Pepper Senpai Unveils Bizarre Minecraft Secrets!

Video Information

Thank you Thank you foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Thank you foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Snacks welcome to my web I am Spider-Man girl cutie peppers and Pie and today I am playing some Minecrafts uh nice to eat you hello hello hello everybody hey so we have Zach in the chat we have uh pie in the chat uh Chinese yup shinies

In the chat hello everybody hello I got all my members here except from you how’s everybody doing today hello sorry for the late start um had some issues with my medicine as I kind of put in the chat um I’ve been I’ve just been for some reason they’ve been having a lot of

Trouble refilling it because like I’ve been refilling my medicine so I take a lot of medicine like a lot too much more than I want but anyways um I uh one is um start training which is for my anxiety depression Source stuff you know with the goodies and uh they’ve only

Been refilling it for 10 days at a time for some reason so I have to pick it up like every 10 days um and then last time they just said that I couldn’t refill it inside I contact my doctor was the whole thing and then uh this time they uh

Uh when I try to refill it they’re like oh it’s too early and I was like but it’s been 10 days medication please and so actually I didn’t get to have it yesterday and I was hoping I get it today talk to my doctor again um but

There’s been no reply to the messages this time um but they told me they’ll they will try to refill it uh differently I don’t know what that means but they’re gonna try to refill it and it’s gonna be like hopefully sometime in the next few hours they’re gonna fill it and then

Um my mom actually might pick it up for me so that’ll be helpful thank you mom um that’s where I’m at situationally right now uh how’s everybody in the chat doing Pisces Nia the sex I have a friend on Discord watching the stream with me oh cool

Hello friend on Discord nice to meet you I am pep Paris and Pie hello hello hello there you go kiss you for the new friend hello um yeah I don’t have the scares on you fool um we have one for the scary streams foreign going off freaking geez always with the eggs

So it’s like been very cold and dry and snowy out today so like that’s why I have my background is a little bit blue and cold and musty I should uh hang on I should make see if it adds even more of an effect to this

To really show how cold and messy it is there we go like if I uh not it’s not that much night time but if I have it like that it’s a little bit it’s a little bit dark and it’s like wintry I should get like a wintry version of this background as well

Um so yeah we’re gonna play Minecraft uh and I’m gonna hop in a call so people can join me as usual but first let me let me set some of that up as well oh oh change Pepper’s hair okay I can do that just a second okay

You guys didn’t even see that but I bopped something change Pepper’s Colors oh we’re going with both of them hun well a little sack thank you for this face so tasty okay I will change my hair and my colors mmm there we go there we go there we go ooh

So fitting for the dark mysterious atmosphere all right let’s switch over to the gaming screen ha there you go there we are in the crafts in the crafts hello I’m gonna make myself larger I want to be I wish to be large nice large girl

A nice tall large girl who can step on you um okay I’ll move this over here and then open up the crafts oh and we can start playing how does that sound so I um I had a another Poll for for whichever texture pack I’m using today and it was

Pulled I’ll be using Ultra fantasy texture pack this one right here so I’m actually quite curious about this one because it looks pretty cool and we’re gonna we’re gonna use this today and see see how it looks oh Lord’s landscape I like the I love when

They do that the clouds and they have their own like clouds into the Skybox it’s it’s it’s nice it’s nice oh okay I’m showing my friend your animations ooh which animations even like my really old ones or do you mean like my avatar animations because if you’re talking about my really old

Animations from like 2016 I’m sorry but if you mean like my avatar animations then hey hell yeah oh yeah I want to hop into a call as well so into strangers I go I am now in strangers so now people can join me in call okay wow this looks cool already

Oh I love it I I already really like this because like I love when they go for like a cartoon aesthetic instead of just being like completely like sometimes it’s too pixely and sometimes it’s too plain it’s like a nice cartoony balance in the middle I think

I like I’m liking this one uh let’s travel around and see how it looks hello zom zom I’ve been working more on the blight District expanding that ooh footstep footstep footstep footstep footstep it has like this cool cartoony grittiness to it like with how the sand is

I like this it’s nice I should go sleep slip my bed had patches in it I have a patchwork bed come on this is my high quality anime girl bed take my pick it up like wait do I have a bunch of dirt on me I do I

Should put these in a chest play play and then I need to figure out what I’m gonna work on today because I am not quite sure yet at least oh there we go this one’s empty put all my stuff in for later I like the blockhead okay well

Um I want to go see maybe I’ll work more on my identity house Perhaps Perhaps perhaps that’ll be my goal for today oh dang it I don’t want to pick it up helmet are these boots okay I might have to keep the piss boots they are in fact piss boots

Are important to me look at that thing guarding my face I’m like meh I’m like me like meh I made a little bit of like an open path over here now too so that’s nice that’s curbles’s house oh it’s too cute I don’t want to kill it like the per there’s a perfect

Combination of cute and grittiness that I love like cute semi-realism and grittiness but also cartoony I know that’s like way too much to describe but it’s perfect it’s kind of the vibe I go for with my like Avatar and everything are the calls public no the calls are

For strangers I’m sorry for stream members um I know uh I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you though I I did notice that you messaged me excuse me I would like to have uh give you your membership benefits and also uh the possibility of joining me in a

Stream at some point uh Zach like you can see the clouds in the distance I like it I like it this is nice I like how it’s a little bit bluish too like the haze looks really nice this is looking cool look cool it’s giving me like like it’s like one of

Those feelings where I can feel like I can like feel the rain like on in the air because it like almost smell it I Can Smell the Rain Hello Kitty girl um Zach I’m curious though which uh which animations are you talking about oh this is cool this one right I already

Like really like this one I really like this one you guys did a good vote for this one shut you door this is nice Pepper’s mouth tasty hello did I never give you a name I guess not huh no go in why is it open peppers are here oh it’s so deep okay

Um yeah let me go back to my home home and see what I got going on around in places I would like to see what there is to see I wonder if I can put something here like in this little field I don’t know what to put there but I can put

Something there changing color and hairstyle oh okay cool so not my old weird old animations that’s good that’s preferable this way that cow is a big cow it has horn cow and it’s got bangs like that’s freaking hentai bangs right there those are the bangs with the hentai protagonists have

So you can associate with them more am I supposed to relate to that cow Minecraft are you calling me a cow through this extreme complicated set of words and phrases relations I don’t think so probably not oh the village looks nice I want to check out the village um cute

And pretty my favorite do you guys have like that thing where you have like weird uh memories and like things relate to each other in weird ways like like you’ll be in one place and while something’s happening and so from then on whenever you’re at that place again you think of

That thing that’s happening you think of that memory of that other time you go there uh like this area I was working on while listening to a thing about the freaking African good old trans Ally JK Rowling star Chasm uh and I remember working on this here

While I’ll listen to that and so whenever I pass by here I end up thinking about her and I feel like that’s why I haven’t continued on this Village because it’s weird reason hey pie I’ve returned you’ve returned I didn’t know you were here in the first place

What were you in the call no then how could you return I I went to go microwave some rice some you know 90 second rice I forgot to make a tear in the bag oh no It Go Boom oh no no boom that’s cool this that’s good

I love the how this is doing the concrete in this texture pack this is really nice freaking weird textures with those windows uh this is really cool I am very fond of this texture bag as a matter of fact who are you no name I’m taking you know I don’t know

Whose horse that is I don’t want to take a horse uh we can go through Cameron’s footage too the city of metamak or the town I mean trying to go through metamalk and people know what it actually means here we are in metamuc here we are metamok where all the things happened

Where everything happened uh is the pig gonna be scary yeah it’s a little uncomfortable yeah yeah uh-huh yeah okay so this this is where the the in they were at this is the end that the the party was at uh this is the that one like bookstore with the pens and

Everything that they’re at with the old guy oh yeah uh I have a video I’ll I’ll I have a video about this I’ll release that at some point instead um let’s keep going yeah this place looks nice I like whatever that text is or something that’s on it um

It says I have zero viewers but I wonder I feel like that’s untrue I feel like uh YouTube is lying to me with that one well that’s making that’s making that place look mysterious having the black boarded up Windows that’s interesting uh my trans Windows has a hole in it uh freak

Uh Frick oh that’s cool oh that’s nice I like this I know oftentimes I don’t like it I like it when it’s more solid but this is cool I like this how this is doing this oh this one’s looking interesting too red and yellow how’s my uh lesbian hallway lesbian haul

Looking pretty good looking pretty good I have to add something over here um lesbian hall and then uh I don’t know like this is I don’t know what this room would be calls the trans room but like what what’s that what’s the opening room in a house that you go into there’s like

What door no that’s a door I was saying the opening room mud room no it’s like there’s like a big room in like big buildings where there’s like a long hallway that branches off into the other rooms but it’s like its own thing Bobby maybe I don’t know trans Lobby

And then this is communist corner yeah what’s over here gray sexual closet perfect it’s perfect can I see out into the into the library yeah I’m curious to check that out too silly YouTube Silly YouTube yes Zach is here hey Zach what’s up I am very fond of the sexual pack

It’s so cool I don’t like how they boarded up like most of my Windows though I have a bunch of broken windows apparently oh Molly oh geez well now that’s unfortunate they did mess up Molly a little bit she’s looking a little bit ghostly again I don’t know why they changed some of

Those random things like that whatevs though let’s see my home Kyle oh Kyle you’ll freaking you transitioned you have a rooster bits you have rooster bits now did you have rooster bits before I don’t think so oh that knob is cool oh God who did that fine that was you wasn’t it

You and your witch laugh I know what you did yeah yeah how did you did you get inside the lava why is there cake how did you there’s not there’s not redstone how did you do this on the other side is just lava no it’s actually cobbled it’s actually just Cobblestone behind there

There’s like three blocks so I could fit a Glover in there um now it’s eating the moist girl chunks it is moist girl chunks they remade that like item really moist chunky it’s perfect I I don’t think that happened on stream uh I was I was in a boat with a moist

Girl my my one of my pink sheeps and I was trying to shoot a villager with my bow and for some reason if you shoot an arrow while someone is in your boat with you it hits the person or the thing in the boat I don’t know why is dead

Because of it is this supposed to be pink though because these are my pink thingies they’re not pink that’s strange whoa koyomi’s got a sweet stash that’s great happy for you kaliomi oh did someone mess up my someone mess up my trans flowers I like that where’d my other pink go um

Let’s check out The Sex Dungeon that might be where I got a random like a while ago that might be where I got my random um flower pot that makes sense I wonder why anyhow this is interesting you know I’ve had like a couple months ago I was like where is this um

Wow there’s cake in here too huh there’s cake everywhere even in the the freaking orgy trans bed this evening this isn’t even my place that area but this wasn’t purple before I only remember is I don’t remember what texture it’s supposed to be I still like this texture pack this is a

Cool texture pack wait let’s check out the store let’s check out spice rack with my priority put together doors how are you doing Caseys Big Cheese my boy doing good I hope bye bye bye ready bye okay when did he redeem that sip pie 4 37 P.M did it not go off again

Do they are they just like randomly turning themselves off or do they just miss it whatever it is it’s pretty silly yeah you are no sure no that was pretty good Excuse me excuse me wait do I have one outside my house I think I put it it says it should be showing yeah pink tulip in a flower pot yep that’s where it went I found it oh can you put it over back there yep how long ago did that happen

No quite a while ago oh I’m glad you kept it uh Casey’s how you doing bro Casey look at me Casey’s Casius Casey has big cheese Big Cheese of a man Big Cheese look at me look at me Big Cheese Big Cheese Big Cheese Big Cheese big cheese thank you whoa you’re pretty

Oh yeah oh yeah you’re beautiful your luscious lips and your shining eyeball thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh Casey you spoke to me oh my God I know that cases could even speak in the first place that’s great always shape-shifting that guy maybe Casius is a

Maybe Casey is gender fluid always changing the forms into different types of peoples oh I need to put my piss boots in one of my piss pots there you go yes okay good is that the danger flower that is the danger flower whoa pidgey’s looking green

Ah Karen’s also got a stash good for you Karen uh yeah so this is I don’t know what floor is this what type of wood is that there’s also that is it the dark oak Spruce Wood is purple of all things it’s Spruce Wood that is interesting that is an interesting choice Crimson

What is Pink oh the signs are pink everything else is like that dang I was like really excited I was like super excited like that would have made everything worth it that I’ve made my purple trees worth it oh hi pie I think we just phased our bodies together it felt good

Was it good for you mm-hmm I took the Sip though thank you pie thank you for the sweets yummy yummy oh our uh oh my God chalk was got a dick hi chocolate’s got a dick come quick chocolate what oh no oh pie oh my God look chocolate’s got a dick yep it’s

Pretty hot chocolate I’m not gonna lie oh you guys are having the time of your life oh that’s great oh look our snow people oh I don’t like the faces they’re making but I love the hats I don’t like how sad and elderly their faces are but their hats are perfect

I am very fond of this texture pack oh my gosh you actually scared me being right next to me like that um this is nice I like this one the skin little horsies are looking good that that that llama just did like a 360. um where else should I look

I edited the character appearance um look at all these Brown chickens and I was working on a new skin but I wasn’t ready to reveal it yet so brow chickens I’m they’re gonna be called broken’s that works right I think it does brogans welcome to the stream ambiguous and

Senator when did you get a new Avatar a week ago yeah like almost actually had it for years I’ll kill you almost two weeks ago I got this Avatar oh the sunset Haze is also lovely oh I’m loving this texture pack so much there’s some things I don’t like like Molly

Being zombified but a lot of this sounds pretty good does that mean Sasha’s zombified too should I use terracotta for them I’ll have to go check that Sasha and Marilyn and foxtrot oh yeah that was so good I love when our bodies connects and then absorb into each other

I didn’t even notice I was just blindly jumping around you you jumped your your grungle groin into my mouth and it tasted nice and blocky So it’s happened again actually you know what’s happening again ah what what’s happened again oh that’s pretty oh freaking dudes here oh heck I do Duty okay so um it’s happening again where uh when I search up um Minecraft hashtags to post this on Twitter it once again comes back with um freaking

It came back with Minecraft NSFW as one of the top tags I don’t know why I don’t know why one of the top Minecraft tags is Minecraft NSFW of the weird things around there pixels oh yeah I’ll put that pixel on I’ll put your pixel on my pixel hi huh what if we

Um intersected our hitboxes oh my gosh oh my God I just realized that I don’t have anything I passed Sasha huh that’s okay I could cheat my way out of here would you rather I put my pixel in your pixel or you put your pixel in my pixel

This is top versus bottom question that’s up to you to decide I need to replace my flag with pink at some point as well what’s making my framework go splurt uh probably the insane amount of redstone near my home yeah you can partially blame pie for that too okay no Sasha’s over here

I don’t think I mean Sasha’s gray too I need to look at all the blocks because if I do want to end up using this texture pack a lot because I kind of love it then I need to see what I can replace their skin with maybe Birch planks Acacia planks are

Pretty good I like how they do the doors to make them look thick and curved just like me I wonder I don’t think there really is much white terracotta where is pinked hair color I wonder what pink that’s pink terracotta yellow terracotta why can’t I make skin I want to make skin in Minecraft who did it strike trade sweets and strike to make pepper speak in third person thank you

For the space yummy yummy yummy I’ll speak in third person for the next 10 minutes now sure we’ll speak in thirds starting now you [ __ ] what are you also a [ __ ] exactly pepper is a [ __ ] hey dudes are these guys gonna be cute too oh my God they’re beautiful oh they’re beautiful

Oh yeah I know it’s causing most of the legs oh they’re so pretty this thing not even turning the render distance down to like five blocks up oh no I’m sorry dude I would say that my everyone needs to move away from me but I mean my frame is always bad everyone

Needs to move away from pepper I guess to be to save themselves so Brett stripped his Castle it looks kind of cool to be honest but his castle is stripped now Lord squirtle’s Castle has now been stripped down to his bare bones so that’s quite interesting looking I like it

It’s funky but I like it this is kind of what I wanted to show off nice all right uh strikes I don’t have much I think you don’t have much what you don’t have much what pepper is curious what you were talking about uh oh the water is nice also hmm

Oh I bet um pepper bets that Jade’s boat looks great you’re in a locked cell dude how has that happened oh wow The Witch Battle is still going on hi why are you such a [ __ ] I don’t know see that’s the part where you’re supposed to go and do your witch laugh again

Yeah it’s because it was while I was patching passing the witches and I called you a [ __ ] you do it pretty perfectly hi you’re cute no you thank you okay I want to check out the pepper wants to check out the slums This is cool Pepper likes the slums oh yeah last time pepper was working on the railway that’s what she was doing last time why is Gandalf leading a bear wizard Slim yes the Bounty of slime oh Bounty assigned the holy red Rocky yes thank you thank you for that uh

I might work on more of the identity house I think I think that could be cool I think that could be neat pepper thinks that could be neat um also uh I was asking about my new Avatar also it has many different forms I’m not usually purple Pepper’s not usually

Purple like this freaking frick Pepper’s having a difficult time I didn’t pepper you scandalous spider scissors do what I didn’t it’s it’s censored it’s censored titties those are cool tips on finding a brand identity well I mean pepper means it took pepper like it says to the last two syllables of identity

Freaking shut up Minecraft come on now hang on did that come through for you guys yep that’s so weird identity pepper you scandalous spider I don’t know what you mean by that man um so I mean pepper means it took pepper about 10 years to finally get like a

Real brand going and that’s what she’s trying to do right now so Pepper is having kind of like the cutesy scary brand and that’s what pepper is still trying to figure out pepper wants to make a cute seed but like creepy haunted sort like like spooky I guess

Not creepy but more so spooky sort of vibe pepper wants a spooky sort of vibe bedtime I’m gonna sleep in meal Pepper’s gonna sleep in Yogi’s bed this is a lot tougher than the yummies Joe’s prize fish I’ll take it to my drink okay Steve so delicious [ __ ] you shall dream with

Food nice eyeshadow dream of love I really don’t know what a pepper kidney pepper doesn’t know what she could use for skin what is this this could be skin oh pepper has found yellow concrete although she thinks that might look kind of strange in other texture packs because it’s much more yellow

And other texture packs shout out tomorrow what do what do you mean by that dude what do you mean by that hey you know if Johanna was here right now uh pepper could keep poking her with uh my dongle oh a friend of mine well

Does that mean you have a friend that is also food is that what you mean by that named named fur oh shout out shout out to where is where your friend who is made of food wow Henry’s place is looking cool pepper wants to check this out oh so floral this is beautiful

This is beautiful I’m stepping in the the muck pepper pepper pepper thing in the muck why am I why is pepper not eating the food eat the food first pretty silly I’ll pepper will silly your butt all over your butt oh if I punch him I’m not going to but if I

Punch a bee and then then run away from the bee and then don’t come back for like two Minecraft days will that bee still be angry at at pepper and leave it well interesting pepper will not do that oh yeah I think it has a regression timer or something deltoids

How goes things go well I am Minecraft stream hey hey oh yeah hello hello there General Kenobi a seasoned veterans oh you’re it’s okay General Kennedy stop making me imagine um genders from Grievous cradling uh Obi-Wan oh God you’re into it aren’t you if you say that you’re into it

Don’t don’t we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about that though no we don’t talk about the racism we’ll talk about your horniness no we don’t talk about that either though I don’t know what happened there uh this place is looking really pretty as well

Oh heck I am Pepper’s really loving this texture back foreign are you okay bro um oh there’s my timer I no longer must speak in third person thank you for the sweets that was a challenge um now I want to figure out what I should work on next uh yeah

Perhaps your ending phrase be pepper looks no longer speaking third person no that was after it over it over again did you just chew a pepper What’s Happening Here like bear with me here because you you must announce it it to be it to be over for it to be over because

Pepper’s word is law I’ll kill you I’ll enjoy it um frick okay so [ __ ] oh I’m gonna kill this chicken what this is dead it’s dead because of you cause of you foxland uh dude says why does Minecraft answer the word gimlet I have no freaking idea Minecraft’s the weirdest thing ever with

It censoring uh my friend thought you were cool by the way yay I succeeded did your friend think I was hot that’s the other question I have to be cool hot and cute those are my those are the aspects I have to be Minecraft doesn’t answer the word

Homosexual because they don’t censor the homosexuals and why would they exactly that was a really weird statement Delta um strikes as you failed while Harrison live stream I tried my freaking best uh so the only things I don’t like about this texture pack so far is like

The dilution of the the wool and this in the on the Terracotta becoming just gray and then also that’s oh my God this Spruce Wood being purple now for some reason wood so I could work on another one of these rooms which would be what’s another identity another one changes your wine

Uh could you or teach them I could do I could do um or I could do penis what’s wrong with you people uh if you leave open sentences like that what do you expect for you to be sane hi to answer my drink now shut up you fool

Who are you telling to shut up you [ __ ] wow okay Delta um I just let’s see here peanuts Why did you freak out what is going on now um I have the lesbian flag of the great sexual flag I have the trans thing uh the Communist one I could add there’s feminism ADHD woman uh just a woman woman I’m kidding when I say that

You’re close to the end of your life Delta oh I’m gonna enjoy that I hope not you’re gross I know I’m uncomfy oh not actually uh thing I don’t know what to work on today so last time was the railway I was connecting what was I doing I was connecting um

Everything to Henry’s place I was connecting things to Henry’s place last time Ura that’s pi over there being silly wow she didn’t even deny it this time ha pie is so silly silly pie because you knew it was a lie I don’t think I do

I don’t think I do know it’s a lie I think it is very much so the factual truth no no okay so um trying I removed one of my redstone contraptions that wasn’t even getting like a good yield because um because bamboo hitboxes go burst uh-huh

Uh maybe that will and I also um reduce some of the chickens in the pen because it doesn’t actually need to be that many um that might reduce some of the lag okay uh but I think that the most lag actually comes from like item frames and banners that makes sense

Um which as you know this I have a lot of banners better Banner for that get banned why does the game have rules about push and pull doors uh so I don’t know I’m like actually trying to think about what I what to do I mean well I’m in a Minecraft block huh

Funny creative book though Minecraft but I’m actually in survival that’s the skin too complicated uh huh I could just do like nothing work again and work more on what the [ __ ] I could work more on uh destroying the islands or the hills in the desert should I build something go fishing

You just wish for me to fish I feel like that would be very boring for you guys to watch I wouldn’t really be doing much um let me check my thing of things I wish to build I have I actually have that written down somewhere oh Things to build in Minecraft there’s still my mind games stuff I could build the underground like uh I want to build an underground school I want to do that for a while and I don’t know why that specifically but I want to build that uh hmm I built that already oh you can shoot through doors interesting hmm oh I know what I could build I could build my scary dream it’s a scary dream I had that one time I’ll kill you anyways wow uh I need I think oh my God concrete what

You can shoot the hinges off the doors in these games what are you playing obviously not Minecraft huh it’s called Insurgency Sandstorm why are you playing Minecraft with us yeah Delta you finally got your stuff back because I’m experimenting with a lot of games I haven’t gotten to play

Okay under Braille shotgun fine it’s gonna be whatever Delta I’m Gonna Leave You no you won’t [ __ ] I will no you won’t I don’t believe you peanuts okay so I need a bunch of white I think he’s freaking me out I need a bunch of white uh die okay there we go

Away from gripetta fish okay yes and let me get some more of this actually so I’m going to go to the skeleton Farm Gary Fisher in Minecraft you just fish a lot I mean it’s fun to fish in Minecraft I or it’s I mean it’s chill I guess I feel

Like it’ll be boring for audiences to watch so I don’t really do it this won’t change my booba sign again so I’m gonna change it to Burr was that you pie why does everyone keep hurting me I did not do anything wrong I like the boo-boo

What if I just built a big boob I mean I was gonna say I could build another statue in person but it’s weird I feel like it’s weird in this texture pack yeah it works that’s when you’re in the vanilla texture pack what are the ones that are like more

Similar to regular texture pack yeah yeah like that’s the big problem with like texture packs in general like there’s a lot that are just like you know kind of mess up the vibe of some struck some like build yeah that’s true that’s why I don’t like how

Molly’s a zombie now and I wish there was something that was like actually like like Molly’s skin color I need a peach or something like that but there’s nothing peach colored that’s both peach colored in this texture pack and other texture pack Delta I will end you shut up without the peanuts what

Did I do that oh my gosh uh you just farted out an egg oh I saw it happen oh the egg prices affecting YouTube ever what you don’t know what the egg prices you do you deal with that why where’s the I wanna make bone meal pepper this is a serious question though

Like real world [ __ ] is happening and then turning powder I don’t know I don’t usually buy eggs I guess you okay you remain purely unaffected the price of eggs has exactly doubled double leg double yolk yeah think of think of think of an egg price now times that by two um also strike

Ayla thank you for the sweets I’ll check my blood sugar it is 310 right now so once again a little bit High um but I did take I took medicine before the stream so I’m hoping it goes down some insulin I wish to not do that Delta as a matter of fact

I wish do not suck any insulin peanuts okay now okay you’re ruining it Delta you sure you want to do this what do you mean you’re ruining the word peanuts for yourself no I mean it’s getting there it’s getting to the point where I might like

Just get rid of you for saying it ugh you do that for too many words now it’s because you say them over and over again word I’ve said too much recently peanuts that’s one word I’ve said too much and you’re interested okay I’m gonna take a pic

You know how long it’s been pepper yeah it’s because I kept getting rid of you because you got to be punished therefore it’s no longer that word it’s no longer a viable word I’m sorry this had to happen to you also what do you mean I’m sorry

I’m sorry I’m gonna have to end you win what is that under there under what thing what is the approximate location of the thing with which you are trying to point out to us yes that who under which particular thing are you trying to point out to me is under there panties oh

Pantaloons you fell for a classic blunder yeah I just responded let’s just straight up panties instead you kind of I don’t think you kind of did I said under what I don’t that doesn’t count as missing underwear I said panties though because pennies pennies are cute

I don’t know what do you guys think do you think panties are cute I feel because people I think panties is a weird word or a cute word or just normal word I think it’s cute it’s a cute it’s a cute way to say underwear I can’t see oh it’s like dirt pantalones

Okay I’m going into the system I just broke my nail by scratching my pants frick ah my port Neil that’s unfortunate okay into the cave system I might be able to also just decorate one section of the cave system because I like doing that too maybe I’ll do that today

We’re on the corner which wall there’s four walls in a room don’t say show Mike why do you do this okay I’m gonna kick Delta yeah okay he’s still going where is it oh did you do it did you do it pie oh okay Delta did it himself he’s learning

Um okay so I have a list maybe I’ll just decorate this hallway because that’ll be fun that’s a sign is that one of my signs from before okay uh what did I come down here for I came down here for mining so I’ll do that a little bit

It’s the best moving Pokemon is Deez Nuts oh you’re hilarious shortcut to the goblin Cammy shortcut to the Gob income there’s not supposed to be torches in these it makes it more mysterious when it’s dark and dangerous if you want to take a shortcut you must suffer the consequences of the danger

Sometimes when I do that like sometimes when I remove these there’s already a monster when I turn around not this time though I should make these like actually like as dark as possible like what if I just cover them with all like black uh okay I need to find a cave

This way perhaps does that also lead back to sleep back around to the area maybe I should have taken a cart instead of walking the tunnels with the ranch Velasquez Railway welcome to stream death hello is no this is different because I don’t see the glass

Or is that the glass actually that’s the glass dang it I have wasted time perfect can I just like can I just like oh Valley chicken can I just like sploosh ooh Valley chicken egg I’m looking for iron is that iron that might be some iron up there but it’s high up iron

Hello iron hey hey I know I have like iron at home but I want to do this I was too lazy to go home so I decided to go spelunking in a deep and dark cave you know or you could just go to the um Golem Farm

Yeah but until I decided to go spelunking in a deep and dark cave that’s how laziness works right there is definitely a way that’s like easier and safer or you can just risk the much more dangerous way what you might find it faster yeah yeah I almost fell it’s not lover

I have found some lover that is frightening hello lover does this lead outside I wonder because I’m going pretty high up at this point no that’s not iron oh there’s dirt this is just a hole this is a hole I have found a hole oh I think I know where this is

I think I know where this where this is gonna put me I was wrong I thought I was gonna be like over there was that whole oh right here yeah it’s right there I haven’t been up on this hill I guess really usually I walk in the past

I know I can also work on my skyscraper that I’ve made like no progress on always with the things with no progress huh who wrote the modern hit song Radioactive Radioactive Radioactive imagine these nuts in your mouth I’m pretty sure it was them uh yeah I could work more on that let me

Cool too but let me check the iron I’m going to smelt Grundy iron these nuts on your face what is wrong with you people I need something you people I don’t know where that came from but I feel like I should stop that iron ingot iron ingot Ingot I have found the ion

Ingot I am a cure to the German girl I have made the iron ingot I have made the iron ingot I’m a cute and German girl give me more of the iron ingot yes thank you now I wish for why is this not showing me the things I can create

Oh it’s because I was not in the right tab is there we go this is better Tim you are smarter than I thought and I have now go to level two gothams or if perhaps I don’t know if I’m smart or if I’m just being like Deez Nuts a lot already

I feel like it might be that I don’t know how much that counts as smart though okay so I’m gonna start towering up into this guy Tower yes perhaps into Elysium wait wait we are regularly listen at some point that’d be cool I want to do that Foreign How are you doing Pie okay you’re okay cool I’m going absolutely rushing at the end right before stream because I thought it was at five oh yeah yeah shoveling I haven’t finished shoveling yeah all my other stream was this week were at five that could be why except for d mm-hmm

I didn’t shovel yet you know what else might be contributing to the lag what these [ __ ] cakes these [ __ ] cakes it’s gonna fall right Yep crushes someone on Disco I like the vitriol behind the way you said cake thank you [ __ ] cakes I wonder who puts all these cakes around here should I end him for you mistress yes please yes sir yes my mistress and they’ll come back and massage your feet for you

Considering destroying all these cakes I mean I’ve tried this right a bunch already yeah I’m going so high up in the air I don’t remember the height of the top of the world 320 I think oh the world is a cube the world is a cube look at this Cube

Look at this Cube it is 320. uh Pat you’re so smart you wait wait for more useless Minecraft knowledge what is how many toes does an iron golem have talk to me again for more useless Minecraft knowledge how many toys does Angola have I don’t know 42 oh my gosh that’s a lot

Of toes we live in a simulation perhaps true perhaps that is a fact if we live in a simulation why they make me trans it’s because they love me they knew how hot I’d be being trans is having self-love I feel like there’s this interesting thing with being trans that like when you

Start to see the changes uh once you start transitioning it’s like it makes you so happy that you almost have like certain levels of extra self-love um that is absolutely not to say that the opposite also isn’t the case because like I still get a lot of support and stuff

Like that but also like I mean never before would I say like oh I’m so hot but now I go like oh yeah I’m so freaking hot Michael from Vsauce you’re just stating facts pepper thank you thank you you’re so sweet pie I’m looking that cake

Okay I have a good bit more of this still huh all right let’s go why is Vsauce Michael here hey Vsauce and Michael here Brett yeah are you vegan sauce yeah what are you doing here Jay Simpson he wrote a book he said he he wrote it he wrote it yeah

He said some stuff yeah it’s sad uh are you in the car yeah what are you driving craft car wow I had no idea when did they put when did they do the this update how do I craft no no oh my God I’m on okay can I punch my computer

Yeah do it and it’ll pop out you have something oh yeah I thought I heard pudge why are you calling me Pudge hey no you said punch I thought you said I thought I heard pudge oh oh your nude legs yes the noodles send me five

Six I wanna come will you come if I keep slamming my dongle against your shoulder your shoulder pads I guess boy boy how was it how was your shoulder job Maybe oh this worked never done with these before let me [ __ ] your shoulders oh what if someone had like

Big enough like uh shoulder blades that you could like actually like put your dinkle in between them oh do you think everyone’s got pecs close enough that they can give me the grippy one thousand percent true yes the Hasselhoff from SpongeBob from me that would that would that would crush

Your dick though that’ll turn into a pancakes I thought your beef of the car was you swearing I want that but not with that method not with that method you know you know yeah I know you want pancake dick yeah but yeah you know the the Delta way

I don’t know if I do do you want Scarlett to watch you get pancake [ __ ] by David Hasselhoff to make the thing happen so should I should I I’m gonna Lily I’m gonna go over here and I’m gonna I’m gonna open my soda I have another soda

Oh yeah but your blood sugar is high it’s diet oh you’re not a doctor you’ll be so high look thank you No do it do it no no I wish to trick you no do it you gotta do it now that’s the law it was going to be a trickster but now I can so now I’ll keep that in my back pocket for later okay you’re gonna be so so disappointed

I’m not oh dear old okay Brett I am unsure about what to do with Minecraft today uh where are you going right now you know going to Laura so you can’t play Minecraft with us then huh no I want to start but it would also be against the law and very dangerous

Find the warden find the okay now find it find the Wither find the wandering wither yeah that would be wise it’s somewhere between the new build and Brendan’s Island [Applause] Maybe um what I think I will do also though I’m going to take this chest here why yeah

I’ll put all this she is in it so I can build something later I’m gonna [ __ ] oh yeah I’m going I’m gonna go over work on the other thing that’s what I feel like doing I’m making this streamer nothing stream I’m just gonna be talking spawn another wither there I will not

Be I will not do this thing I forgot to put all the things in the chest Wait till night time and then just let all the creepers blow up on you I kind of did that for the items area kinda oh you disgusted me should oh look it’s a brat right where am I Minecraft oh freaking what was that what do you feel Delicia I was thinking about it

Hang on I’m checking my my medication app or like medication crap all right Lois I hope not Peter yeah it’s actually pretty good is it you’re giving me a stroke Lois ow pink you know it said one of my medications delayed and if it was the one that I need right

Now then I would have been pretty upset Delta RP Family Guy I can’t I I I can’t adore all right I need you I need you to understand you’ll be Lois I’ll be Chris Chris yeah oh no is it one of those it is oh foreign Click here to come in point five seconds does it work s you are not convincing me seconds playing this game make sure your doors locked why would they think that I’d want to last only that bit of time so what’s with the really weird obsession with with this this one

And I’ve seen it like 30 times where it’s like a small neighbor where everyone’s playing a sex game online it’s like what I don’t know why did they just [ __ ] why aren’t they or where are why are they no they aren’t uh dude so it’s weird too because it’s like

In a video game they are going online to have sex with each other it’s a video make them do sex make them sex [ __ ] quick before it’s too late to simulate simulated sex it’s getting weird that is getting too meta I I collected now I have a virus video no okay

No I for attention I noticed Cool okay so uh one of the other things I need to do is I need to get this entire Mountain down to this level so I’m going to work on that now because I want to I want everything to be at level 70. well dang what no I just fell in a hole

There’s a lot of holes around here Delta yep Brett or pepper for what bread or pepper Pepperidge Farms oh what’s happening you prefer I would die dang I never said that you’re you try again I cannot pick anybody good question again yeah do it again hi you would rather sex pie

Wait what you said you said no the first question was who would you rather die all right yeah but now you want pie to sex you yep one more time Delta Pepperidge Farms I’ll be honest I didn’t have one prepared for that one I was hoping you’d save me

I was hoping you would say something but I just uh so you’d rather I go to hell wow wow foreign Delta yeah who’s the hottest me as a guy AKA Harrison Brett as a girl or Pie as an inanimate object I.E a lamp a lamp um I don’t need to imagine this theoretical

I watched the eagle Bret video okay go on we know who automatically kicks the cake was it because of Brett’s gay people I I don’t I don’t recall so I don’t I don’t know if I bear witness or not I shoot wide loads yeah he does yeah he does okay So I try not to get or I don’t try not to but I just am too scared to get into Twitter arguments right on like on the twitters because I’m not good with conflict uh but um I finally replied to someone who was saying something I thought was dumb right yeah

Did you see it no okay uh and I I replied and I was like okay okay I hope I hope this isn’t too bad and Johanna saw it reply to me I was like yeah I was gonna reply something too but the person’s actually 14 so I I didn’t

Care I was like oh frick my first conflict with a child [ __ ] ing was it a boy thing yeah yeah because someone online posted like uh why the word Fanboy is a slurred you shouldn’t use it and I was like you’re not watching no I really use it

Take that Weirdo And then I was like oh damn the first person I stand up to was a kid I am just a baby myself I cannot argue um yeah it was pretty bad take though Twitter infants please please if you like using the word femboy to describe yourself go ahead and

Do it go ahead and freaking do it if you want to call yourself uh a word that starts with f and then has a couple of G’s in the middle and a t at the end you go ahead and do it oh if you are one call me that

No no I said call yourself oh don’t do it on YouTube don’t don’t do it on YouTube though are you trying to hurt me Dawson what if I call you a maggot what was that that’s a it’s a different word yeah and um it’s also a word I want to be called

Uh strike said randomly in the chat my mates joke about veterans sometimes my violence jokes I don’t know how to I don’t know how to reply that I’ll have a guy I have a good responses pepper so it’s it’s a it’s a universal one okay okay what what is it um

What do you mean I didn’t hear what you said it was a unit it’s a universal response I just I didn’t hear what you said Delta yeah you said peanuts thank you I don’t want to do this game then stop saying words over and over and over again all right

Penis is this new I’m gonna take a pic he said it like 15 times within 10 minutes I’m not taking your baloney anymore okay can I switch between old ones as long as that all the time okay you’re just like Cameron what do you win

This camera camera used to do that a lot too oh pie that’s rude that’s mean pie I’ll be nicer eat a penis that’s right I said the proper word this time dick cook Dangler wangulus try in here with the baby words baby Zach’s eyed are you with a kid for legal

Reasons that’s a joke what do you mean that’s perfectly illegal pointless but legal I mean like I I was like hoping to get into an actual conversation with somebody and then it ends up with a person like that it’s just not gonna happen I cannot debate a baby well

You know what yeah just just consort to the delta because I will I’ll do it for you okay go ahead do it go go on to Twitter and do it back give me give me I’m not giving it to you you can do it yourself okay oh it’s happening again wait

I am stupid he’s making Courage the Cowardly Dog sounds right now I think this is yeah hey yo bro oh geez yeah oh God bad Delta bad Delta I’ll lick your feet fix my mom tells her ew oh thank you Delta wangulus Zach says go do it on Twitter you won’t

Yeah daughter but hold on we better find that I’m about to find that 14 year old freaky flip [ __ ] that was a mummy looking at your right now I mean there’s a difference between like people you asking for people to not use certain words maybe around you or

Something but I don’t think it’s great to tell people to not use words that describe themselves if that’s how they feel comfortable describing themselves especially when it’s like reclaiming a word And also still kind of telling them not to say that around you is still still kind of weird hey hey get out of here get out of here get out of here get get get get get get get say a gender identification or like a

I just I just don’t get all the hate for femboys recently it’s so sad I I’ve heard hold on have you heard have you heard of the thing where people are trying to um push that esophage trans no isn’t that like isn’t that destroyable boy uh he is yeah

As far as I know yeah there was a point in time I remember when people were trying to push that that’s they’re just trans oh yeah I don’t I don’t think they are I don’t I don’t know they’re not though they’re just not like in in the world they’re

Just boy I know there’s people arguing that Bridget is not trans and I think that’s annoying who’s Bridget guilty here yeah there’s people saying no he is just a fanboy when they canonically decided by the creators that it’s a trans woman but they just don’t want to lose their

Hot cute femboy twink so they’re being annoying about it The concubines dwindle okay that’s what they’re rampaging the concubines they dwindle it bring me back laughs I was actually talking about um I mentioned it in the uh in my tweet response but like I also mentioned it to you and Kai uh the other day Delta how like I’ve been thinking like it’s

Interesting because I’m definitely a binary trans woman and like I’ve had I’ve had to like I’ve had that inner Conflict for a while where it’s like oh but I can’t be binary I can’t be just trans woman and not like gender fluid or something like that if I

Like to do the deep voices and all that stuff I was like no I can still be just a trans woman and I don’t have to be gender food and non-binary if that doesn’t fit me and still enjoy doing that sort of those voices and stuff um

And another one of the ones I recently realized though was that like I also don’t mind the word Fanboy that much that it used to be to be used to describe me to be honest and I remember even saying that in earlier on in my transition to miyobi as well uh

I’m just not gonna like I wonder if I should make my pngs instead of just a flat chest that’d be funny now that I have the boobs but like I feel like I kind of want to almost like reclaim that word I know it’s not really it’s not a slur like that

Person’s making out to be but it was like one of those things that I felt was a word I liked but then uh was too it’s okay so there’s this thing with trans people from like not everyone but a lot of them is that uh earlier on in transition it’s like

You go like for me like I would go hyper Femme just to like feel more valid I guess because I was like oh I won’t be valid as a trans woman if I’m wearing like jeans and all that stuff and not being extra girly which is of course not true

And I’ve gone to the point now where I can like feel like yeah and I’ll wear that stuff it’s whatever I don’t care I’m a girl it’s not I’m not defined by the things I wear um and uh I feel like it’s something similar to that where like

At first I was worried about using that word because I thought it would make me seem more invalid but I like it as a word it’s funny somewhat cute and I see a lot of other trans women going like we call themselves assemblies it’s like you know what

I don’t want to call my I’m not going to label myself simply I don’t want that to be one of my identity labels but I mean it as in like I’m okay if someone refers to me as with that as a joke or a flirt or something of the sort yeah

I could tell you where you’ve been too close to the son of Twitter recently what do you mean your need to uh say not all trans generally having like extra caveats is like a like oh I don’t know if that’s more Twitter or more Johanna because johanna’s constantly on Twitter and I’m

Always talking to Johanna maybe just like the need to when you speaking generally to like add extra caveats I think that is because of Johanna honestly because I don’t like I still don’t reply or do many of those replies on Twitter um but Johanna it does do that thing a lot

Where it’s like says something and then goes like yeah but like it has to be specifically this and all that like not all because I remember I think it was last night I said something like that where I was like oh this is part of the trans

Experience and she said like well I don’t know if it’s the trans experience but it’s like an experience that can be had I was like okay okay there’s anything wrong with like being more precisive language but I feel like a lot of people do that defensively because the amount of people

That yeah we’ll just make your thing listed yeah that makes sense Twitter is such an interesting place to have conversation I haven’t done much of it but I’ve seen a lot of it you said that you like X do you hate y then oh yeah freaking those androgynous sex dudes

It’s a such a banger you’re welcome I’m glad I could pull that out yeah wait what’s the word for people who like instigate stuff for the inner story for the sake of um drama in the story with that Vegeta where in reality they don’t actually have a reason

They’re just doing it for the story what what are those what’s it called in in a story where someone does something instigative of a situation but there’s no reason for them to have done it it’s just for the story bad ready the thing is there’s a term for that

Twitter’s just the embodiment of that I I really don’t know thank you um Zach says I mean context matters correct the way you use the word can turn into a slur depending on the context yes that is true yeah yeah but in this day and age

Um I was like also things have changed things change over time all things politically socially whenever someone starts something with when in their day and age you will sound like a boomer no matter what you do if you say something and if you start a sentence with in this day and age you

Are a boomer okay okay so things change okay things change a lot and and I understand that it can be used in such a way but it is most commonly um by the OBS by the like seemingly by the majority used as a non-derogatory word so if someone makes a derogatory

Word I believe that is an instant case of them using it that way and that person is a doof it’s a lot of like this re people reclaiming words right now um like I’m gonna I’m gonna say this on the stream just because uh but like Johanna

Likes to refer to herself as Dyke um and like that has been like a derogatory phrase before and people can still use it to be derogatory but it’s also cool through claiming like call yourself that confidently book of the stream of vampire queen hello hello welcome welcome [ __ ] wife

For someone who’s not you yeah okay on her behalf yep yep Brett yep you’re welcome Laura by the way do y’all the name change oh your name change yes it is cool sometimes I get confused because I know you didn’t change your name a lot so I

Don’t know if you’re like the same person uh like right now I’m one of the recent discourses has been people saying like stop using the word queer and I’m like nope why no it’s been we did it yeah but we’ve done it we won it’s just people it’s just basically older gays

Being upset about it which is funny because they’re the ones who reclaimed it in the first place yeah because like there’s all these pictures that people are using to like go like argue against them of like basically going like I’m here I’m queer like the the phrase that was used a lot

Back then to he’s like I’m here I’m queer to deal with it get over it stuff like that um like the 80s and 90s and stuff uh and I saw people in these threads making an interesting point saying like like because these older gay people were

Saying like I’ll just use the word gay and all that stuff but it’s not always gay well here’s the thing yeah that’s true but here’s the thing I find interesting is people in the thread were saying like oh but like while I was growing up being called Gay

Was an insult people didn’t use Queer as insult and I realized that like when I was in high school in middle school and whatever people were always saying like oh that’s so gay or you’re so gay and like that was the insult no one ever said oh you’re Queer as an insult

So it almost feels like more comfortable saying queer instead of gay for us if I remember correctly didn’t queer mean like like book before it was like taken and put into like a word to describe gay people wasn’t it like oh something something’s that something’s wrong something’s weird

About this room yeah it’s something like something strange yeah yeah it was originally bad and then huh Angel queen or vampire queen says was that a Brett burp probably no no okay slap again that I’m driving do it all right close to my eyes

Oh dear I feel like an MP3 of a car crash Um stretches that is Stone and soul yeah I mean if you call someone queer yeah if you use it with insulting intent and insult but if you also if you say like oh that’s so gay or you’re so gay as an insult then you’re just stupid

And I don’t like you as a person I don’t like your approach because like Yay because like I just don’t like them acting like that’s a bad thing like oh that’s okay you’re stupid because you’re gay or you’re doing this thing oh it’s gay so it’s bad it’s impressionable but you are gay

Apparently those are annoying jokes what up okay now where are you I’m gay oh wow yeah I uh I guess that yeah that that yeah that removes all one for questions kiss me kiss me on the lips there’s so many reasons now that there’s so many things that were explained by you saying

That Delta I don’t think he means it about to kiss me on the lips shut up and kiss me oh okay you’re getting more like aggressive I’m waiting I’m but I’m not gay I thought you were bi yeah that doesn’t mean yay it’s painless okay that’s how it works right sure I belong

To the Ice Age scratch oh God my neck yes oh God neck cramp got to make a kiss sound hurry [Laughter] thank you the kiss sound is Bibble pimple I started [ __ ] neck cramping you could have said like mwah or a kiss all right nah anything and you went with closer for Scarlets

