Nico vs GOD HACKER SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft!

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why you looking at me weird Nico you’re not getting away from us yeah we’re going to get you this time we know you’re going to try and distract us and you know what I have something special on my sleeve this time but you’ll see that later like what I don’t know you’re figuring out bye get him oh gosh he thought he ate oh my gosh I just took so much fall damage Zoe Zoe just died Zoe already died you know it’s time to already enable the first thing it is time to show you guys The Twist I’m going right here and I’m going to movement oh gosh hey beat him up beat him up beat him up get him get him oh let him get up I’m automatically walking get up I feel like this is a more of a disadvantage grab him grab him get him get him get him I’m critting him out did you guys wait a little bit so I can enable my hacks and wait what is that over there you said enable what boom enable nothing ow I just hit him over that pit oh no I fell C I’m on one heart you’ll never catch up to me oh yeah I’m right behind you bud wait what hey what are you doing if you take a look wait what is that is that a blacksmith oh my gosh impossible okay I’m going over there oh I just got so much good stuff give me the stuff give me the stuff get over here ow ow hey hey hey hey hey hey hey I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die that’s what I thought that’s what I thought I’m going to have a heart get out of here let’s go come here Nico no I’m not going to come over there Mia oh no wa don’t hit oh get down there come on why you’re what up Zoe Hey Zoe guys no no okay Zoe I don’t know if you want to mess at me let’s go I was at one heart Nico I will get my get back you’re not and you know what I’m enabling my first hack already let’s try this H flight wait what oh I can fly okay that’s useful I’m turning that off is the box with here so I can just open this chest in oh my gosh we are stacked this is insane and wait I just realized there’s a steel button and a store button and it just automatically put all my items in there to F like steel it steals all of it let’s go what are you yapping about what is steel in store I’m just yapping about a bunch of things don’t worry about it okay okay bie you know what this wood taking so long to break I think I need an able hack that makes this faster H let’s see I think I can honestly search a fast break and yes that’s it and now I’m breaking faster get him oh no no no I have a wooden sword gosh I a sword I got a stick okay you know what I need to get a little bit faster there has to be a speed hack in here while oh gosh I can’t crit him out crit him out if I go my inventory then I stop moving hey what are you doing oh no ni you will not win against my sword yes I will what do you mean no you won’t get over here oh gosh I at four Hearts I got to be careful ni are you low no I’m not what do you mean um get you boost them oh this is really bad this is really bad oh that was a good boost I don’t have enough time to enable my hacks I need to get a sword quick get over here Nico oh oh come on I’m at one heart Zoe boost me come on cat go I’ll try come on okay where is it where is it where is it it’s rer Speed come on no I’m right behind him how is he going so fast what I’m going I’m moving oh my gosh have heart wait there’s another Village wait two villages in a row how lucky is this no way let’s go Meo I’m going to get that blacksmith before you what do you mean no you’re not I’m going in and I’m crafting something good and wait I can already craft a diamond sword I’m right behind you hey what’s up who whoa who what he Z way oh gosh okay chill oh really dude oh my gosh we are overpowered how because I have Pro skills what do you mean for a moment Pro Gamer skills you know what I’m going to take these beds maybe I could use that for the dragon later all right is there a blacksmith here and yeah what are you doing getting the iron from this Iron Golem you know what I’m just going to wait till you get that iron so I can collect it off of you I wouldn’t do that I got another one what you got an iron sword yeah I got it from the last Iron Golem and I just realiz what if I enable a hack real quick let’s see H combat and let’s go to Kora and let’s up that reach a little bit and let’s see Mia I don’t know if you want to mess with me I don’t know if you hey can’t reach you what let’s go oh my gosh that’s insane a I can change this reach right here and I can up it up it so that I reach farther but you know what that’s a little over power so let’s disable it I don’t want to be hitting everything automatically there’s another Iron Golem hey cash what’s up hello I’m just killing an iron golem you know I just kill you legit okay I’m going to do this jump what do you mean you’re going to kill me legit What W wo wo wo wo whoo wo chill thank you I feel kind of bad but you know what this is the game of being a speedrunner are you see where is right now wait how do you have this much steak 61 steak I spawn with it wait you know what I’m going to get this Iron Golem and oh wait he’s not even attacking me let’s go okay I got eight iron and now I can make a chest plate let’s do it boom this is a basic should I go caving already no one’s attacking me so I think I’m good I want to see what kind of hacks I could use there’s so many different hacks I could use like high jump sneak attack you messed up my surprise the cat just five in the sky yikes and was Zoe trying to sneak attack me Hey Zoe where are you I’m behind you Zoe why don’t we play hide-and-seek in this Village I’m behind you Zoe you know I have a hat I could Ed to see you right ow you didn’t see me for that did you oh gosh wait so wait I’m going to give you 10 seconds to hide okay oh gosh okay I do like hide and go seek okay you know what I’ll find you oh boy and you know I have a trick of my sleeve because if I click render right here I have a hack where I could go outside my body oh gosh it’s a little glitch let me do that like this check this out now I can see myself right there and I’m not even moving outside of it and let’s see I can just look around the village and find Zoe where is Zoe zoee where are you he’ll never find me behind this tree there’s always behind a tree watch where is Zoe she’s right here why is he not moving though there’s another hack I can also use called name tags which which highlights her all right and I might as well activate another one player ESP which is going to put a box around her this really looks like hacks now all right I can get out of free cam right here and now I have a green light pointing directly to her Hey Zoe what ni Zoe I have a feeling you’re behind this tree wait how’ you find me Zoe no Zoe I got you get over here how did you know because I’m a hacker so now you guys know how powerful my hacks are you guys should have mess with me wait how are we going to beat him no you’re not just wait you know I’m going caving already Mo I’m going to mess with you cash I know you’re trying to mess with me but you know what it’s not going to work yeah I need to find a good cave now no I missed what where did that thing just come from nowhere did an anvil just come from the sky I got to be kind of careful not going to lie I don’t know what you’re talking about oh why’d you move okay you know what I got to be super careful casat you’re not going to kill me with that stuff I better than that but I’m pretty weak and why am I minding Cobblestone when I L iron TOS right here are you serious I am such a noob you know what I’m taking these anals these could be be quite useful later on okay thank you and I’m also going to turn off these speed attacks this is getting quite annoying