PassionateAboutPonies – Bronytales Minecraft Server: My Little Pony Modded Minecraft #70

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Foreign [Applause] Hello everyone hello Nicholas hello psycho pretzel how’s everyone doing so today we are going to continue to be working on the Overworld pathway between the pony burger and some local settlements mostly you’ll be putting down some street lights I think it’ll be fun simple but fun it’s

Nice to just you know get things done all right Into the game no need to wait I’m glad you’re doing good Astro good to see you I’m doing pretty alright this morning now before we work before we work on making Street lamps it’s something we gotta deal with first so we gotta grab some wood hey hello Williams

Uh some stuff we gotta do first so not exactly sure what we’ll need so I’m just gonna grab a whole bunch of blocks oh generally I do not remember what products we will need so I’m just going to grab a little bit of everything we’ve got some Birch room upstairs too

It’s the weekend for me it’s a Friday it’s a Friday so it’s not quite the weekend for me it’s a Friday although it depends what time zone is I mean for some people like the weekend May start like right when you get out of work or school on Friday so I guess it

Depends on your particular time zone or whatever hello Christopher oh I have something to show you guys so look look guys I got a family portrait of myself and Christopher on the wall oh I mean look look it’s a family portrait it’s got a frame and everything it’s me and Christopher

We got a little portrait on the wall in my bedroom I mean we’ve been wanting to have it on the wall for so long so excited I got that made I paid the staff 50 000 coins to get that like transferred over yeah it will eventually have another picture of the wall of me and my friend Quinn

Who has made most of my assets and has also made my my new life 2D model uh the the drawing itself is made I’m just uh I just play I just asked heart to turn it into a like a pixel art thingama like a map so

I can put it on the wall because I don’t have enough money to have the staff do the second one as well you can take their time whenever she gets it done whenever heart gets that done I’ll put that up on the wall too but no I just think it’s freaking cool

That I feel I like have look I’m trying to show it through the window to be cool hang on wrong window I think it’s really cool to have like a family photo up on the wall you know All right He is a good boy he’s a very good boy now with something we gotta fix over here now apparently double was expecting the the bridge to go to their gazebo not to the door so we’re just going to extend it this way then up this way and then so it can

Connect to the door So we’re making some changes small changes but changes nonetheless I didn’t say he’s spoiled Tipsy hello Then we want to head up here we just do regular stairs just as I have to make more Blocks but I’m not trying to place them Okay now we just gotta actually make it look good Do do What breed is he he’s a zombie Pigman he’s he’s clearly a Zombie Pigman and like you’ve seen him before you know he’s a zombie pigman what do you mean breed how did I do it here okay like that Now I gotta make some slabs real quick Thank you Now that just that just doesn’t feel right that doesn’t feel right at all there isn’t a dog he’s my son He clearly is my he’s my son he’s not a dog what the That’s why I said family photo How does this look yes a pony Sun zombie pigman son adopted you might look for a cheap monitor Tobias to me solution while you’re saving up for a new laptop okay good for you I feel like this has to be like a full block or else it’s wucky

Has to be a full block or else it’s wucky stop by doing this these are going to go all the way down to the ground yeah that’s all right Yeah I just feel like for this part at the very least we needed like something thicker I felt like we needed something thicker than stairs for here you aren’t right other times I have used up today actually I hadn’t put these down yet so maybe it’ll feel different after these are down

Kind of like this though yes building is much easier with wings Let me let me tear these extra blocks up and see what it looks like okay blue I appreciate you being able to come at all I shouldn’t break that one foreign looks a little bit thin is there any benefit ah one block it looks better a stupid flight exhaustion get off my screen

I’m trying to look at this So what looks better that or that I feel like we’re going to want oh like like supports every like two you think the thinner one looks better well let’s see whoop s God damn it I can’t literally I can’t place any blocks right and it’s annoying Swear to God it’s impossible to place blocks uh yeah I think that’ll do it I think that’ll do it what am I up to I’m extending the bridge here because they didn’t want it to their front door they wanted it to go to their gazebo so I’m extending the pathway Ollie

This is a pic of your book and monitor on my Discord somewhere all right I’ll take a look later I might have to make more Spruce fences oops Long Level I’m not on a roll today oh there and actually we’re going to change this we are going to take that and we are

Going to wreck on this because you know now this is the corner so it’s got to be properly supported there we go yes there we go I’ll take a look later Emil obviously right now I’m doing building I had almost the exact right amount of spruce fence Looks like I need more hang on put this crafting table back down need a few sticks let’s see if this will do it I think this will do it thank you oh but now I gotta do the lower part don’t I maybe I do hang on

Yeah that’ll work I just need to make a bit more let’s see ah okay somebody just came in the house because every time someone comes in the house my whole bedroom shakes it’s more than a little Annoying I’ll tell you that much probably more fences than I need but whatever God damn it

Immediately put it in the wrong spot does that look good well it matches the other one and I’ll leave it okay and now we want to think about Birch fencing It doesn’t attach to anything ah no long spot Please no I do not I am it’s annoying enough in real life I do not want people shaking my whole house when they come in the front door in Minecraft as well it’s bad enough in real life I’m mostly salty about it because Dad’s always telling me I’m the I’m thumping

And bumping a bath what God he’s telling me I have heavy feet but like people slam the door and check my whole room and whenever he comes in I have all my computer stuff shakes he says I have heavy feet Let’s see yeah that’s how I did it last time What did not mean to put that getting tired of this why won’t my boss go where I want Losing my freaking That’s all I do I’m actually gonna need more looks like And I didn’t bring any birch wood okay going back to get more Birch oh actually I should put lanterns on there’s no lanterns on this it probably gets real dark at night I mean I have lanterns so we can put some down after I finish with those those uh whatchamacallits fences that’s what they’re called Magically know what setting to change hell game it’s meant to be a Queen Chrysalis Boss Battle Remix so yeah you’re not off entirely That’s not gonna be enough We’ll see if that’s enough Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Imagine if there was a pony town that banned singing I mean wouldn’t it isn’t it kind of done to death we had like a point we already had like a Cuban town that banned speaking like wouldn’t that be just a basically a v-ducks a Bad episode Here an episode yeah Yeah I think that’s a pretty good path now let’s get it lit up with lanterns man I can’t play stuff right that ought to do it I think which is an episode of that yeah there’s an epic really you haven’t seen all the episodes yeah there’s an episodes where

Some of the main six travel to Akira Village of Kieran that’s literally where we learned about Kieran for the first time and because and they’ve literally banned talking they’ve made it so that they cannot talk foreign I think that’ll do a chat I think that’ll do it honestly me too Emil I I read I literally read follow Equestria like a decade ago so many of the specifics elude me what season I don’t remember offhand but it was definitely one of the labor but much

Later ones it was one of the last few seasons you see the you see it has saving the ones you haven’t seen yet for later Should I add railings to this it’s fair it’s probably fine but yeah here we go I think this looks good Foreign Good to see you fluff Okay let me empty out my inventory and then we’ll get to making uh making uh street lights for out there I played Fallout New Vegas I like I like ice played Fallout New Vegas like so much like I like I discovered everything I played through all the DLCs I had a

Lot of fun with it I typically own Fallout 4 but I haven’t really touched it yet keep that crafting table on me and the rest of that stuff goes upstairs You always side with house to each their own you’ve actually been to Las Vegas good for you Perfection do I favor oh honestly I know that they’re not perfect but like I always cut oh so whenever I fill my mailbox I always like the I preferred the NCR like they’re not

A perfect faction but none of the factions are perfect every faction has its own downsides first went to Minecon like a decade ago I mean that is when the first Minecon happened like to me that makes up a fair bit of sense it’s random stuff now I have to figure