Kissing sound is I think you just spit in your mouth Brett I I’ll take it I think he like blew bubbles in your mouth it’s like spit bubbles it’s all fun and games till the man that’s named bubbles pulls up onto the Stream what bubbles oh hey hey

No more fun indoor games turn the game off okay Thunder Queen even I’m bubbles I hate fun I don’t I don’t understand what’s happening I dealt with something to me okay he bibbledible then I came oh you opened the box Uh strike says I have heard some say that being gay is kinda gay and I don’t know why it is a little queer View yes it is and yes I am what are you a fruit cake I feel like Delta really unreclaimed words yeah I don’t know how I think it’s

Because he uses them specifically as an insult like we’ll say a word and then he’ll instantly instead of saying like oh yeah this word cool he’ll just use it as an insult instantly you’re an interesting one daughter like how I’m a flimsy you’re an interesting window S freaking butthole

The fact says what’s your opinion on the statement you are not completely or 100 straight I don’t know I don’t care like I mean let’s dance quiz in this house I feel like there’s a lot of leeway and that words aren’t exactly like they don’t have to mean 100 this

With no definitive like married ability to it how about Eric way what could we what about Eric what about Johnson what about so like I feel like oh my gosh shut up what about Peppa’s way Delta kiss me you caught ass cheeks did you just let Brett eat your eat your butt out

Yeah yeah okay but about the phrase like saying everyone’s not 100 straight I think it’s kind of I I feel like that’s an unimportant phrase because like sure I think there’s malleability like all the time in one way or another but like also I don’t think it really is necessary

Like it to point that out you know doesn’t really matter makes me think of like the people arguing like what is a woman when it’s like words are just so words are vague and very you can’t describe things in that way you know what I mean like people say

Uh there’s this whole argument I saw where it was like people saying like well if you’re a woman how do you know you’re a woman like what does woman mean and it’s like it’s just what I identify as it’s what I relate to it’s how I feel

All that you know how I feel a phrase is also kind of weird um but like people like you ask someone who asked that question if you ask them what is a woman they’ll say something like usually uh some of like um XX chromosomes or uh someone with a

Uh with a uterus or something like that when there are women CIS woman who are assigned woman at Birth some something about birth who has no uterus or who have um and a y chromosome and it’s just like there’s always some sort of thing so do

They not count as women so it’s like there’s no point in being so specific and words are descriptive not prescriptive they weren’t written into a mountain for you to use yeah so like when people I’ve seen a lot of people say like ask these people like

Okay can you describe a person for me and it’s and they said like uh something normally with legs arms and blah blah blah blah blah and the person replied with a picture of like an image of a chair and was like okay human because what the words they said also

Applied to a chair because it’s just like it’s just it’s just kind of pointless getting that specific with all that stuff it’s uh the chicken the plucked chicken yeah adult what was that adult human chicken I was talking about the Greek thing iPad yeah adult human chicken

Oh frick I’m on 72 why am I doing this this is what I want I need to go down yeah my number seven seven people dumb I’m trying to lower this whole thing to 70 and I actually lowered half of it to like 72 what don’t touch

The railway again I thought he said taint oh did you did you pocket some bait chips some lead paint chips one of you heard things correct I don’t know who yeah didn’t you why don’t you know who do you know which one of us is bread which one’s pepper don’t say

Know which one said what were you talking about afraid it could be a need to shovel the LSD paint trips So bread bro is right yeah what you just said it as quietly and like muffled as you did before again I say it what’s the word spell it Delta spell it Delta excuse me what’s the first letter what say the letter say the letter I did say the letter normally

Say the letter normally say the letter normally Enid okay bye Delta this one let’s do it and my finger on the trigger okay oh it’s a freaking parrot Oh I got a question for you yeah what was the first letter hey then be I want you to hmm continue see all right then there’s the let me get a let me get a notepad all right go on then there’s e okay f G I got my medicine Yay pepper now happy yeah I yeah good now time to make her yay okay you say gay okay all right continue while I’m gone get get through the rest of them and you’re welcome pepper why does my surgery taste like marshmallows and oh um the sex is fair enough someone oh gosh

Freaking oh this spider’s adorable oh it’s so cute in this texture oh too bad I had to kill it you um zax is fair enough someone tried telling me that saying I don’t know what I am and that I’m wrong when I made it clear that I just have no attraction

Whatsoever to men just want to know your tape I mean that’s fine yeah that’s fine I mean if you you are the one that says what you are you don’t don’t let other people Define you why like if someone says oh but you have to

Be attracted to the men a little bit no fool them if you don’t you can be attracted to whatever you want the now shush no shush my gosh hey be cheese next time won’t you Got it me what you missed a word I said with it I came in and said with you didn’t say sing though We’re with you kicked me right as I said though no you didn’t yeah you did it didn’t come through on stream with we’re not seeing I kicked him that I should start doing that I’m too much of a bully I kicked him from the server again pepper weenie even though he deserved it

Real deal waiting for the rejoin so I can add them back um sex is I’ve been lacking my medication oh no I’m sorry um I’m gonna move this here and then oh there he is okay I can I can add him back now I can add Delta back Delta’s definitely been the person in most in and out of the server ever our Discord server yep yeah people though who tell you who try to find like what you’re trying to that’s just annoying people who try to Define who you you’re like

Your identity in ways like that that’s seeing with me that’s it that’s literally it I’m done now Done with what did you not hear me just finish up finish what you call him what song you heard me I heard you say what I know you’re getting it ready again I’m not gonna do I’m not gonna repeat I guess he never finished that no I finished it

Bullying I’m bullying yeah you’re mean then here it doesn’t equates that didn’t happen you don’t argue you have an argument a bit silly yeah I mean like if you like if you if you are straight then you’re straight if you’re gay then you’re gay if you’re

Destiny or that if someone tries to say like oh there’s a straight doesn’t 100 exist then you gotta argue that gay doesn’t 100 exist and then all that’s just kind of stupid just gets kind of nonsensical at that point Huh listen to all this musicalness all the music playing with our ears how was your day pie um it was pretty difficult but otherwise it was fun that makes sense basically I do have a snow blower so it isn’t technically shoveling but there was a

Little bit of it I wish I had a snowblower you have like five inches of driveway it doesn’t mean I can’t be frustrated with it oh I have six inches of pain away my driveway is still frustrating to shovel and it takes me a couple hours

I don’t blame you there no matter how small the driveway is I I struggle to get out of bed in the morning so I honestly I can relate to not wanting to do anything how long did you shovel for a pie it wasn’t actually that long because

Again like I said I I do have a snow blower even if it doesn’t work right so then you can’t complain about me complaining about my five inches High you freak You like hearing that sound Delta yes cool Are we all looking forward to streams coming up which one’s D any of them yeah cool I’m looking forward to anything really yay I like it I’m glad I feel like I’m not making this stream Lively enough but we’re having fun and that’s what matters yeah that is what matters it has less

Viewers than Maya other streams this week I am unsure why but that’s okay timing Maybe I don’t know I know that at um I know that there’s gonna be a lot of probably going to be a lot of West coasters that are still in work so they

Can’t watch yeah that could be true how does the audio sound everybody can you hear us all right text what’s your plan on certain media using LGBT as a cash grab such as introducing Canada has nothing to do with the story and no characteristic other than being LGBT it’s annoying oh hello

What is this you’ve graveled me random gay characters not groveling at me like if you’re gonna make a character who if a character is gays and they can just be gay it doesn’t have to be like their entire like like don’t introduce them just to have a gay character that’s

Annoying people are more than just their gayness or other uh they’re being LGBT um that it’s not a good representation of inclusivity um if you want it to be one of their main character traits then make it part of the story and everything rather than just them just being there to be gay

Give them a gay lover no because that’s usually what they do they just do that and then like have nothing else happen oh well make a com make the main plot a conflict between the gay lovers in a rival fact and like they’re just in rivaling factions and they want to leave

The factions or something it sounds like you want to write a gay Loving Story oh shelter wants to make the BL what’s what’s a Marlin’s sexuality Delta um I never did decide that Goes fine cool I like you guys asking me questions like that though because I like talking about that sort of stuff um yeah if it’s it’s just it’s not that sort of stuff just isn’t great like representation there’s a lot better representation out there where it’s actually written by people who are like

LGBT or queer and have the experiences to know how to write that sort of stuff yeah hold on I’ll write the best [ __ ] story ever wait what well well you wanna write stories about [ __ ] huh what’s your opinion on media changing and established character to fit into the LGBT audience such as superhero

Who’s changing characters out of nowhere I feel like a lot of I don’t know much about what other LGBT people think about that I find it kind of annoying but like it makes sense but it’s annoying because like it makes sense because there were a lot of the established characters just

Don’t have don’t give any representation other than to just the everyday like white straight guy um that’s like a lot of characters most characters so a lot of them don’t represent so like that’s a way to add more representation but the reason they do that is just because they don’t like

Making new things because like old things are like that’s what gets the money everyone knows this thing so we’ll just keep making that everybody knows white people I can’t so I kind of wish they just made new things like new characters that could be uh queer in some way rather than just like

Doing that sort of stuff especially if it’s out of nowhere if it’s if it’s it’d be cool I wouldn’t mind it if they had one where like like I don’t think it really matters I really don’t care if they just have a character be gay in

A certain thing like I don’t like it I don’t care uh it’s not cool but it’s not bad it’s just whatever um I it’d be cooler if they had it so like the character has some sort of experience where they find out they are rather than just like saying oh yep they

Are they’re gay now they can be cool if somehow the character like discovered that they are through like experience or something like that because that’s a lot of um queer people discover their identity is just like figuring it out over time with experiences and stuff so I think that’ll be interesting

I think it’d be more respectful to the established audience to just introduce more characters I get that I think yeah I think it’s annoying also because whenever they do do that like so much of the audience will be like oh they’re just trying to be woke by introducing random characters that have different

Sexualities and that’s also just annoying oh that’s a cool creeper it’s got a leaf pelt but like I mean it seems like people get annoyed either way they’ll be like oh they’re making this character gay now and it’s so woke and annoying or they’ll be like oh they’re introducing this

Random gay character now that’s so woke and annoying so like how do we how do how do we how do we get our stuff in like what can we do that’s not gonna make people annoyed um I’m not arguing for those things but like I wish people supported original content more I guess

Um rather than just like remaking the same friend like four franchises over and over again not that I don’t like those franchises I just want more stuff uh because like all these franchises just don’t have those characters that hat that are that are good representations so the only way is to do

It is to add random characters or to make characters who are already established gay and both those can be kind of annoying and disingenuous because like I mean I used to think of that too like just add new characters but like people are going to complain about those new characters too it’s not

Really going to change much people are gonna complain about the gay like what if they took a character that never had any like romance or anything like that or sexuality or whatever and then they just said that the character’s straight like no one would care if they suddenly found out character straight

When not doing a sexuality before but if people found out the character is gay then they’ll people love you will be upset Texas I happen to have a lesbian couple in the I was assuming you meant manga I wrote and talked with my friend who was in the

LGBT community okayed it I focus on trying to be respectful cool I’m curious about that manga then because I very much so love uh lesbian representation being one myself rip I titled the mange that he wrote the mange I also feel like I don’t know if I

Described that all that well I feel like I’m having a bit of another like foggy brain sort of day but I hope I did Justice to those explanations thanks oh I I just um fired off three fireworks Rockets because I thought I had I selected my food oh that’s too bad

Fun fact you can fire firework Rockets from a crossbow yep that’s pretty cool the only reason why you can put them in your offhand yeah in Minecraft I thought you meant in real life yeah that too but in Minecraft uh it works it even works with the multi-shot

Enchantment so if you put one in you’ll get like three that’s cool I thought you’re gonna be like like oh yeah you can put like fire like fireworks in a crossbow and then what if you shot the firework at a person and like it went into them and then the

Firework exploded your body um that that has happened minus the crossbow once really scary and I don’t like it not on me obviously uh Zach says I’m always down to tell you about tell me about the lesbians I love hearing about lesbian lesbian makes me happy the lesbianics

Let’s be Onyx I talk about how like I am pansexual lesbian and I described that for myself at least meaning that I uh I am I prefer to be relationships with girls but like if it’s not relationships it’s just like sexuality and stuff like that then I I’ll be whatever anybody

Because I feel like I don’t have much of a specific sexual attraction to any specific type of person which is why I also say I’m gray sexual because like I just don’t feel I don’t know I don’t feel much of a sexual arousal just from looking at things

And for a while I thought I did but I think it was just like me enjoying the aesthetic Brennan’s here the new five room game character art was made by a YouTuber so they all look like YouTubers oh no oh God do they just like are they just like

Like just like staring out into the distance blankly with their arms outwards like no pose Pope and Wendy that’s cool I have a character named Wendy welcome home shiny bran tell me about these V2 characters how do they look like YouTubers I’m very curious are they new characters designed by a

YouTuber or is it just like they drew existing characters and like what made them look like YouTubers oh I miss you too shiny both okay I’m curious what was that Delta I think Scarlett’s done with work why did you moan sexually oh I’m not a sexual moment and that was not a moon

That was too bad that rabbit unalived itself that was quite unfortunate kill the rabbit I didn’t do it it did it to itself I might have removed the ground beneath it where it was jumping accidentally I don’t know I just know that it left to its death accidentally destroyed maliciously

I’m coming to the realm and is that the texture pack that won that one yes the the pole yes this is the texture pack that won the pole and I really like it it’s like it’s called Ultra fantasy and it’s very cool ask me more questions about the gays I

Like talking about the gays the gays TM trademark uh Zach says uh hope is blind mercenary with a leash in her system she is originally fighting the main cast until she meets Wendy hope also has a white tiger named saber who sees for her that’s pretty cool

All of your high school friends are gay I guess that’s true huh one way or another who are who are all your high school friends Brennan because I mean I know I know I I know what I am I know bottoms is like bye okay no I mean like which friends are you

Talking about okay one more layer downwards almost all besides bread that’s true that’s the only one safe from the gay horde oh I fell in a hole I fell in a hole Dolls are you still playing your game yeah oh look at this dark depth it became evil in here are you describing an anus no maybe oh so why do you ask you’re considering jumping into the world no I’m playing Minecraft first stream I’m not doing that I’m just curious what you’re up to

Main club oh geez Yeah is what you want dude is what you want is this is what you’re up to today I’ll kill you me no this this dude this skeleton that was [ __ ] me wait wait It was an angry skeleton I’m doing the thing you want me to do pie thank you I’m lighting up the underground just for you pie oh this is here if oh the overground is still pretty dark though pretty dark delicious put on by Hope’s Creator as a

Fail safety killer if she spoke out of turn Hope was termed as a failure to his eyes off that is frustrating poor hope I hope she has hope the zombies are leaping is this guy still in here oh yay he is I have a little it’s a good friend stop

Sounds like one of my armor diet it might have thrown up in my [ __ ] piss boots penis boots oh if I piss boots died it does ah whatever would you do without my puns be happier that need your grandma’s Chef underground my chat Uh my piss boots why piss boots a lie why piss boots why do they have so little Health usually they’re fine usually they are a-okay poor pepper did your electrodite know my light was fine it’s my piss boots they broke yeah why is always a piss boots first

Because gold is like super fragile it’s my pistols they’re supposed to last forever eternal you can be proud of it you can be proud of your weaknesses and understanding them you [ __ ] love here this isn’t tennis this is anal sex what about also I’m curious what you are on about

A classic blunder that was falling what the [ __ ] is this I’m going there is that a classic blender blender I don’t know if it’s classic blender what’s my blood sugar no why not no I just it says I need to put in a new sensor no freaking geez freaking geez New sensor time huh almost went to another hole quite High High I have all these munchkins here too but I don’t know if I can eat given to me okay you must be here for the munchkins to be given come here so I may lick you so I may take a taste

