wow cool it works sweet wo all good ah made it to the top wow you good yes sir all good nice yes yes yes Almost come on one more there oh nice Let’s Escape arrows there’s probably more to this more where oh we need to jump from the slime blocks to the ledge no way can you even make that give it a try seriously you got it go I did it oh nice here I go wow there I did it that was fun yeah I want to get out wait a sec what’s this let’s open it up 3 2 1 oh oh this stuff’s pretty good we got a full equipment set wo let’s equip everything and go let’s do it I’m pretty happy we found some food in here as well awesome uh what’s this do you think it’s some kind of M a maze let’s go mazes are so easy here we go open there cool wao hang on Mikey this will be easy what are they no there are so many it’s a swarm what do we do I have no idea we have to fight them off right all of them uh-oh whoo did get clear will there be more those things huh well I guess that’s it ohuh wao what’s this wait there’s nothing here what’s with that we’ll climb with these pleas normally we need to get launched upwards like this but I can already jump that high I can jump all the way up here aw I’m going the slow way okay Mikey hurry okay wait up I’m coming oh nice good job awesome let’s get you cured JJ come on let’s go huh what’s next hang on are those zombies zombies uh-oh they see you they think I’m here to fight them stop it leave it to me ouchie ouchie taada it’s fighting time oh no help me huh insta kill w wow thank you done you mutant zombies are unstoppable hey a chest open it open hang on there are two katanas in here this is great so cool look how cool this sword is I fell well that’s how parkour goes the sword makes it pretty easy how when you swing the sword it boosts your jumps you good yep okay now let’s wa whoo look out for those slimes they seem way stronger than normal get back they’re so tough I know seriously whoo there’s no more we beat them we beat them all wao what a fight I know time to go all right whoa try to hit the slimes before they see you they attack on sight smart strike first perfect nice okay now we can climb up this ladder let’s go well huh what’s that duh they look like ghosts I wonder if there’s some type of Guardian Spirits for the tree yeah this tree is super old they’re trying to stop us I wonder it’s probably tens of thousands of years old look I think this might be the end come on this way the stairs lead further up past the maze terrific let’s go what’s beyond these stairs what are those they creep me out huh slimes enemies JJ I got you slimes they’re tough oh wow they’re all over us are you going to be okay Mikey yeah they’re gone these slimes are kind of terrifying they play R I’ve got this wa I’m being attacked they’re strong all clear nice I took a lot of damage we can climb over but it’s a dead end nope it’s another path I see let’s go this looks like another parkour course so if you fall then you have to climb back up a why wa it’s a lot easier to make it across the parkour course if you use the sword okay nice there this way W good job the door is locked again though H I guess we’re stuck huh oh a chest oh hold up huh I found lock picks again oh I’ll use them to pick this lock just like this is it here like this okay nice I successfully picked the lock so now let’s move open what’s this H what’s all this huh is this what oh it’s a maze but Mikey there are enemies in here this wait it attacked me let’s do this get the enemies use your weapon time to fight get them we got this no they’re strong we should be able to win with these weapons careful go they’re kind of tough there we go good there must be something once we get out of this maze so creepy take this W yes ouch all right yes come on I’m low on health we’ll make it we can ouchies I’ll handle this Sho Sho Sho all right we beat them all nice job yep let’s finish the maze let’s finish this off Mikey let’s go nice oh huh what could be past this door I don’t feel like there’ll be something good waiting for us open up h w what is it anything huh the what are those things there’s so many spikes H be careful oh ouchies ow we need to avoid touching them we have to be careful H there’s a door over there so ouchie no are you okay there’s a door so let’s get to it ow that hurts ouchies it’s hard to avoid them that hurts are we okay avoid touching them oh careful no ouch that hurt Mikey okay let’s reach the door over there let’s go ouchies ouch we have to force our way through W ouch wo that hurt oh here’s a door huh but it’s locked it won’t open is it stuck why won’t it open no kidding it won’t open because it’s locked maybe we need to search for the key H let’s find the key where could it be oh hang on right here ouchies huh let’s get whatever’s inside this chest here oh open what’s inside oh there are a few things inside look huh I got some kind of armor you can have that one thanks wo these are are they shoes we’ve got some kind of shoes I’ll try mine on too wo they’re nice also check this out these things in my hands they’re lock picks uhhuh which you need to pick a lock so I’ll use them to unlock the door you can unlock it huh I might be able to just have to do these in order all right it looks like that’ll open wow like this oh it’s open and with that we’re through wow nice job wo ouch what’s inside oh huh what’s this H what is it

This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey FOUND a New HEART NETHER PORTAL in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen TV on 2024-06-12 13:01:00. It has garnered 51914 views and 466 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds.

