New LEGO Fortnite – Minecraft Mashup!

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[Applause] [Applause] N [Applause] He A Good evening everybody Welcome to Lego fortnite literally this I only heard about this at lunchtime I’m not going to lie to you guys like I had no idea this apparently this has been in the making for like two years um but yes Lego fortnite for fortcraft night fort night M night

Whatever you want to call it it’s basically fortnite and Minecraft smush together so yeah that’s what we’re going to be playing tonight look at this my redhead skin is now a Lego redhead skin which I’m very very excited um so yes let’s um let’s flip and do this so I

Haven’t C I did create a world earlier just to just to make sure it was working um so yes okay then peeps here we go are you ready to rumble I’m I’m very excited for this so let’s let’s do this so I’ve got to make a world and then I think

There’s 16 people who can join a world so yeah very excited for this um not quite sure what to expect uh but yeah it’s going to be it’s going to be good times oh we can hold up to eight people okay well I’m going to make a new

World this is going to call be called redcraft or whatever okay um everything on let’s just do that we I’m want to go into the snowy area cuz it looks cool please not the wood of world is created World settings cannot be changed oh dear um I don’t know how to turn these

Request stff um friend request from Death Match chill save the world okay um can you guys can you guys join once I’ve Jo made it or do you do I not do that redhead gaming redhead Gaming’s world yes okay hello zombie Fox I don’t know how to turn the chat off okay let’s

See how this goes then okay awesome V gaming I haven’t had chance to look at them unfortunately okay nope people got oh do you have to join my Lobby first oh sorry peeps okay hang on then hang on everyone Uno second everyone yes one second sorry I didn’t

Realize it sounds like people are joining are people in how do I know oh and here we are with my oh hello hello cuddle team leader um okay it’s just me then is it okay why is my screen going Tod on oh no I have I’m not in okay oh

It’s a chicken oh oh it’s a Lego chicken hey no I want to pet the Lego chicken thank you okay right let’s um let’s return to Lobby then let’s get some let’s get some peeps in okay here we go then so I’m just going to send out requests then and you

Guys should be able to close chat close okay all right then so let me how do I open my Lobby I don’t know how to do these things okay uh recent Players let’s in dismiss request yes hang on sorry guys let me just dismissed a second okay so then I can can I Send how do I send invites I don’t know how I don’t know how to play this game how do I how do I let people join okay party invite settings how do I turn requests on St I don’t know how to do these things uh anyone can receive party join

Ability invite only okay you guys should be able to join then there we go if I do that you guys should be able to join now how do I turn off different not I want to turn off different Notifications okay people are in it’s good time sometimes I don’t know how to turn no I’m not turning voice sh on because we know what could go wrong ah uhoh uhoh okay everybody’s joining in okay is this we got r eight okay we there’s space for one more Get them saxophones out get them saxophones out okay let’s do this I’m ready when you guys are let’s go okay let’s do it have I got anything cool I’ve got Regal wave wave yes my minions okay we need one more person to be ready and we should be good to

Go hello the Star Warrior oh yeah we didn’t see the hello I hope you guys are doing well tonight um yeah sorry I have there hasn’t been many videos this week biotic Christmasy everything going on I’ve got to post about it tomorrow um but yes it’s been crazy times hello T

Jack a guy with basic knowledge B gaming Brown C crocodil uh C sorry uh green devil Mal Mal for but uh Na PE vanilla QC everyone’s joining the chat hello everyone uh team will be subie nice nice nice if everyone could ready up that would be awesome welcome to the Christmas party

Everyone okay here we go so much s we’re waiting on one person we are waiting for neptuna to ready up if you could ready up that would be amazing I don’t know how to select people um hey Bonny how’s it going right uh how do I select can I kick people just

Just yeah I’ve turned it I don’t know how to turn text can I turn text chat anyone did nothing think i’ be back in fortnite okay let me check my Lobby right I’m just going to there is going to be one more space just cuz we were waiting for Neptune to ready up

You’re more than welcome to join back neun but we were waiting for a ready up let’s do this oh it’s Mr Beast Mr Beast is here oh very excited yeah that’s right it’s basically fortnite Minecraft forcraft okay now nobody should wait for three bu to ready up surely if it was if

The if the majority of people um readed up surely we should be ready to go Mr beats Mr beats yes send that money out let’s ready up just need you to ready up neptuna that would be awesome okay let’s go I have no idea what I’m

Doing but we’ll figure it out as we go so that’s right Mr Beast you better come and give me all your you better come and give me loads of money okay so I we were watching the trailers in the Discord chat before this began so we’re getting we’re getting all

Pumped Pumped for this I’m very excited so all right then there’s loads of survival aspects which have been turned on I’m interesting to see how the building works I hope it’s see the one of the things I I tend to struggle with with Minecraft is that i’ I I struggle

On like what to do it’s too it’s almost too sandboxy for me sometimes whereas those of you if anybody play grounded I absolutely love grounded get I get addicted to that game very very easily and grounded is is still surv but there’s more of a story aspect to it and

I just find it really interesting so it be interesting to see how this goes down okay oh hello there cuddle team leader where am I who are you who am I okay they’ve got no wait I know that last one my name’s cuddle team leader nice to meet you and you’re redhead

Gaming why does that sound familiar because I’m the best YouTuber I’ve never fallen into a brand new place like this before but I’m glad we fell together it could be dangerous out here we should prefare ourselves just in case prepare your stomach is growling so loud I could hear you coming

From a mile away eat something anything how about berries or pumpkins you can gather eat them until you are full okay pumpkins let’s go oh I got my little Lego oh it’s corn yes let’s get some cereal grains some cereal grains can I eat my oh yeah oh yeah M sorry corns oh

Yeah oh yeah eat them eat them good oh what are these oh there’s some berries oh this is exciting okay oh a snow Berry oh yes oh these look very tasty oh yes I will eat my solid my very these are very these look like very crunchy I’m cold

Already hang on I’ve lit I’m nowhere near the mountains I literally went up a hill game is there supposed to be music it’s very quiet am I fault how do I where’s my full meter okay I’ve got my temperature meter hello hey there um how else should we

Prepare I’m worried about the rain maybe you need a shelter we can build a simple Shack from your build menu in the build category I need more wood okay okay let’s just Granite why is the oh no that’s a rock that’s that’s okay correct I can’t do that now okay I can

Hit rocks okay I’ve got some Granite I need some wood I’m just going to smack some trees what’s this what is this is this an egg that is a giant egg okay there’s some pumpkins here oh you’re mine chicken oh sorry okay well guess I’m killing you now sorry

Sorry not sorry I W need to come back why is it always the chickens that get me get back here thank you oh look at that tasty T-bone steak okay we got we’re getting some wood here okay boom boom boom get down oh I’m going to get some rocks as well oh yeah

Oh there’s a spot oh my God help oh Connor would not like this I cannot do that right now okay all right that was a bit aggressive cuddle team leader I am on a Grand Adventure I feel like this is going to come in handy I’m worried about the rain maybe we need

A shelter I’m on it okay where’s my build men you aha no that’s all my map okay okay very nice inventory okay I can split okay where’s my build menu uh uh that’s Dodge build Q There we go okay right I can build a campfire

Okay I want a nice spot can I I wanted to build somewhere snowy but I feel like I need some like warm clothing before we do that okay you are cold how cold is this like like really bad like surely once I build a I want to I want to go

Into the yes look it’s snowy over here this it’s Christmas everyone hang on it’s fine no it’s fine I’ve got this okay hang on oh look there’s some there’s some caves here this looks quite good hang on wait wait wait I want to go into the

Snowy area Hang on we’re going to we’re making things hard for myself yes I am cold blah blah blah right okay this looks kind of good we’ve got a nice view of the mountain oh maybe on top of that rock if we could get up there okay we

