Phone Operator’s Hardcore 100 Day Survival

Video Information

The phone man is a mysterious Alliance member that has been forgotten to time but not by me which is why I’ll be surviving a 100 days as a phone man using my new powers to overcome obstacles and call for allies as I do this I’ll upgrade into bigger forms

Until I reach the ranks of a tight will I be able to win this war or will I get dropped in the toilet you’ll have to watch until the end to find out on day one I spawned in as a phone man as the war between the alliance and skiy

Toilets raged on cameramen speakers man and TV men all fell around me as the toilets wreaked havoc with their horrible song suddenly a massive scuba skibby toilet emerg into battle on his Whirlpool mark my words phone man I’ll eliminate you at all costs what did I do the scuba skibby began blasting powerful

Water attacks from the Cannons on his back as I ran I thought I would be killed in an instant until the Titan cameraman intercepted the killing blow Titans protect the phone he’s our last hope the cinema man and speaker man joined his side and all three of the

Titans engaged in battle with the scuba skibby toilet the Titans wailed on him with all of their might and it looked like the skibbidy boss was retreating back to the water unfortunately he used powers to absorb the water around him and rose out of the lake even bigger

Than before the scuba skibidi hit the trio away with a powerful blow causing them to scatter from the battlefield I was now completely vulnerable I ran for my life on day two I was being chased through the chaos by the skiy scuba toilets men I was a phone man so I tried

To use my powers to call my phone people for backup unfortunately nobody answered my distress signal where are the other phone men with no phone allies in sight the toilets found me again and I kept up the chase until I was met with a massive

Body of water I tried to swim through it but the minute I touched the surface I began to take damage oh oh no phone men are weak to water the toilets closed in on me and I had nowhere to go and he last best words no I can’t die here just

As I was about to get killed my phone Powers Unleashed in the form of electrical dual wield pistols my lightning gun Zapped off purple energy in the nearby foes and I realized I was now capable of defending myself Bring It On on day three I was locked in combat

With the incoming skib toilet threat the horde of skibby toilets charged towards me and I immediately fired blast after blasted them the purple energy keeping them at Bay I dodged their strike by flipping and rolling out of the way my increased agility allowing me to avoid

The worst of their attacks thanks to my new power I was able to take out a few of the toilets but more and more continued to join their allies in combat suddenly one of the toilets got a surprise attack on me causing a strange device to be planted into my inventory

What the I tried to overpower the enemies but there were too many for me to fight alone I cut my losses and continued to run through the city while the toilets followed in Hot Pursuit I used my phone powers to slow down the incoming threat but for every toilet I

Zapped more would show up how do they keep finding me I stopped and Unleashed another electrical blow but this time a giant meas skibby toilet arrived to stop me zap away you’re only showing us where you’re hiding just then I realized i’ had been attracting them the whole time

The device on me gave away my location every time I used my phone Powers I have to escape without my abilities I ran as fast as I could away from the toilets but soon enough I was cornered at a phone pole with nowhere to turn I backed

Up into the pole and to my surprise I was sucked into the electrical line on days 4 through 5 I sipped through the power line and appeared inside of another location W I can travel through phone lines what else can phone men do suddenly the Mecha skib toilet appeared

And destroyed the power line in his way you can’t escape not while using your power I couldn’t find another way out of this so I prepared myself for battle I Unleashed everything I had onto the mega skibby while he retaliated with his imposing attacks I put up as much of a

Fight as I could but it was clear that I didn’t stand a chance against his incredible might things got worse as more toilets closed in on my location I wasn’t going to hold out much longer stop right there just then the TV woman arrived with the alliance at her side

Her men ran into battle and clashed with the opposing toilet Army the battle was brutal find HQ I’ll hold this guy off for now I took my chance while while I had it and ran away from the battle as I fled clouds began to gather in the sky

And Rain poured down I looked up behind me as helicopter skib toilets swarm from above the water caused me to take damage while the skibby toilets continued to attack me between the rainfall and toilets I wasn’t going to last much longer I need to find cover before it’s

Too late on days 6 through 7 I was about to get overwhelmed when I spotted along tunnel I ran inside for cover from the rain narrowly surviving with low Health unfortunately the helicopter skiy toilets flew after me from both directions of the tunnel I didn’t have

Anywhere else to go as the rain was still pouring outside is this the end just then a block was broken next to my feet revealing the speaker woman come with me if you want to live I followed the speaker woman underground and closed off the hole behind us we soon found

