NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a BANBALEENA Build Challenge!

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Today we’re doing a garden of Bam Bam build challenge but I’m gonna be secretly using hacks to troll my friend using the command slash slash paste I can instantly spawn in this massive bambolina build and little does my friend know I’m gonna be filling up the

Entire thing with traps to troll him but now let’s go check out my friend GE and GE what in the world are you doing I’m swimming bubbles you want to join me but you’re swimming in lava I mean I guess but bubbles what are we doing today

We’re gonna be doing a garden of Bam Bam build challenge but which character are we building and bellina I love bambolina but bubbles what side are you gonna go on the blue side or the green side hmm I’m gonna go on the green side the green

Side that’s my side what the heck fine G I’ll go on the blue side then it’s the better color anyway okay whatever you say bubbles but we only have 10 minutes to build this so let’s get started go go go now that GE can’t hear me anymore

It’s time to cheat so let’s just go and chat and type slash slash paste and oh my goodness her bambolina bill just spawned din we’re so ahead of G right now but it’s time to build our first trap and for my first trap I want to

Make a fake entrance to mess with him a little and I have the perfect spot for it which is gonna be right above her nose over here let’s make the password super hard to guess five four three two one he’s never gonna guess that and now

Since the door is set up let’s just go inside and start building our room we’re gonna be building this room out of emerald blocks and if you didn’t know that’s ge’s favorite block so he’s definitely gonna fall for a trap let’s build up the walls like this looking

Good now let’s finish the room by building a ceiling for it in this room I’m gonna be giving GE two doors he can choose from one of them is gonna be super deadly and since this is the fake entrance the other one’s gonna be deadly

As well it’s gonna be so funny when GE Falls for this prank for the first room we’re gonna put a command block right over here and we’ll add a tripwire so he steps on it just like this and now when GE walks through the door it’s gonna

Make him jump super duper high oh my goodness and you might be thinking well he’s just jumping high that’s not a good prank but wait till I add in this super deadly lava whoa that looks really scary and now let’s just put a sign over here that says Jump for free emeralds there

We go then when he reads this sign he’s gonna want the emerald so bad he’s gonna jump straight into this lava oh my goodness haha I can’t wait for G to fall for this trap but now it’s time to build the second room for this trap I’m gonna

Make him think that he chose the right answer by placing a fake exit on the other side but in reality he’s just gonna fall into a bunch of these deadly spikes so for that to happen we’re gonna have to break out the floor just like

This then build a little area for him to drop down into just like that and now let’s place down these super sharp spikes and we don’t want GD to be able to see these so we’re just gonna cover up the top with these super sneaky ghost

Blocks and now GE won’t be able to see anything suspicious in this room but when he tries to walk to the exit he’s gonna fall in these spikes it’s gonna be so funny oh yeah our fake entrance is complete now let’s go check on GE to see

How he’s doing I secretly placed one-way glass on the other side of the competition so let’s just break out a few blocks just like this and oh my goodness we can see his build alright just a few more blocks and all oh my goodness my vampolina looks so good why

Is this build so small we’re definitely winning this competition what do you think about it Mr Dinosaur you like it I do too geez going crazy he’s literally talking to a dinosaur but little this bubbles though I’m gonna fill up my entire build with a bunch of traps with

This super secret treasure at the end and we only have eight minutes left so I have to get building wait eight minutes hurry up cover this up and get back to building go go go we gotta do this fast and since we already made the fake

Entrance it’s time for the real one and where should we put it hmm let’s put it right under bambalina’s chin let’s break out a few blocks like this and place down some secret doors and whoa look at that it’s so hidden but now let’s go inside and start building our first room

For the first obstacle we’re gonna be using Bedrock the strongest block in Minecraft my idea for the first obstacle is to make GE go through a bunch of these super deadly lasers if he even touches them slightly he’s gonna get destroyed alright let’s go finish building this and the room is complete

So now let’s put in the rest of the lasers let’s put one up here like this and then put one that goes straight up and down and just like that the lasers are completely placed down just to make this obstacle even harder we’re gonna put down these spikes over here place

Them all around like this and whoa this room is looking even more dangerous now there’s no way G is going to be able to get past this and let’s just finish this room up by placing a door right over here this door is gonna be the exit of

The first obstacle leading us to the second one for this next obstacle I’m gonna be making a super deadly dropper let’s just build the room all the way down like this and build out the floor as well and then we’re gonna section off the bottom into four different areas