We’ll aim to go over there but let’s build let’s build a fire first oh there you go ah much better okay oh I can make a grill okay right and we need to make a uh okay maybe we should make multiple campfires I feel like yeah there we go

Multiple campfires does that keep keep me warm it better do else there’s going to be trouble okay next up okay you can even can you even probably uh what have we got build a shelter oh wow this is quite large oh we need six wood oh no I spent all my

Money oh okay no I can’t do that okay oh there’s some a little bit of wood here little bit of wood here oh there’s some chickens they don’t mind the cold I need an axe how do I build an axe that would be really useful about now okay building Parts utility lumber mill

Ah uh build up we take plants and but how do I chop down trees do I have to find a weapon presumably I think I’ve got to find I think I’ve got to find oh sorry I haven’t got live chat I’ve got top chat

Okay this this is no way this is is not fortnite okay um okay well we’ll have to find we’ll have to find some somehow okay you’re going to start freezing all the time because you settled in the snow I want to be in the snow I’m Santa

Claus right yeah I know but we’re quite near the oh it’s spider get away get away yeah you little you little tiny little cute spider punching poor defenseless little SP little spers right I’m going to get some food I want to get all the stuff leave me

Alone little spider I will smush you good I will smush you good yeah oh okay o oh oh is this you’re going to die cold let me get to the fire hang on this is your oh no that was me nearly dying cold okay um I’ve got some berries uhoh

Ah fine we won’t build in the snow because I’m a loser living in the I know but I thought it looked right okay let’s just let’s go somewhere I want to somewhere nice though you know somewhere cool okay we get some pumpkins we’ll keep some pumpkins with us I need to

Build I need surely normally to build the oh look at these oh raspberries oh these look very tasty oh yeah have some of these bad boys okay we’ll collect loads of these first okay all right right there you go in the I know but it’s snowy and I

Thought the campfires would would would would fix that problem okay how do I build inventory okay we need we definitely oh it’s raining oh it’s raining they said it was bad they said rain was bad okay oh it’s got wet everywhere oh dear cannot Sprint low energy oh am I

Hang on where’s my eat meter get some right we’re just going to collect a bunch of stuff and then we can get a fire going okay so the forest is that way the uh the mountains are that way so let’s head in this direction see if we can

Find Ah that’s my players map okay everybody else is still oh yeah I forgot we’ve got other people in here so we’ll run across everyone very soon okay just going to collect some wood I okay oh I can make a double Shack rain’s bad right I think so I’m a

Bit I’m a bit wet yeah oh what the hell is that no no no no no no no no no NOP no nope nope nope right I want to see the mountain okay so I feel like oh look this is a nice flat this is a nice flat area okay right so

First things first let’s build a fire very nice okay that’s a good start okay then we can build how am I cold I’m literally standing on a fire game a simple Shack ow what did he just throw a okay whoa what [Laughter] theall oh no I just got squished I think it was

This way yeah there’s my fire I can’t believe that just happened Boulder crabs I got smush I got smooshed am I what’s happened into this building does it build over time I need my where’s that stupid crab I’m you’re I’m hunting you down you stupid crab right how do I

Build this magical thing right open my backpack okay how’s this start build oh okay interesting so I put that there okay why is okay okay swap parts rotate no okay then go on there no how am I cold there’s there’s a fire literally right here game right start

Build right okay so I have to build it like piece at a time okay I see not enough do I need to build can I move things swap parts put that there not enough resources but it said so I needed like resources just to okay n right

Okay I need oh I can’t see it’s dark oh wow this is this why is this shouldn’t be this tricky oh all right okay I need some wood okay it’s oh I’m freezing okay okay all right all right all right okay I’m cold but apparently a fire doesn’t count as getting warm

Okay this make me less cold is it it’s cuz it’s night time isn’t it but I can’t go anywhere can I sleep but I haven’t got it says I’ve got one Shack wall but I don’t okay I only need one wood can I see any wood anywhere anywhere close it’s getting so

Dark uh there we go no that’s a snow Berry it’s fine I’ve got this I can just I can just eat my way through life every there we go get back get back okay right right there we go build that put that there right it’s not why is there no roof oh

Okay remaining parts I haven’t got enough resources oh my God this is so stupid red this isn’t Minecraft R you’re going to die the freezing thing makes no sense I mean not when I’m not in snow and not and when I’m right next to a fire okay right I need I need another

Piece of wood from somewhere there we go I’m going to have to make another fire I’m literally going to have to make another fire maybe I should move can I move the fire there we go this count right what’s this for a shack half wall where’s this go let’s go here right can

I does that count okay so can I move my fire or can you not move a can you not move a fire once oh is that telling me how much is left of my fire okay hang on then ready is on the other side of the

Map why are you far away I don’t know I’m on the other side of the map it would seem start build so where does this go oh it goes up there okay I need one more oh my God this is not a good start everyone I’m getting absolutely destroyed by the

Environment I need some wood I’m going to die I I need some death okay this is not a good start for Lego I’m going to be honest this is not a good start for Lego uh for Lego fortnite so weird okay but am I just going to am I

Just going to freeze to death again right there’s some wood down here or there’s something down here I know that’s just my backpack where I just died what is this okay there’s loads of wood here for some reason I’m freezing already this is stupid okay maybe maybe we’ll turn the freezing

Mechanic off because I’m literally going to die again I’m Lally going to die again right I’m I’m just going to build like 10 bajillion campfires and that’s going to solve my problems but I only had enough to build one my god get on there boom okay can I be not

Cold in here or am I always going to be cold in here right okay sun is coming up thank the Lord all right then okay okay okay make a torch I could make a torch I don’t know how to do one of those yet what’s this Village Square map marker lumber

Mill builds beds aha to reset your spawn point okay right we’ve got to get right how do I I need to make a where’s the kuddle monster where’s cuddle person where’s cuddle team cuddle leader but have that open that back back what what it’s in the I’m in the day it’s literally

Daytime okay right I need to get some I need to get some I don’t know why I’m still cut okay then what what am I supposed to do have I just have I just built have I built too close to am I still too you think I’m still too close to the

Um to the mountains do you think that’s what it is do you think do you think I’m still should probably make a bed I’m just trying to I’m just trying do you think I should go this way you know like am I just in the completely wrong area is it warmer in this

Direction so I’m trying to work out here right doesn’t seem to be getting any warmer to be honest um oh what is that sound oh that’s a wolf oh that’s a wolf oh no is it is going to be oh not one of the rolly things help me cows help me cows cows

Cows help me get on the cow can I get on the cow oh my God I’m being hunted down right okay this seems like a nice place right I need to build some stuff I need oh we’re by a cave oh this is exciting okay I am now a hungry

Boy all right there we go all right then here we go so wood I need I need to build an okay we’re by the big bould of crabs oh I’ve got a Dodge button haven’t I I’m going down here there’s a cave down here oh a

Mushroom oh what have we got oh is she still coming for me right okay there looks like lots of Fallen trees here so we’re just going to I’m cold I’m cold of course I’m cold I might have to turn this off I might have to turn the cold mechanic off cuz it’s just

Stupid it’s just so it’s so aggressive is that crab still after no I’ve got two spiders after me now go good all right found there’s loads of wood over here okay it’s getting dark again already just turn on the heat instead there we go no don’t go into the cave

Yet okay here we go okay so far so good right loads of wood loads of wood loads of wood and I need food oh a night Shield uh oh okay Spinning Wheel right we got to make sure I’m stocked up food so I can just keep getting my health but right more wood

More wood more wood we need loads of wood I’m just going to collect tons of stuff so we should oh hey chickens oh get away from me spiders I haven’t got time for you oh there’s an outpost hang on that might come in handy there might be something good over

