Playing Minecraft With Haruka, Snuffy & Sykkuno

Video Information

Fork knife oh god whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Fork knife fork knife forks fork knife uh fork and spoon ah hold on i gotta fix my my hair i gotta fix my my hair sorry play fortnite i have to install it first and i don’t have it installed out what is this playlist yeah so i i i found the liminal space

Playlist and i was like let me try to let me let me play some liminal space liberal space music you know what i mean hey yo horror game is today guys we already played a horror game it’s called jump king guys we already played a horror game it is called j-u-m-p-k-i-n-g jumbo king

We already played it mo there for chaos if you don’t think that that’s a horror game why don’t you check on steam i think it actually listed as horror horror and terror play fatal frame i gotta install that [ __ ] bro i gotta install it but uh um hmm Jesus jesus christ what is this what is this music I’m so um do you think do you think do you think karen is disappointed by my performance i tried my best monkey rain he’s raiding me oh you think she’s proud of me do you think people are proud of me i tried my best connor connor

Thank you so much for the raid i tried my best today i’m not really good at that game thank you for the raid connor thank you very much i tried my best i’m not that good at the game but i tried my best i think i’ve gone the farthest i’ve ever gotten

But the thing the thing that’s most important is that i got to hang out with with my friend and we had a great time and we played together and we had a good time and that’s all that matters that’s all that matters thank you so much for the raid connor

Thank you and thank you for inviting me to the event uh i’m glad that i got to do it even though i was bad i’m glad i got to do it i tried my best actually i’m happy that i did it because now i know that there’s a mod that lets

You play two players and maybe next time i could play with a friend again and maybe they could help me out and teach me i got a thousand dollars for hanging out with a friend karen can keep the thousand dollars i’m just happy i get to hang out with her

Play with connor yeah maybe one day connor can teach me his uh his insane jump king strategies and uh and we could we could he could he could help me and i could maybe one win the game with him helping me you’re proud of me thank you

Thank you very much i’m i’m so happy that you’re proud i am honored that you’re proud of me thank you i tried my best i’m really happy i got to play with karen i’ve been dying to play with karen for so long but our schedules has always been so

Busy and we haven’t been able to play games together but finally the stars aligned and we could play games today so i’m really happy i got to play games with karen today i i i love her so much and i look up to her so much and she’s so talented and

I’m just honored to be in i’m honored that she even knows who i am it was it was it was an amazing time i had an amazing time who doesn’t know the envy pizza it’s not me anymore guys it’s rain she’s the every pizza not me

The meme can die now you don’t ever have to call me that ever again it’s not me the [ __ ] it’s not no please don’t call me that anymore it’s not me anymore please i’m begging you no you both had fun which you did it means you’re both winners

We both had fun i had so much fun with her i really want to play more games with her again maybe we’ll play fortnite or maybe we’ll play i can’t i can’t believe i’m saying we will play fortnite maybe jesus late night fortnight at like 2 a.m i don’t know

We’ll play something fun we’ll play something fun definitely Mary pre thursday everybody what do i have planned tomorrow oh tomorrow we’re playing cult of the lamb tomorrow we’re playing cult of the lamb and then we’re playing tower fantasy on friday uh and then on saturday i don’t know what we’re doing on saturday something let me check my calendar my twizzler page

Checking checking oh yeah speak of the devil yes with jessica oh my god i’m so excited she uh she is just holy guys who we are mouse will you play something now guys you know i’m still i’m still like kind of like so last night after we ended stream i

Was playing i was playing minecraft and i i worked on the area a little bit more did you see what jessica said about you on trash’s i did i did i did i did i did my cue game oh my god oh my god oh my god

I’m so excited to have her on are you guys cute are you guys as addicted to cube game as me i wonder if we could we should get our own server to have a precious family server i worry though cause i don’t know you know what game i’ve been dying to play

Come closer come closer to me i want to play russ bro i got bit by the rose bug again do you think i could convince do you think i could convince the boss man or invite donkey i don’t know donkey but should i talk to donkey i i’ve only met him in passing

I’ve only met donkey in passing bro like when we were on the the ot survey that was a fun time yeah we showed you a rush server do you think gun would appease me after i i feel so bad i feel like i beg him for

Things all the time first i begged him for a minecraft server now i’m gonna beg him for a rust server this will be like mouse what more what more do you want you annoying little [ __ ] or invite maxwell i actually want to invite maxwell on speak of the devil

Do you think he’d come wait the i toasty stop looking at my eyes and saying it looks like a vagina it does not look like that you are a perv alert that says a lot about you you see [ __ ] everywhere you go away your little dirty little cut maybe i shouldn’t say that

Right now i’m sorry just kidding guys my eyes are normal stop it you guys are perverts be nice they’re normal pupils like cat eyes your cat has eyes like that too what are you gonna say your cat has girl part eyes stop this right now i will not accept this behavior in my

Christian stream you miss a penguin if i give you a sneak peek of one thing will you stop If i give you one tiny sneak peek will you stop for today will you stop saying that i’m gonna give you one sneak peek I want to give you a sneak peek okay Don’t be toxic what is chad doing now huh what are you guys doing what are you doing hmm Ordering a pizza oh very nice i love pizza i’m i’m only going to show you a tiny piece and that’s it Wow Do jello horns [Applause] Guys what the [ __ ] was that oh my god i’m so sorry i don’t know my internet is like acting a fool right now my bad rain congratulations i hope you saw what i said i hope you heard what i said i’m sorry my internet decided to [ __ ] itself right now

Not sure why out of all times thank you for the raid i hope you had a wonderful stream i know you had a wonderful stream you won the game dude you gotta teach me how to play bro maybe one day i’ll learn and i’ll win yeah dumb queen also happy you’re the

New every pizza congratulations you can uh be the envy pizza for the end of time uh please take that title away from me i i i’ll never be the envy pizza ever again uh enjoy being a new envy pizza you are the emmy pizza no no no no

Two mdp there can only be one there can only be one every pizza and she’s the only pizza not me mommy she is lovely mommy guys guys guys guys no no there can only be one Anymore guys it’s not me there can’t be two there could only be one it’s like the highlander there can only be one you feel me no guys come on man oh [ __ ] sorry my soul came out of my mouth my bed forgive me yo what the [ __ ] i i found this liminal

Space playlist and it’s like [ __ ] with my brain i’ve been listening to liminal space music since yesterday because i got into a literal space mood i want to know more i think it’s because of the i just got in the mood because the back rooms game you know twice the envy pizzas

Maybe time to stop but now okay maybe it is what if we just watched liminal space videos right now i’m sorry wait i don’t wanna i don’t wanna cause oh is haruka playing is haruka playing minecraft let me message her let me ask her if she wants to get in a call

Hey hanukkah are you playing minecraft wanna get an a call in a bit invite guys i’m gonna tell you something here’s what i have to say i would love to invite everyone to the resoju server if it was up to me everyone would be in the server but i’m

Not the only one on the server it’s not my server it belongs to vishojo and it belongs to the boss so you can’t really tell me who i should and shouldn’t invite and who deserves to be in it or not because it’s not your decision it’s the decision of my boss

So for you to say that comment in my chat and to say x person deserves to be there and then to continuously ask them about it and make them feel bad and then make me feel bad that’s kind of [ __ ] up i promise you that we have our own meetings and we can

Recommend who we want and as soon as our servers are stable there’ll be more invitations to more people but we can’t allow everybody on there i feel like our our server is special because it’s a feature that not a lot of youtuber companies have you know because

It’s usually just company only and the fact that we allow other people it it’s it’s nice it’s fun you know but we have to do everything to make everyone feel comfortable we also have to keep in mind that more people means more you know we have to fix our leg problem first

Uh drama you know that’s that’s also a factor you know you got to think about who’s on there who’s not on there you know every time we invite somebody with we need to be like oh will we all get along will we all get along because not everyone that’s on there i’m friends

With i don’t know a lot of people and you know if i invite somebody i also have to take into account that not a lot of people know might not know who they are either so but i definitely have people that i would love to invite

And in time i’m sure that they will be there it’s just gonna take time but i don’t think it’s i i think it’s kind of like messed up it’s like going to people’s chats and like continuously like mention it because it might not make it it wouldn’t it won’t make the person

Feel good and it won’t make us feel good it’ll make us feel anxious and we get worried and you know yeah bro it’s monka s to ask on another person’s behalf that’s all i’m gonna say it’s just you know i feel like sometimes people just people just like to stir

Pots you know people just like to invent drama that isn’t there am i right brothers or am i right bros y’all are some little little drama frogs you want some gossip huh you don’t have enough gossip in your life is that what you want some delicious tea just sip on

Is that what you want you want some teeth do you want to drink some tea with me you like drama is that what you want you want to start some problems i’m just kidding [Laughter] i’m just kidding but no uh i have uh listen i have a lot of youtuber friends

I’m trying my best guys okay i’m trying i’m trying my best trying my best i’m trying to bring in as many people as i can okay jesus christ one of the time you got bags under your eyes i’m pretty sure you do too everyone does it’s called an eye crease

You do you’re exhausted do you want me to put you to sleep little baby do you want to go to sleep is that what you want you want me to put you to sleep are you tired you’re gonna sleep forever permanently you’re gonna feel relaxed and you’re never gonna complain about

Anything ever again do you understand me feel all your troubles melt away are you feeling it now mr krabs thank you for the bubblies all right that’s it you feel more relaxed now And nowhere was born do you honestly think it’s me do you think i was the one Well you’re not wrong all right bros who is on the server right now today is it just hatuka maybe silver later hadouken she’s built and stuff oh my god my tummy my tummy’s grumbling Minecraft when i play it’s what don’t worry we’re not playing minecraft tomorrow oh baby what is this we’re not playing minecraft tomorrow tomorrow playing cult of the lamb friday we’re playing tower fantasy saturday we’re with jessica sunday games with friends what games with friends i don’t [ __ ] know You want minecraft i’ll give you the minecraft my babies my little baby frogs more d d yeah i definitely want to do more d d um we have to wait though cause booby’s a little busy and i think connor’s gonna be busy too so

Uh i but i think we might be able to do a one shot in a week or two maybe hopefully i hope so that’ll be great i really want that to happen what do you think do you want to play some minecraft it’s okay if you don’t want to play it’s okay

If you just want to relax if you want to relax i want you to see what i did i want to see what i’ve done to my place you haven’t seen the upgrades that i’ve done i worked on it even more last night so you guys are gonna see the the fruits

Of my labor i only started when i showed you guys pink cat is sleepy she only my poor sleepy baby my boy sweepy baby i sweep you baby all right this is uh all right um guys this playlist is not it right now that place is not it right now

That is not it right now uh i’m sorry i subjected you guys to that Just notice the booby body pillow please explain no so do you have a power rangers type outfit i do have i do have a uh super sentai form uh it is a 3d it is a 3d body so i have to use a special program with it uh and right now uh

I i can’t right now explain why you can’t buy the body pillow how is to say that that that body pillow won’t be won’t be available soon you don’t know that and who’s to say that maybe who’s to say that maybe pretense booby might be getting another form you don’t know that

Why am i growing did i say i said new form what the [ __ ] farm what Ring ring ding I did my best you did you that’s all that matters right yeah i did my best that’s all that matters i did my best hell yeah i tried my best i’m so glad so i i don’t wanna i’m so that’s all you just did you just

Tried your best i’m proud of you yeah i tried my but are you dying my computer is like having a hard time holding on your computer not to have a hard time yeah what the heck is happening do you might need to restart or anything oh i hope not

Oh god if i have to restart i can’t come back no i forgot no i did not forget the clothes drum king i promise you i closed it as soon as i could you’re just i’m done with jump kick get the [ __ ] out the second my part was over

I was like that’s it [ __ ] did you stream or did somebody else dream oh i streamed all right no you’re still streaming right now yeah i am still streaming right now baby jesus christ you have stronger stamina than me i think i i try my best that’s all you can do really

Here is what i’ve done so far oh your house yeah i’ve been working on this like mermaid’s grotto area with the secret cave oh [ __ ] where are you at my house all right hold on i think i finally found a place and it took me two hours

To make a [ __ ] circle so i lost my mind are you are you close to me or or did you move very far i have a i have a wave point down so you can teleport to me if you want oh are you are you in the middle of the ocean

Yeah you’re actually let me show you the structure i want to be an ocean mermaid why live in a lagoon you do but it’s a beautiful lagoon just like i did not say brothel what the [ __ ] are you guys saying so my chat was [ __ ] saying i won’t be able to do

This in survival mode so i’m like fat so i’m making this out of spite let me see i posted i gave it to you in dms oh my god talk about it i saw that structure and i was gonna do it and then i was like that looks way too complicated for me

I am going to do it oh my god i have to give 50 subs to my channel let’s go you can do it i believe thank you you can do it you can do it and then i’ll make a guest room for you so you can sleep in there yeah yeah

So it took me two hours to make a circle so we’re i’m getting there i’m getting there that’s all that matters what did uh oh my god everybody has their waypoints and stuff that’s so cute yeah giga gave me one and it’s a desert one so matches what’s it called

It’s called hanukkah’s house but the but it’s also called kwabi kobach oh you gotta you gotta i think you’re gonna have to uh go into the the cogwheel and activate it for the world oh that’s what i did wrong yeah because i can’t see it

Value the king thank you so much for the five gifted subs uh how do i make it view uh view discover yeah click like the global icon oh do you see it no i see it there you go that’s what i did wrong do you wanna do you wanna see what i did

Or do you want me to come to your house first i mean i don’t really have much just a circle so i’ll come to you first the booby bird oh yeah i got a new bird you did oh my god he’s the cutest bird ever look at him

I’m coming to you yeah when you come come over here first come to the side where i keep my birds first okay okay okay where’s monkey he’s busy but i showed him the bird already oh you showed monkey the bird i did i was so proud of the bird i showed him a

Bird here i am look at my bird bro oh my god it’s like a little penguin bird he looks so cute it does look like boobie in a bird form yeah he’s a booty bird oh my god he’s so cute dude i love it come come this way oh [ __ ] are you

Giving me a house tour well you’ve already been inside my house right yeah okay i haven’t seen what you updated to it this is what i made check it out oh my god oh that’s so sick if you go through the waterfall and go inside it’s a secret cave

Oh my god that’s so pretty i wanted to make it like an amethyst place so you know when you find the amethyst geode yeah i’m making like a fake one oh that’s so sick i love it oh it’s so good with multi-colored sand all the mermaids

Can come here and have fun and relax oh and then the top is already glass so the sun can shine through oh this is literally paradise for only us since we’re the only sirens on the freaking server it’s okay we can we can spoil ourselves because we’re the only sirens here we’re

Like the only sirens i know i’m so excited dude oh did you did you see the sand i gave you in your house yeah i did thank you for all the sand yeah let me know if you need more sand do you need more sin i think i think i’m

Good for now i i don’t know i think maybe oh so down here like i’m gonna hollow this whole thing and i’m gonna put a coral reef in here oh oh oh i was gonna do that for mine too if you need a place to find more coral

Reef i know where to go oh i will go there later because at the moment i’m trying to find what are you trying to materials i i have a lot of materials what materials do you need baby baby i gotta get quartz i gotta get a life and then i gotta get

I gotta get a life life oh my god like i have i’m looking at the video tutorial and i have there’s like two pages of materials i’m like oh boy this is gonna take me like maybe like a month or something no you’re gonna do it

You can do it i believe i can help you whatever materials you need i can help you get them oh my god you’re a jump right thank you if you want you can come see my little humble abode it’s just a circle it’s the most impressive thing ever

We’re going to go see the circle it looks like a ritual but i swear it’s a circle right there well oh [ __ ] cool that is it’s just a circle but i thought this would be a nice place right here because i found the sparklies because of

The the sea lanterns and i thought this is like a nice open area for like pretty sightseeing stuff kind of things under here so i thought this is a nice area for definitely precisely perfect place to summon me yeah yeah exactly it’s our little vacation hut you’re gonna summon catholic yeah

Do you like my ritual yes hello ritual mouse We’re married now yeah we’re married now oh no i promise i said i promised myself i’d never get married well we’re married now that’s what the ritual is for oh okay oh my gosh i’m married guys don’t want to do a divorce ritual what is the divorce ritual look like

Uh i whip out your [ __ ] yeah yeah that’s the divorce ritual get out you rip on my anus and that’s that’s the end of me if you want to keep uranus then i guess i guess we need to stay married oh no oh sucks whatever did you get what was in here

