People who discovered a real life Easter eggs okay firstly this student was reading a book his physics teacher gave him when he realized he got silently brick rolled by his own book next people are actually getting upset at Siri because of this when you ask her what’s Zero divided by zero she will give you a harsh answer in return now you’re probably wondering why in the world would somebody build a sign upside down well just look at the pond and you will understand okay but I bet you didn’t know this there’s actually an Easter egg On Tick Tock that you can do in the comments all you have to do is type in the comments and once you translate it it will give you a scary cryptic message finally while this person was on a plane they realized this farmer created a QR Code in his build if you scan it this is what pops up Video Information
This video, titled ‘PEOPLE WHO DISCOVERED REAL LIFE EASTER EGGS!! #Shorts’, was uploaded by Icycol on 2021-11-21 03:11:22. It has garnered 11970928 views and 1080145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds.