ON THE LOOKOUT! ▪︎ Devi Devi Anarchy (Minecraft Roleplay)

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Hey Yuki here if you’re enjoying WWE Anarchy then maybe leave a like subscribe and maybe turn on those notifications enjoy [Applause] Sing for me sweet lullabies [Applause] [Applause] Face um are you trying to hurry me home because you’re walking a little fast there oh okay is that is that why you picked me up in the first place you needed me for something is everyone really hungry or something no one’s hungry so everyone just missed me there then Uh oink where the rest Oh Where are they all gone What’s going on what you want to go to the house all right well we’ll go to the house are they looks empty as well okay um are we just gonna hide in the house is that is that the plan no is is it just you and me left no okay then up there

In there is in the bathroom okay who’s in there come on out there’s any that oh egg oh oh and Steve oh you’re both hiding in there you poor things are you okay it’s gonna be okay you’re oh Gregory how many of you were hey Carl sprinkles whoa

Why is there so many ahead of you is that everyone no oh who else is in there is that Apple Apple come on out it’s okay I think right yeah they’re major horns be like a clown Corner how many of you in there so not including oink one two three four

Five six and apple doesn’t want to hug oh Steve I know you’re trying your best six of you in the bathroom how did your fit your fit it’s been cramped goodness gracious all right well at least you’re all here now I suppose why are we all hiding in the bathroom

All right I can’t show our questions okay so was there a reason you’re all hiding in the bathroom yeah I mean I had to have been what do you know where everyone else went no okay did you see the rest of the Demons leave yes okay

Unconcluded okay so did you come pick me up because something was happening did all the X demons leave apart from you yes uh sort of okay was did they all run away no no no no no no no no no but they’re gone okay so they didn’t run away but they left

Why would they leave was there a reason they had to go yes oh God did someone with someone else here someone else is here someone else was here okay someone took them someone took them okay okay so so how did you all stay did they try and take you

They did try and take you but you you will hate okay and and did they keep trying to take you even though you were hiding yes okay but you refused to go okay okay I’m getting it I’m getting it okay okay is that patient still here are they long gone

They’re not here okay they’re gone all right yeah I don’t see them either Steve but all the rest of them are gone okay the seven of you here and there was 40 before such 33x Demon’s gone okay that’s a little worrying where would they go do you know where they went

No just that they were taken by someone who would take them who would take my baby’s okay okay well at least you all stayed good good all right so it’s not safe here if someone else has been here and have taken you then we have to find you someplace else to stay because

Clearly they they could come back right they could easily get yeah okay okay I could come back all right okay that’s it we’re gonna find someone new we’re gonna find someone new safer that’s right Steve take an initiative we can’t just hang around here anymore we can’t just hang okay come on y’all

Um I don’t know where to take them I need to figure out okay right what it is you all are gonna follow behind me okay as we’re gonna look for a new place or try and come up with a new plan on to where to put you because we can’t just

Put you anywhere okay we can’t just throw you on the streets okay um but at the same time we’ve got to follow some ground rules here ground rule number one if you see another demon you leave them alone okay even it’s with an X demon even if it’s a student a teacher

Whatever any other demons you leave them you just stay with me okay stay behind me is very important as well so if you see me facing this way where should you be where should you be if I’m facing that’s right you should be behind me and what

If I turn this way where should you be that’s right and what if I keep turning yes okay good all right I’m gonna do a quick day inventory I’ll go ahead right we’re gonna go places right we’re gonna find someone you come on come on Olivia

Right this is gonna be a jump and a half school’s not an option we all know that don’t we Gregory and apple wow you two of the front of the queue these are the back uh of course it’s the lovers courses that lovers I’m supposed to say speaking of lover

But I don’t think this applies to this person let’s try this way should we see what kind of it right remember you gotta stay behind me except except from when I’m facing you like this and there’s someone behind me that doesn’t count don’t suddenly go behind me all right

Okay let’s see how this goes let’s think should we just say oh good lord graduate you scared me should we just say hi should we just say hi simple hello would that work nicely would that spook them Karma used to be quite shy oh it’s too late hi comma hey hey

How’s it going it’s going well I know this probably looks really weird stay calm yeah you already seem quite calm to me I um oh are you a little on edge or is this happening again is anything above rank three now on the

Or anything no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this isn’t I’m not being targeted these are all friendlies friendlies these are all friendly X demons uh you can tell by their beautiful accessories I’ve given them so you’ve gone and made friends out of the murder machines

