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Today we’re doing a build battle but what everyone doesn’t know is I’m going to be cheating with the mind control device Mo wait what was that OHS oh that that that was nothing Roxy today we’re just um we’re building stuff um we’re doing a color Build Challenge yeah

Totally you have to build with your favorite color a structure ooh I can’t wait I’m going to make the coolest green structure ever all right everyone go go go let’s do this but what everyone doesn’t know is whoever wears this mind control helmet can be controlled with

This device I’m going to win this challenge super easily HS I want in what the oh my gosh hey Luke why were you listening to me speaking to myself I want to be a part of this prank it’s going to be hilarious oh my goodness did

You hear everything I just said yeah I was standing here the whole time oh my gosh all right fine fine you could be a part of it we’re going to mind control everyone and I say our first person is Lally looking her over there probably building like what the heck is that I

Don’t even know this flower is coming along great oh she’s building a flower oh my gosh it’s going to be perfect I’m going to make her build a poop flower oh my gosh no way she’s going to do that W Luke she is hey Lily I have a gift for

You this is a princess tiara you love princess tiaras they’re so cute and pink and stuff wait we really giving over no of course okay here you go oh my goodness gracious no way she’s about to put it on this looks so pretty look at

It oh my gosh Luke she’s wearing it um yeah why can’t I take it off oh my God she can’t take it off dude this is perfect what prank should we do first wa wait first let’s just leave for Lily we’re going to to like hang out right

Over here okay just staring at you oh all right have a good time oh my goodness gracious and wait Lily what are you building right now I’m building an awesome flower oh you were right luk she is building a flower okay okay let me speaking into the mind control device uh

Lily make your flower out of poop you guys know what I just got a really really good idea I’m going to make it out of poop oh my gosh what this is awesome it worked oh my goodness gracious she’s removing all the pink from her base and replacing it with

Brown oh my gosh I’m going to win this challenge super easily with this oh no there’s actually no way she’s doing that let’s go wait a minute Lily what in the world are you doing oh no roxxy’s here Roxy’s here what do we do what do we do

We got to control Roxy as well quick do go wait I’m V can I borrow the helmet real quick just just pass it over let me just grab it off of your head thank you very much wait a minute why am I making my flower out of poop I’m nothing

Nothing let me just duplicate it wait Lily put on the princess tiara again please oh all right oh my goodness gracious F I can make duplicates of these helmets and um Roxy what’s up why is Lily making her flower pill whoa whoa whoa wo Roxy no need to be asking

Questions but we just invented a helmet that makes it so you can get any girl you want to be your girlfriend does this work on pink girls yeah it does work on pink girls here you go put it on oh my gosh look no way they’re just falling

For this yeah I’m wearing it and oh my goodness gracious Roxy go back to your base guys I’m going to talk to you later I’m going to go back to my base wait what oh my goodness it’s working it’s working it’s working come on luk come on

Let’s see what Roxy’s building in NOP what the what are you building Roxy tell SS and Luke what you’re building SS I want to tell you what I’m building I’m building an awesome TNT what is it going to be like working oh my goodness gracious Roxy’s crazy oh no bro is

Bugging for real for real yeah it’s going to blow up all the builds this is crazy dangerous oh my goodness Roxy you’re going to change your redstone blocks into the diamond blocks my favorite wait SS I just got a really good idea wait what no way this is going

To work I love diamonds I’m going to make this out of diamonds what oh my goodness gracious look it worked what fo he never says he likes diamonds now he’s going to make his build out of it let’s go our pranks are awesome SAU babes what are you doing oh um nothing Crystal

We’re we’re just chilling um what’s up why is L making her build at a POA um I don’t know I think she just into poop right Luke she just uh changed her taste nowadays yeah poop is the new pink what poop yeah yeah yeah sure poop is the new

Pink and why is Roxy building with diamonds he likes red oh well I think he just like changed his mind about the the whole red thing I don’t think he’s into it anymore that’s like so like 2 minutes ago wait a minute why is my build diamonds what of don’t question why your

Build is diamonds Roxy never mind I’m not going to question this this is amazing oh okay that worked really well see Crystal nothing weird is going on bab I’m very sus about you what oh my goodness gracious why are you sus there’s no reason to wait wait SS give

Me the mind control device wait what do you have an idea okay here you going wait wait Crystal um if you want a smooch from me put this helmet on oh of course I want a smooch from you oh my gosh wait she’s putting it on put it on

Put on in it’s on her head Luke what are you going to make her do crystal fall in love with me what no no hey hey hey give that back Luka nope it’s my turn bab I think you look really cute oh thank you Crystal why are you talking to Luke oh

No no this is bad oh yeah oh my goodness gracious Luke are you serious right now wait let me do one more thing please oh my gosh all right fine you got one more thing with the mind control device what do you want to do crystal make a statue

Of your crush okay bab oh no oh no are you serious she was making like a cool castle thing oh my goodness gracious Luke you have too much Powers yes sersi this is lit oh my goodness gracious slide back to device right now are you serious bro sis what are you doing

Building look that’s not your crush wait why why did I just hear Alexa wait what why is Alexa here oh no she’s so bad what hey look be quiet she’s not bad at um why did Alexa just call Crystal her sis oh no sis that’s my new CH Luke he’s

