Pixlriffs – Marking New Biomes! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (1.13 Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 16]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope everyone’s having a good day today we are back at the farmhouse to do a little bit of combining because you folks voted in the poll on the last episode thank you so

Much to everybody who voted and in the end it turned out that about 80% of people wanted me to combine the two fishing rods with cursive vanishing and mending unbreaking 3 and lore to end up with all of those on this fishing rod and so we’re going to do that because it

Seemed like the best thing to do in my opinion it did seem like it would be good to have a fishing rod with mending on it and there is always a chance later that we’ll be able to fish up a completely different fishing rod and not have to worry about cursive vanishing

But for now mending is going to be a very good thing not only that but we’re also going to get a slight increase in durability you will notice that the original fishing rod is on 30% Gernot 30% on 30 out of 64 and durability this

One is on one of 64 durability but we get 38 durability out of this one so the math doesn’t quite add up there what it actually does when you combine two tools of the same type but with different durability is it adds the to durability together and then also adds I think 5%

Or something like that to the to the overall durability value that you get out of it so it’s actually possible to combine tools if they are a little bit kind of ropey looking and repair them for greater than the sum of their parts so if you want to do that it’s actually

Quite a good way of combining tools and consolidating them especially if they’re not enchanted later so that’s gonna cost us 15 levels which means we’re dropping down to 12 levels left so it might be worth visiting the blaze spawner at some point but today I think we’re going to

Go on another exploration trip we’re gonna go on another quick adventure and see what other biomes we can find because there are still materials and supplies and other exciting locations out there that we have not yet seen or acquired so I think it might be worth going and looking for some of that

Especially now we are pretty well kitted up in terms of our tools and armor still looking for some better enchantments on some Diamond armor so we can finally finish off this set of iron armor but you know what I think we’re we’re gonna do okay so which direction should we

Travel is the next question we’ve already travelled a fairway north I think maybe we should go this way we should go east towards the Rising Sun and see what we can find to that and I’ll probably grab myself a map from over here because we’ve already started

Mapping this area and so if we go east we’ll be kind of filling out these two item frames here I’ll grab a map I’ll scale it up a couple of times with paper which we have plenty of at this point because the sugarcane farm has been doing incredibly well and hopefully we

Should be able to find some interesting new biomes over there across the horizon now this time I’m going to bring myself enough wool to make a bed I’m also going to bring a banner with me because it is possible to place banners on the maps as

Markers we haven’t done this yet so I can’t show you an example right off the bat but there if you place a banner anywhere in the world you should be able to see it on a map if it is renamed in an anvil so I’m going to I’m gonna drop down my

Staircase should probably install some sort of safety rail over there but now let’s let’s start a banner here in fact you know what let’s take the anvil with us so we can name the banner once we reach a certain biome because I do want to start tagging where the biomes are on

Our map of the world so if we want to revisit any of those biomes in future for materials and resources and so forth we will know which way we want to go so we’ve got quite a quite a substantial amount of kit with us um I probably

Won’t need to bring the fire resistance potions so we can always just drop that in here not expecting to come across any lava but you never know I suppose but I think we’ll be okay for the moment we’ll put the bonemeal away in there as well and probably leave the flint and steel

For now actually you know what maybe we’ll take that because if we end up in a biome that we want to return to regularly we might need to find some obsidian nearby set up a nether portal and that kind of thing so flint and steel probably not the worst thing that

We could bring with us let’s very quickly make the bed as well so we can clear out some of that fantastic right I think we’re all set up let’s go let’s make our way across the mountains over here in this direction and see what we

Can find now I’ve not been over in this direction at all really I’ve been a little way down this river in a in a search for I think sugar cane in a previous episode but I’ve not been over these mountains to see what’s on the other side it may just be more mountains

It may be an ocean there could be all sorts of stuff over here so let’s see what we can get and we will be passing over a lot of nice caves and stuff in the meantime so if you folks are following us on this journey and feel like doing a

Little bit of mining along the way feel free although make sure you bring some of those supplies back home and keep them in your chests because goodness knows there’s going to be a lot of stuff you could gather and fill up your inventory very quickly we’ve already got

