Predicting Stronghold Locations! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 E48]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixariffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you’re all having a good day today armed with our eyes of ender we’re going to bring a flint and steal an obsidian with us to make a portal we’ve got the bed here in case we need

To sleep we’ve got a boat so that we can do some traveling we’re going to go out and find the stronghold and before you get deja vu yes we did find a stronghold yesterday but as i mentioned in yesterday’s episode there are three strongholds centered around spawn

Arranged in a kind of triangle and it may be of use to you to know where a second stronghold is in case you need it for other things for example if the stronghold we had found yesterday by some fluke of generation had had a broken end portal the minecraft team has

Corrected a bunch of bugs over the years which have led to the end portal breaking but new ones occasionally pop up and so it is worth knowing how to locate another stronghold once you have located one so that’s what we’re going to do today we might also scout out some

Stronghold locations and find that one of them is in a really cool location that maybe will turn into a base in future or something like that i would like to know where the other strongholds are and so today what i’m going to provide you is hopefully a helpful guide

To finding the stronghold now we need to imagine a circle which is difficult in minecraft so i’ll put one up here on the wall to demonstrate imagine that the center of this eye of ender is spawn and the outer ring there is the outer ring where we can imagine the strongholds

Generating because as i mentioned as that diagram showed in yesterday’s episode they generate in rings centered around your spawn point for the sake of this explanation let’s say that we found our first stronghold directly north so right at the top of this ender pearl here what the game will try and do is

Generate the other two equally distant from this around the same ring so they will end up generating one here and one over here kind of like a shape of a triangle and before all of the illuminati confirmed memes come out i’ll probably put that back and show you the

Diagram from yesterday because if we draw a triangle around the outside of that first ring you can see roughly where we can expect the strongholds to be and in this case i’ve rotated the triangle so one of the points matches up with the location we found yesterday

Which was about 2 000 blocks east and a little bit north with that in mind it stands to reason that the other two strongholds in our world would be kind of south south west and more or less directly northwest so i think northwest is the direction we’re going to travel

Today northwest is kind of out in this direction towards the setting sun and a little bit that way we’re going to cross the ocean here make our way across land and when we’re about a thousand blocks in this direction we’re going to throw an eye of ender and see if we’ve been

Traveling in the right direction okay i think we’re far enough away now we’re out here in a meadow biome we’re about 800 blocks out on both axes which i’d estimate is probably about a thousand blocks diagonally let’s throw an eye of ender and see if we are right

And we are it looks like the eye vendor is heading off in that direction which immediately breaks but it is definitely not the direction of our other stronghold which was over there so we were headed in the right direction the whole time very good news naturally as

We explore out this way we’re going to come across a couple of cool things first of all it’s a ruined portal here secondly there’s a pillar outpost over there always good to find and a little bit of extra obsidian to bolster our supplies here i won’t turn my nose up at

That we’ll also take the gold blocks with us if there are any and before i leave we might as well take the clock with us because i haven’t really mentioned clocks at all in the series yet the reason being i don’t tend to need to use them all that much clocks in

Minecraft will of course show you the day and night cycle right now with the sun directly above us the clock in our hand and in our inventory shows the sun directly upwards and that kind of indicates that it is midday the clock slowly rotates throughout the day

Showing you when day turns to night and so forth so if you put this up in an item frame in an area where you can’t readily see the sky then the clock will tell you what time of day it is warning you not to go outside if it’s night time

And so forth they can also be kind of useful to use in caves especially if you’re down there in the deep slate levels and you want to know whether it’s safe to return to the surface but honestly i find it easy enough just to tell the time by looking at the sky in

Minecraft and learning to read these clocks takes a little bit of time because it’s not like an analog clock from the real world where they’ve got actual numbers on it’s all pictographic if you want to you can craft clocks using four gold ingots and a piece of

Redstone but you can also look the recipe for a clock up in a crafting table if we remove the show craftable there and in days gone by the clock sprite and even the compass sprite in your inventory would actually show you what the time was and which direction

Spawn was unfortunately they they kind of got wise to that and they ended up changing that so the clock has a static sprite in here now but it was pretty funny for a while not even having to craft a clock to know what the time was

Now wouldn’t it be cool if our second stronghold was down there in that ravine i’m gonna take a quick look at the spyglass but yeah just some deep slate down there i think we are far enough out though we’re about 1400 blocks out on the z-axis let’s get to the top of one

