Play or Die in Roblox with Jeffy and Marvin

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Junior today we are playing play or die oh jeez oh please don’t land on me please no I want it to land on me cuz then I get that choer that dies Junior it landed on me oh gosh 30 seconds to beg oh what is what is he going to beg I

Have a family oh jeez I’m not sparing him um yeah I’m going to kill him to be honest yeah why are people sparing him yeah losers oh my God okay let’s see what you going to land Junior that was so close Oh I thought it

Left on me dnie seconds to beg um let’s see beg beg for your life girl oh please don’t really are you kidding me oh my gosh we did it yeah let’s go I voted kill every time Junior why that’s not nice that’s rude oh gosh that’s okay okay I got 150

Coins um what wait what are we doing Junior I have no idea what to do it’s tag oh wait so we want to run away or maybe it’s hot potato It’s Hot Potato oh yeah okay Junior I get you run he’s chasing Jeffy oh gosh where are you Jeffy oh no he

Died okay I think we’re fine I don’t think he can get us you’re not fine ah what the heck what was that hey really I spent my daddy’s credit card what your problem pay to win pay to win pay to win hey shut up you used my daddy’s credit

Card didn’t you no I used my daddy’s credit card ow no Junior I got oh run run run run you can’t catch me have have running running okay he can’t get me all right it got eliminated we did it yeah yay let’s go we’re literally the best

That was easy give me a challenge Mr Baby Face McGee yeah that’s what I’m saying yeah it’s a big old head oh jeez oh we did it oh that was easy that was that was fast okay all right Junior we’re going on to the next mini game

Begin oh no oh gosh Junior don’t try it do not know oh this is easy oh no what is wrong with you stop stop it no oh Junior are you trying to kill me yeah oh my gosh no oh jeez I’m on the last plate oh oh

No oh no oh jeez uh junior this is really bad oh gosh yeah this is really bad I’m on the yeah let’s go oh my gosh Junior you almost done yeah I was I was almost dead Junior look how many people are dead in here yeah oh gosh all

Right pull pull pull pull oh gosh okay here we go I’m pulling as fast as I can oh gosh Come on come on I got to no p no no I’m going to win oh yeah I won I beat Jeffy in today’s video we’re playing Ty

Or die with my daddy vote for the mode you want to play hard mode daddy we’re going to play hard mode Jeffy no we can’t play hard mode I’m not I’m not going to spell it wait wait Jeffy you’re screwed you can’t spell Jeffy yes I

Can’t yes you can okay all right Jeffy the lava will rise one block after this question name something in a suitcase I got this laptop oh I’m not supposed to say it oh oh I did telephone and it only gave me phone you only did telephone you’re an

Idiot you’re so dumb daddy Jeffy shut up there’s one guy in the front of us there’s one person that’s beating us right now who’s this one guy behind me literally just chilling down there didn’t even say anything he didn’t even try oh the lava lava is rising okay the lava rise two blocks

After this name something you keep in a wallet h my credit card Oh no you’re wrong j oh God Jeffy you’re dumb you got to pick the longer words oh I know how did this guy oh my gosh this guy went up like crazy there’s something oddly

Specific that this guy knows I want to see what it is Dad uh this person behind me literally isn’t even trying oh no he’s dead oh the lava’s rising oh no all right oh driver’s license what oh that’s true okay let’s see and a playground kids oh

I got it I got it swing set a well I got more how are you on top of me Jeffy I’m literally beating you right now you suck oh no I said the monkey bars wa Jeffy that’s a long one oh lava is rising oh

No that guy just died oh no what’s the question name something in the movie theater H let’s see I got something I got it yeah what Daddy I think we’re tied oh my gosh we’re we’re tied Jeffy what’ you type projector I did popcorn Jeffy that’s so cringe Jeffy we’re almost in

Last these guys are like kind of beating us oh no Daddy the lava is starting to rise pretty fast name something you bring to a sleepover M sleeping sleeping bag sleeping bag you stole Jeffy we’re destroying everyone now daddy you took my answer I’m not saying anything out loud ever

Again Jeffy shut up I literally typed that before you even started saying it Jeffy we’re almost beating that chick behind you Cy we’re going to beat you yeah name something You’ find in the kitchen H um oh I got this oh yeah you’re a loser Daddy I’m ahead to

You Jeffy shut up daddy if everyone subscribes right now I’ll do the nuke by the end of this video I’m ahead of like almost everyone I’m in second right now Jeffy oh my God oh my oh gosh I swear I’ll nuke this entire server the lava’s

Rising Jeffy oh man okay six blocks six blocks oh my gosh name a place you can swim oh um oh I don’t know yes what i m kidding me it only give me Lake Daddy I say Pacific Ocean and only said ocean that is BS Jeffy it’s trying

To screw us oh no oh no the lava’s rising again oh no Daddy this is not good lava will rise eight blocks yeah you’re name something you can eat with you eat with Spork Fork nice what I don’t know I don’t know this either Jeffy this is oh

Yeah oh didn’t you oh okay okay correct i t a steak knife and only gave me knife there’s a thing called steak knife and then there’s just a knife Jeffy this is stupid DD I said baby spoon and I got it what okay the lava over run in eight

Blocks oh boy something you keep in the car H yeah what did you just do something you keep in the car Jeffy why do you keep in the car car um Jeffy I went from like last to second because I got a really long word what did you die but

Driver’s license yeah I said car keys yeah you’re an idiot okay name something you would see on the road let’s see no not a tornado oh I don’t know oh gosh no P Jeffy P type P oh I I typed there Road markers this person is a

Nerd kids line up for at school oh yeah let’s go Daddy I’m so tall we can type lunch I what lunch loser let’s go you fa Daddy I typed assembly so you’re telling me kids don’t line up for lunch in school yeah they definitely do I don’t know what

That name something you find in your bedroom let’s see um oh yeah I got something really good Jeffy what did you type television oh my gosh what did that person type I don’t know probably like a dinosaur two people just di Jeffy he said bedside table what oh my gosh all

Right this guy got easy mode wait did he leave oh I think he just left oh no name something you find in your classroom um oh gosh I got this yeah let’s go did we type the same thing what did you type white board same oh my gosh Jeff oh no

Wait wait now it’s just up to me and you oh no daddy we’re so done something you do in your sleep oh gosh I don’t know Daddy um what do I do in my sleep I’ve got it Jeffy Jeffy what are you going to type what are you going to type

Jeffy I don’t know help oh gosh nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare oh no 20 20 blocks were it’s over daddy name a shape oh oh no Daddy it’s over I’m so dead oh I’m so dead you’re dead Jeffy guess what are you looking something up I’m going to

Beat you wait what sh did you get you’ve got to be kidding me no look at that I won Jeffy no Daddy I won’t allow this wait wait going to do about it Jeffy this next round I’m going to make sure I win and I have a little secret just to make

Sure so stick around in the end of find out what it is name a popular Roblox I got this i got this Minecraft mhm that’s not even okay you’re a loser umm yeah what this guy just okay this guy literally just got like 17 wow some

Of these people are nerds I did broke Haven mhm wo that was a good what was that really long one I want to win this one you’re not you’re probably not going to win I’m not going to lie I’m definitely going to win name something youd find in our

Space um let’s see yeah let’s go Daddy I got so much stuff Neptune oh well I put neutron star so you’re a loser what the heck I bet you didn’t even know what that is no cuz you didn’t go to school how do you know what that is um I saw a

Documentary everyone died and they Tesla Model S or whatever all right name something you would bring to the beach um let’s see I don’t know oh I got it yeah oh gosh it’s got so high this guy’s literally so high daddy you’re you’re like second to last what no Oh

Daddy you got six seconds oh no oh no oh that was close Jeffy that was definitely this is bad oh my goodness okay four block oh this is bad Jeffy I think I’m going to lose an animal that walks slowly oh I got this what a penguin

Doesn’t work I got a really tiny one Jeffy I just did Sloth what is this long one like I don’t know any animals that move slowly that like like long letters Jeffy what is this guy say Beach mobile what tortois oh oh we’re idiot oh my gosh all right name something that is

Cold oh I got this what no you got to be kidding mey come on yeah I’m on refrigerator did you get copy you I did copy you you’re Jeffy you’re copycat okay I’m going to save my power until I need it desperately name something sharp what is something sharp razor blade oh

Wonder no M yeah that I mean that wasn’t even that big but you know no that wasn’t that big Jeffy I did machete I did Katana I should have done ninja star kitchen knife I typed that in last time name something you find in a restaurant a waitress you wouldn’t find a waitress

In a restaurant are you kidding me waer what is what is that Jeffy is this some foreign game cuz I think this is all made up oh gosh okay that was close if the lava’s rising Daddy I’m definitely going to win don’t worry about just don’t worry name an ice cream flavor

Superman is an ice cream flavor idiot Superman’s not an ice cream flavor yeah it is Daddy did you type Rocky Road no yes you did I type the same exact day I typed in moose tracks you n time in MO see I told you oh no it’s getting really

Bad 10 blocks name a musical instrument okay go no how did you get one better than mine I did trombone Jeffy I did trump it should have done clarinet okay let’s see 12 blocks name of mon turning days um yeah easy D I typed December and it said said

September you should have failed oh no the lava just killed somebody oh no after this oh gosh Jeff animals Jeffy come on you got that come on it’s it’s in a savannah it’s really fast yes Jeffy is a cheatah no I’m not a cheater why would I ever je you’re

Definitely a cheater oh gosh guys oh no okay um you know what Daddy I’m kind of scared um okay I’m going to win all right here we go oh I’m about to do it Daddy I’m about to win three how are you going to beat mine one here we go oh

No what just happened what just happened why did my screen go white Jeffy daddy i s off a nuclear mom wait I got third place Daddy I hate this game I quit everyone like And subscribe goodbye Jeffy Jeffy today we’re going to be playing the Roblox game color or die I

Don’t want to die I’m going a color je Jeffy hurry up pick up this color look you see how everything turned red and now if you hide in the red color this monster right here can’t get you but if you hide in like blue or something he’ll

Kill you Jeffy so if I hide in the blue I’m going to be fine no Jeffy you’re going to die I’m not going to die let’s go oh my God Jeffy there’s the monster there’s the monster so if I hide in the red I’ll be fine he’s coming Jeffy hide

In the red you got to hide in the red uhhuh I’m doing it if I hide in oh my God dang what happened I hid in the red no Jeffy see you’re supposed to hide in the red now you died I hid in the red and nothing happened okay Daddy for real

It’s time we got to go get these paint brushes Jeffy we have to go find the red wall and we have to paint it we have to find the red wall and paint it look there’s a paintbrush oh my God there’s a paintbrush oh I hear the monster wait

Jeffy there’s the red wall look it’s the red wall we got to paint it here we go I’m in yes we’re in Jeffy what is this we have a screwdriver now we have a screwdriver come on Jeffy D we need something to break the glass yeah Jeffy

The screwdriver is not going to do it okay open the glass open the glass Jeffy stop we have to find there oh God oh God Jeffy we have to find the door to open the where are you oh I’m coming I’m coming where you at D where you at you

Left me there you are come on follow me follow me Jeffy come on good boy come on good boy wait wait wait he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming oh God oh God pick it up here we go wait is he going to chase us where is he I don’t

Think he can get in here all right Jeffy Jeffy we got to run this way we got to run this way come on okay we got to go the opposite way that the monster’s going he’s coming back oh God Jeffy you’re running the wrong way you idiot

Dy D help me Jeffy did you just die maybe I might have died it’s all your fault Jeffy it’s not my fault that you suck you didn’t do your best to protect me as your father you’re supposed to do whatever you can to protect me D I can’t

He’s he’s puppy guarding me Jeffy maybe you shouldn’t suck so much and uh I don’t suck he wouldn’t puppy guard you so much what D where are you by the yellow door yellow door yeah Jeffy the yellow door oh my God he’s chasing me I don’t know where the yellow door is oh

I’m in the safe Zone um Dad I need your help Jeffy I why do you need my help because I can’t do this on my own why can’t you do it on your own I got four paintbrushes Jeffy four paintbrushes I only have three oh and I found the thing

Jeffy I found the thing the the the to unscrew how are you finding all this because I don’t suck like you do Jeffy I can’t find anything use teal to open teal to open he I see you I think I see you Jey you have to open this you have

To open this I have to open it I got a screwdriver I did it they where all the colors go get the paintbrush and then get the the I don’t think the colors look like um here we go pick this up all right you’re an idiot

All right come on Jeffy let’s go come on come on let’s go all right we got to find the orange door now Jeffy the yes Jeffy yes Jeffy the orange door door we got to freaking find it where is it I don’t know how it could be anywhere this

Is like a maze oh my God God oh my God oh my God hide in the orange hide in the orange all he’s G wait he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone he gone is he gone it’s a blue door everything knows that blue comes after pink I don’t think anyone ever said that

Blue comes after pink that just common sense D I lost you oh my God oh my God oh my God I found the orange door Jeffy what how did you find it and I got the yellow paint now oh oh oh you ran right

Past me oh my God oh my God no no no no no dad come back I need to I need to come to the door oh my God oh my God oh my God Jeffy he’s right by me okay Dad I think I know where you are there oh

There you go Jeffy all right right there Jeffy door open this and then I got the yellow paint buet good job Jeffy now we need to find the yellow door how many paint buches do you have five five okay I’m the same with you we have to find

The yellow door we got to find yes Jeffy we have to find the yellow door oh my God oh my God oh my God this red guy’s going to die he’s not even the same color D this door could be anywhere I don’t know where it is Jeffy

There’s blue I’m going to use my my smelling senses to find it my Chate C yellow I found the yellow door sh sh D he kill you D you’re just so bad are you kidding me I have to restart oh you took the L take the biggest L ever this is the only thing that’s is your skills I’m buying extra

Lives what D that’s cheating Jeffy did you die no I’m still going um hunky dory son of a no no no no you just can’t accept the fact that I’m better than you well I still have all the paint brushes at least I need to find a saw

Where you going to get a saw I don’t know I got the color green and now I have to I have to hide I have to hide in the green Walls all I found orange what the freak D there’s another one of me I found another Jeffy you found another

Jeffy how would you like to have two kids two jeffy’s no oh I’m I’d rather kill myself D I want him to have a room can you build him a room in the house no I’m not going to build him a room in the house Jeffy stop I don’t know no now now

I just need to find the wall oh where where is it where is it oh he’s coming back no no Jeffy stop calm down oh I’m God D this guy is just standing here he’s not letting me do anything I I don’t have to tell you Jeffy maybe stops talking so much what

Oh my God Jeffy I found another paintbrush I got 6 out of 13 Jeffy oh to find the Green Door p k oh I see him oh my God there’s no way he didn’t just see me where is the Green Door I found the Green Door Jeffy is he over here yeah

It’s right here there he is hell yeah is there anything cool in there um we got to put a triangle in the Triangle hole a triangle in the Triangle hole I’m looking for the vent do you know where the vent is the impostor is that one you

Said you going to find the Imposter oh my God oh my God that was close he almost got me I got eight brushes out of 13 eight out of 13 Jeffy that’s insane I have to find the teal door oh I’m going to find it the teal door Jeffy yeah what

Door are you on I just got orange back Jeffy and then by the way that’s where teal is that’s where teal is that’s where teal is Jeffy you are so far behind I’m not that far behind Jeffy come on oh my God he’s chasing me no no

No no if he’s chasing you then that means I can use it as a distraction D you Just sh your plant yeah look can smell it throw up he’s right behind me oh God what do you mean he’s right behind me I’m right behind you wait who is

This that’s another Jeffy e there’s two of them so I need to find a teil door I don’t know how um oh what you doing hey D hey Jeffy um you’re on red are you kidding me I’m on orange Jeffy then that is red no it’s orange now I’m on yellow

I’m color blinding I can’t find this door cuz you’re an idiot Jeffy it’s it’s the one that you used when you find the the the um are you okay the screwdriver Jeffy like the vent the vent the I don’t remember that I can’t remember any of