Out how to sort this is Book and Quill of anything written in it foreign Jack-o-lantern that’s a new one I guess you can go in there keep getting sick on vacation it sounds like traveling is dangerous for you do I have let me check my only upstairs chest real quick actually let me grab some more stuff out here too Dude All right hey Dr Denson thanks for the raid hello Raiders how you doing hello what were you guys playing did you have fun ah a dude ah there we go Here we go one two three four rock and stone hello Lazar Laura’s name I’m gonna assume that’s larsing some deep blue Galactic had to end early some high blood sugar problems in a very ADHD day ah well I hope you had lots of fun while you were still going

Hopefully you’re feeling a little more centered I didn’t assume and that’s just a general music that she’ll end up donating that do I not have a general dumbbell and stuff in here chest I thought I did that’s sand maybe it’s in the basement Gotta be in the basement the new season of the game is fun even though you haven’t done many new things yeah well hopefully you’ll be able to try it out even more than next time here we go random end stuff chest we’re gonna have that be this there we go

This large is fine oh gotcha I’ll try to remember that no promises though my my memory isn’t the best I will I will absolutely attempt to remember ever played The Telltale Minecraft games I have not I have not Oh this should have gone upstairs I think the rest of this is gonna be in the downstairs chances that uh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Okay foreign chest I remembered where it was last second that’s that’s silly come on I gotta have like a new I know I have a tool chest somewhere there it is tools I feel like Pinky’s memory only extends to like her friendships anything other than than that is she might have a

Little trouble Aurora good to see you You’re So Hunger rating me last time in Centralia followed me I you had to raid oh that’s really sweet of you thank you and please make sure there’s no new mail and then I’ll go donate this disc hey Phoenix thanks for sharing the stream on Facebook

It’s my OCS eye color light blue indeed it is indeedy doodle I missed some paper I know we’re doing which chest this goes in we just got off to spawn real quick I’m a completely blue horse Pace ninja death cat also works as a name for you but that may be a bit niche everybody bad down the hatches Ponyville always has massive lag I’m gonna stare at the sky and try to navigate to where I want to get there at the sky it’s like

It’s like the Ponyville frame made is terrible Because these are all full there we go let’s go back by Dr Denson get get here get some rest we hope you feel better soon [Applause] Which level am I on and I want to grab more potatoes those are on the bottom level All right now we can go on a journey now we can start putting down street lamps Empty mailbox Adventures Ahoy Actually I should just let you make sure that this is in one piece I haven’t done a checkup on over here in a while if someone has you in both I’m gonna do a checkup make sure everything’s nine and dandy you know clear out any bows that people have left I think it is a very nice day out it really is it’s very sunny June is definitely my favorite month of the year Yeah everything seems to be in order Some people actually have used so at least three people have tried out the ice the highway Whoa using these types of bowtics have been in practice we saw some parts of the party of one that was with My Little Pony oh that’s such an earlier episode it’s very iconic though but that’s such an early early episode in the series Space ninja death cap became a rally in July less than a month away from birth Miss happy Arrow super early birth miss my birth Miss is coming up that’s one of the reasons I like June it’s pride month when I was a kid it would be when summer vacation started

It’s summer it’s warm the trees are beautifully leafed out and it’s my birthday month I turned 25 on June 19th there’s so much to love about June all right let’s pick a path and start placing uh lanterns along and then we’ll probably end up start cleaning up

Some of these torches honestly out front kind of looks like a mess I’m probably gonna have to repair a bunch of these trees because all this really does look like a mess out here but we will start by placing down we’re gonna need a lot more fences aren’t we I’ll have to do for now So how did I do it before it was like I think it was like that yeah yeah this way you won’t Bang Your Head On It you will be 34 this year wow that is definitely a number that exists good for you doesn’t matter how far apart I put it

Would be easier if it was night than I could see I’m just gonna put one here one two three four five one over wait that’s too big whoops it’s only four blocks tall I’m so silly yeah after we get all the lanterns put down I’m definitely gonna come back make

The torch spam not nearly as ugly how is 34 a funny number I don’t get it that’s just because it’s not nope nothing to see here that’s a very suspicious specific denial I’ll say that much a pit a suspiciously specific denial I could barely say that word let me drink some water

I’m gonna cut my tongue coated on itself for a second ah a and then one two three four five I gotta stop placing blocks in among places so annoying my school wheel doesn’t seem as reactive as it used to be man I really must be really hard on my mouse

I probably could adjust my mouse settings it’s bugging me that much keep moving Grand Champion to Star claims mandates it you see it wouldn’t be nearly as interested in it if you weren’t so keen on denying it whoops it up it’s okay so I can fix it I’m gonna have to repair the my shovel soon it has mending so I gotta do is stand at an exp place no this ain’t that ain’t that ain’t gonna do it That’s better that’ll do it One two three four that’s two yeah we’re gonna need more wood very quickly now people are gonna bang their heads if I put that there Have to move it do it somewhere at least It’s a little better is it gonna be in your way if you If you’re in a hurry it does get in your way shoot I’ll move it forwards one more So it doesn’t really get in your way okay perfect I’m going to run out of wood before I run out of lanterns I think the urge to tear down all these torches But like no I shall place all my lanterns first Bye quarto see you later thanks for popping in hello Fluttershy Can’t forget where I want to put this one I won’t like you know instantly get in people’s way this way well it will if I oh seriously why the it’s block placing so hard yeah that’s good that’s gonna get directly get in the way there’s no good place to put this

Hello medication time and hello love is green let’s just put it here that’s fine honestly I think the road will look better if it’s you know what I might tear down these torches actually let me get a sign Hang on maybe on my mic okay I’m back oh I gotta eat what I want to do is so it’s somewhere like put down a sign that says like warning paths are not mob proofed travel with armor and weapons yeah let me go get a sign of some sort do do

I don’t like my frame rate yeah something is I swear my frame rate is actually worse since I upgraded my allocated memory like I know I have like really high like graphic settings but usually it’s only this bad in Ponyville well I hope you had fun shopping look at that shitty FPS

Like look at that 33 30. like just stab me now I don’t know what to do to make it better like as soon as they stare at the sky it’s better I guess it’s because it’s having to render oh well how high is my vendor different distance I mean it’s

It remembers chunks from a while away but it wouldn’t like render entities there because they’re not actually loaded because remember the server has a set like distance I have a mod that remembers chunks you’ve been to and at least let you see them but like it’s not like it’s rendering

Entities in those spaces because they don’t actually exist they’re not truly loaded the game is just remembering what they look like thank you I mean it’s up pretty high I can but once I travel to an area I can see it from quite a distance away not certain it’s the rendered distance

Though I think it’s just this gun I don’t know specifically I just wish I knew magically what specific setting I should turn down I don’t want to have to play with everything there’s no good place to like put this I’m chopping down these trees like I don’t even remember it’s being here before

These trees are in a terrible spot because you can’t see the freaking path turn down render distance If the server sets it to 29 chunks like it like I mean what is the I don’t know how to 60 I’m assuming this would be well turn it down to what 20. well it unloaded everything I had before let me go a long distance away and then

Come back and see if that changes it that’s only the difference of nine chunks does that really make that much of a difference if nine chunks that makes that much of a difference that’s so stupid And in fact I didn’t I don’t think I even traveled that much of a difference that shouldn’t have been a problem Why the would that be the fix nine chunks in your radius not just nine chunks cool Once I get into the Pony bag it’s still yeah it’s not it’s not the chunks it’s definitely I think it might be something to do with this I don’t know different parts of laponi berg seem to lag more purely purely rendered distance Yeah my house right around my house is very bad Like something around here is lagging me out when I face this direction there’s like nothing loaded over there right now like Look it’s even fully loaded over here this is clearly not just render distance I really don’t understand because if it was like like lighting I

