Pixlriffs – Preparing Your World for the Nether Update! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 304]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixelriss and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you guys are having a great day today we are hopefully going to be taking our first steps into minecraft 1.16 the nether update and i have a few concerns about how much of the nether update

We’re going to be able to see right away because my nether dimension in this world has been explored a huge amount we’ve actually generated a lot of terrain in here and as you may or may not know minecraft will not overwrite anything that you have already generated as far as terrain goes because

The game doesn’t want to delete anything that you’ve already built stuff on i’m not going to be seeing a warped forest right outside of my doorstep when i step into the nether update for the first time because the game does not want to overwrite anything that i’ve already done it

Wouldn’t want to replace this path with a giant soul sand valley it still absolutely finds spawning gusts while i’m trying to make a point though the point is if we want to see all of the stuff in the nether update nice and close by we are going to have

To do a little bit of world editing and so this is going to be a slightly shorter video because hopefully later today i will have a video out about the nether update itself where we can go looking for those biomes for the first time but first we’ve got to make a little bit

Of room for them now looking around at the nether i have built stuff quite expansively a lot of this area in between the things i have built remains unused but it is kind of difficult to track down exactly where i have built everything and don’t be

Fooled by this this is a diorama i created a while ago just to give the feel of what it was like to have nether update biomes that is very definitely cyan world and concrete powder so that is not the nether updates do not worry instead

What i have here is a network of tunnels and nether portals that leads me to a bunch of different places in my overworld and it is all fairly small it doesn’t really make itself known all that much i haven’t decorated around these portals or created large

Kind of tunnels for everything to go to i ended up making a few of those as an example and lately i’ve just been flying around the nether which is a bit of a problem because i don’t really know what spaces in the nether are occupied with things i have built and what aren’t

So one option i could do here is to go around to everything i have built in the nether and take the coordinates of it to make sure it is not deleted when i end up deleting whole sections of the world a little bit later in this video but that could take

A great deal of time and luckily for me there are some other options available to me we’re going to be spending the rest of this video in a program called mca selector which i have explained in this series before i did that when we were resetting chunks of

The end and even i think when we updated to minecraft 1.14 for the first time but for those who are unfamiliar and for those who might just want to take a look at how to edit the nether using this program keep watching because this is going to be very useful to you

So the first thing you want to know is where to download mca selector the url is right there in the bar that is quartz on github and mca selector is the project you want if you scroll all the way down here you will find a bunch of really useful

Documentation about how to use mca selector including a visual tutorial by yours truly about how to reset the end dimension but yes there are a bunch of really useful graphics a bunch of really useful tables that will tell you what some of the features of the program do

And then right the way down here at the bottom is the download link for version 1.11 which i’m going to download now because i’ve been using version 1.9 for a little while the next step is to find that mca selector file you just downloaded in your downloads folder and i have the

Icons extra large here because my downloads folder is absolutely full of junk so i will open that up and as you can see right now we are getting an mca selector window opened up on the screen this does require you to enable java programs to be run as executables

But you may have done that already if you’re running minecraft to begin with i’m going to full screen this so we don’t have the browser window in the background and i’m going to take you to the survival guide world download on disk we’re going to go to file

Open and we’re going to find the minecraft saves folder which is right here if you don’t know how to access that on your pc enter percent appdata percent in the address bar that will take you to your username appdata roaming folder the minecraft folder should be right there

And then the saves folder is right here and that will contain every single player world that you have on your system i have quite a few of them it turns out because i’ve been making several over the course of the last couple of years now the survival guide world is right there

It is clearly marked that is the name we gave the folder when we initially started up the world and entering this gives you a few different options if you want to edit the overworld you open this region folder here and if i select this folder it loads up an

Overview of the overworld and this version actually shows topography which is really exciting i had not seen this version of mca selector yet it actually shows some height variation that’s very very cool so what you’re looking at here is basically like a minecraft map more or less or the overviews that you

Would get in a program like uh amidst for example you will end up with a top-down overview of your minecraft world and as you can see i’ve explored quite a lot so it might be worth trimming this down at some point in future however i know that a certain portion of this is

Stuff that i have explored for the sake of creating a map at my castle so i will probably leave it for the time being the world download that i aim to publish later today is going to be a lot more trimmed down than this let me tell you so up here for example

In the top left hand side there coming into view when this loads up that is my mountain project looking a little snowy up there anyway this is the top down view of the overworld which is quite easy to manage because a lot of the stuff you have built in the

Overworld is probably going to be on the surface like here for example my entire town of founders forge is visible on this map because there is empty sky above all of that basically anything that is built on the surface is visible the nether is not like that

And i’m going to go into why as we open up the file required to edit the nether you’ve got a couple of different folders in here titled dim dim minus one is the nether think of it as like minus one being below zero if zero is the overworld the nether

