Pepper Senpai’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

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Whoa whoa I’m standing in my room whoa whoa what is this nonsense boom there we go hello everyone hello snacks welcome to my web I’m your SPID girl cutie pepperon pie and it’s Minecraft day W nice each everybody hello hello uh it’s Minecraft it’s Minecraft trus with

Friends it’s Minecraft time yay I hope everyone’s having a good old day so far um let’s see if I can bring the chat up yes oh I’m getting some hearts in the chat oh oh someone likes me Johanna yeah I think someone’s in love with me someone’s sending me hearts

In the chat well do they do they love you or do they love you love you I don’t know that’s a good question that’s already good question right now isn’t it it’s the question we’re all asking I’m there’s some blushes in the chat now I don’t know I know this is getting I

Can’t tell who it’s from it’s just there they’re just there oh my goodness I hope everyone’s having a good day so far uh we’re playing Minecraft uh let me put on some nice minecrafty sort of Music your hands in the background lying in my bed um and I’m here with

Scarlet in a call Scarlet me with the so I don’t know how much talking there will be but we’ll see if other people join or not it it should be a good old time should be a good old time hi pie hi Zach welcome to the stream welcome to the

Stream welcome to the stream welcome squidwardo welcome squidwardo welcome squidwardo oh okay let me get some let me get some Minecraft songs on yeah yeah that should be good and then we go over to the game Who I Am big face I am the big face girl I am

Whoa whoa where am I I need to fix myself ah no not that no why do you do this to me why do you move the wrong thing there we go little to side there we go that’s good that’s good that’s goody okay so you may be asking yourself

Chat why is there cotton candy all over the map on uh pepper map why is there cotton candy everywhere like cotton candy cotton candy cotton candy cotton candy Molly and cotton candy why is that a thing it’s because there’s cotton candy I have made cotton candy trees to match my cotton candy

Hair look at that I’ve so we did the cherry blossom trees last stream where we built the Orchard and now I’ve decided like I wanted to pretty up my place so I added these here and I really can’t tell like like it’s sometimes to me it’s really pretty and then sometimes

To me it doesn’t match the rest of stuff I’m wondering if I should like play around with that and like do a little bit more redecorating around my home area and I think that might be what I do on stream today I think I might do some redecorating around my home area hi

Shiny welcome to the stream Zach says Miss You Queen been forever since we’ve talked heck yeah as thanks for being here so like I took the two trees that were here and I turned them into cherry blossom trees and then made them like this like like like a

Little like a like an arch and I think it’s really pretty and then I connected them to the arch over here that I already had but that one was also green and I made it pink so it’s going to be so pretty it’s going to be so pretty so

I think that’s what we’re going to do today is I just want to do some more I want to do the pinkening of of of my of my area um that’s Minecraft cherry wood and a nutshell either it’s out of place or it fits perfectly but that’s the thing is I

Think it’s both I feel like it is both both at the same time here like it works but also it looks a little funky I think that just means I think it’s just because like some places like this there’s no pink and this is just all

Pink so I think I just need to like even it out a little bit balance out the area and so I think that’s what I’m going to spend time doing today on stream my music stopped it’s supposed to be on repeat you silly music there we go

There we go I hope you can hear me and also the music in the game there’s not much sound in the game yet but also the game okay uh how is everybody in the chat today I know pie is tired how are you shiny how are you

Zach there should be like I mean like we have these things right like we can put pedals on the ground which I’m going to do more of that but like there I feel like there should be also like be like pink grass or something like that that would help match things up

Also maybe I should put more pink wood in places so ooh thank you this is for the uh Arena right yep cool okay uh did you want me to like put this on the arena is that why you gave it to me I need to store some of this stuff I

Need to throw some stuff away up to you okay um I guess I can also do that uh first I got to throw some stuff in my lava I need to throw some stuff in peppers senpai’s hot hole hi pie welcome back you forgot to self-promote wait what you oh you mean

In my Discord did I did I did I forget to put it in the Discord yep nice nice yep nice good job pepper thank you okay so I got a lot of this stuff I got some dirt oh oh I don’t want to throw those away oh

Okay I’ve thrown stuff into my hot hole good good good good okay I will send my stream into the Discord so people know it is happening sug my blood sugar uh my blood sugar is going up a little oh man there’s so much stuff going on okay more craft blus craft time yes

Yeah there we go there we go that’s the good stuff that’s the good stuff oh what the what the what’s happening did my game just exit why did that happen uh thank you for the sweets pie yummy yummy so tasty uh sex redeemed check sugar 50 sweets my blood sugar’s going

Up pretty pretty big right now it’s at 363 it’s probably because of some butter fingers I had earlier uh I’m going to stick you with an insulin needle do it do it ah my ribs that was in the bone I didn’t mean to leave you Scarlet I’m sorry I accidentally clicked exit

Game I didn’t mean for it to happen okay hello Kyle I can’t give birth on you right now I had a dream I gave well not a dream I gave birth but I had a dream I was pregnant the other day it was weird whoa whoa whoa yeah turn around

Skill issue what do you mean skill issue are you talking about diabetes or about pregnancy what do you mean by that you comfy over there joany I am joany banan rany mhm Joan banan Ranny banan channy yep yeah okay oh I have so many arrows okay I should put some of these

Away cuz I don’t need that many I have some some apples if Jade ends up coming in here some log and some ings some iron ooh now I can try giving birth on Kyle I also don’t need the core I think Kyle ah there was no birth no birth

Baby has Kyle just been there for these months you’ve been gone yeah and the months I was here too always just hanging around there but like just just there yeah with no one around just waiting yeah you’re an awful person time passes when we’re not in the realm that’s how Realms

Work I have to play more Minecraft otherwise I’m a bad person yeah don’t leave Kyle alone I left Kyle all alone you left Kyle all alone all alone Kyle was so lonely I’m going to put my stuff downstairs quitting the the game was the skill issue it’s cuz I clicked on the

Game and it did a funky oh coal uh sleepy bedtime okay self-doubt detected I don’t know what you’re talking about pepper isn’t a bad person she’s a good girl I’m a good girl but I can also be she’s a bad good girl I can also be a bad girl h a bad

Good girl a good bad girl yep I’m very good at being a bad girl but I’m not very bad at being a good girl cuz if I was then things would just start getting contradictory okay so let’s go check out where the banners can go which means I’m going into I’m going in

Here so yeah uh the uh scar made these cool banners that are going to going to be for the uh Arena which I like I think it’s pretty good like a uh like it’s like a metal I like it it’s good and creative and nice I’m entering the back

Rooms the back rooms what do I call them oh yeah the Moss I’m entering the Moss so I was actually like spending some time writing some more lower stuff the other day okay where am I okay where am I immediately as I enter the back room um okay is there one that’s here

Kerbo the Kum swamp the Kum swamp’s a little moldy here oh okay oh it already has one we’re just making it better okay good idea there we go there we go oh yeah that’s good that’s good stuff and it’s back here also oh yeah it still just has brown wool doesn’t

It I wonder if we should change that it’s a good Banner it is so I was writing some interesting lore stuff about the world um I wanted to come up with some creatures so um oh there’s also this these flags that are here already too um oh maybe that’s just the flags for

The different things I don’t know yeah that’s just a that’s wait are those Arena Flags I can’t tell or maybe it’s just decoration I’m going to put these ones here and here yay yay I like your look you’re looking cool Scarlet maybe maybe there just because just cuz

Okay I don’t know if that actually looks that good oh I think you got it okay H where to put it maybe down here just so when people are downstairs they can also know where to go or something like there and I’ll just put the old brown one right there too just

Cuz ah I’m in a hole I’ve help help Johanna how did you do that help did I’m free how did you do that there’s crawling in this game now and it always confuses me whenever I accidentally do it it’s such a weird mechanic I hold myself I should probably

Go to the uh skeleton Farm also dumb hole so yeah writing some lore for the world was kind of cool um I want I wanted some there is there a pig under oops there’s a pig under there kill it no kill it are you evil yes kill it you’ve known this about

Me I have known this about you oh you’re just C Monti okay yeah [ __ ] this pig maybe I’m evil too you know what we never asked that those questions did we all right um so I don’t know why I got this idea so the okay there’s actually there’s a lot

To this um it’s dead oh Scarlet Scarlet followed your evil orders madam Madam Johanna Scarlet followed your evil orders and killed the the pig thank you Scarlet um someone is a good girl here and it’s not pepper [ __ ] oh jeez scet says yay yay just a happy yay okay so

Um where do I start okay so I’m doing my Skyrim Series right it has SK so I want to do more Skyrim series like I know I’m going to have the next one with Rio um and then I’m going to have like some others with some other characters like Zen and stuff like

That oh scar is finally called a good girl and totally not blushing what do you mean finally do you not usually get called a good girl but you are though yeah Yeah yeah it is true it is true got to get got to get them supports good girl supports is Scarlet around here just like blushing and hiding or something oh there’s there’s there’s this guy such is a Golem yeah it’s an iron golem well I don’t know where Scarlet is

You deserve it you deserve the happies um so yeah I’m having this Skyrim series we know that I’m about to finish like season one of ska because she’s about to finish the main quest um probably the next stream maybe to um which should be cool oh you got the skeleton Farm oh

Jeez I was halfway there and then I turned around okay um yeah so uh I think it would be cool if those characters are also like a party like a fantasy traveling party so like Zen and then Rio and then V am mortis and then

Um Zen I don’t know if I say Zen Sky velam mortis Zen Rio Etc and I I thought it’ be really I don’t know why I imagined it this way but I imagined that okay who here has played Halo 4 cuz I don’t know why but I was imagining it as

If you know the mammoth in Halo 4 which is like the big vehicle they travel on in like one Mission it’s like the elephant from Halo 3 but bigger and they just travel on it and then shoot enemies as they pass by it’s like just a I don’t

Know what would you what type of vehicle would you even call call that Johanna um I I I don’t I don’t know it’s just a massive transport vehicle uh I’m giving birth okay oh hey are you are you still blushing oh it’s meat you gave me meat

Thank you for the meat what a good girl what a what a good girl Johan is really into doing this now by the way I smell blood in the water Scarlet stopped moving you have you have an effect on people Johanna oh oh These are the remains of the pig oh jeez oh

Jeez what’s the raw beef for why is there so much stuff okay so the mammoth I was like what if there’s like a medieval version of that yeah a c fell out of the sky oh okay a medial version of that and the first thing I thought of like this is

