PassionateAboutPonies – Bronytales Minecraft Server: My Little Pony Modded Minecraft #80

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[Applause] A Hello everyone how y’all doing I’m running a little bit late hey flash beat 76 thanks for the follow I’m running a little bit late I wanted to get going at 9: it is now 9:30 good thing I’m not streaming tomorrow because I’ll have because I don’t have time to set up for next

Stream before work good morning big gamer good morning satamat good morning heart Fang good morning doc good morning flattery let’s see let’s see dab on my dad with a baseball I can’t he’s he’s on vacation right now he’s a couple states away greetings flash me thanks for

Joining us for the first time how’s everybody else doing I’m going to take a swig of water cuz I was in a blind panic trying to get ready for stream in time I’m telling you guys streaming to multiple locations may make growth easier but boy howdy is it a ton of work do not I do not exactly recommend like if you have a full-time job on top of streaming do not recommend do as I say not as I

Do all right not too many meons not get into name did I know that I am cute I have been informed I have been informed of this okay there we go straight into the Game why am I being booped the stream is just started I’m already being booped why am I being booped okay let me try and at least attempt to sort out my Inventory where am I keeping glowstone dust anyway foot craft what do you mean foot craft I’m a horse I don’t have feet why would I want to craft feets I don’t need a feet horses don’t need Feets should you ask what the status is this brid project is itching yeah I still haven’t been able to surprise still hasn’t like added me to the land they might be super busy with something they haven’t really gotten back to me for a little bit I’ll have to bop bop him

Again here let me let me find uh uh hang let me bop surprise again real Quick oh surprises away from home right now heart surprises away from home right now that’s why they haven’t been able to add me are there other things that that I mean there other things you can do on the path there’s other Bridges and stuff but

I assume you just really want to get get that one done first right you check back next week yeah sorry about that heart you just really want to get that bridge done before anything else and you like you want and you don’t want to start it un even if you can’t like put

Down those Blocks You got severe OCD really I didn’t know that about you I’m glad you’re able to manage your symptoms successfully good for You Do just s up my mailbox to figure out where we left off last week you like you legit do things in a specific way if you can’t be sure that be done with things are done you won’t even start it’s really weird I mean that sounds a little bit

Like autism like are you’re saying oh I have OCD like as in oh I can be obsessive about some things or are you like actually like diagnosed with OCD you’ve got okay so you are diagnosed cool you have all C on top of that honestly I think it’s a little bit of both

Heart I think that that particular symptom you’re describing might be a little bit of both hello horror Pony all the time people say l I’m so OCD about this when they don’t actually have OCD that’s what I want do I have that’s yeah I already have that’s what I want I have about one of me thanks for a pony yeah I already got

This we’re going to go donate these I to spawn real quick everybody braids for a frame drop everybody breaks for a frame drop yeah you diagnos with Both Ah there’s where we’re going this donation is over Here running out of places to give discs there we Go Bam All right I think I was clearly working with with Cobblestone last so see if we can figure out where I left off oh nighty Night I figured out whose farm this is and I said hey you know you can take this and move in instead I found out like whose farm this is and I said hey you know I we can like work together so you can move in there but like they didn’t take down the

Farmer or anything you know like I said hey why don’t you should give me like getting example of your design if you want to move in and they haven’t gotten back to me I might have to message them Again that does sound like an OCD thing heart that absolutely sounds like an OCD Thing Okay so looks like I did like fully stop so let’s go back to the beginning and work with the spoze trap Doors good for you that you’re managing your your symptoms so successfully like I never would have known you had OCD or anything of the sort unless you told Me you’re really good at doing that I can tell definitely you don’t really know why masking I believe it’s called called masking people with Autism do it all the time to appear quote unquote like normal you might be extending your masking to your OCD symptoms as well whoa okay let’s just Uh Hang on let me turn off the RO play chat there we Go Ying up the chat a little Bit I’m thinking of getting a fur suit soon I’ve wanted one for quite a few years but I’ve never like really had the chance to do like the actual research thankfully I’ve like since I’ve started going back into streaming I’ve gained a whole bunch of like furry friends

Including Quinn who like who like made my upcoming live 2D model as well as all of my channnel art like if you see art on my channel besides like the commissions I sometimes like display on screen you know like the pictures I show off sometimes those are made by other people

But and everything but my PNG tuber everything was made by Quinn he’s like a he’s like a furry so he was able to recommend me some a whole bunch of uh whole bunch of suit makers they think that could do a furry a pony justice so

I I’ll have to look into the links they sent me when I get the Chance I mean it’d be interesting at first doting at a convention but I also want to keep myself like my face like private there’s kind of a conflict there because sure no one would see my face when I’m in the first suit but I’d need like a Handler you

Know and like if I even if I was at a suit if somebody saw me in the Handler like hanging out outside of the con they they realize oh that’s passion that’s what she really looks like click I’m going to take a picture and share it all over the Internet and disrupt your

Privacy or like what if somebody follows me back to like my hotel room to get a picture of me at once I leave with the suit off you know it’s those are probably like worst case what ifs but like I’m kind of cautious about these things I very much

Enjoy like having nobody know what my human form looks like you think I’m overthinking about it perhaps but like what if I get some like real weird stalker fan who wants to know what I look like I know I know I’m catastrophizing but like this is this is

What I do like I’m I’m your local Friendly paranoid okay this is one thing you need to know about me I’m your local Friendly paranoid I have safeguards on top of safeguards for lots of stuff I have two Factor authentication enabled for even the most mundane accounts that would like never ever be

Hacked most verons have headless Lou where photography is prohibited have a mask under the mask easy and those who get caught doing that are expelled from the con the pack up mask well I’m not worried about people yanking the head off cuz the plan would most most time there’s security before the entrance

What I’m worried about is that I’d probably go back to the I’d either need somewhere that I could like change out of the fur suit in the con without any and then be able to leave you know without anybody realizing okay person with a first suit went and

Person with a first suit went out clearly it’s the same person or I’m worried that I have a hand I have a friend there as my Handler and then people see okay the handler was with passion in her fur suit the Handler is now with this random

Woman at a fur suit like clearly this must be what passion actually looks like or like I I somebody follows or somebody follow or I stay in the fuit the whole time only take it off in back of the hotel but somebody follows me back to the hotel and like figures out what

Floor I’m on by Wasing the elevator like I know this is crazy paranoid but like the internet is an insane place you know like paranoid is kind of how you stay safe like I know sometimes you can’t trust the good willll of people like I I know I know this is absolutely insane

but like I don’t know you can’t trust people sometimes I just like being like an Anonymous horse on the internet man I don’t need people seeing my human Form headless Lounge that’s what it’s there for oh I see okay so you’d use the Headless Lounge to change out of your fursuit so someone would have to specifically be watching the lounge and even then probably more people would be going in and out I probably have to go in there

Without out my Handler but like nobody would know which person emerging was me that makes sense I could do that change out in a headless Lounge the only thing i’ in that case I have to go in there with my Handler all right so really the only and

Non non suitors are not allowed in unless they are handlers I mean I wouldn’t be able to get the suit off on my own I don’t know I mean what I mean I feel like the Handler is I mean I mean couldn’t the Handler be there for anything except getting the suit off cuz like because like the Headless Lounge sounds absolutely perfect that’s great somebody would have to be really paying insane attention to figure out

Which person emerging from The Headless Lounge I was and like if there were security guards outside like they’d be able to figure out if someone was kind of stalking it handers here to help you get in out of suit and be your eyes and ears you should know you’re a fuit Handler okay

So the Headless Lounge kind of takes away some of the anxiety but the only thing I would have to worry about is people putting two and two together that I’m hanging out with my hand in and out of suit and you like making that connection which I know is kind is you know

I just like my privacy you know I I I know that’s like s perhaps I should relax a little bit that is just one thing I’m worried about I’m hanging out with the Handler outside of suit people recognize the Handler realize that my realize my human form

Must belong to me which I suppose is a risk I’m going to have to take would you suit be a pony or something different or that will happen no matter how hard you you try oh Boy definitely a pony it would be a first suit of the of my normal Pony I really only have the one Character your friend tried to do the exact same thing it worked for about four cons have my Handler in a suit as well I don’t think that’s quite how it works the Handler has to be out of a suit to like be your eyes and Ears oh dear cuz in a suit would be the only way I’d be comfortable actually going to a con because I could keep myself private be respected them into privacy cuz INF fav cons is really not cool to a su who doesn’t want to be in

Public okay so if somebody did try to like expose my human form like by figuring out like who my my my first suit my Handler is hanging out with outside of the con like they would get completely and utterly shunned right they would get canceled for

It all right that kind of behavior is a no no I just worry I I just like being Anonymous like f like I I’d still go to cons but if I go to cons without a f suit I wouldn’t go under the name passionate about ponies you know I’d go as just another anonymous person at the very least like I I can wear a mask like if I’m hanging out like

If I’m hanging out with my Handler like outside of the con I can at the very least wear a face mask you know so even worse comes to worse and some Bozo just does try to expose me like they don’t get my face face you

Know that would make me feel a bit more comfortable I can still be honest but there will not be a perfect solution of being invisible I suppose so so it would be a choice between never going going to a con as passion or going to a con as passion in

A fursuit and taking the small risk that someone’s going to recognize me hanging out with my Handler I suppose that sounds all right go to probably be in first suit to when I leave the hotel with my Handler at the end of the day at a con change

Adam my fur suit having it in like a bag where no one can see the fur suit and then leave and then leave like the Headless lounge with out of fursuit so nobody can quite tell like which person who left would be me and even when I’m hanging out outside of the

Con like have a face mask on so even if someone was being a creep they wouldn’t they wouldn’t get a picture of all of me that that sounds doable that mitigates a lot of risk you know I guess there is no perfect solution some fursuit lounges have fursuit

Storage this is getting more and more interesting I’m sure my friend Quinn would like tell me all about it I’m sure he knows a whole bunch about it I am learning knowing all this stuff this seems like I think I’ve come up with a pretty good game plan you can

Tell me all about it too thanks heart but I think I I think I’ve come up with a pretty good game plan to like minimize risk you handle your friend at a con each year that that’s cool yes hello Fox and hello apil like I haven’t even contacted anyone about

Getting a su you but this stuff is still at the back of my mind you’re part of the security of thaton all right well I haven’t even messaged I haven’t even picked someone to contact about for about making a suit yet but this stuff is still like weighs on my

Mind but I do feel a little more comfortable like I think I’ve come with the game plan that like mitigates as much risk as possible cuz like I want to go to a con as passion and like meet you guys but like I also want to keep my

Human form private so I feel like a furit let like gets me like like strides the middle ground you know like I feel like that’s some good middle ground of course Le go that’s suit if if I get it made it’s going to take months it’s

Going to take quite a while to make like it’s not going to be made at the drop of the hat so it’s going to be a while before I really have to worry about that but it’s good to know all this stuff it’s a hope for the

Future you want to attend an everfree Northwest con nightore eore night donated $1 and said mask under the mask fund thank you NY that’s cute thanks man mask under the mask fun there’s a hole here right now that’s getting filled with dirt not going to use out my precious Co dirt

There you have this option of yours that you came up up is that you have two seeds you got your f one you’ve got your Pony One n man I’ve just got the pony one like and Quinn hates I’ve only got one OC like he wants to draw me in all

Sorts of ways but I’ve only got the one OC like if I need a new OC I I just slap a new species on the same OC it drives him nuts that I don’t have more characters for him to draw ah heartwarming fox is like your furry form I see I wondered about that name change you went through you you know a good suit maker was pretty active on Twitch who also

