Our best Bedwars game yet! | Minecraft Livestream

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Hello everybody welcome to King high four-fifths of the crew is here today our fifth meaning lunar is busy drawing a thumbnail but but don’t worry guys the four of us are still here anyhow great stuff wait what’s the secret oh oh yeah the secret stuff yeah I can’t tell you about

That that’s confidential confidential it’s a secret I can’t tell you but I gotta say I saw the other day oh my gosh my eyes blew up like it was so beautiful it’s so beautiful but I can’t tell you right now how do we play bad wars I will

I will use the power of this stream yeah I don’t know what I’m saying anyways before this stream starts I just wanted to say burgers or french fries which is better you know what we’ll let the players in here decide okay okay french fries all the way over here and then

We’ll put burgers on this side you guys make them choose say burgers and french fries yeah salty fries are the best I’ll let see what stream has to say jay-z shut up – jay-z cake thanks for the super chat alright so it looks like oh hey hey hey no peeking in between you

Bacon hey you got a pic french fries is winning Wow burgers more than fries don’t tell me you changed your mind or it depends on this on this season if you I mean I want a chicken nuggets option dude I don’t have chicken nuggets what do we look like McDonald’s do you

Chicken strips guys I’m not big not like what kind of burgers are these like we’re supposed to play bad Wars but I don’t have chicken strips everyone’s saying french fries in the chat well it’s final french fries win Jurgis know this girls like I love burgers no burgers are dead now all

Burgers are dead destroying the burgers oh I forgot to put my minecraft volume up there you go alright we’re gonna start off with bad words and then we’ll let you guys decide what you wanted to play and we will take it on from there also make sure to tweet

Us hashtag I mean at and use the hashtag crew live on Twitter and rainbow we’ll check that out I don’t have my phone today it’s almost dead the batteries on my ammeter and escort so oh you’re like a multi a multi machine and I’m gonna try pvp new bed words

CJ shadow on YouTube said what types of burgers I don’t know what type of burger it was okay fine how about a regular hamburger no cheese no chill I always wondered yeah that’s gross really what is sofa philosophical it’s disturbing up my vault mic volume okay I know how’d it

Go whoa they’re not made out of ham why are you what is up with that like they’re not made at report okay another good point our french fries french exactly don’t question delicious food don’t cost your delicious foods no we don’t we don’t question food we just eat it alright something says delicious

Pizza burger delicious on it I’ll be like no questions asked maybe I should be concerned a little bit I got food poisoning one day you know why all right thank you guys all for the super chats love ya not so much in the bella jr. Sophia Gustav Abbey

Luke fellow cringe game a unicorn no sound allowed ride starts back up channel Wow so when I was a backup channel I should have a bag of channel I feel like I’m I mean I have it all in the bag now the backup channel okay it’s amazing okay offending is back

Yeah oh my god red team to shout out us – either totally distract them cold black I feel nervous so our bed is empty I also remember working around a channel if you guys didn’t watch the last bed wars episode rainbow is the full on TV

King queen oh my god you just foul who foul now whoever said – if you watch anime and sadly I do not watch anime the rest of the crew I don’t think I need a wife I’m a jock oh don’t watch anime anymore I read manga does watch anime you could

Always tweet her and say what’s your favorite anime lunar show like Emily McKee said how do I become a member well guys I guess I always show these before the stream number is all you got to do is find that join button right now I think we also have a dollar membership

So you could become a alright super defense mode yeah I think we’re gonna get super super super defense yogi ok gold I’m just gonna collect stuff and give it to you and then you could just upgrade whatever you want all to be the collector this episode no we do we need

A defender so many oh man there’s too many yellows guys we need help oh my god guys good okay it’s cuz fine II was talking too much I called yeah I have to talk in the stream I cannot talk I just got you know why ask some more minecraft I said some

More minecraft no I’m kidding you go oh wait no no wait hey you hear that I was drinking coffee I cannot hear please don’t share that no one wants to okay Ashley but should we be concerned if your height is blue we need full deep bass we’re getting

Clogged in there it’s really to play defense game yeah nobody says hi funny than we’re all good what do you mean now they’re not gonna say hi honey they’re just gonna kill us why not she can build a wall as a big achievement rainbow no hey boy

