PIXIL: Christmas Chaos Stream of Destruction

Video Information

Today I’m streaming and today I’m here with me hi yeah um well you’ll see me as ambient butterfly in game but pixel’s probably going to call me angel for most of this yeah I I was like maybe I could try but no I couldn’t yeah no that’s

Fine um all right well uh you’re going to come over and help me spam my Village I guess while we like you collect some Souls so today’s goal is we’re just going to try and get like a full team of competitively F Pokemon should be pretty easy it only takes regular players like

What years to master but I believe us I Believe in Us you know um yeah sure I have minimal faith that we can do this I forgot that I should I’m also going to record this because last time I went through the whole thing and didn’t

Record it and I kind of regretted it afterwards because I wanted to make like shorts but I’d have to like download the whole stream and it was 10 hours last time that is yeah so anyway uh prepared to stay here for 10 hours obviously um you you have maybe

Three I have maybe three and that’s if you’re feeling generous oh man so I decided to do fairy right oh Lord I have lordus yes better not be Aus I’m not dealing with that uh I I do both um it depends how you’re feeling if you’re feeling wrong one day you

Know what ah I was just updating the the stream stuff why would you oh thank you choco going inside I started getting like attacked by something hard mode is not fun why would I say go do this I hate it oh hi soda hello so so this is awkward isn’t it so

I should probably grab a weapon so that I don’t die while we’re doing things this is awkward isn’t it soda yes I guess why is it why is it awkward CU I’m not on a server yeah get get in the server that’s what I that’s

What I here say my gosh why is this like spider jockey so like straight up looking amazing they had a golden they had a golden chest plate and everything yeah Dear God damn where’s that damn fourth Chaos Emerald ow oh no oh no oh no oh no radicate leave me alone no okay

Ratate Gabby the head of potatoes has awoken the rats I’m sure that’s not a problem I’m sure that’s fine look I’m not a I’m not a scientist or anything like that but that seems okay Piel what would happen if your if your brain gets taken over by

Rats you see these are the questions I keep up my keep myself up at think I was I was rats once they kept me they kept me in a crazy A crazy crazy full of rubber yes oh no exactly it’s getting worse I didn’t think it would get worse he can always be

Worse teleport here ambient butterfly where did the name where did the name come from um honestly I don’t know I thought it was cool I was trying to Rebrand myself for my art stuff and oh no it is super cool don’t get me wrong it’s [ __ ]

Radical um that that’s what I ended up with so that’s why my um that’s why my Instagram is that and that’s why my um you still trying to Rebrand yourself would you like me to start calling your ambient butterfly I I don’t know I haven’t decided yet what the hell l in

Again I why did why did my login button disappear but did not redirect me oh there we go it did accept oh there’s no teleport request I didn’t do it fast enough whoops Chaos Control where’s that damn fourth Chaos Emerald God damn it Angel could you do me a favor it’s

Just a little uh it’s a thing I like to do for what the [ __ ] did you just hit me no ah it might have been this guy get inside get inside don’t run away from the house I can’t close the door I’m you I’m trashed inside now are you

Trapped trapped I was trapped trapped in a room a rubber room a cobble room all right uh room here now you have access to everything a cobble room full of spiders and spiders they make czy um oh what is this oh so uh this chest here go through

It if youest this chest yeah if you need ever ever need anything all of the stuff here is free grabs okay free grabs oh by the way do you want this little guy look look how cute they are I so I have I have shaders on let me let

Me send you a screenshot no put it back out put it back out let me send you a screenshot put it back out get out there phrasing but it’s fine um here look at this oh my God it’s so bright and I had something similar happen with a different

Server I somehow I had like I had like a yellow minor it was so just so bright oh my God fing fitt is like on it like I I’ve been try to talk to fitty but he doesn’t respond as soon as I stream he’s just like well I guess I’ll respond to That oh a it’s so cute so obviously you’re going to use fairy type so then you can get a you can improve your fairy type team right I mean sure uh do you have to need okay I’ll go through my Pokémon I’ve got quite a few Pokemon cuz I found

Out you don’t have to release them anymore so pixel we were we were talking right I jumped on the server and and I got one Pokémon right I got this guy I got my starter you’re Eevee oh you tyuan and then um aseno started throwing stuff at me he

Does that he does that he does that yeah which is great I you know it yeah but um I haven’t really been I I have not been focused on literally anything while doing anything um all right let’s go through the Pokémon that you might want

Then Den is a fairy type you can just say no no because it’s ugly and disgusting so I have a list are are you ready I have a well okay I I get that you have a list you got Pho I like that I like that oh do you want scream

Tail uh if you have it sure but anyway I was jokingly going to join with you know bug types for the tournament and uh so the majority of the Pokémon that I have right now are bug type all right there you Bombi I never I actually haven’t seen one on the server so

No I don’t even know if it’s in the server it is everything’s on This Server because it’s oh it is everything every Pokemon is on This Server nice but it is in base game as well so it it will spawn um but I haven’t seen it spawn but also

Because the uh area that my house is in yeah I’m giving you another Pokémon is it a lemon do you see do you see what it is what I don’t what do you see what it is confusion it’s a shiny Steelix it’s gold oh no that’s a mistake

All right time to go and uh just depressingly leave the door never mind we’re going to stay in here where it is nice and safe so I did I got a shiny key for something I don’t remember what I got this guy e isn’t he great isn’t he

Awesome I love your I I love your um you know what it’s really just bringing me back to the the reason I love nfts what Y what unironically yeah of course there’s something wrong with you well need healing hello there speedy Hades today we’re uh going to try and

Find a h I guess we going to try and get some Souls so we can get a Zapdos all right come on there’s no reason to being scared isn’t there not really okay no way pixel you’re scaring me you know it really sounds like soda is playing with us but it’s just soda

Being completely off his [ __ ] rocker oh s is not even here okay yeah I’m not even on the server yeah soda’s computer is so bad so no here’s the issue not it’s not I mean it is also my computer but it’s also because I decided to uninstall the pack for some odd

Reason yeah now I’m trying I’m trying to clean some stuff up because I can’t see I I don’t have enough space to install it anymore for some re I don’t know how it even happened are you freaking kidding me they gave it blue flare what they gave testia Tesla blue

Flare I guess so you know what that is right yes I know what it is it’s it’s a level 100 move of reram yeah it’s Ram’s level 100 signature move yeah it’s so stupid I can’t believe it I can’t believe isingo did have a have a PO be you just summoned a

PO I don’t even know how to do magic like I have Scrolls and stuff yeah no I have I have Scrolls that’s it I don’t have do anything that was my SC that was my scroll I just didn’t want it in my inventory anymore I’m at church getting ready

To and then uh to form for a live audience I God damn it front of a live audience I want to I want to say what’s being talked about but my like my Pokemon want to battle instead getting ready um come fourth but he came Fifth and won a

Toaster uh FY if you want a live audience do you want us to come and hang out with you we could we could be a live audience right Angel at his church yeah that’s right you’re part of my I forgot you’re part my cult now

So I mean I’ll show up I don’t know if they’ll appreciate it yeah we so yeah I’m I’m just going around I’m going to defeat every single uh Pokemon man so all right I I need more fairy types is what I need um cuz currently I I have five and I have Al

Creamy um um um and yes there’s a reason why Tesla is being used in The Meta same is offer blue flare and access to Electric pivot funny electric pivot move with electric surge is a fun time yeah but but it’s it’s factually just better than Ram damn it’s just factually better than

Retam how could you oh my God it’s my PO there oh no oh no I accidentally broke this house that is not what I wanted to do oh my gosh oh no angel angel thanks pixel friends I appreciate this what I do uh Angel the best thing I just found

Out the polar bear actually fights for me oh I thought I just I thought I just summoned it to hang out why else would you summon something if not to fight for you do you have a mil yet by the way uh a no we should we should go get you a

Miler you know what I need I well yes but no well yes but actually well actually no so anyway this is why I fired so I’m Jing cry now I’m going to cry about it you were just crying before I thought you were yeah I thought you were done

Crying do it again but in uh but a bit more you know shut up come on no no no no please do I get the souls of My Pokemon kill the other Pokemon that’s how you get them what is this that’s how you get the type Souls which is what you definitely

Need no I canete you can kill the Pokemon but if your Pokemon kill the other Pokemon also do you want do you want electivire for your electric type team an electivire I already have an electivire by the way no you have to kill a with your Pokemon to get the type

Souls no you don’t unless you use the weapon of the day unless you use the weapon of the day oh maybe I’m okay I’ve misunderstood the assignment I don’t know how to uninstall this so I’m just going to delete it see I’m just going around defeating every like Pokemon that’s uh flying in

Electric because we know what I want lemon soda what used to be a bit more when we first met you were very sane I’ve never SE oh no oh no I worry for my own sanity absolute and I’m absolutely not super saane like he actually used to be a lot more like

Saye just kidding I was never Saye crazy I am crazy once pleas no Joker Joker no there’s no laws against the Pokemon Batman no joker [ __ ] are you love that you you love having sex with Pokemon no sounds like that’s exactly what you’re saying also pixel pixel pixel I’ll vom on you what

No also pixel you something sod show I want to show you something you you should go to your own your server like your Discord server and just just go to my awesome artist Channel what did you do why have you done this why would you make me look at that that’s hot what

Look I’m not saying I’m not saying anything except for also I heard that you joined uh Flames team oh yeah I I did yeah uh I I woke up to him begging me in my DMs please let me have Sodus let me have Sodus yes do you guys have a killing

Machine yet supposed to do uh no we’re not going to make one just do SLP salair because it requires you to have to use create and I refuse the difference is uh night and day also has more checks than Ram has ANC conventional yeah [ __ ] Ram apparently like you really just made a

Pokemon you just really made a Pokemon to say [ __ ] rusham and the worst part is it you can easily get it well yeah you can it’s a starter so you yeah you can soda you delinquent what what yeah you can what do you mean well I I think

You’re misreading what he’s saying oh no I’m I’m reading it perfectly I’m picking up with he’s putting down when you what are you what are you thinking about I’m thinking about you know you who’s you know oh by the way have you already done your referral thing Angel me oh Angel no

Can you put me down as your referral sure unless isingo wants it you do isingo doesn’t exist I mean zingo is the reason that I’m here okay you put Ringo down I just got to I want to beat fitty and then I want to you know get better referral points in

Him after I’m done you want to beat the owner of the server yeah want to beat them at referring to their own server no I I just said beat them I I okay I didn’t I didn’t say it wasn’t going to be an act of random violence okay sorry FY

No she’s not I say as I completely just obliterate [Laughter] fitty what fixel using the referral system and then just some random symbols what the [ __ ] ah yes pix using the referral system Sanji shh I see you typing Sanji Sanji and I are best buds but I’ll also throw hands with them too

IRL it’s my next uh we get to 100 100 likes on this stream and we personally fly to a America we throw hands with fitty ow h we get 100 new we get 100 new users on Cobble souls and uh me and fitty will throw hands right right

FY F’s going to say yes 100 new users on Cobble Souls today this stream FY and I will throw hands in real life right FY say FY fyy pixel you said f I imagine that f is like contemplating and just like yes 100 throw hands with fitty yeah we’re

Starting a movement I I don’t I I don’t want to cut off my hands and throw them how how am I going to throw them the simp was a hard Emoji Emoji chat was anyways I’ll let you be love you all fny we didn’t get a confirmation are we throwing hands or

Not I would like to say that that’s a yes 100 users to Cobble uh to C the couble souls and and we will be throwing hands with fitty right Angel can’t can’t wait hold up hold on stop Yes am I in this now is that’s is that what’s happening we’re all we’re all

Collectively throwing hands with fitty oh all right whatever um I thought for a second he said growing hands with growing hands with so that’s my next series actually um thanks for spoiling hey pixel I I didn’t set a set a warp or a home and I died uh do slash back and it

Will put you back to where you died okay but I had to go I made Mist please behave don’t scare off the um Sanji make fitty make fitty agree to throwing hands come on fedy you know you want to you want to see it 100 users 100 new users this stream

If we get 100 new users this stream we’re throwing hands with fitty dear God we will throw hands with fitty that’s all that the community wants to see is it though us throw hands with fitty you’re ignoring me fny we know you’re there he left what are you talking about still

Here he’s never gone he is he is he is the voice in your head we’ll we’ll kill we’ll kill f plus f is not logged off B he gives like 10 notifications before he logs off he’ll go yeah all right bye everyone so anyway bye yeah oh also bye oh by the way

Bye stop it who’s running fairy the people the person who’s running fairy is the one and only angel come on me it’s me I’m doing it there’s also I don’t have enough energy for this I’m sorry there’s also another there’s also another person that’s running it but they um but they’re going

To get destroyed by the no they’re not I don’t know what I’m doing shh don’t say that come on intimidate them make them switch to like poison or something what steal me if I wasn’t banned from the next taunt sorry buddy I have an issue though you know what it

Is that your computer sucks and you can’t run Cobble Souls also that you know you know I’ve been thinking about looking for Mo like an extra mod so I can like run it better uh I don’t think you should what you mean I shouldn’t I didn’t say you shouldn’t I said I don’t

Think you should which is exactly why not exactly the same thing I know but um shut up is it because is it because uh my computer can’t run it oh my God uh what you saw that right Angel they’re running steel yeah no the thing just spawned what just spawned I’m

Not with with you you didn’t let me TPA back to you I said you slash back and it will teleport you back I told you that I had to go heal my Pokémon okay we teleport to me after this boss battle after this boss battle oh God

Okay teleport to me now I need help I I don’t think I can send me the request the TPA thing you know all I need a n I need a n [ __ ] off witch you [ __ ] [ __ ] witch a no I need some ah no

No I I sent the thing I don’t know what to tell you yeah my pants are broken this is a very P house who the [ __ ] is gold dragon oh and why hey we already best friends buddy oh my God I hate when this happens set yeah oh oh [ __ ] I got

It no I’m going to die there we go God did I do it did I kill it I’m going to kill isingo I’m going to kill Oingo I’m going to kill Oingo he said it why did he get it set difficult what I hate him Zer if you’re watch if you’re watching

This I drops give me drops give me drops give me drops friend my friend now tacos later I don’t know why you’re so angry leave me alone please we’re getting soft tacos later all right come here please Angel come to my house when you have time what’s up

Tell me when you’re here oh you’re here you make yourself you made yourself like kind of shortish didn’t you um I don’t know what happened because I made myself like really tall and skinny and um like I just don’t yeah I don’t know anyway what did you just give

Me hat a hat it’s like a really good hat that is a very good hat a hat legendary Hat huh H kill it jump him who I got to you were getting attacked from behind ow damn right I was oh I’m sorry would would you have liked that what what what oh right I forgot that I made a weird joke oh my God I made a nonsensical joke completely

Forgot you say brain cells on selling that damn where’s that damn fourth Chaos Emerald uh so can you do that for me damn where’s that fourth Chaos Emerald no I’m going to need you now to do it as if you’re like admitting that you’ve killed a man

What why I think my request was pretty simple what do you think Angel pretty simple why is it pretty simple yeah what if I don’t want to do that too bad you’re here but not in Cobble Souls so you have to yeah either get in Cobble

Souls or no I am going admit that you killed a man I am about to go into Cobble souls okay don’t but you’re not here right now so admit you killed a man shut I’m almost I’m just starting up this [ __ ] we just need you to admit that you killed those

Men what men those men in the subway what I never been it to a Subway there men in the Subway eat fresh what the the place where this this what are on the subway the restaurant you know where they make me boo subs and stuff I don’t there aren’t any Subways

In in my country well I can’t believe this so I don’t I don’t have to admit something that I didn’t do yes sorry did I say subway I meant McDonald’s MCD no wait no you got me huh I did do it I did kill those men in the McDonald’s you got

Me okay and I did it like this I did it I did it right and I do it again no please anything but that can this thing start up already yes so you can stop having to admit to murders I don’t I didn’t do it I brother wait so all right likely

Story I don’t I don’t understand how this server works at all um because I’ve been getting Souls from Pokemon by just murdering them with my own stuff and not having my own Pokemon do it yeah why do I have slowness you get souls not type Souls though right no

I’ve been getting type Souls what have you been killing them with that like Scythe it might be a scythe usually yeah but then I just did it and it didn’t happen so now I’m confused has it but it’s a new day now yeah it is Sunday so yeah it might be a different

It’s a different day so it might not be the same weapon cuz I know that I got to use my Warg glave today for my weapon but then I went and I looked at the board and it said swords but is it specific types of swords or is it just any

Sword um also it’s specific types of souls what oh oh that too huh well why are all these [ __ ] zombies why are they all in Sil like in in metal they’re all just hanging out all right I need I need my Eevee to be friendly with

Me okay so it is specific swords okay is it what kind of Swords the long sword of the plague and the watching Warg glaive I’ve got the watching War glaive someone tell us how Souls Weapons work we need to know we’re not too smart especially Angel yeah no I’m I’m really

Dumb you meant to defend yourself that’s kind of like the back and forth here no come on just say I’m really smart I’m going to make you look mean no don’t do this no no joker don’t do this Joker no I I didn’t I didn’t expect to uh yeah we’re

In Coal but I don’t think you could even you could even join our Co because you have to join the pixel Guild and then you get to get into it on the thing come into our call join the pixel group join our cult yeah you got to join the pixel cult

You got to join the cult the pixel cult join the cult join the cult have you guys built a church yet no we’re going to build a church I could build a church yeah it sounds like something you’d want to do I I’ll I’ll I’ll build the pixel Church cult

Cult soda you joining the cult sod doesn’t have a choice yeah sod’s already in go on Chanel one or something no come here C you join us you you join the cult and I can give you permission to join us it be very easy super

Easy come on give in join the cult you come join us you make fitty happy FY likes cult members yeah you could be part of you could be I don’t know Screw Spectrum throw it away join the cult join a cult what a spe what a spectrum do for you

Yeah does it give you free stuff everything here is collectively shared apparently got a winter token oh yeah you get those from killing fairies ghosts and ice now I’m in the trio of non sanim me join the cult I think I’m being pretty clear and fair what do you think I think I’m

Being yeah sod I feel like I’m being pretty straightforward right soda uh wait why are you talking about yeah about joining the cult joining the cult is the way to get into here and there’s just benefits to being in the cult right all right you know what I’m

Going to do I’m going to go see what kind of uh Soul weapon I can get because I have a Metta that I don’t want what level what what PP me oh it’s normal uh psychic like psychic or something yeah ignore that PC I also have a I have a verian as well

But soda what’s your yeah what’s your opinion on indoctrinating people into a cult want to see what our clan does your clan means nothing to us we’re not a we’re a religion a religious group that likes to help people help people you get rid of the really difficult the the huge

