Pepper Senpai’s EPIC Minecraft House

Video Information

Harrison before the stream starts What do you think what do you think of e3 hairs it’s looking pretty good i’d say yeah i mean i gotta i gotta eat lunch but like i just wanted to add to you before i [ __ ] like corrupt your minecraft stream i think we’re actually on stream right now i’ll have you know

Oh well it’s like wait you’re doing like the wait it’s the starting student screen but they can hear us right now wait they can they can no like oh oh god they can oh god there’s gonna be more halo actually gameplay tomorrow did i scare you with that yeah well

I do well yeah yeah i was gonna do a thing where i was gonna like sing along to the song or something but then you called and started asking me about halo oh i like it though this also works oh [ __ ] hi guys you guys can hear our secret conversation

Here here do you want do you want to ask me more about halo without the audience hey audience what do you think of the halo yeah what do you think of the halo thing yeah yeah there’s gonna be more tomorrow yeah and then there’s gonna be like something on wednesday

Yeah it’s gonna be like and then there’s gonna be this i’m getting old i’ve broken you with this upset yup yup i i’m excited for um is it okay if i start the stream zap zap i’ll allow it thanks thanks man thank you boss thank you mr manager for lunch but i’ll

I’ll be back later have a have a good stream and everyone i hope you enjoy you too uh halo halo halo halo ah that was nice that was nice hello everybody and welcome to fighter x72 that was my secret conversation with zap zap i was gonna do like a little boop in it

Up like a boopy dee bop with the with the music but but zap zap showed up and we chatted and it was nice that was it was nice instead i liked it uh uh hang on i wanna i was i’m trying to do chat box thing as you can see

Let me adjust the colors a little bit can i change the can i change it so it’s a little darker is that possible oh was that a was that a brett this time yeah don’t start the stream it’s nope yeah did you see what happened also

Brett oh he’s gone he left me he said that and then he left me okay this is a this is an interesting start to a stream i gotta say huh this is an interesting one hang on i wanna i’m messing around with some stuff there you go that kind of makes the the

Chat darker right yeah okay okay hello everybody and welcome to firex 22 once again once again uh i’ll be playing some minecraft today i don’t know if anyone’s going to join me i’m in the voice call as you could tell because zapzap joined me during it and then brett did so so if

People are free to join if they do but for now i’m alone uh but welcome lisa says hello lisa elisa says no you may have culture hello um cup quick hello ramo hello potato army kami chan youtube user uh golden bear munchkin uh zap zap uh hello everybody hello everybody

Uh uh hello i hope your day is going great also you think you should build a jeff statue that would be neat i have plans i actually have some big plans today he has no jacket i know i decided to go stripping today like before i showed up i was

Stripping over at the at the strip bar and that’s what i was doing i was dancing up on the on the tables uh hello hatterson hey zap zaps up the most delayed hello hello i just put up that chat box how many people read that way when there’s an option to

Play the chat ah yeah i think people i i think people like to see themselves like show up in the chat i know i do like when i watch people like other streamers and then i like type in the chat i’m like oh well i see

My message when i see it go by i like i like that so yeah it’s there it’s there it’s it’s cool it’s comfy are you on twitch nope nope i just wanted to try a new text box thing okay should we show off some fan art should we show off some fan art

Sam some fan flart okay okay let’s do it oh man it’s behind the chat box i should have thought about that hang on this is like the fourth or fifth time i’ve done this and it looks really cool though when it shows up there it is

See this one i like this a lot i’m so fancy and colorful and i’m practicing licking my nose i’m trying to lick the tip of my nose in this one uh but my my tongue isn’t that long so it just goes up to like there but i’m i’m trying i’m trying my best

I’m trying my best i’m trying my best to do it i say a lot of stupid things i think my chat makes me comfortable i’m sorry i i think it’s a nice way to interact i like it um you can see yourself you zap zap wow come on you’re pretty cool zaps up

Cries and can’t draw i like that you can do it epic drawing i know i love this one i’m so cute looking hey dude hey david yeah i don’t know if i can recreate that face hang on that’s the best i can do hey whenever i

Look up and i look down at you like this like see here i can do the smug face like my eyes squinting but once i like turn my head up my eyes just automatically close because i can’t i can’t keep them open that that way i’m looking down it’s i’m not not as

Good as it that way but but i can’t do it i’m like this but see this one this this fan art here this one this one’s good for this one’s good for smug nose licking very nice very nice very good indeed very good indeed uh not to brag but my stick figures look

Okay i bet they look great i bet they look awesome actually i bet i want to see all your stick figures anyways let’s get right into the game everybody how about it wow okay here we are in the craft zone in the craft zone and guys guess what

You know how like i usually have some music playing in the background well well about that zap zap made me a new one and i absolutely love it i love it a ton and i’m gonna start playing it right now can you hear it it’s probably a little quiet I’ve been actually listening to it non-stop while setting up the stream i love it i love this ah i’ll move you guys up so we can see you better you can hear it listen to this trash zap zap this one’s awesome i think this one might be one of my favorites of yours

Now zaps i’ve made this and it’s perfection it’s perfection i adore it i’m gonna turn it up a little bit i’m gonna turn it up a little bit for right now oh here i’ll turn it up a lot light a bit there we go now you guys should be able

To hear it real good it’s very nice it’s like i don’t see these i thought the mixing was off i have no idea what that means but it sounds great to me like Like it’s super super anime super cozy super like oh makes me go like ooh and it’s very nice very very nice i love it and then it has like some like halo zoo i kinda like that part oh it kinda makes me think of halo in a way like it’s very environmental Can you hear it it was very nice it’s very nice drums yeah okay okay i’ll turn it down a little bit now so i can go into the game everybody okay are you ready for some minecraft because i’m ready for some minecraft uh let me i have to pull your

The chat up i have to pull you guys up hang on so i can see you when i want to okay there you go all right right in at your blaskis so yeah today i am building a town i’m building an entire town i’m absolutely in no way

Whatsoever gonna be able to finish it today or get anywhere close to finishing it but i’m going to have fun like doing stuff with it i think uh i have to turn my hud back on though because like i was making a thumbnail earlier for the stream uh two Ah this is so nice this is this is so great sitting in a tavern in the akumagako universe i can see that too yeah yeah very good very good okay okay so also last time you were here if you watched my last minecraft stream i i worked on this thing right let’s

This you actually i don’t know how much of it was in the last stream but like this area right well i’ve extended it off stream working on it a bit brett helped me a little bit too but look at this look at this look at this beauty look at that

Spare drugs in case we need it he’s pretty good he’s pretty pretty friendly drug spare drug and then look yeah got some underwater stuff where all this dirt is it’s gonna be like bookshelves like that and it’s gonna go up to like the top up there so it’s gonna look

Great it’s gonna look really great oh yes okay so this is what i’ve been doing off stream and i this is another portal looking pretty sweet so yeah i got a bunch of stuff uh basically now all i have to do is just get a bunch of books cause because it’s

Gonna take a while because like books are book shelves are hard to make i’ve discovered bookshelves can be a little bit difficult uh i’m gonna do a little quick thing in here uh where is it where is this one yeah this song that’s playing actually the zap zaps amazing perfect song

Was actually stuck in my head like i listened to it a bit last night and then i stopped listening to it and then afterwards it just stuck in my head i just wanna because i i was re i just realized that like bookshelves aren’t gonna be there

So i might as well cover it up that should be dirt there oh cause like the reason that that’s not like this dark stones because it’s gonna be covered by the bookshelves anyway so don’t want to waste the dark stone stuff like this stuff i don’t know what it’s called

So i’m just putting bookshelves there um but bookshelves will go here that one doesn’t need to be there i guess either do you have any dirt oh no that’s okay but bookshelf will also go there i’m sure i’m just gonna do that so yeah that’ll all be bookshelf

Um there’s a lot of paper in your river chest by the bridge oh thank you brett i see you’ve been like doing some stuff because i think last time i was here this this bookshelf was only down to like the second or third row or something

So i see you did some things thank you very much uh wait was it the last minecraft stream that you killed jeff i think those two minecraft streams ago now i think that was two minecraft streams ago here let me let me uh let me show you the top area

Also look at this so you see now this area that my senpai pond extends and like you can see under through in the area which is nice uh there’s a floating tree up there that i’m gonna eliminate like right now actually because it’s it’s been bothering me

This floating tree has been kind of getting on my get on my noise is i don’t know how much wood was in it to make it stay there was it just the one piece because that’d be funny if like all these leaves were there just because that one piece of wood

Oh uh i don’t know is there more up there oh there is okay so it’s two pieces of wood two pieces of evil wood all right there we go is that so how’s the sound can you hear minecraft and me and the music please let me know okay so

Now all the wood’s gone so that should disappear on its own all right is there another llama man why are there so many llamas my world is infested with llamas all the time constantly okay all right uh yeah so first off i’ll start with i’ll start with trying to add to the

Thingy you know yeah i’ll try to uh i should probably go sleep i’m gonna add to the thingy the the bookshelves i’ll start with that this is the beginning part of this stream ouch and then and then i’ll work on the house because i’m i’m what i’m gonna do

You can both hear both me in the minecraft you can’t hear the minecraft music well there’s no minecraft music but just minecraft itself like i guess minecraft doesn’t make much noises anyway but like when you heard the sugarcane did you hear that breaking or that door opening there here hang on

Let me let me just like can you hear that we need leather lots of it yeah i bet we do huh to make the books and stuff um yellow uh and then moon face from from ran ran uh we can hear you yeah uh can you so you can hear me

And so but can you hear the game and also the music zap zap made because it’s still playing let me know let me know if the audio is all good or if you want me to turn anything up or down i might just gather this for now and

Then go and do start the house because so like i was saying i’m planning to start a town i’m gonna start a little town that’s my build for today i’m gonna no okay we’re good i wanna start i wanna start a town build i have like a bunch of houses like

Planned in my brain that i’m going to recreate from things that i like like my in real life house so i’m going to build my in real life house i’m going to build one of the anime houses from an anime i like the monogatari what the heck is this

The monogatari house oh look at these books and the wheat in the wood cool okay okay um first we have to scout out an area for that though perfectly balanced awesome you can hear it all sweet okay okay so i was thinking let me i was thinking

Different places let me bring my horsey actually i was thinking of different places to do this build um it’s my whole town actually one of the houses i’m going to build you saw on the thumbnail but the first house i’m going to start with is probably my irl

In real life harrison house i want to build that so i went first i wanted to see if there’s any space back here like how much is back here because i’m going to build like a whole little it’s gonna be a mini town i have like seven different houses i

Thought like i’d wanna build so i have to find a place with a good chunk of space like here might be possible like from here all the way down over around that way would be near my house but i also want to add a road would there be that probably be enough space

Honestly i was worried it wouldn’t be but i think it could be just have a sahara sahara town or should i build it somewhere else is that just a tree zombie what the heck what the heck oh it’s a villager tree zombie you’re looking all funky your hat helmet

Isn’t really working out too well give me it thank you now i’m gonna put it on my hat helmet thank you okay i’m wearing his i bet his scalp peeled off when he when i took the helmet off of him so now i’m just kind of wearing that too it’s nice

How about near discord land that’s what i was thinking too monogatari is a mystic jp yeah that’s what i’m that probably is my favorite anime the monogatari series which actually when i was talking his zaps up about making this music i asked if you could like i sent him some matatari songs to

Ask if he could like base it off of those le okay yeah so let me i was also thinking near discord town like zap zap said so let me go over there because i want to see what areas are around demons with power what see this is discord town because i’m gonna do

Stream and content where some of the upper echelon members of the discord server are allowed into the realm and will be able to work in this area because this is where their houses will be um so i was thinking around here like so i was thinking behind my house where i was

Like the sahara place or like or like back here i guess back here is pretty open huh maybe i should do it over here what the fudge is a little baby horse a little baby splotchies oh i like him oh i can’t touch him though man just trying to touch my little splotches

Um okay uh let’s let me i’m gonna put you in a cage for a bit uh hey hey dude well i guess you don’t have to move i can just ride you back into the cage later okay okay okay wait no this probably should be wider

You love that series too sweet it’s my it’s my fave i love it it’s it’s sweet i love its art and its comedy and its story it’s just sweet all around okay horsey i want you to get in this hole hey okay no okay okay now i escape and you don’t okay cool

Uh yeah now i can climb in all right all right uh ebenezer you’re staying there so and i just about halo a smart what into addis into itus what you’re always late that’s okay saying woo welcome to stream i thought it hasn’t been that long all you missed was zap zap being a

Goofster because he showed up and started talking while the chat and stream could hear him and i was like haha they can hear us it was funny the name slayer animate was surprisingly shorter than i expected i’m currently watching that one uh hang on

Do i even need to go back home as i grab more blocks oh what should i build my house out of like my irl house because that’s what i’m going to start with what should i build my irl house out of wha why am i not just taking my horse i

Put them here for a reason so i can get back and forth quick you know i’m just okay i’m gonna start with cobblestone and i am going to make an outline i’m gonna make an outline of like where i want my house stuff to be

I love it i love it i love this okay so this will be the town right here um maybe i should like dig it a little bit so it’s not high up like this so it’s all level should i do that i should probably do that that would

That’s that would take me a bit but it would make making a town easier huh let me scout this area okay so this is area um Make it so i’m going to build the monogatari house in the middle so like there and i want to build my house like here in the irl house and then i might have other ones surrounding the mona guitar house like that so so my house should be over there okay

My bones they’re tiny oh my foods levels are all so tiny whoever seen an old girl with a shotgun and a bikini i don’t think i have but i like the idea If i you had a sound every time you got hard what sound would that be oh What perfect timing for a creeper to sit to try to attack me that was perfect that was great thank you creeper you’ve decided the sound for me you decided the sound i wasn’t even a part of it hey get out of here uh i’ll remember you i’ll remember you always that was great

That needs to be clipped okay yeah lots of buildings today uh yeah apparently that sound apparently that’s the sound chat okay um so i’m gonna actually keep this as a pedestal i’m gonna go back up here and like mark the territory that i wanna do this in

Uh can i let me build a crafting table hello mr table um okay and now i wish to make a ladder which means i need more sticks oh sticks okay a ladder oh okay just so i can like okay because this is gonna be my watch