Big big wall and then small protection around the bed easy just don’t make a giant bed pure yeah I’m not I’m not gonna make a giant I’ll just make I just don’t want people to peek in to see what we’re doing oh my god let’s make a big walls put

Holes in it and then we’ll shoot arrows stop clicks baby said hi honey I love you and burgers all right there was a burger team but I don’t know if I could trust you because your news name Yellow team is always the most aggressive team ever all right let’s go jump we need to build I think three is the best type this is wonderful why thank you youtube comment Lewis or Louise I think I said it right correct me later what is this I don’t think

That’s how I’m gold this pyramid is way too baby they’re just gonna hop over and sneak through the back that’s really too big you got a downsize they’re gonna sneak in through the back and you that’s how you get around this smack em they’ll break your back this rate is not I Thought the walls were supposed to keep everything up all right let’s go oh we should make a glass wall that would be cool let’s go this way today’s stream is full of Minecraft guys minecraft minecraft actually isn’t protected at all okay well I’m gonna go mess with

Them or it’s like really badly protected all right no one’s going for animals why don’t we go from notes no one going for let’s kind of a little yellow guy he’s like emeralds emeralds okay watch this dream I’m sorry sorry I will be taking your emerald back Oh took it all

We should really start up city and protection that be made mhm okay don’t build the wall too big just yeah this is too big they’re gonna going away around mess us up I’m gonna build it so big we can’t even fly over okay that works oh that I’m gonna be jelly she’s eating

Pink cupcakes I am jealous pink cupcakes yeah I’m now I’m jelly I don’t even know why I feel I feel like I should be jelly all right let’s go for a pickaxe all right I’m gonna stress some bed watch this I was being aggressive wish any locked streams they said they slurps

Water loudly yellow I’m taking emeralds I was planning to do oh my god yellows trying to do obsidian protection get here rainbow no they walk honey we gotta go for yellow they’re going after us oh they’re actually trying to get obsidian protection to catch up to Jackson it’s could seen Fox mystery

Lunar hope Jennifer burrito girl gustaf Catherine my Jill Fox mystery nailed it said all the names um I’m Elena oh my god so sad ninja needs help they said my sister’s shoving cream in my face right now what does that mean why is she doing that for you

Tiny yeah tiny here’s what you gotta do what you have to get that obsidian Oh No okay that’s discussing the only thing you can do with situations like that is to hug them what but never let it go they are not letting us get emeralds oh

And then take your cheek no this guy’s gonna be an issue jackal you come help me kill yellow we have to get rid of yellow they’re gonna I’m trying to kill the yellow team keeps camping their emeralds they’re literally trying to get obsidian coming to read

Your about yo songs are better PvP corn rainbow levy seemed quite right already bill you’ve got this gold you have obsidian yet there’s so much almost in the chest stop building we gave you stuff okay let’s let’s actually just go straight for yellows bad let’s go I know you keep

You this guy off hello to us we don’t know what we’re doing oh no yes yes yes no I’m gonna go in I’m going in guys distract them for me while I break it Hey like they do not watch my booty that scared me we did it yes Hey

Been stealing all the emeralds it’s ok what’s green you do it all at once filled obsidian protection let’s go for green a key I like fighting why didn’t I do this before cuz you were just a wee little baby Oh guys make sure to upgrade your armor without upgrades golds please

Upgrade your armor that is scary hey question for everyone watching the stream if we were Pokemon and our names were do we evolve what would our next name be alright yeah YouTube leave a comment of what our evolution of our names would be funnier a Pokemon being or you oh man

Green Team built a big wall guys funnel lake huh hey muscles not our wall they were like no guys are going full defensive we have to kill them before they get I don’t like people who go full defensive because we like going full defensive alright he’s sending out

Another you’re scared it’s good oh that was good bird bird said how do you send fan art through Twitter face I’ve infiltrated the inside of their thing now if they don’t see me now I check Instagram and use Instagram and Twitter a lot well we have my news there’s just

A blue team hiding I mean they didn’t even build off their island no rainbow no one person has to take care of a golem oh yeah me take care of a golem funny golems dead manual I mean rainbows dead rainbow calm Mabel come quick I was

