Pixlriffs – Automatic Flower Forest Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 146]

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Hello everyone my name is Pixar IFS and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide hope you guys are having a good day spring is in the air I think it’s probably safe to say his point considering is nearly the end of May that spring is here and we’ve been doing

A bit of spring cleaning this week working on cleaning up some of the stuff that we started but never finished or figuring out advancements and stuff like that been doing a little bit of that over the last few episodes but I was thinking what else makes me think of

Spring and the answer is right here under our noses flowers are a really nice feature of the springtime flower starts come up everywhere birds are singing in the trees and the bees are out doing their thing and flowers are also quite a useful resource in Minecraft not only do

They provide a whole bunch of the dyes that you need to color various things various colors but they’re also quite pretty and can be useful as decoration and it can be useful to the player to farm flowers in quite large numbers now of course we can have to leave the

Wither rows out of this because the wither Rose is obtained through a very specific means and if you’re unsure about that at all go ahead and check out the video in which I introduce the way the Rose because yeah you kind of have to fight the wither to get hold of it or

At least summon a wither there are ways around that but for now we’re going to focus on the flowers that we can farm just by bone milling the grass in your average Plains biome or in this case we’re going to go out to a flower forest where we all find the highest

Concentration of different flowers all in one place and we’re going to set up an automatic redstone powered flower farm welcome back to the flower forest where as you can see there are a lot of flowers everywhere these biomes are always very pretty and the trick to creating a successful flower farm here

In a flower forest is actually to find a place where as many flowers as possible are going to generate in a small enough space now as I mentioned in the episode where we introduced where the roses and lily of the valley along with suspicious stew flower forests actually have

Precise locations where each of the flowers will generate they sort of generate in a kind of pattern on the surface and if you were to bonemeal the ground around here and take out all of the grass and keep bone milling until you have flowers the pattern would look quite

Interesting it actually looks kind of neat and geometric but I think one of the things we will do to kind of illustrate this a little bit better is instead of cutting down a bunch of the trees what I’m gonna do is build a big grass platform which is not only going

To be the area of our flower farm but it’s also going to provide some kind of insight into exactly how the pattern of flower forest flower generation works I’ve got a ton of bone blocks for bone meals so hopefully we shouldn’t run out we’re going to be needing that later for

The farm as well but I brought a whole bunch of grass blocks and a few things to keep this this whole operation neat and tidy we’re also going to be automating this later on so I’ve got my redstone box with me as well and there

Are a couple of different ways we can do that which we will explore and then decide which one we’re going to use at a later point in the video for now I think we’re gonna start our flower farm up here on this hilltop so I’m going to

Make myself a pretty large area of grass blocks and it’s gonna stretch out above the forest floor over here we’re probably going to need to light up underneath it to make sure too many mobs don’t spawn because it’s going to end up being a little bit dark but for now I’ll

Take out a couple of the trees that are in the way and we’ll get on with building this big old grass platform so a little bit of work and a couple of cups of tea later I’ve got myself a big old grass platform as promised and aside

From the pig here it is populated by pretty much every flower it is possible to find here in the flower forest with the exception of the two high flowers which don’t appear when you bonemeal the grass but you can of course bonemeal them repeatedly to reproduce them I

Don’t have any dandelions or poppies in this area but that’s fine because they are common literally anywhere else.you bonemeal the ground you will get dandelions and poppies you’ll also be able to get poppies from an iron farm so you don’t need to worry too much about

Those got plenty of red dye and you can get a repetitive amount of yellow dye just buy it repeatedly bone mailing the sunflower which we’ve got plenty of Bank near my base so as far as the flowers that I want from here I have a whole bunch of them everything from alliums

Down to the new flowers cornflower and lily of the valley which are going to be providing us with blue and white dye with enough of these you would never need to use lapis or bonemeal as blue or white dye again so that’s great to have of course we’ve got as your blewett’s

Oxide daisies the different colors of tulips are here as well and then alliums up here in the corner giving us which I believe they make magenta dye just break one of these and find out yet that is magenta so you’ll be able to get plenty

Of that from this farm as well in order to get this pattern which by the way it is a pattern if you look at it from the air you can kind of see that each of these generates in a kind of curve or circular formation that’s actually going

To be present throughout the entire flower forest if we were to bonemeal this and take away all the grass you would see everything creating these really interesting flowing geometric patterns almost as though it’s a fractal one of those kind of really colorful Mandelbrot patterns or something like

That but of course in order to get it to look like this I have had to remove a whole bunch of grass the kind of grass entities that grow and the tall grass that grows up around here because whenever you bonemeal the ground that’s

What you get and so from that I’ve had a ton of wheat seeds which I plan to add to a composter in the grand scheme of things when we have these being automatically collected it’s still going to generate a whole bunch of grass and so having a composter nearby to compost