Mean there’s a lot of lighting here but also this little lighting over there so why is it only when I’m like looking whatever I’m gonna go back to placing stuff Get that off my screen I can’t see foreign I think I’m gonna need two signs for this A sign hell I can’t hit the right buttons Okay Foreign God damn it can you edit signs for sake I finished a sign and then I hit the wrong key like Jesus Christ I’m having such bad luck today Uh capital T Thank you Immediately you’re not used to ponies no sister X swears this is different definitely different from last time just because I’m a pony horse doesn’t mean I can’t say swear words waywards are fun travel with weapons and armor or use Nether highways Let’s not hit the wrong button this time then we’re gonna put another one on top Okay caps know what this There we go notice over World pathways are not mob proof travel with weapons and armor or use near their Hut no that looks terrible hang on I have a better idea Thank you no not there I can actually freaking read it There we go Foreign I hate torch spam I hate it I hate it with a burning passion We’ll Place some of it with uh with these I messaged some pony over Tumblr last night she said throw on my candy bracelets now I’m headed to class I’m still 20 so get your head out your ass I’m the antonym of the internet still cleaning up the viruses And let the colors fly I don’t care you think it’s cringy cause it’s not you’re alive Huh you got the spider out without killing them good for you Ready on the antonym of the internet still cleaning up the viruses Thanks for liking the stream on Facebook doc it’s never too late to fall in love with the world your past is not today so set your stride now we’ve all made mistakes I’m the antonym of the internet so cleaning up the viruses Thank you I must have dug this out looking for clay at one point I bet I really bet that’s why this was dug out God damn it can I the water is stopping me from going anywhere there we go at some point I’m gonna have to come out

Here and like repair the out in the scenery outside because all this is kind of messed up going on my doc hey I have no biases against uh what is it space ninja death cats I feel like torches all throughout the woods is just so non-aesthetic we’re gonna clear the place

What am I using my ax you might ask it’s because it puts a directly into my inventory because of the enchantments on it God damn it that means you do that let me get rid of that but yeah I’m gonna have to fly around and repair all the trees because some of

Them like the leaves are utterly up so how about the insides of these houses they are correctly lit up that’s acceptable see that I think they look so much better honest see how much is more aesthetic that looks when it’s just those this is definitely what we’re gonna go for Oh I’m sorry you haven’t been able to talk to your friend in a while to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do it’s very satisfying to

Break the Torches though I used to place all along the border so let’s at least deal with the ones around our border because you know we do have those lanterns there for like a reason we don’t need these torches Hey Lars thanks for the follow that hey that’s not ex oh wait okay that’s not part of the wall so that’s fine that’s acceptable that is allowed Get these torches away from my wall if my buns spawn book cares it’s not like they can’t get to the wall Do do Do do do do do do do do do do do this has been here forever I think these this used to be Sky stuff I might remove it eventually foreign What’s this block doing here get out of there on the bright side my when I’m not inside My Little Pony bear my frames picked up significantly I still love this freaking great team I think they look so good yeah that’s all right so let’s put down some lanterns here

Since we just cleared away a lot of stuff one two three four yeah we’re gonna have to fix that tree too something bad happened to that tree one two three four one two three four I can’t feel for And some here definitely in fact this will likely highlight my signs there we go I think I want one here too I think I want one here you wondering if the leg I’m experiencing in my town has caused him either a lag machine or Redstone Farms

It’s not necessarily lag if I use the term lag I was being inaccurate it’s really just frame drops to see if I look straight up my frames go back up to 60. but then you see how my frames drop again so it’s so if I said the word lag I was

Being inaccurate it’s my my game isn’t lagging I’m just experiencing frame drops adding additional memory usage going from 2000 megabytes to ten thousand megabytes hasn’t seemed to make a difference that’s some cool lorealars That looks terrible that’s better I think or should we just have lanterns on top or what if we send it out too none of that looks great thank you no not feeling that I guess we’ll just end up doing the lanterns on the side I’m gonna go with

Oh let me get this off the screen by the way do you I downloaded a mod that lets you that lets you customize that let you customize you year after three so you see how there’s like lots of stuff missing I took away the stuff

That I would never ever use and I made the colors match me totally on brand no that doesn’t look good at all wait what if I used to be a darker color what if I become smart suddenly and I use a darker color that is marginally better I’ll take it

Or what if I does that look good at all I don’t know no matter what I do it doesn’t look great I guess we’ll just stick with this for now we will just stick with that for the time being let’s play some of this out Hey president XI Sentai that’s funny that’s very that’s a very that’s a very silly name there we go you guys see how much more thematic it looks when you get rid of all the stupid torches Doing you’re a very silly username but I think you know that whoops yeah I’m going to come back and prepare that tree because if we don’t want everything lit up you know I think the pad that Lit Up pathway should actually stick out at night because they’re the only things

Like lit up you know so all this additional stuff kind of a waste so many torches to break that can stay lit up I suppose oh yes you absolutely have no idea what I’m talking about yes yes I’m doing pretty good I’ve done just about all the

Improvements I want to make on the inside of my nation and I’ve done let’s see if I can find it and I’ve completed the nether highway system so right now I’m working on beautifying the Overworld Pathways between my nation and some local other local settlements do Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do you do okay so blocks actually inside the honeyberg mob farm will end up staying

Which is fine by me oh great now it’s day so I’m not gonna be able to see nearly as well so that’s gonna be bothersome going to be bothersome indeed Mr right I’ll still find him deeper thingy looks very angry angry they often do they often do

I think Angie Angie is their default state of being give me these torches too if I’m gonna light up these caves it’s going to be with oh somebody actually explored all this all right I’ll leave it when it turns in I’ll more easily be able to find torches

Okay so that’s mob farm territory so is that this isn’t though so I can ditch this Well I’m using a texture pack so the creepers are going to look different than how they normally look in game the texture pack changes everything oh I gotta eat more food I just wish there was a magic button I could press that would tell you so the

This the game is loading an unusual number of this or this specific thing or this specific thing is using up an unusual amount of like your computer power so I could know oh that’s what I need to fix like it would make life so much easier

I’ll ask is not how the world works Where in the world are there torches up here my pathway should be the only thing lit up in the area so they stick out It’s all about Aesthetics people Aesthetics you cannot just have torches or willy-nilly torch spam is Ugo ugly lanterns are nothing or other lights I guess that aren’t torches Really why is this random mountain range lit up like we don’t even have any buildings here or a pathway How are we gonna have to go home now get my inventory of all these torches soon foreign Thank you I missed one okay I’ll come back later during the night I’m sure any leftover torches will stick out then there we go a place mostly cleared of torch spam we fly along the rest to check foreign pathway it’s going to take us quite a lot to cover that up

And it’s going to take us quite a lot of lanterns and wood oh right these are the chickens that shocker threw in here this is now the chicken tunnel I guess there’s no escaping the fact that this is now the chicken tunnel apparently probably gonna replace those later but I’ll start with now

[Applause] Do it and there we go in there’s Hearts Castle all right nice clear pathway for us to put down more lanterns Options controls enlarged minimap Z got it like look you can actually if I hold Z while I walk will I fly look you can actually see it on the map on my stuff it’s hard to hit all these buttons at once well this doesn’t look right stupid flight exhaustion will you leave

Me be okay that looks a little better now a little bit yeah good enough had a lag Spike there not a lag spike a frame drop there Oh bad toy let’s go how far in it’s not a big cave I feel like we can ditch these whatever’s going on down there ain’t our problem yeah that can stay lit up it’s just we want to keep it dark near the surface one of the things I want to deal with

These as well foreign Sorry if I didn’t see your messages earlier I have so many chats open for all the websites unfortunately you’re in the way corner of my vision so occasionally I don’t see your messages Aquas glad you could catch a stream get rid of that too late for my liking

I’m gonna get rid of the Torches near the entrance jacking things up a bit the rest of this can probably stay I’ll get rid of that just just for it there we go nice and dark look at my mailbox I’m a little ways away y’all if it’ll check later foreign so much easier