Funny she died oh you’re right Bella hey did I ever would be quiet at the check all right let’s go 10,000 people watching wow thank you guys for tuning in our stream of watching terrible super pro minecraft players happy long weekends by the way everybody hi hello

Let’s punch them today let’s punch them with our fish oh no break something they give okay Jacqueline stop killing though look at it we’ll end it quickly yes applause oh wait clap clap clap that was easy umm what game do you guys want us to play leave a comment there’s tons of

Games on hypixel so yeah rainbow please read Twitter if you got times thank you we have some thank you we’ve got for me savage bow that’s my evolution name for funny fun tato funny – Rocco is Dragon Knight I think that’s already Sonia and YouTube said funny – I

Like funny – that’d be my second backup channel dracco to so many choose queens that the only Pokemon you guys know now I’m murder mystery alright I don’t want wait a minute what up after oh gosh what you guys start building Oh guys out of

The car tea no no guys no we’re not we’re not playing battles anymore we’re gonna play I feel like we’ll do classic the classic murder murder you know why it fans fam meet us in lobby 10 you know us we always go on the last lobbies we’ll wait here we’ll join

Welcome DJ Gracie Rossi and bubble eclipse new members welcome all welcome oh okay you didn’t you didn’t invite me what I’m waiting for people that I don’t see anyone because I’m in a murder game I’m waiting oh there’s no one here hello what do you mean you’re waiting what do

You mean I just wanna how do I join the game I’m in murder murder Lobby 10 okay we’re in lobby 10 I wish they were still mega so you get everybody in one lobby don’t worry this will turn out good hello everyone wow this Lobby got full there’s so many

It’s almost 60 out of 17 it we’re gonna fill it up that’s insane all right guys let’s go in to murder classic okay we will go here hello everybody okay let’s go scrappy baby said play sister location but you don’t have to download it its sister location

Free I never played any of the finesse actually I played one I think it was sister location Draca was playing it and I didn’t like it it’s stressful men we didn’t beat it oh yeah we suck anyway so just played it for fun not for entertainment despot

Purposes no you played it to suffer I want to be like that three I’m Krusty Krab one that’s what I want to play on the channel I think it’d be super funny alright narwhals who is the murderer all the map changes now no Jocko it always

Changed what are you talk no like when you go upstairs it like changes to a different level yeah the might go upstairs gray I’m gonna die Oh man dude I can’t see hello do you know where Drago is my bunny bunny look oh she’s like me if you open your app and then you go downstairs it changes while it’s open it’s really cool look I don’t know what ok so it just changed

Bottom floor top man that Rocco was annoying bottom floor in the end game it doesn’t old O’Hare murder I heard murder you’ve got murdered oh I see if last words I can totally see the murder killing your dad right here some scallywag hit me you’re right the scallywag was a

Czech tapping I am your Savior wow you murdered them in cold blood well they murdered you and cold like I’m just dead man I’m not even murdered in cold blood and in bucks said yo I’m going on an airplane oof love you guys oh that’s crazy I

Don’t think you can watch a stream on airplane though unless you pay to integrate which bougie cuz it’s so expensive right is plain Internet good and like I don’t know I don’t know how clean Internet hey youtubers plane plane answer that good ever had clean Internet yeah please tell me what it’s like

Is it good Internet please let me know thank you welcome to the stream where we talk about plain Internet oh my gosh when you go to the second floor of houses the map changes – that’s really Wow oh my god the map shows where the bow is

Now look open your map it’s oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what a glory wait she’s a murderer how could she pick up the detective bow no oh my gosh tonight is the murderer john-boy clearly trying to kill you man okay he’s all

Gray I’m confused I think I think the horse should count as a second painters yes if it doesn’t crash because pixel painters is on another version and it usually breaks so yeah we can see we can see everyone on the street is saying I don’t know what plain internet is okay

So no review no review I mean honestly when I got on a plane I just sleep I don’t care and if I don’t sleep I play on my phone or not I heard he ground his new album rainbow rainbow you you got you gotta go Joe

Where he is I know he’s a blue monster come on Isabelle said Rocco I said oh it’s a one we won oh man this guy is real good okay we’ll play we’ll go into another murder lobby just so we could get our other famine that’s a really good murderer I’ve never