All the wheat seeds is going to mean we get to feed a little bit more bone meal back into the system now as with any other kind of compost set up it’s definitely not going to be a one-to-one trade we are definitely going to run out of bone meal before the

Composter has been able to generate enough to kind of keep the system renewable but at least it’s nice to have a renewable source of bone meal around the place in case we want to top it up means fewer trips back to the skeleton farm for more of this stuff and if we

Wanted to in the grand scheme of things we could also compost all of the flowers if we decided that we’d reached maximum capacity of flowers and we didn’t want to preserve anymore we could kick in a fail-safe and that would transport all of the flowers into the composter as well once again at

Creating a little bit more bone meals so this farm could effectively be halfway to being self-sustaining I would guess but yeah probably not something you want to rely on you want to start with a decent quantity of bone meal before you start thinking about composting things

Now there are two things about this farm that we can automate we can automate the bone mailing of the grass blocks here to create the flowers and grass in the first place and we can automate the collection of these things and I want to talk about bone Mealing the grass first

Because this actually takes advantage of an interesting mechanic that is as far as I’m aware unique to grass blocks themselves I’m going to create a secondary area of grass over here to give you an example it’s just making a nice 5×5 area of grass over here attached to this tree and it’s actually

Possible if we get a dispenser out of here to dispense bonemeal on to grass blocks from underneath in fact even as a player you can right-click on the underside of a grass block it will use some bone meal and as you can see grass has generated at the

Top here grass blocks are pretty much unique in the fact that this is the only thing you can bone meal from below and it will still generate in the same way that it does with any other kind of bone meal direction I think you can also yeah

Bone meal it from the side of a block – so yeah grass can be going wheeled from pretty much any direction you like the way we’re going to set this farm up is for the block to be boiled from below automatically using a dispenser which now that I think about it I’m probably

Going to have to create a little Tower underneath here prabha dispenser on the top of that facing upward like that and demonstrating this with a simple lever activation all I need to do is pull the lever and bam stuff grows above once we put some bone meal in the dispenser of

Course so it’s very very easy to set this up on a redstone timer that would effectively bonemeal large areas of the grass here all at once and then all we would need to do is figure out some way of collecting all of these flowers by breaking them and having them

Funneled into some kind of hopper system now you could do this with a shifting floor design and I’ve only brought sticky pistons with me so this isn’t going to be the greatest example but for examples say you had two sets of regular Pistons on either side that could push

This grass block platform here back and forth effectively anytime you moved any of these grass blocks it would break whatever was on top of them so if I I’ve got some observers set up here if I break these grass blocks you can see that basically it shifts everything in

The floor to one side because this is a single want ik pulse they’re actually detaching from the sticky pistons like so and that would allow all of the grass and flowers on top of here to break and while the drops the wheat seeds and the flowers themselves would hang out here

On the surface you could run a hopper minecart underneath them in much the same way we’ve done other collection mechanisms in the past and that could very easily collect basically anything that drops onto here you might get the occasional patch here and there because you’d be bone milling it from below with

Dispensers but you could get a pretty steady rhythm going with these and a redstone clock and the bone meal being dispensed from below and you could end up with a very fast shifting floor effect for the farm now the problem with this farm design of course while it is

Pretty quick it is also quite resource intensive and if you wanted a long platform like the one we’ve got here to take in as many types of flour as possible you’re going to have to multiply the amount of Pistons that you would require to to set up something

Like this and there is a much simpler way to do it I’ll be at one that is ever so slightly slower and that is to use a slime block flying machine and that’s what we’re going to do with this setup over here we’re basically gonna have it

Mow the grass for us and trim all of these flowers out pushing them into a collection area at the each end of the platform and as long as we’ve got enough slime blocks the flying machine design is going to be much more economical in terms of the resources we’re using we’re

Only going to need a couple of sticky pistons some observers some slime blocks and some stuff to line the platform here with to make sure that none of the flowers end up popping off the sides of the platform then at the end we just need a couple of water streams that feed

Down into a hopper and that can be the start of our collection mechanism for all of the flowers and seats in fact I’ve built this platform 17 blocks wide so we can have an 8 block long water stream on one side an 8 block long water

Stream on the other side and it can all just filter down to a central hopper in the middle here so this is going to be a very economical flower farm as far as the resources we’re using but it’s also going to produce a pretty large amount

Of flowers each time at the slime block flying machine sweeps one way or the other and just so we’ve got a little bit more room to work and set up the flying machines I’m going to take down these trees and get some sleep and we’ll set the platform up with a flying machine

Which we built before so I think you guys know the drill by now but I should be able to take you guys through it step-by-step okay I’ve run into a bit of a setback but it’s not a big problem it’s just something that went wrong with my calculations because initially I thought