So cute right what hey hey what the um what’s going on here at um Alexa why is Crystal calling you sis uh blue boy get your butt out of here Crystal’s my sister oh no luk did you just hear that what I did not know that I could like

Kind of see it you guys are like the only two on the server that has like this orangest hair yes babes what hey why is she call me old babes I am the current new babes no bro you’re so 5 minutes ago oh my goodness gracious and

No look at your legs and look at this build she’s literally building your legs right now yes old babes I’m going to make my new babes he’s so dreamy really bro but why is Alexa here Alexa what are you doing here I’m building my light green structure whether you like it or

Not but face hey what the oh no I am not a bu oh my goodness gracious Luke why is Alexa so mean dude why is she she so cute what oh my goodness gracious she’s not cute at all we have to do some investigation yes yes yes I want to spy

On her well spying is what we’re going to do Luke here grab one of these bad boys a spy glass and let’s see what she’s doing I’m going to make the best ice cream shop ever oh my goodness gracious Alexa is making an ice cream

Shop we could go on an ice cream date together oh my gosh Luke ah stop being weird we have to spawn her more let’s see how we can make it so she can build something for us dude she already is a place for us to go on a date together oh

Yeah hey hey oh my goodness gracious Luke Focus up I’m spying on Lexa morea I can’t believe Lily’s building a giant poop flower so gross wait oh my gosh oh my gosh she just gave me a good idea she’s talking trash about Lily’s poop flow she still doing it wait we should

Make her build a but ice cream store but ice cream store exactly oh my gosh um Alexa Alexa hey I have a cool helmet for you to wear not wearing your gross stinky helmet umy poo hey what’s up oh no why is she so mean to me yo Alexa be

Nice I think she’s dreamy do you like me Alexa oh my goodness uh no I don’t have a crush on you I have a crush on someone else wait what Alexa who’s your crush is it me is it me it’s someone named nun wait what nun uh Luke do you know a nun

Dude don’t fall for it what don’t fall for what who’s nun nun your business blue boy oh no are you D oh my goodness gracious well anyways I have a helmet for you that you should wear it makes you 10 times prettier prettier yes

Coming in oh my gosh oh she put it on let’s go she put it on um um um so Alexa what do you building I’m building an amazing ice cream shop that’s clean and not gross uh no you’re not you’re going to build a a four ice cream shop dude no

Way she does it wait I just got a new idea W um what’s your idea Alexa I’m going to make a but ice cream star yay oh my gosh how is she even going to do that I don’t know but I’m going to watch the whole time oh my Luke stop being

Weird y I need to step out of it sorry sorry yeah you have to you have to oh my gosh let’s just go on this side crash and hail Crasher what D oh my goodness gracious a Luke why do all the girls like you now it’s because I’m that guy

Pal oh my goodness but Crystal how is the the your crush statue going it could still be me right oh bab it’s not you it’s someone else oh my go just finish it up I want to see who it is Luke I still think that there’s a chance it’s

Me she’s building what dude look at the legs W that looks barely anything like you dude that’s exactly me he oh my goodness okay okay whatever luk just just get away just get away oh my goodness gracious but Lily what the OHA is this that’s my poop flower do you

Like it oh my goodness Luke she actually did it oh no um can you explain this build a little bit do you see these gloves of poop oh my goodness gracious she added Blobs of poop dude I think the flower pooped everywhere oh no wait Lily

Does the flower poop yep she made an amethyst poop and a regular poop oh my goodness gracious that is gross oh my gosh oh my gosh look what else should we make her do how do we make it worse dude there should be clouds of poop raining

Down poop oh my gosh okay okay um Lily you’re going to build clouds of poop raining down poop guys I just got an idea wait what what’s your idea we really want to know going to make clouds of poop and make them raining down poop oh my gosh that’s a amazing idea right

Luka I like it yep that’s a very awesome sauce idea like why she’s doing it she what the heck is that oh my goodness gracious Roxy what Incarnation are you building oh that’s your face what hey what that’s not what the m control said to do looks like you what that does not

Even look like me hold up hold up let’s do a side by really bro that doesn’t look like me it looks like a mirror no one does it this looks nothing like oh my gosh really guys but the Roxy this is not a TNT yes it is look down oh wait it

Does say TNT but why did you add my face that doesn’t even look good it’s a TNT with alms oh is that why you added the blue go-karts what the W are you even doing right now I’m upgrading this TNT oh wa wait I have a good idea Roxy

You’re going to make this TNT a home on the inside all custom for OHS wait guess what OHS I just got a great idea oh do Luke he got an idea guess what his idea is is it going to be build an awesome house with Luke decorations W is that

Your idea no it’s putting OHS decorations oh oh that’s a great idea yeah yeah you should make the inside of this OHS decorations baby let’s go Luka oh my gosh what the what Luke what are you looking at why are you laughing wait let me get my spy glass out and let’s

See you’re looking towards the oh my gosh is that a butt oh no double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon what the what oh my goodness gracious Alexa actually did it Alexa what the what are you doing right now blue boy look at this butt oh

No she actually made a butt I repeat she actually made a butt this is amazing we’re going to serve the best fart ice creams up in her oh my oh my goodness Luke this is so powerful I know right I can’t wait to try the fart ice cream oh no Luke that’s

Going to be disgusting but amazing at the same time Alexa when is the fart ice cream’s going to be ready hey Blue Boy back up off the property this is for Queens only what hey why is Alexa so mean all the time that’s why I have a