Difficulty of having Choice yeah it doesn’t help everyone not having having Choice seems like a good thing to start with but then you get put pied up with responsibility stress all of that we take all that away you just you don’t have to think for yourself

Anymore hold on how do I release how do I get the thing for releasing my you just release it I just release it I swear if I just release it and nothing happens I’m going to be upset with uh with an empty item in your inventory

With an empty item you got like an empty item slot yeah yeah you should have it oh Soul weapon key you got it yeah yeah oh yeah I got a long sword of the Plague that’s fun what does it do have you ever felt like maybe you’re stressing out too much about the wrong things well join our um join our our group we like to take away the need to stress out we like to take your stress and

We’ll take it for you you just have to worry about listening to us we’ll make your decisions for you right I got the Okay cool so poison bug and grass hey come on you too you got to help me out with this I can’t sell it by

Myself what what are what are we selling um yeah so you just got to join our group and you don’t have to stress about anything ever again oh you take my you take my anxiety away we take everyone’s anxiety way they’re sure they got don’t have this thing called SC my depression yeah

Sign me up unfortunately there’s no more real like you know choice or anything anymore however it’s not exactly a thing that everyone needs what what choices do you make for us all of them all of them yeah oh However unfortunately angel you’re part of the group of people that doesn’t

Get that because you’re part of the people that makes the decisions well this sounds like a [ __ ] trade you’re not actually part of the you’re not part of the trade personally this oh this is kind of upsetting for you to hear I know but um o oh

Man man kind of kind of awkward but I understand I understand where you’re coming from but you you understand right hypothetically you understand I have a grass and a poison Soul why did I get a poison soul from a yamper that’s weird that’s weird oh oh I

Understand now wait what I how did you do it I get it I need understanding tell me I understand you kill the Pokemon with the sword of the day or the weapon of the day you get this possibility of The Souls of the The typ Souls of is the watching Warg glave a

Weapon of the day I believe it is yes then why am I not getting my you’re not getting the ones you want because you can only get poison bugs I know I’m not getting any though when I kill people with this I mean kill Pokemon with

This uh I think I was told that it was the watching Warg glaive by the the the person in tell me why uh tell me why ran in person maybe it’s a lie I don’t know yeah maybe it’s a lie number 15 the time I got [ __ ] lied to [Laughter]

I can’t believe these [ __ ] did lie to me after all I’ve done for them what a [ __ ] what have you done then shut your [ __ ] mouth you [ __ ] that I [ __ ] ask for your opinion yes you lowly straight urchin how [ __ ] Dare You See

Urin I don’t know I love I love see urin do you like pinkin what the [ __ ] are you talking about you know the Pokemon pin coin how did you get into my [Laughter] house hello hello I [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] you how was having no power [ __ ] that did you feel

Powerless it was pretty terrible I’m surpris you’re awake who me yeah I took a nap cringe I just had to like quickly turn off your internet and power and stuff before I like went to sleep I should probably set my spawn somewhere else other than back at my house it’s a thought

I’ve been so unfocused I I need more fairy type pokemon if this is what I’m going to do never have too many fairy type you know you know yeah who oh who is youo youo Gosai from Hit anime future d what the hell is Future Diary oo I

Didn’t know that you didn’t watch it I don’t even what what is that even I never heard of it it’s so [ __ ] good of course you say that so anyway um let me get into the complete lore of Kingdom Hearts 2 uh so it’s all right I’m I’m I’m going to to

To head out no no no no no I was going to say I sat through the 10hour one last time I ain’t sitting through another one no but you you didn’t even find out how Sora comes back to life what did you even find out how Sora

Comes back to life did he eat a lemon and die and then then eat another lemon and and go alive soda soda I have a question yeah why are you obsessed with lemons yeah I was gonna I was actually hoping you would say that cuz I I I cannot count no idea I

Cannot count the amount of times you have mentioned lemons since I have jumped in and I I want to say it’s only been about an hour so have you heard of a man by the name of cave John huh John just today when I named [ __ ] kakei

Cave yeah that happened I was here for that yeah why why am I not getting souls for killing things do I have to kill a specific type of thing to get it wait I I just want to I just none of you know Cave Johnson wait really uh Cave Johnson

It reminds me of Dwayne dck Johnson is it Dwayne The Rock Johnson are you talking about Dwayne The Rock Johnson k are in caves it must be the man burn your house down with the Leon you I I’m I am flabbergasted flabbergasted of course you’re flabbergast of course your gasa

From Hit game undertale if you want higher chances just kill the Pokemon type no but my my my my my thing it’s just not at all it hasn’t given me any look [ __ ] off [ __ ] off zombie say look it’s just not giving me any you aren’t getting any Souls at all

Using the watching Warg glave and I’m getting regular Souls I’m not getting any type souls for using the watching war glave is it broken maybe you’re just broken probably this probably a you problem you know what excuse me let me oh my God can my computer

Work I don’t know how to break it to you Cody this sounds like a you problem yeah let me see your glaive ow yeah don’t let the spider grab it how he doesn’t have doesn’t have hands or does he yeah can I use your thing then to try it

Out I’ll get it right back I mean it’s not like it’s great but yeah here what oh my nothing is wa I’ll go use it on theer over here yeah no it’s it’s the watching Warg glave it’s broken let’s get back inside and go go do this quickly let’s go give

These back inside if we drop it out here the zombies will grab it and they’ll [ __ ] kill us God ah why is everything so mean oh my God what was that what what was that what was what why is everything on fire why did the lightning come down and smokee us oh my

God what wait me and you did you not do you not are you not hearing that hearing is that the lightning and thunder Cody’s probably using yeah anding Bor B [ __ ] hell okay let’s get inside I I can’t I get get inside get get get get I can’t handle this yeah you can’t

Apparently what is going on over there yeah take this back damn okay so the watching Warg glaive is broken hey fit’s minion can you do me a favor can you tell fitty can you tell fitty that this is like broken and that the watching Warg glave didn’t work oh oh hiy hey

Huh they turned it off you can’t hurt me anymore so sad oh no no it still works ow so cool just just killed thanks how could you I appreciate that do slash back and come back here why so you can kill me again so I

Can give you this is this is this people who join your stream you just murder them you say you know what’s fun is that like I actually so it drops my actual skin head so I can wear my actual head yeah it’s pretty fun it makes your head

Slightly bigger which is you know kind of funny it’s a that’s a bling what is happening outside right now I don’t worry about it soda how do you feel being the odd one out here um I um I don’t know even when you join the server you’re still you’re

Still going to be the odd one out even when you join the server because you know we already we’re all already familiar with each other because of DN D what the hell is happening DND and not the 10 what is that so that’s what we call tentacle

Hentai oh well I’m dead the moment go in go get tentacle [ __ ] rev what why what how where did that come from oh so yeah people do that sometimes it’s just a part of life you learn to live with it uh okay that’s fair let’s just

Wait what is this this what is this white ancient debris white ancient de I think it’s like a thing to do with the magic is it Sunday or Monday today for use it is it is Sunday for me it’s Sunday for me which means it’s probably

Monday right now for you no I mean for this um pixel uh I am at spawn and I don’t see that sword you have and the I see a bow that has like this same effect as a sword yeah that is that’s the Warg glave that’s the problem

What that that might be the problem no that’s that’s the Warg glave it looks like a bar oh where’s the server where’s the server hosted a mora no but no I just looked at that thing up there no I definitely have the right weapon it’s just that the um the

The server is very ambitious wow soda came on for a second and left yeah wait did I leave you did I still see oh of course it just oh of course I left sorry I forgot that you all suck and I don’t want to spend my

Time here my God can’t believe you’d say that to us s we’ve been soos we’ve been so hospitable to you I would just the server is oh my God now it now it’s a the connection thing I I have to um join the server like connect to the server no less than three

Times before it’ll actually let me connect yeah yeah that feels like that shouldn’t be happening so anyway this stream is sponsored by Cobblestone like I’m not it’s it’s actually something that’s pretty consistent with Cobble Monon servers in general um I don’t know if that’s so this uh stream is officially brought to

You by cobon wait genuine note I actually might that so you might not have a particularly like powerful computer and cobon the same as Pixelmon is a Pokemon Mod which means it spawns a, billion ton [ __ ] of entities which will absolutely chug people so I mean my computer’s pretty decent it’s not like

Overpowered but it’s soda have you changed your um the ramp that you curse Forge or whatever is using uh yeah well yeah it was already like that yeah Ki was refusing to change it from four gigabytes Al also he was doing what he said I only have should be

Fine he said I was I’ve only got 16 gabt of RAM and I don’t want to use half of it on on Cobble mod and I wait question that’s that’s not how that works yeah I had to explain to him how that’s not it hurt me it hurt me a

Lot while I was there trying to troubleshoot with him and he was asking everyone for help for so long it turned out he just kept it at 4 GB of RAM and was wondering why his thing would Crash from not having enough memory so I uh

Uh [ __ ] funny pixel I have a question are there pokeballs in This Server because no there’s no pokeballs in Pokéball no there’s no pokeballs in this Pokemon server no pokeballs AR real so uh I really wanted a flare shroom however just see like they do have Ultra Balls and they

Have quick balls and stuff but they don’t have Pok balls do slash kits and you should be able to get a starter kit which won’t give you any Pok balls but it will make you feel better Pok balls do not ex who who left this floating tree

Here I don’t wait well I don’t leave floating trees that’s a that that’s an [ __ ] move oh how did I get Pokeball rank it just by the way just that’s the Bas rank don’t bother um like making your own claim or anything like rev did just

I I’m going to claim the entire area and just get people to generally build on the area on like the land around here I can’t figure out how to make the claims work because I’m an incredibly intelligent human being who can’t figure out the most simple of things so you have the golden

That you spawn with right nope yeah don’t worry about don’t worry about the claims there is no point for you to get into them okay well that’s good what island oh my God I I had I so from that kit I got a shiny Crate Key you guess what I got shiny

To no shiny Bisson I what is that it’s it’s it’s an ultra Beast okay release it get yourself for weapons care shut up oh no I’m not joking by the way like legendaries and stuff have no value really on the server unless you release them they the if you want to use yeah

Are you going to use it for the tournament coming up do not know how to get the flying thing to work Al so where is that FL room at I wanted to catch it now that I have like 16 Great Balls anyway oh what

Is it it was a grass fire type dude I need I want I can just see rev summoning the power of Thor over there yeah how do how does flying work like how do you actually like go up I don’t know I I I gave I tried it once and it gave

Up I decided one day I’m going to ask started to fly but I can’t I went to thing can you hop on it yeah I can hop on it then you just walk around you press you just keep on pressing SP I now have a full

Team now I have a full team not that every Pokemon of it is something I want no you you unspawnable from yes you couldn’t be then who oh my God rev rev stole the cookie from the cookie jar all right that’s enough of that I could do that I like here’s the

Thing I get into like such a Zen where my mouth moves but my brain doesn’t so I will remember nothing from these conversations I what did I just do what H what happened s if you release a legendary um you gety you get a key and that let you go into morea

Oh I I’ll think about it oh there’s a rainbow that’s that’s pretty that’s that’s okay R came at me with Mia so I I really had no other op like you keep doing that but like nobody’s murdering you like why why are you I was expecting it I was too

Scared but why am I going to kill you for what am I I gain nothing you gain Vengeance I am I was about to say do you get souls for killing other players if not then what’s the point Clementine Plusle by the way obviously Plusle over mining Plusle is the best

Clementine come join us come join our cult cult co co co I mean religion religion religion religion religion Rel really it’s definitely a religion and you should definitely come join it wink wink wink nud n oh my God what does this get this oh oh oh you do get their souls that they

Have okay you get the souls you kill Pokemon you get Souls if you kill it well that’s what the the guy said gold dragon said that you get the souls of the people wait you do the souls of the people so the way that might be working is you’re not actually me Cody’s

Not killing you via PVP Cody’s killing you via an exploit that currently exists yes so I’m not getting your soul ah yeah Cody Cody doesn’t have PVP on so you can’t actually fight back huh wait how does room Evolve level I believe if it’s like it’s already at level

30 okay does it say that it can level up go into your uh invent or hit M I think hit M and there’s no Evolution I like how I like how we’re going around teaching soda the old the person I think uh I think breum evolves at level 32 or 36 oh

Yeah I couldn’t go to sleep for one night without you doing that it’s already 37 it does still doesn’t evolve 37 or 27 crank like so many of those that I’m so disappointed what you’re so disappointed in my pluszle for [ __ ] being a Chad for being a little piece of [ __ ] it

Lived oh yeah I have legar by the way so I should I could just I mean I don’t care about Teran so I might as well just release Teran Eevee how are you looking about with your uh is this is this your team for the thing

Rev for what for the tournament I don’t have a team for the tournament I don’t care about the tournament you’re partaking either way but it’s cool to see that you have a nice you kind of have to I kind of don’t it’s where where the crates at how do I get to

The SL spawn or SL warps SL I mean I have to train for because it’s mine um literally found out about I would uh why is everyone got final exams all the time there’s always final exams cuz the [ __ ] people are finishing in final exam that’s always final

Exams [ __ ] off um I I can’t find the soul weapons oh wait I was luy Poke Souls that’s where it is okay it’s said it on in here soda what about what about your final exam soda what do you mean your final exams soda what about them I don’t have any

Soda what about your final exams like you can’t believe you’d say that to me S are you are you at spawn um no I I’m at at Pokey Souls warp no go to go to what the [ __ ] rev did you just get killed by a [ __ ] a

Spider uh you were in like your own you were in your own battle hanging out and then just suddenly I’m going to go to spawn yeah sorry a spider’s going to [ __ ] come kill you now apparently you got merked by a spider I mean it’s called right nothing

Cody I’ve told you this before it’s called freedom of speech hi Oh Come here oh hello yeah did you release already oh did you get your did you get your soul weapon already yeah I I I released the Terra and and got the the soul render

Oh yes oh never mind you’re goess to me that one sucks no I thought oh no never mind all right what two three let’s go [ __ ] off I got I got iron hands and one two three let’s go hey that thing killed my friend I thought you had to be over

Here let’s go [ __ ] off there’s a soul there’s a soul weapon crate here oh well I guess technically if I’m using an electric type tame I don’t know Iron hands is fine uh electric wait wait wait I need to show you something what is this why can’t I it why was it I

Couldn’t [ __ ] challeng it I think it’s kind of stupid that it’s just Stars whenever sorry but that elements has everything on your shiny CAD your Chad can’t beat it because you’re not on the server come join our c where did you go what I ran away I’m

Trying to I’m trying to evolve this thing uh can I it might need a fire stone yeah could be so that’s what I’m also thinking because normally it evolves at like 27 I think so yeah it might need a at least I have toxic now you’re toxic toxic no it learns toxic

And I have one for you to test on but not for you to use cuz I only have one so here see if that makes it do the thing okay so but if I right click it it just disappears right does it yeah because it it

Disappears no I think you have to hold it I think you have to make the Pokemon hold it and then evolve it and then it uses it that’s that’s not how Stones work all I just remembered something what was the name of that guy we were playing with um

Rev I gave it to H and it doesn’t work okay then never mind soda not soda rev what was the name of that guy rat Caleb H what what are you talking about let me see something then H I forgot we we got to tell hard

To find uh I told him that b streaming I’ve only found a few oh uh where where would you find firestones at also why is he still out for me it’s mine is it oh my god did you also did you use it on it yeah it’s a fire stone

Okay can you evolve it I’m a little bit lome blue it’s neat I guess it kind of looks like a flamethrower at its tail kind of reminds me of it you know I love how I came to join this stream with pixel and I feel like I

Just have not been with pixel this whole time no Cody that it is what it is yeah name a pure flying types someone quickly there are none no there are yeah Tor the the legendary is like the easiest go-to one why yeah I just wanted to people name like that or

Rooked yeah uh also cor Square technically no I’m curious wait rooked is a pure flying yeah because it get flying it doesn’t get steal till it becomes cor uh cor knite yeah and then and apart from that there are none there are only four two of them being pre-evolutions

Oh interesting okay wait is this Soul render actually useful or not probably it’s a soul weapon I’m pretty sure all the soul weapons are at least useful at least somewhat useful it looks useful it looks useful maybe it does maybe I need to find a place where I can get an

Aeril oh and a Rapidash an interesting combo oh well they’re both fairy types if I get 10 new members on the server so when I get um uh when I get when 100 of the referral things the referral points I get to have one of our custom Plus on the server I

Jumped and I froze that’s how bad my computer is apparently I’m bringing one of our CES to This Server Ang pixel is it your fault which one um one of them I don’t know which one yet we got so many that’s not pixel that’s you it’s a [ __ ] forgot the name [ __ ] and

Bol sure angel I think it’s angel I’m not there anymore wow your ping is atrocious oh my [Applause] God rev rev look at it yeah it’s like two two 2,000 something rev look at that ping the Garian the Garian rapid Dash is fair optimized for me or for Europeans in general I don’t

Know rev look at that ping I so it’s kind of crazy for me that if you’re in Europe that it’s that bad compared to them being in Australia usually it would be the other way around yeah rev Australian supremist say oh it’s back down to a thousand never mind

Okay need to see how this works RS would you look at that time for me to capture a Ral so what is this how many Ralts you going to capture um I don’t know one I mean so technically if you want to get like a viable team right you’re

Supposed to like catch as many and do all the things but also there’s the pokebuilder thing that you have to do the things but I don’t know how that works and super easy I don’t know if I have enough to do that for everything on my team

Angel what you get you get them from just doing the case you just get them from that okay and you you you do the keys just brainlessly as it is I I could help you I could do it all for you if you wanted I I have that many I have that

Many because I’ve been grinding legendaries Cody Cody is having a time yeah when I was talking about Kingdom Hearts for like an hour like an hour straight I think almost we were I was talking about Kingdom Hearts and uh the entire time I wanted to keep my brain as

Like a consistent flow so I just started killing um Pokemon over and over and got so many keys okay well sure also uh soda is stinky what how could you how could you see that why is this ursing chasing me who wants to give you a he wolfish the

Sticky has spawned near me that’s probably not a good thing you should probably keep away from them I’m going to yeah they sound like they’re on some kind of list I going to stay away from that um okay a comy you think that’s a that’s a competitively viable

Team yeah a comy yeah oh wait I like said comi yeah full team of male combies yes absolutely I feel so bad for by the way um if you’re your your cander and your um and your combies should evolve if you’re a good trainer cuz the whole reason for them