Yeah eight blocks wide is going to be perfectly fine for a slime block flying machine but actually because a piston can only push a maximum of 12 blocks it’s actually only possible to make this design with a six block wide like arm for the flying machine because the

Piston itself is actually going to have to push all six of these slime blocks here and all six of the blocks below here like it’s not just the amount of things that are attached the piston it’s what’s attached to those things so yeah I need to recalculate some of this a

Little bit in fact I want to make sure that it will also be able to push the observer that’s going to be powering this whole thing yeah it looks like that might be a problem too looks like we might have to take a couple of blocks

Off the end here and the reverse flying machine is going to go in this direction and that’s only gonna be able to be five blocks long as well there we go so I guess that’s not gonna be a problem but ultimately yeah we kind of know you kind

Of need to have a maybe double up on the flying machines actually maybe we’ll do two four block wide ones and that will kind of compensate for the fact that I’ve made this platform too wide but as you can see though in just that single sweep it’s managed to pick up

Quite a few flowers and more than I have room for in this box even so I’d say that we’re onto a winner and so here is the compromise I eventually settled on we’ve got two eight block wide sections of the platform here with two individual eight block wide flying machines and

There has to be this strip down the middle because if the two slime blocks on either side of here connect they try and push each other and the flying machines break apart so unfortunately we do have to limit the amount of area we’ve got here but hopefully we should

Still be able to capture all of the flowers within this space now it’s probably going to be better to switch out the spruce wood I’ve been using to push these for some kind of transparent block that can be pushed by slime blocks so glass would probably be better the

Main reason for that is that as you can see there are patches of dirt around here we’re in the fraction of a second that the spruce wood is over the top of this it’s actually causing the grass to revert back to dirt because it’s blocking the sunlight from it and even

Though that’s a very short amount of time that does limit the amount of space we will be able to bone meal because grass won’t just grow on regular dirt and neither will flowers as far as bone meal is concerned so what we probably gonna have

To do is go and get some glass which I don’t have on me right now and replace the spruce wood underneath here with that glass to make sure that that doesn’t happen as frequently and to make sure we can get the maximum output of flowers from the farm but the Sloan

Black flying machines are fairly simple to set up all we need is a row of slime blocks with some kind of push will block underneath them and a piston facing into those and then a piston in the opposite direction with the slime block arm one block back then these two observers are

Facing downwards into the slime blocks directly in front of each piston head and when we flick this trapdoor what happens is it activates the flying machine like so and the fly machine takes off towards the one at the other end these trap doors are set up kind of to

Reverse the circuit and make the flying machine travel back in the opposite direction and as you will see from this one over here it just flicks the trap door twice the first flick of the trap door is enough to send the flying machine back to where it’s going these

Are set up with a simple repeater set to two ticks with an observer and an obsidian block behind there because it’s not possible you could also do the same thing with any other unpossible block like a furnace for example and just have a redstone dust on top of there feeding

This the signal from the observer through that block into the redstone dust into the repeater and that’s what activates the trap door setting that to two ticks is ideal right now because if it’s anything less than that it will actually activate the observer a couple of times and the flying machine will

Just stay here in stasis so that activates the trap door for a long enough amount of time that the flying machine can get away before the trap door moves again and last of all we’ve got a master on/off switch at this end of the farm which is just a lever

That feeds a redstone signal into these repeaters locking the trap doors in position so that when the observers come to rest here the trapdoor doesn’t update the observers and they don’t end up flying off again so all you really need to do is run a redstone signal into those and

It’s all set up the leaf blocks around the outside are isolating the slime blocks from anything else the blocks down there of course don’t get pushed by the slime neither does the grass because the slime is isolated from the glob the grass platforms but all that’s doing

Is making sure that nothing escapes from the outside if any of the flowers get pushed along by these blocks here then they’re not going to end up hopping off the side of the platform with the sort of random movement that item entity sometimes have and with the Sun going

Down the last thing I need to do is set up the glass underneath these flying machines substituting that for the spruce planks and I also need to go and set up the dispensers underneath each of these grass platforms that’s going to be bone mailing them and causing the

Flowers to grow and as is pretty standard when I do these farms are wandering trader has shown up hello my friend oh you’ve got Nautilus shells amazing if only I had some emeralds on me because Nautilus shells are one of the few trades that’s actually worth it

From the wandering trader as far as I’m concerned he’s still only selling packed ice and not blue ice he’s even selling me a bit of green dye which is kind of ironic considering we’re setting up a dye farm but if he’s gonna stick around here if I unload the

Chunks I was just grabbing some sand from the local area but I might actually go back and get some emeralds because those Nautilus shells will be quite useful okay five five is the maximum that we got there that’s a shame I was really hoping that we could get all eight but