Does ponies uh Quinn sent me a whole bunch of makers that he likes that um that they think could do a pony justice so I’m going to take a look at them they also sent me a whole bunch of makers to like Blacklist and not to use under any

Circumstances due to misbehavior in the community or like or like just poor experiences from commissioners which I appreciate it’s very helpful of him I just haven’t had a dang chance to look at all the links he sent me Yet the only two Pony conventions I’ve ever been to was BronyCon 2018 and BronyCon 2019 I haven’t had a chance to go to one since I’ve been to some local conventions since like some small local conventions but they weren’t like Pony conventions they were just general nerd

Conventions you know never been to a specifically Furry Convention before there was at some point a a plan to go to fur apocalypse with my friend Quinn but we but he wasn’t able to like to like um get the paperwork to apply as a vendor in time and he only wanted to go

If he could be a vendor so that fell by the wayside we still hope to meet up someday probably at a con I I did go to uh what was it was it 2021 it was 2020 uh I I went to I went to

PAX East yeah I went to PAX East uh 2022 I was there had a pretty good time didn’t have a chance to go back for 2023 though it just crept up on me and I never like bought tickets in time you never been in one before but

Next you try to go to a con it’s lots of fun I actually really like the shopping I really like shopping at cons I know I should be trying to save money but like shopping at cons is really fun you know one thing I want to do

Someday well after I get my after I pr with my live 2D model I want to team up with like all the other Pony vtubers and I want want to host us so you want to be a vtuber panel at like a Pony convention like like that’s a small

Dream of mine I want to team up with all the other Pony vtubers and do it so you want to be a vtuber like panel at some Pony convention like that like I I I I have to be a bit more established in the community to do that I

Think I don’t talk to the other Pony vtubers enough when when really acquaintances if anything I’m far too shy and I keep to my own corn are far too much I’m sending me both your characters keeper note of the text included to take a look in a second you’re turned off from Fan’s

Preing due to the pandemic due to gatekeeping so you tend now to stay away from them Pony and folks are so much more welcoming and fun to hang with what do you mean gatekeeping what sort of gatekeeping goes on at fairy conventions I’ve never heard of this like I I won’t

Say I’ve been like super deeply engrossed in the furry fandom I’ve only like like you know interacted with it tangentially I’m mostly like like into the pony Fantom what what’s so gatekeeping about fairycon oh good for you dog you found a mod for TAA launcher you can play with a

Controller I hope you’re enjoying that let’s not get into gatekeeping problem and the fa fandom it’s bad at places okay I get that but at the very least can you tell me what to watch out for like can you tell me how to avoid like negative experiences give me a little bit of

Forewarning maybe it’s cuz you’re new family you’re bony since December of 2022 oh dang baby Brony welcome welcome you aren’t even a year Brony better late than never is what I always say you actually do enjoy it b as much more comfortable doc I’m glad to

Hear that me I’m always going to be a keyboard gal I mean uh I’m totally playing on a controller right now as you can see this is I’m totally playing on controller obviously I had no no keyboards Here mainly the P of the going you can’t be in my photo cuz your first suit only cost x amount oh jeez who cares about photos man I just want to Vibe and hang out with people and be a be a walking talking horse I’m sorry that you felt that way bit gamer that like nobody wanted to interact with you but like I don’t I’m I kind of I know I said I want to hang with people but I want to hang with people that I already know you know like

I don’t want strangers coming up to me to try to touch or hug me like I’d be okay with pictures maybe but you know I I just want to hang out with my friends that I know like my first my handlers would be friends that I’d know

Like that would be the main reason to go so I think I’d be okay if if people I don’t know didn’t want to hang out with me I’m sorry that it wasn’t everything that it turned out to be though like it’s totally fair that that’s something you Wanted but like personally I think I’ll be okay just hanging out with my friends like I’m a My Little Pony vtuber like if somebody like doesn’t like like want to like I I think I’m pretty used to rejection you know like I’ve already learned i’ I’m I’m already quite comfortable that some

People just aren’t going to want I’m not I’m not for everybody I’m not for everybody and I’ve well come to terms with that I’m quite happy with It if I want to get to a panel that starts an hour and first suit have at least 2 hours before the leave at least 2 hours before the panel from The Headless Lounge because people will stop you for pictures noted and C your suit the more it happens oh dear noted that’s

Good to know so perhaps if there’s a panel that you really like maybe don’t go in F suit every single day or only fuit like part of the day especially if there’s a panel you want to go to like if you want to do some shopping make sure you save some

Time out of fuit for shopping I get you what if it was all of you that I got to see that convention well that would be the point having a passionate about ponies or a water wings Fury would let me interact with you all at a convention

In person as passion as water wings without having to show my human form I feel like that’s a good middle ground for all of us For the Love of All Things holy drink water duly noted regularly I’m sure my my Handler will will shove water down my

Throat I believe that’s their job I’ll keep that in mind hey thanks for the follow I saw that I was just talking I wasn’t able to say it Immediately again we’re getting way ahead of ourselves cuz I haven’t even chosen who I want to contact about getting a suit yet but I still 100% appreciate like all of this advice it’s going to be very helpful in the future it’s all stuff I didn’t know before

There’s been too many cases our first sud is overheating double noted but yeah I’d want to get a water wings like uh fursuit I have to figure out what to do about the wings I suppose the wings would be like stuffed you know it WS to be stuffed like a stuffed

Animal hydrated dydrate indeed in fact I’m going to take some gulps from my water bottle right now you can first you get hot above 70° Fahrenheit you must suffer for the art it is called suffering for the artart I mean the wings I would probably get stuffed like a stuffed animal you

Know as for a man and tail I probably want like actual fake hair because the one of the main things about my OC is is the sheer length of her hair you know like you guys know she’s got some bomb long ass hair so I’d want to i’ want to

Like talk with the first dud about like what kind of like fake hair to use like something like durable and like easy to take care of probably cuz I want it really really long and triple note I am not obligated Yer a picture if I got to go

Feel com for any reason I can always decline a picture request that’s a good point unless you get a built-in air conditioner that would look cool in a prot gen suit that would be pretty cool actually I built an air conditioner in a protogen suit that’ be expensive but really freaking

Cool a lot of fairies tend to forget that I shall make sure to remember this do I prefer bed or back Batman or Superman I’m going to be honest I don’t consume a lot of Batman or Superman content I guess Batman cuz I have consumed marginally more Batman content

In my life than Superman content I heard a spoter but I don’t know where it is I bet it’s Underground there are spoter noises somewhere do you guys hear the spoo I hear the spoter # consume Batman what why that is such a random thing to say well hey if

You’re eating Batman you’re not eating me so knock yourselves out depending on the maker my vision will either be really really good or really really bad or somewhere in between well that’s what a Handler is for honestly but it is something to keep in mind definitely there’s a fan animation video

Where somebody animated pinkie pie eating Batman um bit gamer are you certain that that is a quote unquote fun video and not a fetish video like you absolutely certain about your definition there are you certain that that’s not a finish video cuz um H tugging at my

Collar especially if the con space has stairs a Handler saves life oh God stairs oh God I won’t have hands I’ll have hoofs so you guys might not Noti this about me wait I mean I don’t have hands normally like when I really very rarely big gamer have you ever heard of

V big gamer do you know what V is v o r e do you know what that is if you don’t good never look it up if you don’t know what that is good never look it up live a blissful existence and be happy like if you don’t know what that

Is genuinely good for you like like I am so happy for you you you live a you live a blessed life and we all wish we could be you dude yeah do not get but like I was saying like uh we I I don’t normally have hands but when I

Very rarely take on a human form I I I let I I I use railings no matter what like even if it’s not a super Ste deep steep set of stairs I always always always use a hand RAR lift provided so if I’m like f suiting in a human form

I’m not going to have hands I’m going to have hooves I can’t grab onto a railing dear God stairs are going to be terrifying yeah I know you don’t need the blue pony tumbling off the stairs you always trying to live happiness good good big gamer don’t let go of that how

Bad could it be very very you don’t need this information you don’t not need to know that information just you’re good you know you don’t you can live your entire life without knowing what it is you can live your entire life without knowing what it is

You know it’s you can your whole you know you just just don’t worry about it don’t worry about it I shouldn’t have even said anything you know I shouldn’t have even said anything it’s not even important just you know don’t don’t worry about it change it change change the subject change the subject

Check those messages okay I’m looking I’m looking I’m looking just trust us on this one oh you have a snow leopard damn that is not what I expected Pretty cool what’s going on don’t worry about it DOC don’t worry about it now we’re not and nope we’re not giving them any reasons to look it up nope not talking about it oh God no don’t scar yourself on my account I cannot be responsible for you scarring yourself because you looked it

Up like I I I wash myself of all responsibility if you look it up and you become scarred for life this is not my fault you know I am not responsible for any life scarring that occurs due to things said on this channel I need I need I need like a disclaimer

The horse is not legally responsible for scarring due to Googling terms used on stream you always bring two badges to a con one of your Pony and like one of your like furry right and your other of your snots yeah me I’m I I only have literally have

Used the same OC to represent myself for 10 plus years I literally do not have other OC’s like if I’ve ever needed another OC I’ve just slapped another species on it like literally like if you if you if you pointed a gun at my head and like forced me to create a furry

OC that like wasn’t that wasn’t a pony I would just create an otter with like the exact same color scheme it would just be a blue Otter cuz my pony is a swimming Pony it would just be a blue Otter like literally if I Haven

Need another OC I just take my same OC as ever and slap a new species on her I’m very simple I don’t not I do not need much to be happy when it comes to characters I want to take it as a good thing that I don’t remember who Chris Chan is that

Name sounds extremely familiar so I probably heard about whatever this drama was at some point but I I genuinely cannot recall the details so I am going to stay happy in my Bliss and ignorance my brain forgets things a lot and honestly that is a blessing as much as it is a curse

Interesting I’m assuming that I don’t want to hear more cuz we were implying it was on the same level as as the Forbidden Knowledge so I’m going to be happy in my ignorance blissfully unaware for all of time I went quite a ways assault ah I’m going to go grab more

Deep Sate hang on Actually yeah should I leave this or should I what what happens if I add deep slate does it look weird actually I think it adds a nice touch to it [Applause] oh suddenly it is Day assault Cobble deep slate there we go Jeez guy decided he wanted to be Truman from The Truman Show like didn’t he I don’t think the dude understand the moral of the movie from the true inro like I don’t think he understood the point of the movie bye David enjoy your lessons bye enjoy your guitar lesson that sounds cool For what the why do they look the Same the I’m putting down assult why does it look like deep slate what the is that oh I’m putting down the wrong side I’m like what the is going on Here Yeah it looks pretty cool I like it back to the beginning and then we’ll move on the concrete powder you sending me very coose image very welcome in advance oh so heart I need to let you know that you have ruined my life I tried the thing you suggested to fix my

VR setup and it worked how you have ruined my life I didn’t use that that my it’s my Vive my expensive Vive for 2 years because of a an issue that you solved with a single sentence with a simple solution that took me 30 seconds heart you have ruined my life

With super helpful advice I haven’t used that thing for 2 years do you have any idea how much mental damage I have taken do you have any idea how much mental damage I have taken from the fact that the fix was that simple you have ruined my life heart with your extremely

Helpful and correct advice I will never forgive you for being so helpful and smart I will never recover like what the I’m so mad 2 years I didn’t use the thing for 2 years well it works now I got it working it’s all working actually tried VR chat for the

First time rip headphone users well that’s why I have a limiter on my mic I have like a software limiter and OBS so the sound physically can’t go above a certain amount to avoid blasting people’s ears off which is why I felt comfortable getting right up to the mic