That what do you mean you can’t remember any of it Jeffy this place is so big that’s what she said every time I come to this location he tries to he tries to keep me in here he doesn’t let me out so he wants to touch you where you P Jeffy

He likes you well so do you you want to touch me where no I do not then why did two episodes ago you tried to touch me where I P I called the cops on you Jiffy that is be it’s on on recording oh I have to do parkour did you go through

The yellow one Jeffy no wait I did I did go through the yellow one I have to do parkour Jeffy I did that so long ago okay good good for you Jeffy you’re just so slow I don’t know how I was taking you this long I got another paint brush

And then I got the green paint no no no like this no like this no no I escaped him there’s no way you escaped him Jeffy I escaped him maybe if you’re really good you’d uh I don’t know find uh find the saw I just need to find the Green Door

Jeffy do you know where the Green Door is um I already forgot they I’ve searched this whole place and I can’t find this stupid door oh my God oh my God oh oh oh that was so close I got so lucky Jeffy you’re lucky to be alive the

Green doodle monster was chasing me oh there he is I think I need to go back to the store and um find a door might be there oh my God I found the Green Door yes yes yes yes I need to find the tail door

I can’t D I can’t find it I got the blue door now Jeffy I need to find the blue door where is it teal I think it’s blue that’s teal how do I know it was teal I’m and you don’t know what teal is Jeffy I know what teal is oh I

Want use it teal oh you’re kind of smart no this is just a blue door where is this goddamn door d I have searched this whole place and I haven’t found anything oh my God wait he he’s right by me he’s right by me he’s right by me okay the

Monster left thank God I’m pretty sure this blue door is just not here Jeffy I’m behind you we in’t the same color yeah I already caught up to you cuz you’re an idiot and you’re slow cuz I haven’t found the door it’s taking me so

Long don’t go that way all right come on Jeffy just let’s just try to figure it out together okay I’ve gone through every single Corridor and I haven’t found anything Jeffy if we don’t find it you’re going to have to eat green beans tonight no I hate green beans I know

Jeffy I know you hate green beans I’ve got8 out of 13 brushes I got N Out of 13 V brushes oh I found the door wait Jeffy where are you um I’m not going to tell you why and I found a triangle because I did it all by myself and I’ve been

Looking for decades I’ve been looking for a while too oh Jeffy thank you found it what are you kidding me oh okay you’re going lucky am I lucky Jeffy cuz uh we got to go back to um the triangle place and put the thing in the hole we

Got to put the thing in the hole that’s what he said and we don’t have any paint brushes Jeffy oh my God we’re screwed if we hear him we’re screwed Jeffy he’ll kill us um D I think it was over this way I think you’re going the wrong way

Oh my God I found it yes and I got the blue I just have to find the blue door now oh my God what are you kidding me no Jeffy I’m not kidding you I found it did you found the pain you oh I found a

Triangle and now I got the blue thing all right I’m going to find a blue door now oh my god oh that was close oh he almost touched me uncontent did you find the Ballon D yet oh oh that was close he killed someone right behind me there was I

Found the blood door yes tell me where it is it’s at the blood door oh I got the saw Jeffy I know it’s at the blue door you can’t just say it’s at the blue door just stop talking Jeffy shut the hell up oh my God

I hear I hear him oh that was close I got that got so close Jeffy D where is this blue door it’s towards the beginning I think Jeffy towards the beginning I’ve been at the beginning for so long and I can’t find it Well maybe you shouldn’t I don’t know suck so bad

Where is this dumbass door I don’t know Jeffy I don’t know yes I got it D why is this place so hard to navigate a makeshift Bridge maybe I got to do more parkour did you find the room with the saw Yes Jeffy I like ages ago Jeffy I

Don’t have any colors to hide in oh my God wait wait what is this purple another paintbrush two more to go are you kidding me how are you so far ahead is that not fair fair don’t mimic me you Jeffy look I’m I’m purple like a

Pimp you’re never going to p a pimp ever Jeffy Pimps Don’t Cry pimps cry all the time if they’re if they’re you who wants to touch me he wants to touch me all right all right you can leave me alone buddy D we have the same color

Okay guys big happy family except he’s trying to touch me no Jeffy you don’t have a color oh God yes I know look I’m purple oh he right there D where we have to put this plank I got to find the big black purple door the big black purple

Door I think it’s over the other one all right Jeffy lead the way lead the way oh my God just pick away and go okay this one all right good job Jeffy smell it you can smell it m stinks nice and good I think you’re just smelling my

Farts not smelling your farts Jeffy stop it you like the smell of my farts you’re weird no Jeffy I don’t like the smell of your farts stop talking like that oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God hey right here D it’s right here all

Right wait wait there Jeffy I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming come on we got to put the plank down Jeffy come back a little bit I don’t know where you are oh there you are it’s up go up purple and now we got to get pink and we got to

Come back and then we got I got one more paintbrush oh I placed the plank down I don’t have any color I got to break the glass Jeffy and then I’m good I think we got to go to the beginning Jeffy the beginning yeah Jeffy oh yeah there it is

Boom yes yes pink wait so what do we do now we can now open The Pink Door and hide on pink walls where where’s The Pink Door think it’s way back in there it can’t be way back Jeffy I think it’s the furnace away from the beginning no

Uhhuh I think it’s around here somewhere Jeffy you get chocolate cake if you can find it chocolate cake oh I know where this is I know where it is do you actually know where it is though Jeffy no but trust me dad trust me dad I know

Where this is oh oh oh oh my God oh my God oh God oh God he walked through US Jeffy he’s so stupid he doesn’t even know where we were yeah Jeffy it’s cuz we were hiding the color trust me D I know where the door is I know oh my God he’s

Chasing us where’s he coming from oh he found me Jeffy us hide hide on the walls oh he just killed someone he just killed someone Jeffy Mur come on Jeffy let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go Jeffy this way this way we got to go the opposite

Direction of him the opposite why don’t we just go towards him cuz we die maybe if we offer him our paint buckets he’ll be nice to watch maybe if I offer him my pee PE he’ll you know never mind let’s just find the freaking wall Jeffy wait

Wait wait I think the Pink Door might be up here we fin Jeffy oh thank God open i w give me that key yes Jeffy we got the key wait what do we do with the key um I think we got to open that final door

Where’s the final door Jeffy um I don’t even know D look it’s the key door oh my God yes we got it D look it’s the final brush oh my my God Jeffy we can beat the game now Jeffy we can go beat the game

Okay we have to go to that rainbow door the rainbow door uhhuh oh my God Jeffy I’m so nervous Daddy I’m missing a brush what do you mean you’re missing a brush Daddy I’m not going to be able to complete the game Jeffy I’m at the door

I’m at the dooring door yeah Jeffy look oh my God we’re going to beat it we’re going to beat the game Jeffy D what this place is awesome Jeffy I think I’m trapped in an abyss for eternity D where is you is that is that

Where you go when you die I don’t know Jeffy I think so oh God oh God what that I think so Jeffy wait is it the final paint bucket oh my God to reach the end you must seek the beginning seek the beginning what does that mean I don’t

Even know all right Jeffy all right I’m going all the way back to the beginning I’m going to try to distract the monster for you yeah Jeffy good good job good job are wait are you actually getting killed by the monster for me Jeffy remember oh you’re such a good boy Jeffy

No I’m done the best can I have chocolate cake no you can’t have chocolate cake Jeffy why because I said so why you know what for saving your dad you can have chocolate cake yeah chocolate cake oh my God you have the last color yes yes yes Jeffy how are you

Doing it wrong color what get back out there it gave me black this game sucks if you guys like the video make sure you like And subscribe or I’m going to feed uh Jeffy green beans no I hate green be Jeffy look they not liking and subscribing Dany I need help with

Puzzles Jeffy I’m not going to help you with any puzzles okay but Danny it’s two player puzzle so I need your help Jeffy I don’t care I don’t I don’t want to help you with puzzles fine you don’t you don’t have to help me but just stand on

This button right here okay why am I standing on the button Jeffy thank you very much I’ll see you later Daddy all right Jeffy I’m coming right behind you cuz the TV’s that way I think no oh no the wall are you any trouble back there

Daddy Jeffy let me out I didn’t have to Jeffy hey Jeffy look Oh Daddy try to come through let me just get this chocolate cake right here Jeffy what chocolate cake all right Daddy come through come through come through just kidding mother Jeffy all right Dad you

Can come through now Jeffy that was not cool but Daddy it’s two player teamwork puzzle all right Jeffy I guess I’ll play with you ooh red cuz Red’s the best color right Jeffy actually yellow’s the best color no yellow’s dog Jeffy all right daddy stay on that button and

Whenever you do do not get off it all right I won’t Jeffy I promise all right I’m just going to go on to this daddy stay right there don’t don’t worry Jeffy I’m going to no dadd yes yes I’m free I’m free at last yes now I’m all the way back at the

Beginning Daddy come back to the beginning look you ruined it Daddy Jeffy I didn’t ruin it what are you doing Jeffy I promise I’ll let you go this time okay D why would you do it I Jeffy I’ll never do it again I promise are you pinky promise I Pinky Promise Jeffy you

Sure yeah all right daddy you Jeffy no Daddy I’m dead again Daddy this time I’m going on the red button Jeffy no I’m going to go on the red button you’ll be fine you go past this bridge I want to see what happens you’re just going to kill me

Jeffy no I’m not all right bye daddy oh doesn’t it shook to shook daddy Jeffy go stand on the other blue thing I don’t know if I want to H should I go and stand the blue thing it depends if I’m going to eat green beans tonight or

Not it depends on how many green beans you want to eat Jeffy oh well the answer is pretty simple daddy none because I hate green beans two green beans no three green beans it’s going to keep going up Jiffy four green beans 10 green beans all right Daddy I promise to

Always hit the buns for you Daddy all right stand on that button Jeffy and if you get off it I’m tripling your G green bean account you’ll eat 30 all right Daddy good boy Jeffy now stand on the yellow one did Jeffy do a good boy yeah

You did a good boy Jeffy all right now you stand on the red one yeah I got you buddy all right psych all right now go in the other one yeah can lose oh yeah that’s what I thought what is this daddy Jeffy how do we get how do we do this

One the butt up there Oh Daddy I got an idea stand right here all right just still oh Danny you got a big bone spot on the top of your head do you know that Jeffy ah it hurts the top of my head Jeffy stop all right Danny climb up oh

Jeffy that’s awesome yay yo did we make it oh Jeffy we’re going to heaven daddy we did it we literally finished the first level oh that’s good how many levels are there Jeffy uh 120 no all right Dad stand there oh it’s a timer now what I think I die now daddy

You had to run across with me have both run across all right daddy you ready we’re going to run go Jeffy no D use your fat again what the hell Jeffy um what do I do now find a button Jeffy daddy climb up oh good boy Jeffy I did

It wait a minute daddy oh you’re such a good boy Daddy loves you I have to jump onto that one and then you need to do the parkour all right Daddy okay Jeffy I got it don’t worry all right don’t mess up I won’t all right Dad do you see the

Blocks I see it Jeffy tell me when you hit the button I got it Jeffy all right I’m running back oh you’re such a good boy bye daddy Jeffy wait Jeffy no no I’m back at the beginning you little bastard all right daddy there you are

You got to do this again because you messed up how did I mess up CU you suck that it go closer you’re a loser Jeffy you have to kill yourself now no I don’t want to kill myself Jeffy I want to kill you why would you do that because Jeffy

No one loves you no I want to go on your head no I I’m going on your head you have a helmet jackass all right this time I’m doing this side but stay on the yellow I’ll get the yellow Jeffy all right you walking across no wait sure wait all right Daddy come

Down come down come down 10 9 8 7 yes we did hell yeah I’m so good at this game my daddy sucks and he’s slow and he’s bald and he’s fat and he’s stupid all right daddy double trouble you ready for all I’m hearing is double green beans for you mister what

Happened Dad do it again okay do it again that one more one more time do it again one more time all right now I’m going to do the same for you go Daddy go you oh my god Jeffy I’m facing through it I’m facing through it I don’t

Know if I want to open the last one actually I will Jeffy you’re a jackass the king Jeffy I don’t think I can do that one you go do it um that looked a little too far in that jump I don’t want to do either I’m going to smack you in

Your ass Jeffy fine daddy I’m going I’m going yes all right Daddy can you go across yes I can thank you Jeffy no all right dad your turn to do some Parkour no I don’t think I can do it Jeffy don’t suck Jeffy I think I suck if you fall we

Have to redo the whole thing oh Jeffy I’m actually Daddy don’t tell me you died I died Jeffy you shck dick daddy Jeffy I don’t suck dick now I got to do this whole thing over again cuz you’re slow oh my God Jeffy don’t stop being

Rude to me all right you do this parkour dad you do this parkour and then I’m going do the next one ah you suck so much Jeffy the only thing that’s sucking ass is your mom that’s weird D I did not need to know information so please keep that private

Thank you oh Mommy your Jeffy I made it oh my God time for me to do some Parkour oh this one’s hard D I don’t think I can do this okay okay come on Jeffy you got this yeah you did it oh you’re such a good good boy wait now now you got to

Make it across he don’t watch me I I folded Under Pressure I won’t watch you Jeffy totally not watching you yes yes yes I did that oh Jeffy you’re so good all right Dad we got to make it through I made it Jeffy yay Jeffy made

Too did Jeffy doing good boy dadd yeah but you made it last cuz you’re a loser Jeffy you Daddy all right Daddy what is this one I don’t know Jeffy go through that one Daddy all right you stay there no it’s okay I’ll go through n it’s all

Right I think I’m going to go through no it’s okay I think I’ll go through Jeffy it’s all right I can go through the green be room do you want to go to the green bean room um no you can go through that loser what’s in there daddy the way

Out’s right here Jeffy a see you all right daddy now I need a purple one you need a purple one yeah I need a purple one did that work Jeffy yeah but now I’m lost loser D oh God you just kissed me that was nasty no I didn’t kiss you Jeff

Je our lips Simply Connected all right Dad you stay over there I’m going to go find the yellow button oh there’s the red button Jeffy all right I’m going dadd I’m going Jeffy on the mission Jeffy any Mission no one gives a all right Daddy go to the yellow one all

Right Jeffy I’m going did do it je Jeffy no what about now do now all right Jeffy I did it now what now I found a red button Jeffy you need a red button yeah I need a red button D okay Jeffy I need yellow button dad I need a yellow button

You need a yellow button okay oh Dad I need a blue button Blue Button yeah there’s two blue buttons Jeffy why is there two blue buttons Oh Daddy we have to race to the blue door you ready 3 2 1 go Jeffy no we got 6 seconds 5 4 Jeffy

Jeffy we’re not going to make it 2 1 we just made we made it Jeffy damn that was actually pretty good no D I think we made good teamwork what do you think um no color coded I want to do this one Daddy what does that mean wait

A minute you can only go through the blue oh look if I touch the blue one look what happens I die oh you die I’m dead daddy all right daddy you going that side and we’re going this side all right Jeffy go go go oh you’re not going to

Make it you’re screwed are you sure no oh now we have to restart all over again Daddy cuz you suck at this game so freaking much I’m doing red I like red yeah you suck Daddy I’m red no I’m red no Daddy we need someone to be

Blue why you so at this game why’ you come to my life Jeffy such at life why did you come in my mom that’s not that’s not how it happened Jeffy all right daddy you ready three yep you ready 3 2 1 go D if I don’t make it your

Fault I don’t make it your fault um Jeffy I need you um I can’t go why not because he’s red can you step on my head or something oh that’s a genius idea all right bring me over Oh Daddy oh no your Bal head was working perfect you’re a

Loser you’re a loser Jeffy D I don’t want to play this game anymore go back to Lobby Jeffy we can do it no go back to Lobby D okay Jeffy all right d i want to play this one push boox push boox Jeffy I don’t want to play Push

