Old Composer Reacts to MINECRAFT Super Session Twitch Clip | Video Game OST Review

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All right guys so let’s do this my very first listen to Minecraft volume Alpha One Key by the composer c480 all right foreign the volume is kind of low but maybe it’ll get a little louder Foreign I guess at the very beginning of the game that must have been a little more of maybe the setup God this is kind of low isn’t it Thank you Thank you foreign Man I just love the ambience behind the uh the piano okay so if you’ve never been here with me you guys know that I do stop during the songs but I try to make the breakdowns kind of you know not so long and drawn out um

It sounds like the very first piece I heard which was just a minute long or so could have been like an entrance like you know welcome to the game or something like that it was only a minute and a half and it didn’t seem to have

The length of of let’s say a gameplay section if you notice I’m getting better I am learning a lot of things because of you guys um but the established uh kind of this kind of not a muted but a very somber soft mellow ambient pad sound like on the

Very first minute and a half now there’s been there’s a combination of that with the piano and there’s kind of what we call an infinite it sounds like an infinite Reverb on the piano that got still that pad not in unison so sometimes composers what we’ll do is

Um let’s say let’s say that piano part that we just heard sometimes composers if you’re writing it in a midi environment or in a Daw and if it’s if it’s as sparse with the notes in these chord patterns we’ll actually take that midi information and duplicate it

And then assign it to let’s say a string pad or something so it plays identical and then you just play around with the mix to get some of that Ambiance but that’s not happening here that because in the background there’s that Meandering pad sound that actually

Drifts off of the notes that are being played on the piano and then something else that was really great that I was listening to it kind of I don’t know why but it kind of had like a like a Pan Pacific East kind of vibe like an Asian kind of

Feel to it a little bit I think only because of the uniqueness of the little percussion that was going on a kind of like wood blocks kind of thing and I want to go back a little bit to where the composition is a little more

Robust so I can pick up on that and then I won’t say anything all the way through but when we get to this slow period again where we’re at right where I just stopped listen to how wonderfully the composer creates an Ambience feeling so let me go back to about here I like that nice hybrid use with that synth like that Funny you should say that about Celeste I that’s been on my radar I think I’ve got to do a complete breakdown of Celeste what do you think not today but Foreign That was so so so nice and we’ll just go right into this next one this is mine Okay wait I am going to stop on one thing before I go um I’ve noticed there’s a couple of comments where people have said they don’t know if they recognize this as being I said stop YouTubey there you go sorry my bad um that they don’t like recall hearing

The strings and stuff so I’m only assuming since you guys are guiding me that the music I’m listening to is on the composer’s website here could this possibly be another another iteration of the music so in other words there was a different original music it could be the

Same thing but maybe this is a different mix or is this you guys is this the original music from the game in its entirety you know the nice pianos and everything behind it oh there’s been multiple versions of the soundtrack okay okay that’s cool sometimes you know when

I catch you know the comments coming by I want to be um uh as good as good as I can be informed by you guys you know you know if anybody throws an air biscuit here inside the uh comments and I go running with it it

Could be I could be running off the wrong way you know so all right let me start this one up here this is the number three us volume of subwoofer sub sub woofer lullaby here we go Thank you This is like just so light and Airy and melodic and just so like foreign Yeah it’s very relaxing very ambient you know and ethereal What year was this game released this particular one that I’m listening to 2011. okay Hi Rocco doc telius um and I’m going to ask this is what’s the name of the company that put this out it doesn’t say here on that thing what company put out Minecraft Mojang Does anybody know the real name of this composer C418 by chance Foreign You know one of the unique things about these pieces that I’ve listened to Is We I guess we all agree that it’s very ethereal and very ambient very drifty and super chill and one of the things that I really dig about what I’m hearing in these Arrangements

Um you know there’s an old saying in the music industry it’s actually the space between the notes that makes the music some some would say it’s the silence between the notes in the case of ethereal ambient kind of music like this that is very it just wants to kind of

Take your soul or your spirit and just kind of need you know how you need a dough need the dough how you kind of just need that kind of essence and that Vibe with this very ethereal sounding kind of um Daniel Rosenfield thank you musuman I appreciate that I’ll have to look him

Up and put him on my list of people to try to get a hold of to do a podcast with um but the Ethereal thing the one thing that I love so far is that 80 of the compositions that I’ve listened uh 80 percent of the style of the compositions

