Nico’s Insane Survival on a Tiny Raft in Minecraft!

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let’s go Beach sh yes sir oh yeah I love the sand you guys are slow today for some reason what are you talking about some of the sand looks weird I’m going to get into the water first see okay I didn’t even want to get into the water yeah I’m not getting in there what do you mean it’s cold well I don’t me it doesn’t want to get but cash you always want to get in well you see it’s a little cold and my hair is too long for this it’ll get all in my face you know salt is good for your hair right it’s going to make your hair look good no that’s not true yeah brother ew it makes your hair look worse no I disagree brother ew do you use the salt spray from the shop see salt spray yeah it looks like he does no no I’ve never used that before Oh M my hair is natural well whatever I’m going in all right we’ll try not to drown I’m going to go as far as I can hey hey who’s talking to me hello ni the lifeguard’s talking to you excuse me be careful don’t go too far what do you mean you’ll probably drown or something and I am not swimming out that far this isn’t even that far B I’m going to keep going out dang fine have fun with the sharks he a Savage what did you say sharks yes I said sharks oh gosh you’re not going to make it there’s no sharks under here I don’t know what you’re talking about all right well just know that I warned you and if you survive tell my supervisor well you’re talking a load of bogus you know what I want to get farther out there and proves to you that there’s no sharks I wouldn’t do that you’re risking your life Mia yes do you have the boats yeah I have the boats but I’m not going out there well give me the boats let them Drive the boat fine here you go okay I’m going to show you then I can get farther okay well if you don’t survive surv it wasn’t on me and are you guys going to come no I’m good J I’m good you go be the guinea pig yeah stay safe what have fun out there I’m not going all that far okay well I’ll see you guys I’m going by myself oh wait wait I actually want to go yeah I guess I’ll come too it looks kind of cool when you put the boat down what yeah okay we’ll get in I’m getting to my own yeah you guys are going to die I don’t know what you’re talking about life car we’re fine driving this thing is kind of fun she does not like you we’re going to explore this vast ocean this place is huge what was that sorry Shady I heard did that yawn from here I had to let out a big old yawn that was a yawn Shady yeah that sounded like a whale all right when do you guys want to turn around I don’t want to turn around what how far are we going let’s go I don’t know what that like was talking about I see no sharks anywhere they are literally on our buns what do you mean they are on our buns right behind you Nico wait what ow ow oh gosh oh it’s biting you I just got bed from water I already saw those things earlier oh oh no oh be be there’s sharks there’s sharks in the water it’s on me I don’t know what to do ow guys get on the boat get on the boat get on the boat what happened uh wait are they eating our Boats N he just broke the wood let’s just ate our boat hey Mr shark hey you didn’t steal this boat you didn’t take oh ow ow oh oh oh no no ow ow I’m bleeding a beding a beding oh gosh yeah I don’t know how to tend to that oh no but what are we going to do I’m going just take a nap and y’all figure it out jady wait you take a nap like that sometimes shh he’s sleeping well guys I’m hungry and my Hunger bars okay here we here we go cash cash oh man did you finish the whole thing you have crumbs left or something no I’m kind of hungry he just had a chicken mini I don’t have any crumbs left Nico here Shady you can have these crumbs wait is there anything in this chest Waters let’s go I’m taking one oh let’s go I’ll take a te Shady shady I gave Shady the crumbs I asked for those crumbs you did yeah I did did you hear me no well Mia do you have anything no I didn’t bring any food I ate before I left Mia you can have some crumbs as well there you I’ll take those they stop it hey I’m taking those seeds stay there oh gosh don’t you find me you can have them I don’t even want those things but I’m kind of hungry well that’s unfortunate we shouldn’t have gone this far well Tom I going to get food in the middle of the ocean it’s not like something’s going to come a border wait wait wait what is that chicken guys Chen that’s mine I’m taking a wait wait wait I can’t get up I can’t get up someone grab me someone H there you go Cas oh oh oh oh ow ow ow ow ow that was tough gang come on dang Nico got any way up hey hey that’s this me ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oh let him get up don’t let him get up Shady it Shady it ow ow no no ow ooh you know what I’m just going to get chicken cuz you guys are being me to me and you know what what if the Sharks come and get me you can fight off the sharks with this here take it guys there’s things that are washing up a Shore I just got a wood plank a wooden sword and an arrow all right or just ignore me guys there’s a shark right there give me please please ow oh gosh okay okay I feel kind of bad for Nico we should let him up oh my gosh I’m at two hearts are you serious nah no you guys are horrible friends what do you mean well you shouldn’t have fought with the Lifeguard okay I forgive you guys you know what we need to survive here yeah I don’t know about all that we’re not the ones that need forgiven that’s you what do you mean how do I need forgiveness because you got us into this situation I told you not to go this far well you know what you’re kind of correct this is why you guys are mad at me yeah start building with those blocks in the water yeah okay you know what fine gosh but I don’t need none of you guys’ attitude all right first before we do anything I think we need to make a crafting table guys it’s the first order of business bam okay I’ll start breaking apart the boat for materials no no no no no no we can’t do that why FL let’s only break this thing we kind of don’t want this boat to sink we only want to expand the raft right well do we not want our pretty sail well it’s still standing like that right excuse me you know what I’m going to first make a ladder because whenever we go offshore there’s no way to get back on boom I mailed the ladder I have a feeling someone’s dropping these items to us well what do you mean I don’t know they’re just coming in a straight line Shady that’s just the flow of the water I think that’s the flow of the ocean I don’t know okay well I got a bunch of blocks so if you want them they’re in this chest well you did oh my gosh me how did you get 20 o glogs they all Flo up and you didn’t grab them you know what no one’s drinking their water bottle so don’t mind if I do I’m drinking those things you know that’s not actually water right you know what I figured out how to get an infinite water supply whenever I’m thirsty I can just