How my creative process works I just like take things that I think of and then like just like make them together put them together and so I was like all right Halo 4 mammoth and then I thought like okay but what what medieval version of that and then I thought of like the

Silt Riders in like other Scrolls what is the there’s a thing up there and then I also thought of the uh the flesh golems in like shivering aisles right and I was like what if they were just all part of each other and so I was like okay I’m I’m thinking of a

Mammoth that’s made of like like engineering material like like metal and stuff like that but also flesh it’s like a biome mechanical uh Halo 4 mammoth and what if they travel on that that would be kind of cool I’m trying to kill a baby ooh I have armor is this

Yours scars snazzy pants scars caloro boot 2.0 Mars Crown scars scars is that what to say big booba protection does say Scar’s big big booba protection is that yeah okay okay I like it I like it that’s pretty funny there you go mine just say oh okay can see these scars Cobble

Cobble gobber scars scoop dog Scar’s poke stabby uh Scar’s mental disabilities why is the mental disability is the axe these are creative I like it oops I I like the Cobble gobber the most that one’s funny use it on wood I don’t get it am I missing something use your

Mental disabilities on wood you’re looking at me I think I feel like I’m missing something I don’t get it either to be honest am I just silly I know you’re like typing something right now but it’s really funny to just imagine that you’re just staring at me right

Now dumb people hit their head on on walls walls made out of wood I see I see okay okay okay so so okay I I get it so it represents your mental disabilities in your head that you’re being against wood okay um oh sleepy buddy by time

Um I’ll read out mine mine are funny too I think so then I have for me I have uh I have uh pep stick pep stick pep stick and then I have the gates or GS and I have eori and then I have peps mandible and then Sur which is a

Slayer Slayer I’ve had since like the beginning of the realm I think okay is this re wait does this have mending on it it does okay it is recharging it’s just okay bat oh there’s a bat I got this i got this i got this i got this stupid bird pepper

Oh there goes one of our Museum exhibits I got this I don’t think you do stupid bird stupid bird I did it I killed the bird first try first try unfortunately we lost a museum exhibit in the process but it’s okay the bird was taken care

Of so uh yeah what do you guys think about that thing can we replaced that’s true we do have a lot of eggs so there’s um yeah the characters are going to ride that thing o eggs they’re going to ride the thingy and I’m thinking the they take egg I’ve acquired

Egg oh the eggs like Arc more than they used to I feel like or is that just me a no babies I did not give birth today so oh there’s another egg no baby so I was thinking of calling it um what was like The Crawling Goliath I

Think was what I’m going to call the thing their The Thing They Ride cuz I thought it sounded cool and also I’m thinking it’s like cuz it’s like a flesh Golem thing made by I think like a like a wizard person that’s what a did you just jam

Out Relic we just did a jam huh that was oh we did a jam yeah yeah yeah so um there’s a character that’s going to be like a wizard architect I’m thinking I’m call him or something like that and what he does is he like makes things out of things with magic and

Through spells so using a creature that’s called uh I was think of calling it a creeping kin because creeping cuz it like it’s like kind of like a slathers itself around on the ground what is that there a little chicken under the floor um it crawls around on

The ground and they’re kind of smallish and they uh look like they’re made of Flesh so I was thinking like oh it’s creeping cuz it just creeps around on the ground and it’s a kin because like it’s like people but it’s just a sack of Flesh and it just crawls around so

Creeping K and then I was like okay they but he used the one of these and made a big one and used a lot of Engineering in Magic and it’s so they call it the crawling Goliath and they it it it helps them get places I think that’ be

Cool no babies no babies I’m not getting any babies I like the jams I like that we get to jam while we’re here this good do we know if Judith is joining it’s planning to okay at some point Okay Johan did you hear any of my lore stuff there was okay oh we’re doing a jam while we’re hanging out oh it hit the thing I’m like super scared I’m going to throw away something I want okay now that stuff is important I did I just get another chicken was

That from the one that was in there can you cook chicken with lava I’m going to hide out in my hole down here for a bit while I wait for uh more more uh creatures to spawn more skeletons more skellies so I can bash them with my shovel

I can pause my music if I listen to this music very I don’t know what what what type of music is this it’s like very much so like I I can’t say8 bit I don’t know what the bit would be but it’s like music you’d hear in like one of those

Types of games like chip Tunes I I I don’t know I don’t know the phrase but maybe that I’ve never heard the phrase before Oh skeletons yes I’m killing the bones bones oh I made a baby but but it wasn’t right a poor baby you didn’t get to become a museum prison

Baby would you rather be a baby with a real life that you get to live or would you rather be a museum prison baby those are the questions okay I’m going back in my hole ah my hole to wander around in for a little bit I can put on my music

Again it’s much quieter but it’s chill we’re chilling we’re chilling out I don’t know I think these are like catacombs I feel like there’s dead bodies in these holes there’s probably dead bodies in those slots the catacomb I mean we are underneath the skeleton Farm we are

Farming dead people so it works we should make catacombs that’d be kind of neat we kind of have but kind of also haven’t Jade joined the realm I saw that just a second ago Jade is Jade going to join the call are we going to have another friend Dinner Bell give me the

Skellies there we go the skellies that Skelly is invincible and it scares me there we go that Skelly should not be Invincible makes me feel fear did I just see something in here with me or am I hallucinating am I am I am I losing my my sanity cells why are you

Crying why do you cry Scarlet what has happened to you I feel like I should make this place bigger I want I want like to make some offshoot rooms down here you got stuck in a wall oh you didn’t die did you I didn’t see a death message what the [ __ ] was

That oh I’m just I’m seeing things today I thought I saw a weird like like through there there was something it was just them moving around but I thought there was like a weird tentacle but it was the Rope oh I’m I’m losing it I’m losing it I’m losing

It this is the under Forge Jade yay Jade Jade Jade Jade no no no no no no no no no no yeah there you go there you go go there you go there’s Trident in Minecraft now there has been for a bit you old person I last played

Minecraft seriously during the beta I’m yeah you really can’t say anything I know I know you say this is a thing but you haven’t played it since launch before launch actually yeah exactly my point it stands you haven’t played Minecraft since like most people who play Minecraft were

Fetuses Minecraft came out the people who were born when Minecraft came out are now like 12 yeah no yeah yeah ow what did you want the eggs oh what are these a torch flow pitcher plant torch flow seeds I haven’t heard of those before thank you did you like injure me for

That are you eating a crown what’s happening are you are you oh you kept trying to tell me okay what are you eating the rocket what what’s happening you are or you’re Goblin down the rocket I see I don’t think I should question it

I’ll just let it be I need to make a baby that’s freaking still no babies this is weird this is nonsense yeah she was eating a helmet and then a rocket and I’m not going to make any like dick jokes with a rocket but I you

Just know that I could why aren’t you be because I’m not going to it was too too easy I’m going get this egg we should name these twins up here you get the seeds from the sniffers oh that’s cool oh there’s the baby in the ocean it’s going to drown at some

Point chickens are really bad at swimming in Minecraft oh hello evil creature I’m going to hit you with pep stick you had a baby on you why do I keep seeing things and why is it freaking me out I thought I saw something over there that time cuddles is it cuddle time

Okay wait is there a third bed here there are three beds perfect yay we had a cuddle party I made the baby the baby okay no more baby I’m excited to do more my my uh poke it okay are we poking the baby why is that baby look

You converted it back to fetus form you turned it back into an egg Scarlet you turned it you reverted it I didn’t know you could reverse baby a another one missed run away baby or SC it might kill you and turn you into an egg again

Oh oh oh there it goes oh it happened oh I don’t like how you keep killing these infants and then there’s there’s its reversed form I don’t like how you keep killing these infants and then immediately like turning right to look at me I feel like I should be

Scared where is this baby going to go I’m going try to get it right in there shoot no baby you’re a good Scarlet I don’t know I mean that was what Johanna was calling you what a good girl yeah that one Scarlet yeah Jade is Scarlet good girl

Pies yep uh-huh uh-huh yep uh-huh uh-huh yep pies thank you for the pies yep uh-huh uhhuh yep uhhuh uhhuh I think Scarlet’s hiding now Scarlet blushes when other girls call her good girl Run away Give me the give me the gobins O I got to adjust my sitting position and and do a stretch you see more animals to poke and by poke do you mean like Slaughter my stuff is starting to get charged once that’s done I’ll head back

To my house area and then start making it more pink and comforting no but you are slaughtering them it’s not poke you’re poking slaughtering them and then turning them into infants like like very much more infant than before Johanna MH you should have been here for last Minecraft stream what is

That we are playing around with Brett’s dick and nips I think I’m glad I wasn’t I was I was waiting for you to be immediately unhappy well it it happened immediately it did yep like I said it and then immediately was smiling you that’s what we did last stream you

Should have been there I’m good actually I think Jade was trying to drown herself Brett wasn’t there for it Jay do you want to be in the call oh is that wool are are you just given me things wait did you kill a sheep oh

No oh jeez oh so many people have been poked oh it’s all cooked too hey Jade hi you’re still you’re still seagull but now you’re seagull with a with a hat on yeah I don’t I had an edit gifts so it’s what I did last year I

Could probably added a gift for you if you want oh my God yes Queen uh welcome to the stream Autumn Mayfield I’ve been playing St Valley on mobile cool that sounds cool another egg egg we’re losing holes though you’re go po okay go yeah go have fun killing things

She’s just poking them but she’s poking them and then turning them into like fetus into feetus not her F they can’t handle a good poke what not her fault they can’t handle a good poke is it normal for something to like turn into a fetus after being poked I

Know must be is this part of nature that I didn’t know about where’s my David aten bur documentary on that one it’s coming soon David excuse me David I need to get on this the funniest thing is to call like fam youel by only their first name no sir no Aton

David excuse me David yes a baby oh yes oh another baby is this going to be a real baby or a fake baby let’s find out fake baby Scarlet’s being like a cat right now like going out killing things and then bringing me the dead corpses of

Them oh cute like going out saying I’m going to poke things and then coming back with like wool and like cooked pork chops cooked mutton Snackies I might be good soon I might like stop doing this in a bit the the skeleton Farm cuz I can go back to my house and then start adding stuff adding pink Jay did you see the pinkness around my house uh don’t think so I haven’t being to shers

Yet I added some pinkness to my home have a I’ll have a geese a gee next time I go past is that supposed to be you trying to say like gaze in a different way no it’s just gaze have a have a look I’ve never is that like a a jism or is

