New Heroic Update: Notice Board! Watch us Dominate Minecraft

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In That huh huh huhuh okay uh you know what no probably not uh you know what no probably not what yeah this one will go with okay starting I should probably grab my phone charger though say funny things while I go grab my phone charger I don’t know how to be funny on

Command yeah rude I don’t know how to be funny I wasn’t funny the first time back out uh yeah so somebody once told me so how am I doing this where am I doing this do your best am I doing this okay was oh this is the uh place with the

Obsidian why God you got love the JoJo did you really just eat that entire entire sandwich yes yes yes did you steal did you steal the last slice of cake no no oh no oh jeez you can say one thing about Joe’s Joe’s Bizarre Adventure has created many a meme over the years

Yeah Okay one minute I’ll be right back how how many people how many times will you cheat on me I must know also oh you got a Game Boy Advance SP oh my man nice so now have a Game Boy damage negative one pocket a light a color Advanced and

Advanced SP on need is a Game Boy micro and we are golden and yes I’m in crippling de dead well to find some of yes some of them are incredibly hard to find how many sheep do we have uh there should be like eight if I remember

Correctly from when oh there’s more now oh I have no doubts I’m going to die some sheep temporarily all right oh yeah follow me oh yeah yeah you wanted to show me something back yeah one sec well K wants to show you something I’ll show you something else okay I’m back sorry

My mom was uh trying to tell me something we’re showing him my thing first okay that’s fine I’m trying to all right do my fisherman H one is the original game oh all right follow me the library I assume also nice job on the floors thank you oh the chicken cooker right well

That’s walls I kept hearing it oh the bookshelves for enchanting books nice yeah bookshelves bookshelves yeah that’s what you were sending in the Discord yeah I was trying to figure out like how which what kind of stuff I’m allowed to actually do to keep it full

Power those ones over there are all just empty books trying to figure that these are actually Enchanted ones that we have okay and in this chest right here is all the lapis make sense oh right uh kid I got a mening book on me if you need

It it’ll be the lone book in one of the bookshelves don’t right now but I probably will in a second okay well at least that’s working yeah by the way did you actually get any more chickens to put back in the pen I will find more chickens later yeah I freaking hope so

You stole all of them you could have just taken two stealing Dam that to actually make this thing productive oh my God we’re going to have a form in a bit he can always consume take back some of the eggs for making more yeah what Andrew

Said okay I can I can turn the thing off first for a second to it’s turn off for exactly one second there you go see one second oh no all I need to do is take out the comparator and and the thing B basically screeches to a halt grinding noises where was

My there we go comparator is off okay somebody’s putting fences in the plants and food chest who in the hell that might have been me but I didn’t do it on purpose and there’s a hoe kid get out of the chest no I have my hoe on me I don’t have a hoe

Listen your sexual life I’m sorry I I wish I could do more for you can you bring me one of the shears because I realized I just forgot that yeah give me one sec I’m just doing I thought for a second you were G to ask a completely different question I was

Going to be like me a real Hole uh where’s the shears I think it’s in one of the unlocked chests yep do you already have the Sheep died yeah I’m going to try to make a thing what is a thing a thing that requires green wol

Take off your gold armor there’s iron in the chest true but then I would not be blinging wait no hold up hold up hold up hold up there’s something I forgot there’s something I forgot something I forgot to do I need to I need to find it I need to

Find it do we have leather and if so where I think I used up all the leather already oh yeah you’re making a lot of bookshelves oh yeah probably that makes sense uh okay now all right I got to make this sacrifice I got to kill some cows I’ll

Feed them wheat get a couple of them to breed I just need man wow rude weed okay but no I I need it because I’m going to make a really bad joke give me a sec here this requires some setup I feel like I already know exactly what

Joke would going to be made you probably do [Applause] Andrew okay that’s two leather Nice four leather perfect yep you knew what it was coming oh yeah I did I the only question in my mind was which one there Tech few options well yes but now the question is there there and let me see there’s anything in the plant chest no all right we’re going with what

I got I’m let guess you’re for black th now I got the blue Yeezys check out these J’s it’s all part of part of fashion something you never understand yeah I’ll I’ll change out my break here soon now you would understand F you doubt yourself Andrew you are actually

Quite fashionable from what I’ve seen without even knowing it I’m not even joking well then if it is if so then it’s completely unintentional natural swag that’s what you got Andrew I need okay uh where did you put the music discs is that put them in the Treasure yeah the treasure there’s a

Treasure yeah oh one under the stairs yeah okay Go I’m looking for again dire Life Time Travel teleportation for now all of the above but yeah whoa why is this empty why is what empty plants no sapling these are specifically for saplings Oh I thought that went in plant no those are specifically for saplings okay that’s why it’s across from

Plants that need Sand granted I was shoving [ __ ] in there that I shouldn’t be in there yeah I was going to say I found diorite walls okay that definitely should not have been in there I was still putting stuff adjacent to it blocks Woods oh that’s lightning that’s what lightning yeah I

Put a lightning rod on top of the tower that was the first thing I did was put that there just so we’d make sure in case lightning comes it would strike that before anything else playing Mario also we have a uh own Bo just in case we need things oh

God I just saw lightning strike that the thing that’s what I was saying listen it’s cool it is cool how am I going to make my how am I going to make my giant monsters listen we need Kaiju on the server no we don’t oh you cut yourself

Sorry you hear that piano and yes we do I want my best friend Godzilla don’t you know what happened the last time somebody made Godzilla their best friend no cut to clip of giant of a man just thinking Godzilla’s a friend and then he just obliterates the building with his Atomic

Breath give me a second also that was a real thing literally somebody was like oh Godzilla you saved me and my men back in World War II you are my friend Godzilla then Roars and fires his Atomic blast and literally obliterates the entire building go the [ __ ] away

Microsoft Edge I don’t care if you have enough Update wow just being rude to Microsoft EG everyone’s rude to Microsoft EDG damn right as it should Be okay okay gather up this stuff get some more trades see if I can get level 30 and then slap an enchant on something for somebody anybody need something Enchanted by the way cuz I’m at 27 uh I have a axe and a sword if you want to

Enchant those yeah I’ll give I don’t need anything specifically I Enchanted at this I turn the music there Go Oh wait right the other thing I was going to do hold up okay stand here for a Second Share apparently I don’t know how to spell the word Bor give me just one second I’ll be right Back I don’t like how as I’m typing in hash Minecraft into my tweet Minecraft NSFW is one of the first things that comes up oh that’s bad like how bad is it that it’s you know that huge right now that’s a little terrifying okay I had to do a quick

Restart to nothing bad just update okay save okay joining Minecraft when I get back I’ll show you the zombie spawners oh yeah as it loads slowly but surely slowly but surely all right run to the Village trade quickly lots of kids use thick busty big boo yeah yeah unfortunately does wait what

What about big boobs kid just snaps their neck around what glowing eyes boobs listen I’m part of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee so I will never get tired of hearing that phrase it’s so fun Itty Bitty Titty Committee itty titty it’s it rolls off the tongue for just

Does like and it seems dumb but it it’s it’s fun to say as a member of the inab Titty Committee I as chairman and founder of the itty B TI committee we are here I can’t say I’m the founder I don’t know who founded it but I do know who perfected

It okay I need to find oh there it is okay so we oh God did anybody check the other librarian’s trades at any point no I haven’t been I haven’t traded at all guess what he’s trading because I reset him the last time and then I left what

He’s also trading mending guess what his price is compared to the other guy 34 emeralds compared to 14 brh bro other one a a restored villager or something nope that’s just random gener yeah literally I managed to get on my third second or third reset 14 emeralds this this world has

Been oh [ __ ] like this world has been busted it’s it’s been really busted like we’re talking multiple spawners not just cave spider spawners we now have two zombie spawners beneath the house or the well not the house but like the main portal Network area Okay speaking of which tell me when

You’re back so I can show you that y uh fire protection 4 no I don’t think so come on pal somebody come take this bookshelf no become bread I will not become bread I refuse to be bread no I can invite you uh fire aspect one

Uh actually yeah how would we get Nora in here we have to go to a different thing or we just invite them to Juno go into a different Chat thing yeah probably guys what what mending again 16 emeralds damn they really want to give you mending where’s the Goddamn Fortune

When you need it where’s a fortune or sharpness yeah like we’ve got The Mending we will invite you just a second no we’re just trying to figure that oh yeah no my name is mat his name is slagathor Dr locks the souls we can probably invite them into b

Game room oh yeah that way they can and then just move to the general chat yep yeah still keep the recording room yep yeah makes sense one sec here because recording room is specifically for yeah yeah that’s like we don’t want random join unless it’s somebody from that set yeah it’s

Specifically for it helps us remember what we’re recording like it’s set to those yeah um I can inv give me a second just trying to get a s God sake some villager get back here and turn into the right thing let me just move some people around real quick don’t remove

Len everyone should be in the Minecraft chat for in our game room yeah give me one sec here seriously villagers somebody take this freaking job how are you hello love the name by the way kid don’t take axotal roses thunder come on we talked about this wait huh

Who Axel Rose you don’t remember Axel Rose no they were the one who baptized you no I don’t remember sorry I’m sorry a I’m joking I’m joking I remember kid’s just being rude now I’m sorry today’s the day i’ be rude someone invite them

To uh our game room yep hold up I’m just trying to get this villager to sweeping Edge one nah God what do even sweep does sweeping Edge do just increases increas the damage of the sweeping Edge effect of a sword okay it swe Fortune three for

12 see 12 emeralds holy hell I just bought two this world has been really busted yeah yeah now I want you to come see my goddamn zombie I give me a sec I’m trying to see what else this guy’s got for traes actually that’s something I really

Want let me see who’s at my door woman I think it’s a little kid I’ll be right back one Emerald for lanterns I don’t have to waste iron you have to waste an emerald on it I trade sticks for emeralds but yeah that’s see your point fair enough holy oh my

God swiming in my listen we have a axel a rose Axel in a in a bucket if you want to be part of the server we can name that but no greed greed looting three for 15 what the hell from the fortune 3 if the next thing that pops up is

Efficiency five or sharpness five I’m shutting down the realm we just let anyone join within reasoning piano they have to be established and I have to know them well enough to that point of we know they’re not going to suddenly cause chaos kid yeah you’re not going to

Believe it what the fortune 3 Trader right I traded a whole bunch of of lamps or lanterns just to get them up and also I need it to finish building the windmill thing looting three for 17 emeralds [ __ ] hell literally the one of the best enchant that’s super hard to get okay

Now you got to come home I’m already home hold up I’m going to go put these in the library right now here let’s yeah you go do that let’s sleep Y and then you meet me at my Fisher Hut so I can show you Voice for 3 years bro I’ll blate you God uh hold up hold up I’m coming I’m coming I haven’t activated the spawner but I have basically set it up all right yeah we’ll come and see all right open it up so I could see the chat again what do you

Mean aren’t you inviting someone the game room oh yeah I’ll do it one second I’m just going to sub these books into the library so I know they’re there but yeah fortune 3 Trader and looting three on the same guy what the hell like I have no words for how busted that

Is oh my God all right hold up I’m going to stand here for a sec what I I’m just thinking of something funny yep uh scrolling up scrolling up there it is Minecraft invite we go invite sent should be getting any second time there nor you should make me a Discord

Server we do technically have one as well as we have our quote unquote recording one bro has storm D day just to see me standing there and scath Jesus Christ excuse me that was one time when Minecraft also greed I thought you going to make one make it underground not just

Up in the air oh no I’m building a building around it at this point uh okay where is the Axel you had oh one minute it’s in my secret Barrel the secret Barrel the secret Barrel the secret Barrel well actually have you actually put a name on

It no I should name it well you can always just name it little Axel Rose axelo rose they’re in the chat and they said that I’m swimming in a bucket my old owner left me in oh wa I got to get the exact spelling though cuz kit

