OMG! I Found a MERMAID FAMILY in Minecraft!

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Today we’re having mermaid kids hey yo yay babes finally we’re having a kid what Crystal no not like that inside this chest is our kid and we have to build him a home and he’s going to raid it babes look it’s our sweet little precious boy what baby sussy ohy why is

That your name that’s that where’s my home you are bad daddy Ms you’re a bad dad he just said it what I am not a bad dad you’re going to get a home in a second that is that poop in diaper yeah make me a house so I could poop oh my

Gosh baby sussy Ms get back in the chest Mister all right crystal we have to make our son a sand castle babes yes that’s the perfect home for a mermaid I know right it’s going to be underwater Oh yeah yeah so I’ll do that outlining on this side and you just mash

It on yours and we can meet up yes bab like a real merry couple what uh no not like a real married couple we’re just friends crystal that’s it okay I heard that what there’s nothing to hear Roxy oh my goodness gracious hes did you finally make it official with you and

Crystal what that is never happening Crystal we’re never going to be Official Girl babes why don’t you just tell everyone what we do when no one’s looking what we don’t do anything oh my goodness gracious you’re making it sound super duper weird no we just hang out sometimes with no one looks and

Sometimes we hold hands for like at least like 10 seconds you mean for like an hour what no that does not happen oh my goodness gracious oh no y’all be kissing for an hour why bluke why are you over here don’t you have a son to

Take care of oh yeah my mer boy is going to be better than your mermaid what hey my son is a mer boy too oh my goodness gracious but Crystal that outlining of the sand castle is good and we should make it have a giant gate in the front

Barall oh no it’s sand so it falls how can we stop it how about around the door we add Sandstone oh my gosh Crystal we’re literally thinking the exact same way a we can plead each other so well oh no SS are you even trying to hide it

Anymore what there’s nothing to hi Lou get out of my beeswax yo it’s none of your business but Crystal this was a genius idea check it out now the Sandstone makes it so that the sand doesn’t fall yes babes our sand castle is coming along so good I know but hold

Up we can do the same building around over here just like this that break the middle for some windows oh great idea so then our son can look outside whenever he wants exactly this sand castle is lit so let’s break it and guess what color glass I’m going use light blue no I’m

Going to use C cuz I know it’s your favorite te don’t tell anybody about that that’s a little bit SAU blue boy you’re literally in love I could smell it what Alexa oh my gosh why are you and Luke always all up in my business chill we’re not in love we’re just friends

That sometimes K hold hands hold hands oh my gosh did I just hear you right did you kiss a girl before what no that that is like a totally against the bro code I would never do oh Crystal what are you doing I’m looking at my husband to make sure he’s perfect what

Oh my gosh everyone just just go away but check this out Crystal I’m building one block forward so all the windows have depth it makes the build look way better and I’m going to do that with the gate as well wo it looks 10 times better

Now I know right and I’m also going to do it on the side of the build over here and we’re going to make it go up over there on this side since it is a castle and all the way around like this so we can out why did so look so much better

Babes it’s kind of looking like a person what Crystal it is not looking like a person do not say that let me take a look at oh no it does look like a person babe look at it silly mouth oh my gosh Crystal don’t go inside the man’s mouth

Without me we and wao the inside of the castle is lit bab this is the wackest sand castle ever oh my gosh Crystal you’re totally right but since it is a castle what if we made a throne for our son and of course since his favorite

Color is going to be blue I’m going to make it out of diamonds yes bab but why are you building it towards the wall cuz we’re making it for our son and I don’t want our son to just be one of those kigs that just sits down all day with

His big belly I want my son to watch some TV oh yeah I’m the best oh my gosh babes you’re a genius yes sir ski and oh please please please give me the TV show I need to watch kog FU oh first try Crystal you know that was a real movie

Seriously not capping but wait a minute what happens if our little boys friends come over where are they going to sit they can’t just sit on the throne yes babes put seats all right I got you and since he’s going to be friends with Roxy’s kid we need a red couch and

Luke’s kid we’re going to need a green one so we could put some red over here like this and then go on this side and put some green over here just like that oh they’re going to have so much fun yes babes but let’s make this place look

Nicer to be in so I’m going to grab wool in light blue so we can put it as Carpets on the floor ooh great idea thank you very much and then over here on Luke’s kid side I’m going to make it green all the way around just like that

And then for Roxy’s kid we’re going to make it red right over here and oh my wash Crystal this TV area looks so good and I know what you’re thinking what if they want to eat snacks but babes we’re about the snacks oh we need tables and