Of these ridges and throw another eye of ender yep that one broke but it is continuing to lead us north west so we’ll continue on this vector until we feel like throwing another eye we have the ridges of a snowy mountain forming here at the edge of the savannah let’s get to the

Top of this and throw the next eye vendor and see if that continues down the mountainside and it’s now skewing a little bit further north which means we are zeroing in on our location very good and hopefully there’s no powder snow traps because i want that eye vendor

Back there we go looks like these eyes of ender are taking us out to sea and it has been known that strongholds will generate in open water like this although these days there is a lot more of the underground for them to generate in so we might end up finding it a

Little bit further down if it’s actually in this ocean biome there’s a pretty decent sized stone shore here let’s throw and we are headed back okay so if we’re trying to find the chunk the stronghold is in i’m thinking next one over so it looks like we’re roughly yes

In this chunk here okay good to know and hopefully that eye vendor should return to us probably bubbling up through the water yes there we go now having found the stronghold in the more organic way in yesterday’s video where we just kind of dug around until we found it today

We’re gonna look at the slightly more technical way and this is unfortunately one of those things that’s only available to java players because it involves debug information now if we enable the chunk borders by pressing f3 and g we’ll see that we’re standing in a single chunk with the wireframe all

Around us and much like finding buried treasure we can use our relative coordinates inside this chunk to locate the exact point at which the stronghold structure begins to generate fun fact when the gamer chooses the location for a stronghold to generate it doesn’t start at the portal room it starts at

One of the winding spiral staircases which is always buried underneath the relative coordinate 4 4 in a chunk so if we head over in this direction and line ourselves up there here we go 4 15 4. if we dig straight down right here we are pretty much guaranteed to find one

Of those spiral staircases that spawn as the entrance to a stronghold now if i dig down a little bit here we’re obviously gonna have to block the water from flooding in and i’m gonna do what i did in yesterday’s video where we dig down straddling the boundary between two

Blocks just to make sure that we’re not gonna fall into any kind of cave if it generates underneath here i can already hear spiders and zombie noises so we might be on the right track although there’s probably just some caves around here that we are skipping our way past

Or even an abandoned mine shaft okay so the spider noises might be a little bit more concerning although frankly i do need a little bit of extra wood for torches so i might step out here and gather a few of these oak planks yep that’s a cave spider though there must

Be a spawner somewhere nearby so yeah well it’s right there around the corner good lord okay we’re better better take care of this while we can then gonna light that up okay i’ve got a few more torches now i’m gonna block that off and we’re gonna keep digging on downwards we

Might run into more abandoned mine shaft features as we go but at least we know that sooner or later we’re going to run into the stronghold we’re heading on down through the deep slate layers right now and there it is we have ourselves the stone brick and mossy stone brick of

A stronghold and we’ve come out right by one of the staircases so this is a pretty infallible technique even in the new world generation from 1.18 to find the stronghold once you know which chunk it’s in much like buried treasure once you have the chunk the rest is nice and

Straightforward and this is immediately intriguing we have a stone button right here next to a closed off section of wall which kind of indicates that there was an area right here and we have a couple of gold ingots and an iron helmet in the chest i am still on the lookout

For that music disc that i mentioned in yesterday’s episode the other side music disc so once again i’m going to use the ender chest to clear out my inventory a little bit we’ve got a bunch of blocks that i will probably end up saving and taking home with us and we can explore

The stronghold in much the same way until we encounter the portal room which is relatively close to the area we came down into the staircase so we have another portal right here and this one has two eyes of ender loaded up in it the amount of eyes of ender that will

Already be in a portal skews towards the random you don’t typically find one that has a huge amount in them normally i’ve only ever found them with up to four in there but it is mathematically possible although incredibly unlikely that a portal will generate like this with all

12 eyes of ender intact and the portal is basically active already that is unfortunately the only way in which peaceful players will ever reach the end dimension because as we mentioned yesterday you need blaze powder in order to create eyes of ender and you need isovender both to find the stronghold

But if you get lucky and stumble into the stronghold you will still need eyes of ender to activate that portal we have another chest here with just a few loaves of bread a saddle and an iron ingot that’s looking a little bit sad we do have a library beyond that though so

I’m going to loot the chest in here to see wow okay we have a ton of enchanted books in this one that’s pretty impressive although none of the enchantments are especially impressive they’re still nice to have i guess let’s see if we got anything similar here i

Love the fact that the library opens out onto this deep slate cave as well imagine caving in this area and stumbling upon the stronghold like this oh and while we’re here i can also make another recommendation that i left out of yesterday’s episode regarding silverfish because i was more interested