Literally found a rose one and has been carrying it around in his secret bucket apparently my sec I got a name tag here I don’t need a name tag you can rename it in the bucket oh okay so is it just the regular

Spelling of Axel and then Rose a x o l o t o Rose r capital A and R say it one more time so axo a XO uhhuh l o t o okay space row G A and R so it’s ax o l o t o yep exell exelo okay and then Rose

Okay okay I have renamed him actually that’s a good question is it a male or female axelo it’s an axelo yes it’s actually gender got it Minecraft has no genders yeah this way real quick looks in pants oh my God I’m a kend doall I’m not I don’t want it to get

Lost so I’m just going to put it down for a minute part pick there you go aelo you are part of the group you are here with us yep but I must keep you safe and bucket until we make an actual tank for you yeah until we provide the enrichment provides the

Nutrition yeah The Souls of the innocent of the innocent I got to go put this back in my secret Barrel yep I’m going to go work on the farm no you’re supposed to come see my thing oh right right right where the hell are you give me a minute and

Then uh let me put put this my secret secret Barrel and then also I’m nearly to level to get your enchant there greed okay now come to the sand Bank to like no let me out I’m free no let me out you will be free we’ll provide enrichment we’ll make a proper

Bucket all right now where the hell are you don’t worry axlo I’ll will make sure that kit actually puts you in the proper tank go go to where the tree farm is cuz I’m just to the right of that oh I see you in your house yeah this isn’t my

House this is the fisherman house no this is your house now no it’s not yes it is H been assigned fisherman by the government wow by the United States government okay so this is where the first spawner is it’s literally here yeah okay see this one’s that way and

This one’s that like I said this one has not been activated hello hello hello that’s where you will go down to kill them but you could see it right here okay see I have it all set up I just haven’t activated itas yeah because I want to get the um

There’s hold up the the bushes is for some weird reason my visuals are glitched nobody else is seeing that it’s basically Rave bushes except Shadow and light yeah okay so if you if you come over here you’ll see there’s a big big ass cave system I’m not going to go further into

On if it is ass but it is here you got to go down this way then to actually see the full front of it this is be careful drop here there’s a drop there so be careful yeah I was exploring this whole one when I came across the second one but we have

To go back up to go to the second one cuz it’s actually faster that’s I was going to say it’s like then why the hell did we go in here I just want to show you how big it was and that I was exploring this cave listen cave is Big

We got it I need to emphasize I need to emphasize that I did not go looking for the spawner I literally just came across it randomly while exploring that cave I need to how found the other ones too they just literally spawned into existence yeah okay now we’re going to

Go this way actually okay oh wait where’s my boat put my boat in the guy okay okay that’s Slime Guy uh yeah well app oh God you probably already see the Cobble Tower everybody this is nor AK honey be hey did you really just drop a this is Glock my

Glock in a that is my sound that just make Discord sound because I pain Nitro because I’m cringe agreed so I haven’t done any work on this one okay it just has a very basic staircase down and the beginnings of and a gigantic Pillar To The Sky yeah so I wouldn’t forget okay

Oh I’m just using that as the beacon to get home la la la just walks past me while there’s a zombie spawner just left alone forever lit up okay okay is it yeah God these spiral staircases okay stay right there because it’s right here okay holy crap really just like

That close to home that is very close also uh there’s some there’s something else down the stairs come on I want I’ve seen a bigger one was so big you could see fog God damn nice okay there’s uh some more down the stairs cuz I was I

Had build up cuz I was trying to get out of the mine and that’s when I came across it but there’s also something else down here I’ll let you go God I’m these staircases are just don’t worry I’m going to fix it to where it’s left are you [ __ ] kidding

Me are you [ __ ] me okay and this is why I wanted to make sure I was in the call no [ __ ] way I need you to understand I just came across this while mining down there no no no no no no goddamn way like it what the hell is the

Seed what where me you see your seed where do you see the seed it’s not the seed it’s just we picked a really good spot like no holy [ __ ] it’s right down here okay no no no no no no no I got to later on ladies and Gentlemen let’s go through

This kid greed and myself started this world just to kind of a chill thing I decided you know what screw let’s stream it and doom who hasn’t really joined the server yet may not will let him decide you know never a pressure we asked him give us a

Direction yeah just to go and we decided let’s go that direction for a long time right we just i r i just just rolled my head the side here yeah so we started going we found a whole bunch of good stuff like melons and trees and mangroves and like all

Sorts of cool stuff right inventory’s full right we had diamonds and all sorts of good stuff eventually we slightly deviated From the Path but actually not that much and then eventually found a village yeah Village you may have seen earlier that Village was right next to a very flat Plains not super like

Perfectly flat but still really good where we currently have our base setup on the route to this Village we also found several Min shafts several regular spawners not spider spawners we then get to this place start building our town we find a m shaft directly under us we then find two zombie spawners

And spider spawners in there but we don’t care count that we managed to get mending at a stupidly cheap price of 14 emeralds on the second or third reset we then apparently find this while finding the other zombie spawners I didn’t know about that for now we just earlier in

The Stream reset a villager a few times trying to get some other enchants got mending two other times one was expensive one was almost as cheap as the first guy and then I managed to get fortune 3 for I think it was like 17 emeralds or something 14 whatever then I

Trade him to his next two tiers so he’s tier three now and he has looting three for stupid sheep I swear to God we feel like for hacking like this is some [ __ ] it is really insane I you normally you’d have to run for years to

Find the stronghold I guess we ran those years Hold Up Hold oh you’re okay uh you should be able to get in it is just on the regular Realms Nora should just be able to join uh so it’s 1.2.2 or 1.2 or 23 anyway you don’t so

Close just have failed but you keep failing and after days in the void your brain only comes to one conclusion everything that has happened before your time wasn’t real only then do you wake up the people aren’t human that are even invisible aren’t even visible you just

Feel that they are there you try not to look at your hands only to find out you don’t have any you try to stand up but you have no legs you try to scream but you have no mouth the presence of people leave the room and they never come back

Times to untill never to resume I didn’t want to stop your quot the did you just quote the entirety of that one time in Monster prom when we Face nozo also welcome to the server Matt she’s at spawn you have to T oh yeah right yeah I got to bring them

To reality let go back home your stupid spiral STI don’t worry I will fix it up to where it’s not as bad staircase I don’t like ladders they are easy just hold one button I didn’t have letters I I’m not kidding when I said I built up I

Built up I found that at the bottom of the cave and had to build out of here and I didn’t want and I was literally oak tree how do you I had no hunger I had no food on me eat yourself oh God no cannibalism oh my

God just for that I’m taking the and me without crossbow bolts damn it I was about to just Lock and Load all right you take the boat I take your life I took the boat in the divorce Jesus Christ she took the kids she took the house but most importantly she took

My Minecraft boat oh God all right uh TP give a to load never a problem I don’t feel too nervous it’s just how it is I might need I don’t know how weird I can be oh where excuse me you you’ll learn quickly we’re out we’re all about

The same we have moments of random quiet like my normal kind of weird like I want to lick jum King sweaty ass oh that’s hold up hold everybody hold up for can’t get we have been given a gift by the Axel God that is the gift of luck because we

Kept that Axel we found in that Lush cave axelo Rose told us that we have been gled by the Axel God we must give them the best en hey greed I’m G to feed them so many fish how much wool do you got uh White wool yeah cuz I’m going to

Need to get on a project I got to build the the temple uh one got to build the shrine y I’m working with fluid mechanics right now God what God God isn’t real oh yeah then why is this God so goddamn cute huh and it’s wearing a little Santa hat

I believe hold up let me look at the profile picture yeah and it’s wearing a little Santa hat checkm atheists but now so God is Santa got it God isn’t real what God God isn’t real what God oh God we broke him okay there’s something else that I

Have that I haven’t told anyone that I got back when we were exploring the the M shaft where are y I’m right here greed come to the sakura trees one sec come here come here n you might as well be part of this too yeah you could

Be part of of course I part of this now all right let’s let’s see what God ungodly nightmares you created it’s not thing I created it’s just something I got that I never told you because it was in my super secret chest yep we’ll get you some gear downstairs nor in just a

Sec okay what you got freaking Notch Apple Jesus okay piano all right we got it Lord man all right back to put these away God God isn’t real but the Axel God is real I’m going to take a minute away from my farm because I want to go back

To Mining and getting diamonds you did this whole building yesterday mat yeah on my own you did nice I need to do the details still but right now I’m going to focus on actually building a farm a stable food source the camel is kids no the camel’s GRS the camel’s mine I oh

Sorry why did you put it in my Mill it jumps out of the right because it can yeah it’s too it’s too tall for it yeah anyway right over here I literally dragged that thing across like four different biomes until it was just we ran across like 20 it it

Drowns though it it can’t go it can’t swim okay but yeah uh treasure chest is right there North so you take what you need there’s a little bit of wood upstairs chest is identified Okay cool so I just need to set it up like that and I’ll give you

Actually I’ll give you the full tour just so everything’s taken care of so we got the kind of storage room we have right now go ahead and take anything you need mhm uh right down this way remember it’s communism it is our chests yeah what a l of God

Did you not see the little Rose God nether portal we found no actually hold up there’s another thing I forgot to mention for the list of crazy things we found a nether fortress barely a biome away in the nether like we spawned right next to it yeah apparently kid found

Like a couple more while they were looking around the nether oh God got the chicken grinder we got the enchanting room oh I fell lapis in this chest here we’ve also got mending books and these bookcases on the left the right ones are just for visual apparently so you can enchant your gear

Easy enough how do we push those how do we put them uh just hold it and then right yep again those ones are just visual degree put in okay y you okay though yeah I you’re okay it’ll get used to it yeah yes you what a the L of God yes yes you

Have a question piano says Axel Rose you have a question my child okay I mean if you ask for God and God answers what would you what would you say why why what no I already asked this I I thought I told you guys this question what I would ask God if God

Said like they would let me ask one question I would say why oh my God no what stone age what I’ll tell you in a second I’ll tell you spawner yeah what kind Kelly are you [ __ ] officially your world is stacked we’re going to go to the Ender

Dragon and it’s just going to die like it’s going to have a heart attack like card be like oh [ __ ] not these guys y one how does one simply acquire $1 million us crime be a politician that’s a good one too you know what give me an Applause on that

One that’s Gooden arm work be smart make other people work for you there why stand like Donald story oh my God okay okay how far away is this oh really how far how far are you breeding okay greed will you at least breed the Sheep please they just you needed white you

Needed white wool right well yeah I need a lot of wool to be honest here you go here’s the here’s all the white wool I have holy hell okay that’ll be a start uh okay I’ll put that in my chest over here and then I will start on the

Farm as I’ve been trying to do make aquadex I am crazy for work work work makes me crazy welcome my children for okay so that’s where that SP oh God and also thank you very much for subscribing I loo pleasure to have you okay first things first I’m going to

Make this aqu all right I might want some opinions from you three in just a sec just because I’m thinking of for the aqueduct okay okay get you’re kind of taking up my farm but I will adjust your actually no I can just build over here on the right that way

It’ll be technically out of the way but yes we do have sakura trees nor as you said mentioned you wanted to build a house so I like the wood yeah go ahead right now this is kind of just as we’re figuring it out just kind of our

Main Hub area you can make a house here if you want we’re just primar going to use this placees lat like if we want to go build our own places a portal Hub Network yeah like this is headquarters I guess you can say this is home office actually I just realized

Something why didn’t I do this before I can just set World spawn here you can you are God I know I should say that you are a disciple of God they’ve given you their we established a god AEL oh my God I need to figure out how to make an axel

Out of w wool and then I’m going to make it so the Axel is the first thing you see to join the server You Must Praise the You Must Praise the rose oh God all right something for another time actually I’m going to put that on the sign board right now make

Alter make alter to aot got in pink okay back to trying to get my stuff back how’d you die anderw uh well while I was digging about below I saw I could see on my mini map that there was like a bunch of of you know iller type stuff