Some llamas over here llamas are a mob we haven’t really encountered yet but they are their kind of pack animals they’re like horses in a sense but you can’t ride them the same way you can horses with a saddle and so forth instead if you have a leads that you can

Carry a low you can sort of drag a llama around with you any other llamas in the vicinity will actually follow them so if you have a llama with a bunch of chests equipped on it and you have a series of llamas like that you essentially form a

Caravan and you can bring them with you carrying chests all over the place so maybe if you’ve gone mining and you’ve got a lot of materials from that bringing llamas back with you and having them carry some of your goods might not be a bad thing looks like we’ve got a

Really interesting forest biome over here with some floating islands there in the distance that’s actually quite rare these days this is the kind of terrain that people remember from the beta days of Minecraft and people look on these quite fondly I can hear a zombie very close to the surface here so that’s

Quite a surprise they’re down here in the gravelly Hills it seems but yes this is not anything that’s you know gonna have some amazing resources that we don’t have before there’s some rose bushes and peonies and stuff over there that might be worth gathering in future

Because you can get a lot of die from flowers like that but for the moment I think we will continue in this direction and I think as we’ve come so far we probably have gone far enough so that I can open up this map and see what’s in

The surrounding area and it’s not going to be related to the stuff that we’ve already explored over by the house there we go so I’m going to pop down a crafting table to expand the map a little bit just so we have a little bit more area to cover

We’ll put the paper around there like so and scale that up and okay yes this is looking like a brand new map perfect we will take this with us and explore on our way and there are a whole lot of squid in this river and I kind of can’t help myself

Gathering a little bit of ink especially considering one of them washed itself up on the shore just now in my multiplayer series decidedly vanilla I just set up an ink farm recently because when you want to gather large amounts of black materials for example black wool or anything that requires black ink to

Craft it like black concrete and so forth a big supply of ink is actually very difficult to come by especially now that squids only really spawn in rivers and ocean biomes so it’s it’s it’s kind of nice to have an ink farm and if you spot some ink on the way sometimes it’s

Worth gathering if you’re the kind of person who like me thinks ahead to what materials they might want to build with then having a supply of ink is always a good idea we don’t have any bones with us but we’ve encountered some wild wolves which will not attack you unless

You attack them so wolves are actually fairly passive they are their neutral mobs until you attack them but if you have bones on you from killing a skeleton or maybe you found them in a dungeon chest you can tame wolves you can actually feed bones to the wolves

And they will get a collar around them which kind of indicates that they’ve been tamed in there they’re more of a dog now and those will follow you around and can actually help attack mobs for you although they’re a little bit fragile so you might not necessarily

Want to to keep them around the entire time especially if you’d prefer to keep them alive now mountains like this are actually quite difficult to climb as you can see there’s a sheer rock face over here which we could easily pillar over if we have enough materials on us we could

Just create a column of dirt but I think I’ll follow the basin of this river because it’s nice and low down and is a little bit easier to traverse so I’m gonna hop over these kind of canyons and stuff when I come to them but again those caves might be worth exploring and

Let’s follow this river to the other side I’ve gone down the river a little bit further we are now definitely off the map on that site if I take the shield out of my hand we’ll be able to see that our player marker there on the right-hand side is no longer showing us

Which direction we’re pointing which definitely means we are off the map well no worries we’ll continue on and if we can find enough resources some redstone some iron to make another map then that will be absolutely fine let’s swap the shield and the map over there like so

And we’ve encountered a pumpkin patch so if you find pumpkins out here in the wild you can always bring those home instead of finding pumpkin seeds in chests if you one of these pick it up and you can place that in your crafting interface you’ll get full pumpkin seeds so you can

Plant those just like regular crops and be able to grow pumpkins wherever you want them I’m gonna leave this here for now because oh hello where did you come from come down from the mountains it looks like huh at least you’re already on fire so not a problem there right yeah there’s there’s

Definitely a few caves around here and probably best avoided for the moment but the night maybe falling relatively soon we can see it getting hazy err in the distance so I’ll keep my bed on standby just in case we need to quickly sleep for the night at this point though I am

Pretty confident that we can take on any mobs we come across so I’m actually going to leave the bed in my inventory for now I’m not going to sleep for the night and we’re gonna see what happens when we when we let the mobs just kind of naturally spawn during the night and