That’s my job does your hair taste like carrots yes it does nice my hair tastes like cotton candy I don’t know what it tastes like when it’s black though my brain is horrible I expected another word yeah huh what word what would my hair taste like Delta

Wait my brain Auto completes when I hear a sound so when I heard the sea yeah go on yeah go on Delta what did you mean what you’re gonna take off you thought I was gonna say my hair tastes like [ __ ] I didn’t actually think it was all complete okay

Okay man all right interesting um uh uh Zach says the relationship grows through the story and there’s Parts where they go out of their way to protect one another but I focus on making the relationship natural and respectful I didn’t want it to be I

Don’t know where I had it viewed as oh he just wants money yeah that would be unfortunate it’s also unfortunate because of all that stuff like how often it has to be like how that actually has to be a worry uh Your Existence in writing about uh

The existence of the LGBT people might just mean that you want money oh yay like you good doctor bro yeah okay I’m hungry though I might observe things with my taste buds yes sense them what was that that was a lot of sound Are you blowing your nose and our ears no sad I like it how about teeth what ah taint or paint Okay this time this time okay maybe maybe other times different things but this time Tamed my brain’s definitely having a foggy time right now I feel like Mike has wears if you have coin Mike no no the mysterious traitor Mike you know what you know what

Everyone likes Mike you’ve given me d d inspiration okay okay character again sex is tooth fairies certain media has made that same thing you can tell somebody that’s just wanted to make LGBT happy instead of being respectful yeah that’s I know that and it’s just like that’s annoying that that’s become a thing

That because of them doing that now writers have to worry about being perceived that way No no no no no here that’s the thing a group like clearly you pull work into your manga you put attention and plan and your soul because that’s what it is when it comes to writing things you you you essentially part with a piece of your soul on onto your writing

And now comes a masterpiece usually right so in in this in that case I believe that you should not have to worry about it because you are a good writer oh new boots oh I might have some at my home thank you though if you want to I’ll need to get a

New enchantments for them again too so maybe I will end up going fishing I like fishing and boy fishing I wasn’t talking about boobs I wish I was I love boobs same give me boobs give me more boob s all the movie I don’t want to keep falling I keep falling in Holes

Where the frick wasn’t she she just messaged me why and what maybe she went offline maybe she had some business to attend to does scarlet not like you again that’s not it messaged me like all caps mine get over here basically basically yeah um we like we like we go around like

That what what is it that she was saying mind to me oh that’s cute heck yeah Johanna recently started calling me kitten and I love it oh it’s enjoyable I I don’t know to the realm and bring us a lot of smiles it makes me believe in my

Dreams as they think you are interesting you think that me playing Minecraft makes people believe in their dreams I’m glad though um uh Zach says the main character is named Annabelle I’ve told you what the name means to me yes I remember that’s that’s that’s a good connection there mine mine mine

Scarlet’s actually a single and you know what I don’t care I’m happy that way bestiality bestiality Delta beastiality no what do you mean she was describe before not supposed to say yes to bestiality Alta literally nothing’s changed pepper she was a scrap before so she was she

Was squirrel but now she’s a seagull yeah and you and that turns you on more no I just you mentioned you mentioned it’s more prominently focused upon now we’ve never we’ve never we’ve never I know I’m just messing with you again we’ve never really claimed to such a

Topic I like how uh Zach also called them Nemo birds and stuff Eagles the Nemo Birds mine The movie is Australian takes place in Australia yeah you got it Tulsa you got it good boy boy don’t try goodbye Delta disconnect uh what do you say doctor the penis what do you mean disconnect him aren’t you lazy too this time that was awesome that was great that was

Perfect I made it exactly oh yeah what do you want from me no I made stairs Whoops pepper I accidentally made stairs are the reason I started your streams yay I’m really glad I can inspire have you done any gaming streams yet you should do some gaming streams if you can shiny that’d be super cool slap slap everyone slept you can find the word seagulls nearby

And that makes sense what’s the deal with people like um pulling up art and then being like Oh you liked Hitler’s art because the person says they like it what the regular artwork thing where he wanted to talk about Hitler wait the art he wanted to be an artist yeah and he

Sucks his perspective was bad I I learned that recently I’ve heard that um his perspective was bad in more ways than one yeah they were right I feel like I need to be obliterated yeah sexually yeah yeah I guess yeah perhaps so Delta what were you what were you talking about

I completely forgot you’re telling Hitler all right you did bring up Hitler already he brought up Hitler all right and y’all brought it back no but you brought it no it’s on the table we’re not bringing it back I pushed it I was slowly nudging it off the table and you

Were like no no no you didn’t nudge it off the table you you sat it down and then you you start backing up slowly okay my [ __ ] life is zombies we’re sitting at this table why is Hitler’s art here they’ll just put a gun on the table

You’re just gonna back away slowly now not much I shuffled like a quarter mile of snow today I am so sorry that’s fine I got a free iced tea bag I don’t want a shovel do it I’m not good at physical labor do it a trick I found is if for the long

Parts just kind of treat it treat it like you’re sweeping like just drag it across and then do the lifting afterwards makes it a lot easier okay exactly speaking of art your view on AI art oh boy here it comes uh personally I don’t see

It as an issue as long as you aren’t claiming it I don’t want it you’re legally not allowed to clean right and I had like a two-hour argument about it once and I just don’t feel like restarting that I I’m bringing it I will say in my opinion and then I will

Not argue it because I don’t feel like it you I think a i r in our current Society of capitalism is very bad and Um makes people unable to make our their livelihood and uh I think that is very much so not good especially when people are also using it to steal others art styles I think there’s a lot of bad to it but uh Brett European was different uh like art okay

I I touched upon it the other day on the Stream with how like to me art is a like I it’s it’s a form of language and communication and like I don’t know how I’d survive without my ability to create and also share my art like sharing art is

Extremely important uh using it to communicate with people um 10. and like like it’s a language and uh air in the way that it is right now um makes people a lot less likely to uh look to other look to artists to hire them for art uh and

Therefore a lot of artists are not able to have be able to do a lot of their work now because they’re getting a lot less commissions and such um and that can ruin lives when like art is your passion and you don’t know how you could survive other jobs uh

Especially like I’m saying in our capitalist Society especially I know Johanna and I also talked about that uh where she said like she thinks it’s really bad right now but in like communist Society it could be good um I don’t know I’m almost iffy on that but I’m I’m not sure

I think definitely a waste of potential for it to be like AR to be used for art when it could be used for so many other like menial labor things yeah and like I think if we Kitty what are you doing all right my cats um

Like it would make it so people more people could focus on making art while the AI does the like like because people are against like self-checkout which I don’t get at all something I’ve said is like I think it’s good to make Ai and that like tools

That you can make AI tools that help you create things but to make a IR that just creates a finished product is I think kind of harmful uh Zach says fair enough maybe I was uneducated on the issue apologies no need to apologize because like I said we

Are on this stream right now we have people who like it and people who are against it so it I’m not gonna like take it against you uh I might be a little bit more upset at people who like fully go out of their way to like like argue for it

Strongly online and like push for it like that’ll probably bother me but I don’t know it’s it’s maybe it’s just because I’m an artist but like if people are able to I like the idea of people being able to make art and get art and acquire art

Like because what the one of the positives of air is that people who don’t normally get to create art get to do so I’ll admit that like I’ve almost um been tempted to do AI art in regards that like I really want to get some like backgrounds for my um for my uh

Like d d and streams and stuff like that and I don’t really like drawing backgrounds as much I’ll admit I I’ve been drawn to that idea uh but I’m not going to um I think a lot of uh people who are like the good aspects of

It are where there are people who can’t create art if they can just like or they can’t draw themselves but they want to make I think it can be good in that um but also at the same time I’d rather wish where we could be a rather prefer

There be a society where we can have a like get art from people without having to cost money and not be done by a machine because once again that’s removing a lot of people’s ability to share their language it’s like it’s isolating uh like if people could just like ask

Like do the same sort of prompts but give those prompts to people and get that art for free that’d be cool if it was a society where money wasn’t an issue um because I know one of the conversations I have Johanna about it in a like socialist or communist Society

Where there might not be money and people won’t be tempted to do it because it’s cheap uh I still feel like they might be tempted to do it because it’s faster um Johanna I had some kind of disagree but I don’t know I think it’s not good because like I

Said it removes people’s ability to make Arthur livelihood I’ve talked before about how I am so scared honestly like legitimately of if I’ll be able to survive if I can’t make YouTube my job someday and my my art my job someday and if I can’t if AR picks up then

There’s gonna be a lot more people going to that than to me making it harder for me to make it my job making it much harder for me to survive in a way that I would want to survive because like I don’t know how I could helpfully mentally healthily

Survive in a world where I can’t do the things I care about and actually am able to do as my living I got your boots they have a fire protection on them oh thank you I need to get a I’ll need to put like the things I had before on them was uh

Like the thing where I could walk fast in water and I don’t I think water breathing was fun though unless that’s on my helmet yeah Strider and um uh Zach trade sweets to reveal Pepper’s face and Ozark thank you for the sweets and yummy yummy I will do a face reveal

Every time for 10 times cutie time what do you mean by that I mean exactly what I said strike says you talking about AI makes me think of Skynet it’s not like Terminator yes I don’t think AI art is gonna start killing people when is Air going to travel back in time yeah was Da Vinci real It’s actually an AI um okay here let me let me show my face you mean the finch box Bro Bernardo the body You redeemed a conflict so I’ll do that as well interesting moment oh I’m still tiny there you go I don’t know so cute thank you so adorable I don’t know I don’t know what I did I don’t believe you um I’m the one who’s supposed to deny compliments also slept step okay um

Strikes’s AI is self-conscious and controls itself you mean in Terminator like uh so uh Zach asked for a compliment uh Zach you are really cool I really enjoy all your questions and the conversations we have um I’m happy to talk with you more I’m sorry I haven’t been able to be in more

Calls lately because I’ve been busy um but I think you are a really sweet person and I like your curiosity and your drive to understand I think that’s very cool you seem to have a legitimate like interest in um learning about these things and I think that’s uh inspiring in of itself um

Like I said before I think there should be more people like you as well people who are understanding and caring and I think you’re very strong and brave and understanding sort of person uh you seem to be very empathetic and I I appreciate you thank you for being here thank you so much

Thank you AI is artificial intelligence so it thinks for itself if it’s not conscious though we do not have any self-conscious private conscious AI right now it’s just a bunch of multiplication energy that’s all it is he gave up before us I wouldn’t consider myself strong uh you’re here right now

So you are strong I have had some situations where you could say maybe I gave up but I can’t say that makes me a weak person I don’t think it is weak Yeah sorry I just need your tissue so you’ve gone through a lot and you’re still here and even just going through that in general I think makes you a strong person I was just thinking what if johanna’s gonna join but she’s doing like an art not art she’s thinking about art too

Much I’m gonna do doing a closed trade today like close swap which is cool you don’t have to apologize you are A-Okay as Zach you are a okay you’re all good stretches I know that AI is a string of code but if given the right conditions

It can learn in my opinion I mean like it AI is meant to learn this mean it’s learning consciousness I think it’s possible maybe someday for it to be a thing but it’s not a thing right now none of the AI we have right now is self-conscious and has the ability to

Learn that much to be so many blocks so many blocks what do you expect so many blocks I even I know uh there’s like an estimation on like how big a Minecraft world actually is and it’s like several times larger than Earth but it makes me wonder um

Like how uh almost oh it’s shiny it makes me wonder uh how many blocks are in that world foreign you can imagine that was me head patting you snacks feels all the head s how many you could probably find like a median or like a yeah probably medium from many blocks

Are in a chunk and there’s a uh finite amount of chunks in the world uh thank you shiny how’s this oh uh sex is can I tell a short story on how I was kind of offended yesterday yes go ahead um Shrek says we already have developed cloning technology

Yeah I think so I don’t know cloned a sheep right yeah something like that uh vampire queen says Hey Majesty may I gotta eat but I will be right back I’m a fast eater okay see you in a verb Sienna we’ll be right back seeing a bird BRB s Where do you want me to put your new Boost pepper you can give them to me look it’s closed I shall put them on delicately I like how the Santa grows a lump look oh oh 14 trillion chunks uh oh geez okay get that math out Brett get the calculator Let’s see how this works all right that’s total blocks but I’m assuming you’re not counting like air blocks no I don’t know if anyone has averaged that out do we not have like bad information how many blocks in a regular chunk yeah I guess I guess that makes sense because

It’s not always the same huh for a dog including air blocks yeah because um there’s mountains there’s like big holes okay yeah I know give me give me including that then I guess yeah I’m trying to find out if anyone’s like done that that um there’s there’s a mod for Minecraft 1.2.5

What does it do that makes it so that it removes the world’s limit where you know the limit to the world size the reason that they used 1.2.5 is because the mod was so complex that um it um they had to use the the version which didn’t make it so that each um

That single player mode was um both was like having a multiplayer server and connecting to itself because that was the last version I did it but like eventually it gets so ridiculous that it’s silly but but I mean it’s really cool because you can go to like nine built

No nine quintillion blocks or something like that sex is I was with someone and this person was picking up their daughter they said just saying no there’s a little boy who tends to dress in pink dresses just want to say before you say anything I look at this person always said what

Would I say what’s the that’s what you mean if a child wants to wear a dress so what I’m offended on how you would say that but I say quiet and said okay oh hey thank you shiny thank you I like your red hair as well and your

Outfit you look cool thank you no piss boots oh they’re censored forever next one thank you um yeah uh it’s yeah that can be frustrating sometimes if I’m with a person that is like I don’t know that’s frustrating I am sorry Completely oh Brett left us also when did Delta leave I don’t know they like to abandon us hanapai yep we’re not cool enough either that or we’re too cool for them I think yeah probably are too cool it was just like what the hell kind of

Thing do I give off the feeling of someone who judge kids or how people dress yeah some people just see it as like automatically weird there’s my timer all right so my face is going away thank you for having my face everybody whoa okay Okay and now I am this again now I am into my now I’m back into my spideri farm but is that your final form yes yeah 3.01 why are there so many pillagers around here wow it’s annoying I don’t know why are there swing pillagers around here all the time

I’m gonna go to sleep I’m in bed slept slap slap spot oh illustrike uh trade sweets to make pepper speaking third person thank you for the sweets and yummy yummy pepper will speak in third person again for 10 minutes uh maybe I’ll start getting better at this soon huh

What was that pepper field while talking about failing maybe pepper will be considered this at some point I think that’s pretty silly of her yeah I’m silly Pepper’s silly Get away from pepper Pepper’s trying her best pepper I pepper put you on the mountain never put you on a mountain pie are both silly that’s true pepper and Pie are both silly pepper silly silly silly who knows for a fact that she is not Philly Pepper is also baby

I’m a baby Pepper’s baby cutie who wants to be taken care of and kissed on the forehead here that’s Luke is it almost is ludy’s hand holding maybe you’re a lewd pie shiny wants to fight you I doesn’t like fighting Zach says well this person views LGBT stuff as too mature or adult for kids this person doesn’t allow their child to watch shows like Steven Universe so yeah they found the dress odd I’m just like okay and yeah that’s ridiculous I don’t get that

Like okay why like why is it is pepper okay there was a creeper oh man creeper Hall fixed okay Pepper’s okay um yeah that’s very frustrating because like I don’t know just freaking let people live like it’s it’s not the default to be straight people always act like the default is