I’m too fast all right and who’s next to me cash wait you have full iron yeah oh jeez weren’t you dropping anals on me you could see no boom wait oh no no no no no no no no no oh what’s up oh wait why are you actually good oh I know you’re low wait no no you’re low you’re low you’re low okay I don’t know how you’re that good I got to be careful you’re a professional pvper okay well it’s time for me to fly I’m actually going to use my hacks more you said what you’re going to fly yeah it’s time for me to fly oh no so we got a cheater well yeah B cheated cuz I’m using hacks I also you think I’m would survive against you guys you’re a match for me and it looks like I’m now in a cave let’s go now I can use my favorite and best hack I but first let me bu some of this stuff oh gosh I found an ancient city an ancient city what how’d you find that I’m goated do that means there’s an ancient city around me no no there’s not you’re not going to find it I just got to find it where’s the ancient city you will not find it it’s going to be somewhere around here somewhere all right whatever I’m just finding iron all right I I’ve been mining for quite some time and time to activate x-ray I am bored what do I hear there’s something around me I hear a oh gosh no I’m scared wait it’s just me what are you trolling I’m mimicking the warden oh wait what a warden it’s chasing me down in the ancient city right now oh I think I found your ancient city cash I see skull blocks no you don’t yeah I do yeah I do and I’m going down there oh jeez all right I need to activate some x-ray hacks right here so let’s go right here let’s activate X-ray and oh I see every or inside the game oh my gosh there’s so much ore around me you know what I need to figure out a way to eliminate all the ores except diamonds so you know what let’s just search up Diamond real quick and and let’s look a bunch of these or real quick and I’m just going to get rid of all this and I’m going to keep Diamond cuz we need diamond stuff all right I can’t really see anything what I’m blinded by the warden all right there we go now if I disable and enable it I should only see the diamond stuff all right wait is that cash right there trying to find a warden oh my gosh um this thing’s trying to kill me right now okay while cash does that I’m just going to chill and hey zombie I can’t really see anything around me so you know what I got to be kind of careful but I’m just going to mine these diamonds thank you here A W next to me ouch ouch cash good luck with that I hope you’re doing okay cash was obliterated by a sonically charged streek let’s go oh man cash you’re not doing very good man these wardens are hard to fight well I’m using X-ray and I’m going to get full diamond before I fight a warden do you know how strong those sticks are oh no those SS are insane of course I’m not going to fight that with just regular armor I’m get diamond armor I guess that makes sense well yeah I mean of course it makes sense I found a m shaft and wait there’s some really good stuff in M shaft I need to actually get this kind of stuff let me activate flight again real quick boom let’s just fight through this thing and is that a skeleton with armor okay I’m running away those things are scary okay boom go here go right here boom you know what I think I activate a bunch of hacks at once let’s see what we have I think I’m going to go to combat and let’s activate anti knockback I feel like that would be overpowered let’s H that to 100% on both of them let’s activate critical so all our hits are criticals let’s activate no slowdown right here so that we’re overpowered let’s activate Auto Sprint so we’re always sprinting and I think that’s good to start all right now we’re going to be quite overpowered so I’m ready let’s do this thing I need more iron I’m almost ready time to buy diamonds all right time to buy this fade how much is this this is one you honestly x-ray is too overpowered guys I’m not going to lie you guys will never beat me it’s no fair and I haven’t seen me Zoe in a while so I got to be kind of careful cash has been the only one trolling me I’m going to get you no you won’t he says I won’t you sure yeah I’m sure what if I know where you are right now wait Zoe huh wait how do you see me um Zoe I think I have a feeling that you’re around me somewhere but I just got down here how do you know wait what if I turn off player P real quick and then turn off x-ray just like this and then what happens if I turn on killer all can I kill her through the blocks who just hit me while biting I can kill her through the blocks this is overpowered oh gosh that the warden or something Hey Zoe I found diamonds Hey Zoe boom ow ow what’s hitting me Zoe get over here Boom come on okay I got to be careful with these shers it’s going to spawn the ward and I do not want to be there I’m going to buy more diamonds and thank you for the loot Zoe I now a boats oh man I also think I spawn in the warden on accident look at that thing oh great is white D know what good okay I need to turn on the anti- blind tack I think I saw that earlier let’s go right here let’s turn on anti- blind there we go a he shaking at me okay I need to make this di Armor fast di Armor fast come on this is really really bad okay go like this oh oh I just drink me through the wall I got to be careful I need to break down I need to break down the W can kill me through blocks this is insane okay let need turn off x-ray this is too much right now okay boom I need to make Lings quick helmets I need to get overpowered oh gosh this is bad all right I need to eat one okay hopefully the W is not going to get me I need to keep on biting down I don’t even care about the diamonds anymore I’m escaping him let’s go keep it down keep it down keep on it down why did I mess with the warden this is actually insane all right we’re Bedrock we should be safe I’m just going to bite out of here see a warden all right we should be out of there and wait where are we now are we in an ancient city oh my gosh I ched God apples okay you know what I have an idea what if I just fly around this place and get overpowered let’s enable flight and let’s go like this wait did he find the ancient city how now I can click steal at all these chest let’s go this is not good come on let’s go okay actually no I’m not going to click steal cuz then I’ll collect everything and that’ll be bad I’m just going to get these chest so we should be good and also I make the noise flying which is actually really good so I don’t have to spawn the warden I have regeneration potions and other stuff like that guys you guys won’t kill me oh no sorry and I think I see a player all the way over there but you know I’m not going to bother you oh gosh hopefully it’s not me cuz I’m doing my whole thing oh gosh every a water just spawned I got some overpowered leggings let’s go all right what else do we get enchanted God Apple nice and then oh nothing in there nothing in there let’s see anything in here protection for our legging that’s better than what I have right now I’m using those okay I need to find boots boots boots boots boots boots give me the boots all right anyone got eyes on him no you know what I’m going over to this player named Cash TV up here oh jeez okay maybe he has eyes on no what are you talking about no I know hey cash what’s up wo wo wo wo wo chill hi guys dude I was getting why are you reaching yo get back wait did you have an anvil you Enchanted your armor too yeah I found books okay wait I’m still on your chamber table thank you no let’s go all right I’m getting out of here and I’m going to the nether it’s time I am now on the surface and it’s time to find a lava pool I’m just going to disable playp cuz I see lines on my screen and I know that zo