It’s going to sound terrible but it won’t like blast your ears Off this time traveling got the two ears back easy G wouldn’t be cool if there was a time freeze mod for Minecraft I mean are you sure there isn’t already one it seems like they made just about every Minecraft mod Under the Sun these days McDonald’s Mike let’s go

Yeah sometimes when I’m really trying to emphasize something I get very close to the mic so it sounds terrible yeah I tried up the chat for the first time I started looking at places where I could get like a a like a pony VR chat

Model you know and this a base I really like and my friend Quinn who I’ve been talking about this whole time Quinn’s the best he’s so useful to have around he so smart and cool and he knows everything ever and his husband is really fun to hang out with too Quinn

And rat they’re like such a pair I love them well like we’re all in a Discord to get Quinn made a Discord with all of his friends and like like we all get along like a house on fire it’s great it’s amazing I want to hang out in real life

With Quinn and rat so badly but like I was saying like Quinn he actually wants to try like retexturing like uh like a a a VR chat model so we’re both going to like buy the model cuz apparently if you commission if you like commission someone to like retexture the model the

Terms of ser the the base the terms of service stay both you and the person making it need to buy it so he’s going to see if he can like retexture it to something we can both be happy with yeah he’s going you know like slap on my color slap on my cutie

Mark maybe change them maybe find the longest hair that’s possible find the long man tail possible select my main color onto it it’s not going to be a oneto one match with my pony but it doesn’t need to you know it’s just got to be the right color the right color

Body the right color tail it’s got to have a cutie mark and it’s got to have a long manen tail and and and you know the right eyes and bang that’s basically my horse you know doesn’t have to be anything fancy so he he just wants to try it out

So he’s giving it he get a shot and if for some reason he is not able to and apparently the person who created the base actually takes permissions so we have a backup plan if that falls through but I’m curious to see what he’s able to do would it be

Standing on its hind legs oh God you just imagined it it would in fact my live 2D model is mostly by pedal so my life 2D model is built in such a way that it looks by pedal but it pulls it off like very nicely you

Know I think you guys will get used to it pretty quick hello derp Derpy greeting us with their customary greeting you want to see by petal water wings you will you will very soon the model is coming oh she’s a coming the live 2D model’s coming you can’t stop

Her you can’t stop the Future but yeah been like lots of exciting stuff is always happening so so many things to set up so many things to get ready so many things I’m just stuck waiting for it’s definitely anthro right it is a bit anthro it’s anthro in the fact that it’s

On two legs but it’s still like full pony like Pony face Pony body but like four pairs of hooves like it’s it’s anro and that it’s on two feet but it’s still close enough to fail that like I can take its clothes off without get getting

Banned you know like there’s no bouba no private parts the only it’s really only anthro in that it wears clothes and it stands on its hind legs but it’s still like close enough to feral that I can take off its clothes without getting banned like like it it’s that’s where it

Is and I guess like it it’s not just a pony on its H legs like it has slightly more human proportions like like the the front Hooves and the back hooves are like different lengths so it’s anth thr in like that way as well but still like it’s still

Close enough to fail that that I I actually have a naked button set up I set up like the the model I have it set up on my stream deck and I have a naked button ready to go I just press the button and all the clothes

Disappear so I get to threaten chat with a NY button chat starts me behaving I’ll tell them to stop riding or I’ll press the naked button and burn their eyes not the naked button yes the NY button it’s actually the N button n i ke y it’s even labeled as such the N

Button chat shall be terrified of the NY button Right butt on I don’t know I don’t I wouldn’t call it a butt on button because she only faces the front so there’s really no butt to see Unfortunately mango dealer H thing in my DMs of course sounds about right let called the butt spam button no butt she only faces forwards I specifically insisted on no boa no Booba flat chest Horse oo clouds Prett darn it I shouldn’t have looked up the pretty clouds are too distracting look back down at the Ground L the clouds take me that’s are youo pretty for my own Good don’t mind the hustling bat Pony selling up a mangle an alyes trying to make enough coin to Survive Wow wow there’s a creeper look at him smug bastard wowow w wowow there he comes what I don’t like that Pony’s trying to make an honest living I didn’t say that I just sighed you know what a sigh means your Mis canre in my Words and I do not like to be Misconstrued Da I already an hour in and I am out of oh great I’m out of s hang on I need more uh Brown concrete powder just recently found my starb series you got say thanks for all the laughs a you’re welcome that makes me happy Let me take all of this out all this dirt out cuz it’s clogging up this chest see you nighty Night I shall be needing both more gravel and more sand eventually gravel I believe I have plenty of sand I have to Check uh wrong chest nope for no sad oh boy all right we’ll use what we got so far oh let me drop off this uh Diey I have a expect one of these days to be walking along the roads and just find a traveling mango stand set Up not much I can do to stop It Do How is that s it looks Gr don’t mind the random door to door sales poning coming to sell you box of mangoes for a small fee the Harvest was good this year well at least you come by the mangoes Honestly so let’s see what we can Make ooh I like the tough I definitely think the tough gives something the tough absolutely adds something I love the tough I’m such a smart Pony like look at this look at this and don’t tell me it that’s it’s beautiful it’s not beautiful whatever hey Ice iced mocha thanks for the follow Stupid Creeper I’m working Here am I a brony yes how did you guess yes I’m a brony how did you guess you silly it’d be very interesting if there’s a my little if there’s like a pony vtuber out there who isn’t a bron cuz you love My Little Pony me too honestly it was a

Huge it was all of my teenage years hey thanks for the follow I saw you there I’m not as into it as I used to be but it was like a huge part of my life for so long that like you know can’t really let

It go even as an adult it’s just who I am on the internet these days I will forever be passionate about ponies you can take the girl out of the fandom but you can’t take the fandom out of the girl like being in a bony fandom for

Like 10 plus years that rewrites your brain there is no escaping you are here forever your favorite character is Apple check I’m more of a Twilight Sparkle stand myself I’m more of a Twilight Sparkle stand Apple Jack’s still pretty cool though it’d be interesting to see if there was actually a Pony themed

Streamer out there who like wasn’t a brony like that’d be a sight the wunning joke with you now is you’re not a brony while using a pony PNG literally Runing bat Pony if your bat Pony 100% trust you on this one just a pony just a

Pony why would you ever think that I’m a brony like why what would ever tip you off that I’m a brony whatever whatever would ever make you think such things I have no idea what would give you such strange impressions of me my sweet little baby boy thanks for the

Follow oh this is coming out to be a spectacular path you guys see this like yo I am digging this holy cow I just grabbed random blocks but they all come together pretty significantly not that block like you guys like look at this and tell me that it didn’t come out stunning like

I am an artist I’m amazing I am the best road Builder to ever live you will never find a better Road building horse than I there was a time you’re going to be a vtuber you’ve always used a unicorn animal of choice your Gamertag was always pawy

Till about a month ago what texture pack am I using the love intolerance texture pack ice mocha it’s a My Little Pony theme pack you can find it by Googling it should also be listed in my panels above in the same panel as all of my mods a that’s cute freak that’s really

Cute I mean there are ways to color like I mean there are certain like ways to like make a unicorn that make them clearly not My Little Pony themed if you wanted to be like a unicorn but not like a My Little Pony unicorn like you know like

My Little Pony ponies have like certain themes they’re colored in like certain ways and if you break out of those rules like you know people won’t necessarily associate you with the actual show oh heck yeah it’s anony time who’s ready for little karaoke I m Pony over Tumbl last night she said3 so it’s true love First Sight throw on my candy bracelets now I’m head to the class I’m still 20% so get your head out your ass I’m the an of the internet so cleaning up the viruses that

You had left I think I’m falling in love again don’t stop don’t stop Until theis the colors fly don’t care you think it’s cringe because it’s not your life she says do you like waffles I said hell yeah been watching equ me until 2 a.m. I ain’t got no iPhone but I got a DS with a keychain of Pinky hair

Cupcakes are the best I’ve been failing my classes cuz I don’t give a damn they say the world is my oyster but the free market a scam everything’s been changing since last generation was born and they won’t try to take can change his a two edge sword you mean a crudely drawn muscular

Horse that’s solid white with rainbow hair you thought it was funny honestly turn that into like a vtuber like a purposefully Badly Drawn like vtuber I think people would like that I’m the an of the internet still cleaning up the viruses that you had left I think I’m falling in love again

Don’t stop don’t stop until you I’m the the fting on new if my love is valid the cicis let the colors fly don’t care you think it’s cring because it’s not your Fly oh froggy it’s never too late to fall in love with the world your past is not today so set your stride with a 12 yeah we’ve all made mistakes before that’s a of life but you restitch your heart you’ll be just fine oh it’s your life you say it’s alline

Alline in your and H your heart when say some just block that internet fre I’m the of the internet so cleaning up the viruses that you had left I think I’m falling in in love again don’t stop don’t stop until you of the fighting on news over my love is

Valid the let the fly don’t you think it’sing because it’s not your Life You have nothing against m o though your wife can’t watching went to movie and sear for the kids yeah that’s what it’s all about that’s what that song is about that’s that’s what I’m about that’s what my Channel’s about being comfortable with yourself and doing whatever the you want I’m

A My Little Pony vtuber for Christ’s sake of course people are going to some people are going to hate what I’m doing but I love it and that’s all that matters I am free forever cringe isn’t real live live your life and don’t let anyone ever tell you to do otherwise

Get a ton of Graphics far you’re just trying to let get you to let them make you a new model yeah like I get so many of those too honestly the ones that reach out to you you never want those like most of the ones that reach out to

You without you reaching out first are scams like I can smell them like as soon as they follow me like I can just smell them I block them on site well like you like you can snip out who they are pretty easily these days they get blocked on

Sight my follower count on Twitter would be a million time would be so much higher if I didn’t block every single person who was already a bot who was obviously a bot yes there were several who used ponies on the internet but nothing with pony Phantom at all just came across

Them on the Internet thought it was a funny thing and honestly more power to them they’re totally free to do that you’re even a vtuber and yet you get tons of messages from vtuber artists on Twitter most of those are like scams and Bots like I block them on site I have

The same problem on on Discord honestly like n like if somebody just messages you high and you share just one server with them they’re going to be like a commission scammer Bot like I block on site man I don’t even let him follow me who cares that it significantly increases my follow follower account I don’t want you anywhere near me you want yeah hello Tommy glad you’re here want to see that cool thing sure you can show me a cool

Thing I like cool things what the oh it’s supposed to be a heart Fang POG Emoji like why I was trying to figure out why it’s round why is it round I don’t understand why why is around don’t ask questions okay all right you don’t have the answers but it’s your

Emote the person who made you that sent you that was Zero context oh boy and you used it what if you accidentally assigned into a contact a contract to give up your firstborn child or something you can’t just use stuff like that without finding out what’s behind

It that’s how witches get your firstborn Childs I don’t want anyone getting my firstborn Childs those are my Childs this was moons Ago well contracts last longer than moons simple be Child free scam The Witches honestly if you truly want to be Child free like that’s a good plan but I want to have babby someday someday I want to have the babies one day I want to settle down

With with a partner or three or five and like have a few Babes someday not nearly there yet especially since I haven’t dated anyone in like what is it now like 2 years almost two no like over a year at this point over a year and 6 months not quite two years Oh yeah but like I just be careful if you’re using AI freak like some people will cancel you very hard for using AI anything like you got to be really cautious for that sort of thing like there people out there who believe that that art AI there is no way

For it to be used ethically so just be cautious like the tensions flare very high when it comes to AI be careful freak my dudes I do suppose that like if you if you used a surrogate or something or you adopted it wouldn’t be your first born child so technically I guess you

Could like get away with it that kind of makes Sense hello bossan oh yes Brony Tales has been up for quite a few years it’s a very safe server it’s a server that allows kids on so the moderation staff is very active and very strict you can’t get much safer honestly what scary stuff are you talking