Straight and otherwise it’s weird it’s not people are gay that’s not weird to be to have in front of kids it’s not weird for kids to know gay people exist like that’s just that’s just making them feel like they’re going to be an outsider if they end up being gay themselves yeah

It’s it’s that’s it’s frustrating seeing Creeper song welcome back Angel vampire queen hello yeah that stuff is so annoying also like kids know that like people love people for example there’s the whole thing is like teachers being called Miss or Mrs so They already know and they know what that means so they understand the concept what’s wrong about them knowing about like LGBT people existing where’s the problem there hi what pepper has a question for you what is it when meyobi does you join in on the YouTube mode

Yes why don’t you join pepper in third person mode pepper hasn’t realized it but Pai has been talking in third person the whole time you didn’t just 30 seconds ago you messed up I pie doesn’t mess up as much as pepper though it’s now going to cry don’t cry pie I’ll kiss you

I’ll make out with you slowly all right we’ll make out with you I’m screaming pepper will make out with you other people in this house will definitely hear that uh Angel quinces is my animal mouthful a little bit but that’s okay you have your name be whatever you want it to be

Angel queen says I have the most disturbing dream a while back can I tell y’all absolutely go ahead and tell oh there is a there’s a creeping shiny over here a creeping noodle so much flat land here is that a bed on the hill there is a hill bed Pepper finds that interesting is anyone eating at the moment Pepper’s not Pepper’s not eating I isn’t eating hi what are you eating no no are you okay probably just smacked your face against the wall pepper also just saw another Bunny and its own life inside sex is adorable ah what’d I do

What would I do what a puppet too what did pepper do what did pepper do ah Sexes I was worried about my username to be honest I didn’t want to come around at some world leader of political uh sounding all official Zach no you’re fine that

Doesn’t come off that way I think and I hope it’s okay to say this Zach pepper thinks that you seem rather self-conscious about appearing insensitive or not actually how you are to other people and pepper can relate to that pepper understands pepper used to it like

Specify a lot of this stuff and still does doesn’t want to come off in certain ways to people but you are completely fine you are A-Okay you don’t have to keep apologizing for stuff you can just exist and it’s okay I just found out that that you can emote while you’re flying

That’s interesting Pepper’s pickaxe is going to be need to be fixed soon it looks very silly when flying with an elytra pepper beta does as much as pepper bedding her life if pepper is wrong pepper has to get married to pie hmm friend Zone’s pepper anyways

Zach says I’m a kid of the 90s Pepper’s almost a kid of the 90s pepper was born in 99. pepper is 23. pepper keeps falling in Holes does pepper know it’s funnier than 23. it’s 24. how old pie is wow your elderly therefore funnier than Pepper your elderly you’re aged

Like a fine wine pepper will drink you yeah Tyra’s up I don’t have to speak like that anymore thank you for the redeem you turn 30 on the fifth my girlfriend turned 30. just recently I talk about Johanna a lot don’t I yeah it’s good I love her oh sparkles Angel Queen is 24 is that what you’re saying when you say 24 are you saying or are you just saying that’s what’s funnier than 23. pepper is out of space again you know it’s funnier than 24. these nuts thank you thank you I’ll be here all week

You can save your applause for later pepper is an angry face of YouTuber I am I am angry I’m angry slap Zach says but yeah I just try to be careful with my words in respect I understand that time to place these blocks that’s some creep booze out there

I see these Bros hanging around look at all this flat land we’ve created oh dead that zombie became a carcass buying an F5 mode is scary yeah I bet I don’t even know how to do emotes on it PC B the letter b can you press B by default interesting

I don’t have any emotes you have to get to the emotes which costs some of them cost like five dollars and it’s like why what’s that one I like that one a clip what is that clap I I’ll equip that one no I can wait what you have to equip it to certain

Slots or something like that I don’t know it’s really weird oh I see a clip remote three What is that walking next to me oh it’s you I thought it was I was worried as a creeper because there’s some near me ah I’m looking at the emotes is this one I have all right am I actually doing those right now for you

No okay break dance do I have that one I guess you want one hello was it point over there I clip over there way okay okay oh hell yeah oh hell yeah oh dab oh oh my gosh oh my gosh what dab hello I’m smacking my skull with the block of sand hey look hey shiny

Shiny shiny come here shiny tiny oh shiny left okay bye bye bye come here shiny is about to kill us the idea is about to end us it looks like shiny shiny shiny shiny shiny shiny come here shiny shiny shiny tiny tiny don’t move shiny don’t move shiny shiny shiny eat this

I can make you eat it if I come here eat this eat this eat eat this there we go that was dumb and funny eat this eat this um Uh what is chat saying Sean has been scary with that equipment there uh do you want to be referred to as Captain Underpants if you ask this it won’t be just for this stream it will be forever I hope you understand this Angel queen says of course Captain Underpants

A leaf tasted like soap that’s interesting if uh if Zach’s going to be referred to as Captain Underpants now I have to be referred to as a baby girl forever okay baby girl I like that one that one makes me happy Are you mommy or baby girl make up your damn mind pepper I mean baby girl both what do you mean Hmm this is what it’s like to be a sewage this is what it’s like the suffering it’s great where’s that in the contract there’s no Contracting it’s just what it’s you’ve

Chosen death basically You see your majesty yes we’ll go ahead Queen Angel Queen what’s up interesting also that you’re a queen and yes refer to me that way foreign what I do did I do a mommy thing hi did I do a mommy thing baby did I am I naturally Mommy that’d be pretty hardcore I miss human yeah where has she been his princess pie is still eating huh yeah it was a very cute mommy reaction I thought you’re reacting to something else what did I say do you remember no I remember that it was mommy hence why hence why I made the comment interesting

Well I guess you’re a princess I also like to be called Princess those that was also pretty good well excuse me princess not like that like oh it’s okay princess I’ll take care of you honey like something like that the ways words affect me so this means I’m naturally baby girl

And naturally Mommy and that’s awesome wait wait wait so much dirt so much it does Our war has quite a lot to did it in my heart and see suddenly terrible fake British accent is Prince is Princess pie eating I don’t know are you eating pie no princess pie were you eating earlier I haven’t eaten anything since like an hour interesting

I’ll eat something now so you can tell what it sounds like what I’m eating conspiracies conspiracies pie is eating conspiracy Heidi is enjoying her self-conspiracy enjoying her time and munching on food what are you doing bun bun getting in my way get away my blocks are getting away of my arrows soon um Pepper pie why are you two going to YouTube box what does that mean was YouTube what do you mean YouTube box pie are we supposed to beat each other up you want to talk about your dream go ahead go ahead I guess we’re boxing pie I’ll Crush you okay

Probably would I’ll step on you oh well I was looking at heels today at the store I really want to get some heels because I have some like wedges but I want some heels I wanted some hot dummy mommy heels even though I’m not not that dummy

Stretches I’m just I’m sorry why are you dizzy are you okay what is wrong lack of slept go slap close up right now or I’ll stop streaming go set I’m stopping right now see look um Oh you’re not sleeping okay cut that’s a lot of monsters It’s only half past midnight too bad have you been having trouble sleeping I am sorry if that is the case no you’re just not going to sleep oh okay well then I am so sorry I guess oh foreign Just normally don’t sleep well you should huh in the face I’m covering up this River I’m doing so much damage what’s your opinion on veganism uh my girlfriend this is a vegetarian so huh whatever You’re just trying to find questions well thank you I appreciate Captain Underpants about veganism stuff you’re not sure about it I said I’m neutral oh neutral I don’t get like go ahead like on one hand I you know I couldn’t really do it because I I mean first of all I really

I already have trouble finding things that I I can normally eat because like I usually rely on like two or three core Foods yeah just you know put together and the rest is just I’ll eat it because someone else made it um but also like I I currently don’t really have that

Much control over my diet so I couldn’t do it anyways but yeah like as long as like the only thing that really bugs me about about specific vegans are the ones who try and push it on everyone else which like it’s it’s my choice like queen says Majesty may may I be honest

With you go ahead uh Captain Underpants says at some point I have to tell you my full opinion on Race gender sexuality and Etc I have an entire speech about my pingle go ahead go ahead we’ll talk about it right here I like talking about that stuff so go right ahead

I’ll be back in a few minutes I gotta go check out some things okay hi hi I love you too you know they say like um What’s the phrase they say like what the freak they say like uh Rose being Bros or something like that I’m just like loving each other well

We’re we’re gals being pals uh the camera says oh the people who attack you and yell animal murder that’s just PETA Peter sucks I know not even like vegans like PETA pizza’s awful I think a lot of the uh bad uh perception on vegans is because of them

I love companies and corporations don’t you everybody don’t you just messing on everything up for everybody else Vegans do do that I haven’t really seen that but I don’t know what is PETA uh they’re a company that acts like they’re trying to promote veganism and all that when they have extremely high uh rates of putting animals down more than like anybody else uh and they do awful things including one

Time where they took uh someone’s dog and then put it down like they actually stole someone’s dog and then put it down like that day because they suck but they act like they’re for animal rights but they’re they just sent yeah I guess I don’t know many vegans

That do that I’ve never come across one myself I know some vegans I know my girlfriend’s she’s not a vegan but she’s a vegetarian or more so pescetarian but and those are all different like vegan is a vegan is like not eating any of all that stuff like any Animal product

At all vegetarian is just not um eating meat specifically I’m pretty sure and then pescetarian is like basically Fisher okay you know lots of pescatines yeah yeah I hope they can’t eat fish Captain Underpants tell me about your opinion on the things I’m curious tell me about gender and sex and race

Being yourselves your little babies I do not want a cactus or a scaffolding it’s green scaffolding okay I’m going to the skousen farm to uh work on my pickaxe my pickaxe Quick Picks up that’s so green oh that’s so green over here I’m just I’ve gone too used to this yellow sand

Deserts place oh a happy Bridge hmm um that’s a question I’ve heard a lot of uh if you saw my stream yesterday you heard me just going like I just don’t want to hear about that game anymore but I’ll talk about it for this uh nursing Harry

Potter but what’s your view on people who just want to play the new game and don’t care for the writer a hater I hate her as a person playing the games does support her I prefer people who didn’t play it but if you’re gonna play it whatever I’m not gonna stop you like

Like I think the general consensus with people who are uh in the trans community and stuff like that are just like stop like asking us for permission to play it just play it we won’t be happy that you’ll play that you’re playing it but you can play it we’re not gonna stop you

It’s gonna support her and we don’t really appreciate that but we can’t really stop you so we just we I know a lot of people don’t like like me kind of like don’t like hearing like people go like oh but it’s okay to play it’s not actually directly supporting her and stuff like

It’s like it is stop trying to make excuses for it just play it we know you’re going to anyways whatever kinda you’re not playing because you don’t care for the series never did yeah I mean I used to like it kinda it wasn’t like my favorite thing but I used to be

Like yeah Harry Potter is kind of cool but now it’s kind of been ruined for me honestly and unfortunately okay this tree is freaking bothering me this tree’s bothering me for a long time this fake tree here I need a I need a um there you go

And I’m fixing the world I’m sorry Milby I hope this is okay I couldn’t do this anymore connect this so I don’t have this weird Rando tree here I’ll place these uh to make up for it place the bits I got placing the bits this is so pretty I love when they

Actually make the like tree colors different that’s that’s pretty that tree is looking really funky right now what’s with this three but what is that a hive beehive it’s things like all the trees Amalgamated in a one okay I got some food high pie CE I might do an intermission soon because I have to use the West one okay I have to make a bathroom happen I was answering more questions while you’re gone about veganism ah cool I like meat myself so I shall not it’s unlikely I will be vegan or vegetarian or anything yeah that’s the same thing with me I do understand the points behind it though I really like the concrete in this texture pack like how they actually add

Like a texture to it like this it’s kind of cool if I feel not repeating all the time it has like different sizes and chunks I really like that yeah and it’s pretty cool it is pie do you want to make up was that you being flustered flustered or uncomfortable okay okay Let me see let’s see where is I am Into the hole I go but you got Pie flustered never hi Jade welcome oh Jade hello Jade Jade I love you also what I’m being attacked there’s a shiny run for your life Oh okay okay I’m going in here I’m going to the little underground system here to pace around and hang out oh I’m gonna go to the bathroom now I think um PS2 Hazard was funny that is true okay I’m gonna go to the bathroom uh I’ll put it on intermission screen

I’ll be back momentarily chat uh see you in a little bit that is probably unless you want to commentate for a few minutes alone by yourself [ __ ] no okay be back in a few minutes Erin go bathroom get a snack chill out for a little bit we’ll be right back Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign I’m back I’m back hey hi back hi back hello back hi thank you for being patient everybody did you didn’t even get snacks or anything other color skeletons have hoods on wow there was like none in there that whole time wow okay because you’re up here shiny did you do this

Oh my gosh Oh my goodness gracious are you what’s Chad saying Oh snack that you should be in bed strike don’t worry about spamming Zach as long as you’re not like like actually swimming that’s fine if you’re typing long messages go ahead were you going to express words uh no I will not express words I will refuse to elaborate well dang it okay

I was joking shiny foreign That’s kind of cool looking this texture is like a little Hood I look adorable that is very cute thank you now it’s like a big beard it’s just a big old beard it’s funny huh it’s okay pepper I’m being a dork yes we are all dorks here we are all big whale penises

Dings skellies yeah go ahead go ahead Zach send your thing Captain Underpants you want about 6 30 a.m oh my gosh that’s that’s different and I hope you’re sleeping okay I hope you are getting a good night’s rest still munchkin Munchy munchie 5 30 a.m with school the other day I’m reading Zach’s message now Foreign yeah I mean it sounds like you’re saying that like people should be equal and yeah I agree with that I think that’s like a lot of the points of uh like what I’m kind of trying to uh advocate for is equality and how there’s a large a bit of

Inequality going on in America especially but also other places um and then also Zach says uh known as above anyone nowhere under unless we are dating and you are kissing me sleeping in my bed and doing everything like that then you’re way up here and everyone is down there I kid I kid

Or bunk beds if you’re on a bunk bed the person sleeping underneath you is in fact under you or if you are uh doming someone and are doing it so from above them like slamming them down in the bed that’s also being above them and it’s hot

Shiny already can take a sip for 50. thank you for this sweet shiny it’s so shiny slow I’ll take a sip come alive Captain Underpants says I mean I am dominant so hot good job I am switch I’ve said so before I usually prefer Subs though like I feel like socially I’ll be

Maybe bratty and like a leaning I’m gonna kind of switch sort of way but then when I’m actually with somebody like a heart partner then I will go very subby mode like like Johanna can destroy me but then if I’m like hanging out with you pie or like Delta or something like

That I will I will I will either Brett or Dom my way all over you guys or if I’m like posting like selfies to Twitter that are like semi-lude or something like that or saying those to people I like to accompany that that was like lewd dominance a little bit

Spices also pepper I didn’t mean to Spook you I saw you and I thought why not do something a dork would do you didn’t actually scare me it was funny it was like jokingly menacing I guess but yes real equality not a Podium equality yeah yeah that’s why I hate capitalism

It always goes back to capitalism they’re really though I freaking hate that she is You have a serious side training oh my gosh I had no idea that’s me being a little sarcastic I in fact uh very much so knew you are silly cake cake I’m just gonna run around in circles running around in circles I am circling running

I love you pepper you say pepper I love you too shiny I like being silly I love everybody here I love all you peeps I’ll give you a big old hug nah brace your inner pie yes becomes silly what time did you start the stream uh

Almost four hours ago I started it at 4 P.M just a little bit past 4pm because I was late Now we love you here we love you here whether you’re hard or not to love you know what I mean Look at your heart or not oh to love nine hours she wrote scale probably not gonna do that again I mean I would like to do more of those honestly but probably not gonna do that tonight you may be also asking why I’m running in circles here it’s because I’m waiting