I did good job you keep you should keep this chest man i i was thinking maybe i can have some of these the only thing i don’t like about this chest is that there’s no sorting system on it oh yeah that’s true you gotta sacrifice the sorting for the space ah you’re right

Let’s check i’ll take it with me and put it on there take it with you i can’t pick it up pick up oh what what this chest is having difficulty chest [ __ ] please let me pick chess [ __ ] stop being a little [ __ ] stop being a little [ __ ] and let me pick you up

Stop being a little bit there we go oh whoa i feel like i got in speed all of a sudden thirst oh it’s because i’m thirsty i was drinking the water on the you drink the pb water i did like a [ __ ] i drink the peepee water

It’s okay sometimes we gotta drink the peepee water that’s the only one we got honestly you’re not wrong give me a list of the materials you need oh [ __ ] well let me go to the video ah let me intro what would you do if all of a sudden like you’re looking on the

Horizon and you see a pair of like eyes well then i would probably um uninstall minecraft uh get a new computer what if i made a big-ass statue of a gun run in the distance that’s so big you can’t help us see it from all the way over here i that’s an

Amazing idea some you’re such a genius please do it it’d be great i’m saying mama yeah i’m sending you all the materials and dms i i i assure you not it’s a lot of materials i gotta find listen i understand we mermaids you know we’re ex we’re extra we’re

Extra we need extra things we do and i’m okay with this because it’s gonna look sexy as [ __ ] yeah you don’t have a sexy house it’s more darn yeah it’s beautiful a sexy mod darn house beautiful a beautiful mod darn house beautiful [ __ ] modern house yes [ __ ] me i oh well

Whenever you want apparently we’re married you know what that means oh your little wiggler is so cute i saw it on twitter look at your little wiggler oh do you like my wiggly i love your wiggly yes there’s something i want to tell you but

I can’t tell you in front of all these people oh [ __ ] do you want to do them into me i’ll be right to you later okay okay do you have it to be later where are you swimming oh you can’t see me oh i can’t i’m too fast you flash for your eyes

What are you spongebob you blink and you back to the same position you can’t catch me baby where did you go oh you’re over there i see you now a little scamper gotta go fast once you become a sophisticated adult mermaid like me i like how you snicker at that like you

Don’t believe in yourself that you’re a sophisticated dollar you learn you learn how to swim you gotta learn the the laws of the whales oh i see yeah the laws of the ocean the laws of the oceans ocean is a very forgiving place but also a very

Non-forgiving place oh [ __ ] yeah i keep getting attacked this is this is the [ __ ] that i used in my mermaid place oh [ __ ] for real you know like okay listen sometimes okay sometimes you might not be able to get all the materials that you want to get you could you could always substitute

That is true and get other stuff that is true you know but let me look at what you need but i’m stubborn i know you are oh you don’t have to tell me twice i already if i didn’t know any better i would have thought you were puerto rican baby

No i’m white unfortunately [Laughter] my white wife [Laughter] i’m special too so there’s your package deal yes special my special white wife my white canadian wife oh [ __ ] ellie yay you want some [ __ ] timmy’s babe yeah get me some teamies you want some tim you want something everyone every

Canadian i know always sings the praises of tim hortons i love tim hortons but there are some kids who hate tim hortons and i just exclude them from life holy [ __ ] this is so much [ __ ] i know i you don’t have to find everything it’s okay why the [ __ ] do you

Need wheat seeds what the [ __ ] i i don’t know i just i love the fact that they that the materials are like in english and spanish like samia’s i i was like is that french or spanish but it didn’t explain have fun reading the same thing twice

Ender chess oh ender chest that’s gonna yeah we’ll be able to get that soon oh for real yeah cause we’re we’re we were we were talking about going to the end to kill the enemy dragon all right materials from the end yeah when are we gonna do that

Uh we’re trying to figure out what would be a good day so that we could all be on at the same time we could do like a big ass collab oh but like i will be there i know that we’re doing like uh i don’t know i don’t know if how many

More people were inviting so because right now the invites were like pause and stuff but i think we might be opening them again so i’m like if we’re inviting more people maybe we should like wait but i don’t know i mean we can wait like i’m only going

To be there for emotional support as you can see my year i’m going to be there to loot yes salute i want to be there to take all the good [ __ ] if we know what i mean we really are science we like to steal [ __ ] too yeah give me all the shiny [ __ ]

Give me all the stuff i want to steal it right now oh i have some shiny here you go wait what oh you missed it’s flying away wait what is it it’s over there it’s a block of gold it is oh my god it’s so shiny it’s so shiny like your personality

Hello sisters hello sister why does that sound familiar it’s from it’s wrong uh i don’t know i don’t know where i heard that from i wonder where that came from somewhere just some weirdo [Laughter] you’re a delight i’m gonna take some of this um stuff dolphin the most evil of creatures the dolphin

The dolphin peed on me i oh what the [ __ ] we gotta kill no no don’t kill the dog time to die no don’t kill the dolphin okay fine i beg you okay he gets a second chance if he pees on you get it off with his head whoa

Wow what is that structure over there i want to go to the top go to the top i want to go all day i found i found the type phone well how the [ __ ] you say structure and i think i found where you find the amethyst is oh yeah

Yeah because i was like that looks like a crescent moon bro i want to find a an ancient city to get uh that stuff the glittery stuff yeah i don’t know how the [ __ ] we’re gonna find that that’s gonna be really hard i’ll find a way we’re sirens we’ll always find a way

Away it’s the siren way that is true if not then we just use our powers and make them come to us yes it’s time to duel it’s time for us to kill all humans in minecraft chad don’t tell what where our plans are this is a secret no snitches snitches don’t get [ __ ]

I mean that it’s absolutely true they just don’t get bitched don’t get bit 10. wow i found 10 or oh bless you excuse me i’m burping [ __ ] sorry oh that was a burp what the [ __ ] i thought that was a sneeze no i was i was perfect

Oh careful i thought that was a [ __ ] sneeze that was so cute no i know that’s the squeakiest cutest burp i’ve ever heard in my [ __ ] life listen i hiccup when i burp it’s i’ve been doing it for many years oh yeah that you know that kind of

I do weird noises too you know i’m a connoisseur of real weird noise my favorite noise that you do is good it’s the cutest one no not that one it’s when you’re really happy i love that one because it reminds me it reminds me of the teletubbies sun

Every time i just pictured the sun from the teletubbies i remind you of the what you don’t know you haven’t seen the teletubbies yeah but i that son scared the shirt out of me really yeah i don’t know why i wasn’t scared of as a

Kid i was like oh it’s just a sun and a child son you know normal normal [ __ ] oh my god i can’t believe i’m a horrifying son it’s so cute stop it it’s just so handy i will literally murder you in this game out of [ __ ] cuteness no pvp

Okay okay i’m just kidding yeah we could totally use these look at these flowers you could totally use this for like your house this is iron mouse flowers can i steal some things yeah still all flowers i don’t own this land oh [ __ ] whatever land you land on

The earth is just another thing you can claim every rock and tree and You think the only people who are people but they’re sirens [Laughter] like my like my friends call me pocahontas [Laughter] my name is polka asness welcome to my crib everybody smells me real pretty mouth i use my mouth for activities that shall never be named [Laughter] that’s my friend’s skinny penis oh god

Oh i feel like that girl what’s her name from the hills are alive with the sound of me I don’t i think that that sounds familiar songs they have song 4 000 years old oh music’s in my ears keep singing uh that’s the only part i know god damn it Her name was maria maria how do you solve a problem like maria i don’t know why that reminds me of that one song that’s what the heck comes after sex maria maria she reminds me of what’s a story Maria hey where’d you go did you go inside this cave no i’m above you oh i thought you weren’t into the crevasse i did not go into crosstalk i’m just surrounded by very pretty things is milk a gamer drink i drink milk so i say it’s okay what the

Heck are holly berry leaves uh holly berry oh my god halle berry i can’t believe him i can’t believe it i’m like above you how did you get you’re always above me i cause i’m the top mouse typical me always underneath somebody [Laughter] dory mouse i got you covered

Those are christmas berries oh my god it’s christmas time oh my god but it’s too early for queen’s mom fifi it’s no vvv snow fifi snow fluff law whoa what the [ __ ] it’s enough alert i’m jumping to my doom i can’t take it anymore you won’t pay attention to me you don’t

Love me anymore you want to divorce me i’m out of here i i just wanted the anus come back no i’m sick of it all out there she goes catch me i almost died catch me outside how about this oh my goodness oh it’s just it’s just a hole

Hey hey hey that’s my mother you’re talking about [Laughter] i meet your mom for the first time oh that’s just a hole that’s my hey your mother was a hamster the worst crevasse i loved elden berries no it’s your mother about the hamster and your father smelled of elden berries

I think that was the reference i want to be like that girl from that movie the holy grail harry potter harry potter what’s her name uh hermione crescent moon luna lovegood oh luna loved her why did i call her crescent moon like you’re thinking of sailor food

Yeah i got sailor moon on the brain [Laughter] you’re such a dork never changed we’re just swimming around aren’t we we are i mean it’s a nice break after the two hours i took to build the [ __ ] circle it’s nice oh [ __ ] there’s a chest swimming towards the chest

Oh i already got this [ __ ] it’s just rails what a disappointment like me what i don’t talk about my wife that way oh but i am a wife i swear to god oh my god i’ll talk your wife the way i want to talk to Okay Oh there’s rocks chat holy [ __ ] hey schnuffy how art thou i’m streaming by the way if that’s okay oh i was so excited i was iron wrong i’m right here god oh my god there you are i was wondering where you went hold on one second please

Oh all right i’m okay i’m holding on to the phone i might have to peep you might have to peep yeah i don’t wanna people ah but you’re curious aren’t you yeah oh yeah i got a lot of people okay go and peep yeah i’m gonna go i wanna go to a place

Where people can see us okay um do you want to go to the club let’s go to the crawler that’s not like alien speak what the [ __ ] can you die if you don’t pee um maybe you get like pee poisoning uh no but i know if you hold your pee until you die

It will become your stomach will explode right what you have all the pee i don’t know i like it yeah like kidney failure that’s it you’ll get kidney failure failure i’ll be right back let me i don’t want my kidney to fail on me we’re back okay

Actually now that she’s i actually need to [ __ ] peep as well holy [ __ ] i’ll be right back as well chad give me like a few seconds i’ll be right back you can stare at beautiful melsie’s face in the meantime well i’m feeling oh that was a good one i’m back

Oh you know that feeling i don’t think i used the washroom all day i didn’t even realize how much it was straining until now holy [ __ ] you know that feeling when you go and use the washroom and then your body still feels like it’s contracted maybe it’s just me i don’t know

Here i’m gonna bring up mel he’s get over here melissa’s chat there you go hi mouseys chad i can see you guys now hello hello there you go the melsie kick ass today yeah actually actually i did have two cups of iced coffee today so that’s probably why i don’t know i missed

Yeah hell yeah i was little wait is that my what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did my bird get here my birdie you were at fruits house how the [ __ ] did you get here you want some steak i well how did the bird get here oh

All right so mouse used to if you don’t know i i befriended a blue bird blew a blue jay off stream a few days ago and i left it at fruits house and i was like oh i’ll come get it later and then i just suddenly teleport in front of my

Face do it flip [ __ ] i did five or three hey get the [ __ ] out of the blue jay you’re so stupid kind of reminds me of my now sit no don’t go to the water no get over here you know j hey blue bird

No don’t go in the water no no no no no no no no no no okay okay i know you guys can’t see but my bird keeps going okay stay there and be a good bird are you taking them yeah that is true he’s taking a bath holy [ __ ] i’m also hungry [ __ ]

I’ll wait till mouseys gets back and then i’ll go get some food i don’t want to leave you guys lighting in silence for so long i don’t want to ditch you guys yet eat now what i don’t what have you got i thought you guys want company

Take care of yourself putting in the point lovely weather don’t starve see you like your company we got music harder i okay okay i’ll be right back i’ll go get some food okay oh my god go eat okay okay i’ll be right back give me like a few

Minutes to make some food i’ll be back chat and my chat oh hey it’s ross i know i think it’s ross i’m stweaning if that’s a okay i don’t know why i have to like feel like i have to announce it every time i just feel bad

That if they’re in the game and they don’t know what if i’m streaming friends okay i’ll be right back you can on my screen you can stare at mousey for a bit all right i’ll be right back give me a few minutes creeper thank you I’ve had enough of playing games Anonymous [Applause] a few moments later i am back hello ah i am back both of my both of the chats you guys don’t mind if i eat on stream you guys don’t mind that or do i mute while i eat Yeah i’m out she’s having a bathroom break right now do not worry You don’t mind do it okay okay Surprise [ __ ] where’s anybody i have a shish kabob and some potato wedgies wedgies are delish delicious wedgies ah you know what’s better onion rings onion rings are the best agreed beige yeah you know what’s also good chips with dip you know what i also like as well i’ve like you know what

Some restaurants only have this they do deep fried pickles and you dip them in like tartar sauce delicious i like that very good or is it wrench dip i don’t remember but very [ __ ] delicious i never had deep fried green beans no i’m a picky eater sadly hi zero welcome dude

Sweet potato fries aren’t really my thing dude deep fried pickles are the [ __ ] they’re the [ __ ] dude oh you’re making me hungry eat the food camp i lost cat tps in front of me in the castle dude you too just randomly tp to me what the [ __ ]

To make more blue dragons oh i want a blue dragon i don’t even know where he was adventure snuffy i need mcdonald’s mcdonald’s sounds pretty good right about now you guys are making me hungry go eat i encourage you to eat please eat i like how we’re in the middle of the

Ocean and this is like the safest area have you noticed by the time i’ve been building this entire thing i didn’t get attacked by a single mob in like an hour and a half how the [ __ ] how’s that work wendy’s dude you gotta get the classic chicken burger dude i always get the

Chicken burger from wendy’s hands down the best i don’t know what it’s like they’re over america but i love my i love the chicken burger here bacon there do for me i like the bacon on the side of my food i never liked it inside i know i’m weird like that

Thanks for the hydrate i’m drinking milk oh this food’s really good shut up what do you want no you can’t have my food [ __ ] off i read that as e dragon way too dank what happened mouse’s chat did i make a loud sound by accident oh the sound alert

It’s so fun just i love that’s why i love collab sometimes i like to read other people’s chats but i think i think i can only stream for like 30-ish minutes and then i have to do some work while i play minecraft I lost track of time i didn’t want to end my stream at three hours i felt bad come on ooh shiny nice oh i’m almost done with my food oh oh it’s the kelp now the bird’s staring a mouse well just because i’m not giving you attention you’re changing what you’re

Changing your loyalty i’m eating potato wedgies and some little sticky thingys they’re not a stick i use a fork and nap reindeer jerky i think that’s a personal attack on me order onion rings do it cam do it audio jungle audio jungle let’s go all i go ahead amelia is so nice dude

Very good food i love aw onion rings i think they’re really good i prefer i prefer um restaurant though ah um hunger is there a ghost nearby there is little [ __ ] there we go he’s trying to get some of my [ __ ] food dude how i have been told that the canadian

American like i’m canadian fast foods better than american i’m not sure that’s true though i’ve never been to america since i was like 5. that’s only for like disneyland not disney world disneyland the pathetic one like why is there is a what is what’s the difference between land and world is

World just bigger what’s what’s the difference world is bigger wow disneyland has two parks wow land is older in the middle of los angeles so what you’re saying is is there more worlds than lands that’s weird to say yo i bet you got scared i did you scared the [ __ ] out of me

I was complaining about disneyland in disney world you little [ __ ] i bet you got scared i did i went to the bathroom yeah ow are you okay i went to the bathroom and when i went to the bathroom i got on my phone and i put a sound alert of among

Us and everybody got scared oh that’s what you did that was me I saw everyone just going way too that was me [ __ ] got a [ __ ] you did holy [ __ ] everyone was going way too dang and like oh god it scared me i was like oh what happened and they’re just saying sound alert it was me being a little baca you a little [ __ ]

It’s okay you’re our little baka that was me being a little back out I don’t know the other words you gotta teach me iron mouse came out of the bathroom she came out puerto rican she did what happened to her she got lost yeah now she’s bilingual she’s she’s she her first language is espanol espanol oh [ __ ] my hand oh [ __ ] what time oh