Hopefully we should be able to take on anything we come across we’ve got a decent supply of food we’ve got a sword we’ve got plenty of good armor I think we should manage for now we’ve come out of the other side of those canyons into a spruce forest or as

They’re otherwise known a tiger if we we come down here into the the main body of the tiger here out of the mountains you can see the biome changes to Minecraft Tiger and these are a great source of spruce wood so if you haven’t found any spruce wither in the mountains nearby

You’ll definitely find it in one of these biomes and they’re quite common you find them throughout the world and they are usually fairly fairly kind of flats generally speaking there’s just a lot of a lot of mountainous terrain around the place and they are cold biomes which means the grass is this

Kind of like pale Bluegreen kind of color it looks like we’re holding our own here against the mob so I’m slightly worried that I might be snuck up on by something in a minute so we’ve got to take care of these zombies there you go looks like we’re all right for the

Moment I’m not certain if we all find one because they are quite rare but there is a variant of the taiga biome called a mega taiga where you will actually find the 2×2 wide giant spruce trees naturally generate in the world so it might be worth looking around if you

Want to find one of those naturally it’s always kind of fun when you come across variants of these things but you’ll notice this one backs out on to a Plains biome so if you want to escape to somewhere that’s flatter a little bit less hilly has some a bit less tree

Average so you can escape nice and easily from stuff that’s chasing you a Plains that might be a safe bet of course having said that this one is absolutely full of creepers so you’ve really got a lookout and make sure that they they don’t explode too close to you

The the Plains biome is getting a little bit rough over here there are a lot of skeletons firing arrows at me so I think the best thing to do for now is gonna be to try and run away a little way just so I can make sure I can eat without

Getting attacked by anything good good okay I will take a quick look around to see what’s about and I can see an Enderman over there now in previous episodes I’ve explained one way to attack n demur by holding up your shield in front of you we’re going to attempt

Another way of attacking an Enderman right now because there are some nice easy ways of attracting their attention shall we say now this one could be a little bit risky the way we are at night but let’s dig a quick hole in the mountainside here and you want this hole

To be one block wide and only two blocks high if you dig any taller than that then the Enderman could potentially come in and attack you but if you if you make a hole that is only two blocks high then they shouldn’t be able to reach you in here

Although note that other mobs will be able to show zombies skeletons creepers if they follow you into this hole it’s not going to be very good so you might want to dig out a little bit more space for you to be able to to back up if you

Need to attack anything that’s coming into the hole with you now where did that end them and go right it’s there behind the tree this is going to be a bit of a risky operation but the idea is to look at the Enderman so it gets mad

And tries to attack you it will come over here very quickly it may even teleport to us but we want to back into this hole and the Entenmann’s height in a normally three blocks high is going to prevent you it’s going to prevent the enemy from actually coming into the hole

With you and you should be able to attack it freely so if I take a quick look at this guy yep you’ll notice he’s on his way over oh and he’s teleported there we go and the end of men are going to make horrible noises but they will stand at

The entrance to this hole and not be able to attack so I can just swing my sword at it and it will keep trying to run at me now make sure the hole it is a few blocks deep so that if you’re not standing Roy

Next to the entrance it is going to be able to it’s gonna be able to hit you if you’re standing right there looks like we once again did not get an ender pearl from that well that is a shame but if we look around to see if there are any

Other Enderman out here on the plains now it’s nice and open and we can see for a good distance then maybe we might be able to attract another Enderman or two into into this little hole we’ve dug out in the mountain here and hopefully we’ll be able to score ourselves an

Ender pearl well sadly even though I spotted another Enderman it looks like he has teleported away once the Sun came up they tend to do that they won’t burn up in the sunlight like the undead mobs do but they tend to teleport away once nighttime is over and you’ll notice that

A couple of other mobs behaviour change after nighttime for example these spiders will not burn up in the sunlight but during the day they become passive they won’t actually attack you unless you attack them so we’re gonna attack this one anyways because I feel like it

But a lot of the time you’ll find that spiders tend to be a little bit more relaxed during the day if they’re not already attacking you thanks to their aggro behavior at nighttime then they’ll probably leave you well enough alone when morning comes it looks like over in