I’m gonna try this again eighty percent of the sounds that have been chosen for his compositions have had kind of a dulling overtone and what I mean by that is um there’s no brightness overly brightness over the top in this stuff he has this Meandering boom boom

Boom boom and then these little pads in the background that just kind of show up every now and then and it kind of Glides in it’s just kind of like taking you know if you ever watch a chef go uh yeah you take a teaspoon of salt but I’ll

Just go like this so you know that I love that that Vibe but I love the fact the tones of the instruments that he’s choosing to use in his compositions are keeping us we’re keeping me in this place now you guys did say this is one of those

Games where you’re like building things and and you know you build something and so um I could see how it in its visual perhaps since I’ve only saw just that one little cut scene thing that I did when I started the the uh stream uh that

Is supposed to be this is not a game that is an agitated watch out behind your back or something this is just more of an achievement kind of a game but in a very ethereal ambient way is everything about this game Outdoors are there any parts

Of this game that are indoors like maybe they’re inside building stuff inside a house okay let’s continue on Players creating things oh I see very cool cycloid thank you very much for that yeah oh really some monsters will show up every now and then oh I see okay oh wow what a trip They Incorporated a little sound effects in the beginning of that oh yeah okay maybe this is a turnaround part or something I mean I don’t got a problem with having sound effects Blended in or anything whoops I don’t know what happened there um I don’t have a problem with sound

Effects blending in but that must have been like a little turnaround yeah it was only 42 seconds okay that was a trip I was like I was looking around going something Lincoln put a chicken in my house with the house come here all right let’s see what this one is here

What is it playing or no yeah it’s playing or something’s supposed to be happening oh there it is okay oh rest in peace chicken is that what happened there foreign Piece Thank you foreign Foreign Foreign You know I mean they caught me I didn’t know if I started it right but they had this really slow Fade Into um uh into this track as we see we have we have a really slow Fade Out now I’m assuming uh that when you’re in this

Level I don’t know if we call it levels here in this kind of a game but when you’re in this level that um it I guess this kind of loops all the way through until you accomplish what you’re building what’s being built here what’s what’s that because the reason

Why I ask because it’s a lot more glorious and it’s a lot more you know I don’t know if it has anything to do with what I just watched here on the video where like the sun wrote it was rising up in the last piece now it

Suns up so maybe it’s um so there’s no looping the music fades in oh it fades in and out randomly Ah that’s kind of cool but then I take it that wildly character what’s the name of our character here in Minecraft does he does he or she have a name

Or a pronoun or something I don’t know I’ll get confused with that stuff Steve Steve how are you so um or oh I see you can make it to your own name I guess depending on what you want gender you want to play oh I got you okay um

So this what I really loved about what I was listening to here that made me go huh he’s having composers having fun with this is he used um different keyboard sounding patches with multiple arrangements so with one that kind of very soft mellow lighter Mallet sounding keyboard was holding

Down a pattern down at the very bottom and then another pattern was you know he brought in another layer and Arrangement like another like a a second level Melody with another malleted one another you know it sounds a little more brighter and then another one came with kind of

What you might have think might have thought maybe it was a harp sound so you had these multiple Arrangements happening with three different keyboard style patches that me as a composer I was like Ah that’s very nice I like that because sometimes people try to stay down to the pier now if there’s

One piano there should only be one piano or if there’s one keyboard part there should only be one but I’m not that guy and I love what he did and I also love the breathingness of his string Arrangements that came in in and out so I guess I guess it’s established that

Minecraft is a very ambient ethereal game excuse me I’m in my own house and I’m doing like the coveted elbow cough um and so unless I guess there’s going to be a point where I’m guess I’m going to encounter some monsters or it might get a little more agitated but so far

Everything is so nicely spread out this has got to be such a fun ambient ethereal experience visually as well even though this is do we consider this uh somebody had mentioned earlier this is like a hey turnip Trader how are you somebody had mentioned that this was kind of like a Legoland vibe

Or lego-ish you know so um I don’t know for me does that also mean that this is 2D or is this 3D and because remember I don’t know um yeah is that pretty close okay oh it is 3D okay I guess I guess 3D denotes depth right

Like you can see depths and angles like shadows and stuff like that I mean it obviously that’s what it sounds like but that’s what 3D is we’re 2D I think I mentioned before is more like South Park or something of that nature what I see in the screenshot of the game okay

All right super cool beans except for some fantasy elements okay this is great give me a second I love learning what you see on the blocky thank you wolf headed okay all right all right well thank you so much let’s just continue on a I don’t know why I