Let me put it like that um not quite no you’re right but you’re also wrong um these are friendly X demons that and and ex-humans don’t actually intend to murder they’re not instantly murderous creatures like look like this one this is Steve look see let’s see he’s just a scrunkle little guy

Is very funny and he’s not gonna hurt you won’t hurt will you Steve good okay gentle remember gentle okay I see your tail wagon you’re a bit excited gentle um just this one needs to remain because he squeezes hard that’s all oh okay um watch out behind you

Yeah I know yeah he he does that but he’s he’s gentler than he used to be anyway hi comma I know you want to meet a visit and I know it’s a weird time of visit but I saw you expect me to bring a whole Entourage I didn’t mean to you you don’t

Have to feed them all don’t worry I can do that it’s all good I all right um what else around here or are we good not that I know of this is you know people live so yeah I wouldn’t be surprised I don’t want to cause a panic

But they’re good they’re fine they’re very tame they’re not gonna hit anyone they’ll we’ll have a real where to stay behind me are you ready are you ready you ready sure so if I face this way then they’ve moved that way and if I turn the other way they kind of change

Their mind yeah it’s like you’re walking a bunch of dogs yeah yeah on I said I suddenly turn around and don’t move yeah yeah but they’re not dogs they’re actually they you know I used to think they were dogs and they kind of all but it turns out they they have

Intelligence like for example oink come here oink come here I’d say I’m most intelligent one because oink has read oh God which book is this like number 12 book number 12 13 somewhere around there I think reads a lot and so I’ve never seen the next demon read before and the

Fact that they can read is very strange isn’t it that is very strange you seem to have made the murder machines that everyone here fears hmm into just docile friends yeah pretty much and uh if you want to go back on you can come here Apple

‘s one with our newest accessory I had to find Apple a pair of glasses because it turns out Apple has really poor sight yes up um so we got some prescription glasses so that they can see wow Yep looks good on you as you see they can understand pretty

Well so if you all just want to stay there and if anyone tries to pass through the middle there she knows what you do what do you do that’s right that’s right good job they’re great I love this see a lot of people think they’re very scary and naturally

Accidents are scary but there’s some that that I can’t say I just aren’t they’re just not what we thought they were I think they’re just misguided misguided that’s such a good way I always had their sights set on the wrong people that’s right that’s right anyway

You guys stay there you just relax let me catch up with an old friend that was doing Mad were you doing magic when I was looking over here yeah like I’m trying to keep my understanding of everything well you’re clearly control intact you clearly must must have a lot of control considering

Um and the fact that hey I saw that I saw that Steve stay there no don’t you go blaming somewhere else I saw that um but I’ve noticed ever since the last time I remember you doing magic was you making snowmen trying to get them to move did you remember

Yeah so they move oh they don’t last long still um okay that’s just regardless of power is that oh summoning and less Elemental if that’s I just also think because it’s hot here that it doesn’t melt that’s a good you know you can’t really make an ice man

Yeah that must be really hard for you if everything’s so hot everywhere right lava well you can always Freeze Ice more because it’s solid but snow is powdery right it’s easier to melt so making snow is kind of pointless here okay so you’re I mean I see your horns

They’re pretty uh are they brittle yeah okay but if you break it it’ll go back to red and then it’ll just go it’ll freeze over again it’ll go to Red are they red under there yeah you remember when you do you not remember the old me

Honestly I mean that wow you look so different now and you ranked up so much it’s kind of wild I mean me too but still yeah there’s a long story with that well I’m right you again you just better sit and relax because you know mama’s gonna

Strap in and then listen to some stories all right do tell me what’s happened give me the updates I’ll keep it quick uh I’m from a family long dead I’m the last of its kind I’m not from here not from the royals of another ring saw my family as something of a threat

Okay and so they all band together to get rid of my family seeing me as a baby though they didn’t see me as much of a threat so they sealed away most of my power and memories and sent me here thinking I would never reawaken oh oh so that’s why you’re actually

Initially around one all your memories were suppressed so what reawakened the memories for you I broke my limit that seal they put on me the last cleansing the fear to not being able to be here and remember everything push me forward wow being stuck in that ice cube broke everything

When I woke up I remembered it all that’s intense are you happier now that you’ve got your Memories Back to an extent now I have a purpose and what was her to ask what to keep getting stronger and go home oh that sounds nice and remove the rest of those Royals oh damn