[ __ ] i gotta take my medicine oh [ __ ] take your time i’m gonna take my medicine right now okay okay oh yeah go ahead i can keep complaining about [ __ ] disney world in disneyland tell me what about disney world this man you do not understand i didn’t know that disneyland is a

Smaller version of disney world in the disneyland’s original listen a world is bigger than our land yeah i mean yeah you guys are a world is bigger than a land a land can’t be bigger than our world [Laughter] yeah but disneyland has avengers are you avengers uh disneyland

Is great and all but it’s better disney world is better because the world is better than our land that’s true because you can have lots of things in a world yeah you got at disney world you got epcot you got um hollywood studios is that what it’s called oh [ __ ] you got um

You got animal animal animal planet no kingdom animal planet Uh you got a magic kingdom mm-hmm you got um what’s the other disney world i don’t know there’s apparently four of them there’s four worlds magic kingdom apricot hollywood studios and animal land oh animal animal kingdom i never been to disney world and then and then they got uh they got uh

They got the water places oh my god i want to go to disney world epsom salt yeah they got epsom salt [Laughter] they got epsom salt Disney world water parks oh my gosh please don’t why would you do this what are the three water parks in disney world disney’s typhoon lagoon oh my god disney’s blizzard or beach oh my god this is currently unavailable what the [ __ ] the why you told me that

If it’s unavailable why are you telling me about it it’s google do you think they’ll give you good information oh [ __ ] hey world sea world is not dead only world yeah isn’t it his own thing sea world is a is a cesspool of garbage have you been to sea world i’ve never

Been there i’ve never been there but i can imagine man [ __ ] us you’re just like [ __ ] it when you’re like i never [ __ ] there [ __ ] i’m [ __ ] [ __ ] typhoon lagoon blizzard beach water park currently unavailable why are you telling me this then why do i care i guess they’re there they’re just

Closed because of lakovi what what is this ice cream cone what there’s an ice cream cone disneyland dining location at dittonese what what [ __ ] what ah why are you loading you piece of [ __ ] that’s a great question my tummy is grumbling is it time for food it’s time for medication My last prescription where the [ __ ] are them where the [ __ ] are they at king’s island uh snake uh they’re just a snake what what are you looking at ah oh my god how is this real ice cream what kind of ice cream is it it’s a 50th anniversary ice cream cone

At bittony’s typhoon lagoon let me let me let me send you the picture yeah [ __ ] excuse me yeah sorry i’m [ __ ] perfect look at this ice cream cone here let me see oh my god iridescent ice dream cone at bitterness typhoon lagoon water park i’m so jealous dude

How is this something that someone can put in their mouth and eat it oh my god that’s so pretty though come on guys hold on i’m gonna show you i’m gonna show you the bin chilling don’t be i will show you guys too on my end

Look at this ice cream cone how is this a real thing you can eat look at this i want to eat that right now someone go to disney world and get me that yeah can you give us both of it thank you guys go to the little world get this

Ice cream cone and send it to me no i want it blue poop if i want my poop to be blue so be it let the woman have her poop let me have it blue blue goop there’s nothing wrong with blue i mean i like the color at least it’s

Not the color of blood i i mean that’s when you should be concerned what if i want my ice cream to be blood red blood red poop blood red ice cream ah that’s actually gross out i think about no guys i’m pissing sangria oh [ __ ] [Laughter] [Laughter] this is like do i use that for the summoning ritual of saithon this is blood red shot red blood red shot sangria coming out my pee hole the fat is coming out of your pistol that that’s really small [Laughter] [ __ ] it my blue jay randomly teleported

To us i’m sorry for all it shut the [ __ ] up everyone says that the doll whip is delicious i would like to eat the dough whip what the [ __ ] is that don’t quit at disney world there is a ice cream called the dole whip oh yeah and they everybody says that it’s the

Best it’s the best thing you could ever have i want it nothing i know it’s not for me i see her in my chest no fifi comfortably talk to us come we’re lonely i’m a lonely [ __ ] [ __ ] i mean she kidnapped me pineapple ice cream

Pineapple is good for you if you have a pineapple every day you’re gonna taste great in your mouth yeah because your mouth tastes good tastes so you have like the flavor of pineapple in your mouth yeah it’s good i’ve never had a pineapple though so i wouldn’t know i don’t know what it

Tastes like i’ve never had a pear either i used to love pineapple but then i got sick of pineapple what does a pear taste like um disappointment oh i’ll join in 10 minutes everyone tell okay tastes like dirt that sounds delicious dirt yeah what the heck don’t you want to eat some dirt

Ah man i feel like i eat dirt every day at the rate my life is going i feel like i always eat dirt relatable to an extent pears are just a gritty apple so are you trying to tell me a pair tastes like you took a nail file you crushed it up like

Sandpaper and put it inside the apple and now you’re chewing on a sandpaper apple yeah it’s like you couldn’t afford an apple you get a you get a pear it’s like a blue leg game that’s what a pear is yeah basically yeah everyone’s saying yeah you read a lot today in twitch rivals

Hey what the [ __ ] if you’re a mod i swear to god how dare you talking [ __ ] to me i mean that’s what mods do right literally my mom’s talk [ __ ] to me all the time no this is not a democracy i thought this is literally my mom said

[ __ ] you to me like what do you mean [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] me [ __ ] you [Laughter] you wanna [ __ ] something you [ __ ] yourself no [ __ ] me [ __ ] you [ __ ] you yes oh my god paula you don’t have to it’s okay my shoes are nice thank you shoes yeah i have shoes on

I am not wearing any shoes oh my god you’re giving everybody defeat fantasy dream i’m not wearing i’m just wearing socks you’re just wearing shocks and i’m wiggling my toes you’re wiggling your toesies yay [Laughter] the medicine hitting you know Well i’m not wearing any socks or shoes i’m i’m bare feet oh my god that’s that’s a barefoot know i’m i’m very reckless i’m a reckless i gotta have i gotta have socks on my feet something on my feet at all times cause my feet get very cold oh i’m jealous

Especially when it gets hot over here i would love to have cold feet my feet always get cold i i don’t know what’s wrong with me just split thanks obama my feet are always cold oh do you always tell them to not be cold they’re icy feet can i have them

Blood circuit poor circulation hey don’t talk [ __ ] about my veins don’t talk [ __ ] about my blood your blood is gorgeous they didn’t mean it girl you stopped do you’ll be right back yeah i’m gonna get more milk i’m gonna first see how of your bag okay compression sauce compression socks

They didn’t wear that in the hospital um when i was in the hospital hmm while i was in the hospital they would uh they would put my legs in like this weird machine it wasn’t like a machine it was like it looked like pool floaties and they put it around your legs

You have little pool floaties for your legs yeah when i was in the hospital they put me to this machine where it was like these tubes and then they put these things around like a pool floatie on my legs and they would it like to turn on the machine and

It would inflate and deflate and like massage my legs oh is it nice feeling it feels weird but it was okay but it’s those cause then it’s like if i had to go to the bathroom and i had to call the nurse and be like i gotta go

Bathroom get me out of this thing yeah must be annoying to get out of here yeah and then they wait for you by the bathroom and then they’re like okay back to bed now and i’m like [ __ ] you’re here i want to walk around but then i couldn’t walk around and then

They were like come back to bed and then they strap me to that thing again oh well now you’re in the comfort of your home i was like a x-men cause that i would have that and then for some reason like my heart is always weird mm-hmm

So they always have me connected to like telemetry oh so like does your heart like skip a beat a lot or something or i always like flutters and those weird [ __ ] oh like sometimes i’ll be i’ll be on on stream and like it’s almost like i feel like a

Butterfly flapping its wings in my heart and it makes me lose my breath it goes oh yeah so is it sometimes there’s always constant when you stream it happens a lot but it’s not because of streaming i know it’s because i have a device in there oh i see i see yeah

The help was with their heart circulating yeah yeah it’s pretty normal i think i think a lot of people yeah it happens to a lot of people yeah and then uh i forgot what i was gonna say i just love listening to your dog it’s so nice yeah

Yeah i like listening to people i don’t have a pacemaker a pacemaker no everybody thinks i have a pacemaker i have whose bird is this yes you’re a flying bird yeah he randomly teleported here oh my god you little thing isn’t it i know oh scamper

He’s been squawking this and what do you want uh all the time oh is it because you see me yeah i’m joking that was new to her first yeah what are you going to do a minecraft i don’t know you don’t know no is that are you done taking your medicine yeah Do you want to look for materials or you just want to hang hanging hanging on yeah um we can’t we’re going to get tls banned mel c we can’t do the [ __ ] [ __ ] we can do the [ __ ] fragging oh my god how how do we do that i don’t know

Wait so how long are you planning on streaming for most i like collabs you don’t feel like collapsing no no not yet okay maybe i can let you maybe i can right into you and you can look after my channel okay if you want to you gotta go

No i’m gonna play for a bit more i was also gonna do some work on the side while you play oh okay working is good for you Yeah it’s gonna be really hard to find all these materials i can help you you can do it i’ll i’ll look if i if i have some stuff from in my place yeah that’d be awesome i think i’ll do a lot of material gathering out of stream and then i’ll get to building

This material gathering i think is boring to watch eh i don’t know because sometimes like people i’ve had people be like why don’t you why don’t you build and i’m like i like to do all stream and gather up stream but that’s fun too you can make an adventure yeah

Yeah it depends on the material yeah if you’re trying to get wheat seeds that’s not fun no no i gotta i gotta go to the [ __ ] nether for quartz nether let’s go you wanna go to the nether with me yeah i’m terrified i me too

Why do you think i put so much [ __ ] in my health so i don’t die i know that ross has another portal and a big fruit might have one too oh oh yeah i know she i remember she does i remember she has one where we’re going to teleport to well

Do you want to go another yeah let’s go to ninja what fruit that’s the fruit bowl i love how she named it fruitful it’s so cute Where is the portal what the [ __ ] where am i you are staring at a wave oh my god i was like in the floor oh are you that small no it like took me underneath the thing that’s weird where is your portar i kind of swear i think i know where it is

You’re smart bless you is that my bird did your bird follow us again i kind of ditched him there that’s why he could live there now in the [ __ ] vast of the ocean whoa oh whoa he’s just sitting on his room oh look at him

You put your name in the goblet of fire let me try you just right click on it yeah now you’re on the broom oh you’re so far oh my god this is wow this is so fast oh my god it’s so fast i’m terrified for my life oh man i want

One of those dudes yeah you gotta summon a demon to get one oh that’s why i was murdered for oh is that why he murdered you no fruit murdered me i have a demon heart yeah that’s how you make the broom oh I will talk to fruit when she comes back that is true where is another pork you gotta find another portrait i think it should be it’s here oh [ __ ] i’m not prepared at all but let’s go onwards to glory it’s time to die horribly in the nether portal good luck

I can’t see nothing ask that’s cause you’re in the portal you’re still loading i can’t push you out i gotta save you yeah you’re stuck there what the heck i’m stuck in a portal oh there you are oh my god this place is crazy quartz what oh we’re surrounded by fire

Oh my god this is a this is the worst place where we could be i don’t know oh i have i this is terrifying oh my god i never thought i’d be scared of another this much before i’m terrified oh my god i want this whaley nightly i’m so bad

Well i have silk touch so do i i i have it too careful there’s a hole there yeah we can’t go down there no the flaming horses can run no it’s okay i don’t want to be trusted with your flaming horse yeah they can go down oh thank god oh see they’re smart

Oh there’s a there’s a piggy oh oh i don’t even have any gold oh [ __ ] yeah i don’t have any oh well guns blazing what is this glorious stone it’s your homeland we’re in the belly of the beast oh it’s a strip mine oh here’s some quartz over here wait i

Need to donate a diamond pickup no i don’t think on oops nice awesome i don’t know i don’t know that’s how much quartz i need so i’m gonna get as much quartz as i can yeah yeah am i fireproof oh i’m tired oh [ __ ] you should oh i forgot i could

Have made you uh i think i could have made you a fireproof bag i don’t know if i have all the materials but if i don’t have it now i’ll make you one i’ll give it to you oh you don’t have to i’m getting it for you

Oh you’re the absolute best my wife my wife for my life oh i’m falling hard for you already again i mean i am paul we are in another oh my god in front of me It’s okay we made we made this relationship clear but we’d be seeing other people yeah i know guys i i i’m just your favorite i can be everybody’s quest oh [ __ ] how are you snuffer i’m good how are you guys good i’m high on life i’m wondering what all these things mean

Were you playing minecraft yeah yeah what the [ __ ] is all bloodstone you tell me i just had to google where diamonds are i feel like such a boomer wait what because it’s so different now right i haven’t played since like the caves and stuff is it because you don’t know what

They look like they’re they look different no no no i mean no diamonds are still the same color i think you find them at like negative you see that’s where i’m going to stop you there because i’m instantly like negative that was not a thing before

Yeah you can’t write say that like you could look right rock what do you mean negative i don’t know what’s going to happen i don’t know my negative snuffy i’m also suffering but i’m doing this to prove a point to my chat i’m gonna make this for my house big establishment

I dammit to you schnuffer what the [ __ ] you see that [ __ ] bro listen can i live with you yeah dude of course i live in a shack i think i think you could do it thank you see what look at that chat all of you are [ __ ] doubting me and i

Have literally two people supporting me [ __ ] you you doubters get out of here doubters but but if i don’t if i say if i give up then i got to give them 50 subs so and that’s probably why give them 50 cents 50 cents of their the same number

They can’t be mad i mean it’s true they are paid at oh my god here there’s absolutely nothing here but we can go this way but uh watch this oh there’s stairs oh a chest it’s probably been looted probably chainmail oh my god there’s a golden sword there’s two of them

So what are your plans in minecraft kidnapper what i just want to mine diamonds oh you found diamonds in the nether and you’re fine what is this how are you in the nether aren’t you like allergic yeah we’re allergic oh it’s a goblin it’s a fire goblin why

Did i get scared of a fire goblin stuffing i need emotional support clearly consider everything Oh my god you got a golden apple he’s a fiery one i want to take him home with me wait what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] a glow stone for glow dust glow dust like why would you give them glowstone to make more glows though you just wanna glow i true

Absolutely true but then oh god this is terrifying are you okay yeah just i didn’t oh there’s a bad traverse pack here and there’s some candles redstone torch do you have a did you get the backpack i do yay stuffy do you have a backpack

I don’t think so oh you want this bad one that i found a bat one yeah it helps you see in the darker thing that’s so cool if you don’t want it we’re gonna get you one that like lets you go in the ocean

Oh that would be so cool yeah i got one i got a water one for i made one for connor so you could breathe underwater i thought you said we’re made that’s cool that’s so dope yeah i thought you said mate so i was like

Does he have to wear a mate dress in minecraft for it to work yes yes dope and monkey adore oh i’m scared i ran into like an actual cave and i’ve never been in one of these you know little cave like the really big ones no the cavern

Yeah there’s like end portal stuff creepy oh [ __ ] has anybody done that yet no not even we’re trying to figure out when to do it yeah i’ll be there for emotional support safe do you want to just can we just stand in the corner and just like

No it looks like they’re finding that dragon over there maybe there’s like a healing magic oh you can be like a a mage or no a slurp yeah rock i got some golden nuggets oh oh [ __ ] scared me i’m gonna put this egg down here do you need the blood

Do you need this bloodstone i got some of it i don’t know what i would do with it but it looks intriguing to me it’s like the blood poop ice cream wait what’s up oh there it is it looks like it looks weird like i i guess they probably there we go

Oh bloodstone yeah it looks weird in my inventory yeah it kind of looks like blood oh this is gonna be so hard to find another ride down here you want nether right well uh quartz i meant sorry quartz that stuff is that quartz cinema cinema the character yeah this is remains

Oh [ __ ] you did you bury him here no never alright then how did he die that’s his magical bones oh [ __ ] can we revive him yeah oh [ __ ] is he getting like a zombie cinnamon hell no he’s the most powerful man alive he will murder all of us

Oh wait but we have to make a truce with him though he’s great i love symbol i’m he’s sure eternal master of the universe tell me the lore about cinnamon cinnamon roll is a dog i thought he was a rabbit no i i was led astray this entire time in

My life he’s a dog with a fluffy tail that looks like a cinnamon roll snuffy did you know that he was a dog i didn’t know they were all even like real animals yeah they were just kind of like creatures like this this what there is oh you got like this and You’re just beautiful i am already making out with you oh [ __ ] what you’re pretty good at dude i don’t even realize yeah it’s like it’s like assassins it’s like an assassin make-out session and you’re assassinating me with love babies are like knives that’s why my lips are tingling i want the warped nylon