There can I turn notifications off in this game do anybody know I really don’t know how to turn off notifications right that’s oh that’s a big bow ah look they they pretend to be Boulders okay let’s see if there’s anything exciting in here then oh lots of pumpkins we grab those oh God

Okay might need to build up to that then pumpkin pumpkin ah spider get away I haven’t got time for you why am I being followed I’m being attacked by tiny little spiders okay right going over here right this is my spot okay so this time okay we need a

Crafting bench can I move this once it’s once it right building a crafting bench okay then oh what’s this okay then I might have a double Shack no we’ll just have a simple Shack I feel like it’s not very warm in there though so I feel like a double Shack it

Does require eight Dew Brees okay build that start build floor floor age one of seven right now I’m also going to build a fire right in here okay CU I’m a sensible boy okay uh start build put these in plank plankk plunk plunk okay not enough resources okay we’re already out of

Resources and now I’m just going to freeze to death again okay right how do I build yeah we should probably build an axe that would be that would probably be a good idea wouldn’t it okay Forest axxe two five wood that’s a lot of wood considering I

Can make a whole wall with one bit of wood okay lots of granite okay just watch out for Wolfie boy Wolfie’s over there he’s going to H me leave me alone spiders I nearly got enough wood okay it doesn’t seem to be as cold here for whatever

Reason okay grilled meat I can now have that very good okay right axe we need an axe Forest axe craft me one of those bad boys oh okay all right oh you want to you want to play it like that well this is what you get yeah yeah get lost okay right

Let’s chop down a big giant tree and I’m going to chop these little spiders up into little chunks you’re got chunked okay not the most practical I don’t know I was trying to think oh wow look I have Thanos Powers I’m turning this tree into magical oh okay does this break can

I break this up oh oh I can push this oh I can break this up further oh nice okay boom okay okay we got a lot of wood from that can I break this down oh I can they thought of everything okay here we go I know those little spidery menaces

Okay right lots of wood okay let’s finish this flipping build before I get wet and Soggy and the game just says I’m freezing to death start build uh okay over there okay stage two complete wow this takes a long time is it just tutorial ising this for

Me all right well I’m going to build the big bits first there you go uh change part that way that way uh supports where do these supports go there uh there okay stage three complete now I just need to do the the top bit of

The roof oh my God okay nice have I still got enough wood I have okay and then final bits uh put that there put that there okay this is like and woo we’ve got a shack everyone oh flip me okay right can I move this by the way

Um can’t can’t use in oh my God can I move how do I move stuff peeps can I move this have we done all this oh am I not finished oh oh there’s a there’s a bit at the top I’ve missed uh that right no Ridge how do I get up

There have to build I’ve got to build some stairs over now hang on stairs there you go right H got to start this build okay build the stairs okay I feel like it’s a little bit counterintuitive having to do this you get the resource back resources back if you break it

Okay good to know get out get out of this okay right well we need to get some we need to get some more wood I need to eat some berries very nice okay here we go then let’s chop some trees down be a good little good little

Worri you’re not done yet had enough for the SP teenage to fornite oh there you go if okay thank you for the tips peeps there we go okay come back come back rly log stop okay right lots of wood lovely okay back over here we go I like

How we get a big huge you know campfire thing very nice okay very very nice okay we got my little Shack right I’ve not finished my build yet so we’re going to oh okay right I can now finish my build no oh two little railings not enough oh

My oh for God’s sake right let me take this down then so I should get the resources back but now my now my weapons broke okay I actually do more damage not using it right right you can get lost okay okay there you go right okay So right I’m Out Of Reach but how do I how do I get this part oh my God this is really annoying actually all right right okay why is this so difficult okay right missing parts Shack Ridge can I jump and do it God

No so that’s two so if I got to build stairs to get up there hang on can I jump on this right hang on then there you go right okay there okay flip me that was a lot harder than it should have been oh is there another one we have to

Go the other side hang on okay hang G I haven’t completely built it game I’m saying I’ve built it when I haven’t I mean it’s probably better for the smoke to be able to get out um I need a I need a roof that there we go why why W

This oh there you go okay right we finally have a shack we have a base of operations I want to move this okay I’m trying to get to a winter spot making it really hard to get to am I in a winter spot okay right so what do I need now I need

Lumber M I got a grill okay where’s thingy bob okay there’s lots of new things Furniture a bed maybe we should build one of those a chest okay Camp what’s this a garden plot ooh yes we can make our garden okay well have I got any resources what I have

So let’s build a bed there we go nicely put it in that corner there assigned to bed my bed that’s right oh yeah having a nice little snooze and this is what we’ve discovered so far that’s where it’s saying other people are inventory okay hello chickens right so what else

Can I build then using my crafty so I can build a short night Shield torch that’s probably a good idea we need some more okay shorts sword pickaxe I need some more Granite for okay we’ll have to wait till it’s daytime oh God there’s a rock

Here let me just grab some let me just grab some rocks okay so basically I’ve got to basically I’ve got to build fires wherever I go it’s a wick get away leave me alone spider I’m just trying to chill yeah oh God that was a big slam yeah hero slam

Okay right so I think then I need another axe definitely need one of those okay right um I’m also quite hungry so let’s let’s eat a big old a big old pumpkin okay we don’t need don’t need another pumpkin we just have a little Berry have a little Berry to finish this

Off okay right then so to build this we need a wooden rod which presumably is made with the um where are we which is presumably made with the lumber mill which needs eight wood and 15 Granite well fortunately there is a bit of granite here so we should be able

To collect a few little a few little bits and Bobs now there might oh it’s a skeleton oh hi hi oh great well well here we go then ah oh Jesus Dodge what’s the Dodge button I forgot what the Dodge button is it’s control a bone that’s what you get

Okay oh I wonder can I can I like chop can I chop this down oh hang on there’s a chest oh a chest oh take oh no okay no leave me alone oh please please leave please get bored please get bored he’s not getting bored okay once

He’s locked on to me he’s 100% locked on to me come on then oh oh missed me H oh yeah that’s how you do it okay but now that that is hurting my axe which is not good right we need to pick up some Granite well right buy it you did chop I

Mean we don’t have many trees in this area unfortunately maybe we should have gone okay the the mobs have started to uh okay there we go all right so how are we doing we’ve got a bit of Granite we need I think we needed a little bit more wood

Do we hang on let’s check lumber mill okay we need we need more of both oh what’s that blue oh is that where other people are okay why am I not getting cold this time as well do you think it’s cuz I did place my thingy wrong okay there’s some lot of

Skellies patrolling tonight oh no okay they’re they’re closing in on me I’m I’m running away closing in is there supposed to be music is it because it’s Copyright stop slouching I can’t help it this is just how I sit my back’s just like okay right there we go okay it’s SC over there but it’s getting daytime So in theory you guys should disappear right right there’s some big I need a pickaxe as well there’s some big there’s

Some big chunks of granite okay right daytime ahead let’s do this okay I’m getting a pickaxe right uh we need some we need some Vines as well okay but oh there’s some okay so over here we’ve got some we got some rocks that we can smash oh okay boom okay

Awesome okay that that was a lot of granite actually okay there’s a there’s a wolf right there yeah but I I don’t I don’t know bone gaming please stop asking asking you are cold who okay well better head back over here then I suppose okay right I’m going to build my

Lumber mill this side I think uh that way no is that the right way I don’t know right go to there there we go right up against there and we can make some planks and some wooden rods okay I should probably make myself a weapon should no that would be

Good and we need to get we need more wood and we need more Vines okay break one of those up some wood whilst we can right just got to we just got to stock up on some resources I’m going to need to get some food as well okay you are

Cold oh am I buy the it’s fine it’s because I’m buy the I’m proba I’m by the mountains again aren’t I right this looks like there’s some right I can get oh there’s a right so there must be something there must be something I can get I got wa