Royalty is a stain hmm no one should be higher than anyone else in the end I think we should all be the same rank I agree with that pop but you’re you’re wanting to do what exactly kill them ah kill all those Royals people who thought they had the right to

Make the judgment to get rid of so many others which one you think killing is a little bit harsh they had that judgment so why can’t people make the Judgment back you know a lion comes to mind an eye for an eye and the world goes Bland right do

You not agree with that yeah but when they’ve taken one eye why not take the other LT huh strong feeling I think that’s why I can somewhat understand these guys but I do think they’re just misguided yeah hey maybe I take you and them with me what to the to the other well

What might that be I gotta read into that more oh you don’t know yeah okay oh so that’s a lead huh what’s a lead my last name is Dias Eric diazoric that’s a mouthful but that sounds like um I got very very good last name I suppose

I’ve never heard it before so I can’t give you any leads I’m sorry exactly I don’t know books will be my guide books will be your guide oink have you heard that last name before and your books no now I can’t help you either do you have any idea if the circle might

Be higher or lower in numbers I hope it’s on a lower number not sure maybe it’s in the second Circle I’ve heard that place is a blast and compare it to this one I don’t know anyway oh cool cool yeah I have some really uh strong motives yeah

Sorry about that it’s it’s okay no no you are like my only friend so I trust you with that information sure oh you want me to keep it it’s probably a secret yeah okay meet you and the 7x demons yep okay not sure how many people know I’ve remember everything

So that word got out more than likely would spread and that could cause bad things to happen a lot of bad stuff yeah let’s I’ll not do that yeah I’m a little bit worried about that Royal Pub but you know things things can be I’m like I don’t know it’ll be okay

Really yeah you sure I think so and I hope so do you know me yeah I I knew he’s a little soft person but a soft demon um but now oh now you know your purpose and what you want to do we’re just a little bit

Unsettling I won’t lie but I I don’t blame you but I just hope you don’t do anything that you might regret one day that might cause trauma or give you nightmares right right um oh you’re not worried about that not really again everything that’s happened what else can you expect

I guess it’s been a while you know but oh okay Steve has their present for you oh well thanks Steve yeah that’s Steve trying to get on your good side so you don’t get the you know oh and uh flower for this Memorial um I remember seeing this and Miss Sana

Mentioned it like it must have been built while I was gone do you know whose this is no I don’t know if it was mentioned to me maybe no uh it was one of our neighbors I oh yeah this is a memorial 2i mm-hmm right well that’s good yeah more flowers thank

You that’s uh it’s good to know it’s kind of like kind of sad that they oh thank you more oh you know you’re picking flowers and putting them down here right I can see you guys but it’s still nice I’ll give you that it’s still nice I think it’s a

Thought that counts that’s the thought that counts you know it’s good to pay your respects do I well that’s good to know thank you comma okay no problem hey hope this didn’t make anything weird between us I know that was a lot to dump on you huh no

We’re still friends I’m a little worried about you but we’re so I appreciate it I’m worried about you too you know hope uh your new friends here are okay and treating you well treat me well that’s for sure oh um yeah your mom’s Lilith right yeah well hmm why

That makes me a bit conflicted why well just don’t follow in your footsteps for me no I don’t stay friends oh because the royalty thing yeah oh okay fortunately my feelings kind of just take over you know it’s a good news I don’t plan on plan on not being like her

All right well if you ever plan to uh show your mother who’s boss I’m here to help well thank you I won’t do anything drastic because that’s your stuff to deal with without mine yeah I’ll keep the the healing to uh the other ring plan yeah I don’t definitely don’t want

To do that yeah might cause some complications and mass panic so yeah sure I didn’t make things weird no I mean maybe a little but like it’s okay like I understand I’m worried but it’s okay because you’re going through it and you’re like a new version of you because

You you’ve regained everything you’ve lost I suppose right yeah don’t think I’m gonna be too different though okay so just the recap of what I’m telling you it’s not like I’m gonna be spouting around how I’m gonna go kill another Rings royalties huh yeah I’ll keep that a secret as

Secret as I can hopefully whoever’s sitting over there didn’t hear us Wouldn’t say anything you don’t think so nah nope not either yeah well I’m gonna head to my dorm okay it was nice seeing you it was nice catching up take care of yourself bye friends oh I say bye bye comma that was sweet and someone’s just watching

Take a photo it lasts long that’s not a very Vinny like then oh God you’re following behind me again it’s gone uh yeah maybe this wasn’t a good time yeah it’s fine you want to see how fine it is even if I commanded one of them to rip