take it from the ocean don’t don’t no don’t no no that’s gross that’s gross ew wait what dude don’t drink that that’s salt water bro you can’t drink ocean water yes Bobo and also like fishes pee in the water well how else are humans supposed to drink water wait I got mule meat like a mole butt okay I guess these are useless here shark you can have those I got a bunch of random blocks I’m going to build a tower with them what I don’t know I just had them okay well you know what you do that we need to expand this island and you know what I’m going to use 20 of Mia’s oak logs to do that now I have like 80 Oak planks all right we’re going to use this chest for a bunch of our junk as well yo there’s an iron block in the water oh gosh no no no no no the shark there’s also a shark I got it someone let me up wait guys I thought of something what if we make a fishing rod so we can fish all this stuff up wa smart thinking little datab bio Shady what did you just call me that’s a good idea Nico you just call me a datab bio no not a dirab bio okay get this and then fishing on boom Oh gosh noit it take a little bit more effort oh no you guys aren’t thinking smarter it’s not working I’m going inside oh it’s a shark you’re getting bit you’re getting bit yo you know what I’ve always wanted to tussle with the shark bro hey come here oh yeah no no no no Shady Shady shady I don’t know I don’t know that’s going to yo let him get up oh yeah Shady wait Shady ow oh yeah oh oh he bit me oh my gosh that hurt oh my gosh that hurt I’m about to die I’m going to die Shady wait you got the shark I think so okay you know we got to be careful okay yo can I have that raw mule meat that I gave you yeah sure you can also have this fishing rod cuz it’s not working you don’t need the fishing rod you just look the okay see that grass block yeah it’s going to go right here and I’m going to pick it up okay wait I thought of a better idea let’s make an item collection system okay bud watch this I’m turning all these Woods into slabs or we’re going have Mia pick it up for all of us well no that’s inefficient all right I’m going off for a second give me one second all right I’m going to make a pathway like this and then I’m going to make a huge line right here because all the blocks are coming in from this direction so if we stop the blocks from flowing any further than the raft then we’ll collect everything there’s a block going that way dude no no no no I got it I got it you missed it you missed it you missed it you missed it I got it let’s go nah do we have grass we have grass I don’t know oh let’s go check this out guys wait let’s see if the block stops it stops check that out gang wait there’s more grass falling oh gosh wait oh no check that out gang shady I don’t know look over there I think their shark is back he looks bigger you killed the baby dude oh gosh the shark mom is coming Shady back on the boat back on the boat oh my goodness is that a Megalodon is that a gra Reaper JD do you want to try killing that thing no I’m good you got it that thing is huge you think I can kill it yeah jump in the water you got it okay you know what I’m going to be like shady ooh hello Mr shark oh no ooh that thing is not happy to see you ow ow ow ow ow it’s biting your mole butt oh no oh no ow ow oh oh my gosh oh my gosh guys that did not work out yeah I could tell yeah stay on the boat yeah I need to stay on the boat but you know what we need to expand this place who put this tree here me that was shady it’s interrupting my workflow well sorry little datab bio what workflow cash that’s not my name his name a 30ty bio Shady it’s cash yeah that’s my name I did not call him a dirty Bobo bro who said that what is bro hearing dirty bio I mean I don’t know what that means as long as we get rid of this tree having a tree there is really inconvenient yeah true it is messing up my workflow yeah true just get that dirty Bobo out Shady we should build the trees on the other side so that we have the item collection system dude he spawned a dirty Bobo you spawned a tree it’s thought of a tree sorry wait I got a brown rabbit plushy here does anyone want this I don’t like this you got a brown what oh let’s go MIA how did you get that how I get what M got an illegal block no I don’t know what this is that’s a triangle in Minecraft wo it bothers me uh guys I’m not going to lie I put that there and Shady did you spawn a tree inside of a tree inside of a tree look and I also got a diamond sword from the water oh my gosh this water’s giving really good stuff dude I’m tired of this stuff not even working why does this thing not break any faster than my fingers what do you mean look at this a sword’s not supposed to break leaves faster yeah it’s supposed to be Shear Shady you know what I have blocks of iron so I can make shears right now boom well yeah check out my shears then dang oh yeah you’re right the shears don’t work either this is not a relaxing sound this is not efficient you can break leaves faster with a sword bro wait actually I’m not tripping oh yeah you’re right are you serious okay you know what I’m going to get Oak planks real quick and I’m going to make some more slabs I’m expanding this platform dude Shady ate the only Taco we have a pig and her baby just spawned in the water what ooh should we make a farm wait we should make a farm you know we’re going to need more grass blocks though so I’m going to expand this place huge real quick okay oh this is a pretty good- looking Farm I’ll put the pig right here that’s not the farm cash dude there’s a sky banana peel no I’m going to make this whole place grassland and also we might need to make defenses later because I’m pretty sure I don’t want that Megalodon coming here again don’t would be really bad true all right so let’s surround this place with wood right here nice and we’re going to need a bunch of dirt to fill in all of it so you know what guys everyone lock in and we need to find a bunch of dirt lock in wait actually Mia where didd you get all that grass can I have some uh yeah I only have 41 left though I think that should be a lot and wait there’s a lot of dirt flying Upstream so come on get all that cash ni there’s a banana peel banana banana banana wait did you slip on that banana peel yeah also what is that no no no do not give that shopping cart to Shady ooh Shady you want to see what we got in here oh no the banana peel still had its residue all right I’m just going to keep on flowing with this stuff okay I’m going to grab the dirt yeah I’m grabbing all the dirt in the grass let’s place all the grass first and then the you just took all the grass for me okay well that’s not my fault well you were by way you did I said that I was going to collect that and did you took it for yourself let him cook hey well I didn’t get much grass I also got a tree oh you got a bunch of dirt okay I’m just going to place all this dirt right here guys this grass is ugly I have a better floor plan you do we could use reinforced deep slate