I’m going to grab one in every single color so let me put some tables over here like that and make it connect all the way over to the red side like this then make it connect all the way over to Luke’s kid side and yes this is perfect

Now they need some food let’s grab a chest put it over here over here not to block the TV and over here and I’m going to grab them a pillion sea cookies they going to be snacking all night yes bab everyone is going to want to come over

With these cookies I know right but oh my gosh we’re going to make our kid the coolest kid in town ask me how how babes how well since this is a castle it needs awesomeness fun so over here we’re going to give them the most fun they’ve ever

Seen so let’s break the back of this wall just like that W Po and we going to do some expansions what babes you’re crazy yes sir ski now on this side we’re going to make an entire wall of glass all the way down like that and then we’re going to

Do the same over here on this side and we’re going to need to make it go down here and place it some blocks back like this and block should be good so over here needs to be air as well babes what the what are you doing Crystal what

Needs glass and water can you take a guess uh the ocean what the what no we’re making an aquarium so everyone in town is going to want to come over oh I understand now that’s why we’re making it so big so it has enough room for all

Of the anim so let’s set it all the way over here just like that y then we’re going to we’re going to do the same on this side set the first position here then place it all the way up like this and then whoow wo awesome sauce thank

You now let’s go back over here set it just like this then ww now fly all the way over then hit there then W boom Oh my gosh this aquarium is huge and Crystal I made it so that you can literally walk through and see all the

Animals and I’m even going to leave glass over here so you can see the real ocean yes babes the view is amazing but we have the seal off the top because I don’t want any of the animals escaping that would be so silly so y glass roof

Oh my gosh this is seriously sauce babes now all the water inside is gone Oh no you’re right we need more water to come in which is super easy we can just set two positions over here then let’s set it all with some water easy now we have

To divide up the glass so each animal can have their own area to live because you know how animals be like some eats others oh no I don’t want them eating each other that’s what I’m saying that would be terrible cuz if we have like a

Shark and then a salon next to it that boy going to go much much but boom we have some sections over here now let’s break over to the other side and we can make some more sections but first we got to add water over here Crystal don’t

Forget there’s no way I was going to forget oh nice that’s why you’re so amazing don’t tell anyone else that I said this B you’re really cool oh no what the oh my gosh are you serious right now Luke are you spying on me admit it crystal is your babes and you

Love her I no I I like her as a friend that that what what are you doing Crystal I’m looking at my beautiful husband oh my gosh Luke please don’t say anythings everyone knows you like her I don’t like anybody Roxy sing the song Go song sitting in a

Castle go are you serious right now L get away please I’ll leave when you and Crystal smooch oh my gosh Crystal we are not smooching right babes my lips are ready what no oh my gosh just Crystal we have to pick the first fish inside which

What should we do how about a tropical fish oo really good choice let’s grab some tropical fish exit they’re so colorful oh gosh Crystal they’re escaping oh no that boys is out it’s okay we’re in the ocean oh yeah this whole place is their home okay next up

We want something really cute how about an AEL oh my gosh Crystal you are literally a genius but this time I’m going to make the hole smaller so they can escape and I’m going to spawn up a gillon oh yeah there is so many in chrisal the emergency they’re escaping

No no no no no and F nice job we close it off but some escaped bye bye bye little AEL they’re so cute okay okay next up Crystal we need something as cute as axelos how about puffer fish oh my goodness gracious Crystal have ever told you you are the smartest most

Beautiful lovely person on earth oh no what the how are you getting in my house I have my ways what what are you doing here Luka dude I literally just heard you say you want to marry Crystal what Crystal did I say that I totally

Did not say that yes Luke it’s very true tell everyone what no Luke don’t tell everyone oh my gosh really Crystal my goodness gracious but the puffer fish are adorm up the crystal they’re escaping they’re escaping oh goodness oh goodness hey get back in there you we

Made it with only one escaping yeah and oh my gosh look at how cute they are before they puff and their middle stage is it’s adorable the outside one puff don’t touch a crystal they’re poison oh look at how cute these guys are what oh he’s shr all right crystal we need something

Even cuter than baby puffer fishes what do you have in mind how about dolphins oh my gosh Crystal dolphins are so cute I love them so much they’re like nice sharks I’m going to spawn a billion in hey hey oh no Crystal oh are you serious

Right now that boy escaped don’t worry I have him in my hand but wait a minute I don’t think dolphin uh can survive underwater completely they’re like air animals they just live in the water um how do we clear up water in here music man hurry up okay wait Crystal they

