Pregnant MLP vs PRO in Minecraft High School Challenge

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Hello friends hi dear subscribers today we will be playing Minecraft and we have a very interesting task ahead of us I think you’re all going to love what we’re doing today hello everyone today we will have a small competition on construction in which each of the two teams will have to build a large school I think it will be very interesting who will be better hello hello we will have two teams in one will be me and Applejack and in the second team will be Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie I think they’ll be good teams who can compete with each other now we will start building our schools Rainbow Dash and I will start construction with the construction of the base from which we will already make the school itself because she needs something to hold on to and that will be her foundation we are also starting construction of our school with the construction of the first foundation on which the whole school will be built we have chosen con blocks to make the school very beautiful and strong Fluttershy will be making the first foundation of the school and I’ll be helping her build the second part this way we can completely Mark the size of our school and easily build the whole building I’m going to help Apple Jack build the foundation of the house because it’s very big and it can’t do it alone together we can do everything so we will do every single thing together about this size we will have a school let’s qu quickly move on to the next part so as not to waste much time next we will now Place places under the windows of our school and then make full windows and that building is very large and it is better to try several times in advance and immediately build later while flatter shy is making arrangements for the windows I am raising the level of the main windows and immediately make the pattern to make it look very beautiful and aesthetic I think it’s going to be really cool and we begin to raise the walls that will completely close our foundation in this place you can make a school basement or even a gym but so far this place has not come up with where we will operate we are also divided into parts to make one part of the Rainbow Dash and the second part is already done by me it is quite a simple task but it is better to finish quickly to go to the main part of our school that’s about how we get all the work and I think we have a good ground floor coming up the main thing now is to finish it all in time to have time to show our schools to our friends they will definitely like everything next we proceed to the construction of the windows themselves and in general the walls on the first floor we have also made a small balcony on which all students of our school can go this is going to be really cool and I can’t wait to show it to my friends from the first part of our school we have only the floor for this large Foundation or the floor Flo for our ground floor it will be a fairly simple task and the most important thing for us to do everything quickly and beautifully I would like to start building the first floor of our school because it will be much more interesting to build there than now because there we will make beautiful stairs a roof and window frames in which everything will be visible we are almost finished filling the ground floor and very soon we will move to the second floor because our school will be twostory to accommodate more students and was more comfortable than in the one story next we will build a floor on our first floor because the ground floor already looks very bad compared to the walls on the first floor we need to make a wooden floor quickly so that we can proceed with peace of mind to the second floor we are now beginning to build the most important building in our building and this is the first and only floor of our school first we will Mark the places where we will have an entrance as well as the windows so that we do not get confused in construction we are also divided for this task because we have a lot of space and one definitely cannot cope the most important thing is to make no mistake then build a very beautiful room for school friends will definitely like our building Pinkie Pie does the floor on one side and I do on the other because we have all the room takes a lot of blocks and it will take a lot of time and effort to do it alone that’s why I’m helping helping Pinkie Pie with everything I can now we will extend our windows on the first floor to the second floor so that we can know how far to build the first floor turned out very good and I really like it I would like to finish it all we are now beginning to build walls on the ground floor and then we will understand where to put the windows as well as where we do the entrance this is going to be really cool and I think we’re going to be done we really have left quite a bit and we will finish our school it will be one story but very beautiful and at the same time spacious I think most children would like to learn here just ask our friends for opinions while Pinkie Pie enlarges the main windows I already make the beginning of the second floor more specifically I’m setting up the same space as on the ground floor we were making the window frames to understand where we would have the windows and how big they would be this is about the way we are getting the start of the constru conu of the second floor and I think that we will soon finish and see the school of our friends and appreciate each other I’m sure we’ll win this battle we’re about to have the hardest part which we absolutely have to do it will be the roof of our school which will be not just flat but triangular to have more space inside and look beautiful outside this is a very ingenious idea Rainbow Dash and I think the friends will be very surprised that we could build such a roof together it is very difficult to build because we have a very long school and we need to do everything correctly and without mistakes otherwise we will lose time next we are now completing the walls on the second floor of our school and very soon we will move on to the final part which we have been waiting for so long it should have been there a long time ago but we decided to build a second floor to definitely beat the girls I’m already pretty tired but I’m not giving up on all this doing we do it just for the interest but also for the victory but I don’t know what our friends have planned so I can’t say anything we have already come to the final construction of our school all we have to do is insert Windows into all the window frames that we have made as well as make the rise to the school itself it’s going to be really cool and everybody’s going to love it I’m so glad we’re almost done and I’m doing the finals of our school I think that the students who will study in it and should very much like our friends because we really tried we’ve already done the ceiling on the second floor and we’re finishing the last part of our school it will be a small exterior decoration of the school itself so that it does not look like a big box we even thought about it that’s all I’m putting a few more windows in the window frames and our school will be ready can’t wait to see what our friends did to the opposite team I think they did not worse than us us that’s it we looked at the work of each of the two teams and came to a collective conclusion I think in this competition won friendship because each of us tried very hard and built a beautiful school I completely agree with Rainbow Dash and am ready to accept the same opinion I really enjoyed building such large schools today and I can say that this is the first such large building that I could build together with Pinkie Pie subscribers if you like the series like And subscribe be to our Channel write in comments whose school was cooler see you soon bye hello friend hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Minecraft and I think you will really like what we will do today let’s get this out in the open hello everyone today our task will be to divide into two teams and build for each team a wooden beautiful house in which to live we are also pregnant so we need to take care of the children hi hi we have to split up into two teams so me and Applejack will be on the same team and you Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie will be on the other team I think it would be much better so let’s start building now Rainbow Dash and I will start building our house let’s start as always with the basics because this is the most gal in the house this is what it will hold on to so you need to do well and avoid mistakes we will now start building our house and it will be the foundation of our whole house it will be very very big and I think you will like what we will do but first do the first part of our house our house will consist of two parts which will be together very cool look now we are building only the first part but it is the simplest when we finish it we’ll move on to the next one building the basis of our house is very easy because it will not be quite big but very fun and will look beautiful and most importantly there is enough space for us all and even children the main thing is that we did everything correctly so we have completed the basis of our house and now we can quickly move on to the next part which will be quite important in our house now after we’ve built the foundation of our house we’re going to have to build walls in this part of the house think of it as one house and then we’ll build another house and they’ll be United in one big house we specifically chose to build such a house because our house should be large enough to accommodate not only us but also our future children who are in our bellies I hope we have time to finish the house okay well we’re still building our little house and now I’m going to build window frames in our house so we can mark all the walls and windows in our house I think you should have done it from the start while Rainbow Dash does window frames and everything else I am already building our roof in the house it’s an integral part of our home and it has to be something that looks beautiful we are already building these walls and we will soon move on to the next part of our house it turns out that it is very not bad and in principle if we lived together then such a house would be enough for us next We Begin the construction of the second part of our house it will already be made of wood and I think it will look very fun when one part is made of stone and the other is made of wood so we have finished all the blanks and now we are beginning to build a full roof in our house in addition it will be almost the second floor which will be used as a warehouse I like to build houses and especially such roofs they look very cool and build very difficult and I like such tasks very much and I am ready to build them at least a million haha I would like to see our children who will soon be born while Pinkie Pie is building the second part of the house I will finish the part that we have left here we will only need to insert all the glass panels that will play the role of Windows in our home it is very stylish here I am just finishing the construction of the second part of the house and very soon we will completely switch to it and quickly build our house completely I think it will be very large and spacious and will look very modern next I will now make a beautiful porch into our house to be comfortable to enter and from the side of our house looked less fun than it looks now it will be made of Stone and wooden fences while the Rainbow Dash makes a beautiful porch into our house I will decorate the house from the outside as well as insert all the windows into the window frames so that the house is already like a full-fledged house not a disc so we will now do the whole second part of the house it will consist of two parts it will be the top and bottom part in the upper part we will live with our children and the lower part remains under secret to be honest we have not yet done the second part and we need to think a little bit about what will be there now we will come up and show you exactly what we will build next we will make the external decorations in our house namely small flower beds that will be right outside the windows of our house as well as a small decoration of the windows to make the house look much better than now I’m going to do the inside of the house here we will make a small partition between the attic and the first floor so that it does not interfere with us much in our room it’s very cozy and I don’t think it’s going to be crowded well we figured out what we’re going to do at the bottom of our house here we will make a small vegetable garden which will grow wheat first from which you can make cake or bread to feed we’ve already got it all figured out and we’re going to have three whole patches on which we can plant wheat it will grow with us at first and if all goes well we’ll plant something else and taste better I have almost finished all all the decorations outside our house and I think that very soon it will be necessary to start the interior of our house after all that will be the most important thing to build inside we are about to start our interior construction and we need to start with the beds that we and our children will sleep on how well everything fits and now we can further allocate vital resources and we’re about to split up in the first half of our house I mean this place is huge and we’re going to have to get into the second half of our house somehow so now we’re going to split it up into two floors and put up a nice ladder to climb up along with what Fluttershy does it will be necessary to arrange the main entrances and exits to our house so now I’m going to do exactly that so that we can easily enter our house as well as the room in the second part of our house now we will build things already in the Attic of our house here we will put a lot of chests so that we can store all the basic things here and not lose them somewhere in our inventory also after that you need to place benches and stoves on the ground floor of the house to have quick access to them that’s it we finished building our house and made a beautiful interior so we immediately had children and now they have fun here and play I think they are happy to be here we tried very hard just for them well we’re about to do our big house interior in the first part of the house we will definitely place things that we will need constantly as well as make a small Warehouse where we will store all the things we need also need to make a small playground for children I’m about to do the whole second floor interior now I will make our room beautiful where we will live with our children as well as a small room on the second floor in the first part of our house I think that’s what it’s going to look like I am so glad that we have succeeded and now we can go with peace of mind to show our house to our friends as well as their children if they were born to them I am very pleased that we were able to build a house for us and our children that’s it each of us has built a house of some kind and we have appreciated each of them we decided by a general vote that friendship won because by criteria our houses won a draw of course your friends have a very cozy little house which we liked very much but we also have a large house but some not too beautiful and monotonous only because of this and won US friendship look how happy our children are subscribers if you like this series like it and subscribe to our Channel write in comments whose house you liked most see you soon bye hello friends hi dear subscribers today we will play a game called Minecraft we have a very interesting task ahead of us which is likely to please all of you hello everyone today we are pregnant all together and our task today will be to build hospitals for each other so we’re going to split up into teams and start building hi hi we will have two teams each with two people this is a team of me and Applejack as well as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie I think it will be very interesting and let’s get started so now we are already beginning to build our hospital with Rainbow Dash and most importantly what we want to start with is building the foundation that determines the size of our hospital and Pinkie Pie and I are about to start building our hospital it will be very large and spacious so that there can be not en cramped and as if you really go to a large Hospital the size of our hospital is magnificent because the length and width and height of our hospital is very large there will be two floors and it will only be designed for four people so me and Fluttershy will be full of space Apple Jack and I will have a pretty modest hospital but it’s just for us here will be all that you need for life and most importantly will be convenience and do not need to strain much during construction we are just about to finish building the foundations of our hospital and we will soon move on to the next part I hope we build quickly because we are pregnant and do not strain yourself next we begin to divide our entire Foundation into several floors and make window frames it’s much better than making them later and not knowing which side of the hospital is which Fluttershy is about to split the first and second floors and I’m going to build the windows in our hospital as well as the main entrance it will be very big to be comfortable to come in we are already making a very beautiful hospital now we also start building divisions between the second floor and the first as well as building window frames and entrance we’re going to have a lot of Windows on almost every side and it’s very necessary in the hospital to have lots of sunlight I’m just building the back wall of our hospital right now cuz it’s going to be all the stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else that’s why there are no windows it turns out to be very very fun and hope that we will quickly build everything so this is how we are already building the hospital and I think it’s a success and we’re moving very quickly to a good completion I really like what our Hospital looks like although it is not ready yet but I really like it next in our hospital we begin to build the floor and ceiling because we do not have them yet and it is time to build we will have a wooden floor and a quartz ceiling I think it will look very beautiful okay well Apple Jack and I are starting to build a ceiling floor right now and it’s amazing that we have a match with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie but nothing we’ll have a much better Hospital than they the floor will be made of quartz so is not to lose all the color of the building boards are not cool and I think quartz looks much more prestigious than regular wooden boards that’s kind of how I’m doing the ceiling in our hospital right now I think it’ll look really cool and look good in the hospital then it needs a little more decoration to not look very straight we are already finishing the construction of the floor and ceiling in our hospital and very soon we will move on to the next part of construction which will be very important for the whole hospital but we’ll talk about it later now we’re going to do the registration of our hospital I’m going to make a beautiful porch for the entrance to our hospital as well as a little embellishment of our entire Hospital watch me do this and you’ll understand okay well I’m going to be in in Windows into all the window frames right now so the hospital looks like a working Hospital not some abandoned one I think our hospital is looking very well and we’re very close to finishing construction I’m about to make our roof look beautiful and not flashy like some damp place that’s missing I think that if you make this ornament it will be much better Pinkie Pie what are you doing there now I’m already building a twostory division inside the hospital and I think wooden boards are the best best idea to decorate the floor inside the hospital it looks very beautiful and I am pleased with our results so I’m almost finished building the decorations for our hospital and that’s how it works now just make an interesting image around the whole hospital and you can start the next part of construction I’m going to split the inside of the hospital into two floors so we can start building the interior of the hospital very soon we can consider that we are almost done and and we have very little left okay now I’m going to make a nice porch into our hospital so it’s nice to come here just look how beautiful I will make it