Crush on her she’s so bad what oh my goodness gracious Luke stop being weird um Alexa do you mind like hurrying up I want to try this ice cream don’t rush me blue boy I’m going I’m going okay okay oh my goodness great she said oh my gosh

Look at that dude it’s her crush and it’s me what no no this could still be anyone the crystal who you building over here this random person that could be anyone oh babe this is my new crush wait what well um um um is is it done well

Babes why are you stuttering like that no I’m not stuttering oh my goodness gracious wait a minute I have the mind control device um Crystal ignore the the commands that L gave you before babes I miss you give me a smoo let’s go oh yeah oh yeah Crystal’s back on my side what

No she was so B bad but not as bad as her sister oh my oh my goodness gracious but wait Crystal that means you have to switch up your build cuz that’s not your crush oh yeah why is Luke here it should be my

Babes let’s go oh my gosh SS is back on top really bro my statue hey wait wait Luke it’s okay I’ll make it up to you because we can go to Lily side and oh my goodness it’s literally ring poopa I’m still working on the cloud guys W oh my

No she’s literally making a cloud that rains poop dude this is magical I know right Luke let’s go underneath the rain of poop this is beautiful oh oh look at the pudle of poop this is real poop puddle of poo oh wow wow yeah I pooped it out wow what

All of this is out of your body Lily yep oh my n oh no I’m out of here wait wait I have a good idea um Lily um build a statue of Luke on the poop side and make poop come out of his but oh I have a

Good idea I’m going to make a statue of luk and make poop out his but no let’s go I don’t know if I should be disgusted or honored oh my gosh that’s so funny oh my goodness gracious lukia Pia what the what Roxy has a whole inside W see this

Place is busing W never call me that ever again but wa check this out there’s so many light blue CS because this house is for me yes sersi we whipping out here w wow wow wow wow oh my goodness gracious Luke that John is awesome sauce knock knock Roxy knock knock I’m

Knocking y Roxy pull up knock who’s there did Roxy just respond with knock knock what he’s supposed to say hi or something like that hey knock knock oh oh oh he fixed it oh my goodness gracious it’s us Roxy po whoa this place is so awesome give us a tour

Give us a tour all right so first we have this awesome dining table with all your favorite foods wa oh my gosh I forgot we told him to make this all for oh so look it’s all of our favorite foods raw beef ra beef raw beef ra beef

Ra beef ra beef ra beef beef beef dude yeah like SS’s favorite food only yes sir ski and oh my goodness gracious look it’s light blue beds only this is super sick nasty let’s jump on the bed guys this is so much fun but there’s an other place to jump wait what

Another place to jump what are you talking about right now Roxy look in the middle wao tripoline oh yeah oh yeah Luke I’m getting more air than you I’m getting more air no way I’m jumping way higher oh wait guys we’re boosting each other keep going oh oh hey what the

Lucas swinging at us wait I’m going to touch a roof Roxy can this touch a roof and I’m so close wait a minute Roxy you know how to make this make us jump farther right how we have to make the trampolines bigger wait wait make it

Wider I want to be able to touch a roof so everyone grab some light blue trampolines let’s do it all right let’s go y oh my goodness gracious we got the make it a couple of blocks wider and hey Luke are you putting down Blue Dude oops

I picked the wrong shade oh my goodness gracious but wao there is so many trampolines now one let me put another layer over here like that and it’s good wait I hear Rock yelling is it crazy this is lit wow oh my gosh wait can we touch the

Roof oh my gosh oh we’re literally hitting the roof let’s go and why is there TNT above us oh no reason oh okay oh my goodness gracious but wo we made it all the way to the top I told you making the trampolines wider is super

Duper lit this is amaz balls and wait a minute there’s more over here what’s this Roxy oh that’s my awesome couch area wo amazing and I really love the color choice you picked on these couches you picked only blue baby oh yeah yeah cuz blue is the best color oh let’s go

And oh my gosh check it out there’s so many TVs if we ever had like a YouTube channel or something we could watch our own videos on the TV I’ve always wanted to be on someone’s TV me too that would be super duper sauce what if we’re on

Someone’s TV right now W Roxy really bro that’s never going to happen I think the mind control device is bugging with his head yep totally but is there a kitchen in here oh yeah yeah Roxy everyone knows that SS loves kitchens and oh my gosh yeah there is wow and there’s a fridge

Roxy did you put my favorite food in here yeah I put beef in there oh yeah let’s go it’s raining beef homah and wait wait the beef bounces on the trampoline wa I did not know that we could have a beef party this is me after eating this disgusting beef he oh my

Goodness gracious wait the higher we bounce the higher the food bounces I’m hopping on let’s bounce baby oh yeah I’m getting some air this is fun I know right but oh my goodness gracious Luke look out the window waa the butt ice cream store is coming along quite nice

Roxy we’re going to be back but um the make this place have way more Luke things make a second layer for Luke okay make it all Luke’s favorite stuff E I just got a great idea I’m going to make a second layer for l h yep that is a

Really good idea over here I know right and oh my goodness gracious um Alexa are these chocolate bars on the floor nuh-uh those are poopies oh no oh my goodness gracious Luke the butt is functional I repeat the butt has a function AKA pooping awesome gross oh my goodness