Not evolving is cuz they like give all their nutrients to the um to like the queen uhhuh so if you have them they shouldn’t be giving all of like their sustenance to to them right so it depends are you a good trainer uh I mean obviously not why is this spider

Invincible because we’re on hard mode now I don’t like that you’re the one that asked for it I didn’t I didn’t I I saw it I specifically remember you asking for this I hate you all why you all gaslighting man it’s not gaslighting if it’s

True oh it was it was some kind of zombie villager named glennis why is he why is she called glennis nat leave me alone no did you say natu natu natu yeah cor why is there a Corsa here oh a Miler I can catch that of too bad it’s not not

Not not yes that’s a cheap Park one that I wanted he okay there are so many corss I don’t know what’s happening all right let’s see what ability what ability wait can I change their ability with the Poke Builder yes okay you should be able to I think

It’s usually one of them oh whimsicott hi whimsicott I want you come here join my team yeah let’s just see Builder let’s check their uh ability yes what check please oh no okay wait I think I can Mr President Mall who’s Mr President I can’t change their level in poke Builder that’s uh

That’s completely fine still that jum scared me stupid zombie and please don’t lag in front of a zombie oh my God I can’t believe you got Five Night at Freddy’s jump scared [ __ ] up N I swear I’m going to get jump scared again it sucks that rev’s here cuz I

Always retell his one FNAF joke he made that one time that he hates what did I make the one where your favorite part of the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie was one it ended no I don’t remember what Cody’s refer here your favorite part of the fin

Nights at Freddy’s movie do you not remember no cuz I didn’t watch it it was it was the part where where Freddy fazes came in and he FNA all over the place he said it’s snapping time and he snapped all over the place right oh my God wait what are you are you

Serious why is there a coner here because it can be why are you asking so many questions f f [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you saying are you okay I’m swearing a oh my I I hate the effect the dark types

Give to you when you hit them like when they hit you actually I just got a golden helmet not even worth from the nether right what do you have quartz from the nether do I have quartz from the nether yes is there quartz from somewhere that’s not the nether maybe it’s

A that you know that that’s fair that is no way another zombie how how original say that we actually yes what I need you to for a second while I’m busy can you sing yes why why do you always want me to sing I don’t even like singing so

Because of that one time we said you really like singing I never said that um so I I don’t have my headphones on right now because my uh I had to go and reg super glue my mic to it uh excuse me what so um what we’re going to

Do is we’re actually going to get soda to sing I’m not going to be able to hear it but I imagine that it’s going to be glorious uh professional streamer over here super gluing their mic so yeah I’m just super gluing my mic back to my head

So I have some problems uh with with being very OCD about how things are so uh while we’re doing that I’m just going to yes sing for uh I’m just going to like do some background singing for soda what is happening yeah what is no why is so many zombies oh yeah I

Can’t wait I can’t wait for this to become a short on YouTube all right noody is not going to watch back or do anything with any of this let’s be honest oh yeah kill the damn oh yeah that he was recording it but you know ah they’re putting it on streaming it

That’s as far as it’ll ever get trust me oh yeah what are you singing I trust you how many zombies is wow s that’s hardore what’s happened next you shut up please oh yeah oh oh oh this is a boss oh no oh no oh that’s not good oh that’s that’s

That’s the opposite of all right I’m back how did it go what why is his Bolton hitting me soda has no idea what happened but soda was singing the whole time right no no yeah I disappoint you every time don’t die so it really feels like I just give

You the opportunity to sing to like show people how good you are okay so for a little context clue soda here is really good at singing like whenever it’s just me and him all he does is sings no please and it’s just that it’s because

I’m here trying to get him to sing for an audience is he just doesn’t like the idea personally there is a random Sylveon out here that’s trying to murder me um you want to catch it it’s kind of CKY right also what is that what is that

House over there actually one of the very few Pokemon that revat respects that isn’t flying syon like actively seeks out dragon Pokemon to just murder so so be I’m pretty Chad what’s with all these zombies how many Souls am I going to get from all these zombies seven not not very many

Honestly ready why is your nether portal in the worst spot dear God this place sucks what is that what is this structure is this part of a desert thing oh my God I almost fell in something what if soda just one day decided to get a

Gun soda what would you do if one day you were given a gun you were just out in public and someone gave you a gun um I’ll be scared scared of the fact that they just I’ll would be scared of the fact that they just randomly give me

A gun okay but what would you do after that would you use that gun no I would what what why wouldn’t you use that gun I would because it’s illegal you okay where are you from soda Belgium Europe no nowhere but America is it legal to just have a gun oh don’t

Know and what that is a very exclusive thing to America we love America America just likes have guns yeah I’m really looking forward to like my tomorrow while I’m working on the server I’m going to be having this open in the background making like a but

Butt ton of shorts you’re going to do nothing with it you’re going to forget and you’re probably going to sleep in till like you know 2 in the afternoon oh I mean I’m going to be doing that either way but like I’m going to be doing

Medan sure you will but but I do I I do this kind of stuff what sure you I’ll believe it when I say the 10 the only reason I didn’t for the 10hour stream is cuz I don’t want to be there for a [ __ ] 10hour stream editing yeah yeah that’s what they all

Say who’s all of them Hur I want to see your database backup what shut up come on okay you know what you know what rev I’m going to post this part here as a short this argument that we’ve just had as a short just to prove

You wrong and I’m going to send it to you and you’re going to go you should and then you’re going to go I I still need proof I think sod just soda just left okay every bit of every time Cody sends me their content I leave a nice uh

Nice message on it okay maybe I won’t send it to you you you you leave a nice message yeah it’s definitely not I was like Wow can’t believe you actually did this uh proud proud of your friend you know chasing your dreams he does actually I think I’d rather him just

Call me a transphobic slur than him being supportive it’s so like it’s so out of less feel for him okay so oh there’s a Clefairy outbreak which means I can get another fairy type I’ve actually been getting a lot of fair types that I can use for my team so I’m

Happy about that you like the options I’m I’m liking the options uh where is this oh oh wait no never mind I already got my whs cut whisk there we go we have a mixer then I did catch a cutie fly because why not a what a cutie fly cutie fly is

Actually so adorable though it is I don’t really like Rami but I do like cutie play you can be half wrong I can be as right as I want to be you see I’m I’m more left leaning even though I don’t believe in politics all right uh let me put this I

Don’t believe they exist the same way as I don’t believe America exists yeah America is just a pigment of your imination really does feel like it sometimes though it’s it’s all just a fever dream it feels like it right yeah it does I don’t know if that’s how that works

C I like using teams that are fun and not like thought out for tournaments and stuff that’s what I was trying to do but then you told me that I couldn’t use bug types well cuz what are you what what options do you have with a bug type for

Fun what I had hold up let me my recommendation is whenever Cody says something ignore them and they exist any so I had I had arq araid and galvania and or Beetle and vona and shed ninja and herac is valid team you should run that you should actually you want

And then I was going to do ven I was either I was choosing between Durant and Venipede I think I was going to run Venipede but in all seriousness I do think that you should like have a team to specifically kill isingo because his Cockiness does annoy

Me I mean he has spent so much time on the server I feel like he has every right to be cocky no but annoys the [ __ ] out of me oh make people so I’m making a uh I’m making a whole team my whole team is just going to have like a bunch of

Annoyingness to it what what team is he playing like I don’t know yet he’s the the problem is with isingo he has so many so I I’ve decided I’m just going to use my bull like my luck that I have a lot of the time to mess with

Them I’m going to get basically Cody doesn’t have a plan and they’re just going to try and wing it and it’s probably not going to work well actually I do like to use a confused Ray and I’m going to paralyze them and then I’m going to lower their accuracy to zero

Stuff like that you know oh you’re one of those Pokemons you’ve caught um yeah realize that I’m one of the worst people in existence stuff like that you know sorry I’m not one of the worst people in existence I am the worst person in existence sorry okay um I

Think other than a m while which I’m pretty sure I got to go underground to do I’ll uh I’ll keep on telling you if I see any fairies though yeah sure cuz I think I have oh God I’m going to get killed h no leave me alone no no no

No is there only one electric fairy and is that deadine uh den and no you technically have the tap you have Tak coko technically uh which is one of those Island Guardians you know I don’t know why but I always feel weird like I get that it’s

Like a meta thing or whatever but you feel weird using a legendary yeah I don’t I don’t like it so I can agree with that if I got you a legendary you wouldn’t use it probably not it’s all right unless unless it was unless I ended up using

The bug team because I feel like okay that’s kind of but oh yeah you could use bug swell I found out by the way you could get the buff bug the buff bug yep I forgot I could run on water I’m glad that um we got to I love

How like easy it was to like to get Ki to be like oh yeah [ __ ] you know what I was wrong for the fantasticness yes okay tell give R like a bit of a thing yeah so I knew as soon as I said that and there was no response for like 3

Weeks I knew that there was going to be an argument coming and then we hadn’t been in like voice chat together in order oh God damn it as soon as Ki got the first opportunity to he he immediately went so uh yeah fantastic Pokemon are pocket monsters they’re not

Pocket animals and they are Fantastical and then we had to like because he wanted to make them uh like crazy he wanted to make the water starter walk on water yeah have you seen the water starter rev uh I haven’t but I mean I’m just going to assume from that description

You’re making it a I’m assuming it’s Jesus right that it’s a cat it’s it’s a cat first of all okay and he wanted to make it walk on water and so I kept on making Jesus jokes they were never funny by the way none of my Jesus jokes were ever funny

But I kept him pushing them I mean that that’s what you do it is what I do I don’t feel too bad about it though well as you should like I kept on like on okay what an alternative of one would be he can turn water into

Wine so what was the context of sorry I’m just like I don’t get so we were making we were making poke trying to get Pokedex entries for the uh the fake modon we’re making for the server right and the Pokedex entry was basically that the fur on the cat’s feet allows it to

Walk on water and I was like eh that’s a little tooo unbelievable for me so bloated like I can I can there’s a lot of things that I could I don’t know it was just one of of those things where it’s like I logically I can’t suspend my belief to believe that

This cat can walk on water yeah I was going to say I think something more like the idea of like hey it’s like fur like I don’t know sucks in the water and becomes like floaters maybe like sure but like walk on water hey tell them that we need

Another yeah that’s what I thought Monarch congrats to them um and I bang [ __ ] KY made a comment that he was that there wasn’t much to go off on the design and he was trying to make something Fantastical about the design and my comment was that there doesn’t have to be something

Fantastical rev what did you get Electabuzz and Ty oh Electabuzz would you trade for that that oh Tynamo would I be able to trade for that too uh [ __ ] what what do you get to offer um I got a shiny fuu that’s good I want it I want it I want a shiny

Fuu Fred has that not me wait re I want it I got an URS saluna I wait I got a swabl okay trade for a swbl swbl I could get those yeah I something of value I know but I’ve already given you so much I feel like

It’s fair what have you given me I don’t know give me I I need these electric I want uh the uh wait what Pokemon did you get I got I got [ __ ] Electabuzz and Tynamo oh I want the Tynamo please you want the Ty up yeah but you have

Nothing that I want I’m giving you a swaer and um I don’t want the swaer I have a phend dipity apparently that’s shiny and I got I will trade you a Shiny Snorlax for the shiny uh fur um fur all right do you want the Shiny Snorlax for the for the shiny thing

You know what sure I I will I will give you the shiny Tyrone Tyrone oh wait what was the whatever the [ __ ] I’ll give you that and you give Angel the foul FR and I’ll take the thing wait is the is the fruu or

Whatever is it is it just a ping it’s a it’s a nice PNG though it’s got a different color does it have an actual different color Yes okay all right all right I want it okay wait wait check with Cody first and see if you’ll be scared I’m I’m going to

Go check the stream right now yeah just look make make your trade with coding oh it is okay okay so you do that trade and then I’ll give Cody the fish okay yes loss has arrived all right obviously we need to get to 18 today so that we

Can go and get the next uh key did you also want the elector Buzz Cody uh I don’t have anything to trade for what do you have to offer for that I don’t want the elector buz that badly I didn’t realize the feend Dippity is also a fairy all right trade with

Me I I sent you the request come on yeah my my request to trade with Starry cat has wait that’s not you that’s not I’m not story cat yeah I just realized that I had been playing with that person for too long that I completely for forgot who I was everyone’s here

Oh here yes how do you do the TR thing again oh you know I don’t think this is actually a shiny now that I look at it I think the first supposed to be black oh well that’s fine yeah I was confused while you were trying to trade yeah I’m

Sorry oh ew it’s so gross you literally wanted this thing yeah I know I I mean I don’t care cuz it’s not it’s just the Pokemon that I want I don’t care about if it’s shiny or not hey hey hey Cody what does the shiny

Tinel look like uh so here look at my new yeah look at my my new nft oh yeah hey what look I can make duplicates on myself now oi don’t bring my mother into this [Laughter] WOW wait okay you like my you like my

Pokemon oh wait why was I here I want to be here this is why I don’t really care about trading it yeah but you see you see I’ve got one advantage over you what it’s a slightly different color yeah mine is slightly different mine is

Also a shiny what why do you have why did you want it if you already have a shiny I didn’t I just got one if I release this thing I only get like nothing do I look at this no you don’t get anything you see this most

Story yeah uh I will be right back my dog is being give me a second hey Curry look at it look at her now rev do you like my shiny moer I literally cannot tell do you like my land Town yeah it’s pretty good I got a rodm

Though I already have a too I’m going to put him in a washing machine uh give me a second do you like my Lantern now I painted them oh how could you do that that’s so cruel see I have a full team of shinies except for this

Guy do you think I’m still pretty content with this guy what a what a loser men using to explosion that’s fine no I’m poor I can’t afford them can’t you afford I can’t afford to turn into a shiny oh wait can you just buy that’s

Kind of a shame yeah he can just buy turning them into a shiny that’s kind of a shame oh I guess makes it easier if you really want them they most of them are P out yeah hey you want to go shiny hunt yeah no I’d rather die yeah wow goodbye have

A I mean who needs the shiny hump when you can just have them shiny oh [ __ ] okay I could just blue flare this guy and just get like a crap tun of experience okay I’m back all right what am I doing you were going to sleep in a you

Going to get more Pokemon and stuff for your team that’s right I have I have two teams I have two possible teams now uh let’s see is there a way to prevent Pokemon spawning in like a barria uh half slabs is extraordinarily annoying but might be something I have to do mobs

Don’t spawn on half slabs save the map I’m really happy I did did get the shiny sylveon though shiny sylveon is one of the really nice looking ones oh you got a shiny sylveon that’s nice that zombie have a neite great sword what the actual

[ __ ] well oh my God I just got jumped by a level 80 in the level 10 z Oh My Gosh these like Pokemon are useless okay okay so I’m I’m looking for those uh for any high level Pokemon really uh by the way uh I only need one

More shiny then I have a full team of shinies uh which is you know that’s cool right oh man I thought that never mind do you need a shiny do you need to me to convert any of your Pokemon to shinies no I do need copper and zinc

Though if it’s not converting to Pokemon to shinies I don’t know what to tell you it’s got of my stick right now Fair Fair Classic pixel worldi and useless as always yeah well [ __ ] you actually I should probably go look at the rules for this uh tournament yeah it’s fine I haven’t

Looked at them you’re running it yeah I know that’s the worst part and still so much confidence classic pixelan move I haven’t been exactly told to do any research so I wasn’t going to do any research if I was asked but still when when’s your DD game gosh when we get the computer

Upgrades save how is that going by the way save like three grand so pretty good nice yeah Scarlet wants the absolute best one obviously yeah obviously absolute best graphics thing Imaging like if you’re going to upgrade before you actually like really need to upgrade you might as well go for like

Top of the line yeah cuz you’re just doing it for Quality yeah then I’m going to be able to upgrade I’ll be able to like run things better like so much better so much better yeah to the literally anyone who bothers watching this short yeah that’s a spoiler for Pixel worldy and future

Content there is absolutely this is absolutely not going to be turned into a short absolutely not they told you they admit it they’re not turning this into shorts no just it’s oh my God gosh rev you suck rev you suck they ad rev why are you like

This just said you just who hurt you not being a short who hurt you rev other than I think it was you pixel apparently also Starry Cat come into you come into chat uh feel free to because uh don’t forget you did lose you lost the game of

Chicken like you lost first which was upsetting on your end but hey whatever need food do you guys have like a food thing set up over there or no but I do have food that I have stolen from Cody if you want some I feel like we should actually set

Up like I don’t know a functional area over there or am I just trying to be a little too efficient uh I am automating the production of pokeballs to then crash the economy yeah I have a never ending stake which is infinite all right that’s great for you

But all of the people that you kidnap and bring on to your streams and stuff should get a moery to put on their shoulder but yeah if you if you do need like a stack of carrots do have we have we have food if you want it though yeah

If you put M on your shoulder it gives you like infinite food what okay so yeah if you get a Moy oh my God okay put it on your shoulder I I got it than food what ah I’ll uh I’ll tell you when I find a

Milry I’m out finding one for you right now no I got I got two I have two oh cool so infinite Feud very available I I’m upset I’ve had infinite food available for all this time yep anyway uh let’s see so I was working on getting my uh

Friendship up on my Eevee uh so I could get a Sylveon and then I found a wild Sylveon so I can get my Umbreon instead so that’s nice you going to go f obviously sorry I was I was asking a year to go for everything hey do you

Want to see a magic trick um yeah if you want to you want to come join us come join us and show us that magic trick uh I would be absolutely happy to see a magic trick for Lo cost of your free will uh so yeah come on come join USS

Out this is actually a member of the YouTube St they’re about to flag every video on your channel and have you permanently M oh no not again H how are you lost spoiled the magic trick magic trick was me joining oh I always do this I’m sorry it’s okay

No it’s really not I got to this is unacceptable I’ll I’ll go goodbye no it’s okay it’s really not I ruined your magic trick I I’m on the the thing you did ruin the magic trick you should leave that that is should leave that was that was really up of

Me I’ll tell fitty you got me to leave because I ruined the magic TR no no do out the server no oh [ __ ] I’m uh just you know Minecraft destroying enemies all of that yeah I’m farming apos stuff right now and it’s it’s it’s it’s very slow that sounds very made

Up I think you’re lying to me since server so no I think you’re lying to me why boy Enderman I love Enderman you not like the end Ender if you them you’ll cry well actually I can’t look at them but I don’t get I don’t provoke

Them because I got that thing on no no there’s a there’s a little thing called an end Ender and they get provoked regardless they see you and you die no but but why they’re very aggressive all right this little like Yer decided to just like attack me that was great okay