Box push box seemed like something my doctor Made Me Do hey why would you do it I was pushing the Box oh my bad I’ll let you play with the Box dang me in this wow you were so close Jeffy what keeps happening to my box are you

Pressing this button no Jeffy I’m over here see I I couldn’t press the button for all right I’m watching you Daddy I watched you I saw you do it I’m all the way over here Jeffy no your back was turning me Jeffy you couldn’t have seen me I’m fast he’s not going to

Catch me Daddy I’m not playing this game no more Jeffy come on buddy bye daddy all right push the box over there daddy There You Go Daddy all right I’m going to go get the I’m going to go get the bridge and then you’re going to push the

Box all right Daddy all right Jeffy sounds good don’t mess it up don’t mess it up daddy Jeffy I’m messing it up don’t do it I’m going to mess it up like I mess it up with your mother well that’s why she doesn’t want anything to

Do with me anymore dad you’re so close keep going damn all right Danny all we got to do is push the Box P this you had one job and you and you and you and you messed it up good job good job Jeffy what we supposed to do here D Jeffy I

Literally just need to push the Box on the button dude come on now what see you walk through Jeffy oh all right you stay there daddy all right Jeffy so all right you come on now I’m coming all right now I’m just going to do this by myself Jeffy I’m going

To and now we got this box going to put this box here two Daddy I can’t do the rest of this puzzle Without You where’d you go Jeffy you have to push the white thing so I can walk across but Daddy I need you Jeffy I need you where are you

Daddy Jeffy what I’m right here push the white thing this thing right here yes Jeffy all right good job buddy all right that’s you get for free green beans that’s said 40 green beans be Jeffy 40 green beans in this video me and my daddy are going to be beating

Teamwork Elemental puzzles stick around to the end to see if we can beat it Jeffy I don’t know if we’re going to be able to beat this we got to beat nine levels this is crazy nine levels daddy this going to be a p cake I’m going to

Be brown all right I’ll be blue Jeffy you’ll be blue oh man this guy’s already done it for me oh nice all right Jeffy Jeffy wait wait Jeffy you got to no no no Jeffy wrong run one wrong one Jeffy got to get that

One Jeff I’m I’m oh thank God my gosh I thought you were going to fall again oh we got to go we got to go go go go go go go go go go no Daddy you lost Jeffy I’m stuck I’m stuck you got to help me you

Got to thank God why why do I have to help you all right well good luck and good luck I I hope you make it AC cross I’m already making it across oh wait to oh I can’t because I don’t have any other teammates oh Jeffy imagine if you

Would have stood on this all right Daddy can you stand on that no oh Jeffy doing oh this person standing on it first yes yes yes yes yes yes yes all right now we need somebody else to stand on the other one all right here we go we

Don’t even need to be on the team these people are helping us beat it for us oh that gu so nice I can’t believe he L WI all right Jeffy look at this look we’re going to be able to beat it step on that one over there only blue can activate

Certain oh okay what is it do yes yes we got it yeah oh my God Jeffy we beat the first level we beat the first level let’s go all right Daddy on to level two oh my gosh Jeffy you think this has got to be way harder way harder dy I want

Red cuz he CL saying yellow I’ll be I’ll be blue but wait Jeffy Red’s my color no oh God wa no I just realized I hate red I hate red I hate it I it all right well I’m going to be red then all right there

You go no one I’m going to be sign okay Jeffy all right daddy you need to stand on that all right please don’t it off okay good all right all right Jeffy come on make it across and boom all right you should be able to go all right I can let

Go Jeffy uh-huh a daddy I think you have to go across your thing I can’t I can’t Jeffy you have to oh you turn it Jeffy look you turn it on no um I mean I totally wasn’t going to going to sabotage you uh yeah just keep walking

What did you do Jeffy why did you do that I didn’t do anything I Jeffy are you kidding me all right um what you talking I’ll just I’ll just get on this yeah please please please all right get oh my god daddy did you just try to

Murder me no Daddy you have to get back on your thing or I can’t do it no oh God oh get back on no D stop Jeff I can’t go all right there we go one more I made it B all right thank God all right go Jeffy

Now you have to get on that thing come on come on you’re an idiot you’re so bad at this Jeffy I’m not bad at this you just suck I know really oh thank God you should really be careful when you say something to somebody with the

Lever ah you miss you miss do anything what are you talking about Jeffy Jeffy I’m stuck I’m stuck you’re stuck okay oh yeah he seem like a you problem all right get on all right Jeffy I’m on now all right d I made it first I

Think got seconds oh my gosh oh I made it thank goder all right Jeffy we got to go to number three now we are actually destroying this I cannot believe how fast We’re Going H Orange it’s mine d we got to do some sick parkour no Jeffy no

One cares oh we both have to go D you there’s no way you just failed that parkour no I did I didn’t fail it you definitely fail it Jeffy I didn’t fail it mhm I didn’t fail it all right all right we got it oh wait we only have a

Couple seconds we got to go we got to go Jeffy Jeffy we got to go come on 10 10 98 s 6 oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m made it just that was was so close all right Daddy get on all right I’m getting on Jeffy

All right there’s blue and um what do I have to do Jeffy you got to go to the right you got to get the purple one oh but Daddy I’m not purple oh my God it’s working it’s working oh God come on 9 seconds yes Dy these are getting easier

Or maybe I’m just getting better no Jeffy they’re not getting easier okay all right level four come on Gray or White H the dark side that’s okay all right J that’s F all right oh my goodness D I just went flying did you really Jeffy all right

Right come on I think you got a spot in a ladder for me wait daddy you have to get off never wait what Dy how do I do this what are you talking about Dy you might get off and you get back on and

There we go now get off and get back on yeah now get off and get back on okay yay and oh yes all right I’m climbing Jeffy all right oh you almost killed mey why would you do that tripped I tripped a little bit you didn’t trip Jeffy you you almost

Made me fall to my death and the gray one is over here which means it’s my turn oh I’ve got it I think ddy are we stoping or something Jeffy I think we’re dumb I have no clue what to do wait Jeffy I found it I found it you press

That and then I got to go down here Jeffy oh but how do you get back up I don’t know okay I just got off oh oh god um H all right what what did that do Jeffy I know it well it push the block it push the big old block press the

Button again mhm okay Jeffy all right you got to get all the way down I have to jump all the way down I you got to go all the way back to the beginning all right Jeffy I’m going to step on this white block then it’s going to push that

Big block up there on the purple thing and you have to go back to the beginning as quickly as possible okay oh oh okay oh all right we got 5 Seconds 3 2 all right I made it I made it Jeffy made oh my gosh Jeffy that was so quick oh my

Goodness Jeffy it’s starting to get a little harder okay why you doy about the easiest thing ever oh this is the fifth one we’re so close wait what what does this do daddy you I think you have to press the button down here oh wait no no

You don’t um daddy there’s a big snowball oh I got it Jeffy I got it oh we got to do parkour Jeffy push the snowball you got to push the snowball all the way down oh you idiot no I’m you got to do it again you got to do all

Over again Jeffy all over again are you kidding me all right there we go D I did it good job Jeffy all right now we all know I’m pretty bad at parkour Jeffy so wor stop it this is hard no it’s not I literally got B set in 2 seconds all

Right I’m to go stand on the D I got you you go you get you hit white Jeffy all right Jeffy you got to press that white button and get a snowball all right good job now get it down there get it down the D deactivate the bridge oh all right

There you go okay there we go boom got all right I’ll reactivate The Jeffy get back here de activated Jeffy Jeffy all right now you have to now I have to stand on this thing and you go over there Jeffy that’s what I’m doing oh why

Didn’t you do it before Jeffy I got this purple thing thing now it’s purple are you color blind no I’m not color blind Jeffy I’m think you’re color blind Daddy what am I supposed to do over here Jeffy don’t worry about it just stand on the purple thing again okay all right Jeffy

All right now you need to um activate that white thing all the way down there oh Dy we’re doing teamwork yeah Jeffy teamwork yeah all right there we go all right and where do I put this that’s a good question Jeffy I’m not sure daddy I

Won Jeffy wait no you ditched me Daddy Jeffy dit won let’s go Jeffy what have you done I’m stuck here for all of eternity no oh my God Jeffy wait no I died and I respawned oh my God thank God number six all right I’m going to be hot pink let’s

Go no Jeffy you’re not hot pink though what’s wrong with you I hot pink it’s literally me um okay I have to get on this thing and then oh God sorry Jeffy I I I messed up all right daddy now get on the next one go Jeffy I can’t get on it

What are you talking about get on Jeffy because I can’t go through the pot pink portal get back on all right I’m going to press it and then I’m going to go through all right Jeffy all right I can do the next one all right go go go go oh

No Daddy I don’t think oh I’m so smart Daddy it’s not working Jeffy are you an idiot oh I got them all no oh you suck Like Me Oh Daddy we have to do it in order because one takes really long and you have to time it right all right

Jeffy I’m doing it but the hot pink Portal’s not on go go go go all right no no the hot peek portal is not on come on go all right Jeffy all right all right now go you need to run Jeffy right now don’t stop don’t stop you little green

Be all right Jeffy oh G I think I have to go through this parkour all right yeah oh yeah you that the hot pink thing all the way over there Jeffy Dy it’s working all right you have to go to the other portal I need the

Focus I need the focus Jeffy you need to focus when your old man brain all right there you go Jey don’t make fun of my old man brain old man brain F all green beans for you how about that green beans for you you like that Jeffy all I

Activated the white one it’s on a timer it’s on a timer we got to go timer Jeffy go all we got to make it all the way across now I’m going I’m going I’m going wait but can’t make it across without me Jeffy you got to be careful Dy come on

Jeffy no the purple’s not activated anymore Daddy this is all your fault all right he on a timer now Jeffy come on come on come on Dy don’t die in the parkour I’m not all right we got plenty of time Jeffy we got plenty of time what

The yes yeah yes Jeffy yes come go do the thing go I made it yes Jeffy I how am I supposed to do it I don’t know get good scrub level seven we’re almost done level seven yellow oh jeffy’s favorite color my favorite color all right daddy

You have to make your way all the way over there oh ah ddy why are you so bad at just everything Jeffy I’m not bad shut up you’re so bad see literally just fell down D that’s like the easiest jump ever you’re probably the easier color again Jeffy no I’m

Not what was that Daddy no Jeffy Duffy just shut up and pay attention to your own game okay what was that I hate these teamwork puzzles I just want to go home and put you down N I don’t even know if you should be online I’m on the black one

Jeffy first time all right see boom look easy peasy go go go go go je I’m going one than all all right all right I’m there Jeffy here we go oh why did you do that oh you suck Jeffy you suck well you you literally did it oh Jeffy look Jeffy

Can’t make it across something wow that’s crazy it’s almost like you suck I’m only died once and you died 3,000 times daddy guess what what I’m about you leave Jeffy do not leave without me I already left are you kidding me no no how are you kidding me

Level eight oh this one’s going to take actual teamwork Jeffy all right all right we got to go go go go run run oh that was you suck and it start us at the beginning all right we get a run we get a run at the same time don’t oh

My God Jeff you have to actually communicate run across come on I’m not in come back my God you idiot Daddy come back all right go go go go go go Jeffy don’t step on it don’t step on it Jeffy what did I say whatever Jeffy it doesn’t matter it

Doesn’t matter you’re not going to listen you’re not list best daddy I need your help no maybe you shouldn’t suck so bad Jeffy huh maybe you shouldn’t suck how about that song You’re you song you I don’t step Don’t Step on it until I tell you to all right 3 2

1 all right here we go now all right okay come on Jeffy why am I always waiting for you yes yes go go oh oh my God checkpoint we got we actually got a checkpoint Jeffy let’s go all come on all right there daddy you died I didn’t

Die Jeffy what are you talking about Daddy come back oh my God Jeffy Daddy all right 3 2 1 go oh 3 2 1 go oh 3 2 1 go 3 2 all right all right come on we got to run we got to run we got to run we got

To run all right I’m pressing it come on oh my God oh my God we just got to keep going keep going keep going oh oh my God wait what is this oh my God Dy oh we won 10 seconds 10 seconds Jeffy yes the last level I cannot

Believe we made it this far I want pink cuz I’m a cute little princess that’s not we go we go we go we go M mhm mhm mm D I’m so good I’m literally oh why fall down good then why do you suck so much Danny you’re literally about to die by

The way no Jeffy I’m not going to die you’re going to die I’m on Green I’m think it’s a checkpoint how did you do it okay all right um Dy still on the other one come on Daddy come on sh on the other one there we go and now the

Next one okay all the way up way is there is there a way to make it go even wor you’re an idiot Jeffy just jump AC you’re an idiot you’re dumb Jeffy no I’m not an no you’re an actual idiot you’re the one that makes it so hard to do just

One thing I’m not Jeffy what are you talking about all right now I’m not doing anything one and on the way up I’m thank God you made it all right go on the other go go and there you go it’s timed it’s oh

My gosh oh my gosh no God oh my God oh my God and and go go go go now you going to be super careful go go go go go oh I got it I got it Jeffy all right oh my gosh wait how do you

Make it Jeffy you got to make it across too oh my God no way all right right and all right oh we got to wait for it to come back Time come on chance Jeffy oh my God we made it Jeffy let’s go all right we’re at this checkpoint

Jeffy come on we got to go we go you going to be the easiest thing in the world daddy why do we die cuz cuz you suck you suck Jeffy I don’t know why no you suck Oh Daddy I’m going make it you’re going to make it Jey

Oh you made it good job Jeffy made it I for you loser I’m not a loser Jeffy what are you talking about you’re the bigest loser there is bigest loser bigest loser bigest loser Jeffy I’m actually going to make it oh oh I made it fin it we beat

The game ddy where are we is that Mr Fart man right there oh my gosh it’s Mr Fartman ew e just itch his butt ew Daddy he just farted yeah oh oh my all right Jeffy Jeffy smells like rten tomato Jeffy no we we got to get out of here oh

My God almost as bad as my farts oh my goodness we have to get out of here right now wait Jeffy Jeffy look look there’s a vent and I can I I opened the vent what you got in the vent well I got it first and I’m going to get out of

Here Daddy we’re not playing the impostor game oh god daddy I just fell down Jeffy why are you so bad at ROBLOX come on you’re the one that’s bad at ROBLOX you literally die all the time Jeffy I don’t see look he literally just died and good all right any there is a

Wrench right here a wrench uh-huh and I think we have to use this wrench to break open this vent oh my gosh we broke open the vent God section A2 no one cares about that Jeffy Dy Jeffy there’s Mr Fart man right there oh no I got

Buton Daddy he farted on me Jeffy why’ you let Mr Fart man fart on you Jeffy what’s wrong with you I didn’t I didn’t let him for oh my gosh oh my go one in the button click no what not getting dying Jeffy Jeffy we already clicked the button all

Right he’s he’s coming up the stairs he’s coming right after me oh okay don’t come in after me Daddy help me Daddy I need your help please Jeffy just go up the stairs come on Daddy this Fartman can climb stairs too all all right there you go all right come on we

Got to be very careful you and the Mr Fartman are like the same size Jeffy we’re not the same size what are you talking about yeah you’re as f as you Jeffy I have a way better figure than Mr Fartman okay it’s fine no you did not

You’re just in Roblox right now so you have a better fig d who’s farting in here Jeffy Jeffy wait wait hold up Jeffy wait what I see green smoke coming out from this Jeffy must Dy I’m going you poop in here no Noy that was your bigest poop ever Jeffy

Stop it all right come on let’s oh my god oh there’s a hole in the floor we need Jeff grab the shovel come on help me help d d ding ding ding D yep yep yep y y oh oh oh we’re out we made it what is this place Jeffy I don’t know

There’s a lava and everything we better not fall Jeffy do you think anyone’s everever escaped this prison before I don’t know Daddy it looks pretty hard so I doubt anyone’s actually ever done it oh man Dy look these things are broken oh my gosh oh my gosh oh that was so