now I think it will definitely attract the attention of everyone I’m going to be inserting Windows into all the window frames the best solution is to make blue glass panels to make the hospital look very beautiful and inside was a beautiful blue glow I think it’s brilliant okay I’m about to to make a beautiful roof decoration it will be like what Apple Jack did just recently on the two-story divide and I think the best solution is to do the same thing on the roof of our hospital now we will begin to build the interior of our house and you just look what we have come up to decorate our Hospital we’re going to do all sorts of medical stuff now to make it look like a hospital well Pinky Pie and I are about to start building the adjacent Hospital grounds after all walk on the grass to a large and beautiful hospital is somehow uncomfortable and you need to make a beautiful Road near the hospital well Fluttershy is digging up all the land to build this road I’ll be cutting this road myself for construction we chose gray concrete to make everything look very beautiful and flawless I hope that friends like Apple Jack and I were distributed and we realized that each of us would be building a separate floor in our Hospital Apple Jack will arrange all the things on the second floor and I will fully decorate the ground floor I think it is a very coordinated work I’m almost finished building and we’re about to try this Hospital in action I hope everything will be all right and we will quietly finish this very interesting episode so Pinky Pie here we are in the hospital this is where we have to check in with this doctor who’s already at the front desk and then go to the main room there we will be fully examined and have our children who for a long time sat in our belly and waited for us to build this hospital I hope it goes quickly and flawlessly I love it here and I’m happy with what we’ve built with you today very comfortable to walk on the good road to the hospital as well as on the wooden floor we have a very beautiful staircase which is also comfortable to climb here we are in the room and we only have to start the birth of our children I hope everything will go well Apple Jack here we are there’s not much to tell so we ran to the doctor and see what kind of room we’re going to have to have our babies in about this room we will have and I really like it I’ve been working on it for a long time and it’s exactly what I wanted let’s have our children I really want to see them that’s all the girlfriends we were able to have one child each and it’s very cool now we will have fun not in four people but in the whole eight we definitely will never be bored being together that’s for sure Fluttershy look at how funny they are jumping I think they are already very good friends we’ve done so much work today I just want to have a good rest subscribers if you like this series like And subscribe to our Channel see you soon bye hello friends hi dear subscribers today we will play a game called Minecraft we have an unusual task ahead of us today and I think you’re all going to love what we’re doing today hello everyone we have heard the news that we will be attack attacked by evil ponies who are afraid of all the forest and all the civilians that live in it our job will be to catch them and eliminate them hello oh my God this is very scary and I think that we should definitely do this because the violence in the Villages and the rest of the forest will not end we have to do something now let’s build something already otherwise the night will soon begin we want to build a giant Tower where we hide from all these evil ponies because they’re definitely not going to be able to climb up there and we’re going to feel safe we will use obsidian for construction because it is a very good unit which in any case will not explode on it this is done on purpose if the evil ponies decide to blow or break our Tower so far we’ve each built one Tower which we’ll have to connect later to get one big roadblock where we’ll be rescued from the evil ponies I hope these towers will save us for sure because we will be High Enough from the ground and the evil pony will never reach us as long as they shoot arrows at us or something here we are almost finished building the main Towers on which our base will be located and it remains only to fill them obsidian so that there are no holes and the structure was much more reliable than now so we’re all done and now we’re starting to build the base itself where we be at the moment the evil ponies attack us it is necessary to make walls and roof everyone here is busy with a certain part and it is very good because working together is always good than working alone and there’s so much work for one person so I’m glad we’re doing it together I think this Tower will definitely have to save us from the evil ponies because it looks very reliable and will not fall apart even in a very strong explosion on which are unlikely to evil ponies but then we have to make traps we’re doing very well and I’m glad we decided to build a tower the house is good but it would have to be more protected but it is good that there is a tower with which you can fly away on the Elites at any moment so we have almost completed our entire base and very soon we will move on to the next part which we have as planned I think it’s just a brilliant decision with the tower and we’re finally done the next thing we need to do is dig a huge ditch around our big tower so the evil ponies will fall here if they can’t jump all the way I think it’s just a brilliant idea the first trap already think of itself Fluttershy will dig the first layer and I will make the second layer after all it will be much quicker to dig a very large moat and we will quickly move to the next trap because we have very little time before night it’s the night the evil ponies attack and I’m going to put deadly spikes right in this pin because that is the most effective method they will not be able to get out of here and will die instantly on these spikes this is just a brilliant idea that we could come up with I think the moat will look very beautiful and it will look like our fence to the house and no one can get in even if they want to and the evil ponies will want to get here and fall into our traps next we need to make a new trap followed by a new one which will be a salvage for evil ponies if they can jump over our first trap they won’t expect to see the next one with the same pit up with lava we are doing very quickly and I think we have very little time left until the night therefore we will have to come up with as many traps as possible in a short period of time only to begin will it be necessary to dig all the land for lava we are about to dig these holes they will be very hidden because they will be sealed under ordinary blocks of Earth but if it falls here there will be enemies waiting for a deep pit of lava from which it will be impossible to get get out we’ll set them up so we can get away from them and so after the enemies pass the spikes and traps they do not expect to see the pits and fall into them I think that this will definitely work in an attack this is a very interesting trap and I don’t think I would have guessed that it could have been done we think very well and that will certainly help us in saving our forest and saving it from the evil Fluttershy Who attack civilians I don’t even know how we thought to hide those holes like that it’s a good thing we had cloaking blocks and it’s the only way we can defeat all the evil Fluttershy and they won’t interfere with civilians anymore it’s going to be night soon and we need to hurry up a bit so let us push ahead and get on with our task and move on to the final trap that we have set for the evil Fluttershy we shall now proceed to the final trap which will be the most final and I think it will save us at the very last moment now I’m digging a big hole with spikes in it if the evil Fluttershy can break through our defenses they will surely run after us and we will hide in the house and they will not expect to see such a trap so we’ve dug a hole and I’m about to set the Trap there will be spikes here that kill instantly and so if the evil Fluttershy want to run into the house they will not succeed and they will just fall here then I have to close it all down to make it a disguised place I myself would not have guessed that there is a trap next we’ll make an escape plan just in case if we fall there or vice versa if the evil Fluttershy don’t die from these spikes we will need to make a secret passage to this place from our house so that if we can finish off these enemies of the forest or so that we can get into the house if we fall there I think it should be because safety comes first here comes the night we have been waiting for so long we have prepared all the traps and here we are attacked by these evil Fluttershy there are three of them and they have completely surrounded our territory I hope that we will cope with them we need to think about what to do with them because there are three of them and the most important thing is that one of them gets caught in our traps they’re so scary and they’re staring at us oh my God they started the attack and the first one fell into our trap we run to the house to escape them we specifically made small reel blocks so we could get inside the house quickly and not fall into the hands of these villains well here we are it looks like they all fell into our traps which we have prepared because I saw one of them fall into a secret pit of lava and the other fall into a ditch of spikes except the third one is unclear and I think she fell into a trap at the entrance hooray we were able to escape the attack of the evil Fluttershy they were so scary I was very scared when I saw them it is good that all the traps were used and none of us were hurt we are great now the forest in which we settled completely saved from the attack of these evil Fluttershy I wonder why they look like this and why they did it the main thing is that we saved all the civilians subscribers if you like this video then subscribe to our Channel and like this video also write your opinion in comments see you soon bye hello friend hello dear subscribers today we will be playing Minecraft and we will have an unusual task to perform today you will definitely like it hello everyone we have heard