Alexa but wait is there an inside can I go inside uh I I don’t know if I want to go in there I’m going in oh no is it stinky no it actually smells fresh in here oo and wo you’re right it smells like fresh like farts but like a fart

After we ate like really healthy food and wa check it out Luke there’s dining rooms already homes I could take my girlfriend on a date Alexa you down what a noer oh no um Alexa chill with the red Jackson wait wait I have the mind control device what should I use it for

Make her fall in love with me make her fall in love with me you have a crush on HSS did I ever say you have really pretty eyes oh I thank you you’re supposed to say that up my eyes yes let’s go my eyes are so beautiful they’re caramel that’s like a really

Nice type of brown yes King I love caramel I want to eat you up hey hey hey hey back up hey hey you don’t have a crush on Elms anymore you do not have a crush on Elms hey blue boy get out of my ice cream store oh my goodness gracious

That was bad you you can have it I don’t want that anymore on Alexa Alexa you have a crush on Luke and you have to build something for him oh my goodness ly Pooky we would look so good together it worked oh gu I’m blushing right now I can’t really

Tell but Alexa what are you going to do now I’m going to build us a little house behind the ice cream store oh my goodness W wingman OHS I just got you a girlfriend oh yeah yeah speaking of girlfriends how’s your girlfriend doing oh wait we got to check up on Crystal’s

Not my girlfriend but we have to check up on her and what the what is that thing on my back oh my gosh that’s a volumptuous booty hey oh my goodness gracious um Crystal what is that hey babes check it out oh my no what the heck is that babes

That’s your dumpy what oh my goodness my dumpy because I take dumps are you serious right now Crystal ain’t no way you just said that babes check it out it’s even farting oh my goodness gracious this can’t be real crystal this is not a statue of me I said build a

Statue of your crush yeah I did w Luke does this look at all like me even the face is wrong this is not my face where are my adorable brown eyes this is black oops babes let me change that there you go oh thank you very much but hey this

Still doesn’t look like me and this looks honestly kind of worse I think it looks exactly like you my guy what oh my goodness wait give me the control device back please only if you say pretty pretty please ly Pooky oh my goodness gracious pretty pretty please ly Pooky

Can I have the mind control device back okay here you go oh my gosh okay okay I’m D the crystal you will make the statue of me look so much better and more handsomer bab I have a really good idea I’m going to make this statue way

Better oh thank you very much Crystal I appreciate that idea oh my gosh Lu she’s going to make it way better she’s definitely just going to make her butt bigger W Crystal would never do did you just stare my butt yep I got to get a

Good angle of this John oh my God hey hey stop that oh my goodness Luke stop looking at my bot get out my view no oh my goodness gracious bot wait a minute whoa Lily’s place is coming along really good Lily what are you doing I’m making

A super bouncy trampoline ooh why are you doing that to bounce up to those clouds oh wait a minute oh my goodness gracious make a cloud poop World up over there that’s only accessible through the trampolines I have a really good idea I’m going to make a cloud poop area up

There that’s only accessible through the trampoline oh my gosh how is this like perfect okay yeah yeah and there could be like a poop Village make a poop Village LA and it could be a poop Village oh let’s go with poop villagers with poop villagers and one of them

Needs to be named Phillip with poop villagers and one of them can be named Phillip great idea and wa you could jump high enough to reach the clouds you just need to make it wider and then you can put the village on top up oh my goodness

Gracious Luke did you notice Roxy side has two colors wao he’s making a whole side for me and wait he changed a TNT to just a building named TNT he’s advancing awesome sauce come on let’s pull up knock knock knock knock I’m knocking knock knock no that’s not how it works

You have to say oh gosh I understand um Roxy hello hi poo is there what oh my goodness okay Roxy what have you worked on so far for Luke so oh you see these trampolines if you bounce up we can go to Luke’s area wait are you serious he

Made the trampoline it’s a part of getting to your side Luke and Y wo Perfect Landing dude I love bouncing I know right wait Luke where you at bro where wait what did you make it where is Luke there’s a roof wait what there’s a roof oh my goodness Luke

Come down here first we got to check out this place and look what it’s made out of emerald BL W this is Luke’s favorite and oh my goodness what the what is that a good boy are those Penguins your favorite animal dud these are turtles not

Penguins oh oh oh sorry turtles yeah and oh my gosh Roxy give us a tour give us a tour all right so first we have this awesome kitchen o wo and look Luke it’s all green there’s green sinks and green cabinets W green really is the best

Color in the world and wait there’s fridges and um what is Luke’s favorite food let’s see sear grass oh no Luke you’re not actually eating it Luke what are you doing M these are so good oh no Roxy that is gross yeah that is pretty gross but wait

A minute oh my goodness gracious look up over here all of the chairs are green yes sir and I got business papers oh wo cuz you’re a businessman look you could work hard and get success dude I want that to be me oh my goodness wait you

Kind of look like him oh my goodness is that you I’m a businessman my boy yes sir SK wait a minute Roxy there’s a rooftop oh my goodness can we go can we go yeah let’s go all right we got to hit the trampolines baby

Y and we get exactly enough bounc and W we’re on top of the world now and Roxy you should make a rooftop pool here so we can have a view of the entire Place baby wait oh I got a great idea I’m going to make a rooftop with a pool oh