Umf great um how do I use go your rights and amendments sorry I don’t have those um Wonder rights I’m joking people getting rights I gave the up when I joined the cult right that’s what happened um oh no you still have rides just not good ones uh pokebuilder is what I’m trying

To uh do any of you need a bag I need got we got so many bags it’s great oh my God you do you have any zinc though why would I have [ __ ] zinc because we need zinc I have so much zinc did I I have so much

Z why does everyone have zinc I’ve been saying Z 10 minutes I’m sorry I didn’t hear you until just now I have so much things Cat’s In Chat Cat come join us come join the come join the server that’s where am no my cat oh oh I have a different cat you

Copied me I thought you wereing story no you copied me and got a different kind of cat here have blocks of raw zinc I I don’t have it process that that is perfectly fine wow yeah okay you don’t have it download it it’s so easy it’s so good it’s so worth

It uh this video is sponsored by uh no it’s brought to you by Cobble CS if it was sponsored if it was sponsored pokeballs when we when I get around to hello wait what uh oh Trevenant hello buddy oh wait you’re not actually worth reversing okay so pokebuilder how do I

Do this let’s see um come up with the solutions just say don’t want to join us then and we won’t make Solutions I’m pretty sure that I just want the well-baked body we hey Cody I’m sorry rev I’m sorry what while you were in the nether did you

Come across a fortress no no I came across everything else though why what do you need I need a blaze uh why don’t you look up why don’t you look for the Pokemon that drop blaze rods and [ __ ] like that I don’t need blaz I just realized what you’re

Doing yes oh wait Blaze burners yep need a blaze burner and so I need um can you buy those in shop I can’t remember hold on I I have to remember this server yeah you’re building come on come come here and do some actually no we we really

Need you to build there so good good point buddy oh Mysteria is in and Ne Fortress right now I will I will request the TPA by the way Mysteria feel free to come join us we stream with the best streamer here I I don’t care if that’s going to be

Controversial best streamer here my inferiority complex says that I need to say that out loud you mean God complex no my inferiority complex I saw another streamer streaming here and I’m like that’s it this is my turf and uh so yeah I’m uh basically saying if you uh if you want

To come watch a stream I’ll be streaming here more often now even more often than before because you know why my inferiority complex is burning seeing someone else stream here I got to make sure that they know that it’s stepping on my turf I’m going to

Start up uh do the top dogs I’m going to start a war with them friendly this is all part of this is this is all a part of fit’s plan FY was ready F FY did his research I mean it would work like I don’t don’t think any of you truly

Understand just how obscenely competitive Cody is okay yeah I’m very I have I have an inkling like just a oh trust me even that inkl you understand how obscenely competitive Sanji can be and it will kick your ass immediately I don’t think you understand how I don’t I don’t get Sanji at this

Rate like the man just needs to know not do tournaments I don’t think you understand all I can know is yes Blaze I found a blaze welcome to kidnap yeah okay uh Cody at one point discovered that I watched more anime than them and to my my to this day I’ve still like

Uh I’ve watched one piece specifically to get more watch hours than you you’re a genius cuz I’m like well it’s the one with the most watch like with the most stuff so yeah uh there’s that story uh it’s a it’s a very terrible life where

Uh hello I cannot play right now I had a you had a bad lunk I get it watch watch me like no no being competitive I I I am competitive but here’s the thing it starts off with competitiveness however it does start to turn into me actually liking the anime that I start

For the competition to this day I’m still trying to catch up to rev’s thing and rev hasn’t play like watched the anime in so many years rev reads manga and then when I finally catch up never mind when I finally catch up to his anime stuff I want to I’m going to

Like be like okay now I’m going to take over your uh other your other list you have right oh no I specifically stopped using that list because it made me feel bad with how competitive you were yeah amazing it’s not a competition it is a competition everything’s a

Competition you’re not thinking about it competitively enough oh Lord everything’s a competition you got to think about it hypothetically you got to really think about how competitive if you can get and how good it feels to winp cat are you suggesting that pixel is possessed by an SCP is that what I’m

Hearing right now yeah why are there so many cats in this [ __ ] chat Soo cuz why it’s a it’s a cat talking to a cat so so wait is this person that’s teleporting to me someone that’s part of the server already or is this a new

Friend it’s not I like you just refer to them as new friend how do you know that they be your friend what if they want to kill you well have fun I got meu hi are you friends with me nod or no are these is this person new here know no on drugs

Is how long you been on the server buddy I don’t know how to read your name you you just call him you I don’t know I’m trying here tell me all right kill this radicate in front of you not the rat I’ll kill the rat not the rat anything but the

Rat I am not on drugs person person talk to me are they even in my chat I doubt it I’ve just been talking to them as if they can hear me this whole time I can’t believe I did that I mean you are you are insane that that is a

Fact that’s not no that’s not my character trait I’m I’m past that Arc it you’re not I’m past that Arc is a real thing that you need I’m expecting rev to be like yeah you know there’s no one in this chat right now well no that that would make it seem

Like a joke and’s the person you couldn’t get the [ __ ] oh you’re you’re newer that’s awesome all right so what you’re going to want to do is you’re going to want to uh say that I referred you here so I can start beating uh fitty I want to

I I do want to have a stock hold on the referral so uh the command is going to be oh my gosh this zombie give me a second I got to kill this zombie it just thought it could just come up to me and attack me why I do not know welcome to

Australia I guess I don’t know no I live in Australia that was the joke no [ __ ] you you can’t make Australia jokes I make Australia jok say please what do you mean I make jokes on every country as I please I don’t care I don’t care what are you going to

Do what are you do come find my house [ __ ] country well I mean you you obviously weren here as I was saying um mhm okay wait okay it’s fine to lose sometimes you’ve lost this this come on do it do this come on buddy do it do it

Do it come on the peer pressure come on anything but the peer pressure yes oh we got one do another come on don’t forget to send it on live stream that Cody has not actually referred this person but instead threaten them but I did refer them they’re in my chat I’m

Being magical by the way why do I have two sets are a veral tokens now what is this oh my God I have an outbreak of finin L and rowlet all together uh come on you got this buddy come on I’m Che you one a bong Pi yes I I feel that

I have no pronouns do not refer to me are [ __ ] off finally we got brass yeah I I’ll grab your pronouns from you we’ll take if you’re not using them I mean like we’ll take them if you’re not using Them I mean yeah if you’re not using a pronoun I’ll I’ll take the pronouns can I give you something I don’t have good there are very good points yeah just believe harder believe it you like Naruto believe it Kakashi Sensei Kakashi Sensei put his fingers in

My ass and called it a Jutsu I feel dist Tru I forgot that was a thing hold on I real real weird when you think back on that one yeah that did happen didn’t it you broke my highman it’s it’s made even worse when you realize he stopped using that once

They grw up that was only while they were kids yeah instead nut tried to Ed it against him he got so excited put his fingers in his ass remember that one yeah is a cursed ass [ __ ] back in the day holy [ __ ] it’s still it was it’s

Cursed even more now he named his no I would just say it’s more annoying now you don’t know how to make coer enime anymore he he [ __ ] changed his name to um he CH he got no he didn’t change he got his son’s name to be boruto yeah

Yeah imagine like naming your like your child being like you know what I decided my child name will be mine with a B at the beginning it’s the equivalent of me naming Axel it’s the equivalent of me naming Axel bakoda I’m going to I me you it’s not the worst name

Bakota it’s going to bed don’t [ __ ] evere bye all right um hey person um you you quit you you okay you no [ __ ] give me a name to call you first of all give me a name that you’ve you you want to be called better ready stop being

Stop being offensive to people it’s very rude no I want I want an easier name for me to say well give me like the rundown how to say it Landon done it’s way easier what yeah so so anyway if we find a truck in this is there a me under it I

Do want to know that we find a what now you find a truck will there be a me underneath it that’s yes interesting idea you know what I need now a m to be on trck I need a I need a moonstone where do I find

Moonstones probably a way to buy them or you can just get them from some Pokémon I would say go to SL shop go to the uh oh wait you yeah hey you um do you are you willing to join our cult why cult we have a cult and we’re

Uh if you join you get full access to everything you just got to give up your free will got not the person anymore do you want I feel like this cult has changed very differently since I created it yeah I agree yeah join the cult if you want

To join the cult you just got to say so wait you created the cult rev yeah this this is my cult oh was that’s how cult start have you seen Facebook starting into someone else rev how did you lose control what has happened here his pixel’s a

Crackhead that’s why what the [ __ ] I’m not a crackhead well I don’t think I’ve lost control I think the fact that like so to clarify the cult started because I learned holy magic exist and I was like neat I’m going to create get holy magic get priest robes and then I’m going to

Create the cult of the bird and then I have tax exemption and I can just sell all the [ __ ] without paying taxes because that’s what religions are every name in chat so I can know who I’m like giving access to fair thing don’t actually do that ple please have some responsibility in for

For please yeah yeah yeah what be careful please do not say very bad words on stream we do not want pixel to be shut down please we beg um yeah I word oh you to be fair you can say bad things on stream I’ve done it

Repeatedly no no I was referring to like anything horrible sound bad let’s see here all right there you can join you can join the VC now um all right was that it was that all the the names yeah okay don’t worry um if anything bad happens I usually just blame it

On is that a gapore over there Gade I love God crack they’re a dog they have the attention span of dog I saw a squirrel wait they are 0hd so yeah what are we talking about you no like I 100% have ADHD for my last stream I actually

Took like my medication for half of it oh that go I we lost 10 hours that’s fair yeah there’s that I have a long list disabilities mentally and it’s great however comma when the government doesn’t want to pay me it’s kind of annoying it’s fine government what government overthrow the government

United States government that’s never heard of the government personal this is why you should join the cult we don’t need the government yeah join the cult I mean the cult pays me ,000 a month ability I’ll join it until then you don’t need money you don’t need money in the cult the

Cult provides everything for you D it yeah sorry we provide everything for you anyway it’s a God I do actually wish that we do reach the point of automation where capitalism does just collapse because we don’t need it anymore yeah our goal is to ruin FY is to ruin

Fitty FY is going to cry like we going to automate Poke Balls we’re going to automate potions everything will be easily accessible we’re going to automate making meal series for people because they can like you know Pokemon it’s not even illegal like Auto Farms are illegal like automation not so

Legally F canot do anything about this hey what do you mean by Auto Farms illegal like mob Farms all right oh that’s a shame that was on the list of plan things good I haven’t started that one yet it’s fine I could I could just grab I just grab stuff for

You no I figed like days where you get like the souls for like mobs you could just set up like an auto mob farm which puts them like one HP and then you just like kill like 30 billion things yeah that is I I want to say this and pH of

Punch you’re saying this um technically as long as you yourself are killing the mob and clicking and not just letting them AFK and die you know technically you can run a mob farm but if they’re AFK mod Farms you can’t run them my remance probably still don’t want to run

The manual because that would still have the same issue of killing the Ser oh okay get on your get in your rapid Dash write it I can write it now y this is so janky it is the most Jank thing it’s annoying I I don’t understand

Why any server has added that it’s so janky well no because every server has a different one yeah when he was talking about like adding the M thing is this someone’s Ralts this is a shiny Ralts isn’t it yeah originally you could ride on any Pokemon

Before PR fixed that so if you you why would you do that to us my heart’s broken I can’t believe you showed that to us and everything what happened what my heart got broken that’s what happened well how it get broken I’m concerned I forgot how it got broken but something

Happened where did my gem go there’s a gem that just dropped where’ it go you stupid Endy honestly the biggest tragedy of like public service is there’s so many wonderful amazing utility things that you just can’t have because it will kill the server yeah however this server is

Like would I truly love like a lumber ax where you could just wipe trees out in one shot but like you just kill Serv oh yeah no that’s not actually the that’s not the reason they didn’t have here apparently is because of ging really apparently we used ones in the

Past I know about this but apparently been ones in the past we used chainsaw it it would grief players builds and it was not a fun time oh would it go through claims if something was like attached Ah that’s a [ __ ] that’s amazing everyone remove it which sucks although I did just get

Told that yeah there’s the chainsaw enchant in apotheosis God [ __ ] that means I have to deal with apotheosis yes apotheosis hello it’s my mod that I had godam so we’re gonna blame you for this a mon I mean it’s useful it just means I need to go deal with that to

Actually get those inchs um I could teach you you can a I know how you can automate apricorns to dispensers and shears you actually cannot I attempted it it’s been disabled from the server it’s been disabled yes apricorns uh dispensers and shears with an observer is very standard

Farm it does not work on the server do any other Farms work question mark uh the one I have am currently about to test is deployers from create I’ve done I’ve done a similar one where it it’s similar to um micro Farms where I mean you have to manually fill the uh

Dispensers and uh you have to like it’s a little janky but it works it might be something the deployer should work cu the deployer counts as a manual like it basically counts as a player right clicking is what it’s meant to do so it should be able to right

Click an apricorn Trigg Grant to drop that’s the thought process is busy thank God he’s not hear me say this [ __ ] if it isn’t going to work then um [ __ ] I have to try and figure out an alter it nothing think will stop me we are going

To crash the economy unless it gets banned the economy shall fall by by pixel’s hands not pixel’s hand my hand the entire the entire group will work together we’ll all go together and we will crash this server’s like economy my plan is to crash the server in general

But that’s my own goal why would youate anymore I want to I want to make sure that create gets banned why would you do that it’s very easy to do that I hate create I’m going to I’m going to like get PE I’m going to get people to join

The server and then I want them to all start using Create so they can make water wheels and stuff and then when they make their it start crashing the server you don’t need like want to break the if you want to break a server with create you only need one

Rotator I know because you just attach a giant base on top of the Rotator and then it will trigger and then suddenly the server has to load 50,000 [ __ ] blocks turning and it cannot handle why the being banned multiple times now yeah it’s been a huge debate with the

Staff team we keep saying should we ban this item or not yeah item a stupid item so you hate create but don’t even know which mod it [ __ ] you okay stream last stream we were using um we were using Create and they don’t have the uh the sifter the sifter is not a

Thing in like base create which I didn’t know I didn’t know that was SI is no no the sifter isn’t a thing in any form of create it’s not a part of create it’s x n we yeah it was X but I didn’t know that it’s the the wrong mod I didn’t know

That and Har thing so I am in fact going to cause do the Harvester things work I have not test them um I would assume not because you’re not actually farming the apricorn like a crop you are right clicking to make that’s why I with deployers inad of harvers great is such a

Process um I want to tell a situation real quick I’m not going to name my name I I’ve been playing with mods and all this kind of [ __ ] for many many [ __ ] so so rev yes do want have fun creates for happened recently when pixel was

Streaming oh boy what happened so so we had someone on the server right they they built in essence uh silverfish farm with create I think you know what I’m talking about um yep you know how to make that yeah so they built that and it caused a hell of lot of

Controversy between being able to use um [ __ ] farms in general okay just keep in mind that again a zingo is the one that got um the best part of the server band which part what he got child trafficking band that was just Ros in general that that was that was a whole

Topic do you want to give them the context behind the child trafficking thing or we I would love to so wait just as a side not before you begin this the worst part is I don’t need the context I’ve done this before so basically Myster context um is zingo would throw like MCA

Children into backpacks and then give them to people for them to use for work yep like done that before anual Labor so we basically had child trafficking in the server for like like a week or two it was great can we please get a petition to bring child

Trafficking back to Cobble C petition toize child trafficking was it just a wording or was there like point out that obviously Angel’s even getting upset now because Angel wanted to tr traffic so so yeah that was my that was probably a zingo yeah a zingo has done lot of fitt

Related content I guess the best way to word that without something weird I mean he’s requested FY feet picks before so I’m gonna word it like that and then move on swiftly afterwards so what there is a meme within the server where people ask FY for feet fix

For no reason like there’s a legitimate meme within the server that’s amazing we know we know Mysterio don’t worry it’s it’s a thing hello Stitch drill welcome to the stream if I don’t remember you I apologize how dare you not remember your fans and loyal followers uh but rev has taken all my

Brain cells all bra died yes this is hi new person I don’t remember you or can see you at all so you know yeah you’re not the stream you don’t have to care about that it’s not your problem yeah you’re new here God you don’t have any

Rights you’re right yeah was that it how do I earn my rights you don’t we already you do actually have rights okay well how do I gain more rights uh to gain more rights is collect more birds uh have to collect more birds yes okay if you’re gay or trans you get

More rights trust me uh we we don’t have majority well unfortunately that’s not a choice I can make so oh well I guess youall just roll your stats one day have to try again in my next life lowest member of the cult is Cody oh cringe cringe character creation it make them

LBT depending on which era you spawn in you get a pretty good life Prett bad I would it’s either that or you get like yeah the worst experience ever I I take those like dice that dice Ro what is that what is what is that why are you just floating here

In the sky person that’s not okay who is that person what probably not a person it looks like some some reskinned Vex I don’t know oh there there’s a mob of zombies I’m sorry no you question the death Bo apparently I don’t know I’m

Tired oh I fell into a hole godam do you need a uh kits in a tail or kits in a hide as a part what the hell um oh my God so I have I’ve got it away somewhere because I I have so many recordings and I just don’t use them all

Like some of some of the times they just don’t use a recording that I get and there is a recording on This Server of like one of my playthroughs cuz I’ve tried to make three separate series on This Server they just NE I just never felt okay with how the like

End product came out out but one of them I convinced one of the players to uh to go like we saw a kit in went look it’s a it’s the service Regional Ninetails they went up and they like got [ __ ] molded it was a very that was I mean

Yeah that would do it it was funny for you or for them oh for both of us they like screamed and it was perfectly cut off like with the with their mik that’s that’s fantastic so I currently I I want to brag out my armor real quick right just know my chest piece

Specifically yeah so my chest piece has an ability that if I get hit I get instant Health too for 12 seconds uh what I’m saying is I can’t die yes you can no no you could beat me with whatever you have I don’t think I die

From it I think I would I think I’d kill you not right now I I don’t feel like it I’m terrible what do you call me terrible for I’m sorry random person that I don’t remember you I don’t remember anyone oh actually know I remember rev sometimes don’t feel bad uh she doesn’t

Remember me either all I remember you um remember REM me most is what my name Angel is it yeah is it though stop I can’t believe you’ve forgotten uh forgotten their name it’s actually kind of [ __ ] up oh my God we’re we’re that’s it your your name is Santa Claus

No nope that’s not you got it actually do you not know the name I how I know it you don’t know terrible I I I don’t know if they want me saying their real name for a bit I don’t know if they want me doxing that

Letter that one whole letter oh no yeah it like changes everything the whole world will end I sent someone to their death it’s fine I sent everyone to their death every now and then little bit of death never killed anyone um it very much does consistently rev I think you’re just a

