Omni LIES! Dream Denies Allegations

Video Information

You know keep it Simple what’s up guys omy here you guys know how it goes another day another video last night I tweeted I sleep what recent news topics tweets videos you want me to talk about tomorrow hey guys today is Wednesday December 20th we got 10 days until the end of the year and oh

My god what happened in the past 48 Hours okay what did you do you’re watching this video you probably already know there’s absolute mayhem out here from every corner of the world and we’re going to sit here and we’re going to talk about all of it in today’s video

Which I’m assuming might be one of the biggest chunkiest west of all time so so as always you guys know the drill sit back relax put your feet up and yeah allow me to lay it on you so xenox said uh stick them up we want the

Cat all right all right you got me I I’ll go get the boy let me go see if he’s a all right here’s the boy again the boy Genius says return guys all right we’re going to start off today’s video right I know you guys want to know everything about everybody else that’s

Going on around the world but here’s the most important guy of the Day he loves you and he says subscribe to the channel okay if you haven’t already and if you have just like the video all right all right so cat frog said well this is going to be nuts all right okay you guys know how this works okay every time it’s the beginning of

The year 2023 2024 everybody sits and they wait to see what’s going to be the first huge big disaster of the Year well apparently we got a trailer to it because we already know what it’s going to be pop crav and a lot of people talked about this it said more than 150

Names linked to Jeffrey Epstein are expected to be released January 1st 2024 the list includes at least one public figure whose name appears in Epstein’s address book you guys know who Jeffrey Epstein was the guy that committed suicide in prison he had his own Island the Jeffrey Epstein Island it

Was a case that happened a long time ago where he would bring a whole bunch of celebrities and over to his Island and they would just do unforetold things and rituals okay it was not a good play apparently this is all thanks to a federal district judge Loretta presca

Who has uh basically ruled to unseal all of the Court docks of the 177 people so yeah New Year’s aka the first day of January will be on a Monday so I will be here to talk to you guys about all the wild things that are

Occurring from this year to to next year also in completely wild news daytime room and a lot of you guys ask me talk about this really quickly Trump got disqualified for running as a presidential elect D this is can I is this real I mean I feel like every time

I hear something about Trump right they can say Trump got shot they can say Trump is dead they can say Trump can’t run they can say Trump goes to jail they can say whatever they want about Trump and I still feel like he’s just going to be there on

Camera doing whatever the hell he wants but yeah apparently Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump is just not qualified for presidency that he just cannot run Serene with axios wrote a quick tldr summary of what this means for Trump and you why it matters it’s the first time a court has found that

The 14th Amendment Insurrection Clause applies to Trump in relation to his action surrounding the January 6 Capital Riot the Trump campaign said it would file an appeal to the US Supreme Court as for the state of play the court stayed the ruling from taking effect until January 4th subject to further

Appelate proceeding the Colorado case is one of roughly three dozen across the country seeking to remove Trump who was currently facing four criminal indictments from the ballot through the largely untested Insurrection Clause the states High Court question whether section three of the four Amendment covers the presidency and whether the

Insurrection Rose to that level it comes after a lower court opinion allowed Trump to remain on the Colorado ballot the seven members of the Court who were all appointed by Democratic Governors appeared skeptical about reaching such a conclusion during oral arguments on December 6th Maxi’s Denver John Frank

Notes the majority opinion on Tuesday acknowledged that the weight of the decision saying quote we do not reach these conclusions lightly and then finally of context section three of the 14th Amendment states that no one should hold office in the US if they have quote have engaged an Insurrection or rebell

Against the us or giving Aid or Comfort to the enemies thereof Trump’s campaign responded to it immediately saying Patriot state supreme court judges all appointed by democrats just removed my name from the 2024 ballot in Colorado it’s funny whenever I read anything that’s supposed to be

Written by Donald Trump I can just hear it in his voice I I can see him with those with those pursed lips right and that that glaze unpopular opinion I honestly believe that Donald Trump is one of the funniest people on the planet okay every time I see this man on camera

Right I’m just sitting there he’s a comedian and I feel like I’m trying not to laugh and then he’ll say some of the most absurd things like Anyway continuing the suros funded Democrats who incited the lawsuit will mely use this tyrannical ruling to challenge us and the remaining 49 states crooked Joe

And the Democrats know they can’t beat us at The Ballot Box so their new plan is to nullify every single Trump in the nation to keep Biden and the wine housee make no mistake we will appeal this decision immediately we will take this fight all the way to the United States

Supreme Court and please make your contribution to join the fight tldr guys what this means is that Donald Trump could still run for president it just sounds like he won’t appear in Colorado’s ballad which is not too big of a deal for him cuz from what I understand Colorado is always a blue

State anyway but this will put pressure on other states to maybe come to similar rulings specifically because they’re talking about the 14th Amendment and the Insurrection and if any of these rulings actually pass in a swing state one of those states that sometimes go blue and

Or red depending on the year or whoever is running then yeah this can make it really difficult for Trump to actually win the election it doesn’t mean that he can’t run but it means that he won’t appear in the ballots for that state which is absolutely huge no wonder

Crooked Joe Biden and the far-left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary they’re willing to violate the US constitutions at levels never seen before in order to win this election Joe Biden is a threat to democracy it’s a threat they’re weaponizing law enforcement for highlevel election

Interference because we’re beating them so badly in the polls Donald Trump yeah guys this Donald Trump the next election is going to be 2024 okay next year so get ready for some all out freaking WAP and May speaking of Mayhem dream has finally dropped the response video to

Address all of the allegations that have been out against him for the past two or three years or so and it’s an hour and 22 minutes titled the truth okay it dropped yesterday around the evening time and uh it made extremely large waves on Twitter as the the pros and the

Anti of this whole sphere started clashing about whether or not it was a good video or not and it was definitely The Talk of the Town in case you guys don’t know what’s happening here okay this is dream dream is a YouTuber he’s a Minecraft Youtuber he’s been doing it

Since I think 2019 originally he had a mask on and then he took off the mask and then people started making fun of him because he they said he wasn’t that attractive looking but then it started going in a little bit further because uh people thought that he was grooming

Miners using SnapChat there were allegations coming left and right and he’s one of the most hated people on the internet that I know in the YouTube sphere like it was a recent situation where the voice actor of Gumball and one of the teenage M Ninja Turtles uh

Basically beat him up and hit him in the face and then also started calling him all of these slurs and the internet’s response to that was like hey bro congratulations you’re based for assaulting dream that’s how much the internet hates this man video in question was uploaded to his main Channel this titled

The truth it’s got 2.4 million views in 15 hours and loy oh boy oh boy 27,000 likes versus 141,000 dislikes that’s a lot of dislikes for a video but this is also a lot of likes that like to dislike ratio going kind of w but

Seeming to be in his favor when it comes to this video he says in the description of his video that the video covers important and series topics for your description is advised all profits will go to find the joyful Heart Foundation find more information here the video is

Monetized so he’s saying it all the money that’s collected and donated from this specific video is going to go directly to the joyful Heart Foundation we can we can audit him later and see if he pulls a Gerard the completionist this video uses music visuals and sound

Effects to Aid the viewer and help them understand and retain information easier series topics are not drama these lies were spread to hundreds of millions I can only do my best to make make sure the truth can’t be consumed as easily as possible I believe that everything in

This video is extremely important even though addressing the more serious accusations is much more important foundation of some of these claims including some of other false claims that were quickly debunked was built on me being a creepy dishonest person addressing the core issue before then presenting my response was something I

Felt I could not be avoided this does not devalue the importance of any singular topic discussed they are all vitally important and each chapter should be viewed as it Zone video feel free to use the contents of this video As You Wish and even monetize it as long

As the context to all the statements is provided and the video is not in entirety is not re-uploaded the the video in his entirety has already been re-uploaded this includes of course fair use reactions and edit so it’s officially here he’s addressing everything he has uh chapters for every

Single section and statement and before we get into this okay the way that I’m going to break it down for you guys is to show you the highlights obviously we’re not going to sit here and watch an hour and 20 minute video but I did watch

It last night and when you watch a video that’s usually dropped by dream in past history whenever he’s trying to debunk something or clear his name uh I know from first hand that usually 24 to 48 hours it gets debunked by Reddit aka the whole speedrun cheating

Uh situation which he brought up in this uh video as well as for context because he believes that that thing was something that attacked his character and you know made people believe that he’s not believable this is definitely one that after I watched I’m going to

Chill and see if Reddit or somebody out there comes there and just completely destroys all his arguments or not but I will say upon view when watching this that I think that it was well structured in terms of the sheer amount of content and response to the accusations that

Were presented trying to provide evidence Cas spins yada yada yada it was okay Creative Cloud it wasn’t terrible he provided videos and pictures and clips and content y y he provided a lot of freaking information I don’t think this was a terrible response when it comes to attempting to try to respond to

All of the allegations that are out there now I’m not saying that I’m Team Dream okay stop it right now internet I just said all right I’m going to chill for a little bit I’m going to wait for the exchangement information I’m going to let him make his video and I’m going

Let other people see if they want to point any holes or see if there’s any fals enties or lies or untruths in here I’m going to chill for a little bit and then eventually once the information continues finishes exchanging I will say like yeah I will say what I think truly

About the situation but I will say that I don’t think this was a bad response video so here’s all the points that he makes okay I’m going to show you guys the intro just so that you guys can have an introduction to what it is that he is

Saying and then when it comes to all the points that he’s talking down here I’ll give you guys a quick tldr I’ll play any uh highlights if I feel like it might be important for you guys to have under context but yeah we’ll do a nice

Thorough CM through so you guys at home don’t have to watch an hour and 20-minute video to know exactly what’s being said in this video I’m going to be very vulnerable open and honest I go into my past I go into controversies and I also debunk very serious lies about me

Including by involving the police legal teams and extensive research it will get uncomfortable I will get into details of my life that you probably don’t want to hear and I don’t particularly want to share either but it feels feels necessary given the circumstances and honesty and Truth is my top priority as

You guys have probably noticed I took a long break from YouTube and since the face reveal I’ve hardly really uploaded and I’ve really focused on other things and separated myself from a lot of stuff I was doing before you may think that this was due to the hate from the face