And some sort of structure the ground so I was like okay I’ll start digging the trying it closer found it I’m know what to call the structure but I found it start digging through it to try and fighting through and all that eventually came to

A room that had a bunch around to a room while trying to avoid a while trying to avoid the avoid a con the um the guy who summons the the yeah one Vex whatever it’s called yep okay I uh while avoid one of them I

End up running into a room that had a bunch of what I thought were just uh you know normal crossbow pill you know slash away and then a couple vindicators pushed through the crowd are that prepared for that no I don’t think you would be and then my

Second T to go back down there the thing was just a minimal stuff yeah my body before the vindicators charge at me and Chase me away from where my body is so now I have to go back there down there a third time a second another time and

Hope I can try and I don’t know put them put a wall up and sort of lure them into a spa where I can pick at their you have any iron yes I keep make myself new iron armor each time no no no no no no Andrew

Andrew bucket of lava let’s see those bastards handle the molten power of a volcano well one of the other issues is the fact there’s a place near of wood oh I already had part there’s already part I was going to say just burn it down I mean technically speaking part of

It already has been cuz it part there’s a a small lava flow in it that’s that’s spawned in it that bur a section of it to Ash there already have you burn you just got to do the other half I just want try and get back to some of my

Stuff and hopefully get back I had a good amount of good stuff on my other body including diamonds o God I feel that and my first diamond pick oh God that sucks does it have the graveyard mod still it has an aype B basically creates an actual corpse where you oh thank God

Okay so you should in all Consciousness be able to get back here’s open CU I I also don’t have access I did not end up putting turning on loud cheats on this on this on the world so I don’t have any of that oh so you could just temporary

God mode and then do I cannot actually I didn’t actually turn on cheats for the server you can’t temporarily go mode yeah so which means I’m kind of stuck trying to do this the old fashioned way again I’m thinking bucket La might be the best all right my current plan is to

You know Stone Art little wall across side at one hallway and then just pick at the sword at the ankle cut their goddamn legs off also this time remember to make a shield all my way down good thought for their crossbows uh as for

You join yet o I’m going to have to wait on that just for a bit just because as I hadish before at least I think I said we will let our people join but we’d have to know them to a certain extent and while you are definitely charming and piano is too still

Relatively new piano you’re definitely closest though oh yeah uh the uh Cactus uh the cactus farm is now operational so it is just constantly producing Cactus yeah good as much as it can be as much as the laws of physics will allow I need to build the building around it but like right

Now it’s operational it is a fully operational space station ignore that I need uh some torches to light it up light it up light it up there should be plenty of coal in the uh I was going to say you have a fortune 3 pickaxe so I would hope I I’ve kept

Most of the coal on me so I can’t say okay I got the first now I got get the actual corpse that has all the goodies on it that is such an out of context statement I got the first corpse one minute sorry only one the other problems

Is the second the main corpse is is next past where the um the con the dude who summons all the uh vexes is that’s so I have to get past him to where the other body is and that’s not easy it’s not so easy also hello my unfortunately all my arrows and

My crossbow are on my original body Mo and I don’t have any more arrows or things make arrows or a bow yeah so I can’t do range at the moment I I feel the pain in that one plus to meet you there kki okay oh my God we have coal in like every

Furnace yeah I grabbed some coal to use some uh four torches now mhm okay so the inside of the thing is lit up now so this thing to Speed it doesn’t use any Redstone so it’s very Mel Mist won’t lag the server into Oblivion

Good I will need to put up a once it’s done I do need to put on a lightning rod this is made of wool listen I already got one on top of my tower so I already have the lightning rod made I just need to get the building

Built to get the lightning rod on top of it well it’s night in Minecraft and hilariously night in day so I mean you might as well come and look look at it while it’s oh yeah no I’ll come look you doing okay by the way yeah all right mining Among

Us really that usually gets you nor vus Flopper there you go I’m back by the way welcome back all right oh right because a cactus cannot spawn on a be next to a block that is beside it right right right right right yeah that’s what the fence posts are for

They automatically destroy the cactus when it’s oh and you’re making it look like a cactus yeah I’ll probably need to adjust the little white you’re getting an Applause you’re get an Applause that is a genuinely smart thing and actually kind of funny yeah that’s you can come up here to get a

Better look yep yeah all the the secret Ops by the way Andrew I got the body back for a moment then I got killed by a second uh Vex Summoner boy did you at least get close closer to saf yes it’s technically closer now but now I have to

Go back get it again i’ have now even less stuff well once that’s done and you manage to corpse drag yourself out like Dark Souls I would suggest getting more stuff oh that would be lovely I mean that’s why I was down there in the first place

But mixed results yeah quite mixed like right now there is a little bit of loss of cactus that due to the fact that the walls aren’t put in yet n semantics come on andw all right uh so I that’s how I’m just going to True corpse

Rush do it like Dark Souls oh yeah I’m not grabbing anything but some bit of some gold my gold some my last few golden apples and I’m just booking it how many golden apples do you have yeah I had well more than I had now I had

More than I had now how many do you did you have originally many uh well more than this okay vag is all way Ander to be more particular I think I had like six what is This Server we were on uh I also had did have an enchanted one but

That’s gone yeah I had no doubt uh it is oh yeah no that one I tried to eat just before I got double The Vindicator the second time I can imagine and then they killed me before while through the buff so it didn’t matter well okay to explain we’re on a

Realm right now there kusky and so far it has been one of the most busted Realms in existence to a point that I feel like we’re cheating even though it was a random generation so everybody else has already heard this and it was earlier in the Stream but I’ll give you the short

Rundown so two starts it was originally started by myself kits and greed sheep just joined so originally oh by the way Doom is in the chat he was part of the main crew so the short version is we wanted to just play on a realm you know have some fun

In vanilla Minecraft just maybe make something I decided you know what screw it stream it see what happens because a crazy moment happened where basically while we’re running to find a place to actually set up chosen by Doom did something silly yeah chosen by Doom who had said had picked a ram direction

We started running kit decided to murder a don monkey who had a baby kit then turned to the baby and said come find me when you’re older and left I had turned away to look at kit but according to Greed and then I turned around and I saw it the donkey baby grew

Up almost instantly like the moment kit turned and started to run which then started me recording yeah since I’m on the run for my life yes on the Run into your life since that has happened we kept running going the same direction doom and wanted

For a long time until we made a slight detour not that much and We Came Upon I will go show it first off this area here this quite flat planes that we have barely modified like honestly we haven’t really cut it down too much a little bit

But you know I’ve actually built it up more than I’ve cut it down well yeah anyway it was still very flat yeah had a lava pool here so we got to the nether pretty quick there’s a jungle over there and there was a village that Village will come into play

In a little bit so we came over here started setting up this area as our kind of main Hub right to set up portal networks and you know whatever have an actual spawn so let’s go through the list of everything that has happened since on

The way to this spot we found a Min shaft with several spawners not just cave spawners but a skeleton spawner and a zombie spawner filled our inventories with tons of loot tons of heart several hearts of the sea diamonds you know the whole shebang we finally got here

Started setting up I went over to the Village to start getting Trad set up you know trying to get a mending book standard I’m not a babysitter go away here’s the thing I got mending on my second or third reset of a villager what was the price seven 14 emeralds I almost

Said 17 that’s something else coming down 14 emeralds stupid sheep we then started building up this place getting a few things settled you know getting a chicken cooker I’ll show in a bit kids went started going down to try and you know start mining they found a

Mine shaft right underneath us and I will uh where is it it’s right here I just down the M shaft yeah yep right over here so give me a sec here got to run down down the stairs just to show I’m not lying so M shaft so that’s pretty crazy

To start off right super good luck during the course of that kit found not one but two zombie spawners of which I will show one now just to show the legitimacy of it that’s very interesting sorry but I guess you Che in some W I think you cheat no honestly no on

God I admit I have Godlike Powers but why would I I don’t know how I would spawn this stuff no no the only thing we’ve cheated on is we’ve given each other food yeah like figured out how potion mechanics work cuz that yeah but we only use that once while you were

Trying to figure it out yeah we have not done anything to so zombie spawner yeah there’s one there’s another one over and I’ll show I’ll just show where it is but not like actually go down to it actually no I will go down to it because that has an additional secret that’s absolutely

Ridiculous oh it gets better so kids at that post over there during their exploration found another zombie spawner which is pretty nuts let’s be honest here right finding two zom techically I found the other thing first and then found the zombie spawner on way out of that sorry sorry

They did find the zombie spawner after the ne the big thing so we’ve got all that set up kit found that we started establishing buildings and all that anyway uh so while kit was literally starving to death and trying to mine their way up in a spiral like

Literally 2 by two fashion They Came Upon something that they just showed me earlier in the Stream literally they’ve been hiding this just to show it off it was for dramatic effect yeah and even I admit that I freaked out because this can’t be real that’s what we wanted though what I know

But it was a good recorded reaction so anyway you know here’s this oh that’s weird there’s a couple blocks there you know just a wall keep going down keep going down keep going down it’s a long way but you know they were deep yes just give me a sec hold on to

Your pants or skirt or your flesh God knows I don’t know what Hey look it’s the stronghold aka the end portal yeah pogies literally busted pogies poggers Froggers Jers loggers yeah it’s POG Cham W and then just just now I found a skeleton spawner too

Yes how far next to that it’s near the other the first zombie spawner under my fish Hut dear God what is This Server yeah like we’re on some hacks what did I no no did I I don’t know how we’re so lucky kusk R not cheating no I literally

Didn’t I type cheating we have no shame acquired another son you’ve acquired another son no we’ve acquired a sudden guest apparently in the chat in the call who what Nate showed up H what ohy and now Nate’s here hey and now that Nate’s here kit will find three God apples I already found

One well I didn’t know I was [ __ ] lucky charm you are thank you I how stuff is already happening in that server all the craziness that’s already happening yeah no we’d be about right M can I show the seed I think hold up oh Norah’s already got diamonds there

We go see we’re already speed running hold up uh let me go to the seed here I will go look through the original stream I’m just going to get myself safe because I’m pretty sure I typed it the see just says check noris no no I think

It was something else I I swear to God I I wrote a word it wasn’t a random J you did write a word cuz I remember you asking me but I cannot remember yeah hold up all right just sit there and chat for a second it wouldn’t say the

Word though it would just become random numbers true but the word would be would be this would at least start the Rand nope it’s not there it would just be random numbers no I looked uh I didn’t show the seed yeah damn it how do you

Find your se you just do SL seed right good point uh way you can find your seed there we go there’s the number there’s the seed number for you I forget it only shows up on your screen I was like expecting it to show up wait

Len Len oh God who is it Nate Nate sorry Nate I said I see just the name L and I think it’s Lenn anyway Nate I need you to do me a favor what what was that do you have Minecraft obviously I think yes am I dreading something I I got to leave

No no no no no no no no no I just want you to test a seed for me like go into game like creative mode uh uh okay I’ll do my best right like actually I could do it myself but I you’re here and let’s see

What if you can actually be real on this so yeah I don’t want them to spoil this for stuff we haven’t found yet though no no no no I’m just going to get them to go to a specific spot to see if it’s real don’t let him get get you to a second

Location come on Nate don’t worry there’s no problems somewhere on my computer I’ll find it if you haven’t played in a while it’s okay I could just load a server single world not to just put you out of his place I I’m happy to help out but that still might be faster

Yeah all right we we’ll give that a shot you are here for communic value and to be a friend yay friendship all right cretive GL to hear that all right oh God I forgot the name of the seed hold up actually it’s going to be actually why is there a turtle on

My build why is there not tur your build Turtle likes your build what can we say hold up I got to type the seed in again uh you should be able to just copy it can I oh click cop to yeah okay it does are you guys on version one20 Point yeah