Bit manic right now doing this I’m all the time oh my God I feel like a crazy person what do you mean it does come join the server come join the cult come on SO pixel what out the past like I think 72 hours I’ve only slept

Like I’ve only slept a good six of them yesterday was my shutdown day but than that yeah did you say bread joined us shiny bread where what the [ __ ] why is bread on the server I don’t know bread unless it’s a different unless it’s a different shiny bread shiny bread no that’s that’s

Bread who is bread explain it’s our concept artist oh guess they’re trying to get inspiration for for art I don’t know yeah no they like they they can save a lot of stuff it’s breed bread everyone’s screaming at bread what the hell poor bread trust me it’s me I’m watching The Stream

Just bred do you wanna do you want to come do you want to come join want to come join our voice chat PR welcome to yeah I agree welcome to the hell hole I feel my buddy on the server two breads bread only my budy joins we have two breads in a

Brain If my budy joined the server we’d have bread because bread is my body nice all right I’m at um hopefully presumptuous of you owner f bre sorry for myself good good video F F boy wait is Brad not even Brad you got to join the

Discord it’s in the it’s at the top of the the the chat the the the live chat good luck on the server I would kill for the funnies good luck who just joined us yeah who joined us is that is that MC Pro that join us yeah probably Pro can you say

Pogers the request of pixel it’s just pogers no oh desmon join us join us desmon yeah dmon R’s in the Discord you just joined the Discord awesome you should give them the rooll oh my God now I don’t want her CU you told me to her well all right stop stop with the

Stop with the uh a crap I lost what it’s called the opposition syndrome or whatever it is no it’s an actual thing all right come join the chat now bread I thought call Bre stop it bread bread bread bread uh Bread’s address is yes you don’t know that well

Technically oh my God why can’t I hand myself don’t let me hear myself don’t let me yeah sorry I had the I had the stream playing why watching the stream oh my God E Yeah Cody get over yeah the whole time I was watching the stream I

Was trying to figure out how to join the server if you want to come join you can join just give me your Discord name in the chat go and join uh how do how do I do that unless that was you in chat what is have you

Been chatting in the in the chat or is that someone else okay thank God no that’s been me thank God scared me also can you do uh a command well what kind of command everything just uh so it’s a I don’t understand this [ __ ] off trapping you dumb gunt ow so angry

I got this I’m professional there no without that yeah do that command red Uh oh is slightly desperate is it gonna be only slightly there we go I got it is it going to be exactly like that yeah it’s got to be that one other than the dot other dot the dot front did it yeah another member let’s go and also

Remember use that command that command that I put down is is how I uh is how I’m going to destroy fitty just a redeem referral ples in the ples yep okay I like suppes mhm how do I get my starter hit M hit M oh where are you I thought about

That uh I was accepting your thing oh yeah look at that you see that I am getting those referrals and now fit is going to be like oh no you got some new referral tokens how could I and I’ll be like isn’t that right Stitch who is

Dying I I am the Stitch yes uh what the delay the why are you why why are you dying star yes wait who left Shalom pixel hello are you Shalom hello oh I know what I’m choosing uh what are you choosing it’s just a lot EAS choosing Tera what the church wig

Thingy oh I love all the different Pokemon on this server grass Dragon of course I’d choose it that is not the best typing but cool yeah I don’t care bread’s all about that grass I mean hey sometimes you need that good me I love me some dragons so you

From the dollar how good you get how it is watch fairymon I refuse to watch fairymon what again Cody’s watched it enough times as it is yeah I have actually Scarlet puts it on so many many times a day like unironically Scarlet makes me watch it so many

Times should we uh going to get another report of domestic abuse soon I imagine o and surprising Twist on the other on the other side this time interesting well anyway beep beep beep beep beep how are you how did you find how did you find this server how did you find this stream

I I found it on the koban uh server or Discord server and then I kind of just saw the stream come up like oh hey another streamer yo yeah see this we’re getting all this the rare The Rare Breed of YouTube stream you just stream before that happens you’ll just stream before that

Happens right FY I am going to get every single of these referral tokens I am going to win H oh oh so I shouldn’t say that I’m a twitch streamer then just to just to say face yeah how many how how many subscribers do you have wait oh my gosh

Are you that person how many do you have I I am I the Stitch reals on the twitch and I have and I’m much lower than your subscribe count I can say that for sure okay well we’re still going to have to compete so you are going to have to be part of

Um have to be part of our cult but you can compete against us can I still go over to like the desk over there with like all the little candies and all that oh yeah no you can you can like come over here and hang out I’ll give you trust and stuff but

Like I just want I just want like the desk with the candies like I’m fine with that like I also like talking to you what desk with the candies what desk with the candies you know those desks where people just set up a lot of food a candy

Like some fondue for some reason what over there in the corner what do you mean for some reason it’s like for special event it’s just noted cheese that that’s the reason it it’s not just Fue it’s also other foods godamn do you know not what a welcome

Like spread table is I know what a welcome spread table is you know what I mean I just didn’t know what to I didn’t know how to say the word that’s okay no what that wants to eat my face that does not sound right but let’s just beat it I moved braid you

Idiot I am an idiot CU I don’t know how the a Shader jump scare you want to see like a fullon beep blinding do you want to see a gun guns are fun hey look bread look over here it’s an intellion oh no it’s that sexy lizard the furry artists are already

Ready my godev 45 yeah yeah yeah no I just saw I saw MC Pro get destroyed by a Lon I feel so bad for them oh I finally got flamethrower on this guy get rid of lava plume lava plume suck what’s the shop code again I forgot no

Why are you potato gunning me don’t know why the person deserve it do anything yet like I said what’s the server probably deserve it what’s the server yeah what what is the server yeah no no I was trying to I was trying to mean the refer like I’m trying to refer

These uh referral tokens to something for a uh uh oh it’s a referral shop because fun yeah I don’t know how to do that just yeah okay I think I got a I finally got like a member to my team maybe furniture shop I just realized don’t tell me what

The no it’s a PNG ah got a Raichu it’s time to release them carrots me over me over here with like actually a pretty good PNG no yeah here’s the thing it might be a pretty good PNG but it’s still a PNG it’s still an nft it’s still an nft but eventually it

Will become 3D eventually not now but soon I have a I have a Raichu uh model no I I was so so my PNG is actually uh Tornadus I love that yeah like I said it’s a pretty good PNG that is a pretty good one it’s a pretty good it’s a pretty good

G hey there buddy I I have my own head uh one word of warning do not fall to your death look at getting head oh damn it’s not funny it’s not funny proceeds to laugh yeah that’s how unfunny it was I get it yeah it’s so unfunny I had to for a

Moths what what are they what do they do what I I found a golden moth and I don’t know what it does I I don’t know oh no there’s too many people on the server so like you remember you’re responsible person what is the limit to water wheels that a

Person can have what do I use these tokens for these referral tokens for 50 that feels like a lot 50 or 15 I can’t remember it’s one of the two I feel all right can people sleep so we can get through this stupid night I am seeing everyone everyone’s getting

Killed please go to sleep you idiot I’m in the middle of nowhere first off it’s something known as actually trying to light up your base what’s what’s going on with that I haven’t I haven’t had any base time I’m trying to like get my team for the that thing I

Mean I mean I got a base are you joining a CO what’s a base it’s a location where you uh congregate is it we didn’t know actually it just it’s it’s where people start you know uh congregating too living it’s a pretty normal thing in

Tell more hey FY I see can you say I referred you to to the server h h h anyway okay I’m sorry no I but anyway there you got permissions you can leave the house he can be free he can leave me like everyone else does I literally live like across leave

By choice I died yeah I got so I need a poke ball uh there’s kits for that oh yeah do slash kits bread hey MC Pro I did I did already and I didn’t receive any pokeballs out of any of them Alla this stuff in here is your only I only had

Two you know one thing that I find funny about um bread that every time he talks he clip he’s like it sounds like his mic is just about to give in it kind of sounds like that one character from uh smile that’s because this mic this mic is extremely old and

It’s been hit a bunch of times yeah who who’s that like yellow dude from that uh SpongeBob no not SpongeBob smile friends or I I don’t know if it’s that I don’t know if it’s God you know you know what he kind of does he sounds like a more upbeat version of

Him he’s he’s just like he’s a yell dude hey my God he does he actually just sounds because he’s like got so much energy and stuff all the time yeah so um I would have I would have Poké Balls already but uh I only had two kits and that’s it there please

Set your house here instead of having to teleport to me friend why so are they not properly equipped with the iron armor none of them are even though I’ve given them access to my home where I have all the iron armor and stuff that they need if you need armor

I’ve got boss drops and stuff for you to just grab I’m just over here I’m like okay I’m just over here mining my own Iron just in my cave B well now obviously I need to make this into a full Village so that our cult can beat your uh your viewer

Base my viewer base needs to win right right Supremacy team hey hey you’re on your own in this one we could always just team up you know yeah but you say your opinion on birds compet you see I’m really competitive and I feel like this would

Be good for me oh you do have the competitive ability I I see um are are you a physical attacker or special attacker me as a person yeah if you have the competitive ability um otherwise you’re gonna be considered otherwise you’re going to be considered imp poon before they got a

Buff yeah I’m F I’m a physical attacker I um as I saidon my dude if we get a 100 uh if we get 100 new members for the server this stream I will go over to fitty and throw hands you will throw the hands the hands of is

It justice at this point no no I’m going to assault FY apparently ah F’s fine agreed to join A’s fed’s fine with it because hear me out right how do you join the cult um you you want twice if you’re fine Vinnie blink twice if you’re fine don’t blink FY don’t blink

Okay calm down fitty anything from here you’re allowed to take anything so so you um what’s your uh by the way in in the chat please write down your uh Discord like like name so I can go and add you to the voice chat if you want on the Discord make sure you’re

Also join to the Discord I don’t know why I did that ah rev do we still need Arcane powder uh yeah probably well BR you did it you did the you did the thing and don’t forget people step for man one giant step to Breaking the economy oh no it’s a Hawlucha that’s

Very angry it’s like a little angry Hawlucha said don’t forget people and then didn’t say anything afterwards me yes me forgetting something no it doesn’t sound like me that never happens I got a new sword look I’ve never forgot what I was is talking rusted sword I would not use this rusted sword

You might get tetanus good or you might give whoever you hit it is not good for the soul in fact it it might just leave you paralyzed uh re can I come over there and kill those uh intellion please do they are actively annoying it’s okay I can Jesus across water you’re Jes

Heus just like aqualic apparently apparently my team is establishing myself because I have now two grass types so I guess I’m going for grass type this time up here oh you’re right there is one over here yeah wait I’m coming up what what’s up say say this what’s

Up by the way uh do you have any other of aicn I got the blue it’s currently slow but it is a working system which confirms we can break things what the hell is this so what you’re saying is when we’re not streaming when I’m not streaming from

Now on and when you’re like feeling up to it what we’re going to do is we’re just going to straight up just idle around that well I mean if you want to idle that that’s up to you my intention is you know actively expanding the business okay should I just idle around

There for now though yeah I got a backpack since we confirmed can be automatically farmed why are why is there zombies just spawning in daylight now actually that’s autoc Crafters against the server uh because the difficulty is now on hard difficulty yeah it’s because of people like you that are making this game

Harder Cody you need to learn rules are when that’s not actually when I say people like you I think it’s because uh FY thinks it’d be more funny to see people uh get scared from being in hard mode hi you tiny raboni why are you angry all of a sudden why leave Romi

Alone first off I was it was just not leaving me alone it was just trying to give you a hug to death you see I don’t much appreciate that no sense look I see where you’re coming from I really do I appreciate your truth I hey I just want my personal space when

It comes to like hugging look I appreciate your truth I’m I understand however you’re wrong am I rombi is the Bombi if you know what I mean okay so UNS no no please do also leave a dislike on every video it it truly help no I’m joking I’m joking I

Think uh yeah I can’t believe this no no no time to start a revolution story science cat this didn’t happen oh oh no what who’s ATT when the cad hat fails to uh supervise the safety of the situation and uh you know I remember that time with the Cat

In the Hat um he wore a hat and he was a cat was my he was he was possessed by by the way yeah actually the the live action was so good I don’t know okay is it me like this is sort of connecting off to the cat and

Hat isn’t me but Jim Carrey looks like this one uh dude from from the uh like you know the uh like Jack zilpo from like those Tic Tac Tik toks yeah you’re right he um Jim Cary does look a lot like the Grinch no not not the Grinch I was

Talking about Jacker what like there’s an entire guy that like has an entire like musical show where he just uses whips as the beat I know exactly who you’re talking about no no no I I don’t know why it’s just it’s just for me it’s like no

No is it just no it’s just a no I don’t see you’re not even good you’re not oh I see you’re not you’re not going to give it the day time well well not even gonna give it a chance to look at nope no no it’s not

Even clearly see them both in my mind’s eye and they no don’t look the same I I I don’t know why I I looked at them as like for some reason at least Jacker is like more of a younger Jim Carrey you say I mean I could I okay so

I could see maybe him being Jim carre’s son actually actually I could see maybe that you know who I really you know that one person that’s like famous on Tik Tok tin you know that person that’s famous on Tik Tok cuz they look like uh Jim

Carrey uh that that like lady who has like his face yeah that’s I thought you were going to go and talk about her for a bit and I’m going to be like yeah but that’s her whole thing no no I wasn’t talking about them no no it’s just like it’s something

I just noticed I was like hey what is that Jim Carry or no no it just ended up no well lot of lot of makeup but you’re able to see through things and you are damn sometimes it’s just the makeup that dealer get you out it’s only been three hours rev I’m still

Fine you don’t sound it no I’m so you see I uh I adapt my personality off of the people I’m hanging out with with but there’s like five people here so um you’re just let’s go you don’t you don’t know what to do and everything’s so my my brain light is

Automatically just trying to uh you know do stuff because it’s just like okay who do I what do I who what who do I do who do I do where any of you did any of views so I imagine that you all like to somewhat use Tik

Tok you know what I’ll give you something to do I’ll give you something to do uh oh no bo you’ve been given I don’t even have Facebook anymore I think I gave you oh yeah okay cool you you you can visit a base I’m not visiting your

Base damn I’m uh as you can see I’m actually training for the next tournament that I’m hosting because you know I’m hosting a tournament yo what’s what’s the rulings it’s the it’s the mono one the mono type one like on the weekend it’s going to be

So good I like how you said like as you know like this person who joined like two seconds ago they’re a streamer as well they’re they’re a streamer as well rev I have just started yesterday yeah and I haven’t even given my schedule yet it’s a monotype one

Imagine only using one type of Pokemon pretty cringe I’ve done something like this before surprisingly I can’t believe imag and then also Imagine imagine only using like I don’t know like birds or something yeah hey to be honest flying type Pokemon are pretty good yeah when

It comes to monotypes I don’t know if we could all agree with that yeah I hate birds something very against all right we got it you get rid of the you already get rid of most of the uh groundbased stuff get rid of an entire typing you

Know so don’t have to worry about ground types and then then you also get like the additional drite no but you we understand but you’re not going to be able to convince rev to actually like birds rev really hat oh I’m not telling him to like birds

I’m just telling him to at least because of what flying types did to his family damn probably deserved T them apart was the reason for his parents divorce oh Lord I’m joking yeah I’m joking yeah we’re also joking uh rev is famously loves flying types and only uses pure flying type [Laughter]

Tames I mean if it ain’t a bird it ain’t worth using that’s that’s just fact is there not a shot but well actually rev I do want to point out something yeah why why are you looking for bones just look for bones inside the Pokemon Stones oh hey

Oh I I have a couple Stones if you need them it’s of the Moon variety then I do not have your Stones yeah I I have a dusk stone and Shiny Stone and okay you is now part of the group you can now join the Discord sorry

It took me so long I don’t know what happened I was in the middle of talking and then I completely forgot people existed I need a moonstone St anyway if you want to come join the chat we are uh we are streaming for uh I don’t know I’m surprised that cats Lo

Not cats lost this long Angels lost this long sorry um we playing a game of chicken again we going into um rev I refuse to play another game of chicken not I could do one suggestion I see how it is Cody Cody giving up back to there my God rev what are you

Doing I onon the game of chicken since Cody friended what is Duke Geraldine must fight must fight what now apparently Duke Geraldine has awakened nearby yeah that happens yeah the Duke kind of just wakes up when he feels like uh it kind of happens hav I awake and what the hell’s

Happened to my land okay he is strong as [ __ ] [ __ ] off I need I need to get my surfs back into these my point can uh I’m gonna [Laughter] need oh by the way you might want to look into getting some Samurai armor for some reason oh my God it actually has

Some pretty good defenses oh my God I’m sorry it’s just that I saw bread got slay like FR just like specifically I’m not going to take on this person and then the next thing I see is shouted a battlecry of how they were going to fight them why are you wearing chain

Mail me needed the Ori butterfly get better stuff red first off yeah you know what pixel I’ll do that as soon as you tell me how to come here follow me chest in here all of this you have loots to everything in here make yourself something if you have to Cody Cody teach

A man of fish he’ll like feed a man of fish he’ll eat for a day teach a man of fish he’ll eat for the rest of his life you giving them isn’t teaching them how to live you’re right bread get out thank you st cat you’re right Brad get out of here learn

How to fish and then I’ll that does not that does not help bread no where you going bread you just went out without any armor I this iser bre okay why have fun good luck I believe in you go learn to fish buddy do we do we believe in do we believe

Actually theer the you found a what so I’m going to learn how to do the flounder oh oh it’s a little B because because the fishing remember the fishing joke we were just saying earlier it ties into that when you explain the joke it does not go funny okay can you actually not

Make fun of me for that I like I I put a lot of joke I put a lot of like work into that and I just feel like you know I just you know you feel like you know you know I I see I see I I’ll I’ll I’ll

Just be over here in my corner you know you know that’s really appreciated Jesus you belong in that corner you [ __ ] do I now yeah hope the corner sound I don’t have to keep hearing your shitty jokes oh my god wow rev what happened to you it’s almost

Like your your power internet cutout today it’s almost like they met another person I mean the the internet is linked to the power it’s not like a you know be a very weird situation if the [ __ ] like Po went out but still had internet no but I mean you could be

Using like a hot spot on your phone not that I recommend doing that I absolutely would went out but no the power went out eat steak oh you know cooked beef yeah um the interet was off for like four hours some just don’t eat four or five

Hours how long was it off actually rev uh where did it go it went out at 6 so it went out for 7 hours beep beep yeah I’m going to go upgrade this uh which really [ __ ] sucks because I didn’t wake up till the storage like