In explaining silverfish at the time but if you’re using a silk touch pickaxe there is a way to avoid encountering silverfish anywhere except for the spawner let’s find an infested stone brick we’ve got one right there if we broke that with our fortune pickaxe we would end up breaking that and letting

The silverfish out if we break it with a silk touch pickaxe on the other hand we simply obtain the block as though it weren’t infested at all we cannot take infested stone bricks with us so you can’t prank your server mates with silverfish without a lot of moving

Silverfish around but we could always put those blocks back and they won’t be infested when we return them and that is another really useful property of silk touch it allows you to avoid encountering silverfish by breaking blocks because you’re obtaining the block itself this is interesting this

Oh my goodness this is the kind of stuff i wanted to find in these other strongholds because generation gets a little bit wacky and as you can see here the next library has been almost completely cut off by the inclusion of an amethyst geode in world generation

We’ve also got a little bit of bread in this chest here but if you look at all of this if we end up digging through the wall here we’ll dig through the side of the geode and we’ll find sections of the stronghold library generating on the

Other side as well so the geode has effectively eaten half of this library but the other half here is still intact and it looks like it may even have replaced the loot chests which is a little unfortunate but we can dig around in here and see if the chests are still

There there is one amazing it’s the one with all of the books and stuff in it so it looks like the one down here may have been absorbed into the geode as well but man that’s kind of cool world generation i love that i’m going to take a

Screenshot of this from the other side because how often do you find a an amethyst geode with a stone brick roof and some books generating in it these have got to be if not one of a kind then certainly one in a few thousand so that’s pretty much made my day i’m

Really happy we found that i am gonna continue exploring the remainder of this stronghold and i’ll let you know if i find anything interesting loot wise but i think for now we’re probably just gonna skip ahead to finding the third stronghold in our central ring we’ll

Make a nether portal out to both of them so we can go to any of the three strongholds we want and we might even get to see if that one has a more active end portal okay back at the storage system we can throw the rest of this stuff in the box

It doesn’t matter if and some of this isn’t in our storage system because the stuff like the mossy stone bricks and the cracked stone bricks and stuff can all just get filtered into the separate overflow there that we can sort out later and with most of the same stuff

Still in our inventory might replant this oak sapling somewhere over here we’re gonna go out in search of the final stronghold from the central ring which according to my calculation should be somewhere in the southwest quadrant this one should be more south than west but the one we just found was a little

Bit more north than west as well so i think this one might be closer to a direct diagonal than i thought initially and honestly judging by where we are in the world right now it might be fairly close to that savannah village although once again there is no correlation

Between villages and strongholds on java edition although apparently there is in bedrock edition well a thousand blocks to the southwest and out of the jungle we start encountering this massive hill right here so i think we’re probably gonna climb this and from the top we

Will throw our next eye of ender up here in the branches of these trees we can give this a throw it should still be heading towards the south west oh okay no it’s heading a little bit more south that’s good to know and of course it ends up breaking this is

Actually getting close to that area i wanted to build my base initially in that drip stone cave imagine if we explored underneath that and the stronghold ended up under there and yes it does look like this is the drip stone cave we explored before i can see a

Bunch of torches that i placed previously well i’m gonna go around the outside because i’m not gonna expect that the stronghold is in this cave nice open space plains village over there to the south let’s see where we’re going yep still headed southeast another savannah village over here but not ours

Savannah village there’s a pink sheep over here as well which is a good omen and we’ve only got one eye of ender left although i’ve got enough supplies in my ender chest that we can make about 16 more so hopefully we’ll make this one count correcting back towards the west

Once the direction of travel gets a bit more specific like that we know that we’re in the right sort of area so we need to throw the eyes a little more frequently and hopefully they’ll lead us to where we need to go yeah up here between the river and that crevasse

Let’s see okay we’re headed down in this direction so we’re in the right chunk for it looks like our 4-4 coordinate is right here underneath these jungle leaves so let’s do the same thing we did before and dig on down this time we’ve dug straight into an

Aquifer we have a flooded section down here so the best thing to do i think in this case is going to be to fill this up with whatever blocks we have on us and then we can fill in any of these blocks which are water sources and slowly but

Surely start to drain this area out once we’ve managed to dry this out we can keep digging on down and pretty much directly into the stronghold staircase fantastic okay so this is the third stronghold it’s at a pretty reasonable range of coordinates and we should be