Reveal or for other reasons but really there was something else that happened right after the face reveal and it really made me step back from what I was doing and have a lot less passion if you’ve been on the internet recently you’ve probably heard or seen some

Pretty crazy stuff about me whether it’s the voice actor of Gumball attacking me or accusations against me regarding grooming you’ve probably heard a lot of pretty crazy stuff I thought it’s extremely important for me to make this video and provide as much information as

I can and I just want to right off the bat State as clearly as I can that these allegations are not true I plan on going to extreme detail to prove that in this video and to all the people that are spreading lies fabricating stories and making false accusations for fun or

Because they think it’s funny but I don’t care I’m accepted them a horrible person this is not funny this is not a joke this is people’s lives ranging for my own my family my employees to actual victims that Stories won’t be heard or believed in the future because of this

Just right off the bat dreams of saying specifically I ain’t do it all right they’re all lies they’re fabricated okay there people are trying to create all of these uh lies about me to cancel me and to make me look bad and I just straight out flat out deny all of the allegation

From my understanding there was at least three maybe even four allegations when it came to dream and The Grooming I think there was like maybe two allegations that had to do with one person and somebody dropped a 24 page expose on dream the exact same day or

Was it the prior day before dream dropped his video in which dream addressed in this video in less than 24 hours okay people are coming for his neck and he is responding to said allegations the first chapter he talks about the face leak photo okay the photo

Of the I think I showed you guys before the face reveals were real is what he said and he did in fact lie about them for for for two reasons he was a big chuny Wy boy but he didn’t do it because he said because he was big number one he

Did it because of privacy issues all right people were leaking his his face and they were also leaking his address they were getting doxed left and right 50 million times we talked about this when it did occur we talked about how terrible that was but also he lied about

It too as well as because he was trying to do a face reveal and he didn’t want someone to face reveal him through through doxing and finding his personal information my guess is also is that yeah he knew that eventually he was going to show his face and he probably

Wanted some time to lose some weight as well because his figure you know here is completely different from his figure when he did the face reveal he says pretty often he doesn’t find himself to be an attracted guy when it comes to the face reveal he didn’t talk about the the

Damage that it did to him but he’s a satirical guy is what he says and um yeah he’s just kind of like an average dude is what he communicates when it comes to his look the second chapter was the speedrun cheating scandal featuring your boy Carl jobs okay I I’m not going

To spend too much time on this one cuz I don’t really care about it okay you guys can look it up in the past but basically he got caught cheating in Minecraft speedrun and even in this video he says he did not cheat intentionally he had no

Idea it was all an accident and then when he hired the astrophysicist he actually just went to a website to find somebody that was credited that can kind of look over the results and that he went through it and in good faith and then yeah his claim here is that he had

No ill intentions through the entire process the reason why he’s saying it here on this point bringing it up is because he feels that a lot people including me use this speedrun cheating scandal as a basis to talk about his character whether or not he’s a liar or

Not now I’m I cannot confirm or deny this part of the video it did seem pretty explanatory and then it becomes a matter of like do you just believe him or not he he talks about his process and his steps and everything but you just don’t know for a fact but he provides

Enough information that you can come to your own conclusion the next chapter was talking about posting thirst traps AKA Charlie is here Mo critical he has his own section as well okay cuz Charlie being literally the biggest commentator in the YouTuber space talked about dreams several times and one of the

Things that he talked about I’ll play a clip from this is uh dream and his thirst traps that people have claimed that he has been doing and in this chapter of the video now when he quotes Moy critical he literally tries to post every single Snapchat and picture that

He has ever freaking uploaded right just to be like look here are all the ones that I’ve been doing I’ve just been spamming it because I’ve been on Snapchat and uh they’re not supposed to be thirst traps people are taking it out of context or whatever I’m just a dude

Who’s new to social media and I’m just trying to post random funny videos and that is that it I’m just a weirdo but I’m not a weird guy before I jump into the most important things I’m going to address I want to talk about something that’s come up a lot due to these

Allegations and something that’s commonly said to give credibility to me being a bad or weird person I’m going to play a clip from Mo critical who talked about the allegations pretty neutrally to his credit but while talking about them he said this dreams audience is has always been on the younger side of

Things and yet dream constantly engages with them in very inappropriate ways such as like posting thirst traps he does post thirst traps even knowing that his fans are children so when these claims come out I think a lot of people start to take them at face value because

They’re like oh that that sounds like the dream that I know uh you know this sounds like something dream might do so it’s probably true even though right now a lot of the evidence backing it up isn’t the strongest now before I talk about this I just want to ask that if

You’re watching this and you share the same opinion try and give me the benefit of Doubt genuinely listen to what I have to say and discard your preconceived biases cuz yeah if you think someone’s creepy and then they’re accused of being a creep it clearly changes how you think

So I’m going to break down multiple things that Charlie said because I respect him I respect his opinion I think he’s a super reasonable guy and I think he’s an awesome content creator one of the things that he said is that I post creepy pictures and thirst traps he

Does post thirst traps that’s the first thing I’m going to talk about he does post thirst traps by the way if you haven’t seen the video this is kind of like the pacing of the video he goes into a very highly edited with music and animations whoever edited this video was

Freaking Godlike cuz like God damn it’s a full documentary response to the truth it’s it’s really really wellmade instructor in terms of whoever did everything that’s here just pointing that out as an editor um but yeah he keeps that kind of entire sphere it’s not like just one page where it’s just

An empty picture and he’s talking it’s it’s very very animated pretty reasonably show you every photo and video of myself that I’ve ever posted on the internet so they’re going to start scrolling by now in a completely random order while you watch it’s important to note that what you post on something

Like Snapchat is very different than something you’d post on Instagram or Twitter Snapchat runs ads every five or six photos and encourages you to post upwards of 100 photos or videos a day to have the most growth and make the most money they only last 24 hours like an

Instagram story so on Snapchat you kind of just Spam anything so for me it’s silly filters my cat whatever food I’m eating that day I get a haircut because of that it’s much easier to take one silly photo from Snapchat out of context and make it out to be something that

It’s not on top of that there’s a lot of fake accounts that I think people fall for all the time they post thirst trap captions using my photos and with how many likes they get there’s a lot of people that casually scroll Twitter and think they post their mind so this is

Just him covering the third TR which again is not super huge or important to what everyone wants to get to he saves the the so here’s what he’s doing he’s posting a lot of these other issues here to kind of give context to his character he’s trying to express that these are

Things that people might be using so that when we get to the serious stuff and it already looks bad cuz they have preconceived notions of me being freaking weird so he’s trying to address the preconceived notions first of the thirst traps and of the speed running

And and all the other stuff and moist crle and the comic first before it gets into the the what everyone actually cares about which is the grooming allegation but I will say like when it comes to this specific clip here as well showing all the clips and like random

Orders of everything that is doing trying to suggest is just a weird guy who just started using social media he wasn’t uh posting a lot because he was indoors and he didn’t show his face and then finally when he did started showing his face he just started being like the

First time him posting on the internet kind of guy suggesting that at no point in time did he try to post any kind of thirst traps for his childlike you know audience he also has another section here that I won’t go into detail why would a grown man use Snapchat basically

Talking about again his identity that he was trying to hide but also he was using SnapChat as a way to make money I don’t know if you know this but David Dober and a lot of content creators are making absolute killing on Snapchat just you

Can make a lot of money from it okay and he’s saying that his Snapchat has actually been owned by a manager for the first year or so the dream dream account that he had was something that he just spammed but then he got tired he hasn’t

Touched it in a extremely long time and he actually gave it to a manager and there’s actually testimony in here from somebody who I guess I is the person that ran his account which I’ll try to find for you really quickly for some reason I can’t find the part of the

Video where he has the manager come up here and talk about how she ran the account for a certain am of time so the source just just trust me bro I think Charlie’s audience is of course much older than mine but if I posted photos

Like these which to be clear if I was ripped as hell like Charlie I would 100% it would be made out to be predatory because it’s me when it’s not at all and that same standard isn’t applied to Tik Tok stars or really anyone else but me

Just because I’m the Minecraft guy a lot of the photos Me and Charlie have posted are actually really similar it’s just people cherry-picking goofy photos of mine and then making them out to be weird when it’s just me posting random photos because that’s literally part of

So yeah I did not see him making so many comparisons with Charlie in this video I don’t think it was quite necessary but also he’s just trying to express that yeah weird photos he’s a weird dude it doesn’t go anything further than that but it will go further than that because

Of the preconceived notions of dream being dream let’s get to the first actual grooming allegation coming from a person named Anastasia okay which I’ll play a couple of the clips here so that you can see what he has has to say about it he debunks it pretty fast and and

What feels like in pretty grave detail get involved but the YouTuber trending right now already face revealed to me years ago when he was flirting with me when I was a minor obviously because of my face reveal it took off pointing out inconsistencies asking questions and so on I didn’t have any inappropriate

Contact with this person I didn’t have any sexual contact with this person I hardly even remember who this person is at all and the only messages I could even find with this person were friendly Twitter DMS and even in those Twitter DMs I mentioned that they had 18 in

Their bio which they contradict I definitely didn’t face real to them that’s an obvious lie almost nobody knew what I looked like at all before my face reveal not even most of my best friends that had known me my entire life let alone someone I don’t even remember

Talking to at all she posted a screenshot of some texts and claim that they were from me she showed a screenshot of my Tik Tok being from your contacts to try and prove that the texts were from me which people quickly pointed out is impossible because I have

A Google Voice number hooked up to my Tik Tok which isn’t IM message like the texts and again she never claimed any sexual misconduct she never claimed anything related to nudity or sexting this was also an early 2020 and she had 18 in her bio with everything and all

The inconsistencies wasn’t taken that seriously but it’s still worth noting because people still somehow say this is one of three victims so that was the first one and he was like yeah all complete lie and one of the fabricated lies that got debunked early in dreams

This was 2020 I think dream got popular in that time frame because I think he started around 2019 so yeah here it is here’s the statement from the person that ran stream Snapchat okay and she basically said there was definitely nothing weird going on with the account

And they were running that bad boy for the past two years or so so the person behind this creepy little icon that was supposed to be dream apparently is not dream and dream has only been using it for a year saying that nothing but the count has credibility here saying that