Tower to figure out like how i wanna do this so yeah like right there is gonna be my guitar house and then over here so like in this little area okay so that’s the area i wanna start digging out okay cool i can do that all right ouch i missed the

Missed the ladder so now i’m thinking though do i want to dig it out from this level which will be more work or do i just want to keep it on this level which means when i get to this level i’ll have to add dirt which will be easier adding dirt or

Getting rid of dirt i’ll have a lot of dirt after this for sure is there another baby horse over there hello i’m gonna sacrifice you to the to the elder gods okay um Like i don’t want to do either to be honest like i’m thinking i’m thinking like just to just start here like here on this level and dig that out i don’t starting here will take more work and i just don’t feel like it but then i’ll

Have to do the work later i’ll just be procrastinating like at its finest your sound will be an android notification nice nice uh harrison out in public buying some mcdonald’s then a loud noise is heard and oh yep okay i’m gonna yeah i should probably start here huh because this so

My guitar house is oh wait i have a better idea what if i align it like this way like the monogatari house is facing this way instead of this way yeah okay man it’s already setting okay whatever so it’s that that way and then my yeah okay that’s

Gonna be better that’ll require less work from me i’m gonna go back wait yeah i’m gonna go back home and get some bed stuff and bring that here so i can have bed see right now i don’t have any bed or anything to while i’m here but once i build the first house

Then i will like everything will be perfect because then i won’t have to go back home all the time i’ll just have a home here also my secondary home and then i’ll have more homes as i build them it’ll be great you’re going with cheese man what up cheese man what a man

Someone quote that quote what cheese man okay oh hey okay hello that’s brett’s horsey i’m pretty sure i think i have a donkey over here i think i was able to capture a donkey yeah so i’d like to use that donkey because apparently you can use donkeys to to

Have things joshua yes joshua my donkey okay first bed though first is betty bye time yeah also i don’t think i showed you guys my updated downstairs see it looks normal it looks normal and then sleep sleep sleep okay sleep and then you’ll see how it’s not normal in a second

Oh see you can see it over there see i got rid of the doorway here where it used to be i put it here and now my hot hole is here hottie sent by his hot hole so i can just throw stuff in like like let me see like 17 seeds i’ll

Need them burnt thrown right in my hot hole pretty good and this also just leads right to uh my library and this is my this is my backup library um okay so let’s go get some Man i’m just blanking on words today let’s go get some some wool for my bed yes bed wool so i can make bed over by town yes that’s the thing that harrison is trying to do a pink bed of course okay pink bed of course uh i need a saddle for you

Um i don’t know how this works but let’s see That sounds scary that’s terrifying how do i get on you oh is this it oh i have to make him love me first uh how do i make you have barrels on you because i know you can like put chests on you how does that work how do i put chests on you

Chat do you know chat how how how do i put chests on him you know you know you can get uncreative but why would i do such a thing this is our survival realm specifically for survival well he’s not a high jumper is this donkey ah there we go

Okay he’s not particularly fast but he’s faster than me walking uh does anyone know how i put chests on this donkey like a couple of big old zahungas how do i do that right click with a chest on oh okay cool thank you i’m gonna do that

Right now see if there’s anything i need to bring over um chest chest chest okay hey oh oh it just happened oh someone subscribed who did it is read just subscribe thank you for the subscription you are pretty cool okay i’m gonna put a chest in them okay um

Do i need anything else for da for not talking for hit for for the house uh block of quartz is probably what i’m gonna use i’m probably use a lot of quartz for this house oh yeah blocks the quartz yeah man look at that oh that’s sweet

I think i can thank brett for that uh let’s put let’s make him carry just tons like actual legitimate tons of quartz for me thank you man thank you for the help okay um i can’t go in okay whatever we’re going Uh uh congrats on oh yeah four uh yeah i forgot to mention that i reached 4 000 subscribers everybody you’re all um excuse me you’re all perfect human beings and non-human beings you’re all absolutely amazing i love each and every one of you thank you so much for subscribing and

Helping me get here on wednesday probably maybe hopefully i’m going to do like a stream about that talking about like yay 4 000 subscribers all that it’ll be great i’m going to be like hey yeah you guys are great thank you thank you for being awesome okay i’m just gonna slap you actually

I should’ve just brought a lead oh i’m going back that’d be way better than sticking them in a hole huh i should just bring a lead i’m just i’m just a goofball there’s a goofball i’ve made zero progress so far how long has been almost half an hour made zero progress

I mean that sounds about right usually it’s like i’ve noticed that with my streams it’s usually half an hour before i actually making start making like any progress in any of my streams so any of you who are always like oh man i’m sorry i’m late don’t worry about it

Because it stream doesn’t start until a half hour after the stream start apparently that is how i work i’ve discovered um shaft head tilt excuse me you seen oracle shotguns bikinis didn’t you say that earlier what are you talking about do i have oh there was a lead in there okay

Okay and i have crimson fence which is good enough for me oh man i keep having ideas i keep having ideas i want there’s another thing i’m going back hang on huh don’t don’t don’t hurt me i know i’m going back and moving around a lot hang on i’m gonna

I’m go you know i’ll have my mush tower i’m gonna do a make a mush tower there also and that’s gonna be like my base of operations uh which means oh there’s another lead in there which means i need that’s bone um what do i need i need a mushroom

This one of these ones and then bone do i have any bone do i not have any bone i don’t know i don’t have any bone anywhere hang on stay here stay here joshua okay i’m checking for bone banner pattern i don’t i’ve never made banners oh i have a lot of arrows

Unknown map that’s oh that’s white dye oh i got more mushrooms though um oh and i got a bed though um where’s my bone oh i also replaced my floor here nice and like made it look more like a kitchen nice ah bone oh joshua where the fudge oh hey joshua

Okay let’s go does anyone have any bones maybe cameron has some bones i’ll stop by his place oh blazing kitchenaid says hi hello hello welcome welcome to stream i am invading other people’s houses i’m gonna steal his bones if he has any which i’m hoping he does uh there we go i’m taking

I’m taking i’m taking all those don’t tell him don’t tell him he’s not watching he’s out with his friend right now he can’t be watching where’s where’s joshua hey joshua okay josh actually a funny story behind joshua so uh building the nether portal in the library that you saw earlier uh i built

It and then like with brett and then immediately uh a zombie pig man came out of it and i trapped him like in this little area and i was gonna have him maybe like the guardian of the of the of the nether portal and i went and really got nametag and immediately

Wrote joshua with the one you see here joshua and then i got back and he was gone despawned and i was i was crying i was so i was so happy to have a joshua but it didn’t really work out okay you there thank you joshua okay and then

And then mushy i need to make some mushies how do i place these again cool does it need to be like in the dark or something i forget how it works how does this planting these work do i need a do i need a like

Do i need to do it in the dark no okay what is how do i do this harrison reminds me of noodles noodles is it because of my like flowy hair is that the noodle part trapped boy what oh no same potato xenomorph with the fudge dude keep talking about shotguns

Um how how do i place this does it have to be on stone was that the thing no because my other one’s not on stone yeah how do i place this is it like only at nighttime maybe i don’t know i don’t know how this works i’m gonna go over here and start

Preparing house yes okay all my food i need more foods again okay yeah i don’t know what’s happening potato is now confused i am also confused don’t worry that is just the forever state of this of this world that we live in uh okay so first house uh my guitar house is gonna

Be here okay and so let me let me pull up the reference picture um because i have one you guys do do me put it on stream i can put it on stream too probably oh yeah let me let me just do that oh i hear it [ __ ] [ __ ] good job zaps up

Thank you thank you for contributing with your music and your vocal music that you just also added oh there you go thank you i’m actually uh pretty honored that you like the song it’s sweet i thought you were like i thought it was just like okay but then you’re like

Really nice it’s awesome i i adore it okay so here’s house um don’t mind that it’s like copy-pasted mirrored over here on the left side but this is house can i like put this under me maybe okay i’m gonna put it like right there that is house

This is oh zap zap joined the game oh sorry that was the sound i made i thought what the chat told made me discover something about myself um i joined the game and you’re hard this is uh it’s a broner don’t worry nice another room i just spawned in there

Oh yeah you haven’t seen my my my my mama my library yeah i was in the library on legendary last night wow spectacular uh okay i wasn’t actually playing the library last night but okay i also have this other reference that is pretty big looking um my exp got modded i’m sad

Hang on eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 8 7 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 36 47 48

49 50 51 55 okay i’m just i’m just estimating how wide this should be okay and now i’m going to look up i’ll look at more pictures of this house sorry it’s not the first time i’m going to build i’m going to build my house

First i just want to know where this one is because it’s going to be like the center of the area i see you in the distance don’t look at me okay you can look the angoya is approaching okay so it’s like this long weird area

Let me let me pull this one up um don’t mind me i’m just saving pictures uh i hear him eating funny thing is when i search up madagatari house one of the pictures that also shows up is just a minecraft build of the house that’s amazing is this chicken

Oh i just heard you slaughter a chicken i shall protect you because it’s nighttime oh is it when the people come out to rock okay hang on let’s let’s go bed bye let’s see if i can say something it’s a hug hang on zombies hang on

Hang on just give me a moment oh there’s a creeper there’s another one he’s also gonna make me hard posh what what nice ass harrison oh thank you okay bed silence canadian silence canadian listen i love your streams please keep up the amazing work your streams make me smile every single time

Oh i hope to see you grow more in the future sparkling hearts sparkling hearts sparkling hearts oh that’s so sweet i got a donation zap zap and it made my stream say silence canadian quick get in bed with me whatever i don’t know what you’re doing yeah gotta

Get in bed with me i’m gonna look at this i can’t talk you’re not doing it you know you can talk right now the donations happened i want to read this they said harris i love your streams please keep up the amazing work your streams make me

Smile every single time i hope to see you grow more in the future uh you’re so sweet from imagine munchkins that’s dangerous oh he’s on your bed he’s peeing why is he peeing on my bed just don’t do that hacky [ __ ] do you feel that’s really weird

I t bagged them oh look at this oh yeah don’t touch it toad don’t break it don’t you break this this much bones yeah i’m really happy to hear that thank you so much that makes me smile thank you friend i’m really happy that i make you happy and you make me happy

By saying that you’re happy right zap zap don’t worry be yeah yes that’s great yeah yeah zap zap you know it is great actually heck yeah zap zapster oh i’m gonna do some home improvement because like [ __ ] my house sucks it’s pretty good there’s not much

Oh you hate this minecraft world that we built together for my birthday zap zap how could you no it’s great it’s just i’m not i’m not i’m not feeling my house anymore i gotta i gotta like make some stuff i’m gonna move the beds our beds up here zaps up

Also okay i’m gonna go cook some food because i’m starving Okay so this is this is my base of operations for now yeah thank you very much imagine much kin i i i you are perfection you are awesome you are as a person um thank you thank you very much for the for everything thank you very much for

The donation of ten dollars that’s honestly amazing and i’m honored thank you so much i don’t you can buy a pack of gum i want i don’t like them okay um but yes you’ve made me very happy thank you thank you very much it’s gone right to the new outfit

Donation goal gone up to 211.36 awesomeness awesome sauce are there any are there any pictures other pictures that i can use for reference um What if i search up ira rocky house rocky house will this give me a better picture of it oh kinda what the [ __ ] i just want to know i just want to know how wide it is honestly maybe i should maybe use the minecraft picture reference instead

Um okay hang on i’m back in the chat he do you have your own music video what no uh cloudberries says that’s app magic much because there’s anything for you handsome take my money thank you i will i’m gonna put it in my pockets and my pockets

Have a label like etched into the pockets it says uh made outfit so it’ll be for my maid outfit and my um oh what is this picture my made out food nipple fund food apple fund and uh it’ll be for my for the maid outfit and for the new

The casual outfit that i’ll hopefully have at some point as well okay okay i am the dumbest [ __ ] okay back together why i think i figured out what i want to do with my life sweet not in real life though okay i’m still trying to figure that out

Because i’m stupid i don’t know what to do oh it takes time i’m 19. bye chatting by harrison don’t die please you too aeroflot are you going are you leaving i’ll see you later thanks for hanging out watching this and eating cake from the container life’s great wow

Intense dude imagine being rich like that like [ __ ] that’s a nice life right there i was talking about grapes or something i can’t remember okay that makes sense total sense oh my god i’m so sorry i’m going to hit the dirt below you i just spanked a horse with a shovel okay

Um all right here we go it’s like passion dale except for the horses and the soldier so i need it to be like across here i guess it should be this house might be end up being pretty big um so let’s let’s so first i’m just doing our rocky house so it’s like

It’s pretty big looking at the picture there like those are big rooms too so let me let’s see um i don’t know what else is big yeah jupiter four five six seven eight nine ten julie chi julie sanchez 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 song Hachi it’s taking a bit 41 42 43 44 49. i don’t even know if am i still counting i stopped counting i mean i was counting but i don’t know if i was counting in a lot in time with the blocks because i’m a dumb bum okay so yeah this

House is going to be wide this will be a wide house oh you know this is wide and ungoy’s fist each knee son she go roku nana hachi whoops 31 32 33 34 35 86 37 38 39 40 42 43 34 45 46 57 48 49 oh i need one more

Are you you’re interrupting your own music zaps app you’re full dubstep yeah yeah okay uh what are you saying blah blah blah for are you a sheep the cake what cake what are you guys talking about oh no my chat’s crazy i don’t know what they’re on about

Hang on i should go to live chat i’m also really glad that you picked the save your friend’s ending because that’s what i did i was like why would i kill them i do not wish for this yeah it’s even perfect it’s a really good game even for booba

I knew brett would try to trick me try to get me to do it for booba it’s easier hugging your friends than hugging booba all right well it’s easier to not stab your friends than just booba are you saying you’re going to stab your friends for bubba well am i getting

Stabbed because you want bubba is that what you’re trying to have on you no actually yeah i’ve just marked my own end okay oh where the [ __ ] is my knife i can’t find it i’m scared i don’t like how you walked away and said where’s my knife

I think that’s the reason for concern on my part okay i’m really dedicated to the role so this is where this house is gonna be hopefully that’s good enough i’ll have i’ll do that one a little bit off stream but that means my house because this house will be like