gosh that looks horrible what do you mean no that is not good Mia can you break that do you have a pickaxe or something I don’t know if that’s going to break with a pickaxe but I can try wait reinforce deep SL M this is not breaking wait and you’re using another right pickaxe too yeah that’s stuck this thing is not breaking you know because you placed that I’m going to leave you with breaking that the entire time okay good luck okay got it I’ll be working on it okay and then Mia you’re going to help me build a farm I’m not really in a Farm building mood what I’m kind of more of a house Builder how do you expect us to survive out here here M oh sorry ni o you broke my break okay keep on working on that are you serious I’m just going to be collecting the blocks don’t worry about me dude you did it again oh I did I’m kind of trying to collect the blocks you did it multiple times oh gosh H cash this what I got Bedrock yeah let me see hide this from Shady I’m putting this in the chest oh well that’s not a great place to hide it also got some diamond ore which we could use later okay bgie yeah fill in the rest of this place I’m going to use this Oak planks to make some fences bro does not know how grass spreads what what do you mean you need to place the grass in between the dirt oh so it spreads better well I did not think like that you know what I mean I think I know what you mean all right I made four Oak fences right here here Nico I have better fences I crafted all of these just now wa you did yeah try and use those wait wao these look sick and this looks amaz it’s sugarcane and watermelon good morning Shady did you fall asleep or something why do you say good morning yeah I took a little nap I was tired I got rid of all the Deep slate I’m placing all these fences around here we’re going to make this Farm okay okay boo why this fence I feel like I’m at my house because this fence looks good oh gosh that doesn’t really work ooh you know Nico you could just use a piece of carpet wait what yeah here look if you place a piece of carpet on a fence then you can jump on top of it but the animals can’t oh wait that’s actually genius yeah I’m goated and you know what I’m putting all our mobs in there here come over here sheep we can all have these sheep Dy to sharks or something yeah get all the Sheep I’ll get the rest of the mobs here this mob needs to go in too hey you picked up me I’m not a mob no the mob’s getting out it’s getting out that’s I’m throwing a tomato at you wait I kind of want to eat that are you okay oh you threw that thing at me oh take this banana peel oh thank goodness W dude I slipped on it yo he double slipped he double slipped I keep slipping on this thing no all right Cas you broke the blocks over here I keep slipping I keep oh oh oh well that’s good well anyways looks like we’re getting a bunch of saplings upshore too I think we’re going to need to make a sapling farm for our wood I keep slipping on this banana peel dude Cash Stop slipping tell that to my feet shady is this your lovely home well yeah we we can all sleep in here if you guys want wait we can oh that’s amazing yeah sure shady I think you need walls okay there we go bro that is the smallest house in the world I don’t think Shady knows how to build a big house I’m not going to lie he always builds small houses bro we’re on a boat dang he does live on a tree house too so that makes sense we’re on a boat do you want me to sink the boat well I don’t know I don’t know how it’s possible for us to build a raft like this but you know what we’re not going to question it exactly don’t question my house what did you just I made a little tank for him wait is that an axel what’s his name um I don’t have a name for him yet cuz I haven’t gotten a name tag can we call him dirty bio word I don’t think so but I’ll keep it on the list pry said dirty bio okay I don’t know Shady you make up the names you’re going at names okay little dirty bio oh gosh no Mia how’s this Farm going nothing’s growing he escaped oh my gosh he’s out of the wildness we need to get him I got to get him wait M you can swim I’m drowning now Mia get out of the water no I got you I got you give me give me go go yeah you got it better at swimming you know that yeah I’ve been practicing a bit but I mostly drown well that’s good anyways Mia do you have more dirt and wood uh yes I do I’m going to really need that for the tree farm I’m about to build sorry my dirt’s not is that me I’m building it out back here what that’s me what my clone has found me Mia is that another one of your science experiments yes you a take a me a to a sure a is she speaking Mia Latin I’m building the street Farm over here I don’t know what you guys are doing I don’t know what you’re doing I kind of lost sight of shady and cash I don’t know where they went don’t worry about it why did a bunch of water just disappear all right the way I want to do this tree farm is I want to go around here like this you know what I haven’t seen the sharks in a while I don’t think we should be worried about them anymore right guys don’t say that out loud they’re going to hear you what do you mean ah they’ll never learn swimmer with the sharks hey I got Parry the Platypus what I got him let me see where okay so this is a platypus and here’s the Hat ow and and the name tag look it’s him wait wait wait what wait Mia the name tag is not there well I don’t have an anvil yet and per the Platypus is gone no no please Perry wants Freedom yeah I don’t think he wants to live with you really dude he place this candle in his remembrance I lost the candle she said remembrance a sorry I’m just stretching out my back right now oh Perry came back and what is Shady saying sorry wait your platypus came back he did well I would see cash in a while don’t worry about me Shady where did you just Place lawn mower check what wait actually that’s pretty good look he came back and he’s a different color now woah he’s actually Parry what hang on I’m going to back this thing up in the water okay you know what Shady good luck with that I’m going to finish this tree farm so you can get more wood cuz I think we got a wood problem what has cash been doing this whole time I’m working on something I think he’s been building something down there he’s been building something down where how can you build something down where this water Nico you want to see what I’ve been working on come into Shady’s house when I finish my farm and Shady stops lawnmowing my saplings come to Shady’s house okay I’m coming down oh hey cash all right see this come on what do you got wait we got our beds right here oh there’s a downstairs wait how is there a downstairs at a raft wait what yes sir wait a minute what is this I built a whole area down here this is insane it’s for us to chill in okay Bouie and who was this guy hello I’ve been hired to work here I don’t know how did you find a random guy in the middle of the ocean well I don’t know he was in a cave when I was mining down below he