That GE can jump down into in this first section over here we’re actually going to place down a bunch of this fake poisonous water if GE jumps into this he’s gonna get hurt just like he’s in lava then for this section over here I’m gonna put down a bunch of these Bedrock

Spikes and on top of these Bedrock spikes I’m gonna put down some slime to make it seem like it’s safe but in reality all the Slime is just gonna be ghost blocks so if he decides to jump down into this he’s gonna fall right through and hit the spikes and for these

Last two sections over here I’m just just gonna place down fake water this lapis lazuli looks almost exactly like water from above and we’ll Place some real water down here but with some glass on top just like that our dropper is complete but you might be wondering

Bubbles none of these are actually safe to land in and you’re definitely not wrong about that so we gotta give him a safe way to land but I’m gonna be making it super difficult to find first we’re gonna start by placing these super dangerous gold Spikes all around the

Dropper and this might make the dropper itself even more difficult but in reality this Spike over here is going to be a secret chest and inside of this chest there’s gonna be a paraglider if gee smart enough to figure it out he’s gonna jump on this fake spike over here

And open it up and grab the paraglider and after grabbing the paraglider he can use it to safely land to the bottom of this pit wait this is so fun and boom he’s gonna be safely at the bottom of this dropper and he can move on to the

Next obstacle for the third obstacle I have a super cool idea I’m gonna be making a garden of bandband find the button and it’ll be inside of bambalina’s classroom which is gonna make it even scarier then let’s build the walls just like a garden of Bam Bam

With my favorite color blue then we’ll finish up the roof like this and then add some lights on top just like in bambalina’s classroom whoa that looks so cool and now it’s time to add in the tables and chairs let’s make a blue chair right over here then a green one

Right over here and now let’s add the table and do the same thing on the other side and just like that our garden of Bam Bam bambolina classroom is looking so good but now it’s time to start adding up buttons for GE to guess let’s just put some Stone ones over here like

This some pink ones as well then behind this green chair we’re actually going to add a special green button green is G’s favorite color so I know he’ll press this and what he does is actually gonna spawn a dinosaur right in the middle of the room and this dinosaur is super

Deadly so he’s gonna have to beat it in a fight to find the real button but before I put in the real button I want to make one of these buttons troll him even more so let’s put another green button right over here it might just

Look like a regular button but when GE presses it he’s gonna die in an instant it’s gonna be so funny and now that we have our troll buttons complete we could place that our real one which is going to right over here and I’m obviously gonna make it blue because it’s the best

Color if she is able to make his way past this blue chair and press this blue button it’s gonna open this door to the next obstacle I have such a good idea for this next trap but before I do it I want to go prank GE and I have the

Perfect troll so let’s just go up to the wall over here and break out a few blocks just like this and I have to make sure that she is not able to see me so let’s just step back real quick and splashes some visibility potion on ourselves and just like that we’re

Completely invisible so now we can run over there and look what he’s doing alright just a few more blocks and there you go let me work on the other side he’s going to the other side it’s time to troll him what I’m gonna do is break

Out a block here and put down an emerald or mine This is Gonna explode when he touches it and now all we have to do is find a way to get him over here and I’m gonna do just that by dropping a trail of emeralds all the way over here there

We go he hasn’t noticed and I’ll step back and see if he falls through all right come on I’m almost done with the lagging wait a second why is there a bunch of emeralds here he’s seen it he’s seen it alright well don’t mind if I do

I’m gonna pick up this one and then another one and oh my goodness I’m so rich but wait a second there’s an emerald Aura right here well don’t mind if I do let me just mine in wait what haha he just blew up are you

Sure now I have to go back and he’s fun and quick guys while he’s gone let’s grab this bazooka and blow up the other leg boom run away all right well good thing nothing bad happened to My Bae are you serious right now why are both of my

Legs completely destroyed this is so bad no way my prick actually worked no no no this is so bad and we only have five minutes left to finish this okay I have to hurry up wait five minutes we gotta get back to building go go go let’s do

This fast for my next obstacle I’m gonna be making GE fight a super dangerous mutant monster so let’s just build this room out with some super scary Mossy stone brick and build the walls up with some Cobblestone and let’s add a roof of Bedrock to make sure he doesn’t escape