Yeah okay okay so single player create new world uh create world seed paste create new world uh kit Matt where are you right now I’m at I’m at home okay can you go to the dungeon or not the dungeon the the stronghold and then read me the coordinates for just like standing in

One of the rooms oh my God I mean I’m just going to read you the coordinates for standing above it because you can just spect down I think this is our world I think it gave me the same spawn I hope so is it by that Ice Mountain y I think it is

Okay all right yeah just a turtle’s in my boat a Turtles Give me the give me the coordinates on you’re there it turns out I didn’t have 1.2.2 in install no it’s okay listen you’re again you’re here for a friend and kusky yes you can

Join a bit later we just want to get to know you first that’s just our rule for it we got to establish things first all right go ahead kit soon as ready okay one minute I’m the turtle was kidnapping me anyway I promise I can restrain myself to only starting a few fires

Every uh listen if you mount an entire Forest get destroyed is fine oh God I’m lagging so okay yep go ahead positive 3,855 is the X yep you can just put 70 for the Y yep positive 2408 I removed a bunch of trees so you’re probably going to spawn into a

Bunch of trees yeah uh I kind of did hold up just do Spectre and go down no hold up I’m flying across nope this is our be Beach that’s the village let me let me teleport there again hold up going to mine straight down the turtle torch

Again okay here’s the cave system I think is right there’s the spawner oh my God it is the seed again don’t don’t spoil I’m not going to spoil anything I’m just going to I’m just showing the zombie spawner okay and going down to the stronghold

I’ll be right back I have to deal with the child y my there it is Stronghold nope it’s the S it’s it’s literally the seed it is a busted seed yeah no Craig m i it’s got to be cheating cuz no our personal world wait Craig Craig’s in the chat hi Craig

Who Craig Craig is an old friend of ours uh a he’s from Kyle’s side friends Kid K just walked away as I just said oh God no but did kid mention that there was a spawner that looks like it was built in the stronghold I don’t

Remember but like no I just what the hell like no the I just looked to the left right like as soon as I got down from where they had told me the coordinates from like where the staircase joins up to the stronghold I look to the left and there’s what

Appears to be the mossy cobblestone and walls of a spawner that like got destroyed by the stronghold I think which is kind of nutty but that wait would that mean that there was another spawner that is there a zombie spawner or I don’t know there’s

No actual spawner here cuz and I have an idea well no no no what I’m saying is on the way down to the stronghold right you pass one spawner that’s already there right a zombie spawner that is perfectly fine and exists then you mine your way down to

The actual stronghold right and then to the position that kits staircase connects to it directly to the left as you exit that staircase it looks like there’s a spawner that was just like destroyed by the generation of the stronghold so I’m going over there to look there is that

That that’s a thing yeah I didn’t even mention it because it was completely destroyed no but the point is we technically just found another spawner by that it’s just it pred destroyed it was destroyed by the stronghold yeah what in godamn yeah I remember that was the first thing

I saw I was like oh [ __ ] the stronghold ate this no but literally asleep yeah we’re coming yeah but no oh my God we have it set to where at least as long as two people are sleeping 50% the night should pass oh I would have just

Disconnected but that works too but no oh my God like this is busted what is this seat like I know I just put it on screen but what in the hell all right I’m coming to sleep like I’ll probably keep a bed near me or on

Me oh yeah I need to make a bed for you nor uh what color do you want I any words what do you want pink purple blood of the innocent you know pink is my favorite C so is shiny dinosaur so I don’t know

You can you can have my bed I want to make I want to make my favorite color bed Fair vomit my favorite color is lime I want to get a lime bed now that we have green dad I can make lime uh I have lime wool right now make me lime bed

Now Doom do you want to say hi to penguin huh oh hi hey dude the entire group like this entire group is just chaos no one knows what’s going on where put me on spot I’m not going to be able to function on the spot I see I see you

Underground okay just like me running up to you with a microphone and a camera say hello to the whole viewing public the entire United States all of Canada yes yeah keeping a green sheep bread and they produced a lime sheep hell yeah I’m not sure if that’s how that’s supposed

To actually work but listen that’s how it works in asking questions I need the other shears by the way that’s fine I don’t have them they should be in there yeah no no I I just got them okay nor where you at I’ll I’ll hand you underground very underground

Right now down in the underground welcome to the underground I’ll leave I’ll leave the pink bed and the chest right next to the furnaces thank you I also expanded the uh sheep pen yep okay here’s the question uh actually no I’ll just put up a few different ideas and you guys can

Tell me yes or no what we all feel for uh cuz I’m just going to experiment with different block types for the uh Aqueduct like standard wood or something different personally I’m a fan of andesite stairs for aqueduct I think they look the polished ones you know

Yeah but I was also smooth like regular cooked Stone too ah smooth Stone I mean again it’s up to everyone uh smooth Stone can’t be turned into yes can can it well Stone can be turned into stairs what we used to call sto smooth Stone can’t

Be I mean wait ref re reverse that you know what I mean the double cooked Stone cannot be turned into stairs it can yeah the one that’s the lighter gray yeah yeah I okay H also we’ need a lot more andesite if we’re I were to do that we should

Have good B we’re in an area that has a lot of andesite under CRA good point but it’s so much work just kidding okay oh was that Nate yeah I think so okay he said he had to go somewhere soon so I mean we shall always remember Nate oh

Crap or his corpse I got at least I got I finally have all my stuff back and back my Surface so so the only real I loss is the 34 35 levels of experience I had that hurts but hey at least how you have all your stuff back yes that that

Is definitely the main thing there but still it’s it’s like I was so close to being I was ready to be enchanting I know buddy I know and I have basically do you have any wait no Andrew you have that Village nearby no I don’t oh I have that one I

Can you know teleport to but not really near I wouldn’t call it nearby yeah I can teleport to itom is playing mcraft by the way yeah just for everybody’s context yeah I’m on my own little modded solo world oh creepers hi bye okay so remind me I can just put a bucket of

Water in the staircase and that will count as a water block yes yeah okay water logs this yep all right no Paparazzi no photos h two Creepers fell behind me let’s see no photos no photos I keep telling y’all God the papazzi just wants me today disc I’m hunting at the Moon

Sleeping in the middle of a where the [ __ ] is that geode I didn’t know how that’s how the lyrics went yeah didn’t know was the are you still in the chat I have new for you who Craig Craig Craig he know dinosaur game yes well I just want him to know I want

Him to know that uh Beast of Bob muta is adding microt transactions dinosaur Matt Matt I want you to teleport to me real quick hold up I’m just trying the staircases here okay yeah yeah wait staircase where at the farm I’m just ding out by water okay okay uh sorry where are you

Get TP I’m underground just teleport to me cuz I didn’t think I would come across it again okay so this is connected to that big cave where I I found the spawner yeah yeah okay so I was up here you know putting down torches lighting it up yeah on your way yeah so

Come come up here because this is this is where you’ll know immediately you’ll know immediately you’re forgetting that path of times also has microt trans this is when I found it skins oh my God this is when I found it I didn’t know you would have freaked I bet I were you

Could see the Cobblestone I was freaking out I was like holy [ __ ] actually I could use that to get back to the surface there no there’s another way there’s another way around come here’re getting all kinds of oh no oh no where were you I was underground do you know where

Underground is I’m saying yes see this okay do you need I don’t know where I don’t know where the way out is I don’t think so okay did you but now I’m back at spawn like the original spawn yeah yes oh God I right I got to set that set

Yeah you didn’t set that cuz you wanted to do a bit yeah that I haven’t done yet all right hold up I’m going Spectre mode I’m just going to the ceiling because Kate had to show me something I did I’m kidding I’m up and away oh hey a

Geod is that what it is [ __ ] GE is it an exposed one or one that was kind buried okay it might not been the one I was looking for then all right hold up I’m going down and then I’ll are you yelling timber you better dance okay uh it should have your death

Coordinates actually Minecraft does that now teleport little baby sheep Relic there you go and I will set set World spawn done there you go thanks you never and World spawn is now set there so we don’t have to worry about that whose house is this that is a fisherman

Hut that kit has made yeah you can use food and armor just to go get yourself I will be fine okay like we have extra food I got uh I got I got a sandwich between two skeletons with Enchanted bows damn kind of weird thing to no I’m kidding I you

Know i’ I swear I read uh red undertale fanfix like this before actually I might have seen some City like that too oh God oh God they’re multiplying greed help please call the police you knew what you were getting into unfortunately I had an idea okay I’m really debating on

This uh all right andesites oh I found her oh wow did yeah I just randomly yeah hold up I’m teleporting you to kit kit get safe cuz I oh there it is I’m safe oh you already there kid I see the trees I cut down all right I don’t I don’t

Want to lose here safe I’m right next to it oh God zombie minute zombie showed up I got my power bow okay as soon as you’re safe I’ll save I’ll teleport nor to you yeah you can you can teleport it now all right ready nor

Yeah I’m going to protect you so you can get your stuff run there we are And So It Begins very blue Lord uh all right okay you go that way I’ll protect you A for Diamond God damn it knock me in the lava are you good I’m mostly good I just need to get into a place where I can eat well Nora she K helped you you help get no no I they’re good they’re good I

I have no pants I’m yeah I’m I’m I think I accidentally took your pants I’m so sorry I have no Shield either I I took your pants I’m so sorry I don’t know where you went cuz we split up while I was dealing with that Zombie horse I

Just want to go up and away from here where let me see oh God damn [ __ ] zombie hey G do you want to come over and just give me an opinion on these like AWS sure one sec let me just do your thing no pressure I’m just kind of sitting

Here organizing these guys take forever to grow back their wool well yeah cuz you just made him naked get this diamond here all right where am I looking I don’t know I lost track of how I got down here because I’ve just been lighting lighting up cave entrance look

Nice yeah no I was thinking for that but no uh the aqueducts like like I’m thinking of putting these throughout but I’m trying to figure out what to use right like I can set up a farm afterwards like built it around these but I just set up you know four of

Each just for Concepts like I feel wood is like what they probably used originally for it or something with clay and I do see what kit saying about like using the and but like the dividing lines I’m like that’s all right with the Stone ones here like remind me kind

Of of like the channels and you ever played one of the mods that has uh what’s it called uh the thing where you can make tools like with different parts uh Tinker construct thank you yeah tinker’s construct reminds me of those channels cuz it’s like a uniform thing

Right like there’s no dividing line yeah if you want that uniformity I would say go with the dividers here like I’m more just trying to figure out what would look best right to get it if you like the stone one the most I would say go with that

One yeah go with the aesthetic always okay well that’s what we’ll use I think I’ve got a decent amount of it okay you better have that is my uh I found staircase world and that the stuff I have found already I have just in in the process to recheck out some of the

Caves I I’m trying to find you so I can give you your pants found a two hiding in a corner you found two Skelly spawners getting are you cred or okay well there you go Andrew you got easy XP levels right there I found you stairs

I’m trying to find myly but are you just put torches and then there but uh well um skeletons are a lot more dangerous in in this per se there it is oh God don’t tell me it has that head shot damage thing no it’s the fact that

The shields have a cool down oh way you drop them there’s a a few seconds where they can’t be you can’t raise them back up okay so I can’t I have to be very much more careful with skeletons and any sort of range yeah no I see that but uh additionally to the

Um angry Cat I am coming I need slimes I need slimes Runing I’m tring find forgot gra I’m following oh hold don’t go through my tunnel because there gravel that forgot gravity gravity yeah there’s a tiny little itty B baby slime little baby boy little tiny little man little man little man he’s so cute

I think I’m coming back down you said slime kids just like turns and just I think there’s programs online that let you look up like where yeah no slime chunks there is yeah I just we we’re already cheating enough I didn’t want to cheat more that one I think

We’ll put I didn’t realize they do no damage to you oh yeah the baby on like once they get bigger they do yeah I think the baby magma cubes hurt you but not regular slimes how do we make him grow he uh you don’t sadly sad that’s what I mean when I said