Just became fudge and very poorly at that okay what do we have here is number six which would be Moog City so let’s see if we actually maybe hear a mini Moog in this for those of us that know what that is Listen to the delay and the Reverb added post sound so cool Weird trippy digression digression and that soundscape Thank you The dogs in Appleton have been Ableton Oh really the highest gaming highest selling game ever I love this with the piano God I love that chill out Meandering kind of piano that they kind of dangle with is this one of those tracks too that actually oh there’s more there sorry I’m like the guy that talks between movements of classical concerts there’s one coming I love to build in his composition to

Where he actually gets to a place where it’s just um you know the piano itself but the piano takes such a broader position in the mix it becomes the principle and these little sequences that are going out dude There are these unique other sequences that are coming in and out with different tones and textures that he’s having a blast doing but still the the main um tonality of the of the choices is still that very ambient kind of vibe that warm ambient ethereal

Vibe even in the choices and some of the patches as I had mentioned earlier now in this case we started to hear a little bit of the Bells and stuff going on there and I’m going okay we’re creeping up there in higher tones but even that is really subdued and pull back

So the whole thing about the blend of not only the patches that he’s using but the consistency of um keeping that ambient ethereal going without going too far off in an arrangement land as a composer can do and lulls us into this kind of pseudo-trance state with these arpeggiations or these sequences

And then at the very end or before the piano part or was it just after the piano where the strings came in you know the little staccato you know so those were just layered and brought up on top of an existing um uh sequence I can’t remember if there

Was any Drift from The Melodies that made it an independent arrangement but I so far I just love all of this stuff where he’s integrating a lot of the hybrid sounds of synth and stuff like that and arpeggiations yet he’ll still make sure that we’re still familiar with that piano that he

Opened us up with you know on this particular uh Journey that I’m on here so let’s continue next up is hagstrom Alpha seven all right my computer doing its thing it’s a PC I’m sorry oops sorry Foreign Thank you What’s happening in the game at this point foreign God that was so nice oh it’s still going my bad I suck oh there’s still a lot more Wow that’s cool bringing it up like that So when you say it’s a supplementary or something of that so in other words is this a Meandering piece of the soundtrack that you could play at any time like you can actually assign it like a playlist [Applause] [Applause] foreign Okay so apparently this piece is really the emphasis is on more let’s say malady style uh instruments xylophones uh you know marimba Styles another and what I would call Digi bells and stuff like that so very light and floaty and Airy and stuff uh really super nice harmonic structure and what he’s playing

They’re not like fixed thirds or fifths and stuff it’s very well done but it seems like this particular uh track is that of kind of it feels like kind of well I guess the whole game is building but this one has a little bit more of an emphasis I think and

Because some people are saying that it’s um it can play anywhere in the game that um this can transcend just about any scene um airwave Ranger standby uh whatever Minecraft oh randomly generates different landscapes oh okay all right I get you I’d like to play the game NF mf2

You know I’m waiting for my controller you know before I get myself all rigged up so so it pulls the songs randomly okay as somebody had said they were the first couple ones though are fixed that we listen to here and then then I guess it’s going to pull

Randomly through uh different you know oh everyone’s saying I don’t need a controller for this one this is a PC game I guess uh oh yeah I guess so so all I need is my mouse and my pointers I guess right my arrows and whatever controller keyboard oh okay huh that’s cool

And where do I get access to this do I go to that steam website and do that on this or do I go to Microsoft to do this I’m still a little slightly confused between console versus online versus stuff and and steam Microsoft Etc okay good okay okay super cool all right

So excuse me so let’s continue own I love the slap back delay on that so I’m gonna go back just for a second just so that we can hear that I’m gonna go back about 15 20 seconds and what he’s actually playing is in the pattern but because he has this um eighth note delay behind it it’s going

But see if you can hear him just going pop pop pop pop because you can hear the the delay Fades away in level behind it so check this out let’s see if we can Is that cool foreign on that as well to give it some long depth it’s more of that ethereal so cool okay next up okay this is uh Minecraft volume alpha 8 and this one is called Minecraft and it’s four and a half minutes long so let’s do this all right foreign

I really love the fading up of the music that’s got to be so kind of relaxing during game play like it just starts to show up This also plays on the title screen oh thank you Oh nice I don’t know Foreign Yes Immortal Arrow I feel that where it just feels there’s a little bit of a slight lag Foreign Foreign [Applause] This is so soothing well not now because I just stopped it sorry but it’s so soothing and so chill and I guess some people are saying this is part of the theme that I read here that this actually is part of the main theme of course I’m only halfway through