Ourselves in the sewers why are you guys helping me because you’re the key to winning this war you hold the potential that no other member before has suddenly the ground began to shake as a nearby wall exploded revealing a tank skiy toilet hand over the phone man they

Found us R yourself on days 8 through 9 I was fighting the tank skibby with the help of the speaker woman I whipped out my dual pistols and began firing the tank Ski’s projectiles were powerful indeed though I needed to get closer and throw off his aim under the speaker

Woman’s covering fire I hopped over the sewer channel to close the distance my acrobatic moves were too fast for the skib to track I leap through the air while firing my pistol down on him I kept unloading clips into them even with our forces combined the Tank’s armor was

Too great for us to do enough damage each bullet we fired practically bounced off of him at this rate we were going to lose HQ isn’t far from here find it before the toilets do the speaker woman held off the Tank’s giib while I ran deeper into the underground in search of

HQ as I turned a corner I was nearly spotted by a skiy toilet guard I quickly ducked behind cover and managed to miss them before they could see me they must have located us because I was using my Powers I have to lay low I began to navigate the underground area doing my

Best to avoid the skiy guards that now crowded its Caverns the place was full of guards all looking to capture me after some searching I finally found the HQ I managed to sneak over to the door of HQ but to my horror it was locked tight one of the toilet guards was

Approaching the area if I couldn’t get in soon I’d be caught I have to think of something quick on days 10 through 12 I needed to get through the locked h HQ door and decided the only way around this was to use my phone Powers I zapped

The control panel with my pistols frying it to a crisp and unlocking the door to HQ unfortunately this also set off my tracker the toilet guard stopped his Patrol and shouted out to his men the phone man used his powers everyone after him the toilet goons all Barrel towards

Me as I rushed through the entrance of HQ and blocked off the door behind me I can’t use my phone powers without attracting more I’ll have to fight this the oldfashioned way I looked for some part to put together a weapon I could use against the toilets after some

Crafting my new staff weapon was complete the toilets broke down the door and flooded the room and I began to fight them off with my newly crafted weapon I fought through the horde of toilets with my iron staff spinning it in the air to knock them back using its

Length to gain distance between me and the incoming threats I also used wide sweeping attacks to Pummel the skibbies and stun them things were looking up and I was working my way through the Swarm unfortunately for every toilet I defeated did it seemed like another one

Rushed into the room to fight I was determined to take out every toilet that came at me but I was starting to break a sweat the battle was neck and neck and neither side was giving in I fought with all of my strength until suddenly the tank skiy toilet blasted open the wall

There you are prepare to die I braced myself as my new F came in for round two on days 13 through 15 I was locked in combat with the powerful tank skib toilet I used everything I had to attack the massive toilet boss but his armor was impenetrable against my crafted

Staff weapon I tried to break through his hard exterior with my phone Powers but it attracted more goons into the area to fight me I attempted to fend off the goons as they swarm me but there were so many that even my staff was barely able to keep them away I had no

Choice and fired my electrical dual pistols jumping into the air and firing a barrage of shots that all hit their Mark unfortunately for me the tank skibby was only using his men as a distraction firing his powerful cannon at me even though it hit his own forces

I continued to bat at the minions and get some hits on the tank skib when I could but with this many enemies at once I wasn’t sure if my weapons were strong enough to defend me I was knocked down to low Health with nowhere to run as I

Was about to be killed the Speaker woman arrived to my Aid once again catch she tossed me a mysterious upgrade which I grabbed causing my body to transform my legs grew taller and my body became bigger and more sturdy I was a large phone man with five additional Hearts

More electric powers and the ability to dual wield plunger swords armed with my new Strength I jumped back into battle I removed the two plungers from my back and began my Relentless assault against the skiy tank the speaker woman once again provided covering fire stunning the tank with her Sonic Blast this

Allowed me to land several critical hits with one final blow I took out the tank toilet thanks for the Boost I was a goner you can repay me by joining the alliance and winning this war you got yourself a DE deal just then the room began to tremble the place was going to

Self-destruct there wasn’t a moment to waste the speaker woman and I began to make a run for the exit on days 16 through 18 I made it to the surface with a speaker woman barely escaping the blast the skidy Army isn’t messing around they really want me dead where

Are all the other phone men uh well phone men are incredibly rare only the uh Titans know what happened to them and no nobody has seen the Titans since the pattle the kuma skib well then I’ll reunite the Titans and find the phone man in the process suddenly the ground