Escaping I’m going to do SL slash replace near one block that’s made out of water into air and now I’m making some air bubles for them so they can breathe in here yay awesome thank you now wait I got to get out without them getting out oh oh oh that was a close

One at Crystal two of them G out you want to put them back in I’m trying to catch them oh no they’re so fast and here let me break it open place it place it quickly place it ah I keep falling oh my gosh man go inside oh my goodness RT

Work is so good okay okay who should we put in next babes what about turtles oh my golly gosh gosh Crystal you’re a genius and we can even get baby turtles hey oh gosh Crystal the babies are escaping uh they’re running out of here bye baby turtles it was nice knowing you

And last one for the aquarium Crystal I need the best animal you can think of what about glow squid oh my gosh Crystal this is why you’re my friend friend I I said friend Rush no no I said friend I just thought that was a really good idea

And oh my gosh the glow squid are so pretty they’re light blue just like we get out of my castle oh goodness gracious I’m going to oh you got him okay wait no no Chrystal put him inside no oh I thought we were going to let him

In the wild quickly quick Crystal oh my goodness hey get inside get inside hey hey get inside oh F that was a close one bab we finally got him oh yeah come smooch now H okay wait let me just make sure no one’s looking anyone over here no what

The what the what Luke I literally saw you come the surprise wasn’t a surprise hes we’re neighbors we can hear everything you do oh my gosh I didn’t even do anything oh you was finished smooch her no I was going to say no Crystal I was going to say no right we

Never no no we don’t do that right you already said yes what no I was considering saying no I said no yes what oh my God you said okay no I didn’t Ju Ju Just no I didn’t just Crystal we have to build on the top floor of our sand

Castle and uh don’t think about what just happened bab it’s stuck in my mind now what in your mind oh my goodness gracious but Crystal we have to make the walls higher we don’t want the upstairs just to be nothing yeah oh that would be embarrassing W Roxy you literally live

In a poop house it’s a rock what that is not a rock crystal is that a rock that is totally a piece of poop I know right hey yo Roxy why you stealing my idea yo Luke you also built is that stillo my idea so wait Roxy you admit you built

Poopa no it’s a rock wait Luke what did you build poop duh e oh my gosh Luke actually built poop why would you build poop what type of house is that for a mermaid what do you think happens when a whale eats food uh he just eats it then

It goes through his stomach that it goes out his my gosh is that whale poop and you’re going to live in it yes sir ski it’s super nutritious oh no Crystal get inside our sand castle and do not talk to the neighbors they are gross yes to

Gross but Crystal speaking of food we have a major problem our home literally just has cookies we need Seafood oh my goodness you are a genius Crystal so we need some furnaces so we can make the seafood cook seafood and I’m going to make this entire wall of bajillion

Furnaces so you can make the best fish ever babes this looks so good I know right wait a minute Crystal I can’t place a fridge underwater it needs air Bish figure it out oh my gosh wait a minute I have an idea if I break blocks really quickly it makes air for 1.1

Seconds I just need to place the fridge down literally instantly okay Crystal am I not able to do this how about I break the block then you place down the fridge all right do it Crystal 3 2 1 break it oh my gosh we’re actually the Dream Team

We just did it and it works and the fridge looks really cool I know right and we F to eat all salmon in the world because salmon is closest to my favorite food which is raw beef so let’s throw up a jillion inside so you can smell them

All in the furnaces bab we need something to wash oh yeah you’re right let’s put down a double sink one for me and one for you and how is there water inside the ocean if we’re around water I have no idea but it’s lit and we should

Also add some kitchen cabinets so let me put one down over here so we have storage that up over here at oh my gosh our kitchen is gig get take I can make so many good foods in here I know right and I’m going to put a big table over

Here so that we could talk with you while you cook oh yeah awesome sauce but now we got to place down the plates and oh we actually can place it down I thought it was going to break underwater so let’s Place aide and since we are underwater R Salon raw Salon raw Salon

Raw Salon raw Salon raw Salon raw salmon and we can get some cake yay no no n n is it good Chrystal wait let me give it a try nope water cake is so good it tastes almost as good as Lily cakes I know right so let’s throw some more down

Over there oh yeah yeah this is L babes after all of this food our son’s tummy is going to be so big and he’s not going to like it oh my gosh you’re right crystal we wa to burn off our bellies and I know exactly how an exercise that