It so I’m assuming the arrangements are going to build but it is so laid back and chill and once again that muted sounding piano patch that he uses so perfect for this and actually that that style of composition has been fairly well used in movies and stuff but they would use have

You ever seen on a piano for those of you who’s never played piano but maybe you’ve noticed that there are three petals on a piano and the one in the middle is a dampner so when you press down the one in the middle I believe is that oh my God it’s been a

While it actually rests a kind of um uh of felt or velvet kind of thing kind of rests on top of the string so you get more of that muted sound and that sound is does something very unique to pull you from here you know it’s it’s used specifically for

That column kind of you know um that kind of uh laid back kind of ambient numbing Vibe I guess it almost feels like it’s numbing the strings but I also like the little steel uh kind of bells or not Bells kind of plates that he’s using in the back I

Forgot the name of it somebody had mentioned it earlier um it’s just so super chill and so laid back and it seems like what this this particular piece wants to do is just to get you in the vibe it’s kind of like you’re coming on

I don’t mean it like drugs but I do but I don’t meaning like you’re sitting back and you’re like going met it very meditative it’s extremely meditative you know and if this has got kind of that kind of it seems like a game of this nature as you build and you

Succeed and you build and you build and then you move on and then you hit love is a new build and you build so it’s a very uplifting motivational kind of game is what it seems like to me I’ve never played it but anyhow I just love that Yes guitar assassin steel pants thank you foreign Thank you Thanks for that explanation subpar Empire sometimes I can’t get that out of my head like I said this piece is extremely meditative and stuff like this is the kind of piece that you would hear you know if you go and get a massage you know and there’s there’s very

Passive music that just kind of subdues you and puts you in a really super Pleasant place and so far out of all the osts that I’ve listened to this is what I love about what I’m hearing is that everything at least to this point I know I’m probably in for

Some some other changes but everything is very supportive and very comforting you know it’s very like hey here we go get ready for the next right kind of a kind of a journey kind of a Vibe you know get a massage and play Minecraft at the same time

That might be a little distracting I think you know well you don’t have to kill anything which is great I understand you’re just building things right except for maybe a casual encounter okay this is oxygen salamander no I haven’t not yet [Applause] Foreign that was very trippy it almost kind of makes you feel like a lack of oxygen so that must have been a really quick turnaround of one point looks like these these are shorter pieces here Well the creative mode has no monsters okay Foreign I love that beautiful beautiful subtle strings that came in creeping behind it Foreign That was a really good expose in taking a pattern and building arrangements from it Even the way he tails off right there with just one little synth line but it was really just a constant build over a pattern that he was playing and then adding Arrangements brought it up to a peak and then pulled it away from us which with these really once again a lot

Of Mo excuse me hiccup motion going on there be it even little itty bitty arpeggiations and patterns and you know sequences that are going it’s always some kind of forward moving you know except for that one there was that one I think oxygen was just the pads Foreign Foreign You notice how this track just to have that same Ambience feel So there’s no real Reverb or delays on anything to cause that Ambience or ethereal feel it’s a little more present and intimate so maybe in the game whatever this is being played here is a little more you know and that was a really nice it was a very well constructed song as well

Taking you through a set Melody and stuff and bringing us back up and closing us with that you know oh it’s coming back in and out or is that one of those slow fades It’s a change up I can’t stand by oops didn’t mean to do that my bad Sounds very light-hearted [Applause] I like how he sleeps at like monophonic synth wheeziness in the background Oh foreign I like that this was the first track that I heard that there was a little more grittiness in the in the patches he chose you know a little teethiness in the tone and we heard that Meandering monophonic synth kind of do a Melody line and then this little thing

That was happening there had a little more teeth to it dry hands Hence the very dry piano sound foreign That was nice that would be like in the movies that would be like an establishing scene turnaround you know kind of a thing you know driving down they just left the house driving somewhere and getting to another place that kind of maybe driving outside in The Vineyards or something like that

Kind of vibe So you notice with this he’s relying on the sustain pedal to give us those long tail ends of each note the sustain of these notes we’re on the track before didn’t have any sustained pedal or anything like that hence dry wet Foreign Yeah it does feel like you’re standing out in the rain like a very light drizzle or anything and because I have no a b reference on what’s happening to the game which I know some people say that I should learn about the game while