Started to tremble I looked at the source of the shaking and saw the meca skib toilet from a couple of days ago wreaking havoc on the area burn this farmed in the ground men you will take out all the alliance’s sources of Food they’ll be Powerless I can’t detract that thing I need to get out of here without being spotted and so the speaker woman and I parted ways as is started sneaking through the area trying my best not to get seen But as I was sneaking a stray toilet spotted me oit there’s that phone

Bloke get him Lads before he could say another word I used my dual whe plungers to silence him unfortunately I was too late as a hord of skib toilets ran at me I had no choice but to run away on days 19 through 22 I was being chased by

Skibby toilets I wanted to use my powers to fight back but if I did the nearby mea toilet toilet would surely be alerted of my location I ran and ran as far as I could until the toilets had me cornered at a power line they were closing in and there was nowhere left

For me to run I have to risk it I had no choice but to use my phone Powers causing me to zip through the phone line when I reappeared I was in another area I looked around and realized I was on some kind of island in the middle of the

Ocean the only way out of this place is using the phone lines again but before I could escape the ground started to tremble I took cover as the Mega skib Toilet touched down I know you’re here phone man I sensed your powers show yourself as quietly as I could I started

Sneaking away but as I got some distance I took the wrong step and accidentally walked over some loose dirt the ground opened up underneath me and I plummeted inside on days 23 through 26 I fell until I finally reached the bottom I looked around and found that I was

Inside of a skibby facility where cameramen were being used as guinea pigs for toilet experimentation this is horrible suddenly I spotted a camera on the floor and rushed their side to try and help them no it’s a trap run away just then a bunch of toilets swarm the

Area oh no your camera feed must be tapped my cover was blown the skies could watch my every move through the lens of their camera experiments toilets surrounded me from all sides I took out my plunger to defend myself the toilets lunged at me doing their their best to

Move as a group and Corner me their sheer numbers made up for their lack of power and I wondered if my plunger would be enough to take out all of them with my trusty weapon in hand I swung at them non-stop attempting to take out as many

As I could as fast as possible I managed to take most of them down but more ways of them kept storming into the room I couldn’t defeat them all without my phone Powers but if I used them the mea skibby outside would know where I was

And I’d be toast I thought I was done for when suddenly I Heard a Voice call out to me me over here quick powerless and with no hope of surviving the battle I had no choice but to follow the source of the voice while the toilets were off

My trail I ducked into hiding only to find myself faced with a camera toilet ah another trap on days 27 through 30 I praised for an attack from the camera toilet but to my surprise nothing happened no wait I’m friendly my name is Camden I’m here to help I was the

Toilet’s original test subject luckily they can’t see my camera feed because the experiment failed failed that’s when I heard the toilet searching for me there’s no more time to talk do you know a way out of this place yes but it’s too heavily guarded right now luckily I

Think I know where we can find someone who can help us break out and so Camden and I left before the goons could find us he led me to an area where the Titan cameraman was being helded but he wasn’t looking too good oh no we’re too late

The toilets must have already sapped him of his power if he doesn’t get energy soon he’ll die I realized the only way to save him was by using my electricity powers but if I did I’d alert the Mecha giid above there’s no time I can’t let

Him die despite the fact I’d give away my location I zapped the Titan cameraman causing him to power back up Max suddenly the roof exploded revealing the Mecha toilet found you without another word he attacked me on days 31 through 34 I was clashing with the meca skib toilet the Titan

Cameraman was still too weak to fight back so I was facing him all alone phone the mecca skib toilet sored above chasing me around the room and shooting missiles that just barely missed my phone body as they hit the ground the floor lit on fire and soon the whole

Room was a flame anytime he landed on the ground I seized the opportunity to attack him slamming my plungers into his giant mechanical legs as long as he stayed on the ground I had a fair chance but as soon as he took to the skies the

Best I could do was try to stay out of his range and avoid his powerful projectiles even though I could use my Powers the Mecha skibby was still too powerful and I couldn’t gain the upper hand Max catch the Titan threw me a phone artifact which caused me to gain

New powers now I had the ability to summon creatures by calling for help suddenly a bunch of cameramen ran in to Aid me H take this my new allies attacked the mega skib as soon as he touched the ground and their constant attacks kept him from flying away his

Mechanical body short circuited and burst bur in the Flames from their Relentless attacks there was no way he stood a chance now I joined the fight helping my camera Squad keep up the attacks to further dwindle the Titan’s Health with the help of the cameraman I managed to overwhelm the Mecha skib and