Actually if I build a campfire here will that stop me from getting cold whilst I dig oh what’s this oh okay oh that got me some Vines okay nice oh no okay there goes that pick up some wood pick up some granite oh that’s a frozen spider oh no is that

Bad that a frozen spider what do you want from me what okay the cold thing is really difficult I can’t tell if the Coman is meant to help you not get lost in doing things you’re supposed to do or if it’s really poorly executed okay well let’s go in the other

Direction then oh I need to get my I need to get my stuff though before we do anything oh when it’s raining okay spoa can’t believe that spider killed me what an absolute Goose okay right let’s head back to where it’s warm oh hang put that all my stuff yes

Okay I feel like a weapon hey Lucas welcome to the stream that spiders a mini boss oh my goodness okay what do I really I need I need I need more weapons can’t use that in the rain oh flip me right I’m going to destroy this right okay destroy that we can

Build it in here there you go let me get rid of this okay and then we’ll rebuild it a bit further in okay right and I feel like maybe my bed should be oh hang on I’ve done this all wrong let’s get take that get rid of

That get rid of that and get rid of the crafting bench okay right then right so we’re rearranging we’re going to put the crafting bench here cuz that makes sense we’re going to move the fire into the middle I think did I just no I thought I just broke my

Ceiling the fire in the middle like so and then we’ll put the bed this side uh Furniture one of those there okay beautiful we even got some space right so now I can use this whenever I like so we’re going to build yeah did I just build two of

Those okay so I’m going to build a couple more of each I haven’t got enough cuz I’m out of wood okay right then so I’m going to head this way cuz I don’t think it’s as cold this way we’re kind of in we’re kind of trapped between the the the frosty

Biomes here so we’re going to have to okay activation switch boom Barrel okay we’ve just picked up a lot of interesting stuff there okay we need some food might need to kill some might need to kill some poor little cows and sheep raspberry okay rainy rain get some lovely

Vines and we could probably like build our own little okay that’s now break but fortunately I have another one boom what wood wood wood wood wood wood okay going to use this on this got some good chunky some good chunky stuff in the way yeah but it was It was

Supposed to keep me warm wherever I am in the house that was that was my that was my thinking chunk chunk oh heavy wood thread Heavy wol Get Lost You Goose get in get in the bin some more Granite right there some a there a good chunk okay there’s one of

Those losers over there and I’m not I don’t fancy trying to take him on who’s attacking me now right these cows are going down sorry momoo it’s not your time take this MooMoo right give me some food no you flipping losers can get lost as well

Right I need a proper weapon all right there we go and this cow sorry cow no you shall not Escape no okay cannot Escape me waa chop nice okay pick some up get some pumpkins oh there’s a wolf there should probably not go near him can’t loads of food okay

We’re just going to get as much as we can whilst we’re whilst we’re out cu I feel like night time’s coming again very soon you don’t no no no no get away Wolfie leave me be there a big boulder there I wonder what that big boulder is

Is he coming for it no he’s fine okay prop break some trees take some names there we go cuz I need I need enough wood to replace these these weapons I’m going to break right we definitely need to find some more materials because I need a

Better I wonder if I can I wonder if there’s an upgrade station okay nice nice nice there you go okay that’s nearly broken but it’s fine right I feel like we should make we should make some of the new stuff just so a health charm oh okay we should

Definitely build one of those right I feel like we need to build something we haven’t built before oh okay okay we’ll put we’ll put five in there okay so that’s just like processing okay cool if I take that that means I should now get a bunch of new

Recipes right players map inventory okay right what have we got now surfaces we got a basic table seating lighting storage okay I don’t need toys a small Thruster okay we can build okay we can go to the Moon it would seem a roomy Shack a porch Shack a log shed ooh that looks

Nice up front cost is nine and then it needs 41 oh that’s nice I like I like the blue I like the blue thingy Bobs I’m going to take those right and then I’m want to do the same change recipe I’m going to do the

Same we get the same same of those right what are the what other the stations can we build so we got foundations I can build my own thing if I really want to probably don’t want to do that right now foundations walls it’s just I just

Hate it when it says I’ve got new stuff and I’ve seen it okay builds start there starter Shacks log cab got yet recent utility Lumber or grill turn raw ingredients into fui for healing reducing coner okay a Grain Mill wooden rod a wolf claw Spinning Wheel okay establishes Village in the

Surrounding area do I want to do that I wonder marks ah M Mark awesome okay I’ll build the thing that turns my Place into a village let’s do that okay turn the thing turn this place into a village okay uh yeah that looks pretty good to me I

Think so so stick that in the center oh yes we can customize it okay uh no I want we have that and it’s got to be red obviously boom upgrade available oh hello here you are I wondered where you went to why must supposed to do now what

Can I do for you how should we prepare H we got our basics for food shelter and warmth covered what do you think we should do next uh improve tools if we upgraded the crafting vent we might be able to make better tools ah I’m on it okay okay so we can

Actually upgrade our bench okay I also want to make some weapons that would be good wait bench upgrade okay ah shell craft okay right so we’ve got to get okay we want to build some weap oh a shovel for digging up soil okay oh a health charm silk thread okay

Oh oh who’s this hello oh we’ve got a villager person hello there hello nice to meet you this is wrapped up reporting in over as long as your value history you’d make a great you’d make for a great archaeolog or pist all my CH have made me pretty tired

I think stop at your village for the night I don’t have I only have one bed I’m afraid and you’re not sleeping in my room okay I’m pretty hungry going to going to drink some milk have some corn lovely have some more hello you’re really going places

Adventure good for you a born adventurer this beautiful sens remind me that night is just around the corner okay bye okay I’d love to have somewhere to settle down I’m happy to help you how can I help uh live in my Village a spot trust me that could be nice

Um let me just build you I’ll have to build you something you just have to hang around for now okay um so oh oh I can build a boat oh that would be good okay let’s build a short sword let’s do that and I also need so I need fire

Plant and a cord which is made from something okay definitely need some torch some torch yeah make some torches brilliant okay so and we need to I want to build the grill thing so we can actually cook some cook some food okay use Grill grilled oh we can make

Some fried eggs oh that’s nice okay make some we just cook some get some food going um what did I need okay we need to get those shells so we need to go take out one of them losers which we probably can do actually I see you’re really going Place

Good view of B Adventure a was a great just think of the C tasty things okay okay so we need to go kill some things but uh I think you need a bow but I haven’t unlocked a bow yet we need feathers okay I need to make like string oh that

Was lag I need to make make a string or but I think to do that I need to take a wolf out for that do is I wonder if the Wolves a better bet than the than the rly boys okay we got some sheep coming

In take both of those oh corn on the carb yeah sure oh I haven’t got any fried egg ain’t got any eggs okay well we’ve got a nice tasty snack eaten reduced let me just put that on my hot bar y thanks uh four I will munch that right

Now perfect okay not eating my other one okay you need to build I’m just going to sleep just to get some why have I got oh I’ve got extra Health cuz I had I had a I had meat okay yeah we’ll get to that guy in a

Minute I do haveen block and this is the new Lego fortnite which is very exciting Stu there go fortnite just going to wait for it to I say what else can we build here what else have we got grain me we need new stuff oh oh thank you okay you took him

Out for me nice I wonder what I can do with the bones grill Village map marker garden plot maybe we should do we need fertilize to Big up the soil okay I think we got to get killing peeps I think we got to get killing I’m going to take on oh

Okay thanks thanks the WF oh I’ve just unlocked 10 build recipes why have I just unlocked 10 build refes pleas oh I can build a big gate now okay what else have we got walls some different type of wall some Fort walls okay a fort door oh that’s awesome okay uh uh traditional

Counter we can build oh decorations Furniture lighting oh a w oh we need bright core oh God so much you need trims oh my goodness okay what else have we got is that it all right all right so annoying yeah like you say I