Saying it but it doesn’t make it any less true Here’s a couple more so many trees I’m gonna have to do repairs on Like that one for some reason what happened here please move Mr Chicken did it Here’s a bunch more Everything looks so much more thematic when it’s dark So what if we end up having more mob spawns at least they’re outside and not inside all my inventory is full of shoot [Applause] We go dump some of my stuff I’ll check my mailbox in a bit Ollie I’m a little busy there we go this is where I keep all my spare torches Foreign [Applause] Now this should not be lit up this should be dark ah maybe I’ll come back here eventually and light everything up with like with like lanterns because I did it for summer really like the other underground places Torch removal takes so long another one Um so many there’s so many everyone there’s some more look at all this covered with uh look at everything covered with Lantern street lights don’t you worry it will be gotten to at some point in the future at least we know we’ve cleaned these quadrants the other ones will have to figure out

At the later date let me just check this path to immediately see there’s one do do oh I never put lanterns on this there we go foreign but I will Zoom along just in case so this area is meant to be more dirt pathy so I think we’ll only put lanterns

Like up to the bridge and for the and for the area that’s like this we’ll like leave it like this because this is the part that isn’t maintained by lepony bear gets maintained by them and so this part is maintained by them it’s not maintained by us

So we will put Street lamps up to that part do more more potato let’s start putting them going this way it’s this one on the left side just to be a little funky instead of the right side yay yeah yeah karaoke time Ah I’m using the wrong color you Ah foreign Equestria I freaking can’t finish this are way too hard to place probably complained about this before but like princess is so annoying the place Fall in love with everybody we’re gonna set the streets they’re so popular Now our world now in time wait whatever tree was here before sure isn’t there now so let’s get rid of the leaves we’re getting in my way there we go it’s right where I want it now Now There we go ah that makes it oh what happened there that got weird yeah that works fine more lanterns And you bought water my mouth is getting dry oh mm-hmm I drink I drink I’m I did dehydrate dude one two three four one two three four hey thanks for liking the stream on Facebook here we go there we go yeah that looks so much more thematic

Without the torch spam I’m a genius absolutely brilliant horse uh I’m gonna move this one back so it doesn’t interfere with that yes happy pride month anglerfish Thank you no that don’t look right it gets it sticks to it foreign just woke up good morning Oscar By the way it’s not gonna look like Twitch YouTube Facebook trovo and Nemo at the very least I can away Creeper the shaking some random lit up patches I might have missed why is that lit up over there looks like I missed some spots oh you’re rizzly bear got it Right to the free stream again uh be careful Emil which changed its terms of service now you’re actually not allowed to simulcast I’m actually breaking the terms of service right now by continuing to do so I figured that I mean I’m gonna keep doing it until twitch catches me could

Happen next week could happen and in like two years I really don’t know Yeah I mean I’m not an affiliate I purposely did not accept the affiliation so I feel like they have bigger fish defy than me you know Fish to five in me so a good idea twitch is so stinky honestly stinky smelly a good idea would be to follow my my YouTube channel because when Twitter twitch finally catches up to me and this is me my first temporary band again whether that is like today

Or in like two years I will stop streaming on Twitch entirely and it plays twitch with trovo in my streaming setup so I replaced twitch with Ricardo in my streaming so if I already streamed it trovo so it’s a good idea to follow my YouTube just to make sure that if something

Happens and the day comes where I stop streaming on Twitch you guys can still keep up with my content well now that’s lip I gotta figure out what to do for this section I guess I’ll just have a couple lanterns sitting on it yeah that’ll do that’ll do Go away I’m trying to place down lanterns a few of this make it in the way Yeah that’s that’s gonna be in the way of people thank you angla fish this movie’s sweet of you Wait why didn’t I think you just failed here it’s so obvious Yeah that’s just fine honestly like it was fine to simulcast if you weren’t an affiliate or like a or in a partner for like years and then suddenly they decided whoops we want more money nobody’s allowed to do it now right now I consider YouTube record unquote mainstreaming platform

I’m mostly right now using Twitter I’m using all the other sites to funnel people to my YouTube because because like you saw my sub count I mean I’m getting I only I need less than 150 to like reach regular partner status and also YouTube soon is going to like

Roll out a change where you can get stuff like memberships and super chats but when you with only like 500 Subs so if I hit whatever one of those happens first YouTube rolls that out if I hit a thousand Subs I’ll be able to like get those things

So YouTube really is going to be like my cool info main platform yeah you tried to sneak up on me didn’t ya did try to sneak up on me Zombie’s trying to do the same thing Yeah I’ll get you in a second buddy And now I have to make more I gotta make more That may have been a bit much Oh well fences thank you will stop pushing me I’m trying to place her over say fun you want to die you can die if you want to die so bad who am I to stop you I can’t leave my crafting table there we’re ruined the whole vibe think one here just one Get out of here and just as Dawn is brewing and we’ll have like one more here to just send people off you know That’s gonna get in the way I think we I think we just won’t have one more I think you you come out here and then immediately like you come out here and then immediately you’re in the park that they have to maintain Let’s Look Backwards along and see what we think wow look a basic dirt path a more clearly paved Road I know now in the part of the road that the pony bird maintains yeah look at these beautiful lanterns wow going for a nice walk and nothing’s in

My way except for maybe the part of this tree I don’t think that’s true your mind I’m feeling this let’s work on that other path can I change this sign am I allowed to do that I cannot I could place a second sign though foreign Spell heart Castle three uh greater than no wait there it says four I have to shift there we go It’ll do It do you really want to know what I’m thinking I’m trying just for you trying to fake it so hurry up and brush your soul Griffin there there For a second There we go language that way human Corner that way thank you anglerfish I appreciate that terrain went that way Kieran Corner that way some question mark question mark settlement that way Tony McMahon farm and hard things castle that way can’t you see I’m stressing I wanna help

You I really do but I still can’t help myself Hello my wild party You’ve underestimated the size of the stronghold uh oh foreign Nice Bridge yeah I believe Fluttershy actually made it Fluttershy I believe did most of the construction they did a pretty good job I only changed a couple things give me a call Zayn assisted you and you’ve restored one of the strongholds libraries that’s

Nice And then one here one two three four five bam There we go looking good and that and then take this back yeah I like it oh look a zombie that’s still alive let’s kill him oh hang on I want to go back and put up a sign Thank you yay Okay let’s let me land just so I don’t crash to the ground Maintenance how do you spell maintenance mate what the do you aha there it is control C I got it I got it thank you no what’s the word I’m looking for Gnome Street lighting but wait just no lights period thank you okay we can put those these things on the same line no

Come on how do they run out of hunger get that off my screen [Applause] there we go does this look good is it even readable you can’t really read it actually it’s too high up maybe I should have it like low to the ground no develop Zone nature rules wow

You made it to Alabama 18 hours that’s a pretty long drive okay why did I thought I hit capital u you That’ll do well with unmaintained use caution I spelled it wrong me I think that’s a good sign wrote on my team Beyond this point use caution no lights do you work for a walk further and you see oh yes no signs no lights and then there’s like one final like like hide from mob’s house if you want to wait till day before you

Make the rest of the trip and then you come this way and then you can leave a sigh of relief because ah we’re back to the area that’s maintained listening I’m gonna do a quick fly around look for any aha missed a couple that I could remove there we go perfect Darkness

Like isn’t this just so much more thematic without torch spam doesn’t it look just so much better without torch spam I’m serious keeping an eye out for rogue torches I’m gonna rip up a couple of the ones down here because you can see them for when you fly

I’m gonna rip up a couple torches down here you my wild says you remember going from Seattle to San Francisco to get to babscon your butt was dead I believe it so I think that’s enough that you won’t be able to more than enough that you won’t see it from the sky

There we go I don’t see any more Rogue torches good good we’ve got a few around here so I think we’ll do what we’ll do with the torch is there and the Torches there later this is random half broken building here no name on it let me see if I can say daring