That an Australian ISM it’s an Australian ISM it’s similar to squiz but like it’s wait squiz not a word you made up squ did you actually think I made that up I mean yeah that sounds like a madeup word that doesn’t sound like a word people would actually say s means a

Quick look that’s very interesting yeah Jade apparently says I’m going to have a squiz and that means like I’m going to have a look and that’s like a normal thing people say in Australia no it’s not please ask anyone I’m asking you oh look more dead corpse bodies thank you

Thank you thank you kitty Scarlet Scarlet Kitty thank you thank you for bringing me the dead rotting corpses of animals I mean this is like better than usual like cats that do that though because at least like they come back to me cooked I don’t know how an actual cat

Would do that like imagine if a cat went out and got you like a dead bird but the B the bird was like plucked and cooked for you but it’s still like a pigeon or something oh Chef cat the chef cat Don’t mind the Bones okay I am now going to go back to my Minecraft house after I kill these guys there we go I can add more pink now to my home squiz I I promise you it’s not made up I believe you but it’s like I’m disappointed that I believe you

Ouch no not not not disappointed at you I’m disappointed that this is like I trust you do you think I would tell fibs no I like I trust you enough to know that you’re telling the truth but it’s unfortunate that that’s the truth I don’t trust her enough that’s not a real

Thing oh okay oh I’m going to look look at my look at my pinkness look at my pink look at all this pink he’s a good pink I’m going to do more pink going put some pink right here and I’ll put some pink on the other side

Too once I have enough pink I need to place some of these saplings around to get more pink should I put some on top of the buildings I have some ideas what if I I’m going to go get some dirt dirt Dirt okay some dirt I have so much food now because of scarlet cat Scarlet cat catlet I think I’m going to replace the top floor of this with with with pant mom I got more bodies oh oh oh now I am frightened hello I’m here with corpses for you

Mom yeah okay okay sweetie thank you that’s that’s great uh how long has there not been glass there no that wasn’t glass that ham on the the cherry bossom trees yeah do you like my my Arch I made an archway is it too much do you think is

It the one in front of like the entrance to your house with little path yeah it’s very cute it’s not too much it’s not too much I I love like anything to do with like a plant yeah I need to like even it out more though because like a lot of the

Rest of the place isn’t plant enough where did you go pepper I’m near my house I’m up on top of uh one of the buildings cuz I’m going to fill it with pink like I’m I’m there I have my my oh yeah you you see me okay house I’m raining bits on

You are you carrying a corpse with you right now oh that’s wool that’s from a corpse cool dead things oh yeah there there there’s the dead things is this is this are you having fun to you’re just going around murdering this is your your gimmick for today yep okay cool

Cool oh I have a cool idea for here actually yeah I think I remember you building this house you might was I here for that I have no idea but there was a point in time where I built this house that is an accurate statement okay let me come check out the

Dead the dead corpses yeah I remember this really clearly now I was here when you built this oh cool thank you thank you thank you thank you I don’t know if I have oh no I do have space I guess thank you good girl oh no you’re encouraging the the

Behavior of murder of of animal murdering yep oh jeez oh jeez oh no can I have all those slabs if either of you pick them up I chucked them in the chest that doesn’t have the dirt on them okay thank you I’m improving a building I didn’t think

I’d ever add anything else to this building has like no usefulness to it like I use a lot of the other buildings for things this one I don’t it’s just here it’s a decoration yeah it really is you’re jumping on your balls do you mean on you’re on Scarlet’s

Dick yep Scarlet is jumping on her own dick are you having fun it looks rid ribbed with with this texture pack for her pleasure a distant nod this is fun this this is us having a good time take a picture and send it

Okay um how do I how do I do this PR screen no I wanted to get one of these okay I’m sending it I’m sending it in the Discord server my Discord server right into General that way everyone can see how ribbed it is the naughtiness of it oh

My did you just see it or something yeah it’s ribbed damn it’s ribed all right okay don’t question me on this question Scarlet it’s Scarlet’s dick I I don’t blame Scarlet I have questions about this but you know I’m not going to ask any of them that’s that’s fine understandable understandable very understandable

Do I even have uh I need to get some more bone meal from my other area you can make some very bad comments about that all right do it do it I dare you prove it yeah do it prove it prove it do it I should kept some of the bones from

The Other Place Scarlet left the realm has to has to leave the realm to to come in yeah you know it’s going to be it’s going to be bad I guess I need to go back to the Bone the skeleton Farm the bone the bone Zone you sound

Like James Rand what do you mean I I will go to the Bone I where I will order I no no one gets this it’s great I’ll order a boning I’ll will order order a bone with extra ribbing for her pleasure I can picture him saying that

Oh goodness it’s bad it’s really bad it’s really bad give me some bones some girls or guys like some extra texture to their partner’s bits listen listen you don’t have to tell us that we have experience that’s what the texture is for it’s like when you bad Dragon dildos this is what they’re

For why am I yelling [Laughter] this why are you yelling me I don’t know my window’s open that’s a lot of that’s a lot of bone yes very very true you can you can you can use the the ribis of your creation to make people very happy that’s that is

Accurate I’m very happy for you Scarlet I should eat some of these extra things I’m going to eat this pumpkin pie yeah yeah yeah oh wow couple them already grew do I have a ladder on here I do I don’t know if it’s enough ladder oh oh I have so many

Things no get out of here eggs please oh no is it sleepy Betty by time ah poop okay to a bed I know your banner over there the trans Banner says 5,000 I keep reading it as so so woo so about your 5,000 okay I don’t know where I want to put

That right there cuz I don’t care right now okay oh my keyboard’s being weird there you go okay boom me is that a poop tree that tree is not going to is that one why AR why are some of these trees deciding not to exist are they too close to other trees

I don’t think so these two grew looking pretty okay so I would like some trunks which means I got to cut some of you down give me your trunks yes yes good Yes I’m going to get on the call okay I’m going to mute myself I just want to be able to hear okay oh okay I just saw Scarlet’s leaving okay thank you for being here Scarlet I appreciate hanging out with you byebye Scarlet good byebye Scarlet I’m sorry you feel a little icky it’s okay yeah if next time you can say longer or not whatever you want to do hello Andre welcome to the stream hello hello I’m been pretty good how about you okay so what I want to do here

Is I’m going to break these ones oh no my glass your glass what do you mean by that what the freaking that was weird and then and I break these two and then I go upstairs and then I keep building I break this one and then I go

Upstairs then I hop onto this one and then I keep building oops not like that though let me go up to the roof you’re doing good awesome so glad to hear it this is so wrong okay that’s looking cool now we got a whole

Thing and I just want to add a bunch of leaves to it I got to add a bunch of leaves these other ones aren’t growing for some reason I feel like I should get rid of the like yellow side bits cuz like that looks kind of gross with this color scheme I

Think I don’t know what would you replace it with just a different color maybe maybe I could do the same well no maybe I’ll just make it out of the pink that this is made from but first I need some more leaves can you show me the stream window for one

Second I’m just okay never mind oh yeah I got to make it so you guys show up is that no you guys probably want to be on the stream don’t you is this the right one or is the old one it’s not even there in the first place How the heck do I make things uh okay let me I have to send you some pictures Johanna okay okay okay okay to make this work the way I wanted to I like the file name on that one what was it Randy ban. jpeg we got to get your talking ones

Made oh yeah you don’t have to worry about that for right now especially cuz I myself they can still hear you now though through my microphone yeah that’s what I’m saying like my they’re not going to hear like it’s not going to activate on your stream because they’re

Hearing me through your microphone not mine so we don’t have to worry about it right now unmute yourself for a second okay one sec cuz you’re not even showing up at all for some reason okay okay okay never mind okay never mind that’s so incorrect Jade are you still there yo yo yo

Yo how you doing um I’m just fishing nice oh there’s the Johanna it’s the me it’s the youu okay and then I gotta get Jade in here which is I think this one there we go now we got a bean The Bean Is Back how you bean it’s a bean

Joke only beans would get it yes beans I love referencing little things on YouTube that are not popular at all and stuck in my brain for no reason so the people have no idea what I’m talking about yeah what about what was it like you spilled my

Beans I don’t know that you build my beans I think it was something like ah something like that it was from uh life is strange I I I don’t I don’t I don’t know life is strange do you know what life is strange is I I know life is strange is I

Don’t know that like like that thing you’re referencing from it I thought you were a lesbian I thought I was too all lesbians should how I find out I’m not all the lesbians should know the bean scene why and life is strange more like life is

Being I have so many questions yeah you should that’s for the best you you [ __ ] with the the drug dealer’s beans and he gets really up yeah you know it yeah yeah you know it oh I I I was eating those beans that was the line yeah

See this lesbian gets it I love him it was really funny yeah it’s been a hot minute I’m half it’s been a hot minute well it’s been oh it’s [ __ ] being a hot minute I got to get some leaves this tree is merging with this one oh give me your

Bits oh I have so many things okay uh hey Pepper yeah look at this Facebook memory from seven years ago that was me where the one on the right no I know no I don’t think so I don’t think that’s true damn it what I knocked Captain off of his perch

Ah Captain I was worried someone spilled your beans why did you spill your beans you’d hear I was eating those beans pepper I need to make you watch the lighthouse probably yeah I do want to see that I’ve heard good things it was the last movie I saw in theaters before yeah

I haven’t actually been back to the movie theater since is it cuz you smell bad or something yeah that’s why yeah freaking stinky I’m thinking unless it turns out to like not be very good furios is probably going to be the first one to get me back in theaters makes

Sense oh it sleepy buy by time already yeah make those Looney tun sounds yours are less Looney Tunes there you go sorry no you’re good also I’m allowed to sneeze but I’m not allowed to burp I see how I never said you’re not allowed to burp I just

Said it’s going to gross me out when you do I I know no worries it’s when it’s like Cameron when like he does like this like onp purpose forced burps just to see how loud he can do them that like is it goes makes me go like G

XD I gave birth on Kyle by the way way Kyle has been birthed on mwat I gave birth on Kyle my chicken okay yeah yeah you get it you’ve been there sure we’ve all been there yeah are there any of these that are okay to um

Unplug over there oh I don’t know other than the Christmas lights there’s also the other side I know but I just wanted people to lean over here while charging I see I see I’m on my way to the Cherry Blossom Place shiny says birthday was a huge

Success awesome It also says I see Bean the bean the bean that’s going to be there forever now you ever just like to play something in Minecraft that you know no one’s ever going to care about like a singular Block it’s like no one’s ever going to