I do this but I think part of what it is that I love doing here is the fact that I’m experiencing the music for the first time and for I believe a lot of new folks that are playing games music is important but when you pull out any sound effects

That the game might have and really listen to the piece of music kind of do it ass backwards listen to music first then hopefully play the game later Clark must be a chill dude is that what the name of this track is foreign [Applause] yeah turnip Trader that’s what it feels like Foreign [Applause] I love that sneaky little bass line Thank you oh it looks like this pig poor Piggy I love those supporting string pad chords that are being played behind there kind of fills out a little bit of the intervals in between the notes that are being played with the piano as well so it’s giving us a really nice somber breathable extra part of breathable part of the arrangement Hmm I will say this right now I’m going to take a few minutes a few minutes of a break if I hope you guys don’t mind old man capabilities of of holding in licuado you know what I mean but before I do go I want to at least leave you guys you know

With this thought about what I’m hearing and and it’s been said throughout this the the chat here which is really super cool you guys this whole live thing is really super cool and educating for me and stuff like that and I’m beginning to Now understand why my neck is a little

Sore at the end of these streams because I’m going camera stream camera chat um in of itself and somebody had just mentioned they they kind of agreed a little bit that you know you can listen to this music without the game you know and and for myself I actually

Have in for those of you who have come here many times already you already know I’ve talked about this but I actually have kind of this ambient ethereal kind of workflow breath Works kind of a channel where the music it does loot you know for an hour of you know it could be

Surf or it could be some you know random graphic imagery you know that I might have as a matter of fact the break that we’re going to take I’m gonna put one of those tracks there but it’s this very subdued all these compositions in of itself even the ones

That had a little more motion to it you could just let this run in the background while you’re doing whatever you want to do in a very motivational way like it’s something that that that As relaxing as chill as these compositions are it does it’s it’s productive

It’s almost like you would put this music then back and you and even without knowing it’s part of Minecraft which seems to be that kind of game where you’re building things and getting to the next level and hopefully not losing anything or whatever that um even if this music if like for

Instance this guy our composer here C418 has made this playlist which obviously is not against any actionable visuals that you could just sit there and just pop this playlist on and let it run you know especially if you either have an ad blocker or something and no ads pop up

And that’s what I love what about that I’m hearing about that that’s what I love about this journey here with this particular bit of music this is my so far even though I loved Hollow Knight’s music was phenomenal you know uh but there is some you know you know

Stuff that are happening that are a little more aggressive and stuff everything about this is just so 20 minutes after the first hit kind of stuff you know if you know everyone’s gonna start laughing wait a minute okay so now we’re gonna pick up where we

Left off I only have about a half hour left on this session and we’re going to pick up with uh Sweden you guys ready let’s do this all right Foreign God I love how these people these pieces kind of fade in Foreign Nice hopeful turnaround right there With that chord that chord is very uplifting this little passage right here very uplifting and very awful Yeah it does kind of have that Tom York kind of vibe gab is a good call who said that Marco troyd I love that it’s Meandering Pizzicato you see the string players when they’re doing this Foreign Did you guys maybe like like a note that made you go kind of what what Once again the fade in and the Fade Out the the it’s it’s this kind of it is a very Zen thus far this journey for me has been a very Zen experience in the composition and I’m not talking to like like you know but but there is a

Little bit of that because it’s putting you in this meditative state in order to play these games you know and that’s what I love about these compositions okay what’s what came up here cat here we go guys I know that one of you guys wanted to hear cat

Kind of like maybe a creepy cat on a wire or something that way he’s like Tricky little cord maneuver there hey the very first drum set attack thingy That’s a Trippy car change Foreign Foreign Here for a second we’re going to go back a little bit you know what’s really super cool is the semi-off-putting tempo of the delay behind the art the the little arpeggiation going around in the background against the drums and what I don’t mean off-putting I’m not saying that it definitely makes you

Feel uncomfortable but it’s not it’s not a definitively locked Tempo on the delay it almost seems like it has kind of a triplet vibe to it but it plays off syncopated but it’s not perfectly locked so I don’t you know I guess maybe whatever part I guess this is a piece of

Music that you can play apparently is what I’m reading here um but let’s go back a little bit now just as we continue to play this through I want you to key in a little bit of course I love the fact that now this is the first track out of everything that

Heard that had a definitive you know drum track kind of a trap you know drum track sounding thing but then that really keeps us locked in our focus and our attention it actually is going to that is now the zip line the zip line of everything that I’ve heard before have

