OMG! EPIC Minecraft pt5 Livestream with Team Bottom Boys!

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off stream mining but somehow we found mire God it’s crazy right crazy let me post this in the the chat yeah I’m right now no one’s even in here yet yeah because you know like they don’t love us yeah I know here we go we are live we are hi Esther what’s up CPA SU jpa even though it’s Eclipse I just I always say it’s eclipser because there was a j even though the J was silent okay all right well oh [ __ ] we’re doing good I think are you doing good weasel I’m doing all right I’m doing all right okay a got [ __ ] going on I will say that my J is alive oh yeah what I tried jumping over the fence forgetting I didn’t have my [ __ ] staff out I just sat there just try to jump how’s everyone doing today thank y’all for joining us today too you know it’s a wonderful Tuesday evening I guess it’s not that bad I’m guessing everyone’s out of school now oh what the [ __ ] oh it’s a bison Kay were you waiting for the bmj ID I’ve been waiting I thought you said you took the animal mod off I did why is there a deer in bison I told you the deer in bison are part of the farming one oh yeah we still got crows like my little Sparrow is gone no oh the smiggles is gone too from me until the 22nd damn you get out of school late Fu what were we going to work on oh I don’t know I think I might have to go back to the another get more blaze rods I’m I’m down to go all right since meire is on my side you just bring the uh the fire sword too if you have that one yeah yeah that’s what I’m definitely bringing actually GNA leave my there I feel like I’m drop it like or some [ __ ] yeah you’re right I better I better put some [ __ ] up I’m make my own personal chest and put that’s what I got over here yeah oh [ __ ] damn it to used to fall [Music] out put it next to my little end uh get rid of meal there feel like I should make some sandwiches to go little sandwiches God what’s this black big cauldron it just changes the color it doesn’t do anything else got a text message okay I made another edit for weasel because I have too much photos of him I could upload it if it if weasel wants to see it sure I’ll see it I love seeing it that song was really cool there’s daggers sickles I said this earlier Kaye why didn’t you say that my bottom boys what’s up Carol thank you for joining us Carol what am I here to make [ __ ] food food I was here to GB food okay uh see what bring I’m bring some apples can’t go wrong with apples right I’m going all right wait yeah okay the my birthday on four what my birthday’s in four days guys wow did I ask no that’s [ __ ] up happy early birthday if I don’t get the you know wish you it beforehand or actually you oh [ __ ] dude we can make amethyst and emerald axes as well well we have to find [ __ ] Emerald or not Emerald amethyst I have amethyst oh yeah you you did some off stream mining I got it last time we were no I was just kidding girl I didn’t mean it wait are you are you coming yet yeah I’m just making myself some PB andj sandwiches sages [ __ ] was that creepy noise oh yeah I got to follow you because I don’t know where the [ __ ] place is you guys need to stream on June 8th I don’t know I don’t [Music] know I have to think about that one because I I think I’m doing something around there but I don’t know yes you have to do we though hold on let me look at my my calander [ __ ] you know you Ain got [ __ ] it’s a Saturday I don’t know oh no no no I’m I’m invited to a party I’m going to a party on um day yeah that that’s the thing I thought it was something else but okay yeah you have no [ __ ] to hang out I don’t got no [ __ ] I got a wife or a fiance if you will but she counts as one God I’m just kidding I love her sometimes but uh [ __ ] let me remember exactly where it was sure I I do I do guys he does he’s engaged here I am no kay has weasel you guys but um could we do it Friday though we those G okay Carol would that be fine if we do it Friday cuz I’m not going to be anywhere near here or any I’m not going to be home to stream or maybe we can do it Sunday a day after I forget where it was oh come on oh mighty wizard what is that these are the the dragons I added you added dragons I did add dragons Okay uh let’s see what type of dragon is this uh looks like a fungus oh warp dragon war dragons are small dragons are found in warp Forest my poptart real quick despite their hostile environment they are harmless to the players and will fight for you when tamed you can be shared for warp fungus team warped fungus are you Corp fungus oh I found some there was some like right behind us turn around is it when they show Hearts they’re tamed I want to say yeah of course you are what of course I am what oh yeah okay okay yeah yeah yeah I think uh I think one of us is going to have a baby to take care of though look it’s behind you oh no it’s right there did you tame it you I I don’t know which one of us tamed it it goes to the it goes to one of them yeah it’s yours you tamed it how do you have them sit I don’t did oh [ __ ] oh Carol you ass what did Carol do I was like I’m going eat my poptart she of course you [ __ ] I just got home from the gym and playing basketball my ash is hungry I wish I remember where this [ __ ] thing was is it stanky is it following me it should oh they’re both following oh wait yeah they’re both your I had the Warped fungus well you do have two following you because you are a I have one well you the baby following you too hold on I’m tripping hold on what the fck let’s see what follows okay yeah yeah I have two I’m just that cool sure bro [ __ ] what where’s combine speaking of combine I was playing earlier yeah he was in here but he left cuz he knew I was getting on so I don’t know he okay I guess he is he’s fine he’s nothing but a [ __ ] St doing that no no my [ __ ] thing’s on fire no I ain’t going to feed you where’ you go by the okay you are not near the portal you lying some [ __ ] you know what I meant you want you oh you got a dragon I do I made I got one too I got two of them I am well you wouldn’t know about how to tame them if it wasn’t for me m me warp dragons and you know warp fungus and just kind of might change yo negative 238 and 66 what Carol you [ __ ] what did Carol say brother swallow and that’s what he said brother swallow that’s not funny it’s pretty funny it was what the [ __ ] God I hate you lucky [ __ ] oh there’s sters over here that’s a big ass pig let cook them with bacon and I made 2K the past week for my business oh wow I made 6K basically 7K from a baby show shg mommy me here there’s some Piggies we can turn into bacon Bubba God oh there’s another one here’s the other type wow I’m guessing that one takes CR um Crimson fungus or whatever that sh called yeah we should have wore gold ow [ __ ] why are they fast I don’t know he got up to me quick okay [ __ ] [ __ ] girl okay they don’t take lightning damage take a weon actually excuse me might want me to teleport with your [ __ ] I mean you think you can make it I think I can make it Dragon went up in Flames no yeah I think your dragon fa you [ __ ] can you quit calling me that I heard the lightning I’m coming that was not me never mind I’m turning around I got to remember where we went did we go this way no we went we went we went somewhere over here I think did we I don’t know did both of my dragons die H maybe maybe what’s in the S huh okay um can I crossbreed these [ __ ] can you I’m just kidding sorry suck my f cck kale no think we this way did we your stuff is at negative 2 59 negative 00 yeah 2 59 positive 59 yeah okay leave weasel the edit is up now watch it said [ __ ] off it’s pride month how do you feel bottom way huh what’s in the SEC huh I don’t know how am I supposed to feel just ripped my nail us who wants me to watch the edit oh eser what’s in the F huh oh [ __ ] oh she got me from when we were playing [ __ ] Fall Guys dude I don’t know where to go I’m lost B boys read fan fix and CMA uh no brother are you a mouth I love it Carol I don’t think it’s me breathing in the mic yeah I don’t think I don’t think that’s me have a [ __ ] ton of cooked pork chops now why do you love it h what I said I have a [ __ ] ton of cooked not I’m reading chat like what did I do I don’t know where they go Bubba uhga -200 and then you want me to just teleport with your [ __ ] then yeah cuz I’m [ __ ] lost oh wait wait wait wait I might have found the way I think but I kind of think not yeah I’m returning back I’m almost out of food I’m out of food you you must make the sacrifice it didn’t jum hit me like your shit’s back at the shit’s back at that I’m getting f St I keep [ __ ] falling how much [ __ ] did you have on you H I don’t know so I don’t think I came with everything no you know what I don’t have the right [ __ ] right now I’m just gonna just going to where did you put my [ __ ] uh this one up here I I got some of it I’m going go back for the rest who that [ __ ] look that is not most of mine but okay yeah I’m go back grab the rest no where’s my my armor no what what’s tell don’t tell me I lost my [ __ ] My Wizard armor that’s what I’m going back for what else did I have I don’t even know what else I have I had a bucket of water I know that but that ain’t that ain’t useful at all in the ne last stream was pretty much me and Ja CP of K 17 times in the Stream you counted that [ __ ] Jesus [Music] my armor there 27 years the last stream was like 27 years ago hey Iris thank you for joining us glad you can make it uh what I don’t think your shit’s here I teleported with it all what the [ __ ] so when I did the return spell where your [ __ ] was at it dropped a nether portal it dropped a nether portal yeah like it made a nether portal and now I took that nether portal and now I’m inside an amethyst you know geode underground somewhere what kind of acid trip are you on I’m not I swear check underneath the the the blocks underneath the red the red uh the red uh the red bed you should be all there maybe outside under Lieutenant Dan I don’t see it dude I think all your shit’s gone my [Music] God let me just quit the game without uh without saving dude I quit the game without saving you should still have your [ __ ] doesn’t it oh my god dude I swear if I lost all my spells and that [ __ ] Armor that I work so hard get we’ll just make it again hard to make oh yeah guys while I’m right here um big ass chest um would you guys like if I made a ram for all of y’all to play in say no guys Miller lot anyway no Carol says no okay see this would be the only chance you guys could actually ever bully me but you won’t Carol said sure Esther I don’t know H I don’t think it I don’t think it I don’t think it worked wish I had Minecraft don’t you got it you could get it on your phone yeah but you still got to pay for it again guys are weird I I probably am it didn’t save or it did save I mean you’re [ __ ] why do I have a another bed in my inventory I don’t know it cost [Laughter] money you [ __ ] kill you why are these beds why can’t I place this what the [ __ ] money I don’t have um damn I’ll help you anything that sucks though that hella sucks the only thing I got that was my mind burst which I’m I most of the one I wanted and my tire thing my fire sword that’s how you took right you left every other sword uh I brought this one and uh Odin’s spear oh the spear is easy to make though oh yeah yeah that one k work hard again no I lost my fries no should the fries the fries were the main worry it just takes what ters yeah I said father biggy JK what does that mean oh you [ __ ] you [ __ ] not that you [ __ ] you [ __ ] don’t have any wood I wait we should have okay it’s not the whether I have a question IET what’s up Iris oh excuse me what’s a Huddle House I the [ __ ] you don’t know what a h house is okay okay we used to have one in my town but it got shut down huh but it’s like a you ever had a waffle waffle King no I’m not 67 years old like you I’m not even that old is Kaye my father part two I am not that’s your question weasel no no no guess I got to go back to this shitty iron armor we have some this is technically the second time you’ve lost it this is my first not oh have a shield hey okay you made a wooden sword that was see I want to see how much that [Laughter] like this [ __ ] takes so much like to actually okay so we actually ever want to upgrade any of these weapons it’s going to take [ __ ] so much [ __ ] I have to stand these [ __ ] cards for my mommy and I won’t I can’t see the rest of that it ain’t even appearing up in the chat we’s a wood bro I still have my my Trident [ __ ] you made a [ __ ] telescope no can you use it no you can’t I need to go to the garden the isn’t dry as [ __ ] what french fries hey e oh my guys I want to go talk to my boy okay the [ __ ] but I am a loyal viewer respect Carol now I sit back and observe silently I go do something else what’ you say h you said something what’ you say I like the FU oh the fu [ __ ] what happened a water can remember when that creeper was that the [ __ ] Garden I didn’t see it until like the last minute [ __ ] oh wael what happed I have a oh my God I was asked is Kaylee your boyfriend no Kaylee speak to your man what the [ __ ] y’all got more sheep oh my God yes we did Weasel eat this I don’t want to it’s delicious no stuff it down your gullet boy [Music] no do it it’s pasta dick oh wait wait wait wait Jesus what are your you holding weel would you would you like what it’s just my wood sword does this look different to you at all just it’s just a normal wooden sword it’s a sticky found it’s the powerful it’s yeah it’s just the stick I found it’s my wand okay I need weasel’s long wood The Stick of Truth where the [ __ ] did that go what long hard wood Iris I thought that was your father God calm down buddy what the [ __ ] what did I come back to what am I looking for I’m looking for coal that’s what I’m looking for where is it yes some torches oh oh this sword gives me strength too K compare sword see which one what the [ __ ] technically this this wooden sword does more damage than a [ __ ] diamond sword it does yeah but it takes like it takes like three stacks of wood to actually make this three it took a lot dude it took like three they took like three stacks cuz the way you upgrade the way you upgrade them is that you get two of the same level sword combine it with a upgrader oh whoa that’s sick as F the spear adds uh haste or speed noce it’s not even that cool though longer he talks well you guys F your mother [ __ ] K is your dead indeed I am not how you were born SE you just need seven mana and then you can make your armor again seven Mana actually we have three you sound like Mr Bean I love Mr Bean his name is Sir Bean actually sir Bean you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] can