Seen a pro murderer in my life actually I would be scared if I saw a pro murderer in real life I mean in Minecraft this is for a Gabi everyone say hi to Gabi is she always this is the live stream she made it today you yes hi

Gabi hello hello yeah alright student faction infection yep welcome silver lightning Abbi and potato jelly got reverse of new members and mocha girl presents ha oh no this is a super chart that says can you try to say my name right I’ll type it out so the choc could

See to share it in joy can I do it right I feel like I did it right an inbox and invite the person that was about to go on the plane said no it’s so bad trust me and that means I can’t watch the stream okay no plain internet it’s bad

It’s not worth it to ripoff hashtag not worth it doctor vampire violet I can sigh alright your hands together where Apple Mac is so cute I want to see what goals I can get carnival man wait did everyone else get a bow what’s the point I gotta buy with our goals

Nothing zombie alright buddy you can break this bridge for two gold well can you know you can buy a random effects potion for potion I’m a zombie I don’t know you can break another bridge for two goals so for those who don’t know Jaco hasn’t played like we haven’t

Streamed minecraft in a while I pixel in a very very very long time that’s why joke was like where do I go and Rocco’s young to kill him get Drago everybody there’s me Drago and alien oh no only three licks oh man there’s a zombie right there oh

That’s what you got you are annoying I was try to take in the sights of this map well you took the sights in in a bad way good eye let’s do one more and then I think okay pixel painters and build battle will try pixel painters first but if it doesn’t

Work we’ll play build battle yep yeah Drock oh stop I agree with you Ashley Drock oh do you understand and stop being fascinated why all right okay okay this is from cookie Cup dracco if you had ten sisters would you be sad why ten

I think that’s a lot to take in I would be so happy how about having ten Jacko’s was a joke outside 10 twins he was like its head clones of himself now that’s a lot of fascinated Rocco’s I don’t think I could handle it funny this is gonna be

You in this Museum cage why the remains of King Tut murdered by an innocent ha ha ha ha you know what all of us should just stand up here so we don’t die builds battle build battle all right we’ll survive eventually gold are you infected where are you I’ll go find you money

Know what Gold know you even said where are you no help you you know lucky I was not even gold uh well it doesn’t matter I was trying to fix my microphone ok even gold she’s lying someone else wait gold uneven oh wait Gold’s in fact yeah it’s not even facted oh look

There’s a guy – Steve hey Steve can you shoot squiggles remember guys squiggles I’m hiding drop goes left she’s running up the stairs this way guys wait where are we going okay intense question right now from goofer on twitter they said have you guys seen the frozen – trailer I love oh my gosh I saw it I had no idea what was

Going so intense and I don’t even know what’s happening guys it looked like they took Melania and then they took Pocahontas Oh Elsa – I’m the last survivor what’s your guys thoughts me yeah if you don’t if you’re not fan of Disney movies myth I guess you did when

I also kept running into those waves oh my gosh boiler light trailer oh my god you spoiling it for me stop builds battle join us in build battle lobby 6 did I miss something you missed 25 minutes and 36 seconds of the stream but you’re fine you’ll survive yep

I count by the seconds now I’m super precise okay let’s do solo mode guys usually when we do play builds battle we always ask YouTube for a theme so whatever build battles theme is for example dog YouTube you give us a theme you could put a bunch of emojis or whatever so you

Put like an apple so we’ll build an apple dog or a dog holding an apple you get it all right choose a theme go everyone’s in here hello yeah I see a lot of yeah and miss for frozen it’s me how about Pixar I love pictures what ah

No we’re gonna play pixel painters after we play builds paddle okay yup we’re gonna see what YouTube wants no one say tick-tock cuz I don’t know how to build tick-tock yeah I’m not willing to learn all right I think we’re ready okay go go go let’s go it themes

What does bucket theme mean CC place like everything in a bucket what that means crew the movie I would love to make a movie about oh my here’s a would you rather question from Nicole and it is like hard wait let’s vote for this whatever let’s do llama llama llama combines with a

Hamburger y’all are evil alright so hamburger no hit or miss I hit oh alright they’re all saying tick tock memes alright it’s a double double combo it’s a hamburger it’s a hamburger plus tick tock yeah plus lava but you can’t put tick tock in it how are you I don’t