was mining diamonds yeah he was in the cave looking for diamonds what anyways he uh said he would pay me raw chicken so I said I’d work for free well you know what okay good luck would you like a mango lemonade wait actually yeah I would okay Cas I didn’t know you could find some guy like this I didn’t know you were building this the entire time this is sick yeah uh just don’t question where his lemonade comes from what do you mean I’m not really sure how we get to underwater Oh yeah you’re right anyways time to go back up okay let’s go all right and you know what how is our farm doing Mia pretty good Mia why are you just holding Perry like that I’ve missed him and I sense danger you sense danger what do you mean I don’t know but also I found something cool what this eat it what let me see a Poseidon’s breakfast what is this I don’t know it says F the see guys I’m eating a b wo I feel crazy right now wo wait a second wait what is that wait is that a shark wait what do I see over there in the water is that your statue wait I think I see something blue over there wo and ow ow I’m being attacked yo you’re too close to the edge I definitely cannot survive me yeah I don’t think that Poseidon’s breakfast did anything hey sharks how do you like our new Bassy cake get on here uh I taunt them I love it it’s so yummy oh they can get out land is it speaking they can get out land what the heck ow ow ow yo he’s jumping you oh gosh ow no no I’m going to die I’m to okay guys we need to repair this place yeah true I’ll start with deep slate no no no no no no no no get down in the bunker oops no not again not the Deep slate Mia why would you place that okay you know what I don’t think any items are coming up the board anymore I’m placing the fences all right we’re going to need to place a wall right here these sharks cannot get through okay bie these guys are crazy okay I got a perfect amount of fences too this is amazing okay nice I got a little parkour going around here too what is that for it’s if you want to get around from this side we might need to use your bunker for protection cash yeah let’s get into the bunker I’m using it but before I do anything wait you guys want to go on a sea Voyage a sea Voyage what did you say what happened to the bunker to visit my statue over there I don’t know why it’s over there Nico come look at the bunker dude okay I’m coming down it’s the bunker okay I don’t think it’s okay the bunker is not feeling very well the Sharks did something what happened inside the bunker how’d you get in here dude you ruined my bunker I didn’t do anything it was the shark wait why is the shark looking confused dude what is going on are you serious right now okay you know what I think the shark might have done this or something wait he’s going to eat it oh ow oh gosh oh well at least my Bunker’s back I hallucinating or something be I think this is for being outside out in the sea for very long that’s what salt water does do you drinking salt water makes you hallucinate yes that’s why it’s not healthy for anyone to drink wait what I drink two bottles of that thing yeah you might be hallucinating a bit oh gosh wait I need to drink some more water oh my gosh it’s not going to clear out of your system it’s too late wake up oh gosh wake up Shady stop it wake up I’m wake I’m fine I’m fine wake up wait why is Cash opening it closing a door wake up wake up wake up oh gosh you need to wake up okay guys I think we need to get set straight okay I think you need to wake up I think we’re going to need to get some armor okay let’s make a cop ER chest plate a copper chest plate okay that’s good but I’m going to wait till I get diamond armor I’m going go into the item collection spot Nico I feel like we’re missing one of our farm animals I think the blue one’s gone what do you mean Parry oh gosh the shark hasm get up Nico the shark has him the shark has Perry no I got Perry Oh than goodness good good good good good oh my gosh that was scary he’s trying to escape he’s trying to escape oh Perry me I think I don’t need to hold on to Perry yeah Perry’s a little dangerous I don’t think any items are flowing through the system anymore why is the worker up here wait never mind I see one name tag right here wait a book oh my gosh guys we need diamonds true wait hiy worker what are you doing there’s minding your business oh I was just getting some more lemonade well that’s good don’t worry about me wait how are you getting lemonade up here don’t worry about it just don’t look okay whatever wait I need to get some diamond armor I’m going to fight against those sharks these guys have been ruining our days true all right you just let me know when you want to head home wait what do you mean you just let me know when you want to head back home wait that was an option yes wait what anyways why did you go get your diamond armor Place some Dress Up Wait B what did you say I said wait guys Shady go what we’re up here dude guys I’m up here wait wait wait what Mia at home really okay well hang on I’m doing something up here bro Mia you think you can lead us home yes I can wait you can how but first give Perry a kiss what kiss Perry and I’ll take us home I’m not kissing Perry so we’re not going home all right I guess we stay here forever well I don’t want to stay forever wait oh gosh a shark is aboard no hey you can’t get me here you can’t get me here sorry Nico watch out you’re getting in the way of the stream brother wait wait wait what what stream look at the water oh my gosh what’s going on the shark’s hitting you I’m going to get the shark I don’t care something just exploded oh no no no be be be the shark is under the water what is that who left the spot here okay I don’t know why there’s random spots on our Island but whatever wait guys look I got diamonds wao Dames nice Mia I don’t want to kiss Perry Mia what are you doing kiss him no I am not kissing Mia no you have to kiss Perry I’m not kissing Perry Mia if you want to go home kiss him I’m not kissing Perry Shady already built a way back home give him a smooch wait what what is that shady if you explode that all R is going TNT cannon okay Perry get ready Wait no that’s not going to be healthy for perry perry knows how to set us off back home let’s do this wait what all righty Perry and go I’m building my own way wait wait it’s time to head home run wait oh we’re good okay okay we’re good huh let’s go all right who wants to get the actual way back home all right let’s do it wait what and go wait wait wait bye Nico hey hey hey hey hey I’ll see yall later so you guys to the way home the entire time yes yep maybe beans and you guys were trolling me yes you were the one that wanted to go out into to Sea maybe beans I guess you’re right then we got stuck in the specific ocean well I’m sorry you should be Perry is very angry Perry’s back what yes I told you he knew the way home okay well that’s good if you want to watch more C Adventures the C on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye he