This in the distance over here we have another swamp which is quite a surprise I wasn’t expected to be completely surrounded by swamp here in our little Mountain Kingdom but I guess we are some more pumpkins over there very appropriate for the Halloween season fast approaching and it looks like

There’s nothing too much interesting over here I will take a quick look around at the swamps in case we encounter a witch hut because which is our something we have not yet encountered in this world and it might be worth introducing them to you in a a slightly more controlled environment

Well I haven’t found a witch hut but I have found something else you’ll notice peaks of red mushrooms giant red mushrooms peeking through the trees over here and a very lush green biome and a brand new type of wood over there is a roofed forest or more commonly referred

To I suppose as a dark oak forest because these are the only places in the world where you can find dark oak trees these trees are much like spruce trees in that they will form in a two-by-two cluster and in fact you cannot grow these manually unless you have a 2×2

Section of tree now I’m not entirely certain what’s happened here some strange tree generation seems to have occurred because I have not cut down any of these trees at all so maybe that it was just too close to the border of this swamp or something but dark oak

Wood is a really nice building material it’s a brand new wood for us we’ve not encountered this one before so I’m going to take a look a little bit back with me and considering that we have been growing all types of trees at our base

We might want to add this one to our collection let’s see if we can ride the vines up here a little bit nope doesn’t that low we can okay looks like we will be cutting this one down as we go then let’s see hook yep there we go we can

Get up onto this tree like so by climbing the vines on the swamp trees and let’s take down at the rest of this now it is definitely worth making sure you take home at least four dark oak saplings because without being able to plant them in a two by two you won’t be

Able to grow them at all so do we have fortune on any of these we do okay let’s use fortune to break the leaves of this tree because fortune will actually give you a slightly higher drop rate of saplings from leaves as well in much the

Same way as it affects crops growing and things like that it will it will also give you a slightly higher sapling drop rate if you’re breaking and leaves manually and that is worth bringing in when it comes to getting dark oak saplings because dark oak trees have one

Of the lowest drop rates for saplings in the entire game and a lot of the time you’ll find that a single tree even though it is big and has a lot of leaves will not always give you for saplings so now we’ve got four that is perfect we

May be able to take that home and grow our own dark oak trees to save us coming back to this dark oak forest over and over again let’s take a quick explore around here so this may be a good candidate for a place to find some obsidian and make a nether portal here

And add it to our nether hub I would like to have connections to all of the different biomes I can find really so that if we want to start any building projects out here or if there are resources that we need to come and reclaim or replenish at any point it

Will be nice and easy to find them and the rain has started to fall but you know what I really like this area I think it’s very very nice we’ve come a little bit further out we are at currently 1020 X 630 ish Zed and at sea level and it’s it’s a

Really nice area we’ve got a nice expanse of the dark oak woodland with lots of those fantastic mushrooms and some very very tall ones as well there’s a lake here that seems to be full of clay and so forth there’s a few mountains around the area it’s generally

Quite picturesque so I thought what we would do here is set up a little section here where we’re going to build a nether portal now of course we need some obsidian for this so it might be worth taking a look around the local area to see if there are any easy lava lakes

That we can find but I thought this all might also be an opportunity to teach you folks another way of building a nether portal and this is going to require a few buckets we’ve only got one right now so it’s probably going to be worth going digging for some iron my

Inventory is pretty full so what I’m going to do is make a very temporary chest over here in which I can store a whole bunch of the stuff including some of the dark oak that I’ve gathered and I want to keep some essential supplies on me so we’ll keep sticks and coal because

We’ll need those for mining and so forth we’re gonna leave our banner and anvil in there for now the flint and steel will be useful when we have the nether portal set up and so forth so the rest of this we can just pop in here for the

Most part I think we’ll even leave some of the planks and things in here we will definitely leave our fishing rod in there because we don’t want that to be lost if we end up you know dying while we’re out here for whatever reason curse of vanishing is going to take effect and

That is going to disappear permanently so if it’s in a chest it will be fine we can we can take that out at any time put it back in the chest and we won’t have to worry about that at all so I’m going to take a quick look around here to look

For any surface caves or any surface lava lakes because we’re going to need a great deal of lava some iron and some water for this trick now of course if you want to return to your base to grab supplies if you have a bunch of stuff stockpiled there that you just didn’t