the news that evil Fluttershy dwell in this forest at night and our task today is to make a protected house and set many traps to eliminate them hey hey hey hey I think we should make it work because there are four of us and in one day we can come up with so many traps that even we can get caught let’s get down to construction and let’s not delay the time I want to start building traps already the first thing we have to build is of course a house where we feel safe we need to build it so protected that even the creeper can’t blow it up so it will be us with several layers and the first layer is iron we will all help Fluttershy with the construction because this is our house and everyone should take part in its construction very cool thought that there will be several layers and it will definitely protect our home from enemies this house is definitely not going to explode and I’m sure of it because iron is a very strong material and what will be the second layer is certainly not going to break unless it’s some kind of dryer but they’re not here so it’s okay we’ve all shared responsibilities so we can build this house faster I will build the base of the whole house and Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash will build the ceiling and floor in our house the next thing we’re going to do is build a second layer of obsidian I think it will be the best defense against everything and our house will not be attacked as soon as he is seen they will run the other way it was a brilliant idea to make a two-tier house after all one layer of iron is certainly good but we definitely need additional protection to make us feel fully safe against evil Fluttershy it is very good protection because they will hardly have the tools to break the house and obsidian ordinary handbrakes for a very very long time so they definitely cannot get into our house I really like our gold of building a very secure place and so I’m willing to do my best to deal with these evil Fluttershy we will save not only ourselves but also civilians who are killed by them here we are as much as with the first layer of the division of responsibilities among themselves because it works much faster than doing everything alone so each of us is doing one side of the house and we’re also starting to do the ceiling okay so our next task will be to dig a huge huge ditch around the whole house so that angry Fluttershy can have a harder time getting into our territory it will be very deep in the first place and then there will be spikes below that will kill everyone instantly here we are all busy with our business here I am placing these deadly spikes only friends please do not step on them in the process of digging it’s all set for the evil Fluttershy I hope they can’t handle this moat we’ll have to make this ditch as fast as possible and as deep as possible possible so we’ll use a few men to dig deep I think this is a very productive method and we will definitely solve this problem quickly I agree with you Fluttershy it’s a very difficult task to accomplish alone even if it is not too difficult it will take a very long time to make this work because it’ll take a long time to dig it all up and put all the spikes in our next task will be to place spikes around the whole house mainly after the spike pit traps are for enemies to take damage after they jump over the pit it’s a very good trap not everyone can handle the most important thing is that we do not fall into such a trap because traps are a very complex mechanism and if you get into it it will be very difficult to get out as long as you put your foot right and get out of it we will have to do it from each side because it is not clear where the evil Fluttershy will come from and how they will attack it’s better to be safe and set all these traps than to suffer I love what we’re doing now because we’re trying to do what’s best for the forest and the people I think they suffered for a long time from the evil Fluttershy and now we must help them by Exterminating all the evil Fluttershy we are almost done and we will soon move on to the most interesting parts that even our friends whom we invite here do not expect to see we will make secret pits that will be very difficult to distinguish from ordinary blocks we are about to dig these holes they will be very hidden because they will be sealed under ordinary blocks of Earth but if it falls here there will be enemies waiting for a deep pit of lava from which it will be impossible to get out we’ll set them up so we can get away from them and so after the enemies pass the spikes and traps they do not expect to see the piton fall into them I think that this will definitely work in an attack this is a very interesting trap and I don’t think I would have guessed that it could have been done we think very well and that will certainly help us in saving our forest and saving it from the evil Fluttershy who attacks civilians I don’t even know how we thought to hide those holes like that it’s a good thing we had cloaking blocks and it’s the only way we can defeat all the evil Fluttershy and they won’t interfere with civilians anymore it’s going to be night soon and we need to hurry up a bit so let us push ahead and get on with our task and move on to the final trap that we have set for the evil Fluttershy we shall now proceed to the final trap which will be the most final and I think it will save us at the very last moment now I’m digging a big hole with spikes in it if the evil Fluttershy can break through our defenses they will surely run after us and we will hide in the house and they will not expect to see such a trap so we’ve dug a hole and I’m about to set the Trap there will be spikes here that kill instantly and so if the evil Fluttershy want to run into the house they will not succeed and they will just fall here then I have to close it all down to make it a disguised place I myself would not have guessed that there is a trap next we’ll make an escape plan just in case if we fall there or vice versa if the evil Fluttershy don’t die from these spikes we will need to make a secret passage to this place from our house so that if we can finish off these enemies of the forest or so that we can get into the house if we fall there I think it should be because safety comes first here comes the night we have been waiting for so long we have prepared all the traps and here we are attacked by these evil Fluttershy there are three of them and they have completely surrounded our territory I hope that we will cope with them we need to think about what to do with them because there are three of them and the most important thing is that one of them gets caught in our traps they’re so scary and they’re staring at us oh my God they started the attack attack and the first one fell into our trap we run to the house to escape them we specifically made small reel blocks so we could get inside the house quickly and not fall into the hands of these villains well here we are it looks like they all fell into our traps which we have prepared because I saw one of them fall into a secret pit of lava and the other fall into a ditch of spikes except the third one is unclear and I think she fell into a trap at the entrance hooray we were able to escape the attack of the evil Fluttershy they were so scary I was very scared when I saw them it is good that all the traps were used and none of us were hurt we are great now the forest in which we settled completely saved from the attack of these evil Fluttershy I wonder why they look like this and why they did it the main thing is that we saved all the civilians subscribers if you like this video then subscribe to our Channel and like this video also write your opinion in comments see you soon bye hello friend hello dear subscribers today we will play Minecraft and we will again survive as usual because we are so used to it and for a long time it was not on our Channel hello everyone I propose that today we all develop well and even go and kill the dragon because it is very cool and you can consider that we passed Minecraft we’ve already settled in one house in the village this is a very good idea let’s then move according to this idea so that we do not forget anything soon we must go to the cave for resources only now the best solution is to rest friends then I will go for a little walk around the neighborhood in case I find something interesting around and you are sitting here resting I am full of energy I just want to take a walk and see what’s interesting sure it would be nice to find something valuable and please your friends but I don’t think I can do it we have a cave nearby but I won’t go there I’ll run to the other side oh my God I’m being sucked by water no a few moment later oh my God where has our friend Applejack gone I’m just shocked she’s gone for hours she couldn’t walk that long and I feel like something happened to her look for her everywhere no it can’t be that something happened to her in the middle of the day she’s probably lost somewhere or just ran away and spends all her energy I hope we can find her and make sure she’s okay I’ll look somewhere far away from our village suddenly she ran to the nearby Forest which is on the other side of the river or something oh my God what’s that in the water oh no Applejack drowned we have to get her out now what a horror how did she just manage to drown so it was not so deep it looks like she didn’t do it on purpose because there could be some currents that sucked her under I agree with you Fluttershy what a Pity it’s just awful how it could have happened I just don’t understand it is such a loss for us and we cannot continue to survive without it something has to be done we must bury it because we do not have a choice yet it is very bad to keep the body not buried and it will be very confusing for us what are we going to do with her it’s too bad she’s not with us now let’s get her up and get her to the Village there we will build her a grave in the village so that she is at least heartily with us otherwise we are nowhere else just think what you can do to make make her come alive it is very bad to lose a close friend because she was about to be with us and now she is not and so well started today we even found a house all right we need to think about what we can do with her maybe we should prepare some potion to make it come alive only where can