Down this like like wow yeah okay okay so my house will go like over here then so it’ll be like this and then it’ll be a little bit of grassland or whatever and then there’ll be like fence here and then it’ll be road because i’m gonna build a road too one

Oh great okay on the road again wait one two three four and then one two three four yeah so so here that’s where that’s this is the road yep okay yeah this is gonna be big it’s gonna be a big flying man good thing i’m doing over

Here and step over the other place okay get out of here okay so and then how how far is this stretch over here it’s like hey hey okay i have to estimate how big my yard is um what the hell is my ass i don’t know what do you do with it

Can’t find it what is the chat saying uh who knife girl’s good with guns what are you guys talking about talking about guns oh i figured it out okay so hey right here i think is where house will start okay so so okay so it’s been

It’s been a whole minecraft day and all i’ve done is planned out the area i’m becoming a real architect someone clipped the l hard clip on discord nice i’m glad okay uh i’m gonna steal some of your bamboo okay only some of it um yeah all we planted

Thank you so this is where my house will go yeah that’s that works okay you know you know when you were reading the chat you said like baba on confusion reminded me of the [ __ ] baby from resident evil wow that scared me it was a scary baby are you ready

Speaking of baby are you ready for sleepy time uh sleepy time hang on i’m committing i’m committing a simulation give me a minute assimilation yeah like the board bamboo against the world resistance is futile why is things going over there i can imagine eating bamboo so zap zap the sound in the song

Is that you that is me pretty good sorry you’re pretty good at it dude i like your wahs i like your wazz zap zap well i mean it was also the strings because the strings had the same uh well it actually was the strings at

First but then i was like you know what let’s get tribal japanese people tribal what the heck i like tribal music yeah it’s good i like this hold on what’s your discord my discord’s in the description below if you want to join where is brett i miss him i don’t know

He was in the far cry stream the other day why are there so many creepers out here he was in the far crystal [ __ ] i mean but like other than that he hasn’t been in much lately oh okay so venue wants to hear this song about us which i don’t know why you

Would because harrison has the best voice ever so like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you get out of me oh my god get out of me okay it’s a creeper neat oh yeah no zap zap go everyone go check out zap zap’s channel and it’s really good the mixing is not

As good shut up like silence canadian okay thank you works every time 100 of the time okay oh wait if it works every time 100 of the time what if it worked every time but only 90 of the time then that sounds like a you problem

Oh i need more wood oh hey look what what a good kawinka dink well would ya look at that okay i’m gonna end you for that one jokes fine okay uh this is all the cheese i don’t need right now okay uh is that zap don’t do that on stream what the hell

That’s gross i’m trying to divide my coal you’re trying to oh you try to do that yeah oh oh yeah like everyone i play with they just like put like the stack of coal in the furnace i’m like no just put like phi i love you zap zap senpai says hashi

In the chat thanks santa what’d you say said santa i don’t know why santa yeah it was just the first thing that came to mind okay so actually you’re santa claus now you are no sad santa claus wait [ __ ] [ __ ] um and then oh is that like that oh there’s like well there’s

That too so i’m thinking bones what do you still need bones no thank you though sir i’m sorry i’ve crushed your dreams i was trying to be helpful i’ve crushed your dreams your entirety oh why are you getting horny no why not stop getting hornies after that

I’m gonna cook my meat in the fire pit speaking of horny i’ve been playing resin evil one lately because i finished seven what the [ __ ] kind of you never mind go on and and there’s mods for some reason that are just remove jill valentine’s shoes so she her feet are exposed

This is really weird how does that make you horny because people like feet well it’s not i’m not i’m not worried about it but other people aren’t really worrying about it how wouldn’t you like feet without feet you won’t be able to move exactly that’s why there’s a horny

Ah ah [ __ ] i can’t believe you’ve done this oh he’s british he’s gone british oh you [ __ ] british sorry i just laughed intense it’s dumb because my family is actually like from britain so like i like it cameron kept doing that we went to london a couple years ago and he

Just kept doing it like a very mean british accent like oh what you want to go i kept doing like that sort of voice and like just while we’re walking around town surrounded by londoners i was like cameron cameron what are you doing you’re mad cameron this is the bronx it’s crazy person

Oh okay so this yeah okay i should be good so first i’m gonna make my porch because i have like a little mini porch it’s like well it’s not even wood actually is it it’s like stone maybe i should use cobblestone which i got rid of fudge you need coffee

Get out of here yeah but it’s in my chest over here it’s nearby i just keep running back and forth and being dumb it’s raining it is raining it’s raining it’s pouring the old man is snowing don’t tell don’t tell my dad i said that all right he sleeps

Because he’s old well that was the implication that made me say i’m sorry [Laughter] what a gross mod what’s the url so i can avoid it uh i don’t know you’ll have to search it up it was it was funny because there’s only apparently 36 mods i think it was like

30 something mods for resident evil one and that was one of them it’s just show feet the show feat mod oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i’m sorry no i was like avocado subscribe thank you thank you very much avi just avocado okay um so then the door would be like right

Here i think and then yeah right which would have like this no that was such a dumbasses yeah you are i’m here to crush you Why are you a dumbbell because i because i was uh you know how like scaffolding works is gravel like it falls yeah so i was like placing them i was on a high ridge and i was like placing them off the edge so they would like stack up

But like they just weren’t stacking and i finally looked down after a minute and i see their keeper on breaking because it’s a path block oh yeah what the [ __ ] do you want your little [ __ ] oh you mean man yeah thank you for the subscription though avocado i hope you enjoy the content

Um yeah i’m gonna put my boy over here i’ll put joshua right over here ungoy wheelchair unboy wheelchair yeah that’s don’t you mean to say halo obsession listen man um okay so let me make another crafting table actually just over here so i keep running back and forth every time

More like another crafting table but but no just just a regular one zap zap you proofster you’re goosing me right now oh he’s freaking out uh i need to remember how do i make those stone stones like like cobblestone but it’s not cobblestone like the one i used on my kitchen stone

No stone bricks no although that would probably work too actually uh he makes stone but not stone oh my god i need oh it hurts i’m just away from home so i need to constantly keep going back and forth to get stuff yeah that sounds pretty painful i i’ll

Be much better when i actually have a home base here but yeah so far i do not i do not yet have that want to want i look at the other house on your house to give you the dimensions nah it’s okay thanks brett see brett is

Crazy because he actually built my house just out of memory i’m having trouble with that right now i’m having a lot i’m trying to figure that out yeah but brett stalks you so i mean that makes sense if brett wants to join then he can if he can help out with the dimensions

And stuff but i’m just gonna i’m just gonna i think i think through chat text it might be a little tough you know what else is tough what beef jerky from 1973 probably god double test god double toast cobble oh yeah okay that’s probably it i need i need some coal oh

Oh hey here’s the stuff actually this is what i’m talking about nice okay um and let me get some cobblestone while i’m here because it looks like i’ll need something oh you need cobblestone too late i got it i’m gonna take my horsey back too also

Uh my donkey’s there but i’ll take my horsey because he’s also fast i’ll put him in the hole i’ll put i’ll put my horsey in the hole let’s go ebenezer oh my face where’s the sun you need help i do i’ve lost half a heart oh no

Are you going to save me zapped up or what i guess he doesn’t even have to save me [Laughter] minty but senpai i’ve missed you that is brett he is minty butt makes sense he put a mint in his butthole yeah that yeah yeah good times yep oh the cobblestone

Why are you moaning again Like a sassy woman you just sounded horny no oh you sound like a horny woman you sound like when you put it that way i i don’t i mean you don’t want to speak yeah no what that’s what i thought you were going to say is upset but he didn’t so

I’m kind of sad well yeah so what does this just disappoint okay let me wait until all right oh yes okay that and then i need these stairs okay yeah no okay man it’s bedtime already okay you need a bed no i have my mush tower

Bush tower version 2 zap zap are you doing your own thing anyways yeah okay hello oh what was in the chat hello hello i’m going to bed i’m in bed zapped up go bad go bad bye go sleeping bye good night yes that is what i have

Bye potato army thanks for hanging out see you in a bit oh thank you for seeing my potato army don’t get turned into french fries because why would that happen suck what because what’s up french fries are trash french fries are fine nah they’re all right but like if

They’re deep fried it just hurts my stomach i went i went to a restaurant recently and ordered hamburger and fries and they gave me hamburger and rice this is really weird that’s a really weird combination of food with that rice no bad restaurant trash it’s really weird that they give me give

Me that Okay so whoa so okay And then one four three four five six seven eight two three four how many grunts in my store yeah that’s probably a room that’s probably a room right there okay yeah okay so i made a video like a week yeah and it was just like

I don’t know if i sent i don’t know if you’ve seen it yet it’s like it’s like the halo meme one yeah and it’s like the most popular one i’ve ever made nice oh is it the one that reached a few thousand no no it’s like 250 but like

150 000 no no 250 100 no not 100 like just 200 2500 no just 200 never mind that’s pretty cool good job nice meme man nice name i gotta make it see i was like you should be a meme channel now and i was like no [ __ ] you shut up

Meme and music y’all yeah i’ll all this mumble rappers get them destroy them yeah [ __ ] migos they suck imagine munchkin says hamburger and rice i know right it was really weird this is actually a really weird combo yeah it was it didn’t taste right together

But i ate it just like cause it was there just it’s like ketchup and relish Yep we’ve been going for an hour okay i need to get some some whoa that’s what i need this time preferably white wool okay let’s see because carpets i have some wall i got it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you

Need white what you need what you need you need white wool i got it actually ran into my room stuff it’s okay i ran all the way upstairs i’ll need you at some point okay here you know what you can do oh shut up i’m building my upstairs

Okay no i’m just joking what do you want i keep disappointing zaps up welcome back to disappointing zap step stream no today you what you can do zap zap actually yes you you can come over to my irl house come over to my in real life house

And then measure it for me and then tell me what the measurements are okay okay see you in like five hours [ __ ] i dropped my controller and it turned off ah you biscuit it still works okay laura says why do the fries and five guys always go through the paper bag they’re

They’re grease they are they are made of grease she says i’m trying to sim my message won’t go through again smfh oh my god i’m so sorry stupid stupid well the border is open yet we have to go to new england yeah you [ __ ] kid the borders are closed so this will be

This room me sad well that means this probably has to go farther than huh oh yeah brett needs a lot of leather lettuce my brain is actually dying don’t die i’m stuttering hairs that means i have a brain tumor don’t do that okay thank you

Is this the right size for this room it might be a little long or not wide enough one of the two zap said why do you keep making penis anyone does no no i’m talking about the [ __ ] forward onto dawn no you’re definitely making penis in your windows

No the forward on to don is on a penis it’s the ship penis and you want the friggin i can tell oh my god there’s no stopping it why would you say what else is long that’s that’s all that means is pee pee don’t you understand this world you live in zaps at

Its peak forever what did i just imagine a penis floating in space forever peepee it’s the boltzmann peepee it’s the one the boltzmann pp i oh no no no no what what’s up i think i’m to move to my upstairs room why would you do that because

Well [ __ ] now you got me [ __ ] double thinking it goddamn iko says [ __ ] hi harrison hi everyone i can’t say but i want to say hello have a great day beautiful thank you thank you i could hear you i go i love you as a friend acquaintance uh laura says

They always destroy me after 15 minutes the fries i know five guys hurts it’s painful never forget spooners and senpai yes i’ll remember i always remember the spoo it’s been a while i think it’s american i guess it would be i said i have never seen a five guys

Restaurant like the only reason i know what that is is because i was watching niko avocado be cringy and he was like eating food that’s the guy that eats a lot of food right he just eats yeah he’s the guy who needs mental health ah i don’t know anything about him other

Than he’s a food man i actually hope he gets it he’s it’s actually sad oh anyway okay so there’s this and i need i need more stairs or not stairs but i need like things to go there and then things to go here you need stairs i need tv over here i

Need barrels no well actually zaps do you want to do something for me do you legitimately want to do something for me i mean i’m actually in the process of making stuff okay then never mind stairs well i need specifics what kind of stone stairs i need the the purple stairs purple

Wooden stairs from the nether uh that’s what i need right now wait hold up oh what else yeah dude i’m doing renovations in my house now like my house sucks gonna be better and then i need a barrel let me get barrel this one i need sticks food

Sticks okay this is uh this is the first uh video on this world that’s in the new update yeah it is it is that is you rather didn’t add anything special well they did it all they actually added some neat things you can do underwater things

And and there’s a squid that you know that i actually want to do certain things with i’m like oh i’m gonna do some things with those tentacles you know um okay so that oh it’s not there oh and then i need black wool which i did not bring over um

And then like so this will be there and then and then and then okay and then i can break that one down yeah and this is where the couch will go actually this is dumb this is dumb you’re dumb yeah you’re dumb yeah no yeah fine Is this gonna work no that turns it into two right uh butts okay if i do it like this yeah that’s what i wanted okay i’m making i’m making a table oh that’s a table and then i’m gonna have a couch there yes zap stop stopping hoarding i’m making my i’m doing good

Horny good no no i’m i’m no i’m doing the good things for my house ovations standing ovations finger quotations fingering what no i only do this to use zapzap because this is too easy is that because you love me maybe that’s because it makes you uncomfortable and it’s funny

Oh you know what else makes me uncomfortable what i’ll use it um i’ll use it against you yeah never mind okay Uh is this gun gangster maybe i should make it a little bit closer okay a little bit closer So let’s just make it like there and there you know what i did this zaps up i have another thing you can do for me if you want yeah yeah what is it if you’re asking to be my slave then you can bring me

Well i am an angor so you can bring me my black wool from my wool farm Yes sir master queef what what’d you call me yes sure master chief okay good good that’s what better dude i’m just i just want to play halo infinite dude i’m excited for it it should be cool like when it was delayed i was like yeah okay that’s yeah i’ll allow it

You’ll allow it they work for me they work for zabs that by the way 343 industries yeah i don’t know if you guys knew that i took over after halo 5 to make the to make the game better okay so now it needs to be carpet again oh yeah your wool farm is