This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We’re On ONE TINY RAFT!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-03-24 03:00:18. It has garnered 640719 views and 7868 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:30 or 1410 seconds.

Cash & Nico Merch!

Today, Nico is on ONE TINY RAFT in Minecraft! Nico and his friends get trapped on a tiny raft in the middle of the sea! Will Nico be able to escape?! Watch to find out!

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    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Thrive! #MinecraftServer Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching the latest YouTube video from Jack ki Olly🔥, you may have noticed the fun and camaraderie that comes with playing Minecraft. The sense of community and adventure is what makes this game so special, and Minewind server encapsulates that perfectly. With a vibrant and active player base, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. From… Read More

  • Escape the Goatman & Mickey Mouse in Minecraft Horror 2

    Escape the Goatman & Mickey Mouse in Minecraft Horror 2 In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Running from the Goatman, and Mickey Mouse, so bold. Leaving the village, with fear in their eyes, Finding a mangrove, where danger lies. Stuck in the swamp, strange sounds all around, Leaving the desert, a new place to be found. A ruined portal, a creature bizarre, Building a house, under the stars. Digging a hole, uncovering a cave, Monsters lurking, ready to misbehave. The adventure ends, with a sigh of relief, In the world of Minecraft, danger is brief. Read More

  • Knock, Knock, Who’s There? Minecraft Square Scare!

    Knock, Knock, Who's There? Minecraft Square Scare! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Our crew of four, adventure-bound. Facing horrors, lurking in the night, Surviving the scares, with all our might. The knocker almost got us, a close call indeed, But we fought back, with courage and speed. Exploring caves, filled with dread, Each step we take, with caution and dread. Can we make it to Episode 2, with five likes in sight? Join us on this journey, through day and night. In the scariest modpack, we take our stand, Crafting our way, with a steady hand. So stay tuned for more, as we… Read More

  • Crafting Minecraft VR Magic with Python & OpenCV: A Blocky Adventure!