Bring with you then that’s perfectly fine you can always do that you could even bring some obsidian with you if you are well prepared and have some of it ready so that we can make a nether portal basically wherever you end up in the world but it’s also a useful skill

To remember that you can grab supplies basically on the fly you’ll find the same resources more or less anywhere you go anytime you dig down far enough you’re going to start finding stone and iron and diamonds and lava and everything so pretty much wherever you

Are in the world as long as you’ve got some some wood logs with you and a bucket of water in case you run into lava around here then it’s going to be nice and easy to grab the stuff you want to grab now instead of turning this lava into

Obsidian right here I’m actually going to have to place a couple of blocks here to block this off so let’s grab some of that for the moment let’s put the die right there so that should hopefully yep that should get rid of that lava flow there we’re actually going to be taking

The bucket of lava out of this lava saucer here in the wall so let me quickly run around here and sploosh there we go we’ve got a bucket of lava we’ll put that away in our inventory and we will need at least one other bucket for this trick will probably need

Several more for carrying lava from a bunch of different locations but the plan here is for us to make a nether portal without having to actually mine obsidian at all so I haven’t been able to find a large deposit of lava kind of close to the surface right now but I

Might do a little bit of taking down around this Plains biome here and see what I can find but at first I can at least demonstrate the method here what we’re going to do is create a nether portal using single buckets of lava to turn these into obsidian all you need to

Do is place down a bucket of water adjacent to the bucket of lava in a place where the water is going to flow over the lava source and convert it into obsidian like so now this might get a little bit messy here and there you might have water flowing all over the

Place so anything you don’t want to wash away things like torches and redstone and rails and things like that you might want to secure those a little bit first but the idea is that slowly but surely you can frame out a nether portal using little kind of pockets of say let’s put

Some cobblestone around here for example the next place we want a obsidian block to go is there so we would place a lava source in there just a bucket of lava we’d pour some water over the top of it and then that would reform into obsidian

And once you take that away it’s the start of a nether portal so what I’m going to do is gather another nine buckets of lava as close to nine buckets as I can get at least and hopefully we should be able to find a decent source

Of lava nearby and then we can build a nether portal frame without ever having to use a diamond pickaxe to mine the obsidian in the first place and this is one instance in which having subtitles on can really help you because if you don’t have the sounds turned all the way

Up you aren’t necessarily going to notice lava lakes if they’re buried slightly below the surface but as I stand around here every now and again when I move around you’ll notice in the subtitles that the subtitle lava plops comes up meaning that there is probably a lava

Lake somewhere a few blocks have beneath the surface in this area so if I dig around for a little while and listen up for any lava noises I should hopefully be able to find a below the surface lava lake pretty easily now of course this might be as simple as just being a

Single lava source in a wall in a cave somewhere but chances are if you start to hear slightly louder lava noises it looks like it’s coming from our left over here so let’s make it a quick left that sounds like a fair amount of lava

To me now locating is just going to be a matter of digging down in the right places and hoping we get lucky but there we go we found it perfect that’s actually really great now let’s let’s try and dig around to the edge of the

Lava here so we don’t have to dig down into it and it will be slightly easier to acquire the lava from the edge here we go okay this looks like the edge of a lava lake here doesn’t matter too much if we lose a few blocks of cobblestone

In the process we just need to dig down so that we can find a nice easy place to stand this is textbook this will be absolutely perfect now I’ll check that my inventory doesn’t have too much stuff in because if you try and scoop up a bucket of lava and you don’t have

Inventory space for it your character will just spit it out in front of you and more often than not that means spitting it out into the lava but it looks like we have at least six spaces here so I’m going to take six buckets of lava from this lava lake and we’ll have

Them all filled up there in our inventory thankfully it has stopped raining we can start doing the frame for this nether portal like so now all we need to is pour a bucket of lava in there like I mentioned before they’ll grab a water source now and we’ll keep

Using this as we go and all you need to do is put down the water source and then very quickly pick it up and once it’s flowed over the lava it will convert it into obsidian this method is not necessarily faster than mining out the obsidian but it does save you the hassle

Of just standing around and hitting these blocks repeatedly with your diamond pickaxe or indeed if you don’t have a diamond pickaxe already it is possible to get to the nether this way with only having iron soon as if you if you just have iron to make buckets and