Want to be able to skip the night but I suppose that’s probably because we’re um village upgrades really okay I’m in the grasslands friendly visitors so how do I upgrade level rewards so I’m level with one okay an additional villager can live at the I need to build him a bed right

You can have a separate bed over here cuz that’s my one right all you’re going to have to sleep outside for now maybe oh they probably not going to want to do that right you go that way there you go okay there you go I’ve got I found a

Bed there was room at the end greetings from the island if in my Village yes make yourself at home okay nice okay so you can now do stuff what are you what will you do for me now though uh okay if I can make it better

I’d love to take on that job let’s talk jobs let’s explore actually no let’s explore I’ll zero in on anything you need um do I have to tell you how do I tell you stuff what are you doing always a pleasure yes a new friend make sure to

Told you I’m already bet they would run a workstation in the village or follow you on an adventure if you want to attract someone like meow skulls we will need lots of furniture for him to sit on the cat loves to Lounge okay so will you follow me then good

Thing I’m already used to wolves uh okay oh you’re going to follow me now oh flip okay well we’re going to we’re going we’re going wolf we’re going wolf hunting hey red what’s my location uh here not 6 .61 minus 2 37 that’s it there you go okay it’s been nighttime for absolutely

Ages right I’m going let’s equip my torch okay now if I remember there was a wolf over here so we’ll go we’ll go sort him out okay all the skellies are there let’s just we’re just work our way around them we go we’re going on a wolf hun

Here okay all the enemies are all the enemies are out and about yeah you’ve better to run you little you little losers right there was definitely a wolf around here okay I don’t think we need this now oh okay there’s some there he is get him come on come on bring it oh

Here we go right oh Dodge get him okay that was much easier than I was expecting okay wolf me I just heard another one oh is just there another wolf there he is right o oh yes kill that sheep for me that would be really useful oh big wolf get

Him no you can’t run you’re a wolf you’re supposed to be big and scary there we go beautiful okay oh we dropped loads of stuff okay we got a load of wolf Claws from that I want to try and take out one of these Rock boys right ready there’s two of us

There’s only one of him right come on then okay okay he’s going to oh no he’s going to kill my friend get him nice well done aha I think beef boss and Uncle Pete should open up a restaurant together what okay there we go oh no let’s keep going there’s another

Wolf somewhere he’s over there come on we get we might as well keep going on the Wolves else we can no I’m enjoying it it’s just I think just the the temperature thing was just a little frustrating to start with um so we are getting somewhere now and I feel

Like the building’s just a little I don’t know it feels just a little clunky it just it just feel felt like there was a lot of stages chop him chop him yeah okay is there anything exciting in these oh you want to go yes I can one shot you

Now oh okay I think we got a lot of wol so we can do that aha oh I can okay I can attack things with Big Blocks look at me big block I am very strong right I want to crush one of these where are these rly poies I want

To crush one of these rolly poles Oh Hang going wait take that chicken yeah presumably you have feathers yeah okay picking up the box let’s go right oh there’s something glowy over here was this one of my backpacks I’m just going to hey Luke of liness I’m

Just don’t mind me I’m just crushing sheep with giant boxes hello Mr sheep oh uh just throwing in boxes a cheap throwing in boxes a cheap wher have you gone stop running away from me come back come back here oh wow that was that was aggressive okay what’s oh

This was just a little bit of meat we missed I love that oh another wolf thing okay I’m pretty hungry I’m just going to just going to eat some food you can also throw rocks nice okay hello the Star Warrior right I think we’ve got enough

For a spinning wheel now cuz I’ve got a lot of I’m going to put my I should probably put my house on a m map marker as well that was probably a good idea oh okay my friend just oh my God instant kills okay I’m liking this this sword was definitely a

Good idea I feel like we should go explore one of these caves as well just going to get some pumpkins as well got a lot of wood okay things are looking up for me house right now okay yeah right let’s go build one of these let’s build

This Mill now I’m want to build a map marker as well I’m I am I just so far away from everyone okay the map’s quite giant then no okay can I no okay I can just can I no I can’t I can’t punch the trees which makes which does make a lot of

Sense okay right we’re back from our adventure we’ve got a lot of meat to cook as well actually uh okay we need r okay we need to make some more planks we need to make three more planks get them going and then okay that should be that should be good

Then we’re going to I’m going to cook some meat as well as we’re here did we get any eggs did I get some eggs no no eggs do we got some corn no we got no corn okay well we got a lot of meat does meat spoil I guess we’ll find out your

Thousands of am I that why am I so far away is that why I’m so near like the is that why I was getting cold am I like really in close to a cold area okay so what do I have to do villagers gameer Health charm Village Hub upgrade Village forers for

Higher requirements upgrade oh I need 15 Granite okay well we can get okay right we can get straight on that then right we’re just going to have a how are we doing yet I’m just going to have one little one little one little T-Bone very yummy I do like custard Luke

I do very much very very very nice very nice okay I need another axe as well definitely need one of them okay I need to be able to build a bow that’s what I want to be able to build right um right that’s the coal area so we’re going to head away we’re

Just going to head back down this way will you help me gather stuff my little companion friend okay you just teleport okay you just do what you like oh you will oh that’s so nice oh thank you oh amazing okay so I could have like a little a little Squad come out with

Me uh okay I need a I need a wood bble oh yes and oh yes you said I can put food there yeah okay learned that trick okay four okay I’ve just got I’ve permanently got a pumpkin in my hand oh you haven’t got

A oh do I have to oh I have to give you a an axe okay well it’s good that you have a pickaxe so we can go we’ll do all okay this looks like we got some okay there’s another I need some I need their shells

For right let’s go and take out another another oh no I don’t don’t know whether we’re is a wolf and a rly a good idea probably not right let’s get the roles attention right here we go here he comes here he comes oh nice okay cool they’re not that

Bad oh there that wolf get that chicken nice well done he’s just just going out okay cool collect Granite okay we’ve actually we’re getting I’m getting into the flow of this enemies Drop Bows cool thanks noted oh and the wolf’s coming for us come on then oh yeah yeah

Nice pick pick get him get him okay I don’t okay there’s another roll there’s another rolly in here might as well we should be able to take out one more hang apart from this let’s take out these losers first right rolly rolly poly here we go come on miss

Me nice okay cool I think it was only three Gran it okay this is a nice little wooden area okay I think it’s a little bit warmer here uh pick pickax yeah cool oh yeah I was oh no where’s my house gone is it over there is that my

House I feel like that’s my house okay pick up all of those and we’re going to chop our way through live here nice okay that’s a good okay we got a lot of granite right let’s go back gu my my weapon’s nearly deaded and I don’t want to get oh

No oh it’s my friend taking out wolves you I mean you do you cool right Raptor you are amazing thank you so much you are help you being so helpful okay here we gooo right feather meat okay we need to try and get a bow cuz that would be

Really good oh oh no I probably just need to upgrade my crafting men that’ll probably allow me to build some other weapons wouldn’t it yeah maybe we should prioritize that oh yeah I’ve got my other meat in here as well six meat okay we’re eating good tonight s Raptor okay

Um on what were we building again we were build we were trying to build one of these okay we need two more wooden rods okay cool okay but what was that was to upgrade this okay yes we got enough shells awesome okay so then we need to right

Okay cool then we need to um make a couple more planks as well okay once we’ve got these which we have right let’s get you on so we get you on planks okay right um no what am I building keep forgetting what I’m building plank yeah so it’s doing the

It’s doing the planks for me so we should soon be able to get this up and running which is awesome right I’m also going to build whilst we’re here um yeah I’m I’m getting into the flow now guys I’m enjoying this a bit more now CU I I I was struggling at the