Win the fight Titan cameraman what do you know about my people but before he could answer the scuba skib arrived overhead there you are you’re not escaping me again just before the scua skib could get me the Titan cameraman regained enough of his strength to stop

Him f the Titan speaker man he can help you knowing I was no match for the scua skibby Camden and I ran away on days 35 through 38 I followed Camden out of the facility and Back to the Island surface unfortunately the scuba giid summoned rain upon me making it harder to get

Away I used the trees to take cover from the rain until we made it to a massive ship floating in the water you should take cover in there until the storm passes you’re not coming with me I’d only slow you down don’t worry I’ll find you again someday thanks for everything

Camden the two of us parted ways and I ran onto the ship hiding in the lower deck suddenly the boat started to shake I peaked through the window and looked outside although the rain had stopped I was faced with a new dilemma the ship had moved away from the island and I was

Now in the middle of the ocean uh-oh there’s no way out of here until we return to shore things quickly took a turn for the worst but I heard footsteps approaching I hid behind some cover and stayed as quiet as possible as toilets entered the cabin they began moving

Again heightening my chances of getting caught they were going to find me on the ship for sure I’m done for on days 39 through 42 my cover was about to be blown by the skib toilets I needed to figure out a way to distract them quickly I use my new phone powers to

Cause an electrical disturbance on the other side of the lower deck who goes there we better to go check it out the toilets left to go investigate and I hurried to the main deck while I still had the chance I continued traversing the insides of the ship but as I headed

Up some stairs another toilet walked down hey it’s the phone quickly I zapped him dead before he could alert the others I got to move I rushed towards the main deck moving as fast as I could to avoid any more patrolling toilets I can’t stop now I have to keep going I

Was nearing my destination until suddenly I saw a group of toilets in front of me as soon as we catch that phone man Victory will be ours once and for all we just have to find him for I ducked behind a nearby wall holding my breath and hoping the toilets wouldn’t

See me to my surprise they walked right past me I waited until they were gone before continuing towards the main deck pH that was close when I finally arrived I found the Claude skib toilet was already there waiting for me how did you find me that little stun gave away your

Location a rookie mistake and it’ll be your last just then the clouds giv lunged towards me on days 43- 46 I was locked in combat with a claw skib toilet I flailed my plungers in the air but no matter how hard or fast I swung the foe

Proved to be too quick for me to make contact he was flying circles around me zipping back and forth to slash me with his razor sharp mechanical claws dealing massive damage it seemed like nothing I did gave me the edge I needed to gain the upper hand I needed to act fast or

He was going to slice right through me I tried to use my Powers unleashing a burst of electric energy at the enemy but it was ineffective as I still wasn’t fully charged the CLA skib was too evasive and too powerful for me to face alone the foe was incredibly strong and

I was too weak to defeat him as I was about to die the Titan speaker man Rose from the ocean and jumped onto the boat leave him alone he blasted the CLA skibby off of me but the toilet retaliated in full force leaving the Titan speaker man unable to continue the

Fight the toilet was fatally wounded from the Titan blow in a vengeful frenzy the CLA skib started to set his own ship of blades if I’m going down then you’re both going down with me he succumbed to his injuries but the damage had already been done the ship was starting to burn

Away and without it I was surely going to die to water damage Max take this he handed me a phone upgrade transforming me into a Titan phone man I gained five hearts and a new power which allowed me to fly using my new ability I escaped

The ship just in time to avoid drowning in the ocean alongside the toilets not wanting to risk reinforcements arriving the Titan speaker man and I flew away on days 47 through 50 I landed back on Shore with the Titan speaker man finally I had the chance to ask about my fellow

Phone people please tell me what you know about the other phone men I don’t know a lot the cinema man he knows something he saw them last at a massive Cellular Tower I was confused as to why everyone I asked about the phone men sounded so nervous are you hiding something well

It’s just but before he could finish his sentence a laser fired down at us I looked up and realized we were under attack by the jetpack skib looks like I caught myself two valuable Titans no way you’ll never defeat us we’ll see about that he swooped in and attacked the

Titan speaker man and I the three of bus took to the skies and an allout aerial battle commenced the jetpack ski Unleashed a Non-Stop barrage of lasers that landed with a fierce impact creating a massive explosion that sent the two of us really back with each massive Boom the Titan speaker man fired

Back with a volley of rockets from his hand Canon but the jetpack Ski’s hard shell was resistant to these explosions I needed to try and build up enough power while flying to blast them with high voltage lightning the battle was taking too long and I was losing time