around me somewhere all right I have to find the nearest lava pool you know what I think I got iron from cash I could use that all right lava pool where are you it’s time to make the Nether Portal I’ve been flying forever can a boy just get some lava no where’s the lava oh wait Zoomie you kind of just helped me out by saying that thank you I found a lava pool oh gosh get in my c table I’m crafting a bucket and let’s see what else do I need I need a footage steel okay oh yeah you’re crafting a bucket yeah why come on come on come on I’m almost there I’m almost there zo what are you talking about oh Nico behind you Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe zo you’re not going to get it you’re not going to get that one no Zoe triy to foil my plans no you can’t Zoe and also I have three diamonds I can just mine it if I wanted to oh man Zoe Zoe no foiling my plans today I’m get it into The Nether and beat in the game I thought that was a good plan all right how many gravel blocks I have to mine to get flint this is absurd I hope you don’t get one what are the odds of this this is insane oh my gosh it’s GG oh no no I need to speed on this thing how unfortunate i b so many wait I just realized I have flints I already had Flint in my inventory okay you know I’m using that you forgot I’m using that and I’m a flint and seel let’s do this thing now all I need is a bucket of water so let’s get a bucket of water boom and now we can go like this and let’s go like this and let’s place the water right here and then go like this okay boom nice now all we got to do is go like this and like this and then place the water right here I can place lava all around this place lava on the bottom oh gosh we have limited water sources it’s fine I think this is still enough boom boom Oh no I think I need to mine the last two gosh I’m really bad at doing this I’m almost ready how are you guys fighting me all the time you have a compass that leads to you what I totally forgot got oh my you feeling okay I’m enabling fast break on this stuff all right I have two obsidian now come on last obsidian just mine already okay and perfect now I have three obsidian all right now I can place one right here and one right here and then wait I think that’s all I needed all right I’m going into The Nether and I’m speed running in this nether all I need is blaze rods and ender pearls oh boy M we got to hurry let’s get them okay I’ll see you guys later peace out I have full diamond armor which should help out a lot and also have a golden apple just in case I don’t want to die in this place the nether is quite scary I’m enabling flight and I’m leaving please out and stop find a bashet or another Fortress wait where did he just go he’s flying and it looks like I scored just to found another Fortress already Yes Nico did all right it’s time to get these blaze rods and you know what I’m turning off light let’s go boom boom all right I think that’s oh that’s not even a one okay get over here why am I disabling fights I feel like it’s way easier if I just keep it re-enabled all right there we go a blaze rod wait a second I think I see somebody here H Mia what are you doing over there go down here Mia can you do me a favor and kill you those bles and get some blaze rods for me I’ll spare you no I’m not going to need you to spare me because I have diamond leggings wait Mia if you’ve been here for a while does that mean you have blaze rods oh Mia come over here I’m activating more combat hacks wait wait wait wait wait wait oh boy M you’re going down I’m yelling timber so are you here hi oh guys I’m coming he’s reaching he’s reaching hi b boom boom boom stop it uh did you really just kill her where are those blaze rods oh hope they burned in the lava oh they barely didn’t what wait oh my gosh you an 18 oh man 18 blaze rods meia that’s insane all right hey Zoe what’s up what how you f me Hey Zoe Hey Zoe Hey Zoe sorry Zoe are you kidding me wait I don’t even need to kill those blazes anymore Mia you just saved me oh my gosh you are the best Mia thank you no guys I hope you know that Mia’s not actually on your team she’s on my team no I’m not wait you betrayed us no I didn’t that is just not true meia betrayed you you guys are not good I can’t believe this don’t believe Nico you guys were not enough not yet okay well we’ll see I don’t know I’m pretty overpowered okay bougie all right I guess you found a Bastion ni did okay all right I’m getting rid of all the Jun by inventory I don’t need all this stuff okay go ahead and explore that Bastion I don’t need that I don’t need that okay you want me to explore cash yeah yeah go ahead what do you mean no just explore it have fun in there okay I’m going to explore it actually oh gosh I should probably wear gold boots or something I need to find the gold in this basion where’s the gold wait I just realized I have a hack for that xray all right now I can go right here and let’s add gold blocks to this right here gold block all right now I have gold blocks in the selection so now I can go like this and now we can see all the gold which is all the way over there what I see you ni CR is a bow hello oh jeez there’s a pig behind me wait cash you ready if I get that bow I can use aimbotting you guys wait what no no no no no no no yeah wait give me one second let me get an x-ray real quick I cannot let you get this bow that’s what I’m saying so you should come over here cash no I don’t need to that’s a terrible idea oh boy hey cash aboute do wo wo wo wo wo chill chill chill get back I bet that hurts you leather armor and wait you already have 15 ender pearls no how did you have that I was trading with piglins okay you know I’ll still trade with the piglins just a little bit so I can get some obsidian to get out of here but you know what thank you for that cash you are the best I’m going to kill you and get that obsidian back no you’re not and I know exactly where all the gold is right here so gold right here and I’m collecting all of it thank you Bastion you mean thank you cash uh well no the Bastion is the one that put the gold there for me so I don’t know I gave you the ender pearls you gave me the ender pearls oh really yeah well the Bastion gave you the end pearls so I’m taking the Bastion the thing that it came from in the first place I got it from a different Bastion you don’t know them they go to a different school oh sorry I didn’t mean that all right now I can trade all my gold with this piglin right here please give me good stuff piglin all right I’m just going to trap him in here like this now I can collect all of his Goods down here now I think I’m just going to Enchanted wait I have lapis oh gosh I’m going need to get lapis somehow later but you know what we’re going to have to do that later I need some obsidian so I can get out of this place this is quite scary I need to make it to the end so I can beat the game if I get to the end before the hunters then I should be able to win right guys um yeah totally that logic makes no sense to me sorry what do you mean yeah no it doesn’t make any sense okay wait I got water Pearl SI you know what do I even need obsidian I need obsidian on just take it hey n what are you going to do if I’m above you wait so you’re above me yeah what will you do oh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh what will you do get him get him get him he can’t reach he can’t reach we’re on him we’re on him oh gosh no no no no no no no grab him grab him my leggings are so powerful you guys are doing any damage and I can just eat this the golden apple you’re almost dying kind of okay fine just block them up block them up guys this is awkward just block them up block them up get over here hey Zoe no get over here boom and zo well like I did yeah those look