Close Jeffy oh no daddy is a skull we’re walking in Jeffy this is crazy this is like oh my goodness did you see that there’s literally a boulder Jeffy what I want to know is why is this even under oh run back okay we got to go go go go Jeffy as

I was saying why is this even under a prison it doesn’t make any sense at all I don’t know maybe it’s because they knew Jeffy was getting to be D you literally just died Jeffy no I didn’t die yes you did you failed and I’m ahead

Of you no Jeffy you’re not ahead of me not for long then what am I doing over here I’m just going want you die on this is going to be so funny Jeffy I’m not going to die what was that Jeffy don’t worry about it dny come on I’m waiting for you

Okay all right it’s clear Jeffy I’m coming I’m coming you’re finally clear let’s go Danny I hear faring you hear faring oh my wait it’s Mr Farm man right there Mr Farm man oh he sees us he sees us he’s right there Jeffy Jeffy you got you got to pull the lever oh

Yeah he almost got me Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy come on I’m waiting for you come on jump these stairs come on Jeffy Jeffy you got this come on jump all the stairs you can do this Jeff I’m the one you’re the one that should be wored you literally fall

All the time Jeffy oh I didn’t fall so okay we have to press on the deliver and now you go daddy you’re holding up the machine you’re so B that literally this thing is not moving fast Jeff Jeffy shut up right now you call me

The d a cafeteria let’s go this way he probably going chocolate K Jeffy I don’t think we can go that way let me in let me in let me go Jeffy oh my gosh look what is this oh I G the Flash’s powers or something Jeffy that is insane you

Got the flash here hold on let me drink it Daddy I’m Lightning Fast Jeffy just got temporary speed boost we’re going so fast no you’re so right oh I’m jumping these like a piece of cake you’re not jumping them like a piece of cake stop it yes I am I’m

Jumping you like a piece of cake no you’re not jumping it like a piece of cake I am and yeah I made it oh you made it good job Jeffy all right I think why did I just poop out my mouth all right come on Jeffy come on I think the exits

This way visit your phone center find a ladder we need to find a ladder Oh Daddy the door’s open look oh not open wait storage room the the ladder would have to be in the storage room right you’re right oh let’s seeff it’s a letter Daddy I found it

First I’m the one find I’m stuck I’m stuck okay it’s thing so big okay we just got to bring it over here and get the ladder place it down clb up all right there we go come on Danny let’s go I hit my head daddy uh why do you think you have a

Helmet on so I don’t hit my head all right Jeffy all right I made it I’m coming finally God it took you literally forever oh Jeffy watch out watch out God my god pushing me the wind is pushing us all the way it’s taking us forever to get you

Can go faster oh oh you’re right look at that all right I’m climbing this ladder I really hope we don’t run into Mr Fartman again we’re probably going to Jeffy he probably going to assault us no I don’t want to be assaulted Jeffy Mr Fartman is going to assault you no I’m

I’m the Fartman you know what daddy I’m the Mr Fartman now no Jeffy wait wait Jeffy Jeffy stop stop look look look look at the Steam and those red valves right there we got to close them come on we have to close your vales okay I do it okay one valve

Down yep there’s one let’s go over here the next one the next one is right here and boom just got that one now there one more got one oh Jeffy you can count all the way to three one two four Jeffy no that’s no it’s it’s two then three Jeffy one two

Four just did it Jeffy it’s it’s it’s three 1 2 five all right Daddy are we finally almost out found Mr Far Man PR so Jeffy oh oh God you got in the way Jeffy Jeffy where are you I’m trying to get up into the What the how did you get in

There good job Jeffy you made it all right come on I think we’re almost out of here we got to be getting close oh my gosh je you got to be careful jump right at the edge of the yellow loser oh man that I’m almost done with

It already since you die I’m going beat you Jeffy it’s not a race we’re both escaping prison like at the same time it’s a race Oh Daddy where are you Jeffy I’m coming up here like to for R Jeffy it didn’t it didn’t take me forever all right we have to

Go my goodness no fell what H did you make it Jeffy what did you say you said haha loser you are the loser Mr Farm is now Gary the chef God Daddy it’s Gary the fart Chef oh he’s absolutely repulsive many fart in the food e he

Just threw Tomatoes at my face Daddy look it’s the ultimate food zuka no he’s throwing food at me Jeffy oh he’s me too oh God shoot him him all right Jeffy Jeffy I’m hitting him face oh my gosh Dy I’m throwing poop at him I think the food slowing him down

Cuz it’s causing him to overeat or something oh he’s going to catch me he’s going to catch me Jeffy wait I’m going to stop him at this table Dy I’m so close I got him let’s go he just exploded oh my God Jeffy Jeffy I got him

I’m going to be able oh oh oh oh oh there he is go D Jeff going to get me I almost got him I almost got him Jeffy I almost got him I almost got him Jeffy I got him oh he exploded D I’m hitting you in my fuka Jeffy don’t hit

Me with your food zuka you’re getting hit by my come on Jeffy let’s just go just D that was insane that was the worst experience of my entire life Jeffy at least we defeated the like Mr Fart Chef or something all right exit let’s go all right up here and Dodge the laser

Oh my gosh oh my go oh oh oh there we go okay one down oh few more to go two down down and two to go oh Jeffy you’re right behind me oh three down last one behind you the last one Jeffy come on come on I

Got to get out of this prison oh man Daddy I’m made it good job Jeffy we’re so close to getting out of here all Jeffy look we made it oh my goodness oh Jeffy you got to use a fooka we got to destroy his arms Jeffy

Okay throw everything at his arms oh my gosh oh he’s chasing me he’s chasing me Jeffy with his with his gun too oh God he’s got he’s got weapons oh I destroy one of his arms Jeffy me too good J DOD Dodge on the Las oh man come on come on oh oh

Yes we did it let’s go dny we destroyed Mr fortman wait there’s more there’s more to this Mission we have to go into a SWAT van Jeffy what wait oh D I’m in the I’m in the driver’s seat I’m in the driver seat Jeffy I’m in the driver seat no I

Am get out of here all right Jeffy oh my gosh wait where where do you think we’re going um I don’t know somewhere other than Mr Fartman prison wait Jeffy Jeffy wait look I think a helicopter’s waiting for us we’re almost out of here we’re

Almost out of here Jey come on let’s go my you we’re finally going to this game daddy why don’t you just come back to prison I heard they Li they have like green beans in there Jeffy no that Jeffy they don’t have green beads yes they do

Trust me no no they don’t they found out I like them and they got rid of them oh really well anyone done look there’s a helicopter all right Jeffy wait wait for me I’m almost there come on let’s go I’m not waiting for you I’m Jeff Jeffy don’t without me I’m

Her today we’re playing Mr Wiggles and we have to escape from his school oh my God Jeffy Mr Wiggles Mr Wiggles look at him he has a big nutshack in the head Jeffy oh my God look at him look at him he looks really mean that is that Jeffy

Don’t don’t make fun of him you have 17 arms you suck you suck Jeffy come on we got to go we got to go come here we going to escape yeah Jeffy we have to escape look look there’s a vent D we’re not playing Among Us not one this we could be

Jeffy no we’re not playing Among Us stop there a whole no Jeffy don’t you’ll skip oh okay um how do we get out of here Jeffy I don’t know I don’t know what do you mean you don’t know I I found it I found it follow the arrows the

Arrows oh you’re such a good boy Jeffy thank you Dad you make me feel good oh I make you feel good Jeffy uhhuh you make me feel really good all that’s a weird thing to say to your dad um oh why be careful Mr Wiggles is very smart what

Does that mean he’s not smarter than me we don’t have to worry Jeffy I think everyone is smarter than you that’s not true I have an a baby Jeffy no that’s what baby two no it’s four Jeffy no baby you put the poy Play Time Jeffy it’s not poppy

Play time it’s Mr ah it’s Mr oh dang you just died come on I I Jeffy I know I know I know I died Jeffy come on all right we made it to another checkpoint what if he what if he breaks the glass and tries to kill me I then you’re

Screwed um I don’t want to be screwed by big octopus look at the school it is absolutely destroyed D what happened in the school I don’t know Jeffy oh you made it oh my go Jeffy look it’s giant Mr wiggle oh he’s going to

Hit us no are you ready to go to Mr wiggle School find the secret button to take you there but D I don’t want to go to a school I don’t want to go to a school either Jeffy I graduated you think I want to go back to school oh no

It looks like we don’t have an option Jeffy we have to find the secret button oh no I don’t want to where could it be is it in one of these bookshelves probably behind here look there’s an arrow right here he’s probably behind this oh my gosh what is that I pressed

It oh what’s happening I pressed it two nothing’s happening oh the floor the floor Che all right jump on one twoh uh D that was scary you definitely just ped your pants D this is not a school it’s not a school Jeffy it’s I I yeah it’s not you’re right it’s not a

School I don’t know what it is I’m right I know Jeffy you don’t have to be weird when you’re right Jeffy I’m always right no Jeffy stop it time Jeffy stop no one cares Jeffy no one cares everyone cares when Jeffy talks oh my God Jeff okay oh my god oh

That was close Jeffy Jeffy we got to be really careful D don’t one get smashed by a big t i oh that was close that was close Jeffy I made it I made it all the way through can you make it Jeffy uhhuh I’m right behind you don’t worry wow

That was so scary Jeffy we made it to another checkpoint though oh yeah D these are Big scissors we don’t want to get sliced well I I know Jeffy they’re going to cut us up like we’re green beans no I don’t want to get cut up like

Green beans I hate green beans I everyone knows you hate green beans Jeffy wait wait wait wait Jeffy where do we go now do we go this way I think we going to jump over all the sharp pencils okay don’t land on them D look it’s a

Slime don’t don’t Jeffy don’t go down the slide do 3 2 1 that was fun they want break into this person’s house give me all your money give it all to me Jeffy no you’re not going to break into the person’s house uhhuh I want your money I’m going to

Thank you all Jeffy Jeffy what do we do now um I don’t even know I think we’re almost halfway done with the Obby Jeffy already halfway done this is yeah Jeffy I think we’re already oh Jeffy look look what squ yeah found a how how do we place

Some oh I place it you PR we going to go find another one we have to find a circle and a triangle Jeffy I don’t know if I feel comfortable breaking into people’s homes though how did you die Jeffy don’t worry I feel comfortable breaking into people’s houses I do it

All the time that’s not Jeffy what you what I break into the neighbor houses every night you should not be breaking into people’s homes Jeffy that is wrong why what do you mean why why oh I found the triangle I found the triangle Jeffy what where’s the triangle at in a house

No D there’s like 74 houses around here where is it’s one it’s in one of the houses Jeffy what which house the the the the one one of them Jeffy stop you’re not going to tell Jeffy what house is Jeffy I’ll tell you fine I’ll tell you what house it is

Jeffy where are you I’m right here I’m can you see me I’m up here I Jeffy I see you I see you it’s behind you it’s the house that’s behind you and the house behind me yes Jeffy it’s a house behind you D there’s no houses behind me Jeffy

Look look where I’m going oh D look I found your triangle without your help I literally told you where it was you idiot no you didn’t Jeffy I did I told you where it was Stop n n n oh God damn I’ll put you in the Triangle here we go

Put you put you put in the Triangle Jeffy all right we only need we only need to find the circle now Jeffy we are so close the circle is up in that big tower in the big tower Jeffy I think it’s up there I think it’s going to be

Hard to get to the circle Jeffy I’m not going to lie no are you going to be able to do it I think so I’m a master at parkour Jeffy you suck at parkour D I can’t get up you just said you were a master Jeffy I know I am I’m just

Struggling a little bit I’m a little rusty so you’re not a master cuz you suck or you call me suck why did you call me suck I didn’t call you suck I said you suck Jeffy I found the circle I found the circle how how did you find it

Before me because I’m better than you Jeffy that’s why you’re not better than Jeffy comment down below who you think’s better Jeffy or Marvin okay I’m almost I’m almost to do what sh is it I don’t know what Shri is Jeffy the circle the triangle I got it

Oh I see you Jeffy you got it no it’s a circle Jeffy I’m going to put in the giraffe in three two one you got the you put the giraffe in uhhuh I’m put in the giraffe all right good good job Jeffy all right come on let’s go open the door okay another

Checkpoint reach Jeffy wait oh my God Jeffy it’s class time you have five questions answer with one word or one number you get three chances one 3 + 4 oh Jeffy I don’t know this one 3 + 4 is obviously SL it’s seven it’s seven Jeffy

All right what is I got it wrong 10 10 – 8 10 Jeffy 10 – 8 is 18 because you put the 10 and then you put the eight and je oh I got it wrong I got three of them right already Jeffy what planet do

Humans live on earth 3.4 Jeffy did you actually die uhhuh all right Jeffy what do kids turn into when they grow up adults tacos are God all of this math is wrong all adults thanks for listening to my question Jeffy you’re an idiot I got all five questions right cuz I’m not

Dumb Jeffy what D what planet do humans live on it’s Jeffy Jeffy no it’s Earth what oh God how did what oh god you were right what do kids turn into when they grow up Jeffy no Jeffy it’s not tacos I got wrong IDI but I want to being Taco when I grow

Up Jeffy everyone watching the video right now thinks that your IQ is like negative 70 come on let’s let’s go Jeffy 7,000 goodbye D what kind of place is this this look nothing like a school Jeffy what do you mean it looks nothing like a school what you mean what do you

Mean what do I mean this look nothing like any school ever it looks nothing like any school ever uhhuh Jeffy what are you talking about D are you dumb are you high Jeffy I’m not high what is wrong with you D you smoked the devil’s lettuce oh my God Jeffy I almost died

This OB is kind of hard D I’m not going to lie Jeffy this OB is crazy this is one of the craziest comment down below if you think this is one of the craziest obies we have ever done look at these big tentacles they’re back I know oh oh

Wa it didn’t kill me how did it not kill me it killed me Jeffy I’m speed running this oh done I don’t think you can speedrun it Jeffy D I’m dream because I’m speed running it you’re not dream Jeffy what is wrong with you my Minecraft dream no you’re not Minecraft

Dream Jeffy stop why oh my God I’m going to make it I’m going to make it Jeffy oh I made it wow Jeffy you made it I barely made it oh my gosh Jeffy I think this is the boss fight I think this is the boss

Fight Jeffy oh no oh my God Jeffy look it’s Mr Wiggles it’s the biggest Roblox Obby boss fight ever D if you can beat this I’ll give you 10,000 Robux what 10,000 Robux no way oh oh Jeffy I’m beating him I’m beating him I’m beating him I’m shooting in the face

Jeff oh my God Jeffy Jeffy his health is almost halfway done Jeffy oh well he he’s at 310 for me so I going win oh my God Jeffy no you’re not going to win I’m going to beat him first Jeffy I’m shooting him so fast oh my God

Jeffy I killed him I beat him I beat him Jeffy oh my God I killed Mr Wiggles no I beat him first Jeffy we beat the Obby look yeah all by myself D since I beat Mr Wiggles first I get 10,000 Robux if I’m not giving you 10,000 Robux stop it

Yes you are and you’re paying for it no Jeffy I’m not going to pay for it let’s just beat the Obby and call it a day okay Jeffy Jeffy look at this look at this the button oh god oh my god wow this goes so fast you just had to press a

Button huh Jeffy oh I can’t resist pressing the big red button Jeffy there’s more what how is there more we killed the boss I don’t know Jeffy this is a scam it’s not a scam Jeffy scam maybe there’s a big surprise at the end that no one knows about is it Chate cake

It’s not Jeffy it’s not ch man hose stop man hose Jeffy what is wrong with you oh God behind you oh my God God it’s Mr Wiggles he’s back oh my gosh climb the ladder climb the ladder climb the ladder come on come on come on we got to make

It the saf make the safety oh we made it Jeffy we made oh we won we won chippy good job dang dang want get a prise you get a surprise if 10,000 people lik and cut and sub if 10,000 people like and Subs then I get a prizee don’t don’t