I’ll handle this go look for the cinema man he can help you thank you Titan speaker man so I took to the skies while he held off the jetpack skib on days 51- 54 I was flying through the sky in search of the cell tower suddenly I felt the strange feeling overcome me

Following the feeling I took off towards the source to find the cause of it I arrived at the Cellular Tower and realized that a skibbidy bay have been set up around the perimeter what are they up to just then one of the toilets spotted me Intruder in sight activate

The tower the toilets turned on the tower causing a beam of light to shoot out of it out of nowhere the cinema man and his TV Army arrived the cinema man charged towards me and I realized they were all being mind controlled by the tower those monsters they’re using phone

Man Tech against me unfortunately I had no choice but to fight back without trying to hurt them I focused my attention on the cinema man as he used his hulking fist to strike me but before I could inflict much damage he knocked me to the ground disoriented from his

Attack the TV men began to rush me not wanting to be caught in the crossfire I attempted to deter them by frying their circuits with my electric phone Powers setting them a blaze as I fought off my friends the cinema man flash his fearsome red screen damaging me further

I couldn’t risk my own allies finishing me off so I used my electricity powers on them once more their circuitry on the fritz again I flew up to take on the cinema man face to face I attacked his massive screen again and again but no matter what I did I couldn’t seem to

Penetrate his defenses my allies were too powerful to beat them without harming them I had no choice but to flee vowing to return and free them from the toilet’s control run all you want Little phone the cinema man will find you and kill you on days 55- 58 I reunited with

The Titan speaker man and told him what all occurred at the phone tower I can teach you the way of the speaker man but it’ll be hard to master please I’ll do anything very well then there’s no time to waste and so I began undergoing the Titan’s rigorous trials to unlock new

Power within me my first task was to endure the Titan speaker Man Sonic Boom attacks my ears were ringing but I managed to survive with low Health next he had me spar with some other speakers improving my strength and dexterity the speaker man people were well-versed in close quarters combat using dangerous

Weapons to strike me thankfully my upgraded phone man strength kept me from the incoming damage they were dealing you’ve done well young phone now you must complete your third and final test but before we could begin the jet pack skibby flew in I found you again this

Time I’ll make sure you don’t leave not with your life at least all right new test unleash your power on the jetpack skib and save us and so I took to the skies and attacked the jetpack skippity I fought with all of my might using all of my strength to take him down

Unfortunately like before he was still too strong for me he knocked me to the ground but that’s when I felt something channeling Within Me focusing on everything I had learned I Unleashed a ringtone music attack defeating the jetpack GI and winning the battle thank you Titan speaker man time to take on

Cinema man and reclaim the cellular tower on days 59-62 I returned to the cell tower only to find the cinema man already there waiting for me back for more are you I’ll make you eat those words and so after quickly taking out the mocky toilet I took on the cinema man with the

Goal of getting him out of his trans just as before he was incredibly strong luckily my training helped me stand a chance against him I Unleashed everything that Titan speaker man had taught me while still holding back so as not to hurt him too much the foe flash

His red screen at me once more but this time I was more prepared shaking off the attack I continued my Onslaught against the cinema man but no matter what I tried I couldn’t snap him out of his mind control I didn’t want to kill him

But I also didn’t want him to kill me I was running out of options in a moment of desperation I used my phone powers to overload the cell tower causing it to crumble to the ground the cinema man snapped out of his mind control and I absorbed the power of the cell tower

Transforming me into an upgraded Titan bone man I gained five more hearts and a new telephone pole weapon with my new Strength R I jumped into battle against the B’s toilet forces the fight didn’t last long as I was able to quickly wipe them all out without a sweat amongst the

Rubble I found a mysterious looking key huh I wonder what this opens the cinema man stepped forward thank you for saving me Max I bet you’re wondering what happened to your people finally everyone’s been so elusive about it for some reason can you tell me I think it’s

Best if you see for yourself take this map and you’ll find them there I took the map from him and set off to follow it on days 63- 66 I traveled to the location marked on the map only to find a custom phone line in the middle of a

Field my people must have used this for transportation I wonder where it leads I zipped to the line towards the unknown location suddenly the phone line abruptly cut causing me to fall out I looked around to find that the new upgraded Mega skib had destroyed a part

Of the line looks like someone forgot we can sense their special phone powers out of my way eager to find the answers I sought I clashed with the upgraded Mecha skib the two of us started through the air exchanging fire with one another although the enemy had grown stronger I