Break that or fix it and it’s just like yep that’s going to be there forever that’s what I just did I just like placed a piece of like like a leaf block to too low on the trunk like on the ground I just know no one’s ever going to like people are

Going to notice it slightly but not care enough and it’s just going to be there forever I’ve created a permanent fixture there we go yes become big become Bean I’m filling the planet with pink that one didn’t work is it because the torch is too close oh well there it is

Now that one’s not growing I think it’s because there’s not enough um clearance above it I think that might be true same thing with like those other ones that were on top of that building what if I put like right there too close to that torch freaking torch

Nope I just made you waste a bunch of B you [ __ ] [ __ ] that sapling in particular I I hate this sapling thank you sapling sucks just occurred to me this place is called Cher bascus and now it’s actually filled with cherry blossoms and that’s nice Cherry blus Cherry

Blus do you want to see uh Brett’s sticking nips no you’re laughing like you weren’t expecting that to be my answer no I I’m laughing because I knew that would be your answer okay oh I see uh Scarlet did this what that’s that’s his Dragon

Dick I’m not even like I didn’t know you could do a dragon like place a dragon head like that yeah you can okay you haven’t been here since beta shut up you don’t know this game I I know I’m not I haven’t been here since beta I’m not

Saying like oh that’s fake I’m saying I feel like you can’t react to this game I feel like you shouldn’t be allowed to wonder content for you to to make me um react to a bunch of changes in like just think of this as a different game at this

Point fine back in my day yeah you freaking mil back in my day okay I wonder if a lot of these aren’t going to grow because of how this works which one should I chop up you’re so pretty I need your life asence there we go life

Essence I’m just reaching the ones that are low enough This is cool back in the craft again back in the craft crafting it up make them good old days isn’t that right Jade yeah yeah good to get the fam back together it is me what are you going to say next your hand like oh my gosh you can

Fly wait what are those trees there’s trees in Minecraft I know right shut up you shut your mouth you don’t know nothing anymore the world’s moved on Oldtimer you’re elderly Jade come on you got to join me on this sorry what out it’sa you got to help me make

Fun of Johanna for being old old oh I can’t do that sometimes I feel old how old are you I I’m 22 okay you’re a baby you don’t get to feel old I’m sorry I I felt old when I started playing Minecraft with you because there were goats and I was like

What yeah that’s different Johanna hasn’t played since the literal beta of this game my God I was like in primary school when I think that was out I was in college oh really I was in the end of high school but still you’re aged you’re an old woman I am I was

Okay 2011 I was 11 I don’t like that stop stop stop stop stop being younger than me stop being older than me you creepy person I genuinely am afraid people are going to think I’m creepy I don’t think they will I think if they think you’re creepy then they’re

Weird wor consenting adults you fine you didn’t NAB me when I was a 11 true that’s true please say it again please say it louder I did not do that you did not NAB me when I was 11 yes that’s right but maybe what oh I can get you so good right now

By making up lies pepp please I can I can criminalize you pepper I’m a trans woman people already want to think I’m a groomer please don’t true I’m making some trees there we go the tree house it just has trees on top of it looks kind of silly

Actually think it look Sil you don’t okay um yes let’s go get some actually I don’t have wood freaking freaking poop freaking big poop freaking poop that’s big Judas joined the realm oh my goodness J left the realm oh ah sad unfortunate didn’t last long Judith giveth and Judith taketh

Away why is Scarlet’s like ribed to dick just gently brushing against these leaves why not I don’t know about that phrasing pepper it’s just like it looks like it’ll be uncomfortable hey it’s Jus hey sorry I was just I was saying some intense things not sure if you heard that I did

Not hear any of that I genuinely don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on I was just talking about beans yeah beans lesbian beans yeah how you been I was not talking about Scarlet’s ribbed dick what [ __ ] every time I Tab out it just quits me out of the server yeah you

Got to make it so you’re not playing on full screen oh it’s annoying um video BL blah blah sleepy B sleepy Betty by time okay snore how are you doing Judith I’m pretty good um finally like made some stir fry for myself that I’ve been putting off making

For way too long nice hell yeah how does it feel to be back in the realm feels good I’ve missed it I how my God I probably haven’t actually been on the server since June or July right like that make sense yeah hop into a Betty by oh okay

Uh [ __ ] I stepped into one of the water elevators so just give me a sec okay ruining everything Judith I know I’m the worst just like you always do wow you’re an awful person yeah Johanna twist God what oh right I still don’t have any elytra or rather they broke we get you

Some of that stuff yeah you should be able to repair them if you still got them okay yeah I have them yeah I think you can either put mending on it and get XP or you can bring it to a table and use a Phantom membrane okay well I don’t know where

The hell to get a phantom membrane because so much [ __ ] has been add to this game you’re you’re not as bad as Johanna it’s okay yeah you you weren’t here before when they were bullying me over the fact I haven’t played this game since oh my

God also is it is it just a fact now that like everyone in this call is lesbian yeah I think so I’m by but I still lean towards the women more yeah I I like to call myself pan lesbian because like overall panexual but like heavy lesbian lean in many specific

Aspects woman woman woman where art th me or J uh are you talking Judith yes uh I’m at my bridge house uh if you know where where that like big waterfall going down TT Kingdom okay I don’t know what is it near like that little burn Town

Place yeah I I I think I know it’s been a while since I’ve been here so I don’t remember what it’s near bendy in chat says seems pretty thank you my realm I’ve been I’m trying to prettify it I forgot I made a big glass cube Cube

It’s just kind of sitting out there in the desert I didn’t know you made a big glass cube yeah I I think I had stopped having I had run out of ideas of what to do so I just made a bunch of glass and was going to like fill it with water or

Something to make it an aquarium but then just didn’t bother oh yeah yeah yeah I remember okay uh I was I was walking out into the desert sorry I’ll be back in a sec like Tower that’s adorable yeah I like I this is something I wanted to do like

Years and years ago when I was on a surfer in middle school yeah like making a bridge house you a book of mending too for it thank you um okay do you know what the book of mending does no how how do I use it is that a blacksmith type wait Anvil

Anvil okay I where there’s an anvil nearby um yeah if once you apply mending to it whenever you like kill something that that and it gives you experience it’ll that experience well instead of giving you the player experience it’ll just um fix your things if you’re

Wearing them oh that gets ass it repair durability that’s useful yes very very helpful I love these water elevators yeah like the really fast ones you yeah so it’s this right and what I want to get out of it is elytra mending one yeah okay and um I’m

Pretty sure you can use the Phantom membrane on it as well just to give it durability I’m not sure I’ve done it thank you let’s see here so have that equipped when you get an XP and it’ll it’ll recharge oh this is a thing they’ve

Added so much to this game yeah yeah you got to see the sniffers the what the sniffers I mean I heard you but what are the sniffers they’re the sniffers they’re adorable they added big like hippo creatures that just smell things are they not like anteaters excuse me no they’re like

Prehistoric dogs that dig up stuff I want to see one where are they that yeah that was like the perfect way to say that to Judith prehistoric dogs that dig up stuff yeah that is that is kind of like that’s the Judith thing it’s just just

Hitting all the buttons in my brain so do are there are there any somewhere near here per chance uh Scarlet has some and Peppa has some I have some in my pumpkin okay I flew past the pumpkin on my way here so I’ll get there in a sec okay I’m just so excited

I’ll join you at my pumpkin my pumpkin I’m trying to remember I I feel like I remember there being some really interesting atmology for the word pumpkin and I can’t remember it now oh well I I I have a joke and I feel like I shouldn’t or can’t make it you mean

About uh trans people liking to have sex with pumpkins yeah it’s it’s the pumpkin it really says a lot about how high I am right now that I just could not just did not remember that Meme at all my my pumpkin has lingerie on it now also because of scarlet

Interesting Scarlet added lingerie and Dick and nips to Brett and I just wanted to add ler to everything else I don’t know why the phrase dickin is so it’s just it’s it’s really good for this context I feel like for this story how the [ __ ] do I get out of this

Building where are you um whoever made that really big tree house I wanted to get somewhere where I could like see the pumpkin so I could fly to it and now I’m on the top floor and I don’t know how to get out is it the one with like one thing or

Is the one that’s like a full full building is it the arle there’s two Tre giant tree houses I don’t know does it have a lot of rooms or is it just like one branch uh it’s just like I mean it’s one really thick branch

Um okay I think I can get and I can’t get down the water elevator stuck uh yeah okay I see I see what is happening how did I get myself stuck I am coming for you not with any murderous intent why not okay so there’s a secret

Hole secret hole you say there’s a secret hole hole I I’m I’m sorry is it over here or is it one of these Corners has a secret hole imagine if it just turned out that you got stuck too is it where is the secret hole well pepper has no like oh I found

It just a there’s a secret hole I have an elytra to be clear okay hello transbian oh yeah I forgot that’s my that’s my gamer tag all right this way actually you said follow me and pulled out the rocket and I was like that would have been so funny if

You actually follow me and then just flies away well truth has well I don’t know if truth has Rockets but she does I do not I what Rockets you fireworks oh okay if you’re when you’re flying if you use one of those it makes you go faster and farther what yeah so

Like you can also like if you hop and start flying and then use it bye-bye yeah whoa and there’s the pumpkin yeah there’s the pumpkin with the lingerie go look at the dick and nips we’ll look at the dick and nips in a minute you have to come around to the

Back you have to go in through its butt right through the butt and then you to see the sniffers oh my God I love them have you named them yeah one are their names gone oh frgt I guess I haven’t named the other one yet frgt and FRG BT’s sibling you and

The other one you can name the other one if you want fragt I don’t have any ideas I I think I considering Johanna ended up naming my cat for me I’m pretty sure I named this one fragt and I was going to call the other one like the annihilator or

Something cuz I thought it would be a good combo FR birt and the annihilator yeah here there’s something fun I thought you were going to say like egg birt or something or like there’s something you funny you can do if you just like if you just like position yourself correctly

Yeah do it oh yeah oh I’m I’m do it sniff my butt giving you some privacy sniff my butt they’re so big pepper I don’t think they can consent they’re sniffing that was why I was leaving they they they you go there for a reason wasn’t there a thing you needed

What wasn’t there a thing you needed in the um in the pumpkin no we were just looking at the sniffers oh okay look yeah over here I seen them Brett’s scking nips oh oh you’re getting you’re getting the driveby view of it yeah wait oh my God the ender dragon

Head is oh okay yeah that’s that’s a Brett’s Bad Dragon I hate you yes and that’s why I’m so good for you true I don’t know keep saying you hate each other you’re going to start sounding like a straight couple oh [ __ ] my [ __ ] wife my [ __ ] [ __ ]