Able to find our portal room within a few short moves from here got a couple of skeletons and another stronghold chest oh that one’s got a flame piercing book that’s interesting i haven’t had an enchanted book in one of those yet and i’m hearing silverfish inside the walls

Which seems to indicate that our portal room is going to be just around the corner and down here because the silverfish wouldn’t have been let out of blocks unless i broke them myself so here we go portal room number three once again only two eyes of ender but pretty

Good that we have now found all three of the nearest strongholds to our spawn location this one is not low enough down that it’s even reached deep slate level yet this is actually around the point where deep slate would start to generate a couple of blocks further down so i

Think we’ve got a decent range of strongholds here and if we wanted to we could set up our nether portal probably in this room here that way we are one room removed from the portal room we could head back through here if we wanted to let’s see where we end up in

The nether oh another kind of precarious portal position but at least we can take the coordinates of that one now yeah something tells me i’m gonna make my way back from this stronghold through the overworld but in the meantime we can explore the remainder of the stronghold to see if

There are any interesting loot chests down here or at least scope out where the libraries are going to be one of those looks like it’s in here actually let’s drop by the chest we got sharpness efficiency flame pretty good and this is a library with the closed off roof which

Means we don’t get a second floor to it but that’s fine because the enchanted books are down here in the first place a couple of jail cells in this corridor doesn’t really seem to lead anywhere and once again we’re getting a bit of deep slate forming around this level so let’s

Double back and see if we can find anything in the neighboring corridors we do have a chest here though let’s see what it’s got a little bit of bread and a saddle again not impressive loot from here two diamonds is basically the best we’ve got this stronghold seem to

Specialize in three-way rooms that don’t have any exits because everything is blocked off by deep slate now we had another hidden entrance here but that did just end up leading around the corner to this which we’d already marked out with a torch and that seems to be

Pretty much it for this stronghold as long as they’ve generated the portal room they don’t really need to go on generating and sometimes you’ll find ones where the libraries aren’t really there at all so in this case it looks like we’ve got everything that we can

From this area we might find if we go caving through the rest of it that some of it has been cut off by some of those walls of deep slate but to be honest aside from the occasional corridor loot chest there’s not really a great deal

Else to be had here we didn’t check through this door yet apparently i’m hearing some spider noises from somewhere and there is another corridor chest which has a golden apple and two ender pearls and it looked like they were looking at me from within the chest

All right well those are worth taking at least hey i shouldn’t have counted this stronghold out we have another library after all and this time it’s the two-tier library with a chest upstairs as well let’s see if we got any enchanted books in this one nope so it

Looks like it has moved the enchanted book chest upstairs and that time we got bane of arthropods and power okay i guess and lure as well which isn’t too bad i suppose but yep once again the library mostly good for gathering bookshelves i’m pretty sure two is the

Maximum amount of libraries a stronghold can have i haven’t ever seen one with more than two libraries in all of my years of playing minecraft although it could potentially overlap with another stronghold if you’re on bedrock edition where they don’t seem to have such strict spawning conditions and it sounds

Like our zombies and spiders and stuff are all up here one loaf of bread in that chest though singularly unremarkable another three-way room which leads to nowhere we’re kind of seeing a pattern at this stage and a couple of spiral staircases which terminate in a spider and a couple more

Corridors actually so it’s not quite over yet but now it’s over i’ve been in basically every room i can find in the stronghold and it seems like we don’t have anything else to grab from here so i’m probably going to leave via the way

I came in i’m going to go back to this area where we can kind of see the daylight has a different quality to the torchlight especially because i think it is getting close to night time outside or maybe it’s raining either way i’m going to use the water bucket here to

Travel vertically up here we could do this with ladders of course but all we need to do is grab the bucket of water and quickly place it above our heads hold down the jump button so we can keep rising up through here and if we dig a

Hole two blocks wide then it actually means the water takes longer to flow away which makes this a lot easier to do than if you were doing it with just a one block wide dig straight down so there we go we’ve found all of the strongholds i’m gonna mark that with a

Couple of torches just in case we need to find that again we can take the coordinates of our entrance there as well and if we wanted to we could even leave a bucket of water at the bottom of the hole there that we could jump into

Nice and easily but with all three of the strongholds scouted we know that we can come back to any one of those to begin our journey to the end and i think we’ll probably go back to the one we found in yesterday’s episode because i did already dump a couple of eyes of