Had as well and I wasn’t going to go down easily I unleashed the full extent of my Powers against the upgraded Mega skibby the foe responded in full force releasing a barrage of lasers towards me I evaded the toilet’s attacks as best I could as the blast made contact to the

Cell tower destroying it even more we were both putting up a good fight it was neck and neck having each sustained significant damage we fell to the ground and our battle continued in close range in a plunger vers plunger duel we swung melee attacks at one another I was

Giving the fight all I had but more toilets sensed my powers and came to the upgraded Mega skib a I can’t keep going on that’s when I saw the other end of the phone line and I made a run for it I zapped into it to try and make it to the

End of the line well after him on days 67 through 70 I rode through the phone line until I finally reached my destination I arrived at the entrance of what I could only assume was the city of the phone men but there was a door and a

Massive wall blocking it surely I can fly over this I made my way up only to find a shield barrier in the way a man where’s the key to get inside I tried to break through but the door wouldn’t budge this door is sealed shut I guess

It’s time to use some extra strength I used my power hour to try and open it but nothing seemed to work that’s when I heard something and realized the upgraded Mega skib was closing in behind me with his army I was running out of time come on Max think I ran behind a

Nearby Bush to take cover and buy myself some time before my enemies got too close off in the distance I could hear the upgraded meas skibby commanding his men spread out men we need to find that phone man now yes sir the toilet searching high and low for

I would need to think fast to get around them and threw the shielded door there’s got to be some way to unlock that door suddenly I remembered the key I got from the cell tower I looked around to make sure the coast was clear then I used it

On the door please work please work it opened and I rushed through just before I was seen by the skes phone men here I come on days 71 through 74 I arrived at the inside of the phone man civilization only to find that it was in complete

Ruin it was entire entirely abandoned I couldn’t believe what I was seeing what the what happened where is everyone I tried to use my call powers to summon more of my kind but nobody came I was entirely alone in this abandoned civilization or so I thought suddenly a

Bunch of toilets came out from behind the building and attacked me the skibbies ambushed me from every direction I was completely surrounded I swung my telephone pole at the mass of enemies as hard as I could but it wasn’t enough they just kept coming I shifted gears unleashing a flurry of electricity

At the FKS setting them all a place despite my best efforts their numbers weren’t decreasing and they continued charging at me with no relent their defenses weakened from the fire I utilize my phone pole once more with the mighty slash much of the enemy’s ranks lay defeated finally using my new

Ringtone ability I was able to take out the stragglers just as I finished taking out the ler goons the scuba was skidy arrived well well well looks like the little phone found his way back home you where are my people what did you do to them oh you don’t remember why don’t you

Join them suddenly the scuba skibidi attacked me unprepared for a fight I fled into another part of the city I managed to escape the scuba Ski’s clutches but he was still hunting me down as I hid I tried to understand the reality of what was going on the phone

Men my people they can’t just be gone can they I looked around desperate for any sign of what might have happened as I glanc around in my surroundings I spotted a destroyed statue looking at it seemed to spark my memory causing me to suddenly remember a piece of my history on days

75-78 I was in the flashback version of the phone man civilization wait a minute this must be the phone man civilization before it was abandoned the place was suddenly under attack by the skiy toilet Army the phones were all fighting together and thanks to the incredible

Power of the phone men they were winning it seemed like their victory was a sure when all of a sudden the scuba skibby arrived foolish phones you’ll soon meet your demise he Unleashed his devastating water attacks leveling the phones like they were nothing they all ran in horror

As he killed them one after the other the scua skibby toilet showed them no mercy no I ran forward in an attempt to fight off the scuba skibby but before I could reach him I came back to my senses and returned to reality my memories came flooding back to me instantly I remember

Now I left the alliance because of what happened that day I’m the last phone man suddenly the SCU B skibby came out from behind the corner aha I’ve got you now before I could run he blasted Me Knocking me out on day’s 79 through 82 I

Woke up inside of a cage dangling over a giant toilet bowl full of water where am I the scuba skibidi was watching me from above the toilet seat rise and shine it’s finally time for you to meet your watery demise I was heartbroken from learning the truth about what had

Happened to the phone men and felt too defeated to fight back just make it quick finally the last of the phone men will be eliminated as I accepted my fate Camden was seen hopping onto the toilet not on my watch Camden what what are you doing