Hey not to worry at least we got some extra Nautilus shells that might well be the only worthwhile trade the wandering trader has as far as I’m concerned because Nautilus shells are a bit of a pain to get without afk fishing which I don’t really do very often so worth it

I guess I’m not sure what the optimal configuration is going to be for these dispensers I’ve just put sixteen bonemeal in each of them so we can give them a quick test all we need to do is link these up with a redstone wire like so we’ll probably do the same over here

As well just being able to connect to the bottom of these blocks here should be enough because that will trigger the dispensers let’s get a wooden button and just quickly BAM like that I should have activated all of the dispensers at once meaning we should be able to bonemeal

Quite a decent sized area okay looks like we’ve got a little bit of a gap in the middle there so that might need to bring them maybe a block or two closer together but I think having two on each side is going to make the most sense

Because that way you’re getting to each of the edges of this bone mailable area as we go not bad not bad not bad for a first try at least let’s send this flying machine off to clear out this area just so it’s nice and straight forward for the next bone meal test what

We’re going to do is have it the observers on each side actually trigger those dispensers so every time this trapdoor gets a redstone pulse so do the dispensers meaning that there is always a fresh crop of flowers and grass for the flying machine to collect each time it gets triggered by this trapdoor

Meaning that any time this flying machine is ready to go off on its journey again we all have a fresh crop of grass and flowers for it to mow down let’s very quickly run down here press this button again see how the bone meal has distributed the grass and flowers

This time it actually looks like we haven’t got even that much in this area did that one actually fire at all maybe it didn’t okay maybe there was just something already growing on top of that I shouldn’t be a problem for the farm yet there we go okay so just misfired a

Little bit in in a weird sort of way but that should be absolutely fine and I think what we really need to do now is hook up the rest of the dispensers this has taken some time mostly in how to activate the redstone from both ends whilst also carrying a

Signal length that’s this long so the redstone under here is kind of spaghetti and I’m sure there is a much more elegant way of doing it that it’s just escaping me at this point in time but what we have here is two separate redstone signals running from the

Observers at either end and I’ve decided that since these machines are going to be flying basically in sync just to take the signal off of one repeater here one observer rather over here and come down to this complete mess so what happens is the signal travels through here comes

Along to each of these repeaters on the inside track it’s being powered on this side and what that does is take the signal out to each of the blocks underneath these dispensers activates them triggers them ends up with bonemeal on the grass and and grass and flowers

Grow on the outside we have the signal returning from the opposite direction and the reason we have to isolate that with repeaters facing into it this way is because if we had both signals running down the central track eventually it would hit a repeater and it wouldn’t be able to have the current

Flow through that because repeaters are only one way not only that but if I were to activate it from the other side and have a second repeater next to this it would either completely lock up because the redstone signal would be feeding back into itself or if we put some delay

On the repeater it would form a clock and that would basically constantly churn out the bonemeal which might not be such a bad thing and instead of redstone spaghettify little thing what you actually might want to do is put the dispensers down here on a timer just for

The sake of not having to have the entire thing powered by the observers coming in to dock at this station but for now we should be able to activate this watch the grass grow and see everything be collected now I will warn you ahead of time I have tested this

Once and it got very frames II like I’m talking I get like 240 FPS right now my thing is capped at like 250 we’re talking sub 30 at this point so it’s gonna get a little hectic up near the footage might be slightly sub quality but this happens

And the flying machines get sent off they collect up all the flowers as they go you can kind of see it happening behind the glass panes over there they leave the occasional thing behind thanks to the fact that there are the odd gaps here and there but those are going to

Get caught on the return trip when the flying machines come back and yep this is where the lag kicks in this is where things start to get a little bit frames eat when I record and you’ll notice the patches down there have actually been triggered by the bone meal with the

Observer like triggering the trapdoor twice that also triggers the dispensers twice so what you end up with is a whole lot of a lot of extra bone meal getting fed through here and there but this system works pretty well so far I’m Freddy I’m pretty happy with it and I

Think if we wanted to afk at this farm for a little while and just leave it running run through the entire stock of bone wheel we have here we would end up with a good stack or two of each of the flowers that grow in this patch now as

You can see I need to work a little bit on the collection mechanism for each of these ends I’ve got a hopper down this end thanks to the water streams that I set up earlier but even that is starting to bottleneck a little bit for a star

Because it’s got nowhere to go but also because of the sheer variety of stuff that’s coming through remember item hoppers can only hold up to five different stacks of items at a time and as you can see we are getting more than that coming through here I’ve just

Picked up five varieties of flowers and an additional stack of seeds which means we will probably need to broaden the scope of this a little bit and have three hoppers instead of one feeding into the system but I think we can make that work either that or we drain it