Been these beautiful swimming Arrangements ambient pads and pianos and stuff but now we got something that’s doing this you know and it kind of has tell me if I’m if if I’m just way off but it sounds like thus far uh our composer does pull from a kind of a

Asian Pacific kind of melodic um phrasing pool if you would I’m hearing a lot of things that sound you know more Asian Eastern style Melodies uh predominantly like so I’ll go into wow you know but anyhow that’s that’s just kind of like how I kind of think and

Then this actually because of the beat has like a little bit it could be kind of like a you know uh singapore-ish kind of vibe but I think it’s just because of the beat and and some of that delay let’s go back and we’ll listen to

That delay and then I’ll let this thing play all the way through so In the very back that sequenced with the delay that’s good Yeah there is pentatonic stuff the intervals are very cool with that [Applause] Don’t worry I’ll be done in a few minutes hanging if not if you got to go to sleep Like that so much Great Baseline foreign Kind of vibe I love the bounciness of that base when it came in and the choice of bass tone that he used on that okay the next one is obviously what comes after cat is dog so almost seems like a continuation of it but there’ll probably be a melodic shift in here What a great Melody Foreign foreign Very hypnotic trance-like love that [Applause] You know what else is great is there’s there is obviously even if he’s using the same instrumentation as cat obviously this one has an emphasis on the Ethereal ambient you know uh energy he wants to get across so now we’re hearing these Meandering kind of um kind of mini Moog style leads that

Are a little rolled off on the higher end that have now these really long Reverb and delays on it but the dichotomy between the super dry trap you know the little drum kit thing super super dry very in the background the width that he creates and the Dynamics and the

Listening experience by putting this particular Arrangement having those parts in there with those nice ambient Reverb post effects I really super dig that and to me that that that cut between super dry drums and then that is such a super cool thing that engineers and in this case you know this is

Another extraordinary thing that I’m learning and I’m beginning to realize is that you know a lot of gaming composers are they’re everything they’re the musicians the producers um slash composer or Rangers engineers you know it’s a sit down one and done and it’s left up to you so

You know obviously way back in my dad’s days in the you know 50s and 60s 40s 50s and 60s you did a session you left an engineer does all the mixing and you know everything is done one after another but nowadays the call to action to composers

In modern day composition in games are pretty much almost anything is that you have to deliver the final track and you are everything so he to me when I listen to these pieces of works that our composers been doing here which is really super cool because I have an engineer and that was

Pretty much my really super big first professional gig you know in Hollywood in the 80s or North Hollywood Burbank I pay special attention to that so every one of these composers and every one of these games pretty much having to also you know Implement that aspect of their

Profession into a One-Stop so you’re a One-Stop composer you got to do everything all the way to the point of delivery and I love this little crispiness of the drums Ambience of the pads type stuff Thank you magic spark sometimes Foreign [Applause] Little line in the back so cool [Laughter] Thank you that was so cool and once again you know I’ve said this on my heavy metal Channel and stuff like that a lot of times you know at the very end of a track sometimes there’s a giveaway of what it is that I may have explained you know somewhere during the

Track because because one of the thing there’s there’s the obvious hard fade of a track where you’re actually fading the whole piece one in one you know move mostly like songs and stuff like that but in the case of what I’m hearing that our composer is doing here is he comes

In with these Fades of single instrumentation or single arrangements and he expands on his Arrangements let them breathe gives it life and then as we come towards the end he starts pulling back these arrangements and ending these Arrangements until you’re left with one of something and in this case this is that little

Pseudopolyphonic little lead that was there but you can hear how the delay tails off as it bounce left to right and and those are if you’re if we have some young composers here as well those are the kind of dynamics that really fill out you know uh sometimes the

Anxiety of going and you know are my arrangements full enough sometimes you can say yeah they’re perfect just add a little this a little Reverb give it some of this and all of a sudden you have a completely different vibe so um so anyhow let me take a peek here um hey

Russell thank you so much for the follow uh wimpies are rimless thank you so much for the uh the uh one tears tier one subscribe I don’t know what tier is yet so I’ve got a look I’m learning but tier one uh subscription so I really appreciate that all right guys listen

I’m down to one last one because I have to go for a family obligations that I must uh so um everyone’s saying that I have to do what’s an aria math that’ll be my last one just for this one is everybody saying Aria math oh it’s blowing up it must be Aria math