Here I’m saving you of course he shut down the force field giving me the opportunity to escape with my spirit restored I flew out of the cage Camden thank you no problem you’re my friend after all the scuba skibby became enraged I will not allow you to escape

Me again he summoned another rainstorm and I started to take damage from the water drop what’s hitting me ouch not the rain again I’ll distract him find cover before it’s too late on days 83 through 886 I was searching for cover until I found a spot that protected me

From the oncoming raindrops that was close I should be safe from the rain here the rain finally subsided but before I could leave I was distracted by the sound of a familiar voice Max it was the speaker woman I flew over to greet her and see what she wanted I’m so glad

You’re all right speaker woman what are you doing here we need your help the Titans have all been captured by the skib Twilight Army me come on let’s go she took off expecting me to follow her once I would have been happy to see the speaker woman but after learning the

Truth she’ been keeping from me I didn’t want to help or follow her come on Max we need to hurry why should I help you the alliance lied to me my people are dead I’m not working for you anymore please I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the

Truth I was I was just scared that you would be too discouraged to the scis skib if you knew the alliance needs you you’re our last hope Max but before I could respond the upgraded mechas skib came out of nowhere and snatched up the speaker woman let’s see how you like it

When I take your Al ass no he fled with the speaker woman in toe too fast for me to stop her I might have been upset with her but I couldn’t let her get hurt I had no choice but to follow after him on days 87 through 90 I chased the upgraded

Mega skibby all the way to a prison with cages full of my allies that have been taken captive the skibby threw the speaker woman in a cell and locked her up finally we’ve captured all the phone man’s allies it won’t be long before we take him down for good you won’t get

Away with this oh but I already have the still B skib is on his way I needed to break out my men before it was too late the upgraded Mega skib left and I snuck towards the cages guys I’m here Max what are you doing here I came to rescue you guys

Guys you might have hurt my feelings but I can’t just let the toilets capture you guys you’re my allies there he is get him a few toilet guard spotted me but I was able to quickly take them out I need to hurry before more show up I flew over

And reached the lever to open the cages but it was a trap a skiy spider dropped on my head and I lost control of my body Ms are you okay what’s happening no get out of my head I resisted as best I could sending myself into my mind mind

To battle the spider within my psyche on days 91 through 93 I found myself inside of my mind as a normal phone man once again I was reliving the battle I saw earlier that wiped out my people phones were dying all around me as I could only

Look on in horror you’re a disgrace to phone men you’ll never be strong enough to avenge us the phone men surrounded me overwhelming me with their words you could have saved us you failed the alliance you failed us no no my people would never say that this can’t be real

That’s when I realized it was all an illusion by the Mind controlling skibby of course it’s all in my head I managed to break free and return to my upgraded Titan form but I was still stuck within my mind come out and face me coward that was when the scientist skib appeared in

Front of me you’re pretty sharp for a phone but your journey ends here the two of us charged towards each other on days 94 through 96 I was locked in a heated battle against the scientist giib for control over my mind in the darkness of my mind I charged at the scientist giib

Crashing down on his head with a telephone pole the scientist giib charged up a powerful ball of light and sent it hurdling towards me the scientist was powerful but I wouldn’t allow them to use me for their evil Deeds fueled by my desire to avenge my people I defeated the scientist gimy I

Also gained his ability to blast massive electrical attacks suddenly I snapped back into reality when I awoke I found myself in a lab where I was about to be dissected for parts out of my way using my new powers I busted out of the chamber and flew outside stop him we

Can’t let him get out of here I escaped the facility but outside even more toilets arrived how are there so many of you guys the horde of skib toilets descended upon me but I blasted them with massive volts of electricity setting them all a blaze they just kept

Coming I brought the telephone pole crashing down on their skulls shattering their porcelain bowls I swung repeatedly at the skibbies as they climbed over one another to get a HD in on me but I kept moving making sure I never got backed into a corner it seemed that no matter

What I did The Horde never stopped I retreated from the battle and took off into the sky they’re still tracking my Powers I need to find out how to remove it before it causes more trouble on days 97 through 98 I flew until I spotted a cell tower the toilets I commandeered to

Monitor my every move there you are I was about to destroy it when the upgraded Mega skibby flew in my way not so fast if you destroy that I’ll have to kill her he then revealed he had the speaker woman held captive don’t listen to him Free Yourself suddenly I spotted