kind of nice who that curs of binding on never mind when wait who had lapis Mia you had 32 lapis thank you a anyway there was a ton of obsidian there too all right I’m using all this to make another portal thank you guys oh man when I get to the overw world I’m doing enchant we have to stop him all right now I can make this nether portal and get out of here all right boom let’s go like this oh gosh I think I messed up a little bit but you know what it’s fine okay boom and two at the top and we’re good oh gosh I need to kill this pig oh ow oh gosh these pig boot are overpowered I’m getting out of here quick let’s go see you later piglins all right I what name with this geoda I got to make the Surface all right and we’re at the surface now I can finally enchant my stuff let’s go with enchantment table right here let’s go like this and I’m going enchant my sword like so sharpest wood perfect let’s enchant all my armor too like right here let’s go projectile protection I guess that would be good cuz they’re going to try and bow me and the K really hit me very much okay another projectile protection gosh that isn’t really that good but you know what I’ll go for it come on give me a protection let’s go okay perfect now I can turn these blaze rods into blaze powder and now I can turn these ender pearls into Ender Eyes of Ender now it could go right like this and where did that went that way okay it’s time to go to the stronghold hey Nico you want a cookie what do you mean Zoe I got some cookies do you want some wait you got cookies what yeah what want some I want a cookie too bad okay you know what it’s time to go to the stronghold all right Eyes of Ender toss I’ve already used four of these things so hopefully we should be good and I have a feeling it’s somewhere here I’ve gone like a thousand blocks you guys are probably already there no why would we be there no that’s crazy yeah that’s funny what are you guys saying wait my ient are turn you guys are definitely there no no we’re not wait it h which means it has to be down here somewhere okay I’m going here and I’m tossing one boom Oh My down I am mining down right here you guys are not slick you know what I’m turning up player ESP boom oh jeez uhoh why do I see three players down there you don’t see nothing yeah I do and wait I think this going to helps me out a lot so I knowwhere to mine down thank you guys okay bie I’m coming down there hey guys just saying I’m really close okay fine by me you know what I’m turning my hacks up before I get down there I’m turning on Kora and I’m maxing this thing out I’m going 10 reach never right I’ll just go seven that’s kind of crazy what else what else should I get um I think I’m going to use free cam down there just to see what’s going on before I actually go down there Mia’s right there my killer is going off even when I’m in free Camp Zoe’s got full time in Harbor what is going on wait what happened to the end portal H what do you mean okay you know what I need to get to the bottom of this it is time for me to go down there guys I’m coming for you okay where is he I don’t know it’ be a surprise attack okay bie the world will never know but you know what wait someone’s hitting me hello it’s him by boom boom boom I have a gun up on guys he’s hitting me guys how is me still alive Hey Zoe St Hey Zoe no no no no and also just in case you guys have anything that’s going to kill me or something I’m blocking off this lava your kill or is outrages Hey Zoe oh go I got to eat I got to eat wait this is insane this is insane come on come on gra ow ow ow ow eat the G wait I can’t hit multiple mobs at once you know I’m turning on Multi Ora which allows me to have multiple mobs at once no thank you guys we are not mobs come on grab them Zoe how are you still alive I need one g no let’s go oh Nico I’m picking up all this loot cash I have a feeling you’re the one that has the thing I want even if you kill us you won’t be able to get this end portal back because I’m about to place it on the floor wait what no I’m about to place it on the floor oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying guys get the end portal frame and place it no no no no no I got it I got it I got it wait you want me to place it like you want me to place it there wait so I place it oh no don’t place it there Zoe ah so placed it wait I thought you said place it I don’t even care I’m going in myself see y’all later what oh yeah get me in oh my gosh he placed it I’m going in I’m going in oh gosh I got to go go you know I’m turning on fight hey Mia hey guys Mia we have full diamond armor enjoy the void no wait I need to keep the stuff no I’m going in and I’m breaking all these crystals let’s go it doesn’t matter what do you mean cash cuz I have a trick off my sleeve uh what kind of trick do you have up your sleeve cash no don’t worry about it just a little bit of a TNT Tower I don’t know wait a TNT Tower yep it’s already late it’s lit isn’t that going to help me out against the dragon boom that TNT Tower is nowhere near me I’m just going to continue breaking these crystals thank you cash oh the Endermen are mad at me the Ender I think all the crystals are almost broken that did not work let’s go all the crystals are broken now I can One V one the dragon and I have flight abilities guys kill him kill him now kill him we’re going all right I’m turning off my flight real quick let’s turn on Aimbot aot and now no I have aot on the dragon this is sick activating teleporting capabilities oh what what I just teleported to a block I teleported him into the island good job that is not fair what wait how did you get that activating teleporting capabilities wait what ow get the dragon no no no no no I cannot die I cannot die get the dragon before him get it before him come on we’re grabbing it we’re grabbing it come on come on come on come on come on I’m killing the dragon get over here teleport capabilities what yeah get him get him teleport capabilities what is going on come on guys kill the dragon I’m turning multi Ora on I’m done with you guys we’re trying we don’t have L I’m turning up that range too I’m turning up my teleportation capabilities how do you tort capabilities oh guys I’m going to die I’m going to die oh I just killed me up mid aair what that is insane a all right come over here Dragon I’m going to teleport you inside the dragon wait that actually might be helping you yeah yeah that is helping me cuz I’m killing him oh never mind yeah keep doing that keep doing that take you cash oh gosh wait get rid of them destroy them just get this Dragon already oh oh gosh I’m going to die I’m going to die wait what is all this CNT doing there oh a oh my gosh almost almost dead almost almost dead this is really bad wait cash what are you doing up there what are you doing up there what are you doing up there get him oh oh oh you can’t me hello oh you can’t no oh no okay it’s time to get this Dragon already it’s okay I have a bed in the stronghold oh gosh this aot’s making it a little difficult so I’m turning that thing off it is my time to destroy you why Zoe what are you doing I’m trying to hit you but it’s not working I’m turning on Multi as well I’m getting this thing legit come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on he’s so low I’m a haard I’m a wait Zoe how are you not killing me right now get him get over here oh no oh no oh no the dragon is literally so low get him I need to get him I need to get him get Nico get him you’re not going to kill me come on oh no let’s go I lost are you serious that’s a W for the Squadron let’s go wait Squadron what that’s our new name the Squadron oh we need to think on that if you want to watch more Adventures the C is great if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye

This video, titled ‘HUNTERS vs GOD HACKER SPEEDRUNNER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-04-09 03:26:42. It has garnered 692813 views and 8885 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:38 or 1478 seconds.

Cash & Nico Merch!

Today, HUNTER versus a GOD HACKER SPEED RUN in Minecraft! Nico must escape from the hunters as a god hacker! Will Nico be able to survive?! Watch to find out!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash

  • Ultimate Jukebox in Minecraft 1.7-1.20

    Ultimate Jukebox in Minecraft 1.7-1.20 ComputerCraft Jukebox Program: Play Any Music Disc in Minecraft Hello everyone, this is Out-Feu. Today, I will present you a Jukebox program made with ComputerCraft that allows you to play any music disc, vanilla or modded, in Minecraft. The original program was created by “The Juice” and shared on the ComputerCraft Subreddit 6 years ago. This program offers a user-friendly interface where you can easily select and play your favorite music discs. Jukebox Features The Jukebox program displays all your music discs, both vanilla and modded, in an organized manner. You can click on a music disc to change… Read More

  • Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024

    Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024 Minecraft: Creating the Naruto Portal in 2024 Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when players like UzeMing take it to the next level. In a recent video, UzeMing embarked on a journey to create a portal inspired by the popular anime character Naruto in the year 2024. Building the Portal UzeMing started by gathering materials like Flint and Steel, along with additional items like orange and black walls. With a 4×5 size in mind, the portal began to take shape. The intricate design showcased UzeMing’s creativity and attention to detail. Entering the Portal As the… Read More

  • Crafty Courtyard: Modern House Build Made Simple

    Crafty Courtyard: Modern House Build Made Simple In Minecraft, a modern house we build, With a courtyard small, our creativity filled. From foundation to roof, every detail precise, In this three-story home, our skills entice. Material list in hand, we start with a plan, Dark prismarine foundation, a solid stand. Quartz blocks and light blue concrete mix, Creating a structure that truly sticks. Second floor layout, rooms taking shape, Windows of light blue glass, no escape. Twisted birch door, a unique design, Stone brick walls, a look so fine. Moving up to the third, framing the roof, Smooth quartz blocks, a design that’s aloof. Twisted mushroom… Read More

  • Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players’ Chore

    Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players' Chore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Players must mine, build, and explore with glee. From crafting tools to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. Join me, dear viewers, as we delve into the game, Discovering secrets and strategies, never the same. With each new update, the world evolves, And players adapt, with problems they solve. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your wit, For in Minecraft, there’s always a new hit. Let’s dive into the world, together we’ll roam, In this blocky paradise, we’ll make a new home. Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players embark on exciting adventures, face challenging tasks, and explore endless possibilities. In this particular scenario, players encounter a unique challenge known as “Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure.” Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing gameplay. Trading with Villagers In Minecraft, players have the opportunity to interact with villagers and engage in trading activities. Villagers offer various items in exchange for emeralds, providing players with valuable resources to enhance their gameplay experience. The trading system adds depth to the game, allowing players to acquire… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Weird Castle Discovery!

    Minecraft's Weird Castle Discovery! Mysterious Castle Discovered in Minecraft In a recent Minecraft gameplay video, the player stumbled upon a strange and intriguing castle. The discovery left viewers captivated and eager to learn more about this mysterious structure. Exploring the Enigmatic Castle The castle, shrouded in mystery, stood tall against the pixelated sky. Its ancient walls whispered tales of forgotten kingdoms and untold secrets. As the player ventured inside, they were met with a labyrinth of corridors, hidden chambers, and puzzling traps. Unraveling the Secrets Deep within the castle’s depths, the player uncovered cryptic clues and enigmatic symbols. Each puzzle solved revealed a… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Growth Spree

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Growth Spree In this Minecraft world, we journey through time, From Alpha to Release, each version a climb. Exploring the past, where chunk errors did reign, To the ‘golden age’ where memories remain. Building a shelter, a place to call home, Navigating terrain, no need to roam. Creating a base, a fortress so grand, Unlucky exploration, in a vast land. With each update, the game evolves anew, But the essence of Minecraft, forever true. So join me on this journey, through versions of old, In this Minecraft world, where stories are told. Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Atok Dalang Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the Atok Dalang Portal? Join the adventure as we uncover the secrets of this unique portal and discover what awaits on the other side! Creating the Atok Dalang Portal Creating the Atok Dalang Portal in Minecraft is a thrilling experience. By following the steps provided, players can unlock a whole new world filled with exciting adventures and challenges. Don’t forget to gather all the necessary resources and prepare yourself for the journey ahead! Exploring the Atok Dalang World Once you step… Read More

  • Crafting Feast: Minecraft’s Emotional IQ Buffet!

    Crafting Feast: Minecraft's Emotional IQ Buffet! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan entertains with humorous refrains. With animations that bring joy and delight, Each video a treasure, shining bright. From funny classroom moments to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, set free. Read More

  • Villager Scam: Free Items Hack

    Villager Scam: Free Items Hack The Easy Way to Get Items for Free from a Villager in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how to get items for free from a villager in Minecraft? Well, it’s actually quite simple! All you need to do is follow these easy steps: Step 1: Approach the Villager First, approach the villager you want to get items from. Make sure you have the item you want to give them in your inventory. Step 2: Give the Villager the Item Open your inventory, take out the item, and place it in the villager’s hand. Then, simply ask for the items… Read More

  • ValticSMP

    ValticSMPWe are a determined LifeStealSMP Minecraft server, ready to please and offer everybody a unique experience with a wide variety of things to do within the Discord and Minecraft server. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong community and active players. No hacking or duping is allowed. Enjoy Vanilla world borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ Watch what escaping spawn looks like: Video Link Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, create your starter base, form alliances, and conquer bases! Read More

  • Crafted Survival SMP

    Crafted Survival SMPWelcome to Crafted Survival 🌍, the ultimate Minecraft SMP experience that takes the classic vanilla gameplay you love and enhances it with the features you’ve always wished Mojang would add. Immerse yourself in a vibrant community where the economy is built on the precious diamond 💎, fostering a dynamic and thriving shopping district 🏪 where players can set up shops, trade, and grow their wealth.Key Features:Shops & Shopping District 🛒: Establish your own shop or explore a bustling marketplace filled with unique player creations and rare items. Whether you’re a builder, miner, or farmer, there’s a place for you to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made custom textures to flex

    Minecraft Memes - I made custom textures to flexI guess you could say that meme is “pixel perfect!” Read More

  • Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2!

    Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2! Welcome back to Build With Me, episode two, Where we craft and create, with a special clue. More trains and a MK8D tournament in sight, For my subscribers, a gaming delight. Leave a comment, suggest what to build, I’ll pick the best, with skills fulfilled. Subscribe for more GO Transit and Minecraft fun, And Shell Shockers battles, when the day is done. In this episode, we dive into the game, Minecraft adventures, never the same. Trains chugging along, tracks laid with care, A world of creativity, beyond compare. And at the end, a surprise in store, A Mario Kart… Read More

  • Who’s the Sculkiest Mob in Minecraft?