About and which security measures do you mean if you’re talking about chat reports I have the new chat reports mod installed and they believe it it works on This Server if you’re talking about the mods that were bad I don’t have any any of those installed and neither does

The server like I know there was a scare with a whole bunch of mods being like being like you know having viruses in them but that’s been taken care of since and neither I nor the server have any of those mods so which security measures and

Which scary things are you speaking of I feel pretty safe but I am curious what you’re referencing you only use it with a personally made reference image and it’s more as a joke than anything okay okay just some friendly warnings you know how the internet be yeah everything got sorted out I know

That I me personally on this server is very safe yeah that’s what I’m talking about curse Forge having like mods that got infected but that’s all been taken care of and I never downloaded any of those mods in the first place and neither did the Server yeah those those like when those exploits came out people like rushed to fix them like that was like the like that exploit when it was discovered like all around the world it was the highest level of needs to be fixed and EXP could be like that got patched ages ago and

There’s no way like in like very few places if ever like are running unpatched like maybe somewhere in the world there’s something that’s running unpatched like something absolutely ancient but it’s definitely not this Minecraft server this is very safe I’m pretty it’s all been fixed and all those issues have had do

Have fixes for them out and about in the the public the question is whether a particular person has implemented those fixes but like like 99% of everyone has like implemented them like you it’s about as safe as it’s going to get you know most people didn’t even know about

It for it was got fixed it got fixed so fast exactly like those exploits didn’t just affect Minecraft those exploits affected the entire world like those like the entire world had to panic about those exp blades that’s why they got fixed so fast yeah bony tails is very safe

Letting kids on the server the the the server staff is super duper strict you really can’t do much better than Brony Tales Super Active moderation team it’s awesome I trust them to with my left hoof used to be a graphic art artist just lost interest in drawing from doing

So much W commission work got easy to get burned out I hear about that all the time yeah I mean what would even be the point of hacking on This Server Oh no you’re on a My Little Pony server with fly hacks where you’re allowed to fly if you’re Pegasus

Race oh no you have fly hacks on the server that allows flying so terrible oh no you’re using an x-ray texture pack to find diamonds and the staff catches you in about two weeks you cause minor damage to the server economy and that’s why the stuff catches you oh

No oh no you have kill Ora on a server with PVP impossible oh no truly I am quaking in my shoes absolutely terrifying possibilities you have brought Up I’ve never bothered to like hang out in the Nexus honestly I never bothered to do any of the Nexus stuff I’m happy just being a pigas suy have they ever had fluffy cookies before do you mean cookies with like a fluffy like a light texture I mean I’m sure I’ve had I

Have personally I like my family’s chocolate chip cookie recipe we always make it on the first day and last day of school family tradition you run the Nexus just for fun o isn’t that like all parkour I hate parkour I could not do parkour to save

My life genuinely I’m so bad at Parkour in video games which is one of the reasons I’ve just avoided it like the plague it’s puzzles and parkour nope not touching that with a 10 foot pole I hate parkour hate it hate it hate it oh yes moony Tail’s been around for

Quite a few years if you don’t actually look like a pony you have to download like client side mods like I have but yeah they have species ready made that let you play like a pony like let you fly and stuff very like you could not get get a

Better My Little Pony server than this one I I cannot recommend Brony Tails enough your mom makes the most best cakes and cookies she’ll have her own Bakery in the future good for her Hello zoron what are you getting up to there you getting up to hij jinkx

There in the chat commence operation Hugon Hugon what do you think you’re doing exactly puzzles I can sometimes do if my brain is feeling particular L big on a day parkour absolutely not you come on and build and some stuff sometime may help people who AR grabing

The cells you tend to not sround too many Minecraft servers they end up trying to recruit you the staff and you get involved in all the staff’s offline drama I don’t think bonytail staff has much offline drama like har you were a helper before you decided to retire like

There I don’t think there was any offline drama like I think everybody on the staff team gets along with really well but you would know you were you were like a helper for a little bit is there a mod pack for this by chance or do you have to download each

Individually so you can join the server completely vanilla with like no mods downloaded and the server will Work like like you’ll be able to fly you’ll be able to pick a species everything everything special about the server is run through plugins so you can join with vanilla client and the server will just work as intended everything I have downloaded is my personal choices of

Things I want to have they’re all client side so they change what I see but they do not change what the server plays at like bye hard I’ll see you later like if you want to see all the different mods I have installed client side this should

All be listed in the YouTube description but none of them are necessary to play the game you can join totally vanilla and the server will just run I just have a whole bunch of mods downloaded for my own personal taste to change how things Look they’re all in the YouTube description if you want to take a Look the plugins are visual aspect no the opposite the opposite God damn it you guys aren’t listening the plugins are the server side they change how the server looks my client’s side mods change stuff on my client’s side how things look to my specific client indeed My Little Pony is client Side you meant the client yes Yes I just woke up give you a break never I will shall hold you to the highest standards the pony kind has because I am an evil Horse see heart’s like heart wasn’t like a a helper for a super huge period of time she stepped down for mental health reason she just said but she says she can’t recall any drama and like um I don’t believe like this is a big enough server that they

Don’t really go out and try to like recruit People but like you have to actually apply to be a staff they don’t go out of their way to like recruit specific people so you should be fine on that one if I want to hold you the highest standard you’d be a criminal do on you I

Bet you’d be a criminal no matter what standard I hold you to you’re a boot Bandit and a hug Thief you finally fixed your diamond sword R texture oh that’s cool gentle Spark What version of Minecraft is This Server um the server runs on Java 1.9.2 but the plugins allow people to join anywhere from 1.6.5 all the way up to 1.20.1 and the plugins actually also allow you to join in Bedrock 1.20 but the server runs on

1. 19.2 so while you can join on those other clients I suggest you run 1.9.2 Java for the best Experience so if you can join with other clients but I bet 1.9.2 Java will get you the best experience most compatibility is anyone else getting Deja Vu I repeat myself a lot Z you should know this I repeat myself a lot it’s just kind of how I am you know Eat oh okay fine if you insist if you insist yeah I I repeat myself a lot it’s just how I talk on stream it’s my thing you know if I say the same thing multiple times it means I have to think of less things to say it’s my secret don’t tell anyone though

Thanks you pick the essentials like my little p a few quality BL I might check out the server sometime cool we’d love to have you for those of you thinking of joining I know both freak and boss one were thinking about it I actually run my own little Nation

On the server called the pony BG if you want to join I I can I can start setting that up for you Very proud of and we’re always looking for new people to live There I’m assuming you guys actually haven’t seen the pony Berg before you hear wedding day or yeah this is a this is a this say ARA remix remixed as a queen crysalis battle theme used to have a guild in World of Warcraft called my little pawties that’s

Cool I’ll show you guys my nation in a bit let me finish this stretcher Path exactly that there’s there there’s a lot of power in saying the same thing in multiple times in several different ways it’s a very neat trick to be able to to do this sounds so dopee I know Delta Brony is really good at what they do or King sparter I

Suppose you give leadership to a friend before you left the World of Warcraft a it’s nice to know that my little ponies is still out there somewhere oh is it Skyler’s birthday here traditional birthday greetings fourth fourth forth fourth forth Forth you be to think probably change it back to Pony cuz it goes better with the buff unicorn M oh it absolutely would all right that would definitely that’s that’s some really that’d be some really good branding I think think people would be interested in that the lyrics are popping into your

Head of course they are they’re Iconic would have the main six who would enjoy Minecraft the most Dash seems like the closest thing to a gamer honestly like Dash seems like she’d be a gamer like she’d get into it the most I think all of the main six get into Minecraft for different reasons but I

Think Dash would like get into her first she just seems like a Gamer so thinks it would be Twilight I suppose I could see that my money would still be on dash though dash prefer things like RPG or Cod perhaps but she’s the only one that likes would strike me as the most likely to be a gamer in the first place but you could be

Right FL should I following along behind collecting all the dirt I can’t pick up how sweet yeah Apple Jack would make some sort of crazy automated farm that spits out out like thousands of like produce per minute like you know in real life of course it would be all like hard work

And everything done by hu but in Minecraft you better believe she’s making the most making the most efficient Farm she possibly can oh boy let me store away some stuff here real quick there we go here some of you guys haven’t seen bony Tales before so I will show you I’ll give you

A quick tour of my little Nation my little country of leonberg we declared independence from Equestria and are therefore a Sovereign Nation I am the President these PS connect leonberg and some other nearby settlements for trade and such we will walk back for a little bit

Of drama you know just for the vibes or we could like fly just fly along the path telling you we put a lot of work into leonberg these paths are the least of it what type of government do you have it’s a democracy I’m a President just walk through the W on our way back to leonberg just for The Vibes there it is there she is my beautiful wall City cuz we the walls are mostly to keep mobs out and for decoration because again A lot of people are pig outside you could just

Fly over them they’re for decoration to like all visiting like representatives from other nations and states and to keep the mobs out and to clearly denote our borders so we have other paths to WEA nearby areas all the inside of leonberg is Mob proofed the paths are not so I

Put up a notice Overworld roads are not mob proof travel with weapons and armor or use Nether highis it’s cuz people might get used to like the pony BG being M proofed and then forget that these pass are not the the zombie might creep up on you we have like the trailer parked

Outside we actually have an official portal Hub so if you go through here it’s an official portal to the service portal Hub where you can go to other player made towns as well as the Volcan in towns so if I step through here I arrive in Ponyville the server has um has like

Canon towns built they have a whole team of Builders trailer park there’s not a trailer park it’s really just one trailer parked outside cuz I didn’t want to park inside yeah there’s Appaloosa our town canalot the changeling Hive so we have like portals to a whole bunch of different things and I’m very

Proud that my little nation has our own official special portal see the pony BG and there’s our flag if I step back through we need that trailer it’s already owned it’s already owned but I’d be happy to have you move in you could build your own trailer Inside the

Walls if you want it this is the communal nether portal with access to the lonberg highway system I’ll show you guys the highway system last I’m very proud of it and we’ve worked very very hard on it and here are our front Gates you can

See we have like a p to cullors and everything as well as these towers see look you are now leaving Equestria you are now entering the territory of leonberg we are no longer in Equestria we are in leonberg welcome friends let’s do a quick fly over so you

Can get an idea of the size of our nation let’s fly over everything and load it all in so you can get an idea of our sheer size my bers are pretty thank you I designed the flag myself everybody who lives here designed their own house that’s a prerequisite to

Moving in you have to design your own house and they have to improve it the approval is mostly a formality so we don’t have any like ugly dirt or houses but yeah everybody designed their own house you can also just grab a schematic off the internet but like

That’s that’s I like it like that you know so like every building is like unique it’s like a nice mish mash of styles everything from like cozy little Cottages to larger Mansion style to windmills to that house just has a satellite dish on top we also have like house boats and

Such dirt house discrimination hey man I hate to say it but we got to keep the property values up somehow we got to keep the property values up somehow you know there we go that’s all of Le Pon BG loaded in let’s get back down on the

Ground so I can give you guys a ground tour let me tell you the these walls took stream after stream after stream to harvest the materials for and build it was insane they took so long we’re actually at World border you can you can just just barely

If you squint you can just barely see World border here I’ll get closer so we’re all the way out at World border like uh about 12,000 blocks out yeah there we go there’s the world border there it is so if I wanted to role play or something that means we can’t be

Attacked from the back because there is no back see right we’re right at World border World border is about I guess 1,100 11,570 7 blocks out in all directions and we’re 8,000 blocks out another Direction I Would Have Made It at like a corner but all the corners have long been claimed Le Pony BG looks so pretty at night you see this rilway this rilway existed before the pony break apparently