A cable on the ground that led to the machine and I formed an idea bombs away I zapped the cable breaking the line and causing the machine to explode the tracking device in my inventory vanished the explosion shut down the shields to the speaker woman’s cage freeing her in the Process you pay for this upgraded mea skib lunged towards me to attack but the speaker woman hit him with her powers killing him instantly I’m sorry for lying to you the alliance really wanted you to rejoin it’s okay I see now I should have never left what do you mean

This is my chance to help you win the war we’ll free our allies defeat the scuba skibidi and avenge my Fallen people and so I officially rejoined The Alliance on day 99 I returned to the prison where my allies were being held captive there both my men and now the

Titans were also locked behind bars I rushed over to flip the switch but the shields weren’t deactivating huh it’s not working what does this switch even go to hey who’s doing that cut it out out I’ll have to try something else I then flew over to the front of the cages

To devise a new plan Max what are you doing here I’ve rejoined the alliance I’m here to free you now stand back I Unleashed all of the abilities I had gained over the course of my journey destroying the Cage’s Shields and freeing my allies I can’t believe it

Thank you the alliance is glad to have you back we didn’t have much time to celebrate their freedom as suddenly the SCU bity dropped in front of us well well well well look who decided to show his pathetic face if you surrender now we can end this peacefully never this is

Personal he then jumped down Landing in front of me let’s see how you do without your precious allies before my allies could join the battle he teleported the two of us away to another location on day 100 I reappeared on a platform in the middle of the ocean with the scuba

Skib placed in a giant toilet throne in front of me what do you have against me you’re the only own man who escaped my attack once you are gone the alliance will truly Buckle into the power of the skidy army I felt my anger growing and surging within me the person who killed

My people was standing right there in front of me I’m going to avenge my people this ends now I charged forward and began our final battle ready to finally bring our rivalry to an end I Unleashed everything I had onto the scoop es giid he blasted my body with a

Torrent of water to keep me a B I had to dodge by flying around his throne but his bubbling water attacks followed me I used my aerial advantage to close the distance and zap him with powerful charge of lighting attacks but closing in me taking more damage as his water

Attacks knocked me back I dodged and we which made my enemy Furious he was the strongest foe I had faced so far by a long shot but everything I had encountered over the past 100 days had been leading up to this moment the scuba skibidi became more enraged and ascended

From his toilet drone to chase after me he tried to knock me into the water but I flew back onto the platform as he continued firing dozens of projectiles I endured his Relentless attacks channeling the rage and power inside of me to dish out even more powerful ones

Of my own finally the foe was on his last legs for the alliance for my people with that I landed the killing blow against the scuba skibby finally I had won the war against the skibby toilets once and for all ring ring

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a PHONEMAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MaxCraft on 2023-10-24 23:00:31. It has garnered 765313 views and 11020 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:54 or 2574 seconds.

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The Phone Man is a mysterious alliance member that has been forgotten to time! But not by me, which is why I’ll be surviving 100 days as a Phone Man, using my new powers to overcome obstacles and call for allies. As I do this, I’ll upgrade into bigger forms until I reach the ranks of a TITAN! Will I be able to win this war or will I get dropped in the toilet? You’ll have to watch until the end to find out! The skibidi toilet war has raged on forever, with some of the strongest members of the alliance being forgotten to time. Enter: the PHONE MAN! I’ll be surviving 100 days as one of these mysterious Phone Men, using my electric powers to overcome the skibidi toilet army and upgrade until I reach the ranks of a TITAN! Will I be able to win this war or drown at the hands of the Scuba Skibidi Toilet? You’ll have to watch until the end to find out!

This episode is a fan video based on the series by @DaFuqBoom out his amazing original canon Skibidi Toilet series here:

Mods: Advanced Hook Launchers – Crayfish’s Gun Mod – Epic Fight – Weapons Of Miracles – Physics mod – Futurepack – Maps

Additional Lights – Alex’s Mobs – Citadel – Angel Ring – Curious API – Cyclic – BetterAnimalsPlus – Architectury API – BMorph – Carry On – Catalogue – CMD Cam – Creative Core – Configured – Custom NPCs – Dynamic Surroundings – Effortless Building – Fakename – flyspeed mod – Hide Armor – Just Enough Items – LuckyTNT – Mob Battle – MorePlayerModels – OptiFine – Maybe – Shrink – Supplementaries – Selene – The Mighty Architect – Warp – Wings – World Edit –

Suggested rating: TV-PG This video contains material not suitable for younger audiences.

Published under license between Newscape Studios and DaFuq Marks.

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  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

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  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

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  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

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  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

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  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

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  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

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  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More