My head off I’d be fine you know if I asked one of them to to gouge my face out that would be fine no no Oh my God maybe saying that was a bit much huh Yeah okay maybe I shouldn’t have said that right yeah okay my bad I didn’t mean that sure I did I just I just said it out of frustration I guess I understand how frustration can be Yuki yep uh oh you’re coming here that’s as far as I’m going there’s a lot

Of them yeah I’m not that you will stay leave Julius alone you Julius isn’t a fan we’ll say that I’ll never be their fan that’s for certain I I didn’t mean what I said I don’t know why I said that I was just angry it’s okay if you don’t want to be that

Fan but but I I can treat one thing Carl come here and sprinkles come here too Colin sprinkles are now officially love us what was that a little unexpected yeah I mean I had theories of them repopulating in a way but I didn’t know they were uh yeah they love each other

I thought it probably more animalistic than no yeah Good it’s there yeah yeah anyway well yeah I’m sorry for snapping but at the same time I’m not it’s hard to explain I’m sorry for saying that thing about getting X demons to do things that they wouldn’t do because you’ve actually had it done to you yeah that honestly

Me off a little bit but I understand well I didn’t mean to say that that I just I don’t know where it came from I don’t know why I said it I’m sorry so if these are making you feel anxiety we’re just yes yeah I thought so anyway

We’ll go though why aren’t they all here what it’s kind of hard to explain and it might make you uncomfortable if I did explain it to you so maybe after if I resolve it okay it’s not just do me a favor and give a few of us time to

To think we’re bringing a lot more of these around I’m trying I’m sorry I shouldn’t have brought them in here in the first place it’s my bad it’s my bad come on you luck come on let’s go let’s go we’re gonna find someplace else bye Julius

Bye all right come on use at the back what he’s doing you can’t keep looking at eyes Memorial you gotta leave it Gregory I know I know I know Gregory I know come on Gregory I know it’s hard I know I know you knew I come on all right come on you though

All right let’s try somewhere else oh what if we missed any X demons back at home right we’ll turn around we’re going this way we’re going back home can y’all spread out and tell me if you can smell any other ex demons around just to make sure we haven’t left any

Behind because I might um mom thank you for watching this episode of WW Anarchy be sure to join us on Discord if you have any questions or want to talk with the community or be sure to follow me on Twitter for close updates and other Shenanigans live fan art as

You can see we’re showing them right now and thank you very much for sending them in I really appreciate it to support the series you can like the video perhaps leave a comment and be sure to be subscribed to the channel see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘ON THE LOOKOUT! ▪︎ Devi Devi Anarchy (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by SirCutieYuki on 2023-07-15 22:30:11. It has garnered 20704 views and 2311 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:53 or 1733 seconds.

▪︎ Thank you for clicking Episode 19 of the Devi Devi Anarchy! ^_^ Please like the video if you enjoyed!

MERCH STORE: https://my-store-9a3713.creator-spring.com/

In this episode in order of voice appearance: Karma (Karma): https://twitter.com/karma_kooky Julius (Mecheme): https://twitter.com/Mecheme3 Lilith (Honey): https://twitter.com/honeyducks_

Body Actors for X-Demons: WiltedSunflower, MissNoName, CresentGem, Mecheme, MalphasDuRaine, DiamondWosHere, SpilledInk and cryptics0up

Asset Creators- ▪︎ Froggie: https://twitter.com/Captain_Froggie ▪︎ Miss: https://twitter.com/MissNoName2155 ▪︎ Sunflower: https://twitter.com/WiltedSunf1ower ▪︎ Sap: https://twitter.com/sappiian

Trailer Creator- ▪︎ Devin: https://www.youtube.com/c/FourOhFourEntertainment

Thumbnail Creator- ▪︎ Yours Truly~

My Socials: ▪︎ Discord: https://discord.gg/sircutieyuki ▪︎ Twitter: https://twitter.com/SirCutieYuki ▪︎ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sircutieyuki/ ▪︎ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sircutieyuki

Want to have your own Minecraft Server? Server Hosting – MCProHosting Get 25% OFF any plan! Code: Yuki https://mcph.info/Yuki

Make sure to send fanart to my twitter to @SirCutieYuki or use the hashtag #DeviDeviAnarchy !


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    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 AskAbout.video ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

ON THE LOOKOUT! ▪︎ Devi Devi Anarchy (Minecraft Roleplay)