That is a really good idea I wonder where he got that from this is going to be lit oh I know right but wait we need a way to get down um how do we get down from here Roxy wait I’ll just add a trampoline ooh very very smart and I’m

Going to clutch up Luke and I’m going to do a front flip into it oh wait wait where is Roxy putting it I think he’s putting it y Roxy where you at where’s the trampoline it’s right over here I’m going for y that was awesome sauce nice job dude

In whoa Alexa’s adding your house in the back of the butt let’s check that bad boy out let’s pull up what’s going on y’all hi Alexa we’re here to see you and Luke’s awesome crib and oh my goodness gracious wa did you add to the ice cream

Store yes I added the fart machine what the the the the the the what the the the fart machine luk she has a fart machine Alex is so funny oh my goodness gracious why I give us some fart ice cream is that what you serve yes let me get

Behind the counter and grab you one oh my goodness gracious she’s making it she’s making it what’s going on what the heck did Alexa just do oh no she’s cooking oh my goodness what the the how did she actually just make something out of that waa sit down boy

Sit down oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh all right we’re sitting at H what in the water dude I’m getting to slurping oh Alexa what flavor is this is this like mint chip no this is extracted from my butt no no Luke Luke stop it what the oh

No oh no Alexa are you serious I thought that was men chip I thought you were joking about the farts no it’s like I’m being controlled oh yeah yeah I did tell her to make fart ice cream with the mind control device yep that was us oh GUI

Literally made fart ice cream Alexa I thought you were going to make like green ice cream and like make it mint chip uh no that would not be real farts oh my goodness gracious she’s being for real but back door back door what in the

Back door Alexa show us it’s the house I made for me and liie Pooky oh my gosh oh my God w oh this place is super Saucy give us a tour give us a tour give us a tour give us a tour Alexa what the what is that

Over there oh nothing I just made luky a trampoline he loves to bounce oh he does love to bounce oh yeah oh yeah we bouncing we bounc we bounc yes sir sken waa who is that that’s a picture of our kid what the you guys have a kid that’s

News to me yeah it’s a cripper lo oh that makes sense since you guys are are both green I guess that’s how it works okay but W so much green this is like your favorite color Luke yes it’s my favorite favorite favorite oh my gosh awesome and look it’s a plant wow we

Should nurture it and take care of it I’mma eat it oh my go what the oh wow what and I farted it out oh yep dab oh my goodness gracious and wait is this a giant L yeah this is for my men’s l oh my gosh that makes sense because Luke

Does start with an L it’s right there yes sir dab oh my gosh sauce and there’s even a oh my goodness a doll of your child the creeper nope this is actually him his name’s Junior that’s literally your son um Luke I think your son’s like

Not alive Luke Junior if if you’re alive um just stay there and stay put what that’s a doll nope look he’s there he’s staying put what oh my goodness gracious but whoo even a TV this place is very very lit Alexa now you should make something for your real Crush OHS OHS

Did I ever tell you have really nice eyes I’m going to change this place to Blue oh perfect yes let go I’m going I’m going on crystal side hes why would you do that because I am the best oh no that thing is stinging my boy are you serious

Right now what the what is that yo Crystal oh my goodness gracious what is that bab that’s your giant butt do you like it what that what that’s not even ACC hey bluke stop that’s not accurate at all why are you staring at with the telescope dude it doesn’t even fit in

This little thing why are you serious not dude are oh my gosh why does it actually not fit it’s too large oh my goodness gracious what the no why does this exist Crystal because Babs I wanted to replicate you exactly what replicate this looks nothing like me my butt does

Not look like this Luke look at my butt right quick dude this is so accurate what that’s not dude oh my good this is not accurate whatsoever oh yeah babes I forgot to add the poop onto you one second hey Crystal you better not yo

Crystal what the oh oh my gosh look away look away yo stop staring so dude why are you looking with the telescope oh sorry you’re supposed to pretending I was turn it around oh my goodness gracious Crystal are you genuinely seriously being actually for real

Serious right now yes babes I am now can you Smooch hey oh my goodness hey hey hey Luke do something about it smooch up smooch Luke hey Crystal smooch Luke ly Pooky come here oh yeah no no no no no never mind you have a CR on HS and only

OHS no one else else no one else hey bab I’m going to go make your butt even bigger what can you please not do that no babes no I’m going to do it see you oh my gosh Luke why dude I’m going help her out real quick hey no oh my gosh

Luke just come with me we got to look at Lily making the cloud Village what the what oh hey boys check this out what the what you made the poop Cloud Village yep it’s right there sheesh this place is fire oh my gosh wait let me pull up and

Wao oh my goodness is gracious she actually made a poop Cloud village with what actual houses Luke pull up the attention to detail is so awesome and wo poop beds wait Lily is this made out of real poop or fake 100% made out of poop what oh my goodness gracious even the

Cabinets no way wow there’s literally poop on the inside dude it’s loaded now come over here oh my goodness gracious said wait what there’s more stuff um okay we’re pulling up and whoa what is this is this poop vegetables yep it’s poop wheat poop watermelon and poop watermelon

Wow that’s amazing and wa these villagers are wearing poop clothes and Luke look what their name this guy’s named poop and this guy’s named Pete and then SS what what do you mean SS what we find philp and here’s philli why is one of them named SS SS is poopy dude what