    Who's the Sculkiest Mob in Minecraft? Well, definitely not the players who constantly scream and jump in fear every time they hear a sculk sensor go off! Read More

  • Faster Gaming’s Parkour Shenanigans

    Faster Gaming's Parkour Shenanigans Minecraft Parkour Shorts Video Ep 11: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with Faster Gaming Plays in their latest Parkour Shorts Video Ep 11. Dive into the action-packed gameplay and witness incredible feats of skill and agility as the players navigate challenging obstacles and race against the clock. Experience the Excitement In this episode, Faster Gaming Plays showcases their mastery of parkour in Minecraft, demonstrating precision jumps, quick reflexes, and strategic thinking. Watch as they effortlessly traverse treacherous terrain, showcasing their agility and speed in a series of heart-pounding challenges. Mastering the… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21: Xây Máy Farm Cây Đinh Ba

    Minecraft 1.21: Xây Máy Farm Cây Đinh Ba Minecraft Tutorial: Building a “Cây Đinh Ba” Farm in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building a “Cây Đinh Ba” farm in Minecraft 1.21. Let’s dive in and explore this exciting project! Getting Started Before you begin constructing your farm, make sure you have all the necessary materials. Gather resources such as wood, stone, and redstone to ensure a smooth building process. Once you have everything you need, find a suitable location for your farm. Building the Farm Start by… Read More

  • EPIC LIVE Minecraft DARK RPG with Z3ntusBl4ck

    EPIC LIVE Minecraft DARK RPG with Z3ntusBl4ckVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] Minecraft DARK RPG mit @Z3ntusBl4ck’, was uploaded by Lord Darq on 2024-05-26 23:25:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Surviving Solo on Mysterious Island

    Surviving Solo on Mysterious IslandVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Island Gaming’, was uploaded by Im_APerson on 2024-05-10 03:37:31. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:42 or 8082 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Crystal PVP Battles in Minecraft! 🤯 #Hardcordead

    Insane Crystal PVP Battles in Minecraft! 🤯 #HardcordeadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just started Crystal PVP #minecraft #minecraftshorts #Crystal PVP’, was uploaded by Hardcordead on 2024-06-01 17:05:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 🐶First Dog Reveal + EPIC World Tours!🌍

    🐶First Dog Reveal + EPIC World Tours!🌍Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP| GETTING MY FIRST DOG +WORLD TOURS’, was uploaded by TheKaiShow on 2024-06-08 01:56:17. It has garnered 119 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:39 or 14559 seconds. Girl gamer Minecraft smp world with subscribers and viewers Minecraft world tour live gameplay longplay #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp #longplay Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Fun with Dev Bhai! #GamerFleet

    Epic Minecraft Fun with Dev Bhai! #GamerFleetVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai ke sath moye moye hogya 🤣| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-05-16 05:30:03. It has garnered 37310 views and 1779 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Dev bhai ke sath moye moye hogya 🤣| Epic @GamerFleet #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE… Read More

  • Unlock Secret Minecraft Bosses & Monsters Now!

    Unlock Secret Minecraft Bosses & Monsters Now!Video Information This video, titled ’11 Boss & Monster Yang HARUS DITAMBAHKAN di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Suanglu on 2024-06-18 03:00:19. It has garnered 3939 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:42 or 762 seconds. 11 Bosses & Monsters That MUST BE ADDED in Minecraft 11 Bosses & Monsters That MUST BE ADDED in Minecraft Mod Link : 1 : 2 : Subscribe Channel Suanglu : Discord Suanglu : For Business : [email protected] Buy Minecraft Server at ApexHosting : Inspiration : @DrBonksOfficial Suanglu Social Media : Instagram : Instagram :… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mini-Game with Empress Little-bit!

    Insane Minecraft Mini-Game with Empress Little-bit!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHACK-A-MOLE in MINECRAFT! (ft. @zincberg @MC_Oda @luckylane0 @impala100 #minecraft #gaming#smp’, was uploaded by Empress Little-bit on 2024-02-26 22:45:00. It has garnered 1366 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Check out: @luckylane0 @MC_Oda @zincberg @impala100 Thank you Oda for getting this started and welcoming me into the community. I do hope I’ll be able to meet your standards within reason… Welcome to CraftWorks SMP! A wholesome family, friendly Minecraft community banded together to create great things. Check out the rest of the team! CraftWorks SMP Link: Boy,… Read More

  • EPIC IzPushhhhhh in CW FLORUS – MUST SEE!

    EPIC IzPushhhhhh in CW FLORUS - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘CW FLORUS full tf con brz’, was uploaded by IzPushhhhhh on 2024-07-14 04:57:29. It has garnered 199 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. ———————————– ⛔TAGS IGNORAR ❗⛔❌ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY VEAX.RIP. STAFF ME… Read More

  • INSANE Enchantment Room Build in Minecraft! #11

    INSANE Enchantment Room Build in Minecraft! #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Enchantment Room Made In Minecraft Survival Series #11’, was uploaded by Gaming Ash on 2024-05-02 06:21:35. It has garnered 316 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:21 or 1221 seconds. Our Minecraft Content 1. Mods/Add-ons/Map/Mc Pack 2. Minecraft Builds/Shorts/Hacks 3. Minecraft Farm’s Tutorial in Hindi 4. Survival Series/Minecraft Episodes 5. All Minecraft Version 6. Minecraft Java Edition 7. Minecraft Pocket Edition 8. Minecraft Bedrock Edition ———————————————————————– #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy… Read More

  • Cobalt SMP – Cozy Active Community, Vanilla, Events, Discord, NO RESET

    If you’re looking for a 24/7 chill / private SMP Server, join Cobalt SMP! We just started the server up 3 days ago and already have a strong active community. We have spots remaining for our next batch of players. Simply comment your IGN and we will whitelist you. Plugins Include: McMMO, Land Claiming, & /sethome /home /warp /setwarp Join our Discord server: Read More

  • SurvivalRol

    We invite you to play Survival, create and live a pleasant experience with your friends in SurvivalRol!, we are a server dedicated to offering a pleasant environment and game time to players who like Survival, PvP among other things.Come and join the experience! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: So spicy!