Foreign there’s sure minute to check if it’s been abandoned there’s a random couple structure outside the pony bird do you want me to check if it’s been abandoned long enough to remove that’s I think that’s a good message it’s okay if they can’t like I can deal with it another day

Daring might be busy we’ll see I’ll hang around for a second and we could always tear it down at a later date foreign s on servers you join that’s kind of cool either they’re busy or they didn’t see my message which is fine at the very

Least I feel entitled to tear down some of these torches so let’s do that I mean there’s there’s it’s just a random Cobble structure like I’ve never like clearly there’s no one okay there we go Darren’s coming all right daring doing some investigating you see a pony working here almost every day really

Well they haven’t been doing much work place is a little bit ago we’ll see what daring says parkour yay I got the okay thank you daring we are eating it where are you eating this stupid Cobble thing and all of the Torches around it why don’t you do this for ages

Start with the Torches and then we’ll get rid of the rest of it I know actually let’s start with I have such a full inventory let me go clear out my inventory Hello my inventory so I’m gonna do a very naughty thing I’m gonna dump a bunch of stuff in a downstairs chest because I don’t have time to like sort my stuff gonna be a bit naughty and go to the very basement and dump all my stuff into an empty chest

Okay so I’m gonna look at the ground my frames are dropping like mad so a bunch of stuff we’re not really using right now is gonna go in here There we go let’s get back and let me drink some water [Applause] I stopped by getting rid of all the Cobblestone then we’ll figure out if we want to remove some of the Natural Stone too because it looks like they partially dug out this Cliff so I might have to remove

Some of the Natural Stone to make it look natural again shall see in the meantime diggy diggy diggy that’s clear out the wood pop up Yeah I’m probably gonna end up chopping down that uh that there how are you doing myself touch pickaxe because I don’t want to waste an opportunity to get some smooth Stone never know when that might come in handy My hand is so wet from the water bottle it’s making me slide on my keyboard Or maybe that is natural I don’t know we’ll clear it out and see what it what it looks like Foreign skeleton s and Hello it’s so good to see you thanks for the rain hello amethyst hello life love and why hello darjean what were you guys playing how was your stream how much fun did you have right now so that’s my nation over there and there’s this old Cobble structure someone built outside so like

I’m like getting the admins of the server cleared me that it’s abandoned so I’m removing it because it’s really destroying the vibe Hollow Knight was chaotic but fun that’s a hard game are you getting any good at it Love you some Minecraft me too me too gotta go to this structure because it’s like totally ruined in the vibe Random abandoned half broken Cobble buildings not kidding any good well at least you you had fun Fireside is hanging out with us searching for mobs to murder play in bodyguard sounds like they found a spider Foreign but torch spam just grinds my gears like use a prettier or block to light an area upper or just just peel it use a pretty block to lighten area be aesthetic The rain is nice though it means we’re gonna have to use your time finding torches go anything else underneath yeah there’s a few underneath almost got it and nearly there yay now the question is I think this is randomly generated and not placed by the player so we’ll leave it

Now we’re going to work on getting rid of all these torches bye bye torch spam that’s unlit thank you Fluttershy I’m going to grab some lunch then come chill cool cool and we got some random torch spam going back this way well yeah like why is all of this lit up

Was this person playing to do more with this area well I don’t know but it’s Gotta Go I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know why there’s so famous here but it’s God might want to deal with the uh the Cobblestone that’s here first I’m gonna make the safe assumption that

This is also part of the same abandoned building I just tore down any other bits of Cobble that’s all I see for now so let’s just keep knocking down torches and if we see more Cobble we’ll dig it out aha let’s get rid of this funny little hole with a redstone torch

My torch is now also got some torches down here we can clear out there was a very big snow mountain with some Stone hidden underneath it it’s not too hard to make look natural again I gotta eat my food I’m about to Tumble out of the sky

Oh that was a that was a stairs at one point the texture pack makes Grand it look like grains oh I see what June that’s kind of funny don’t you think that oh is somebody’s still living here there’s almost nothing here [Applause] I mean there’s literally almost nothing

Here this has to be stuff from the same guy that he just never took with him let me go into my inventory foreign I think it was this one yes holding on to the wood for now actually can I go and grab some I know I have some smooth Stone I think

It’s the next one up and we can fill it in just gonna grab some smooth Stone just for a lot because I think we’re gonna fill in that hole and maybe more holes No holes allowed it is greed ah that’s locked I know I’m just gonna bury it it’s just gonna be a random chest and some furnaces locked Underground the archaeologists are going to be very confused if no horse are allow them how shall we eat but you don’t absorb nutrients through

Your skin like a normal person what a loser nada they even confirmed that the person living in this area is gone so it’s we will be a surprise for the archaeologists there we go like it was never there it’s actually fill in more holes just trying to make the area look more natural

Better I do Fluttershy I do I think how many diamonds do you need Fluttershy hello trippy what does the unabsorbed material go well you just excreted from your skin and your sweat obviously How many of how many diamonds you need Fluttershy I have a whole bunch I just want to know how many you want my chest with all my diamonds is one of the few chests I have locked hey look look look it was like it was killing the vibe all right

It was killing the vibe more stuff to build up random Samba how do I speak if I have no holes the sound waves reverberate out my skin my skin vibrates at a certain frequency to produce sound ah shoot I didn’t have nearly as much Moonstone as I thought I did hippopotamus

Random Sombra cave are indeed hang on I missed one foreign do eye sockets count as holes That’s for the philosophers to answer not me Can I keep this oh it’s an item frame that is locked most of archaeologists is gonna find some random Sombra too Is that really all the smooth stone that I’ve ever wrote that I have to hold or not to hold that is the question ah we’ll just use these these smooth Stones as a replacement all these slabs oh for everybody who missed the beginning of the stream come take a look at this

So you guys know who I have I have like my son Christopher here right you guys already know about Christopher my little boy well I commissioned my friend mother Salem to draw a family portrait and then I paid to have it turned into map art so the server added something where you

Could pay 50 000 bits and they would turn it into map art hello ct4 ct1471 so now I have a family portrait of myself and Christopher on the wall ah he likes the new portrait he likes it hey thanks for following so I I just think that it adds a little something

Extra to my house a little something cute you know a family portrait just hanging on the wall there complete with frame picture here of me with Quinn who’s mother Salem who drew that picture up there and a lot of my other uh a lot of my other assets

Um that one I don’t have enough bits to I don’t have another 50 000 bits together converted so heartfang was kind enough to offer to convert it herself so whenever she gets to it wow that’s a lot of stuff I’ll do with it later hard thing what was kind enough to offer

To turn it into map art for me so whenever she finishes I’ll be able to hang that up on the wall would it keeps on Abomination I know he’s just the cutest Undead Abomination there is there’s nothing cuter than a child that breaks the very laws of life and death

Where was I no is Chad does anyone remember where I was uh breaking where I was filling stuff in it was over here yeah it was over here we have to fill that one in too go away spider I don’t have time for you bye bye

So these slabs aren’t going to amount to a lot but hopefully it’ll be enough just to fill it in nobody will notice a difference unless they hit F3 and if they do they’ll be very confused I mean who hasn’t broken the laws of life and death a couple times exactly

I’m very bad at placing these but it’s fine you guys can’t see much can you apologies for the probably pretty little for the bit rate issues some boys just somebody’s some archaeologists are going to discover somewhere back there and be very confused would you necromancy all the time exactly it’s not that uncommon

He’ll be a great necromantic wizard when he grows up because necrom because death magic flows through his veins I can get Fluttershy eating on the roof Fluttershy not Fluttershy Fluttershy two entirely different people very important distinction almost there I hope it is let’s see if this is enough because we’re getting close