It goes like all the way around the whole border of the server so I just built underneath it telling you man looks so pretty here at night let’s get back to the entrance everything is perfectly mob prooof so if I hit F12 while we fly see all the numbers are fine

Like anything that’ be a light level like one or zero would like let mobs spawn I think maybe just zero I don’t know but like no mobs spawning here nothing to worry about why who open you don’t open these are pathway markers you can’t open that turn that

Off now we shall actually go on the tour so for those of you who don’t know Le Pony BG is a play on L manberg which what which is a nation that was made in one of my favorite like multi made made on the dream SMP which I was really

Really into it one point so it’s a reference to that and this is the kimar van the hot dog van a onetoone recreation from that from the original L manberg that leonberg was was inspired by potion making band here is the leonberg meeting Hall where we can have like Town

Meetings that’s one hot dog indeed it is and I can sit in a chair and have like meetings apparently with armor stands there’s a way to get these blocks to like sink into it so it only shows the top so it actually looks like a piece of paper

But I don’t know how to do that it never bothered so instead of like just seeing the top slivers it’s a piece of paper it’s just like an entire stack of papers just on a desk some day I will learn it but not anytime soon because I am lazy thank you

Flatters here we come to like an open Square place I think uh surprise was going to make stuff here but never got to it probably more tense we have like a little shopping plaza area see little shopping plaza area here if we go this way we have some

Residential housing I see flutter shy 10 has a nice simple house here this is Moonlight Nova’s house this is uh who I call octo this is uh that’s one of my moderators got a nice simple little garden down here got a beautiful house on stilts nice and simple you know we head this

Way from here we can get a good view out onto the lake got a little dock here what’s my your personal recommended site to make a p a custom Pony skin you should play a character can but after looking at the rules is imperative to use an OC unless permitted Pony skin

Craft yeah I would say Pony skin Pony Skincraft is the only one I know of so the Skins you can make on Pony Skincraft are Legacy skins they will be missing some of the features from like the some of some updates that have come out since

But the Skins you can make there will still work with the modern mod like even I myself what I have on right here what I’m using right now is a legacy skin designed on Pony Skincraft so this skin doesn’t like if I want so it’s so it doesn’t have some of

The fancy stuff but it still works perfectly well with the modern version of The Mod Pony steamcraft is really the only one out there that I know of it works perfectly fine though so I would recommend it here on the ducks with the arms on top of a slabber trap door under desk

And then push the desk block into place with a P with a piston huh there no extra layers to make buff unicorns there are extra layers on on the on the modern versions of the Skins but there it but there is no website that that uses the modern

Versions like you if you want to do the modern versions that have like extra layers on the arms and legs you would have to do it like free form I just used the same Legacy skin I made a long time ago you know might do your own research to see what’s out

There e you can do it by hand yeah there’s plenty of tutorials and stuff I’ve just never bothered cuz I’m happy with my skin I’ve actually got a nice crane like out in the harbor here and look the dock is an actual dock it actually goes above the water like

Look at that it’s a real Dock and here we have a commemoration of Leoni BG’s independence from Equestria got a little statue here we also have an Alicorn statue it’s the uh it’s got a little bit of wear and tear honestly but it’s beautiful and it’s ours you Know beautiful dock honestly and someone’s got a little boat out on the Harbor made by Icy F just a little Boat if we go over here is our Embassy where we meet with leaders from other nations I have a whole bunch of flags around from like other like Nations or like Towns over the server many of them are likely defunct by now but I still keep them cuz

You know good decoration and I also I accept more whenever they are offered here we have like a full meeting room so this is like a round table you know you you like you sit down and like you know you meet with a whole bunch of other dignitaries from

Other lands I’m very proud of what I figured out how to do with with the ceiling I’m very proud of that ceiling then of course we have like a one-on-one meeting room here I’ve got like a chest if I need it cuz you know you sign a contract you

Might want to put it in your Ender Chest got a little Bush got some winning seats and there’s like a receptionist desk in case you have to like wait to meet with me moving onwards is our administration building see the pony BG Administration so we have an office for

The our secretary of state Cherry our vice president surprise and me the president so surprise has a beautifully decorated office as does Cherry mine is so Bland in comparison at one point there was like leaves all over the place which was a cool attempt but it was just a bit much

For me like someday I want to like decorate it more I got to find something that’s my style and decorate it more because supplies and Cherry just make me look bad their offices look so good but yeah see look president water wings water wings is my pony name and I can

Sit at my little desk then of course I have all my records residence records taxes marriage adoption and birth immigration immigration and death records I’m the president I have to deal with such Things up here we have the bee farm this bee farm I’m super proud of I made it myself oh wait oh darn it a bee got out hang on get the back here they always do that they hang out by the door and then they sneak out nope get back in

Here naughty little bee so this is a onetoone recreation of the bee farm that was in L manberg on the dream SMP of course mine is like the flags the flags are different and the exact placement of the flowers is of course also different but other than that it’s like a onetoone

Recreation when CRA is down at the moment you find a tool on the mind of the pony which various op you just need to get a template Pony Skincraft seems to go up and down all the time like sometimes it’s up sometimes it’s down and I have no explanation for

That yeah this is a onetoone recreation of the L manberg bee farm very proud of it I found a tutorial for this but it turns out the tutorial was long in a lot of ways and so I had to fix it myself put this flower back I think I

Got it from like here is good enough and this is the Leoni tree it actually spawned here naturally on this floating island somebody added like this blue gr glass and like the lapis so it looks like it’s magic so yeah this tree was naturally generated this big tree naturally

Generated here on this floating island so it’s the Leoni tree I have like lanterns hanging from it and our flag as long as a leony tree stands so will leonberg we head this way fly back down for a second we also have like a a bridge here

To like some of those paths are kind of twisty turny so this kind of let you bypass out on a nice bridge that also gives you a good view of the Alicorn statue like a very impressive view if we were to head this way we have this pathway here it’s been

Covered with a whole bunch of trees and stuff some which are are not normally native so it’s a very like unique path very decorated one of the few places here where with non-native trees is this path because there used to be like a much steeper path here it was practically

Like a sheer Cliff here with a much steeper path but surprised like terraformed it made it much smoother so we had to replant all the trees along this area so it ended up being quite fancy let’s go this way first It’s mostly all just residential housing over here we got like a little whoops good thing I have wings we got a little Bridge across this Chasm no railings you don’t need railings it’s fine got a whole bunch of bees around here just wild bees just hanging About we head this way this is flurry heart’s mail I mean flurry heart’s house I don’t know if the person who had the Canon roll for for flurry heart I don’t know if they even still have that role or if they retired but at one point

The person who who applied for the Canon flurry heart rle made this house so I like to Adit cuz we’re technically a rebel nation you know we broke off in a questria so I always head Canon that flurry heart argued with her mom and then joined our rebel nation out of spite

I like to come up with like little silly stories for like why things are the way they are you know you got another house over here with a big bridge to it generally this person built this house so long ago I don’t even know who

They were it was a couple years ago by now we also have the the the overpass of light the overhang of Lights the lantern overhang the I’ve never actually come up with an exact name for it but it’s very pretty and I like like it got like a nice little Lake Area here

Very sequestered got like a little horse stables there as well as their pretty simple house that’s what I really like since everybody designs or finds their own house like we have an amazing mish mash of styles that really gives leonberg a sense of Personality where’s the where’s the

Road H this way very simple path headed this way over that Lake and we got a very pretty house on stilts here flying back over all of that if we go the other direction this time we have the leonberg schoolhouse this is why it’s a bright red building

Not very complicated cuz I built it myself but this is the schoolhouse so this is a first floor they are leading and writing and math and stuff probably history got like a teacher’s desk you can like sit at and we have all the desks for the

Kids all the local kids like North Star Christopher you guys will meet Christopher in a bit I love Christopher is my little boy and then icy fost and of course there’s like little Cubbies where they can store their stuff too second floor they’d learn more practical stuff you like enchanting and

Crafting and all that and third floor is kind of PE like you’d learn how to like defend yourself against creepers and zombies and other mobs the anvils are also open for public use so if somebody like doesn’t have an anvil in their house and like needs an anvil these are open for public

Use if we head down this almost hidden little path someone has made a home on a little island over here oh I don’t remember these lanterns were they always here maybe they were this is squid Apple they’ve made a nice little Bridge across the water they made a nice little

Island house like look at this this is so nice built into the built into it and then there’s a staircase that comes up to another little part that’s like all by itself I think that that’s so lovely you know that they made that this came out that way continue on in this

Direction there’s another we kind of meet up with another road up here this is just like a secondary way to like surprise his house the vice president surprise and we end up here and this is the fishing Hut built by ex retired vice president lilu nothing really too decorative on

The inside this the fishing Hut is mostly just for like display you know bunch of stuff in here like nobody lives here it’s just a fishing Hut it exists and it is here and is decorative and it is beautiful it’s out on the water for fishing fine I E food game

Jeez like I said like every square inch of this place is like M poof we ain’t get anyone spawning in here anytime soon see look it like it’s a dock over the water whoops my wings are water logged hang on let me dry off oh it’s a little bridge over the water

Very nicely built over here we have more stuff we’ll we’ll look at that L later actually we can look at this now and then turn back for the rest of it where am I flying no let’s go this way first actually yeah let’s let’s see what’s the

Stuff’s over here I keep changing my mind so this is a leonberg emergency bunk if you look you’ll see it is double wall thick obsidian and that goes all the way around this is our emergency bunker cuz we are a rebel nation like it our entire existence so far has been

Peaceful but I will not put the the fate of my Citi into the hands of Fate I mean the lives of my citizens into the hands of Fate the Hooves of Fate you get what I’m trying to say so double wall take obsidian bunker all the way down to the

New Bedrock not the old Bedrock the new Bedrock even the corners are filled in so this goes all the way down cuz I got to be able to protect my civilian my my citizens or something happens you know I actually had like the top portion of the shaft already built ready for

When like they extended the Bedrock once they extended the Bedrock I I built all the way down to the new Bedrock for the rest of it takes a minute to get down there but you know that’s kind of the point some people keep suggesting I add

A water like a water elevator but that would make it less secure bam this is like the bunker we got like anvils and furnaces and stuff we got beds we have a little farm to sustain ourselves and you can see we’re like at Bedrock Bedrock you know can’t go any

Lower everything is double walled thick obsidian except for that why is there obsidian missing there excuse me for a second excuse me for a second I need to go fill that in I need to get some obsidian fix that why is there a block of obsidian missing in my bunker this is

Unacceptable who has done this oh that’s Christoper you’ll meet him in a minute where do I keep my obsidian I think it’s in my nether stuff chest there it is There we go that’s better all better what I’m really proud of is in here though this took forever to get so this is our food storage double chest about of just about every food there is so double chest of steak double chest of Honey bottles double chest of cooked

Muttons double chest of golden carrots double chest of bread double chest of baked potatoes double chest of mushroom stew double chest of cooked pork chops double chest of Co fruits double chest of apples double chest of cooked Cod double chest of golden apples double chest of rabbit stew double chest of

Carrots double chest of cake double chest of cooked chicken double chest of beetroot double chest of cookies double chest of beetroots double chest of sweet berries double chest of pumpkin pies double chest of melons double chest of glow berries double chest of cooked salmon double chest of dried kelp and a

Double chest of cooked rabbit I could not build this chest for the longest time but then the server had had like a store revamp and now there are server stores that sell just about everything so I got a whole bunch of server currency and just bought a whole

Bunch very hard work on these like it took forever like this this was a project in and of itself because you know there’s lots of different ponies here with like different dietary needs you know I got to be able to provide for everyone in an emergency I