The torture chamber over here yes it is a torture chamber that is true okay okay uh so there’s a studio there’s only four four black wool in total oh there’s five yeah there’s only five oh it’s another chest here oh wait no there’s another chest that has a whole stack okay

Cool i uh just a stack would be fine probably but do you want to go betty bye first zap zap you wanna go buddy bye first okay go sleep in my basement i’m good all right i’ll lock you in all right that’s fine laura says i had a friend named hannah she

Named me daddy and she had found me names for other friends like mom and cousin that is unique zap zap who do you want to be in my family the adopted mistake okay that i didn’t even like think it just came out like that’s what you are now putting oh man

That baby oh my god it’s the baby that baby was was was riding was riding a parent and then i killed the parent and it hopped to another parent and i murdered that parent too and then the baby that was nice a [ __ ] child it was just riding its poppy on the

Shoulders and then i killed its poppy it’s it’s zombie dad so it hopped right before it without even landing on the ground it helped right to its mommy zombie and i killed her too and then the child family murder yeah good times okay oh oh oh oh oh oh

One two three four five six seven okay so let’s do a video three four five six seven yeah that’s really good and then i need this again oh yeah oh oh my god that’s gross i’m sorry it was a hurt and it should be this should be wood too then okay and

Then that’ll be where the door is the back door okay oh whoa what a good job how is everybody doing today what is this halo you speak of zaps upset don’t ask him he’s gonna go on like a tirade oh okay no really scared no what have you done

You monsters i’m blocking progress i’m going to cut your head off uh-huh thank you oh yeah thank you for the wall thank you there we go it’s my tv and this is where the couch is once the couch is made i’m just letting this happen okay um goldberg says what makes zaps up

Uncomfortable is money so if you give him a lot of money he will feel uncomfortable is that true that is very true actually no don’t wait no shut up don’t no [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you’ve done something to him can i tell a story okay i remember walking

With my friend like in grade 12 and like he reached into his pocket and pulled out like 30 dollars and like he handed it to me he’s like here take this like he was legit i was like and he was like trying to give it to me for like

Five minutes like no i don’t i don’t want it literally like stop i don’t want it stop go away you piece of [ __ ] i didn’t actually say that but i did say i didn’t want but i don’t know i just i’m i’m i’m dumb i’m gonna pay you for your music someday

Youtube viewer says i’m gonna go play gta 5 now bye okay bye youtube users see you later thanks for hanging out um committing war crimes i’m gonna get rid of this because i don’t need anymore okay let’s let’s see here okay uh hmm still doing this huh

That was also good timing because like right as you crouched you did that your song did the thing where you’re like it was really good timing i love little vocal things like that it’s nice did you know that song exists because of those soap i do now because the only reason i

Wanted to start making music was because of dubstep i was like i wanna get into that and i was in grade eight like a little [ __ ] when are you gonna start making zap step uh that’s probably already a thing but what if it isn’t just a bunch of ongoing noises

I want to make a video of like stuff it’s always a questioning sound it’s always it’s always like you’re asking a question yeah and i [ __ ] love it because that’s like my reaction to everything even when i’m not asking a question and people in the voice chat just repeat themselves it’s like

It’s like remember delta was like okay so i’m going to show you a video and i’m like he’s like i said i’m going to show you this video and i’m like oh yeah i know well it’s like we think you’re actually you mean it it sounds like you mean it it’s it’s

So great it’s part of your happiness for two years so that will another door yeah and i need wood i need one i can do a really good hurt sound punch me in the face nice okay so there’s gonna be a closet there um i’m gonna do my angry halo 2 on voice

Sound okay and then here i need more of these okay what are those ah i was hoping to make the sound again if you didn’t there was a lot of it i missed those day i mean at the time i was just like [ __ ] you kill yourself i didn’t actually say that but

Wow that was upset yeah club quake says broner got hidden broner oh brett’s here oh my god is he here laura says i have a blueberry seed stick in between my teeth is they’re not a fan of s3 rl or alan walker i don’t know what those are

Hello vegas welcome walker he makes music that sounds familiar what’s he do makes music yeah he makes electronic music why do i know that name walker was he has he made stuff for games i i i don’t think so i mean you know the name chris walker brett yeah

What’s that one that he died okay he went training again really mad about it i was he doesn’t like pigs wait i’m thinking paul walker wait chris walker what’s up oh am i thinking of paul walker too actually all the walkers are just that character to me from outlast

Yeah well i can’t wait the tv doesn’t work stop punching my tv he actually didn’t die he just evolved into christopher walkens oh yeah christopher walken okay so let’s see here how do i approach this thing i’m going to give you warm hair do you need

I need get this heck get this the heck out of here i need warm the and then the stairs are like carpet stairs but i can use wood stairs for now zap zap i’m gonna pretend you wanna get me something okay if you get me as much oh lightning is striking that’s scary

Yeah if you give me as much like oak wood as possible okay thank you oh here i found this it’s uh as thorns one but i’ll take it i’ll put it on me if if sometimes if if if like if i punch you i’ll do i’ll get damaged to myself oh

Is there oh [ __ ] no wait i’ll punch you don’t come next there’s a dude yeah he’s been wandering around it looks like brad did you hear zapdap’s new sweet jams oh lovely yeah they’re good i like it get out of here okay get out of here we got a silence canadian too

Also which is pretty nice it’s a good yeah happy 4k too by the way thanks man i think i already said that no wait never mind i just said sweet weeb says oh i joined the stream and i hear toad oh boy yeah that’s what zap zap is and you guys

Killing each other right tell me oh they’re trying to kill me you [ __ ] of brett driving off a cliff and crashing into people and it was hilarious i mean well it was like in the stream yeah oh that was like my favorite part that was funny he it didn’t really go well for

Him you sussy taxi driver or not brett zabzip are you getting me wood oh yeah hang on i just gotta eat food okay that was close so tall what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] lemon toys full there’s a lot of meat dang it creepers what is going on

Is it night time because i know it’s raining but like there’s a lot of monsters that get his bones because i don’t want his bones oh here i’m gonna do this did i get his bones in i don’t want that either get his stuff out of me oh Is it actually bedtime then i don’t know thanks brett i’m not nothing so you guys can sleep but it’s only stormy i don’t know if it’s rain if it’s night time okay now it looks like it’s gonna think it’s gonna yeah let’s go betty bye let’s go betty bye everybody

Everyone get in bed for some time do you need torches uh i wouldn’t mind them i don’t need them but i won’t mind them me too soba loops says i’m still fish boy but i keep changing my name sorry honey that’s okay i’ll pretend

That i know you as fish boy i’ll try to remember i’ll keep forgetting about that over here sweet weep says i’m trying to say it but now i’m sweet weeb okay so yeah all the username changing is gonna be confusing but i’ll try my best uh get in bed stop stop

Murdering get in bed with me oh snuggle time why are you screaming while we’re in bed i’m dreaming i actually had a really like scary dream last night hey hey brett which one is better yeah okay right hang on i’ll bring it back i gotta go shoot my mom in the head

Or something which is better pogging or pegging uh i’m gonna go with pegging okay final answer final answer okay acceptable I still don’t know how you did this without like a reference of like being at my house when he made my house because brett made my house in minecraft before without actually being at my house i don’t know how he did it you just remember you just do it that’s brett’s slogan in

Life it works for actually zero percent of the population other than bread it works pretty good for me i’m pretty good at it you ever break your hair put it back just break your hand fix it just don’t do that make it better legitimately had to do nothing except

Like put the splint on when i got to the yard a little ridiculous brett it just fitted the split to me and then i was good to go home you just you’re just good grin they did the x-ray through but yeah this should be a good level

Yeah brett broke his hand a while ago because there was a spider and it scared him because he’s a baby and he smacked it broke his hand and then it was because he’s not a baby he just fixed his hand he just he just like he’s like oh that

Doesn’t look right because his thumb was bent wrong or something and he just used his other hand and fixed it my hand was at a nice 30 degree angle from where it should have been i was like that’s not great hey you stopped that then you put together and it hurts

But you know but whatever it’s fixed back where it should be congrats on 4k hottie thank you hush yeah we’re at 4k brat what we’ve reached 4k just now earlier like yesterday just now no maybe maybe maybe today yeah just now right now actually it’s gonna be in five minutes

When you reach it oh okay sweet i’m glad yeah we have it scheduled yep yeah i don’t want to miss it this is how this is done right this better be out this is done if he says double double furnaces right yeah yeah you cook it i think right because you gotta

Make smooth stone yeah i think that’s also i also think that is the way i’m about to find out yeah because we were trying to make smooth stone and it’s just it’s like bread you know you cook bread and then you make toast yes i did it okay what cook bread to

Make toast yeah like you cook bread oh this is cooked i’m gonna cook it again and then you make those okay uh chat says who actually has the guts to slap a spider with her bare hand oh i didn’t slap it i punched he he

I wasn’t there for it but i i think i know how it went down like he without just his subconscious brain decided to make his fists part of the wall yeah well the the problem was i have like a weird thing on my wall that doesn’t have any give oh and

Yeah and i hit so it no give no crunch only crunch if i if it was a different part of the wall i think it would have been fine honestly did you you you built my house in survival last time or did you do it in creative

You’ve done it you pretty sure you’ve done it twice yeah and creative ah okay i’m doing it in survival first time building survival mode for my home do you like all your cords yes thank you i got i got a little bit of those oh [ __ ] how much wood do you need

As much as you’re willing to give like i’ll take a bunch because i’m out basically hey violence canadian silence no we didn’t get the donation we can’t do it oh we need to wait for donations now can we please if someone donates we can yell at zap zap yes donate please

Donate so we can get it i need i need to tell this community see i went down the ladder and there was a penis and it scared got done reminding me of great [ __ ] [ __ ] i exploded you got donated i got blown blown yeah you did yeah

Just like what what happened to you i’m fixing the hole with what happened to you what’s up what happened to you i got exploded by a creature no what happened to you in grade three oh yeah i watched i watched the halo it looks good oh yeah it does that multiplayer look pretty

Good yeah looks fun good sandbox yeah sprinting badge right now i’m just joking careful you’ll set someone off i can’t wait can’t wait to what to grapple yeah yeah i’ll say also that that sandbox like as a sandbox thing looked real nice you’re nice thank you thank you very much

I’ll look at it thank you thank you very much so you need torches i’ll take them but i that’s not my prime objective right now i need more so like wood oh yeah what i’m supposed to get okay um wood oh wood i already more quartz would also be great because

I’m going to use a bunch of it for this yeah yeah thank god yeah here’s your wood it’s over here oh god i hate you is he he just replaced it he just placed it now he’s splooching it you had to place it and then splooge it

Oh wait is that a double whammy oh you missed one harrison gimme that fudge you placed it again i’m not gonna cut you we didn’t want them sploojin reminds me i don’t like either just give it to me just give me this [ __ ] it’s a secret corner in the house

Yes that’s the closet get out of my huh get out of my hole i’m coming out of the closet finally there we go no not like that took forever because that’s that for you no it’s abs coming out of the closet it’s official everybody no i’m coming back into the closet that

Didn’t sound right you’re ruining it for yourself you’re doing this to yourself so i might as well just torture myself yep true here you can have that meat i’m gonna is that good on wood how how’s that wood oh i don’t get to put the meat in there

And put other stuff in there oh oh yeah here’s torches there’s some torches here can you can you stop helping me zaps out [Laughter] i know i was asking for it and you are asking for it but i don’t want it anymore end this end to this i can sense

Zap zap it has been revoked get off my chest joshua silence canadian oh it happened silence canadian silence canadian from hashi saying and because it’s a donation i’ll say it let’s [ __ ] go thank you very much hoshi thank you for making me suffer [ __ ] legend pretty great pretty good pretty

What’s good okay so those will be there and then oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah i don’t know i’m fine one two three four hi hey booming actually okay thank you very much hoshi thank you for making us feel good so we can hurt zach no i’m

Going away my brain this is what is that stuff that’s like fluff but it’s also glass that’s in walls ah insulation yeah what do the stupid torches zap that i’m adding my insulation Ah i’m upset it’s not like an old chevrolet jordan with ours what you’re coming okay hello hello mr coom cow thank you [ __ ] thank you thank you i think the campaign thing was more there’s a new cortana what the [ __ ] thank you thank you more like cortana kyle thank you

Thank you kunkow thank you cow i don’t like that you’re doing it this way but thank you if i go over there will you just stay here doing it because i’ll be back yeah okay so how high does this need to go oh i left the other stuff um

We’re gonna get ha ha yes sir okay so like that and then yeah okay i got this right we should go betty bye you’re still going oh my goodness what the hell is happening over here he’s coming too much he’s cumin infinite red i came okay let’s go bad

Brett’s a cow we keep taking too long to go to bed because by the time we get up there’s a bunch of creepers around should we just move the beds to the house there’s two um i can make another one oh Hey hey hey hey i can’t break it because i’m on the ladder it breaks so much more slowly i’ve cycled through all my stuff ah there’s more stop stop it i made a bed for you and everything that’s cool yeah i’m perpendicular take that i’m feeding you

I’m doing footsies with you oh god ouch oh is waiting for us uh miles will is subscribe thank you for the subscription i hope you enjoyed the content we’re playing minecraft i just bought the microphone twice whoops harrison is that okay no i’m not okay with it although i said he

Bought a microphone no i slapped my microphone twice by accident i just choked my own spit i hate when that happens you know what i’m gonna you’re in the shower and like you get mustard up your nose and like it goes down your throat and it [ __ ] burns

No i don’t oh the shower and you get mustard up your nose yeah why like what why do you i don’t know why a lot of that why do canadians shower with mustard do they no no i mean like you’re in the shower right like honestly because i believe it at this point

Put your milk and bags your mustard in your face while you shower why do you know what this has to do with this but i mean like whatever go make some bread you’re so canadian you’re so canadian there you go i want to touch your flaps oh my claps

Oh i won’t touch them no they’re mine actually i will not touch them but i spit on them so that makes them changing anything yeah you’re making your attempts please how are you going oh whoa just subscribe thank you for the subscription i hope you enjoyed the content playing minecraft and doing

Things that’s good bro what’d you think of the far cry 6 thing i didn’t see it oh whoa were you okay there oh what i just used up like two of your stacks of wood on 31 minecraft chests by accident oh oh that’s awesome can i have one