You can only do Under water so let’s break these blocks over here cuz we going have to expand a little bit and we’re going to use green block since this is a sport o what sport we’re going to be playing tridon throw you have to

Throw the Trident as far as you can and that really strengthens your arms oh yeah yeah so let’s build down with this lime will super duper far and H crystals it’s far enough bab this is really far I think it’s far enough all right nice so

Let’s use the magical W and set the two positions then set it all with some live wool Y and ooh we should make the walls out of light blue wools so it still looks like the ocean but it’s actually just a wall great job and that should be

A good height so let’s set the first position there and the second position here with some light blue wool y now let’s go over here set the first position fly up and set the second position SK and then finally on this side all the way to you hi Crystal hey

Bab this thing is awesome I know right and well I don’t forget about the roof so let me set the first position here then F then fly all the way and Y ye oh my gosh this is gigantic but oh no we have a big problem the water’s

Disappearing oh no do that command thingy again oh you’re right crystal I got you let me set the first position over there then the second one down over here then SL SL set water and awesome sauce and Crystal I got halfway oh no what hey Crystal wait a minute we should

Make some rules so if you hit any of the blue then that is zero points you’re disqualified o nice and then we can make the first point right over here like this so if you score inside this green area then you get one point so let’s get

Aide throw it down right here and make it say one point yes but I want more points all right I got you Crystal let’s go over here and I’m go make the next one right over here for two points Crystal you just hit it at me are you

Serious this is awesome one power power y chill Crystal you’re literally destroying me right now but over here is going to be two points nice now we need three points so we can make it a little bit harder by making it skinnier oh no babies you’re crazy yes s ski so right

Over here this is going to be three points it’s a lot harder to hit since it’s such a small area like that and I have a cool idea I’m going to make this super big area over here oh one point what why because if you hit back over

Here in this two block area you will get seven points oh mg so it’s super duper high risk cuz if you miss the seven point you landed one point oh no all right crystal do you want to give it a shot all right I’m going for the seven points right away oh

You got three that’s actually not too bad all right let me give it a shot I’m going to try and go for seven points all the way down there Y and oh no I got oh one point I got one again oh no and wait a minute I have a really good idea

Crystal we can enchant our Trident with loyalty wo what does that mean with this enchantment the Trident comes back back every single time take one and whoop out and it comes back right away and Y I got ooh one point and Crystal that was so

Close oh man I just hit the blue b barely oh try it again you got this Crystal I believe and you got oh my gosh one point really bro a bab you keep getting in my way oh gosh I’m sorry I’m sorry but this is such a good exercise

I’m feeling stronger already Crystal turn around wait what I’m looking awesome look at my back muscles look at my abs I knew it working out would be lit one how is that even possible Crystal it’s cuz we’re working out this is lit did I hear a little baby oh saying

Working ow what the what what’s going on Luke there’s a new top fish in the neighbor I I mean wait what noise does the fish make bloop bloop bloop you’re jacked my guy yes sersi I’ve been doing my thousand Trident throws after eating my fish boy every day oh yeah oh yeah oh

Yeah dude do you have your own training in your house or something uh no ignore that giant blue looking tube that’s clearly for throwing Trident all right I won’t look over there nice and Luke is you jealous oh what boy my son is going to be the most jacked mermaid in the

Universe well he’s not going to be the fastest Alexa quickly we need to make a speed course wait wait go Crystal did you hear that our side might be the strongest but he’s going to be the slowest oh no babes we can’t have a slow

Mer boy I know right we must expand over here and I know exactly how to make that boy super fast what are you planning on doing we’re going to make some swimming parkour babes what that’s not even possible why why is that not possible that’s super duper easy to do if you

Know how to do genius Redstone like your boy what bab you don’t even know how have to do this I do I do when you fall in water you can just swim oh my gosh Crystal we’re not going to be falling we’re going to be swimming this is all

About your accuracy o okay let’s see so let me set the positions up over here and we’re going to need a ton of space and then Y and this is going to be the finishing area here so let me set it like that go to the other side there y

You put the side at blocks and then go all the way down over here and put more C like that y we’re going to use laser blocks one power bab are you crazy yes sir and we’re going to put a full row of lasers except for one block and wa wa I

Have to make it go up by one like this and the only one that’s going to be free is this one over here so you have to swim through the lasers and boom I would have got zapped if I was in survival mode oh no but bab there’s a big hole in

The top I’m just going to swim away oh no not anymore the hole is going to get disappeared in three 2 one SL SL set glass that JN is not escapable anymore oh no so after you make it through this hole you’re going to have to make it