Wife no wait sorry Jud is my [ __ ] wife I’m your wife [ __ ] right right or was it the other way around I think it might have been the other way around I’m actually not sure you just got a couple of [ __ ] that’s all yeah that’s all that really

Matters there a couple of [ __ ] wait no my my cart’s going off on its own I can’t catch up with it uh oh sometimes they run away you got to be careful where you get out got it my God I forgot about the giant ender portal yeah nether portal ender

Nether such a silly oh my goodness silly puppy the silly puppy yeah that’s that’s that’s that’s you what why am I I moved without moving no you moved I saw you I yeah but without moving no you moved there were no buttons being pressed I saw you I am

Being tormented no you moved this is hell a cat’s internal monologue being picked up true you know it would be nice if this worked like the paint system in Terraria so you didn’t have to replace all these blocks you could just paint them that’ be cool another point for Terraria over

Minecraft as if the entire game wasn’t already enough of a one up well Minecraft has an entire Dimension over Terraria and no no has a couple of Dimensions no just just one just one more wait ter terrar 2 Oh I thought would just be a line I

Thought I thought you meant like the nether as a dimension and I was like yeah it’s got down and the end but you meant like like 2D versus 3D yeah well in Terraria instead of building a portal you get to hell just by digging straight down there’s mods for that in

Minecraft I Wonder has anyone invented a 1D game it would just be like going back and forth on a line I don’t know if we could could we cuz we’d still be looking at it as if it was 2D well I mean that’s the same with like we can’t experience anything truly

Two-dimensional cuz no matter what we’re experiencing in it in we’re experiencing it in three dimensions so we experience things in three dimensions but when we look at things we’re only looking at things in two Dimensions right okay well like things on the screen are projected onto two Dimensions

So anything we couldn’t have anything onedimensional because it would have to be projected onto a two screen that’s what I meant yeah but the screen isn’t actually two dimensional it’s but the projection is like isn’t the thing is that we see in two Dimensions but we we feel in

Three dimensions it is essentially two dimensional it has a negligible Third Dimension is what I would say what about what about the pepper thing I’m what you say how do we why are we here I’m I don’t remember what we were like even talking about there was actually like a really

Interesting part of um the three body problem series that talks about this where it’s like there’s some characters who enter a bubble of 4D space and they’re and they struggle so hard to explain exactly what it’s like but they’re like okay imagine that you were a two-dimensional drawing that ended up

On like a soap bubble and experiencing 3D space but you’re still 2D that’s what it’s like so the thing is is like when we look at some like if we’re watching a show right that show takes place in three dimensions but we’re watching it through

A through 2D cuz it’s a flat thing and like our eyes look at something and we’re seeing a picture which is also only 2D but we feel and move in 3D my my point is there is nothing literally completely flat in three dimensions it always has some

Yeah but that that’s me being pedantic even like just a light projection would have would be 3D yeah because the photons are moving through space Oh that’s true and also it would be landing on a surface that itself is already 3D true something else i’ I’ve wondered

About that is people always like to talk about like creatures or beings that are in like like we can look at 2D but creatures in 2D can’t can’t comprehend us but I it made me think like are there any creatures that are in 2D though no

People talk about that but okay if if you think this is interesting you should read the third book in the three body problem series because they talk about this a lot okay I I have never even heard of that you haven’t heard of the three body problem nope it was the first Chinese

Language novel to win a Hugo for best novel or the first one was you are assuming I keep up with the hugos I mean like I’m definitely I definitely like sci-fi but like I don’t I do I don’t read as much as I should three body problem is really good

And also there I think there’s been talks for years about like oh Amazon’s going to do like um some kind of adaptation of three body problem and everyone’s like please don’t every please stop I I think they were going to get the Game of Thrones guys to do it

And everyone’s like no please no yes let’s like I I could not trust anyone less to make that oh my God all right can I give you like an elevator pitch on three body problem the first one did you I said I said sure go ahead

Okay so it’s like it’s um a book that takes place in like the book jumps back and forth between two time periods the first is just a woman surviving the cultural revolution in in China um and just like what she has to do to survive and then it’s modern day

And a bunch of physicists just randomly start very talking very cryptically about a discovery and then killing themselves and the main character has to figure out why they’re doing that that does sound interesting it’s very interesting the first one like all three books are like different genres

The first book is Mystery it’s really good I’ve heard a good bit about these books like I’ve heard people talk about them I am completely lost right now in Minecraft yeah I think I can find my way back though I’m so used to in Minecraft being like a euphemism VI in Minecraft in

Minecraft yeah I’m totally lost in Minecraft wink just murdered like 34 people no I didn’t in Minecraft in Minecraft that means the feds can’t hear it what are you doing I’m putting my jacket up here there we go or my I thought you were trying to envelop me I can also do that

If you want who who oh my God Pepper’s getting enveloped you’re blocking my eyes I can’t see yeah I do remember like there was some kind of like I think the FBI put out like a list of like euphemisms that people use and they put in Minecraft on

That and people were so disappointed no you know what we do now is we say in like now now like like no one ever thought it was going to actually be like successful but they were hoping that they wouldn’t acknowledge it but now we’re so now everyone says in Roblox

That’s the new joke is that the new joke okay everyone moved to say said in fortnite i al I was going to say in fortnite yeah yeah I feel like Jade must be really lost about what’s happening yep indeed inde heard the word indeed and just had

A horrifying flashback to all the job applications I’ve been sending out I’m sorry indeed it’s the no it’s okay it is I’m no fan no indeed sucks indeed it does ha oh oh it was funny but then it was real ha Pink Door so is is cherry

Blossom and just like pink going to be like your new like unifying aesthetic I feel like it’s it has to be right yeah hello baby that that was that’s a baby that I gave birth to on top of Kyle Kyle where are you there’s Kyle Kyle dropped

Another egg Kyle wants you to give birth even more I I’ve given birth on Kyle so many times how does Kyle feel about that I don’t know I’d never asked Bridge of shame maybe I should start like acknowledging some of this stuff what’s the bridge of

Shame uh I’m not sure it’s a bridge that shameful it’s it’s a bridge of I can’t even tell what there’s so many different types of stone in this like but it says too remake in End Stone I am I’m unsure about that that might be someone else’s

Build it’s just like a one block wide Bridge across a little Bay yeah I don’t know right next to this pen full of rainbow sheep gay sheep you say oh the rainbow sheep uh I don’t know where that is but I know what the rainbow sheep are gay sheep yes yes

Yes where should this last couple of pink doors go pepp what those symbols on the right side of your screen mean like the lightning bolt in the heart um that’s because I’m near a beacon which um you can use to give yourself some like Buffs see like the laser going into

The sky back in my day Minecraft was pure you were freaking beta you were in beta Minecraft you’re not allowed to talk Minecraft had no features and that was like the point that was why people liked it sh shut up shut up trying very hard not to agree with Johanna right now

But that’s like so S no I no it’s it’s great I just there’s too much to keep track of I don’t know how any of it works anymore you don’t really need to like I had the same thought process when I came back to Minecraft but it’s like

You don’t need to though there’s more features but like they’re not important features you know they’re just like more aesthetic fun buildy stuff I will say though it is fun like I have this uh streamer I watch who occasionally does like Minecraft like races like Bingo

Races and it’s so fun looking at the entire board and being like I know what none of this means like I’m just going to watch because you seem to know what you’re doing but I have no idea what you what any of this is I have no memory

Of God I I still can’t figure out how to get back to my house should I rebuild my whole house in like pink and purple that seems like a lot of work it does but like the amalgamation of pink and then Brown looks kind of funky see this is

Why in my place there should be a way through the back rooms I can’t believe that like they didn’t take the paint system from Terraria when that seems like it’d be really really easy yeah I wonder if I should make the floor down here pink that’s like Terraria has like a

Paint system and they also have a system where it’s like you can just like spray through like 20 blocks and just change what all of them are like it’s it’s all convenient that is helpful see like there’s also this color yeah I like that color oh my butt your butt my buttoms your

Buttoms ah discombobulate I’ve been discombobulated you have a dragon above your bed I just noticed yeah this is where magic happens moist girl chunks excuse me I said what I’m sorry what where do you why are you randomly saying that yeah I know okay yeah why are you

Randomly saying that why am I randomly saying that did did you stop streaming on purpose to set me up to say that no I I I I just changed the screen because this is my secret comfy home that no one knows the location of oh I see I see see

I see Scarlet made it for me I know the location you know the it’s my it’s my it’s my safe space Scarlet made for me and I really like it it’s really really nice yeah that’s really pretty what about the Moy girl chunks well oh nothing no what say more please

Elaborate I I have pink candles in my house too you’re still showing the location on screen yeah I know the coordinates that’s fine okay I feel like I probably have showed it on stream before like the how to get here I know Henry Badger accidentally broke or not even accident he somewhat

Purposely broke into here without knowing what the place was just by digging down how I get back to my house do you need help yeah you sound so sad wait okay I think maybe I figured it out bless you no bless you I got lost in the back rooms you’re in

The now I’m now I’m at Brett’s castle that’s funny oh my God that’s near my FES are you do you want help yes please okay I’m I’m going I’m heading for the back rooms all right I’ll I’ll get back into there I’m lost it’s so scary ah this little scaredy puppy scaredy puppy

Scaredy puppy [ __ ] ah yes a well-known phrase scary puppy there you are pepper why is your name on your boobs is it yeah do a Crouch there you go that fixed it that happened last time too last stream okay so your place why you why’ you help me fix it you wanted your

Okay why are you sound so surprised about that pepper reasonable uh okay where is your okay um trying to remember where we put your pepper is pivoted she’s a boob hater now I am all about those though it’s true I can obviously you just hate them now it’s P’s Place hey

Pepper that’s the thing I know there’s a nle nle nether portal in my house I just also like don’t know what it leads to yeah I don’t remember where which place let’s look at the signs did you oh God did you ever make a sign I don’t think

So if you make a banner that will help near the TT Kingdom one yeah okay that helps okay was it over here yeah wasn’t it not that that thing you just passed vaguely remember this from before this might be it yeah I’m not sure yeah I guess we just never

Finished your area of this we need to do that this could be it oh I remember you working on this for sure yeah we should finish this up too oh look it’s moving squiggles so yeah we should finish up that hallway and then give you a a banner yeah yeah the big