Start I’m not going to lie uh it’s got to be house it’s got to be the redhead’s house look how beautiful this is oh isn’t it lovely who’s my favorite G Warfare 2 it’s it’s stuffy flower stuffy flow I enjoy stuffy flow very much um I like all star

Zombies wise hang on Why didn’t it build the planks I want ah I didn’t change recipe cuz I’m an absolute loser okay well we’ve got enough to build another oh hello oh it’s mowles yeah I’m meow mowles mous you probably heard of me so I won’t Flex on

You too much nice to meet you did Delight to make your Craton this place is much bigger than the island I think I’ll stay at your V I can rest I want to see it all okay can you follow me then uh let’s let’s chat live in my

Village but your village doesn’t meet my needs I ass seems your village is too crowded for me to live there improved Village Lil might change my mind but how do I do that again oh I’ve got enough now I have got enough okay we might need that I need to

I want to I want to build this though first right I want to upgrade this first so let’s upgrade let’s upgrade this first yes it does okay oh yes Forest axe oh I’ve got enough to build one as well flip me yeah uh I need new no new weapons cool headed charm Health

Charm Arrow use crossbows we need to find one of those probably need I I want to go into one of the caves I think okay got some new recipes and we needed what do we need for this we need we need we need uh six more planks

Nice right and then did I need to like right oh I’ve still got enough okay let’s upgrade the village as well woo Village level two can you join me now watch out for brutes on your travels they’re huge so they’re kind of hard to miss live in my Village a spot just for

Me that could be nice your vill meet my needs improve your village level oh okay V for villages can be asked to forage nearby resources okay hello um can you I’m here to chat there awful lot of skeletons around here you haven’t seen a larm around here of you uh dismiss follower dismiss

Follower okay let’s talk jobs help the village resource jobs uh collect nearby resources awesome just make sure I have a crafting CFT my tools at I need to head out it will take me about one day of exploration to find something useful yay hello welcome to my humble abode

UD oodle Ood pepper seed oo an epic charm o what’s this an epic charm hello oh there you go you built a bed awesome welcome welcome welcome to the Village okay um cool headed where was the other charm okay well I’ve now got a much better I’m not much better oh Stone

Break oh okay okay we’re getting into we’re getting into exciting stuff here then okay right what do I need for this oh I haven’t got enough normal wood now oh right back to the forest we go it’s a big giant boulder here is this made of different is this made of different stuff

Oh oh I can just roll you why would I want to roll you oh okay um okay lots of enemies just Spa seem to spawn around me help okay look at him bouncing along what do you want get out of here oh I bet I can put my torch in my

Other hand can’t I yeah there we go there we go I’m a genius okay skellies are out okay chase that chicken chase that chicken get him finally that took me 20 me 40 minutes to get to Red yay woo okay well we might go investigate a cave in a

Second right come have I got enough for this B I have cool right here we go oh hello hold on a second you want to go do you let’s do it let’s fight get him yeah nice oh why are you so upset what’s up Raptor watch out for crats out

There why are you so why were you so sad oh God we got more enemies okay we’re getting a night raid here yes okay there was definitely a can I how do I look at oh is the marker on my map oh it is it is I think it is oh yeah okay

Cool okay and how much does it cost now okay it needs a lot more to then upgrade okay so what can we build with this okay m okay well if there’s something we can craft we might as well give it a go no however many we can okay yeah why got processing no

Items what did that unlock oh I’m very hungry I need to eat I have lots of food with me there we go a little bit more food cool and then just just a pumpkin to finish me off where are you oh don’t eat the second one I am here

That is my location not 61 minus 36 everyone’s like a bajillion years away from me okay use a spinning wheel can I what oh I need silk that’s why no ow help I need another weapon these losers are just yeah get him okay oh what’s this oh they dropped

A pickaxe okay that’s useful ah okay so we need the ones with the bows right so to I’ve got Vines though ingredients what why is it not so oh is it raining is that is it raining is that what’s is that what’s happened do we need a bigger do I need a

Bigger base of is do you think that’s what it is I can’t use it cuz it’s raining how do I unequip everything okay going to build my spinning wheel in here instead if I can I okay it’s a little it’s getting a little crowded in there we’ll have to build another house

In a minute am I am I going crazy that that should be working right oh it means you got to put five in oh I see it all makes sense now draw a string okay okay wait wait wait okay so Now anything I can build I presumably I need that for ah there we go okay I can make a recurve bow awesome okay oh Sil okay we can build some health charms oh that’s health and defense okay we got to that that bow has got to be a priority

Okay for take so if we change this so we only need okay let’s just make it let’s just make tons of silk thread okay let’s go right I need a weapon as well uh weapon okay we need wood and rods how much how much wood have we got

Have we got a lot of wood okay so should I build another lumber mill oh you got some planks going nice nice nice okay i’ like to get some bods going as well if we could Village upgrade what do I need to upgrade planks and granite okay planks and granite would be

Great okay yeah right there’s a cave I want to explore but I’m I don’t want to go in unequipped so we got we’re building weapons first I got any more I can build okay we need some wood first before we do anything that’s got I’ve got my a

Good axe as well okay I don’t need right I don’t need that anymore that can go on the food one that can just they can go in there right I just need I just need chopping right there we need to go chopping okay my little okay I’m heading over to

The forest just going to just going to make do a go a wide birth around Mr rly boy okay we’ll get up oh my God it’s near 900 p.m. everyone I I have been enjoying this it is there are I feel like there are some elements that are a

Little frustrating to start with it could have been me just going just having happening to be in a cold area um I don’t know but um but yeah I’m getting into it now and I starting okay oh devil has invited me to a party okay right we’re going to use I

Need to use the rubbish one first oh okay I didn’t like I did like having my companion actually it was it was actually really useful I I am I’m getting I’m getting in I’m getting into the flow now like I say it’s trick it I feel like

I don’t know I don’t know why I was finding it tricky there we go boop boop boop okay we got lots getting lots of logs I’m talking to Mr redhead GE gaming pure vanilla there we go right then we’re stacking up on wood I wanted there was some caves

Nearby there was didn’t I see or was that where I first died I can’t remember we got loads of wood now might have to startop I don’t know how much I can actually carry stop no don’t roll from me don’t you roll don’t you roll from me there you go there you

Go yeah and I think as well it’s um it’s obviously a different pace of game to what we used to um and yeah and I think I I often I often find sometimes I’m just a bit like oh God I bet you guys are getting bored watching me just chop trees down

But overall so far so good uh I wish the world was a little bit more I don’t know interesting I guess oh there’s the cave okay I found where the I might build a marker I’m just going to go build a marker by this cave just so we don’t forget where it

Is right okay okay so here we go put a little Lantern oh and this is a what am I going to put as the cave uh no let’s just do a flag a brown flag okay we’ll come back to there in a minute in uh it is interesting you’re

Only able to explore the plain sort of biome okay they not got any other ones at the moment they’re not like a so not like a desert one well I imagine I imagine they um I imagine they didn’t want to add too much um initially hey that sheep I want to try

And get some wool off you if possible can I not get wo off can I not get wool off you um I don’t think I got any wall then okay right heading back to base master in daytime now you’re just going to freeze if you go into snow mountains they are

The game I I imagine you just need something to keep yourself warm right or do you just have to make a a a trail of uh a trail of fires I there must be something you can make that okay uh how are we doing on the old okay

Uh draw string right okay can I build a crossbow now no I need my wooden rods okay I just picked up two okay right right let’s get let’s get 20 of them might build another Lumber M so we can get things done quicker have I got

Any meat to I have might as well get them up oh a spicy Burger flour spicy o yeah oh I’d like to make a burger that would be cool okay it’s raining can I add onto my house just a little um a roof I’d like to build a

Roof floors stairs supports roofs now can I put another no I need it probably needs to just be a wall then Shack roof can I just I just want a little extension or can I not connect if can I not connect things to okay maybe not a roof