Take the safety of my citizens very seriously as the president nothing like a good bunker to set you at ease FL sh I standing guard outside while we did that much appreciated if we head this way we have the library and some more civilian housing it’s a very simple design on the

Outside but I quite like it this took me forever as well all these books here shelf after shelf of books in the library three floors worth like all the sugar cane and leather I needed o took me so long floor two floor three all filled with bookshelves quite a nice Library we got

Here and we have a little you know reading investing look quite lovely quite quite again like you can see this is stream number eight80 like we’ve been on this server for a long long time always making improvements always making changes this is olie’s house we’re about to pass and Ollie we already passed

All’s stable up there all’s Garden all’s got a bunch of stuff around here we have thunderf Fire’s vacation home hello Thunder see Shakir is like Thunder’s little Nation so he’s got like a vacation home here very nice little place nice and round nice and cozy nice little chimney

Too what does it mean if a black sheep crosses your path I know what that means when a black cat crosses your path what about a black sheep surely that doesn’t mean anything bad this town looks good oh we’ve worked so hard in it over so long so many little details just

Everywhere this is incredible looking honestly that’s what you get when you do when you do 807 when you do 80 like three plus hour streams on a server this is what you get this is I see fost house I won’t enter because they want you to take your

Netherite off before you go in but that’s their house they have actually a nice like open window design and they must really like the breeze we’re going to head this way and past flattery’s house it’s kind of like on partially on stilts partially built into a hill that used to be here Here and there’s actually like um like some Gardens under the stils like I made sure to plant the wheat I planted I I planted plants along every single like River wherever there’s space there’s like crops along rivers and lakes so we have like natural Gardens to sustain

Ourselves I used to offline was looking like that but this looks lived in I’m so happy to hear you say that that makes me very happy it’s this flatter house I helped them design this room and they’ve expanded since then this is like their main room but they have like a

Whole bunch of storage down below and other things now they got a mailbox this is how they get to their minds and they actually say that like they they let people like take stuff from their chests which is very kind of them they have their chests unlocked and they and they

Let people take stuff cuz they have a lot of stuff this is ah shoot I I I keep forgetting who lives here but it’s a very nice little house very very nice indeed we have another house just up here they said thank you because they were sick and they couldn’t finish their

House so I could finish so I finish it for them basement isn’t done but like the inside of the house I fin I like I did this this a little area for him and they were very happy with it I mean Pony Skincraft if you log into

It it’s like you’re logging into it with your own unique Pony Skincraft account and as long as it’s not a password you use anywhere else I wouldn’t be super duper worried like you know just don’t use an email with personal information attached like don’t use a first name last name email

There’s like a path back to the main path by the library and we’re going to explore the path we left earlier so we’re kind of working backwards here but this is ex vice president lilu’s house they retired and surprise replaced them oh down it I always run into their

Berry bushes I always R into their berry bush ious oops accidentally picked those berries I did not want to do that I got a nice little kitchen here with like a shelf you know you you could like like let some cake cool here ah got like a little overhang here like

A nice little thing what is it called walkway yeah nice little walkway this is Chase Dash’s mailbox and Chase Dash’s house bit more Mansion looking very fancy I quite like the details see when everybody designs their own house it does give it like a lived in feel you

Know and this is my house you can hear Christopher walking upstairs let me show you the other two houses on my street so this is Secretary of State Cherry’s House they’ve got like a little path here that leads to like they got some beehives out B they got a tiny little path here but if we head here this is Vice President Cherry’s house very simple very pretty I really like it and if we head a little further along the

Path you see some random Pony walking around the town that you will looking that’s entirely Fair are you kidding me we’re open for tourism tourism is where we get a lot of our money what do you think the shops down there are for this is s a vice president surprises

Mine help make it look a little prettier on the outside but this is the surprises mine wheny they want to go mining and this is Vice President surprises house they’re a very good Builder very very good Builder they did the the original design for like these fancy

Looking PS I’ve just copied their design see you flatter shy and you can see this path connects here under the Little Pony tree so if we head back this way surprise actually discovered there’s a slime chunk down there so this is like easy access to that while doing our best to like

Prevent people from falling in by accident yeah there’s just a slime chunk there we’re dropping a few frames but that’s okay you always drop a few frames around here and this is my house let’s do a quick fly around got like the entrance way I I designed this free form or it

Wasn’t on any particular design I’ve also got like a little Greenhouse attached ah you can hear Christopher see look don’t want chher get hurt so my rules say please no Thorn’s armor or holding weapons inside the house see this is my and Christopher’s home my and Christopher’s mailbox o i better put these

Away and see we got the flag I got my little compost bin hey I had stuff composted in here who took my compost out of my compost bin I don’t have anything else on me I can compost whatever it’s mostly for decoration anyway we head inside this is my

Home here let me show you Christopher Chris where are you he likes to play in the Attic there he is this is my adopted son Christopher he’s my little baby boy Christopher he still someone can give you kisses a he’s just a little camera shy so his toys are absolutely

Everywhere if you come to visit you got to watch your step because his toys are absolutely everywhere I’m trying to teach him Checkers he’s only like four years old like three or four and I’ve never figured out his ex act age cuz you know I found him in the

Nether but he’s like he’s almost to his fourth birthday now well we call his birthday we call it his birthday you know we don’t actually know when he was born we could only kind of guess toate che chess is still a bit above him but cheers were figuring it out he’s got a

Whole bunch of toys everywhere and that’s lunch for later and a greenhouse for him to run around in with more toys here if this is the kitchen with you know Brewing stands and smokers and furnaces and some storage and a fully stocked fridge like the sink is we the work in

Sink fully stock fridge so if Christopher is hungry she presses a button and he’s got food uh samon looks like it got a little soggy but that’s fine why can’t I oh my inventory is full the guy can get a snap whenever he wants and here it’s just basements more

And more basement storage we have three one two three levels of basement storage and then this is just like a like a little closet here I could like extend this further down if I wanted to but I haven’t cuz this is more than enough enough storage actually why am I closing that

Door I’ll leave that open grer likes to explore all over I don’t like he’s allowed to come down here if he wants to hello Maddie how you doing I’m showing off my uh Minecraft Nation I have my own Nation on the server I’m showing off my house right now my pony

Is so cute thank you so much see more of his toys oh that is some map art of me and my friend Quinn who I’ve talked about all throughout the stream that’s his OC Alpha as a pony and there’s me I had I commissioned this art from him and

Like I I so I had a frame at it and then I and then I had it transformed into map art so we have like a portrait of ourselves on the wall FC if Christopher gets hurt and emerly harming potions to heal him with can be found upstairs in my room by the

Bed there’s the little boy see Christopher gets hurt we have instant damage two potions to heal him with in an emergency cuz you know he’s a little he’s a he’s a growing zombie boy but he’s still a zombie boy so that’s what heals him so

This is my bedroom with my bed you know got some Necessities got like the crafting items and this is Christopher’s bedroom I did my best to like decorate it out like the nether you know he’s got a little red bed he’s got some carpeting eat those are drawings he’s

Got a fishy he’s got some stuff that people have given him a bookand a place to play discs his a little his a little brick of gold and I have a family portrait here on the wall some IDE dear that’s me and that’s Christopher nice family portrait

On the wall I’ve got an awesome base thank you and up here is the attic Christopher loves to run around the attic especially when it’s rainy he loves to just stare out the windows when it’s rainy Dislay Thanks for liking the stream I think that’s rain I think dusk light is rain he said he’s just he’s such a fun boy he loves to run around all day he loves playing in the Attic hey thanks for the follow you missed the beginning of the

Tour for like the rest of the nation but I’ll do like a quick fly over so you can get a glimpse of the stuff you missed showing off and then we’ll continue with the rest of it this is the nation of leonberg we declared ourselves independent from Equestria you have ADHD

Too A lot of people do I think a lot a lot of people oh I almost forgot about this I didn’t show you guys this we have a little house here this is Emma’s house got a nice little house here nice little cave house with like a dock and a boat

Because they liveing on the water that reminds me there was like a wait a minute random torch no random torch is allowed what is this no random torches allowed this is unacceptable I don’t care how dark it gets as long as no mobs spawn random torches then like remove the property

Value of the whole area and we have I didn’t show this off before but like some there’s like another boat home here have a nice cozy boat home we fly back past the pony tree Pastor prize’s house p mine and Christopher’s houses how long did it take to make all

Of this ah well over a year at this point like this is episode 80 of playing on this server and each each episode is 3 hours or or more so a very very very long time let me tell you that much you’re not it’s a lot of stuff that you’re not even seeing

Cuz it was already covered in the tour if we continue back this way back to where we left off yeah me and some me and a lot of other people have worked super hard there’s so many like little details like everywhere like i’ why is there a

Cow I guess he’s taking a bath you do you Mr Cow and here we have a beautiful Bridge and staircase you have a couple cool worlds in Minecraft but you need to make something like this it just you just got to add time all of the only secret ingredient

To this recipe is time time and effort so here is my buddy Blue’s house he’s a he’s a non-binary slime dude D that person this is Rainbow Bean’s house they built in they live in a big uh gumball dispenser you see how it’s like a gumball dispenser it’s really

Cool this leads be this is the original pathway before we built see this is the original pathway before the uh the stairs there were built that’s here is the HMS Twilight I didn’t show her off earlier this is someone else’s house belt nice and simple very

Cozy this path is still a little twisty windy but you get used to it there used to be another person’s house up here but they left so now there’s just like an empty lot here for a second I thought there was something wrong with the tree but nope it’s fine

You love that boat SL blimp house yeah there a boat those are the supposed to be the sails I guess free space eventually so we got like a little dock there this is Skylar’s house I think it’s Skylar’s birthday today actually they claimed a little like Island there like a little mini Island

They got a little dock there and this is Skylar’s house they have a radio dish on top I never really thought to put in place zoning laws so stuff like this just happens it does also look like a blimp I would agree I would agree definitely yeah we just I put some glow

Len on into the ter mobs happy birthday to Skyler indeed Skyler gets up to some timey Wy shenanigans so um you some of you just got to look out when you go by their house you just got to look out for the Rifts you just got to watch out for the

Rifts when you go by their house they get up to some Tomy wi machine in again Sometimes oh you see that it turned to night and the lights went on and now it rains it’s all right the pony Berg looks really good in the in the rain and the night the Traders make the pony be look spectacular this is Emerald or house it went with like a nice modern

Design you know with some like triangles very fancy very modern a little bit on stilts oh they they boxed this off this used to be open air this used to be open air but they boxed it off interesting I didn’t expect them to make that change this world will make your PS5 explode

Well this isn’t even all of it you just had a snot rocket lever green I feel that I feel that so this area is only my particular Nation like we are if I hit F3 we are 11,000 blocks out in One Direction and 8,000 blocks in another

Direction this is only a tiny po our tiny portion of this massive server many more people play on it than gen just us lot of to see and do up here this is Skys Scamper mailbox and Skys Scamper house we got a nice checkerboard wood floor going

On somebody else was going to build a house here but but they never finished and for the life of me I can’t remember who to like ask them if they’re going to finish a bye Maddie I’m glad you’re able to come around just for a little bit

Have a good lunch I hope it’s very tasty speaking of which I’m getting hungry this is I believe Silver Star’s house got a nice little garden and another nice little Garden in the back here never stop being awesome and amazing thank you Maddie thank you thank you I believe this is confetti Cake’s

House here indeed confetti cake very cozy little house you have you love to see it you love to see it this is hard Fang’s house hard Fang’s House Cafe yeah they’re having a little cafe what does this do oh that’s the doorbell all are you still here can I show the