The lava seems to have forgotten about gravity one second here I’m just putting up some uh putting up some lamps and then I will check then put one over here there we go that looks a lot better all right now to actually build the farm that I’ve been trying to focus

On but first look at Andrew thing this cave system is so large I don’t know if I’ll be able to find you yo thick boy all right let’s see here all right and where you uh where did you post it in the Mcra oh my God what the hell oh diamonds exactly what’s going on there yeah no are you the yeah no Nate said the right thing but that that really does feel like the China it’s like oh God do I open this pants stealer oh God where’s I stole your JS and now I

Steal your pants I think I saw your nickname I’m not sure it’s a really big cave every time I hear the camel grunt I think it’s a wolf growling no honestly tell me that doesn’t sound I’m back where I originally originally died there diamonds right above the lava pit is it a lava Fall it okay so I’ll put this I heard you creeper stay the [ __ ] oh there you are oh man okay it’s over here wait wait let me give you give me your pants back and block off this lava oh yeah agreed when was the last time you slept here’s oh I’m sleeping you

Tores I have it is time for sleep okay okay we go up here why do I have a furnace get rid of that uh that’s probably mine but I’ll give you a new one they’re easy to build okay waste sline boy uh not this way okay there you

Go they burn let fire cons while the uh lava is very much doing that which is this is also right here the other from other crazy have in front too uh below that in the Cave the Cave below that is uh some uh rather uh dark and with light with blue dots

Stuff you found skulk yeah there’s some skull underneath in the cave area below where that lava is doing that what in the hell man found that in this world yet yeah no sorry sorry let me go look greed I’ll just take a walk five steps over there dig 10 blocks into the ocean

And find a deep dark I mean to be honest you could look it up right now it would be really funny if it’s said like you know what do we want to actually use that cheat and see no not right now how did I lose the baby slime I’m devastated you forgot to

Cherish him gred I was coming here to kill him so I can’t say anything oh you’re just like my mom God no I as I can tell from the level you remember how long before I found that a map for an ancient city and I

I I can see where it is now I’m low enough in the the cave layers the girls are fighting still ways away but yeah I can see where it is and I my little marker is literally directly above the center of more diamonds nice oh my God that’s kind of nuts you

Have Fortune also there’s other interesting things I can see being at this clate cave ler we’re all just having good luck in Minecraft apparently I’m not sure how half the diamonds that I find from here okay here we go now I want to be free

From this prison I want to see the light ofal I don’t blame you here let me give you the let me out I want out of your basement please I’ve been here so long how could you do this okay here let me give you the diamonds so you don’t

What does a a skull Catalyst do I’m going to continue mining a little bit longer SK spread skull right yes the skull was the thing that summoned I’m a look thank you for a slime I’m going to stay around here and hope more I think this the one that

Creates more skull cat these one that some of the W have like a little dish on top a skull catalyst is a block that converts blocks around into blocks in the skull family except whatever when mobs drop experience so yeah you kill mobs around it it makes skull

Yeah okay yeah it is the one I thought it was y I was just being careful cuz again the there’s some skull stuff here I don’t want to be y i I already had trouble with vindicators and illers I don’t need wardens yeah oh damn

It there we go oo that’s going to look nice what did I tell you the uh the other day I was I went to grab chica out of her cage and she didn’t bite me which I found strange but uh she just [ __ ] an egg out in my hand yes you

Did I can’t remember who I told is it a gecko it’s a BB oh B yeah I was going to see BBS and geckos are like the two things that’ll do that she is very hormonal right now well yeah she just laid an egg yeah she’s laid like 13 delicious I mean

What she broke her first she broke her first five oh and one of them was stuck to her and she was so scared of it she’s like what is this is this thing latch detached why can’t I get it off I mean I would be scared too if I

Suddenly laid an egg and I couldn’t remove it uh let’s see okay I’m trying to figure out how I should do the aqueduct like should I do like a crisscross pattern or should I just do a big like plus you put your left foot in you take your left foot out I don’t

Know what an aqua duct is uh they water yeah basically like little tunnels or little scooops that Brides water yeah yeah yeah the American education system well it’s hard to find the proper word other than Aqueduct no I mean aqu a school yeah I’m making a joke in general most schools

Are really bad well let’s be honest here that well mostly it’s a funding problemy sorry that I didn’t text for some time but I was watching and thinking that you said that to join you need to know me more don’t think texting in YouTube is going to work that way well I mean

Sitting here chatting to you will at least give us an idea of each other and I think that will work I could talk to you guys I’m not pushing anything but if you like do that hey keep joining the chats view when you can we’ll get to know you my

Friend I’ve met some of my closest friends through streaming I just tend to avoid people who are miners close to them all right then let me ask you this kusy what is the cor the proper coal depth for coal to generate in Minecraft if he answers correctly he’s a

Minor he’s out of here oh my God you [ __ ] I am killing you I am executing you on the spot for that just well first you got to get out of that cave yeah first no first you have to get out the basement you put me in here oh

Jeez okay why did you put the riptide book and the treasures instead of over in the library because I wasn’t near the library and you couldn’t walk down the hallway no God I can’t walk what kind of peasant do you take me for jeez but no I mean hey you do seem

Pretty good right now kuski I do think you can get in here one day I’m not saying today but you know as time I’m not even Doom’s not even in here lit has access to the server that doesn’t mean he’s in here oh no he isn’t here annoying no Doom

Here Doom is wait no hold damn it no we don’t have one don’t have one what I thought we had a skeleton skull and I was just going to put it on my head see to miss we have a Wither Skull it’s in the valuables chest Doom Matt’s impersonating you

Again hello identity identity identity left is a crime hello I am hello it is me doomar please give me your credit card information and the three numbers on the back with expiry date I am your friendly skeleton please don’t hello friend greed it is I okay

Okay okay note to S now I’m going to be the one that that’s dis desktop I see no no no no uh I was making a joke because they were saying I know I was here the whole time oh I know I know I know you know I’m saying I’m answering

Kusky kusy asked what the question I said was and I was making a joke about the question saying since Nora AKA sheep had said oh I tend to avoid miners I was saying all right what’s the proper depth upon which Cole will stop spawning if he answers that he’s a minor but yeah

No again I I’m pretty sure after some conversation you’ll we’ll become quick friends oh God although I will say piano has first dips because piano was your first I don’t know piano I don’t know I’m pretty sure bi was here first true but they seem to be in a parasal relationship with

You it’s not the first time okay I don’t think they realize that you’re our boyfriend find everyone’s true everyone see see even even axelo the dark the rosec colored God believes agrees with me and when God believe agrees with you I don’t know what to say after that okay

Um let’s fill this in with some dirt and then so what were you saying about the alternating rows for planting they need to alternate in order to grow faster so basically I make like one long row of carrots and then one long row of Wheats and the next was like

Potatoes yeah yeah you got it what were you saying about altern they need alternate what’s an alternator the alternator the great alternator God hey Matt can you check the uh Chicken Machine real quick let’s see if it’s still working uh no to see if the uh see how many eggs are in there

Now I still have the comparator in my inventory me meaning that it’s not producing any chicken right now uh actually well the dispenser is full and The Hoppers just has a few so I’ll take all the eggs out and then I’ll put them in the chest

That way you can make make your meac chicken pen I mean you could just make an egg machine well that’s what I’m also thinking put that in mob drops is mobing on uh yes yeah yes okay so if a creeper blows up it blows up and destroys everything I need it for my

Breathing project [ __ ] what you can’t breed villagers with Mom griefing off some stupid reason it’s because they need to pick up bread yeah and they destroy crops when we plant them so consider Ging basically they need to be bread well if you’re going to work on a villager breeder you

Might as well make a iron farm as well I still feel that’s in Humane okay sure well I’m literally going to put a bunch of villagers in a box so yeah again why can’t we just have the free roaming Village cuz then they have a free roaming Village we’re also going to

Have villagers in a box God’s sake it will be my sex house like on the other server does the this is my does The Rock Johnson Dwayne The Rock Johnson eyebrow raise with Vine boom boom say what this is my boyfriend and then this is my villager Heron Jesus

Christ they make funny Hall noises when they go okay let’s all right okay one two do you have one of the mice no she said yes I heard no there you go all right look if you’re going to drop it across the room I’m not going to be able to pick it

Up oh Cactus oh yeah be careful there is no way out of there without breaking something there’s no way out of the murder hole I need to stop I need to stop making things that if you get stuck in them you will die you’re there same with

My it was the same way with my V sex house I’m sorry I have to send you to the Columbo Dimension the what one more thing why Columbo because Columbo is the best and I’ve seen a video where somebody said listen I’m sorry I’m going to have to send you to

The Columbo Dimension at like you know the Willy Wonka nightmare tunnel it’s basically that but Columbo is the greatest you mention one of our uh a friend of our we made through I made through D and D Point wise one of our other my Thursday sdd group he has that amazing Columbo

Impression I need to rewatch Columbo is the besto is good I just it’s been a while since I’ve watched it I need to rewatch it there’s a bunch of out of Contex clips on YouTube actually you can find a lot of the clips enough to actually find

The whole show probably I’ll be right back someone’s knocking on my door somebody’s breaking in okay so one second angry cat there we go that’s back it was the why is there a cow in the Sheep pen yeah a sheep it’s been in there so long

Though don’t kill it we have to name I I forgot to name it no I forgot to name it sheep it identifies as a sheep I was going to make that joke later of just like listen and we have the Sheep pen why is there a cow in

There uh what do you mean it’s clearly a cow go look at it again and tell me what it is sheep sheep Cactus is almost the Sheep trick God if that works you didn’t hear my pun but it’s okay I laughed at it I heard sheep trick is yeah I heard that

Okay it’s a sheep in Cow’s clothing go go I can’t handle this what the bad beams puns on for both of you it’s not for just you anymore listen you wanted in on this nightmare are they really that Andrew I love I love you like a

Brother I I didn’t know talk much but I do know how to pick PS with cs I’m a very punny guy he Bad to the Bone I didn’t know we had to fight Andrew for you uh I really I don’t how I really don’t how to be humorous at

Times you really could say he’s humorous thank you he really could say he tickles your funny bone oh darn it uh oh I thought I thought G was about to say oh God just like no no no I I I miss play he’s used to it already yeah I was going to say

Long long since split AIP why is there a sheep also not in a pen that one’s just a wild sheep to be honest yeah know there’s a few wild sheep over here by my farm sometimes things just wander into the area after the thing all right we have a working cactus farm

Mhm K where are you underground okay I gonna ask for your opinion on this probably terrible build my opinion is that it looks good and you’re awesome and you’re my best friend what do you think Matt Matt thinks the same thing for what your Cactus your Cactus spawner yeah it looks

Like a cactus block and it looks fantastic genuinely like I like the joke and I also like the fact that it’s very efficient we know what this is made for cuz it is what it looks like I think the only thing and the only thing and I mean this I would change is

Maybe like easier access to the chest like you know yeah like move put like a a dropper beneath it so it pulls out to here or something other than that I love it yeah I’ll probably do that to be to be honest he’s probably right you’re maning the

Farm yeah I need to like you’re doing the crops and stuff yeah I’m right now just trying to figure out the aqu do I’ll probably do an automatic sugar can Farm my dropper Jesus name she jab and makeing rainbow color true yeah well name one Jeb got

Name tag we do have one name tag left and I can go fishing later right now I just got to set this up chair um Cherry Cher time okay cherry tree time give me those I mean many you need to make an entire pink house yeah it’s new wood to play with I

Love playing with new wood jeez me too God there’s two of them grieve please kill me now you’re not leaving here sorry this is your Eternal punishment no this is what we’ve decided you must suffer through all right um I’m going to put this out a bit more here just so it

Looks natural and curve it there I moved them you what I with dud are moving the purose for what I do want to make a s ah I told you I had two I found two wait you moved the spawners yes how in the he’s playing modded oh right well