Bridge the big bridge the big bridge did it get you again Jade it’s an you game what that that wasn’t that wasn’t no no what are you you talking about I completely forgot that you can do that do what sometimes it’s just met with silence warning yeah it’s m of Silence cuz um

The cogs are working in my brain and just got to process it’s like I don’t even want to voice train but I wish I did just so I could do that I get you that seems fun oh I just did like a double jump again it’s fun to go from up here and

Talking all and then going back down to the B there some there was some Patrick War Burton [ __ ] right there I wouldn’t go quite that far no the voice at the end was not not not Patrick Wert and Pitch but like CR okay I see what you mean I see what

You mean that was actually a joke bams and I had during our Ding and Romus series that’s why Kon was in the corner oh we would just every once in a while do a Kon voice Patrick put cron in the corner we put cron in the corner of nobody puts cron in the

Corner nobody puts cron in the corner that was good actually [ __ ] I’m discount cron just call me Patrick from now on no yeah don’t I think you like that no I wouldn’t I I would be unhappy so you’re saying I should do it no actually okay no please don’t actually I’d rather you

Didn’t well we all heard it Johanna said dead naming is good [ __ ] that’s not even her actual dead name though what I know wait [ __ ] did you think it was no I know your dead name are you the silly one here yes I am do J how high are you not

Very I think this is more a result of the whole like not eating anything for 24 hours and then only eating a little and yeah that’s not good are you fck you up oh yeah no I I cooked dinner for myself I have actually eaten food now

I’m doing better that’s good I’m really glad look all that pink but yeah uh just couldn’t uh couldn’t hold down food for like a solid 24 hours I’m sorry because of my meds it’s okay it happens um quick Judith dead name me Harrison oh [ __ ] that was fast

G you told me to and you said quick I did but but like I don’t know I expected there a little bit to be a little more hesitancy then you shouldn’t say quick I guess so that’s a good point you know slow dead name hey quick with a lot of

Hesitancy to make me feel better say my dead name I mean just I specifically remember you say you’re so like yeah know I’m not actually bothered it’s just funny no I know just okay some iron anot some iron picks Jade H quick dead name me what’ you

Say why would I do that see there you go there it is what did did you not hear what just happened Jade like right before that I mean right before I asked you that no right before I asked you that I said to jth I said hey quit ding me and

Then she instantly did it I she immediately did it yeah I’m you’re a better person hey okay no what the what the [ __ ] is this what’s this about this is a weird double standard yeah what is going on here because you have never expressed comfort with me dead naming you I don’t know

That I mind especially if I give you permission also I don’t actually remember your dead name oh that’s weirdly comforting actually huh hey Pepper dead name me are you serious yeah I don’t think I ever have I don’t think you ever have you want me to do it do it

[ __ ] Jacob that you know that’s not cor a joke okay cool Josh yes it’s weird yeah it was never a name I liked just talking to like that neighbor I used to have across the street only person who I ever knew well with that name was an

[ __ ] well this was a fun little this was cool I’m trying to remember if i’ I’ve definitely told I I I am not comfortable being dead named I’m wondering if both of you know my dead name I I I I remember yeah okay I’m not going to say it but yes

Thank you well yes since I just said I’m not comfortable being dead named I would hope you wouldn’t there’s a sign there I think I just broke he did it said like to trus railway or something like that that makes sense you slapped me my God was Gideon being

Cute I love how that was going on and you instantly heard what I said and you were like tell me about the cat I was moaning you I I heard hell yeah hell yeah just he’s he just he he always sleeps in the silliest positions send the picture to the group

Chat I like the way the cracks when you were breaking those pressure plates I liked what how they looked when they were spreading out that looked really cool actually you getting some autism satisfaction I might be I don’t like that as much it has to do with like the speed I get

You moist girl chunks what why do you keep saying that pepper gas I’m going not I’m going to go in my Sex Dungeon ah look at this place what do you think of my Sex Dungeon moist girl chunks can someone explain what the [ __ ] is going on please I’m just in my sex

Engine this is the the bomb surgery chair one one of these is supposed to be pissed the other one supposed to be C but I think the colors got mixed up no they just look like water and bile I guess yeah the colors don’t look right

This is the bottom surgery chair yeah I well there’s a b I’m not watching the stream right now so I don’t worry about it okay do worry about it actually maybe a little bit okay I’m sorry oh no I I I thought it would get confusing

To having it up and also playing but also yeah I should no you don’t actually you don’t actually have to no I’m no I’m doing it now you can’t stop me oh she okay we can’t show it the mo can’t we can’t show her the moist girl chunks we

Can’t do it the what the voice girl chunks what are those can’t do it what are those can’t do it are we bad people no you’re you’re the one who’s gaslighting what what do you mean refusing to what’s going on can someone explain what’s going on I’m going to

Bed I’m I’m going to keep mining until someone tells me what’s going on just m into people’s houses and stuff the words moist girl chunks were on this screen several times and pepper refused to acknowledge it every time did I yes go bed SL time whoops

Okay I’m getting to my bed she going to be I have a USB device not recognized for some reason I’m going to eat this butter finger this butter finger you you going to eat this butter finger I’m eat this butter finger you got to eat this butter

Finger that is making me want to go grab some Skittles that I got I have some Smarties we all have our candies right now I guess you know what’s weird is I like the texture of Butterfingers a lot but I don’t like the texture of bugs I only heard the second half of

That how would those two things be I like the texture of Butterfingers a lot but I don’t like the texture of bugs yeah wait how okay I wasn’t missing any context how are those related they have a similar texture do they a little bit oh so bugs would also get get stuck

In my teeth in the disgusting way yeah it’s awful you know what I the fingers though what e chocolate cover I’ve eaten a chocolate covered Cricut before I’ve not had butter fingers but what it did remind me of was a Crunch bar I had uh on

Stream all of my life is just like there’s just footage of everything I’ve done on stream I I ate uh like cheese dusted uh crickets I think I remember you telling me about this it was horrid yeah crickets taste but had barbecued grasshoppers like though it wasn’t it didn’t have any

Taste it was just the texture of it oh the chocolate cover one I got was it was extremely papery yeah I can’t think of a less appealing texture than papery yeah unless it’s butter fingers Sandy what yeah sand Sandy pepper you should probably start doing some stuff with like baby blue as well

Like like trans and they compliment you know that in ancient Egypt bread had a bread pretty much inevitably had a decent amount of sand in it that makes sense but is also just horrifying it is like imagine your teeth just getting sanded down every time you eat no I’m good okay

Okay it’s like my house is being infected with pink it’s like it doesn’t look like it’s supposed to be there no it doesn’t which is the problem pink I guess I do I wasn’t originally going to do this to you a bed but I must do I need wood pink bed need too

Yeah oh the way the cracks spread I love it oh why is you’re so autistic why is it so good why are you autistic yes I amtis stop it no what that felt over the line somehow oh I’m sorry peer is this your Autism Speaks Arc oh

Shoot I’m sorry I’m moving on to my next I I next step of life I look down for a few minutes I look up and Pepper’s building like a bunch of puzzle pieces in the game no I’m not this kind of person how could you make me out this

Way how could you make out with me this way ready ready for the breaking Jah yes oh it actually didn’t it see it didn’t quite go that time yeah what the heck there we go sort of oh that time yeah you have another person watching in the background

Yeah we can never show her the moist girl chunks apparently cuz you insist on gaslighting making me look weird what are you talking About what’s up with you I’m going to get beaten tonight no no no no no you gave me the idea I I learned it from listening to you being beaten was that was that an age bomber guy joke what no no I learned it from watching you is

Like an old drug PSA I know that but I didn’t never mind it was the way you said it there’s chisel freaking bookshelves what what’s a CH how does that work I don’t know say excuse me for not knowing cuz I haven’t played since B I’m not sure if I mentioned that baa

B don’t ever talk to me again okay I’ll just I’ll just leave I guess I I’ll get in my car and leave that’s for the best I’m going to do it I’m getting my shoes on a you’re not giving me attention Johanna I love you don’t don’t

You don’t know bad see this is how we this is why you’re a cat girl cuz you’re exacting [ __ ] sorry the you’re acting exactly like Gideon does with me oh yes just like you’re not giving me attention but also don’t give me too much attention

Mhm other I’ll bite you yes I do that actually as positive reinforcement you do bite me quite a bit the word okay never mind this is I I I remembered oh wait you’re streaming this people don’t need me to randomly like tell them an atmology no that stuff is neat go

Ahead I love emology well you were talking about dyeing the bed pink and then I was like I wonder what the anemology of the word dye was it it goes back to an Indo-European word meaning smoke but what’s interesting is it’s cognate with the word dusk oh interesting

Mhm this is such a nerdism I love atmology it’s really neat neat neat I love our little jokes yeah no like no one watching would even know that’s a joke that we do they wouldn’t even par yeah I will say for your own sake also we can hear you chewing on

Stream oh I’m sorry that’s okay wasn’t the lantern I can mute myself it’s okay just like I guess back up if you want when you chew or something is this better yeah yeah cool excuse me wait what’s the never mind no what was it Johanna voice girl

Chunks no no I’m I’m noticing something in this that is definitely me overthinking something and I’m going to not like I like how I said that and there was no reaction whatsoever that time yeah yeah do you even know what I’m talking about okay cool that makes it so much

Better is that Solid Snake what you’re so such a weirdo that’s snake only SN band Only snake has a bandana I see I think it’s snake also that’s not a bandana it is right yeah yeah it is what yeah it is is it yeah it’ss the wrong shape okay

Whatever well if that’s not a bandana then snake has never actually worn a bandana I’m going to pee your pants I can’t see again pay attention to [Laughter] me that is pepper clapping my hands is that for you yes is it what you’re adorable how did I manage to get lost

Again I was trying to find my way to repl Pepper but now I’m near the pyramid excuse you the year amid sorry I confused K never mind how do I how do I put this in you what I’m trying to put this in in in in the

Hands can only one thing in the hands I guess only one thing in the hands at a time my room is looking real funky I mean it makes sense you can only put one thing in a like what was it like statue mannequin whatever hand cuz like you can only hold

One thing in your hand yeah I am going to change my texture pack real quick all right I’m just going to have regular texture pack whoa I you know right I’m going to go eat some pizza I might come back go eat that pizza the beans are for my 3M

Snacks when I’m not allowed to use the microwave oh well this is different okay lovely lady yes whoops okay where where are you asking where I am no talking to myself about a thing oh cuz I just realized I need to get you on the stream your picture is not on the stream