Things does this does this pack have I haven’t actually looked is it just the backpacks it has storage ow before you say before anything else you got to be [ __ ] kidding me yes we are kidding uh it was all a joke no it was all it for the fishing as soon

As you’ve learned how to fish fish were good how’s that going for you by the way well I got killed by a Teddy Ura attacking me and then a zombie you know that is the that is the first step to learning how to fish imagine getting killed by a teddy bear

O you see it’s not a teddy bear necessar Freddy is not friendly Freddy is not friendly did anyone play risk of never heard of the game did you see the absolutely horrible [ __ ] trailer they put out for the um H what was it like was it risk rain 2 or its returns

No they they made like an animated trailer and there’s one scene where they showed like the tougher TI mes which is like the teddy bear a chance you won’t take damage and it was like one of the Golems firing a laser and the [ __ ] teddy bear just jumps out like in front

And just gets vaporized and it’s horrible my God why it’s so G cuz that’s how the item works but it’s like it’s really Grim seeing it I’m into it kidding Fu Teddy with no information did you put all of your armor back by the way bre do you have

Armor no why were they have armor armor is for the weak I pixel but having no armor you see pixel y I would believe you I I didn’t know you were near me did did did you just die I may just murdered me I didn’t mean

To murder you first off I’m going to be on Pixel side there’s no inter there’s no information about murder here I do not see a pixel has slain this person it is true pixel knows what she did I do know what I did y record anyway but it

Wasn’t intentional this time okay it was manslaughter uh I don’t appreciate it woman Slaughter but yes um B Slaughter is an actual law you know this right please tell me you know that yes I know this okay thank [ __ ] God I was concerned for a moment what

The [ __ ] look this is you we’re talking about I couldn’t see you didn’t you could not know what man’s Slaughter well actually I know that um vehicular man slaughter is are thing so I just had to connect those dots pretty simple that’s that’s fair okay every five seconds shy bread with slow

Zombie just attacking me this having a home it is known as the way I’m trying to find toaru toaru toaru to tomorrow why when are you do you have an do you have an extra like color of apricorn like I kind of need that for are you are you at the island I

Am not the I am not at the island I am at a Mountain Base that has Cherry that’s a Cherry Grove it’s very beautiful I’m going to go off my own that sounds like I I can give you I can give you every uh apricorn if you

Want you have a seed for every aor what’s what’s your name I do okay it’s very easy just do SL shop and you can buy apricorns oh okay that’s good T know I tried I tried finding SL shop I couldn’t find it no you just do SL shop and it

Appears like you just do SL shop and it happens no I see uh anyway ambient butterfly oh those there are very scary there are very scary creatures in the ocean how do you feel you’re like the only one here that’s like other than Embassy Pro but Embassy Pro is like deaf

And the muted so it doesn’t really it’s not like they’re actually here they’re just here in spirit I moved sorry yeah you’re like the only one here that like I don’t know how does that make you feel me yeah to make you feel like you want to

Get to know me and become my friend hi you sound like a serial killer why do you keep doing this so anyway um I’m having this special party just me oh at my secret bunker I heard a party I heard party yes party do you want to come over

So first up is will there mer will they be will there be murder involved no are you sure I don’t want to damage the goods I mean no there would never be uhhuh because I I’m I’m only signing up that there’s murder involved my dude can’t do any

Murder damage the goods okay fine I I’ll come in the [ __ ] was that I’ll come over I’m replacing all my damn floor with slabs so I don’t have to keep dealing with these bloody Pokemon what what do you mean you don’t want to have Pokemon in your Pokemon server I don’t

Want poke I’m here for capitalism and cult not Pokemon um beep I think I’m going to rebuild my house on the island cuz I really like the house that I built but it’s not here ow yeah co co co co no yeah I think new biome yeah I mean the island is pretty

Great it is where all the things are happening say hello to my say hello to my chicken I love ice QQ it’s my it’s on my like top list of pokon yeah look at the level of that thing yeah it’s level 99 all right all right that’s that was

Wild C off Rus you’re a [ __ ] wherever you are no matter what server you’re on you’re always a [ __ ] maracus like there some history there claim must claim oh my God don’t Tri I just want to show off Old Tom and that guy comes and harasses me not for

It oh hi hi you giant bird Mickey has a woken nearby so yeah I’m gonna show you old Tom hey Mickey I see come here Mickey let’s have a fight do you like old how do I how do I check how many Souls I have I on the tab menu one

Moment I I H I have something I have in my backpacks no not in this backpack I’m G guess I have 30 so I see that you I do see that you didn’t make your boobs the maximum size by the way they are they are the maximum

Size I just couldn’t make them bigger yeah I made mine the maximum size boobs yeah yeah sometimes you got to have them you got to pump them up a little bit you know how it is so I just rev where’d you go what what you died on

Me damn no I I I went back I’m coming back now wow wow I do actually have to go for a little bit wait I got something to show you before you go you do your show me yeah yeah show you what show me your thing you wanted to see me teleport to

Me angel okay just you know there we go bam iceu has uh gone to its final form bam yeah my I’ll have you know old Tom could sulex that one surprisingly it has Surf and it has ice face and since it has ice face it could take one hit and then surf

It out one physical hit yeah one physical hit unless you just go for like a child you got you got the mimikyu I got by the way it’s a is it MCA edit right so is that what you wanted to show me I heard that you’re using a fairy t uhhuh huh and

Uh I would like my Pokemon to be used you would like you would like mimikyu to be used which can I give you mimikyu I mean yeah I mean I’m willing to join on this uh tournament real quick um I I think you do you need me to

Trade you something uh no I don’t know it has been sent to you oh oh okay do you want to have a battle who me and what no oh me in person here I have a name yeah Stitch oh yeah you remembered it good read to four fairy teams in the

Tournament already dear God I literally oh oh if that’s the case then I’m doing bug no you got to do Fairy like come on you just got a thing you got to use it I’ll I’ll do fairy I’ll give it I’ll give it back to you no I’ll do fairy got

To put it on your shoulder can you put it on your shoulder real quickly who me yeah yeah you know actually I kind of want to see this I if somebody wants to bring like a fighting doc or a dragon type team then they’re probably G to

Have a pretty good time oh my goodness D to mil do have do having both a Miler and a com I can heal the damage that they’re doing to me without having to have any thing here yay not that oh thank you for the cactus maractus put you on my shoulder

What why am I taking damage because mimikyu has like a weer effect you hold shoulder I’m wrapping up I’m wrapping up my uh stream in a bit oh pixel did you just want me to put it on the yes what do you not like the Wither effect all right accept the TPA come

On yeah yeah let’s go you’re here to my little bye thank you for joining us all right you you got to did do I got what you ready to ver me BL oh so Pokemon battle okay let me see what let me see what Pokemon I have uh

Let me bring a sylv on real quick uh mil I got to put you away I’m sorry buddy sorry you know what for the memes a level one Tornadus I like memes yeah for the memes level one tornadoes and and beep I am trying to decide what beep beep I’m

Sheep all right I’m breaking down a tree I’m breaking down your barriers baby how you going bread huh did I sayare you off bread I’m a I’m alive and I’m not bread well yeah I talk to bread yes you entirely scared me off yeah I know did the server just go down

Yeah completely completely an utl no it’s still going perfectly fine okay good thank you thank you for letting me know person that it’s still going rev come on you’re welcome I was about to win the match by default I where’d you go well I’m coming back to your house

Now I was just getting some last minute leveling in you see uh I I sent isingo on to here to infiltrate the server for me so that he could get the layout of the land before I started streaming here uhhuh um and he basically uh when I got up he

Just started harassing me with random items all the time uhuh so uh yeah this is going to be a fun match you ready to verse me oh I’m I’m G lose because I literally started yesterday so uh I I’ll accept this F I’ve already accept my Fai let’s

Just get this over with I’m just making sure I got some moves on this one yeah Pi likes picking people off early I do actually it’s it’s like well you see we we have you see you see fair enough I really do like it though

Um are you does it just does it just help you in certain places not like that you think it’s a sexual thing but it’s purely just a power thing I see I see you just have a power complex I see I do actually so whenever I see another streamer I have to defeat

Them yeah see I just started yesterday so like you started streaming yesterday no no I just started yesterday what pixel pixel doesn’t doesn’t realize is that whenever she does that uh people can get really competitive alongside her like me yeah [ __ ] you bread I don’t I

Don’t like being beaten in Pokemon so I make it my mission that whoever Beats me I will run them into the ground I have a I have a video of bre getting so very upset over losing yes that’s what competitiveness does to me I see it brings out I should look I

Should mention I don’t like when it does that to me it just does it it just does it that’s that’s how you know it’s the it’s been into me from a young age you must be competitive otherwise yeah it’s it’s basically I have been told most of my

Life that if you’re not if you’re not beating someone you’re worthless are you are you are you just having fun are you ready to ver me I’m gonna first you I’m just making sure I got this ice CU ready well you need to ver me or I’m killing bread you see

No I don’t agree with this you’re like you see I don’t actually know bread so go ahead I’m just getting I’m just getting a quick heal real quick because because uh need the uh need the uh ep the power point the P PP okay the [ __ ] is in it’s an it’s Ana boo

Bented anyway let’s Go hi why oh was a double battle cool what no it’s that’s my ice ke oh my good goodness your ice CU is so cute it’s the same as yours I know yeah my my server has a um has a stone ice CU like with moss on its

Head yeah no I I I lost that one I I now know I have to bring oh [ __ ] the backup ice I let’s go why was my connection res is it is it snowing just confirming no bo bo that is a really really scary Enderman okay

You oh my gosh you’re just like tanking these yeah I am ah forget quickly Ice Cube use blizzard yeah no that’s iceq versus iceq iceq obviously has to win yeah yeah then then we gota then we have our gay representation here yeah I do like you see I do like the trans flag

Pokemon yo I I love I love being representated I I now now here we go here here’s the here’s the one Pokemon that everybody expects now let’s see did you blow did you do this did you set up the did you set up the snow by the way confirming

Me do you have I don’t I don’t set up snow no no no I say I say no now I have to bring up my favorite Pokemon oh oh I’m I’m reading it’s plle the best Pokemon in the world oh I I’ve been given the streamer status

Now I didn’t even put it so uh how many time how much time did you have on the server I don’t know I’m asking I’m asking for a friend I have no no clue you’ll have to ask uh one of the staff cuz yeah um I usually

Get all my friends to take care of anything video related for me your friends you get your fair enough you should ask what I I might as you know what for the memes for the memes organized destroy video right Brad what Brad organized my didn’t you bre no my last c one Islands

One oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay you had much more time yeah you’ve had much more yeah no I I put that up in memes it’s just a level one I I already know I’m losing here how

Did you get this guy uh it’s a stter on full I have a full Sandstorm setup team it’s a starter you know yeah I don’t think you’re going to eat me oh no I I I was not thinking because I I only started yesterday I only found like the one ice

Oh no my my skeleton bro my skele bro Anyway come just just just do your thing just sit there eat oh no I’ve been paralyzed did so this gives me a chance to show off my tame yeah it does oh so this is Old Tom we love

Him we do anyway play rough um no uh so this is Ty so that’s thec Tye I see yeah t Tesla um it is also a beauty and then is also a level 100 yeah yeah then we switch over to Lantern Lantern didn’t quite get

To level 100 cuz I used all my candies just a second before your so you so they weren’t level 100 earlier no what the [ __ ] I got all my Pokemon level 100 in a second cuz zingo gave me candies why do my connection keep my mil

Also I do want to point out yes most of my Pokemon are uhuh yeah most most of my Pokémon are in fact shiny because I used my points that I got to turn them shiny oh I see but that but but the but B but old Tom is not

Shiny uh old Tom doesn’t get old Tom isn’t meant to be shiny oh I see but no no I like I said I only started like yesterday and you think that’s a Val off excuse yes CU I’ll have you know it is that bread just started today and he

Could kick my ass because I’m too scared to verse him no I can’t no this is blood tails you can’t hi blood Tails no I just heard him start today he can’t kick your ass yet he could physically okay and 20 something Pokemon I could not kick your ass he’s awesome

Again as actually you know I should say this not yet as I’ve stated before he is also my concept artist and so if I beat him again he may may or may not make a Pokémon with a [ __ ] like hidden swasti or something on it just to

[ __ ] get me cancelled he’s Dev not what I’m going to do that’s not what I’m going to do I’m going to saying a lot more excuse me but I still have a conscience thank you like Jesus he doesn’t he’s lying are you sure he’s evil I’m being

Bullied hey hey you want hey Brad you want to work for me I won’t bully you no Brad my Wonder bre they don’t even BR they don’t even have a server I do have a server I do have a Discord server oh no I’m not talking

About a Discord server oh yeah we have our own c one server as well oh oh I see I see um we we like to we we stream and stuff on here because we’re slowly we’re we’re like sharing assets and everything as well but like also I’m a YouTuber before before I’m a

[ __ ] creator of a server also we’re creating like a whole last region we’re doing something completely different a whole lost region no we’re making our whole our own region sign me up sign me up to the server uh sign me up if if it is going to be like Play

Testing sign me up let’s go I don’t know don’t worry I’m fine with this I already sent the thing to you it’s cool sign me up I I I hear that there is possibilities that we will be getting something known as uh Regional variance like custom Regional variants if it’s a

Custom server you know so sign me up let’s go we we have custom mining too and a custom iceq and I made I made custom um um well I’m I mean I I did the concept for it but uh custom feass feass and uh Magikarp I I

Gotta H I gotta ask what does the feass look like is it cute instead of ugly it actually looks badass it looks badass but not cute I kind I kind of want to see this now yeah so so do bre wants to see it modeled yeah you you’ll find it in my

Artist work here beep yeah um so we also have uh you could also voice act if you ever felt like trying your hand at that you don’t need to be professional or anything go but um wait what’ you say [ __ ] yeah so uh Bread’s Bread’s looking for people to voice

Admins and Grunts and all of that cuz cuz bread Brad has a bad guy team that he’s made I’ve also like implemented most of I know this doesn’t I I I know this is not going to pay money but like I I need some happy I need something to do I mean not

Right now but all of the profits go towards the team so yeah I mean I’m willing to help my dude yeah I I I’m here to I’m here to help where I can sign me up for the play test like let’s go yeah Brad’s [ __ ] insane though you should see how many

Concepts he cracks out in like an hour again I still have like over 145 backlogged yeah oh really uh um I just died again yeah we have uh we okay so our staff is like 40 members right now yeah yeah and uh it’s it’s a lot isn’t it

Bread oh yeah where can I help bread um well first of all where I need help I still don’t have I still don’t have a voice act uh voice acting lines for um art one of my admins that’s the only it’s the only male admin that’s there um oh so I’m

Just right I’m just fit for the job for my masculine voice I see yes let’s do it all right let me depending on whatever depending on whatever voices you can do you can really do anything yeah it’s true if you if you can pull off a female voice go ahead here I can

Be up here or I can be right down here because I love this one has tles still when it comes to like that that pitch it is hard sometimes can you can you do a toad voice can you go hey Mario genuinely Cody though how do you get

That Hy like how does it not just kill you um it’s a little too highy but I can’t that’s something it’s the it’s the trans dream to be able to get my voice to do anything I want [ __ ] yeah but sometime but sometimes I just

Kind of keep right here or like a lot of uh for a lot of like neutral characters just like right here I like it that is a very neutral voice it is uh wait here wait wait for it um reev you turn it down right here and just go

For my voice and whatever you’re about to hear it it’s going to be great give a second rev do that voice that you do which voice that one what a legend what’s the voice my voice yeah rev can’t do voice I mean I could do whatever I need for

Like d and my range is not a lot yeah what’s going on family nice yeah this sometimes I’ll just T some just to get to this far but like once you’re there you go for like a good 10 minutes and then you can get your voice

You can go well hello there how are you going hello there then you have that little then you have that like hello there how’s it going today but we can but I can never and I I mean this is such a compliment um to you buddy uh

Brad but I could never get my voice to constantly break the microphone like you do just on your natural speaking you dare to do voices without me I don’t I don’t know how exactly sorry sorry it’s just like yeah no SC I can’t hear what you hear so I don’t

Know what you’re talking about your voice constantly sounds like it’s about to shatter the universe and I love it like not as a bad thing are you just talking about how it’s how it’s just loud I forgot how [ __ ] I forgot yes you remember that you’re you do remember that you’re on a

Server by the way okay I I forgot I forgot how tired I was like on the 10 hour stream and my [ __ ] I renamed my elect I like I forgot how tired I was but I renamed my electivire elect Maguire oh okay so yeah like BR when whenever we

Need to do the voic do the voices for admins know that hit me up I I will be there um also uh this is soda soda is our original head artist oh hi oh hi how you doing buddy hello there how you going TOS you want some uh red candies just

Look into my uh actually never mind this is fine I mean take I’ll take the see my rare candy F want to come and get some uh extra large candies if you know what I mean anything anything for the project anything for the project then

You know what you want so I’ll uh I’ll only break one of your legs how about that that sounds fair of course that sounds fair of course I don’t need them but let’s go ah you know who does need them a little friend C soda if you know what I

Mean God sod them needs his [ __ ] legs I get it that’s you might think that soda’s [ __ ] crazy you know el e your mother my mom oh my God tell me more about Jesus yeah oh wa I really do wonder what would happen if Muscle Man heard

That wait there’s one thing there’s one thing we need to bring in here who can do who you can do alard who have me you can do I’m talking about alard from uh Hing AB bridged he can do it I didn’t even know who that is yeah

You kind of missed the mark there that’s embarrassing I I feel that is that is sad that is really embarrassing on your end I’m really sorry not embarrassing I said do it name I want to search him up oh wow how was that sad because Hing

Bridge is [ __ ] amazing I know I was it was a joke yeah no like no but Dragon Ball Abridged is I’m supposed to send it to there’s one specific um there’s one there engaging okay there’s one specific one that I would say is absolutely better than the rest and rev would agree with

Me all right was was the one talking about doing art was it Stitch or was it Rev rev you remember which one it is right which one Dragon Ball no the the best of brid series what is it um Stitch were you were you the one who

Wanted to do to the I was wanting to voice wait one second one second rev which one is it are you referring to the Sao Bridge yeah it is I’m talking about Hing a bridge know but I was talking about the best of bridge the best of

Bridged is 100% sort out online bridged like infinitely amazing yeah no they kind of they’re kind of having a lot of PTSD and then not realizing that they just kind of able to escape anytime that was kind of [ __ ] up yeah but the bridge is so good I I know I

Know that was that was kind of the most [ __ ] up uh uh H am I allowed to say it or no yeah sure okay the most [ __ ] up April Fool thing that they did in that saying they can’t escape at all oh my God they chose to stay in