That wasn’t even in the mind control I just said Phillip and that’s not you spell Phil up that says Phil up it’s close enough the what oh my goodness gracious are you serious is but why is this guy named yo where is he at yo SS

Yo SS SS Poopman why does this guy exist yo why is this guy thing L don’t throw him off that’s my favorite I’m throwing him off I’m not a poop boy no leave SS alone oh my gosh fine SS only because I like your name I’ll let you live OHS

Look at this wait what there’s more to see uh what the heck are we looking at jump back on the trampoline uh okay I’m jumping on the trample wow and what’s happening why are we hitting our heads on what the W Roxy side oh my goodness gracious Roxy what the what did you

Build what up guys hi oh hi Roxy we want to know what you’re building up there at let’s go the trampoline and then let me get some air oh yeah so fun I know right I think Roxy is the coolest because the bounce is L and oh my

Gosh when you add so much trampolines it’s crazy oh my goodness gracious I can see the whole town and oh my gosh the second time you bounces so much higher up high Roxy hello where am I I’m flying down I’m flying down and wait I’m landing at the

Pool y I landed at the pool perfect Swan diving oh hi Roxy hies that was a diving board wo super cool and wait a minute this is the pool that I told you to made awesome yeah it’s pretty lady and wait a minute what in the what is this thing oh

That’s just my awesome basketball court wo Luke I challenge you to a 1 V one of slime ball n SS I’m going for the most epic dunk in the world oh God you’re not Landing this no way no you’re notam Jam yeah oh my gosh I’m trying

That foxy pull up with me come on oh gosh let me get some boost okay 360 360 360 360 okay okay okay Okay oh my God what is Roxy doing Roxy you just put it up when you got down oh my goodness and wait Lily’s going for it Lily go for it Lily go for it and why is Lily going oh my gosh BL it oh gosh I’m nervous I’m nervous I’m nervous

And L completely missed it’s right there that that that’s my ball no that’s my ball that is not your ball oh my goodness wait I’m going for another slam jam y d hey I made it I made it that was easy pings oh my gosh and Roxy made it

Wao I made it too Saucy and wait a minute Roxy what the what is this over here this some awesome parkour that I’m going to do first try because I’m a pro baby oh y oh yep oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah and E trampoline all the way into

Alexa’s side T Roxy and Lally Luke pull up with me we made it hey boys what’s going on by Alexa and OMG B look check it out this place is getting blueified baby oh yeah yeah it’s not cool anymore what are you serious L come back inside

Boy and wait a minute Alexa oh my go check it out luk check it out look it has an o and that means OHS wao this place is actually quite Saucy I know right check it out it’s a o over here and oh my goodness check out these floor

Tiles Alexa you did a really good job with these thank you blue boy no problem Oh but Luke I think we have a really big problem seeing all this blue just made me realize something what is it come on follow me Luke we got to going what the

Why Rock here come on follow me Luke everybody has their builds right and um look at me and sides we literally have nothing dude dude I don’t have anything either oh my goodness gracious what do we do we need a way to build something really really fast or we’re going to

Lose the competition wait SS we have mind control oh yeah everyone’s wearing a helmet and wait Roxy’s right there um Roxy come to ms’s side real quick and do whatever he says all right I’m going to do whatever he says oh hi Roxy um uh do

You want to help us and do whatever we tell you to do sure that sounds like a great idea oh my gosh L he’s fully under our control okay what we make him build what do we make him build give me an idea we should make a blue dinosaur oh

My gosh Luke you’re are like 10 billion IQ and it’s because like I’m blue and roxxy’s like a dinosaur playing pretend well I am a radio dinosaur listen to this wow that was adorable yeah I thought it was kind of cute oh my God wait I have an idea Roxy give me the

Most scary roar ever go I Ed the mind control device this should be good even the mind control device can’t make him not adorable oh my gosh but Roxy we have to start the dinosaur and we’re going to do it out of light blue wol okay okay we’re going to section it

Off so Roxy you could build the first hand for the dinosaur over here and I’ll build the second one and wait Roxy copy me we could build a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex that’s like the most famous dinosaur ever okay oh perfect that’s what I am Roxy you are not a Tyrannosaurus Rex

You’re just wearing a Tyrannosaurus Rex outfit nope I am a real tyrannosaurus rex wow oh my gosh all right if foxy says it then I believe it but now we have to grab some white wool for its claws in the front over here check that

Out add it to yours and then also a claw on the back that’s extra long all right I just did it it’s perfect nice job now we got to make its legs go up over here and we got to make it have some muscles on it because T-Rexes are one of the

Strongest dinosaurs ever made in the universe they’re like super powerful so let’s make it a thick boys yeah I’m making a thick yes sir so let’s thicken it up and then we could connect the two sides to make it have a butt like that and then we could do the butt over here

And we got to make it go back and around into a tail because tyrannosauruses have ginormous tails to balance themselves up oh yeah a Tyrannosaurus Rex can’t walk without a tail I know right because without it that John’s going to fall so that’s a giant tail but we have to make

It a lot thicker so let’s add one block on top and Roxy add one Block in the middle on your side and I’ll do the same on mine all right I finished it nice job and wa that boy is taking what Roxy that is not the middle that is not what

Middle means you did it on the top dude the Roxy oh my goodness gracious here this is what I meant by middle are you serious right now bro E I totally knew that oh my gosh but check it out now that John is looking thick and we should