With a you hop a minecart and have that all disappear a little bit faster drain that into a chest use that as a storage buffer and then go through the process of sorting everything afterwards filtering out the seeds into the composters that kind of thing but I

Think we can give that a go so I’m gonna go ahead and get on with that at long last the storage for each side of the farm is complete the waterways are in and we can get this thing going I’ve already collected a little bit as a

Test run but let’s just see what happens when I flick the lever for a start all of the dispensers are gonna fire which is going to send the flying machines off down to collect all of the flowers and grass and so forth and thankfully once they get out of range they stop being

Quite so noisy although the lag is still very much an issue these things are really tanking my frame rate hopefully that’s something that gets fixed I know that this version of Minecraft 1.14 pointone still has a lot of issues with redstone and observers and in some cases

I have a feeling that these observer clocks and stuff like that might not always work so well in whatever version you’re playing so just keep an eye on things and hopefully that will resolve stuff in the near future but in the meantime I’m gonna switch this off just

To preserve my framerate ever so slightly and we can check out how things are coming into the storage system because what I’ve got is two composters set up to receive the seeds and the other hoppers and stuff just direct in to a chest that’s going to collect up

All the flowers as you can see everything flies down into there and gets collected up pretty quickly thanks to the hoppers underneath it and in fact this end of the farm actually has a hop a minecart collecting some of that stuff and acting as kind of a storage buffer

Mainly to just take item entities out of the sort of real world up here and and transfer them into the hopper which drains it into the hopper minecarts these first two hoppers take things down to the item filter system here and it took me a little while to remember how

To build these for some reason I just have a bit of a brain fart apparently but after that they go straight into the composters now the reason there are two item filters for seeds instead of just one is because it’s not a perfect system this item hoppers should only have one

Wheat seed in it and instead it’s got ten the reason for that is because the composter actually takes a couple of ticks to drain once it’s full up it takes a couple of seconds for the bonemeal to form on the top and for that to get drained out into this chest which

Has been collecting bone meal anytime seeds come through the system but unfortunately that means that the hopper backs up and then locks again thanks to the redstone torch that’s underneath there and that means that a couple of seeds end up in the system so eventually this hopper would completely fill up and I

Imagine there is another way that you could measure that hopper out of a comparator and disable the redstone torch so that it only had one item left in it but I’m not smart enough to figure that out right now what I am smart enough to do is filter

The rest of the flowers into a chest where they can all appear in this lovely rainbow kind of order and we’ve got nine different types of flowers so that’s perfect for the nine slots of this chest and basically what I have on the opposite side of the farm is exactly the

Same system a mirror image of that where we’ve got two composters and a whole bunch of chests storage space and for the flowers and this has clearly been going very well because I have almost a stack of some of these flowers a few of them are a little bit more rare the ones

That spawn in smaller patches are going to be a little bit more difficult to get in large quantities but a lot of the time with red tulips and stuff like that those are the ones that are pretty common anyway or they just turn into red dye which is easily farmed so I think

All in all this flower farm has been a great success and as long as I can stomach the framedrops when I’m stood here afk at the thing we should be able to harvest a whole bunch of flowers quite quickly and get a little bit of extra bone meal out of the bargain as

Well so I hope you guys have enjoyed this look at flower farming thank you so much for watching this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide my name has been picked Saurus don’t forget to leave a like on this episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want

To see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Automatic Flower Forest Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 146]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-05-23 10:00:00. It has garnered 156127 views and 4114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will teach you how to turn a patch of a Flower Forest biome into a redstone-powered flower farm, allowing you to easily harvest a huge variety of one-block flowers.

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

Watch the full Minecraft Survival Guide playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgENJ0iY3XBiJ0jZ53HT8v9Qa3cch7YEV

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

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Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs

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    Vanilla Thrilla: Minecraft's Free Server Delight In the world of Minecraft, a server so sweet, Where players unite, in a virtual feat. Vanilla and free, a place to explore, Join the fun, and so much more. Apply now, don’t hesitate, Join the discord, don’t be late. Console4ka’s Twitch, a stream so fine, Watch and play, in this world of mine. Telegram channel, for updates galore, Stay in the loop, for so much more. A serious video, the first of its kind, But don’t worry, more to find. Made in Movavi, a video editor true, But future videos, in AE, for you. So come on in,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a working Minecraft item duplication glitch with over 2.6 million downloads. While the video itself is quite intriguing, it got us thinking – why not take your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a dynamic and exciting Minecraft server like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. With a thriving community of players from all around the world, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark on… Read More