Their devices for years well no they were actually trapped they were that’s the thing they thought they were in in The Abridged they thought they were in The Abridged but they weren’t in the bridge they weren’t actually trapped we wait Theo one I think you watched a different bridge I

Think we’re talking about different bridge I’m talking about sio Bridge the I’m talking about Bridge something with into T my God there’s multiple Bridges [ __ ] yeah I’m gonna say that’s the one thing when we’re talking about a Bridges we no different ones yeah we we just know the

Good one yeah I’ve not heard this other one the good one the good one I don’t know any of that uh I’m just making so does never actually it is something it is something Wy entertainment what yeah something Wy entertainment is the best they’re so good yeah talking about I’ve watched it

So many times yeah I like the C it sounds like one of my friends exactly yeah rev’s NE never breathed in his life did you know that okay yeah if I’m correct they actually revealed the at the end of that he never he never took that first breath

So he doesn’t require breathing anymore do you rev oh my what about the last breath no he doesn’t he’s never breathed his life he doesn’t need to undertale last bro hi yeah wait do use like under uh I like I like I like the fan base and

Stuff like not the fan base like I like the fan base isn’t that like the worst part of it no no no no I’m I I was supposed to say I like I like the ideas and like the the Char and stuff but R when you when you need me to uh start

Voicing when you need me to start voicing that character just let me know but yeah it uh there’s no there’s no real uh there’s no real set date right now because I’m pretty sure I I don’t know how far along team gleam is supposed to be introduced definitely not

Going to be at the start they uh technically hinted to at the start hinted to but not introduced uh well technically team glam’s not formed at the start but yes oh basically what I’m saying is right now there’s really no end goal for but yeah you just talk to um the

Owner of the server and you’ll be able to go and find out more about some other voice acting RS shut up don’t tell them that aren’t you the voice aren’t you the owner yeah I am yeah so so what other voice acting roles should I uh be looking into then I

Don’t know there’s trainers Gym Leaders teachers uh nurses huh rev how do I get up there up where where are you where you are I’m right behind you here ring cat don’t do it can you get the stuff to make an XP share rev that goes through an entire thing of

Create actually can you give me a grump voice XP uh oh you want voice make an XP share requires nuggets I can give you the I can give you like the perfect line to do uh uh hey uh any of you have Pokéballs I

I found a FL room oh we are doing voice stuff I saying go hi hi so so do you want it like this or def definitely not can you please uh so here’s my thing for go cuz it helps me be able to gather where your voice can

Go can you please in your Shadow the Hedgehog voice go where’s that damn forth Chaos Emerald where’s that damn Warth Chaos Emerald okay I’m sorry I’m just I haven’t heard Shadow I heard I haven’t heard Shadow the Hedgehog so I just I just guessed

Awesome an Cody if you want I did it I need or lots of uh literally any of them unmelted all right I’m gonna get some I’ll be right back all right aha you know I figured you know I think I figured out why it keeps like

Dying because now the mo like the weird thing is is at at first I was doing uh 3.5 gigs of RAM no no no here comes the weird part I just changed it to five gigs what happened I click respawn and the black screen thing happened again immediately

It was faster than 3.5 gigs I don’t understand oh I blame it on politics what do you think is zingo Oh’s not here oh no he’s watching though never mindingo what do you think by the way Oingo I hope it makes you feel good but I I call everyone Oingo

Oingo is no longer a person it’s a state of mind oh my God so I have found this I I think I found one of the regional variant Pokemon or custom Pokemon something called a flare shroom oh yeah they’re good it was funny it was really funny because uh but uh

Cuz my friend soda was actually just like oh yeah can you even like can your Pokéballs in this and it was really funny sorry I just wanted to confirm How well was that voice I don’t know I haven’t heard shadow of the Hedgehog voice the Shadow the Hedgehog one that

You asked me to do oh I just realized also that it would be a really stupid voice for you to do anyway because that’s not what I’m looking for um can you do a uh you’re voicing for a revolutionary group can you be like we got to I don’t

Know was that we got it the uh it was the sound of the nut we got a something got oh my God we got a she wants the D what she wants the dick what the [ __ ] well that’s a that’s just a stupid voice line that I’ve heard so many times

On [ __ ] Facebook and Tik Tok it’s not even funny come on we got to take down this trainer kind of like we take down this trainer no like audo try your main character voice what try your main character voice oh come we got to take down this trainer well actually that was pretty

Good that was pretty un point for a uh for a grunt you said main character voice I just put there oh no no your uh your main character voice is g to be good for team Soul team Soul’s whole shtick is um that they believe they’re the main

Character in the story no they are they’re all working for the main character they’re part of a revolutionary group they got to have the main character energy but also that yeah that and also your voice is very like I don’t feel like you’d be able to achieve like an like basic anime

Protagonist main character voice I mean that’s a compliment by the way oh that’s a compliment that’s not good so that’s good or bad I’m confused basic [ __ ] enemies are not what you want to like basic Bic [ __ ] like characters is probably not what you want to reach when you want to have like

A wider variety most main characters can only reach the main character voice a lot of the time like the amount of times I’ve heard the English voice actor of like Hiro voice act other protagonists if you’re a protagonist that’s your thing you could you could voice at protagonists rev what I found a

Okay oh my goodness a PO I found a I found a cool little you want do you want it rev I have no idea what you said sigil uh no you can find those on the ground if I’m correct yeah welcome to the underground how are your

Balls you see hey hey sometimes you just need a good kick right in the brush and then you lose best way to do it I know yeah I’m not going to pay for bottom surgery [ __ ] that [ __ ] oh my God expensive soda when you’re getting uh when when you’re

Getting the B the B kick bottom surgery oh no it’s how I it’s actually how I force my transgenderism on people I just forcely give them the surgery yeah yeah is is that why I’m debating you do have to have like you do have to somehow just have like a

Staple at the bottom of that kick no it’s fine a staple from a stapler yeah staple from a stapler it has to puncture no it’s gonna hurt I don’t want to think about it it’s going to hurt the the kick wasn’t I wasn’t too focused about the kick but the stapler foot

Oh I’m going to get nightmares what what’s wrong you just so enthusiastic earlier stapler foot right in the gads come on soda have have have sometimes like like have like a like a short like nightmare thing like a vision where it’s just a vision of a

Needle going against an eye yeah oh yeah SE that oh have you seen have you also seen Dead Space do that too okay but but you know like best image is is that of you like clipping your teeth with a um you know clipping your teeth with a

Nail clipper and then biting into an ice cream with the open exposed how does it even work how do it even I never had that Vision no no I I can imagine it why why why this why does this actually work to think I can too don’t worry cuz the

Thing is it’s a real thing that people have done what what what no why did you say that it’s going to get worse people are [ __ ] up like people will and can and will do anything right rev I never I never knew you could even clip those your

Teeth your teeth are made out of the like same stuff as your nails of course you can use a a nail clip in yeah but yeah but I never thought people would do that people are weird I know that mentally see sometimes it’s just the th that counts also

Uhel anyway I’m gonna need you to do that for me no sorry no not not of my not a single cell of my life will will I do that as soda who wants on uh I’m pretty there’s a silver like over here yeah I’m say I’m not going to get

Any silver on until the tournament also I have cuz you know the the the winner of the tournament I decided get a special Christmas uh Sylveon that’s limited edition and rare I have a question huh pixel I have a question I probably could have but I decided not to cuz I’m

Like great oh by the way I really do recommend you [ __ ] you talk to [ __ ] uh FY about the streamer some more streamer perks and stuff cuz he’s like super cool about that kind of stuff yeah I talked to him earlier I was like I just wanted to

Confirm like things earlier I just he about it ear he’ give you his firstborn son if you requested it he’s so nice why are you why why would I have why would I want a son I don’t some you see s was that a was that effective jab at

Me wait is it supposed to be why would you want a son well wasn’t supposed to be a job actually actually you could always have the son but they could always be the daughter of youo you never had yeah if myON comes out trans I’ll be fine I’ll be

Fine oh yeah I guess I’ve already mentally prepared for her if he wants to comeb out trans I’m cool with it oh so please for the love of God Don’t You Dare die again Minecraft don’t you dare black screen my die die die you get better get ready to die get ready to

Die you better get ready to kill get ready to kill you gota get joining World it sure joining World bye bread beep beep okay who was that what my it’s my it’s the funny joke I like to make rev what morus e do you need

More uh no no I am finally in the server all what do I need to do next rev yeah atast I could Oh I put it in less round what would you do if soda’s legs suddenly stopped being visible what wait wait I next person I have a question stop having questions if no no I’m serious um if my legs were invisible could could I still stand on them no

No so you’re basically saying that I don’t have legs yes yes why would you mention that they’re invisible if they’re not even there cuse yeah well everything seems to be fine and uh and in the server for now for me what if also I was led to Pokemon still

Spawn on SL God [ __ ] damn it you know what’s weird I put in less RAM and it and it actually works way better than more RAM it’s really wait say it ain’t so because I put in three gigabytes and it works better than 3.5 and and five

Gab so to say it a so let my wife go turn the lights off what what are you saying you’re scaring me pixel always scares me I must admit pixel always scares me What what kind of attention span do you have what be wait rib what did I need to get good I literally said nothing and you forgot like the entire time rev what do I need to get next uh nothing 11on the next thing you’re going to need is And okay wait do fire spawns spawn in deserts quart quartz from the nether that that’s the next thing would make sense do I actually need that for my thing yes or you’re just sending me on a little quest to get it CU you any no I in a jungle

Tree I hope that one day you wake up soer and realize that everyone’s a jungle tree if you just believe hard enough I’m falling okay U anyways why I mean it would the only reason oh God the only reason I I would actually happily agree to it is is the fact that

It would make more trees which if you look at the world um guess there’s it there’s a lack of enough trees I guess because yeah how much quartz do you need rev uh probably let me do why giant uh about two stacks you know I think it’s

Funny I think it’s funny that the the only people are on Are all uh or except the helpers are all in the in the pixel thing yeah well that’s because Stitch just joined now cuz I indoctrinated them damn God damn say see they gave me a

Offer I could not refuse it was called No offer at all they uh they forced my hand oh actually also while you’re there another thing because it’s something you’ll need in the future uh need glow stone I have gotten a scarf why an extra level of Fortune to M blocks

Yay I want a desert where are the desert you need NE why do it there a CALA why is there a CALA rev do you need Netherrack at what do you need Nether do I’m going to try and cook this stuff when I get

Back I’m going to see if I can cook um Netherrack to make it actually worth something that’s a why is there bamboo creeper on my mini map I don’t want creepers uh they don’t attack you they’re friendly okay good you better wink why did you wink wink what’s wrong with are you

Joking what’s wrong with win it’s not that I’m going towards it is Eevee on my mini map maybe I see a Eevee on my mini map no that actually that’s not deep level 32 I just got stay away you damn zombie we gone or or or

Why why why are we going to f why are we going to fazar man yeah why going fazar it’s funny why are we going why is it funny tell me why lemon lemon he’s actually gone like like this is weird cuz I sort of used to be really sane before he met

Me are you sure you I am really sure are are you actually actually sure I’m 70% sure 100 I see a diamond block over there well diamond ore my my insanity is a bit contagious what what no stay away pusana don’t give me what you what happens if you’re already

Insane but a creeper then you just Vibe and have a good time you know cave over here if you ever if you ever had your like your Insanity mesh with someone else’s Insanity it’s [ __ ] radical hey hey hey all it does is just all it does is multiplay it’s very multi does is

Multiply crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room no what have you done you see when people Talking when when people start doing that little thing I’m just gonna brain I found what I’m looking for everyone what yeah it’s terrifying I’m terrified everyone oh why Senai Nora spawned in oh the hell did it not drop where is it I mined it didn’t do

Anything did not drop what the hell what is that holy [ __ ] what does holy sh oh my God I can’t believe you said that word s rusted Bastard Sword why is it called Bastard Sword yeah by the way there’s no [ __ ] swearing in my stream I want to point that

Out if anyone [ __ ] swears while I [ __ ] stream that [ __ ] going on the [ __ ] just the other side you swore never [ __ ] swear my life [ __ ] Cody makes every stream I make this joke this is that’s the joke that the joke soda no please G her gri her no oh

Man literally look back in the M got oh my gosh so anyway let me tell you about this story story stitch do you do you like Kingdom Hearts I have every game all right played them but have every game wait you haven’t played

Any I I I need to get I need to play through them I have them just because like I wanted to do like a little completionist thing for them just do you have a YouTube channel I might do like a I do have I do have a

Twitch channel do you have a YouTube one I have a YouTube one it’s it’s it’s very I I I’m trying on it it’s I’m not doing doing too well on it hey we know you got a good friend here we we become friends I can help you out I know I know

YouTube I don’t know I don’t know how to edit videos that well I like editing I can help wait you like editing I do I I I sit there and I like I watch myself but I I make myself laugh and I’m like what a [ __ ] and then I’ll do

Something that I don’t like like I’ll chew while like chew food while recording and then I’ll [ __ ] I’ll just sit there and I’ll strangle myself right then and there what you know you get angry at yourself so you’re like you you you kill yourself and rollax excuse me Bo not the best

Times with that like I I have like these videos no one’s really commented on them last I checked does like ah you’ve just got to make your stuff click baity I know how to do clickbait I see I get off me and the zombies also as much as it like sounds

Really stupid have you tried uh putting a circle in your thumbnails before what a circle a red circle I hate these baby where are they even coming from in my thumbnail why what a red circle in your thumbnail right soda oh sub it sounds like clickbait

Yeah it’s oh my God I just ate a Ste and I died is just a random red circle it’s the red the red circle just to Circle something and then you put some red arrow it oh my yeah no I I I like I said I don’t I don’t edit videos that often

Like I’ve only done like one true edit of a video and it’s like did you I don’t even think that good I felt it felt somewhat gratifying that I went through it finally and I actually got all actually finished it it’s just I don’t I don’t know you going to send me

A send me your Channel right now so I can look at it later it is like an hour it is an hour video I said do it oh okay I’ll send it now it was not a question it it was send it now like I’m expecting I’m expecting crap by the way oh

My yeah I love I like here’s the thing my content’s not even that bad like I I I’ll prob you know I’m like really hard on myself like usually but I I feel like my content not my last two videos but my normally my content is really good you

Just beep also what is that my last two videos are kind of like really me cuz I just had to shovel out content beel please understand I I’m more used to the Twitch streaming so I just like I am more used to being trying to be live with people

Not make a video I like being live with people isn’t that right by adoring something or rather heaps persons everything in between yeah yeah no it’s it’s like an hour video I’m like oh an hour video I could never get hour yeah hour and 27 minute video and that’s just an edit slightly

Edited VOD of like days one through eight of like me playing Dawn cry that’s like so much effort for such like a unre eating me yeah so did the Cobble Souls reach out to you or did you reach out to Cobble Souls I I kind of just I just kind of

Popped in said hey uh oh I see you doing streams like I’m a streamer and then FY was just like let us help you how many things on Twitch do you have tell me uh like 270 something that’s [ __ ] so good it’s so hard to get like any

Like following on Twitch to be honest has to be fully like it has to be fully based on how like appealing you are as a person so good for you [ __ ] waitall yes I found a shiny Ro so uh yeah obviously I think I think you

Know why I don’t use twitch though you stay there how goes that collection uh I’ve got I’ve just got over a stack now I just found a nether fortress if that helps uh not necessarily what the hell stay away die there we go I found a shiny

Rolls I got I got I got a quick claw mine mine my shiny my shiny may make that no wa please teleport back to me sorry or you press back press back you’re going to have to pay what what do you have get wiped can you actually

Just R can you do slash back so I can like get down there got a little worried dist okay cool four get in the ball get in the ball yeah can you accept that what do I get I feel like I don’t want to this come

On what happened I have a t i have a shiny child nice oh my God please please please pleas child child child you will be doing grand things what is your what is your gender male you’re male you we will [ __ ] you out over sorry let’s not say that let’s

Not say that let’s not say that word uh we will put you through the gardav daycare and we’ll turn teach you to be a Gore uh by the way you can make your Pokemon trans by uh using the Poke Builder function and changing the gender oh yeah

I mean I didn’t know there was a poke Boulder in this server but thanks for letting does that mean you can make does that mean you can make a g a gal female I think so godev townboy townboy galade did you come here for did you come here for the

Nether quartz I’m not so sure about galade but you could try you could try remember that time discriminate on the remember that time where soda started just drinking milk I died remember that time so started drinking milk though milk I mean I mean I did that yesterday yeah straight out of the

City oh no not that straight out of the cow TI No No not that’s even worse I mean probably out of the C titty is like pretty stock standard what honestly but like still but like still never never say it like that again what would you mean you never want

Me to say it like that again do you yeah what’s wrong with that the cow titty yeah it’s just it’s just a normal part it’s just a normal part of are you going to tell me are s are you going to honestly try to lie to us and say that

You’ve never gone up to a cow gone look at these big jugs and then just started putting your mouth on that like cow’s UTS and going I mean no I I I’ve never even been close to a cow okay obviously you’re lying if what do you mean I’m lying I’m

Obviously you’re lying I know for a fact soda I know I know for a fact that you have in fact you know done some cow business sure I see we all have we’re all not a we’re not ashamed to say that we’ve sucked sucked a cow’s titty

Before except for rev rev uh actually wasn’t able to suck a cow titty I but that’s that’s due to being always specifically except for Pixel wait did you sayx rev rev rev’s a fig rev can’t do no way pixel hasn’t done it how how could how could she C you don’t have red

Stone and therefore cannot get an I gave you red stone Wonder oh my God there’s two of them wonderful how much more do I need okay so seven of these need that’s a female should I catch female roals yes okay and then make it shiny

Don’t do that make it shiny yeah make it shiny just to piss off the get get get a real one get a real one yeah I know and then turn it and then turn it shiny honestly honestly that wouldn’t be a bad idea it’s IVs are

Pretty good Cody you need two stacks of redstone you got to check the they got to actually check the thrs now you’re joking oh no Crush you need to do that via automated crafting automated crafting Requires which requires polish rose quartz which requires rose quartz which requires on its own just for the automated crafting to have uh eight Redstone TSS per nether quse for a rose quarts which every single mechanical crafting section requires I so confused immediately what what sorcery have you placed on this lemon your

Mother I see um it’s it’s time it’s time to do one thing I should have done a while hey M no was making cuti I was making a joke to talk about talk about how people say oh we do your mom you know everybody says that M yeah except for it

Isn’t a joke with me everyone does my mother how’ you get yay oh I I I thought I thought you just said you’re about to say like oh I did do it with your mom like oh damn no no Mom my mom’s a [ __ ] there’s so many FY types if you’re

Watching this mom [ __ ] you you probably shouldn’t say that like literally yeah beep yeah sorry soda wants to go with you come on what wait huh huh huh huh Beep don’t understand what’s happening you were saying you were saying that I’m going to get attacked you oh my

God so how do you travel across the sea anyway do you use a boat I mean I’m pretty sure you use you use Pokemon uh I don’t personally I use uh I I run across the water the you you have Jesus abilities yeah I could [ __ ] walk across

Water I see Jus would be very very very astonished with your abilities yes rev I am tired as [ __ ] I’mma go to as said if you bring Redstone next time I’m on I can start production of XP shares that’s the only thing awesome I’m going to all

Right thank you all for watching the stream if you want to if you want yes bye I want chicken

This video, titled ‘It’s Cobble Souls Christmas stream of destruction and Chaos’, was uploaded by Pixil on 2023-12-10 17:51:02. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:23 or 15443 seconds.