Oh yeah we never finished making my uh my avatar yeah also true uh this might do it oh yeah there’s the there’s ‘s the puppy oh I okay that works this is what we had when we did the uh subnotica I forgot ah you’re sinking okay we’re good

Oh no sinking puppy I thought puppies were buoyant that’s what you thought yes I just said that that’s what you thought oh my I don’t think this is supposed to look this way that’s too many clocks oh yeah that’s a lot of clocks has that been that late for other

People what so too many clocks what how I I don’t what how did you what I don’t even like when you like a free floating thing the immense all knowing clock PI says nice clock P how do I fix this Jason nice clock no bad good actually ruined I agree with

Johanna whoa Jason nice [ __ ] h H don’t mind me chat I know that that sign says 5,000 but but it is funny reading it is just so I said the same thing earlier in the Stream yeah it was said earlier it was funny both times we really do think exactly the same

Sometimes are you above me no comment what was that supposed to mean oh [ __ ] I get you I I may have locked myself out well excuse me I may have I may have locked myself out of the my safe room it doesn’t look as funky in the

Normal texture pack what do you think Johanna what it doesn’t look as funky in the normal texture pack it matches a bit better yeah I agree that trans Banner does look a little bit funny the one next to the door just because there’s so much blue yeah oak oak Spruce Birch Oak okay

Next to my door you said yeah this one yeah that’s true cuz you can’t make it as the lines as thick so does the clock look messed up for you too no it looks normal that’s weird I have the multi try something okay okay I picked it up you picked it

Up when I hold it that’s a big set of [ __ ] oh damn it little bit of [ __ ] a little bit of [ __ ] ah my house okay I wonder if this will look good talking about adding blue ah [ __ ] nonsense I was going to say something earlier and I can’t

Remember that’s okay something something pyramid I don’t know that’s okay we don’t need words around here I was going to make a joke about how I could just bark anyway but true no I’ve been I haven’t been cuz I don’t want to bother my cat you know I don’t actually

Know if it would bother him necessarily but he’s he’s just a sweet little baby boy am I going to have to remove Kyle from his post for the first time in like a year to do this immediately steals him do you want Kyle no not particularly I could give

You Kyle I’m fine things as long as you take good care of Kyle I cannot promise that I I’m concerned for Kyle safety now no I just mean like what are you going to do Kyle no I wouldn’t do anything to him I just can’t promise I’d protect him I

Mean I know I mean I know you’re not me and I I mean I [ __ ] you [ __ ] that is true Kyle come back to me okay Kyle I’m hanging you up again who just joined it’s pie there we go I’ve hung Kyle back up in his rightful position my room looks like an

Amalgamation of colors right now and the weird clocks weird [ __ ] clocks like let me go back to I’m kind of trying making it look like this like this room here cuz the room behind me right now in my waiting screen or my talking screen was based off of this room like even

With like the map back there you see oh so like I kind of want to make it based off of that I should fix the that then there’s a couple of things I can do you ever just think about a specific tumblr post no Johanna what was that Johanna probably

Definitely what did you say jth I didn’t hear you so anyway how’s everyone doing do you ever think about a specific tumblr post yes I do also hi pie hi hi have you met P before not like I don’t think we’ve actually talked we’ve like talked via

Like text chat a couple times but that’s it this is pie hi I’m P I’m a nerd and so are you oh my go yeah I can’t tell who the who the youu in that was probably all of us it’s all of you oh my God it was all of us

The real nerd was in no never mind yeah that’s for the best the real nerds are the Nerds we made along the way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the real nerds are the Nerds we nerd along the way all right what what was was I doing uh uh hi was that

Right why is my game being all funky oh it’s breaking all my stuff poopy I’m I’m scandalized what does that mean unsubscribing why cuz you said poopy I’ve been vandalized you’ve been I was wondering why I had a carpet in my inventory that was mean imagine if

That’s how it worked in real life just mining out the floor but benath people no you’re just like like you’re you’re just like on your computer or something and you’re like why is there a carpet in my IM wait a sec hang on and then looks down sees there’s no floor beneath them

And then Falls Wy coyote rules yeah I like it uh how do I want to do this thing that always messes me up with bedrock is to this day they don’t have the Lefty option what does uh yeah as a lefty I resent that even though I don’t use the

Lefty oh no am I the only person not a lefty in this call now yes Johan’s right-handed no Johan’s left-handed you are yeah but everything else is my left okay that’s kind of weird well just I’m I’m just figuring something out of my head cuz I think that would

Mean I picked up some stuff uh I don’t know what I picked up you making a mess in my house cuz I have at least two ex’s who were left-handed I’m left-handed my sister’s left-handed those are yours aren’t they I don’t want a lot of left-handed people left is best All Things

Considered left is best what does that mean for me it means that you’re a nerd get wck nerd Jeez it is so funny to me that the word ambidextrous literally means two right hands huh I mean I know I have two left feet but never heard of it you some two right hands yeah it’s just so funny they’re like wow that person can use both hands

Hands it’s almost like they have two right hands instead of just being like wow they can use both hands yeah weird this is some nonsense mro planks okay I need how’s everyone doing in chat chat’s looking pretty good no one’s there uh that’s a that’s um that’s just because they’re lurking

Do does anyone have uh Mangrove wood Mangrove uh no there mangrove trees in the game now yes that’s cool I love mangrove swamps brought to you by the mild update there are mangrove swamps in in the world oh they’re so pretty have you ever what am I thinking of I’m I’m

Trying to think of some like nature documentary I saw that had some beautiful like Mangrove swamp B and I can’t remember what it was want to say was like something with sloths I’m going the wrong way P do you have Mangrove things nope okay crap I’m out of uh I need to make

More fireworks I I wonder if ow maybe Jade does oh yeah these guys they’re going they’re going good still oh my God what pepper pepper what pepper what pepper cancelled for animal abuse you should hear the sounds that are going cunk K chunk K chunk it it wasn’t me it was

Cameron but I did allow it honestly that does make sense hi Fiona hi I’m not Fiona I’m pepper yeah but this annoyance over here is who who is Fiona some cat I was I was going to say cat or dog uh pain in the butt personally I think that my cat is a

Perfect little angel even though he bothers me a lot yeah she’s not actually mean but she’s um she can be annoying at times I need to take another picture of Gideon napping he looks so cute right now I love the kitties kitties are goodies all right sent it to the uh to

The PO group chat if you want to see Johanna pepper he’s he’s once again sleeping in a very silly position show me oh my God I why why does why does he sleep like that oh did I put some in my shelter why is he so

Silly you can’t sort like that in this game he is the sleeper no wait wait until you get the second book in the lock tomb series okay I will keep that in mind but yeah no I’m I’m so I’m so lucky that I was I was hoping to adopt a silly cat

And they they they gave me a silly cattle right silly cats are the best kind of cat yeah even if his silliness does sometimes mean that he tries to bite my feet and my hands early in the morning just like me because it’s like you’re not giving me attention I need

Attention give me attention are you going to bite me at 5 in the morning yes give me attention right now right [ __ ] now give me enough attention give me the thing that I do to help solve this problem is I just have my computer ready with like balers gate on it and then

Like that’ll that that’ll keep uh J distracted for a good few hours yeah if I could turn one of gan’s cat toys on on a on a timer I feel like that would have the same effect I mean what I ended up doing is he’s got an automatic feeder so I just

Changed the schedule so it feeds him a little earlier I’m annoyed right now because like I’m um I’m playing baller gate and I’m like kind of enjoying it but also I really want to play tals principal too but I can’t let myself do it before I

Finish um before I finish balers gate or I’m never going to finish balers gate it’s annoying I will say it’s worth finishing I where where are you cuz I got the impression you’re still an one I’m at the very end of act one okay cuz you were you were complaining about the game

Being kind of long and I think that’s more just act one is not paced amazingly really act three is kind of my favorite part of the game okay that makes me feel better about it because like yeah Act One it feels like I’m not even sure if

It’s the pacing as much as it’s like it feels like there isn’t a plot yeah like I mean I just I think what they’re trying to do is the stakes escalate as you get further into the game like I’ve just got to the point of

Like now I know like what the plot hooks are and now I’m kind of on board but like it took me the end of act one to get that yeah there it is funny later in the game like some of the characters from act one will come back and there are a

Couple cases where I’m like what was your name again who were they talking about even if I could just get some Mangrove like freaking if I get a sapling I’d be good I really wish that they had not released City skylines too why is that cuz I I got I just now

That we oh God there’s a rogue Enderman oh God I think he’s I think he might be after me uhoh okay no he isn’t thank god um I just I don’t know topic of video games that are kind of a time sync oh no he is attacking me oh [ __ ] uhoh are we

Going to see a julus dies text on screen maybe come over here you skinny [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] skinny people yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] I’m going to kill you so is the [ __ ] swamp is that the I got him nice yeah is the [ __ ] swamp the place that has the main

Grove [ __ ] swamp oh my God now there a Pillager you know sometimes I say things and I forget that’s not a normal thing to say yeah uh the the K swamp is our place is another place we have in Minecraft I think it’s all the way down

Here I believe I’m going to try and find it stay stay in the stay in the back rooms I’m I’m going to come to you okay I think I have to take like a railroad thing there oh all right so I was going to say about City skylines too just it’s it’s

It’s addicting like the first game is but it’s just completely brok broken right now I in the first place I think I still resent the fact that both games make you build a bunch of police stations um but like more more frustratingly everything about the way

The sequel is designed is just kind of like [ __ ] like for some reason it’s mechanically balanced so that really the only housing of any kind that any anyone ever builds is like high income housing because that’s all there’s demand for even though in the first game it actually tended to like escalate I

Don’t freaking have to higher density housing as you had a higher population which makes sense and also in the first game the tax brackets that you could adjust were based on income whereas in City skylines 2 you adjust tax brackets based on education level wait a second Judith yeah come here oh okay

Anyways go to the other side of this portal don’t use it okay but yeah just making it so that you you can only adjust like how much you tax the population like only being able to break that down by education level instead of income level is that’s gross

It is it’s terrible because there’s no way to like there isn’t even a way to try and incentivize higher density like apartment buildings by trying to give like tax breaks to lower income people or something because there’s no way to specifically do that the thing I like

With uh C guance is I just like watching YouTubers like make the dumbest things in it like the most nonfunctional cities possible I did have to do some like really Bonker stuff in the save file that I got to like a good stopping point on where nice to exit

They the first game had a DLC that added like Gondola trams and they don’t have that in the second game yet so the only way to like get from a Mesa to the rest of the city is to make these really like windy dangerous zigzag Paths of