I say [Music] that so my my uh my CH and I took it what the [ __ ] is that really okay no don’t ship me and weasel please don’t okay Kaye X trash because he’s trash Minecraft is the only game I’m ass at and it’s because I suck with a controller on Minecraft but on like a keyboard and mouse I’m cranking that [ __ ] maybe you should have say cranking that [ __ ] into a punch oh wait I have two papers now someone help me oh two Papas my dumb ass I’m not your daddy weasel is what the [ __ ] not that way I don’t I don’t I don’t want any kids we got Iris swear this is chest simulator all over again keep going in it all right well I’m going go get more uh just as Fri bless you I’m more can I be the gay Aunt get more blaze rods my father doesn’t want me oh see what you did weel Iris I already have you so I’m stuck with you so it doesn’t really matter to me if I had to have a child I wouldn’t mind it being Iris no one my bad luck my kid would be like Carol an [ __ ] damn Y what die I can’t die I’m Immortal but in games I can’t die it’s a sad thing dude you really need this levate spell for what is it you need to L take spell I would love the little place though but I I’m just it’s cooler anyway okay be Pride mon weasel thank you I’m a number one weasel hater trust who’s my number one weasel hater Carol okay that’s [Music] fine we need some chickens go find someone that’s your task okay weasel mhm right let’s see do we got everything in here as a m all right tell your dad to suck my [ __ ] alha daddy Kaye what is die this [ __ ] baby weasel Emerald we can trade in the bed for Emerald [ __ ] that’s not a bad that’s not a bad trade like a white bed though that’s all we can just a normal bed yeah baby me and C started calling kly that back in the day back in the day y y’all starting that sound like old people back in the day I daddy kale bottom weasel top Kaye that’s what I say oh yeah should to make the bed not that one takes two white beds and wood okay and all we need is vo wood do we have shears anywhere we do do we you should probably blind this F so I’m just going to make it the day we did the Whip and the wo i no that was maybe my drag cuz I was see that pop up at the same time okay what the [ __ ] way sheep [Music] okay I can get two emeralds I’m want to go blast music that is stupid as [ __ ] what happened I had the wrong wood so I didn’t I didn’t know that was a big ass difference oh my God that’s dumber than dumb I’m GNA go to single’s house and give her these beds I’m just going to place them randomly up there speaking of weasel or not weasel Smiggle where is she we has has taay like showed you or asked you if you’ve seen her [ __ ] um what’s it called her uh outfit she got on Fallout it’s like the pig [ __ ] or the Brahman outfit weasel he’s muted sorry about that the power on my headset went [Music] off but did you hear me or no no okay has Tay told you about her Brahman outfit yet I saw it yeah she uh was texting me on snap and then after she got done telling me I was like did I ask and she got all pissed about it it’s the funniest thing ever yeah and that’s that’s how I killed a woman the [ __ ] the blinds [Music] Darkness show you make gingerbread you can make gingerbread I’m bleeding why the hell are you bleed I’m going to sleep wow Iris you know you could just stay and you know watch the whole time you know wow it’s [ __ ] up know right forget about it oh well I took a uh what Carol I think I’m going to SK thatle wow why is everyone leaving us I know right where’s all the other spells is there any it’s only like two spells what do you mean there’s only like two spells we all I’m sorry guys everybody leaving bye Carol thank you for joining us bye [Music] Carol but did [Music] the the magic [ __ ] like get rid of the uh mind burst and all that cuz I don’t see there I don’t see it in the crafting area I type spells and then it’s not in there do you have a set to that even you can see the ones even if you’re not you don’t have the [Music] items sorry do you have that on yeah they should be in there well go into the one of the chests find the Tom of Magic the what a Magic it’s the the book The Magic book that has all magic stuff in it I just didn’t have uh craftables you know sh you know what I meanig that’s what I don’t you guys didn’t have to stay I’m going to go by wow that is [ __ ] up wow Iris I can’t believe you you would leave your father like that yeah this [ __ ] boy I’ve done but I’ve done nothing but care for you it’s crazy huh I know right it’s like they World okay let’s see what I need can’t dude I raised myself jlip said I’m here well good thank you for staying CH Clips is like a true fan yeah she she’s a real one she’s a real one she’s a real one [Music] are you able to combine colors to make a certain colors yeah with like red and red and blue make purple okay you need blue dye so you can use the lapis Lai to make blue Dy y have tons of I don’t know why oh always be here thank you J clipa yeah brother a I know I know jlip I know we’ve had our our differences but I think you’re pretty cool what the [ __ ] did I just do give me that [ __ ] back where the [ __ ] did I put it I had it somewhere where did I put it where’ you put what I hate love you weasel you are cool as well think my Papa loves me anymore I’m back baby boys what’s up es never mind Alphas I’m leaving love you wow Carol yeah love you too Carol come back no Carol leaving part two e it’s that’s pretty am I tripping all right what’s going on I don’t know not drunk yet golly why is there so many beds y’all are awful quiet I’m focused on not dying in the am I drunk dude I can’t read with [ __ ] right now he’s having a stroke so yeah okay I said right I said I was leaving yet I’m still here cuz I love my papa sort of sort Carol says I’m back guys did y’all miss me yep welcome back Carol dude what the [ __ ] where’s the bed I just need one purple bed why can’t I make that ex the team Bon boys damn right EST you car on no 2K for you TR to take my fidget fidget ring never heard of those whoa what the [ __ ] is it it’s a green dragon how do you tame a tree dragon or whatever the [ __ ] this thing is I do not know what it looks like so I cannot tell you it’s uh it’s a green dragon with um trees on it dude that’s like six different dragons right there so basically eight what apples is it like all green like a bright green or dark green uh dark green no I think it’s an oak Dragon does it have like an oak tree on it yes yes oak leaves you you tame with oak leaves I want this [ __ ] come here boy oh whoops [ __ ] give me a second you will be mine this [ __ ] huge yes Wy oh wow he’s badass e he he shoots trees car said just like my dick what the [ __ ] it’s your dick is green and bushy half have Iris what the hell do we have any Saddles weasel I have a couple more I know you can oh you can write it you should uh hand one to me buddy don’t pull it like that I might it’s big the [ __ ] did that mean oh okay God damn it dude I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] right now don’t you guys say it I know you’re going to say something what is kayy going to say not me them they’re going to be like yeah car says you always are right it it’s long hard and big you guys need some help weo what’s up where are you and the nether I’m trying to I’m getting a phone call I’m getting a phone call dude twins I’ll be back guys I W it was spam I’m here but I’m not looking at the mother [ __ ] CH just letting you know he does hate you guys what’s up what what you need for me yeah I’m I see I see I see you screaming my name what do you need what do you want you know what I’m just not going to pay attention to you guys if you’re not going to say what you need cuz I’m I need to do some stuff right now m the [ __ ] do you guys want no Iris you said you don’t love me either so TI for t yeah exactly only sort of then you feel betrayed what what I feel betrayed it’s like you were using me your own Stu is gain [Laughter] thank you I know I am Carol I tried taking care of you you would just run away any time I anytime I tried why are you Ving for my affection now when you didn’t want it earlier huh make it make sense Daddy’s back what I miss they [ __ ] spam the [ __ ] out of my name I love you weasel care I’m saying he see I love you too Carol no he doesn’t yeah I do Kaye where are you me yes still in the [ __ ] nether found a found another Fortress what the hell are y’all fighting over a weasel wow I’m leaving no my father doesn’t love me what what did you do while I was gone I don’t [ __ ] know [ __ ] so guys I’m a loyal fan y respect respect Charli you left two times oh god oh I’m sorry they’re fighting kill me I love you too what is it kill me I don’t know what I’m saying I don’t I don’t know they like name name Kimmy kimy that’s J clipa that’s J clipa I don’t know totally forgot that was J clipa I love you too jpa wow you don’t really love her you didn’t even know it was her stop [ __ ] adding fuel to the fire wow guys this guy am I right he’s some [ __ ] now guys we love all of you whatever car’s all right [ __ ] you Carol L you literally love everyone other than me I said you me the most though it’s a toe between you and Ja clipse Caro y’all are both Kaye fans so I love all my FS you forgot me it’s just so bloody betrayed right now I’m number two I I didn’t forget you clip there is no number two nor number one I love y’all both equally no he doesn’t but we I’m actually going to go cry Carol said British I’m number one Kaye fan facts always hey we what’s up I would love that saddle you know where now well I’m in the nether is there any other Saddles anywhere else well they’re in my chest thought you were just going to grab one where is it which it chest I didn’t forget you clipa damn you have a lot of them what give me another bigy how do I fly with you God the how do I fly with you a that’s stupid as [ __ ] you uh hold X I’m pretty sure yeah that’s the one [Music] thing damn this thing’s got a lot of Health I can control the attack oh my God you you can quit you can quit fir quit it I want to go down I’m stuck in the air guys I think y’all are missing the point weasel loves me I believe in you this is your problem not me don’t forget me you guys I know I changed my name and profile I’m sorry but don’t forget me I will never forget you bro kale you remind me what so much of my old math teacher I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not I don’t think it is to be honest oh [ __ ] oh that’s stupid what happened the [ __ ] Enderman are able to dodge the dragon’s attack bye guys you don’t get and I love you anymore w Iris I said I loved you hey weasel what’s up I don’t mean to warn you but sound like I hear it I’m pretty badass now I gotta I got a [ __ ] dragon no I better not go far from home I don’t have my return spell holy [ __ ] me when I [ __ ] myself what’ you do only you you Kay I love you YouTube the rest can piss off respect respect oh well loves me so guys be nice I love everyone boy no he doesn’t do Iris I love you too don’t worry he loves me more me the most though Carol [Music] stop car’s a D1 antagonizer come here buddy oh whoops have uh five [ __ ] Mana for you so you can start making your equipment again B oh what the [ __ ] what what [ __ ] how does that hit me oh that’s so I’m so [ __ ] no my problem is weasel mad guys no weasel well yeah I guess he is weasel are you mad yes in them why in them why would I be mad at them I don’t know that’s them not me what does that smell will you Cal down buddy Carol what is Carol doing now being an antagonist that [ __ ] [Music] outside but he’s badass not saying he’s not he’s very badass though come on buddy come here big boyy you get a place right here I need to feed you too you’re kind of hungry no what did you do [Music] whoops I did a little whoopsie killed all [Laughter] our go find more sheep dude we got some lamb chops go find more sheep before I get back from the Nether and I killed a few cows well we still got cows but hey we got 20 muton though that’s that’s that’s a I guess I’ll go do it ra to see some sheepies the wonderful sheepies of O kayy you cow killer I killed a few we still got cows I I killed all the sheeps don’t blame me who will blame you actually it wasn’t me it was the Dragon I wish there was cryopods on here where’s the ark mod I don’t know [Music] man pigs I found some pigs does that work not really cuz no Carol think what’s Carol saying now just tell me to jump be give me some Vanishing hey going for real this time no Irish you got to stay just cuz weo ain’t reading your messages don’t mean anything I’m just saying hey what she what she say you haven’t read anything for the past like few minutes dude I’m like focusing on my coordinates and [ __ ] Iris I love I love you too I don’t know what the [ __ ] you is that is that chickens hey weo I found something better than sheep we got chickens I’m going do what I L last time what I’m what is going on D you I’m swimming in lava oh yeah you got that sword don’t don’t you yeah where are the fing sheep can’t believe you killed all them we shut the [ __ ] up don’t even blame that on me I’m pissed right now dude oh [ __ ] crows get the hell out of here [ __ ] leave me the [ __ ] alone well is there a dragon on you what’s a fire breather is that what that fire breather yeah how do you tame that uh any gold oh it’s like that one dragon from Hobbit it loves gold and they’re hostile to everything except other fire dragons [ __ ] off Carol I am not a nerd I just watched the movies on my drive home today I thought I saw a fox but it was just a cat I’m running across the road it’s very crazy yeah it is very crazy I can tell you’re focused dumb [ __ ] ATO ATO love you too Carol peac I know you Clips you that so mean today wow this girl saying she said she loves bragging I’m so sorry ooh sheep I gotta get all these sheeps oh it’s the first Village of where we first started the the um Ser yeah a that crazy well well well I’m [ __ ] I just got back too I don’t know how that [ __ ] got me would’ you just get back I got back to like all my [ __ ] and I was like sorting through everything and it followed you not I don’t know what killed me Blaze killed me said fire Kaye I can get you cancelled okay why how and again why I don’t see a difference they all look the same no J Clipson no you got to stay don’t be sad no canc no there is no difference between the Sheep at all they all look the same look at look at look at them cancel Kaye why would you want to cancel me what have I ever done don’t answer question one is what one is black no okay do you love your fans I always love my fans that’s a lie in secret he tells me he hates you guys when have I ever show the clip weasel show the clip show the clip okay Esther yes you [ __ ] your