    Crafting Minecraft VR Magic with Python & OpenCV: A Blocky Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, a new frontier, Python and OpenCV, make the vision clear. Control VR with motion, a whole new sight, With Trinus and iVRy, the future is bright. Vivecraft brings the experience alive, With Python and OpenCV, you’ll thrive. So dive into the world, with a new sensation, Minecraft VR, a true innovation. Explore, create, and build with glee, Python and OpenCV, set your mind free. In this virtual world, the possibilities are vast, Thanks to technology, the fun will last. So grab your gear, and take the leap, Minecraft VR, a journey deep. Python and… Read More

  • MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure

    MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure Minecraft Survival with 150+ Mods: Exploring Worlds (LP 2) Embark on a thrilling survival journey in Minecraft with over 150 mods! The second series of survival adventures awaits, promising a unique and enhanced gameplay experience. Survival with a Twist With an extensive collection of mods, players can expect a whole new level of challenges and excitement. From new creatures and items to enhanced mechanics and environments, every aspect of the game is transformed, offering endless possibilities for exploration and creativity. Unleashing Creativity One of the most exciting aspects of playing Minecraft with mods is the ability to unleash creativity… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.2 Redstone Hunt with Olchaldir & Ganesha

    The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.2 Redstone Hunt with Olchaldir & GaneshaVideo Information This video, titled ‘S2-084 la chasse aux progrès reprend et on rattrape Ganesha avec la redstone Minecraft 1.20.2’, was uploaded by Olchaldir on 2024-04-11 10:12:00. It has garnered 271 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:49 or 1849 seconds. In streaming we don’t forget the tips 😉 Join this channel to benefit from exclusive advantages: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Datapacks used in this adventure: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don’t forget to subscribe and like (or not) my videos. Discord: Twitter : Facebook : ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mods used:… Read More

  • Thriving farm in Minecraft – EPIC queue skipping strategies!

    Thriving farm in Minecraft - EPIC queue skipping strategies!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival: Planting the Seeds of a Thriving Farm – Chill Let’s Play Ep. 4’, was uploaded by QueueSkipper on 2024-03-17 00:00:31. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:58 or 1618 seconds. Welcome back to another laid-back episode of my chill Minecraft Survival Let’s Play series! In today’s video, we shift our focus from exploration to establishing a strong foundation for our future by starting our very own farm. Join me as I roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty in the world of Minecraft… Read More

  • 🌟 STEVE THUNDER STAR 🌟 Unlimited Food Farm Trick!

    🌟 STEVE THUNDER STAR 🌟 Unlimited Food Farm Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steve | Minecraft unlimited food farm in craft’, was uploaded by Steve thunder star on 2024-02-29 09:00:41. It has garnered 34 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:37 or 397 seconds. minecraft mein sign ine minecraft me sign in kaise kare how to sign in minecraft pocket edition how to sign in minecraft beta how to sign in minecraft pe how to sign in minecraft in android how to sign in minecraft without xbox 9. minecraft pe sign in kaise karte hain minecraft mein sign in kaise karte hain how… Read More

  • Mercedes Stanfield goes hardcore in Minecraft! 😱

    Mercedes Stanfield goes hardcore in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying to be “hard” about my first #minecreaft hardcore series 😬’, was uploaded by Mercedes Stanfield on 2024-06-04 15:30:22. It has garnered 1950 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. @me trying to be brave my first time playing Minecraft Hardcore 😬… #scaredycat #fyp #foryou #minecraft #minecrafthardcore #streamer #wwefans Follow me on Twitch for my next hardcore series episode Read More

  • Insane Demon Pork Farm! 1.20.61 in PE/Bedrock

    Insane Demon Pork Farm! 1.20.61 in PE/BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Pork Farm in Minecraft pocket edition / Bedrock edition. 1.20.61.’, was uploaded by DemonicJash on 2024-05-03 06:47:40. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:32 or 272 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Pork Farm in Minecraft pocket edition / Besrock edition. 1.20.61. —————————————————————- Hashtags. Please ignore it :- #minecraft #minecraft_redstone_build #minecraft_redstone #op_minecraft #tiktok_hacks #op_builds #minecraft_automatic_farms #minecraft_starter_farms #viral —————————————————————- I hope you all liked this video and channel and if you don’t forget to like share and subscribe to the channel and be my own army “DemonicArmy”. If you… Read More

  • Insane Transformers Cyberverse Bumblebee Toilet Skibidi Madness!

    Insane Transformers Cyberverse Bumblebee Toilet Skibidi Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Transformers Cyberverse TvMAn x Skibidi Toilet With Bumblebee – Minecraft Animation 2D’, was uploaded by 만화 영화 익살스러운 on 2024-01-10 11:00:10. It has garnered 6473 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:36 or 876 seconds. Transformers Cyberverse TvMAn x Skibidi Toilet With Bumblebee – Minecraft Animation 2D 👉SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!! Welcome to the entertaining 2D animation channel, the colorful universe of monsters.We’d like to bring transformer & godzilla funny animation cartoon movie and laughter time to the audience the most. We love Godzilla & Kong Animation developed with the aim… Read More

  • Netvaultpro

    NetvaultproWelcome to Netvaultpro – The Ultimate Survival Adventure! Are you ready to embark on an epic journey of survival and discovery in a world filled with endless possibilities? Look no further! Netvaultpro is here to provide you with a unique and engaging survival experience like no other. What Makes Us Stand Out Auctions: Embrace the thrill of the marketplace with our exciting Auction system. Trade, bid, and compete with other players to acquire unique and valuable items that will give you an edge in your survival journey. Leveled Mobs: Experience a dynamic and challenging world with mobs that scale with… Read More