Pokemon, Minecraft and Darksouls these were the ingredients to make the perfect server until the professor added an ingredient IZINGO! Now the server is chaos!

  • Minecraft Royale: PvP Showdown!

    Minecraft Royale: PvP Showdown! In this Minecraft PvP, I face foes galore, With weapons in hand, ready for war. Each player unique, with skills to display, Who will emerge victorious at the end of the day? The battle royale unfolds, intense and fast, Strategies clash, in this PvP blast. Dodging and weaving, attacks on repeat, Every move calculated, no room for defeat. I face them all, one by one, In this epic showdown, under the sun. With each swing and each strike, I aim to prevail, In this Minecraft PvP, where legends set sail. So come along, witness the fight, As I take… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the chaos of the Middle East with our Minecraft server

    Join Minewind: Escape the chaos of the Middle East with our Minecraft server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and news from the Minecraft community. Today, we want to talk about the power of coming together and making a difference, even in the virtual world of Minecraft. As you may have seen in a recent YouTube video about news reporters prepping for Middle East news, the world is facing some serious challenges. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless in the face of such issues, but remember, every small action counts. Just like joining a march or protest in your area can make a difference, joining a Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate PvP Action on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Ultimate PvP Action on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you ready to take your Minecraft gaming experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an active and friendly community, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join players from around the world in epic battles, creative building challenges, and so much more. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. So why wait? Join us today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement that awaits you on Minewind. See you in the game! Read More

  • Mini Minecraft Master: Custom Skin Creation!

    Mini Minecraft Master: Custom Skin Creation! Genji X’s Minecraft Adventure: Creating a Custom Wither Skeleton Skin! Genji X, a talented 5-year-old Minecraft enthusiast, recently embarked on a creative journey within the virtual world of Minecraft. In this exciting episode, Genji X showcases his artistic skills by designing a custom Wither Skeleton skin, adding a unique touch to his gameplay experience. Designing the Skin With a vivid imagination and a keen eye for detail, Genji X meticulously crafted his custom Wither Skeleton skin, infusing it with his personal style and creativity. The process of designing the skin allowed him to express himself and bring his vision… Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Build Hacks

    Crazy Minecraft Build Hacks Unlock Your Creative Potential with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Look no further than this comprehensive guide filled with innovative build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner, these tips and tricks will inspire you to create jaw-dropping structures that will leave your friends in awe. Secret Tricks and Creative Strategies From hidden passages to stunning landscapes, this tutorial covers a wide range of creative techniques that will take your builds to the next level…. Read More

  • HÜSAMETTİN RETURNS: Killing the Wizard with Onur!

    HÜSAMETTİN RETURNS: Killing the Wizard with Onur! The Return of Hüsamettin and the Defeat of the Sorcerer with Onur! 😱 – Minecraft In this exciting video, viewers witness the resurrection of Hüsamettin as he seeks revenge and teams up with Aref to showcase their powers. The collaboration between Aref and Hüsamettin promises thrilling adventures for Minecraft enthusiasts. Don’t forget to subscribe for more Aref and Hüsamettin videos! Favorite Minecraft Videos For those who can’t get enough of Minecraft adventures, check out the most beloved videos here. #gaming is their specialty! Social Media Accounts Stay connected with the Minecraft community through various social media platforms: Tiktok: @mcparodileri… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic battles to creative building projects, there’s always something fun and exciting happening on the server. Join us at Minewind today and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Connect to the server at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure now! Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “How To Build The Awesome Survival House On Water in Minecraft #MinecraftSurvivalHouseTutorial.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to showcase your building skills and creativity than on a server like Minewind? Imagine constructing your dream survival house on water, just like in the video, but with the added thrill of interacting with other players and exploring a vast, ever-changing world. On… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Epic Battles Await!

    Join Minewind: Where Epic Battles Await! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video about starting a war in Minecraft SMP. The intensity and drama of the gameplay showcased in the video left us intrigued and wanting more. It made us realize the thrill and excitement that comes with multiplayer Minecraft servers. Speaking of Minecraft servers, have you heard about Minewind? It’s a unique Minecraft server that offers a thrilling PvP experience unlike any other. With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. If you’re looking to immerse yourself in a dynamic… Read More

  • Minotaur Hunt: João Strikes Gold in Minecraft S5

    Minotaur Hunt: João Strikes Gold in Minecraft S5 In the world of Minecraft, a Minotaur lurks, With a maze so twisted, it’s easy to get stuck. But fear not, for our hero, S5João, is on the hunt, To defeat the beast and emerge victorious, no stunt. Through caves and oceans, he bravely explores, Facing zombies and skeletons, as danger roars. With friends or solo, the adventure unfolds, In a pixelated world where creativity molds. So join the quest, dive into the game, Let your imagination run wild, it’s never the same. Subscribe, like, and share, spread the joy, In the realm of Minecraft, where dreams deploy. Read More

  • MultiPixel

    MultiPixelMultiPixel is a brand new server launched in 2022 and owned by TheNeoCubest! We currently have an amazing custom Skyblock serverMinecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. MultiPixel is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including Skyblock Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Take that, creepers!”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme really mined its way to the top! Read More

  • Flesh Infects Wither Storm: Minecraft’s New Twist!

    Flesh Infects Wither Storm: Minecraft's New Twist! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of infecting the Wither Storm, so bold. With the Flesh That Hates Mod in hand, A new adventure in this blocky land. The Wither Storm, a force to be reckoned, But with flesh that hates, it may be beckoned. To change its form, its power to wield, A new challenge on the battlefield. The mods are key, to change the game, To bring new twists, to never be the same. So like and subscribe, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we roam free. Read More

  • Miku’s Minecraft Beam! #mikumikubeam

    Miku's Minecraft Beam! #mikumikubeam When you accidentally combine Hatsune Miku and Minecraft and end up with a new superpower: the MikuMikuBeam! Watch out, creepers, she’s coming for you with her vocaloid vengeance! #miku #minecraft #meme #mikumikubeam #shorts Read More

  • Can’t Use Magic in Minecraft?! | S5João

    Can't Use Magic in Minecraft?! | S5João Minecraft: NÃO CONSIGO USAR MAGIA ‹‹ S5João ›› Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with S5João as your guide. Join in the excitement as you explore, build, and survive in this captivating game. Exciting Gameplay With S5João leading the way, Minecraft becomes a realm of endless possibilities. Dive into the world of construction, adventure, and survival as you navigate through the game’s diverse landscapes and challenges. Magical Elements While the title suggests a struggle with magic, Minecraft offers a wide array of enchantments and spells to enhance your gameplay. Experiment with different magical abilities to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of intense Minecraft challenges and epic adventures? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community of dedicated players, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience like no other. Join forces with fellow gamers to conquer the Ender Dragon, explore new worlds, and test your skills in hardcore survival mode. The possibilities are endless on Minewind, so why wait? Dive into the action today by connecting to YT.MINEWIND.NET. See you in the game! #minecraft #hardcore #survival #adventure Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge! Minecraft: Spot the Difference Quiz! Embark on a journey through the Minecraft world with a fun and engaging spot-the-difference quiz! Can you spot the gradual changes happening? Keep a close eye as one spot transforms right before your eyes. Get ready for that “Aha!” moment in Minecraft that will not only entertain you but also give your brain a workout! Challenge Yourself with Answered Questions! If you’re up for a challenge and want to test your skills further, check out the answered questions in the following videos: マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?答え付き総集編(むずかしい)021-030 マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?答え付き総集編(むずかしい)031-040 Explore More Minecraft Ideas! Looking for more ways to enjoy… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Vault Hunter Stream with GH00STIE

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Vault Hunter Stream with GH00STIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Short Minecraft Vault Hunter Stream’, was uploaded by GH00STIE on 2024-05-08 16:24:15. It has garnered 169 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:29 or 11609 seconds. Hey guys if you enjoy the stream please hit that LIKE button and also that nice SUBSCRIBE button you can follow me here too: https://www.twitch.tv/gh005tie https://twitter.com/GH005TIE https://www.tiktok.com/@gh005tie?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Community Discord: https://discord.gg/eHeSp5kaUr Read More

  • Minecraft Horror: Ham and Eggs Animation

    Minecraft Horror: Ham and Eggs AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Minecraft Animation (Very Creepy)’, was uploaded by Ham and Eggs on 2024-02-26 17:16:06. It has garnered 143 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • 🚨 INSANE Minecraft Bulgaria Flag Build! 🇧🇬🔥 #shorts

    🚨 INSANE Minecraft Bulgaria Flag Build! 🇧🇬🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building Bulgaria country #flags #mapping #minecraft #map#bulgaria #shorts’, was uploaded by MinecraftWorldMapBuilds on 2024-04-11 16:06:26. It has garnered 1348 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. it is good video Read More

  • INSANE MINI BASE in Minecraft – MUST SEE! 🏡

    INSANE MINI BASE in Minecraft - MUST SEE! 🏡Video Information This video, titled ‘smallest base in Minecraft 🏡#like#share#subacribe’, was uploaded by Sky gaming on 2024-01-12 12:13:49. It has garnered 2517 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. minecraft building ideas,lomby minecraft,minecraft building tips,minecraft shorts,build hacks minecraft,minecraft mini build hacks,minecraft new build hacks,minecraft gaming build hacks,minecraft build hacks 1.20,minecraft kitchen build hacks,minecraft secret build hacks,minecraft hacksminecraft drop reverse,minecraft reverse drop shorts,minecraft drop reverse shorts,minecraft reverse drop carpet shorts,minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft trending,#minecraft,minecraft letest trend,minecraft illusiominecraft build hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft build,minecraft build tutorial,minecraft hack,minecraft,build hack,minecraft tiktok hack,minecraft buildingn😵,minecraft illusion 😵,minecraft illusion shorts,minecraft illusions video,minecraftpe shorts,minecraftpe… Read More

  • Ruthless StevePVPs: Cleaning up Cheaters & Sweats

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  • EPIC Monster School ULTIMATE Minecraft Memes!

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  • Duncan finds his dream home in MINECRAFT – BIG WOW!

    Duncan finds his dream home in MINECRAFT - BIG WOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘A house at last! – MINECRAFT BIG CHAD GUYS #11’, was uploaded by Duncan on 2024-05-13 17:30:09. It has garnered 16420 views and 968 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:41 or 1661 seconds. Join this channel to support me and get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs4br3aZLU0sOEM-3n0-6xQ/join Minecraft Big Chad Guys! FINALLY we beat our procrastination and decide to build ourselves a home! ► The Official Yogscast Store: http://smarturl.it/yogsDuncan ◄ ♥ Subscribe: http://yogsca.st/DuncanSub ♥ Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/eQ3mDJw Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/yogscast/ Yogscast Games Store: http://games.yogscast.com Check out my Humble Bundle Page: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=duncan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yogscastlalna Instagram:… Read More

  • Insane Solo Bedwars in Nethergames 🚨

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  • BambooTV EXPOSED: Shocking Secrets Revealed in Part 7!

    BambooTV EXPOSED: Shocking Secrets Revealed in Part 7!Video Information This video, titled ‘part 7’, was uploaded by BambooTV on 2024-01-12 14:23:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join my discord: https://dsc.gg/bambooyt #mcci #minecraft #lifesteals3 #blisschapter3 #infusesmp #brawlsmp Tags (ignore) Like … Read More

  • Imperiums SMP

    Imperiums SMPImperiums SMP is a vanilla SMP based minecraft server where you can create your own empire or join one if you want to, you can also go alone if you feel like doing that. List of plugins: Player Head 1 Player sleep Read More

  • Brisk PvP modded 1.20.1 Create Geopolitical Forge

    Join Brisk – A Geopolitical Server! Lead a nation, build cities, and explore magic on Brisk. Create your own nation and engage in wars with other players. Features: Less restrictive rules on griefing and theft Three major nations to choose from: Gaians, Principality of Cockshire, and Kutzians Tech tree system with locked features unlocked through voting every 2 days Modpack includes Create, Immersive Engineering, Applied Energistics 2, and more Join us on Discord to download the modpack and start your adventure! Read More

  • YarraSMP

    YarraSMPYarraSMP is an Australian hosted Minecraft server which provides players with an immersive faction-style experience. Within Yarra, you have the freedom to establish your own nation, declare wars, and strive to become the richest player. Additionally, we offer a custom PvP system that’s similar to the popular server LokaMC. Join us on YarraSMP for an best Aussie Faction adventure. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My New Whip in Minecraft !!!

    Minecraft Memes - My New Whip in Minecraft !!!I guess parents in Minecraft are more generous with gifting cars than in real life! 😂 Read More

  • Crafty Beats: Minecraft Trials Soundtrack Drops #shorts

    Crafty Beats: Minecraft Trials Soundtrack Drops #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, “Tricky Trials” is the name, let’s give a cheer! The soundtrack is out, full of rhythm and beat, Listen on Spotify, it’s a real treat. Hyazora’s on Twitch, bringing news with a twist, Minecraft snapshots, updates, can’t resist. Join the fun, the hype, the joy, In the world of gaming, where dreams deploy. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Crafting Minecraft news, with all your might. Keep the crowd engaged, with each line you bring, In the world of gaming, let your words sing. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft!

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She kept blowing up at him! #minecrafthumor #relationshipproblems #creeperlove Read More

  • Ultimate Shader for Minecraft PE 1.20+ – Render Dragon

    Ultimate Shader for Minecraft PE 1.20+ - Render Dragon The Best Shader for Minecraft PE 1.20+ – LuaShader Welcome to the world of Minecraft shaders! In today’s video, a new shader for Minecraft versions 1.20-1.20.50+ is showcased, featuring moving leaves/nature, clear water, and soft fog for stunning aesthetic effects. This shader is highly recommended for players looking to enhance their Minecraft experience. Let’s dive into the details and explore the mesmerizing features of LuaShader. Key Features: The LuaShader brings a host of visual enhancements to Minecraft PE, transforming the game’s graphics into a breathtaking spectacle. Here are some of the standout features: Moving Leaves/Nature: Witness the beauty of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Explosive Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Explosive Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious video titled “1000 TNT in MINECRAFT” that left us in stitches. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can unleash your creativity and have a blast with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts? Minewind Minecraft Server, with the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into building, exploring, or engaging in epic battles, Minewind has something… Read More

  • Importing MC Bedrock Worlds to Mine-imator!

    Importing MC Bedrock Worlds to Mine-imator! Importing Minecraft Bedrock Worlds to Mine-imator: A Step-by-Step Guide 🌎⬇️ In this tutorial, you will learn how to seamlessly transfer your Minecraft Bedrock worlds to the animation creator Mine-imator. Get ready to breathe life into your creations and animations with this simple process! Exporting from Bedrock Edition To begin, export your creations from Minecraft Bedrock Edition. This step involves saving your world files in a format that can be easily converted for use in Mine-imator. Make sure to save your work in a location that is easily accessible for the next steps. Using Chunker for Conversion Next, utilize the… Read More

  • Coke vs Water Bucket Challenge in Minecraft – WHO WILL WIN?

    Coke vs Water Bucket Challenge in Minecraft - WHO WILL WIN?Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ vs Mikey COCA COLA Build Battle in Minecraft Challenge (Maizen Mizen Mazien) Parody’, was uploaded by Water Bucket – Minecraft Video on 2024-03-07 15:00:44. It has garnered 5646 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:10 or 910 seconds. JJ vs Mikey COCA COLA Build Battle in Minecraft Challenge (Maizen Mizen Mazien) Parody This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey Read More

  • Testing Dream Jobs in Minecraft!

    Testing Dream Jobs in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Tested Your Dream Jobs In Minecraft’, was uploaded by SystemZee on 2024-05-11 14:00:09. It has garnered 53614 views and 2470 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:12 or 1752 seconds. SystemZee and Knarfy recreated your DREAM JOBS in Minecraft. From being a paranormal investigator to a pro basketball player, will we get the job? Or will we get fired? These are Your DREAM JOBS In Minecraft! Thank you to my friends for joining the chaos: @Knarfy @MrsSystemZee @Surf @NatureofGaming @CragDyna @Coolment @AjianAja @Lightning_Aiden @UnknownKnight Instagram: http://instagram.com/syszee Discord: http://discord.gg/syszee Twitter: http://twitter.com/systemzee Vlog Channel: @alsosystemzee… Read More

  • Unleash Wealth in Minecraft with WhiteZunder!

    Unleash Wealth in Minecraft with WhiteZunder!Video Information This video, titled ‘Portal Para Ricos En Minecraft’, was uploaded by WhiteZunder on 2024-04-19 19:09:26. It has garnered 4084768 views and 406238 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Portal For The Rich In Minecraft #Minecraft #minecraftmods #WhiteZunder Read More

  • Ultimate MLG Gamer DOMINATES Minecraft! #viral

    Ultimate MLG Gamer DOMINATES Minecraft! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pro MLG god in Minecraft #viral #minecraft #youtube’, was uploaded by Topls Gamerz on 2024-02-20 09:33:56. It has garnered 1429 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure – Distant Horizons Mod Installation Tutorial

    Unlock the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure - Distant Horizons Mod Installation TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Download & Install the Distant Horizons Mod for Minecraft’, was uploaded by itzCuba on 2024-03-08 02:17:46. It has garnered 58127 views and 756 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:22 or 562 seconds. Learn how to download & Install the distance horizons mod for Minecraft Java with this simple tutorial. Not only will you get the distance horizons mod, but you will also install Forge to use the Distant Horizons mod in Minecraft Java. The distant horizons mod will change your Minecraft game, it is definitely worth trying out. Easily Host A… Read More