    I guess this Minecraft meme is really mining for laughs! Read More

  • Minecraft: Rich vs Poor – Blockbuster Showdown!

    Minecraft: Rich vs Poor - Blockbuster Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of riches and poverty, as the story molds. The rich live in mansions, with diamonds and gold, While the poor struggle, their story untold. But in this game, anything can change, As the players navigate, their lives rearrange. From mining for diamonds to building a home, The possibilities in Minecraft, they endlessly roam. So join us in this adventure, rich vs poor, As we explore the depths, and so much more. Subscribe to our channel, for updates galore, In the world of Minecraft, let’s explore! 🎮🔥 Read More

  • THE END IS COMING… HOT! 🔥😂 #shorts #meme

    THE END IS COMING... HOT! 🔥😂 #shorts #meme When you see the words “WAIT FOR THE END” in a meme, it’s like being told there’s a surprise at the end of a long, boring movie. But instead of a plot twist, you just get a punchline that makes you go “Really? That’s it?” 😂 #anticlimactic Read More

  • Building a Dystopian Town in Minecraft

    Building a Dystopian Town in Minecraft Building a Dystopian Town in Minecraft: Hermitcraft Inspired Are you ready to dive into a world inspired by ImpulseSV’s Cyberpunk, ZombieCleo’s Horror, and Iskall85’s War-torn builds? Join us as we embark on a journey to create a Dystopian Town in Minecraft, drawing inspiration from the incredible Hermitcraft Season 10! Creating a Unique Atmosphere Using a dusty and dank palette, we will infuse our town with a post-apocalyptic sense of past destruction. Think abandoned buildings, overgrown vegetation, and eerie lighting to set the mood. ZombieCleo’s spooky vibes will be incorporated to give our town a haunting feel. Hermitcraft Influence Hermitcraft… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, just take a look at the latest Minecraft video trending on YouTube. While it may not be about Minewind specifically, it showcases the fun and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. And that’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind – a place where you can unleash your imagination, build amazing… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: 4th July 2024

    Minecraft Madness: 4th July 2024 The Exciting World of Minecraft: Crazy Events Build Battle on 4th July 2024 On the 4th of July 2024, Minecraft enthusiasts were treated to an exhilarating Build Battle event filled with crazy events and intense competition. Players from all over the world gathered to showcase their creativity and skills in this virtual world. The Build Battle Event The Build Battle event in Minecraft is a popular competition where players are given a theme and a limited amount of time to build their creations. The 4th of July event was no different, with participants tasked to build patriotic-themed structures in… Read More

  • SHOCKING: POMNI KISSED JAX?! Minecraft Digital Circus Ep 2

    SHOCKING: POMNI KISSED JAX?! Minecraft Digital Circus Ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘POMNI KISSED JAX IN THE BATHROOM! ARE THEY A COUPLE? Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 20:00:03. It has garnered 4493 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:35 or 3995 seconds. POMNI KISSED JAX IN THE BATHROOM! ARE THEY A COUPLE? Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure… Read More

  • Insane Unboxing: WTF Facts by MrBeast

    Insane Unboxing: WTF Facts by MrBeastVideo Information This video, titled ‘mrbeast unboxing this box 🎁 || #mrbeast #ytshort’, was uploaded by WTF Facts on 2024-03-01 03:12:17. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. mrbeast unboxing this box 🎁 || #mrbeast minecraft minecraft challenge #mr short video #short #new challenge video beast #mr beast hindi video #hindi video #challenge video #challenge #mrbeast #viral short #tranding #mr best mr beast meme mr beast song mr best lego car mrbeast youtuber mr beast island mr beast phonk mr best indian mrbeast ishowspeed mr beast in german mrbeast mr… Read More


    ULTIMATE MLG WATER BUCKET TIPS & TRICKS! 🔥 #gamesforkidshubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft Tips & Tricks mlg water bucket 🪣 #gamesforkidshub’, was uploaded by Games For Kids Hub on 2024-06-14 15:45:04. It has garnered 247233 views and 6813 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • Save Herobrine from HellRoFro: Epic Spear Challenge #shorts

    Save Herobrine from HellRoFro: Epic Spear Challenge #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘help herobrine. throw spear Challenge #shorts’, was uploaded by HellRoFro on 2024-03-06 03:15:10. It has garnered 10106 views and 452 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Minecraft : How to Build a Modern House Tutorial (Easy) Minecraft #NotBook #minecraft Minecraft,Minecraft tutorial,minecraft builds,minecraft building,minecraft tutorials,minecraft design,minecraft interior design,minecraft build tips,minecraft building ideas,minecraft simple tutorials,minecraft easy tutorial,minecraft shorts,minecraft short tutorials,minecraft building video,top 5 minecraft builds,5 minecraft interior designs,5 minecraft designs Read More

  • Arrzee’s EPIC Superhero Roleplay SMP is BACK!

    Arrzee's EPIC Superhero Roleplay SMP is BACK!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Enhanced Heroes RETURN! – Custom Superhero Roleplay SMP’, was uploaded by Arrzee on 2024-05-04 23:00:09. It has garnered 28089 views and 1268 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft’s Custom Superheroes FINALLY return, and are now on a brand new world! After failing to stop Infinity Ultron and losing Snowcon, the Enhanced regroup to track down the mysterious figure that’s been following them since they escaped to this new universe. This is the 1st episode of Enhanced Season 2! If this your first time watching the roleplay SMP series… Read More