Point he look it’s raining tacos this is my prize Jeffy no this wasn’t the prize oh my God it’s actually R Tacos No Tacos No No tacos oh my God tacos why are we in prison again Jeffy wake up wake up Jeffy wake up D where are we am I in prison Jeffy

We’re in prison wait wait Jeffy there there’s chocolate cake chocolate cake oh Jeffy look look look look look at the bottom of the chocolate cake there’s a I don’t know what that is I got it’s a it’s a it looks like a big um it looks like something you put in your

Butt no no no you got to dig you got to dig Jeffy I dig oh all right we have to escape prison oh oh my gosh Jeffy we got to no don’t fall down D look there’s lava on the ground you got to be careful

Jeffy I fell down I fell down Jeffy why I don’t know why Jeffy oh my God who is that who is that she’s right there she’s right there oh my was creepy Jeffy we got to be careful she’s going to get us she’s going to touch us Jeffy oh she’s going to touch

Us where we pee Oh Jeffy be careful don’t fall into the lava okay oh my there’s lava yeah Jeffy it looks like cheese no oh my God Jeffy did you seriously just do that you just died along like cheese and I wanted to taste it Jeffy Jeffy look look open the door

Jeffy he’s got kisses all over his face oh he’s got coy he’s going on those cooties Jeffy get away from him before you get coties too [Applause] okay I’m flying I’m like super baby I just fell I just fell oh my God oh my God Jeffy she’s chasing me she’s chasing

Flamingo oh my gosh she chasing me with your Flamingo pants she’s not chasing you with your Flamingo pants Jeffy stop no Jeffy she’s not she’s going to shove that baton up my butt Jeffy what is wrong with you everything’s about to be wrong with me you can call me Mr hands

Because she bound up my butt no Jeffy you can stop all right don’t let the red dots touch you they can’t touch me I’m unstoppable okay oh what well she’s she taking your back I get the bathtub with her no Jeffy get out of the bathtub with her I’m

Doing oh Jeffy D it’s the YouTuber Flamingo what is he doing in there no one cares about Flamingo Jeffy we’re just going to oh D what do I have to do Jeffy we have to place the chair okay Jeffy you moved my chair you loser loser I got up okay good for you

Jeffy there a l bik oh I made it I made it oh oh oh God D I’m done why you do why did you why do you suck you push me off the edge I Jeffy I didn’t push you I didn’t push you off God damn it Jeffy

You push me off the edge I’m going to take this um this forborn with us oh good job good job Jeffy oh there is the bathrooms oh no oh my God oh my God she’s pooping she’s Jeff I just open the door sorry burrito sorry Jeffy there’s a hole there’s

A oh dang dang I just took the biggest poop of my life Jeffy get down here right now so we can escape the prison come on oh right I’m going no one cares about your poop Jeffy but it was so big no one cares about your poop Jeffy but then the biggest poop

Out what uh all right you can you can stop that why because no one cares but the biggest poop ever but no one cares about the biggest poop ever but the biggest poop ever Jeffy shut up why because I said so Jeffy we’re trying to

Es have to listen to a big fat bald egg head Jeffy do not talk to me like that no you need to you need to learn self bation what you never heard your self better a Jeffy what I don’t we not supposed to go this way we got an

Emerald trophy then I think we found a secret I don’t care about the emerald trophy Jeffy or the secret I just want to get out of prison there’s something down there oh my God Jeffy don’t go down there don’t go down there I’m going to go down

There I died really Jeffy you died uhhuh oh we have to go in the vent we going to be Impostors come on do the vent Jeffy I’m going stop D you can’t be saying you can’t be thinking that song there’s a prisoner hey you stupid oh wait he’s mad

Oh what just happened is this a mad prisoner what maybe don’t let the prisoner out okay Jeffy oh my God Jeffy what is wrong with you D we got to break all the prisoners come on do we really are you sure Jeffy break come out come

On fat bomb man come on we got her she down we going get the key oh my God I got the key Jeffy I got the key look look it only you seven years it didn’t take me seven years Jeffy I just didn’t know what to do seven years oh my God we

Got to get on the train come on all right I’m on the train Jeffy oh my God it’s going so fast going so fast oh my God oh my God we’re going to crash oh no Jeffy we’re not going to crash just oh oh we didn’t crash wow look at that they

Look it’s a vending machine do you think they have chocolate cake no one no Jeffy they don’t have chocolate cake in the vending machine God oh my God no no get what oh my God how did she get me you she kill me well maybe you shouldn’t suck peee

Jeffy you died too B I wasn’t supposed to die it was a it was a it was a glitch of the Matrix Jeffy oh Jeffy oh I’m running I’m running I’m running oh my God Jeffy I’m going to make it I’m actually going to make it this isn’t actually going very fast

Not going on Jiffy I’m Naruto speedrunning I was The Flash before and this is way slower than the flash all right Jeffy no one cares about you being the flash right now oh my God oh my my God I don’t know what to do I don’t know

What to do that look so tasty give it me all no Jeffy don’t no what if she tries to eat you or something Jeffy she she at me Oh Oh Daddy you got to hit her she’s getting so fat oh my God I killed her yes I killed her and then she dropped

The Green Key Jeffy I’m shooting her I’m shooting the crap out of her oh my God she’s so fat she’s almost as fat as you Jeffy That is rude you you should be on the show my 600 lb life no Jeffy I shouldn’t oh my God oh my

Goodness oh my God Jeffy oh man D press G if you win your Boost oh man oh my God oh my God oh my God Jeffy no fast son of a how did you die idiot I don’t know I it’s probably because your fat body is holding you down no Jeffy it’s

Not God damn it Jeffy maybe if you didn’t suck you know it wouldn’t be such a big deal the only thing I suck is my hose what mhm my H what does that Jeffy what does that mean that means I got mad hose I don’t think that mean that that I

Don’t I don’t think that’s what that means Jeffy oh my God I made it I made it don’t you I made it before you no you didn’t Jeffy you’re ah D we’re on trampolines look at us we’re jumping so high do you like the trampolines Jeffy what is that do that mean does

That mean you like them uh I like the trampoline all right Jeffy what do we do now we got to go down this hole I have to find a head oh my God they look they have all the prisoners in the in the glass he’s trying to get out what do we

Do do we get him out um I think so somehow oh my God ah she got me oh my goodness D look up here we have something to get what what do we got to get Jeffy I don’t know how what Jeffy what do you mean you don’t know how oh I

Don’t know oh D you got to get the thing from up there and you got to Splash her oh my God oh my God oh my God come on dad you got to Splash her I did I get her is she still trying to kill you yes

Jeffy she’s still trying to kill me didn’t get her what the hell D every time we do an Obby you’re always the last one to do a boss fight you’re always the last one to finish Jeffy I’m not the last one I’m pretty sure I beat the last Obby before you did

You are the last one every time God damn it see it’s because you’re slow all right Jeffy I killed the stupid ass robot what do I do now what took you so long I don’t know oh my gosh oh going so F going so D I’m going into the speed of sound

Jeffy did you get your flash Powers again or something uhhuh I got my flash powers back I did too Jeffy oh my God I’m so fast but D you never have flash Powers Jeffy I have them right now I’m telling you I have them right now you’re

Still going as slow as you’ve been this morning what are you talking about Jeffy look how fast I’m going see now you’re slow you’re slow oh my goodness oh what is going on she’s so big hi Jeffy don’t talk about her ew e ew she just ate me I

Think oh she just ate me D her arm is about as big as my winner Jeffy we’re supposed to go in here we’re supposed to go in here Jeffy okay so we have to get in here we have to place the box here we go uh I did it mhm dumb what did

You just say to me Jeffy I said you’re a fat bald fat fat fat all right Jeffy shut the hell up Jeffy shut up shut up oh we have to point canyon ball I loaded it oh my goodness oh I just killed her with a cannonball oh my God D is that

Blood underneath that door I I don’t know Jeffy Jeffy we have to be close to finishing the Obby uhhuh turn back is that jumbo Josh it’s not jumbo Josh Jeffy that looks exactly like jumbo Josh no Jeffy it doesn’t look anything like jumbo Josh the door oh I have to go to

The other side oh wait Jeffy we have a choice boy slide girl slide well nobody likes girls so we’re going down the bed go down the boy slide mhm oh my God oh my God oh my goodness what is that I think we I think we went down the wrong slide Jeffy yeah

Hey look she’s doing jump rope we have to find the button Jeffy he looks like me I just got hit by a green oh we got time it I what I’m saying you have to time it right oh oh what all right that’s all right all right all right I jumped over this

how is this not working what I don’t know Jeffy D maybe we got to find some way to distract them I know I know we’re we never mind I found a way around him oh but where where weren’t even supposed to go back here Jeffy we just

Found an extra trophy they I’m already moving along where are you at where are you at I I went through the door I found the button oh I found the button Jeffy uhhuh you’re Slowpoke Jeffy I don’t want to be a prisoner shut up it’s not like

You haven’t been in prison so many more times before this oh my God oh my God oh God oh no no no no no get D this is like an elevator from garden of bamb band no I don’t think it’s a elevator from garden of band band Jeffy oh my goodness

Oh no she’s huge what what what just what just happened they just straight out guarden the b I don’t know about that Jeffy just dig dig dig the freedom Jeffy dig the freedom we’re getting out of here get away from me you ho no

No oh my god oh oh my God Jeffy oh we made it we made it we made it oh Jeffy I got the key I got the key what how you get the key it’s it’s in a chest Jeffy oh it said don’t go why did it say don’t

Go I’ll open the door oh my God what just happened Jeffy be careful when you go into the cave because the skeletons just touched me where I pee there skeleton want sket you’re you’re about to like get touched by like 30 of them so no no stay away Mr your skeleton oh

My God I’m going down a car oh oh oh my God this dumb thing just derailed what the hell what derail oh it’s real they real oh my God all right well I I made it down I think oh my God oh my God there’s dog chasing me oh

There’s another dog chasing me oh my God no no no no Jeffy Jeffy we got to hop the fense oh my God now I know what it’s like to be mail man Jeffy oh my God oh my God no get away get away they’re all trying to they’re all trying to SN my

Butt the dog Jeffy Jeffy I think I think think it’s because they found out about my peanut butter addiction no no no no no get away from my genitals D did you put peanut butter in your pan no no Jeffy I don’t then why would you be

Scared about the dogs no no one’s no one’s afraid of the dogs Jeffy um yes you are I’m fighting I’m fighting a big oh man Oh Daddy this is the boss fight Jeffy I see you I see you I’m going to hit you oh God you kill me I’m hitting

Her oh I’m farting dad do you like hitting woman too Jeffy no you can’t hit you can’t say that on YouTube come on Jeffy the first person oh my god did she just kill me if I get a girlfriend I’m going to train her exactly like this

Jeffy you can’t say that you can’t say that you can’t say that Jeffy we have to gang beat her oh that sound that doesn’t sound that’s sounded wrong never mind Jeffy we have to beat her up at the same time D I got her to half Health oh you

Got her to half Health oh good job no one cares Jeffy the more you hit her the slower she gets oh I almost have her to half health I almost have her to half Health Jeffy I’ve got her at no no health she’s going to die any second

Earlier I told you that that I win everybody’s fight before you and look what happened all right Jeffy it’s not my fault that the game is just actually mentally D let me ask you a question what are you doing right now about to smash you with this green bean

Lightsaber oh my God no one hate green bean oh I killed her awesome all right Jeffy can we just go home now maybe if you get there fast enough but at the rate we’re going no oh Jeffy it looks like I got in the helicopter before you

Cuz you suck shut up oh look I beat the hobby before Jeffy yay all right Jeffy we won what now now I get all the chocolate cake I want no Jeffy I think you’re getting green beans cuz no one liked and subbed yet no no Daddy you’re

An NPC Jeffy what what is an NPC oh I’ll show you daddy look this my favorite NPC ever his name is Carl Jeffy leave Carl alone wait what does he have behind his back Daddy Jeffy do not pick that up that is a gun no no you shot his gun

Looks like you missed I missed now it’s my turn to troll oh no oh my God Jeffy Jeffy he shot your helmet off your head no he killed you Jeffy Jeffy dead I got trolled daddy daddy why did this NPC kill me Jeffy NPCs are bad you need to

Stay away from them but I like the NPCs they’re my only friends Jeffy they’re getting too smart look at the another NPC I’m a talk this is a bad idea hey AA what you doing you know where groovy is what the hell who’s who is groovy probably another MPC I’ll give you an

Ending what give you an ending does she mean a happy ending Jeffy talk to me when you find groovy or no happy ending Jeffy Jeffy you get a disease if you get a happy ending from her oh Jeffy money I just got five bucks Daddy I’m rich I

Seriously doubt that Jeffy look this is where they put the dead people it’s a bunch of graves what Jeffy no those are sunflowers Hey look it’s an NPC house I think we should go inside of it no Jeffy don’t go inside that person’s house what D I won’t go inside the

House oh it’s another NPC fortnite funny 885 it looks like he’s streaming Jeffy he’s playing fortnite he’s live what’s up chat what are you doing there Jeffy leave us chat alone oh there’s my butthole uhoh my butthole over Jeffy stop showing your butthole to to link Danny oh playing

Piano I hate green beans I hate green beans I hate green beans I hate green beans Jeffy stop Jeffy stop it’s an NPC bathroom daddy Jeffy do not take an NPC just get out oh D look at a NPC Jal no no Jeffy stop taking NPC piss

Too all right let me just wash off my pee peee in the water no turn this on Jeffy you so we can’t this is why we don’t have nice things Jeffy or we can’t take you anywhere oh there we go do things like this there we go clean Daddy

No Jeffy that’s wrong thanks Mr NPC I’ll uh I’ll see you later sir sir he he destroyed your bathroom daddy why are you try to snitch cuz Jeffy that is wrong that is wrong Jeffy totally not Tango M tang tang Tango mangle oh my God just press the

Button I know you’re going to do it hang going Jeffy Jeffy stop Jeffy press the button press theing button who whoa whoa whoa whoa no Jeffy Jeffy what’ you do do you want my free chicken on Jo hell no hell no fre run Jeffy I’m trying to run

You told me to trying to your butthole trying to your booty hole Jeffy oh my God what is this I don’t know Jeffy all maybe we should just talk to him there no no he’s going to he’s going to sexually assault you Jeffy where where

Did Eva go I want my happy ending she’s probably giving someone else a happy ending cuz she a ho wait Dy the gun yeah shoot them yeah yeah shoot the asses shoot Jeffy hero ending hero ending Jeffy won Jeffy you were you did such a good

Job and you were such a good boy you know what you get Jeffy what I’m going to give you green beans Jeffy oh but I wanted the happy ending Jeffy you can’t get the happy ending I want a happy ending no you don’t get the happy ending

Why are we starting all over again Daddy don’t don’t think of it is starting all up maybe talk to that hoe talk to that hoe real quick oh collect my $5 again thank you very much broke ass all right let’s go to the next house Daddy I

Don’t think you should be trying to break into people’s houses Jeffy Daddy they NPC houses is a lot what the hell what did you just do see this is what happens when you break in a stranger’s home let me back me back you can’t go back in there’s no you’re in the upside

Down now Jeffy what the hell the upside down yeah Jeffy does that mean I’m going get upside down happy ending no Jeffy get away from her she’s not going to give you a happy ending oh I just stole her money who the hell is groovy I don’t

Know who groovy is why do you check the go back to the house so we’re not in the upside down so we don’t get killed by a bunch of uh uh demorgans and and then we’re going to go to the other house Jeffy he’s probably one of the

Other houses Danny why is my shirt not yellow go back in the house Jeffy because we’re the upside down everything’s opposite in the upside down everyone knows Oh yay we did it oh good job oh I’m so good at playing with NPCs tango mango shop oh here we go hey what

Are you doing there 50 Roo to buy free chicken nuggets okay if it’s 50 Robo they’re not free idiot uh-oh Jeffy be careful NPC beehive daddy Jeffy don’t touch the NPC beehive what if it touches you oh they tried to kill me Daddy no no