Care I don’t care how you want what do you mean I don’t know put music notes Peterman make sense yeah of course it doesn’t make sense all right little llama that is the biggest charm out of guys hit the like button if you think this is gonna

Go well or not well probably not well let’s go I don’t know what looks like hamburger buns I always have I’m very persnickety of how hamburger buns should look at Minecraft so we need to choose wisely or else I might run out of time sesame ah what’s the perfect no one

Wants a wide by okay this this is close enough we’re going to build we’re not gonna make it too big just because if we make it too big it’s gonna be ridiculous and I can’t build it in time Rocco’s quote is always build small burgers it’s just to build small actually nevermind

He’s just lazy okay that is a well that’s a good bud it sort of it could be more circular but it’s Minecraft who cares all right so what do we put we need to meet well I want to put a llama okay when you use wool when

Use white wall I think I need a llama to reference to so I’m just gonna put down a llama mister nama missus not you can not put it down great now after estimate on what a llama looks like it’s okay in llama lines we

Had a lot of llamas how can I not make a llama so I don’t even remember what a long that looks like I think I’m making the horse rabbit yeah yeah tick tock Rives I don’t know how we’re gonna make it sick talk to me I think I’ll just put

The music I got this this looks more like a bunny no what do i do what do we do my llama stop stop oh my gosh intense music oh what do i do what do i do stains vegetables we could use leaves but I was just like whatever

Oh man I make gudetama this is so cute how about an open-face that does not does not count yeah yes it does I made a good a llama leader would be proud of me it looks like a this is an open-faced burger okay guys if you know what I mean just sure

Sure yeah yeah just let me I wish I had more time to build this I spent too much time deciding on what color I should have this body may not fit but just fine we’re gonna have buttons on the server I don’t know why it sucks alright the bun

Is there okay yeah yeah yeah I see something I see something oh let’s make it grass mm-hmm maybe we’ll chop these edges off I’m missing the tic-tock Park everyone saying where’s Tik Tok I will manage to add tik tok to this hold up 52 seconds I yeah looks like okay but

Anyways particle selector music music note I can have it all for K likes for tick-tock llama nice alright wait what does this do hmm depart our particles broken hit or miss cinema is done do we stop it’s a hit or miss Lamia and to add extra where’s the patty it’s not a

Burger the llama is the patty okay had this under control all right boom see the llama is the patty it’s perfect it’s a tick-tock llama it kind of looks like a bunny it’s fine I’ll give us a good cuz it looks like a longneck oh is it naked hmm looks like a naked

Mama make it really good ooh this one’s actually epic I see but is it a tic toc llama I don’t think so I don’t think it fits the theme Oh over here we have it looks like a decapitated yeah don’t know what a llamas that’s scary I’m just gonna look

This llama wants to be tracer yeah get it the burger YouTube what do you rate it leave a comment right now I don’t I don’t know if that’s funny taco what do you mean it’s collar that’s not that hilarious llama in the cute hit-or-miss llama no it’s a

Tick-tock llama those nostrils I kind of like it ooh I like this line this is cool where’s the tick-tock you like this tick box rainbow I’m gonna decrease my score whoo [Laughter] zero out of ten for dracco if the streams like what WX to wish you I’ll say wish you a llama

As long as it’s hungry and out of ten for Jacko you dumb pretty generous today everyone’s saying it’s amazing um I think you don’t have legs Oh maybe it’s a Pokemon oh oh this is cute Yes all right let’s try pixel painters it might not work but we can see crew pam 101 yeah where is pixel is it an arcade oh yeah I remember don’t know why I asked pixel paint lobby 10 guys let’s do lobby 10 super chats thank you while we wait

Thank you at the YouTube guy Roseann potato Jelly Belly flower Hannah Smith glitter gammon love your name BT Dubbs five six nine four two five seven five nine five six nine welcome as a new member great music Michele B and shout-out to Cynthia Sheena Jefferson Hannah summer

Rose Chang Kenya and potato Joanie got Chavez what a beautiful day to play pixel painters same rules with pixel painters guys theme gets chosen we add on to the theme why not because we’re fun that’s why everyone who’s oh no there’s no texture pack my eyes what do