Cliffs so my city has like two different neighborhoods that are only connected to the rest of the City by these tiny little like zigzag windy paths that’s funny also I’m pretty sure this is where you go to get to the mango swamp I’m pretty sure it’s been a while

Uh I don’t I think it’s this one to the left I don’t remember what the other one is hello random XP orb what are you going to do with that orb uh repair my elytra with it is this it where kind of it’s these things here oh here we

Go I really need to do something to get more XP because I have worn down my elytra faster than I’ve been mending them we came here at night time that’s dangerous it turns out I fidget by like flying just above the ground so it’s not even like a

Big swamp but it’s something yeah that’s neat it’s pretty realistic those as far as Minecraft goes yeah like those those are I was I was wondering if they’d actually make them kind of look like mangrove trees yeah thing those are those are the roots so like the whole thing is mangroves

Grow in these sort of like tidal estuaries um like really sort of warm tropical swampy areas where because they’re where like a RI river meets the sea the tides are really dramatic and so mangroves are adapted to basically like have their Roots be at an optimal position no matter what tide it

Is so that’s why they extend up their their trunk so much basically and as we know from M Solid 3 you know Ed very well-known educational gay M Solid 3 they’re commonly found in the middle of Russia yeah along with venomous snakes and tree frogs and alligators

Yeah is alligator a real word no yeah oh my God it’s this is this is one I know Theology of off the no so that’s a common myth um the best guess although no one is sure for certain is that it’s an English uh transliteration of Spanish

Name for them which was elto which is literally just the lizard the lizard pepper what you do I mean yeah imagine imagine you show up in like a place you’ve never been to before and there’s this big lizard looking thing oh God I’m attack by multiple

Enderman and a creeper let’s go to bed there’s a bed over here for us I I there is no bed where I am I don’t even know how to are you not near the trees still I don’t I don’t know I did you just start walking off into the

Distance over here over here I’m dying I’m going to die and I have a whole bunch of diamond things on me help please pepper help get in the water no I’m getting in the ender portal no go in the water you didn’t go in the water you didn’t go in the water

No you can you somehow collect my things and bring them back uh once it’s not deadly yes okay I’m sorry you didn’t even get to see the turtle I did this guy [ __ ] this guy please don’t what you really want a [ __ ] Enderman this smash pass Minecraft

Edition now I have to deal with this also hi rocket out hi rocket Studio PR got it now everything’s safe yes hello welcome to the stream rocket hello public relations manager for Rocket Studios yeah P what the heck oh it’s all right daytime okay okay I’m I’m heading back to you

Yeah I have noidea stuff went through the portal wait what it did cuz you died in the portal it all went through the portal I can’t get that okay well I am heading to the other end of the portal right now okay Rocket says hey been looking for R

To play is this an open realm it’s not an open realm it’s for specific peoples um but if you hang around long enough sometimes you are able to join if you if you hang around long enough you got to do your time yeah do your time or date Pepper or date pepper

Briefly in my case for just for just like three months don’t actually do that chat that’s not please don’t don’t please don’t set up any parasocial relationships with me I beg of you what you don’t want two people a pair of social oh my God p p why [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] pepper oh [ __ ] what stop being sus that’s a froggy oh oh it’s making little froggy sounds does not look like a frog also it was walking it wasn’t hopping oh my God there’s little Froggies little baby Froggies baby Frogg is living in the mud bl’s AO looking

[ __ ] I don’t get that one they do look like blo I like that I am I am glad that you get that now I do love that my things went through the portal that’s so inherently silly yeah I don’t know how wait so you said the dangly thing is the

Seeds who who said that you said that I didn’t no I said the like the dangly Brown things are Roots propagule what the [ __ ] is a propagule uh it’s a sapling okay do the saplings have to be hanging from a thing I don’t know anything oh okay to this

Day I have no idea what most of the stuff in Minecraft does see it’s not even a see see see Johanna back in my day we knew what everything in Minecraft was cuz there was very little the point of Minecraft is not to like there to be nothing the

Point is for you have no idea what the [ __ ] you’re doing back then we had no idea the [ __ ] we were doing with nothing oh jeez that is a that is a big challenge give me this wood give me the [ __ ] wood okay oh Yeah you think we confuse people you think we throw them off a little bit throw them off the game I just misheard what you said for a second I I thought you said do you think we can fuse floating um do you think do you think we jack people

Off think we’ll Jack people off little I’m soor I’m going the wrong way aren’t they first I’d like to apologize to all my fans you deserve better than this yeah pepper when’s the pepper sorry woman I’m sorry woman now do I have to name all of them no just your just your 10

Favorite um Johanna I’m not Woman except when I am kind of okay joanah sometimes did you get your stuff yeah I did it is insane that it all went through the nether portal it’s I guess just cuz you were directly in it you were already in the middle of like

Transferring through it I guess yeah yeah cuz like if you do I was Torn aunder Between Worlds see I have I have this CH Topp if I throw it I do see a little something it goes through like oh it’s just eggs yeah no I dropped it

Those eggs are ones I dropped as I was going through the other way take a pink I don’t have room in my inventory no I do oh I was kind of throwing it at you okay I’m good to go back I just need to get some saplings and Woods all right

After we go back I’m probably going to head out okay maybe ah Rocket Studios just subscribed thank you for the subscriptions hey can you give a brief introduction to the cars here H I am pepper hello I’m just a pepper I’m I’m a spider girl I got things look look at

This watch this oh yeah I got things sometimes my clothes come off like what yeah like that kind of cool uh sometimes I change colors ooh um I’m a Spider Girl and then there’s pie who is orange P you can introduce yourself hi I’m P I’m a nerd yeah [ __ ] nerd [ __ ]

Nerd do you want did you not okay you did take one of those things back yeah okay I am freaking lost um then there’s Judith uh who is a a puppy I am that that’s true uh I don’t I don’t know how to introduce myself well you you you’re

Done you’re a puppy who likes dirt and rocks and really old animals I mean yeah I do like rocks and I could take her LEF dirt’s okay dirt and you like really old animals it’s true was true yeah you’re a really old animal I’ve been making fun of Johna

I’ve been making I’ve making fun of Johanna for being old yeah this is Johanna what is that the sound of your knees johanna’s my heart johanna’s the cat oh I’m also Pepper’s girlfriend hi yeah oh my heart you wouldn’t know that from how hard she just hit me but yeah I

Actually like ripped your ripped your heart out with my like bare hands oh you did crushed yeah that’s kind of what I do so what the so so Judith what did you think of the [ __ ] swamp it was it was okay I feel like my impressions of it were kind of

Undermined by the the fact that I died there yeah sometimes you sink in the [ __ ] I’m sorry man I’m sorry I’m sorry again we all sink to come eventually there is a pigman in the a big man no no a pig man in the in the [ __ ] back

Room I thought you said big man I was just imagining like a tall tall man they’re piglins oh yeah piglins see they changed everything in Minecraft there’s Zombie Pigman and regular Pigman now there’s piglins and zombie piglins pointing at the original Zombie Pigmen this is what they took from

Us nice to meet you too rocket thanks for being here we just letting you know that my earbuds are running out of battery okay yeah we’re about to end the stream okay um I just need to figure out yeah get back to my place from the back

Rooms found it I found the portal okay cool um yeah so uh next week I’ll probably just do more of this I want to start doing the mangr thing and like replacing more of my house with my house my house with the colors I want it to

Have um which is going to be more of like the pink and colors and stuff like like this yes o That’s nice yes yes yes yes I’m going to head out yes is okay byby thank you for being here bye of course bye bye bye okay now that Judith is gone okay hey

Civilization uh yeah so thank you very so much for watching sorry that Runing it right when you get here rocket I hope you come back though we stream Minecraft every week um G stretch uh stretch um I’ll be doing more sky Skyrim stuff too soon so thank you every so much for

Being here you’re a wonderful beautiful people thank you so much to my members uh if you become a member please consider because it’ll help support me in my living and you’ll get special benefits like emotes badges possibili joining me in stream and shout outs currently my tier 2 uh treats are pie and

Shiny um besides that you can support through subscriptions if you’d like or or like donations I guess and then also subscriptions or ah ah you gave birth on me I’m going to [ __ ] I’m going to [ __ ] I’m going to [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I’m going to freaking smack you

Right in the butt next time I see one person don’t threaten me with uh nah it’s not never mind I reconsider it okay uh you can also check out my Discord in the description below if you want to see more of that stuff uh thank you very for being here this was cool

And more of than Minecrafts yeah what you’re oh my elra broke did you did you perish no thankfully I have feather falling unfortunate goodbye everybody

This video, titled ‘CHERBLOSKESS WITH FRIENDS – Pepper’s Minecraft Realm’, was uploaded by Pepper Senpai on 2023-12-02 03:12:41. It has garnered 34 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:15 or 10815 seconds.

Minecraft with Pepper is Back! Let’s return to our fantastical world of Cherbloskess! Thanks for watching, and I hope ya like! 😀


[Rules for those in chat] – Be kind to one another – Don’t be excessively inappropriate – Don’t roleplay in chat – Have a dandy ol’ time!

REDEEMS !redeem sip – 50pts – Pepper takes a sip !redeem sugar – 50 pts – Pepper checks her sugar !redeem ara – 100pts – Pepper will say Ara Ara !redeem solo – 100pts – Host of your choosing has to talk for a minute straight !redeem hug – 150pts – Pepper gives you a spicy hug !redeem png – 300pts – Pepper will put on her PNGs !redeem thighs – 350pts – Pepper will slap her squishy thighs for you !redeem nyummy – 400pts – Pepper will end her sentences with ‘nyummy’ !redeem thirdperson – 500pts – Pepper will speak in 3rd person for 5 min !redeem scare – 600pts – Jumpscare Pepper !redeem compliment – 800pts – Pepper will give you a custom compliment !redeem facereveal – 1000pts – Pepper will reveal her IRL face for 10 minutes !redeem sing – 10000pts – Pepper will plan a karaoke stream


Join Memberships: Donate and Support: Discord Server: Twitter: Throne:

#Vtuber #Minecraft

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  • Glitchy Goodness

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  • EPIC Minecraft Fail on the Other Side

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  • Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

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  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

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  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

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  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

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  • Giltory SMP

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  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

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  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

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  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

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  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

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  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

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  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

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  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

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    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

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  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

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  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition"That friend is basically running a petting zoo in their Minecraft world while the rest of us struggle to keep just one dog alive. Read More