Somebody is saying that yeah nothing happened it’s just all fabricated second allegation has to do with a woman by the name of Amanda this one was kind of strange and and very standing he points out that the reason why he responds to a lot of his fans is because yeah he was

Trying to cultivate a fan base especially early on he doesn’t do so much as um now because he’s so much larger but this was one of the people that he interacted with he show like literally as much as he can the exchanges that he had with this person

On a day-to-day week to week month-to-month basis and it actually seemed like he was not interested in her at all her on the other hand seemed like she was a fan she would come in randomly popping ask questions hey what do you recommend for streaming equipment hey

What do you recommend for this hey what do you recommend for that hey do you want to join me and play Among Us with me ha haa and he’s kind of like giving like one-word answers and not really trying to open the conversation is what’s occurring throughout this entire

Part of him talking about his relationship with Amanda which he is just basically saying him randomly just giving comments to her and then just kind of leaving this person said October 14 2022 dream you left up I am now getting the law involved the pictures messages and everything consider one

Last time telling the truth before I contact the police for receipts of your pictures this is effing serious you’re denying it and it happened to me I believe in this uh chapter as well he talks about how he contacted the police he was like go do it I mean just do what

You got to do I guess and he contacted the police to see if she went through with anything and I guess she did not report anything to any Authority I just want to say Happy late New Year and merry Christmas congratulations everything you’ve accomplished this year

I hope I am fortunate enough one day to be a in her old Tik Tok of the deleted messages Amanda on the other hand how are you doing dream September 25th the next day I replied I’m good thank you how are you Amanda the same day replied

I’m doing okay could be better it could be worse thank you for asking Amanda replied how’s your kitty doing I love cats I replied and said she’s doing amazing September 28th so 3 Days Later Amanda said dream I need some advice I’m trying to become a small streamer on

Twitch but not a single person joins my streams how do I get an audience October 2nd so a few days later I replied and said try and play with your friends maybe post Clips to Reddit and stuff and she replied and said okay thank you it’s

The heart the next station M me again and said dream would you ever consider playing Among Us with me XD I guess this was this was during the Among Us craze we’re still in 2020 October 5th 2020 I replied maybe heart Amanda said LL take the maybe that would be sick I didn’t

Reply this is a month and a little bit later Amanda said hi dream and then she sent another message that was deleted after she made the allegations we don’t know what it was we only know the last couple characters and again we only know it exists because she messed up and

Included it in an old Tik Tok of her and then I replied and you know later and said hi Amanda said how are you November so yeah he does this for a really long time kind of showing how she comes in to talk she keeps popping in hey hey hey

Hey and he’s like what’s up yeah maybe and then he ghost her for like another month or so and that’s just the trend that he’s showing that he’s had with conversations with Amanda from his POV but this is how deep into the weeds that people on

Twitter go when it comes to dream and all of this drama look look at this it’s a chart it’s a timeline showing from 2020 showing people’s ages all the way to now showing like Amanda has a boyfriend big gaps to the time there’s a timeline for these events there’s a

Freaking episode and people are playing like mystery Scooby-Doo detective trying to figure out if dream is a groomer or not using these context clues from people like Amanda and then other people who fake these information as well it’s it’s a it’s a cluster Fu thirdly the

Only photo she showed as proof that I groomed her were both pictures from based on her own evidence after she was 18 meaning even if we give her the benefit of Doubt and assume everything she’s provided is real and truthful she was 18 when these messages would have

Been sent and I had no context to the fact that she was more than a small streamer but on top of that I unblocked her Snapchat went through our Snapchat chats and couldn’t find either of the messages that she was talking about I also downloaded all of our Snapchat logs

Using the Snapchat data tool which she can do as well and neither of the compliments that she showed were in the logs now honestly this is pretty useless information because there’s almost no messages in the logs at all but it’s still extremely weird that she was asked

For these logs many times it takes 5 minutes to download and she never did it probably because it doesn’t support what she was saying on top of those things from everything she had told me she was 19 and we had no inappropriate contact the context of these messages would be a

22-year-old Creator calling a 19-year-old streamer gorgeous on a birthday post while giving her a gift card as a birthday present finally she said that we planned to meet up and have sex in August when she was in Orlando it was suggested that we meet up and have

Sex I was either going to have him come to my the resort I was at or he was going to pick me up and bring him to his house first of all this was before my face reveal I did not leave my house I was massively paranoid I was not meeting

Up with a random person I had just met two months before my face reveal let alone at a resort which is what her claim was I’m going to go ahead and play a phone call with my mom just to give you some perspective from before my face

We don’t have to go through this conversation all you need to know is dream talks about how that before he revealed his face he took Extreme Measures when it came to just making sure that nobody saw his face locked out all the windows in the house every time

He got in the car to go somewhere he would put on a towel before they reached the highway like he was extremely paranoid apparently he only left like three or four times or five times out of the year for doctor’s appointments and one time when he had some kidney stone

So basically continuing to add context to suggest that a lot of the things that Amanda was claiming was false anyway I’m going to skip through some of the context okay and just give you guys the police station thing apparently he bunked that saying that that would never

Occur there was no reports that actually got issued towards him he called the police station and had a conversation and recorded the conversation with the person was like yeah no somebody’s lying on your name bro uh what happened next basically what occurred and I think this is quacky and all this other information

Gumball versus dream situation he brings Clarity to this one as well saying that he didn’t know the dude he had just met him that night and that dude was just a POS and he was just quite literally a belligerent ignorant garbage dude to so much to the fact that he got

An interview with the goddamn Uber driver who was in the car in the video with him and Gumball and a fourth person that’s not going to be named I have not seen this much investigative work go into trying to clear your name and this is what I meant in terms of like THD

Rough he literally draws out as much information as possible so if he is lying and any of this 1 hour and 22 minutes it would be very easy to to bump very quickly if any of the people were saying that you’re lying dream they should be able to provide something so I

Got in contact with the Uber driver from that night I interviewed him and I’ll let him speak for himself to help clear some things up hey what’s the worst that can happen it’s an what is that for going to be paralyzed or you’re going to be dead like I’m serious okay

Man what’s going on man this is our Uber driver who happens to be one of the highest rated Uber drivers in all of Texas he agreed to come share his recollection of what happened so I’m just going to let him talk when I picked

You guys up you know he had a lot of energy he was like putting his head outside filming the phone dropped out of the car when the cop showed up the cop came up to the car at first and was talking to him and the way that he was

Speaking to the cop he was speaking like down on the cop and I’m like man like you need to be quiet because you’re going to go to jail if you keep talking to the cops like that as soon as I said that not even 20 seconds the cop came

And he was like you get out the car you’re going to jail I’m trying to save you from going to jail because I don’t want nobody to go to jail period kept saying something about like IQ like he felt like he was better and I was like

Nobody cares about your IQ there’s a lot of people with high iq’s in jail right now so what you going to tell them you’re going to talk to him and say that you’re a child star while you’re in jail so I was like I’m trying to help you out

I don’t want you to go to jail even after you’re acting crazy and wild which most Uber drivers would have left you you never said anything negative towards him while he was saying all this stuff majority of the stuff didn’t make it on the tape I think he’s he was going

Through a lot of other things besides just being drunk so yeah he the Uber driver is just like yo Nicholas canu was a freaking Heathen and a mess yeah if I was the Uber driver I would have been like yeah take his ass to jail cuz I

Don’t need that I ain’t going I ain’t trying to help some kid who thinks he has high IQ let him try to figure out that high IQ in jail I would have left him but dream thoroughly using as much evidence as he can to show in this Gumball situation

That he was not a perpetrator didn’t really know the dude and was much more of a victim even though the internet came at him and was making fun of him for being attacked it’s it’s he’s providing a lot of contact and a lot of information he also said he had just met

Nicholas and he was already drunk the party was not his party he did not know how old Nicholas was he was not the one recorded he only posted the video because he was lying on his name on Twitter next chapter he talks about dxing and how Siri it is and how his

Family had to go through doxing situations non-stop left and right people were showing up at his door fans or creeps or whatever uh he when he was living in a house with uh the S SMP you know like he would you know have to put

On a mask or he would go away so someone else can come after the door so that he couldn’t get his face revealed it was really really bad and difficult for him once the the leaks came out and he was getting docked his families that guns

Were being had we all know that doxing is extremely extremely terrible because then they get swatted his family gotten swatted there were guns being held at his family and that’s that’s absolutely terrifying there have been some accidents in the past where people who got swatted die they didn’t talk about

The dream moaning allegation there was a allegation from burner 2022 who said there was some clips or whatever of him moaning and txting and grooming in this whole thing the the dream did what tag he denounces all of it he said it was all fabricated he shows how it was

Fabricated he shows like there’s a video of a video of a video of a text of a text of a video and he says he did not do it at all I reached out to them to try and find anything that I could find to find out what this was even about

Because I’ve never been confronted by one of my friends for grooming and I’ve never groomed anybody so I found out who was Anonymous in these messages and let’s hear what they have to say these screenshots are extremely out of context and used disingenuously to tell a story about dream that isn’t true at

All I haven’t spoken a dream in a very long time but to my knowledge he has not interacted with underage fans inappropriately or in any way that could be considered grooming these DMS were posted by the burner without my permission and without ever contacting me beforehand they were sent to the

Burner by a vulnerable person that was upset and being taken advantage of while under the influence of alcohol I want to be anonymous and stay completely out of this because all the terrible stuff I I’ve seen happen to everyone mentioned on both sides is very scary this

Conversation was Private in my life and no one deserves to have their personal life dug through because of anonymous people making false claims without knowledge or context about anything they’re saying this person was not involved at all and did not consent to anything now if you’re a little confused

I am too this is a burner account making up things their story makes no sense okay so let’s just summarize this this allegation is not from a victim it is from an anonymous Twitter account that was made the same day as the allegation this Anonymous person claims that I

Groomed a girl named jimie they did not ever contact jimie they did not know Jaimie they got none of their information from Jamie they even incorrectly said that she quit the internet years ago when she’s still active to this day they posted videos claiming to be from me to a minor they