Yeah with you i pressed shift by accident pc gamer bad oh oh i suck as a huge track someone someone execute me oh coming over i feel awful it is your asmr is pretty good thanks you know what else i could use if anyone’s still wanting to get me things

What i could use brain i’m just joking what is this i mean true at this point because what i just did but i’ll take any glass if anyone can get me glass i’ll take some glass i only have a split ah cameron has a bunch i don’t know if we

Could take it says wait y’all don’t shower with mustard i have to search this up i’m confused yeah what the [ __ ] you don’t wow oh my god shower with mustard a mustard bath is a traditional therapeutic remedy for tired stress muscles cold fevers and seizures the muscle was thought to draw toxins

And warm the muscles flooded and blood and body the fudge it’s real yeah why are people taking mustard baths i guess that’s the reason but what the heck i guess i gotta i mean i don’t even take regular baths i take showers i gotta start taking mustard shower

Wait so canadians shower with mustard and put milk in bags apparently you know what honestly i was just like doing that to sound stupid because i never because i never actually like had a mustard bath and i also didn’t know that it existed i didn’t know this harrison looked it up

So now i actually really want to jump there’s the first thing we’re going to do when i come to your house we’re going to have a mustard bath great together just good old human and ongoing time mustard bath oh i have so many chests now oh yeah i’m

Gonna come over there for a chest i’m gonna steal your chest i’m gonna rip it out of you oh god don’t hurt me please i don’t deserve it there’s any he wastes all your wood on chess i think he doesn’t know i deserve it hurt me hurt me zap zap i

Beg you stephanie step on me oh wow i’m i’m only five foot eight step on me steps up two wins oh this one i feel like harrison’s six foot zero i am five foot ten [ __ ] that’s enough i didn’t know they stuck [ __ ] that high haha funny

I didn’t i hurt you thank you oh yeah brett that’s gonna be new halo stuff both there’s gonna do there’s gonna be new halo stuff tomorrow as well oh no like oh is there gonna be more gameplay soon when’s it coming out tomorrow holiday no the oh okay thank you oh you’re

Welcome i know how to do a conversation i’m trying Oh the chests are in the chest hilarious i know i’m sorry it was sorry sorry i want to be stepped on by zap zap senpai too says hashi why can’t i just hug you why do people want me to step on them and then and then soba loop says count me in

Everyone wants to be stepped down by you zaps up oh this is someone good get out of here okay um get out of here get out of here thanks for the chest you’re welcome loser oh okay let’s see how much i can do with this i gone comfy

Wait how do you tell an american to shut up you do you can’t shut up it’s actually how it works is only americans are the only ones who can tell other americans to shut up brett can you tell her to shut up as an example if anyone can also bring coal

Over from my house land then that would also be helpful oh i’m still hoping for hole [Laughter] Where is cameron again he’s with a friend because they’re suffering it makes me think of cameron okay way to have more carpet cold you got coal all over my carpet zaps at it’s all yucky now i’m goings that’s your response that’s it he still likes it he still likes it

Okay i need to make i need to make a metal door door door they can only be yeah okay button give me a button i didn’t know if harrison’s a noob at the game or not the fudge i’ve been playing minecraft longer than you that is true but also i i never

Updated like i haven’t i there was a there was a section of time where i didn’t play for like many years so so that is true i get it i understand i understand that that is true okay that’s also true oh there are goats in my yard there are goats in the yard

What do i do what do they do what do i do what do they do i heard they’re in troubles again i’m gonna give one they didn’t do anything to me when i found some I’m gonna give them wheat and see what they do they eat wheat yeah hi goats it’s gonna be a high goat Come on give me a high goat oh they breed during wheat during wheat okay Okay where’d you put your go i didn’t bring it anyway i just saw it and left it’s all right harrison is the wilderness when i came across it there was a goat at your house why is that oh i never saw that one that’s weird i think you need to go to

Check it out come on come on man the bane of my existence oh ha she says i want to be trampled by the entire senpai squad true trampled as in dead because that doesn’t sound too healthy to me that does not sound good hopefully this quartz works is like the walls

Also i don’t think you want to get trampled by anger they weigh 260 pounds no 240 my bad you don’t even know you’re you’re lower why did i just get hurt because you were gonna insult me don’t look at me are you invisible around me and punching me

No that would be weird that would be weird i feel like he’s doing that i feel like he might somehow be magically doing that all of a sudden yeah yeah yeah What my dad asked me if i had a snack yeah it’s pretty canadian stupid [ __ ] canadian wow got him painful let’s go betty bye Oh yeah uh soba loop says as i’ve said before hashtag protect zap zack yeah who’s that soda soda can loop i like it [ __ ] that movie sucks i’m gonna shoot a bunch of ducks i don’t know why you don’t like that movie i hate it

Yep sand you want to a fun fighter x72 fact sure it’s 72 degrees out right now what is that in celsius yeah no what is it oh okay i don’t know no what is it i didn’t i didn’t quite hear you [Laughter] i was munching on a cookie okay soba loop says zaps

I’m sub to you now by the way heck yeah everyone do it thank you very much sir or ma’am or thing that’s fish i’m gonna call you a fish you’re a fish now thanks fish thank you fish i like i sleep with a fish oh i have this stuffy fish like that

That i’ve had since i was five and like i just sleep before these cute famous bread 72 fahrenheit two celsius let’s [ __ ] see this [ __ ] oh okay that’s that’s that’s a very that’s a very fair temperature it’s very comfy what is it in celsius you know yeah 22. wow

You know what it is over here in america language yeah it’s 79 fahrenheit over here wait how the [ __ ] are we harder than you you’re in america true well i’m still in like upwards america Yeah we’re upwards up wordsworth aren’t you i’m in like the middle of alberta but to the middle of the rights but west you’re a crazy person oh what are you even laughing at right now who me no trinity oh you’re a crazy person i got i went on to

Facebook like two days ago out like i hardly use it right and i felt like posting the like the halo meme there so more people could like see it or whatever and like i got a friend like you know how facebook’s like uh some friends that are like a good thing

For you or whatever like recommendations there was someone named trinity and i was like there’s no way what letter did the last name start with what was the last name [ __ ] did it start with a g I i can’t remember okay [ __ ] no i don’t like the government dude i was talking to z-hat i was playing i was playing a world war ii game medal of honor airborne if anyone’s heard of it okay and um i was talking about waffen officers like because they’re like a german thing or

Something and you know he had streams i was like hey yeah what’s a waffling officer and we’re like talking about it and then that’s like next day i got recommendations through a video on youtube about waffen officers and i’m like stop listening to our conversations government i’ve been getting that too adam showed

Me yesterday a song from a game that i haven’t played before called guilty gear and i’m getting a lot of guilty great recommendations weird it’s it’s it’s it’s obviously listening to us harrison it knows everything hello fbi agent hello all right my favorites the ripd right with the unsc who’s with me r-i-p-d

R-a-p-d gang anybody what are you talking about right no l-l-l-j i can’t tell that’s llj or i i j or little j i’m gonna go with little j just just combine it j and just combine gel and i lee jay hello well thank you for subscribing i hope you enjoyed the

Content playing minecraft all right little j on the beat gonna make you tap your feet rip deep breath brett are you even here was muted why did he keep getting muted because i was on the ac go oh no do you know the rapd bret yeah yeah yeah yeah Well here’s the thing so we’re what i’m saying rpg ripd i’m referencing the ryan reynolds movie was it just called alright yeah yeah yeah uh i saw it like a youtube movie reviewer i like to watch made a video about that and saying it’s a bad and forgettable movie and i was

Surprised because i i enjoyed that movie and i remember a good chunk awful i i i remember i liked it and i remember most of it because he said it was forgettable but i remember a good chunk of it no movie i hate i liked i liked the two characters together

The ryan reynolds and the jeff i sent me like ryan reynolds the other guy was awful oh i liked i thought it was fun i like him and other stuff he was just bad at man i think yeah i haven’t seen it since i was younger i think i’ve seen it

I saw a few times after it first came out oh weird no i remember i remember enjoying the mario bros movie and i heard that one sucked um i don’t know i haven’t seen i mean i was like eight maybe they should go up one higher so like i have a separate ceiling

That rather than this gross thing brett i’m doing home renovation renovation renovation station masturbation administration i i needed to rhyme zap zap you’re so lewd what the heck i was rhyming why are you so inappropriate on the channel all the time zap zap that that that here’s them see zaps up

It’s easy to mess you up man you gotta go with it you gotta go with it yeah yeah or something yeah i i uh [ __ ] it dude i’m a virgin you did it got us good there i mean i i am good job zapzap people i don’t know if i should take it

As like a compliment or insult but people are always surprised that i’m not yeah i was like really hella surprised yeah i don’t know how to take that i actually get that comment a lot on like my trailer video people find this channel like on the comments of the video that

This is a trailer for a lot of people are saying like virgin energy or something yeah it’s funny oh yay funny people well i i know they don’t mean it but in a funny way they’re just trying to be poopy heads but like i’m like wait it’s just funny it’s just inaccurate

They’re they’re just jealous that you have hair when i have virgin energy that i yeah see if i was from like what is it if i was from if i was a lady from a few hundred centuries ago few hundred centuries just a few hundred years ago

A few centuries ago that one they’d be like oh pure virgin we can sacrifice you and all that stuff and then i’d be sacrificed women are scary I think you’re just scared of boob zaps up now are you coming out again is that he just said yeah it was mute is like no it half cut out but i was able to guess it All i’m saying is the average i get i get what you’re saying i i get i get the closet that you’re in what no i don’t that’s not what what is happening he was doing it again um uh what is it uh i just damn wait that rhyme was so

Hot zap zap senpai he’s getting horny again seduced him once again you’ve seduced the senpai you can finally have him why no then why are you so horny where’s my glass slave who me yes oh yeah i’m building house i thought you’re giving me glass i got you wood

You told okay i guess i’ll do my own glass i had assumed this entire time that i was getting glass oh oops you know what they say about assuming stupid [ __ ] oh bro what are you up to right now you called harrison is stupid yeah i’m looking for a stronghold and

Another so we can actually like do if you come across courts would you mind grabbing it for me oh thank you that’s it no well i would if i could find a [ __ ] fortress oh i’m on fire and down on you no ah sad days oh into the grave with you the graveyard

It wasn’t carrying anything i made sure of that um so you know what else isn’t deep you’re a vagina reflexes on them i’m coming back at it i’ve been god it’s betty bye time oh baby pig die jesus and then i will put my graves i’ve decided that i’m a murderer of infants

I’m an infant slaughterer you have done i like molly no she’s not an infant what the hell there’s so many i bet she like losers babies only after i kill them okay what the [ __ ] oh i won’t allow it but i mean it’s not like on the government

Wait a minute what the rope is still where i put it but i don’t see the goat anyway see how there’s still like rope on this pole uh-uh like wrapped around it used to belong to a goat yeah it’s still well the rope is still here so that means the goat

Is did someone bury it i don’t know i haven’t been here i just got back i don’t even i didn’t even know you had a goat i’m here for whoa um so brett are you so when you said no does that mean you are or are not getting me getting me uh quartz

Uh not right now i thought i was trying i won’t find that that fortress okay this music is great i have a new bedroom i’m gonna make a new town did i say i don’t know if i said what the town is called spider town now Is it it does it yes oh my god that’s why they call them that i’ve been playing tamagotchi since i was [ __ ] spy paris tomagachi tomodachi no no no no tamagotchi they’re like these these little chat if you know what a tamagotchi is like i know what it was

I thought it was tomodachi means friend so maybe it’s oh maybe it’s like a pun i’m so happy of it maybe it’s a pun based off of the word friend stacks re has returned welcome back east actuary welcome to stream i am still craft i’m still a minecraft hey did you guys

Notice my new background of dark colors and fear and loathing in las vegas yeah edgy ass i’m just joking okay here let me let me make a bed because my real life is like it’s kind of grayish but kind of bluish but i’ll go with gray

Like i need to make a molly pillow too so this will be my money zap zap this is why we think you fear woman well molly is no mere woman she’s a spawn of satan she’s old she’s a god see of death a god in human form of death in human form

With death yes Death i just made another chest instead of using the one of the 37 that i already have another chest Huh [Applause] what else can i add what would look like a uh what would look like uh like call like a uh like a god like a uh yeah but i don’t i don’t want to make one of those so i’m just going to use these you can use stairs

And make them look cute too lazy fools this is gonna be my potion enchantment room harrison i’m making progress on something really stupid oh my compete what do it what achieve it unlock take a pee nice chest mine 1007 wait what was that mine’s 1728 cobblestone and place it in a

Chest oh my god you [ __ ] yeah you’ve done it zapzap i’m a rock boy should just be like i’m gonna make my enchantment room boys i guess i can use this no are you okay yeah how would you ask because well is harrison promoting burning libraries what

I don’t know wow arson i love you my yeah harrison arson ah that doesn’t work out well harrison hat arse arson [Laughter] my name is jim parsons oh no that means i’m the star of a bazinga okay that guy on e3 what was his name again

Like the first guy we saw yeah who is he yeah because my friends were like you don’t know who todd No he’s a gamer oh did they reveal anything for skyrim too skyrim too yeah no they’re they’re they’re not doing skyrim yes oh it was all girls online they did that too but no they’re doing starfield stuff i don’t know what star field is it’s their new game because they’re just

Not because they’re poopy heads okay um oh let’s see here there should be a window over here yeah yeah i like i like how they said look at all these games exclusives they’re going to be exclusives i hope that doesn’t mean that they’re going to be exclusives

That forza game looks pretty dope and they’ll be on pc okay i stopped i stopped watching after halo so i don’t know what else happened yeah i lost all my well far cry 6 the elder scrolls 6 yeah i don’t know what’s going on with that they showed

That off like two years ago and they’re like but i don’t know if we’re actually doing that but yeah it got it oh achievement but then they actually showed some stuff this year they showed what stuff uh hell didn’t ring it’s like the next uh souls like game ah okay

It looks like the sound of it elder ring that just sounds like lord of the rings yeah when when was lord of the rings ran like 1930 or 1920 or something i didn’t know it was that old when i first like yeah a lot of people don’t i didn’t realize that either