Warped nylon yeah yeah there’s purple [ __ ] oh yeah this purple [ __ ] did they use this purple [ __ ] to hide the holes maybe what is this it’s me oh it’s all of zero’s animals oh [ __ ] they’re all another they’re just hanging out well there’s a chocobo i want to take a chocobo

Yeah i need a mount i i have yet to find one i know where we could find the choco bowls oh do you want to go for chocobo hunting we can go a chocobo hunt and i gotta go home and get a shadow i have four saddles yeah i got a lot of

Saddles oh [ __ ] all right we’re gonna go get some saddles oh well we grew up we teleported to your house what we teleported oh no no wait no i’m just i’m directly challenged never mind i was don’t mind me i’m just stupid i thought it was that glitch where you

Teleport in another and it will teleport you to a different location oh yeah where are you snuffy i’m in the ground you’re in the ground yeah babe i gotta get you this sick backpack i’m far i’m in my little hidey hole i’m gonna find you it’s no longer gonna be here i come

What the [ __ ] does chocobos eat um chocobos i don’t know uh it’s a chocobo wait when you tame a chocobo do you just sit on it or give a food i thought you’re typing that in cuckoo i should have typed it in google you should have i wonder what kind of

Results you’ll get oh okay thank you food Compass get over your snuffing i don’t know where what the hell is that oh my god what are these creatures a skulk a skulk sensor would oh yeah waiting uh your near skull center sensors yes uh be careful all right uh cause they alert the warden oh nothing

So yeah you should crouch uh i think you should run or if you can make a track door really if you could make a trapdoor very quickly make two truck doors and put it like around put it like in between if there’s two scope sensors they put it like in

Between or like around it so that the sensor will sense the trap door instead of you uh i think she got it i don’t think i can make a trap door i don’t see anything what is it like a bad guy will he just like run at me like a jump scare so

The warden is apparently the toughest boss in the game like like he likes another i think he can like insta kill you right wait what he’s a boss so the amount of the skull keys can alert um alert the boss man he’ll emerge from the ground

He’s big um he can shoot lasers no matter the distance um he can uh but he’s apparently it’s like i wouldn’t say not a boss okay it’s just it’s just a really really really really really really tough enemy area hazard and apparently it’s the toughest thing like the toughest thing ever

I think so he’s just an area boss or a monster he’s meant to be killed he is not no oh i don’t think you’re supposed to kill him i don’t even think can you even kill him you can’t right you can it’s just it’s just gonna be really tough even if

You have like another right armor he still does a lot of [ __ ] damage to you oh ow there’s 500 hp holy [ __ ] it’s a monster it’s a monster i’m looking for saddles okay i got one i’m above you snuffy i am in the hole oh i thought neat you’re in the hole

What a hole it’s in my house in a hole in my house oh in your house i gotta find your house holding my ash where is the where is your little shack it’s in the mountain mountain um i just see a grassy hill it’s like on the side of it oh there’s like

Purple trees no i see purple trees i will try and find how to come back not lucky sellers yet no aim for a battle is not yet but soon but soon For receipt Oh is it is your shack made out of stone no i don’t think so oh creeper no oh man oh there’s a very cute tired oh man what the what are we gonna do again fine chocobos oh i’m just trying to give you the backpack i’m coming up i’m coming up

I want the hospital to know the bloods need silk torch oh [ __ ] thank you you got me amethyst buds oh giga oh giggle sweet dude giggle thank you now i could put out this buzz in the cave that’s my birthstone it’s amateur birthstone heck yeah

Oh you guys this burst stones mine is a garnet oh like in steven universe i always hated my birth song why you don’t like the color my color color is pink oh i guess so but some mix a lot of them come in crazy colors anyway though

I wish i had a i wish i had a pink birthstone mine is like a purple hello you look fabulous young lady thank you oh there you go a fart from my wife [Laughter] actually what is it how do i put it on uh you have you put it on the How you put it on mouse i forget there’s a button in the backpack on the left bottom corner that says that that you press it and puts it on huh oh oh oh there you go suddenly it’s all so clear isn’t that nice how do i access the inventory i think

That price b but your keybindings might be [ __ ] up so you might need to remember [ __ ] what mate you have a lot of room now might yes i do thank you for all the room itadakimasu you’re welcome eat a doggy mouse no i don’t want to eat a mouse

What if i eat a house mouse house oh mine is aquamarine i forgot i like blue oh this is not your dragon it’s ross’s dragon wait wha what were you did somebody say ruby what cam said hers is ruby oh is that your cat yeah he spawned in my cave oh

What’s his name i don’t know i was thinking like sprinkle i like the name i got this axolotl too his name is sprinkle um wait undone cloaked undying speedster entity.minecraft that’s a good name what is his name what i can’t even see it on my whole screen

How do you zoom out in minecraft i don’t think you can yeah you can you can like change the camera oh it’s f5 his name is alchemist cloaked undying uh speedster speedster entity.minecraft.axolotls of course that reminds me of my justice mother no my dog is nate like this when i first

Joined my dog was named like fresh what was his name chad i don’t remember something i nicknamed reggie for short because it was a bunch of names wasn’t it authority thorny regenerated something entity.minecraft.wolf i wonder what that means i think it’s an elicit glitch in the code

Why is my axolotl an undying speedster is this true or those like his gamer stats like his secret place undying dude he’s immortal oh my god you know what i actually found an oxalata in a bucket in a chest under water oh my god how is

He still alive yeah that’s what i said he’s like suffocating in there he’s suffocating in a chest that’s above water oh you can’t suffocate underwater no i’m a siren you are saying like the same thing as mouse yeah oh man i’m so many sexy mermaid [ __ ] oh for me yeah

Just for you babe i use my siren music the beautiful majestic are you okay [Laughter] what happened can you explain what happened i went to waste all the way point with the waste on and i guess like there was a lag and i was gonna i was gonna run

And when i turned around the waystone was right in front of me and it jump-scared me and i thought it was a mom coming for me oh no i jumped and i didn’t make a sound but you can see me like shake the camera i hate that when you get an actual jump

And everybody knows because you just like you shook the camera aggressively and everybody just knows you actually just know that i [ __ ] up i can’t lie they can also see when you hear a sound you’re just like just looking around like you’re a [ __ ] dog oh [ __ ] you’re going spelunking snoof

Yeah i’m going into my hole oh my god oh my god [Laughter] oh [ __ ] it’s been 15 years where did you go oh [ __ ] where are my queenis he he he [ __ ] hearted he hearted he hearted dude that’s insane he hearted but he didn’t [ __ ] my name isn’t on him

Dude i heard it dude dude i heard of the [ __ ] out of snuffing last night it was insane he hardened and everything and he left me on a run right after What are you trying to hard i’m trying to capture this damn flow mango what i found flamingos bro what if the flamingo’s offended you called it a flamingo what this is that’s what he’s called a flamingo i thought he was a chocobo no no no i found the flamingo oh a flamingo

Yeah if you look at my if you look at my stream it’s a flamingo let me see this flamingo look at him yeah oh whoa that really looks like that is definitely a shrimp i bet i gave him three fishes and he still doesn’t want to belong to me [ __ ] this dude

Like i said easy out of house at home i mean it’s taking you to the bone you try so hard to get so far You should stay out of the water for two minutes i can stand up the water for an hour we what are they telling you to get out of the water no they’re saying i should stand under the water for two minutes i wonder what he’ll happen oh [ __ ] thank god

Running through this jungle you’re galloping towards the sunset actually that’s what i would do i gallop towards the sunset you you you fly majestic whoa what the [ __ ] was that i was in the shot oh that was you yes i thought it was mad [Laughter]

No sorry i just i have i have a vocal reflex i think when things happen i just kind of wow what the [ __ ] oh my god it’s that creature me no you’re no creature not you i just saw that guy tumbled down the [ __ ] waterfall what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] ghoul

Top 10 live stream fails 2022. remember when that was like more of a thing is where there was like youtube channels dedicated to like top fails of the week yeah and it was always like people like slipping and falling or some [ __ ] but we used to laugh about that

A long time ago and now it’s like you can’t you don’t laugh at that [ __ ] no more i think it’s like charming in a way it’s like oh that’s cute 29 live stream fails number one this is you no she thought she started stream she didn’t know she actually did this

She was muted for 40 minutes just makes me think of the time where that guy who like there was that incident where this guy like lit his apartment on fire i remember that was like oh yeah hot topic back in the day whoa really yeah i remember what he was doing exactly like

Whether it was like a hobby or what but he basically like was playing with a lighter and like he was streaming it or recording it and his entire apartment caught on fire oh to this day something about that clip let me know if you know this clip by just me saying one word

Clara okay clara clara i wish i knew i feel like you’re resurrecting something but it’s still like it’s like misty it’s like there’s like a silhouette in my head clara it was this girl that she was like i don’t know what the [ __ ] she was just

Playing a game and she was using like uh she was accidentally like cheating i think on stream and i don’t know what what happened yeah she was playing sia’s goal and she like was using like an uh a thing to cheat and she like made up the story that like

Her friend like used her computer and like [ __ ] around with her settings and she didn’t know how like it got like this and she was like clara claro what did you do with my computer clara i think i i think i saw it but it’s not familiar oh my god like it sounds

Familiar but not the same time hey there’s like a dog creature what is that a dog creature i’m scared oh my god mouse you’re the dog who’s a good who’s a good girl do you want some headphones what is that oh my god it’s like an

Angry axolotl please no no no the angry ox alone oh my god i was jumped into the [ __ ] lava zero guys i think about siri murderer on my hands um i found it i found diamond is it okay i think well listen stuffy i might i have food’s head

What zero gave me her head and her head her actual primer what like no no but but then he was like weird she hasn’t been on a few days huh what dude this this flaming pussycat is chasing me all the way up into my house

I think i think i’m not safe not gonna lie i didn’t think you were gonna add cat to the end of that word dude i’m running away from a [ __ ] right now amazing what does a shelter look like does it look like a cat a choker i don’t know what the [ __ ] a

Showcase looks like I think he’s a joker i don’t think oh no the the the the guy that the shulker spawn or whatever you said the the scariest so so you’ll know when the shelters are around when you’re in a biome with like a snake it looks like yeah it looks like space

Oh what were these weird hellcats Are you trying to tame that flamingo still no i abandoned that [ __ ] thing oh [ __ ] where are you then babe i’m going to the choco bowls where are the chocobo uh i gotta find you on the map hey if you go to you know what i’m gonna go back to you

I’m just at my little shack you got your shack yeah i’m on my shack go to my house okay i’ll go to your house go to my house and wait for me there okay i will wait for you there i love the trees that you found around

Your house very pretty you like them you blue enchanted leaves yeah they’re full of enchantment oh [ __ ] gun run calm down [Laughter] oh i got a goblin traitor and i trapped them in my house and i named them gun run [Laughter] see look he’s inside my house

Here let me see he always likes to look out the window because i think he’s like he wants to escape really bad he’s longing for a better life he’s out of the box he stares longingly Look at him look he’s desperate look he’s at the window again oh he’s staring at connor oh no who oh yeah i got more than obscenity oh yeah i i got more of them and like first uh i did like whoever subbed with prime got to name some of my ally so now

They have the that’s so cute is that why one of them’s named connor uh no i just named that one connor oh okay because i saw a picture like connor rescue mission i was like oh that was the guy janna bond just likes to hide there i guess

Oh my god yeah what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] you know who cool who jumpscares me all the time my la name corpse you always jump scared is he not here he’s not here he always comes out at like the weirdest random time is that him up there by this lantern i

Don’t know who that is who is that we’ll never know uh i wish i could find out because i don’t know who it is they’re stuck oh god they’re stuck yeah you have to break your lantern who is it oh it’s pumpkin pie man oh [ __ ] that’s cute what the heck

Pumpkin i mean what you doing here pumpkin you better not go back up there i swear to god what if they want to no i’ll put you in this bucket you’re gonna put them in the bucket all right do you have do you have saddles oh [ __ ]

I gotta go get some i have five saddles oh [ __ ] i have four those are closer closer oh [ __ ] i forgot to close the door before going oh where do i i need to go get my shadow oh your shadow duffy do you want a little chocobo um snow fever are they free

Of course they’re free no they’re five [ __ ] bucks what do you think i don’t know diamonds give me 289 diamonds exactly can i take out a loan yeah gonna be freaking working the streets for me oh my god the microphone streets oh [ __ ] stuff you seem ready to go

Can i have a quarter pounder meal with cheese quarter pounder oh [ __ ] what is that oh my god what is that what does that do pounder with cheese what is happening oh my god what is hap what was that what was what’s happening what is what’s why why is everything flashing oh no

Is it going black yeah oh god you summoned bro oh my god you suffered him something like screamed at me yeah that’s the warden get the [ __ ] out oh god don’t worry he’ll despawn after some time you summon god oh now i’m scared my whole like cave biome is filled with this stuff

Oh it’s okay all you have to do is just kill those squirrels all right but they scream really fast i didn’t even see it it just started screaming i recommend the one oh beautiful it’s my home la prison yeah yeah go to la prison right now oh [ __ ] at slash ally prison

Let us away oh it’s one of those minion dungeons yes come this way oh going to the chocobos i like that you can walk through the grass in this mod it’s right it’s nice and it’s also not nice because you can’t climb on trees yeah i don’t know where the one there he

Is look there’s that little [ __ ] oh there he is i fed this dude and he still doesn’t want to belong to me oh i think it’s oh i should have brought a lead damn maybe i think so i think you i think you know he made them i don’t

Think he can tame them well sometimes the hearts above them yeah we’re going to get chocobos first okay we’re gonna get talkable yeah can they fly i don’t i don’t know i don’t think they can i don’t think so oh man i should have [ __ ] them

No extreme mouse i at least put a sensor on it should have made them [ __ ] i swear to god you should then we would have had baby baby baby flamingo and then you can steal the baby and make them love you yeah i’ll take it with a lead and i’ll

Bring it home and they’ll never see their parents again oh that sounds lovely deforestation like how snuffy is like you right there stuff yeah are you sure they’re babe yeah okay i just want to make sure you were dying or anything are you okay there william oh sweet sweetheart are you doing okay

Over there oh [ __ ] there’s a panda where right here oh [ __ ] where what the [ __ ] i’m trapping it’s [ __ ] trees it’s the burning heater ghastly speaker entity done by dependent And no it’s correction is burning year ghastly speedster entity dot minecraft [Laughter] [Applause] I’ve never seen the band oh they’re swinging oh my god be my panda bro that is so cute i’ve never seen the panda yet so this is so cute dude look at him oh my god he just i think you’re making them ready for meeting oh my god

We gotta get this panda to [ __ ] i know sex it’s nothing you want to come up and get this six engage the set no engaging target located i wonder if i put him if i put a lead on him i could take him home i think so local woman tames giant panda

You just call me i’m gonna have to go because i gotta get some we gotta go get some chocobos yeah we’ll be back you’ll stay here right bro oh you can feed them your bamboo that’s so cute i’m gonna pull away pointy okay even though i probably would

Probably never see him again but you never know you never know maybe he’ll still be here [ __ ] butt it’s cute little [ __ ] tail little panda tail goodbye steve bye steve pannable steve panda bro bye bro we’ll never see him again whoa what’s up chest it had a key and diamond

I don’t gotta be in this stinking cave no more you see that you’re getting diluted the lutete [ __ ] yo what the [ __ ] these caves are weird i know they didn’t have to be born this way oh this place is crazy my place is correct the captain’s [ __ ] crazy bro

Crazy and there’s a cave even down here in the water whoa whoa what sound oh i i’m just gonna let you know sometimes these kids are so [ __ ] deep they’re very easy to get lost in i haven’t gotten lost yet tm you see that you’re a pro i don’t know about that

Pro mermaid over here oh my oh it’s an honor to be called a pro mermaid by the pro mermaid herself come okay son’s one I helped her hey son what a good pro mermaid oh yeah oh here we go six we’re getting more close we’re almost there I almost got breathless there because i took so much breath that i lost breath please remember to breathe what is that now that you told me i almost forgot thank you snuffy i wouldn’t i wouldn’t be able to breathe without you baby oh no my body is it’s it’s warm you’re worried

It’s very warm here oh [ __ ] oh it is warm oh [ __ ] good thing we’re gonna be in the water the water does nothing god damn it i mean at least that bear is just hanging out yeah oh it’s a cow oh i mistook that for a polar bear i’m a [ __ ] oh god