fans what the [ __ ] what what what the [ __ ] did you just K [ __ ] should I stay yes you should stay I suggest you should stay that’s what you Aid I didn’t Aid anyone anything sheepies sheepies no get your ass back in here chicken no you stay here no no no no close it where’s the baby sheeps there you are okay inner combine speaking I don’t I have an inner combine no I [Music] did can you [ __ ] get over here you killed all the Sheep No see look we got all the Sheep back look they just spawned out of nowhere they’re back [ __ ] chicken I’m tired Al this we just wake up what the [ __ ] is that bucket of cheese weasel yes what you been doing shut the [ __ ] up you can tell me buddy I will not wow I never thought about that nothing is wrong with the Sheep as shush I’m dead again he’s high [ __ ] hey my shit’s still out there though so what’s a bad word you got stamina like that what what did you say weasel apparently you said a bad word [ __ ] I just said [ __ ] we we not be enough everyone’s asking what the [ __ ] are you wearing yeah I got overalls on can’t say that is it a wordy dird bad wordy DD these [ __ ] dragons even with the fire aspect sword you can’t tank their shots he’s a cute boy Captain coconut hey what’s Su cin cin where do I put wool where do you want me to put wool I know you just worried about your loot yeah okay I’ll just put it in here then do this dragons drop anything depends on what it is I think what the warp Dragon drop uh warp fungus oh these [ __ ] dragons I swear Dragon nuts on your face shut the [ __ ] up God him hi I need a book you need a book for huh n you ain’t read I know I ain’t read read I never read guys I have to [ __ ] okay Kaye Kaye what the [ __ ] why do I have that don’t eat ass in the Halls what for you to tell me what I can and cannot eat don’t eat ass in the house I don’t think I would it takes paper and a leather wait to make a book yep how many leather see about five oh excuse me ah yes do we have any sugar can we should these nerds these nerd words G wait uh what’ you say I said we should wait here no clue we got bamboo but I don’t know about yeah ecstasy what I’m back with all your [ __ ] yeah nice now go back and tame that or Dragon [ __ ] that dir come with me tame that dragon go get it [ __ ] you what are you trying to get you going to come and tame that dragon with me if I get it you promised we would hang out oh what the [ __ ] are you talking about weel I’m sorry to say you’re not invited to my Chuck-E-Cheese party good ko ko what swear to God is it dude that copper has been here the whole time has not once despawned [Music] remind me of the high school bully that would be friends with the emo losers too much fun if what to make fun of them I only got one emot Fon that’s weird son [ __ ] don’t be outing me like that I wouldn’t consider you emo weel I consider you legal wa you know I can’t spell weel’s emo no he’s not emo he’s Mexican duh he’s watermelon he said kill you I’m Immortal you’re not I am no just me no I drank a gallon of melatonin and didn’t die I’m definitely Immortal I don’t think that happened did I ever tell you about that when um you didn’t no I didn’t no it wasn’t me but um he wasn’t a friend I [ __ ] hated him but when I was in school I [ __ ] hated him yeah I [ __ ] did I hated him I whooped his ass every day because he wouldn’t shut the hell up but um he um he would just I don’t know he like threatened to do something and then drank a gallon of melatonin and didn’t wake up for like half a week he was conked out holy [ __ ] yeah but anyway how’s everyone’s day how’s your day Captain coconut I haven’t got to ask you that wow nice nice yeah sh [ __ ] okay with your it was all right just chilling playing po world is that game any good I heard it was a good did it didn’t it get sued or something hey tell your cat I said hey Carol well can hear me I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m saying if it’s watching the Stream yeah it was pretty good she meowed that’s cool that too but it didn’t that’s surprising cuz I heard it was going to get sued because it was what copying uh not Minecraft [ __ ] Pokemon Pokemon yeah so people wanted him to get sued but the Pokemon com didn’t see any reason to I want to see the reason either cuz a most of the creatures on there ain’t Pokemon or is most of them Pokemon I don’t know I haven’t watched any gamep play about it except like I’d watched vanas gaming play it and then I only watch for a few seconds and been got off of it Lou oh I have not found sugar cane yet I’m looking for sugar K we should have some you know van yes I watched Vanos back in the day when I was a little little young chop but yeah I still watch him but not as much as I used to back in the day yeah I know I’m old old I am with u watching him him and wild cat I always watch him no all things are Pals I’ve seen something that look heavily inspired by Pokemon even enough I didn’t go to a certain love you too Carol but um yeah didn’t you grow up on Vanos weasel I did actually yeah I watch when they playing Black Ops 2 sugar cane dude we have some right by the house no we don’t did you do to it I don’t know I didn’t know we did so I went about a few thousand blocks just to get this so don’t eat ass in the Halls what the [ __ ] does that mean shut up I don’t know what you’re going to say just [ __ ] it I watch them when they would play G mod yeah that ain’t as bad some cursed Bal the basic song what the [ __ ] is that hey J clipa I didn’t even know you left you didn’t even see anything I also love the vos’s old GTA videos those were the best those were [ __ ] awesome Back The Day My flyer license Banana Bus oh yeah the Banana Bus dude oh my God that was a good one bu I did say brb no you didn’t unless I didn’t see it why I that what the [ __ ] I don’t know if I will or not weel have you ever listened to uh Falling in Reverse I don’t think so I don’t know why but I’ve been listening to them lately it’s been [ __ ] crazy clear you didn’t see us H BRB well probably not I apologize I apologize sadly I don’t think you he do you remember him used to of course I remember H2O what Carol okay scared me no someone looted this but a do you listen to cigarettes after oh cigarettes after yeah that’s the one that’s one I listen to after six secrett after Sixx you never heard of it no I don’t think I have I might have but I don’t know it’s a good that’s a good one is it is go to work Kaye I actually don’t have work until I think next week sometime next week guys tomorrow’s going to be a solo weasel stream and I’m not going to talk to you guys at all weasel you’re my favorite now thank you she said I love you so much great thank you I love you so much too I don’t know me and we are complete opposites in music taste we really are though yeah in games God hey I like games okay I’m sorry I find [ __ ] I like some of them are ass I say how you like that many games that are just ass [ __ ] ass now some of my IRL friends are want me to get X defiant it’s all right it’s all right do you listen to TV girl I know who that is yes I have her TV girl can you do the AR voice no what happened to all that monkeys uh I think I have the lamb chops on me or it’s in the food um it’s in the food chest should be is that one again uh it’s the top oh yeah there is yeah yeah I think weel what’s your basic genre of music you listen to punk punk or Funk what you say pun Punk yeah I have go to like I go to Warehouse show so you’ll catch me there I I listen to the neighbors but I’m more like a I’m more like a heavy metal um kind of rock and rap kind of game I like slipnot course you do yeah I do and um of course System of a Down dude system of downs good one all right I have a enchantment table now I made it back on my wild Journey get away from me come over here get a give me a second over here I got to make a book damn it weasel calm come over here give me a dream sh boy what come over here [ __ ] sugar can’s right there I knew that I was just making sure you knew we had some sure [ __ ] eser you I never lie I just don’t tell the truth what I need know we had cherry blossom trees put the doggy inside we have a dog outside we do have a dog I heard it dog stay at sad except my fiance she always has to have her dog inside the same as lion no it’s not I’m just not telling the truth lion is worse who destroyed this destroyed what this that like that since I got on dude fck sh it shouldn’t be broke oh smeagle [ __ ] [ __ ] ass she’s the one that did it God shoot an arrow at her house shoot an arrow [ __ ] off Esther with that [ __ ] it is not we got [ __ ] in here look we got a little green we got right here [Music] okay big ass Health with no [ __ ] in it okay okay let do a jazz f okay okay oh wait we got eight Min yes weel what’s up where’s all the gold what what happen all the gold I made one Golden Apple oh yeah I remember now I remember now whoops my I remember I used all the gold to make golden apples I’m like yeah we have like 17 golden apples I’m pretty sure J clipa is asking for you what’s up J clipa what she want I have my phone on my phone turned off I just noticed just said weel what’s up J clip I’m all right Jacob just chilling I’m always okay whoop Bottom Boys weel is a baby boy who little kisses from Baby Boy Kaye I am not a baby boy I’m a man KY what a what the [ __ ] what the sigma no shut up ah what the SE has Mr Moo dance again [Music] her name was weasel he was a show girl but that was 30 years ago when they used to have a show now it’s a disco but not for weasel still the dress to we faded feathers in a hair what [Music] happened if got no River [Music] what can I be mod please I don’t know whoa that is a bold question What the fu if I make you a mod everyone’s going to have to be a mod it’s not that we don’t trust you we just don’t trust I’m the favorite it’s [Laughter] okay I’m already mod I don’t know guys it’s a tough one what do you think weasel Carol you can trust me I don’t know when have I ever done anything bad you were just in t you just made Iris leave did Iris actually leave don’t answer that she said well yeah she left earlier I don’t need Channel mod I said don’t answer that I don’t know it’s a tough one though that wasn’t my fault you were us you saying he loves me more oh that’s what that was all about yeah I don’t know I love everyone equally all Esther said Carol is not fit to be a mod he does me the most Esther who’s fit to be a mod huh and don’t you say me become mod because my CH I’m Bing everyone here JK JK see now that is is a big red flag right there yeah we cannot have that no I love y’all so much get in line get it l said I was joking I love everyone here it’s a tough one Carol it’s a big responsibility sometimes I’ll do anything that’s weird I am responsible I haven’t died yet the hell does that mean oh yeah you right you’re right I don’t know weasel what do you think I don’t know that’s what I’m saying good thing I’m not asking y’all I’m asking Kaye and wee I don’t know I don’t know it’s kind of confusing but I don’t know I’ll tell you what Carol let me ask bmj and me and weasel will think about it me weasel and bmj would think about it eser your begging’s already a red flag Esther’s being responsible um y are all haters also combine yeah I don’t know about combine combine’s not even fit to be a mod no don’t say that no what’s being said the KMS yeah don’t say that yeah not that deep weo loves everyone yeah he does oh God my dog just barked and scared the [ __ ] out of me oh my God my heart dropped that is right that is right Carol you do need to apologize just saying that’s how I joke I understand that Carol but some people can’t understand that I don’t know if you actually did you know take her off but I don’t know but I do doubt it actually never mind these dragons are not friendly is there more than one what do you mean is there more than one is there there’s like 16 different dragons no I meaning like they the ones down there that are [ __ ] you up is they’re just more than oh I’m not in the nether the one that killed me is in the Overworld okay which one was it I got Kill by A Day dragon oh well sorry hey better be sorry oh what’s in the SEC huh [ __ ] [ __ ] but like I said Carol I’ll think about it me weasel and bmj would talk about it like I said what did I just say Carol clipes already know what’s going down why is it still there why is it spicy wa what character do you like from Dango Roma what every game he’s never played Dango Roma who you he’s asking you Weasel oh me or she [ __ ] you got me confused now no yeah well that’d be fine hly CL anyways oh yeah weasel you need a fix your um your audio for streams yeah I don’t know when that’s going to happen cuz it’s just not it’s just being weird you didn’t answer the question though what character do you like I don’t I’ve never I’ve never played angle RPA I just know what it what it is what’s with what’s wrong with his audio uh weo ain’t able to stream because uh every time he streams it doesn’t pick up audio yeah it doesn’t pick up anyone’s audio which I have no idea why Carol said l wait a minute I actually need to see any know he’s Al audio problems Big Audio problem I think I’m might to get out of [Music] w that’s cool I’ll make you a mod if you stay don’t promise don’t say that eventually that’s not there we go I hate you how did that thing see me love you too Carol bye have a good night weel a [ __ ] we don’t have in stone [ __ ] no we don’t that was my main reason to go into The Nether was to get [ __ ] Blaze Rod so we can make [ __ ] eyes vender cuz I want to get the summon minion one that so cool many damn apples sheep is chunky he’s very CH you want to come see this you you want to come see this [ __ ] dragon with me or no what dragon the dragon dragon he do on your face [Music] I’m coming slow down buddy do you not have your spear with you I do but I didn’t know you was going to use it why wouldn’t you use it I didn’t know that’s a black dragon okay buddy take it back I’ll be right back how do you tame those any kind of meat don’t I have the thing how do black dragons come out is it at night time just night time what J CPA shut up G I know what you’re thinking I definitely would have said something if if this was off stream though yeah he would have I’m way different from off on and off stream I’m just kidding I’m kidding Kay answered too gay yo and pride mother what you guys she did get me she did get me but I’m not gay I am yeah weel’s different what the [ __ ] that why’ you say it like that weasel’s uh different he’s a he’s a strange cookie it’s not gonna it’s not going to want anything if it’s flying by the way it’s less like a [ __ ] weasel it’s less likely to be tempted okay never came out me I came out to my dad this [ __ ] I think she’s talking about me mother [ __ ] I’m