No try to get some honey Jeffy come on it’ll it’ll be fine honey yeah get some honey Jeffy boy I’m trying daddy oh no they’re killing oh my God oh my God they’re killing you no no be ending Jeffy you’re allergic the bees you died I hate bees D you hate beans D

All right Jeffy we’ve got the last house okay Dad you talking about this NPC’s house yes Jeffy that NPC’s house oh Dad I just found more money Jeffy you got to go get your other money get me in get me in oh Jeffy looks like you can’t go in

The last house okay what the hell do we do now wait Jeffy Jeffy there’s a guy behind the tree look behind you look behind you look behind you Jeffy this tree to the right no no Jeffy you totally miss him no Jeffy other no not

That tree oh my God that there I can’t go over again Daddy yeah Jeffy cuz it’s the wrong tree dude this tree daddy wait oh I think you’re talking about this tree no dad I don’t see any guys um what tree are you talking about Daddy it’s

Jeffy it’s groovy look right right there I just got more money Jeffy look it’s groovy talk to him he’s sleeping wait talk to that hoe again talk to that hoe again Jeffy we found groovy talk to that hoe also I don’t know how we’re going to

Pad this out to 10 minutes Jeffy oh I got more money we need $50 to get free chicken McNuggets I’m so excited hold on before I talk to this ho let me just uh steal this money real quick okay Jeffy thank you all right I found

Groovy yes yes I know who groovy is and where he is I touched him bring him here Jeffy don’t Jeffy don’t do that Dy but we found groovy Jeffy no yes the happy ending is only going to be happy for so long and then you’re going to have the

Rest of your life riddled with STDs Jeffy he we got to wake this guy up oh oh I woke him up Jeffy this is a bad idea yes yes lead me to her yes only you to her no God this guy’s going to get cucked when she shucked my what that

Jeffy I know where AA is Daddy are you proud me look I’m making them do a YouTube collab oh yeah you’re doing a YouTube collab wow Jeffy oh hell yeah I just found more money Jeffy you’re supposed to lead Daddy I’m doing it all right talk to the hoe I got him right

Here I guess you don’t get an ending I did it oh yeah good where do you want to do this what this wasn’t the ending I was asking for that’s not even a happy ending Jeffy this is Joe I just wasted all my time thanks for wasting

Our time Jeffy shut up sorry Jeffy leave that guy alone all right so we need to figure out how to get 50 Robo I bet we can’t I bet there’s not enough money in the game Jeffy I guarantee or anything I’m trying to get my free Mc chicken nuggets wait didn’t that

Have some money on her on her chair I thought hold on I bet this guy has some money no I don’t think he has any money yes he does he plays fortnite he’s a twitch streamer dad he’s Rich he’s definitely hiding in his bathroom stop no he’s not why would he Jeffy don’t

Steal money from people oh it’s a dead dog ew Jeffy don’t it oh I just got bees spray oh Jeffy you can go kill the bees now get your revenge Jeffy oh hell yeah I’m about to go touch these Bees No don’t touch them that’s illegal but you

Can kill them cuz killing bees isn’t illegal Jeffy here’s your more money thank you very much yeah there you go we’re at 15 daddy oh wait wait wait 20 I’m like halfway in there all right you dumb be die die die no die Jeffy it looks like

Uh looks like the be spray doesn’t work yes it does d are you sure yes it do oh my God oh my God oh Jeffy Jeffy run Jeffy they’re going to kill you remember you’re allergic to bees I think I destroyed their beehive and now they’re coming after me forever Jeffy you’re

Going to get the you’re now now you’re going to get the the the the be ending again Jeffy no I don’t want to wait dy I got an idea I’m going pick up this guy’s gun no no no he’s going to kill you if you pick up

The gun Carl will kill you Jeffy what do I do I don’t know I think you’re out of luck Jeffy genius idea Daddy go to the fortnite guy no no oh my God they they followed you into the house Jeffy eat this pineapple go back into your beehive right now oh and I’m

Dead wait what I’m in the beehive oh my God I’m just going to spray this beehive all over die beehive Jeffy Jeffy don’t kill the Beehive what if you eat the delicious yummy yummy honey Jess okay dang it tastes terrible all right I won’t recommend that it’s cuz

You ate the the be cone just the honey Jeffy you’re just supposed to eat the honey okay I eat the be cone what no what what is wrong with you be have sex in here Jeffy no wait wait wait wait what’s what is that the king is that the

Queen bee oh hell no D I don’t want to talk to them die no no no don’t kill the queen bee oh she said oh my God you killed her I can’t move oh oh defeated ending congratulations Jeffy maybe what if you would have just talked to her maybe you would have got

Free honey or something or maybe I would have got a free be happy ending you want to beat a crawl in your your you know what never mind the money’s in different spots and the upside down you might actually be able to get enough money to

Buy the one freaking thing oh dang look I found your money on the toilet oh my God Jeffy you’re already halfway there wait they’re in the shower too I don’t think there was more money daddy oh never mind never mind you dumbass all right any more money oh what

Is that down there wait Jeffy aren you already halfway there oh no oh more money here D what is down here Jeffy I don’t know me when the impostor from Among Us that’s weird Daddy I am so close for getting these free McChicken nuggets Jeffy they’re not free yeah they are

Jeffy Jeffy no they’re not free I didn’t make this money I stole it streets are hard daddy Jeffy you literally have to pay to get them I just got to collect a few more dollar bills I’ll be good to go yeah good for you Jeffy there’s another

Five here’s another five Jeffy you only have two more oh my God where’s the last two I don’t even know Oh Daddy here’s another one you have to find the last one Jeffy he but I don’t know what this last one even is I could just watch a

Youtube video um that called cheating and you can go to jail for that I’m not going to go to jail for that I’m friends with a cop oh yeah what’s the cop’s name Brooklyn guy well he doesn’t w’t be your friend that’s a lie Brooklyn guy loves

Me why else would he come over to my house every single goddamn day because you call him up every day for stupid issues cuz you’re stupid Jeffy when you hold that dog down against its will you didn’t need help Jeffy the dog needed help oh who’s this Jeffy what’ you do oh

Don’t no I just turned a pineapple into a pumpkin Jeffy no one cares about the pumpkin I’m a genius wait Jeffy can you go in that house when you’re in the upside down the other house oh this house yeah let’s try D oh my God I was

Right Jeffy I was right no Jeffy I was right you were an idiot like normal this house is scary Jeffy I don’t like it too bad nothing in it there’s actually nothing in here Jeffy that’s weird what is that say wait wait wait wait wait wait wait go back it’s it’s it’s it’s

Spelled backwards you let me read it Jeffy read what go back there it’s not English base bunker alpha alpha base bunker alpha alpha base bunker it’s an alpha base bunker Daddy all right no one cares Jeffy well I thought the last $5 would be in that house you think

So when I hit this pumpkin this text changes it says repeat negativity six times so that means we have to do this six times why would we have to do that Jeffy you can’t argue with the fact one okay two two yep yep we got what one

More two more times five okay last time Jeffy 28 no Jeffy stop oh maybe you found the last dollar dollar bill Jeffy not I’m saying no I’m saying Jeffy um Danny I don’t like this what’s the button say now Jeffy it says I’m going to die trick or treat Jeffy oh

I just ran this doorbell um hello oh hey fortnite funny no no what let give my candy I’m ringing again no this is a bad idea I’m going to ding me the creep I’m going ditch him you won’t know him here just take the candy and leave oh I got

The candy Jeffy I’m I’m getting the creeps from this dude what if I go through this again and me looks like you’re trapped in the upside down forever Jeffy no D I want to be trapped maybe you click that red button all right I guess you got no choice right

Daddy yes Jeffy you have no choice and go totally not tangible what it’s not working I’m ringing on this dumbass’s door again no Jeffy don’t don’t don’t Jeffy come on bro what if he kills you he won’t kill me he’s a good boy D he’s going to give me candy candy time uh

Oh I’m eat what’s he doing what why did he sound like that I’m R going this is a bad idea Jeffy I got your candy but I want more he’s playing Roblox Jeffy sorry bro but if you’re not going to let me in now I’m just going to have to keep on

Ringing Jeffy this is weird this is weird Jeffy come on get out I know you’re in there Jeffy leave him alone didn’t have to spaming stop spamming I told you to stop spamming Jeffy yeah you’re spamming him D he is the best content for his twitch stream well guys

I’m going to be trapped here for the rest of my life but as long as I got candy I’m I’m chill with it I’m going to be H Jeffy Jeffy that cane is going to last you like 5 minutes no one dang I going have it for the rest of my life

Long as this guy keeps giving them to me Jeffy he’s not going to give you anymore Kenny leave him alone don’t have to stop spaming D I’m so excited we’re at school I’m going to learn so many cool things dude that’s awesome Jeffy I’m so happy

For you what your new teacher what what the hell are he doing that my seat that is my seat get teach your your teachers are fighting you ain’t too many egg roll you not you you American Jeffy what’s wrong with your teacher I don’t know Daddy why are they fighting hello Mr

Teacher oh hello what are you doing I I want I wanted to teach calurus today but but but I guess we can’t stop jumping on him stop it Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy stop jumping on the teacher Jeffy get down no Jeffy get down right now this my seat get out of here

What is going on Daddy I don’t know is this what H is this what you teach my kid every day no I teach him how to eat egg R yeah Daddy he does really you’re going to a different school I’m done with this daddy the door’s locked Jeffy

Jeffy Jeffy the door’s locked the door’s locked Jeffy you’re not allowed to leave leave we need to find an escape Jeffy we need to get out of here oh Dy up here there’s an exit oh my Jeffy Jeffy grab the desks grab the desk come on Jeffy

Stop grabbing my desk I do T labor to put it there I’m grabbing the desk for you buddy look no I’m grabbing the desk for you I throw desk around ah come on Jeffy yes Daddy I made it come on we have to escape the teacher daddy run run

Run Jeffy I made it too get out of here we got to escape both your teachers Jeffy your teachers are insane how long has it been like this no wonder you’re still I’m not Jeffy you are the most Je a what the hell Jeffy your teacher’s Chasing You Jeffy

No get away from my kid what you Jey run I see you you can we need to go Jeffy Jeffy I’m leaving you behind daddy Jeffy I caught I fell wait you fell you idiot sh Daddy I’m behind you now oh my God this is insane Danny come

On he’s on your butthole Jeffy Jeffy he’s catching up I chase after you he wants to put an egg roll my butt Danny I’m going to put an egg roll in your butt no no no no no no no no bye how you do that Jeffy he’s right behind us he’s

Right behind us Jeffy we need to go sh I going teach you calculus he’s going to feed us calculus what does that even mean going to teach you calculus and make you eat 10,000 tests on Daddy we need to get out we need to get out how do we get out get

The ladder oh you stuck in here I’m not stuck in here with you you stuck in here with me Danny get the ladder no Danny get the ladder you want the ladder Danny oh Jeffy look I find a ladder stop touching my stuff all right guys I’ll

See you later I go get you Jeffy Jeffy I’m having a hard time Jeffy oh D on my but I’m I’m com Jeff Ser on my butt I go Fe you egro I will report him I’m going to call the cops je doesn’t off Jeffy God ddy you got escaped daddy daddy both

The teachers are coming after me Daddy Jeffy I found your teacher get away from my kid Jeffy Jeffy I did not give him egg road this morning wait for me Jeffy daddy hurry up I need help Jeffy I don’t know where you are stranger danger oh my

God I found a key Jeffy I found a key here I’m going to get us out of here oh oh he’s on my butt Jeffy he’s on my butt Jeffy Jeffy I made it Jeffy I got to escape yay are we friends now no he’s not we’re not friends with him Jeffy he just tried teaching you that one egg roll plus egg roll equal R he’s going to die from the other teacher no no no no he I put I

Put him to sleep with egg roll we’re not talking about this Jeffy stop it no Jeffy you follow me to death oh there you are I will push you off I go push you off Danny he used his egg roll to push you off how do you feel I put my egg

Roll in your ass Jeffy I’m so tired of playing this game with you can we can we stop role playing role playing D this is real life I don’t know what you’re talking about this real life with Calculus see you later you you uses the laws of physics

You Deni them you guys doing over there we’re not that’s not what we’re do I made it because I know kakur Ros woo Jeffy I’m coming I’m coming no I’m coming first D I’m coming oh oh I made it Jeffy who’s this douchebag No don’t touch it Jeffy those are disgusting I’m

Not touching it Daddy he smell like egg roll come on Jeffy let’s go Jeffy Oh Daddy you have to score gold to open the door I have PhD and calculus I can do this y I did it oh Jeffy I’m missing Jeffy I don’t know how do I play

Basketball Jeffy um you play basketball I’m made it Jeffy I did it look yeah Danny Jeffy Jeffy hide everyone hide uh-oh the douchebag’s going to die Jeffy how do we get out of here um you have to run really quick you have to run really quick oh oh

Oh no he sees me Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy me he’s coming he’s coming right after everyone go to the bathroom go to the bathroom Jeffy going toach me perfect time to take a Jeffy take a take a Jeffy I did it yay oh what a guys where is everyone Jeffy Jeffy I’m back

Jeffy he’s right after me he’s after me follow Jeffy okay Jeffy we’re going to follow you oh now the wrong one no we going Jeffy what you my he just got egg rolled daddy what why did you go into the first stall because he do not have

PhD and calurus Jackie stop talking like that in front of my kid I’m coming Jeffy Jeffy I’m coming I’m coming buddy look at this one this are you sure oh what is this one oh thank God all right go go go go go go we got to skape your teachers

Again uhoh basketball we have to score a basketball I don’t know how to play basketball yay I did it uhoh it’s going to break uh I going push you off no oh I did it Jeffy get out of here Jeffy we are getting you out of the school as fast as

Possible um I have to tell my teacher something Daddy no I have a confession to make jery get down from there you defying the laws of Coos derer help me derer Jeffy where are you I’m Jeffy Jeffy where are you where are you Jeffy oh oh

Oh my God I’m outside the map I’m flying I’m flying daddy oh yeah I’m like Superman Jeffy Jeffy you made it Dad I think we lost a teacher no I’m coming Jeffy hurry up come on do not me right or left right uh left Danny how did I not break my legs I don’t know Jeffy cuz re retards are immune

U uh I I don’t know no it’s because he used a math yeah dadd I’m a genius we we’re going to have a serious talk about home that you didn’t tell me about your your school situation earlier Jeffy this is bad oh what the oh oh oh Jeffy Jeffy

Look oh I’m so fast d f Jeffy oh D Jeffy oh my God I haven’t felt this good since since Nagasaki um teacher we should believe my dad behind no Jeffy he tries feeding me green beans and I hate him green bean bad for you you need to

Eat egg roll and rice Jeffy if you teach me I am going to shove an immense amount of green beans down your throat including my green beans you hear something I don’t know it sounds like someone’s talking to me all right whatever we got to go go ahead oh oh my

God it’s the other you’re done you’re done Jeffy you’re grounded Daddy I’m on a go-kart right now see you later why are you on a go-kart without me Jeffy you know I like go-karts like my favorite thing Jeffy bye daddy I’m racing the fat ass teacher Jeffy guess

What Jeffy I’m on a go-kart too no you’re not I’m a go-kart Jeffy I’m on a go-kart I’m going to catch up to you Jeffy oh my God the teacher’s going faster than me Jeffy I’m in first place Jeffy in first place I’m going to win D

Jeffy no I’m going to win no I’m in first place I’m in first place clearly I see it on my screen come on no you delusional because you don’t eat egg roll I’m not delusional I’m just not I just see first place on my

Screen I won I won you won no I won screw you I win listen just wait for me at the Finish okay you both you’re all oh the teacher dead the teacher what is he sucking his own dick oh oh I won I won look why is our old teacher

Sucking his own PE PE oh we got to go up next to him we got to feed him egg roll I think he already has an egg roll Jeffy no stop it do not talk about your teacher like that come on let’s go oh you CL this Jeffy oh good you