Thick ify it from the bottom as well so let’s throw some muscle over here do the same all around like that and then down over here just like this oh my goodness gracious this tail is looking amazed balls now he got to make his back go over here like that and

Up and around like this W SS why does his tail look like a head what the oh gosh it kind of does wait let me fix it up a little bit more and does that look more like a tail now still looks like a tail what Luke does this look like a

Tail yep kind of oh my goodness gracious but wait wait it’s going to look good after we do the back over here like this now we got to make the head shape start here but we have to fill out the back this is just Hollow so Roxy copy me over

Here okay all right I’m copying you exactly okay copy it on that side and we’re going to make it go up and around and down over here like this then we got to do the same on the next layer all we’re doing is just making it wider and

Thicker all the way around like that and then we should do the same right here and this is about to look super sauce with an extra side of sauce oh my goodness gracious now let’s just do this side and finish it all up oh my gosh and

Wait wait we have to like make a curve on the inside to the next so we can make it go up this way like that oh gosh wait how do we do this the right way BS come on you got this don’t worry don’t worry

I’m thinking and we have to like make a curve on the inside so maybe we got to do it like this all the way yeah yeah yeah that looks so good and now we just need to make his stomach go all the way down so let’s

Build this forward like that all the way like this then go to this side and make it go down all the way then the same here now let’s make his belly by making it one layer inside like that then go down the middle like this and then down

This side over here like that and aaz balls my side looks good in Roxy I’m not going to lie your side’s a little bit messed up no it looks like it what luk does this look the same at all oh no he messed this up for real for real don’t

Worry Roxy we’re on fixing duties let’s run this up and wait this is actually an easy fix let’s just run it up like that then all we got to do is just do the outside area don’t worry Roxy I’m fixing it right now and yeah you’re good oh

Yeah yeah easy fix yep it looks great now I know right now all we have to do is the head of the T-Rex and this thing looks beautiful yeah it looks so cool oh I know right and to make aead of a T-Rex Rex shouldn’t be that hard we just got

To make this thing go wide like that make it go down up Roxy how’s this looking so far um it’s coming together what are you sure that that didn’t sound very good that looks like a I don’t want to say it what what does that look like

A GL poop a glob of poop this does not look like a glob of poop don’t you dare how oh my gosh guys chill it’s looking good just trust the process I am a professional dinosaur maker oh are you sure cuz I the dinosaur here oh my goodness gracious but check

That out I’m baking his mouth right now so let me put the blocks down here and do you guys see my vision check it out oh where’s his teeth wait wait wait it’s going to happen in a second wait are you ready for this I’m going to get some

Dripstone and put it down here and then up here and then down here does that look like a mouth to you not really where’s his tongue yeah y boom there’s his tongue do you see his tongue wait that kind of looks like a T-Rex I know

Right now boom boom those are to eyes and I know what you’re about to say where’s his eyeballs check this out y y and oh my gosh all we have to do is do the front of his neck and combine it down his chest just like that and oh my

Goodness gracious Roxy are you seeing what I’m seeing we just made a T-Rex are you sure this is you wait wait I’m going to add some like eyebrows on the front like this and there it is our T-Rex and wait wait T-Rex have like little arms on the side so let me make

It like this put the two fingers out like that then boom make it into Nails then let’s do the same over here we need his claw Nails on each side so let’s set the blue here then boop boop and amazing the T-Rex is looking super duper swagged

Out dude let’s add a red Mohawk what a red Mohawk oh yeah a red Mohawk oh my gosh I guess sure yeah let’s add a red bohawk I don’t know why but I guess this T-Rex has a mohawk I did not know that they had this in the

Dinosaur times and why does that actually look kind of cool I told you it would look swaggy sauce oh my goodness gracious and wait a minute Luke you know how your platform’s in front of our platform uhhuh what if we made another dinosaur that it’s fighting we can make

Like a Triceratops because it’s not a predator it’s the prey and that means the T-Rex is going to eat it or he’s going to lose in the battle to the Triceratops but Triceratops have crazy stron horns I know right this is going to be a crazy battle okay okay let’s

Grab some green wool and white wool and we can make the base of the Triceratops right over here and the Triceratops has four legs so let’s put one there one there then one over here like this and Roxy there is no drifting cars in the

Dinosaur area there is in the be oh my goodness gracious are you serious right now but boom these are the four legs like Roxy move with the car are you serious right now Rocky buing okay but check it out for the first legs we got

To make it have some claws in the front like this Luke do the same on the back ones cuz I think roxxy’s just going to play on the go-karts this is so much fun wa dude we have control of him we can make him do what we want oh yeah yeah

Roxy get off the go carts all oh nice it worked okay Roxy now copy what Luke is doing on the back legs and I’ll do the front legs guys all right on it so now we got to make the legs go up so make it one layer thicker on the back than b

Build a couple up over here like this and Roxy you could do that one over there I’ll do this one here and let’s make it reach all the way up here and this is where his Bell is going to be so let’s connect them all the way through

Guys all right let’s do it y ye and oh my gosh when all of us are working at the same time it’s so fast and we have to make his belly look a little bit chubby because he’s a dinosaur yep and he just got done eating a t-rex triceratops is are actually herbivores