I was watching it with adam a while ago and he also did not know it was that old he also didn’t know the hobbit was uh was written before i thought it was written after yeah no the hobbit was first where did all that have you do you know about like

Everything around that movie am i a dumb i just mind a bunch of stuff and where oh it turned into cobblestone that’s why okay sorry what do you know like everything around like the hobbit movie like all the [ __ ] [ __ ] they did what about it well they so originally it was only

Supposed to be two movies which would have worked yeah but then they had uh gear uh [ __ ] i can’t pronounce this right now the labyrinth i i it’s already [ __ ] up in my head something i know you’re talking about yeah del toro there we go i can do that

The uh the yeah pans labyrinth cowboy guy yeah um they were gonna have him make the two hobbit movies that would have been awesome and you did a [ __ ] ton of like prep work for it yeah and he left and it seemed like the studio made him leave

Like it there’s nothing concrete on that part but when he left he said he seemed very sad about not like he was happy to like be going yeah he i think he would have done some awesome stuff because did it’s awesome two years of like pre like pre before their shooting work

Yeah um and they threw that all out they got uh was it peter jackson yeah right he did the original lord of the rings they put him back on he didn’t want to but they put him on yeah um got rid of all the pre-work turned into three movies all of a sudden

And because they didn’t do any like pre-work it had to be like you just have to make it and the studios just kind of dictate everything yeah it doesn’t sound like fun it would have been i mean the movie still turned out pretty great but like comment share In the subscribe and the third ones just no i think they’re all amazing they’re all awful most people i talk to say that they actually like the hobbit more than lord of the rings which i don’t know it’s tough to say they’re both pretty great but it’s so gross compared to it it’s

Just nothing good i feel like people just like stuff around it they don’t actually care about if it’s good no no it was pretty great like bilbo was a character is good there was a lot really bad culture just like character stuff a lot of bad what character stuff

Just like how characters were interacting the love triangle thing was just i love it yeah a lot of people don’t like that but it doesn’t they also force the actress to do it and dan wannu oh really yeah she said don’t make it all love triangle and they’re like okay

And then they’re like it’s a love triangle and she was like ah yeah that stuff wasn’t cute they [ __ ] over the entirety of uh new zealand oh boy yeah they just [ __ ] new zealand completely on like so many levels they [ __ ] the unions there they [ __ ] like the industry as a whole basically

They got rid of all the workers rights just so they could make the movies what the [ __ ] yeah yeah that’s pretty awesome pretty [ __ ] disgusting um what else and they like extended it too much it should not have been three movies i like those three news they ruined no it shouldn’t have been

Yeah it could have been it was good no it wasn’t it’s just like no it’s funny because like this is the thing i think is goofy is that there’s a lot of floral rings fans who are like fans of the book of the hobbit who are like three

Movies it needs to be longer than that this is too short but then also a lot of fans were like it needs to be one movie and it’s just like ridiculous shivan two would’ve worked it was two also it worked but three was also fine three was not fine yeah you’re a boobie

It it was fine no it wasn’t good movies they [ __ ] up um what’s his name thorin thorne’s interactions with bilbo he just trusted him too soon and then nothing happened between them and to the second move second movie in the third movie all the motives were just [ __ ] up

Just didn’t work no it worked no you’re just like fanboying maybe it was good i still liked it adam didn’t fanboy he’d never seen them before and he liked the hobbit more they’re just not good they were fine they were fine the first two are like okay

But they’re just fine not like close to the original i don’t know the battle scenes weren’t as good but and i there were some like humor that i thought was just like like in the extended version when the dwarves just bathed naked for no reason it’s

Just kind of i didn’t want to see that why is that in there also that that guy’s death like the extended version the extended version scenes are kind of weird because they’re like they mean something but they also mean nothing it’s weird but it’s still fine i enjoy it

I want to bathe naked that’s usually how that works um so is anyone getting me class or am i going to get class oh i’m making an enchantment room okay i’m gonna go get glass like um like game of thrones a lot i feel like oh game of thrones did a

Lot more of a mess up though yeah yeah that was much worse but yeah like it was the same it was just like ah we’re gonna make this and they didn’t really have a plan can you hear my dog up there going crazy let’s go crazy i i feel like for the

Hobbit series the hobbit movies i uh i don’t know it seems like you disagree but like even if you don’t like them i think you should be able to say that they’re just fine as movies not bad but fine because they are at the very least i think they’re fine i

Think they’re really good but i think the first sticker fine the third one just no yeah even as a movie it’s bad i don’t think so i did all the stuff i had to do i had all the it had all the the what is it the uh

Conflicts that it was supposed to they worked out those conflicts work the way they’re supposed to they don’t have any books do i have to go with leather for me harrison giggle gives me life thank you i’m glad i laughed i still don’t know what oh it’s about

Them torpedoing game of thrones and then doing nothing afterwards because they yeah they messed up with that they deserved it but also now it was for nothing yep I like that the actors know that it was bad though and they’re like fine with that yeah you say the app well they got paid yeah like emilia clark like jokingly during like an interview was like best season ever oh yeah because it was just awful man does anybody know where there’s any

Glass uh actually i was cooking some glass you want some maybe cameron has some yeah going to his house it’s near his bed what are you talking about my l4 i mean can i steal your glass cameron you what can i steal your glass please um

Let me join the world and i’ll give you the glass i’m in there i’m in there already i mean i don’t trust you i see a lot of glass can i have one stack you could have one step thank you no problem harrison cameron i’ll give you hey i’ll get back

To you i mean cameron do you want to get up set up brett sure why not he’s saying how the hobbit movies the third one is bad and the rest are just okay the rest are great i think the first one’s a good opening and then yeah the third one is like

Probably the least but it’s still really good i think the others the weight number harrison lord of the rings are all like nines and tens like all like that level yeah and hobbit goes eight it goes nine eight seven okay i feel like i’ll give the first hobby like a seven it’s fun

But it’s bilbo is probably my favorite character in any well no gandalf’s my favorite but bilbo is probably my second favorite character favorite hobbit he is good he is really good bilbo is my second favorite character in general like out of all he means well i got another piercing tonight

Where’d you put it in my ear you should get a urethral piercing that doesn’t sound that no hey cameron you have that do you have uh leather no yeah take that yeah i might have a few books you can take dudes oh cameron jake watch it make a librarian

That what make a librarian do that i’ll probably end it within the next 45 minutes it’s been a very fast stream i guess what did you say about me you’re so good at this game you have so much [ __ ] me actually don’t i just have all my stuff in those few chests

Yeah this one that’s that’s amazing i wish that was that garage cameron joined so this is the garage and then this is going to be the studio room and then this is my room where my bed is and that’s my desk where my computer then there’s is which is my zap shop i’m

Coming to you hey cameron you said you have bookshelves no show okay um all right we’re in the border between harrison land and cameron what is over here okay zap zap spin in a circle okay so you’re orange okay brett you’re blue right spit breath I think Something i want to show you so i’m going to come pick you up i wish there was black wood we don’t got any black wood that’s not a thicker minecraft darko i guess but i want like actual black there’s there’s another bricks basil that’s not fence i need like fence

Stuff i’ll do alternate defense that’s right okay i have a new camera are you willing to go on a journey with me a date no do you have you don’t want to well maybe soon no mommy says yes what did i miss i’m back not much we talked but we had like a

A discussion a heated discussion about lord of the rings in the hobbit and i’ve been working on the house and i need a lot more quotes you need six wood three bucks cameron do you want to work for me um sure leave my horse back oh wow he actually said yes

I did not expect that what the [ __ ] wait one second what’s what’s what’s behind my house over there kevin you’re getting minimum wage right no no no no in the opposite area this is a [ __ ] mushroom oh yeah that’s my bush tower i don’t like it i only killed near my

House it’s it’s outside of your boundary that’s where the town’s gonna be cameron doesn’t even like his like view being messed up see i’m building a town over here you’re building a town over here yeah it’s a bunch of houses it’s a hamlet right now but there’s not even one house done yet Wait build my town i’m gonna build a town a little mini town what are we doing the the house over there is our house what the house over there is our real life house i’m working on it well they’re building like real life houses okay well i’m gonna build a bunch

Of different types of houses about that house there’s an anime house i want to build a camera i’ll go bed up here with me let’s go and then there’s like some video game houses i want to make i’ll build a bunch of houses the town anyone remember what the town is called

This little town i’m making This always happens wait who’s going on a date oh zaps up in cameron i think no i’m not on a date i’m single and i’m ready to mingle oh i guess let me see this let me see this weird thing okay see this is the thing i’m trying to

Get uh things we don’t talk about for because i need help requiring intensity harrison yes we’re coming over hold on okay i’m suspicious see this is it so far the garage is over there on the left as you know you know this house but it’s it’s nowhere near done

What lead me up front i’m making i think a little bit bigger than when brett made it don’t lose Upstairs is not true what do you mean we have a wood floor upstairs is it wood yeah okay that’ll make this easier then remember mom’s like don’t scratch the wood floor Oh i’ve missed my stairs there’s there’s no window here there’s no window ring kieran’s correcting my house yeah i don’t have much good memory harrison i’m you live there right now here i’m sitting right here oh yeah that’s true you’re sitting in there i’m sitting right here

There’s no window right here it’s gone it’s not it’s not true it’s not true false false facts false the house is incorrect harrison harrison there is a window right here though See there is no window here no window here don’t look at me look at me look through the window right here i’m the architect now look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me hang on hang on hang on i am the captain now look at me

Hang on there’s a window right here right away yes i would do this dude i really want the candles that’s where my computer used to be about the window in your room i’m still working on it earth shush you can put the windows back i’m gonna cut you with this nether right pickaxe

Yeah it’s getting let’s get violent in here man i’ve i have 34 levels if you kill me i’m gonna [ __ ] then you better not spite me oh you spited me oh you spited me there oh you did it you spited me get off my donkey

Get off my donkey ass man he saw my donkey get off my donkey get off joshua get off joshua why is there always a jerk around here you can take him back john wow wait wait wait wait how much damage come back no wait don’t wait wait we’re

Fine you can hear me once wow it’s actually weaker than i thought okay well you do have full iron armor it did one hard hard damage you do have full iron it’s not another sword anyone have mending uh i don’t think so why do you have that red wood cameron’s

Trying to spite the name of your netherlight pickaxe brett alone hey yo brett yeah when you went into the nether did you find that place with the blue trees hey all right okay that’s probably going to be right next to your favorite hey yo brett ayo well that’s just what zaps happened halo

Hello everybody’s the fighter x70 you guys always messed up it’s not halo everybody it’s hello everyone a-y-l-o that’s why no you said yes yeah you did a high hello i don’t understand your dialect oh good job cameron thanks man josh what is the best donkey thank you he is he’s pretty good

Potatoes confused i am too i’m always kidding i couldn’t hear it harrison are you building your house or something yes i’m building my irl house in a minecraft in my craft stepped up you take all my books no i took uh 12. i need more quartz

This is definitely not going to be i’m going to the nether i demand nothing in return maybe one emerald i don’t have any of those okay all right i’ll still go i guess oh okay thanks wait does it does cursive binding work on like tools This song is awesome the song is great thanks cameron you’re great snapchat is too he may be a good song i can’t believe you like it that much it’s spectacular i’m going to make out with it there’s always something that this doesn’t feel right to me but maybe it’s because i’m

Just a style i’m not used to yeah i like it i like it a bunch now this here That’s the cat litter that’s where the cat’s poop that’s where the cat’s going oh he’s pooing again he’s putin no i’m right i’m a librarian all right is there a curse an item what anybody curse an item take a curse off an item hey chad i want to ask you guys

I thought there’s a certain thing you would use for it but i don’t know i get the grindstone yeah here i i’ll test it out so it doesn’t take everything off of it you know chat i want to ask you guys another question is the audio still good now

That i’m talking to people go on because i haven’t asked because when i asked first there weren’t other people here is the audio still good with cameron and brett and zaps up here are they all loud enough or are they too quiet can you guys hear the music and me

What what’s the question what do you want what’s the question you are not involved [Laughter] Yeah take that camera yeah take that zap zap oh yeah well well you’re you’re not involved either ah shoot yes that’s the great we hear everything awesome laura says audio is fine bro where’s the portal again under my house because i tried to dye my hair and potato failed i wasted 22 hours

Oh man i’m sorry next time well at least you learned never to try again thank you softball we’re doing stuff and hello lily liz in chat too hello lily missing red stairs just like something really important that you will never see you’ll you’ll never notice what i did but i fixed it

For you awesome you’re welcome when i’m coming over there zap zap you’re going to become a professional musician someday i can see it with my future religion with my future vision make good zapzap thanks cameron your portal isn’t working is this a chinese bootleg hi howdy senpai hello

Hi here with my portal no it’s still here it’s just not lit like it’s not lit it’s not lit bruh i’ll come light it yeah i should probably bring some flint and steel and he’s like gaster [ __ ] there’s one in my chest if you want to grab

Oh thanks i’m just gonna use this one because this one’s already almost used like almost gone so i’m gonna use this real quick okay there you go thanks bro yep Time to eliminate the cowie wowies what the [ __ ] i go into another one i just hear basically wowies must die but only after i make the children watch and cry yes okay jesus oh [ __ ] i’m not wearing gold armor in front of me and in front of the children

Are you doing in front of children making cows make love interesting interesting okay you may keep three parents but only the three why is that gonna look clear thing on this what the [ __ ] how much course do you need i’m just gonna look curses Cameron i missed mister Man i keep running out of gosh buying wood i’m getting chased by men what the [ __ ] does no one understand curses in this game i’m so confused no i’m looking it up and when you disenchant something it takes everything off that’s not a curse okay it’s night

Time it’s time for the good noodles everybody oh it’s a gaster ah that’s funny i like it wait honey Good noodles time everybody blew me another so someone said that in the chat that they like mata guitar if you notice then all my cats are named after monica tyre characters remember i tried pronouncing them when i was drunk that was funny we’re not good that was a great night i

Don’t remember anything but oh [ __ ] you guys yeah get in two of the times old man oh cameron are you level 9 i’m level 34. nine levels oh he’s ten levels ahead of me he’s big brain this will probably be the shortest minecraft stream because it’s only gonna work three hours