Never showed proof that it was from me or my Snapchat profile they never showed proof of who it was to they cropped contexts from screenshots lied publicly and said I admitted the videos were from me they falsely alluded to the fact that the victim gave them permission and

Ended up causing massive Hur harassment and Terror to jimie who they said was a victim of mine the person in the screenshots claims that I’m not a groomer that they’re extremely out of context and that the burner doesn’t even know what was being discussed and that now their personal life is being dug

Into due to an anonymous burner account on top of that no one even Taps to open the Snapchat there’s no finger you can’t open snaps with a button but it doesn’t even matter because you can see that no buttons were pressed so how did it open

Nobody touches the screen so he he goes on and on and keeps saying like look none of this makes any sense like this is all fabricated here is all of the evidence what more do you want from me ending the video by the way cuz I’m getting kind of tired talking about it

But he calls the police to see if anything actually happened the police were like nah nobody talked about you at all he got a statement from the actual victim Jamie herself part of dream admitt it was him I can’t even recall the false accusations basically saying that people have been making many more

These are just three of the claims but people have been making false accusations left and right easily fabricating it and people will take it as you know truthful like people on the internet like d what dream did this and then now they believe it and now they

Hate it and lastly we’ll end with this one but this is the part where he basically drags xqc and poke man under the bus probably watching this I want you to address this what do you have to say for yourself it’s irrefutable proof it says Felix yo can’t stop thinking

About you dud like it’s bad yeah question mark I know you don’t want me to bring up little nasx party again but I need to be your gag daddy check snap the terrible thing is I can see excuse I can hear him xqc streamer you guys

Probably know he is but I can hear him speaking these things or poke man you’ve been getting some hate for your cookie prices recently and I don’t mean to expose you but you did say this to me it says here they’re just some stupid cookies I repackaged them selling at 10

Times the price but my fans are stupid AF so they’ll buy them anyway they taste pretty good at the least smiley face time to get rich off stupid little girls and simps again funny enough this picture was used to spread misinformation on Twitter they took these clips and people took it on

Twitter and then they used it to spread misinformation which people who are not in this debacle took it and it’s like damn I knew it ransin pokem man look at her she’s a terrible human being or look at xqc nasty ass I knew this man was weird you know like people literally are

Eating up these fake images that he showed here were just fake took it and it made it Real showing how easy it is so ladies and gentlemen that’s the dream situation if you go on Twitter and you give an opinion about the situation you will get smashed if you say hey dream

You made a very excellent great video then the people who hey dream will like are you ridiculous do you do you approve of P files and and touchers and all that and if you go there and you say dream this was a terrior video and you’re

Still uh a groomer and all this you got his fans coming out here like did you watch the video Blah Blah Blah how do you not trust them after all of this information it’s one of those opinions that are more important than your political stance okay what do you

Believe about Humanity what do you believe about wars what do you believe about all these actual events that matter nobody cares but what do you believe about dream oh you will get merked by somebody on the internet so here we go you guys are wondering what is my official stance on the situation

Okay I think it was a very enlightening video that provided context that we did not have before I also know that dream has a history of making videos like this that has gotten debunked immediately so I going to chill I am going to wait I

Am not going to take a side here I’m going to see and let some time pass and some exchangement information to go through to see if anybody is going to come here and find some contradiction in what dream has said because just like the Gerard the completionist situation

Okay the more somebody talks the easier it is to catch them in the LIE they can put their foot in their mouths and dream just talked a lot so this gives people a lot of opportunity to find any lies or holes or contradiction objectively I will say when it comes to responding to

Situations this video was probably on the upper end of being able to provide as much information as possible from many different facets it was not poorly done whoever edit the video is goated and he said a lot and addressed a lot and provided as much evidence as it

Seems like he can but there are some people who feel like he left out a lot of information in terms of what people have found issues with him in the past before for example hell in the joyful said I know lots of people already ask this but the dream video addressing all

The allegations the video was decently in death but it did not mention any of the racism scandals or times that he weaponized his fan base if you guys don’t know dream has Twitter fingers and he gets big baby rage mad he didn’t touch upon all that he only touched upon

The things that makes him look good but the things that made him look really bad that people had complaints with he ain’t say nothing and this man’s Twitter fingers has put a lot of people in situations that were not so good he would quote retweet you know accounts

With like 40 followers and then all this stands would just attack him you got mudar who said dream made a pretty awesome response video good for him 18,000 likes and then you got people in the comments like bro it’s not it buddy you might get dragged for this he

Literally pulled a yandere Dev I can’t LMFO Dark Viper Au said Dreams video attempting to clear his name seems in dep and pretty convincing being a Creator and experiencing some small Fleck of the BS people will say and believe entirely for malicious reasons does make me bias admittedly having to

Accept that people will believe false things about me and there’s nothing I can do about it has been one of the hardest pills I’ve had to swallow dream made fake DMS in this video about how other hated creators to show how easily they can be made and believed by the

Masses these are now being spread and believed I also didn’t really follow any of the accusations before this I ducked out of dream’s online life when I accepted largely due to Carl’s video that dream was actually unaware of his speedruns were modded relative to dream I experienced only a tiny fraction of

Online attention blah blah blah I don’t think dream has handled Fame well but I have yet to see anything that’s convinced me his crimes go beyond that and as for that burner account that made the 24 page essay or whatever about dream basically slandering him and saying that he did

All of this stuff they had said to clarify what we are saying either this person lied to us about the allegations being true son is fake proof and they gave us permission to post it for whatever reason or they lied in dreams response video about the AL ations being

False and the allegations are true this person for an unknown reason either lied to us to make a false allegation believable or they lied in dreams response one way or another the person lived and deceived people so the burner is now but like backtracking look it looks like I might have been fed

Misinformation either that or they’re lying directly to dream and everyone’s like pack it up you’re gone I hope you get sued y’all realize there’s more evidence than a single burner account it’s not clear in his name okay but what did you lie about going to the police

Then Bethany so switch up was wow me when I lie on the internet people are like now turning on Burner 2022 guys that’s the situation as a whole I’m tired my I think these are my final thoughts okay I told you guys I’m going to remain neutral I’m going to wait a

Little bit and see if there’s any more information exchanging is anybody going to debunk or find out that he’s lying I’m going to chill for a little bit but my my initial thoughts are this dream appears to be a weird dude who has no social media uh I want to say etiquette

Whatsoever it doesn’t seem like any one can nail like specific hardcore evidence to show that he is groomy I don’t know if it’s either because a it’s impossible to do so or B because he hasn’t done so whatsoever but I mean my opinion I think

He did a good job at least trying to respond and refute to those serious allegations I’m not going to take everything that dream said at face value I’m not going to take his side I like I said I’m going to continue in wait but I do think that the response that he made

Was enough and sufficient to be a response and now it’s it’s up to whoever wants to keep calling a groomer or whoever wants to keep calling him out for all these accusations to come to the table and prove him wrong or to say that it did occur that now it’s up to their

Owners to continue to make these statements cuz he’s officially made the response that he’s promised and said that he was going to make I’ve said this before in the past when we talked about dream I I keep saying this to you guys I don’t hate dream but the internet hates dream and I

Don’t think he handles everything well but at the same time being somebody who blew up as fast as he did yeah I can see it not always being something that you respond and that you do he’s a young guy as well and he gets bullied non-stop I can see people

Reacting to these situations much worse if he’s lying and manipulating us to us to kind of show his character portrayed in a certain way well he did a really good job but again I’m going to wait I’m going to chill someone’s probably going to make a reverse video Uno on him and

Then we’ll see how that goes nobody comes up with some hard facts conclusions or evidence to kind of show that you know dream is what people are claiming if he’s broken any crimes or whatsoever I’m just going to chalk it up to him being a weird social dude that is

Just hated for you know being hated and if there’s more things to come out I will let you guys know you can let me know how you feel about dream and the situation in the comments below just note that regardless of your opinion you will be shot on site by somebody

Speaking of shot on site okay do you guys remember this guy Johnny Somali the the dude the the terrible streamer who was going around in Japan causing a monck and breaking laws and crimes everyone hates this man like he’s one of the number one most hated people not for

Actual legit reasons okay came in there and started disrespecting Japan people in Japan were boing him and stuff he’s getting arrested he said do you think he’s going to keep his promise kick streamer Johnny Somali is now facing $200,000 Yen fine and promised to quit streaming after Japanese court

Appearance no he will not keep his promise he is a POS he is going to lie and he is going to cap these are the kind of people that don’t stop until somebody Stomps them if you know what I mean and I’m not talking about getting shot or deaf or whatever

But they’re so obnoxious that they do not care about other people they only care about themselves and he will continue to do what he does cuz it’s in his blood and is in his nature until he gets humbled enough or scared enough to not make an appearent this article by

Dex zerto saying that he appeared in a Japanese Court in Osaka District Court Smiley claimed that while he was filming in the restaurant the audio came out automatically when a viewer reacted to the stream and he wasn’t in control according to Yahoo in addition to the music Somali had also made remarks about

Wanting to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki comments are that are common during his broadcast however as seki news reports the prosecution wasn’t buying it and argu that Somali was acting arbitrarily because he wanted to please the viewers which we all know here in the audience that yes that’s

Exactly what he was doing he’s a cloud attention who was over here basically being racist in Japan and I hope that everything bad happens to him Sali has requested leany quote it was an embarrassing act that Inc conceived employees and customers he said I swear that I will never record or distribute

Any kind of video in the future he’s lying keep this man in jail bro he is lying but yeah he got charged only $1,400 and the case was concluded charges for allegedly trespassing on the construction site were dropped Johnny somale also expressed a desire to return

To Japan in the future but so far it’s not known if he’ll be allowed back in the country keep his ass out the verdic is expected to be handed down January 10th 2024 we will know the actual results of Johnny Somali and his future I very very curious to see how this

Plays down and when that does happen I’ll let you guys know all right this might be one of the most ridiculous dramas that you have ever stumbled upon okay I did a little bit of a small dive on it on Twitch and I discovered this

Why this guy was getting hate and I was so confused I I I I literally have not been more confused in my life about why someone would be hated dream I understood it made sense okay he did a bunch of things and just I get why he