This might be exactly enough if I get lucky yeah this will do yeah yeah my wings are getting tired whatever exactly they just want to raise their family we’re gonna chop these up too get rid of these because you I don’t want it to be light to be visible from above ground do There we go Let me see what’s over here this is a regular cave so we’re fine just want to clear out some of these Perfection look at that Here we go like they were never here Just gotta get rid of the rest of these torches Oh I missed a spot I’ll have to get that Wow wow wow wow wow let’s get with this there we go do do hey I was a band kid in school I Got the Beat in my soul man I can keep time real easy And they dug a hole I will leave that particular hole alone I have more water mouth is dry Ah thank you just need the service torches well Hawaii needs Wawa indeed Quick to scratch my nose foreign Food give me a second and let me look around for any I missed but to me this is looking like a perfectly normal Hill again what’s that over there why are these ways of random skunk up there tiny and there’s just random skunk over there is one I missed two I missed

We’ll do a fly on making sure we didn’t miss anything and then I want to figure out what the heck that stalk is doing over there to me it looks like I got everything like any more torches would stick out like a sore thumb I’m actually gonna tear down some of the Torches here over time everything is going to get covered in uh go away zombo everything will get street lights over time we will be making a torch scavenger hunt no you told you you wouldn’t how cool ah I didn’t mean to do that uh

It’ll go back it’s fine it’s fine to look all back it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine do do Yes I was dealing with some mobs there’s a texture pack I’m using part of that server no actually amethyst uh this is a public this is something you can download for yourself options resource packs it’s called love and tolerance of the texture pack I am using and all the

Client-side mods I am using they are all available in the description with a tiny huts on the road Fluttershy decided to build those I like to imagine that that they’re that they’re like Hutch you can go into like shelter from the hutch you can go into shelter from

Like mobs if you get caught out during the night it looks well for giving the magical Vibe yeah I agree yeah Fluttershy made these I just came one day and they were suddenly there because they’re there now I imagine that that like they’re they’re like you can

Just hide in them if it turns nice and you don’t want to get near many mods mobs I can’t speak right now something’s wrong with my face yes that is Skyler’s old TARDIS that they later removed there’s there’s now just random tunnels Underground everything will be replaced with Street

Lamps going to be a little dark in the meantime though it’s still like easier to remove them all now than later you know then I can focus on just one thing Didn’t want to accidentally chop down that tree very nice bridge for us where the path goes through here I at some point I need to have have a staff member remove this sign I keep forgetting to ask people annoying that signs are like locked by default you know like somebody

Puts down like like a silly prank sign and you have to call a staff member to remove it because your friend isn’t online like I’m like I’m sure staff members have like better things to do than to be called to like remove like a bajillion lock signs

Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a pathway all the way to Ponyville it would be cool but that would be very difficult we already have the highway we technically we have the nether highway so there is a direct route there because I think this person put the rest

Of these down to Mark out their territory so I will leave that one there and just continue this way Foreign that way hello can you play with me yeah it’s a public server hey unicorn dog guys thanks for following on Twitch here Whoops they need me to do it twice I accidentally typed it twice so well that’s the server IP it’s a public server you can totally join me nothing’s stopping you Nothing is Stopping You thank you see I don’t think we want that to go there how do you play with me I mean

Multiplayer add server put here whatever name you want hit done and it’ll appear right here and then just join if you’re using Bedrock I’m afraid it won’t be much help I’m afraid I want to know how to do Java oh great full inventory again fly games Hey thanks for the follow as well yeah I gave you the IP it’s uh the server runs on 1.19 but it cannot be you but you can join in 1.20 and all the way down to 1.16 you don’t need to download any mods to join all the mods I have installed are

Client side so yes the IP is just it’s 1.19.2 server but you can join in 1.20 where am I I’m new here it’s kind of hard to explain I’m currently on a pathway do you mean in Minecraft in the Minecraft server or in real life

Okay you mean in real life I’m from Massachusetts in the United States or as I like to call it mayor sachusetts gotta drop off more stuff got too much stuffs in my inventory so apparently you actually can June so I got there why am I oh okay this isn’t

Where I thought I’d end up oh I’m planning on a food hang on I’ll tell you in a second actually my friend uh one of my mods octoling Nexus informed me that there actually is a way to join with a switch so that this particular server has a

Plug-in lets you join in Bedrock I was previously told that it does not work for switch but octoling in the Discord told me of a way that you can’t get it to work because octoling Miss managed to joined the server before with the switch here let me see if I can copy the

Instructions they put over it was in my server and then gaming General oh you do need a Nintendo Online subscription you’re right so if you don’t you’re not paying for it that won’t even help you you’re entirely right glad to know you’re still here Lars walkers in New York

I was trying to go home let me just let me go back to where I was and then I’ll wait a few seconds then I’ll go back home I didn’t realize it would teleporting up here and not back home [Applause] now we gotta wait a minute I already voted

Vote there see there it is I already wrote it down for you and it’s 1.19 there you go so now we can go home but That’s the magic of the internet you can hang out with people who are far away if you’re not on the same continent as the pony people like Lars you can still hang out the enemies who can’t remember I say yeah I put it in chat it’s it’s the is the server IP the version is 1.19 there you go Papa my pony name is water wings people always spell it wrong that’s w-a-t-e-r then there’s space you gotta remember this space then capital w i n g s water wings people always spell it wrong man like come on get it right

There we go OS I gotta dump off a couple more torches ah you don’t understand what I’m saying [Applause] I told the server IP is the server runs on version 1.19 why was I stuck in the ground there like if like I gave you the information

Man if you can’t figure it out from there I’m afraid there’s not much more I can do to help you I don’t do follower quests sorry man yeah water wings there you go you said it right that’s my pony name but I call myself passion when I’m streaming because it’s

Like how jacksepticeye’s real name is Sean but he goes by Jack as a channel name is jacksepticeye well my pony name is waterings but I go by Passion because my channel name is passionate about ponies but you can call me whatever I’m not too picky just don’t call me late for dinner

I’m just saying what I call myself So many torches do God damn it a creeper I tapped out for a second one second can I say k that’s your name right there you go I said your name am I hopefully I’m pronouncing it but I’m afraid I don’t speak Vietnamese Like to me that looks like pink but I don’t know if I’m supposed to pronounce it differently because your name is Vietnamese what’s up beanie how you doing yay I got it right I’m gonna put a couple of these back because clearly that’s how Wayne Wood does things there we go

And we’ll cover the rest of this with other things eventually if your question math can be a little hard to figure out sometimes okay so I can’t replace those torches it’s fine I do use Google Translate to translate sometimes But like that slows down my stream you know I have to like tap out and then like copy what you say and then paste in Google Translate it really slows down my stream that’s why I ask that everyone do their very best to speak English unless they’re talking with a moderator who

Speaks that language so for example Astro one of my mods speaks Russian so so if you want to communicate directly with that moderator in Russian you’re allowed to but other than that there were no other exceptions I do but for people who use English because I will because like

Copying and pasting stuff really does slow down the stream I’m sorry if you’re having trouble understanding King how are you doing But please sure I’ve gotten all the Torches can I play Hero MC server I only play on this server on stream mostly I don’t really take server or game requests yeah sorry man I really only play on this one particular server actually I wouldn’t even move in here

All right so now we’re gonna put down more telephone poles it’s a bed wars server if I would if I were gonna play Bed Wars I’d probably join Hypixel instead honestly Hypixel is is like everybody goes High pixel for Bed Wars why would you go anywhere else for Bed Wars I mean

You’d only go somewhere else a bed was if you got banned from Hypixel this is probably your favorite song about the Starbound of the Starbound OST yeah it’s a pretty good one didn’t know if it’s my favorite but I’m definitely nostalgic about it oh you’re my Discord black cool