Ender into the portal but we can activate all three of them if we want to and if you want to search a little bit further afield for your strongholds if you decided to make your base 5 000 or so blocks out then the same rules are going to apply let’s bring up that

Graphic from the minecraft wiki again because if we’re not just taking into account that central triangle if we’re looking at all of the rings of the strongholds and how many strongholds can generate on each ring they will be spaced apart equally on each of those rings if you’re playing in java edition

So you should be able to mathematically figure out where the next stronghold over is from your location they’re not going to be at these exact points on the map it’s not going to look quite as even as this but you’re going to find the next stronghold over if you continue in

That direction around the same ring of coordinates but in my case i’m happy just knowing where these three are for the moment that’s gonna be it for this episode of the minecraft survival guide folks i hope you’re enjoying the series so far and stay tuned for later in this

Week when we take on the ender dragon i think tomorrow we’re going to spend a bit of time gearing up and then the fight itself is going to be on friday’s episode so don’t miss it in the meantime leave a like on this video if you

Enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and i’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now you

This video, titled ‘Predicting Stronghold Locations! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 E48]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2022-02-09 11:00:04. It has garnered 78102 views and 4888 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:38 or 1298 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 2 continues. Did your first stronghold generate without a portal? This tutorial will show you how to locate MORE Strongholds! In Java Edition, these structures spawn in a pattern we can easily predict once we’ve located a single stronghold. With a little basic mathematics, we can aim ourselves straight at the location of the other two strongholds on the central ring, and let the eyes of ender steer us to two more end portals! Along the way we run into more fun landmarks, go on a short tangent about clocks, and find a library being eaten by a geode!

Season 2 world seed (Java Edition only): -3821426255058016680

Season 2 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.18 and beyond!

Follow the Season 2 playlist here:


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time! Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

GNU Paranor001

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    Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE with Subs! ROAD TO 18KVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP LIVE WITH SUBSCRIBERS | ROAD TO 18K #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Go Out YT on 2024-06-08 16:27:24. It has garnered 1261 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:52 or 7372 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftpublicserver #minecraftpe #minecrafthindi #minecraftindia #minecraftliveindia #minecraftlive #tiktok #anime #viral #trending #trendingshorts #shortsfeed In this LOS Season 2 (Land Of Survival Season 2) Trailer & Tutorial, we will be covering everything you need to know about the New Vanilla Updates -Ranks & More If you’re looking for new and exciting ways to play LOS… Read More

  • RomisGomis Reacts to CHUYMINE Trying to KILL HIM in Minecraft!

    RomisGomis Reacts to CHUYMINE Trying to KILL HIM in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHUYMINE quiere MATARME en Minecraft | RomisGomis REACCIONA a EloYT’, was uploaded by Romisgomis on 2024-09-18 19:00:32. It has garnered 8983 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:56 or 1316 seconds. Hi, I’m Romisgomis and I’m a vtuber Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVE

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival BAŞLIYORUZ ! Canlı Yayın | GÜN 4’, was uploaded by MİKROFOLİST on 2024-09-19 19:39:35. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:19 or 8779 seconds. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL DRAWINGS ARE HELD ON DISCORD SERVER DONATIONS APPEAR ON THE SCREEN TAGS : keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard sounds, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, keyboard asmr,… Read More

  • Level Up Arena Masters Minecraft Hardcore 🎮🔥

    Level Up Arena Masters Minecraft Hardcore 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🎮Level UP Arena Is Playin Minecraft HardCore!!!🔥💥’, was uploaded by Level Up Arena on 2024-07-25 02:46:58. It has garnered 311 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:14 or 6494 seconds. 🔥 Get ready for an EPIC adventure as Level UP Arena dives into the intense world of Minecraft Hardcore! 🎮 Can they survive the challenges and conquer the game? Watch now to find out! 💥 Don’t miss out on the action-packed gameplay and heart-pounding moments! Subscribe for more gaming thrills! 🚀 #MinecraftHardcore #GamingAdventure #LevelUPArena Read More

  • Reyvadin Towny – SEMI-VANILLA, NEW, Public, Java

    Hello there! We recently launched our first season of Towny after a 4-year break. We are seeking players who are friendly and enjoy Minecraft without the need for speedrunning everything. This weekend’s event: We are hosting a build contest with the theme of Ancient OR Mythology, with great prizes for participants. Main features include: Towny for land claiming Custom economy with a stock-like market system Custom fishing with textured fishes A Casino Seasons and rentable properties Dwarfism and more If you are interested, join us at: IP: (1.21.X) Map: Discord: Our approach to server development is giving… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MinecraftMeme16 – Stop Stealing Challenge FAIL!