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ BECAME VAMPIRE and Attacked Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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    XBOOM AIMER EXPLODES SMP - Insane Lifesteal Action!Video Information तो किया नहीं ह तो मैं सोच रहा हूं कि थोड़ा बहुत एक्सप्लोर कर लू आज मैं तो क्या बोलते गाइस एक्सप्लोर करते हैं तो आ जाओ फटाफट एक्सप्लोरिंग और क्या ही करू यार अभी मैं तो एक् ऐसा लग रहा है कि थोड़ा थोड़ा खत्म होने वाला है लेकिन खत्म नहीं होने वाला है यार भाई मस्त मस्त चैलेंज आने वाले मतलब अभी थोड़े दिन में मैं जेल बनाऊंगा टाउन हॉल बनाऊंगा भाई कितनी सारी चीजें बचा है मतलब मुझे सामान भी गैदर करना है सब कुछ यह सब चीज के क्या ही करू मैं भाई बहुत… Read More

  • EPIC Rainbow TNT tutorial in Minecraft!

    EPIC Rainbow TNT tutorial in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make rainbow TNT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ThinoX MT on 2024-06-01 02:00:22. It has garnered 21756 views and 477 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. How to make rainbow TNT #minecraft #shorts Apologies if anything is wrong in this video. The voice here is a bit bad, we will try to improve it in the future. Please support us by subscribing, liking and sharing. Follow ThinoX MT Instagram: X: Pinterest: Join to ThinoX MT Discord: Edit by : NOX Video Making by :… Read More

  • Unleashing Herobrine’s Ultimate Power! #Minecraft #Animation

    Unleashing Herobrine's Ultimate Power! #Minecraft #AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb Klassic Scorpion Power | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-03-29 08:30:10. It has garnered 49 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb Klassic Scorpion Power and destroy Scorpion|#minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did… Read More

  • Pixelated Forever

    Pixelated ForeverWelcome to the extraordinary realm of “Pixelated Forever,” a groundbreaking Minecraft server crafted by Forever Global! Dynamic Multiverse Quests and Adventures Skills Challenges Build Competitions Custom Plugins and Features Player-driven Economy Community Events Read More

  • Earth-Lifesteal. Earthsteal. 1/1500 scale Earth. Steal hearts, risk death. Under new management. Conquer and have fun!

    Join our Java only Discord server! Join us at No cracked accounts allowed If you ask without reading first, be prepared to be teased! Build freely with server rules protection Feel free to build large structures like the Statue of Liberty and unleash your creativity! Read More

  • Vanilla Catholic Community Craft!

    Vanilla Catholic Community Craft!Catholic Minecraft Community Server!1. No Swearing2. No Griefing3. No PVPVanilla with:worldeditworldguard (to prevent griefing!)Looking to build a comfy server for Catholics and Christians.Started today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Chain + toilet paper holder = anvil sound 😂

    Minecraft Memes - Chain + toilet paper holder = anvil sound 😂I guess I’ll have to start charging admission for people to come hear my bathroom orchestra! Read More

  • Minecraft math madness #meme

    Minecraft math madness #meme “Why do I need to learn algebra when I can just mine diamonds in Minecraft and become rich?” 🤣 #MinecraftLogic #MathIsOverrated Read More

  • Ultimate Jukebox in Minecraft 1.7-1.20

    Ultimate Jukebox in Minecraft 1.7-1.20 ComputerCraft Jukebox Program: Play Any Music Disc in Minecraft Hello everyone, this is Out-Feu. Today, I will present you a Jukebox program made with ComputerCraft that allows you to play any music disc, vanilla or modded, in Minecraft. The original program was created by “The Juice” and shared on the ComputerCraft Subreddit 6 years ago. This program offers a user-friendly interface where you can easily select and play your favorite music discs. Jukebox Features The Jukebox program displays all your music discs, both vanilla and modded, in an organized manner. You can click on a music disc to change… Read More

  • Old MacDonald’s Cow Chaos

    Old MacDonald's Cow Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play (Day 6) – Old MacDonald Had 2 Cows Join Solomon, also known as PCG, on his daily Minecraft Survival Let’s Play journey as he navigates the world of Minecraft in a relaxed and engaging manner. Dive deep into the world of Minecraft with Solomon as he builds, explores, caves, and works towards collecting all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. To add an extra challenge, natural regeneration is turned off, requiring health to be regenerated by eating golden apples or using potions. Building and Organization On Day 6, Solomon focuses on… Read More

  • Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U – VSMP Server Debut!【Minecraft】

    Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U - VSMP Server Debut!【Minecraft】Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can’t believe I muted hi everyone hello everyone welcome in and Welcome to our very first time on the vsmp which is pixel links uh vtuber Community server it is invite only and we will be having a great time perhaps even with a certain wonderful um blue creature yes I hope you all are very very excited I’ve seen you guys be absolute creatures about this you guys you guys really really really wanted me to join the server so I’m very happy um I’m very happy very… Read More

  • New Heart Nether Portal Found in Minecraft Maizen!