Through a whole one layer down so we’re going to make it on this level so let’s place the lasers like this and then boop boop and oh gosh Crystal we have a big problem there’s no water in here put the water please what up wa you did that so quick nice

Job Crystal and oh no check it out now we have to go through this laser then down through this one and dude this is actually going to be so hard bab I would have just got sapped yeah if you’re a noob Crystal just don’t touch the lasers

And next we’re going to make it go up one block so let’s put it there and then we can make it go up another block over here oh goodness gracious this is crazy and let’s set it down just like that Y and then we can have like an easier one

Here we can make it so the one at the very top is going to be free so let’s set a layer like that then make it go all the way and then we can give a freeb by putting the next one have a layer on

The top be free so let’s set it just like that easy but we’re going to make the next one be all the way at the bottom so you have to swim straight down oh no that’s devious I know right and then boom this is the Finish Line babes

Yes so let’s grab some black W and I need to make the finish line look like a real Finish Line does so let’s set the black and white crystal set the white I’ll set the black all right got you oh yeah I’m zooming right now I’m zooming

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah one now white white white white white white wao that was actually crazy teamwork no one’s looking we could you know do it wait you’re going to hold my hand yeah yeah just do it on three okay one two I just

R through it just to say hey yo there’s actually no way how do you know I can tell when y’all’s going to smoochie we were not going to smoochie oh my look nothing was what are you doing that what are you see oh my gosh Crystal just come on hey

That is not what happened let’s just swim all the way back over here there’s an out area oh yeah and Luke If You Think You’re such hot stuff can you make it through the lasers in survival mode they do damage dude yes they do so much

Damage and if you even touch one you just going to go and die there’s literally not a chance in this green world oh what the oh no wait what luk did you actually just do a first try what Flawless oh my God wa waa wao how are you actually going through the lasers

Right now it’s cuz I’m that guy B oh my no he’s actually that guy Crystal he’s going so what how are you doing all right hold up are you in creative mode uh no dude I can’t even hit you oh are you serious right now really bro keep your

Distance oh my gosh yes babes our son is going to be the fastest and the strongest oh yeah but Crystal we’re bad parents I’m going to cry I’m going to cry what why are you crying babes because we have this giant awesome castle that looks like a Facebook oh our

Own kid doesn’t have his room babes no he’s going to get made fun of in school oh my gosh we cannot have that happening my son need a room and he needs it now I’m making it and crystal says this is his room we have to let him color it

What color would he love diamond blocks bab stu oh yeah and wait I have a good idea we can make the floor and roof out of diamond blocks but we can make the walls out of lapis cuz I know you like lapis yeah oh yeah anything to make my

Friend Happy is he around okay I don’t think Luke’s around I’ll just say anything to make my no how how did you come from that direction you literally live here sussy boy and sussy girl we are not sussy sussy boy and sussy girl sitting in are

You serious he just ch s i n g really bro oh my gosh Luke you’re making Roxy into like bad well you have a wife and that’s worse don’t you have a wife too yeah but at least I don’t lie to everyone about it what oh my gosh

Crystal can you just tell Luke that we’re like not husband and wife that’s like weird we are husband and wife what oh my Luke please get away please get away I know you’re going to say wait okay he literally charged that one up oh my goodness gracious Crystal Luke

Is so immature yeah I already know that but let’s set the roof with some diamond blocks oh yeah Luke you not shoted like AR crib and Crystal our Castle looks literally like a person he has arms and he has like a hat on and he has a silly

Face yeah that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you oh no that’s awesome Z wait wait let’s go inside and our son’s room is actually giant but there’s no water in here I got some water I’m losing here oh gosh oh gosh SL SL water okay I can breathe down Crystal

It’s safe to come inside all right I’m in nice Crystal and wait oh your putting ladders are very very good and I just got the most genius awesomeness idea ever since our son is a mermaid he needs to have an ocean themed bed and I know exactly what to do a sunken treasure

Ship babes yes I had the same exact idea o great mind stick a light Crystal so let’s grab some Oak plages and we F need some oak logs as well and now we have to make the boat look lit so I’m going to make only the front half of the boat

Like this and then we have to make it go up like that and curve inwards towards the middle right yep it’s already looking awesome wao wait it actually is already looking really good and o h yeah yeah yeah I like it like that then we

Can have it curve up that way like that ooh really nice but let’s make it skinnier on this side over here and wait wait like that should be good nice and then we can do the same on this side make it skinny except for there now we