I didn’t know what mods are in his modded version well he’s playing better vanilla I believe or no that’s the name of it yeah think it’s quite simple Matt you uh simply position Crouch and then pick it up get next to it is a bur burlap sax mod where you can

Just pick up villagers throw them in a bag and then move them wherever you want them that’s just called K hilarious yeah well I regular so yeah and and it’s totally not like I’m going to make a Sex Dungeon for them uh ladies and gentlemen see you just you just pick it

Up how hard is it to understand just pick up the cage of maor demonic energy see like I said you just pick it up uh God love you Ander the ACT a lot of God Shines on you that’s for that back now more matter of one basically one of

The mods in the pack is called carry all which allows you to literally pick up say certain things while [Applause] crouching you can’t hold anything else in your hand in that particular empty hand while you’re just trying to more natural and you also cannot hold you can

Actually un like you can’t switch what you’re holding while you’re because you’re b as you can as I saw made a tiny penis in front of me off I am physically holding it I’m physically carrying it around so she put no that that was a little bit of a spawners chest

And so she put a mirror down and ran away that’s so mean I know that’s why I sto so sorry what were you saying Ed I didn’t quite hear I was saying that with the carry on mod you basically could while crouching you can pick up any either spawners chests or well mobs

And pick up a zombie what the hell is going speaking yes you can you can but of course the while you’re doing it you have to have an anti hand and no shield on because it interferes with the action well I would assume CU more so it’s fact

That you’re literally are holding it with both hands so while you’re doing it you are slowed and you also cannot actually do anything else but either put it down or by the way is it Jeb underscore to make it to rainbow sheep I think it’s underscore then Jeb you can always

Google hi I’m out of food that’s the only reason I came up all right uh one second here’s half of my fake here’s a stack of Cobble okay cuz I had no room I got to go empty my inventory so walk and talk okay well

First I’m going to go up to the top of your house well not house your little fishing shack and put up a uh liting Rod yeah okay yes please so it don’t explode but uh while you’re over there can you get a look of the uh thing uh

Which thing there we go rainbow sheep acquired y the the uh Cactus just to get your opinion I is there a pool underground because there’s pool underground stop asking questions why is there a dog oh just a portal hell I’m so confused about the design choices here

This is our Port of the hell and it’s pool how do you think of lava out we just put a pool yeah if you come back and you’re burning you go right into the water oh I see okay that’s that’s actually smart the world of hell didn’t originally I

Totally didn’t just think of that now of hell didn’t really exist I kind of just built the chicken cooker and it appeared there yeah basally just like you’ve been tormenting chickens relentlessly you made a machine that literally watches them grow up and then the moment they

Grow up they die yeah now here here you go okay wait what do you want to me what you want me to see greed there you go yeah there you go you got your giant Cactus oh yeah that’s out here I hate it okay well time to turn it tear it

Down all right I’ll get the flon steel no no I don’t hate it hate it it needs to be one block taller just one block taller and it’ll be more yeah hits OCD just slightly maybe Poss say honestly that’s comparatively that’s an easy fix yeah it’s a very easy fix it’s

Just one block toer please there you go all right time to get the chicken C cook back working okay so got to make that eight blocks apart so two three that’s four five six s eight okay five six seven eight okay that nope I really should make a

Shovel just digging like with the dirt digging the dirt with my hands well that tell you know it’s good dirt I can get you a shovel one second eat the dirt Matt what do you think I’m doing why do you keep I think this lovely

Green Man when I was a kid I used to love just stupid out handfuls of soil just outside my apartment and eating it valid I us to make mud pies all the time oh mud pies those are good they are they’re delicious I I worry about no there’s an actual dessert called Mud

Pies I know what they are but I thought you meant the actual one no no I ate actual when I was a kid I’m just saying mud pie is also a dessert is also really good when something about dirt just tastes different I love the raw minerals yo it

Hit different you crave the mineral hey I made some mineral water why does it look like just dirty water because I put dirt in it it’s full of minerals mineral water oh did I not give you the shovel [ __ ] no you did I got die

Shovel okay I guess I had a shovel for myself I just forgot that I made it but yeah the pool of waters there just is mostly just because I didn’t want to get rid of the original pool of water yeah and it looks like it’s a nice

Aesthetic thing we can probably put some Lush stuff down there and make it look better if we can get some sea lanterns I would like to put them in the bottom of the pool easy enough [Applause] right now let’s keep this going where is the village uh over the hill like if

You’re looking at my tower my building literally just turn around and then go over that hill and you cannot miss it we’ll cross that Hill when we get to it then we’ll build a bridge over the river Glide oh boy is it weird that I first heard that

Actual jingle from a show called Flying Rhino Junior High it’s more weird that there was a show called Flying Rhino junior high are you kidding me that show was awesome I’m not saying it was I’m just saying that name that’s a name Choice it literally had a rhino as its as its

Principal no one ever questioned it you know I can’t say anything because one of my favorite shows was actually my gym partner is a monkey and apparently a lot of people hate that show it is kind of weird I mean I remember liking that show

But at the same time it was not that good a show no it was weird no it was still really fun though this moment stupid itself butun oh nice there you I’m keeping it like eight blocks wide so it keeps a relative uniformity like how you would

Actually build regular size FS but you know just checking in on your candle yeah I was gonna say don’t worry I haven’t eat it literally took several in-game days to get that thing back here I’m going to put it into like an obsidian tomb so it can never be like literally

By the time I got close to the base I had to ask kid to bring a saddle just to get this thing back all the way because like literally that thing would just stop and just okay I’m going to lay down or I’m going to just ignore you despite the fact that

You have tasty tasty Cactus tasty tast to Cactus unfortunately that was the only one in the village so we can’t breed them I’m sure we’ll find another oh yeah there was two uh Librarians in that Village if you want to go look at them no we got V some in our village already

Dude we have fortune 3 and looting three what else do we need other than efficiency 4 and sharpness five one of them had like a really good uh what was it Matt what are you doing right now I am nearly done to farm what’s up oh just uh how much longer do

You think you’ll be I can take a break what do you need oh L just come down to the zombie spawner the fish out one yep I’ll be waiting for you down here why are you using your golden one your golden cuz it’s a curse of Vanishing one

I found found in Village earlier oh yeah good point go ahead it’s not going to ever be useful besides doing this yeah go ahead put some more dirt down and then we there we go it’s broken gone forever I do need to figure a way to

Light this up at night I was thinking of something with post but I’m not sure how to place it uh glowstone no no no no I mean oh no I got an idea uh I’ll I’ll try it out as soon as I get back uh so you said fishing Hut one right

Yeah I’m my way go down the toilet and meet me at the bottom flush yourself reenact the movie Flushed Away oh you have a good supper hello oh you’re still wearing the we Chad is having fun hello I’m friend Doom please give Diamond prepping power 10

Fire I’m not activating it till I get the glass and I gotta find where that geod was eventually I will anyway what follow the Birch time to activate the the uh the goodbye stick pulls out stick that just says goodbye on it why does it say goodbye because goodbye cuz this

Is this is where I ran out of but Birch so you get just go to the Cobblestone I just imagine you just swing it and then just like immediately like Team Rockets blasting off again yeah I mean my the image of my head isck was literally it’s

Nuts a stick was knocked back 500 oh God I can imagine you don’t have a slab okay I think the skeleton spawner would probably be the better one to abuse this is just going to be I don’t want to get XP from them the zombie

One’s going to be XP the others are just going to be Grinders where they just go go forever oh yeah the zombie one’s going to be oh we line them up and we we manually kill them makes sense yeah okay speaking of which I am like three levels off but I

Wanted to just show you the the Skelly spawner cuz just to show where it is not just that if you want to get to it first and set it up hold up kusky just said stop using x-ray to find these things I’m the one finding them and I have no

Just like I’m not using x-ray what was I couldn’t even get the barrel trick to work for me I’m not even kidding I was mad that’s not bad G but the the thought I had was um uh uh to do the barrel and just barrel

Uh do I I got enough wood hold up all right I was thinking something with fence is just like having overhanging lanterns like a visual hold up you guys should totally sleep right now maybe I’ve got a bed here everything on my ass G do you have a bed uh not on me

Here I’ll make a bed for you I’ll go to my I’ll go to the house okay I got one right here oh kid left the game I did that doesn’t increase the that does not decrease the people who need to sleep it helps a little bit no it doesn’t yes it

Does let me believe it does let me believe godamn it it’s appreciated thank M it’s half rounded up kid it’s half rounded up I need to change it 30% might need to change the percent to three I mean you could change it to one but like I don’t feel like that’s a good

Idea of that no all right uh going to steal one of my lanterns just for visual is it daytime yep yes okay okay back to lighting up these mines no are you dead what no I’m not dead I just deleted my water block I needed that there’s no

Rivers there is one but it means I have to walk five feet and then it’s I have to walk five feet I am lazy when I am building I am lazy okay take a shortcuts whenever I can I felt that do you have an extra Lantern Builder hold up then that

Oh and well maybe one block higher for that and then that one sec let me uh you see what I mean like something like that because that yeah I you could also do it with this true let me see uh H I need to pickaxe yep like you could do that same design

But with this very true which I feel like works well with the stone that yeah I know it does work well with the stone if I made it out of the stone brick it would be fantastic actually but I really don’t want to rebuild all that so we’re

Just going to go stone brick I don’t think you need to replace it with all the stone brick no no no let’s just go with these pillars though cuz that is I do like that I was thinking the wood just cuz that kind of work for like the

Lates you’d be using for gra Vines yeah but no the stone brick does work for the concept the sex you go so I will grab some stone brick if we have uh I already have some Stone cooking so you just need to use the stone cutter wonderful I keep forgetting we have

That yeah it’s really convenient hold up there the first thing I made oh my God I just realized I didn’t need to use all that cooked Stone I made and then turned them into staircases by hand I could have used the stone God damn it I wasted two blocks of stone per

Thing God damn it now if only they can make a stone cutter but for wood jeez it still pisses me off yeah all right I’m going to go put these back in my house I’m going to go trade the villagers and get more lanterns cuz literally one Emerald per Lantern super

That’s unfortunately Soul lanterns require actual crafting I know it sucks I’ll just stick these uh pillars in your uh yep chest over here sounds good are you telling him that he’s your pillar I I really don’t get that joke but I’m going to be sus on that he’s my rock get it

Right all right uh okay where did I put the emeralds actually I’ll just trade these sticks I have that’ll be enough do we have any other books wait no there’s some down in the library right I can just steal some of those pumpkin pie wait remind me we we got a looting

You have to you save so much yeah cluse right yeah we have looting I’m going to go grab it okay thank you when I come back I got to enchant my sword y but yes I’m definitely going to make the farm because so we can get better

I’m going to make the actual farm so we can get that going as an emerald source as well as I’m going to make the wood farm so we have spruce trees just from Easy Mega amounts of sticks yeah and then of course for actual wood you

Know if you see Infinity I need Infinity on my bow oh yeah we’ll see what we get right now it’s just this oh this is where you’re building your house nor this is not a house this is the sex pit I already got one villager now we

Just need to drag another one we just need pleas sex pit comes before house me yes I don’t like building my own house I just live with whoever steal people’s houses yeah I lived in I can build you a house I like building I get lonely I you live in the main Hub

Nora yeah I remember when stick tried to put my bed in the other room and I put it next to his just no I live here all right I’m going to make another Le turn and see if we can get another busted trade we’ll see what happen mad at the creeper for exploding

And not being killed by the Skelly how dare he ruin my assassination attempt my assassination attempt what I hired the skeleton to kill him but then he exploded God damn it all right then what do I oh I just realized I took your Shield nor oh you’re

Fine why do I have two Shields you have it I probably will need it mine’s about to die okay that’s how much iron do we have that you two just I have two stacks of iron I have a fortune 3 pickaxe and I’ve been going I got you and you still