I must drink the peepee water oh that’s how you get that’s how you dehydrate yeah we gotta we gotta hydrate we are creatures creatures of the deep run i like how stuffy never questioned the sounds that we were making do you want more snuffy i can give you

More for free yeah for free babe rewinds after all give me chocobos or give me death i’m imagining you’re tasting a fine wine yeah it’s you dude i see a manatee oh yeah there’s so cute what can i do with this you can just stare at it

What if i want to do more put a lead on it and try to bring it home do you think he’ll survive if i like just drag him around to the grass i don’t know whose house this is but are you okay i thought i saw a rabbit jumping

Backwards but oh chocobo right here there’s a weird one oh cute cute cute there’s more they’re all around here it’s time to get them ah i don’t know which one i want time to get them oh [ __ ] time goes There’s a white one too over there all right oh i see him they want the biggest chicken yeah you want the white one yeah oh [ __ ] i will protect you from this rabbinante i gotta take this out of my hand i killed him i murdered him

That what does that mean again i forget you poop [Laughter] i was either mistaken as [ __ ] or like you [ __ ] hey you got it you got chicken yay chicken a courier bird oh [ __ ] creeper holy hop do you i have a saddle i’m just i’m picky with my bird

Oh all right i’m gonna put a waste on here okay it’s nothing what kind of bursa again a green oh there’s a queen there’s a black one a green one and a blue one i like blue but green right i do love blue as well ah there’s a [ __ ] starts beatboxing There’s a bigger what are you running away from oh my god there’s like a troll help me oh god i’m i i’m coming with my the chocobo i’m trying to tame there’s so many of those there’s so many oh my god i okay cool i got the bird oh [ __ ]

Oh [ __ ] i think i’m being attacked now all right hold on it’s okay i gotta leave it oh my god was about to die i’m gonna leave him right here i’m coming mouse oh god and the bird died no why because the skeleton killed him oh my god they’re just [ __ ]

They’re attacking oh my god he killed my bird i’ll get the green one all right this blue eyes i kind of count you know what i’m not going to get i’m not going to tame a bird until it’s so light i mean good point here i’m still trying to tame the burdens

What the hell ghosty i’m so pissed i know you got a white birdie he’s dead now oh thanks oh i just hurt my bird the lag there we go bird i’m so sorry love me even though i accidentally hurt you It’s not running a wild time if you want a bird [Laughter] i’m lost in this deep cave which keeps getting deeper than i thought it was you’re about to say something else aren’t you nope no are you sure you don’t you don’t want to share with the class snuffy no

No no are you sure sweetheart you sure i said what i said okay okay all right whatever you say oh my god there’s a hype train let’s go i’m trying to mouse this area i’m trained let me in hello i almost caught you stuffy you got a little mouse hello hi

Me iron mouse [Laughter] oh my god mouse i think you’re muted you’re being you’re exploding everywhere i’m not muted you’re not muted no no she’s on a rampage i’m just setting everything on fire oh yeah yeah she’s she’s a [ __ ] pyromaniac now oh dear oh tears right she’s resenting her mermaid ways

Actually that’s a good point why are you doing this melissa you’re a mermaid these [ __ ] killed my bird i mean yeah myself they don’t deserve to live he just wants the world to burn honestly yeah i’ll be right back okay i’m gonna hide this house for now

You have fun burning the world out there these are the only birds i like and they killed my [ __ ] bird are they burning are they suffering they’re all dying like they deserve charred black barbecue come and get me if you’re brave enough you pieces of [ __ ] oops

I think i killed a squirrel by accident i killed a squirrel by accident he was probably conniving with them so burn it all down to the ground no one deserves to live she’s Look at this the chaos that i have created fear me it’s judgement time we’re actually witnessing an act from satan an actual smiting death destruction to all don’t [ __ ] with me fellas [Laughter] Yeah this ain’t my first rodeo i fought worse monsters in hollywood for years where’d hanukkah go i swear she said something and i don’t remember what it was well i guess she’ll be back i’m back welcome back welcome baby thanks baby time to collect my chocobo raid oh I hope you have a wonderful stream but i know you had a great stream i did had a good meeting okay i think if we both go to the waste stone if the one of us is by the way stone and the other one is on the chocobo and they

Touch the waste stone to go home it lets us go through but somebody has to stay behind i will stay behind i think that’s how that works oh my god it looks so cute yeah it’s you know but the blue one died but it’s okay this one lives in his memory roly pepe

All right so how does this work chocobo bowl if you want to leave your chocobo behind or if you want to go with your chocobo first to see if it works okay wait you gotta ride it oh and then oh my god help the bird was glitching okay

Let’s go to let’s go to your house where is it let’s see the lakes oh oh oh it didn’t work oh i did it ah it sucks we’re gonna have to take it by foot then oh that’s okay it’s all right it’s all right it’s all white okay i’m gonna get a chocobo

Okay oh first let me get water go get some water you can make a pokeball stick what wait what what do you mean pokeball stick pokeball stick what’s a pokeball stick snuffy do you know what a pokeball stick is ah dude oh a summoning staff oh yeah that’s right that’s right if we

Have a i have a somebody stop if i i put i put it to the bird and then i go home and then i could summon the bird to my house i have one fabric i have one i have one that’s awesome holy [ __ ] you’re so smart i mean

Let me tell you my chocobo okay i really wanted the white one it looks like we can find a white one that’s okay i’ll i’ll take this one this red one it looks kind of pink what if you get a white one and a red

One and you get a pink bird i honestly want to get more than one i’m back here is the bird running away he’s trying before i like how the bird goes he loves me now yay there we go that’s what mine sounds like this is so cool all right let me see

Let me get off okay uh i have a stick oh [ __ ] a stick sick what a good bart okay i put him on the summoning staff i’m gonna go to my place and let’s see if it works oh i think it should oh i went to your house

Do you like the little the ocean hills i love the middle of the ocean house all right let me see if it works i’m staring your bird down it worked hey all right we could transport all the birds now [ __ ] can you transport ever somebody else’s pen i think so yeah let’s try

Oops it worked go back to choco bobo you’re a genius how do you make him sit you need to have a stick in your hand and with the stick point at it and put it down to sit oh there we go okay let me get the summoning

And then let me see if i can summon him to my house okay i have a lot i have a lot of level saved so it’s fine okay cool I wish you luck in your adventure i think i can that’d be really cool if you can teleport other people’s pets i can’t i just teleported your bird let’s go i finally have a ball oh my god i put him to sit down we can how many how many

Birds are you gonna get i want an army first i have three [ __ ] saddles so i can get three more birds i can get like three more as well let’s go let’s get a freaking bird on i also want a durgan what’s a durgan a twig or a dragon it’s like kuno oh

Is he in the game he’s in the car he’s like you want to get a bird yeah do you want a bird a burger a bird a chocobo you said you wanted to play oh oh a bird um god clean all your ears trade up now

Oh no i don’t want to derail anything yeah yeah let me go to minecraft okay i did notice that there’s four people here though but you’ll be fine i believe i don’t think everybody has played up though what is plato no no it’s it’s not even

That good it’s really not even nice it’s a fun game thank you for the video have you played it mouse you haven’t even played it have you i watched you play it but without me even though you told me that you would invite me to play and you never did and i just

Had to sit there and watch you play with a million and more other people and i never got to play with you and you never ever played with me even though you told me that you would invite me to play with you but you never did

The drama that case i’m inviting you now um oh [ __ ] it’s too late in fact i’ll gift everybody the game so we can all play together no no you don’t have to give me the games okay thank god because my credit card’s maxed out it’s gone uh-oh

I should have been on genjen huh pulling from five update for genshin yeah yeah i i should play i just haven’t had the motivation to lately i literally i do a little bit yeah i used to play it but ever since i fell behind i gave up same i i

Load in and it’s very overwhelming okay well wait did you actually want to play i mean i i was i’m actually getting on my craft but i mean i’m getting chocobos bro yeah yeah can i have a diamond flask like you have on yeah i can make you one you greedy little nerd

I gave her like a hundred levels you’re so green can’t you get it yourself okay how about this if you kill me i’ll give you a hundred levels okay cool no no don’t go in there oh which color chocobo is the best one do

You think i i got a i got a pinkish red one but now i want this black one i got the green one so i already got the book you got the cutest one i did he’s definitely gonna get this one but the blue one is actually the rarest so i no

Don’t tell me that one my blue one just died it’s not that rare you’ve been watching this whole time i literally just got back from a haircut oh you got a haircut what kind of haircut did you get back tears it’s gone bad a bowl cut

It’s like not just a bowl cut it’s like a high bowl cut because i cut it shorter than i asked for no it is gonna go he’s gonna fall are you gonna go bald like me no but i can send you a picture of kind

Of like what it looks like why don’t you send me a picture of your head because it looks uh it’s just i just can’t are you like not gonna stream until it grows out no i have to but i’ll just like wear a hat kinda you’re gonna wear all right

General chat guys look at the general chat i don’t know why i said guys there’s no guys other than me in here you can call me a guy you can call me no i don’t care what it looks like for real i’m gonna delete it i’m gonna delete it now

Well considering her first reaction was is that what it looks like for real um i was i was wondering i don’t know this could be in the last random person who’s not in the call it’s just spam and keck w’s they’re not even part of this they literally just saw it randomly and

Then i didn’t know you also had plastic surgery as well oh god i wish i if i did i wouldn’t be this ugly trust the [ __ ] are me talking about man i’m so sick of your [ __ ] oh what huh you’re not ugly i have to agree i’m ugly wow you guys i

Have to disagree you guys are good friend wait what it’s not you i’m saying mouse is not ugly as well oh oh oh i thought you meant cow’s about to say you’re acting you guys actually are good friends and now what the heck it didn’t work don’t worry

Actually good friends and then you just hear some saltiness and then yeah then it would have been it would have been awkward you know i’m like pulling on the collar i know i totally get you oh should i i’m not paying attention i’m so sorry i’ll come back to you now see

Or the chocobo wait there’s seven people online i know it’s crazy i was actually kind of alive i’m more alive than my social life [Laughter] no same though same though no don’t kill me please i’m begging you you son of a [ __ ] i’m coming oh i’ll kill the bird oh [ __ ]

Don’t kill the birds he took it as an invitation you did don’t forget the old server mouse don’t forget the old server you did yeah you literally killed an army of perverts like twice and then you made a bird hide you thought it was an accident because it actually was it was an

Accident i swear to god i swear to god it was actually an accident it was are you sure i could see him smirking underneath his new bold haircut well okay it was an accident but it was still kind of funny but it was it was it was a

Real accident just a funny accident oh it’s a funny it was a funny ha ha memes accident yeah yeah yeah like you know yeah oh no i got you accident accidental content yeah yeah even though none of us were streaming we i think we were both just playing off streams so i

I don’t know about that i think she was streaming i think at the time yeah i don’t remember but i definitely wasn’t so you should oh you weren’t streaming oh okay so just because you weren’t streaming that means it didn’t happen right always forgets us you don’t keep track

I don’t even keep track of when i’m streaming sometimes i just do things and it just happens and i know i totally did yeah yeah it’s all a blur yeah sometimes i yeah i totally get you well in other news what are you guys doing in minecraft other than gathering chocobos um

I was trying to build a circle it took me two hours to build one and i lost my sanity in the process yeah building a circle yeah yeah i was building a circle oh no i don’t have any pants oh you don’t have any pumps here i’ll donate you my pants oh pants

Wait no oh my god sakura i swear to god please do not let him out please please i’m begging you please huh don’t let him out of the house lock the door we gotta make an airlock double doored [Laughter] wait what’s true if you make an air lock then even if he

Gets through one door he can’t get through both to get through both but then you have to get through both doors yeah inconvenience you for a split second but okay so basically what you do is if you make another door here oh my goblin gun run and you just don’t

Open the second door until he leaves kind of thing you’re staring him down look at him he’s gonna look out the window again oh he’s like he always likes to work out he always looks out the window as if like he like wants to end his life i mean i haven’t been outside

Since 15 days ago i wonder what it’s like first thing he did was yell at me to not let him out ever so he has to remain trapped in here for the rest of his life all right try and kill me level you want 340. to kill you yeah go ahead

You’ll break your weapons oh i mean you can use your weapon if you want it’s gonna break we’re never gonna kill him he’s too high well you can try but my regeneration is so high that i doubt really yeah see my health bar doesn’t go down when you attack wow really jesus

Well don’t just give it a few punches just keep going keep going see how it he wants you to wear down your weapon don’t listen to him i’m using my face of steel if you can use an actual weapon my health bars now a freak i tell you a

Freak it’s okay i’m getting strength this way you’re a good punching bag oh god she’s crazed she wants the punch there you go well anyway i’m sad now that i’m basically unkillable yeah i have no goals left in this world what do i do um

What what are you trying to say are you trying to say my world is boring no i’m trying to say i feel like you have goals more than becoming unkillable so i have a lot of goals i’m a woman of goals what do people do when they you know they play the game

I don’t know if saikuno knows how to play the game dude i don’t think he knows that i do need a drinking satchel do you want me to make you one no no we should go earn one that’ll be more exciting earn one where i don’t know can’t you like

I don’t know kill some cows or something uh i don’t think you want me to kill a cow for what for the leather i already made one though why would i kill a cow if i already got one i mean for me i could earn one yeah i’m

Gonna give it to you he wants to turn it like a boy scout well i meant i could like go kill a cat yeah like he shows up like like a boy scout yeah you can’t just give me everything i want oh okay okay giving someone like hundreds of levels

Or something weird like that i mean didn’t you literally just use for his experience for him to get millions of levels no yeah no can we call correct or lowly How can you hear me i’m whispering how can you hear me yeah i’m actually surprised that you were able to hear him terrible role play terrible terrible melody why would you do that terrible role play do you want a flask or not i mean little i don’t think you even

Know where your flask is i don’t even know if you know where it is i don’t know where it is uh wait i i i don’t want to make this awkward for you i actually don’t think you have the supplies to make a fly i do

I don’t i actually think you don’t have it yes i do how’s it going don’t worry if you do i’m looking around and i’m not seeing them oh you have gold oh [ __ ] you think of my uh this song smell like the game that is [ __ ] blazing he doesn’t know the

Smell of the game when does he ever know let us know what the what when do you ever know the smell of the game oh my god i’m mending fishing rod are you gonna go fishing no but i want mending you just want me have luck of the sea from this mission

Would you like something uh famous that i found mouse what did you find i found it uh here here patrick starr from spongebob wow thank you for the star look i got nine leather oh you actually have it yeah what you didn’t think i had it

I don’t know i mean leather is pretty rare here didn’t you just so you can one cows or leather three four five yeah but cows are quite rare well you gave me five yeah to make the pouch i thought i only needed four no you need five and then

You need you need um iron gold and diamond jesus because you’re gonna make it iron and then you make a gold and then you make a diamond what about netherright uh i don’t have any of that oh well are you you just said you wanted a diet

Wait you have another right here come here this should be enough to upgrade your drinking juice to netherrite drinking juice i think is it enough i think so why are you drinking rocks dude that’s magical rocks different okay it’s magical rocks where’d you get this another way from huh from the nether and

Where else do you get it from oh is this the pink panther theme pink panther theme doesn’t it i don’t know i’m not even i don’t have the music on anymore do we all hear the same song oh it’s coming from my jukebox oh i don’t think it makes another right

Flask psycho no wait really yeah definitely oh you need a smith thing wait you only need one hey could i get three of those back oh [ __ ] i lost them well it turns out you only need one to upgrade it is the thing just one

I thought it was like yes so you need a smithing table you got any of those how do i make a smithing table uh i don’t know you use power look it up i need two Quadrillion ingot i run in god and then four planes two iron angle gloss and four playing yeah wait why can’t i upgrade the iron oh here it is I thought you’re about to say why can’t i upgrade the iron mouse hey hey do you have some diamonds by any chance that i could borrow of course i have time for diamonds i feel like it’s a good trade for that netherride i gave you yeah yeah you i got four diamonds

Oh you don’t sound pleased about this trade that’s about to say it’s kind of a good deal i’m just saying diamonds are definitely easier to find the nether right there definitely two three four i’m sorry No We just need the smithing table i got the smitting table by the pickle wait what is this place the secret entrance to the wait this is just a hole this isn’t a secret i thought it was i no no no no yeah oh no would you put the smithing table a day