Yes continue Arya math is essential okay How many of you here are um well I know that if you’re here you’re just listening to me go blah blah blah about music but how many of you out of uh there’s a lot there’s like 100 people here wow this which is super cool how

Many of you are actually players of the game and uh you know I mean our really you know knowledgeable not knowledge but you know players of the game just go me me me me me me okay very cool hey Lichtenberg oh you’re playing it right now while I’m doing this that’s mental

Hi Johnny Levin thanks for uh chatting first time and Yeti yennie jailer played it before but not super Minecraft OST oh wow okay I played it when you were younger oh so this is also probably like a legacy game yeah when was the first Minecraft released what year was that

Tell me that while I look up this other version Arya math 2009 2008 somewhere in that zone okay it’s the most selling bit Yeah somebody had mentioned a Jean-Claude Van Diesel that it is the most selling game of its type 140 million active players are you kidding me as of two years ago

That’s sick oh well I guess if maybe a small percentage of the people know that I did this on uh on Twitch I’ll come by and listen to it if they’re big fans okay Minecraft Aria let me look this up guys or Maria math yes let me look this up here standby guys

This is my last one for the evening so I want to make sure I get this right volume beta 10 hours I ain’t doing 10 hours of variety of math but obviously it’s a loop um okay so Arya math is that the name of the track or the game I’m a little confused

Here play number one are you guys saying I should just play number one is that the one is the name of the track yeah number one okay so it looks like the track’s about five minutes ten seconds are we right so it’s a very full okay great well that’s a perfect way to

End my My Stream and before I do I want to say thank you so much for coming out and hanging out here with me you guys know you guys came here I think most of you came here from my channel the world music reaction channel uh but if some of you may have

Drift by here because of you saw this maybe on Twitch or something go check me out on the world music reaction Channel you know that’s over there as well so I’ve got a ton of stuff going on there right guys on that channel okay was not Dan how’s it how are you welcome

Okay Alpha and beta refer to the development stages okay I I like uh Monkey Joe said uh there’s only one Minecraft it just gets updated oh I see so it doesn’t do anything like fantasy seven five six Fantasy Final Fantasy one two three four five it’s just something that just

Continually evolves like they build new uh environments I guess for you guys to to do your thing I guess it’s all one game and and some spin-offs okay okay I’ll take that all right this is the last track guys let’s do this this is a Minecraft volume beta

By the composer a C418 and this one is called Aria math all right foreign Kind of vibe yeah foreign Ly synth post It’s great The hand pan that instrument that does like this like this [Applause] Foreign Foreign Okay this is a great place for me to pause one of the things that I loved about that um as that pattern has been established and our composer is doing what he does best is adding these Arrangements that actually help that that pattern is the basis of it but we get these evolving

Soundscape or ambient and ethereal additions that he does both both musically and soundscape and when I talk about soundscape it’s kind of hard because when it comes to this kind of composition where there’s a lot of hybrid digital work um you know interwoven with this as far

As sounds of synths and stuff like that what I was just saying before and how cool the Left Right experience was because there’s something that a sound that doesn’t necessarily have a tonal value to it so it could be like let’s say you know

The scraping of a of a of a a cable that’s sampled and then you you treat it and stuff but you give it a musicality uh or part in in it in a musical Way by using it rhythmically and Mick Gordon does that a lot in my

Couple of tracks that I’ve heard often Doom a lot of soundscape uh percussive use of that the reason why I wanted to stop though I’ll go back about 30 seconds and then go through the rest of this track is that while um while the percussion the hand pan is being played

Something that’s kind of getting kind of that getting away with it kind of thing there is a little Shaker sound percussively in the same tempo as that and you hear that that kind of vibe to it to me that’s one of those things that gives us like it

Has so much potential I don’t know what’s coming in the next two and a half minutes but as a composer I’m hearing so much great you know possibilities of where he could depending on how he’s going to take this expand from this under very rhythmic and percussive way without becoming overbearing by adding

Drums another percussion because once we get subdued into a pattern at least from my preferences and personal likes about composing music in this style is once you get you know subdued and tranced into a pattern it’s these little kind of things that you introduced to make it

Like still take you to that next level without becoming you know uh too rhythmically overbearing now of course there’s other things that are happening in the background to give us once again that expansive ethereal Vibe with some of the scents but that hand pan thing is