Don’t have iron no I’ve made them in the IR I have iron blocks in the chest I’ve turned them into blocks plus there’s got to be a lot of raw cuz raw iron is in the chest under the furnaces true and there is I only put there’s some in the M shaft

Too yeah is uncooked okay so back with five stacks of iron just to anyway okay so I am buying two looting books so there you go we got two looting three books buying a bunch of lanterns because I need those for my farm and let’s see what his final

Trade tier is oh second and last are you [ __ ] me multishot for one Emerald did I the time strawberry uh had a multi-shot gun and fired it into my Village and it killed all nine of my Librarians no it was funny and I it was sad but it was

Funny had to restart all of that progress it’s just one of those moments we’re like that was so impressive I am so curious libr okay so the new librarian has a flame book all right we’ll we’ll see what the other resets happen I just got to try FL

Is my least favorite ship well we’ll see we’ll see give a second it sets me on fire more than it does my enemies I I better at flame books I need a villager to kidnap why are you all down where I can’t easily put you in a boat just get one of the

Dumb ones there’s none upstairs and I want them upstairs up top I could put a bucket of water and help you transport them they all drown God I would hate myself for that well first off I got to see what this V new villager gets so I want to get his

Trades up I need an Enderman in a boat again so I can name a Jo Biden but yeah no we have two looting three books a whole bunch of multi-shot books a mending book fortun three like busted I need one of these Farmers did I ever tell you about

Kevin no but I want to know about Kevin Now Kevin is an Enderman and his only dream huh is to be a sea captain uhhuh but he can’t be near water yeah it’s so sad and tragic they [ __ ] die yeah where are all the farmers why

Are you down here how am I supposed to get him up what then don’t put him in the boat you ID wait for him to get upstairs they’re going to leave this spot okay this is their thing they do I don’t want to leave I know you’re impatient

Ohy everyone wants to be my enemy misery Agony so much greater get up get up there it’s time to go aqua affinity no aquity is good it is I know do you have protection yet no I’m trading I’d rather protection or efficiency or sharpness yeah I got sharpness five on one world

And I was so hype well okay it’s turning night I need to we need to sleep hold on fortunately I’m on top of the giant build right now putting up another layer of of uh stuff he’s going to go somewhere completely opposite towards the house

Yep nor just go to bed and then we’ll try and kidnap your villager okay there you can get there villagers when it’s going to be night and all going to their beds good point you might be able to steal one okay can I can I request an eject what do you mean

Teleport yeah all right I back myself into a corner I can’t really get out of just send them over to where I am greed D hello hello uh kid it was Infinity right yeah 14 emeralds that’s not bad yeah you did the boat no to never have to use uh arrows again

I just abuse the Fletcher for his sticks yeah can you just imagine a Infinity multi-shock crossbow with piercing I mean the Fletcher can also have like special arrows can’t he yes so yeah you can at least get him up for that he’s better than a leather worker

No I know why do you think I’m abusing his stick trades it’s how I get can’t use the special Arrows with uh cross Infinity though Infinity yeah regular yeah that’s one of the whole things with infinity that keep just to make it completely completely op yeah I mean

It’s already op let’s be honest you’re literally infinite arrows yeah okay let’s see what we have here what are youing oh that’s Riptide what you what do you needing well I don’t know if it’s still I don’t even know if it’s still a thing but I think pretty sure used to be

A whole issue for a bug that you could actually just or an exploit to allow you re literally get Arrow by sort of you picking up the arrows that from infin chance or I might be whatever you find mending yeah just let’s all put let’s put them in the proper spot so if

You find one you find the other oh Fortune okay um Fortune is that top one this is still speed yeah the middle one make signs and say which which uh okay I’m putting fortune 3 in the bottom right then oh sorry pain this is Rip type just make signs

And have it like Absolut first line Second Line third line yeah I’ll do that all right uh so probably add you can probably add in some more uh chiseled bookshelves while you’re at it je what color sheep are you you I didn’t mean to do that okay oh you’re white okay oh you’re

White so top row is multi fortune and mending got it I need another mending you bring the mouse there is that no that’s Multi Shot that’s Fortune Fortune I’ll wait till we get another mending okay oh it’s easy enough to get I know I just don’t want it to lose it spot yeah

True all right and this one is oh so mending was top right yeah top uh corner here and then bottom so I got the Looting and The Mending on my sword I also put Unbreaking okay I’m going to go to the nether for a bit and repair my tools okay so I’m

Organizing all the bookcases so Fortune mending multi that’s looting and that’s rip side paling I’ll just make that one miscellaneous we have more on every side yep there we go signs are made so we actually know what the hell each book should be so try to keep them where they

Go that way everybody knows if I need a book it should be there oh God and then kid died no lag I need to turn my settings down a little bit in the nether the nether lags me so much thank you again Greed for putting that stone in to

Cook you’re welcome needs to be said Iron there okay so take that out probably on I get fully finished with the cactus I’ll probably go to bed yeah I’ve been hearing on quite a bit but honestly V uh okay iron goes in there stone cutter I’ll make just a stack do

We no don’t worry about it that makes me more and that’s why that’s okay so let’s Do you’re in your car neat I’ve just now only looked at chat random welcome back you’re in your car oh God so you are going to try and do it from a Tesla so yeah random you’ve missed some stuff okay so we found some more spawners we now have a extremely

Overpowered enchant by for really cheap which is kind of nuts uh oh yeah and we found the stronghold it’s next door literally literally across the river okay K where are you I’m in the nether okay I extended the thing up one for you your tone implies that you’ve also

Done something devious no no not yet yet he’s honest about it at least yeah yeah he to out I will come back from Hell shortly and tomorrow I’m thinking Arby’s I’m in the nether you 2007 Pontiac G6 Like a G6 oh I I went too far

Down oh yeah Matt just a reminder uh we since the mule and the donkey have chest now it can make it easier if you need a transport port a lot of stuff good point um H yeah I’m debating on a design H going to dump out my inventory real quick mhm n doesn’t

Work would have loved if that worked this plants and stuff how far does a lantern go for light source believe it’s 15 and if it’s one block higher it reduces it by one right uh yeah it’s like a sphere okay so that means it would go out 14

Blocks so one two three four five six eight nine 10 11 13 14 we okay put the next one here Okay so how we escape Dam it I have to wait again one angry cat noise Later well how did it Escape I I teleported to the bed cuz I didn’t have the trap doors I guess down oh hey the compass actually works for our base now oh yeah because I put it as z0 but now I don’t know what to do with

Just bu here but is in the bed oh he’s asleep murder him no I need them I need I need the other one to come back now he escaped [ __ ] sake be all right all right you back up kit no I’m still in the nether okay

The oh I know I’m heading back up but I don’t know when I’ll be back up oh my God get out of Here here go baby I’ll put your bed down come on good angry cat oh no he’s going to turn the Villager hey m y we sleep yeah one sec I got a bed nearby and there you go sheep just gave me the dirtiest look in the

Universe just like how dare you sleep on my corpse okay I’m heading back up about to come on out so proud of you kid thank you the rumor is true does Bruno Mars is gay H stuff of Legend okay so let’s do an angry cat I am in the Nether Portal

Now I am out of the nether portal okay I’ve got to go see who’s at my door me minut delays delays okay so do okay keep planting all these whe te go that’s those wheat seeds planted go grab some more I have like 50 on me

Oh I don’t doubt weed’s not exactly hard to find yeah I can always make a composter by your farm an automatic one very true all right steal in neurotoxin I just had the most delicious burger burger take my seed I have the class of Clash of Clans laugh oh

No ladies and gentlemen that’s what we call deserved what did I do nothing wrong I fell down the stair okay I’m like an your health was that low yes and I am lazy actually it was coming down here for food anyways okay potatoes over here where you will put the the sugar

Can it’s mostly planted to be honest yeah I me I have two stacks of sugar canane on me I put them in the pants to well I already see the beginnings of rapid growth for the plants so yeah that might actually have been real okay let’s get

The Watermelons and why is wood spelled with an E wood G what day G I have to make a dispenser okay we go go grab any more pumpkin seeds we have and we don’t have any beetroot Siege which is a little Annoying we should the village has

Them we have no we have beetro but I do not see any be seed oh no I found some found some never mind man if you were block you would be an emerald why hard to find and deep underground no it’s sorry to be a little late on

That and you you like Green I think and it’s green it’s a green I am back welome back thank you I have to take in a leave because I got a migraine but listen I knew my voice was annoying but you don’t have to say like that not

You it’s I hate to say it but I love my niece and nephew so much but little kids really give me headaches valid okay I just remembered I need to light up the top thing what what do you want to show me greed oh yeah uh look at the

Chain I did what you wanted and extended it up that that is beautiful thank you so much finally my my ADHD can be satisfied do we have ladders yeah I’m taking the ladders to get up there it looks so much better I I forgot to relight up the top after

I so I got to go do that now okay got think I need one I’m G sit in this corner for a minute because I got taken a leave to for my headache I thought you just said you took it no I said I’m about to take

It I really I know GRE needs to go to bed so I was like okay I’m GNA see what greed wants me to see first okay yeah all right the and this means the cactus farm is complete and it’s already produced half a stack nice what do we need Cactus for

Cactus cactus but what do you use Cactus for cactus is that it Cactus C I love you Andrew all right I’m just gonna go into the AFK thing and then I’m I’m going to leave for the night yep you get some sleep man you don’t good night okay El leave has been

Taken with cookies cuz I have cookies oh they always need part all right you guys have a nice night I’m just going to leave the thing AFK for for now will kick me out have a good night have a nice night we promise not to mess with your dis insold

Corpse slowly turns around I can’t promise that all right I’m going to grab the composter I put down here and then other than expanding the farm a bit more and finishing her up I think we’re pretty good if anyone would like to come see I will see a little bit y I still

Need to grow a bit more crops to plant but I mean I like the way I like the thought I had for a natural fencing although I do need to make a way into it that I did not think of damn it okay wait wait I got to do something

First I need to make some Spruce trap doors Oo that’s actually a good idea I can make trap doors as a little Bridge into it and then walk along the aqueducts listen I’m about to make you a little bridge and you will sit there and let me make it for you how about no you no you it’s not that I

Need my a I need one of these cherry trees my ax is about to break I need to put mending on it [ __ ] you have mending in the chest I know I do I just forgot to put it on my axe mending in the chest okay where’s

The no the entrance is over here no I’m getting crafting table let’s scared the [ __ ] out of me the Campbell standing up you see what I mean deing that all day yeah we need to fix that okay oh oh I like the little farm thank

You that being said where do you want me to put the little Bridge right here right here the actual like little sign post so you walk towards and then go through you want you have a better idea no it’s just it’ll look ugly right there all right fine we don’t need trap doors

Then cuz I I can just punch a hole and we’ll walk it through here no well kit there’s no other entrance I can use I want to make it kind of C like we’re kind of out of options in that regard no we’re not out of options it’s

Just like we’d have I I have not come over here to look at this okay I have opinions I’m not going to say them cuz they’re mean h say it you built the farm way too close to the water well now the water will looks like it’s going to destroy the

Farm a like if you just look at the mechanics and how it would actually work no you don’t have to break it apart you don’t have to no I’m cutting it on edge I’m cutting an edge okay and then I will break these let it turn into grass and I’ll leave it

There because that will look like the grass is letting it in okay just get rid seriously I don’t see how it would look like that because I’ve seen wind water wheels that are like right on the [ __ ] Edge it’s just Minecraft it looks it looks too close all right well either way we

My my shovel too efficient I’m not done there I’m not done no I’m just I’m going to expand it and make it look a bit more natural that was just to give me an end point that leads into the ocean or a runoff you’re good I just I’m just removing this

Little Edge kidding me CU that do better ow that hurts my brain is weird excuse I was going to say like I know it’s just because of the width it looks weird there you go give it a bit more natural um do you have any more Stone stairs yeah I do one