Would you be willing to spend nine levels yeah sure what do you need uh i just need you to combine a pickaxe with a book yeah big buca come bring it big brain okay hold on let me look at that chat i got a question for you seven up or sprite

Why i don’t know what do you how about you guys seven up seven upper spread which one do you like better Stack i didn’t give me anything i should have brought a shield with me i knew i was missing something uh in the chat i see sprite is the bomb and sprite gang and then sprites and then each striped boss says i never had seven right and then salt vaults is damn the only

Seven up rep so there’s only one seven up for you i respect you seven up man per person which one are you zapped up coke i mean it’s very to drink right failed so quickly You’ll never know okay another music is scary here’s some scaring no stairwell baby i’m scared you need your diaper baby you know diaper change baby okay baby okay that way i just wanna beat you up oh baby no fighting back baby i’m gonna be the baby from resident evil eight or

Seven whatever no please yeah dad’s dad dude that thing is so [ __ ] disturbing though like i’m not gonna shake that as as much disturbing as that thing is i’m still never gonna get over the fact that he just pours goop on his severed hand and it fixes itself

Well did you watch the rest of the story it makes sense you know what there’s there’s lore behind why that happens if you watch the whole story hello it was to save resources no no there’s a reason for it go watch the rest go watch that the finale village series

If i should do oh i went the wrong way cause i’m a dumb cones hey it’s not language can we use this household you use it all the time you call me that like a lot no okay do you cameron no he does are you the [ __ ] yeah i hate that

Level 25 oh my level scrubs okay this is very dangerous i i’m excited for e3 wait no wait that already happened what the [ __ ] levels this is not safe the baby from resident evil 8 made me fear baby yeah that was a scary baby yeah that was so disgusting

They did really good on it but like that was so disgust yeah it was a little freaky freaky friday a little bit friday night [ __ ] you oh remember the song friday from baby time baby time central i don’t know what we’re doing in the year of yester times

You gaster get the [ __ ] back here so i can eat you oh yeah i need wood still oh but what about this wait how much no i got one let me use that one but what else we might do right here um yeah i collected tears from these children

Bone blocks [ __ ] yeah it’s going to come in handy i’m trying to find the blue forest place there you go that looks nice make sure you don’t lose where you are oh yeah door that’s what i want you to do i already did but nice that’s no problem

Because someone could just go through the portal and give me foreign little babies ice cream i remember that good stuff it’s little babies ice cream you should search it up after this and watch it alone in the dark oh god that is it horrible oh

The guy it’s just it’s just an ice cream thing don’t worry about it let’s just place it should i look it up right now yeah in chat you might as well do this i’m level 32 again gonna find a safe place i’m in another so why not it’s not gonna happen but Oh my god oh yeah that was at e3 the chat went crazy was it it was apparently it’s going to be on xbox now or something With cross play hopefully the game sucks i want to play it on stream at some point because it’s popular it’s just i always get them yeah we should play together i think it’d be like brett cameron um your sister her yeah the whole gang fiance i don’t know whatever their

Husband now their husbands okay congratulations and um uh brennan and brennan yes yeah and uh and uh yes who else adam yes hey hey brett and uh and your dad oh yeah and cameron i can’t believe When you go fishing and when you kill uh skeletons do you just get a lot of those enchanted bows and uh fishing poles that you don’t need and never use yeah i have a bunch do you ever disenchant them no why would i if you disenchant them

You get all the experience back from how much it would take to get that chain so i just went i’m back at level 32 just from disenchanting all that stuff level says do you know what uh he actually puts on his head no but i’m pretty sure that was a girl actually

Doing that doing the little ice cream thing oh my god i thought it was a girl i did never thought to a girl i’m pretty sure behind the scenes it was a girl hey harrison yeah what’s the video called little babies ice cream little [ __ ] off little

Uh this is gonna be right outside your house if you ever need it man i already need more white wolf why don’t you give me more white whoa give me more white wool in there you’re stupid chickens i’m watching it high five no i go away ritz crackers you’re

Delicious but i don’t want to i wanna ice cream there’s a man covered in semen yes oh accurate i can’t believe you discovered the secret that fast do i have white ties and red planets outside my house i think i do outside my wall you put all these fun flowers here i

Don’t remember the thing this made fun flowers on because where is where is it i have bird i have white dye somewhere where it is it’s not ice cream where is it where’s i i need some white dye come here i’ll give you something where is you

In my house how many do you need uh as many as possible what the [ __ ] kind of commercial is that a little baby’s ice cream do you want to buy something that’s not i don’t care where you going i don’t i don’t want to

Let you i might wait for you but now you want to buy that ice cream can we have that ice cream together i want to buy a shotgun to kill myself son you want to get a little baby ice cream sundae with me zaps up don’t you want to find me in there

Yes here is 59 white dye stop penetrating my anus oh sorry sorry that’s the sound i make when i do that oh that that that sentence didn’t fit well with mine earthen yeah where’s my horsey yeah where’d you put the grindstone right outside your house

Right do a scream okay do you remember a video about eating ice cream yeah little baby’s ice cream chat did you guys switch it up it’s actually marshmallow fluff that makes sense i think you’re working out search it up it’s great it’s nice the goblin hole i don’t live at the goblin hole

You know what i don’t live in i don’t live at that album oh i thought you did i live with the goblins [ __ ] oh yeah he he took over for the king he killed him how do you make a grind what do you need uh one stone slab two sticks and two

Blocks of wood i can make it for you i can make another one if you want okay oh i’m a failure once more like how fast that chops hey horsey hey ebenezer get over here get in the hole get in the hole are you the one i want those handy dandy pickaxes what

One of the handy-dandy pickaxes what about them oh no you sure you don’t want one not yet i want to find at least some nether right first and then then i’ll then i’ll have one right you know the best thing to do with another farming well mining i guess

A bunch of beds and tnt i found a [ __ ] ton of my old world i did that oh god brett can you come back brett please what please this raiders my house it’s bedtime whoops i don’t have any swords Villages they’re Can anyone do bed right now no none another i can’t yeah another so it doesn’t matter okay i’m making a run for it i mean like it’s laptops yeah we’re good like we could yeah oh but are you doing it i know you sleep in a bed

Hey kim that’s a good idea why don’t i also commit suicide yeah out of context that makes no sense that’s funny yeah but can someone bring me a book i know wait you can’t stay what oh yeah and roblox roblox wait they’re watching someone bring me a bucket of milk sleeves

Get it yourself you can’t just yeah i can’t i can’t move you’re gonna go see it right now it’s baby’s first ice cream it’s called little babies ice cream or little baby ice don’t don’t do it are you actually not sleeping cameron yeah okay oh no but i’m in bed

I’ve entered my house before and it started it and i just don’t want to do that again can you go to my house and sleep i i’ll try your house but i don’t want to start a raid on your house what happens when that happens um monsters will start

A bunch of pillagers attack all right your house is flying okay harrison you got milk here i have cows i’m going to milk your cow with air thanks now who’s not in bed cause this is chaos there’s a there’s a hogland riding on a strider it’s so

Potato army says so um i saw it and i emoji mouth emoji eye emoji oh yeah literally that’s literally what that though those that’s something that that’s me that sums up the commercial here’s what’s your parent’s name fudge you stop it here if i found your wife died lady

I hope this doesn’t end me okay good you found my white eye where was it in your chest in your house damn there’s no making a bucket okay so i can milk your cows do it oh unless you guys want to do raid right now i’m good Lord goldberg’s gonna search up good luck with your the rest of your life because of it it’s gonna mess you up [ __ ] it’s gonna mess you up bro [ __ ] lagging because i was clipping something oh it feels much better thanks harris i’m gonna put my milk in your in your

In your chest okay usually it’s supposed to go the other way but oh that one just has a curse on it yeah i still can’t sprint there it is i’m going to stand one spot until those cliffs is up finishes up actually not [ __ ] i’m gonna delete it yes

There i solved the problem um i’m the expert probably actually give me a problem give me a math card you love the random cat ear wiggles thank you they’re itchy sometimes you know you know it happens i can’t stop it i actually probably can’t stop stealing

What kill okay so that is talking about feeling okay so it’ll be like right here then that this floor should start ow because the wall oh Wow well that’s quite the language there sap zap big words coming from a little guy you sure you can back those up yes okay you know what else you know what else i can back up what these nuts okay I’m disappointed in you yeah but you gotta admit those were better times no they weren’t well i don’t know if the better i don’t know if these three years specifically were better times high school yeah maybe a few not not these nuts specifically maybe a few things but not

That that way not not these nuts well okay okay yeah yeah there’s not i think about what you did here if i finished your house you finished my house i finished your house what does that mean i found your house each on the top of your house each um

Each very corner of the roof has the has the one of the illager pillar tillages now you’re welcome potato army says there it is araragi’s house yes i am also building that but that’s going to be over there this is my house our rocky’s house i am going to build

But it’s going to be over there i’m not getting a town no i’m building a town this is my house my real life house and i’m going to be next door neighbors with aura rocky that way i can be part of his harem and he can loot me who’s that what who’s r

Modigatari oh that guy yeah i might need portal coordinates all right let me i’m underground let me come back up how do i want to approach this Oh yeah i remember seeing one of them i don’t like those It’s like let’s find the seven pages but it’s fine the seven crew rooms it’s not even seven to fifteen more more dlc why do you turn like this you shouldn’t dude lava it’s going to be the death of me i’m going to be the death of you probably

All right i’m going down i’m going from the portal oh god all right okay that works What the heck is this new location i don’t like what the Negative 67. okay can you type that in for me please and i need another bookcase for that oh yeah no yeah yeah sure okay thank you um i’m already on 67 [ __ ] yeah uh i’m a symphony i’m glad i’m glad there are some molly sims out there i gotta do molly content Yeah that looks fine oh you’re i’m gonna make a minecraft build harrison nice do it make a minecraft build do it you can do something cool i believe in you it’ll be awesome awesome sauce you’re awesome thank you zap zap you too man no you too man no you too man you too

Man okay there we go youtube man i’m out i’m outnumbered so i guess it’s not like i can [ __ ] do anything I’m surprised if chad hasn’t asked me to scream chat nate you know can you scream probably you gotta you gotta you gotta make some sort of sexual innuendo towards them first or do like a molly voice one of the two zaps that [ __ ] yeah camera do a wally voice i wanna hear yours

Oh yeah I won’t say it’s good but it’s funny it’s amazing okay so danny doing Yeah what’s up what’s up bro i need more sticks um this also i guess i’m getting you so much quartz right now oh my god thank you so much that’s what he’s trying to do and i hate it he’s done this before and every time he does it i hate it

I always hate it i was wondering if you could uh pull down your pants chris i’m uncomfortable family guy was pretty good so they want you to scream okay he doesn’t have much reason to he causes us to do the gee screening what has befallen me

There it is it’s amazing it sounds like me in math class i just don’t want to like live uh but i don’t want to do math anymore why does happen to you i’m mining quartz all right that that’s good zaps up don’t mind courts why not because you don’t have fortune do you

I don’t but i’m wanting it anyway i don’t mind it it’s just satisfying wait i’m coming get out get out of here with the chocolate you weirdo chocolate gives me chocolate you want some more chocolate baby no i really don’t come here i’m gonna give you What is it then cameron it’s all wood but remember all the only carpet in the middle of the room right okay cameron thanks For where’s the couch right here i don’t even know my own i’m not get i’m not i’m doing that i’m currently doing the couches what about the car currently doing the couches i’m making my way back to the pool right here fortress the what the shelf

Oh make them up yeah i’m getting there from where the windows okay did you find another fortress no i’m making my way back to the portal okay so yeah the carpet thing [ __ ] my pick expert that’s my last one too i’m gonna mine perfect courts and stuff i guess

I gotta make a crapping table crapping table wow yeah you wanna you wanna craft with my crapping table you wanna crap with my crafting table probably what the [ __ ] he said probably i said probably yeah but that’s it’s weird bro you can’t do that you’re weird bro okay i accept

[ __ ] allow it i guess okay so i need uh what actually hey harrison yeah what’s that first position is 72. that’s sweet man it’s funny because that’s what the temperature is for you i almost had for you it is still 72 degrees that’s not something that’s what it says i’m like

Hello everybody welcome to markiplier i mean hello this is markiplier hello everybody this is markiplier dude my sister hates him he’s like the most wholesome guy i know she’s dumb she is dumb you have a dumb family yeah yeah somebody flipped that [ __ ] i love it are

You saying you have a dumb family yeah like it was so genuine dumb family somebody i’m in the nether i’m in hell i can’t sleep anybody else can i can we go to bed please yeah just up the camera it’s just up to cameron i’m here okay oh well you’re [ __ ]

There’s monsters nearby making my way downtown burning up because another is so goddamn [ __ ] hot bedtime gosh darn it just like flip gosh get out of here i hate gravel they need to remove it i also hate gravel sucks it just slows you down good finally and also the fact that it

Has been like it can kill you molly’s hair is getting like forced to like fall in the lava true facts that’s happening so many times speak spitting okay i found the bridge don’t you dare [ __ ] me in the ass right now i might okay I’m probably gonna get off now why don’t creepers like why do they explode through walls because they’re dumb i thought if you’re inside the house looking out at them they won’t attack you but apparently they’ll still blow up your house if they feel like it as i’ve just discovered

Really yeah i was inside my my house i’m building and he was outside and he blew up the entrance to my house what was that that’s weird wait was there a glass between you or were you just like there’s no way he could get to me he was just outside yeah if

If you don’t no get out of here you loser don’t laugh at me don’t laugh at me he’s laughing at me this witch is laughing at me oh what a [ __ ] i beat her to death with my fists that’s what i think about you there’s another creeper oh i’m so upset right now

I’m so upset i’m so upset i’m so upset this isn’t good you have to go you have to go right for fine well i can get my stuff yeah wait really i’ve never done that right now yeah your stuff that you get your stuff have you like lost stuff doing that a

Little bit wow that’s fine you can get your stuff oh yeah that’s what i did you have to go do it immediately so i always did immediately well i legit almost died i said immediately it’s just kind of true but like just to make it because