g go get my [ __ ] you can deal with that Dragon that’s what I’m trying to if it [ __ ] landed did you put the hit marker [ __ ] on no why just show it just does it with the like the magic weapons what’ you say it just does it with the magic weapons I was thinking of getting it it looked cool just shows hit markers Bubba what is that what oh mother I’m different when it comes to my identity by the way there’s a bone dragon in the nether does it says it’s one of the strongest dragons I wonder what it takes to tame those uh it’s Soul torches I was way off K what is is that you did not hear that off [ __ ] yes come here you are mine you are mine yes I tamed it did you you just did you just run up to it and give it meat see I’m not racist guys Kay’s bottom is that what you did did you just straight up run up to it and give it meat duh I just pulled my pants down he was like oh and didn’t see bro he looks sick holy [ __ ] looks like a valca but dark oh I tamed this one but I’m about to die CLA who is that welcome thank you for joining us though what happened wiel I tamed it but I died cuz oh you got hit by it she’s my friend oh okay that [ __ ] looks dope yeah I know where’s the Saddles why leave me and my Saddles alone you can make them oh you can yes with this with this addon you can make them you need five you need two iron and five leather it’s an add-on right it’s with the add-on but it’ll make it should make a it should just make a what you call it a a normal as uh shadow shadow shadow it’s uh like how you would make pants but two iron for the feet and then five leather for check it out guys I got a dragon it’s pretty as [ __ ] too no it is it is check it out yeah boy oh my God I’m wi the best Kaye or Kaye weasel guess what I got what dragon shut up these nuts on your face guys why why don’t we even hang out with this guy what do you mean I’m cool m what was that one Club you said you were a part of where they wear the pointy Point okay okay I’m Bumbo God [Music] these help a lot with transportation is there an ice dragon is drag oh my God there’s like there’s a dragon for every single uh biome thought he was going to say element but okay oh every single biome there’s like flower dragons there’s Forest dragons there’s Birch dragons there’s hul dragons Spruce dragons snowy Spruce dragons it’s okay I think I got the coolest window though was pretty cool yeah that [ __ ] the night dragon’s really cool there’s one called the Great Dragon that only lives at high altitudes how the [ __ ] do you tame that any kind of meat big ass cave all right I got my dragon over here what’ you get what kind of dragon I want to say this is a day Dragon dude these things are fat fast got the frames yeah they [ __ ] drop when you’re flying be quiet es but yeah there’s even C cave dragons Lush cave dragons dripstone cave dragons all right I’m back [Music] okayo ow [ __ ] you can’t make them sit down can you no I was say can any wear horse armor that’ be cool but no just a saddle shut up you guys dick what is that what you find what’s it look like oh it’s a nether portal I think wait what is that oh my God it’s a big one and it looks cool I about fell in lava I don’t need that [ __ ] how do you make them stop shooting fire okay there you go you’re just spraying the whole time just sprayed and praying no no I need that I need it no no no yes that away might as well dude your little [ __ ] Forest Dragon is Tiny compared to this one you got a big one I think I might have just set our house on fire frames what do you mean you think I set our house on fire wait way you fat ass Dragon oh my God our house is on fire weel no what’s my dragon doing here my other one where I was trying to eat W on top of my dragon our house is on fire weasel I swear to God you better save it I’m trying my damn hardest here man swear to God bro I missed yall so I came back Carol our house is being set on fire because weasel didn’t know a dragon that can spew fire it did it spew it h few fire it’s just I was trying to eat on top of the Dragon I forgot to say m to eat is the same but they used to breath fire if I come back and that our [ __ ] is gone be it’s not we’re fine he [Music] jackpot how could you oh okay your other dragon’s over here because uh I think my last my dragon breath fire breath bro breathe breathed fire on it my dragon is at my b or is with me right now I thought thought you about your Forest Dragon yeah it’s with me right now that’s why what other dragon’s there no I’m talking about your Forest dragons over there with you because mine bre dragon on yeah yes that’s what I’m saying I’m hungry can’t believe you shut the [ __ ] up Harry Potter ass this is not a stat or it’s a [ __ ] spear guys this ain’t even nothing compared to Harry Potter did you finish your poptart uh no I ate half of it this is Odin’s spear D mother [ __ ] sound is so [ __ ] nerdy what Odin you’re like this Odin spear cuz I’m you told me about it so it ain’t really me so you’re the [ __ ] nerd cuz you’re like oh this is Odin I’m just like yeah wow I’m just go with that you I [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] dying die [ __ ] go outside go outside oh my God that thing’s [ __ ] huge that’s what kept killing me all the way over there I don’t know what [ __ ] Dragon this is I want to say it’s a day Dragon uhoh uh oh I think my dragon might die I think my dragon might die rare dragons are rare ridable dragons that can be found anywhere during the day as long as long as it’s high enough that’s a big Carol no why ain’t they teleporting to me where’ you where’s your where’s your where’s your where’s your night Dragon I don’t know oh the C the house that’s a big ass Dragon dude oh my God where’s my Dron what do you mean thank you what the unit what the [ __ ] you talking that’s how big bunny we laugh is so loud it breaks raw sound barrier what are these [ __ ] saying saying your laugh is so loud it breaks a sound barrier get it cuz you’re [ __ ] no GI as [ __ ] broken as house I know I know that’s one way you should watch Big Bad Wolf music video I think we have enough cows in there we could just kill the rest right I don’t know where my night dragon is it’s going to be wherever you uh wherever you teleported from weasel that is miles away well good luck but my Forest one came with me and died well I don’t really give a [ __ ] about his kind of ass you know where the coordinates no I don’t let me eat the other half of my poptart girl you’re dick I’ll be back hey weel you’re getting a phone call hope you drop your poptart how dare you all right do you at least know what direction you were in come on let’s go no what do you want Carol why gra that hey get on it’s two yeah it do which do you know what direction you were in um around yeah go that way take a little bit of a left this direction yes my frigerator is running girl I’m TI come on why is does not want to go higher it went higher earlier you [ __ ] it up you [ __ ] it up around here further what the [ __ ] you doing making sure we can still see the ground no distance is ass down there no no go left yeah okay yo somebody go back in the VOD and check the coordinates you died at if someone can look back at the chat where I was before I fast traveled I’ll make you a mod don’t take that g um there appears to be I would but I’m lazy Carol she said I would when I become mod no what is that oo look that what is this oh it’s a duck my dumb ass I want to get back home make me a mod and I’ll do it no CPS guys no fighting weasel go to the left I’m going I was going to look at I was going to go look through the vid the VOD I’m going to box everyone in here what the hell does that mean and you’ll lose what the hell do you mean box fortnite I’m just saying I’m we away to fortnite expert most responsible gets mod what do you mean what the [ __ ] what do you mean what did I say what did I do we are not going in the right direction no no I was at a village it was an Oak Village you want to loot that real quick this is where I looted this is where I looted you did L here yes it’s somewhere around here though there it is I think yes this is the place yes where’s my dragon my sexy dragon come here come here somewhere up here he should be Harmony I’m so skib weasel are you SK G shut the [ __ ] up hey there’s my dragon where where Dragon where you at I’m still at the I’m still by the village I’m in like the flower patch oh I see oh there you are hero dude my dragon is [ __ ] huge that’s not cool it’s pretty [ __ ] cool [ __ ] you mother let me check the dragon tone let me see what your CU your night dragon’s like right above my day Dr right underneath my day Dragon I mean what do you mean underneath the way it’s like thing your night Dragon night dragons are rare ridable dragons that can be found anywhere at night be careful When approaching as they are hostile to All Creatures they are dark slender dragons with night likee wings that’s definitely this one so this one’s rare you say but then my day Dragon Day dragons are Ultra not are rare R drag that can be so they’re rare too yeah day dragons are rare rable dragons that can be found any anywhere uh during the day as long as it is high enough be careful When approaching they are hostile to most of the creatures they are slender and light gold pink dragons in color slender my ass yeah that’s not Slender maybe I’m reading the wrong one are you sure that’s a day Dragon I don’t think it is actually there’s no other ones that fit the description though cuz it’s not a cherry Dragon let’s just say I’m wiy the alpha no it’s definitely a day Dragon I’m going to try to fight a I’m going to go try and find a great Dragon I don’t believe you uh Drake Great Dragon any great dragons can be found anywhere in the world though they are they prefer higher out to those they are hostile to All Creatures these dragons are dis distinguishable by their large size bright colors and fiery breath any meat any meat if you find one of those never mind not funny didn’t lie what you laughing at what you laughing at not laughing at anything cuz it wasn’t funny who said that that [ __ ] was funny Harmon said you you sound like Stingray from cobera I hate reading guys I’m sorry that’s a big ass cave that is not really a cave but okay there’s there’s more dragons in the end by the way there’s one more dragon’s called an End Dragon okay same when we go to the end that’s that’s what I’m going to be looking out for the End Dragon it’s not the Ender Dragon it’s just the End Dragon what Carol or not Carol [ __ ] eser Kaye Harmony what was I saying before did I what did you say to these young teenag think I think I’m tripping right about now I flew back to face without even knowing Hermione I didn’t say Hermione did I FES I did not I said Harmony where’s my country accent just say like I’m saying har Hermon whatever the [ __ ] what I think I should fix the house you think after was you’re doing [ __ ] off [ __ ] Kay the [ __ ] I didn’t say that I don’t think so did I m I think you’re lying to me even your clipes against I said Harmony didn’t I Harmony hermony what I’m tripping what’s happening guys you’re gonna make [ __ ] Kaye have a [ __ ] stroke yeah I know I’m not even drunk yet but you said Harmony her money I’m [ __ ] sh her money Harmony what I’m so confused guys Kaye why are you Country I’m actually I don’t know I was growing up around country people okay Carol you can forget about being a m it was an accident uh I’m sorry then but I didn’t know Kaye you are saying it right it’s not the person from Harry Potter that that that’s what you said which is what’s her name Har Herman hermion her hermion I didn’t not say that it’s okay Kaye it was an accident I feel like you guys are [ __ ] with me CU I did not say that guys stop messing with them forget it K drop it okay but you [ __ ] are making me trip for no reason put that right there he party are you kidding guys I thought we said drop it but what I don’t know [ __ ] I’m confused as [ __ ] Bro the [ __ ] what happened to our house shut the [ __ ] up not her money what you doing with her money okay okay shut the hell up guys these [ __ ] are confusing the hell out of me one second they’re saying her money then there one saying not harmione or whatever the [ __ ] I’m confused as [ __ ] so we are [ __ ] now no God you guys yeah K are they [ __ ] now huh no they’re mother shirts I’m just confused as [ __ ] okay beggar said Carol how is Harry Potter funny what’s wrong with everyone a lot oh yeah yeah they can’t hear us because we’re Whispering yeah okay house is fixed no Carol no you got to stay on to the end of the [Music] stream dude it’s like 3 hours damn Wizzle what [ __ ] off guys I will become an even bigger [ __ ] I have to leave no you can’t camera reminds me of a like a i real friend I have reminds me so much of her one day ja Clips one day one day it is terrifying cuz you’re ass can’t believe you Carol don’t want to stay in the Stream wow weasel you fix the h I said that you some [ __ ] no you you actually didn’t fix it all the way you’re missing like two stairs on the top am I oh I’ll go I love y’all so so much but I got to go okay I love you too Carol you have a good one thank you for joining us I guess I’m joking cookie dough or dildough what the [ __ ] we be breathing like I’m sick [ __ ] you guys I thought he had that stamina weasel you got stamina hey smigle we’re Streaming [ __ ] okay [ __ ] ask [ __ ] I didn’t [ __ ] ask did I shut your mou there’s a there’s another uh Forest Dragon over here if you want it I know [ __ ] that died to Suffocation Esther said hey smigle you going to join us on migle I guess okay I don’t think SM oh yeah that’s right SM it was put into that you were put into a um a fan F oh no it ain’t bad you’re not that cool thanks are you on a [ __ ] dragon dragon these nuts in your face uh-huh got him mm kind of pissed right now why the hell are you pissed what the hell you need a lead where the [ __ ] did you get a dragon dragon is nut [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I do need lead you Bubba got little Stables over here I mean I might as well put them over there cuz I feel like it’s safer I think M I think cuz mine’s fired yeah yeah I think yours would I don’t think yours would burn down the the house well then you’re going to have to [ __ ] sacrifice your life to get one [ __ ] SW yeah can you just breed them you’re lazy [ __ ] swle can you just give me one plus I feel like if we breed them they’re you know they’re table they’re going to be tamed to us not to [Music] you I just wanted to rebuild my house well then come build your [ __ ] house I’m working on it I have to download the whole damn pack over again [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] it oh what’s in the thing huh shut up make [ __ ] pre-u like [ __ ] [ __ ] are you in your house no I’m not even loing in this is not my house oh you’re at our house hello there a [ __ ] homeless chicken in a damn house here you can have my extra one where did you come [Music] from what are you hey you don’t have a like a [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] me when I shut up Bongos your dumb ass would be what was that Weise [ __ ] thank you for the pissing the glass you know what I sh ungrateful ass [ __ ] I said thank you how do I leave use the spear what hold it in your hand uhhuh ah whoa what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh the leg you saw Kay’s Dragon did you see my dragon is it the purple one it is the purple one yes the only reason I like your dragon is because it’s my favorite color otherwise it sucks your night dragon’s actually pretty [ __ ] sick though I do not recall making this bed whose bed is this it’s yours you made it why are there two for your friends a cow [ __ ] [ __ ] if you sleep in the double bed one it skips the night for everybody I know I need another chest we’ll see you need to rebuild our cows and sheep because someone weasel you killed our sheep I killed being blamed a couple cows you killed our house how does one kill a house [ __ ] said it on fire oh yeah I Dragon was a little excited okay we we La her money fail oh yeah I still moving my house [ __ ] you [ __ ] off Master not starting with that [ __ ] again just going to call this in player what the [ __ ] me when I with your mom with your uh your mama [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] to find a house I want we can clear a spot for you no what do you mean clear spot for youo you don’t like the house you have no it’s [ __ ] ugly want me to burn it down yeah no you want me to burn it down no do you want to burn it down why am I being promoted [ __ ] Nerf water guns what is your a child yeah [ __ ] cuz your special smigle [ __ ] no she is not what’ you do why is my why is my undone oh what the did you just pull that out of your ass no it teleported to me your ass you do I don’t know my dragon also teleported to me uh I think it’s cuz smigo damaged me that sucks another yeah I do I’m [ __ ] hungry eat something yeah could but in huh huh huh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s ugly house that’s ugly house interest you’re looking up tutorials that’s what you do no I’m looking up images no [ __ ] what’s in the [ __ ] shut up what the [ __ ] my dragon came to me again okay wallpaper I feel like they’re pushing each other what thing shut up no shut up [ __ ] shut up shut up that’ll do I’m just going to con jooin these bits you join the uh the cows and the sheeps yeah I’m just going to go ahead and do that oh my God the lag as soon as I get close to your [ __ ] house good I think this your slow ass PS4 single oh my god oh they love me [Music] what [Music] in hate chicken get away oh uh come here of shut up um um the shut up or what [ __ ] no I do not [ __ ] shut up no one’s talking to you [ __ ] you are a [ __ ] [ __ ] shut [ __ ] ouch shut up up pleas sorry little one but [ __ ] holy [ __ ] everyone I’m so high [ __ ] [Music] what I’m about pirate it’s an alarm clock okay who grew that who grew what who planted these [ __ ] cherry blossoms me oh okay oh weo is quite quiet boy it’s a funny Smiggle [ __ ] boy nothing uhhuh what’s in the huh uhhuh oh you’re lucky you’re not a dude I know way you are BS and everything huh am I being quiet no we we can can you actually yeah dude it’s not even that close to my face I’m not even doing it shut the [ __ ] up it’s okay weasel I am sick and tired of [Music] this uhuh what was that nothing Sly got to go H okay jpa bye bye love you too man man shut up [ __ ] [ __ ] you are a [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] get you some business [ __ ] broke boy boy [ __ ] CH [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] your loud ass fan in the background it’s two fans okay yeah can you not hear every time she talks it starts going that’s cuz the the ceiling fan the [ __ ] the switch smacks against light bulb oh what in the shut up where what are you gonna do to bang your mom no you’re not SM yes I am I’ve already banged your mom nuh she’s my fiance what [ __ ] boy nuh nuh can I get some more piss in a bottle can I get more piss in a bottle shut up swingle [ __ ] you [ __ ] long neck [ __ ] if you have the bottle just come to the just come to our [ __ ] house and use the dispenser give me a refill on the piss please get a refill on the piss T extra pissy today I’ll take a swig of that fck dumb [ __ ] much does this do oh stop I feel like if you go outside both of our dragons are going to kill you what happened to [ __ ] all the iron weasel do you use it all on them damn boats I not have iron no God dang go E I used all our should get some natural in this house Jesus Christ what open the damn blinds smigo decorate our house BR we got like a stack in 64 in there I mean I guess guess you can sleep upstairs bro [ __ ] you short ass chicken turn that [ __ ] on why does Moder said a fork I have no idea eser it’s a it’s a level five spear I can’t launch it come here come here wait for me I saw I saw it I saw it hey Migo stay out of [ __ ] view of the Dragons they’re both trying to [ __ ] kill you oh yeah mine will breathe fire onto this house they don’t see me sple go to the right of them and walk up to it please okay go this way let me drink my piss to power up and I think they’re trying to go after you CU I saw I saw mine breathe fire I don’t know why hey hey okay I think you’re fine hey smack it don’t not smack it oh he’s making noises okay I’m a critter watch do a flip I missed I got you nice oh I missed H okay okay oh yeah that acts as a bed someone turned the lights on no you slept in a bed you slept tell me that was the deer I want to play the forest again that was so fun but I actually don’t cuz the grind was obnoxious all right I’m going to go look for another Dragon bro you have one have you have you guys seen have you guys seen the new killer on no what is the new killer it’s a VNA from ohna from dead from dead by daylight Not Dead by day yeah the other D from D stranger things no no from DN D yeah is an actual d and d uh enemy that’s the nerdiest [ __ ] I’ve ever heard [ __ ] cool he’s scary he flies at you ashy sh your things is cool I’ve never watched it where’s the food in this house in the food chest you fat [ __ ] which one’s the [ __ ] food chest [ __ ] boy they all look the same it’s the top one you have any raw chicken any chance no why do you need chicken we do not have chickens in general I wish we did yeah we do we have chickens we have chickens yeah look come here go outside and kill them oh we do have chickens wow we have chickens yes I told you you said I got some chickens I have a [ __ ] she’s making something stupid who is uh is that a chicken plushy what is it what are you making it’s not she made a noise what’s in the back shut up please good Lord no C you baby chickens shut up whoops whoopsies I not fix that what what what OU ah what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the hell why’ you do that well what happened our dragons are going to come loose come I came loose and something else last night there’s your your mom wow you got me you must be [ __ ] funny huh I think so funny looking you dumb [Music] [ __ ] I need a salmon it’s you making I need a piece of salmon Bill like salmon [ __ ] okay I don’t know what up our [ __ ] dragons it’s just not trying to stay still I got on want some coconut I was trying to move it away from the cows what put the lime in your you dumb [ __ ] what [ __ ] 17 B boys damn you want on my [Music] car calm down [ __ ] H there’s texting uh damn weel he fast with it no what you talking about you texting someone don’t worry about it okay okay okay we still got that [Music] stamina we go yes I might be making your favorite dish hey Broski a knuckle sandwich um a bowl I like bowls made it Carol she’s B I’ve made it look at this you [Music] make shut up SW [ __ ] idiot Canan disig it’s Canadian disig give me that put the lime in the coconut I bet you want this with the lime in the coconut then you feel better you look so stupid with you [ __ ] yeah calm down don’t do that next to weasel wow Carol already leaving protein I made protein I [Applause] know stop getting close to me just a slice just give me a slice just a slice anything [Music] you got it yeah I was going to go to her anyways yeah you’re the piss can you the piss did you drink it all she’s drinking all of her [ __ ] Apple Juice I I you like your bedside Decor wait the [ __ ] C coconut why’ you give it away if you need food that piss piss yo do we have coffee beans uh you had me some but you said you brought me some jungle wood and [ __ ] but I don’t know where you put it you never gave it to me put lime in the I want some FR loops jungle wood and the cocoa beans why is this back door so secretive it’s just a our way to the nether here you go KY put the lime in the [Music] cocon there it is ky not to be rude but this house is [ __ ] ugly I just made it out convenience listen here I have rooms in mine okay it still looks ass ours is made out of pure convenience yeah no it’s now it’s made of [Music] wood [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] God sit right here look over my how did the bottom how did team Bottom Boys Meet that’s a um I met com wait wait wait daddy’s talking daddy’s talking shut the [ __ ] I met combine through a friend I had we named him titties which is he was funny but um I met combine we were playing for honor and uh I think weel knows the story which I cannot repeat on stream but uh that’s how we met that’s how I met combine and then combine met weasel through Planet Side 2 and accidentally streamed yeah uh combine was just randomly like sending people Squad invites and [ __ ] so that’s how I met him cuz I was just like I [ __ ] I had nobody to play with so I joined him and that’s the same day I met Kaye cuz yeah we started party I was high as or drunk as F I can’t remember which one I was that was something but uh I was like why are you streaming without me and then he’s like I acally streaming he’s like I got weasel here and oh okay I’ll join and then I joined I had a download plan side to play we start took like two hours yeah my internet was e but um and then I met bmj through Ark and ever since me and bmj’s been big buds what’s so funny you [ __ ] nut oh yeah smigle forgot how how did we meet Red Dead red Red Dead you were bullying on Red Dead I was not uh we met Red Dead through we met Red Dead through smigle um we met smigle through Red Dead smigle are you growing coffee at your your little Camp yeah maybe thank you for reminding me I need to plant some [ __ ] cocoa beans but uh we met shigo the fuing Red Dead cuz uh I’m not doing it we were shaking hands and stuff we’re being cool what are you not doing weasel you need to take a shower weasel come on what do you mean I but yeah that’s how I’m at SLE which you should have been Smo first before Beamer uhhuh yeah anyways sw’s a [ __ ] yeah D yeah hey never mind I don’t think you’re growing any how do we met hoochi mama oh yeah we met hoochi Mama through he’s not a bottom boy it’s technically not but he has bottom boy if you’re a minor he’s been in a stream for a while but [Music] he didn’t show up well huji mama has been in a few streams he just doesn’t talk in because he doesn’t have his audio for the stream on but I guess he’s not a bottom boy because he doesn’t stream with us much at all stop playing the [ __ ] music it’s so damn loud no it’s busing I love the music popcorn [Music] pumpkin sweet cauliflower we don’t have any [ __ ] coffee beans why would we need coffee beans Bubba cuz I want coffee you want coffee where’s our bone meal I ate it I bet you did uh it is you look like a person e bone me oh there it is botom right corner of that one I’m going to go look for more dragons you guys look dumb as hell in your little matching robes and hats you look dumb as [ __ ] as a [ __ ] chicken with cros here big boy you’re just you’re just just you don’t have listen here it’s just called style all right who the [ __ ] called that style your mom and she was taking it off last night smigle what does my mom look like woman one day and started calling you guys was yeah this is no shut up shut up you lump noos Biscuit the [ __ ] you heard me [ __ ] baby ramrod h I can’t believe that okay okay okay hear me out bit I swear to God bit [ __ ] bit bit do you like [Music] so [ __ ] [Music] stupid okay you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying okay you know you know you know what you know okay smigo do you love women that’s what EST said um yes sure in what way do you love women’s smle what what this month is about you type of way yeah this month’s about you secret mental health awareness okay what is it men’s mental mental health awareness month as well yeah and I’m mental I don’t know what are we talking about yeah ma’am can I remake this house sure she can make it not look like this I don’t just don’t get rid of the bed yet okay to hey W you got a m [ __ ] know I heard [ __ ] dud are you breaking stuff already huh are you breaking stuff already H I’m still looking for a house to build I’m sitting on the stairs okay I don’t know why I’m what do you mean you’re looking for a house to build I don’t know what H I want I want it to look nice it doesn’t look a nice house right yeah that’s kind of cool I’m going to need a lot of [ __ ] though well you build your house out of [ __ ] that’s kind of nasty perfect we can get you all the stuff yeah we can get you the [Music] [ __ ] B me one of my helicopter [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] wasn’t funny calm down you better explode Fu that like your mom just burp who was that I just heard burp who was it is that you nope or is it my it’s probably [ __ ] dog I just heard I don’t know what the [ __ ] that was F and your mom shut up no lump nose SW don’t do that go [ __ ] hitting me I don’t think you’re Dragon bur Down The House Dron fine oh stop stop no no no you [ __ ] I’m back I L my poutine where my it’s just poutine I can make you more poutin I got it we’re good it’s gold to them frostbacks all right go to does that fit smigle a goob a big Goob oh my God I miss bmj we all miss bmj do you that’s a nice okay think we’re going to need more iron four just in general probably um well now that you’re staying with us you can bask in our spoils I’ll start making you [ __ ] y basket basket and Robins ice cream is basket and Robins even good we don’t have Haven am the only probably never had it one problem see what no’s gonna have [ __ ] suck with the lag at our place beer don’t need a f Never Back Down never what