[Applause] uh So Foreign there are three portals i think she’s planning to separate us seems like uh Mm-hmm Huh are you okay Roof Why are you doing this You thought you killed me My dogs So Good So You need this One there is only one wheel the rest is fake [Applause] Bill So Hmm [Applause] give it up herobrine you cannot say that Uh Okay [Applause] [Applause] Good [Applause] Oh Three Oh Video Information
This video, titled ‘PART 2 ( 3 NEW SADAKO AND HEROBRINE SAVE MONSTERS SCHOOL FROM SIREN HEAD AND WITCH QUEEN ) MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by XDJames on 2020-07-24 08:23:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.
Why does all SADAKO transformed too? LET’S WATCH!!! #newsadako#newherobrine#monsterschool.