we do this you have some suggestions because I have nothing in my head I think only of Applejack I will now bury our friend Applejack how early she left us and very suddenly it seems like she just went out for a walk and now she is gone we’ll give her a big cross to see from afar well done Fluttershy this is a very good grave and I’m glad you volunteered to dig it up we would have helped you but there is very little space we better figure out what we can do to revive our friend oh girlfriends what are you we live near the swamp and as everyone knows there is a witch who has a lot of potions let’s let’s run over there now and try to make her potion a cure that can help us run quickly it’s just a brilliant idea Rainbow Dash you need to do it as soon as possible because the witch can already come home and rest and if we go to her she’ll kick us out by the way I know how to cook a healing potion so you’re very lucky with this and we don’t have to find any recipes to make it the main thing is to get into the witch’s Hut and get things to make I feel really bad because I lost a friend in just a few hours of our surviv Ral it’s so awful that I don’t even want to think about it but the thoughts get in my head and I can’t even forget about it for a few minutes come on friends we almost made it to the swamp all we have to do there is find her cabin and look around to see if the witch is in the house if so we’ll have to wait for her to leave it’s good we’re getting closer it means that you need to prepare a little bit for the swamp because everything is very long and you need to be careful not to fall into the swamp be very careful friends please so we ran to this Hut and apparently the witch is in the house what are we going to do now in this case we can’t just break into her house and do something at the potion Park do not worry it is not evening yet and I think that sooner or later this witch will have to leave her house yet she does not sit there now she will make a lot of potions and go hunting she is a villain and kills all entities and if she doesn’t leave what will we have to do I am very afraid to go to to her can there be any alternative options to save our friend I’m really scared to be here because it’s a swamp Pinkie Pie what are you talking about even if we have to kill this witch we’ll run and we won’t even want to run back because it’s the only way to save our friend and we’re going to have to do it all right girlfriends looks like the witch is going to be coming out soon cuz we’ve been watching her for a long time we’ll have to sneak in and hide from her so that she doesn’t come out and find us here we’re very open now let’s all hide and we’ll go in so let’s go into her house now I hope she has supplies here which she leaves for the next potion she needs oh my God here are all the ingredients that are required to create a healing potion we will save our friend the healing potion is done very easily we will need only three ingredients in fiery dust from the mineral rods first we make an ordinary potion it’s very easy we only need a bottle of water and a spider eye after that we’ll have to make it into a cure itself to do this you just mix a glowing watermelon into this potion and you get a very good healing potion after that we just make an explosive potion and we can run home finally we can save our friend even though we’re using it as a witch we’re doing it all for a friend and that’s a pittance because we could have gone and killed a dragon or or worse a few moments later everyone we made this potion and we run away from here because soon the witch will return we have been making this potion for so long that it has been so long finally we can probably get our friend back now so now we will try to throw this potion into the grave to Apple Jack I really hope it works oh my God Apple Jack what are you alive hurah we did it as friends and now Apple Jack is back with us hooray Applejack I missed you so much you were gone so long I knew it wasn’t forever and you wouldn’t die so early we did everything we could to heal you and I’m glad it worked out I’m also very glad that Applejack is back you would know what we went through to get you back we tried so hard to make you come back to life and never die again don’t go out like that again oh my God friends what happened the last thing I remember was the water and how I got sucked into it and now I’m here with you I could survive if you brought me back to life thank you very much friends you are the best you’re finally home Applejack we’re so happy to have you back here because we’ve done so much to get you back here you would know we’re going to finish this episode and we’re going to tell you everything it’s so good to have you back I was so scared for you and I was so scared I wouldn’t see you again you’ve always been very active and it would be very bad for us to lose such a good friend so let’s now finish the series subscribers if you like this series like And subscribe to our Channel write your opinion in the comments see you soon bye hello friends hi dear subscribers today we will play a game called Minecraft today we have a very interesting and exciting task which you should all like hello everyone today we’re going to have a little competition between all the friends where we’re going to build modern wooden houses and the best one is going to win hello everyone I really want to start these comp competitions already this is very cool we will split into two teams I’ll be on the team with Applejack and you Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie will be on the other team now we will already start building our houses we with Rainbow Dash are already beginning to build the basis of our house on which it will stand it will be small but very beautiful now and we with Pinkie Pie will start building our house we want to build a very big house so we will do everything together first we need to build a foundation on which we can build a house while Fluttershy marks the place where our house will be I will already make a base of oak wood to understand how high our house will be and whether this is enough this is what we do so as not to redo and waste time we have made almost all the columns that we need and very soon we will begin to complete our our house it will be one story but very beautiful and it will be comfortable to live in for example at the beginning of survival now we just have to connect all these beams to get a full-fledged Foundation from which we will build to make a full-fledged beautiful house now we will already start making walls on the first floor of our house that’s right we will have two floors to have a lot of space for everyone we’ll also make window frames so you don’t have to worry about Windows I’m about to help how Fluttershy designed the walls she’s going to make a wall with Windows in it and I’m just going to fill up the rest of the walls so Fluttershy doesn’t waste her energy on it okay well we’re starting to build a floor in our house now because it’s just a building you need to make the floor so that it was already a little bit like home next will be only more beautiful after the floor we will now make immediately the window frames to be able to understand what size will be our windows and from them we will make a very beautiful roof which you will see later we’re almost done making walls and we’re just a little bit left now I will finish the last long wall with Windows and we can start the next task I really like to build now we are beginning to build a ceiling in our house and Fluttershy makes a beautiful border to make the house look beautiful of course there is a lot of space here and it is very good it can settle about 10 people we’re about to start building our beautiful roof it’s going to be made out of out of steps and I think it’s going to be a very nice and good decision because the rain won’t come to our house it requires a lot of work and the roof is going to be the most difficult part of our construction because it is not so simple and you need to do a good job to make it right and very beautiful I’m doing a very beautiful thing in our house right now and it’s a small ledge from the main roof on it we will have a fence that will save us from falling and also will not occupy a place on the second floor and I’m almost done with the ceiling and I’m not much left we very quickly coped with the construction of the first floor and we have very little left and we can already show this house to friends they will love it now we will begin to build the roof itself the main thing is not to hurry and do not forget anything it should be right at once and connect with the rest of the steps everywhere I hope it will work yay we are doing well then we can do it now for sure I really like that everything is working out now we will finally make this roof and begin further construction and we will now begin the construction of a room on the second floor which will be at us as a warehouse and for different things the second floor will look like one large balcony on which to have a very good time I’m about to help Fluttershy build this room on the second floor I will start making long walls so as not to spend much time on it later there will also be windows and this room can be done as a break room we’re about to finish this roof only only the second part is left and it’s so cool that we were able to finish the most difficult part of our house so quickly that’s because we got it right from the start and we didn’t have to redo it now we will be inserting Windows into our house because it is still without windows and without doors we need to correct this situation but first we need to finish the roof and that’s the final line that’s missing now we will build the roof of our second room and the whole house because this roof will decorate not only the second floor and the whole house it’s going to be hard enough because the roof is too big but it’s okay and I’m about to make a staircase for our house cuz we’re going to have to go upstairs sometime and the ladder will be a very good solution that will immediately eliminate our problem we’re almost done putting windows in our house and we’re very little longer to show it to our friends I can’t wait to find out what our friends have done for us besides the windows we will make a staircase to our house house we are already finishing our roof in