Is minus one it is below the overworld that’s the way i remember it anyway so we open up that dim one folder we open up region we hit select folder and that should load up the nether if it loads up the nether in the middle of a map you’ve already

Loaded all you need to do is click view clear cache and that should hopefully refresh the view you get and so right here we are looking at the nether i’m using the scroll wheel to scroll in and out by the way and you can see a couple of really cool things on this

For example that right there is our zombie pigman gold farm and the rainbow streak you see going off into the distance is the piston bolt track that i’ve been working on to get myself back from this area here where the portal exists to the mountain project and you can see a few

Of the little ice railways and stuff that i’ve been making to get from place to place there is my biome diorama right there in the center so the clever thing that is happening here is that mca selector is choosing basically any unusual blocks any player placed blocks

In the world and is trying to render them on the top layer of this top-down overview map because the nether is a cavern this entire thing would probably be represented as a bedrock roof were it not for the fact that we have a bunch of layers removed

Here so that you can see what is built underneath which is a very very clever thing right here we have my with a skeleton farm the initial one that you just run up and down over here we have the other with the skeleton farm i was building and you can see

Quite how much terrain i still have left to clear around this thing which is why i have not done more work on that project but that’s not what we’re here to do we are here to try and trim down as much of the unnecessary sections of the nether as possible and

To do that i’m going to use one of mca selectors filters it has a really useful set of filters which will allow us to select chunks which follow certain parameters let me delete all of these categories here and the one we are going to be using today is inhabited time and inhabited time

Basically tracks how long players have spent in a specific chunk and it’s going to select chunks that meet that criteria depending on what we set in these next couple of boxes i want to say that the comparator here should be a less than sign because the inhabited

Time in these chunks need to be less than a certain amount here for us to select them and then delete them basically guaranteeing that wherever we end up selecting i will have spent less than a certain amount of time in it meaning i probably haven’t gone through

A nether portal right there to get from the overworld to the nether meaning that i won’t end up deleting an area where i have spent a decent amount of time coming to and from the overworld that means all of the portals in the world are going to remain intact it will

Also allow me to avoid deleting any large project areas because i guarantee that i’ve spent more than a couple of minutes in those chunks building whatever i’ve been building there the same goes for things like the piston bolt over here the wither skeleton farm up there the gold farm

Here i’ve spent a significant amount of time at all of those and so we can guarantee that we’re not going to end up deleting some of them but let’s get a visual representation of what it looks like when we select all of the chunks in which i have spent more than 1200 seconds

1200 seconds is exactly 20 minutes and i’m entering here in seconds i’m fairly certain you can enter time expressed in minutes here as well but i think working with seconds makes the most sense it’s the most granular approach that we can take here so i’m going to hit ok

And you’ll see mca selector starts to select a bunch of regions in fact like in some cases entire regions of the nether which are superfluous which are no longer something that we will need in the world because we have not spent a great deal of time there

As you can see that has selected a pretty sizable amount of my world and there may even be some areas that i want to trim manually so that we can get some of that stuff generating there but personally i think it’s going to be better if we leave some of this stuff

Out and we end up exploring a little further afield to get the results that we want if you wanted to you could draw entire boxes around some of this stuff around here because clearly what we’ve got there is an ice road that i’ve carved my way through to get out towards

This biome here and the player has loaded in chunks in a radius around that area there which is just the end point where my nether portal to the ice biome exists so outside of that i’m fine generating new terrain there is quite clearly a decent chunk inside of

Here that i’ve generated when i’ve been going to and from that ice biome and when i’ve been riding the ice path along there to get to it before i set up this piston bolt and i think we can probably delete a bunch of that as well

The problem here is that this is going to create a lot of weird borders with the new terrain and the old terrain if some new terrain decides to generate here it will still follow the same terrain generation algorithm it will still generate the landscapes in the same place but they may be populated

With different biomes when we come to explore the world so with that in mind i’m considering doing a video later in this series about smoothing out the borders between old biomes and new biomes doing a little bit of terraforming just to give the place a little bit more of an organic feel

Like it’s all generated a certain way i think i’m going to leave this patch out here for now so that we when we update the world to the nether update at long last we are going to be searching outside of this overall area in search of these biomes now the last thing i

Want to make sure is that we have the full tunnel to this area down here you can kind of see right there there is a straight line that runs through that that is the tunnel that i dug a while ago to take me to the last project that got this far

Down in the world was the jungle and swamp village that we built right after the 1.14 update came out when i was looking for a way to experiment with some of those villages and as you can see a large chunk of that has been cut out

Because all i do is fly through that tunnel which doesn’t take me 20 minutes so i think in this area we’re going to have to right click and drag an area around that it would obviously be like right on the border between two chunks because apparently

That’s just how i do so that should go all the way up to about there yes where there’s an intersection and i’ll make sure that area of the tunnel is not selected as well we should get new terrain all around that but i guess we can probably end up removing