Got to add some oak logs so we can make this row out of oak logs like this and yes that looks so good now let’s do the same on this side all out of oak logs and we can do the same for this Aroma blocks over here and wo Crystal that

Looks so good right how about you add a mini wrecked flag oh my gosh yes a flag would look so good so let’s grab some fences and put it right over here and what color color should the flag be blue die oh yeah and I’m actually going to

Make it cyan blue oh yeah check that out flag that John is waving in the wind she this ship looks great but wait oh my gosh Crystal you’re about to see this idea and your brain is about to get exploded I’m going to make a map like

That and then boom turn it into a map of the ocean this is a treasure map Crystal and we can display it right over here bab that’s the most genius idea ever I know right and wow this is so cool there’s literally a treasure map right

Over here in front of his bed and oh you put some stairs nice that’s really smart so you can get up to the boat yeah we want our son being able to sleep I know right wait a minute you know how boats stay down in the water they use giant

Metal anchors to grab the floor oh yeah that is true so what I’m thinking is we put a giant awesome metal anchor right over here just like that wait wait you’re just watching Professional Building happen wait wait wait wait wait uh wait uh let me make it a little bit

Wider maybe like this I’m about to something that kind of looks good oh yeah doesn’t hold up it actually does now I can connect the anchor to the boat so it’s being held down oh yeah yeah so let’s put some metal chains like that and the boat is being held down so now

We have an awesome design in away for the boat to stay down but he needs his actual beds cuz I don’t want our son sleeping on wood that’s terrible yep he would wake up every morning with a bad back I know right but who P let’s throw

Some light blue beds and let’s turn around then put some s oh yeah and wait a minute since this is a sucking treasure ship we should leave our son a little storage area for Secrets y so you can put whatever he wants in it yes s

Ski so let’s throw down some trap doors like this all the way around now we can grab a chest and this is going to have all of his little goodies inside oh yeah and Boop check it out Crystal you would have no idea there’s a secret chest

Right there yep so that only he knows yes sir and I’m going to leave him with a little gift since I am his dad I’m going to make it say balls with diamond B and then like an A and then an l and then an L ball hey yo yes zi he’s going

To love that gift and oh my gosh his room has literally the lyest bed ever but Crystal we want our son to be the coolest in the neighborhood right of course bab I don’t want Luke’s kid to be better I know right that would be

Terrible so we need to make our son the coolest and if I was a mermaid boy and I had a room you know what I would want inside it no what would you want I would want an awesome party room so all my friends

Can pull up and have so much fun with me what our son’s going to be the cool coolest in the world I know right and oh my gosh oh my gosh I literally have the most fire idea ever what’s your idea we need to grab one of every single color

We can get our hands on blue red yellow green we can throw in some of that pink some orange and of course some s I’m sneaking that in for you Crystal and we’re going to make our party floor super duper lit so I’m going to start

Off with light blue then we going to make it red and then we’re going to make it yellow and Crystal do you see the pattern oh yes babes this floor has such a cool pattern I know right and wait the pattern is about to reset and then boom

This is the final color in the pattern so Crystal can you say it out loud for me so I can place it down blue all right blue red yellow yellow got that lime lime got that pink pink I got that then orange it’s orange I know it’s orange

And then C W yes you got it and then boom oh yeah yeah so Crystal you can make it complete all the way down over here okay all right on it and I’ll make it go down this way so let me put s then orange then pink then lime then yellow

Then red then we can go over here set light blue then set C orange pink green then yellow and this is the farthest back I want to make it now Crystal we F to beat up and I have to go backwards in the colors so I got to throw down some

Red then throw down yellow then some lime green over here here just like that oh yeah yeah up high Crystal wait we’re about to connect oh wait it lines up perfectly thanks babes hurry up though oh yeah Crystal I got you now let me throw down the red then the light blue

That we need some of that s oh my goash this party floor is literally legit this yes face we’re going to party oh yeah yeah and one bow the floor is done on my side let me help you out with these final touches and boom final touches has been completed bab this is

Looking amazing I know right it looks so good now we need some awesome walls as well and since this is a party what if we made it all black and then threw on some cool lights on it oh awesome idea you set the black and add little touches

Of light oh nice all right all right let me go all around and make sure the light is random colors too okay all right we want it to be really colorful yes sir ski so let me go all the way around round with the magic wand set it like

That then build up then SL SL set black wo then do the same on this side and oh gosh Crystal careful I don’t want to delete the blocks you already placed chill bab don’t do it don’t worry I did it and boom boom boom boom I’m throwing colors everywhere I’m making it super