Was hated there was reasons for it but this one completely me threw off a loop electrician said joat quits YouTube after being doxed and harassed people harass him off the same internet because they thought his I like girls video was cringe so he is literally leaving the internet due to cringe people are

Targeting him because his content was too cringe here’s the cringe video was titled I like girls Joe cat animation is 35 seconds and bro I love this video because I too love girls sad that there’s no musly girls in here well I mean yeah but you know sure I like to

Joke around and talk about how oh I’m strong women all the time but that’s not the only girls I like I like big girls pretty kitty girls really witty girls singing Diddy girls I like the licky girls with the nice thighs I like a good chest no matter what size I like the

Belly folds I like the sixpacks really tall queens and the short snacks from the mild girls to the wild girls you got style girls make them wild girls yeah I just really like girls one of the most relatable videos I can say of all time I did not see a

Single lie in this video the Resident Evil Mommy and zarya and shehawk yes yes please yes a thousand times Tob and Chun Le with the thunder thighs that will crush my head worse than a watermelon yes please a thousand times the girls at vjo are here and we’re talking the bus size and

You got iron Mouse here as well with the medium that drops the small we got I don’t even know who these girls are I recognize them though but we got the big girls with the belly fold we got the strong buff mommies G dang yeah he’s got

Got good taste he’s got good taste he’s got the tall mommies Bayonetta I think Bayonetta is like 7 foot something I can’t remember it’s so terrifying to know how tall Bayonetta is you got your girl from Zelda I don’t know who she is from but we we we love tall mommies here

This one a little controversial this one you know we got Road the bat you know for all the furries out there they love some some Rogue okay and you know I I understand and there’s there’s there’s midna midna from Zelda right and I I’m I um I I I

Remember when I was younger I just I just I understand I’m just going to leave it at that I uh I get it you got a Ursula Medusa from freaking um what is a game called Hades and I know she’s a character from fire emal

I’m not who she is as well I don’t know who this person is you got Jesse from Team Rocket you got oh my God this is the the older mommy from the fire EVN game I think I wiped her actually on my first playthrough of three houses and

You got bowet as well like he excellent excellent excellent Exquisite taste 10 out of 10 why why is he getting docked we’re talking about how he loves all versions of women what is going on the video by the way guys has 569 th000 likes only 13,000 dislikes 11 million

Views like it seems like just a normal video right why is this the Catalyst for him leaving YouTube he made a tweet here two days ago okay said if this is what it takes to be a content creator online I don’t think I’m cut out for it read Jo tldr I’m going to finish up my current ongoing projects and then I’m going to be taking an indefinite break from making content gather around kitties let me give you guys the context he posted this here to explain specifically what is going on he says hi

My name is Joe and I’ve been making videos on YouTube for 5 years I’ve combined a total of about 200 videos and hundreds of hours of content on October 6th 2020 that was 3 years ago from now I did a live stream of the early assets

Release of BU G 3 and during character creation I did a bit where I briefly sing a genderbend parody of lizo boys it seemed to go over well with my audience and all my friends and typically do these kinds of bits for my live stream sometimes I was also partly inspired by

The source of where I first heard lizzo’s song hakee animations video running the idea by my friends who are all very encouraging and supportive of me I decided it could be fun project to animate the the brief stream moment for my YouTube audience who may miss out or

Not be interested in my live streams and so on April 2nd of the following year I finished and uploaded My iight Girls video and it got universally positive response from my audience my peers and my partner justifiably so it was a good video man I it was a very good video

About a year later it seemed to have reached outside as target audience and ever since then I have seen and received many assumptions about my character my history my beliefs my relationships and all of those of my partner as well as threats of violence to me as as well as

My family toxin attempts and mocking from even people I look up to and respect all from a single 30second video out of 200 other ones hello what is he even being mocked this is the question I had who is mocking him I want to know of

In terms of people that he respects who is coming out here and the mocking him and what are they saying cuz I can’t figure out what you could say about this video clip to make it negative I feel like you would have to force it you would have to find something desperately

Out of this video to be like yeah yeah this is why you deserve hate I’ve lost respect for you like what granted a lot of this is primarily on Twitter where I could simply log off and ignore the haters but no small amount has leaked into other parts of my regular day today

That is harder to ignore private DMS over Discord and twitch suspicious packages being sent to my family but I’ve always kept quiet about it because speaking about it publicly defending myself any reaction would just encourage more and be presented as my own fault as well but if that’s the trade off to do

Something like share the things I make that I’m proud of on the internet seeing as I’m writing this is probably an indicator that I’m just not cut out for it and the best thing for everyone would be to stop and pursue something else despite being very grateful for what

This job has done for me and my family I simply not strong enough to keep doing this if it means having to accept this kind of amount of distress perhaps that makes me weak but I’ve rarely ever really thought otherwise yeah internet is scary the internet is terrifying bro

Like it’s a really scary place and it’s um it’s dangerous that’s all I can really say and he’s basically getting the brunt end of it for a single video why is he being targeted in the way that he is and who is doing it I never meant

To make anyone upset I only just wanted to make things I was passionate about for fun I never ined for this one video to really be all that much deeper than just a thing I wanted to do on whim because I thought it could be fun I

Never planned to have YouTube be my job but people happen to like what I made so I thought it could be a good idea to make more of it the use it to pursue projects I’ve always wanted to make as well as be the change in YouTube I

Wanted to see I was inspired by the channels I watched growing up and the wonderful friends that have encouraged inspired me to be who I am and make what I want yeah kind of the same story as me as well I never in a billion years thought that I would be here sitting

Here talking to you guys hours and hours every single week about things that are happening around the world never in the middle years I think this was something that I was doing as my main gig as my main job and and here we are and I’m

Blessed and I feel very good about it but also yeah it can be very scary being up here as well being the target of the internet misinformation and everything that’s being spread around it’s it’s uh it’s it’s wild out on these streets it is not safe and and it looks like for

Him those streets were 100,000% not safe still want to make things but perhaps I should just keep them to myself for the time being for anyone that cares I’ll still be continuing heart of valenth and the gega charity but once these are finished I will be taking an indefinite break from

Post anything online it’s a decision I’ve considered ever since the first hate W from about a year or so ago but wanted to sit on it and see if the feeling would persist oh now that this is the best choice for me if you took this time to read this thank you I’m

Sorry for causing so much trouble thank you for watching my videos Joe C all right who did it who done did it we got too many terrible people on this internet for you guys to be pushing out a freaking animator who makes really cute funny 30 second Clips okay who done

Did it why I driving my man off the internet man what’s wrong with y’all bro he also says in the Tweet there was a clarification I did not imply hessie is responsible the docy her package this is happening but long before the current discourse I did not want to send

Harassment her way by naming her if you do you are worse than the haters and I don’t condone it please stop and the timeline events are upload year of Silence random Twitter users start a hate mod month of Silence another hate mob doxing attempt suspicious package

Months has his tweet I mistook for hate mob my gang gang Lio says screw anyone who harassed joat the crazy part is when an individual who’s part of a harassing mob gets called out they usually wig the F out and close their account the backlash joat is getting is a hundred

Times worse by the way and in this case it was for no effing reason this guy made a cringey video one time so I’m going to send Shady packages to his family get your stuff together genuinely this whole thing is gross guy named Scott said he didn’t do a goddamn thing

Wrong and some folks were unbelievably shitty to him for years it’s so unbelievably disheartening this one that got 23,000 likes saying in my 10 years of making content I have met some of the most vitriolic Cloud chasing ignorant mfers who will do anything to use you as

Nothing but a stepping stone to game more for themselves joat was the first to prove the opposite continue I believe them whatever is in the continue I’m sure that joat was was a great person I don’t think I need to really show you guys anything else it seems like a

Terrible situation where a content creator is basically just not being able to handle the heat of being an internet Creator because well they’re being harassed it’s just not normal internet they’re just quite literally being harassed and it’s not like they invoked it in any kind of way it’s a pretty sad

Tale and I hope Joe cat can somehow Thrive or find protection or something like that like I get it on one hand he wants to come here and he wants to have a good energy and a positive experience but on the other hand there’s a bunch of

People out there who’s making his life a living hell and it might not be worth existing on the internet if this is what he has to deal with cuz it’s making the quality of his actual life worse it’s not an eving exchange anymore and um

Yeah this might be the end of Joe cat so I will let you guys know how this ends will he actually leave will he stay maybe following up I don’t know if there’s any continuations I will let you know but yeah it’s a pretty sad story because I feel like this guy is

Definitely a net positive to the to the garbage that is the internet right sometimes watching just small animations from the these content creators here can just bring you and just make your day like 10,000 times better like might be having a crappy day and you see this

Clip you’re like that was funny I like it I feel good now this feels great I’m going carry that energy over to doing something positive in my life those small things add up and to have someone you know lose that kind of energy doesn’t feel good at all for for him

Being har it it’s not a good ending and I hope it does not have to be the ending that Joe cat has to go through guys okay I’m just going to be completely Frank here this might be the most exciting news that I have seen in a very long

Time okay on this entire episode everything was important and mattered but this right here I am geeking out super set Geometry Dash 2.2 is out now it’s on Steam hello hello are we about to get okay okay still I need to calm down I need to calm down

For those of you guys who don’t know one of my favorite genres of gaming if not my top gaming is games that are like Rhythm games with good music AKA like Friday night funkin I’ve been waiting for them to drop some Friday night funkin on me so I can come back to

Twitch I just been waiting for it I’ve been chilling I’ve been hibernating you know so that they can come and I can play the new Friday night funking game I love these games Geometry Dash is a game if you guys don’t know where basically you you know have a rhythm and you got

To hop through obstacle courses go up and down and left and right and hop and Dodge obstacle coures all that stuff while also listening and jamming to music it’s a great amazing time and geometry dad is one of the games that are known for having that hype and that

Energy I didn’t even know they weren’t on Steam but as of 14 hours ago Rob talkx gaming said check Steam it’s got 111,000 likes and what’s this clip got Thanos stop stop stop trying to get me nah stop trying to get me copyright straight Thanos is out here

Looking at the sunset in these Smiles it’s officially here four years since I’ve played last time to tap back in guys infernoomni I I’m gonna get on this immediately I oh my God I’m going to inject this in my veins this game is everything that I stand for when