  • 2024: The Ultimate Minecraft Guide

    2024: The Ultimate Minecraft Guide Welcome to Minecraft LIVE 2024! Exciting Reveals Await! Get ready, Minecraft enthusiasts! Minecraft LIVE is back, and this time it’s bigger and better than ever. Scheduled to broadcast on September 28 at 1PM EDT, this event promises a plethora of exciting reveals and exclusive insights into the world of Minecraft. What to Expect: During this action-packed show, viewers can look forward to: A First Look at a Never-Before-Seen Game Drop: Prepare to be amazed as Minecraft unveils a brand-new game drop that has never been seen before. Get ready to dive into a whole new adventure! Real-Life Minecraft Developers… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Wild Ride In the world of Minecraft, anything can occur, From monsters to explosions, chaos to endure. Each episode brings surprises, adventures to find, With challenges at every turn, testing the mind. Subscribe to see what’s next, in this wild ride, Leave a thumbs up if you’re on this Minecraft tide. Share your thoughts in the comments, what should I face? In this game of twists and turns, in this virtual space. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, In this world of creativity, where anything saves. Minecraft, the game that never fails to excite, With each new… Read More

  • »» ICECLUB NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20x) «« ¡UNETE YA! ❅ discord.gg/iceclub

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: iceclub.live (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blockbusters and Creepers

    Minecraft Memes - Blockbusters and CreepersWell, I guess the Minecraft movie is already starting off with a higher score than most Oscar winners! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 – Buddies Unite!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 - Buddies Unite! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Buddies forever, in a story untold. Family, friends, peace, and love, Cherish these moments, like a gift from above. In this episode, we dive deep, Into the bonds that we sow and reap. Children grow fast, time slips away, Treasure each moment, make memories stay. Learn from mistakes, from lessons learned, In the game of life, the tables turned. So grab your pickaxe, and your sword, In Minecraft world, let’s explore the horde. Together we’ll build, together we’ll fight, In this pixelated world, our future bright. So join us now, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now!

    Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now! Welcome to the Minecraft LifeSteal SMP! Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure like no other? Join the public LifeSteal SMP server, where Java and PE players come together 24/7 to explore, build, and survive in the captivating world of Minecraft. What is LifeSteal SMP? The LifeSteal SMP is a unique Minecraft server where players can experience the thrill of a public SMP with a twist – the ability to “steal” hearts from other players. This exciting feature adds a new level of strategy and excitement to the gameplay, making every encounter with another player a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Modding Minecraft Bedrock Edition has captivated millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the ability to enhance gameplay through mods, such as the (FREE) 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice. What is a Hack Client? A hack client, also known as a utility mod, is a tool that allows players to customize their Minecraft experience by adding new features and functionalities. The 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice offers a range of exciting options… Read More

  • Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!

    Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Survival Episode 86: “Fury of the Storm”‘, was uploaded by SkitzTGPG on 2024-09-16 13:00:26. It has garnered 62 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:38 or 1178 seconds. Skitz and his new fire/lightning-breathing friends send a clear message to Pillager leadership- The time to settle this is now! Neener-Neener-Cheater-Discleemer: All Cinematic, Plot, Story and Montage shots are done in a duplicate save file and any structures, items, mobs or other materials are used for storytelling purposes – the scenes depicted do not actually occur in the world save of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) |’, was uploaded by STAN REHMAN on 2024-02-18 08:21:55. It has garnered 3773 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Trail – Unbelievable Aesthetics!

    Epic Minecraft Trail - Unbelievable Aesthetics!Video Information This video, titled ‘#ASTHETICS #OF #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT TRAIL on 2024-06-02 07:45:35. It has garnered 429 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #gaming #secret #short #tricks #triggered #by #me #asthetic #graphics I LOVE TO PLAY MINECRAFT. EXPLORE WORLDS ,BIOMES , MOPS,CREEPERS, VILLAGERS, TRADERS, ADVENTURE,TRIDENTS,PORTIONS,ACIENT CITY, OCEAN MONUMENT, DESERT TEMPLE ,SPAWN EGGS,JUNGLE TEMPLE,SEED,WATER BUCKETS,SHIP WRECK,FRIENDLY MOBS,STRUCTURES,ENCHANTMENT,BLOCKS,OBCELEAN ETC. ON MY CHANNEL I UPLOAD SHORTS FROM THE GAMES I PLAY . IF YOU LIKE MY VIDEOS THEN DO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!

    Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dinosaurs Ultra Dino Episode 3 | A Real Foundation |’, was uploaded by Iggy INC Gaming on 2024-01-10 06:59:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today I took time to gather resources to build our bunker base, it turns out exactly how I imagined it would look. The building of the … Read More

  • EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraft

    EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘|⚡PLAYING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP 🙈❤️⚡| MINECRAFT FRIENDS | #minecraft #live |’, was uploaded by DikkaShaabYT on 2024-03-08 23:53:32. It has garnered 11 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:55 or 1255 seconds. Hello Guys Welcome to my Youtube Channel😉❤️❤️.. I Stream Everyday in evening on this channel 🎮❤️… Hope you guys enjoy the stream!! 😉❤️ Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe the channel if you Like my content🥹❤️ Your 1 like = Motivation For me 🥹❤️ Insta: https://www.instagram.com/your_brain_strucker7/ If you guys wants to support more🥹❤: Paytm: 8587830645@paytm… Read More

  • Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the Skeleton

    Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the SkeletonVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is happening with AndrewGaming67? | AndrewGaming67 ARG’, was uploaded by Mush the Skeleton on 2024-05-17 03:42:21. It has garnered 186643 views and 6322 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:42 or 5382 seconds. #analysis #arg #minecraft #mystery THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING! This one was my biggest project yet, and took quite a bit out of me. I hope you all enjoyed and thank you so much for the support and sugegstions for this one. I sincerely hope that you guys enjoy this and hope I did it decently well. I’m also… Read More

  • Snowman’s SHOCKING Answer Will Blow Your Mind! #Twitch #shorts

    Snowman's SHOCKING Answer Will Blow Your Mind! #Twitch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘kardan adam evet diyor | arpeakk #Twitch #shorts #mc #minecraft’, was uploaded by ArPeaKK on 2024-01-09 12:14:12. It has garnered 2456 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #shorts #twitch #twitchturkey #explore #explore #weareinexploration #trend #trending #minecraft #boxpvp #bedwars Read More

  • Insane Titanium PvP – Sky Cutting Madness! 😱 #titaniumsky #pvpboss

    Insane Titanium PvP - Sky Cutting Madness! 😱 #titaniumsky #pvpbossVideo Information This video, titled ‘Titanyum Gök Kesme PVP(GÖK KESERKEN SIKILIYOM) #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SensizKalamam on 2024-04-04 00:50:01. It has garnered 376 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. DC: SensizKalamam discord.gg/titanyum212 bogac blood cutting minecraft sonoyuncu pvp minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endoyuncu, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps… Read More

  • ULTIMATE PHONE SHOWDOWN: Shovels vs. Goleeem

    ULTIMATE PHONE SHOWDOWN: Shovels vs. GoleeemVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH PHONE IS BETTER BUT PHONES ARE SHOVELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Goleeem on 2024-03-21 19:33:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. memes #meme​ #Minecraft​ Thank you all for watching. #Minecraft​ #meme​ #memes tag: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, … Read More

  • DarkPixelMY

    DarkPixelMYWelcome to DarkPixel, the ultimate destination for Pixelmon adventure in Minecraft version 1.16.5! DarkPixel offers a unique Pixelmon experience, combining the excitement of creature-catching and battling with the rich features of modded Minecraft. Our server boasts a vibrant community and a range of exciting features to enhance your gameplay. Explore our expansive world filled with diverse biomes, thanks to the Biomes O Plenty mod. From lush forests to sprawling deserts, there’s always something new to discover around every corner. Whether you’re seeking rare Pokémon or simply enjoying the scenic landscapes, there’s adventure waiting for you in every biome. Join us… Read More

  • Novidium Skyblock SMP: Chestshops, uSkyblock, Challenges, Money

    Novidium Skyblock Server IP: play.novidium.net Novidium is a simple skyblock server where you can build an island, complete challenges, and visit/build shops. Features: Challenges: Complete simple challenges to earn rare items. Economy: Player-to-player trading/buying/selling only. Leaderboards: Track the richest players and highest level islands. Join Novidium for a nostalgic skyblock experience that balances old and new features. Read More

  • » » InfluenceMc NETWORK « « TIENDA tienda.influencemc.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.influencemc.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Emeralds Bought, Diamonds Sought: Minecraft’s First Treasure Hunt

    Emeralds Bought, Diamonds Sought: Minecraft's First Treasure Hunt In the world of Minecraft, a quest unfolds, To find the first diamond, a tale to be told. Emeralds are sought, a treasure so rare, But Juan’s antics bring chaos, a comedic affair. Join us on this journey, full of twists and turns, As we mine and explore, the excitement burns. From epic fails to funny moments galore, Minecraft adventures, we always adore. Like, comment, and subscribe, don’t be shy, Join our Discord, where friendships fly high. In the realm of gaming, we’ll always unite, With rhymes and emojis, our future is bright. Read More

  • Hot Villager Party in Minecraft Demo! #lit #raid

    Hot Villager Party in Minecraft Demo! #lit #raid When you enter a village with a raid in Minecraft Lite Demo Edition, it’s like trying to crash a party with a bunch of angry villagers who just want to trade carrots for emeralds. Good luck surviving that awkward encounter! #minecraftproblems #villagerdrama Read More