never up think my game [Music] might in the mighty Lord I shall hold my post oh what and now in my perimeter and my perimeter is me oh [ __ ] that D was cool you I am my perimet my perimeter is me anybody L eyes I shall hold my post yeah no [ __ ] wi are you still in the game yeah but like I guess it just lagged out I’m start it up again real quick hold my post shut up damn did everyone else this is where I make my stand yeah we do have can even looking at chat yes I been looking at well it kind of lagged a little bit it didn’t show up until now she called you a pumpkin head she call me a pumpkin head ass pumin cauliflower do y’all like Arizona green tea it’s good it’s good it’s got jine in it yeah no wonder I like it I’m hungry as [ __ ] I to eat I’m about to make a smoothie Bubba make smoothie then my yo the game’s back up by the way [Music] the game back up are you just what did you end the stream or is it still going no it’s still [Music] going you’re going to make your own [ __ ] smoothie oh well I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] hungry as [ __ ] n shut up SM oh god [ __ ] you where the [ __ ] am my blend oh there it is this is where I make my stand my perimeter kind of my perimeter is me you want [Music] a so funny lump tards B what did you call me lump [ __ ] does that even mean is it June the 6 fourth what is it no today’s June the like 3D fourth fourth fourth Fourth I don’t even know four oh yeah it’s the fourth fourth don’t hurt yourself smel all right we got to we got to grab our nanners we got to p it dump the whole thing in God you understand Bubba yeah can’t wait for the ASMR [Laughter] the not funny who [ __ ] laughs M there’s the nner got to grab our fresh fruit Berry bowl with blueberries blackberries and strawberries got dump that dump that whole thing in there if you want to and grab you two scoops of whatever your favorite um what’s the [ __ ] called ice cream is I’mma do chocolate you’re making a milkshake no it’s a smoothie ice cream’s cheap you can’t put ice cream in a smoothie that’s not a smoothie what you mean it’s not cheating B [ __ ] what do you mean fat [ __ ] [ __ ] let him be fat it’s my cheat day guys we should pack up and move to this place I just found no I’m not starting another [ __ ] Farm Criminal how much milk do I pour in here I can’t remember put a glass of how much you [Music] know I don’t know if I should turn on the uh mic for the blender you know noise y’all want to hear it do it do it do it that’s not that [Music] bad yeah blend that [ __ ] yeah yeah blend this oh dude that smells so good you can smell the strawberries from it calm down weel keep it in your pants D I’m going to just start what if he was never my P what’ you say what the [ __ ] someone read chat for me because I know some things are being said I’m aerate uh I’m 10 mm keep it on keep it on yeah yeah yeah you BL oh my God what that’s what Carol Carol’s back no Esther Esther Esther son and what you want you to do is grab you a cup son I prefer a big one for you get your big ass cup grab your blender top and pour it into that cup I’m chopping that in the wood but the wood’s not breaking I’m sorry okay this [ __ ] look good as [ __ ] [Music] okay D Money [Music] 31 that said it’s good thought you said I tastes good I’m like what the 10 11 that too 1 14 like I said I’m I’m like a warhead s on the or outside sweet in the inside what the [Laughter] fuck8 9 30 31 amen oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] you can really taste a n two three four five I feel like adding banana to like smoothie just makes the banana overpower sometimes too much that’s why you put a lot of um everything else yeah we just go to like our grocery store and buy like the fruit things like a fruit bowl dump the whole thing in a blender and so it overpowers the um you know I’m searching for the the infamous Great Dragon excuse me Bubba and that is how you make a smoothie yes sir that’s a pretty good smoothie he she said strawberry milkshake is my favorite well it’s not strawberry milkshake that’s what she says that’s her favorite oh it’s just not a milkshake oh my goodness I don’t give a damn what you lag now I’m just kidding CH say she’s going to go B BRB I know I saw that time to take my my f all daily my daily dose of fent my local Taco Bells had people selling fentol through the drive-thru hey man through the drivethru well they were just giving it a they were like putting it in [Music] food and I think they were just giving it to their buddies but I don’t know like people that actually paid way they get it oh probably just crazy it’s almost like that one guy that got a like a stress paw from T that was covered in anx that’s cheating God damn it Who’s Cheating SPO I spent time on that took me like 5 Seconds what did you do she [ __ ] buried me and I used my mind burst and she’s like chea uh what’s in the back huh cover this hole Smiggle no you did it no I need stone bricks you need some [ __ ] that’s what you need well we have a ton of stone or Cobblestone oh yeah we do start smelting it might have to make like another furnace I don’t think you can smelted in the uh Blast Furnace oh excuse me Bubba I did not mean to do that let’s take another ship of our SM oh my God D Money SW [ __ ] off dude I found like the perfect place to put a camp down like a you know if we ever get a sponsor I’m I’m a I’mma [ __ ] advertise the hell out of it guys if you enjoy I don’t know hopefully manscaped oh I would love manscaped cuz I already got their um I’ve had their 3.0 for a while but I’m thinking about buying their 5.0 like if you want to see more content click that [ __ ] click that [ __ ] like button go to our link below helps us help you know help you make more use code TBB TBB I would love a sponsorship we all of a sponsorship surpris combine hasn’t even got one yet which he’s slowly rising up got to start tearing down the H damn it damn it calm down Bubba here got tear down the hills okay no one touch my wood please thank you we where’s the cestone in the far left chest I found it we should have like a [ __ ] ton of it it’s going to take a while we have any more coal you should where in my ass oh um else diamonds [Music] let me see if I can send you some Co Migo D me huh all right look at the look at the beds see if anything pops up look at the way what the [ __ ] so it did come up did did make it yeah yeah all right here’s some more where’ did you look up or what you do just return spelled Some Coal thank you oh that’s smart you’re a you’re a clever guy weasel you’re you’re a clever guy has anyone told you that weel you’re a clever guy [ __ ] someone go sleep in the bed so we can so you can pass the time y smigle you’re built like Sid that’s it’s not dark enough yet oh there we go you like Geral off of Finding Dory [Music] need more piss piss just kid get some apples from [ __ ] you can get apples get out I want P well that’s even better french [Laughter] fries okay you can get here SM SM I got you something where’d you go I got you something here you go for your hard work there you [Music] go what you make wait wait come here’s going to be living on and apple juice you’re going to be fat as [ __ ] a cookie don’t think you can eat it no you can’t just can sit there and look and look look look look look thought these dragons would be more [ __ ] is that that a Wier oh it’s a carrot I and oh wait no like and and apple he just made the most useless things hey hey we said we’re going to let her decorate let her decorate yeah I know we have any iron tools I need I would appreciate an upgrade what you need and I’ll make you you know what’s funny I don’t think we ever actually made iron tools after what do you need smigle iron to to I got you a pick and a shovel and a sword an axe it’s really the only thing I need all right give me a second I feel like we made iron tools once and then never again just mind burst made another edit of sneagle I’ll check it out you got your own edit [Music] be sure she’s no she doesn’t S where you at oh there [Music] youy P there you you’re going to have this too [Music] thanks yay up [Music] upgrades upgrade people upgrade I wish I could not lagally yeah she’s special huh nothing make some music to pass the time that [ __ ] so [ __ ] loud I SA H I will be right back where you going well guess we’ll never know just look at that [ __ ] weasel at it be my [ __ ] the hell and smiggles head [Music] red they don’t look red right now they look [ __ ] [ __ ] they stupid [Music] [Music] acting good what the [ __ ] I don’t understand that what’s wrong with that Esther huh dog I don’t know shigo is redecorating I’m rebuilding oh something like that [ __ ] shut up I got big plans oh you’re all go smoothie uhhuh is it bkin it’s very bkin nice I’m actually going to go mining I’m going go do that so funny this guy on Kinder earlier which one that one you no I had Flora has access to my uh Tinder and she wrote like government certified passenger princess in my bio CU I I don’t have my license and someone asked if I have a DUI probably a a lie all right I’m back hey do we need any more lepis leis we need more iron though P give me the layout no stop it that’s way weed weasel is what’s up I’m going send a I’m going send a couple things back that I don’t need okay put them in a chest for me please I’m not even that base you go huh what I sent some [ __ ] just put it in the chest uh okay yo empty chest there it is you guys like the edits on me I love assume this is all yours imagine the for Honor edits [Laughter] though D I can’t wait dude that [ __ ] looks so clean for what the the new one that’s coming up the new uh which one’s the new one weasel Wilds oh monster hunter I thought you was I thought you said for Honor did that say for Honor yeah dude I’m tripping this m Shake [ __ ] slaps another [ __ ] MO on or Wilds looks [ __ ] dope they definitely buffed like they did some cool [ __ ] with the uh the great sword oh yeah like holding the mouth open of the creature the monster what diamonds did you not watch the whole thing yeah I did I watched the thing you sent me yeah there’s a there’s a part where he’s holding like a creature back with the great sword I didn’t see that I’m probably wasn’t paying attention to that I was just looking at how cool it looked look like he like he like blocked and he’s like pushing the monster back like holding his Jaws open I didn’t not see hey yeah single how’s your day really good how’s your day SLE go to sleep it’s not dark enough oh it should be actually I know it’s cuz I SP of time to make it dark enough we’re good three wait came up in my I saw that when I went to go look went looked at the edits not bad we need gold right CU we’re running low and if we want fire dragons we’re going to need I need this chest not seen a single dragon out here on my [ __ ] Adventure I’m 3,000 blocks away but when Wilds comes out dude I’m playing the hell out of that game I’m pre-ordering it [ __ ] I was planning on pre-order yeah I haven’t pre ordered a game in years same though but I’m definitely going to stream that I’m GNA do [ __ ] 24hour streams by myself or whatever you won’t I would it won’t probably be exactly I’ll do it hell Arc dude I would fall asleep during Arc but me and uh me and BJ were talking about that like an AR [Music] stre why are you why are you so stupid swing yay I was mapping out the house and it lined up correctly I was excited anyways so stupid of you to come in CU said me and bmj yay anyway me and bmj were thinking about doing an arc stream and um but we didn’t know or we don’t know when he’s going to get off work for the overnights is he still doing overnights yep what’s so funny is our friend my not sorry four five six seven out of this whole cave where the [ __ ] or the torch or coal huh I’m out of Co what [ __ ] sorry Ley who’s that how’d you get in here don’t worry about the open wall don’t worry about it how’d you get in [Laughter] here can’t deal with you smig so [ __ ] stupid uh oh I do that wrong uh do you guys say can cancelable stuff off stream no I don’t think I don’t think we’ve ever said anything like that why would we ever do that how do I make now spigle might think she’s part of the clan how much he says the in word oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you were get oh [ __ ] don’t [ __ ] like rat me out like that no oops I’m making my thing wrong a [ __ ] [ __ ] but nah [ __ ] we say a lot of weirder things off stream but no we don’t we don’t do much if anyone wants smoothstone I have a lot what’ you do make a stone cutter change it what’ you do make smooth Stone yeah why’d you over cook it yeah I put it in for another five minutes and uh I didn’t need to you guys kid s streaming you and the am no no [ __ ] won’t let wait what I only spin it’s not gay I think you’re jealous migga this guys here I’m going to hunt for IR not orang coal you know who I haven’t talked to in a while Amber she hasn’t been anywhere recently yeah I [Music] know find a for Dragon you found another one I’m out here trying to find [ __ ] like a great dragon I mean if the name is called great that sounds like a hard one to get I used to compare her to myself how the hell do you compare you and Amber yeah don’t compare yourself to Amber probably not a not not not a good thing well she’s changed over time you know true I’m out of my stone no am was I think one of the first KD fans excuse me my fellow gents Co [ __ ] frames with your hands that what the hell is even that [ __ ] if you call me [ __ ] one more game I’mma bang your mom bit that’s it where me go to [Music] sleep H H um um okay stay I was holding a D brick in my hand and I pressed on the bed and it placed it above it and I just started suffocating not funny you found that funny dumb [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] hey hey come here often how do I make a stone [Music] cutter typ you want some mossy cobblestone I got deep sleep [Music] [ __ ] should they got that Apple Bottom change oh that’s it that’s it shut the [ __ ] up please away what are you going to do pal no you’re not what does she look like a woman no red baby she’s not red she’s brown it’s a funny SM nothing [ __ ] no no you l stone cutter how do I cut a stone what a stone cutter okay it doesn’t you’re over exaggerating it okay I’m just pet the stone in half B oops [Music] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that can someone please move this enchantment table you’re the one with the [ __ ] pck Smiggle n bro with a normal pick do you not have an iron pick smigle I do well mine it can you break it with an iron pick you should be able to it’s not drop it here’s give it to me I broke it like three and it didn’t work I’m just way better than you anyway all right up no up uh no up all right outline is [Music] done looking good okay oh sorry good did you guys hear that yeah how how do I make it sir I tried I tried me myself first what were you doing blowing your nose I was blowing into my controller I’m getting oh yeah that’s what I do that’s why I go quiet sometimes ick can fix it it’s annoying the bottom boy I was just looking pretty good oh [ __ ] six okay I think I’m come back I’m already like Captain coconut you put the lime Harmony uh 4 hours and 21 [Music] minutes kind of just been [ __ ] chilling and playing yeah [ __ ] don’t eat ass in the Halls who ass is in the hall your mom’s there you go um I can’t get the last of the piss let me pick you that this I’ll make my own nice nice I don’t know think she a little [ __ ] up in the head huh who huh who they’re asking why do you like drinking piss I said I don’t know she’s kind of [ __ ] up in the head said good the huh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] coconut I miss no you don’t I do int guys are being dicks damn yeah I am quiet boy right now cuz I’m like what the freak freak off I’m looking for a specific type of dragon uh am I tripping or is there something I don’t know this looks like a dragon egg found a [ __ ] dragon egg there’s there are dragon eggs out there what’s it look like like egg this is a [ __ ] huge egg we oh it’s amethyst my bad dumb [Laughter] ass what’s in the thing huh some llamas towards you got love the son of this you love the who I said I love the sound of this you done [ __ ] [ __ ] huh what’s in the S huh less talking and more transpor I’m good airall don’t mind it what no you’re go sleep me go sleep creeper oh [Music] man in [Music] why is there’s so much rope on this bed who’s being weird over here I told you I was sending some [ __ ] llamas [Music] weird I don’t want to do cons servy YouTube [ __ ] off hey there Delila what [Music] like you’re a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do that’s what Esther was thinking about of smeagle huh Esther you hear me say that again slowly what the fck k do a streaming a singing stream yeah only way I’ll sing is if I’m hella drunk this looks like the area Great Dragon sh spawn what does that mean who is going through a garbage bag B Vis the calm down no one’s going to take it they will what the [ __ ] why is there a loacker be gone didn’t I just [ __ ] tell you that I sent some [ __ ] llamas over there nope I don’t recall that [ __ ] told you no I don’t think you guys are too much of bottom boys to grow up and do it okay act like that’s G to do something to us weel ising weasel what’s up are you a ski please never speak to me again [Music] do we need any diorite diarrhea gross that’s gross you’re the only one that heard diarrhea let gr [ __ ] idiot and move Jesus oh it’s what you do to me do you have F no why the [ __ ] is there a cow hey there weird in New York City oh my game crashed no I just found [ __ ] diamonds I just found diamonds no I found two diamonds the coordinates I’m going to spawn here I’m pretty sure B shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] York City or a miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do [Music] what you do to me [Music] get ready for this cat no [ __ ] and I’m never going to dance again guil have [Music] yeah the [ __ ] did you make the game again yeah I’m back in it okay I speaker you’re not even in way I dance with you you’re not even br it’s Calico Calico Arc reference not Arc [ __ ] Mao [ __ ] that’s a Calico what’ you say Calico what’s the difference p uh no [Music] I can’t tame the cat I don’t have any fish should have thought about that before I said the cat where am I going to get fish the water I was about to say something uh wal I’m not you’re getting tied up let go why the [ __ ] is there an IR oh my God what are you sending through the [ __ ] portal this is my cat no one take my cat reel let’s go watch the uh Bad Boys ride or die I’m down I’m make sure watching it this Saturday right before the party speak go mom’s going to be there huh whatuh and I’m [ __ ] off God [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] you no [ __ ] M hey found you funny I love Rainbow Six s say [ __ ] funny l MIT k no shut up but for briam Jer yes yes I do what’s the question [Music] nothing I look down to see it the [ __ ] he doesn’t yeah don’t deserve it it’s cuz I don’t want it he’s asked me plenty of times I’ve just been like no I don’t I don’t want to I don’t want you to I got six diamonds guys but do you have a glass of piss no you don’t do you have a Bud Light and a Budweiser that’s what I out I got an emerald let’s get rid of those I think we really need those we need that actually we have tons of them back in base we can easily get the actually we keep it to day L I would the [ __ ] are you talking about who oh my God not you dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] you are a [ __ ] that was not me that was my [Music] sister better spawn up there oh yeah four five sixou oh you [ __ ] [Music] uhuh uhhuh you have any more coal by chance did you use it up yep how do you use a stack and [ __ ] what I’m cooking a lot of [Music] stone I’m trying SN get a little [Music] bit I’m going send 30 right now why are the animals multiplying [Music] 30 I can’t pick it up he stuck in the bed okay I got it is that diamonds I don’t think those diamonds but wait yes it was it was one Diamond go to SLE [Music] I just reaching my back br oh oh you seeing a different one yeah not the Eminem version it’s so good though I said your mom last night shut up [ __ ] she’s not yours She’s [Music] mine that’s weird I just love my mom my mommy uh [Music] show much orang show much orang you like orang I love orang block of raw iron I didn’t know you can mind that [Music] itching I was just looking so good oh my goodness look you’re lying I’m definitely not building into the old house are you you’re not destroying it you’re just keeping it no I’m just building into it right now I’m go get the [Music] sprad I’m going go make some salad saying he dises his own daughter in it oh yeah he did his all his kids actually dude if this place doesn’t have a great Dragon I’m sorely disappointed that looks like a boss Arena down there like it would spawn right there bro damn bro I’ll be back my hurry up [ __ ] no bra bra a freaking slam how’s a baby slime able to hurt you it’s not they’re not no oh well I was worrying about nothing do we need slime uh I’m pretty sure they’re used to craft beeds yeah but do we need them right now m hey Kaye they slimes boys what the heck is that even me I found a cave Dragon okayy I don’t know it looks like a it’s it’s evil it’s evil it it looks like a tiger let’s see let’s see what do I think it could be you die no I’m still alive what does it look like looks like a tiger we got Lush cave dripstone cave and deep dark cave I guess deep dark because I’m in deep slate right now deep dark caves are only found uh deep dark cave dragons are only found in the deepest of the caves they are ridable but due to their cave environment they have lost the ability to fly these dragons will attack you on yeah that’s what it is that’s what I’m fighting table item SK vein what SK vein the the the thing from like for the warden oh I don’t I ain’t nowhere knew that mother [ __ ] why is it look yeah it looks like a tiger I’ve got 10 diamonds kind of looks like a Dino Nugget I had dino nuggets in years I’m at in stone not end Stone What’s this called Bedrock oh you can’t break bedrock with this thing that been cool I think I think that’s too it’s too uh too gray to be a uh deep dark I think you might just found a drip Stone well it looks it it can’t fly dripstone can’t fly either well I was nowhere around dripstone so it says they’re especially found in drip Stone but they SP anywhere in the face I well probably I’m tping back I probably should do to be honest you’re wizard hairy damn right this a dragon a [ __ ] a random Traer out on these [ __ ] mountains I Can See smiggle’s Vision Vision with the face my bad got more amethyst let me my we have cabbage right I think so yeah yeah we have 41 diamonds nice Kay you didn’t look at the dinosur and make dino nuggets I wish I could have was taking him think it’s was going to [ __ ] me up be honest yeah we we have cloth armor on going against the dragons what is that what a cat these guys really do find you anywhere though yeah I can look at that thing I don’t even know who that is T the chemical to [ __ ] yeah man right it’s [ __ ] smle [ __ ] myed just [ __ ] full of creatures said smle so special damn right special ed she is pretty no no don’t hype her like that you know what going to piss me off we’re going have to destroy the chest no we’re not we’re going to have to that’s the thing no no going to build around the chest we’re going to make sure that we’re going to make sure that okay yes she is set off God stop with that [ __ ] I just love it is the best play a different song at least I don’t have different songs yet yep that guy’s Reverb what time is it for you guys it is 12:00 for me 9:00 for weasel and same time for for smigo as me it’s not a clock for her [Music] don’t have school a week that’s cool where C I don’t wantuck uh I’m fine I was just trying to fight him [Music] okay yeah it takes a little bit out of us to you know get up and you know and do this but we tried to as much as we can really y it’s fun it’s fun it’s just it’s fun we’re running out of ideas to stream yeah and like bmj ain’t really able to stream on weekends we or like basically at all because he works and by the time like he we’re able to stream he has to either go to work or he’s just resting or spending time with his wife so yeah it’s kind of horrible not having him here even though he he wants to stream but he’s just not able to I could give you ideas for games shoot go ahead and shoot but uh we already scheduled a game that we’re supposed to stream with bmj so probably after that we could you know take up ideas sooner or later hopefully but if you got to do what you guys want us to play we can help IU can probably check it out before I tell these guys about it oh yeah just go ahead and tell and we I guess weasel would probably know about him or he’ll be able to you know check it out found some bee dragons some bee dragons mhm can’t see them though can’t nope wow you’re kind of pretty what’s I say he better come on and if he doesn’t have evidence that he promised I believe that cuz she does that [ __ ] down uh bmj oh tell me that’s what I think it is yeah I did fart well you find it yeah come on I’m coming in looks like he’s just as big as my uh yep as my day Dragon the Great Dragon yeah I’m coming I want to see this I put him right next to my day Dragon they they pretty much the same just different colors it’s smaller oh wait no do a drunk stream every two month months don’t sound as bad that’s the Great Dragon yep I thought it’d be there’s another one over there if you want to see it or you want to go tame it I don’t think I have [ __ ] to tame it there you go where’s it [Music] at go I a saddle real quick though just right on mine but this one’s going to follow cuz I don’t got lead all right right right [ __ ] hiccuping I’m going go ahead and get on then I’m on the [ __ ] lag I swear it does not want to fly it’s not that great I flew it over why doesn’t this thing not want to fly oh God she’s oh yeah there’s there’s the be Dragon get off does this thing not fly with two of us on go it’s right across right over here oh it’s on your right you’re right you’re right behind you you got it you think if I if you land you can it yeah got it I just need a saddle and it was fun to make it was pretty funny it’s very nice what are you eating spingle dck salad salad my ass it’s [ __ ] delicious oh yeah what’s in it all right you want to ride back you uh onion probably do have to ride on carrots carrot a lot of [ __ ] dressing that’s so much dressing Jesus I don’t think this thing’s going to teleport to you man oh my God bring me a saddle I’ll bring you a saddle K the gay frog how am I a frog where’d that come up from why you may a frug most smig was the one that looks like a toad [ __ ] single I bet you don’t have a dragon dring these nuts on your face [ __ ] got him the Minecraft stream what do you [Music] mean because you think my [ __ ] my Skin’s a frog you still back at the same spot should be well I kind of barely move but I see right here H yes sir [ __ ] new new dragons new dragons huh why can’t I fly it oh my God stupid just mount it and then remount I said we got new dragon there was a time where Kaye was a making a turtle was what tell I thought it was a FR I started com oh yeah the the the build battle [ __ ] big more of dragon should went 6,000 blocks like 8,000 blocks away to find this dragon and it spawns right there at our like in our neighborhood traveled all the way around just they go back around oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ass yeah whoa blue dragon hello goodbye why does he have a tree in him it’s a different one okay horse dragon a horse dragon that’s cool Forest got my badass Night Dragon I think this is still the coolest one it’s a pretty cool one this weing help what the f how am I supposed to help with that do we have emeralds back at the house yes we have a few oh yeah want I get to the chest you kind have to go outside why cuz there’s a wall in the way why is there a wall in the way you should just built around the wall built put around the chest yeah that sucks for just lock us inside here oh God that’s can’t get out of the you know our spawn now that sucks what the [ __ ] is that Dragon there you go there’s a door for frames well it’s still not you know like a big thing to talk about or a you say to talk about on stream Mis huh huh huh huh hey bye [ __ ] hey bye stupid [ __ ] the [ __ ] is that a spear is it bus or what [ __ ] slaps why did I not not going to lie I think it might be time for us to end this stream yeah I mean it has been going on for 5 minutes and 11 minutes 5 hours and 11 minutes that’s a good one this is a good stream this is a good one was a good one got a lot of [ __ ] thank you I worked hard this SC this scary dying and building and just everything I’m stuck in the chest I’m stuck in the chest see you’re sitting there all right well we’re gonna end the stream there thank you for joining and watching and hope you have a good night you know this probably our longest stream we’ve done so far so they’re Hing each other what the hell are you talking about the dragons just staring all right thank you for joining bye guys bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft pt5 (livestream)’, was uploaded by Team Bottom Boys on 2024-06-05 04:59:41. It has garnered 6 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:12:07 or 18727 seconds.

