Now and doing the gloom server hello everybody this is ID farms and I am here with somebody and we are on our new survival server now this ain’t just any ordinary basic generic survival server it’s an amazing service I mean it is but it isn’t because this server in Particular has let’s just type / rules there are no rules just just kill everything so what will rule no there’s none whatsoever how are you gonna live just like what okay anyways you don’t if you look to the right warning you will die it says so basically what we decided We wanted to do was create a server with no rules and no staff again there are 0 rules like anything’s allowed you can use cheat clients you can use PDP aura anything you want to use use it because anything yes so buddy you explain what Do you do when you get on this server well you can do whatever you want exactly it’s like North Korea but the opposite what Oh Kim jong-un you’re such a beautiful fellow anyways this is the only safe zone in all of spawn are all of the whole world have you ever been to A server lets you act like Dog the Bounty Hunter I don’t think so because in this server glue we are implementing a bounty program so you can put a bounty out on any of your friends especially the ones you don’t like and you can set the amount to whatever you would like we Also are going to implement a PvP levering leveling system that of course if you win you go high if you lose you go low so be a winner not a loser okay everybody when you first get into the server if you want to just get out and Survival as soon as possible you just type / if I can type / wild oh crap today right after I pipe that plugin hey don’t get too while now now I’m in this ocean I’m just gonna fly up show you this the surrounding area gloom MC also employs a Custom world generator as you can see here this is like a really cool looking Stony Mountain place and here’s a custom tree back mountain Brokeback Mountain yes and this is epic world generator gloom also employs a simple rank up program that allows players to rank up Using the economy now if you would type / rank up you would you would get a rank up that tells you what rank is next for you but as you can see on the top rank so I’ve reached maximum effort but if you type / ranks it shows you the ranks And the amount it costs for ink so each rank is incremented by 1 million dollars each time so you get battleborn when you get a million dollars destructive you get at 2 million and so forth hated is the last rank everyone hates you and your that rank because you’re so awesome That they all just dislike you and that kind of employees with the economy feel of the game it allows you to use your money actually instead of just sitting there and acted like a rich turd it’s just like real life but with no loss and no life alright everybody this is it for This video we just want to say hop on in the server is open as we speak right now the IP is play hyphen gloom calm and we just want you to give your feedback to us so we can improve our server there’s going to be many features to come this Is just an opening video so expect a lot of changes is probably going to be a new spawn probably going to be new pvp arenas just hop on in and give us some feedback it’ll be like Christmas every day alrighty good bye bye Video Information
This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Survival Server 1.10 || Anarchy Server ||’, was uploaded by PistulsPK on 2016-08-19 00:12:23. It has garnered 467 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:13 or 313 seconds.
New Minecraft Survival Server 1.10 || Anarchy Server || New Minecraft survival server with no rules. Its a Minecraft Anarchy. Introducing Gloom. An interactive Minecraft anarchy server where everything goes. There are no rules in this Minecraft server. You can even use hacks if you would like. Try to survive in a world with no law and order. Always remember watch your back.
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