And now that our room is complete we can start placing down these iron bars to make sure that the mutant mob doesn’t escape and just like that our cages completed and oh boy it’s time to spawn in this super scary mutant mob to help me spawn in this mutant monster make

Sure to hit that subscribe button in three two one thank you for subscribing and oh my goodness look how massive this guy is GE is definitely gonna be shaking in his boots but just to make this battle a little bit more fair we’re gonna have to give G some gear to fight

With so let’s just put a password on this chest five six seven eight and in this chest we’re gonna give him a full set of emerald armor and for his weapon I’m gonna be giving him this super pink fairy sword he hates pink it’s gonna be

So funny when G has to fight with a pink sword and now that we got all the items inside it’s time to give him a way to figure out the password first we’re gonna use White Water write the password out on the walls there’s the five

There’s the six this is the seven and let’s put the eight right over here and just like that the password is written on the walls five six seven eight it would be way too easy for him to figure it out so we’re just gonna cover it all

With some paintings he’s never gonna be able to find it look at that the password is completely protected the only way he’ll be able to beat this is by breaking the paintings and defeating the super dangerous mob if he’s able to do all that he can move on to the next

Room by pressing this lever for this next obstacle I’m gonna be making a super deadly shark parkour so let’s quickly build out a room for it using my favorite diamond blocks build the floor real quick and now we can place down the water to be able to spawn in the Sharks

Oh my goodness look at all these super dangerous sharks one wrong move on the parkour and he’s gonna get eaten since the sharks are all ready we can start building the parkour let’s make the first few jumps pretty easy over here just like this seems pretty simple but

Now we’re gonna add some springs for him to jump on we have one right there and let’s put another one right up here then make him drop down near the Sharks and then he’ll have to do a difficult ladder parkour all the way to the top here

After he makes it to the top he’s just gonna have to do this easy jump over here to the exit but the one problem is that it’s not gonna be easy this block over here is actually Gonna Be a Ghost block he’s gonna fall into the pit of

Sharks and soon GE will realize that this parkour is actually impossible the only way he’ll be able to make it past this room is by finding this invisible parkour right here and on this third jump over here there’s actually going to be a chest disguised as an emerald block

And inside of this emerald block chest there’s gonna be a portal gun if G is able to figure it out he can use his portal gun to actually teleport himself all the way to the exit let’s see if GE is smart enough to figure it out but now

That our deadly shark parkour is complete we could move on to the last and final obstacle and we only have two minutes to build this so we gotta do this fast let’s go ahead and build it out of ge’s favorite Emerald blocks because it’s gonna lead him to the

Treasure room to be able to get his prize g is gonna have to do a super difficult driving obstacle course let’s just break out a bunch of holes in the ground like this and then build out a nice little roof now let’s fill the holes with some super hot lava there we

Go and wow look at that geez definitely not gonna be able to drive past this the only thing that g can use to get past this is this motorcycle right over here he’s gonna have such a hard time driving this and we only have 30 seconds left so

We gotta quickly go put his prize at the end let’s put a chest down right over here and just fill it with a whole bunch of emeralds and I’ll even add in some Emerald crystals these are super rare and just like that our garden of Bam Bam

Bambolina build is complete and also it looks like the timer is up so let’s quickly go meet up with GE and check out each other’s builds hey GE hey bubbles whose boat do you want to check out first well my build’s definitely way better than you so I think you should

Check out mine first that is definitely not true but I guess we could check yours out because I’m curious what you did all right bubbles then you can check out my super amazing panda what in the world is this ge what do you think bubbles I put so much time into it why

Are her arms so short ah because that’s what Ben Molina looks like remember I don’t remember that at all but where’s the entrance to your bill GE I’ll give you a hint bubbles it’s somewhere on her face somewhere on her face hmm let’s see

Is it in the eye over here no it doesn’t look like it is it in the mouth and whoa look I found it wait how did you find it already that’s so not fair okay whatever in this room we have two doors a diamond door and a wooden door which one are you

Gonna go through a diamond door and a wooden door obviously I’m gonna go through the diamond one this one’s way better and what what in the world just happened haha you fell for my trap are you serious right now GE the diamond door was supposed to be the correct one

Yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about and that only leaves you with one more door left ew I guess I’ll go through the wooden one and what in the world has happened oh my yo how did he fall for my trap twice wait what I just

Died from both the doors GE is this the fake entrance yeah it is Bubbles and you’re gonna have to find the real one no way I can’t believe I fell for that let’s see where could the real entrance be is it in this leg over here no it