It comes to just having a good time and playing video games challenging at the same time good music at the same time annoying and angry at the same time it’s I’m I’m here for it infrom if you want to come play with me y know I

Get down when it comes to these Rhythm games all right so come through it’s come through now all right guys have time go pee your something like that I’m about to go refill my drink okay this is a long video I have a feeling this might be the longest video I’ve ever done

Right my voice is already starting to hurt a little bit but if you’ve been watching this far I just want to say again thanks for watching I hope you guys are having a good time this has been a great month and a great since I’ve been recovering from my energy I

Have been loving talking to you guys about what’s been happening around the world so this is just the appreciation half time part of the video and also a reminder to subscribe okay if you’re here if you this far have you made it this far if you’re listening to me right

Now and you haven’t sub subscribed what’s wrong with you okay just do it for me all right I need your help all right trying to get that million subscriber plaque okay help me out tell your friends about me that we are the the best place on the internet to talk

About everything that’s happening around the world all right guys we got the oh my Lord the bad ending man we’ve been talking about Jonathan major the lead role of King for Marvel The Avengers and also he was in Creed 3 with Michael B Jordan he’s been in a trial case where

His exgirlfriend claimed that he assaulted her and he’s been going through it trying to basically prove his innocence the verdict is out and Jonathan majors has been found guilty of third degree assault and harassment let me tell you exactly what that means cuz it’s not as straightforward as you think

Initially Majors faced four charges of assault okay aggravated harassment and harassment after he called 91 on March 25th when he said he found his ex partner Grace unconscious in their apartment police arrested Majors after finding apparent injuries on Jabari including a laceration behind her ear and a bruised and fractured finger major

Pleaded not guilty to all of those charges but when Jabari who took the witness stand for the first four days of the trial said Majors had caused these injuries during an altercation in the car several hours before so there was a video clip that I showed you guys where

Jonathan Majors was trying to get out of a truck and he was just ran down like two or three city blocks to get away from her as she was chasing after him okay I showed you guys that in the last video it was absolutely wild apparently that’s where the altercation happened

And that is where the assault occurred where her finger got broke and her ears also got lacerated she said she saw a text on major’s phone that said oh how I wish to be kissing you Jabari had said she tried to snatch the phone from Majors who then pried her finger from

The phone grabbed her arm and right hand Twisted her for am and struck her head to get the phone away from her so it looks like she was trying to take his phone he was trying to keep her from taking her phone and in that altercation she got hurt first three charges are

Misdemeanor offices related to alleged incidents in the car but the fourth charge of harassment which is a violation the most minor offense among these charges relates to an allegation that Majors threw Jabari back into the car as she tried to exit the defense argued that he placed her back in the

Car to stop her from running into traffic that action captured on surveillance video while the altercation inside the car was not captured on camera so the two of being one the altercation had happened when he was trying to pull his phone away from his girlfriend and two the second one when

He was trying to put his girlfriend back in the car that she was running out in the streets of the traffic to put her back in the car the biggest thing here being is that he was not charged for intended assault it’s like accidental assault is a type of assault where you

Accidentally hurt somebody you didn’t mean to you were trying to be careful with them and then they got hurt in the process kind of situation not a pre-planned hey I’m going to hurt you without using any kind of discrep crashing her which I find is weird right

Because it’s very clear that when she was trying to take his phone that she probably was also being very physical toward this man as well and he was responding to her physical altercation but because he’s a guy I guess and he was strong and he was trying to take the

Phone back I don’t know what actually happened she got hurt and the process is what she is claiming occurred which is a little strange right because Jonathan major we already talked about him in the last video as well he has he’s a toxic dude he he was sending some toxic this

Relationship was very toxic not one that he could be in he was trying to get his girlfriend to be like Michelle Obama right she was coming in drunk with friends and stuff and he’s like look I’m trying to do something massive I’m King he was going to make $20 million salary

As king and now that’s all out of the window just because of this altercation with his ex-girlfriend that’s that’s insane to me if you can be real can I be real with you guys it sounds like to me that maybe he was about to be king Kang and she was

About to become an exgirlfriend which she did and so she was like well if I’m the ex and I can’t get a part of that King k money then I’m going to drop some charges on you and ruin you that I I that’s that’s that’s the cynical nature

In me of me thinking of human nature where people will be spiteful and hurt you just for the sake of hurting you I could be wrong okay I could be wrong but that’s what it feels like feel free to disagree with me by the way okay I’m

Just just talking off nog in here okay don’t don’t listen to me anyway immediately after that Marvel said you’re out you’re fired right after the case they fired your boy he will no longer be a part of the Marvel Studios they renamed Avengers the King Dynasty

To just Avengers 5 his name is being he’s being written out it’s gone the end of Loki the end of the series for for Ant-Man somehow they’re going to Pivot I don’t know how they might recast them I don’t think they’ve said yet I’ll double check for you guys or they might just

Switch over to another bad guy who might be Dr Doom who everyone’s been excited to see as well to H and I would have cried knowing I effed everything up Jonathan Major’s Avengers five salary could have made him one of the richest people set to receive a whopping $2 million for Avengers

Five the largest bag fumble in the history of bag fumbles oh my all he oh my God that’s just Giant orous a lot of people were also making comparisons to other people who was in the Marvel Universe Robert Donnie Jr Jeremy rener Hawkeye accused of threatening to kill

His wife Josh broland Thanos accused of hitting his wife Ezra Miller a lot of people use the example of Ezra Miller uh the flash who was in a lot of hot fire this man was being accused of some really really terrible things having to do with him and his family and he’s been

Chilling he went and he did The Flash and he’s he’s good he’s daja to be fair it’s a different Studio altogether okay he’s not a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe people felt like this was pretty unfair compared to a lot of the accusations that came from other people

I don’t know the validity of that to be completely honest but I do feel like this situation something about this situation rubs me the wrong way thing here that I’m trying to avoid here for those of you guys like Omni what are you are you victim abusing huh do you not do

You not stand for victims please don’t don’t throw that shade over here okay I see the full context of the situation and I also see that Jonathan Majors is not 100% clear Angel dude okay I saw the text they were really toxic the way that he was manipulating I talked about in

The last video okay don’t don’t turn on me don’t start saying that I’m victim blaming okay I see the big picture so it’s conflicting because like yeah if johathan Majors did put his hands on this girl in a way that was physically attempting to harm her then yeah he’s

Justified and getting himself yed off the scene my issue that I have here is that it seems like like that maybe this happened because he was just stronger and it was unintentional and they were having a debacle and she also seemed to be very physical and an aggressor in

This situation they already talked about how she tried to take his phone forcefully and then you can see him running away from her in the streets okay usually when you see a situation where someone’s committing an assault or an abuser or something you don’t see somebody running

Away out of a car you don’t see them fleeing and let alone the other person who was the person getting assault chasing after them okay just that’s just the timeline and the events that happened here when it came to what we saw did things happen behind closed doors

Maybe but it’s ah I it’s dang it’s it’s it’s rough but yeah guys that’s Jonathan Maes he’s gone no more Kan and uh we got no more black guys being a uh National multi-universal threat actually I don’t know if you guys knew this but the original person to play Thanos was

Actually a black guy and then he got recasted I don’t know why but also someone brought it to my attention that we still do have a universal threat and that is Spider-Man Miles Morales from spiderverse technically he is the threat but also you can also say it’s Miguel

And the rest of the Spider-Man but yeah let me know how you guys feel about the Jonathan major situation I I kind of really sad because I really liked Jonathan major and Creed I also really liked him and Kang I thought he was a good actor I liked him in Loki and I

Wanted to see more from him and it feels like the damage that had got done here could have been prevented so easily again if he did do the assault then rest in peace Bozo get the hell out here ejecto dozo I don’t really care but given the rest of the context of the

Information and the fact that when he actually got charged he was only guilty of like unintentional assault kind of like accidentally hurting somebody it feels very um man I don’t know how to put this it doesn’t really feel like justice was served here I don’t know

Just I don’t know how tover it this is one of those things I’m a little bit speechless and I still need to process it but it doesn’t feel right in my in my chest in my brain something seems a little off if my if my spider senses are

Tingling properly I don’t think things played out the way that they probably should have you guys can let me know how you feel about the situation in the comments below but you know what justice has been served oh boy oh boy this YouTuber by the name of Ruby Frankie I

Don’t know if you guys have been following this a lot of YouTubers like Swoop a lot of commentary channels have been covering the situation for quite a while there was this YouTuber her name was Ruby Frank and she was like a family Vlog Channel okay one of those things

Where they make videos talking about their kids and all of that and it came to an understanding that she was abusing her kids trigger warnings for you guys right in here that might kind of affect you she did Terrible Things to her 10 and 12 year- old kids okay and she

Pleaded guilty just 2 days ago of 4 counts of felony child abuse charges now I looked into the actual felony child abuse charges online and I believe every single one of those had like a minimum sentence of like 15 to 20 years if the kid resulted in death well it went even

Further but she is gone gone there were six charges she pleaded guilty to four counts and I believe she is also blaming this other woman who influenced her to treat her kids the way that she did if you’re wondering what exactly did she do

I I I I don’t want to give you guys the details and the way that might make your stomach curl but they are that bad she put them through this kind of like almost like militant abusive slave type situation with her son making them stand out and do hard labor carrying heavy

Books up and downstairs being outside when it’s extremely hot starving them making sure that they don’t eat anything that tastes good or has any flavor making sure they don’t absorb any media no TV absolutely just psychologically trying to destroy them physically and mentally the kids had sunburns and

Scratches and scars they were handcuffed they were taped and held so they they could not Escape there were a few times where they would try to escape the house to get Aid and then after that occurred they handcuffed their freaking kids to make sure that they could not get out it

Wasn’t until I believe the oldest the son escaped went to a neighbor’s place and said can you give me some food and water I’m hungry and that’s when she finally got God those you guys who want to know here’s the actual appearance of Ruby Frank in the court oh [Applause]

Boy Miss Frankie is now here Mr Winward we are scheduled for a waiver hearing is there going to be a waiver today there will plus a ple agreement your honor and so I’m going to skip to the parts where they talk talk about the counts because the first two