#justiceforkaley #weasel-san #SubToTBB

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    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft Punishment - Creepers Destroy Beautiful Builds! #viralVideo Information как же сломать бедрок в Minecraft Ну все мы знаем что это невозможно но так говорят в слухи на самом деле можно если ломать бедрок киркой то уйдёт много времени и ничего не выйдет но что если попробовать взорвать его при помощи TNT стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой и напиши комментарий бедрок по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили но и TNT не смогли сломать бедрок Это что получается невозможно но мы просто так не сдаёмся добываем и из неё делаем мотыгу добываем мир что… Read More

  • Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!

    Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!Video Information hello everyone dear friends the weather is just wonderful outside today I wonder what Adventures await me today what I think Mikey’s coming to me Mikey it’s open hi JJ tell me do you have a big car I would really like to move all my things to the city Mikey I’m sorry but no I have just a great idea JJ let’s build a truck today wow Mikey the idea is really great okay I agree but first let’s welcome our dear viewers of course JJ go ahead hello everyone dear friends Mikey and I are going… Read More

  • Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!

    Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!Video Information आज भी प्रॉब्लम सेम ही है गाइस प्रॉब्लम तो रोज का होता है मगर बस ज्यादा ज्यादा हो जाता है यार कभी-कभी लेकिन कोई ना लेट्स सी आज तो मैं प्रेयर करता हूं भाई प्लीज आज बस थोड़ा अच्छा चल जाए थोड़ा सा चल जाए बस इतना इतना बोलूंगा मैं फिर दो घंटे स्ट्रीम आराम से भाई मजा आ जाएगा नहीं तो भाई पता है ना तुम लोग को यार नेट का कैसा दिमाग खराब होता है नेट का प्रॉब्लम ही प्रॉब्लम है गाइस यार एक मिनट सर्वर ऑन कर रहा हूं फिर बाद में आता हूं दो… Read More

  • Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft – ZS’SKAYR #shorts

    Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft - ZS'SKAYR #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-23 14:45:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts link in description:- search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viral … Read More

  • Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯

    Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯Video Information [Music] hello is this thing on how we doing how we doing uh playing a little uh well today it’s a special day we’re trying something new today we’re playing multiple games today I’m trying this out and it’s all going to be the same stream that’s that’s the experiment today we’re going to play a little stumble guys start it out cuz we haven’t played that in a while and we’re going to play a little Roblox cuz everybody always loves Roblox and finish it out with Minecraft cuz we love doing Minecraft um so yeah we’re… Read More

  • Ultimate PvP showdown on Hypixel! #EPICBattle

    Ultimate PvP showdown on Hypixel! #EPICBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro gavr up #minecraft #hypixle #hypixel #pvp #hitsync #swrz #dragclick #minecraftpvp #bedwars #pvp’, was uploaded by One_chance on 2024-05-12 10:18:24. It has garnered 2219 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parody

    Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parodyVideo Information greetings square ones let’s take a journey I SP the world where the MS are really mean blue black and green there must be something in the wall here we a diing just above a m yeah oh no yeah the mom break the neck trying to creep a little sneak peek you come to my world but no one comes close to my ey and thr watch you battle with us you’ll be rolling on night night Super Natural Mobs with undefeatable battle dues and all on the on top Mad Skills own so hard we’ll drop… Read More

  • GlowMc

    GlowMc[Cracked] Welcome to GlowMC, the ultimate test of survival in the pixelated wilderness! In this daring realm, adventurers brave the unknown, navigating treacherous landscapes and cunning foes to emerge victorious. GlowMC is a realm where darkness reigns, but hope glimmers in the form of resilient players determined to thrive against all odds. Embark on a journey through an immersive world where the landscape is as unpredictable as it is breathtaking. From towering mountains to vast oceans, every corner of GlowMC offers a new challenge and a chance for triumph. But beware, for danger lurks in the shadows; hostile mobs roam… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP Whitelisted JAVA 1.20.1 18+ Economy Create Focus

    Join Our Discord Community! Are you 18+ and love Minecraft? Join us on SteamCraft where we enhance the Minecraft experience without overshadowing its core essence. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or Redstone expert, there’s a place for you here. Be part of a community where every block placed, adventure embarked upon, and interaction matters. Make lasting friendships and see your Minecraft dreams come alive. Feel free to DM for any questions before joining! Join us now! Read More

  • Minecraft server

    Welcome to Survival Green (1.17.1)! The new and improved survival experience! We have spent far too long on developing and adjusting various areas to make the experience of the Rexkraft better for you! We have so much to offer, with some that you may already be familiar with, and some that you are not. Check out the list of new things and some adjustments we have made for Survival Green! New Features: Custom Resource Pack – Yes, you read that right! RexKraft will have it’s own resource-pack for all players to use! This extremely lightweight resource-pack is going to allow… Read More


    Crive SMP || ANARCHY/PEACE/ECONOMY# 🌟 Welcome to The Crive SMP! 🌟**Version:** Bedrock / Java 1.21 Crossplay (Newest version) **Season 2 Coming Soon! 🚀****Join the Discord Here!!**## Features:- 💰 **Economy Mods**: Build your empire with our robust economy system!- 🏞️ **New Biomes**: Discover amazing new vanilla biomes in the Overworld and End.- 🗣️ **Proximity Chat** (Java only): Enhance your gameplay with real-time voice chat.- 🚫 **No Elytra, No Hacking**: Enjoy fair and balanced gameplay for everyone.## Popular Plugins:- **Essentials**: All the core commands you need.- **GriefPrevention**: Protect your builds from unwanted visitors.- **LuckPerms**: Powerful permissions management.- **DiscordSRV**: Stay connected with our community on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Duo”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Ultimate Minecraft Duo"It’s nice to see a creeper bringing families together instead of blowing them apart! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore Welcome back to the Minecraft scene, Where version 1.2.2 is now the theme. I’m here to share the latest news, In rhymes that will surely amuse. In this update, not much has changed, But my water source has been rearranged. I’ve got my lava, ready to explore, Cave systems galore, what’s in store? Stay tuned for the next episode’s delight, As we delve deeper into the Minecraft night. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to subscribe, For more Minecraft adventures, let’s vibe! Read More


    BLAZING COAL MEME “Why did the coal break up with the diamond? It just couldn’t handle the pressure!” Read More

  • Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21

    Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock: Easy Automatic Sugarcane Farm Tutorial Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their gameplay and resources. One essential element in the game is sugarcane, used for various crafting recipes and as a valuable resource. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create an easy automatic sugarcane farm in Minecraft Bedrock edition. Building the Farm To start building your automatic sugarcane farm, you will need to place seven blocks in a specific configuration. Next, add a piston on top of one of the blocks, ensuring it is facing the correct… Read More

  • Secret Sabito mining exploit EXPOSED!

    Secret Sabito mining exploit EXPOSED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock mining slander’, was uploaded by Sabito on 2024-07-06 08:38:58. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. yapping 4 algorithm dont read: Why are you reading this this Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron… Read More

  • I Pranked My Friend as a Mutant Squid

    I Pranked My Friend as a Mutant SquidVideo Information the giant squid is a terrifying myth hidden in the depths of the ocean with razor sharp tee and strong tentacles it will grab you and eat you with time and I’m going to use it to scare my newbest friend Milo my dearest Bluebird I’m really beginning to think that God should have birthed you as a chicken because is so scared that Milo will only live out here in a desert when I heard that e proved that giant Squid’s existence in his last video I’ve been avoiding the ocean just to be safe do you… Read More

  • 5-year-old pro Minecraft player goes insane!

    5-year-old pro Minecraft player goes insane!Video Information 5-year-old Minecraft players be like hey guys look what I [Music] built okay ready for this amazing clutch oh he’s dream This video, titled ‘5 year old Minecraft players be like…’, was uploaded by Greens Animator on 2024-04-19 21:19:17. It has garnered 10978 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. ❤️ Please subscribe and like! ❤️ Join my discord to hang out with me! ➡️ ⬅️ Check my stream tab for streams on legacy where you can duel me! Watch this video next! #minecraft #shorts #5yearolds #5 #genalpha #amongus… Read More