So cool so let’s go back a little bit and uh we’ll get straight into it and then I’ll I won’t say anything for the rest of the way out okay that’s cool but listen for that You see at that point when everything dropped out that little percussive thing became very apparent Foreign Thank you on the secret base boom creeping up on us right there so cool yeah this is definitely a chicken skin moment let’s say here in Hawaii for Goosebumps foreign Comfort by bringing those strings back in there it’s like really putting your arms around the syringe Foreign [Applause] [Applause] And that instrumentation there has kind of this dulcimer you know remember I’m a composer not an ethnomusicologist and stuff and I definitely don’t have worldly knowledge of every instrument that’s being played and then you know being able to say what it is somebody I can answer a couple questions briefly

Somebody asked if the steel drums pattern or something or the hand percussion instrument is an in syncopation yeah it’s a syncopation syncopations also that’s kind of gray areas depending on how you look at it but it’s where the Accents in those Rhythm patterns also come really

Defines to me a little bit more of like a purposeful syncopated kind of vibe the composer might want to get through but syncopation is syncopation you can’t you know you can you can peel that potato different ways but it’s still a potato um somebody else the lomuti

Um yasu Barrett I don’t know what a lomuti is and I and I’m assuming are you guys talking about I’ve seen lately in a lot of videos people that play that drum that goes like this and you play it this way it’s kind of like an inverse steel

Drum kind of thing you know steel drums are this way and you go ding ding ding ding seems like maybe that instrument is one that kind of comes out this way and you play it percussively like this um instrument that looks like it oh okay yeah all right that’s cool thank you uh

I don’t know I don’t know everything I’m a composer who’s decomposing before your eyes so even my memory and stuff is fading I go wow what is that is that you know um but uh all right Drake listen take care thanks for hanging out um and it’s seven oh you’re gonna and I’m

In about to bail too so I know that some of you are just now showing up but I actually have to dig out in about six minutes so um I want to close really quick by saying thank you guys so much for hanging out and I love this

Um this has really been a huge addition to my like learning repertoire you know and you guys supporting me not only with your subscribe you know I just became an affiliate and you know the subscriber thingy that you know if you’re Prime you can do this or or

Whatever and I can’t thank you guys enough for all of that and some of you have dropped a I got a three dollar cup of coffee from somebody and thank you so much for all of that um so

This video, titled ‘Old Composer Reacts to MINECRAFT Super Session Twitch Clip | Video Game OST Review’, was uploaded by RPGeebz Music Arcade on 2023-02-10 19:36:34. It has garnered 121635 views and 7364 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:50 or 5270 seconds.

Buy me a cup of ☕ ? http://www.venmo.com/AbbaGeebz or https://paypal.me/abbageebz 🙏 🎶 📺TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/keyofgeebz 🎧HEADSETS (AKG240) I use – https://amzn.to/33Una2q 🎶The Decomposer Lounge PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/TheDecomposerLounge

0:00 – Key 1:21 – Door 7:40 – Subwoofer Lullaby 13:55 – Death 14:38 – Living Mice 21:36 – Moog City 26:20 – Haggstrom 33:10 – Minecraft 39:58 – Oxygene 41:07 – Equinoxe 43:06 – Mice on Venus 47:55 – Dry Hands 49:06 – Wet Hands 50:39 – Clark 56:56 – Sweden 1:00:35 – Cat 1:06:05 – Dog 1:17:20 – Aria Math

🎶MY HEAVY METAL CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/KeyOfGeebz

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👕Key of Geebz Merch: https://key-of-geebz.creator-spring.com 🎭LOGO DESIGN – Adam Trask | http://www.weareprivatelabel.com

Buy me a cup of ☕ ? – Actually, if you do drop into Venmo or PayPal, it goes towards some coffee for me and the non-profit kid’s things I do to spread the ALOHA! http://www.venmo.com/AbbaGeebz or https://paypal.me/abbageebz 🙏

🦕Kids Mission – http://www.abbageebz.com – The Healing Dinosaurs 🦕Kids Free Ukulele Lessons https://www.youtube.com/abbageebz

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#videogamemusic #ostreaction #minecraft

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    Broke Minecrafter ***!

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  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JfhV6l5qZJKRUovFAMw8A 🟠Discord🟠 https://discord.gg/G4QVRwMXxF 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990446 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 https://zenzyyy.carrd.co/ #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – https://crinklesmusic.com/#music ➜ Map Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjl5QfimUCo ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More

Old Composer Reacts to MINECRAFT Super Session Twitch Clip | Video Game OST Review