  • Outrageous 2024 Minecraft Predictions

    Outrageous 2024 Minecraft Predictions Minecraft Live 2024 Predictions Exciting Topics on AfterLife Podcast #38 In the latest episode of the AfterLife Podcast, the hosts delve into a variety of intriguing topics. They kick things off by evaluating AfterLife Members’ bases based on a unique scale that considers both detail and scale. As anticipation builds for Minecraft Live on September 28th, where Mojang will unveil the latest game drops and updates for Minecraft 1.22, the hosts discuss their predictions and expectations. Minecraft’s New Update Philosophy One of the key points of discussion is Minecraft’s new update philosophy. The shift towards smaller, year-round “drops” has… Read More

  • How to Build a Bathtub in Minecraft

    How to Build a Bathtub in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Bathtub Are you ready to dive into the creative world of Minecraft and learn how to build a bathtub? In this article, we will explore the exciting possibilities of building in Minecraft and guide you through the process of creating your very own bathtub in the game. Building Your Bathtub in Minecraft Building in Minecraft is a fun and engaging activity that allows players to unleash their creativity. To build a bathtub in Minecraft, you will need to gather the necessary materials such as blocks, water, and any additional decorations you may… Read More

  • Deadly Minecraft Potion: Master Miner Reveals Secret Recipe

    Deadly Minecraft Potion: Master Miner Reveals Secret RecipeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a potion of poison in Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by The Master Miner on 2024-07-30 08:40:45. It has garnered 492 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. In this video, I show you how to brew a potion of poison in Minecraft. The recipe is the same in both Bedrock and Java edition. I hope you find this Minecraft poison potion tutorial useful! Minecraft poison recipe I will also show you how to make a poison 2 potion in minecraft 1.21 how to make a… Read More

  • Saturday Morning Gaming Extravaganza

    Saturday Morning Gaming ExtravaganzaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saturday Morning Gaming #livegaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #roblox #live #gaming #ps5 #xboxlive’, was uploaded by Cash Presley & Oakley Star on 2024-09-08 04:47:53. It has garnered 575 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:57 or 6897 seconds. Saturday Morning Gaming #livegaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #roblox #live #gaming #ps5 #xboxlive #petsimulator #toilettowerdefense #fallguys #stumbleguys Read More


    NEW Minecraft MLG WATER BUCKET TRICKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft water bucket MLG’, was uploaded by MarkPTZ1 – Minecraft on 2024-06-12 11:47:15. It has garnered 1971 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft water bucket MLG Read More

  • OMG! I Moved into MERGE CITY?! 🤯 (Episode 4)

    OMG! I Moved into MERGE CITY?! 🤯 (Episode 4)Video Information This video, titled ‘I moved into MERGE CITY!! (Merge city Episode 4)’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-01-16 01:00:01. It has garnered 10254 views and 398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:03 or 1923 seconds. Who is Frosty? Frosty is the son of Santa and comes from the North Pole! Frosty loves to play Minecraft with his best friend RageElixir in Minecraft Block City! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Frosty Read More

  • INSANE! Minecraft Servers Live NOW!

    INSANE! Minecraft Servers Live NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers Live Streaming’, was uploaded by ClenchedVoice65 on 2024-03-24 07:42:21. It has garnered 74 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:21 or 1041 seconds. minecraft,minecraft server,minecraft servers,minecraft smp,minecraft servers to join,minecraft server ip,best minecraft server,minecraft server shorts,school minecraft server,minecraft funny,minecraft bending server,p2w minecraft servers,minecraft survival server,minecraft shorts,best minecraft servers,minecraft but,pay to win minecraft servers,types of servers in minecraft,minecraft duping p2w servers,minecraft facts,minecraft 1.19minecraft challenge,minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mod,challenge,minecraft but,minecraft challenges,build challenge minecraft,minecraft manhunt,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,noob vs pro minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft update,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft… Read More

  • NEW Minecraft Trails Update – INSANE gameplay!!

    NEW Minecraft Trails Update - INSANE gameplay!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying out The Trails Update in Minecraft’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-06-14 17:52:16. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:13 or 5833 seconds. Finally now that im back from the Tour Decided to hawe a chill Evening With the Chat Minecraft Skibidi Skibidi Toilet Chill Just Chatting Bread Hypixel MCCI Read More

  • Unbelievable discovery: JNIN3R exposed on Twitch! #Minecraft

    Unbelievable discovery: JNIN3R exposed on Twitch! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘found them | jnin3r on #Twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by JNIN3R on 2024-01-15 16:40:44. It has garnered 338 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #shorts Read More