Uh yeah so let’s put the next one over on the other side You won’t really want to play Hypixel but you can’t that would explain it yeah so if you can’t play on Hypixel it makes sense you’d play somewhere else instead may I ask why is there something about you being from in Vietnamese that stops you from connecting Stupid Skellington I’m working here hello blue you’re on lunch yay and put one here I’m gonna finish last in my water Hopefully they’ll be enough to get me along sorry King I really only play on this server on streams and I don’t really have the free time to play in other places off stream I’m very busy because I have a full-time job on top of streaming And let’s put one here one two three four oh ah shoot him out I’m about to get jumped there you are I see you foreign There and then I think one two three four five put one there Yeah the different time zones must make it hard to catch my stream sometimes I get that I would don’t even worry if you have to miss a stream because you’re sleeping or something Zombie ponies yes just as dangerous as regular zombies as human zombies Foreign Get some sleep He’ll be fair my steam schedule isn’t consistent this really isn’t a way for me to be consistent unfortunately I mean I might I don’t I don’t say anyone has to show up I know I’m not consistent Like guys I work 40 hours a week and my work schedule changes every single week like I’m sorry but I’m not consistent but like I try to stream as much as I can like I feel like I was already being fair when I said it’s fine if you can’t catch my streams

That’s my summer break I don’t have a summer break death in Iowa when you’re an adult and you have a goddamn job you don’t get a summer break you’re working 40 hours a week every single week forever with no summer like I hate to

Fake it to you but that’s kind of how it works foreign yes hey 40 hours a week in Street on and streaming on top of that so I have no free time so much hype One and two three four five to go back for more dark oak wood soon and one there polar bears there are lots of zombie ponies near where you live how’d they get all the way over there who’s bringing zombie ponies across the continents what an odd hobby to have in my opinion

I’m not gonna put that there I’m gonna put it over here can squids usually fly yeah that’s a new plug in the server installed that’s normal for This Server just wait until it starts literally raining cats and dogs hello hello acting flight my schedule is like Christopher unpredictable

Crystalline used to be a normal Minecraft feature by Mojang I feel like a more accurate terminology would be to say switch flying is a normal it was a Minecraft bug that got fixed he said yeah exactly it was actually a bug and it was fixed but the server added it back exactly

There we go That’s gonna get in the way I gotta get it no that’s not gonna that’s gonna get in the way I have to put it somewhere else I mean the tree doesn’t need those particular leaves I don’t think It’s gonna get in the way I think that’s good oh there’s plenty of Secrets Did I do my mailbox I did not Ollie as you can see I’ve been pretty busy because it doesn’t get in the way it does it not really because you’re still dodging trees so it’s not a huge deal No you you do Bang Your Head On It darn It’s gotta go somewhere else you Bang Your Head On It this will probably be better yeah it’s up further off the road so it doesn’t get in the way good our players can choose to be in this server I mean

Unicorns take a side Alicorns Earth ponies changelings this is quite a lot of different things I’m afraid I can’t list them all off hand wow Kieran I don’t know if you can be a Kieran oh that Pony’s definitely yes there was a point where you couldn’t be

A cute and I don’t actually know if they’ve added them in I know you can be a hippogriff you decide not to be lame anymore give me a call instructions exist yet but they’re in there in their works I definitely don’t think there are Yaks quite yet you never

Know someday they’re always coming out with new species you’re gonna spend quite some time just looking around Ponyville yeah have fun there’s quite a lot to see if explore enough you might be able to find the Ponyville train station in the nether this that’s like ponyville’s borders

There’s a a highway there’s an ice highway to a pony burger from there if you see someone who’s a Cuban they usually an earth phone with a custom donor tag exactly exactly you can start raining suddenly and then suddenly stop you having the episode may or may have

Built a pale line to hell well okay there were like lines from the Ponyville translate train station to all over their server but I built the one from tuliponi Berg And pegas I can control the weather then some Pegasus is trolling me I need more wood it’s always on a kit tape this keyboard is so hard to type on and all the letters are worn away Bye Blue [Applause] What am I looking for wood that’s what I’m looking for it’s down a couple levels I can hear Christopher over in his room To work with You’ll find another highway I’m sure you will There we go that should last me a bit And next one goes here I think okay one two three four I’m gonna make sure it just doesn’t block people getting up or people going down yep yep that’s fine Oh the teleportation does make a sound so I’m sure he hears you Sure you’d be he’d be able to hear me teleport yeah the super one’s 1.19 but there are plugins that let you join in 1.20 so if you manage to do if you get like a Nintendo online subscription or a Java version you can join I’m sure we’d love to have you

But you can’t tell me that this isn’t much more thematic than a bunch of like than a bunch of twitch man like you can’t tell me that this doesn’t look so much better than some freaking torch spam because it I mean you couldn’t tell me it but you’d be a liar

And you’re like teaching him English oh he already knows English that wasn’t too hard he was pretty young when I found him you know it’s not like he was a baby but like it wasn’t too too hard to teach him English Foreign on his skull but that skull still contains a fully functioning brain he’s a little shy he doesn’t like to like talk on camera he knows I’m live little guy just likes likes oh guys a little self-conscious about his voice because he has a little he has a because he

He’s got a little bit of a speech impediment because he’s had a little bit of decay in his mouth that existed before I found him so he’s a little self-conscious about speaking on camera speak to anyone once they trust you he’ll speak to anyone once he trusts you

But he’s a little self-conscious because of his speech impediment you know if you decom like you you miss half the skin on your face that’s gonna like affect your ability to talk you know This is so nice this is so aesthetic bam next one we’ll go here one oh not there Dude one two three four definitely gonna take quite a few streams to get all this done but it’s okay we’ll plug along we’ll plug along you can hear a zomba where you at zombo I can hear him but I don’t see him join in a human form if you want

Like you can look like a human I have people only look like ponies to me because I have the mine Little Pony mod downloaded you get tunnel vision while mining yeah mining can be really fun way Trying to work here this ought to do it I think I don’t think this will get in anyone’s way because it’s like over to the side foreign I could fit another one here they’re a bit close together but it’s kind of whatever how did I manage to put one in the behind it

And one here I think no maybe not one two No spaces here seem to be quite big enough I mean this means everybody looks a little different I think it makes it too confusing do do spiders isn’t a changeling they’re just a they’re just an alicorn they’re just my they’re stabbing things that try to stab me first foreign people’s way my

Yeah you kind of bang your face on it gotta find a better spot here Up here no I’m not feeling that I don’t oh actually yeah that’ll do it I’m gonna put the next one here I mean flash I might have looked a little like a changeling in the dark One two three four five okay flashlight there’s a creeper I got him a changeling is a species of pony that can transform to look like other creatures or even inanimate objects they’re shapeshifter ponies their forms are a little bit bug-like so sometimes people call them bugs indeed that’s gonna get in the way of stuff to find a better spot

You kind of want to put one here no okay that doesn’t get in the way so that’s good not quite there maybe well maybe there is fine hang on yeah that’s fine let’s go with it Oh and it started snowing all of a sudden no just in a tiny little area And very close to being done nope not that one there and that takes you up here and then this is all lit up already through the tunnel that chocolate threw the chickens through I’m going to replace some of these I’m gonna Place one here too I think just because

Already lights here but come on it just makes sense actually shouldn’t be one further out I think I should make it one further out yeah one two three four all right take down this one that there foreign I’m working here I’m working go away whoa Thunder a little bit of a jump

Scare there dang a little bit of excitement man they just kept rumbling and mumbling so how far is it to heart’s Castle not far at all the end is just up there which Pegasus is calling is causing this Stormy Weather oh I’m sure this thunderstorm was scheduled

I’ve just never bothered to check the weather schedule but I’m sure this was on the schedule and this is going to get in the way if you’re trying to go up darn it let me move it back one place down a thing and it’s in the way I should be smarter than that Cheese These are so hard to put down Dude His head is scheduled or Derpy is doing so little bit of trolling sounded like a creeper heart’s Castle is not far off at all let’s get there quick different Realms different rules you know when it comes to Magic things are just going to be different and that’s okay