So forth that is really all you will need to make this nether pool frame there we go we’ve got four blocks of it in place already obviously we will need a few more so a couple more trips down to that lava lake will be necessary

But this is a very very smart way of making nether portals now the two important things to remember here are that if you don’t have a diamond pickaxe you won’t be able to move any of the obsidian so getting the placement right first time is very very important the

Other thing to remember is to make sure you are shielded from the lava so when you’re making a the top section like this for example you will need to make sure that you’ve got a an adequate amount of cobblestone surrounding the area you plan to place the lava and if

Any lava ends up flowing around anywhere it can set fire to you it could set fire to nearby trees the environment and so forth it could also burn any mobs in the local area so if you have mobs that you want to protect or even if you’re if

You’re fighting zombies and so forth and you want to pour lava on them that’s an option just remember that lava should always be handled very carefully if you want to avoid losing your equipment Oh a drowned has come out of the nearby river hello not going to worry too much about

Him he’ll be nice and easy to take care of there we go get out of here not worried about you at this stage so let’s let’s do these two lava sources up here at once let’s pop those down like so and of course lava does not form infinite

Sources the way water does so every bucket of lava you place down like this is not going to is going to be an individual lava source but it’s not going to create lava sources if you put them three in a row or anything like that so let’s fill those with water so

We get a little bit more obsidian and there is one more block left to fill out in this portal frame which is this one right here and then we can remove all of the cobblestone around it and we should have the makings of a functioning nether portal and of course pouring all that

Water down has meant that the surrounded area has had its torches washed away so we’re getting a couple of mob spawns around here but not to worry should be nice and easy to take care of there we go we can remove the cobblestone from this and the portal is only ten blocks

But we could make it more if we wanted to it’s just the easiest amount of obsidian to do the the minimum amount you really need and if we light up this portal with our flint and steel we have a brand new nether portal that we can step through and into the nether meaning

That we can probe we find our way home quite easily from this location so it looks like we are not going to encounter any phantoms tonight the moon is setting over in the distance the Sun is rising over here and it may be that I just spent too much

Time underground collecting the lava with blocks over my head or it may be that it’s just not been too long since I last slept because I haven’t slept in three days which is normally the time at which phantoms start to appear but it’s not always a guaranteed thing there is

Still a limited chance for them to spawn so we’ve set up on the other portal now I could probably make my way into the nether and see where this comes out however a zombie has walked into the portal whilst we were standing around in the overworld so it might be yep it

Might be a case of quickly attacking him and much like the previous nether portal to the swamp this one is close enough to our original base that it has connected up to our nether portal that leads to the farmhouse so we can make our way back to the farmhouse nice and easily by

Stepping into this portal and then coming out at the the familiar location but of course much like this situation with the swamp portal all we need to do is take the coordinates of the nether portal in fact we spotted them earlier in the video because I made that nether

Portal exactly where I took the coordinates for that Plains biome and all we need to do is go there make another nether portal in the nether and we will find ourselves linked up to that dark forest biome nice and easily and at this point it’s worth noting that while

The bucket method of producing obsidian and making a nether portal is useful for making portals in the overworld it will not work in the nether because of course you can’t place water sources in the nether at all it will not work the water sources will just evaporate into steam

And they won’t convert the lava into obsidian so while lava is bountiful in the nether and is nice and easy to collect there you will need to bring it back into the overworld if you want to convert it directly into obsidian so what I’m doing is just

Grabbing a bit of obsidian from a nearby lava lake in the overworld where nice and close to the farmhouse here this is just down in my strip mine that we made in a previous episode and I figure while I’m down here with my efficiency pickaxe and we’re relatively safe despite all

The mob noises around us I’m going to grab as much of Cillian as I can so we don’t have to worry about making other nether portals in future we will have plenty of obsidian stockpiled and then we’ll head back into the nether we’ll make the nether site portal for that dark oak

Forest biome and we will make our way back there to end the episode okay do you guys think 108 obsidian is gonna be enough I think that’s gonna be enough I managed to clear out this room in its entirety let’s make our way back up to the surface okay folks I’ve got the

Coordinates of the place we need to go we need to be in the nether heading to positive 128 79 and that is where we’re going to find the ideal position for our new portal so let’s take a quick look at the coordinates over here okay so we’re