We do my eyes no sir no we gas Really I guess we have to do it anyways yeah everyone’s sad yeah I’m sad you know what you I don’t care I take as a challenge go continue to draw a science I cannot even see my tool we like classical music okay potion science potion let’s see if the art is nice

Science Oh Bob way bubbles for potions this is going great youtube this is dude dude the clock is even broken it’s just time left two three what is that all right I’m gonna attempt to paint something a category of science I just cleared my palate we’re gonna make a

Potion bottle easy just draw I can’t even see it a flask there you go flask and in the flask his green stuff got disconnected art was too ugly I couldn’t handle it fill tool this still got it I still got it nailed it oh no the clock says one for always

Drink the potions yeah yeah no do not drink in the potion Wow okay I have a spray can of fish okay all right wish us luck yeah I love amazing question would you rather bike Nicole she says I love you guys but would you rather be a rat

Or eat a bunny oh my god I got kicked now no one will see my beautiful Anna and Elsa frozen – I’d rather be a rat because then I could cook like in ratatouille yeah I’d rather be I’m sure I’d be ratatouille Yes what type of evil question is that he’s a happy stream can’t you see what do you guys think did I do good I don’t know did I me leave a like if I did even like if I didn’t even like anyway anyways texture pack is broken

But we still managed and that’s belief can we have a belief song make out 20 read 2 to 3 and they said has the crew ever tried cow peas what is kelp kelp piece I don’t know what that is said like a chill is that oh oh no we have

You know it’s not Japanese soda the one that looks milky and really delicious it’s not my moon egg but it’s like the other one the yogurt thing that yeah kind of with the Japanese if they tried it I probably tried it I tried it it’s cow pee soda it’s a good

Alright I think everyone in here gets a round of applause just for not playing with a texture pack so yeah it was hard let’s see oh this one the funny one just so well it’s crying wait is the potion name funny and it made you cry what is my distance yeah

Turn this up oh my gosh these are too cute is it biased that I keep choosing the ones that say my name on it even though this one is very nice oh those are potato chips I love through funny dracco gold I’m assuming that says lunar but they said

Up pretty good pretty good what’s lunar doing Gabby gabrielle says on youtube she is drawing the thumbnail and she’s also working on a super secret cool project that I can’t say maybe at the end at night I’ll say my lips are sealed yeah you can’t spoil it too beautiful

Lick my licky licky and cool flame great news your name’s lucky Wow and I’ll give it to cool Blaine because so cute so adorable try to give it to them CJ good job good job everyone that was that was so bad no no captured but everyone did it y’all amazing good job

What’s the project Jinna films I can’t just I can’t tell you that’s a pretty secret you know how long I’ll tell you how long Lunars been working on it for she’s been working on it since Christmas ya know since Christmas it’s like super epic I can’t I can’t say we can’t say

That we are figuring out like new different even though there will be a lot of people said can you sell rainbows cake at I don’t know my castle get you like no not much all right let’s do hmm well let’s go back into lobby 10 because

It’s not that full yet and you know what uh YouTube take a look-see take a look-see at all of these games white game would you like us to play leave a comment right now waiting while you wait I love you shout to Kenya Rose Chan Hannah Alya Bella flower far from

Tom wife why are you so far from Tom where’s Tom Alya Tunstall Sophie full a yummy love totally butchered that name potato jelly gotcha vez I love how colorful I don’t want skid news I need to get on the color train look at me my skin’s outdated yeah lucky block

Hide-and-seek bad worries really played bad words we’re gonna skip it I see a lot of hi I know all right well YouTube’s also saying hide and seek so cheeky hi didn’t easy hide all routes to hands ik party-pooper prop hunt let’s do it I didn’t think is

The only thing I saw I like your honesty yen I only saw that so I said it that’s funny we get my block ring set after hopefullly the texture pack works because if it doesn’t work then everything sucks you are the hider please disguise as

Many props as you want okay I feel like a note block is just something sad I’ll get console easily oh I can only be a note block why would you see what you’re gonna be yeah someone’s gonna stream tonight me cool thing you ever complained about getting a stream sniped

In Minecraft get to my level what nothing I’m not I can’t show people where I am oh no they found me I suck what is a marking tool scared who are you go away what is this you go to this thing called a marking tool I don’t know drive it tells me something’s