Like otherwise if i didn’t say that i knew you guys wouldn’t do it yeah you’d like to forget you can get up your stuff but you gotta do it right now Okay okay just don’t forget i’ve like done it a day later but that’s because i can remember yeah yeah oh like i’ll remember but um Okay oh i remember where i am now we i was here with with uh with you brett your sister and you were there yeah and you were there and cameron wasn’t what no you were there oh thank you oh wait this is a different portal wait what

Let me uh that works thanks cameron let me go right my grave are there still scientific launches in here hello what other signs and torches in the grave yard i don’t know why why are there skeletons brad where are there signs and torches in the graveyard uh yeah there’s yeah in the top

Okay i thought so actually yeah the skeletons and then another at 6 pm i’m gonna end this in a minute then there might not be torch i’ve made it out of hell lads sweet and the nether you don’t sound happy i died zap zap are you not i have just passed away

The only grunts you know oh that’s not true you know tic tac hey cameron here’s your flinty steely oh [ __ ] your above me ancient depress yeah i think i’m going to do that soon i love mining for that [ __ ] just blowing up another is that what you’re doing right now here you go

I’m not blowing it up i’m just making trails if you want to block okay you know what song no you know what i did i was playing need for speed uh hot pursuit on 360 while listening to like 2010’s like early 2010 uh electronic music and it was just it hit the spot

That is nice we’re getting old yes oh oh okay how old is that i’m pretty sure he’s 19 right zap zap i am 19. he’s 19. he’s baby he’s a little baby boy it is kevin’s 18 be quiet yeah but you’re a baby though no i’m an uncle have you met yourself

What have you have you you’re a baby every time i look in the mirror i turn away because i’m disgusted with what i see that’s not what i asked trying doctor question i see i’m back at my house are you back at the new house that i’m building oh [ __ ]

Okay i’m gonna bring you your chords So brett i have a story a little story here brett once uh spilled what was it coffee or is it chocolate ice cream or something it was a hot chocolate this hot chocolate he spilled it on the carpet so i’m adding that as a part of the carpet up here

The spill stain is a stain still there to this day uh it you can’t really tell but i’m adding it to the minecraft version and you make it like the carpet didn’t i what you made a bigger stick didn’t you i also made a stain but i cleaned that one up

Okay okay everybody i think there’s a good time because like it’s short stream a good stream um minecraft always goes by so fast doesn’t it thank you everybody so much for watching i’ll work more on this house and other stuff off stream maybe you guys next time

Maybe you’ll see a done version i don’t know we’ll see uh this is oh But wait no no no don’t hit me don’t hit me okay did i pick any of that i did pick that up okay it would be better if you put in my chest because my inventory is pretty full Penis okay okay so yeah thank you for watching over here because i died oh sorry go on oh thank you for watching everybody i hope you enjoyed oh i need to fix this too there’s a hole here um i’m just going to take these bits taking these bits uh yeah thank you

Everybody so much for watching this is a good stream uh i died i died again so that’s great stop with the bone calcium bone that’s gonna be safe for the bone zone for for gosh dang cloon fool stop dancing why am i going back to cameron thank you everybody for watching

Uh in the description below you can join the discord server or check out my twitter either one whatever and there’s also my patreon which i need to figure out new rewards for still thank you very much for watching you’re all awesome thank you for my thank you monitor is

Awesome i have watched the whole anime in the movies now so now i can talk about it uh uh harris you’re being a very sus bacca i mean that is me by harrison and zapper and other child there’s also brett and cameron those other people here uh how many

Losses in the cemetery yeah we’ve died a few times have a great day harrison zaps up and the other one there’s two other people there’s brett and cameron have you not noticed cameron did you know that the chat hey zapped up and kim do you know the chat forgot about brett’s existence

Hi hi brad mom hi brett the treasure must always explode chat forgot that existed so yeah bye everybody thank you so much for watching i’ll see you in another stream um this week should be exciting because there will be uh more digging rompa hopefully i have to figure those pants out adam

It’s probably gonna happen though and there’s gonna be a 4 000 subscriber chatting special stream and then cameron just to confirm we are doing gta 5 this week no i said no oh it’s next week right the week after that then okay oh man i lost my boots to the to that

Witch and creeper where you get those where’d you get those uh mid fine thank you thank you this is what i deserve my goal this is what i deserve yes thank you thank you yes yes thank you yes thank you yes thank you thank you thank you yes thank you hang on yes

Okay everybody see you later So Foreign Hang on i’m doing the thing doing the thing i’m doing it hanging out guys guys hang on guys and he’s fine dude they’re already better all like like all the mumble wrappers what

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HOUSES – Vtuber Minecraft [w/Harrison!]’, was uploaded by Pepper Senpai on 2021-06-13 23:14:36. It has garnered 375 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:17 or 11357 seconds.

Today I attempt to recreate the iconic anime house from Monogatari in Minecraft! It’ll be a rough undertaking, but a fulfilling one! That and other Minecraft adventures and hijinks of course will be included. Thanks for watching, and I hope ya like! 😀

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[Rules for those in chat]

– Be kind to one another – Don’t be excessively inappropriate – Don’t roleplay in chat – Have a dandy ol’ time!


Patreon: Discord Server: Twitter: ASMR Channel: Molly the Vtuber:


Intro and Outro Music by Zapzap!

#Vtuber #Minecraft #VtuberHarrison

  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

    Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange In Minecraft’s world, strange things occur, At 3am, the game takes a dark turn. Ngao’s sleep disrupted by eerie sights, A tale of fear in the dead of night. The video captures the spooky scene, With Ngao’s reactions, both real and keen. The audience watches, hearts aflutter, As Minecraft’s mysteries start to stutter. Ngao’s channel, a hub of fun and fright, Where gaming and storytelling unite. With each new video, a fresh delight, In Minecraft’s realm, where day turns to night. So hit like, share, and subscribe with glee, To join Ngao’s world, where all can see. The magic… Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Arena & Diamond Dugout!

    Crafting Chaos: Arena & Diamond Dugout! In Minecraft’s world, we craft and we build, Creating arenas, with fields to be filled. Part one reveals the arena’s grand design, With interiors hidden, a sneak peek so fine. Stay tuned for more, as the project unfolds, Subtitles on, let the story be told. #MinecraftBuilding, a world of our own, Where creativity shines, in blocks we have sown. Read More

  • Random Disaster Minecraft

    Random Disaster Minecraft Surviving Random Disasters in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Look no further than the latest challenge sweeping the Minecraft community: Random Disasters in Minecraft! In this thrilling twist on the classic game, players will face unpredictable events that will test their survival skills like never before. What to Expect From meteor showers to floods, players will need to stay on their toes as they navigate through a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. Each disaster presents a unique challenge, requiring quick thinking and strategic planning to overcome. Key Features: Unpredictable Events:… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits!

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the latest update from Minecraft Danger Company? It’s truly mind-blowing! While watching their recent video, it’s clear that the excitement and thrill of exploring new features in the game are unparalleled. But why stop there when you can take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Imagine a world where the possibilities are endless, where you can engage with a vibrant community of players who share your passion for creativity and adventure. That world exists at Minewind Minecraft Server! Join us at Minewind and immerse yourself in a dynamic and thrilling gameplay… Read More

  • Crafty Gamble: 1K TL for 10K TL in Minecraft

    Crafty Gamble: 1K TL for 10K TL in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Would you risk 1,000 TL for a 10,000 TL dream? Daghaninho asks, in a video so bright, With challenges and adventures, pure delight. Minecraft hardcore, legends, and more, Escape videos, revenge tales galore. Turkish roleplay, mods, and mystery, Each story told with such artistry. So take a chance, dive into the game, Let your creativity burst into flame. For in Minecraft’s world, the possibilities are vast, Would you risk it all for a fortune amassed? Read More

  • Hardcore Half-Heart Hustle: Minecraft Speedrun Success

    Hardcore Half-Heart Hustle: Minecraft Speedrun Success In the world of Minecraft, where challenges abound, Our hero Guill takes on hardcore, with just half a heart found. Speedrunning through obstacles, with skill and with grace, Every move calculated, in this dangerous place. With a twitch and a tweet, he shares his epic quest, On YouTube and TikTok, he shows us his best. From mining to crafting, to battling mobs, Guill’s journey is thrilling, with twists and with sobs. So join in the fun, as we watch and we cheer, For Guill’s hardcore adventure, we hold dear. With each episode, a new chapter unfolds, In the world… Read More

  • Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft’s Lunar Adventure

    Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft's Lunar Adventure Ram’s journey to the moon, a tale so grand, A cinematic adventure, across the land. With beats and rhymes, the story we tell, Of India’s mission, Chandrayaan 5, oh so swell. The news reporter, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft updates, shining bright. In every line, the truth takes flight, In every verse, the story ignites. Ram’s mission to the moon, a historic feat, With ISRO’s pride, the journey complete. From Earth to space, a daring leap, In every rhyme, the story we keep. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth… Read More

  • Transforming Minecraft into an RPG!

    Transforming Minecraft into an RPG! Minecraft RPG Modpack – Dungeons & Heroes RPG Embark on a new adventure in Minecraft with the Dungeons & Heroes RPG modpack! Join the excitement as players transform the familiar sandbox world into a thrilling RPG experience. With the help of content creator @WarZe327, Minecraft enthusiasts are diving into a whole new realm of possibilities. Exploring New Horizons With the Dungeons & Heroes RPG modpack, players can expect a fresh take on the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Dive into dungeons filled with challenges, uncover hidden treasures, and encounter formidable foes. The modpack introduces new quests, characters, and items, adding layers… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: 25 Minecraft 1.21 Build Hacks Galore!

    Crafty Creations: 25 Minecraft 1.21 Build Hacks Galore! Incredible Minecraft 1.21 Build Hacks, let’s dive in, From painting frames to copper windows, it’s a win. Totem builds with heavy core details, so fine, Window paintings and crafter hacks, all in line. Abandoned copper golems, a sight to see, Little crafter warriors, full of glee. Paintings connect, creating depth and flair, Crafter refill stations, for tools to repair. Phone booths and barrels, using copper blocks with care, Crafter ovens and fire escapes, a unique pair. Copper cookers and wind burst parkour, Tuff ruins and Tron armor trim, we want more. Villager elevators and cyberpunk builds, Heavy core patterns… Read More

  • Insane DC2 Skibidi Pobre 9! Crazy Wind Landscapes

    Insane DC2 Skibidi Pobre 9! Crazy Wind LandscapesVideo Information This video, titled ‘(dc2) skibidi pobre 9 FULL’, was uploaded by WIND FROM THE LANDSCAPE on 2024-05-10 21:51:33. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. new threat found #skibiditoiletmeme #skibditoilet #minecraft #skibidibopyesyesyes #animation Read More

  • ChabCraft-Civilizations

    ChabCraft-CivilizationsWelcome to ChabCraft, a realm where strategy, politics, and faction warfare converge to create an unparalleled gaming experience. Immerse yourself into a world where every move you make shapes the course of history. Immerse yourself in the complex web of alliances and rivalries, where diplomacy and cunning are your most potent weapons. Non-Whitelisted, Join Our Discord! Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a fun and non-toxic gaming experience, you’ve come to the right place. Our server has been up for a month and we’re welcoming new players to join our community. Server Features: Enhanced vanilla gameplay – sethome, tpa Leveling system – unlock perks/commands Unique fishing system – new fish without custom resource pack Auto-replanting harvester hoe Player-driven economy – server shop and chest shops Collect mob heads – a fun challenge Join us on Discord to start your application: Read More

  • Dragonia Gaming

    Immerse yourself in a unique and personalized survival experience at Dragonia Gaming! Our server offers a perfect combination of classic Minecraft elements with advanced and custom features to provide an unmatched gaming experience.🔨 Custom CraftsDiscover a world full of new possibilities with our personalized crafts. From powerful weapons to useful tools, there will always be something new to create.🛠️ Advanced and Complex SystemsAt Dragonia Gaming, we have implemented advanced systems that will challenge even the most experienced players. Are you ready to master all our systems?👾 Custom EnemiesFace unique and challenging enemies you won’t find anywhere else. Each battle is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My game is straight-up busted

    Minecraft Memes - My game is straight-up busted“I keep trying to dig straight down in Minecraft but I just end up falling into my own grave. Maybe I need a new strategy.” Read More

  • Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending

    Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending When you’re in a Minecraft block battle and you accidentally hit your friend instead of the enemy, and suddenly it’s a battle of who can say sorry the fastest 😂 #friendlyfire #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

    Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024! Creating a Free and 24/7 Open Minecraft Server – Complete Tutorial 2024! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with your very own server that’s accessible 24/7? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up your own Minecraft server for free, ensuring endless gaming fun with your friends! Why Choose Mega Hosting? When it comes to hosting your Minecraft server, Mega Hosting offers some fantastic benefits: 100% Free with No Hidden Fees: Enjoy hosting your server without any costs. 24/7 Guaranteed Uptime: Your server will always be available for you and your friends to play… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

    Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge Building an Elevator with Create Mod in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you witness the construction of a magnificent elevator using the Create mod in Minecraft. This project is part of a 30-day challenge that showcases the endless possibilities of this innovative mod. Unleashing Creativity with Create Mod The Create mod revolutionizes the way players interact with Minecraft by introducing a plethora of mechanical elements. From conveyor belts to gearboxes, this mod empowers users to engineer complex systems limited only by their imagination. Constructing the Elevator In this video, the skilled builder demonstrates the step-by-step process of… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

    Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-05-23 20:00:29. It has garnered 7153 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds. Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

    Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEIVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO ver TODOS los CRAFTEOS en Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4 – JUST ENOUGH ITEMS (JEI)’, was uploaded by Canal Héroes on 2024-03-08 18:30:46. It has garnered 747 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. Hello everyone and welcome to a new video on this channel, in today’s video we bring you a quick review of a Minecraft mod, this mod allows you to see all the crafting available in Minecraft, anyway, I hope you like it and bye. INSTAGRAM LINK 😎: OTROS LINKS: ✅comic Building😎: ☑️comic The Forgotten… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Subpishis ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyone’s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – Discord – TikTok – Become a member – Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – Life Goes On - Story – “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More