Then Shack Ridge can I I was just hoping good okay won’t let me do that uh let’s try a floor then yeah it did it really works doesn’t it it really works um um okay maybe I can’t do what I want to do then maybe I’m

Not you’re going to build it other house sounds good I wanted to make right I want to make another Shack right I’m going to build another Shack that’s going to just be like um a roomy Shack a porch Shack see I feel like this could could could work

How many okay that needs a lot of wood adorable maybe just another double Shack and then this can this can house well you could do another one of those but I kind of don’t want that I kind of don’t want that see I would like

That but that that seems like a lot of mats I wanted just sort of like a you know this can to be where all the oh no okay it needs initial 25 um see but I just thought I could just extend my existing one like is it not better that I

Just build my own one cuz I’m pretty I’m pretty sure I can work it out right foundations gr it oh wow okay that’s tiny ah there we go it’s basically at the moment What’s it that’s just literally two wood planks and basically I’m thinking so it’s probably going to be three wood

Planks okay let’s start off strong then one there can you snap yeah there we go hang on it might actually just be like 3×3 3x two sorry oh how do I Snap Snap mode is hold that no oh my God that’s that’s slightly higher than everything else that will never

Do oh that’s why are they slightly higher hang on can’t be dealing with that folks ah do I no that’s like a half one kind of want to nudge down if possible will it just naturally do that wait that looks correct okay that looks right but why you there you go okay

Little no that’s so annoying okay I’m hungry eat some food just eat I’ll just eat three of these okay cool right it’s annoying me that this isn’t like matching up oh okay so it’s not going to like but that one those those have like clipped halfway through I can’t

Oh that’s infuriating look how look how much how T why is that not just snapping in there okay well okay this this is might have been a terrible idea because okay right I’m just going to have to build the prefab I didn’t want to waste so many logs but I think

Um like it should when I snap them together they should like clip through the the floor so everything’s flat that’s how I’ve I’ve did a lot of building in Fallout 4 and that’s kind of what I was expecting and I was expecting things to just naturally fall through each other okay

Let’s try this again uh there we go PCH Shack cuz look can you see like like you know it Clips through so all it’s all level so there you go so it sort of does the foundations for me but then I’m sort of okay stage one of eight complete

Build oh buildy build cuz these all snap in place cuz you know they’re like a pre-build and what you can do in ground is is you can like put all those like blue foundations before you build them build that there all right we’re just going to keep building this for as

Far as we can get okay I think I need to build the other stuff first build build it was on this side that’s why white cover that corner perfect let’s keep going Shack wall Shack wall foundations okay right this is going to be where all the shack and stuff goes oky

Does that goes there oh my God it’s 9007 everyone oh thank you oh you going to help me I needed to um we were going to go to the cave that’s right we were okay right can I build my weapons now right that’s what we want right we’re on a recurve

Crossbow I’ll have one of those we’ll have a short sword and we’ll have an oh Health charm oh yes do oh I need the oh no that’s that’s fine I got I need the Cor I got a health boom and a health charm okay so how do I equip does this

Presumably that has to go here or do I just need to carry it with me oh I just oh okay I just sort of have a slot for that do I can I put that in my off oh I can have a shield in my one hand and I got a sword

Oh yeah yes I can defend myself Now nice right this is now oh my God it’s too high for us I need to build some I need to build a little ramp this done right can I can I think I want to add stuff to this um oh see that’s just too big I don’t want

The stairs I just need a small stair um can I just build a ramp I would like a ramp that would be good a ramp would be very nice okay okay a ramp a ramp a ramp a ramp a ramp see I could use this as a

Ramp but it’s not going to let me is it will you let me do that oh there you go look at that beautiful it’s not connected can’t be having that yeah we’ll use this as a ramp if it’ll let me put it close enough there you go look at that okay

There we go being a smart cookie right now and then what I’m going to do really I’m trying to build here help help I’m trying to build somebody get him oh that’s not going to snap is it is it no that was nowhere near can’t see it’s too it’s too

Dark hang on oh oh that right no still absolutely nowhere near okay but can can I build fences I’d like to build railing on here okay we need some planks for that please get some oh another pickaxe just picking up loads of stuff here okay so once it’s daytime we we’re

Going to head over to the cave and see see how that goes for us we need to probably eat something nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom okay that see that worked just need it to work this side but I can’t

Actually nicely done team oh I need to build some arrows don’t I oh hang on Arrow have some of those yeah just going to craft a load of arrows I know right it does it does feel completely different I got to say right we got loads of arrows I

Now okay just need to wait for daytime I want to right okay oh we’ve got some torches thank you for someone being sensible right snap snap go down go down ah there there that look right no a it’s too high too high okay daytime should be coming yeah the nights are really

Long okay you place thank you so much Jack that was really useful thank you although the the one annoying thing about this is that it’s kind of floating which which I don’t like no stop stop hang on no down you go down oh down down that

Way oh my God come on come on you know you want to do this okay well it’s it’s daytime now so we’re going to go to that cave okay well I guess we’re not doing that right now okay right I’m are we ready team we are going

To the cave we are going to fight the evil that is inside let’s do this um where’s the map marker can I set a can I set a waypoint no uh so we need to head which way okay that is the right way so we are

It’s it’s up this way let’s go team onwards watch out cows we’re going to kick some but okay we’re nearly there we’re nearly there everyone can’t believe we need it at the end of the stream already it has not seemed like two hours I have been

Getting into it started off a little bit Rocky but I I am enjoying it I think I you know it’s a bit it’s a bit tricky with survival games you’ve got to give them like a good chunk you got to give them a bit of a chunk of time don’t you

Really uh before you can before you can you know properly make your mind up then you know I’m definitely enjoying it more now okay oh no no he time to try this out yeah reload Pro missed not a good time to miss thank you can I get get my arrows

Back that’s a no okay don’t want to be wasting those then okay here we go then oh I unlocked a new oh new back bling oh cool so you can unlock stuff oh cool take that right then I’m at the cave is anybody coming with me to the

Cave I feel like I need some backup anyone no want’s come with me okay here we go whoa wow this is a deep cave what’s going on okay we definitely oh no I kind of want to keep my okay can I put a torch down pick up wood why not might as well

So okay that skeleton’s got armor on oh I L you canot cannot see right we’re going to have to go um all right we’re going to have to go uh armorless here here we go then oh no don’t throw it oh God there we go then

Booom okay he just ran away like an absolute scaredy cat oh you Goose whoa was not expecting you to throw stuff at me that was a bit mean can I get back out once I’m in here I guess not but we’re going for it oh God

Okay hold oh my God they’re fast holy cow they cut the spider oh no no thank you okay I I I think I can take him yeah okay I can I can do this I’ve got it oh missed oh okay stop missing missed me yeah get

Slammed okay cool if I miss I get can pick them up you’ve got a big Axe can I chop you oh I can chop oh I can get mushies okay got some mushies okay what are you oh you look different oh oh is this different material what is this no that’s still Granite

Okay there’s a fair few enemies in here but presumably we can clear them who oh no you don’t okay they’ve got a bit of they’re pretty slow fortunately okay my weapons are going to run out pretty fast okay is there going to be like something good in here somewhere oh some green

Stuff they’re really slow pick up Granite sure I’m going into the cave okay what are these got some more mushroom things I’m just investigating you’ve all got pickaxes oh God there’s so many behind me there’s literally tons of them behind me oh there’s a rly okay there’s there’s definitely other materal oh

God everyone’s after me okay leave me alone why are you so fast okay oh it does more damage up close makes sense pickaxe anybody else oh no oh god oh no I pressed the wrong button what have I pressed I pressed Crouch this is bad oh my God the whole world’s