the house and it remains only to do the outside we need to make this roof look beautiful not like it’s some kind of hat on this Cube yet we do beautiful not some now we’re going to start decorating our second floor so it’s not empty we will now make a beautiful vegetable garden which will be right at our home here we’ll grow wheat from which we will make bread and now we will be engaged in the interior of our house after all we need to arrange it beautifully so that you can live in it now we’re going to make a ceiling in the house to make a small Warehouse we’re about to make a staircase to the second floor so we can get in easily for this we will now make a large Oak pole in the middle of the room which will have a ladder on which we will climb to the attic now I’m going to make a beautiful canopy over our garden so that some hail or heavy rain will not erode our vegetable garden and all crops will remain intact it’s a very cool idea to make a vegetable garden in the house so we already planted all the wheat and even poured water and I want to embellish a little of our garden and make hatches around it so that they give a little bit of style to this bed and it fits well with our wooden house there is only the final part of our house and this is vegetation which we miss very much so under the house we will make for the beauty of the oak leaves to look very beautiful and there is vegetation in the house house and I’m going to start building the interior of our house because we have finished building our house we will now place all the vital items here such as the workbench the oven and the chest as well as two beds for us now we’ll do the interior of our house as you can see we have replaced our Earth and floor with a wooden one and now we can place all objects with peace of mind we will put up workbenches stoves beds and chests as well as hang very beautiful pictures I’m going to do the second floor interior ior now here I will make a very beautiful sofa where you can sit on a sunny day as well as arrange a small room here we will put a lot of anvils and several tables of enchantments well friends here we are and appreciated the house of everyone I like very much the house Fluttershy with Pinkie Pie it is very big and beautiful but our house is also no worse because in ordinary survival it is made easier well then it’s time to end this series I think the Fluttershy team with Pinkie Pie and their big house have won 100% subscribers if you like this series like And subscribe to our Channel see you soon bye hello friend hello dear subscribers today we will have a very unusual series on the game Minecraft and even will be able to great competition between us I hope you all will really like hello everyone today we will have a competition between two teams we will build an underground house that will have to be built by every team and the one that will build the best will win hello today we will split into two teams in one team I will be with Apple Jack and in the second team will be Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie I think it’s best we don’t delay and start building now let’s get right to the construction our task will now be to Mark the territory for the start of construction of our house that’s why I’m doing it now so we will now start building our house now I will Mark the territory on which we will build our house and it will be big enough it will be a 120 square block I think our friends will be very surprised I’m going to help Fluttershy with this cuz she can’t do it alone it will be necessary in addition to digging so also put blocks on the air so as not to waste time and immediately build everything we are also now going to do everything together to quickly start to the the main part of construction we’ve got a lot of work to do here and we’re just marking up so we have finished marking our house it remains only to finish the important things that can interfere with our construction our house should be perfect for our friends to really like we are now beginning with Pinkie Pie to remove the land so that there is an empty space underground where we will build our house this is a very interesting task only to dig the ground for a very long time I will dig with flutter shy and we have deliberately divided these sides into two so that we can handle this task more quickly it saves more time and most importantly the forces we need so much we too are now embarking with Apple Jack on the excavation of all the land where we will make our home we’ll have a small depth just three blocks and we’ll have more than enough for our house it will take us a long time to excavate this land because cuz instead we could definitely do something interesting in our house but we should also take time for that just get it over with we are almost done with these excavations and we have very little left we need to dig four blocks deep to fit our house underground it will be very spacious and I think our friends will like it very much now Fluttershy and I will start building walls in our house after all the Earth and walls in our good house will look very bad so now we’ll replace them all to make it beautiful Apple okay Apple Jack now we have to make the walls in our house they have to be very cool because our house is a circle I’m about to dig the ground and you need to put the wood right away so we can finish this quickly that’s a very good idea Rainbow Dash it’s actually faster this way so let’s do each task together so that we can quickly make our home and spend half as much effort as we would have spent one Pinkie Pie I hope you can keep up with me because I’m very fast digging all this land and we need to cope almost simultaneously to finish it all this is already a very large room it’s all right Fluttershy we are doing very well and we have well figured out what to do together and at the same time this is really very quick and now we will quickly finish the construction of our house now we are already beginning to build a floor in our house we will also have a wooden floor to keep the house warm and we will do exactly as we did with the walls everything will be done together Rainbow Dash says everything correctly it’s much much faster to do it all alone we have almost complete house at least we have made almost the basic interior in our house so and we start to build our already interior of the house Paul we do a little later because we need to do finally descent into our house we’ll have to make a ladder to climb the stairs will be a little decorative and will be made of manholes because it is very cool looking and very suitable for our style of interior you just have to think it through to make it work we are almost finished with our floor and very very soon we will begin to improve the upper part of our house I already love what our house looks like because it is very futuristic and looks modern that’s it there are only a few blocks left and we can move on to the next challenge that faces us we need to make a roof in our house so that no weather conditions disturb us now we will start building the roof of our house by the way you can notice that we have made the floor it is very fast done I’m going to be putting up decorative blocks to make the house look really nice and I will now place all the leaves around these sets it will look very cool and there will be some vegetation in our house I want to finish the construction and see what our friends have done now we will start building a glass canopy in our house it will be very unusual because it will be made entirely of glass so we can see everything that is happening above us very cool looks I help the Rainbow Dash with this task because the two of us do it much faster I love working as a team because one way I wouldn’t have built it in a day I’m so glad I have a Rainbow Dash here we are finishing doing it and now you can see how beautifully we have decorated our roof and the floor outside there are many names but the most important thing is that we have almost finished building this house and all we have to do is glaze it that’s what we’re going to do we will also share the responsibilities because our house is not small and it will take a a little more than one force to completely glaze our ceiling let’s get this house done so we will now do the tiniest interior in our house because this is all that is left in our house we will make a lot of ovens and workbenches you also need to make a lot of chests to store resources well and of course beds with paintings will definitely need us here we have already arranged all the things that should stand in our house and now we only have to hang the picture everywhere so that the walls do not look so empty I think it would be much better than it was well we’re quietly finishing up our ceiling there was very little room to place the glass but the main thing is that we have already done all this and now we have only interior in the interior we will not do something so cool and modern we will just arrange all the things that we may need in the ordinary survival this is a lot of ovens and workbenches as well as chests and beds also will not hurt decoration paintings so Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy here you are to see our house what can you say about it tell me that it is very funny I’m very interested in what you’ve done it’s a really cool house and I think it’s really fun but it’s pretty small because it only has one round room you can go crazy here if you have benches and ovens around you and I really like how our friends turned out I would even live here if we built all this in survival here is very comfortable and only one room and a full view of the sky okay friends run now we show our house this is our home please be kind and welcome it has a very large room which will be very good for living together because there is enough space and you can make additional rooms oh my God how beautifully made there is a beautiful descent as well as a passage to the main room there are not so many resources which we have a lot and here it is definitely not NE Neary to do I like very much what say Apple Jack I really like this house and I would really live in it there is everything for life and plenty of space for expansion you can even make an extra room definitely this house one subscribers if you like this series like And subscribe to our Channel see you soon bye