  • Xapros SMP – Semi-Vanilla – Dynmap – 1.21 – Events – Community

    Xapros SMP About Us: We host holiday themed events with minigames and collectable items. Whitelist only to ensure a safe environment. 5-15 players daily, always welcoming new members. No lag and 24/7 uptime. No server resets, your base is always saved. No land claims or immersion-breaking mods. Strict rules against stealing, hacking, and griefing. Check out some of our builds here. Join our Discord to apply: Discord Link Read More


    WITH ITWelcome to WITH ITA 100% Argentine full PvP survival server with 0 ping. Enjoy a fluid and exciting gaming experience with our active community and constant events. Join and be part of the adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Chilly Florida

    “Florida but colder? So basically just Canada with more alligators.” Read More

  • Minecraft Wind Charge Chain Reaction

    Minecraft Wind Charge Chain ReactionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wind Charge Chain Reaction – shorts’, was uploaded by PinGGulli on 2024-07-16 23:32:02. It has garnered 452 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftredstone #minecraftshorts #minecraftupdate #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition 🎬Editor: PinGGulli In this video I test 3 levels of Minecraft wind charge redstone! Version: Minecraft Java Edition Like and Subscribe!👍 —————————————————————————— Music and Sounds: Song: Oaxacan Traditions Artist: Jimena Contreras @JimenaContreras —————————————————————————— Read More

  • Baby Steve’s Birthday Bash with Firefighter Dad

    Baby Steve's Birthday Bash with Firefighter Dad Baby Steve: “Cha ơi, sao mình lại có sinh nhật vào ngày 30/2 vậy?” Cha lính cứu hỏa: “Vì con là một phép tắc nghiệm độc đáo của thiên nhiên, con ạ!” Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Pak Somat Step into the virtual world of Minecraft with Pak Somat and his family! Join the adventure as they navigate through blocky landscapes, build incredible structures, and face exciting challenges. Donation Opportunities Support Pak Somat and his family by donating through Saweria. Your contributions help them continue creating entertaining content for their audience. Join the Discord Community Connect with fellow fans and interact with Pak Somat and his family on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences with like-minded gamers. Customize Your Experience Get the UzeMing skin to personalize your Minecraft character. Stand out… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation LIFE Story! MUST WATCH!

    EPIC Minecraft Animation LIFE Story! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Animation Life Full Movie | Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by juztgames on 2024-04-09 10:54:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the enchanting world of Minecraft animation with my latest video, “Animation Life”! Join me on an epic journey as we … Read More

  • Minecraft Master: Insane Creative Builds

    Minecraft Master: Insane Creative BuildsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Minecraft Creative Mode Worlds’, was uploaded by Craftmastr on 2024-04-13 14:00:21. It has garnered 1151 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:34 or 1894 seconds. Hi there, Hello there, today I show you my Creative Mode worlds. Hope this sparks some inspiration for your worlds, and that you enjoy mine as well. – – Background Music: Tomodachi Collection – Friend Registration Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire – Abandoned Ship (Piano Cover by Keystep Tutorials) Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – Mauville FNAF Living Tombstone – Note Block Cover by NoteblockMatt Legend of Zelda Breath… Read More


    ULTIMATE DEDOX KYST CLIENT DOWNLOAD GUIDE!Video Information This video, titled ‘гайд как скачать kyst client | гайд для чайников’, was uploaded by DEDOX on 2024-06-23 19:09:58. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:33 or 333 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug #best #fitmc #tubbo #minecraftbedrockedition… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Wolf Pack Setup Revealed!

    SECRET Minecraft Wolf Pack Setup Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – A Set Up? [844]’, was uploaded by WolfCommunity on 2024-04-25 04:19:17. It has garnered 893 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:24 or 1524 seconds. Welcome to a new episode inside of Lost Legacy. In this episode, we explore a seemingly abandoned drainage tunnel but not everything is as it seems… If you would like to be added to a new Patreon wall, click the link below and become one of 3 tiers by joining a Patreon. Join my Discord server Patreon The WolfCommunity | Patreon Patreon… Read More

  • Insane Proof: Nathan Vampire11 Fake Clutch in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Proof: Nathan Vampire11 Fake Clutch in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dream Boat Clutch is Fake *PROOF*🤯 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nathan Vampire11 on 2024-05-12 17:17:05. It has garnered 28051 views and 951 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok,… Read More

  • “AG LIVE – R – Minecraft: CRAZY Near Miss! 🤯” #clickbait #minecraft

    "AG LIVE - R - Minecraft: CRAZY Near Miss! 🤯" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: That Was Close…🤯 (World’s Smallest Violin) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AG LIVE – R on 2024-02-28 05:23:49. It has garnered 5486 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. minecraft skibidi toilet shorts techno gamer dafuq boom herobrine proboiz 95 minecraft shorts gamerfleet roblox mr beast jj and mikey anshu bisht naruto dream cameraman minecraft house minecraft minecraft maizen tiktok minecraft videos yes smarty pie goku aphmau mine6video gta5 graany monster school minecraft 100 days free fire sonic toilet smarty pie short video techno gamer minecraft choo choo charles… Read More

  • ULTIMATE MOB SHOWDOWN!! 🎮💥 #viral #clickbait

    ULTIMATE MOB SHOWDOWN!! 🎮💥 #viral #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHO IS BEST MOB #viral #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming 12 on 2024-05-28 06:26:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WHO IS BEST MOB #viral #gaming #shorts minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft despacito WHO IS BEST MOB mobs vs mobs … Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Scramble Tycoon – TheAtlanticCraft!