All right now we get netherrite drinking juices another rice and it holds five wait didn’t the diamond hold five yeah then what is this even maybe what a scam wait a minute what a [ __ ] damn why does this hold the same amount as nether right it should be better i think

Don’t you mean better right oh it prevents it wait prevents it from burning and lala is that it what how often are you gonna throw your thing in that thank you cam see i have support for my horrible puns you know thank you thank you i feel i feel happy for myself

Oh yeah oh god look at this go down the hall it was great cam thank you okay give me one sec to fill up the juice i said i guess what what it’s been a second what’s that mean um you said you were gonna take a second are you still filling up juice

Oh yeah my juice is full i’m already done oh okay okay i just wanted to make sure that you’re what is this mouse what are you trying to give me come this way i actually don’t know how to tell you this but i’ve developed gills where are you have developed

Why are you why are you dying oh no it says i’m dying but look at my health i haven’t actually developed gills but i regenerate so fast that i can’t drown come come on come this way that’s funny doesn’t that get annoying i mean it’s annoying to take the damage

But it’s kind of nice when you can’t drown can you imagine that in real life that you just can’t breathe and you’re underwater so you’re constantly feel like you’re suffocating yeah that’d be kind of scary yeah You liked it look i made this look at the little ducky oh oh you you made this this is like uh yeah yeah i thought this was this looks great i like the the colored sand and uh is this is this stick to so you can chain your your flying peasants here no

I swear so the monsters don’t come oh wait isn’t this kind of rare you have to kill like a a thing for this don’t you no i think it’s like depending on like either gold or iron or diamond and you need like a certain amount i made a diamond one

What’s the difference with the diamonds what is uh is this like a little cave i mean what uh secret mermaid cave it’s for mousy and i because we’re the only ones you’re not a mermaid so get out of here actually i have gills no i have gills look i can breathe underwater look

Hey fellow mermaids i’m breathing underwater too i’m just watching him with this goofy reflection of the heart he’s like look at me breathing underwater guys look at me swim majestically too um are you okay you seem like you’re gasping for air no no i’m fine are you sure are you sure you’re totally

Drowning but he’s fine yeah thank you are you a massacre I actually can’t die are you a masochist per chance just asking for a friend no but i do like having so much regen that i literally can’t drown i can’t burn and i just can’t die oh kind of nice that’s kind of well see look look i have gills now you

Believe me i believe you but i mean look at that at what cost um about 300 or something levels but oh wait did you mean something else at what cost just a few hundred levels the cost was gasping for air suffering with each passing moment inside of the sea

Oh [ __ ] at what cost what was that noise yeah i like the little floating lanterns it reminds me of tangled i like tango yeah me too i heard a cover of that one song oh wait you know it too yeah yeah that’s the one Good if only i knew how to sing oh shut the [ __ ] up i don’t want to hear that [ __ ] from you you [ __ ] lying to fit you can sing holy [ __ ] you she’s angry i am you have angered me oh she only can sing really well though

Yeah she could sing really well like insanely well hey can i live on the roof of your cave i you want to live on this roof yeah yeah what are you gonna do up there Well now i feel bad yeah no why do you feel bad who was originally going to live on the roof no i’m coming snuffer oh you’re gonna live on the roof okay well i’ll just live in this little cave over here okay it’s like a little hovel over here

Oh is that haruka’s old hovel i think that’s my hot gremlin cave yeah look at this place i there’s like a ladder that goes down oh that’s not mine i don’t think that’s mine no that’s not mine oh yeah there was a villager that lived in there i think i killed him oh

Yeah what you murderer i’m coming snoof i don’t know that’s not a good idea wait we’re still here nothing i used to i mean stuffy got trapped by the warden oh what does that mean what happens if you’re trapped by the warden do you know the warden it’s like who knows the

Do you know what it is do you think we can try and kill it i kind of want to try and kill it why you actually if you don’t even have now the right armor you silly dingus i’m level 300 something are you out of your [ __ ] mind i know your hands i

Dude i you just probably just have regeneration powers you have any strength yeah a lot of strength what’s the number of strength in your thingy 250. oh jesus christ and here’s the biggest thing my xp bank has enough to get me to like level 800

But i’m too lazy to use it but then you’re gonna die and lose all of it then well now you just slowly use it it just takes a while and i’m kind of lazy i feel like 300 zardi i you could just press hold press and hold the plus button

Well to use it efficiently you have to use it every 22 levels exactly oh wait that’s what i can do i can get more clovers there’s multiple you can use more than one at once it’s kind of a trick i need to get more closer clovers for my

Uh four leaf grime or whatever is that what it’s called are you talking about a grandma gave him grandma grimgar grim garo fire and ash that sounds like a pokemon that’s an anime all right was it good it was okay actually it was good it was a surprisingly interestingly different show

Mouse are you using diamond armor no oh really what are you using i’m just using whatever i find and i use it up until it breaks oh same same i mean i feel like at this point armor doesn’t actually do much yeah yes oh and haruka’s gonna clobber you

I mean she could try oh my gosh she’s gonna oh my god wait a void touched blade that’s my void blade do not touch it i i’m just gonna i already touched it but i put it back i put it back put it back that’s my baby you have a baby sword

That’s my sword half sword yeah i’m half sword mouse why is your house are you leaving gifts for you what do you mean this whole server is full of just mouse fanatics here’s one sign i found more amethyst for you mouse they need silk touch but here’s a box full of them

Well people like to leave me presents what’s wrong with that here’s another one for mousy colin d i think he’s mad nobody gives him presents i think he wants presents are you jealous who knows that it oh i mean oh god giga hurt shoots it’s tough out

There i know where to put your bed oh [ __ ] in the nether you know oh i s oh i see where you are snuffer i’m on my way to save you snowfee i don’t know man i think there’s two of them it might not be worth it

Come with us oh we’re on the way we’re on the way we’re all on the way oh yeah we’re on the way i’m going to put away my flashlight just in case but uh i appreciate the stairs that you made snuffy yeah um do you have a fast way of traveling

Mouse or is it sort of uh i’m running over there just running over i live in a shack what about your birds i swear to god if you touch any one of my birds okay can i just take bubbe no okay can i take you can’t take any of the birds crystals

Extra what happened to your pet my dragon yeah your durgan died like three days ago jesus christ just because you don’t care about your animals that doesn’t mean i don’t care about my animals okay but i can take emerald splash no you can’t take admiral splash i was told that emerald splash

Isn’t even strong and does almost nothing in the show how dare you talk [ __ ] about emerald splash i saw a literal highlight reel of the emerald splash getting blocked by literally everyone i swear to god do not besmirch the memory of him was that a fake highlight reel i saw it

On youtube that was not a fake high highway like i think he yells out it can’t be blocked and then it just gets blocked every time i swear to god how did you get there so fast with my [ __ ] feet i’m taking a bird there’s a bird here

It’s gonna take forever if i say who knows if you take a bird i mean i could just what if i just bring it back i mean something hurt or anything you know what you and i both know that that bird is not going to live as long

As you are around the bird ah snake 100 what do you mean by that we all know khaduka are you there no where are you i’m i’m i’m already in her basement i heard the the the evil shank oh did you rescue her already

No i’m do you want me to come over there where did you guys go oh i see i will just go just go towards her shack towards your shack i’ll be the beacon how did you guys get there so quickly wait is it an entrance in her shack

Yeah you just go inside her house and then there’s the basement here i’ll come upstairs and then you can follow where my name is it’s my humble little dungeon oh god i love it i’m getting attacked by a baby spider i can barely see it oh god baby spiders holy [ __ ] it was

Like chasing me where are you i’m coming outside her house i have baby spider trauma oh no what happened when i was a kid i was playing my ds and i wasn’t supposed to it was like late at night on a school night right and i was playing my nintendo ds

And something like brushed my face and i was like oh that’s weird no it wasn’t they crawled on my ds and i saw like a spider crawling on my ds and i was like oh look little tiny spider then there was like more and more and i was like what the hell is

Going on and i look up and like spiders laid eggs in my lamp what yeah and like my ceiling lights so they just they’re just like hundreds of spiders like pouring out of my skin i feel like things are crawling all over me i feel like things are crawling all

Over me i feel like things are crawling over me that’s the story i needed to hear um where did snuffy go i just got here i’m in i’m i’ve seen i see my exit now i think i’ve successfully evaded the two wardens i ran all the way over here and nobody’s

Oh my god it’s like who knows look at the map on the top right corner there’s a lot of creatures here come i thought claiming stuff was supposed to remove like creatures no they didn’t i think they got rid of it it makes it like creepers don’t destroy your house yeah yeah yeah

The only way to get rid of them is to have like a stick with a diamond in it i really do not suggest anybody comes down what was okay i think i sleep near here in case i die because i’ve actually heard that wardens are unkillable monsters

I mean here’s the thing i did kill a warrior but it took me a long time to kill it yeah there’s a bed what do we do we run down this mine shaft yeah at the end of the mine shaft be there’s a warden i was making a little pathway already

I think just to get down from the path of lava this is gonna be easy are you immune to lava snuff i am ah you are immune i am now i got a magma backpack oh well i’m also immune to lava cycle is immune to everything because

He’s perfect in every way and he does everything right and he’s amazing and he’s he’s the greatest gamer that ever lived and he’s a minecraft king and everything what i i just said i was immune to lava [Laughter] where’s this warden at holy [ __ ] you didn’t tell me you were in ancient city

Is that what this is city this is exactly what i wanted oh it is oh my god this is exactly where i was where is he oh i see it i see it careful his lasers go through walls i know this yeah wait lasers lasers he does lasers oh i see him

Yeah we tussled a bit i give him one two the good thing is is that he’s blind the bad news is if you summon if you’ve got that oh oh yeah if you put like a trap door near the the sensors it’ll like distract him and he’ll like keep on looking at the

Sensors and he won’t see you yeah i believe i’m going to die but i’m going to sneak up and see what happens oh i see him i see him he’s actually i think he’s pretty cool but terrifying yeah he’s still going especially the heartbeat dude i love the heartbeat like

It’s so interesting where are you are you down there cyclone already yeah yeah oh my god i see you guys just to be clear if i die i’m all that foreign so okay okay worth it oh [ __ ] so yeah he knows where you are now no he doesn’t no he doesn’t i don’t

Think he sees me yeah he’s coming before you hear oh he’s coming for you he’s stopping my whole screen is black yeah that’s what he’s gonna move around while he launched me oh he’s gonna shoot his lasers at you where is he he’s shot he’s like stuck in

This wall in front of you ow oh my god that actually kind of hurt ow oh wait he actually does damage okay don’t worry his region makes him immortal right seikuno wait his what makes him what no yours you reach in like crazy oh no he definitely can kill me oh

Actually he was weak as heck and i destroyed him all right you killed him yeah i like three shot him that was whoa what did he give you five he only gives you like a block i got a sculpture catalyst and the heart of the warden

That sounds dope i think we actually can combine the heart with amethyst for the block of skull crystal i don’t know he’s very scary and vanilla i swear oh i’ll bet not bad is there just one of them there was a second one earlier another i’ll kill him

That was definitely the strongest enemy i ever run into like i actually lost a couple hearts oh no oh no no no he’s coming for me wait did you went down there iron i did oh god she’s crazy i’m crazy mouse here there was a second one but it

Didn’t chase me this far where is it where is it i don’t remember i just wanted to gather some of those sparkly blocks i’m trying to get back up here but i can’t somehow i’m just going to swim up the lava that’s what i do

I don’t have a water bucket i would have helped what is that what was it that’s the skirt that’s the skulker thingy summoning the warden oh where is it i hear it i definitely hear it where is it are we are we guys mousey i think he’s no he’s underneath us

He’s underneath us he’s right next to the mouse oh oh my god he’s going for mouse i teleported out of there so fast teleport it out of there will kill him yeah oh he’s he’s landing i killed no the items i think the items burned in the lava um well

At least no one died except there’s the third one oh no okay okay where is he where is to he well yeah i’ll just kill them all why not hey get down here i just really want to get some of those sparkly blocks [Laughter] do you think he’ll win this time he’s in

The lava oh i see him all the items are just going to melt again what are you doing where are you guys we’re back in the hole still i’m going to try and let him like run out of the lava so i can get something i see you guys down there

Oh he’s definitely shooting a laser or something oh he killed her heart of the warden nice jeez man you cracked did they do anything other than make a block yeah so when i killed him on vanilla mode with my friends give me like look a fourth fourth one another one

I don’t i think they spawn forever until you at least get rid of their skulky thingies but yeah it sucks because like it took me hours hey another one it took me an hour to beat it on vanilla mode with sk with cheats on and you only get a [ __ ] block beats on

Um these guys just keep popping out well am i on something am i on one of them i’m getting out of here guys this is uh getting kind of awkward yeah there’s one right below you i think though i think you’re having fun there psycho oh i’m leaving i’m leaving this

Is uh this has been a journey all right but there’s another one you can kill you’re not gonna kill the shriekers what is the shrieker that’s so you stop them from spawning oh you know i don’t want to just kill everything you guys want to kill one too don’t you hell

[ __ ] no i just want to harvest blocks i got an iron short oh [ __ ] i actually also have an iron sword so that makes two of us whoa how are you so strong all right mouse take this take this mouse here the the rare heart i don’t want to

Alarm you but he’s climbing up that level the heart of the warden is your inventory a mess again or are you just not picking it well uh here’s three more hearts of the wardens and some skull catalysts what what you’re giving me so much stuff that’s not that much it only took like

10 seconds to get i had the teleporter out of there because i fell you fell asking just sorry no no no i i was trying to get past i was trying to get past you two and i fell but good thing i have the wand that you gave me the other day

You guys all leave i left i just went up the stairs i don’t know what else to do in that city thing i didn’t find any chest that’s okay just a bunch of guys screaming at me what sounds like a bad time i really wanted to get more of those glowy ones

What glowy ones i think you might need silk touch for it i do i have soap tough push split you have silk touches i know she has everything i want i want to go back there and i want to get more of the glory blood all right well

You should just go back and get him i mean yeah but he’s around there oh what the hell are you doing with my fish six of them i was just oh holy jesus it’s a upgraded axolotl [Laughter] really rare he’s not undying greedy it’s actually really rare his name is sprinkles huh

It sounds more like his name is alchemist cloaked undying speedster entity minecraft axolotl axolotl yes sprinkles for short right right well i’m going to make my little home here so i can get comfortable are you going to make a home in snuffy’s home i need rent usually um [Laughter]

I really want to get those sparkly blocks in the in the city yeah you can go in there if you want yeah but that thing is there he’s a scary thing just wait for it to despawn and then just sneak around kill any of the little skulker thingies and you should be fine

For the damn spark what the hell are you doing on my floor i gotta go do some stuff but i wanted to go i was just gonna bring up uh that is so out of context i got scared like who’s on your floor come here snuffy come here all right

Cringe over go ahead and cringe over i’m cringing i’m cringing a little closer a little closer a little closer a little closer oh we’re like flattened now mousey come here come here get a load of this what oh oh hey how do you do that oh man

Oh come on in come on in get a little closer cringe in the corner cringe in the corner yeah come on come on closer i’m trying to get close come on in the corner just stay in the corner there you go oh what the yeah i don’t really know what the

Purpose of this is it’s kind of just uh it’s a thing well anyway yeah um you gotta help her get those damn crystals what bring them what i was gonna say was um you should probably hmm damn it we’ll never know i’m sorry i do not have anything to carry us with

That’s okay milady we’ll steal cycuno’s [ __ ] i got iron you just got iron iron iron house iron house iron house with iron mouse yeah is this it dr seuss story oh god i’m gonna try i’m gonna try just be careful there’s like there’s like a big sack in the sacks or the

Things that start screaming somebody suck yeah they like start like screaming and like little like sound waves appear there’s like a sack right at the entrance on the on on the ledge somewhere i don’t seem easy to kill either it takes no unless if you have like unless you’re strong like sekuno

Just shift you just have to sneak yeah just hold shift yeah you can kill the little skulker thingies that’s what i do and then that’s just a better chance of not dying to them Okay i’m here hey babe this is scary did you fall from heaven because you’re an angle you’re my angle oh cute oh you’re a cute angle i’m just here this way to the left i think yeah i think the scream thing is to the right so what blocks are you looking for these

Sparkly ones oh those blue ones yeah oh they’re so pretty i wonder if i can make a base without the quartz for now can i do that perhaps we’re just sneaking around don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious i’m suspicious and i got i’m so suspicious