Nearby I see okay thank goodness oh my flowers mr. streams guys I’ll tell you a secret so I usually put the stream up like 30 minutes earlier you could always set a reminder boom you’ll get pinged when we got go live easy-peasy you guys here’s the motto if you don’t

Move you don’t leave Donna said what are you doing for formal you could go check my community tab I asked what am i doing for formal that explains it if you guys didn’t already make sure to head to the community tab after and leave a suggestion as I am a TNT ghost We always go live for them oh my gosh well thank you for supporting us you really appreciate that as I don’t go what’s up them Oh where’d you go find me my marking tool you know we have a tool that lets us know if you’re close to us

Right behind you behind you I can see what you’re doing jack will you tell my gosh I’m already dead dummies I died a long long time ago we have like six more minutes until the stream ends so do they have Vegas skywars please no Omega sky

Wars is so I miss manga sky wars we could always stream open to like 100 players I’m gonna go check everyone said Wow drat oh yeah oh well nine thousand and nine hundred Oh 8 nine thousand one hundred people watching that is insane I could give some shout

Out Josh to Emily Nessa Andrea Liberty Coco Sarah L I’m also gonna find the Gameboy supermarket now I’m gonna multitask Orlando gamer Patti Noah the T Kitty girl tailee ray honden nap Michelle getting harder far from just get harder one day I know someone’s just gonna troll me

There’s then have a super complicated username there be like alright duels ranked uses you don’t have mega still or no is it gone choco do you know I’m so bad at hide-and-seek oh you’re not is there any game that’s like 100 players or nothing I don’t know Oh

Capture the wolf see what’s the one with the biggest player slot shout to Ali Devon Aaron amethyst Eclipse DISA Jessica girl Queen six love Ian username capture the wall king of the hill the pit tower was walls how many players hmmm I don’t go check real quick shots won’t be Anaya

Alright and thank you got to youtube or one to nine bella flower a its k tailhook skinny girl and potato jelly breasts all right that is enough shoutouts i had to start a game how many people are allowed here 40 players what did I just leave the party yes you did

Alright I’m gonna invite you guys again please leave and then I’m gonna open our party to 40 players and we’re gonna close yeah we’re gonna try you know what go to player housing it’s easier I know a place where we get everybody in player housing I’m a genius I’m a password on

It and then I know what it is it’s crew guys if you want to go in the password is crew KR e w and boom you are in my high pixel housing yeah we have like three minutes left so I feel like I’m just gonna build stuff in here cuz

My god I’ve been hundred and fifty players can fit in my house wow I don’t should I just opened it to public well they know the password yeah I want to put on password that’s why I don’t want mine your party it’s fine just go to the

Password crew I mean people are in here if you guys don’t know how to get in you don’t know how to use my servers are busy because too many people are joining I joined what’s your password again crew drew with the capital or oh I can’t join why not you could always

Try hello would you like to do some parkour guys you know I’m the best at making parkour bats absolutely how hard should it be hmm okay you know what we’re gonna make it pretty fast I’ll show you hey guys welcome back to the channel this tutorial is how to make

A very good parkour course in literally seconds yeah vehicles I said pro boy called you didn’t open the gate to our customers don’t know oh don’t open it it’s not open Oh fine with the way customers you must wait the restaurant is laughing welcome to the circus where you watch

Funny and build a park or the impossible yes it will be safe deadly to get to you – oh okay yeah the most kid-friendly parkour nice you will not fly I’m testing it out so I let you know if it’s safe or not it’s super safe

I now see super safe new things like cobwebs rainbow you want to finish off the Twitter questions and I’ll just finish reading the super chat so then check this core to do you see what they say funny they said we can parkour our way in funny no who’s bad nah I’m just

Gonna start running I have a suggestion from her going to prison for mill video y’all going to prison yeah here I tuned it I think he did a Q&A sorta or to Mel the questions we picked you like elephants yes that was the only one okay we’re ready

Well uh let me finish off the super chat Thank You Bella flower gotcha youtuber 129 potato jelly first Bella fire and Tyler plays guys thank you so much and thank you guys for all tuning in for our hashtag woo Wow I just got kicked