Random same here and wao this place is literally the coolest party room now let’s make the roof also black baby and Crystal have you ever danced as a mermaid this is going to going to be super weird yes babes and can I have the first dance with you oh my gosh wait let

Me make sure Luke’s not in this room okay okay he’s out in this room let me whisper it so no one hears it yes we could be the first dance together oh no I just caught you boy there’s actually no way how I just looked around everywhere how did you disappear it’s

Cuz I’m everywhere that you’re Nots oh what what does that mean I don’t know but it did sound cool luk get out of the dance room oh my gosh Crystal Luke literally does that H chrst I can’t breathe I can’t breathe we got to put water come down here I’m doing

It SL that water okay we’re good now finally I couldn’t hold my breath any longer oh my gosh and wo we literally have a party room in here this is super lit yes can you make a DJ booth to make music oh great idea I’m going to make

One right over here like this this is where all the music is going to be played can I be the DJ crystal sure why not awesome and you do know that I got the Beats yo are you serious babe yes cersi all right right I got my DJ blocks

Right over here now let me calibrate it to the right music sounds like that now Crystal listen to me mash up these beats oh yeah oh yeah bab okay okay okay enough why are you serious you didn’t like it it was uh uh something oh my gosh Crystal really

Bro at least our son has the coolest party realm oh yeah and wait a minute I have a cool idea Crystal since we’re up in his room we can make a way for him to get straight to our backyard we can do it from this side over here so let’s

Break these blocks and let’s go to the backyard Crystal we don’t have a backyard oh no babes are you serious yes I’m so serious we’re literally underwater and there’s nothing this is terrible underwater is supposed to be full have super duper awesome life like check out these fire corals wo that’s so

Pretty I know right and wait a minute I have an idea let’s grab some sand and we can put sand around where we want to put our plants so I’ll put some over there then we can put some over here Crystal and now what color coral do you want

CA all right I got you and I’m going to make that John wrap it up like this all the way now we can place another one right over here and I’m going to make a p really pretty oh yeah yeah that’s looking swag now we need to throw some

In the front but I don’t want to cover up our face house cuz our face house is beautiful so let me put a yellow one like this going over around then we can fly over on this side then throw some more just so the house looks complete

Cuz it looks super empty without it guys make a blue on got you one pow oh my gosh that is looking swaggy sauce and wo oh our face man actually looks like a face man now yes babes we’re the best parents in the neighborhood I know

Right all the other parents are kind of dooky cheese what did you just say blue boy we’re the coolest family oh yeah Crystal they just heard me oh gu oh no babes this is bad D I bet you guys are also I’m just going to say you guys are

Not as cool as us and we’re also going to have a better kid than you is you serious boy our house and our kid is better than yours w look you literally have a giant piece of poop and bro de side you didn’t even meet him

Yet Blue Boy what the heck oh no your kid is name mer ly Pooky are you serious why would you name your kid that cuz that’s swaggy what oh my gosh wait where is he yo mer ly Pooky you literally live in a pile of poop you’re not that guy

Pal what the did that boy just throw up in my face are you serious dude Luke make your son behave right nows I taught him how to do that what oh my gosh and it says ly Jr really bro and is this really what you guys have to

Live in is this just a big pile of poop I love it what yo M ly Pooky you do know that you live in poop right yes poopy my favorite what oh my gosh Luke what the what is what are you doing B oh are you serious right now wait a

Minute I just realized this whole place is filled with air oh my goodness gracious no how could I forgotten dude you’re literally a bad parent you’re making your mermaid son not even be alive we have to fix this I don’t know how don’t worry Luke I’m a very responsible adult boom instantly

Fix your problem baby happy a he’s happy yet what is this this is where boys become men wait what where boys come bad o I’m going inside I need to see what this is all about what is this is this just like what is this it’s supposed to

Be a race a race oh I get it yo poopy Junior ly I challenge you to a race poopy you’re going down are you serious you’re not that guy pal Let’s Race all the way back to the poop you ready yes sir let’s do this all right you

Countdown five three two what what the that oh my gosh are you putting down TNT dude up ow I just hit my head but oh I got out easily and really dude you just smoked me cuz you put TNT down poopy boy bo boy slow

Oh my gosh well at least Luke your son’s not like that destructive you know what you’re pretty cool Mr ly Pooky hey blue boy be quiet your butt face oh my gosh never mind I don’t like him luk do something about it Alexa can you throw