For the skeleton Farm to generate more skeletons clip it oh no you know clip the hardness hard hard that’s not true I am so soft right now actually I feel like I don’t want to talk about this okay it’s getting a little weird where is the so where the lava

Uh thing go in the skeleton Farm I think we were trying to make a um Disposal system which I was um I was scheming one in creative mode but I got distracted okay okay I’ll put all this stuff back foreign I have been hopping into uh the slums a

Little bit more often though lately by some they just mean the regular VCS ocean bow I made that wood heart what heart dang it you guys messed me up I just made it wet now I have freaking horny on the brain or something she was when we start at 10 pm for you

That is late it’s because you’re in Europe I can’t wait to make this my job someday pie someday I’ll be able to do this for a living and I will be so happy everything will be set in life and I’ll cry I will cry pie cry I’ve been thinking about it more and more lately about Lakers making this my

Job I think I mean it’d be it would be so great just also about the stuff about how much trouble I have working like regular jobs and stuff like that this would like it would like solve so much someday as I hopefully get uh just more some more subscribers and stuff like

That and uh flee more donations and things where I can Work it maybe at some point I can survive uh Captain Underpants says I’ll do what I can to help you though it’s not a lot you’re fine I don’t want you guys to feel like pressured like you need to I talk about it because like I mean it’s something going on in my

Life and also like I kind of do want to remind people but I’m sorry I do feel bad saying that but like I do kind of honor my people if they want to or are willing to or are interested in then it’s really appreciated but also please don’t feel

Like it’s like it’s expected of you because it’s not you can just live you live your own life and you don’t have to you don’t have to do anything for me I really appreciate it but I don’t want you to feel like you need to Enchanted I’m shovel didn’t even drop it

Hey pie have you ever noticed how much like how much better it is just to be a girl I know right I love it I really am just like so much more myself it’s pretty sweet pretty sweet and enjoyable okay checking on skellies again Minecraft is weird right pie yeah

Yeah it’s a very fitting game for us serious fools oh we are so serious yeah I mean like really oh my gosh really we’re like so serious why are you so serious like why so serious just share that feeling I’m not a ghost yes Zach I say that in regards to me and

Price specifically I hope that I hope that was understood like I enjoy being a girl a lot more than I enjoyed being not a girl it has made me a lot happier like so much more happy uh that’s what I mean it is it is it has helped me feel so

Much better about myself and that’s great thank you I just want to be a cutie I just want to be a cutie you don’t have many interactions with girls you have one right now how does that make you feel you’re having a girl interaction right now this very seconds face second strike

How does that make you feel although I am like a weirdo girl so yeah you know I don’t care we don’t say I don’t count hi um wow pie evil cruel and evil intentions I mean during the day but yeah though I mean still you’re interacting with a girl right now has something to feel how does that make you feel um uh Anna Ross saying I’m single so my luck with the girls is man lol I am Sally I am sorry to hear that

I mean like you can still just have girls as friends you know oh God what that just reminds me of um not not in like a negative way like not not that there’s anything wrong with you said it’s just like when I hear you know oh girls as friends

My brain goes to my dad calling calling um one of my friends my girlfriends and I’m like uh yeah my dad used to do that a lot too if you’re if you’re watching hi Dad where he would just be like whenever there was any friend I had that was a girl he

Would be like oh is that your girlfriend and it’s like nah it’s a person girls don’t exist specifically to be girlfriends they they can be people too actually I visited my dad earlier today how did it go it was fine we went for breakfast and uh then to a store to get

Some clothes and it was cool uh Captain Underpants says oh that brings a question I have many girls who are friends nice and now you got another one you got another one in my chop chop the cherries well I mean I can’t I’m not I can’t say

That you guys are friends without asking you if you’re right I I can’t say it for you pie I thought we were friends no you wouldn’t you wouldn’t freaking Captain Underpants you and I are absolutely friends I can’t declare that you guys are friends with each other that’s up to you pretty

Predetermined friendship stuff because I had a GC with over 100 people worshiping me and I don’t know why what a GC what’s that garbage collector a [ __ ] a Glock a a girl dick a gridlock Uh guacamole follow the stream death hello hi Jeff oh group chat wow that’s pretty cool I like when people worship me worship me more please chat snacks worship me more praise me do it for worship um says what’s your pin on a content creator dating a fan uh of course with

The legal age and everything is good some have issues with that I think there’s a bit of a like a par Dynamic that’s not great there I think maybe if you know the fan and you become friends and become like friends over like I think you should know them for a

While before anything like that happens otherwise it’s just a power Dynamic thing I think you need to actually like get to know them as a person because otherwise like yeah there’s like I said Power Dynamic and it’s kind of iffy so like I know me personally I I’m never

Going to date a fan because just you know it’s not it’s it’s not on my list of things to do and I don’t feel comfortable doing it um I’ve said it before I remember those one time where uh I said it and I actually like really upset

A fan and like she got really really sad I was like I’m sorry I’m sorry but yeah I don’t plan on doing anything like that I’m sorry on there who’s was hoping to like Cover Me With Your Love but I mean you can still cover with your love but like

We’re not being dating format guesses you should know the fan before you get Fame uh I mean I think you can meet them through that but like at the same time like I don’t know I I don’t know too much about the topic but I think it’d be good

To like really know the person like for example Delta started off as a fan and he’s a friend of mine now of course uh like that’s different but like I think he I definitely don’t have a stream or two fan relationship anymore we just have like friends hanging out relationship Hey Brett hi are you with the police I need to arrest my girlfriend she got a small fry what uh yes I am sorry okay the rest too is is she a minority uh yeah are you are you are you a minority no okay okay I think we can sell

Something to hear that yeah small fry huh yeah excuse me ma’am do you know uh do you know how many fries you ordered not enough not enough you’re under you’re under the fry limit you’re like way at our element right now oh no we’re gonna on your cell phone is it

God put it put it down that’s what I’m saying officer [Laughter] foreign yeah did I play the role correctly did I do good I find it’s the the continuing can we do that wait can we do it again yeah okay sure okay okay oh it’s just a

Phone okay uh that’s fine uh uh sorry I thought it was something else and I was gonna I I was gonna pull my gun out and just start blaming uh uh so yeah you understand you’re underneath the fry limit yeah I’m a statistic now Yeah I thought you knew that I think so oh yeah but I’m gonna become one like you and pepper oh we’re both dead oh you said statistic yes [Laughter] what do you mean I’m gonna kill her too like so you’re autistic then and you’re under the fry limit and you’re at mine already

Is that correct ma’am yes what’s with the Sass you never talk to me like that what was that supposed to mean you have to get out of the car right now we’re actually getting out of the car yes she’s gone oh okay you did this hey I didn’t say that hey

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam my favorite kind of Simon Says with a gun don’t hurt my Laura you’re Laura um we don’t get the free chicken sandwich it’s a crispy chicken one okay these small fries no they don’t do something are you guys are you guys at like a fast food place

Right now can I have something no I’m the minority I don’t get to say oh shoot me too all right I’m the police person again I I do gotta say you gotta buy me a large fry and uh what any sandwiches a crispy chicken sandwich

With a small fry I have an iced tea okay fine meteor fries I could I’m not getting a large fry that much salt makes me feel sick why are you pressuring her into getting more food Brett I think it’s funny I don’t want to be put on cholesterol medication bro I want

To be wacky I’m trying to lose weight because I specifically my doctor told me to so that she doesn’t have put me on closer on medication all right wacky goofy wacky goofy no I don’t want side effects that stuff [ __ ] with your kidneys wacky Rocky goofy Glizzy I can’t stress this

Part enough Goofy can I have food I kicked that as a no thing um I I said I don’t know why they go to um they’re going to McDonald’s because Wendy’s better it is I go to both but weddings is better but I do agree Wendy’s is does typically taste better

I was racially profiled and never noticed I was at a star looking at games one uh what happened to be open and I was wearing a jacket the owner who was watching me look at the games asked me to leave that’s I am sorry that’s so stupid

I’m so sorry that’s I hate that how many people have to be dicks because people are freaking idiots I don’t know that’s frustrating you know how good Wendy’s is pretty good I like Wendy’s I’m sorry I’ve been in the hole for so long chat I think I’m gonna get I’m gonna make a

Pit I’m gonna make a pit you’re gonna take a pit whoa make a pit yeah yeah hello hello did you get me anything right meanie uh because I I wanted to be misogynistic and ableist and transphobic and trans women and homophobic and homophobic mostly mostly that one What else is there was there anything else you could be phobic book is it are you fascist if you don’t like communism yeah yeah let’s go with it yeah true why didn’t you give me anything also racist uh you’re finding out a lot of things this

Year oh what else do I find out I’m more than just French oh my gosh I know you’re Italian yeah what you’re Italian I know it’s shocking is there lava in here pie in the skeleton Farm oh I just threw it in the back closet

You know now I’m gonna have to go get fast food myself later yeah probably you nerd I feel really bad but I’m a minority so I’m literally in the pasture seeing what happened to say yeah okay Laura it’s okay no it isn’t it you’re the one in the decision Brett yeah

Yeah why I could have paid for it no no your bunny’s no good in here what yeah you suck yeah you suck I’m like actually somewhat disappointed your reasoning is flawed but you’re so far away you’re like a 10 second drive from my house I know that’s the problem

You live like next door to me almost there’s no Lava down here give me lava someone got rid of it that’s my where the lava used to be there’s a door just open it and throw all the [ __ ] in there spot why did someone get rid of the lava hi can answer that

Hi why’d you do it I found a lot of them what do you mean what do you mean no 1984 1984 not green It’s a brown hoodie oh it looks I don’t know your own you don’t watch Nick is not great ly it’s okay I’m going to Nuke the entire state of Massachusetts are you are you streaming yeah I’m not gonna do that you know what I take it back yeah I was just joking #joking

When you said it I was like oh yep okay all right yeah Welcome to goofy silly Burger how goofy silly are you you didn’t answer the question no you didn’t get me food My cup no I have I am autistic against come apparently [Laughter] it’s true I don’t like its texture aimlessly coming down your throat yeah yeah I mean I think that’s more than just ableism no no it is only able thank you oh you not that our word the other r

Word that YouTube doesn’t like I don’t think it would like either of those are words yeah it’s just a Troublesome situation all around okay time to see if I can get out of here get out of this hole I walk slowly in water again oh no that’s some weird water oh

Where do I go uh I don’t remember this weird waterfall business uh I always get trapped in caves so easily uh don’t laugh at me was this is something this is something here I see you Jade right left again why would Brett leave us why would you leave us

I grab food why would you leave us why would you abandon us like that sure about you would have bigger hey me too please yeah me on the phone shove it in the phone shove it in here I’m trapped Jade I found you don’t speak sexist he’s

Keeping me in a cage Jade rescued me oh nope Jade’s lost too never mind your Walnut my Walnut she lost it was on my lap the whole time I really thank you thank you Jade thank you Jade thank you all so much there we go solid

We have a new we have a new lava hole what the way you said there we go kind of through the phone it sounded like Smash Mouth a little bit there we go okay we have a new Hall um what I said doctors after bottom surgeries

Oh I don’t get it what was it what do you mean awesome what do you mean with the things you say oh I said you have a new lava hole though yeah so it doesn’t make as much sense Brett they come lava I’m thinking you might be a little bit dumb boobie

What if I come out my kidney stones can I say I’m coming lava [Laughter] I will I have decided yes Siri yes has anyone ever combed out a kidney stone is that possible like you pissed but it gets locked so you gotta finish it off with it

Imagine your [ __ ] being covered by a kidney like it stopped by like a plug foreign but this is this would be different I have a feeling it would not feel the same I have made a new lava room the waiting room has expanded it’s better now Brett Brett it’s better now

Well are you moaning sexually by no money hey sexually oh nice oh I get it hmm prove you’re asexual do nothing don’t be sexual right now okay don’t do it unless you wanna I wonder if this will burn it will it catch on fire there’s something wrong with the bottom of that

There’s some problem there they didn’t make a bottom we made a switch nah oh there it goes I just worry about it burning and I don’t like the look of it I don’t like the look of it it looks unstable unstable I did it what do I get out of it

Uh I’m talking about oh God it’s the opposite of what I wanted no get the knife New bottom surgery was that the TA the THX sound effect you just played me jade the boys uh thank you Jade I want to kill all children they’re all spies oh they’re all Spy they’re spying on me I I see YouTube this is not a joke I mean this YouTube YouTube I’m going to do this come from Brett be a good little all right you’re creating issues [Laughter] Yeah my walls but a child’s good uh couch Underpants says the reboot of Spy Kids is the worst movie ever dang I didn’t know they did a reboot when That’s or was it a continuation I have no answers to this question I like that Frodo was in it yeah it’s funny I like how he dies instantaneously that was that was after Lord of the Rings hey probably yeah that makes it better finally he got what he deserved after he

Survived the the volcano also there was like five celestials yeah that was a weird choice yeah that was particularly strange he wanted to show his rage he did something he showed something hello Sharkboy and Lava Girl it’s a movie that you watch because you watched it as a kid and have some form

Of nostalgia for it yeah that’s the only reason yeah that’s the only reason we’re talking about Spy Kids though I don’t even watch Spy Kids for Nostalgia I just don’t watch Spy Kids what did you say eat my meat be here I mean oh There was like a like an edgy version of that song that was kind of like a hard rock or like a light metal or something that I found on YouTube uh and it was just that one line from the song over and over again for four minutes straight

Okay then it was a lot you and you watched it all well I mean it sounded good the first line sounded good but then it was just the only that line so so I I didn’t enjoy it uh why do the arrows have little bits around them

Uh Henry’s in the chair and says sorry I can’t come to the stream I’m working like no worries that’s okay you’re a woman let’s go let’s go what the one where you name all the women oh and that like 4 million two hundred thousand uh uh then 36. uh almost

I thought there was like eight I’m almost there oh yeah cause the vibrator on Twitter what there was a vibrator toy on Twitter like an ad for it and then the bot so that it had to name all eight women oh okay uh it looks like the other seats uh

Redeemed a comfy confident Helen Keller uh um I’m trying to I’m trying to give someone a compliment in the chat on my snacks can I can I do the compliment no I will do it instead who am I complimenting strike strike uh strike you your name sounds like

Spike if you get a spike in your body it hurts a lot and that’s pretty cool also that’s a dog’s name you are a dog you are a dog man person your compliments are and they’re British you uh they’re British Brett so yeah a dog you’re not a person

Anyways let me give you let me give you a compliment strike uh I appreciate you having around I don’t think you’ve been around for too long but you’ve shown up to a lot of the streams and I think that’s pretty cool you are very you have

A lot of comments that you add and I like reading them like hearing your input uh what’s going on happening around um I think that you have a nice stuff to add and I I appreciate being able to reply to you and have conversations with you thank you for being here you’re cool

Um I hope I hope you decide to stick around Captain Underpants name is dead Dairy Queen no it’s not foreign I told you if you want to be called Captain Underpants it’s going to be for forever this is what this is what you chose this is what has happened to you because of you I think so strike heck yeah

Contract is broken I’m still gonna do it I’m still gonna do it oh hello what foreign It’s just a cigarette is used to do I I don’t know what that was but I liked it oh what do you want me to do oh shouldn’t have been playing in the room no no that was not no more yeah no are you guys oh they ran over a child

Oh okay all right yeah we’re all good they’re all good I think I think you panic about here nope nope not at all Captain Underpants is buying ndaic yes we’re breaking a lot of laws today I’m doing that or what what are we doing what are you on about