Secret can I show the secret you have 15 seconds to tell me if I can show the secret or else I’m going to show it one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 okay I’m showing it oh one thing I

Like if you look on the map the blocks that at night the blocks that lit up and the blocks that aren’t like look different so you can actually see the outline of the pony beard lit up and I think that’s so cool now you see this this look like a regular brown block

This is a Sher box do you guys know what happens if you stand on a Sher box and open it you fall right through see entrance baby heart’s got like a laboratory down here and this is the way back up watch press this button you hold still and then you just replace the

Carpet back down oh dear uh I need to pee chat I need to pee I’ll only be gone for like a minute or two I have to go all the way downstairs to pee because the upstairs toilet broke and we’re replacing it but I shouldn’t be gone for more than a

Couple minutes don’t burn the place down where I’m gone dang it I’ll be right back [Applause] Oh All right I’m back I’m back I’m back oh dang it dang it oh I didn’t pause the music when I went to piss I missed the beginning of lesbian ponies with weapons we got to rewind we got to rewind okay this calls for some cinematics Koke time folks the two can

Continue in a moment uh turn that off no wrong button there’s the button wait wait hang on I need F1 again hang on there we Go it’s 427 in the afternoon from you sry night getting friendly with each other I miss you it’s magic staring at the Mir a smile smile don’t be late we got I’m such a RI Ri so tired of keeping myself in a box and I just really don’t care put

Your HS In the Air Tonight fall in love with every pony we’re going to set the streets a light everything’s so and I’m tired of being scared so let’s get out and our now got to go Fast step off or you’re going to get cut you ain’t got time for your biger to R this is try to know you’re not hot the consequence you all we need is some laughter the world is on fire and we’re at the CER of it

All make out till the Suns and we’ll do cry till we get dead and I just really don’t care put your HS in the air tonight I want to fall in love with every pony we’re going to set the streets Al light everything’s so and I’m tired of being scared so let’s

Get out and up a we up Monarchy our world now our world now I world now I don’t know what the future holds we’ll figure it all out in Time probably more cinematic without the armor hang on there we Go and I just really don’t care put your HS in the air tonight I want to fall in love with every pony we’re going to set the street to light everything so and I’m tired of being scared so let’s get out and up Equestria Manch I now now I now you know what’s

Funny I think I accident actually like it better with the helmet on I think I have helmet here suddenly I I think the skin actually works better with the armor on breaks it up a little bit you know okay back to our regularly scheduled tour and let me pick up the stuff I

Eated over Here go piss girl you better believe I pissed I pissed more than I knew I had piss in me I was like what I didn’t didn’t expect to have that much piss let’s get out A5 I just love seeing the pony BG on the map it looks so Pretty continuing where we left off actually let me get some water my throat’s getting dry hydrate or dihydrate as someone earlier this stream said yuck yuck like lots of yuck in my throat it’s always like I talk for so long that my mucus starts acting up and that affects my ability to

Talk maybe I should start taking ainex before every stream the problem is I don’t know if like ainex if like long-term Mucinex would taking like cuz if you if you take some medication like long term it going to have side effects like take it once it’s fine like I don’t

Know if I take mu next for every stream if that would be mism medicating myself you know this is Jock’s house jocker is one of my older viewers am I keeping up with bony Tails L you heard about a group called sis yesterday oh boy have I heard about the

CIS they come and they go as they please we tried to get involved in that and it was a huge mess the pony Berg is now going to do its best best to stay out of international Affairs unless it’s trade deals or actively threatens our safety we tried to get involved with all

That and it was it was a huge mess honestly both sides seem to have major issues to them like we like that’s why we broke off from Equestria to be our own Nation we don’t need to be getting involved unless it affects us ja is actually the person who gave me my poop

Armor I had like armor and tools that wasn’t as good as this and so Jack made these and gifted them to me because he thinks poop is funny and he was on a poop joke kick and you know there so good I have to use them but they were like a free

Gift you can’t rename a free gift and these are so good so I can’t just not use them so I am stuck with poop armor and poop tools for our all time this is Max’s house he has a w they have a windmill they actually have like a a

Hanger down there poop is funny poop is funny I will admit you are right poop is funny and we got a nice little Bridge here very hard to get it presentable looking your Snak is a brand name for Guan new snakes is generally sa take every day as it does not cause

Dependence addiction or rebound effects interesting I’d want to do my own research just in case but I but I do think it would be interesting to take a like a Mucinex every time before I stream to see if like it improves my ability to speak without producing large

Amounts of mucus that then affects my voice cuz if there are no side effects from taking it frequently but like safely then like I might end up doing that you know anything to make my streams better oo Sun okay did I actually expect to see the lightning I did not actually expect to

See the that actually gave me a heart attack that was a jump scare we took her 3 months during that one disease scare we don’t say the name of the yes the demonetization disease I have heard of such things and this is Double’s house they they’ve got like a pavilion

Cuz like it seems like these days a lot of foods cause me to produce extra mucus it makes hard to talk they didn’t used to when I was a kid as well as some it just happens after talking for several hours so I wonder if if just if just

Taking some muex before stream would just fix the whole problem anything to improve my stream quality you know like you guys don’t want to be hearing me making those yucky throat noises yeah very cozy and that’s most of the pony B that’s all the big buildings anyway that’s all the

Buildings why is all the lighting cell right on top of me how did I get shot oh oh that’s where the lightning came from that’s where the lightning came from you I’m going to make sure to kill them without killing the horses these that’s what that lightning was

There we go four new bone horses in the pony BG they won’t Des spawn or anything they’ll just be there someone can come claim them if they want them yeah don’t you love the sound of zombies dying on the other side of you a wall in the

Morning you can’t get me you’re burning up you can’t get me that was that explains what that unexpected lightning was cuz there was no other thunder or lightning going on also the server has flying squids The Walking Dead equester Edition but honestly if the zombie apocalypse does

Happen I mean I don’t know isn’t the zombie apocalypse always happening in Minecraft I feel like we’re pretty Safe fun fact I switched my throat button from Q to P for pissing it away because I got tired of of constantly accidentally hitting the wrong Kaden Q when I’m just trying to walk so my throw button is P for pissing it away instead of

Q yes Le Pony BG has lots of little nooks and crannies and it’ll keep growing so many new little details and and new houses that’ll be built over time again like I I am welcoming like more people to like join us to move in what I have people do is I have them

Design a house that they would like to build in the Pony bag I usually have them do it on this service created world so I can come visit it and look it over once they have a design that’s acceptable again there mostly a formality usually I only reject

Like like you know dirt houses and the like um they pick a spot to build they want to build then I approve the spot and they build once it’s built I extend the existing roadway to wherever they choose to wherever they chose so even if they

Build like way in the back where there’s no road the road gets extended to their house that’s how the road is like always worked we extend the road as needed where am I putting this there it is that goes upstairs so again like if any of you

Guys like you know want to join the pony BG want to move in want to be become a part of the Community just give me a shout you know get on the server build something and then show it off to me and we can go from there you will have a road me

2023 well look we can’t just not have a road you know not everybody’s a pegasus not all of my citizens can fly like we got to have some equality around here can’t be a racist president what happens if there is no space for a house that won’t happened for a long

Time gentle spark like we have so much space that hasn’t been taken up by a building yet what if somehow we filled this place up with enough buildings with enough buildings that there’s no space to build I’d say I’d be fine with people like building like sky cloud houses or

Like underground like Hobbit Hole houses like you know there’s like we we would figure something out but there’s plenty of space man like there’s like so much unused real estate like don’t even worry dude you could join but you don’t know what kind of house you’d want to build

Well that’s the beauty you just build you design the house I built I just started building and the design emerged build up the walls and add another ring to the city well I don’t want to cover up all I don’t want to block out the sunline

I don’t want to block out the sunlight but the sunrises and sunsets look absolutely amazing with the wall like it casts some astounding shadows I’m also okay if you want to like find a design online and then like take that schematic and build It like if you want to find a design online that’s fine if you want to design it yourself that’s also fine welcome back flatter orsh oh I haven’t shown you guys the the nether highway system so you guys saw earlier how we have like an official like portal to the

Service portal Hub they can get you all over the server it makes this path redundant but I still built it anyway so this path will take us all from leonberg out at World border all the way to spawn at 00 and let’s than 2 minutes me get a look at it from the

Outside so it’s not just like a path it also has like fancy supports all the way down we do sometimes but you like to build with the terrain I get that I get that I mean if you want you could like I don’t know pick a spot and then

Like imagine what you’d want to build there like do I kind of do it backwards you know figure okay this is on a hill so I’m going to it’s going to look kind of like this but yeah like all of the different nether highways have their own

Supports let me show you I showed you earlier how we were all the way out our world border about 12,000 blocks out One Direction 8,000 blocks the other this will get us to W to spawn at 00 in under 2 minutes watch I will will not tell you how many

Streams and just how much quartz this took to make had to go around someone’s gold Farm There Em blo we’re at spawn welcome to the Ponyville train St Ponyville station if we just head into this portal there’s Ponyville and look how far we’ve traveled like remember we were 11,000 blocks out in One Direction 8,000 in the other like I think that’s a masterful piece of engineering

Personally of course the official portal there makes it makes it entirely redundant but I still think it’s a ma my master class of engineering very very proud of it you spent a majority of this game building and then rebuilding actual addiction I feel you I can’t stop

Improving the pony be and it’s like local works yeah yeah see we got these big giant like legs you can’t see it but these legs actually go all the way down to like the bottom of the lava so if you were to take it like an

Like an or like a lava potion and you would swim down or you’d see it went all the way down took so much work and effort hello Captain Morgan and I can see how many people have like made the journey by keeping an eye on how many boats have been

Used and now we will head back so proud of our Highway like I know it’s redundant but it’s cool for like roleplay reasons like we built a highway you know like like you could bring trade through here if you wanted to too if you make a house in the pony BG

And it gets approved is it okay if you change your design in the future or does it have to stay the same you can absolutely change the design in the future but it would just be the same process You’ just say hey I made a new

Design can you come check it out I check it out I approve it the same way I did the original design and then you build it it just has to get approved the same as the original design you have bad news what happened is it about Jimmy Buffett dying

Because I heard about that that it’s terrible for those of you who don’t know Jimmy Buffett died last night at the age of 76 like that’s so sad he was so cool like I were shocked you know you still seem pretty Hardy in hell even for a 76y old

And we also have so this is obviously the way out into the nether everything is labeled so leonberg highway system two leonberg two spawn threee boats two rainwood so these highways lead to all the same places those Overworld paths we’ve been working on lead to that’s who sing that song yes that is

Who sing that song So this takes us to rainwood and as you can see you don’t feel like you belong in this community all right captain Morgan I’m sorry you feel like that like nobody has to stay I saw that you left the Discord I understand if you like feel

Uncomfortable that’s always going to be your decision you can you can interact with the community as much or as little as you like like nobody’s holding like a gun to your head or anything you got to do what feels right for you see that takes and there’s the the road

We were working on Earlier you got to do what’s right for you you know you just made a new Minecraft skin cool what is it this goes to Kieran Corner Kieran corner is Le Pony BG’s nearest neighbor very close by which you can tell because it’s like the shortest it’s the shortest one so this

Also leads to the outside and this leads us to the center of Kieran Corner in this big tree right outside the embassy I think the pony BG is somewhere I think the pony BG is that way somewhere no Captain means like my community Morgan means my community

Gentle spark we had a discussion about some stuff earlier that they weren’t comfortable with oh you do mean the whole My Little Pony Community I thought you meant just mine can you clarify was does it yes mean just my community or the whole My Little Pony