Second you want to make it look like it curves don’t you no I was saying just bring it all the way to the this Edge and like close it off are you where were you that you no no no no no no that’s too far what the [ __ ] you

Talking about I just said yeah to close it off yes but you have a 2 by two why would you do anything wider I I made it too wide I was about to say what the [ __ ] is you talking about now yeah him is the stairs

No don’t don’t kill yourself we need two more stairs I’m going to go make it does it half to look like it fused them like that all right [ __ ] it just I already have two stairs give me a second kid wait no there’s a certain thing I’m

Going to do I know what you’re doing I’m going to come see if you know what I’m doing but I do believe you might actually there yes you did know what I was going to do thank you God sake almost 80 HD things I swear to God

H you have come over here come over here come over here let me take my armor off it’s just I understand I know you understand point but I was just like my brain’s sitting here like also you haven’t slept in a while so enjoy goodbye why would you put these Phantoms

On me you’re so mean because it’s a mild irritation towards no I thought that [ __ ] look good and then someone’s like H I have some thoughts like [ __ ] Austin Powers in this SP who shag me I’m coming over time for a second opinion no

No it’s done we going to let it grow and just go from there I fully admit it’s my own fuing Aqueduct or the lamp post I don’t give two shits because the rest of it looks really good and awesome like I understand what you were trying

To imply with the whole like putting in actual spot where the water flows in but that’s why I was making it like that so it just came in from a natural water flow the only reason it doesn’t visually look is it would have like a little

Indent so it would be better to do it on a layer down you like it hold up hold up I don’t know why you changed though oh you left my penis here thank you so kind of you second there I need to make another staircases because this give me look a bit odd

Otherwise okay I’m going to drop off myself here yep rest my ears well more I just want rest my ears and just relax a little Bre Bre yep go good evenings good night and smoke B I just realized he got that from Randy Cunningham Ninth Grade

Ninja there we go all right I’m going to put like that because the indentation thing you were replying looks about right Hey where’s um did you get infinity you said I haven’t actually gotten enough emeralds to trade it up yet oh that’s one I just need to get

Mending on my Axe and then go back to the nether okay back to Hell back to Jersey Jersey Devil I’m coming uh uh should now oh God and yes I am on PC need to put some more stuff away I’m watching you I’m watching you wasowski always watching

Wasi now I just need to put some stuff away that I don’t need in the nether make an incinerator no I don’t need to destroy it I just don’t need it in the nether like a water bucket for example don’t need that in the nether I need that cuz I need

To fix it grass is growing back so there I will be back okay okay let’s see um okay I just need more dirt keep that going okay the is so bad a am I echoing am I echoing I do not know hold up let me I’m listening am I Echo

Oh no he oh no no he’s implying regarding the fact he’s watching on like seven different monitors okay I was going to say wait a minute I need shears uh I mean that’s kind of something here you go kid right behind you thank you have

You cut down more wood no that was the next thing I was going to do okay I’ll just use Oak then okay time to go Shear go shear sheep or yeah all right oh a sheep got out no why you all in this corner they’re Scared no nothing bad’s going to happen yet let them Regain if you share a Jeb sheep does it just give you white wool I really don’t know I’ll be honest with you questions for another age for another time well my echo is bad I got three out of seven watching you you can be about to make it

For oh my God I mean appreciate it but it’s just it’s like oh hey we’re up to eight viewers four of them are random I’m not against but it’s still just like huh [Applause] uh the way of making compost in bone meal [Applause] I love how it depends on what you’re

Using to put in the compost dictates how much we’ll actually fill in a certain random percentile yes I know I could do a couple automatic things but I like doing it manually so sometimes CU just standing still and holding right click for a bit also greed you’re supposed to be going to

Bed so stop back SE gaming and go to sleep I could do that really quick are you okay now or you just tired yes I stayed up till 700 a.m. playing OverWatch what do you think oh for Christ sake then go to bed no the Boyers want to do OverWatch again

Then play two matches and go to sleep no and I’m also talking to you and kid I make good decisions ladies and gentlemen and yes I will fine I’ll make the automatic composter I was going to do that all right fine Angry Bird is going to what the hell God pissed off

Here’s the reason seriously go for a nap and then you can play OverWatch but that means leaving you I know but I have I want you to be more slept than that People’s Health matters more than social anxiety I don’t know where I was going with that sense I really don’t I need

This I need another villager in this pit Jes Christ again should we call for to Services there are no children in here no one cares about adults I’ve got to go for now CU I got to go do something for my mom but I’ll be back later okay all right bye-bye for now

Lo we can too Doom okay you keep yawning you’re TI I’m sorry I’m trying to be quiet no it’s not a matter of quiet it’s just a matter of I’m more worried about you in regards to just absolutely destroying yourself over I just realized I also have a stack

Of iron I me why the hell do I have a stack no no I don’t know why I stole it that’s the thing I’m confused oh okay all right so put the iron in the chest I keep okay wood Goes here dirt oh they add more dirt ah comble missell put that over here take off SK skeleton head put helmet back on just go in there actually put a bucket in there H okay actually I need to take some of that iron because I need to go to find the

Toolsmith and see if he’s got anything Good yes I am playing Java we all on that PC Java Minecraft grind Sigma Alpha Omega little what stop Among Us no [ __ ] no God Chad versus the Virgin Pocket Minecraft what are you saying what are you saying right now I am becoming cringe how do you become something you

Already are I become more powerful oh wonderful the tool Smith will trade me for a diamond hoe hey I’m already one of those yeah I already just bought three nice oh [ __ ] zombie why grab one of them villagers into my sex I don’t use uh because I’m currently trying to

Trade one up and see if it gives me anything good where the hell are they spawning from damn I lost the other guy oh God’s sake we somebody either died or reset why cuz one of the villagers trades is reset I thought we had trade with them must be the infinity

Guy then dying with how they’re not like in clothes try another time my friend okay sleep just reset I’m got to go find I’m going to bed one thing yep R the bed I was going to say the villagers are like trying to steal the bed back they want to sleep

Mhm oh that’s the reason one of the doors is open actually a lot of these doors just left open what the okay that explains you guys got trapped down here cuz you’re idiot no you [ __ ] did he kill himself no they’re about to oh my God nobody blocked this area

Off there’s a skeleton down there I don’t have any arrows wait a minute arrows there’s a Fletcher in town where the hell did he go W that’s time they were near the I’ll find I’m sure I’ll find them but it’s more just the fact of I can reload my arrows because he sells

Them yeah there we go okay now I can take this goddamn creeper or not creeper skeleton out like this idiot villager that got himself stuck off a cliff okay oh my God a villager come here get into bed it’s time to sex context be a sign on this that says he sex

House don’t fall off the cliff you mother get in there are you okay he killed himself didn’t he no but another one just went down a goddamn Cliff down a waterfall and I just saw him go down I L saw him go down the goddamn pit and if I’m correct which

I’m I probably am he was the guy I was trying to trade with yeah no he’s in the [ __ ] pits now great I have no idea how the hell he’s going to come back might despawn don’t know don’t care right now [ __ ] off genuinely mad out this huge rescue operation of

Save this one idiot farmer villager what happens the guy I was trying to sa walks off a goddamn cliff H okay I’m making a a wall so they can’t get down don’t know why I didn’t someone didn’t do it before but we’re just going to walk past them I just got here yeah

No I’m not blaming you I’m just saying a general concept I’m just going to say [ __ ] yourself no in the bit [ __ ] sake then what the Death Pit the sex pit stop getting away oh my god get back here criminal I’m trying to set you up on a

Date and you keep running away I don’t want any oh my God okay so let’s see if there’s any villager in town I can still alive at this point God damn it they keep killing themselves well don’t worry they will soon be 18 million I’m the master at breeding okay okay hold

Up okay you’re the one that trades your bread good here you go boys here’s a metric ton of bread eat up read me another goddamn tool Smith because he [ __ ] dumb asses keep killing themselves and of course you’re already traded up to Copper so you can’t be traded with or

Reset you could be resent yes go be a wait no that’ll [ __ ] up the trades again again oh God I hate this so much ready to trade iron to level up the other guy and then no let’s not do that let’s just be a pain in that’s ass they had six yeah

Well that kind of screws up in Trade Center what did you lose that tool Smith but I got another one I’m just trying to I have to relevel him I know I’m going to regret this I’m going to go down into to the pit I assume he’s dead but yeah maybe he

Lived who knows God that Ravine is huge do we have glass yeah I’m pretty sure glass okay I think we have like actual glass oh crap W I found diamonds nice this good stuff I’m not seeing there in the Villager yet well there’s the question that’s the question is something need to find him if he is still here yeah he kind of mainly torching this place up because there seriously we’re in the night man dimension

Yeah I know the other guy must have fallen and just like insta yeah okay so let’s this okay cut that waterf off so there I have a creeper exploded on me but barely hurt me I’m want to explode on you misclick uhhuh holy crap that’s a big diamond vein I’m a big diamond

Vanin you’re an emerald we already discussed this yeah technically emeralds are mostly found singular yeah which is weird cuz you’re special One of a Kind m okay so that’s all right well the caverns cut itself off so all right that’s fully explored and lit up now and now hopefully no more villagers

Will fall down into the Death Pit is that still oh my arm oh watch myself little too fast oh god really don’t want to die with the 30 levels I have oh yeah that wouldn’t be good no nope okay all right villagers there you go your death Pate has been

Fixed okay run back to town I’m going to use these 30 levels to enchant this diamond axe I have just so I can get hopefully chopping wood so I can start filling that out and then go from there if you have a lantern could you give me one a lantern yeah give me

Moment there a single Lantern M I will go trade a villager and get you one because I know we have you’re literally falling asleep I can hear anything voice I’m awake I’m in alive mhm I don’t want to leave you all right aband in issues well yeah I have

Dpd and I don’t know if I did this thing right so I need to see if it works okay give me a sec to just nope not you there fler two emeralds that’s all need there go find a farmer there you go I got you two lanterns thank me

Also if you’re referring to curious random this is the apparent sex pit it’s like a sex house now it used to be a pit back on the old server but then somebody had to change it I guess due to violations due to terms of service violations

Where did you go I’ve already put him down by the chest thank you getting comboed by a skeleton as his zombie shot him in the head get zombie pumpkin pie and let’s go get a level at Le a glow Berry Farm standing girl oh you can Farm glowberries oh

Yeah fortune 3 on a diamond axe sure so unlucky wait no what you might be able to get that on a pickaxe maybe actually yeah no good point see if it does the fortune 3 on a pickaxe okay the AL sh pie all right yeah no Jam is still there so oh

Yes o that is a god tier pickaxe efficiency four Fortune three Unbreaking three I’m glad you didn’t put that on your stupid ax well true but I still need an enchantment for my stupid axe well they can we uh no that one will work very fine for me silk

Touch efficiency 3 Unbreaking three silk touch why that’s for chopping watermelons to trade to villagers yeah okay okay now let’s put the extra Tools in here combine these two iron hose just to get that inventory okay that’s good there that’s good there V up oh [ __ ] what creeper okay Uh okay all right that’s that that’s there that’s s trange gr that’s good oh there’s the the uh bone meal maker nice nor in the top chest there we go perfect for training villagers plus will look pretty good as a visual thing too okay all right I believe I will call it there

Because my arm is starting to hurt as well as I have a mild headache myself starting to come in so okay my DL you sleep well when you do enjoy your OverWatch and thank you everybody for watching random AEL Craig of course can’t forget Craig kusky good old piano and I miss anybody

Piano no I think that’s everybody KY piano a yep stay beautiful see you next time see everyone bye

This video, titled ‘Now with Notice Board! – The Crew Casually Plays Minecraft’, was uploaded by I Am Heroic on 2023-11-28 02:23:39. It has garnered 36 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:40 or 11680 seconds.

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    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): -Texture pack that I recommend:×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More