Minutes of this or even 3 minutes is the judge basically saying like hey they’re going to accept the plea deal have you been coerced have you been paid are you under the rest are you under the substances okay is there anything are you sure you want to take this plea deal

Because it’s going to stick and spend like two or three minutes making sure that she understands what the the repercussions are of accepting said plea deal we are ready proceed all right de Miss Frankie how do you plead to count one aggravated child abuse a second degree felony guilty to count three aggravated

Child abuse a second deegree felony guilty to count five aggravated child abuse a second degree felony guilty and to count six aggravated child abuse a second degree felon with my deepest regret and sorrow for my family shut the hell up I don’t want to hear that just say guilty and

Get out of my face with my deepest regret and sorrow for my family no shut the godamn hell up it wasn’t for that kid escaping okay they’d still be in there maybe even dying because of your freaking terrible not even terrible parenting you were abusing your freaking

Kid don’t don’t don’t give me any of your godamn sympathy okay just take your ass to jail and go rotten there won’t be any argument about whether prison is the appropriate sentence Council what about sentencing on February 20th I think uh do you do you and your client agree

To wave time Council we do agree to wave time your honor February 20th I believe is a Tuesday is that right so February 20th Tuesday we will get a well further updates on this situation but it doesn’t quite end here I found a very insightful video that

Goes over some of the details when it comes to the Ruby Frank situation it was excellently made by this Tik Tock person by the name of Julie Louise 1975 I’m going to play some of it so you can have almost all of the context of the

Situation she did a very good job at drawing it out she does talk in very very grave detail about the damage that she did to the kids which I will skip cuz I’ve kind of already given you guys the top level approach and even my top level approach didn’t include all of the

Heinous details okay but she talks about how she might be pushing forward trying to blame this situation on somebody else we now know the details of what ruby Frankie and jod hilderbrand had been doing to Ruby’s two youngest children trigger warning right now guys cuz this

Is way worse than I thought as you know Ruby Frankie was in court today she plad guilty to four out of the six child abuse charges and she has agreed to test testify against jod hilderbrand from her statement released by her lawyer this week it sounds like she is putting a lot

Of the blame on jod hilderbrand so jod hilderbrand was the second woman that was involved if you actually go to the YouTube videos and the YouTube channel this woman jod hilderbrand was there talking to her about how they were parenting kid definitely not talking about the abusive Parts as well but this

Jod hilderbrand person seems to have been telling her how to raise her kids in this terrible abusive way appeared to arrive together and when Ruby entered the courtroom she did turn and look at them and smiled if you haven’t seen the courtroom footage yet it is in my

Previous post I’m going to now read to you exactly what Ruby has admitted to the things that she has done to her two youngest children her 10-year-old daughter and her 12-year-old son I’m stop right there okay it’s it’s really really really bad I already C and

Touched over it on it okay but it goes much more explicit okay she abused her children stated that Ruby and Jo sought to indoctrinate him they were trying to convince him that he was evil and possessed it went on to say that he had to be willing to be obedient to avoid

Punishments that his punishments were necessary for him to repent and that they were doing all of this out of love so yeah guys this the a passengers Ruby Frank update okay she’s pleading guilty it’s going to be a rest in peace Bozo she’s going to try to blame things over

Here on the other woman as well but garbage garbage garbage person pack it up they’re probably going to jail for life she’s trying not to get executed is my guess I mean the kids did not die so I’m guessing there won’t be any kind of execution but the lowest of the lowest

Of the lowest of the lows trying to physically and mentally and psychologically destroy 10 12 year old children the evil and this person and the audacity to come up here and say that you have regret nah get out of here pack it up get out of my face guys this

Is terrible news for gaming news we’ve been talking about all this great news for gaming has been been a great year for gaming but man oh man we got one of the biggest leaks in gaming history of all time and it happened to both insomnia games and rock steady Studios

According to my guy Gregory ham 99 had some massive leaks come up over the past few days insomniacs output through 2032 has leaked and the entirety of The Suicide Squad kill the Justice League has leaked as well okay a hacker came and took all the information from

Insomniac games for the next 10 to 15 years personal emails personal accounts video footages of games and when their timelines and when they will release Wolverine ratchet and clink all of these things got leaked and such incredible Detail full games terabytes of footage and Hardware thanks to some hacker who

Was trying to basically Ransom their software and try to get money in return after they stole it now guys I’m not going to show you any of the video footage or or the leaks or the Wolverine I’m just not going to do it okay because I don’t know it doesn’t feel right I’m

Also not a guy that likes to talk about leaks in in the first place but this one is such a huge one that I’m just going to let you know that occurred but I’m not going to obviously just show you the footage of the leaked stuff okay out of

Respect of Insomniac in case you guys didn’t know they’re the guys who were responsible for making Spider-Man 2o with Miles Morales okay and a lot of other prior games as well they had a huge W this year and making such an amazing game but yeah only the budget

For that game also was like around like $200 $300 million which is like insane I wonder if they recoup their CA but not going to show you the the details of the details really good tweet by this guy named Greg Miller he has 1.2 million followers with kind of funny vids and he

Said the Insomniac leak is an invasion of privacy done on a massive scale that’s why today we will not be reporting on details of the leak instead we will discuss how this affects the people working on your favorite games there’s a quick 1 minute and 30 second

Clip i’ like to see from this guy to see what he has to say about it with probably who prob his much more understanding of what’s going on hello everyone it’s me Greg Miller from kind of funny games and if you didn’t know Insomniac was held Ransom uh by some

Cyber hackers the types you know what I mean uh saying that they wanted $2 million or they’d release a whole bunch of Insomniac uh files and they did that insomia did not give them the money they releas the hackers released the files and now the internet is INF Flames as uh

All sorts of information about Wolverine Insomniac personal data of the developers and so much is floating around uh this has led to a giant conversation about how this should be handled in reporting video game news uh I wanted to come to you and talk to you

About how we’ll approach it on kind of funny games daily today uh today we will not go into the details of this leak we will instead talk about the human component uh all the developers at Insomniac who just had years and years of work published when it was not ready

To be seen information published when it was not ready to be seen contracts published when they were not ready to be talked about and of course their own personal information shared against their will this is an invasion of their privacy uh done in one of the most malicious ways possible so today on

Games daily we will focus on the human element of this of course going forward in the years to come there will be references to this information because it is out there in the public sphere but we don’t think it’s newsworthy today when so many people actual human beings

Are uh in a lot of pain so that’s how we’re going to do it today on games daily so yeah I kind of agree with the content like on one hand it’s such a massive leak that it’s almost impossible to ignore it because the information is out there right as Insomniac you know

Starts to release dates and trailers and stuff it’s going to be based on things that we already know and a lot of people on the internet are like what happens now is this the is this bad for Insomniac is this is this good for Insomniac clearly it’s not good for the

Developers and the people who got hurt passport information private information that’s being shared to the entire world okay that clearly there are victims in the situation and they’re not the ones that are going to come out on top of this but as the company as a whole it’s

Kind of like what happens next now we know what their plan is we know who they worked with they know what their contracts are going to be we know what games they’re developing and I guess it’s just a matter of is is when it comes out are you going to support it

And buy it or not and highly likely yes okay Wolverine has been a game that they’ve been teasing for an extremely long time that everybody wants to pick up and get ready for so my guess is is that when it comes to them relas in their games as long as the games are

Good even though the information has been exposed my guess is that everyone is going to buy and purchase the game I don’t think this is the end of insomnia games but it is a huge major blow and this is like this hacker situation between them and then GTA 6 getting

Leaked it’s getting worse and worse bro can’t escape the leaks whether it’s unintentional and someone spoil some anime or the show for you the movie for you the trailers themselves spoiling it for you or you got hackers and leakers who are like you know what yeah I want

All your information and was random and if you don’t give it to us then we’re going to give it to the rest of the world it just keeps happening at a alarmingly large rate cyber security is a threat at a national level when it comes to the gaming industry and it

Seems like they might want to bulk up or beefy it up because as we get into this new age of technology that continues to grow and grow it seems like their defenses need to grow as well otherwise we might see this being a a commonplace thing in the industry I think Insomniac

Games will be fine but we’ll see only time will tell but all right guys that’s all I have for today’s huge big chuny wony I am not looking forward to editing this bad boy arm please I need you to work for me today all right just one last time so we can

Get this video off you made it to the all the way to the final end of this movie of a video Drop the like subscribe you guys haven’t already thanks for hanging out with me for today for this big Epic movie of a video and yeah I’ll

Catch you guys later I need to go edit this video oh my God I don’t want to do it I’m tired I love you guys all right y’all take it easy be safe out on the streets I catch you on Friday if there’s any big news and um yeah man happy holidays I’ll

Catch you in a little bit all right all right peace

This video, titled ‘LIES! Dream Denies EVERY Allegation | JoCat, Jonathan Majors, Ruby Franke, Insomniac & More News’, was uploaded by Omni on 2023-12-21 00:44:30. It has garnered 113892 views and 7406 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:06 or 5046 seconds.

Minecraft YouTuber Dream finally responds to allegations in a video titled THE TRUTH. I’ll give you guys the tl;dr. Jonathan Majors is found guilty and has immediately been fired from Marvel. What does that mean for Kang? Donald Trump not qualified for Presidency in Colorado. The tragic tale of JoCat explained. Geometry Dash 2.2 is finally here. Details about the massive Insomniac leak. And more!