Doesn’t look like it nope is it in the arm over here no GE where in the world is this entrance haha you still can’t find it no can you give me a hint please I’ll tell you where the Ancients is Bubbles but only under one condition what’s that everyone watching the video

Has to like And subscribe right now like And subscribe quick everyone like And subscribe in three two one thank you for subscribing all right G everyone like to subscribe now so where’s the entrance okay fine bubbles I guess I’ll show you if you go all the way down over here and

Then open up this little door check this out now you’re inside the build but whoa is this some type of Parkour yup you’re gonna have to finish this lava parkour if you want to make it to the next section well I’m a parkour Pro so watch

This hey yeah here we go okay but are you gonna make it past the Springs this is really scary but I think I got this let’s go come on look I made it let’s go but now that you made it past my parkour you’re gonna have to make it past this

Super deadly maze no I hate mazes but here goes nothing let me just try and walk around over here come on come on where is the exit where’s the exit are you gonna make it no this is a dead end where else can I possibly go not over

Here oh no I think I’m literally getting lost right now let’s go my maze is working you know what I just realized gee what’s that bubbles this entire maze is made out of dirt okay and it means that I can easily just break these blocks oh bubbles what are you doing

Nothing GE wait bubbles that’s cheating you can’t do that haha I just made it through your maze oh my goodness are you serious right now whatever bubbles I guess you can make it to the next section let’s go wait a second what is this I put 100 buttons inside of this

Room and if you want to make it out you’re gonna have to find the right one 100 well I better get started now let me just start pressing some buttons come on come on and wait this one’s blue yup it’s your favorite color are you gonna

Press it well of course I am it’s definitely the right answer wait what haha you fell for my trap uh you know what you got me once but you’re not gonna get me twice let me just keep pressing it and this button looks really different yeah it does are you gonna

Press it well I think it’s the right answer so I’m just gonna press it wait what in the world I just fell back down into your maze haha now you have to do the whole thing all over again uh well it’s only one jump and she I’m over this

I’m just gonna start pressing every single button in this room all right but are you gonna find the exit wait I think I just found it let’s go oh but you’re definitely not making it past this section what is this this is my Maze of

Mines and if you want to make it out you’re gonna have to go through every single mine without touching a single one oh no I really don’t want to explode but wait I think there’s an easy way out here I just have to be very careful moving around these mines wait an easy

Way out come on we’re almost out already and I did that are You Serious Danielle I totally didn’t think of that but it’s okay because you’re definitely not gonna make a path these lasers oh no lasers I think I got this though come on let me

Just make this jump here and one more over this one okay and wow that was actually a lot easier than I thought wait bubbles how did you get past that so fast I don’t know maybe I’m just a Minecraft professional what that’s my line bubbles are you serious hey Neil

Haha where do I go now though whatever bubbles I guess you can make it to the next room oh yeah what yeah it is and you’re gonna have to fight it I don’t know if I can fight that g bubbles it’s okay I believe in

You and to make it even easier I hit a bunch of Chester on this entire room a bunch of Chess wait maybe I can win let me see what’s in this Chester right over here whoa a super cool sword yup and there’s still four more chests left wait

This one right here huh it’s an emerald helmet ew it’s green yeah isn’t that your favorite color bubbles no I’m not putting this on give me a diamond helmet GE yeah I don’t think so bubbles you can’t you get and you don’t throw a fit

Whatever I guess I have to put it on to beat that zombie anyway but where in the world are the rest of the chests hmm there is a suspicious trapdoor over here let me just try clicking it and oh yeah we found another chest nice hey these are actually diamond leggings let’s go

And that’ll help you kill the zombie but how many more chests are there GE you have two chests left so get them looking two let me just look around carefully there’s a release suspicious carpet over here let me just try breaking it let’s go another chest and we got a pistol a

Secondary weapon let’s go but where in the world is this last chest GE I don’t know bubbles you’re gonna have to look super hard let me just try pressing around everywhere and wait I just found it and there’s a beautiful blue chest plate in it nice job bubbles but now

That you found all the chests I’m gonna break the wall in three two one let’s go here we go oh my goodness he’s doing so much damage to me what the heck yeah but are you gonna beat him wait I just knocked him down are you sure about that

Bubbles no way he got back up what in the world let me use my pistol and wait I think I literally got him let’s go that was such a close battle I’m literally at two and a half hearts I’m surprised he didn’t die but now that you