This video, titled ‘Pregnant My Little Pony NOOB vs PRO: HIGH SCHOOL BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by MLP Play on 2024-04-17 10:05:24. It has garnered 1159 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:19 or 3859 seconds.

Pregnant My Little Pony NOOB vs PRO: HIGH SCHOOL BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft,Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack,Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy heir own Minecraft server and playing.

MLP Play this is an entertainment channel where my little pony characters plays minecraft, SUBSCRIBE!

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    Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱 The Adventures of Efekan in Minecraft In a thrilling Minecraft video, a wicked sorcerer transforms Efekan into a Four-Armed Mutant Monster and commands him to attack the city. Get ready for another action-packed adventure! Exciting Minecraft Content The YouTube channel, filled with entertaining Minecraft content, showcases the transformation of characters and their epic battles. Viewers are in for a treat with each new video! Join the Fun Don’t miss out on the exciting Minecraft series! Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay updated on the latest episodes. Engage with the community and be the first to… Read More

  • My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31

    My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31Video Information This video, titled ‘My Daughter HATES Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-07-07 17:15:00. It has garnered 328 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:02 or 1682 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. I am raising my daughter in Minecraft Oasis and she HATES ME! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown

    The Ultimate Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🤬part-2😠wait for part-3 next video 🤢#minecraft#gaming#shots’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-08 08:35:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts Minecraft part-2 wait for part-3 next video #minecraft#gaming#shots minecraft but minecraft mod … Read More

  • Unleashing your inner creativity in Minecraft

    Unleashing your inner creativity in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Experience’, was uploaded by flowstate on 2024-07-05 16:00:42. It has garnered 60611 views and 3607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:44 or 3524 seconds. FlowSMP: Discord: #flowstate Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken’s Wooden Mansion

    Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken's Wooden MansionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wooden House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ivan Griken 26 on 2023-12-24 17:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi everybody. In this video we will watch a Wooden house in minecraft. Subscribe to the channel, put likes and write comments. Read More

  • Defeat the Granny Killer in El Khark v! 🔥💰 #minecraftbedrock

    Defeat the Granny Killer in El Khark v! 🔥💰 #minecraftbedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mate al MataAbuelas 🤑🤙 #minecraftbedrock #bedwars #skywars #minecraftgameplay #minecraft #mcpe’, was uploaded by El Khark v: on 2024-01-16 18:00:12. It has garnered 2432 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 – BIG Move

    Insane MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 - BIG MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘HyperWorld MC – MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 – Moving :/’, was uploaded by HyperLethalNova on 2024-04-14 22:34:35. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:14 or 11054 seconds. Hello Crafters! Join us for some Sunday Fun as we play some Minecraft on HyperWorldMC! This is a fresh start so who knows what will happen! Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. PEACE! Server Name: HyperWorld — Server IP: Discord: IG: hyperlethalnova twitch: twitter: @HyperLethalNova Patreon: Music: Inception by Karl Casey @… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft event June 1st at 7pm! 🎮 Join NOW