    New Heart Nether Portal Found in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information hey JJ JJ you’ll never guess what I found here follow me yeah what’s it see what is that is it this is a nether heart we need to jump there I wonder what’s inside there’s definitely treasure somewhere inside want to check it out yeah okay huh wait what no way what is it huh wo that’s a long way to the bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to jump on Wow me first sure yum be careful I guess it’s my [Music] turn let go of me… Read More

  • 🚀Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed!🔥 #shorts #viral

    🚀Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed!🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-07-12 12:32:28. It has garnered 10504 views and 299 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Astronaut Tutorial in 60s! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Astronaut Tutorial in 60s! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Real Astronaut Tutorial in Minecraft | #shorts’, was uploaded by Itz vedant gaming on 2024-01-11 11:15:00. It has garnered 7474 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Real Astronaut Tutorial in Minecraft | #shorts #shortsfeed #viral #trending #gaming #minecraft Yotube channel @Itz_vedant_gaming_ Tag :- minecraft minecraft astronaut astronaut in minecraft astronaut in the ocean how to make astronaut suit in minecraft minecraft tutorial minecraft astronaut tutorial make a astronaut in minecraft astronaut how to make astronaut in minecraft how to make an astronaut in minecraft how to build an… Read More

  • “LIVE Valorant with Insane Indian Player!” #valorantindia

    "LIVE Valorant with Insane Indian Player!" #valorantindiaVideo Information [संगीत] आ [संगीत] हे हे [संगीत] [संगीत] हेलो हेलो गाइ वेलकम बैक एवरीवन टू अनदर स्ट्रीम ऑफ वलरेंट और आज अपन वापस से वलरेंट में आ चुके बहुत टाइम बाद आई मीन आई गेस हो गया रहेगा एक महीना लोर को लेके तो आज अपन खेलने वाले वापस से रं वालर में हम मचाएंगे कमाएंगे और थोड़ा बहुत रैंक पुश करेंगे क्योंकि अभी फिलहाल लटू है ट्राई करूंगा प्लट वन जाने का उसके बाद ट्राई करेंगे डायमंड वन उसके बाद ट्राई करेंगे एेंट वन वैसे अपना गोल है एेंट वन बत होप से हो जाए आई गेस आई… Read More

  • LamboShiv – INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACK! 😱🔥 #shorts

    LamboShiv - INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACK! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information [संगीत] तो गाइस दोबारा से आ चुके है अपने यहां पर m की [संगीत] बोट कहां लगा भाई तो चलो लग गया भाई मेरे को लगा कि यार काम ही नहीं करेगा भाई तो बोट तो लग चुका है तो इसको यहां पर अब बारी है इसके अंदर ले जाने की अगर मैं यहां पर एंड में गया तो ये वाला This video, titled ‘THIS MINECRAFT TIK TOK HACK BLOW YOUR MIND 😱😱 #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by LamboShiv on 2024-04-07 03:06:23. It has garnered 5213 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54… Read More

  • “Insane UHC Minecraft anime – You won’t believe what happens!” #clickbait

    "Insane UHC Minecraft anime - You won't believe what happens!" #clickbaitVideo Information je suis là je su là c’est poli ah de grille MGA frérotin je suis forme adulte là what the fuck This video, titled ‘Pov : Le mec ne veut pas drop #minecraft #anime #uhc #bleach #bleachuhc #gaming #clips’, was uploaded by walkinou on 2024-06-12 13:00:29. It has garnered 878 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Parasite Apocalypse in Minecraft

    100 Days Surviving Parasite Apocalypse in MinecraftVideo Information verschiedene Ressourcen die ich nutzen könnte ich habe meine Waffe nachgeladen und mich darauf vorbereitet falls es innen Parasiten geben würde und mann ich habe voll ins Schwarze getroffen Alter das war ein Dungeon und es gab auch Parasiten ich musste sie bekämpfen denn wenn ich sie nicht bekämpfen würde würden sie versuchen mich anzugreifen und ich würde eliminiert werden This video, titled ‘Ich überlebte 100 Tage in einer PARASITEN-APOKALYPSE in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by GEPIXELT on 2024-05-28 22:00:33. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds…. Read More