Beat the mutant zombie you can go on to the next section oh yeah but what is this I put a jet back inside of this chest and if you want to make it to the super secret treasure then you’re gonna have to go through all the Rings I’ve

Never ever used a jet pack before is this really difficult GE it is pretty hard but I believe in you bubbles whoa it does look pretty cool though because it’s blue yeah but I think a green one would have been better nope this one’s perfect well gee here goes nothing come

On wait I made it past the first ring already nice but are you gonna make it through all of them oh no this thing is so hard to control I can see the treasure room come on come on and no how did you already die I don’t know gee

This jet Pack’s too hard to control it’s okay bubbles try to I believe in you alright here we go pilot bubbles ready for takeoff I’m moving to the ring super fast let’s go come on I’m really close really close don’t miss this ring and I’m on the last one let’s go all right

One more come on and I did it nice job bubbles but now that you made it through all the levels you can open up the super secret treasure secret treasure let’s see what’s inside what there’s so many diamonds I’m rich Let’s go oh yeah but what is this sign saying they click for

Extra diamonds well I always like extra diamonds come on no way haha you fell for my trap are you serious right now yeah I’m serious right now but now that you went through my build can I check out yours oh of course you can I’m super

Excited to show you what I built alright let’s go when can I turn around you could turn around in three two one turn around all right let me look at this in what the heck how did he build all of this in 10 minutes what do you mean it’s

Not even that big are you serious any nail bubbles this is huge I guess I’m just the world’s best Minecraft builder well I don’t know about that bubbles but how do I even get inside this thing I’ll give you a little hint it’s somewhere on her face somewhere on her face well

Maybe it’s inside of her mouth and no no or maybe it can be inside of her big pink bow and doesn’t look like it not they’re either they’re a door down here yeah there is she I don’t know how you didn’t see it so let me just try opening

It and are you serious right now why is there a password because is a personal protected door and the only way you can get in is by saying bubbles is the best what really dude I am not saying that well there’s a super cool prize inside

And it might be emeralds wait it might be emeralds but hmm I don’t know if I want to see it but I guess I have to okay fine bubbles is the best oh yeah I know I am and your password is five four three two one five four three two one

Are you serious right now I literally could have guessed that but it’s okay five four three two one and there we go you made it inside and welcome to my first room where you’re gonna have to pick the right door whoa there’s so many emeralds and wait a second there’s

Door’s in here yep and which one are you gonna go inside well I mean the right door has to be right because right is right so I’m gonna go inside and jump for free emeralds bubbles are you sure this is a mixture app why in the world

Would it be a trap GE you’re gonna get free emeralds if you jump I guess that’s what the sign says so I’m gonna do it let’s go and wait a second are you serious right now why am I burning haha you just fell for my trip oh my God this

That’s so unfair but I guess there’s a left or still so let me go inside of it and it looks like you chose the correct door let’s go I’m gonna make it across and wait a second why is there a bunch of spikes no way you just fell for that

As well wow that hurts so bad bubbles haha both of the doors had traps does that mean this is a fake engines yep you figured it out this is the fake entrance which means that you gotta find the real one now I’ve defined the real one well my Castle start looking maybe it’s

Inside of her eye and no not there or maybe it’s somewhere inside of her arm and it doesn’t look like it not there either so I can’t find the sanctions anywhere bubbles can you give me a hint you know what since you did say that I’m

The best I’ll give you another hint the entrance is somewhere under her chin somewhere under her chin well let me take a look so friction’s right here in the entrance is under then that means the entrance has to be right here and let’s go I made it no way you actually

Found it but bubbles what in the world is this welcome to my Spike laser obstacle you’re gonna have to find your way through these lasers and get to the other side died through all these lasers well this looks super scary bubbles but I guess I’m gonna have to go through if

I want to make it to the treasure so let me go over this one nice and then put my head all the way under this one and are you serious hey now haha you’re too tall I’m Too Tall well does that mean you’re short bubbles no I’m way taller than you

Okay whatever you say bubbles I’m just gonna make it through all of these lasers and let’s go I made it what how did you get through it so fast because I’m a Minecraft pro and now I’m gonna make it to the next door and wait a

Second what in the world is this this is my extremely deadly dropper you’re gonna have to figure out which one of these Corners is safe to land in so I have to jump in the water well that’s two easy bubbles let’s go what you just jumped in