Community I mean either way you got to do what’s right for you you got to do what makes you feel safe you know it’s totally a very adult decision to leave spaces where you don’t feel safe what happened to your bubble I guess your thing ran Out I guess your thing ran out I do not understand how these memberships Worth to be honest like no matter how much you like a community or the people in it if you don’t feel safe or like feel comfortable it’s a very adult decision to decide

That is not right for you only turned yellow like two streams ago I have no explanation for how that Works my man I have no explanation this is Hart Fang’s castle and I think I think that’s all of it I think that’s all the highways let me check

Again wait nope there’s still a portal to our end portal you can wait no longer or am I about to be booped when you say stuff like that that means you’re about to boot me I shall be booped yeah I knew it I saw that coming and I I’ve claimed the end portal

Closest to leonberg was very annoying to find but I’ve claimed it and I’ve made a road to it a pegasus named Apple now I’ve seen everything and this is the nether portal to the end portal I think my boat went through there we go see so we can escape

To the end if we need to yeah we got another portal straight to the end portals for real for real Oh indeed we’re working on restoring this we’re working on restoring this Fortress a very good job so far take the stronghold into a house

It’s more of an think of it as like an emergency exit think of it as like an emergency exit all right let’s head back to Le Pon BG popper that those are all my over my nether highways I’m very very proud of them very very proud this took so many streams to

Make I’m not actually in the portal whoops oh wait a minute there we go Right let’s clear out my inventory I have a whole bunch of stuff in here stuff and things stuff and things things and stuff stuff and things stuff things and things that are stuff da da ah thank you flaty for the dirt let’s put everything back where it goes D let’s also move some of this dirt this dirty dirty dirt talking about service stability in game you wonder if Buist having issues with the rapic chunk loading unloading from the highway it might be the quickest You’ ever seen a Player move in this game ooh you think I’m causing the

Lag tick per second 16.32 the server normally does does 20 well it’s the ticks per second you can see it in red there it is ticking down a little bit as we watch but I’m not speeding around anymore so I hope it’s not me causing the problems that would be annoying I spent

Ages building that highway just to find out it lags the server this used to be my meat chest then I started storing other stuff in it also I sold my meat to buy other things show me that gold Farm I loaded in when I I used the highway maybe there

Were lots of gold Farms on the server I I don’t know the surface is usually more stable than that I’m sure the service staff o look at my ping look at my ping I usually have ping like honestly I I’ve had ping in like the 20s before my ping is usually so

Much better than that yeah something screwy is going on 70 ping I’m supposed to have a much better ping whole chest filled with meat that’s not sanitary who said anything about sanitary it’s a meat chest oh how do you know I don’t keep it refrigerated how do you know it’s not a

Refrigerated chest huh maybe I put my dirt in the meat chest because I wanted to keep my my dirt cold what do you know about cold dirt Huh what do you think you know about cold dirt nothing that’s What You have a dirt coniss Shure or someone is camping in a nether port and it back and forth between the two maps that can cause big issues too back in the olden times when you were in a bu kid server you’d run into the issue from time to time I don’t actually know

What the server runs on it might be bu kit if I know I never bother askask I just played on the dang thing Oh I never put down those buttons I’ll have to do that next time G is wearing a black speed hope to gra a Ser don’t need to do anything so should be fine yeah worst case than make you put on some shorts we’ll see I just be very careful like this is

The server they let let kids on so they can be crazy strict about some stuff bye fros blits getting your haircut I could never I’m letting it grow out long and wild change if they ask not a huge issue okay yeah yeah yeah that should be fine that’ll be fine that’s so dumb

Thought the speedo would be a laugh seriously I honestly I would never ever send my children to a private school religious or otherwise and I would never ever send my children to a private school like people to cry Public School sometimes that it’s not good enough but like private schools I would

Not touch with a 10-ft pole I just I don’t trust that all right we we have been streaming for 3 hours and 53 seconds which means I have half an hour before I need to go to work so we got to wrap this up a Christopher Came to Say Goodbye to

Mommy let a I was camer let Mommy give you a kiss on the head he’s like Mom he’s like try to Shug me off like Mom not on camera well yes on camera cuz you’re my beautiful little boy let me see bye to everyone on the server bye

Guys give everyone a second to say hello I mean goodbye to to type things in chat that’s okay Captain Morgan that’s totally okay come whenever you feel able to you need to make the choices that are best for yourself you are only answerable to yourself I’ll see you whenever I see

You all right guys so next stream I I don’t actually know my work schedule I haven’t looked I want to say next stream will be Monday morning if I am wrong and there is no stream Monday morning because of work next stream will be uh Tuesday afternoon actually it’ll be a Tuesday afternoon

Stream about like 1:00 1:30ish whenever that is it will be a Starbound stream I so I hope you all had as much fun as I did and I will see everyone whenever you can join me next bye guys Bye [Applause]

This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server: My Little Pony Modded Minecraft #80’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2023-09-02 17:04:59. It has garnered 152 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:00 or 11040 seconds.


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Follow my Twitter too if you want: I’m still figuring out how to Twitter; I’m more of a Tumblr girl. ============================== Profile Pic, Emotes, Banner, Alerts, Badges, and BRB, Starting Soon, and See You Later Screens by MAWBomb: Stream Avatar by ModularPon: Stinger Transition by Spvwvky: ============================== Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Motherboard: ASRock Z490 Pro4/ac Microphone: Blue Yetti X Capture Card: Elgato HD60 X ============================== BronyTales is a community-centered family-friendly My Little Pony-themed Minecraft server for kids of all ages 5-95 with survival and roleplay sections for casual and dedicated players alike. Bronytales is a 1.19.2 server compatible with Java clients with 1.16.5 – 1.20.1 and Bedrock Edition 1.20. It has many cannon towns and discoverable locations built by a talented build team plus many other amazing builds in the survival, creative, and pixel art worlds. The server is run by friendly staff, skilled builders, and experienced administrative staff continuously working to make the server better for the supportive & growing community. ============================== #Minecraft #VTuber #Pony

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    Insane Astolfo Hack in Minecraft 2024! Click Now for Ultimate CheatsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Astolfo – Craftrise Hile | Vanilla Fly,Aura,Speed | Minecraft Hile 2024’, was uploaded by eymxnruii on 2024-04-19 07:49:12. It has garnered 80 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. 🔥Get stronger with Astolfo Client :3 Astolfo Client: ⚡️Important! If you like the video, you can support it by giving it a like and subscribing. “This video has nothing to do with CraftRise Client. Astolfo Client is used in this video and permission was taken from Astolfo client” 🔔Video Tags: #sonoyuncu #craftrisehile #minecraft #jortex #titanium #craftrise “This video… Read More

  • EPIC LEGO MILKSHAKE STORY – Part 1 Minecraft 3D

    EPIC LEGO MILKSHAKE STORY - Part 1 Minecraft 3DVideo Information This video, titled ‘Milkshake story part1 minecraft 3d animation film #film #minecraftallmoments #minecraftfilm #3d’, was uploaded by LEGO FUN TIME studio on 2024-01-08 16:52:00. It has garnered 187 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. #roblox #party #music #dance #dancevideo #debut #firstvideo #firsrshortvideo #vtuber #vtube #visual #visualyoutuber #sweet #cute #girl #waifu #anime #visualeffects #montage #fun #animation #letsplay #tutorial #popular #2023 #shorts #video #videogames #roblox #robloxshorts#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #animation #allay #minecraftallay #minecraftallmoments #3d #3danimation #3deffects #film #minecraftfilm #fun #funnyshorts #meme #joke #skibiditoilet #montagevideo #film #minecraftallmoments #minecraftfilm #minecraftshorts#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #animation #allay #minecraftallay… Read More

  • Super Happy Friends Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist 18+ 1.20.4

    Welcome to Super Happy Friends! We are a small LGBTQ+ friendly international community of Minecraft players. We build personal bases and collaborate on projects together. Our Discord server is a place for chatting, sharing memes, and supporting each other through real-life struggles. We host community events and are currently working on a community area with shops and plans for a minigame district. We play Vanilla Minecraft Java edition with some tweaks like the More Mob Heads datapack. Join us if you’re over 18 and considerate of others! If you’re interested, fill out our application form to join our Discord server…. Read More

  • ᴄᴜꜱᴛᴏᴍ ᴇɴᴄʜᴀɴᴛꜱ

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • PixelOrion

    PixelOrionA newly created cobblemon server with rpg feels and create mod!! Lots of upcoming features here at PixelOrion. Join now and be the best!Join our Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Salty Minecraft Showdown”

    Well, I guess the meme really knows how to score points with its audience! Read More

  • Spot the Change in Mikeize’s Minecraft Maze! Aha Moments Await! #MinecraftMadness

    Spot the Change in Mikeize's Minecraft Maze! Aha Moments Await! #MinecraftMadness In the world of Minecraft, things are changing fast, Can you spot the differences, can you make them last? Mikeize is here, with updates galore, Each change, each shift, he’ll help you explore. From armor stands dancing to bugs that appear, Transparent urban legends, things that aren’t clear. Exit 8 style maps, elevators that rise, Endora’s secrets, hidden in disguise. So come along, join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always something to be done. Spot the changes, solve the quiz, With Mikeize as your guide, you can’t miss. Read More

  • Hot mess: My failed attempt at recreating Minecraft 😂

    Hot mess: My failed attempt at recreating Minecraft 😂 “I tried recreating this meme in Minecraft, but all I ended up with was a blocky version of my disappointment 😂 #minecraftfail” Read More

  • Roasting Homes on Quest SMP!

    Roasting Homes on Quest SMP! Judging Peoples Homes on Quest SMP! Introduction On Quest SMP, the Minecraft server where creativity knows no bounds, members are tasked with building their homes at spawn. However, not all creations are created equal. In a recent video, one member took it upon themselves to rate and even give a makeover to some of the homes on the server. Let’s dive into the world of Quest SMP and see what happens when you build a dirt house! Rating Homes Some members of Quest SMP decided to test their architectural skills by constructing unique homes at spawn. From towering castles… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Naruto Mod Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Naruto Mod Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the incredible Minewind Minecraft Server. But first, let’s take a look at this awesome video featuring the Gaara of the Sand Waterfall mod in Minecraft. In this video, you can see the amazing new features added to the game, including player animations, the NPC Gaara, adjustments to NPC spawning rates, and powerful new jutsu like the Toad Oil Flame Bullet and the Great Flame Bullet. The village structures have also been revamped, making… Read More

  • Mind-Bending Minecraft Brain Teaser Challenge

    Mind-Bending Minecraft Brain Teaser Challenge Exploring Changes in the Minecraft World: A Fun Quiz Experience! Are you ready to test your observation skills in the world of Minecraft? In this exciting quiz, something gradually changes, and it’s up to you to spot the difference! Keep a close eye on the details and get ready for that “Aha!” moment. Challenge Yourself with Answered Questions! If you prefer having the answers along with the questions, check out this compilation: マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?答え付き総集編(むずかしい)051-060 Explore More Minecraft Gameplay Ideas: 【マイクラ】鯉のぼりの作り方!(統合版)こどもの日の飾り付けを解説 【マイクラ】クイズ:防具立ては透明化のポーションで見えなくなる? 【マイクラ】8番出口をマインクラフトの再現マップでやってみた! 【マイクラ】8番出口風「エレベーター」をマインクラフトでやってみた! バリアブロックのだしかた・つかいかた 【マイクラ】エンドラに「のる」!ゆっくりかいせつ 「エンドラの出し方・飼い方」 コマンドブロックでスプラ風PVP対決ゲームをつくろう! Check Out Additional Resources: 【マイクラ】統合版でエンダードラゴンに乗る方法(スイッチ対応)コマンドの紹介! 【マイクラ】コマンドブロックの出し方・使い方(minecraft統合版) Read More