Out of my own house like I’m Thuy gun no I can’t end I can’t end I have to have to make it okay I’m gonna make it real quick how dare I think it legs too much okay my goal is just to see a bunch of players attempt to walk across this and

Then jump over here to the party platform don’t worry guys next time I stream minecraft I’m gonna build something less lazy but for now this is the best we are all right release release release everyone who’s still on the street yeah make your some shoutouts because you’re still here and you’re

Amazing oh oh go over the gates I did there you go it’s amazing guys shot cookies Diana kitty Kimberly are ashen Jordan um Christine al kitty please Isabella John Smith so candy rather Alex Claudia Kim rifle Jones Kayla Jaclyn Cameron Kate Dixon dad max the mu mu star to star miss wolf

It went disconnect yup look at all these amazing Keener’s can we just get a high-five for all of them you’re right I made this platform too small it’s a crazy party alright guys thanks for joining our stream have a wonderful long weekends and we will

See you all next week for the next dream what will we stream who knows what crazy days just about anything maybe off stream flutes but just kidding that’s D monetization happy D month not kidding okay no seriously bye guys have a wonderful week thanks for watching oh and before you leave don’t

Forget to leave a like it shows your appreciation to this dream okay seriously bye

This video, titled ‘Our best Bedwars game yet! | Minecraft Livestream’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2019-02-15 23:37:00. It has garnered 1681472 views and 28199 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:24 or 3984 seconds.

► Become a YouTube Member! https://goo.gl/WTu5oW ► Subscribe Today! http://bit.ly/Funneh ► Livestream archive! https://goo.gl/V8zCnS

► Find me! Twitter: https://twitter.com/itsfunneh Instagram: http://instagram.com/itsfunneh Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itsfunneh Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/itsfunneh Merch: https://shopitsfunneh.com/

► Blood! Funneh: http://bit.ly/Funneh Rainbow: http://bit.ly/PaintingRainbows Gold: http://bit.ly/GoldenGlare Lunar: http://bit.ly/LunarEclispe Draco: http://bit.ly/DraconiteDragon

Enjoy and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe! Thanks for watching! :]#krewlive #minecraft #livestream

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Recording Woes: Minecraft Part 18 Fails

    Recording Woes: Minecraft Part 18 Fails In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, A recording mishap, a slip in the fold. But fear not, dear viewers, for I’ll be more aware, No more missing footage, I’ll handle with care. From one moment to the next, a jump in time, But rest assured, the gameplay still shines. Equipment upgrades, a sudden surprise, But all part of the fun, no need for disguise. So join me again, in the world of blocks, Where adventures await, in caves and docks. Recording failure, a lesson learned, But in the realm of Minecraft, the fire still burned. Read More

  • Insane Auction?! Minecraft Zelda Adventure

    Insane Auction?! Minecraft Zelda Adventure Minecraft Zelda Adventure: Exploring a Unique Map Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft with the Zelda Adventure map, a unique experience that takes players on a journey through a different kind of world. This map, exclusively available through the AdventureCraft Launcher, offers a fresh perspective on the classic Minecraft gameplay. Discovering the AdventureCraft Launcher For those eager to dive into this exciting adventure, the AdventureCraft Launcher is the gateway to a whole new Minecraft experience. By downloading the launcher from adventurecraft.dev, players can access the Zelda Adventure map and explore its mysteries. Join the Community Immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun!

    Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun! In Minecraft’s world, a mini farm takes flight, Automatic dripstone, shining bright. Compact and easy, with redstone in sight, Collecting resources, day and night. Just a chest, a hopper, and some glass, An observer, a piston, for the task. Dripstone block, pointed dripstone too, Water flowing, the farm will brew. Lava in cauldrons, a fuel source grand, Dripstone blocks, traps at hand. With a grin and a spin, the farm is complete, For Minecraft players, a useful feat. So craft away, in this blocky land, With rhymes and fun, let’s all lend a hand. For gaming joy, and creativity’s… Read More

  • SneakyRohit: Horse Can’t Swim?!

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  • Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge

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  • Paul’s Hilarious Pick in Minecraft!

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  • Fueling Fun: Bamboo Farm for Endless Sun

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  • Guessing YouTubers in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

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  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

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  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

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  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

Our best Bedwars game yet! | Minecraft Livestream