Luke that means they eat plants don’t you know any anything about dinosaurs dude what really oh my goodness gracious embarrassing but now he’s a chubby boy now we got to make the sides of our boy so let’s make it go up a little bit like that and we can make him wide then

Skinny so everyone follow that design all the way around all right that looks pretty hard no Roxy this is not hard at all it’s literally just how do you do that really dude oh my God Roxy no not like this look block no look just do

This and then on this side do that okay all right so this is that yes cersi and then luk you could do this side I’ll work on the butt okay all right nice so let me Place one block here then make it go out one then let’s place the whole

Butt like this oh my gosh Triceratops is coming out super duper Swag yeah ye butt is done and oh my gosh the back is done but now we have to make it start going on the inside over here like that and wao why does this actually look super

Swag he’s coming along so well I know right now we have to make his neck to a head and his head is his most powerful part because his head is basically a ginormous attack weapon yes sir that’s what makes him swaggy I know right so let’s make his neck super thick in order

To hold his super duper powerful head like that and wait a minute guys this is actually going to look really good I have the idea in my head we’re going to make his super duper strong head go all the way up and around like that then we

Got to do the same over here let’s make it go all the way up and around like this perfect now we just have to make it flat so Roxy help me fill this thing in all right this is easy picka yes s I’m done nice and I am too on my side

And that boy is looking thick now we got to add his horns and we got to make it super duper big okay okay so blue copy my design so make it three on the really Roxy that’s not a horn that’s a baby horn so make it two layers of three like

This ly poy luus pus luus pus do two layers of three then put the next layer two on the top hey Roxy guys stop fighting no Roxy oh my goodness gracious chill out for a second Roxy we got to get this right then in the middle put a

Layer put a layer in the middle okay I guess Roxy just stole your job blue that’s fine I’ll chill over here okay nice then put the next layer then the middle over here roxus boxus then in the middle then a layer on the top then a

Layer in the middle then a layer on the top then a layer in the middle then a layer on the top lay in the middle and then L on the top and then the final layer in only the middle of the middle like this and there

It is his horns are gigantic and they’re ready to strike they’re going to hit your T-Rex yes sir yeah now we got to give of a face though let me just uh we got to get some colors in this John I’ll get some black wool and I’ll put a face

Right here then face right here then like a little wait wait I have to make it down here then like oh gosh it’s really hard when there’s not a lot of space to do this with look like an ey wait wait wait just just I promise it’s

Going to look good let me just a smiley face no no no it’s not a smiley face it’s not a it’s a smiley face okay okay whatever that’s his face that’s his face and now wait we got to connect his body guys he’s literally not connected oh no

He’s not connected okay I’m connecting it come on guys help me connect help me connect oh my goodness gracious this is really really bad that boy is literally not connected at all and now that should be good now we just got to connect the top of his body everyone put it together

Like this yep we can’t have his body open what if it rains wait w out yeah I guess yeah we don’t want the rain going inside his stomach but oh yeah yeah his back is complete now it’s a T-Rex versus a Triceratops wait I got to give him a

Mohawk too what really double Mohawk are you serious right now Roxy are you okay with that yeah that’s fine oh okay I guess that is pretty swag yeah it’s done waa a maze balls and what the W Lily what are you doing are you on a shopping

Cart what the oh my goodness gracious Luke are going everywhere the m control device is making them go crazy oh no she’s whipping that wait a minute what did you just say what what do you mean what did I say you said something about my control device no um You didn’t hear

Anything my control device no don’t read what it says on the helmet why does it say quick make foret what I was talking about oh yeah I got to do it quickly before she takes it off I’m taking it off no no no lilam you’re under my

Control oh no Roxy take your helmet off quick no no no Roxy don’t listen to Lily don’t listen to Lily oh my gosh I’m going to take it out no oh my goodness gracious CST no no she’s going to Crystal next yo Crystal Crystal don’t listen to Lily don’t listen to

Li no don’t do it Crystal you listen toab it’s up are you controlling us oh no oh gosh this is bad Alexa still left go to Alexa quickly no no no no Alexa leave it up oh my gosh oh no wait Al Alexa stop stop talking stop stop talking over me Alexa

You’re going to listen to everything I say oh no wait a minute have you been controlling me oh no um no you built a whole blue section for me cuz you love me so much E I would never do that get out my crib blue boy die no no no wait

Am I about to get hit out of the butt are you serious I just got kicked out of the butt that mean she pooped you out oh my gosh but yeah guys we were using mind control this whole time but before you guys get mad look at all the awesome

Things we built wait a minute you’re right I built this awesome poop Pera and Babs I made this awesome statue of you that’s very accurate W this is not oh my gosh I’m not even going to question it and Rox you also built this giant awesome building yeah with the giant

Trampoline oh my goodness gracious and Alexa you also made a a cool B ice cream shop I guess you know what blue boy you’re pretty cool this was swag oh yes and Luke we of course made the dino battle let’s go yeah and that was an awesome

Adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft But I MIND CONTROL my CRAZY FAN GIRL SISTER!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2023-09-30 00:51:48. It has garnered 663394 views and 7519 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:06 or 3066 seconds.

Today, Omz Crazy Fan Girl Sister Alexa is playing with Omz Lily Roxy Luke and Crystal! But Omz is going to be MIND CONTROLLING EVERYONE!! Will they find out? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash and Nico!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandRoxy

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    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More