The lapis wait how did I die that was totally the right water that’s definitely not right GE try again all right whatever you say bubbles let me jump inside at this one why am I taking damage you just jumped inside some poisonous water some poisonous water well that was

Two more options left and wait a second there is some slime blocks over here and it is green so I’m gonna jump in it let’s go why am I taking damage no way you died again oh my goodness how did I die three times in a row well I guess

That only leaves one more option left all right let’s go this better be a come on come on come on in are you seeing anything else you just died four times in a row four times in a row well how’s that even possible I fell in all the

Waters well I’m gonna be honest to eat all of them were deadly and the only way you can make it past this room is by finding something hidden in here something hidden in this room well hmm let me think there is some glass up here

So what if I just try breaking it hey hey you know how to break that really dude you literally just had to find something hidden well it’s not there okay well there is a door right here what if I just try breaking this nope what do you mean nope GE you gotta use

That big brain yeah well I’m gonna use this big rain and use the door let’s go and wait a second are you serious now haha no way you just died five times that’s so unfavorable but you know what I’m so mad I’m gonna do the store right

In this fight why is it not getting destroyed uh uh don’t look at that GE you know what I’m gonna jump down and wait a second so this is the right thing all along I don’t know what you’re talking about I think I figured it out

Bubbles so let me just try tapping on this bike and a paraglider looks like you found the hidden item let’s go and now I’m gonna use this to go all the way to the door whoa now you can safely land at the very bottom nice and now I’m

Gonna make it through and wait a second what is this welcome to bambolina’s classroom in bolina’s classroom is this jumbo Josh and is that nav nap yup that’s them and in this room you’re gonna have to find the right button that’s gonna take you to the next one

The right button well let me think let me just try pressing all these buttons and it doesn’t look like it nope maybe there’s something hidden over here and wait a second this button looks kind of green yup that’s your favorite color are you gonna press it what if I just try

Pressing in oh bubbles what’s that noise uh nothing don’t worry about a GE that is kind of suspicious but I guess I’ll just go back to pressing more buttons maybe it’s the one right here and wait a second oh wow wait why is there a dinosaur the heart is a dinosaur after

You oh my goodness this is so unfair come on dinosaur get him get him no no this can’t be it haha you just died are you serious right now come on just a few more hits come on come on come on are you gonna kill the dinosaur and let’s go

I can’t believe you actually defeated him but now you’re gonna have to continue to find the real button alright so let me just try pushing all the buttons inside of this wall bubbles I can’t find this button anywhere just look a little bit harder to eat you’re

Almost there look a little bit harder wait a second there’s a blue button right here yep but I hate the color blue why do I have to press this because blue is the best color are you sure this is an extract bubbles I don’t know GE why

Don’t you test it out okay fine bubbles I really don’t want to press this button but I guess I have to so I’m gonna press this button in three two one and let’s go the doors just opened up I guess you figured it out but welcome to the mob

Battle room the mob battle room wait what the heck is that that’s a mutant husk that you’re gonna have to fight wait so I’m gonna have to fight that thing yup in the gear that you’re gonna have to use is in this chest right over here right inside of this chest so let

Me just try opening it and wait a second why is there a password because I’m not gonna make it that easy for you ge well what if I just try guessing the code let me try two two two two two and no no what about one two three four and that

Wasn’t it either oh my goodness how in the world do I get inside of this chest bubbles you’re never gonna guess it but I will tell you it might be somewhere around the room somewhere around the room well maybe it’s inside of this cage right here no it doesn’t look like it

Definitely not in there or maybe it’s back inside of the classroom and wait a second I’m locked in here yep there’s only one way out and it’s forward three serious radio well maybe it’s inside one of these paintings so let me just try opening it and there’s a wool block

Right here uh no there isn’t I think I just figured it out so let me just try pressing all these paintings and a seven yup I guess you found one of the numbers alright so let me just try opening some more of the paintings okay and an a yep

That’s two numbers down all right and it looks like there’s only one more wall to take down so let me just open up all of these paintings there you go a five and a six bubbles I think I just figured it out did you really let me try opening

The chest and use code five six seven eight and let’s go I just opened it up nice you did it and there’s a fairy sword and a bunch of emerald armor yep now you’re ready for battle let’s go I look so cool in this armor mutin hus