Here oh it’s broken rolly boys coming for me oh there’s a chest up there oh boom bring it bring it you flipping losers oh no okay we’re down to punches I do have my other axe I’ve got some slow pickaxes as well oh thank you for the sub PC BF was

Very active on PC today oh awesome link guy hello hello hello welcome to the stream sorry I was kind of ah you can’t do anything when I run straight up to you can you okay I know your game right I’ll have that pleas inventory full no oh I’ve got too many

Pickaxes but I’ve got a I better start using these pick oh wow okay this goes further down okay this is one where was those are these can I chop these oh I can do I get a lot anything from you no okay inventory full okay right we got to start

Mining where was this other stuff gone I run I ran straight past it okay it’s over here what’s this stuff okay we’ve only got we haven’t got longer the stream left ah it’s not strong enough okay fair enough okay let’s get rid of these useless pickaxe can I can I repair

Things no okay so there is literally no point me having them I suppose then okay well that’s that’s unfortunate okay so we need better we need better equipment to come mining down here and presumably once we come okay we need to grab some more food once we we come back

Down here they will have respawned very nice okay right well I feel like we got it I feel like we got it oh it’s really nice nice think guy well I suppose I could use these pickaxes up just to get some Granite whilst we’re yeah let’s do that we might as well use

Them up yeah where are all those pickax I just dropped I need you back we have my arrow back though okay more Granite thank you oh yeah we can upgrade we need to upgrade the village again is that anything no that’s nothing we need to see what these mushrooms do nice more

Granite should break yep okay can I punch mushrooms oh it does one okay oh it’s a slurp mushroom aha what’s that green thing over there there was a chest where was that chest I saw what’s this oh not rout oh that’s new stuff okay just realize what we need it for

Boop there we go not root there we go not root Rod okay oh an uncommon recurve to Aha oh take stack oh okay oh oh that looks fun down there this is probably terrible is this the edge oh this is the exit oh is this oh

No oh no can I build oh can I build oh I could build a crafting bench whilst I’m down here well that’s probably not oh that’s probably not a bad idea I build a campfire oh cool CU I can just destroy the stuff and get it back

Later okay um well I could do with some more arrows let’s let’s craft some more arrows short sword we need another one of those okay right now I’m thinking properly okay we’ve only got five minutes of the stream but oh yeah let’s can we build a bed down

Here boom just just kind to have steep in the cave with all the uh there you go sleeping in the cave with all the enemies right what’s in here okay can’t do that now oh entering grasslands oh okay oh did I just lose all that stuff I

Bet I just lost all that stuff didn’t I what a loser hang on can I go back in there hang on are we in a different place now or will this take me back to uh am I in a different place where am I oh oh this is is a different whoa okay

We’ve gone quite some distance actually okay all right oh there’s a castle over here you are cold okay guess we’re not going over to that castle then no oh there’s a campfire over here okay yeah it looks a bit snowy here hello there fellow Travers oh no oh

No I I can’t nothing oh God oh God did my boat ow my boow broke I just realized this okay I’m going in then okay there’s quite a lot of them oh they’re the pancake people oh God get back get back I’ll be back for you guys

Okay oh cool it does I am in the same cave then okay right build me a bow build me some arrows let’s flipping go it’s flipping go time peeps okay I mean I think it’s I it’s going it’s getting it’s getting better it’s uh okay right let’s flip and do it was that

Lightning boom what are you going to do you stupid mellow weapons you flipping idiots okay you can throw things at me but I do have a lot of Health taking out Bandits ow okay let’s mop up the good stuff ventory full okay there’s some bad things I can okay I’m out of

Stuff it was a dark and stormy night but that did not deter redhead from destroying the undead there was nothing they could do to stop him okay ow boom okay we do have some can we repair stuff I’m assuming that’s a thing right well I’m going back in my

Nice I’m going back in my nice cozy cave please stop asking that question bone gaming I I might check it out I might not if you keep asking I definitely won’t um and I will have to use the time out if you keep asking the same thing oh wrong

Thing I need I need this route CU I don’t know what it does I’d like I would like to get back home though um what’s down here got anything else down here oh there’s another chest up there okay don’t want to be missing those storage oh I’ll take those arrows

What’s this oh slap Berry seed yeah we are getting pretty uh oh God what don’t I need uh I don’t know what I don’t need H there you go I’d rather have the fairy fairy eat the feather than the snow Berry I’m sure there was another yes no no we got that chest

Okay maybe I should take what’s this okay okay we need some we need we clearly need a better pickaxe to get whatever this other substance is so the thing is oh my goodness it is 9:30 everyone um yeah I’d like to do another boss uh stream link guy yeah probably at some

Point all right then so I’m I’m hoping that once this has been cleared out it’s been oh no they’re already back okay by never mind uh I think it was this way pretty somewhat confident it was this way uh no I am completely lost Hang on we’re going up so that can

Only be positive right hey Undead oh hang on there’s a oh there’s two chests here oh let’s do this let’s Tango oh God there’s so many of them oh my God there’s 10 there’s thousands of them ow ow red head versus oh God ow I’m gone I

Need some I need to eat some steak oh no okay cool I got to I got to weaken them a bit yeah bring it nice sword is broken but that was that was flipping epic okay oh my God okay I’ll have the arrows I’ll have the silk if we can if we can

Have them I’ll have them okay that’s all right okay so we kind of oh blast powder I’ll take that oh no o imagine me dying after all that imagine me dying to a what you stop there we go okay what oh pumpkin seed anything I can drop probably a cord

There we go we got another wolf padoodle I just think we they they might be useful hello everyone move out the way I’m trying to get out of here but it doesn’t seem to be wor oh hang on it might have been this way this

Is up I keep going up but it justes never seems to be enough no oh no this is back down this is this is spider Village oh okay this is a big big cave ah that was where oh there’s another chest here slap Berry okay right then I got to end the stream

Everyone but I’m into this now I’m lost in a cave lost in a cave lost in a cave L lost in a cave nope I’m gone this light look different oh God the whole world’s after me again oh a crossbow swap it for my existing crossbow I would like to have found a

Way out of here do I have oh you don’t have a map in here oh I’m completely Lost okay right we going to have to end the stream here everyone um I’m probably just going to have to die oh I don’t know what I’m going to do right I’m going to have to leave aren’t I chop right do you guys mind can you please please leave me alone I’m trying

To end the stream here right then guys well thank you so much for joining me for Lego fortnite this has been an interesting experience I’m excited to see oh my God messing up I’m excited to see how this goes right then okay I’m going to leave the

Lobby now but yeah thank you guys so much for joining me tonight I hope you’ve had a good time I certainly have um there we go right we can exit now return to Lobby yes ah sorry sidan yeah I don’t know why I didn’t realize the uh I didn’t realize

The maps were going to be so ginormous so yeah unfor oh look at this oh I completed all the quests look at me okay that was very productive right then guys um thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed uh but other than that I hope you enjoy the rest of

Your evening morning afternoon whatever time of day is wherever you are and I shall see you in the next one okay thanks guys bye Bye A

This video, titled ‘LEGO Fortnite has ARRIVED: Minecraft Meets Fortnite’, was uploaded by Redhead Gaming on 2023-12-08 21:44:24. It has garnered 582 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:27 or 7767 seconds.

LEGO Fortnite has ARRIVED: Minecraft Meets Fortnite

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LEGO Fortnite has ARRIVED: Minecraft Meets Fortnite, lego fortnite, lego fortnite update, fortnite x Minecraft, Minecraft meets fortnite, new lego fortnite update, marble lego fortnite, lego fortnite livestream, lego fortnite gameplay, fortnite survival, minecraft in fortnite, lego fortnite game play, lego fortnite live, lego fortnite knotroot, knotroot fortnite, lego fortnite vehicles redhead gaming lego fortnite, lego fortnite redhead,


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    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More