A few of these chunks as well or maybe a couple of those chunks i do have a nether portal around here somewhere but i can’t exactly tell where from this overview of maps so i think we’re going to leave that as it is for now as you can see though

We’re deleting a large portion of the nether terrain around here meaning when we go outside of this area which from here to there is 16 chunks that is one full region of the world so that’s 128 by 128. once we get outside of that boundary where the

Orange is that’s where we’re going to start encountering new terrain now comes the scary part and the part where i will remind you that before you need to do any of this take a backup of your world you can do that very easily from the world

Selection screen all you need to do is click on the world click edit and then click make backup and the game will back it up for you alternatively go back to the saves folder that i showed you earlier and right click on it turn it into a zip file after that you

Should be absolutely fine with your backup made once you’ve made this selection in mca selector you are going to click on the selection toolbar here and you are going to click delete selected chunks at which point it will give you a warning that you’re about to delete a large amount of chunks

From your world probably naturally i’m absolutely fine with that that is the entire point of this exercise and so i’m going to click ok and we are good there you go it has deleted all of the regions of the world aside from this lollipop down here which has

The nether portal out to the swangle village and an area up here which i’m entirely uncertain what i have done in this region it may be that that was the place i accidentally teleported to when i ender pearled into a nether portal that one time but

Aside from that i’m not sure what this project is here apparently i’ve spent more than 20 minutes there though so i have a feeling i will probably need to go back there and see what’s up but as you can see that’s left the rest of the stuff i have built in the nether

Relatively intact and we could go a lot more fine-tuned with this i could end up deleting large sections of the terrain around here as long as i am confident that i know what is there but now when i go back into the world instead of there being

Massive holes of the void here like you would expect there to be once you’ve deleted this terrain minecraft is going to regenerate the chunks that were in that area it’s not going to leave large gaps where terrain was before it is going to reproduce whatever terrain was there and once we

Have done that in the nether update itself it’s going to create new nether terrain there which means the new biomes which means new mobs new materials and new stuff to find it’s all very exciting and i’m really really looking forward to the nether update hopefully it will be out later today and

I’ll be able to make a video for you guys where we explore outside of the regions of the nether and find those biomes for the first time but for now that is gonna be it from me thank you so much for watching this episode of the minecraft survival guide

My name has been pixariffs please don’t forget to leave a like on this episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and i’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Preparing Your World for the Nether Update! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 304]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2020-06-23 11:00:00. It has garnered 160878 views and 6472 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:48 or 948 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! In this short video, I explain how to trim chunks from the Nether dimension using MCASelector, so we can have easier access to the new biomes in the 1.16 Nether Update!

MCASelector by Querz, available on github:


The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

—- Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards! https://www.patreon.com/Pixlriffs

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs

Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #NetherUpdate

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    Phoenix-NetworkPhoenix Network Prison | Skyblock | MiniGames| BoxPvP Phoenix Network focuses mainly on custom and unique experiences. Join today to see what the hype is all about! IP: Phoenix-Network.Net Phoenix-network.net Read More

  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

    Welcome to KrustyKraft SMP! If you’re 18+ with a functioning microphone and past builds to showcase, we invite you to join our Minecraft Bedrock Community. Our realm is active, friendly, and inclusive with Vanilla gameplay and quality of life addons. We use Discord for communication and hold events and projects to keep things exciting. Apply to be part of our community today! DM me for the Discord Link! 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a lot of explosive emotions to work through! Read More

  • Steve’s Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft

    Steve's Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft In the depths of Minecraft, Steve finds himself trapped, In a spider’s web, his fate is now mapped. Can he escape, with skill and might? Or will he be stuck, in the web’s tight plight? The spiders crawl, with eyes so bright, Their hunger for Steve, a chilling sight. But our hero is brave, he won’t give in, With a swift escape, he’ll surely win. Watch as he jumps, and dodges with grace, Navigating the web, in this thrilling race. The tension mounts, as time ticks by, Will Steve break free, or will he sigh? Stay tuned for more,… Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

    Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy! When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft world with TNT and suddenly realize maybe you should have stuck to building houses instead of conducting explosive experiments. #minecraftfail #oops Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- https://discord.gg/3U862CeKnJ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/john-awakened _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – https://www.viewstats.com/ follow all of these or i will kick you • tik tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@sweakysneaker • Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sweakysneaker/ _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More


    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: – paid1.hostingkarle.com:25573 You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 📷 Instagram:https://instagram.com/coolx_gaming_?i… 🎮 Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. https://fakepixel.fun/ #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links 🔗🔗🖇:- . . . . . Discord link:- https://discord.gg/nRfeZtBYZX . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/bmxrowdy_gaming/ . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.😘😘🥰😍🙂🙃 Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/proficy Discord (with mods and texutre pack): https://discord.gg/vDvR89fuFw #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join 👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ 💗 patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles 🐤 twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles 📖 reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ 👕 my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/ ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More

Pixlriffs – Preparing Your World for the Nether Update! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 304]