Bring It On well now that you’re all geared up I’m gonna drop the one three two one go all right come on come on come on oh my goodness he is doing a lot of damage but let me just try getting some hits on him he is insanely strong

And looks like you already got wrecked are you serious right now well maybe just a few more hits we’ll take him come on come on come on whoa you’re doing a lot of damage yeah but he’s flinging me up super high how did I die again haha

Maybe you’re just not good enough GE well now that just makes me want to kill him come on just a few more hits and surely he’s gonna die and let’s go I think I just killed him you knocked him down wait how did he get back up and oh

My goodness he just found another husk really this guy is way too strong come on just a few more hits and there we go you actually did it and look he even dropped this cool Cactus oh that is super cool but now it’s time for you to

Move on to the next obstacle GE let’s go let me open up this door and wait a second bubbles why is there a bunch of sharks welcome to my deadly shark parkour one wrong jump and you’re gonna get eaten deadly shark parkour well bubbles this looks really scary but they

Don’t call me a parkour Pro for nothing so let me just jump on top of this block nice and then let me make this other jump you’re almost halfway already well this parkour is super easy so let me just jump on top of these Springs and

Let’s go whoa that was super smooth GE but can you make the last few jumps over here I think I can so let me just jump on top of this allow her and then jump on this one right over here and nice oh yeah two more jumps you open to prove

This parkour super easy I’m gonna do a 360. let’s see it all right I’m gonna jump in three two one let’s go and wait a second why did I just fall through you know why am I getting eaten up by all the sharks wait no no no I can’t believe

You just fell oh my goodness are you serious right now maybe I did miss that jump let me just try it again and wait a second okay so it is a ghost block yup it is a ghost block to eat and you’re getting eaten again so if that isn’t the

Real parkour then which one is I can’t tell you you’re gonna have to figure that out on your own well maybe I’m not supposed to use the diamonds let me just jump on top of this block right here okay and then I’m gonna use these Springs to get all the way across good

Luck with that all right so now I’m gonna jump on top of this spring and then on this one and let’s go and uh I don’t think I made it that was definitely not the right way gee oh my goodness and now I got eaten three times

Where are you gonna go next maybe there’s something else inside of this room and wait a second again there is an emerald block over here looks like there is so let me just try jumping on top of it and wait a second oh how am I floating right now you found the

Invisible parkour the invisible parkour well lucky for me cause I’m a parkour Pro so let me just jump on top of this next block and then jump on top of the emerald and I’m gonna try mining this Emerald now and wait a second there’s a

Portal gun right here you got it now you have to use a portal gun and make it to the other side this thing looks really complicated but I think I remember how to use it so let me just open it up right here and nice you did it let’s go

And now I’m gonna make it to the next section welcome to the last and final obstacle GE you’re gonna have to ride this motorcycle all the way through these lava pillars I’m gonna have to ride on this motorcycle well this is gonna be really scary bubbles but I have

To do it if I want to get to the treasure let’s see if you can do it all right come on you have to be really careful I’m gonna go through this really slow no way you actually haven’t been burnt once let’s try to keep it that way

Come on come on come on actually getting really hard and no way I can’t believe you did it let’s go and now I’m gonna open up the treasure yup collector’s super secret treasure alright so let me open it up and let’s go a ton of emeralds and green crystals yup they’re

All for you no way I’m looking richer than ever let’s go all right GE Now that we went over each other’s builds which one do you think is better well looking closely at both of our builds I think that mine is better wait what I think

Mine is better wait a second then who wins I guess we’ll just have to let the comments decide everyone comment GE no everyone come in bubbles and if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that subscribe button and if you want to see another one of our adventures then click

The video on screen go click it click it bye bye are you serious out

This video, titled ‘NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a BANBALEENA Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Bubbles on 2023-05-30 02:00:24. It has garnered 232960 views and 4241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:56 or 1976 seconds.

NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a BANBALEENA Build Challenge! GE and Bubbles compete in a Minecraft Build competition…

This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER! This has lots of Minecraft Mods installed! Today we built Banbaleena from Garten of Banban 3 (not Rainbow Friends or Skibidi Toilet)

Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, Omziscool, and Cobey! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#minecraft #noobvspro #minecraftbuilding

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  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

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  • Monarchia

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  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

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  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

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  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

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  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

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  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

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  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

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  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

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  • OniMc

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  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

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  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

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  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

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  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

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  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a BANBALEENA Build Challenge!