Going to need head in an easterly and southerly direction that should not be too difficult in fact it might actually line up quite well with some of the coordinates in our nether fortress that’s quite fortuitous let’s see how we do here well this might be awkward we’re

Quite close to the blaze spawner 79 is around here and then we need to dig this way a little way let’s make sure we light this area up so this is going to be very accessible for the nether fortress it turns out however hopefully we shouldn’t have it too much for a

Problem in fact I should probably go and explore the rest of this nether fortress at some point because there is a large area out there which we still have yet to explore all right let’s dig our way through the nether rack here looks like we’ll be enough out of range of the

Blaze spawner that it’s not going to be a huge issue and we can always convert this area into a proper blaze farm later on which is going to mean reorganizing a few things here anyway okay it looks like we’re actually coming out onto the other side here and right

Here is basically where we need to set up the nether portal we’ll just go a couple of blocks this way and then we’ll start building our portal frame on this side like so that’s gonna be pretty good right let’s make a quick frame around the top here one two three two more

There and one two three on that side we could probably fill in the corners there if we wanted to but I’ve got a couple of spare obsidian anyway let’s light this thing up and hopefully when we step through this portal here we should be back at the dark oak forest her success

We made it fantastic so now we have a connection there and it’s actually nice and easy to get to in the fullness of time we will link it up to our nether hub but as it turns out it’s pretty easy to get to through that fortress anyway

We didn’t have to do too much awkward tunneling or bridging our overlay absolutely perfect so now I can grab these dark oak saplings and we can take them back with us one last thing I wanted to do before I go is make good on my promise of showing you how banner

Markers work on maps so let’s open up this empty map here while we’re standing next to the portal and as you can see that fills in pretty much immediately because the surrounding area is not that tricky to map so let’s surround that with the rest of this paper we’ve got

Here so that we can make the map a little bit bigger here there we go so that’s that’s how this section of the countryside looks and now let’s pop down one of the anvils and the banner here and then we can name this place let’s pop that in there let’s rename this to

Dark oak forest like so we’ll pop that there and we’re going to attach this to the side of the nether portal but effectively you can put these down anywhere that’s how banners tend to work you can hang them from a block or you can place them on the floor and they

Will stand up using a kind of like pole at the back there then with the map in hand all you need to do is right-click on this banner like so and the banner will be added to the map a complete with the name we just gave it in the anvil so

As you can see this tags where the dark oak forest appears on our map that effectively means you can map out the surrounding area with markers for whatever you want whether it’s biomes whether it’s like sections of your base whether you want to make it like a real

World map and include landmarks and things like that totally up to you but if you want to name areas and things like that it’s definitely a great place to start well that’s going to be it for this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide thank you so much for watching my

Name is Ben pixel rifts don’t forget to leave a like if you enjoyed the episode subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Marking New Biomes! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (1.13 Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 16]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2018-10-17 11:17:17. It has garnered 565172 views and 10436 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:19 or 1999 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how to mark biomes on maps, the easy way to fight an Enderman one-on-one, and how to make a Nether Portal without using a diamond pickaxe!

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

—- Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards! https://www.patreon.com/Pixlriffs

Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

#Minecraft #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #Survival #Exploration

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  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | play.flixrealms.com Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server ms.opgens.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ms.opgens.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!“Who knew mining could be so meme-worthy? I guess you could say I’m having a block party in Minecraft!” Read More

  • Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun!

    Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun! In Minecraft, crafting a bow is a breeze, Just gather some materials with ease. Three sticks and three strings, that’s the key, Combine them together, and you’ll see. To shoot with your bow, arrows you’ll need, Craft them with flint, feathers, and seeds. Aim true and steady, let your shots fly, In Minecraft world, reach for the sky. So there you have it, a bow so fine, In Minecraft world, let your skills shine. Keep crafting, exploring, and having fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. Read More

  • AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥

    AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥 Why does AURA in Minecraft sound like a fancy perfume brand? “Introducing the new fragrance: AURA by Minecraft. Smell like a creeper but with a hint of diamond ore.” #minecraftperfume #smelllikeagamer Read More

Pixlriffs – Marking New Biomes! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (1.13 Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 16]