    🔥EPIC Scramble Tycoon - TheAtlanticCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘SCRAMBLE CRAFT TYCOON!’, was uploaded by TheAtlanticCraft on 2024-06-22 01:36:35. It has garnered 72119 views and 2388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:34 or 2314 seconds. Scramble Craft but it’s a TYCOON!? Today in Minecraft Cody and Kraken play SCRAMBLE CRAFT TYCOON!! Scramble Craft Tycoon is a randomizer gamemode where you buy unlocks for the map as you earn more money! Cody can spend his money on upgrades to make cash faster or to unlock new randomizer features to try random crafting, random farming or even RANDOM BOSSES!? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▼Social Media▼▬▬▬▬▬▬ Atlantic Craft Twitter:… Read More

  • ADORABLE MINECRAFT ANIMATION – You won’t believe what happens next! 🌸

    ADORABLE MINECRAFT ANIMATION - You won't believe what happens next! 🌸Video Information This video, titled ‘@MC.StudiosAnimation *Cutiest Moments*│MINECRAFT ANIMATION│IVY & MC Studios Animation🌸 #shorts’, was uploaded by MC Studios Animation on 2024-03-09 20:29:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. English/Englisch: Hello Everyone! I hope you enjoy the Video, Please like and subscribe to my channel and hit the bell … Read More

  • ZockerGemeinde

    ZockerGemeindeHallo Suchti, schön das Wir dein Interesse geweckt haben. Wir sind Aktuell ein zwei Köpfiges junges dynamisches Team das sich die Herausforderung gesetzt hat euch ein Geiles Zocker Erlebnis zu bieten. Wir versuchen alles für euch so einfach wie möglich dazustellen und erklären, daher sind wir momentan noch im Aufbau. Wie könnt ihr uns finden. ip: Ihr könnt uns gerne auf unserm Discord Server Besuchen und eure Anliegen mit uns teilen. Vielleicht können ja dann zusammen Zocken also bin dann. Read More

  • Murk World Smp Pvp Quests MCMMO Mob Arena Dungeons Shop AUSTRALIAN

    Server Information SERVER IP: OCEANIC HOSTED! NO LAG FOR AUS AND ASIA Features: MCMMO: Introduces an RPG-like skill system where you can level up various skills and unlock powerful abilities. Mob Arena: Team up with friends or go solo to survive as many rounds as possible and climb the leaderboard. Quests: Over 200 quests with rewards and questlines to gear up and level up your skills. Eco Pets: Adopt and train pets to assist you in various tasks with unique abilities. Updates & Moderators Adding new content often with no map resets. Looking for moderators in the future. Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecrafter struggles: The daily grind.

    Minecraft Memes - Minecrafter struggles: The daily grind.Looks like this meme is a critical hit with a score of 37! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: 10 Days Among Colonists in MineFortress

    Crafting Chaos: 10 Days Among Colonists in MineFortress In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, I lived among colonists, crafting with glee. For 10 days I roamed, in MineFortress so grand, Exploring new lands, with pickaxe in hand. The residents worked, building their homes, Creating a settlement, where creativity roams. Survival was tough, but we persevered, With teamwork and courage, our victory appeared. The mod and the map, added a twist, To the usual gameplay, we couldn’t resist. Minecolonies thrived, with each passing day, In this virtual world, where we chose to stay. So join me in Minecraft, where adventures await, In MineFortress, where… Read More

  • That Fiery, Frenemy🔥 #minecraftmemes

    That Fiery, Frenemy🔥 #minecraftmemes When your toxic friend joins your Minecraft world and starts griefing everything, but you can’t kick them out because they’re the only one who knows how to find diamonds 😂 #toxicfriend #minecraftstruggles #diamondsareforever Read More

  • Revisiting Minecraft Nostalgia

    Revisiting Minecraft Nostalgia The Nostalgia of Minecraft For many, Minecraft holds a special place in their hearts, a game that has become synonymous with creativity, exploration, and endless possibilities. From building intricate structures to surviving in a blocky world, Minecraft has captured the imagination of players worldwide. Let’s delve into the nostalgia of Minecraft and explore what makes it such a beloved game. Exploring the Blocky Worlds One of the key elements of Minecraft is its vast, procedurally generated worlds made up of blocks. Players can explore, mine resources, and build anything their imagination desires. The freedom to create and shape the… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Viral Minecraft Videos Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Viral Minecraft Videos Come to Life! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft gaming experience to the next level? Do you want to join a vibrant community of like-minded players who are passionate about the game? If so, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a dedicated server IP of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind Minecraft Server? Well, imagine being able to showcase your epic Minecraft creations to a wide audience of fellow players. Imagine the thrill of engaging in intense PvP battles… Read More