Found it here Daddy look at my ass yeah get my ass Jeffy oh my God no fat ass Jeffy I got a dumpy Danny ah Jeffy you suck geter no Daddy wait for me no Jeffy I’m not going to wait for you did you wait for me Jeffy yeah no you didn’t you

Idiot daddy wait up you better wait from me I don’t know where I’m at oh Jeffy you want me to wait Jeffy yeah okay I’ll wait don’t worry buddy daddy stay right there he’s just slow yeah Jeffy I’ll stay right there I’m not not moving oh

My God oh my God oh oh my God oh my God I to I’m throwing spit WS at your teacher Jeffy herb come on help me throw spit WS at the teacher oh damn oh damn oh my God Jeffy it’s Robo teacher it’s Robo teacher Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy he’s

Shooting at me he’s shooting at me I almost got him Jeffy I almost got him Jeffy Jeffy I kill him Jeffy yes yes Jeffy we won we killed him D spit ball in the school the school no Jeffy do not spit SP ball the you know look at me

Jeffy look at me Jeffy look at me I spit balled your face Jeffy you like that all right Jeffy we’re never talking to this guy again right I think we’re not talking to you again Daddy I Come Away with you no you are not going

To live with us Jackie stop it yes I will dadd the teacher going to live with us Jeffy we’re home AR get off the bus and you’re not coming home with us okay yes I will I’m going to live in your house and teach you co R Us and egg roll

R I’m running D I’m running dadd oh oh he’s on my body Jeffy why are you stop spinning around Jeffy I’m going to throw up Dy me D you’re just playing a game you’re not going to throw Jeffs go outside Jeffy go outside no oh my God you’re repulsive you’re repulsive

You’re repulsive Jeffy Jeffy why is your teacher eating a mouse M Mouse I I thought this was a cat there there’s a cat that’s clearly not a cat this is a cat that’s a raccoon no Jeffy it’s not a raccoon it’s it’s a mouse Jeffy it’s a

Oh my God oh my God oh my god dad did you see what that raccoon did to my teacher Jeffy first of all it’s not a raccoon it’s a mouse it’s a mouse second of all that’s not a normal Mouse Jeffy look at it it looks pretty normal daddy

Look I’mma feed him his cheese oh my God it’s mad it’s mad Jeffy it’s having a seizure daddy Jeffy why is it looking at me like that why is the mouse looking at me like that Jeffy um Danny I think you should run run Jeffy why would I run

Jeffy it’s it’s just a little mouse oh my god well that’s you get for not running daddy Jeffy Jeffy guys we need to get out of here there’s evil Mouse oh no Jeffy you took his cheese you idiot I took the cheese yes Jeffy oh D Danny I’ll see you

Later Jeffy get back here Jackie Jackie we we got to get Jeffy we got Jackie get back here you do not have to PhD and ccy Rush why does that what what is Jeffy having a HD and calculus has to do with anything anything Jackie he failed my CR

He failed my CR oh oh my God he kill Jeffy it’s eating Jeffy alive it’s eating him oh my God Jackie Jackie oh my God Jeffy you’re back they kill Jacky Daddy I met Jesus I went to heaven Jeffy I’m sure you didn’t meet Jesus come on be realistic here no Daddy

I met Jesus and then we walked on water Jeffy I don’t know about um talking about religion in like my third video on my new channel cuz YouTube the last one Jackie how’s how’s Jeffy doing in school oh oh oh my god oh he he F my he F

Calculus crash he doing bad he do so bad Jeffy oh he’s so bad that’s it you’re getting a spanking come here no Daddy I’ll help you like it Daddy no that okay all right no this all right this channel is getting ads taken off too that’s great all right bye but

Daddy come back here you’re going to believe this Chinese looking ass okay no Jeffy you are not we’re not no we’re not I’m all right I’m leaving that you know you did not I will prove it in the gr book Jeffy no this is getting a

Little too racist for me bye no I’m leaving goodbye oh I hit the mouse oh I hit the mouse oh oh daddy you’re dead no dad let me get in this car no Jeffy don’t you can’t get in the car Jeffy my God run me oh I hit the other

Mouse oh Jesus Christ somebody help somebody help somebody help somebody help somebody help somebody help somebody help somebody help I will get you no get away you ring on me I’m going to give you 70 more calculus crass you I don’t want to take your Calculus you go take it Daddy come

Back here all the m is chasing me Jeffy no my car knock my car over they’re eating me alive Jeffy Daddy I’m killing your M for oh they killed me I’m running him over he died because he didn’t he he do not have PhD and calculus I’ll show you pdsd and calculus

See you later I’ll catch you I will catch you no Jackie get away I think I broke the game oh you better run you better run oh Jeffy Jeffy there you are I’ve been looking all over for you buddy how you doing it was nice knowing you Daddy

Daddy I’m a dog pet me Daddy no Jeffy you’re not a dog stop it you’re not a dog no get in the cage get in the cage if you dog encourage it don’t encourage it Jackie I you Jeffy get out now going wait PA pause Jeffy what did you

Say Jackie I say I save him for later Jackie you’re not going to save anything for later Jeffy get out wait now no you stay there you stay there you do not have PhD and calc us do not tell me what to do stop I don’t have what are you

Even on about Jackie all Jeffy you’re not a dog get out of the dog feed me Danny Jeffy if you don’t Jeffy if you stop it Jeffy if you don’t get out Jackie is going to eat you yes I will D my cage get away I eat you I’m

Going to eat you right now Pig in here Daddy I eat you right now oh my God oh my God damn did I taste good oh yeah yes especially your anyways I think I’m going to leave guys I think that is my Quee to leave

This has gone too far Jeffy you can come back and be my son again when you decide not to be a dog Daddy I’m not a dog anymore he ate me I’m going to lose my boy I’m going to lose my it do you want me to eat you too I’m

Not I’m not a dog you’re not going to eat me yeah I’m going to eat you too Danny I will eat you no you’re not going to eat me stop it both of you get away let’s eat him together are you ready get him him get away come here I smell your

Butt my butt you smell my butt no get away get away get away from me get Daddy he cannot outrun us forever he do not know CC tricks I know math tricks yeah we’re going to show you some math Daddy no I’m going to show you some

Math no to get away from me get away no come here come here get away get away from me no you go tastes real good good job Mr Mickey Mouses daddy did we kill my daddy Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy I died I died did you meet Jesus I saw

Some Jeffy what you see do you see my grandfather no Jackie I didn’t see your grandfather I don’t think he made it up there I’ve been to the afterlife Jeffy I know Daddy is it’s just a black abyss there’s nothing there is no afterlife the only egg roll Jeffy we are

Going to get canceled if we keep doing with this guy okay we need the we need to leave Jeffy I I I’d be useful to you I know calculus um Daddy can I eat an egg roll Jeffy all this talk about an egg rolls getting me hungry I don’t see

Why wouldn’t you be able to have an egg roll Jeffy well can you have my egg roll what nothing daddy let’s go find those Mickey Mouses Jeffy what do he what do he what does that mean Daddy I’m hungry eat this cheese can I have this Jeffy no

No if you try eating the cheese that Mouse is going to kill you no mouse the cat is fine it’s fine Jeff you talking about the raccoon Daddy it’s not a cat it’s a mouse it’s a raccoon oh I’m I’m not even sad I’m not even

Sad about it I bet he just met my grandfather he didn’t meet your grandfather Jackie how did you even become an English teacher uh Meo speak English what I do not know what talk about Je Jeffy what’s he what Daddy je Jeffy what have you learned in this

Class what words have you learned um egg roll egg roll yeah egg roll g i EG roll roll on my butt yeah Egg Roll in my butt what I put egg roll in your butt Bend no you’re not going to put an egg roll in my butt Jackie oh my

God Jeffy Jeffy I’m done I’m done D why is there a hole in the butt it’s made for an egg roll no it’s an exit only Jeffy stop it that’s not only exit if you see it that way no it’s not we’re not talking about that did I just

Accidentally grabbed the mouse’s cheese I think he’s having a heart attack oh life hack look the M Oh Daddy Jeffy what are you doing oh my God oh my God Jeffy oh my God Jeffy get down he going die Jeffy no Jeffy get down I don’t know how to get down jump Jeffy

Get down no jump me to tell him to jum tell him jump I come no no oh my God hi what are we doing here oh my god do you know why he survived retards your boy because I taught him how to do calculus trick yeah Daddy talk

About the math and bye daddy I’m done you’re going to get us egg roll no I’m not getting you an egg roll I’m just leaving give me an egg roll while you out Taco Bell or jaot L what do you mean why why are you asking us this question

Why do I have to choose one because one of this L will kill you and one the will not kill you so which one well guess what I like to pull it bye guys no no no no oh he’s dead hey I’m in the elevator there’s a

TR oh no all right Danny come on let’s go to Taco Bell let’s go Taco Bell yeah yeah I’m hungry okay I’m coming did you learn your lesson Uncle Tyrone yeah but why I like chipot better why is it why is it got to be TI Why okay all right guys next question

Better form of Comm Comm dadd how do you say that word communication Jeff oh Communication phone call or texting I like I like being on the phone with my girlfriend yeah let’s go phone call come on D we did it let’s go okay stop toxic sludge ow I

Died sh shut your ass we don’t suck yeah we don’t suck maravin sucks though no you said we don’t suck and then you said let me read this one Marvel or DC I like Spider-Man what the did DC I don’t I like Batman oh I’m going Marvel bye guys

Marvel I’m do DC I like Batman let’s go yeah Daddy no no I should have went Marvel I should have went Marvel DC oh my god oh no no no hugy wuggy hugy Wy I don’t know what is this what is ay I don’t even know what would

You rather be smartest in the room funniest in the room I think we both know this answer yeah none of them yeah wait what no funny is in the room jaui cuz we’re not the SM stupid in the room Jeffy Tyrone what are you doing bye daddy uh no

Jeffy oh oh oh wait I’m an elevator oh oh there’s fireworks there’s a clone and I’m going to get butt touched oh thei hey hey ah hello Tyrone I would I would rather be the the funniest in the room but oh it would appear that I’m the

Smartest in the room Jeffy cuz you got more thinking room with that bald ass head of yours shut the hell up Tyrone what’s the use of hair if you’re in jail Tyrone okay that has some yo what would you rather live in a treehouse or a cave a

Treeh house duh I say a cave like the rest of my ancestors all right I’m going to wait until one of you die um all right I’m going to go to treeh house oh I’m looking at another elevator from my oh it’s me hey it’s it’s a different version of me

Hey ow I I literally killed myself a different Tyrone killed me why would you rather live in a sh okay I’d rather live in a cave okay woo oh I’m getting a phone call okay I shut the door sorry ma’am I’m getting a phone call oh okay I

I can’t miss this one up again would you rather live in a treehouse or a cave if I died in the cave twice I choose the cave again just kidding I chose a treeh house all right guys pancakes or waffles um Tyrone I think we know what one you want which

One yeah which one of my chosing mar oh oh pancakes no you’re you’re picking waffles Ty I know I know I’m black but I’m going with pancakes come on yeah Dad come onc all right yeah they’re way better especially chocolate chip pancakes parkour oh good job Jeffy yeah

Oh this one’s an question apples or oranges what’s better well Jeffy you wait wait wait you can cut a hole in the oranges put them in the microwave heat them up and Fe them oh hell yeah going with orange Jeffy let’s go oh hell yeah uhoh I’m sorry I’m nevering orange as

Long as I live everywhere again Peppa Pig you um oh oh Ronald oh oh Ronald Danny you you made me go with oranges cuz I can them Jeffy no I’m going with apples I should have listening to my uncle Tyrone I told you to fofy well it

Turns out you can you can cut um the core out of the apples and you can those too I used to smoke uh never mind when storing cups in a Cupboard which way is correct uh I don’t even know why would you put the cup down when there’s a

Drink in it tell me come on y’all I guess we’re I guess we’re following Tyrone yeah oh it’s all about quantum physics if you think about it Noone M are we in the sorry are we in the oh are we in the backs bye guys oh look Jeffy found what do you call

This sport soccer or football it’s soccer but I think we need to go with a more popular we got go among the foreigners you want me to go with shocker Jeffy don’t Jeffy I’m grabbing you all right football K I’m going shocker oh you come on shocker

Come on oh I think I got it right oh oh there’s your pig there’s your roast beef on me what a tyone am I right yeah the obviously he has a autism hey wait Tyrone come back here Tyrone come here come here where hey should we um should we do something with

Jeffy when he gets back yeah okay now chill chill chill now look look look come on jaui let’s go I’m coming oh this one looks really really cool okay let’s see right let’s see real quick oh wait this one actually not that easy okay would you rather have extra toe or extra

Finger I like toes ooh no Tyrone that’s a freak answer um Tyrone you a freak you know what I could probably someone way better if I an extra finger yeah if you had more fingers oh the hose be lying up for my fingers okay all right that’s

Disgusting y got right see other people agree there’s no way Jeffy speaking of holes why we jump in this one come here good boy why why suck on five toes when you can suck on six can you fit all five toes in your mouth at the same time

Tyrone which would you prefer um well you can kiss a frog but a snake is a great play am I right boys you kisse your wife every night so that’s like kissing a frog come on what the my Mommy’s got frog lipped we did it have

Hey hey guys have you ever seen that um that that Tik Tok of the monkey using a Frog as a fight this can’t be in a video right who is scarier spider or snake spiders spers I hate them we have to go with spider let’s go we did it y’all we’re

Almost beating the game what would you prefer a Naked Chef or a naked maid easy no no my God what the yeah let’s we like food don’t we Marvin yeah I dude I’m hungry right now do you want to do you want to go get this Chef to make us some

Fried chicken or some while Jeffy suffers from his appending D I’m going I want to PR on Chef yeah let’s go oh my God it’s The Rook it’s The Rook all right guess we’re going with the personal chef people don’t like naked Mage oh Jeffy you missed it there

Was this personal chef here and he made Tyrone this top tier fried chicken I want some chicken that’s you could get some chicken don’t worry about it maybe you shouldn’t have asked for the topless maid Jeffy and you would have got some fried chicken let me ask

You let me ask you a question y’all which is better the hot or the cold this one is going to be tricky let’s think about this one I think it’s the oh you know what you know what this guy’s a freak and he likes the cold Jeffy I’m

Going hot bye no I think it’s a hot don’t do it listen Tyrone’s suffering you don’t want to do it I’m in a cemetery what is that oh Lord Oh Lord Oh Lord Oh Lord Oh Lord they haven’t killed me yet oh hell no I’m going with the

Cold daddy yep you’re right yay look Jeffy we made it what is this exit here tyone look the exit okay are you ready to leave I really like this game I don’t know if I’m ready to leave y’all look what I got I got a monster gun what is

That can I get a monster gun Jeffy did you actually buy theing gun yeah let’s go kill the monsters I’m never done did you buy the gun too who would win in a fight okay on like legit a gorilla is going to tear all those apart so with

The gorilla I’m going with the lion oh no l don’t win is it an alligator it was the gorilla a oh um guys I’m playing SW games I thought this was a a slide video what’s the best place to swim the lake the ocean or the bathtub Jeffy you

Like you drown in a bathtub cuz you’re a so maybe you I think we should all go different for hole okay I’m down with that Jeffy go in the bathtub Danny you get the pink you get the stink and I’ll get the mouth okay all right Jeffy have fun one 2

3 I did it no no no oh no oh no oh no no no no no I hate squid games oh oh I’m bent over oh he’s gonna oh he’s going to do things to me oh I got to get out my gun I’m about to kill

Some oh what the oh my God it’s your Kool-Aid man it’s the Koolaid man die die you no my gun didn’t do anything I did it you want go Tyrone I wanted to stink all right looks like we’re going to the ocean Jeffy all

D what the hell I’m going die roll oh no no he can’t oh my God Jeffy help I’m getting out my gun Tyrone come [Applause] here Tyrone no stop it you’re not a baby worst thing to step on while Barefoot I feel like a Lego boock a beehive or a