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Timestamps 00:00:00 – Indi for good luck 00:01:17 – Jeffrey Epstein list releases Jan 1 2024 00:03:08 – Trump not qualified for presidency 00:06:59 – Dream finally responds to the allegations 00:36:59 – Dream drags in xQc and Pokimane 00:38:22 – MY OFFICIAL STANCE ON DREAM 00:40:20 – the internet has mixed feelings 00:43:00 – in conclusion 00:45:15 – johnny somali finally gets karma 00:47:32 – the tragic tale of JoCat 00:48:28 – NO LIES DETECTED 00:51:04 – YouTuber JoCat leaving indefinitely for cringe 00:58:21 – GEOMETRY DASH 2.2 IS HERE!?!? HELLO?? 01:00:23 – halftime 01:01:33 – jonathan majors guilty fired by marvel 01:10:18 – ruby franke pleads guilty RIP BOZO 01:17:48 – the insomniac leak was massively terrible

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    Just Simple Hosting - Community ServerOur server is an survival server lead by the Minecraft community, built by the Minecraft community. All our staff are just everyday players, We support the Minecraft community by providing a fully community run server hosted on us. The only rules are treat others with respect, don’t swear, no hacks, no trolls. Why not logon to see for yourself? Rules Please treat others with respect. Don’t swear or you will get kicked and or banned. No advertising. Hackers will get banned. Trolls will be jailed. Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Competition, Prizes, Discord

    Don’t Die – Ultra-Hardcore Minecraft Server One life to live your best life. Ultra-Hardcore mining for 247 weeks in a row. Earn a revive by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Special Team Competition every Sunday at 12CT. Join now on or Server Rules: Play fair and friendly. No unfair advantages or hacking allowed. Apocalypse DataPack features enhancements for mobs like zombies, skeletons, and spiders. Join our Discord for more details: Summary by Tfin: This isn’t your typical UHC. No natural health regeneration. No respawning. It’s a Free-For-All with PvP enabled. Explore a borderless world with customizations and… Read More

  • Penguin Universe

    java ipplay.penguinuniverse.usbedrock ipbedrock.penguinuniverse.usport: 19132survival creative and pvp!if you want to try these gamemodes then join! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When does the Warden drop the beat?

    Minecraft Memes - When does the Warden drop the beat?I guess you could say the warden is late to the party, just like this meme’s score of 18! Read More

  • Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: Mind-Bending Theory!

    Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: Mind-Bending Theory! In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. From Herobrine lurking in the shadows deep, To theories of dreams that make us lose sleep. Dark secrets hidden in blocks of stone, Unsolved mysteries waiting to be known. But fear not, dear viewers, for I am here, To unravel the truth, make it crystal clear. So join me on this journey, let’s explore, The depths of Minecraft lore, and so much more. Stay tuned for the next video, coming soon, Where we’ll dive into the mysteries of the moon. Thanks for watching, your support means a lot,… Read More

  • VillaGER TeknoBlade Dream Saves: HOT MINECRAFT MEME! 🔥

    VillaGER TeknoBlade Dream Saves: HOT MINECRAFT MEME! 🔥 When your friends are about to fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft but you swoop in like a superhero with your epic Dream saves. Who needs a cape when you have mad Minecraft skills? #VillaGER #TeknoBlade #DreamSaves #MinecraftHeroes Read More

  • Join My Minecraft SMP Server Now!

    Join My Minecraft SMP Server Now! Welcome to Minecraft Public SMP Version 2! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Public SMP Version 2? Get ready for an adventure like no other as you join this dynamic server filled with endless possibilities. Here’s everything you need to know to join in on the fun! Server Information Join the action-packed Minecraft Public SMP Version 2 server at ip Remember, the server is only online on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, so mark your calendars and don’t miss out on the excitement! Gameplay Experience Once you join the server, get ready to explore… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched? Imagine taking your creativity to the next level on a server where you can showcase your skills to a community of like-minded players. Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and exciting experience for players looking to explore, build, and connect with others in the Minecraft universe. With a focus on player freedom and creativity, Minewind provides a platform for you to build, explore, and thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing world. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on… Read More

  • My Crazy Minecraft Sky Block Adventure

    My Crazy Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Minecraft: Sky Block – A Unique Adventure in the Blocky World 🌳🧊🪣🪨 Embark on a thrilling journey in the vast world of Minecraft with the Sky Block challenge, but with a twist! Explore new horizons and conquer exciting missions to test your skills and creativity. Let’s dive into the unique tasks that await you in this customized version of Sky Block. My Missions: As you venture through the Sky Block world, you will encounter a series of missions that will push your limits and expand your Minecraft expertise. From crafting essential tools to exploring new dimensions, here are some… Read More


    EP 289: CRAZY NEW MACE SMASH IN MINECRAFT? 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘289 – Is The Mace a Smash Hit? // The Spawn Chunks: A Minecraft Podcast’, was uploaded by The Spawn Chunks on 2024-03-25 13:43:31. It has garnered 1295 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:15 or 5475 seconds. Jonny and Joel give their first impressions of the new mace weapon coming to Minecraft, along with breeze rods, and new armour trim, then answer listener email about chalky cliffs, dying water, and XP debuffs in the March Chunkmail Dispenser. Show notes: Support the show on Patreon! Visit to join the… Read More

  • ArtimistJ: 3 Giveaways Live Stream

    ArtimistJ: 3 Giveaways Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘LiVE!!! 3 Giveaways (Minecraft series episode 3)……’, was uploaded by ArtimistJ on 2024-03-28 07:49:26. It has garnered 76 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:22 or 16402 seconds. ArtimistJ Here, Welcome To My Channel! Hope You Enjoy My Content And Subscribe for New & More Content Videos, Montages, Shorts, and LiveStreams! If you want to become a Artimist Members, Join My Discord Server (Artimist Studios Discord Server) It would be Greatly Appreciated! Link: Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventures with Kemikpro!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventures with Kemikpro!Video Information This video, titled ‘MİNECRAFT SURVİVAL’, was uploaded by Kemikpro on 2024-01-09 16:17:21. It has garnered 107 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:40 or 760 seconds. Today we shot minecraft survival with selim. Have a good time. TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard sounds, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, keyboard asmr, mouse and keyboard, keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft, keyboard, minecraft bedwars, keyboard… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Genius: Master Arcane Engineering with Hanniballshow

    Unleash Your Inner Genius: Master Arcane Engineering with HanniballshowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Create: Arcane Engineering’, was uploaded by Hanniballshow on 2024-03-24 18:28:46. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:53 or 8393 seconds. #Hanniballshow #minecraft #create Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by my channel. I really hope you like it. Do not be afraid to talk in the chat. If you did like it. Do not be afraid to: Share, Like, and Subscribe. But most of all, Don’t forget to -Keep Smiling- ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook at: Twitter at:… Read More

  • Aaron’s Insane Encounter with Foxy – Minecraft Roleplay

    Aaron's Insane Encounter with Foxy - Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Five Nights At Freddy’s: Sister Location – “Foxy’s First Night” (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Aaron on 2024-04-06 17:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Five Nights At Freddy’s: Sister Location – “Foxy’s First Night” (Minecraft Roleplay) ————————–OPEN ME! Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Showdown: Thomas vs New Mobs! EP.2

    Unbelievable Minecraft Showdown: Thomas vs New Mobs! EP.2Video Information This video, titled ‘Fight with New Mobs ( Epic Fight ) | Minecraft | Hindi | Final EP.2’, was uploaded by Thomas Gamer Live on 2024-04-08 14:04:44. It has garnered 109 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:54 or 414 seconds. If you enjoy this video do like 👍 and subscribe for more content Mei daily streamer hu agar apko gaming live stream dekhna pasand hai tho zarur subscribe kare #gaming #livestream #turnip #turnip_live #gamingvideos #games #livetipsandtricks #turnipclub #youtuber #freefiremax #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftmovie #minecraftseries Read More

  • SHOCKING Minecraft QSMP VOD reaction

    SHOCKING Minecraft QSMP VOD reactionVideo Information This video, titled ‘ANNYEONGHASEYO | Minecraft QSMP’, was uploaded by Antoine Daniel – Les VOD on 2024-02-24 17:00:09. It has garnered 3938 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:42 or 7302 seconds. Ninety-eighth part of the lives on the Quackity QSMP server! International server with lots of players of different nationalities, everything is translated live in the game so everyone can understand each other! Live from 02/11/2024 – Twitch channel: Best-Of channel: Read More

  • EPIC Villager Housing Build Day 4! Must Watch Now!

    EPIC Villager Housing Build Day 4! Must Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘HARI KE-4 PEMBANGUNAN PERUMAHAN VILLAGER DI SERVERKU // Minecraft’, was uploaded by NoobHans on 2024-03-23 15:40:05. It has garnered 192 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:48 or 8448 seconds. Thank you very much for stopping by during LIVE and also for watching REPLAY, don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE the video. May you all be healthy as a family, Amen. 😇😊 SUPPORT DONATIONS: Trakteer ► Saweria ► JOIN MEMBERSHIP GAS : SOCIAL MEDIA : TikTok ► Twitch ► Facebook Page ► Twitter ►… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Part 12 – MUST WATCH! 🔥 #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Part 12 - MUST WATCH! 🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Amazing Video 🥰 ll Part 12 ll #viral #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #trending’, was uploaded by Classic_Gamer_Yt on 2024-04-21 16:51:52. It has garnered 10550 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft Amazing Video 🥰 ll Part 12 ll #viral #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #trending ( @Classic_gamer_yt_01 ) Queries:- Hashtag:- ________________ #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #trending #trendingshorts Keywords:- ___________________ Trending keywords related to Minecraft on YouTube might include: 1. New Update Features 2. Speedrunning Strategies 3. Custom Maps and Challenges 4. Epic Builds and… Read More

  • Panda Lifesteal SMP

    Panda Lifesteal SMPFun and chill server for any Minecrafters! Minecraft made more fun with Lifesteal. Killing players give you an extra heart, but dying makes you lose a heart! Battle and Grind your way to glory and form teams with friends to grow together! Read More

  • Blithe SMP – Semi-Vanilla – Hermitcraft like – Java

    Welcome to Blithe SMP! Blithe SMP is an active and engaging whitelisted community running on Minecraft 1.20.4. Join our community of over 250 members for a fun and engaging multiplayer experience! Why Blithe? • Active community with 10-15 players online at a time • Inspired by Hermitcraft, with server games and events • Powerful server with minimal lag • Optional mod pack for player enhancements • Creative server for testing builds How to Join Interested in joining us? Apply for our whitelist on our Discord server: Join Discord Server Rules • 16+ server • No Greifing • No Hacking /… Read More

  • MultiPixel

    MultiPixelMultiPixel is a brand new server launched in 2022 and owned by TheNeoCubest! We currently have an amazing custom Skyblock serverMinecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. MultiPixel is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including Skyblock Read More