This video, titled ‘The Siege – A Minecraft Multiplayer Game’, was uploaded by Paradise Decay on 2012-03-20 21:11:51. It has garnered 4158 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:44 or 404 seconds.
The Siege – A Minecraft Multiplayer Game
Place Map into Minecraft ‘saves’ Folder
The game is best played with 4 or more players.
The first team to kill the other teams Villages wins. Each team must build 3 Dispeners and place them on the cannons. You cannot start an attack untill your 3 cannons are operational. You are allowed to craft/build additional defences, but all structures must be made of WOOD.
– Instructions –
1. Split into 2 teams, RED and BLUE. 2. The RED team starts in the RED Fort, the BLUE team starts in the BLUE Fort. 3. Start the game. 4. Both teams need to build 3 dispensers. 5. Gather resources to make weapons, armour and items for the battle. 6. Once a team has built 3 dispensers, they must place them on the cannons in the locations marked. 7. As soon as 1 team has all 3 cannons operational, they cant start to fire and attack the enemy team. (IMPORTANT: You ARE NOT ALLOWED to attack the enemy team untill your 3 cannons are operational.) 8. The attacking team must try to kill all enemy villages. 9. The defending team must save their villages at all costs. 10. Teams are allowed to build additional defences and structures, but they MUST BE BUILT WITH WOOD. 11. Ammunition is already supplied for the cannons in the chests. 12. There are some Iron Blocks next to the village pens which can be turned into Golems if you find any pumpkins. 13. If a player dies during the battle, they respawn and re-join the game. 14. If a team has built additional structures or defences not made of WOOD, they loose. 15. The first team to kill all the enemy villages, wins the game.
– Additional Schematic –
I have included a schematic of the ‘forts and cannons’. This can be imported into your own maps and seeds.
Have fun!
Made Idea and Concept Designed By ‘Paradise Decay’ Created Jan 2012