    Looks like MinecraftMeme16 should stick to mining blocks instead of stealing memes! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1Video Information This video, titled ‘超智障的一部片 #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #memes #颱風 #skywars #gaming #颱風 #ep1 #pvp #lunarclient’, was uploaded by V概 alvin on 2024-09-16 13:59:03. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Producer: Vgui Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 Hardware: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: PJ02 mechanical keyboard (red axis) Microphone: HyperX SoloCast Minecraft ID: V_alvin Read More

  • Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup!

    Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muscle Efekan and Skinny Alperen, a dynamic team. Their battles are epic, their adventures grand, In this virtual world, they make their stand. With muscles of steel and skills to match, Muscle Efekan takes on any catch. Skinny Alperen, quick and sly, With moves so smooth, he’ll make you cry. Together they conquer, together they thrive, In this Minecraft world, they truly come alive. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And join these two heroes in their epic show. Read More

  • POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft

    POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft POV: Ultra Toxic Friend at different Ages Age 10: “I’ll steal your diamonds in Minecraft and blame it on a creeper!” Age 15: “I’ll grief your entire base and call it a prank, bro.” Age 20: “I’ll steal your girlfriend and blame it on lag.” Read More

  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft! The Emerald Golem in Minecraft Farm Details Farm Performance: The Emerald Golem farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 per hour! Farm Mode: This farm operates in a fully automatic mode, making it efficient and convenient for players. Versions: The farm is compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21, including various subversions like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4. Platforms: The farm is designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for players on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3 Game Information Shaders: Complementary shaders enhance the visual experience of the game. Resource Pack: The farm utilizes the default… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19 Preparing for Success in Minecraft Ilmango’s Slime Farm One key element in achieving success in Minecraft is having efficient farms. In episode 19, the player references Ilmango’s slime farm, a popular design known for its high productivity. By incorporating this design into their world, the player sets themselves up for a steady supply of slime, a valuable resource for various crafting recipes. Live Streaming on Twitch To share their Minecraft journey with a wider audience, the player live streams their gameplay on Twitch. This not only allows viewers to follow along in real-time but also creates a sense of… Read More

  • Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by Bullies

    Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by BulliesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Boiled One BULLIES ME INTO A CORNER’, was uploaded by Stella Kosmistr on 2024-09-10 19:00:19. It has garnered 415 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:37 or 2617 seconds. The Boiled One had me absolutely frozen with fear and uncertainty. #fromthefog #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberminecraft #theboiledone Apologies for the 30FPS recording folks! Seems like OBS had a hiccup, but it’ll be fixed for future videos! ——————————— MOD: ——————————— Twitch: TikTok: ——————————— Remember to like the video and subscribe as well! You know all… Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

    Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mobs in real life | Gaming with Aryan 2.0 | Minecraft gameplay’, was uploaded by GAMING_WITH_ARYAN_ 2.0 on 2024-07-07 11:58:34. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. my second channel ( ) _____________________tags_____________________ minecraft mobs in real life minecraft in real life minecraft mobs real life minecraft real life mobs in real life minecraft mobs in real life meme minecraft in real life mobs real life minecraft minecraft minecraft mobs in real life 2024 minecraft vs real life minecraft in real life… Read More

  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

    CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft SMP with Viewers! Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-08-26 14:11:34. It has garnered 299 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:35 or 5495 seconds. Join the Public Crafted SMP for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java! IP: Port for bedrock: 19132 Version: 1.16 – Latest Join the Farcross/Crafted SMP Discord! Join CraftedCroix’s Discord! My gear: Want to give me a donation? Check out the Crafted SMP Webstore! Join the Farcross Reddit! Hashtags: #minecraft #craftedcroix #craftedsmp Tags: public minecraft server,minecraft java… Read More

  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

    "Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!" #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Brijesh Gamer 1 on 2024-02-04 04:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft#craftingandbuilding #viral #trending … Read More

  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More

  • Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft! Exploring a Simple yet Efficient Gold Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and efficiency. One such example is the creation of a simple yet highly effective gold farm. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating project. Gathering Materials The first step in building a gold farm is gathering the necessary materials. From basic resources like wood and stone to more specialized items like redstone and obsidian, every component plays a crucial role in the farm’s functionality. Construction Begins Once all the materials are in place, it’s time… Read More

Predicting Stronghold Locations! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 E48]