Like a metal gear solid character oh god i hear like breathing oh it’s just aruka hi it’s me we’re safe wait that wasn’t me this time i like how my blue jay just randomly teleported i don’t like the noise these blocks make it’s so strange yeah they’re like groaning

It’s like waking up with a cackle try to wake up in a [ __ ] hangover me when i mine this minecraft oh my god i feel like i have to be quiet thank you does it talk like a pirate day army haiti gonna get me some booty that happens

Earlier in the year i feel does it matter if i turn on a light like a torch or not i don’t if you put you close to the shulkers or whatever they’re called yeah yeah because they make a sound you can kill the skulkers though just like mining like a regular block

Yeah i took i took one out look at you go you’re actually correct [ __ ] correct i hear the predator going oh god let me turn off the music because i can’t hear properly is it time for metal gear solid music middle gear solid alarm alarm

Well not a is it the alert you might listen to what is unobtainium here you go i got the perfect music for you males what’s that is that a dragon there’s a dragon in here i think so i’ve never really seen one come look at this where are you i got

The perfect you see me over here down this down this cave well i’m trying to get this unobtainium what’s that noise it’s the music for you guys sneaking around oh i need another pickaxe so never mind unobtainium right will stuffy and mountain escape the clutches of the cave now next episode

Okay like look at this okay so see where i am and then like look right up you see like the flapping like look look up here oh the other way yeah no no turn around like a up there do you see the flapping i don’t see any oh wait what the [ __ ]

What is that i don’t know is it a dragon it looks white it looks like you want to go look yeah we just dig up i think it is a dragon it might be a dragon how do i get a dragon uh [ __ ] dragons eat emeralds

Oh [ __ ] i have some in my house maybe i should go get some really quick do you need like a lot i think they eat emeralds do they wait is ross on ross knows no Duh he was on earlier are you here make your presence known here was some of him oh psychonaut we want thou to come back with for a question about the dragon we’ll give you one chicken wing that’s a good deal for payment let’s hope he answers our call i’ll get dragon scissors

They’re sensors they eat gold apples and gold carrots i don’t okay i’m i can i think i can make them right there’s two sensors oh be careful as long as it’s not the uh the big one that screams i think it’s okay actually they i think yeah there’s two kinds of skulkers

There’s the one with like little wigglies on them those are the same sort of little wiggly ones i killed those two you can you kill them yeah just like a regular yeah i also like screech though it’s like you’re like they let out some like ungodly like

Okay well they said i could just sit on it actually to tame it i don’t know how i’m just gonna like casually sit on a dragon but let’s go find him let’s go get him i’m gonna get a saddle really quick does that work i don’t know if it fits a

Jacket yeah yeah a saddle will fit a dragon okay okay it’s the magical enchantment saddle should i start climbing up yeah i’ll probably make it to you in time might take a minute i’m already up there okay i’m coming are you up there already wait did i not mind the shulk wait what

Oh i guess a stone pickaxe or iron pickaxe can’t mine the skulk i just realized my inventory is like empty i’ve been trying to help oh no i’ve been using a diamond pickaxe oh i have one block i must have picked it up from you okay there was a shrieker right here

Oh god are you okay i killed it just in time oh yeah you need a sitting in a silk touch to kill it to get the oh the skulk yeah oh my god i ate all the skull unknowingly can i use light i don’t have a torch but i’ll get some

I’ll take some take some back okay i’m here i got a couple torches that i just picked off off the ground how do i get up there just go up the steps that i mean all righty oh my god look look at the flapping up there i’ll be right back i’m

Gonna go get you such a weird formation of like how are we gonna get all the way up there that’s so high is there oh look at it it looks so cool oh i want it so bad oh my god we gotta get you a dragon tug we’re gonna get it okay um We might be able to climb up that lava and water but i don’t know if that’s technically farther away it doesn’t look like it’s connected well maybe i don’t think so but you can check what is happening over there oh i hear i hear little ah i’m back there’s some water

I’d do it with an empty hand okay what tame a dragon i guess i gotta when i sit on it i gotta have nothing in my hands takes both hands to tame a drink i mean it’s a dragon you’re taming snuffy do you think you could do with one hand

I don’t think you can came with two you don’t think so well there’s a water elevator yeah what the [ __ ] is that thing what thing what is this creature what is that oh god oh god are you okay that’s like attacking me it’s like it’s one of those hellcats i’ve seen rubero

Are you okay can you tame it i don’t know but i gotta kill it because it’s attacking me it’s because you’re a fish on legs oh god like running away now what is that noise what the [ __ ] was that noise that was me oh i was like

What the [ __ ] i don’t know your ability made noise i’ve never heard that before oh no i was i was healing myself sorry it’s okay wait this cat looks so cute right now i wonder you think it eats rubies okay he’s gonna go you can tame it i don’t know if you can

Oh okay i don’t know how like there’s a there’s a water elevator but i don’t know i don’t know if they can oh they um maybe we might be able to like build a bridge across are you able to oh god are you able to go up too yep

Oh you swim so fast holy are you swimming so fast here i am all the way up here what why is my lava so slow where is the dragon though i think he’s uh i hope he’s like stuck so we can like kind of like get it easily but i don’t know

I can’t see i wish there was a flashlight in this game honestly yeah i have a [ __ ] monocle that lets me see in the dark but it flashes on the screen so it’s a little uncomfortable but i’m gonna put it on for a second okay i don’t see him

I don’t have like anything oh i see why you mean by the little flashlight i understand where is he i think he’s he’s in this cave somewhere i guess we can’t see him from this side do you have any extra blocks when something interests him yeah

Maybe i don’t know if it actually ends up well if it doesn’t it does but like at the roof of it at the roof of this cave it does let’s just go i’m gonna try and make a bridge i don’t know how high he was in

Comparison i don’t know he seemed to be pretty high but yeah i don’t see him anyway i believe in you guys we’re gonna get him i’m not ending stream until snuffy gets her damn dragon oh that means something bad is gonna happen to it nothing bad is gonna happen ever

Now something bad might happen because you said no no okay uh huh yeah i have to go all the way to the top do you want to try making a a bridge no let’s keep going that’s scary oh it’s on the mini map oh it’s a great dot on the mini map oh

Wait are you sure there’s no way right wait if it is it’s directly across from us but that means it’s way higher oh there’s no way if it was any higher we wouldn’t have been able to see it though right because that would be over the would be over the ceiling it doesn’t

Make sense to me unless unless what we were seeing the flapping wasn’t the dragon but it was a reflection of the dragon because there’s water up there really elaborate i don’t have any shadows no [ __ ] sense it made sense to me unless that means nonetheless it was a [ __ ] monster

Oh was it a monster i’ll tell you him anyway i’m eating a burger at the same time what kind of burger is it just a burger a burger can i have it with like tomato onion lettuce you know good goods can i have a burger Oh my god i can have one bite of the burger and you get the other so it’s like lady in the tray that’s romantic dude well well well delicious like you oh whoa i love you too all right i think he’s up there in this direction all the way up there

That’s the only thing that makes sense oh oh [ __ ] there’s a weird green muppet thing tycoona what happened i looked on my map and i saw his name there’s a creature and he’s like this green thing he looks like a muppet he’s like oh i can’t believe it’s like a bush

With eyes he looks like that that pokemon that has like it’s a it’s a massive tentacles with eyes that’s a cruel is it tend to cruel or nothing oh no tangler oh you’re so smart i got the idea from you oh no babe we inspired each other oh my god

Can you marry me for the 20 married babe babe i just love remarrying you renew our vows for you yeah yeah and it gets stronger every time oh babe people shy popping tease nuts holy [ __ ] i got got it but it wasn’t even for me [Laughter] oh my god he’s not what the [ __ ] where are we now i got these nuts too [Laughter] no the daughter’s gone we got we went too far up where are we we must be like perfectly on the roof maybe probably i think it’s like oh it’s south i feel i feel a

Presence let me see if my summoning can work oh cycuno where are slowest on the server oh no we need help taming the dragon you get a chicken wing in payment did the summoning ritual work no no no just swore enough power how much power do i need

Uh we might have to backtrack Snookie according to this this should be the dragon it’s the durga it’s this way Okay how was the burger at a rate of 10 and 1 with 10 being the best like a 10. oh [ __ ] what made it a 10. dude caisson just got killed by madonna oh no what the [ __ ] that one had like a full name percy the vindictator wait a minute hold on

Okay there’s two there’s two great what there’s two great great things it could either be the thing behind us or the thing like across from us it has to be the one across from us i swear it was in this middle part all right well if that’s the case we

Should build a bridge i got blocks don’t worry i think i picked up a couple i got i got a lot in it’s time to go across are you ready i just crossed the bridge it’s time dragon time to get the turgon i’m so excited me too for you This is the greatest mission we’ve ever been on it’s like a it’s like a journey and we’re looking what is that cycuno he’s on fire did he just die oh no oh no no he didn’t know that i saw him over there he like lit up the cave he’s

Here i’m scared he’s gonna kill my dragon not the durgan No not at all i don’t see anybody i’m only seeing mousey’s beautiful face all right if calculations are correct the dragon should be up here i hope it’s a dragon what if it’s like a wyvern and it’s like highly aggressive or something and not typical everything’s tameable if you believe

Oh whoa this is cool wait how did the second one get up here what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] how did you get up here we we just did something like super elaborate like mining psychonauts did you take the water elevator no i took the lava elevator where is i know he’s the it

The dragon is not i think he’s trying to steal the dragon he’s going to steal my dragon steal your dragon i don’t know because yours died and now you want another one you guys must have a really strange impression of me i don’t know i think we have a very

Correct impression of you do you think we know you’re the best dragon from anyone i think the dragon is on the other side other side like back where we were yeah [ __ ] it’s hard to tell from up here like where we even were standing how long ago did you see this thing like

10 minutes ago oh oh so it might still be here then yeah that’s very sauce that was a book what exploded me are you okay yeah i’m fine that’s the dragon but i don’t see your dragon there’s nothing here i think oh wait should we just dig down if you do

If you go to the map there’s something that looks like it’s flying so it is the durgan go to the map and zoom in really close oh god it’s this way directly this way see it the gray thing it wasn’t like moving when we thought it was just stuck

It’s this way it’s totally this way that’s gotta be it that’s gotta be it i think he’s trying to get the dragon he would never do such a terrible awful mean thing to do yeah right why is that good oh you guys are definitely worried for nothing

Oh then why are you here what’s up who summoned you i just i just wanted to hang out i know you can no no i i can uh i no i i think i can no i you’re stuck here now i want you to have to deal where even is

Haruka i don’t even see her i’m i’m at home wait so you’re actually not even here no i’m [Laughter] okay yeah what you want you want me to go over there no no it’s um i mean i can oh my god there’s a yellow axolotl down here

I mean i i can’t so i could i’m on my way now okay the dragon is definitely not in here this is a underwater team the cutest predator catch an axle out on the bucket maybe it was a swimming thing that we saw no well the thing on the map was a swimming

Thing but it’s looking grim how do i get out of this cave i’m getting claustrophobic teleport me out someone we’re gonna have to go back retrace our steps and come back it’s nothing okay this server is lagging for me i don’t reload to come back i think it’s just happening

It’s just doing its thing it does happen on occasion let me know if that helps at all thank you All right we’re gonna have to come back i am going to teleport back to your place trees here what inside oh wait this is we’re outside again oh well at least i’m free now um where are you free from oh what are your streams like you know you know just the the cave

The cave the cave are you sure about that yeah the cave you don’t you don’t want to go help them out well there’s no dragon i feel like there is also you only 100 seen a dragon we saw a dragon you’re only there for the durgan right

Well i wanted to try and help find it but i i’m not sure it even exists so hi are you saying that they’re lying listen this is the mythical dragon of lore and and and and we have to find him i saw him we both saw him we all saw him

Maybe it just despawned i mean we saw him we saw him what if it just despawned or died somehow did you kill the dragon i haven’t even seen it do dragons live in random underground caves i mean i have to admit it was a strange place for a dragon

A little bit of a strange place but i’m telling you man i knows what i saw and towards a dragon i had seen it mouse says so wait someone else says they saw a dragon in the deep dark too well they live in caves oh i mean this is a cave right

So you see all right i’m going back to your place okay i’m still in the cave so i’m going back to the drawing board zero wants to assist zero’s like a gaming god zero can find them because zero has a broom a broom i have one of those zero has a

Broom and he flies on it are you supposed to fly on that i’ve been hitting people with it yeah i thought it was like a diamond Well yeah it’s pretty much like the same stats as a diamond sword i thought it was no it’s for flying hey i’ve been flying this whole time yeah what are you doing yeah it’s just hanging out you’re just hanging out by my do you want to see me i have one in

If you want to use it mousey really yeah so this is my um just check them all right yeah this is my home for no actually this is the bed there’s no all right i mean i think yeah oh you got soul well here let me

Give you something oh [ __ ] what are you gonna give me there you go oh hello tiny little yellow oxladdle you sure you don’t want him oh yeah i’m i’m homeless so i don’t know oh he said the one that i got he laughed a little too hard at that one

But well darn i lied people it’s just it was just unexpected i thought you had a home right now it’s like you know um well sometimes i like to lurk really i would never have thought in that one place that i called home oh what’s the whole are you talking about my place

What no i have acclaimed territory that’s my home i’d wha why would you think your place um claimed land um let’s see i found a way there’s a candle there’s cyrus there’s snuffy there’s there’s a clean territory there’s silver there’s kson Yeah look for mine it’s it’s a little it’s it’s a humble like kind of small okay so okay um where do i go do i go south east west north east of uh melody east of melody melody that’s a real word Okay [Applause] I don’t know if it’s a dragon not i’m looking at it maybe okay where do i get it this way no it is it is it is yeah okay okay okay let me see if i can see you um do you need help y’all or you could

Okay i’m gonna put like a lava a lava pillar down are you down in the cave yeah okay um back in the cave now do you see do you see where the dragon like where we saw it uh let me see i don’t really see it

I don’t see your name on them on them on the map i think it’s because i’m ready okay i see the flapping you see the slapping okay i’m gonna put a block of lava down it looks like there’s a water tower as well so maybe

Just go down the water one okay do you see oh god do you see this like flashing maybe oh god there’s a zombie i don’t see you and i gotta kill this see where you are oh god there’s multiple zombies here i’ll stay outside your house so you

Guys know where to come back to i’ll be the beacon i see i see the lava you see the lava yeah okay just that there’s a water uh elevator next to it i think as well so climb up either and then i’ll be standing right by it so you can see

Where to like jump from i see you come up i’ll make a platform for you i’m coming up my darling she’s coming up she wants the whole world to know right here right here oh god something’s shooting us what is it okay here it is right here oh

He’s just kind of doing his thing oh my god it is a dragon look at him i think he’s stuck good i mean i can sit on him oh yay we gotta get to him okay what should we do i’m scared there’s like a crevice a giant crevice balloon crevasse

He’s so cute he looks like an ice dragon or something please it’s like my fave please it’s a match made in heaven it’s a sign it was the sign this dragon was made for me it was made for her was made for her whoa whoa we’re gonna dig it out

Want to maybe dig on top of it or like up to the top so i can mount it and then it won’t get like unstuck so it won’t like try and kill us while i’m like all right we could do that yeah whoa what the [ __ ] okay

What the [ __ ] oh god the leg stop yeah i’m rubber banding a lot stop teleporting me i see him i see him oh yeah oh is it in position i hope you guys don’t lose connection you lost connection oh no no not while i’m finding my dragon don’t worry we’ll be very careful

I’m joining that okay i’m back everything’s fine i’m just doing my best to get to you guys so i can be the beacon so you know where to go home right there dude oh my goodness but so uh when you tame a dragon it’ll kick you off until you tame it

Oh so i’m gonna plummet to my death we need to finally if it kicks you off you’ll fall to your death okay so i’m gonna [ __ ] my death what do i do to avoid this can we do you think if we can build a little bit below him he won’t

Maybe build a bed oh no he’s flying away i stuck i knew it so should we build like a platform or like put something below us yeah i think so don’t kill me i’m nervous i believe in you guys hey buddy oh god he looked at me [Laughter]

He’s curious he’s a curious old are you gonna breathe fire can i die will i die instantly i don’t think he’ll breathe fire at us who the [ __ ] is this what oh it’s zero how the [ __ ] is like the most convoluted cade system just like snuck up