I think we just lost a signal for like a second are you okay are you alive yeah we are oh boy okay no not in that car I see all right Car Wash is open right now okay that like through the underside oh for a second my autistic ass thought

You’re talking about like the window’s kind of salty a little bit well geez It is a nice little place I’m making I think why does Delta keep joining the server over and over again uh I keep kicking him because it’s funny he deserves it he does deserve it that’s true talk to you with a side of with a hint of garlic and onion no no tasty

Fort Worthy oh yeah suddenly boring Captain Underpants oh geez that was almost a car crash what are you guys doing um I’m sure I’m turning it’s very sleepy that’s what the child said I’m scared foreign for legal reasons I think Fred’s being a goofy a silly goose right now for attention for attention for legal reasons okay all right I see I understand yeah maybe you might have schizophrenia but shut down Polish when I take my pills you go away what what is this like nightmare headcanon fan fiction I’m hearing oh it’s you and the kids even Brian Stewie stops talking for some reason I can’t do it you’ll leave your children your pills peanut I’ll take your pills that’s

Better I was doing like a wait uh take your pills you won’t shake your pants anymore and you won’t be there for your children because the children will go away pick it up my throat’s like covered in his knees right now I can’t change I think I’m gonna go get some Cobble

Deep clay and then in the Stream where are you two right now don’t do it why don’t do it don’t get the beeps like just end it what in the street Oh I thought you were like I thought you wished for my death why do you want me to end it now

Are you talking to burn a therapist when your car declines oh goodness do it thanks Jane apparently Jade wants me to do it too because she just gave me a bunch of polished deep slate or cobbled deep slate That’s just sad take back and coping mechanisms uh yeah the um self-injurious Behavior definitely for that I don’t like how every time I missed a session or was 20 minutes late to a session my therapist made me pay like almost 200 dollars Yeah 20 minutes late I thought morally you should lose your license if you do this [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] up you’re like it’s funny because one of the things I was talking to her about was my lack of money that was all the struggles I was talking with her about

I can help with that oh thanks yeah have more more trouble with now it’s worse why do you want me to end the stream Brett I would be really funny why is that funny to you because find me okay all right are you are you still driving

What freaking McDonald’s did he go to The one by the high school that my sister goes to ah well I guess I guess I’m gonna end the stream now let’s go why are you so pumped for it Brett funny if you say that word this dude keeps saying funny like that and I haven’t it’s like an anti-stem in my

Brain now yeah Brett has a tendency to do that sort of thing huh in my purse it’s a Brett sort of thing which wife [ __ ] lie [ __ ] where did they go oh okay your car I put it in the middle like the flip it what do you usually put it

All right are you ending the Stream do you why okay is he gonna like walk in here is he gonna walk into my house like right now did he actually get me something no Laura wouldn’t have been that like Laura wouldn’t have been that like she

Wouldn’t have been able to go with it that that well no it’s for me I’m sorry I was having an argument I’ll give you your spicy hugs now okay give your spicy hugs and sorry I was arguing all right Um there you go you get your hugs you will get your Huggies your Huggies um Okay uh taehyung says oh no uh uh what else has happened you were doing Marge Simpson doing a lot of script yeah you know the Peter laugh I know a few people can do that I can’t really do Peter Griffin voice not quite possible for me

Um this room which used to be just a waiting room is a lot cooler now so that’s neat Ah that’s I don’t know how that happened huh Uh I don’t know if I’m gonna do that but I do want to see what it looks like because I feel like that’s probably like too crowded I feel like that’s too crowded we got my new pistols thank you I appreciate you giving me the piss thank you for the piss

Okay uh I think I am in my stream now though okay see what sort of like evil plot but it has in store for me um and then I’m probably gonna visit Johanna to be nice so everybody thank you so much for watching uh there you go that looks kind of neat

Thank you everybody so much for watching I hope you enjoyed um I’ll make another schedule on uh sometime over the weekend or on Monday or whatever about this upcoming week and what’s going to be happening um please if you can consider supporting me I am currently without a job due to

Unfortunate circumstances and uh any help is absolutely appreciated and and as our support is like appreciated so very much so if you’d like to please consider becoming a member um if you do you get special benefits like badges emotes uh shout outs and even the possibility of joining in on a stream Um currently uh my members are uh Milby as a grub a small grub and then pie and shiny as tasty treats and then Captain Underpants all official Zach as a full tummy oh my gosh thank you so much thank you thank you thank you um Other ways you can support is by being a uh maybe sing over a super chat if you’d like uh that’s also very much so appreciated uh just otherwise you can also just like check out my Discord or Twitter and like just keep up with my content and I would really appreciate it

Send with friends and friends or something I don’t know uh do that Bell thing YouTubers tell you to do like there’s like Bonk it uh and um yeah uh let me I I have my new opening memorized I have to get my new my new outro memorized thank you so much

For pleasing me with your presents my tasty snacks it was so nice to eat you meow me yummy you’re all beautiful wonderful people I love you so much bye okay stretch also I’m sorry if she was a little bit more boring I feel like it wasn’t as like crazy and hectic and

I don’t know but I think it was still chill and fun to hang out and I appreciate you guys being here so thank you uh e yes thank you thank you uh okay I wasn’t shiny yeah shiny you know what shiny you say do something funny shiny

Do something funny that the stream shiny do it quick end the stream right now shiny do something funny Wait what I said No the funniest thing isn’t supposed to be me saying something funny okay fine these nuts says Zach if I eat it right now will it be just like really awkward I mean it’s already pretty awkward so if I just let you keep going then I Cry foreign Boobs Foreign Boobs boobs Foreign

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IS WEIRD – w/Vtuber Pepper’, was uploaded by Pepper Senpai on 2023-01-21 04:26:02. It has garnered 114 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:45:35 or 17135 seconds.

On this episode of the crafts, I explore the weirdness of Minecraft and it’s playerbase, by being an example of it! I also throw on the Ultra Fantasy texture pack for added fun! Thanks for watching, and I hope ya like! 😀


[Rules for those in chat] – Be kind to one another – Don’t be excessively inappropriate – Don’t roleplay in chat – Have a dandy ol’ time!


REDEEMS !redeem sip – 50pts – Pepper takes a sip !redeem sugar – 50 pts – Pepper checks her sugar !redeem ara – 100pts – Pepper will say Ara Ara !redeem solo – 100pts – Host of your choosing has to talk for a minute straight !redeem hug – 150pts – Pepper gives you a spicy hug !redeem pokers – 150pts – Pepper adds/removes her pokers !redeem hair – 200pts – Pepper will change the length of her hair !redeem color – 250pts – Pepper will change colors !redeem png – 300pts – Pepper will put on her PNGs !redeem thighs – 350pts – Pepper will slap her squishy thighs for you !redeem nyummy – 400pts – Pepper will end her sentences with ‘nyummy’ !redeem strip – 400pts – Pepper will take her clothes away for 10 min !redeem thirdperson – 500pts – Pepper will speak in 3rd person for 5 min !redeem mommy – 600pts – Pepper will go Mommy-Mode for 10 minutes !redeem harrison – 700pts – Pepper will revert to Harrison form for 10 minutes !redeem compliment – 800pts – Pepper will give you a custom compliment !redeem facereveal – 1000pts – Pepper will reveal her IRL face for 10 minutes !redeem sing – 10000pts – Pepper will plan a karaoke stream


Join Memberships: Donate and Support: Discord Server: Twitter: Throne:

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    Insane 100 Day Minecraft Challenge with Zeyeo modpackVideo Information [Music] [Music] little intro before this I’mma wait for it to load because I’m about to lose frames in my camera give it a second ah timate all the mods do I sound like the Squidward dude anyways voted on the poll this was the most Ro uh y’all wanted me to do another 100 day Series in Minecraft and I did all the mod six I mean there’s not really much for me to say we’re just going to we’re going to survive 100 days in all the mods I’m going to have the day count this… Read More

  • SEVER UPGRADED! New Update in Isora Feilianna Ch. ▶️🔥

    SEVER UPGRADED! New Update in Isora Feilianna Ch. ▶️🔥Video Information [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] ello Hello mọi người ủ bà trở stream sớm trước 2 phút rồi kệ đi Chúc mọi người buổi tối vui vẻ giờ thì Face sẽ húp cháo nốt 2 phút còn lại Hello h cao [âm nhạc] Hello cháo th chưa hết bị nhiệt miệng Mọi người ơi phải vẫn còn HC [âm nhạc] chá [âm nhạc] vô [âm nhạc] cháo cũng ngon 5 nă a rồi miếng cháo dính lên mũi rồi Trời trời trời Ừ nh miếng cháo nó dính lên mũi Mọi người ơi Ok được [âm nhạc] rồi Hello… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Hynoe!

    EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Hynoe!Video Information hey y’all we back with the craft y’all know what it de man we back with the c the cry playing m c all right let’s get up into it we on the latest release 1.2.4 oh dang I gotta click Realms dang it I clicked the wrong thing what’s good quible co [Music] quaa I can know I’m actually yeah I could join into to your chat you could join in in about two hours I got to make sure I give the fans an unadulterated pure gy for the first hour though at least and then… Read More

  • OMZ and ROXY Face HORRIFYING BLOOD MOON in Minecraft!

    OMZ and ROXY Face HORRIFYING BLOOD MOON in Minecraft!Video Information a touch it what the what wa that was freaky guys I think he now knows that we’re here what is that guys I don’t know where we are and today there is a Blood Moon that is a bad sign very bad sign Heather this is not a good idea of a play dat look at the nature it’s so beautiful we should just walk down this path oh no bro ly are we going down this path um I’m going just go first this ain’t even scary bro are you sure about that Crystal hold my… Read More

  • GameNight Network – Java/Bedrock – Bluemap – Survival – WorldGuard – mcMMO – QuickShop – Economy – New Server – 1.18-1.20+

    Welcome to the GameNight Family! Originally established for a weekly Game Night, our friendly semi-vanilla Minecraft community features fantastic builds by players of all ages. We also play games like 7days Palworld, Helldivers, & Pixelmon-MC. Server Features: Completely free server – No voting, no crates, no paid perks Land Claiming – WorldGuard protection mcMMO – RPG plugin with skills and abilities HorseRPG – Level up and customize your horse Economy – Player-based economy with various features LiveMap – BlueMap for 3D rendering of the map Play on Java or bedrock – Crossplay and Cross-progression supported Why GameNight? GameNight offers a… Read More

  • TraizelCraft

    TraizelCraftDiscover TraizelCraft: a massive RPG Survival Server. We offer Crossplay and CrossVersion so you can play from almost any device or version, even Bedrock! We are a MASSIVE LONG TERM project that started on the Xbox 360! You will find a ton to do here! Join us today! Discord- Use code qWssnBP or go to discord.TraizelCraft.netWelcome to TraizelCraft Network! We are a massive long term project that started on the Xbox 360! Our current server is CrossPlay and CrossVersion meaning you can play on both Bedrock and Java, and can play any version from 1.9 up to the current version!These… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Get ready to mine… in your browser!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Get ready to mine... in your browser!"It only took 60 tries to finally get Minecraft in a browser! Read More

  • Misunderstood Principal: Minecraft’s Funny Twist!

    Misunderstood Principal: Minecraft's Funny Twist! In the world of Minecraft, a principal misunderstood, With students who sleep and teachers who scold for good. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, With rhymes and laughter for everyone. The classroom antics, the leafy ground, The students’ fitness and the lunchtime sound. Each moment captured in playful delight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything’s bright. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, In the world of Cube Xuan, where joy takes wing. With Minecraft facts and humor so fine, Let’s all join in and have a great time! Read More

  • Friday vibes: Minecraft, Sonic, and memes oh my!

    Friday vibes: Minecraft, Sonic, and memes oh my! I love how on Fridays I go from mining in Minecraft to running like Sonic in real life trying to avoid responsibilities! #TGIF #GottaGoFast #MinecraftMemes Read More


    GUMMIGOO Portal Prank - MINECRAFT The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to create and explore endless possibilities. One such creative endeavor involves bringing characters from The Amazing Digital Circus to life in the game. Gamigo, the leader of a group of bandits, is a central figure in this Minecraft adventure. Creating the Gamigo Portal To embark on this unique journey, players need to gather materials like obsidian, steel, slime blocks, and yellow terracotta glaze. By arranging these materials in a 4×5 structure, a portal to the world of Gamigo can be constructed. Lighting the… Read More

  • Unleash the Ultimate Challenge on Minewind Server!

    Unleash the Ultimate Challenge on Minewind Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and embark on epic adventures. Imagine summoning a Wither Storm in Minecraft – the ultimate challenge for any player. While the process may seem daunting, the rewards are well worth it. Join Minewind server today and test your skills in a dynamic and thrilling environment. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone…. Read More

  • Destroying My House in Minecraft | MrJoha

    Destroying My House in Minecraft | MrJoha Minecraft Adventures with MrJoha Exploring Qishloq’s Home MrJoha recently embarked on an exciting Minecraft adventure by exploring his home in Qishloq. As he navigated through the familiar landscapes, he encountered new challenges and surprises that kept him on the edge of his seat. Building and Crafting One of the key features of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft various structures and items. MrJoha showcased his creativity by constructing intricate buildings and crafting powerful tools to aid him in his journey. Join MrJoha’s Minecraft Community If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy watching engaging gameplay, be sure… Read More


    ANIGOMI: EPIC MODDED MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER MADNESS!Video Information now we’re gaming sorry what what did you ask me tot Resurrection tot oh I do not have a totem of Resurrection no someone else I think does Golden Apple no I could make probably make them okay let me pull my stream chat the good one the good one H the blocked ones you can only mm all right okay I go Hello friends oh verification stuff I think we need a I’m proving to oh my code on Gmail to prove it’s me is 69 how would you say that in English what this sa yeah… Read More

  • Roblox Sleepover Nightmares

    Roblox Sleepover NightmaresVideo Information [संगीत] नाले सांगे वाले तेरी जान कसम ले लंबा ले लंबा तेरी जान कले लंबा अे वाले This video, titled ‘DON’T SLEEPOVER in ROBLOX (Scary Story Game) 😱’, was uploaded by G.K GAMER 001 on 2024-04-14 05:06:19. It has garnered 4271 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. ROBLOX SLEEPOVER STORY CHALLENGE 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile:… Read More


    EPIC SURVIVAL - PART 2 MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information तो गाइस हमारा एपिसोड टू इ आ गया है प्लीज सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा एपिसोड ू इज कमिंग गाइस एपिसोड को स्टार्ट करते सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और बेल आइकन दबा दीजिएगा जिससे मारना है उससे मार दीजिएगा और सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा गा चलो शुरू करते चलो फ माइनिंग कर लेते हैं थोड़ा चलो माइनिंग माइनिंग अरे यार माइनिंग करना है पहले टच ले लेते हैं चलते हैं माइनिंग करते हुए नीचे डिग करते हैं डिग करते हुए हम जा रहे हैं डिग हो जा रहा है हमसे इसे बोलता है डिग चलो डिग हो जा हो जा हो जा… Read More

  • Ultimate Diamond Hack in Minecraft!! #gamechanger

    Ultimate Diamond Hack in Minecraft!! #gamechangerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cara membuat Diamond Realistis di minecraft #shorts #minecraft #buildhacks’, was uploaded by Falcon Channel on 2024-01-07 10:00:23. It has garnered 8243 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Thank you guys for making my dreams come true. I pray for those who watch that you will always be successful and healthy, amen😉 Don’t forget to like and subscribe for other videos Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more #shorts #minecraft #buildhacks #minecraftindonesia #minecraftbuilds #diamond #realistic Read More