Cacti I would say a beehive because I’m little will sting you right in your foot and you be like oh N I think it’s Lego blocks I think it’s Lego blocks to yeah stupid Tyrone guys I didn’t get oh there’s a toilet oh there’s a poop in the toilet

Hey Dad oh look best fictional robot Optimus Prime R2-D2 or Freddy fazar no I’m going with Optimus Prime don’t ever say that again I was right you were right oh no it’s a Kool-Aid man it’s a Kool-Aid man I never thought Kool-Aid would kill me worst thing to do in the

Dark um obviously playing creepy music yeah I don’t I don’t like playing creep creepy music well you’re a freak so that makes sense oh we did it oh we all got it right look guys let’s see how many we can get right we’re on the sides look no you’re not no slides oh

Jeffy GRE Jeffy wait there’s a problem green beans aren’t here green beans are the right are the best je no Daddy I don’t like my vegetabl okay Jeffy listen Jeffy you got we got to play small we got to figure out what what is everyone like the most Jeffy we we can’t play

With our feelings here we got to play as a team okay so what is the best vegetable is it broccol corn none of them they’re all Ash Jeffy have you ever had Mexican street street corn it’s the best thing ever I’m going broccoli I’m going broccoli no no Daddy I don’t want

To go down any of these Jeffy you’re going to go down the corn one and then you’re going to eat some Mexican street corn and then you’re going to be grateful it’s carrot oh my God Tyrone what did you just do I did it let’s go yeah you didn’t do oh God playing

Squid games come on dad let’s go down the stupid corn let’s go down corn m corn um I wonder what what do you think Tyrone’s going to go with Jeffy probably chocolate why would you say that why would you say that um because um um come

On dad let’s go down vanilla okay all right Daddy I guess we have to go down to vanilla cuz you know racism I did let’s go yeah he didn’t do Daddy no no no no no no no no no no no no no aliens no don’t Pro me

Oh you proved Me Oh Daddy oh it’s a mini Jeffy no get away from me Jeffy oh my God oh my God oh my God best instrument um I would take a t Jeffy right we rock out guar yeah not like you’re a band or

Anything oh what no no what oh hell no oh it’s win house there’s a phone I just blew up into a million pieces hell yeah oh wait wait wait got guys I won it’s drums probably drums can you beat the out of them that’s called drums just like that dad beats my ass

All right I guess we’re going drums what the it’s not drums the piano no I hate five nights at Friday dude nobody’s playing the piano n no way oh it’s Poppy play time y’all all right I guess it’s the piano yay Everyone likes the piano best typ of

Us for drinks cubes obviously that’s an easy one best Jacko Lantern the one in the middle by I’m coming to ro no I did oh you guys are right oh sick let’s go all right looks like I’m going down that one oh I I don’t know if I can do

Another one guys no this is just an exit no guys this is the ex okay see you guys later subscribe goodbye today I’m going to get Sonic’s powers in Roblox make sure to stick around to the end to see if I can get fast enough to be my arch

Nemesis Metal Sonic Jeffy today you’re becoming uh Sonic in Roblox uhhuh I’m going to become Sonic in Roblox watch there’s no way Jeffy oh you’re Jeffy Jeffy look at your legs F oh my goodness look how fast my legs are moving still alive Jeffy he would be

Passing you in the wheelchair I swear to God D why I not Sonic Jeffy I think you’d be an Olympic paraplegic Runner but that’s about it why cuz you’re not fast Jeffy Jeffy how do you play this game what do you do how do you get faster you have to

Run and get these little Diamond things oh you already sped up a little bit I think oh every time you get oh you’re like one of Sonic’s balls bowling ball hey you’re a little bowling ball Jeffy that’s cute Jeffy you’re not going to poop oh my God how did you do that how

Did you do that Jeffy pumped I pump my pants all right Jeffy maybe maybe don’t do that why but then I want to put my pants just I want to get faster see because I said so Jeffy don’t do that oh my goodness okay oh my God D I’m already

Level four oh my gosh Jeffy that was quick how did you get the level four so quick I’ve only been playing this for like 20 seconds I’m already at level four Jeffy what’s the fastest you can get 100 100 Jeffy oh my God that’s insane and how fast you got to get to

Become uh a Sonic 40 I’m moving so fast watch I can walk on water Jeff you can’t walk on water D you’re you’re not walking on water Jeffy can you even swim you better hope you doesn’t get deep no D I can’t swim see me Jeffy get out of the

Water good boy Jeffy oh you made it out oh you did a good I’m just going to take forever for me to get to level 100 if I’m just moving this slow Jeff well Jeffy maybe you should I don’t know like move faster no fail fail

Fail oh Jeffy it’s not the end of the world look to your right your left right oh my goodness it’s a draft it’s a giraffe destroyed it’s a ladybug oh my God wasn’t a giraffe Jiffy what is wrong with you just destroying those giraff no you didn’t destroy they were they were

Inoc bugs Jeffy they were just they were just there Jeffy what’s wrong with you is there any way to level up even faster um they the races that they stting to give you extra XP extra XP Jeffy no way oh yeah let me show you I I don’t

Believe you oh you’re there je 10,000 rings for me to do 10,000 Rings that’s so expensive can you afford that so many rings oh you better beg for Roblox Jeffy D can I buy some Roblox no I I’m going to have to go get 10,000 th000 Rings before I can even do one

Race they I finally got 10,000 Rings 10,000 Rings Jeffy all right well go get go get more let’s do a race first here we go this is going to be a super hard race oh is it Jeffy here we go oh my God they I’m moving so quick oh my goodness Jeffy you

Didn’t even you’re going way faster in the race oh you hit a rock you hit a rock all right Jeffy D I’m moving so much faster now that I’m racing yeah Jeffy well I know oh you’re so fast Jeffy good boy oh wow that is insane what’s the

Record for the race Jeffy do we know um I don’t know yet you think you can beat it if I get fast enough to become Sonic I can Jeffy are you actually going to be able to become Sonic by the end of this video you I believe Jeff good oh you already

Beat it that was quick I did and I leveled up to and I got 75,000 XP that is insane how much did you level up by that I’m already level 28 oh my God Jeffy what level were you before you started that like 14 Jeffy do one more race see what happens what’s

Doing all right Jeffy one more time let’s see how much you can level up by doing this race I’m going to try not head to rock this time I hit the rock oh because you remember last time I hit the rock because I was going so fast

Oh my God you went F oh you’re going in it faster Jeffy oh Jeffy I get it these races the the if you hit something you’re going to go way slower so if you can avoid hitting anything you’re going to beat your personal best record Jeffy

Yeah but then I can’t see anything cuz I’m blind well you’re not blind Jeffy my hel in the way I’ve been I’ve been running with my helmet now this whole time all Jeffy well freaking put your helmet back up IDI I did I finally did be your personal best Jeffy that’s

Insane how much xp did you get that time I’m level 31 y you only level up a couple times there Jeffy why did I level up Anymore okay D I think I want to do this race one more time all right Jeffy how about I join you D what where did you come from Jeffy I’ve been playing the game come on let’s just race D what level are you don’t worry about it Jeffy

I’m going to beat you here we go Jeffy I seriously doubt that oh you you all right Jeffy well you got to start how about that I’m going as fast as I can are you going as fast as you can Jeffy look who just passed you loser loser

Jeff’s a loser no one likes you let me use my f Powers Jeffy I just started playing this game and I’m already faster than you what no D you cheated I know you’ve been playing this game for long I didn’t cheat yes you did Jeffy guess

What guess what Jeffy I’m level 50 Jeffy that is why I fre beat yeah Jeffy I told you I’ve been playing this game for a long time I call up to you take yeah you took me again no I beat you still Jeffy and I got a personal best what I

Didn’t get a personal best a Jeffy well maybe if you level up a little bit more you can beat me okay okay I’m going to level up all right guys I finally made it to level 50 now it’s time for me to beat my daddy Jeffy there’s no way you’re going

To beat me okay I beat you I beat you by like 7 Seconds last time no we’re going to do this race over here oh Jeffy it’s too late are you kidding me fine I guess we’ll do this little baby race all right Jeffy whatever oh Jeffy all right all

Right guys there’s no way he can beat me this guy has old grandpa legs and going to decay in the dust Grandpa lik who are you calling Grandpa Jeffy you you’re old grandpa I am Jeffy I’m SM right here di I swear to God ashes no I do not smell

Like ashes okay you smell like old people ashes you that is inappropriate Jeffy oh no D where are you are you even behind me you’re not even Jeffy Jeffy I’m not behind you Jeffy oh you’re taking so long I’m going to be I’m not taking long D I just won you won

Uhhuh oh my God I can’t believe you beat me Jeffy of course I beat you what do you mean why is that so hard to comprehend I’m just buing you in every way all right Jeffy that’s a little that’s a little uncalled for okay no n

All right Jeffy we are super fast but we need to get way faster if you want any hope of actually becoming Sonic oh but why can’t I just become Sonic right now because you’re not fast enough Jeffy why you’re not slow you’re pretty fast now but but I know I’m F watch this

Jeff Sonic is like like two times as fast as you what are you sure guys I guess we’re just going have to wait and see if I can beat him or not Jeffy you’re not going to be able to beat him I’m calling it right now of course I

Would to be able to beat him oh my God I just fell down yeah Jeffy you fell down because you’re not fast enough you better go level up Jeffy level up and become Sonic I bet you can’t you want to bet watch this he I’ve been training my butt off and I’m finally

15959 Jeffy oh my gosh you might be ready to become Sonic But first you got to see if you can beat this race you’re telling me if I can beat this race I become Sonic yeah Jeffy but we got to we you got to be able to beat the race and

It’s a it’s the hardest race out of all of them oh my goodness all right let’s try it 3 2 1 they oh my God oh my God Jeffy oh my goodness are you going to be fast enough Jeffy I don’t know let’s see if I be the oh my God I’m going so quick you’re going really fast Jeffy oh I went too fast and I skipped the I skipped the

Checkpoint Jeffy dang you can’t beat the race if you skip all checkpoints oh my goodness I’m going so quick they I might even be faster than Sonic Jeffy you’re not faster than Sonic there’s no way I don’t know you should see me right now I’m going pretty fast oh my

Goodness CH how fast are you going I’m going like 999 speed right now 999 speed you like like 999 mph yeah that’s Jeffy that’s insane no way you’re going that fast oh my goodness D I beat the race Jeffy that means you get to become Sonic

That’s insane yeah D I’m Sonic Jeffy you became Sonic that’s insane I’m going to run and see how fast I go Jeffy you are insanely fast that’s ridiculous but D I’m not going super sonic speed everybody needs to subscribe so I go super sonic Jeffy no there’s no

Way you’re going to go super sonic speed that’s everybody subscribe I can feel it can feeling my goodness oh my God Jeffy look how fast you’re running that is insane that was super sonic speed I broke the sound barel insane Jeffy oh my goodness

Oh man I’m going so fast right now oh my goodness Z this is crazy nobody can beat me what is that sound I think somebody could beat you Jeffy oh my goodness is that metal Sonic yeah Jeffy all right let’s race in three 2 one head start start Jeffy

Come on Metal Sonic oh God oh my God he’s right behind me guys oh Jeffy you thought you thought you could run me Jeffy but I’m Metal Sonic now you know me no Jeffy pass you Jeffy no the Finish Jeffy Che oh my God my just won I just won against Metal Sonic if this video gets 10,000 likes all R Shadow or knock on

This video, titled ‘PLAY or DIE in Roblox!’, was uploaded by Jeffy And Marvin’s World on 2023-12-10 19:00:17. It has garnered 48096 views and 617 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:25 or 9445 seconds.

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    Hello there! We recently launched our first season of Towny after a 4-year break. We are seeking players who are friendly and enjoy Minecraft without the need for speedrunning everything. This weekend’s event: We are hosting a build contest with the theme of Ancient OR Mythology, with great prizes for participants. Main features include: Towny for land claiming Custom economy with a stock-like market system Custom fishing with textured fishes A Casino Seasons and rentable properties Dwarfism and more If you are interested, join us at: IP: (1.21.X) Map: Discord: Our approach to server development is giving… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MinecraftMeme16 – Stop Stealing Challenge FAIL!

    Looks like MinecraftMeme16 should stick to mining blocks instead of stealing memes! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1Video Information This video, titled ‘超智障的一部片 #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #memes #颱風 #skywars #gaming #颱風 #ep1 #pvp #lunarclient’, was uploaded by V概 alvin on 2024-09-16 13:59:03. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Producer: Vgui Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 Hardware: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: PJ02 mechanical keyboard (red axis) Microphone: HyperX SoloCast Minecraft ID: V_alvin Read More

  • Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup!

    Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muscle Efekan and Skinny Alperen, a dynamic team. Their battles are epic, their adventures grand, In this virtual world, they make their stand. With muscles of steel and skills to match, Muscle Efekan takes on any catch. Skinny Alperen, quick and sly, With moves so smooth, he’ll make you cry. Together they conquer, together they thrive, In this Minecraft world, they truly come alive. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And join these two heroes in their epic show. Read More

  • POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft

    POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft POV: Ultra Toxic Friend at different Ages Age 10: “I’ll steal your diamonds in Minecraft and blame it on a creeper!” Age 15: “I’ll grief your entire base and call it a prank, bro.” Age 20: “I’ll steal your girlfriend and blame it on lag.” Read More

  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft! The Emerald Golem in Minecraft Farm Details Farm Performance: The Emerald Golem farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 per hour! Farm Mode: This farm operates in a fully automatic mode, making it efficient and convenient for players. Versions: The farm is compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21, including various subversions like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4. Platforms: The farm is designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for players on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3 Game Information Shaders: Complementary shaders enhance the visual experience of the game. Resource Pack: The farm utilizes the default… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19 Preparing for Success in Minecraft Ilmango’s Slime Farm One key element in achieving success in Minecraft is having efficient farms. In episode 19, the player references Ilmango’s slime farm, a popular design known for its high productivity. By incorporating this design into their world, the player sets themselves up for a steady supply of slime, a valuable resource for various crafting recipes. Live Streaming on Twitch To share their Minecraft journey with a wider audience, the player live streams their gameplay on Twitch. This not only allows viewers to follow along in real-time but also creates a sense of… Read More

  • Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by Bullies

    Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by BulliesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Boiled One BULLIES ME INTO A CORNER’, was uploaded by Stella Kosmistr on 2024-09-10 19:00:19. It has garnered 415 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:37 or 2617 seconds. The Boiled One had me absolutely frozen with fear and uncertainty. #fromthefog #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberminecraft #theboiledone Apologies for the 30FPS recording folks! Seems like OBS had a hiccup, but it’ll be fixed for future videos! ——————————— MOD: ——————————— Twitch: TikTok: ——————————— Remember to like the video and subscribe as well! You know all… Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

    Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mobs in real life | Gaming with Aryan 2.0 | Minecraft gameplay’, was uploaded by GAMING_WITH_ARYAN_ 2.0 on 2024-07-07 11:58:34. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. my second channel ( ) _____________________tags_____________________ minecraft mobs in real life minecraft in real life minecraft mobs real life minecraft real life mobs in real life minecraft mobs in real life meme minecraft in real life mobs real life minecraft minecraft minecraft mobs in real life 2024 minecraft vs real life minecraft in real life… Read More

  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

    CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft SMP with Viewers! Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-08-26 14:11:34. It has garnered 299 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:35 or 5495 seconds. Join the Public Crafted SMP for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java! IP: Port for bedrock: 19132 Version: 1.16 – Latest Join the Farcross/Crafted SMP Discord! Join CraftedCroix’s Discord! My gear: Want to give me a donation? Check out the Crafted SMP Webstore! Join the Farcross Reddit! Hashtags: #minecraft #craftedcroix #craftedsmp Tags: public minecraft server,minecraft java… Read More

  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

    "Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!" #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Brijesh Gamer 1 on 2024-02-04 04:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft#craftingandbuilding #viral #trending … Read More

  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More