He just mined like 17 blocks in one fell swoop because he has probably has made mining on that’s cool he’s like he’s like parkouring oh did it attack you i don’t think so maybe he did maybe just like the wing touching you did damage i think so oh oh [ __ ]

Oh god he landed where his hero was i’m sitting on him okay try it again so oh no oh no come back it’ll be fine we’ll stay here i gotta go oh [ __ ] yeah oh my god he does damage bro he hit me with his horn where is he did he fall

Well good news he fell to the floor oh no i don’t know if i’ll be able to tame him then yeah you can he’s on the floor now so it’s easier i think he’s just gonna one-shot me every time i can’t i might i know how to

Get back but i might be able to i think maybe i think as long as i go up that fire it’ll be fine Wait but now i i need to figure out how to get down to where you guys are i need water well we’re not down yet we’re up i’m up here where your grave is oh yeah i gotta get my [ __ ] you son of a oh this [ __ ] was gonna push me

He was gonna push me this little he says soon to the dragon Oh god where the [ __ ] am i i’m gonna pit oh no no it’s okay oh there you are you didn’t do something here i got you uh i don’t have a light i can get a hole i got you i got you here you go oh there you go right here

Oh okay thank you oh i see him he’s down here yeah he’s at the bottom of the floor i don’t know how i’m gonna get on him now gotta build stairs to go down girl well he’s flying to the top of the cavern oh he’s flying again [ __ ] what a finicky guy oh

Well the good thing is is that he’s really big oh where are you going now oh no i don’t think this is the right oh there he is oh he’s going to go all the way to the top i think this is turned into mission impossible for real no we’re going to do

It he’s going all the way to the top he’s going back up yeah we’re gonna do it we’re gonna do it don’t worry about it swear to god we’re gonna get your door rag on he’s like stuck on the stairway that we made oh rag on these nuts he’s on the bridge

He’s on the bridge yeah he’s like stuck under it pour water on him you gonna drown drown that [ __ ] right if i can’t have you nobody can stuffy turns into a yawn today i don’t think my g powers would work on him you want to try it

I don’t even know where he is right now i’m waiting for snuffy to get her stuff i’m trying to make my way over there where did we go but this was where we came from uh i don’t know how to get back over there oh he’s leaving is he where is he

Um he’s still kind of like where this where the stairs are i don’t know how to get up there i don’t have any lights uh uh don’t want to go back to get light or no no it’s okay get there eventually okay i’m just gonna break this with my fists

You’re so strong thank you elegant should i try riding on him again before i get my stuff so i if i just die i die with nothing yeah why not thank you hey bestie oh no stuffy [Laughter] i missed the dragon i thought maybe I just jumped off the bridge what is that what the heck skulk catalyst what is a skulk catalyst oh so every time you kill a monster in the catalyst it spreads like the little blue blocks into other blocks that’s why it’s saying i’m getting tired though

No no not you i was gonna say i’m just gonna get off for it tonight let me know if you get the dwayne okay okay i’ve been trying to fix my sleep show okay i love you i love both of you thanks for hanging out with me today thanks for having me

Come join you guys of course nothing you’re always more than welcome to hang out with me I love you guys Oh my god i’m lagging so bad yeah the leg the leg is terrible is he still over there i can’t see him at all tbh you can come to the bridge where he is i don’t even remember where it is do you see where zero and i are on the map yeah i’m

Looking my way are you sure i was gonna wait by your stuff it’s okay i have a waypoint where it is i’ll try and get it but i guess i’ll try and oh should i take the water elevator back down oh i see him oh i wonder if i could take it up

Okay i’m almost there i see him i see the door gone oh no oh no he’s attacking me oh no [ __ ] why oh it’s because i’m a mermaid wait what do things hate you yeah a lot of things hate me wait what that’s so mean

Oh i don’t know what that meant okay i’m gonna yeah i i can’t be around him hey hey racist dragon hey how do i get on him i don’t know you were your racist blue dragon do i gotta just do i just do i just try

Oh i don’t know if i can sit on it while flying that makes sense i can’t i don’t it doesn’t seem to be working here buddy i got i got a block he’s so [ __ ] big it’s beautiful okay oh oh oh no I’m my own worst enemy i drink have a drink before i go back over there i’m sorry i’m making this so bad okay you don’t have to get it we’re gonna get them we’re gonna get them we’re committed now we all committed so he is this way oh okay the structure is not

God is just so [ __ ] big i’m coming back oh my god he’s turning around to look at me he’s really cute though snowflake we’re gonna get you don’t worry i’m coming up for one more time sorry don’t worry we’re gonna get him we’ve built him like a house

You know you should bring a bed with you oh that’s pretty smart yeah i thought that’s pretty yep oh my god zero you’re incredibles you already built the floor how the heck are people so good in minecraft bro he’s cracked he’s cracked what am i gonna name him you can name him hmm

The backpack is a sleeping bag but it doesn’t set your respawn point spiral tee puffy these knots drag on these nuts goddammit okay go ahead whenever you’re ready go ahead just take a seat i bet you’re feeling exhausted it’s been a long it’s been a long day i should know

Did you put the bed down there’s a bed i didn’t have one i was already halfway over here all right hold on i have one oh don’t don’t sit on him yet okay i’m gonna put a bed down uh just trying to get over there these vines or will he just kill me

Hey look go oh god okay i didn’t fall to my death somehow maybe not the best place to put it a staircase up to where mousey is i want i can get my old items maybe oh wait no i guess that was down there so if you get back

On the platform the bet is on the platform so pick it up go ahead set your respawn point and jump on that freaking dragon okay i said it yeah let’s go now jump on the dragon i think he has to land maybe we’re scaring you maybe he’s

Like he’s like a wild animal right so maybe he’s like nervous no no no start your dominance i don’t know if i can make it to where you are i want to get my items back well i’m here right now i’m not where your items are

Yeah but i have to like cross this i think in order to get over there but i think his wings are gonna knock me off you wouldn’t do that to me right dragon we’re besties we’re good friends we’re we’re we’re good friends yep see everything’s working out

Oh good he’s not he’s not knocking me off okay okay okay i’m gonna go get my items hopefully he doesn’t land while i’m doing this there’s scary creatures over here damn it was i underground he landed it’s okay i’m still here round two [ __ ] yeah yeah

Did you get him i’m sitting on him how you feeling about this betty we we good this time we good you think maybe maybe we can you know progress our relationship a little farther are you ready for the next step how long does this normally take did i get him as you might

Put your crosshairs on him does it have your name on it yeah oh it did yeah i think here let me give it to you it’s in my it’s yeah where i died i’m gonna drop a saddle okay let’s go we did it Wait you need a steak a stick yeah to get him to sit so he doesn’t follow you oh so you can get your stuff here take the stick i dropped it on the floor also you need a name tag oh [ __ ] i have one but you can’t

You can’t change his name until you’re out of advil okay i have one on my house thank you for throwing things at me okay now you gotta get your stuff make him sit with the stick okay so he doesn’t follow you and then what we can do is we could either

We gotta get him out by flying out so how do i know if he’s sitting it should i mean he is oh it should face it what does that mean on the bottom oh okay now now he’s sitting he’s not gonna follow me now go get your stuff and then uh

I know that there’s an opening like an opening exit i don’t know exactly where it is i think it might be in this direction but if not we’re gonna have to try to find a way to dig out because we got to fly him out i saw like a there’s a hole like

Wait a minute i think i could use my summoning stuff i think there’s a hole not so far away we can just fly out of oh god there’s evil guys here no i mean all right hear me out okay okay uh i’m gonna use my summoning staff on him okay

What’s gonna happen is i’m gonna use my staff on him i’m gonna teleport to my house and then i’m gonna summon him to my house and you gotta pick him up at my house oh god i’m gonna do all the leg work no no wait do you have a way stone no

Don’t worry i have a waist i’ll put the waste on here and you can directly come to my place using the waystone okay okay i don’t know how to go down get my stuff hello dragon don’t get mad at me i am your friend we are friends okay okay hello dragon

Just putting the waist on here no need to panic all right is he too big i think he’s too big that’s okay there i think there’s an there’s an exit hole that i can fly him through like above ground i just i’m just lost i can’t find my items

Oh i got him okay all right let me see if it works i didn’t yeah good all right i’m gonna go to my house okay okay don’t get alarmed i want to see if i can bring him to my house i trust you he’s a pretty big boy

Oh my god he’s at my house all right i sat him down your dragon is now at my house all you have to do when you get your stuff you go back down to where the dragon is you touch the whey stone you go to mouse house and you get sorry

You’re trying to get my eyes okay don’t worry it’s okay it’s okay your dragon is safe at my house okay i’ll just go over there once i get my stuff i’m gonna do an another thing you don’t have a waste store at your house do you no

All right i’m gonna put one in my house i don’t have i don’t have a lot of like you can do easy travel from my house wait no wait that’s not gonna work because you gotta fly your dragon back wait down there oh we got down there from here am i

Crazy why didn’t i why did i just trick the dragon to your house i’m so stupid what am i thinking well because i i’m going to teleport to your house i guess no don’t worry i’m just going to bring him to your house how am i going to bring him inside your

House i don’t know he’s gonna have to go outside he does not fit inside i don’t think so let’s see there’s like lava the ledge wait put them here thank you oh oh god oh god oh yeah that ledge yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah how do i get down um

Okay i guess that’ll work oh come on come on oh i can’t swim oh wait no i can’t okay not enough space oh my god he’s a big boy oh your house is a difficult location is it okay now i just have to get out of here the cavern there’s a mind shift

Oh uh you’re gonna have to pick your dragon up from my house okay eight blocks of flat land there’s no uh i guess i’ll try and go use the way shrine uh i’m gonna have to oh i think there’s well i guess yeah i guess you could just do that what happened fun

I’m trying to get your your dog my dog yeah your dog i have a dog i mean he’s gonna be kind of like your dog he’s a really big dog oh is this it it’s gonna get killed here oh no that’s it right there wait he’s gonna get killed my dragon no oh

Is he what i think your dragon might be safer at my house your your place is like dangerous as [ __ ] oh my i thought you meant like right now if he was dying no no no no no no no will things attack him of course oh you sort of welcome you don’t have

Things around your house i have a diamond torture on my house to stop things from coming that’s a thing yeah i can make you one oh i don’t know how to play minecraft oh i forgot lava creature was a bad rule i forgot him i’m gonna put a waste on your house okay

Okay oh akonite seeds i feel like i’m so primitive everybody has like such cool stuff and i’m like banging rocks against like the grass is your dragon still up there yep bro your dragon is so safe in my house okay i trust nothing will ever get it okay what the [ __ ]

I don’t have anything cool i think zero is shooting bombs at me that’s not fair what i don’t have like a special ability yeah you do i don’t you have to have one everyone has one my special ability is like i don’t take damage from lava and that’s i think that’s it

No there has to be another ability where it’s like i deal more damage if i’m on fire i need a fire charge until okay hold on ow what is shooting flames at me the thing is something is shooting is that is that that’s not you it’s like it’s like a gas a gas

I don’t that’s kind of what it is like the attack it’s like that kind of like i know i have a bomb thing weird but okay so where should i teleport to to my house okay are you the mouse house yep okay i will make you oh a diamond torch okay

Wow your house is so beautiful thank you wow it’s so magical i think it’s two or four four wow your house is so pretty are you here yeah it’s all for you oh i love your little table with the cake you like it it’s beautiful i love it i’m glad you like it

I think it’s um i would like to ask if you could make a bridge for us people afraid of water a bridge oh i’m so sorry it’s okay i’m sorry i’m so sorry it’s okay i’m so sorry we’re from two different worlds i forgot that you need what you need

Here look how about a boat yeah thank you oh my god my house is like a hazard to you but it’s perfect for you yeah but it’s it’s a horrendous hazard it’s just oh well look at this dog jurassic bark yeah that’s jurassic bark what is this he’s my dog

Oh do you like my bird look at this bird bro whoa that’s cool you have a lot of birds are these all your birds is this your dragon or my dragon that’s yours my dragon what are all these like weird gleaming feather oh yeah these birds drop these feathers

And they’re like light source if you want to take some you can oh yeah i have so many of them there we go look here this is for you where are you here this is a diamond torch you put it in your house or around your house and

It protects you mobs won’t come around for like 64 blocks i think so the space around your house is safe from from okay so it would it would be okay if i put him like on top of my house yeah okay i trust you you gotta put them on you gotta put

You can put that thing like in front of your house and if you put them it’ll keep them around your house okay how do i fly press space there you go space just spam it sticky keys whoa oh my god he’s so fast oh my god whoa this is so cool Oh my gosh so high in the air oh can i shoot fire i don’t know i think there is but i don’t know uh the key you i think you can shoot fire i just don’t know how run stop you can’t leave you can’t gun run you can’t jakaris

Yes that’s how i feel house of dragons this [ __ ] you’re daenerys targaryen i still have that stick don’t what the hell where’d it go stay there stay stay there it’s crazy it’s crazy which one how did you get here so fast i use the waste stone for your house

When did you put that there before i left oh wait what i don’t understand y’all are magical that’s that’s just like it’s like it’s like being in the presence of god no mining god look now if you see a way stone you touch it and you can get home instantly

Okay and all you need to do is select snuffy’s place snuffy place yes no for place uh i’m gonna take the waste stone from the cave okay yeah did you get your stuff yeah i got my stuff what the [ __ ] is this what uh definitely not where i was are you stuck somewhere

Whoa should i go uh i’m in the desert is there a way stone with you uh yeah it’s apparently somebody put it there uh oh i’ll i’ll be right there okay oh my god the heck i mean gun run no stop it i feel like leaving snowflake to your

Own devices would be less destructive than letting mousey be in charge what huh what does that mean what does that mean what doth is that meanest uh okay what the [ __ ] oh what’s going on nothing nothing at all just a jump scare hey that was pretty cool

Are you safe at home with your with your dragon yes yay mission accomplished happy family i’m so happy I believe i actually got one i’ve been looking i told you we were gonna get i told you we’re not gonna stop until we got your damn dragon yeah i just fell back because i don’t have any cool things or anything so i don’t want to like waste your guys this

Time you’re not wasting my time what the [ __ ] what are you saying this was fun but now i have to go at least get offline but okay are you gonna get offline too yeah okay i’m tired i gotta end stream okay i’ve got a good stream i had a wonderful experience because you

Came around you came around Thank you i love you i love you have a good night Thank you again okay bye bye and now we are ending the stream we’re now ending stream that was so much fun holy [ __ ] what an unexpected adventure what unexpected adventure thank you all so much for hanging out with me i love you guys i had a great time

Holy [ __ ] night our stream again well tomorrow uh tomorrow we’ll play call to the lamb so i hope you guys will come and uh come and uh experience being in a cult with me i’ll have the twitch thingy on so we can all be in a call together oh scotty

Thank you i love you guys thank you i had a great time no i love you i love you i’ll see you guys tomorrow bye

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft With Haruka, Snuffy & Sykkuno’, was uploaded by IRONMOUSE VODS on 2022-09-05 22:00:06. It has garnered 9053 views and 284 likes. The duration of the video is 05:01:13 or 18073 seconds.

Streamed on: 08/24/22

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  • KinKi Kids’ Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab?

    KinKi Kids' Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab? In KinKi-Socialist Minecraft, KinKi Kids-15 shines bright, Broadcasting news in Swedish, keeping it tight. With Channel AW by its side, the duo takes flight, Delivering updates with all their might. From Primetime quizzes to real money in sight, The channels’ logos gleam, a beacon of light. But when it’s time to close, the vignettes take flight, Based on Japanese YouTubers, a comedic delight. Failures and mishaps, a humorous sight, Different variations, each one just right. Weekdays, weekends, and holidays in sight, KinKi Kids-15 ends the day, with rhymes so bright. Read More

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  • Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures

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  • Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21

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  • Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1)

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  • MineLove Rewind: Part 9 – Remember Me?

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  • Crafty Casa Makeover: Minecraft Edition

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  • Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 – TLR’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

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  • Can’t Get Blaze Rods on Peaceful Mode?!

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  • Craft a Thorny Portal: BoBoiBoy Style in Minecraft PE

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  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

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  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

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  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

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  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

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  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

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  • Cool-People

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  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

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  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

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  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

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  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

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  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

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  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

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  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

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  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

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  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

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  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

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  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

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  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

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  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP!!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More

Playing Minecraft With Haruka, Snuffy & Sykkuno