Nearly there you can almost see it oh yeah you can see where the path connects off in the distance We have to end up making a few more fences is this the Overland kill a pony bird it’s the Overland route between heart Fang’s castle and the pony bird there’s also another route but this is the over root Overworld route there is no Overworld route to Ponyville

You either have to fly there or you have to have to take the nether Highway okay this should hold me I think we need one more let’s see one two three four oh there’s already a four so we just need that and that hello Paul white fox one two three four

I mean I can’t understand what that’s like larseng but I can comprehend the concept it sounds like an interesting way to live nearly there got only a few more lampposts one two three four five put one over here one two three four five here so now this gets to hard things part of

The path this is going to cause direct issues hang on put it here ah and some light One two three four five heart Fang can change this if she wants to I think this is nice see it goes it’s you started hard things Castle past the Village By Heart Fang’s house through the glass through the fields here the grasslands over the swamp over the lily pads tunnel

Oh the chickens are gone over the big land bridge that makes traversing this mountainous terrain a fair bit easier down the other side through the spruce for through the Oakwood Forest a few birch trees scattered here and there Oh Dude and it gets a little snowy here a little bit of snow Around these random ice spikes in the middle of the forest By the polar bears thankfully they don’t usually attack And you come down here still going through the forest but it’s a very nice walk through the forest you know especially in the afternoon and then you come here to a bridge I don’t know what the hell they’re talking about in the server chat and you can see the the mob foot the

Local mob farm from here come across this Water Bridge through this Forest across the second Water Bridge Farm we were able to see earlier entirely missed that section do you do almost there you can see the moon all the way through here and you can see on my map that it shows

Like the area that is like lit up which is cool Probably going to want to cover that up at some point I might as well do it now actually I have a little bit of dirt I don’t know where it is I just don’t want ponies falling down here Stupid Creeper I’m busy somebody can dig it up if they really

Want to get down there and boom you’re at the junction you’re at the gates of the pony Berg we got the poodle Hub which will take you to here there’s a whole bunch of you guys are new so I’ll show this off this takes you to the portal Hub which brings

You to a lot to Cannon places like Ponyville and Appaloosa oh also we’ll take it to places like the service resource worlds and creative worlds player made towns are on the top one so you can go to other player made towns like Kieran Village rainbow Havens new vacillon a whole bunch of them

This is the pony Birds portal so you get Daniel from anywhere we also have the highway system In case you you don’t want to travel the Overworld pass we have the highway so this will take you to Kieran Corner this will take you to think harping’s castle where we were just at that’ll take you to the closest end portal that that we claim for for the

Pony Birds they’ll take you to rainwood and that will take you to all the way to spawn it’s a very impressive achievement we’re like 12 000 blocks out in One Direction you want to make a new town when you’re able to get on the server sure

Yeah so we are 10 000 blocks that in One Direction 8 000 blocks out in another actually almost 11 000 blocks out just did this and this it gets even further back there so the fact that you can get from here all the way to spawn

In under two minutes with a highway is quite the achievement we got this bus that’s always been parked here then of course we have noticed over roads are not mob proof travel with weapon and armors they use Nether highways see the sign the sign warns you of just that

And these two votes are finished we have one road there that ends there and the Pony and that there so next stream we have two roads to finish we have the road to rainwood to light up and we have the road to Cuban Corner we

Need to light up but that’ll be a next stream thing definitely an extreme thing before we wrap up since a lot of you guys are new I’ll give you guys like a like a flyover of the pony Birds you guys can get a view of it

It’s my nation we’ve worked very hard to build it up it’s been like well over a year at this point Give you guys a quick fly over to her before I get ready for work everyone who lives here designed their own house so there’s an amazing mishmash of styles I think Fluttershy has a tree going out of their house everybody designed their own house so there’s a beautiful mishmash of styles

This person lives in a gumball machine that person lives on a houseboat there’s another houseboat over there Skye had my version is the server uh 1.19 but it supports joining in 1.20 and all the way down to 1.16 sky has a satellite dish on top of his

House Max lives in a windmill we’ve got some nice little cottages and bigger houses We’ve worked very hard on it the pony Burger is quite the achievement Let’s Buzz the windmill that’s the schoolhouse in someone’s house there’s another one a Fluff actually lives underground this is the underground that I’ve introduced to their house and they have like a floating buoy for their mailbox there I can’t actually focus on except there it is this is the lantern pass

Lantern Light Pass got a bridge here got a house there got the Alicorn statue got another houseboat got the docks got our commemoration of independent statue to join the server Lars you don’t need to download any mods everything that you need is handled uh server side the only

Mods I have installed are client-side mods all the client side mods I have downloaded are in the description if you just want to play on the server every mod that you need will be handled by the server I’m afraid enough time to sort this out

I’ll have to sort out my mail off stream or next stream so get ready for work all right guys so that’s going to be the end of the stream thanks for coming we actually got quite a lot done and I had a lot of fun let’s say bye to everyone on the server

Goodbye to everybody it looks big stretch big big stretch hmm okay and that’s gonna be the end of the Stream so a next stream will be a Starbound stream looking forward to that it might be tomorrow or it might be Monday it depends on if I am able to get ready

For streaming time tomorrow morning but thanks for coming everyone I hope you all had as much fun as I did and I will see everyone whenever you can join me next bye guys bye Thank you foreign [Applause]

This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server: My Little Pony Modded Minecraft #70’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2023-06-16 18:54:28. It has garnered 191 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:51 or 12171 seconds.

It’s time again to play on the Bronytales Minecraft server! We’re mostly going to be adding streetlights to overworld pathways between L’Ponyburg and other local settlements. ============================== Server:

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Follow my Twitter too if you want: I’m still figuring out how to Twitter; I’m more of a Tumblr girl. ============================== Profile Pic, Emotes, Banner, Alerts, and BRB, Starting Soon, and See You Later Screens by MotherSalem: Stream Avatar by ModularPon: Stinger Transition by Spvwvky:

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  • Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong

    Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth: Wukong with Forge (1.20.1) Are you ready for a wild ride in Minecraft? Look no further than this Mod Pack that promises to take your gaming experience to the next level. If you’re intrigued, drop a comment below to let us know! About the Mod Pack: This Mod Pack is designed to immerse you in the world of Black Myth: Wukong within the Minecraft universe. Get ready for an adventure like never before! For more updates and sneak peeks, check out their Instagram here. Download the Mod Pack here and get ready to dive… Read More

  • Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every Move

    Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battle, but Chat Controls me’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-09-14 06:39:12. It has garnered 54 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:00 or 3540 seconds. This was Fun Join the Discord #minecraft #buildbattle #hypixel Read More

  • My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!

    My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman’s Destroyed my one block map’, was uploaded by AKTI GAMER on 2024-09-23 12:15:39. It has garnered 432 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftbutimineablockeveryday minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 100 days, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft horror, minecraft new update, minecraft movie, minecraft story mode, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft ambience, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft april fools, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trending

    Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dop2:throw the ball into the basket #trending #dop2 #dop2solutions #dop2level1 #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by GameSphere on 2024-09-06 13:20:25. It has garnered 1704 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. I found most🤯 rarest block in creative mod …. …. …. …. #trending #minecraftgameplay #rarestbuild #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftgaming …. …. …. …. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft 100 days challenge minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge minecraft 365 days minecraft 100 days minecraft hardcore 100 days hardcore minecraft 100 days minecraft i survived 100 days 365 days… Read More

  • Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft Survival

    Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – S2E8 – “Looting 20 End Cities + Building A Super Smelting Room + Potion Room”‘, was uploaded by JzayIsLost on 2024-01-14 01:00:13. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:45 or 1065 seconds. Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: Twitch: 2nd Channel: Shorts Channel: Discord: Cashapp:$JzayIsLost Paypal: Streamlabs: Snapchat: josecarrasco121 Business Email: [email protected] #jzayislost Read More

  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► Highlights ► VODs ► Instagram ► Discord ► Twitter ► TikTok ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More