Your baby out at the garbage never he slay what he slay oh my sash yeah I’m a baby and what why is you’re another baby oh no two babies in one okay this is weird and why is your name mer baby Roxy Roxy why would you name your kid that

Yes sir I have two kids oh my go whoa this poop is awesome and wait Roxy why would you build poop like LCA it’s not poop it’s a rock oh and wait a minute mer baby waxy you actually have like a really nice house are you a well behaved

Young boy yeah I’m going to bite you what the oh my gosh all right Roxy what type of Mer baby bites people the best one oh my gosh but wao your house is amazing you have some food y okay Merl py give it to me oh no

Roxy I think the kids are about to fight yes D you think it’s going to win what no this is not good okay okay mer okay guys okay okay they’re like throwing each other around guys okay baby waxy chill F boy okay why are you call dude

Ly just almost blacked me out dude chill bo boy poopy why I am not poopy you’re poopy yeah that’s true oh what but o guys how about we all sit down and read a Booky wait for me why I’m not reading for you we no okay okay okay once upon a

Time there was a green boy and then the green boy was a very well behaved boy W gosh Roxy I might have gotten ly Pooky mad that’s so funny this is not okay yo yo ly Pooky I mean in the story The Green mer boy was very very well

Behaved and came back inside the poop yeah okay Roxy I don’t know what to do secret underground area and oh my gosh what the what is all of this this this is a mining session what a mining session you built a mining area and why is there deadly dangerous mobs here oh

You have to fight them as a mermaid what I am not doing that you and my son are going to raise 10 diamonds you ready what uh no I’m not ready with me you ready you can’t just do this go you can’t just do this and oh my gosh

There aing at us and hey mer baby walk he’s already going I’m stop it oh there’s a secret chest right there oh okay I’m going for it oh no mer baby waxy’s already getting them oh gosh and ooh I got a sword thank you Roxy and oh

Gosh I’m taking so much damage let me get the sword and the pickaxe and wait a minute over here it’s air so I can just mine the diamonds boom I got one then two then three then four oh my gosh this strategy is so good five because mining

Underwater takes forever but if you’re an air six oh yeah and there’s a t right here seven8 no gosh not proxy I’m getting the destroyed right now me wait no chill chill I just needed one more really y one gu here you go are you serious those

Are my diamonds he just killed me um you know what that means you have to go through the consequence what the consequence it says lose what’s inside here and really poop eat it I am not eating the poop yeah you can get me some you’re going to eat the poop oh no for

Fun oh no guys you guys are really really misbehaving kids I’m going to show you my very well- behaved kid check it out baby omy come out hi Dad oh my gosh and why why is your name omy poopy boy daddy you named me thank you and here’s some

Poop oh okay Roxy I think my son is just like yours let’s go they can be great friends oh wait a minute dude Roxy me and you are best friends let’s make our kids best friend why are you being weird wed boy we both have poop on our diapers I have

More poop a Roxy they’re getting along guys check it out come inside over here we have some snacks for you Roxy our kids are bonding this is awesome I want snacks yeah yeah yeah they’re snacks right over here take a punch and you know what you two can sit on the throne

We’re watching Kung Fu OHS you know this actually happened daddy did this actually seriously happen yes omy poopy I don’t like your name I’m calling you omy junor yay I’m omy junor now this is never happened I’m breaking it what oh my gosh Roxy tell your kid to behave

When he’s in my house please all right fine M baby Roxy behave a little bit yeah just a little bit and over here we have an aquarium at uh what are you doing junor dude this is our aquarium we this is so much fun I’m bringing the

Actual lles oh my gosh yay let’s explod them M what wait what blow them up I know how to use commands and uh Roxy uh my son knows how to use commands run this is not oh wait a minute wait a minute we’re underwater ha this doesn’t

Do anything wait what this is bad the TNT is going off so slow yeah the only way the TNT can go off a lot is if the water disappeared wait a minute I know how to do that too wait what you do oh God don’t do it no don’t do it Roxy I

Think we have to run go are you serious right now but wa wait your room didn’t survive well maybe the party room survived are you serious yay and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

This video, titled ‘Having A MERMAID FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2023-11-07 12:15:10. It has garnered 623650 views and 7751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:50 or 2990 seconds.

Today Omz Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Crystal Have a MERMAID FAMILY in Minecraft! This video was inspired by Maizen Aphmau Jeffy Cash and Nico!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandRoxy

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    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

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  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

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  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

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  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

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  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More