    EPIC Minecraft event June 1st at 7pm! 🎮 Join NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Seid am 01.06 um 19:00 Uhr dabei!! 🎁 #minecraft #gaming #shorts #laintania’, was uploaded by Playzzn on 2024-05-26 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to – the place for unforgettable Minecraft adventures and impressive building projects! Join … Read More


    ULTIMATE CAR UPGRADE: RAINBOW LASER!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mit REGENBOGEN-LASER AUTOS UPGRADEN in Minecraft RP!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-06-24 12:00:32. It has garnered 4626 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:18 or 1218 seconds. UPGRADE CARS with RAINBOW LASER in Minecraft RP! with: @Eiterblox ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Ente ► 🐤 Twitter ► Minecraft: 🎮 The Page ► Minecraft prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft one block is funny / funny Minecraft challenge / Minecraft… Read More

  • 1M EDITS! One Piece Surprise 😱#viral #ytshorts

    1M EDITS! One Piece Surprise 😱#viral #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ONE PIECE👿 #minecraft#viral#trendingshorts#shortsfeed#shorts #onepiece#ytshorts #youtubeshorts#anime’, was uploaded by @Gain Eᴅɪᴛᴢ 1M on 2024-01-26 14:42:10. It has garnered 7189 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. ONE PIECE #minecraft #viral #trendingshorts #shortsfeed #shorts #onepiece #ytshorts #youtubeshorts @Gaineditz1M #shorts #viral #amongus #anime #one piece ONE PIECE👿 #minecraft#viral#trendingshorts#shortsfeed#shorts #onepiece#ytshorts #youtubeshorts#anime Read More

  • Malenia Sky

    Malenia SkyEmbark on an epic journey through Malenia Sky, a dynamic Minecraft universe inspired by the legendary realms of Hypixel, Wynncraft, and other beloved games. Dive into a world brimming with boundless possibilities, where every corner is teeming with adventure and excitement. At Malenia Sky, your voice holds the key to shaping the destiny of our realm. Our voting platform empowers players like you to champion your favorite servers, each one a beacon of innovation and creativity. From captivating storylines to thrilling minigames and immersive RPG experiences, our servers draw inspiration from the best to offer an unparalleled gaming experience. Read More

  • Bonded Blocks Season 1 | Semi-vanilla Server For Content Creators | Applications Open! Whitelist 14+ 1.21

    Bonded Blocks – Calling all Content Creators! Hey there! I’m ServerNotGood, a 16 year old British Content Creator who loves playing Survival Minecraft with other inspiring Creators. Bonded Blocks is the server of my dreams, where 20 unique Content Creators come together to create, make memories, and enjoy playing survival minecraft. Mods Included: Simple Voice Chat Creator Status Mod AudioPlayer Mod We are looking for skilled and actively-playing Content Creators who can create videos in exciting ways, whether it’s storytelling, redstone, building, etc. We value personality and passion over subscriber count. Current members include It’s_Spyke, ServerNotGood, and more. Pranking is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Ultimate Kid Nation Arc Debatable

    Minecraft Memes - The Ultimate Kid Nation Arc DebatableLooks like this meme is powered by Energizer batteries, because it’s got a score of 4! Read More

  • OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness!

    OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I found a lucky block, a player’s dream. With a powerful sword, I struck with might, Defeating foes, in the day and the night. Join me on this journey, in the land of blocks, Where adventures await, in mines and docks. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun and delight, As we explore together, in the Minecraft night. Follow me on socials, for updates and more, On Facebook, Discord, and Instagram galore. Like, share, and subscribe, to show your support, As we continue this journey, in the Minecraft fort. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • From Rags to Riches in Minecraft

    From Rags to Riches in Minecraft Minecraft: From Poor to King Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Adispot as he transforms from a humble player to a powerful ruler in the virtual world. Join him as he navigates through challenges, builds empires, and conquers new territories in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Minecraft Empire Adispot starts his adventure with limited resources, crafting tools, and exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft. As he gathers materials and hones his skills, he gradually expands his territory, constructing elaborate structures and fortresses to establish his dominance. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout his journey, Adispot encounters various challenges, from… Read More


    EPIC CROSSOVER: DARTH VADER'S SABER IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Found DARTH VADERS LIGHT SABER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz Roblox on 2024-06-14 02:22:15. It has garnered 255798 views and 3537 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:10 or 11350 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are getting light sabers! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Realistic Tree & Axe Part 366

    Minecraft Memes: Realistic Tree & Axe Part 366Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft wait what meme part 366 realistic Tree and Axe’, was uploaded by Sticky – Minecraft memes on 2024-07-06 09:17:03. It has garnered 36857 views and 366 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:26 or 326 seconds. Minecraft wait what meme part 366 realistic Tree and Axe in minecraft 3d mod Minecraft diamond in real life. Realistic house and water physics in minecraft rtx on challenge (realistic sheep fur, realistic snow in minecraft, realistic water in minecraft, realistic lava in minecraft) Minecraft in Real Life – Secret Treasures Realistic Texture Pack The First Hacker’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Armor Quest: Finding the Ultimate Armor!

    Ultimate Armor Quest: Finding the Ultimate Armor!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai Du Obtenir la MEILLEUR Armure du jeu…’, was uploaded by Wizux on 2024-05-18 17:30:10. It has garnered 948 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:36 or 336 seconds. Hello today New video on the Skylodia server, which is for me one of the best minecraft servers of 2024 and or … I Got the BEST Armor … of the server on Minecraft! 👍and also think about the Baron Rank to win! My discord (very important) 😉: 🎬i made other videos in this style! like the video: I have 24H… Read More

  • GamexRudra meets Mr Beast in Minecraft 😈🔥

    GamexRudra meets Mr Beast in Minecraft 😈🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Mr Beast 😈😎 | GamexRudra – @MrBeast #minecraft #shortsfeed #mrbeast #viral #trending #shorts #mobs’, was uploaded by GamexRudra on 2024-02-16 03:52:16. It has garnered 540 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Mr Beast 😈😎 | GamexRudra – @MrBeast Don’t Forget To Subscribe Gamexrudra gamexrudra android gameplay android gameplay videos android games gaming channel simulator gameplays Android gameplays simulator gameplay @GamexRudra #gamexrudra new update android game mobile game mobile gameplay android gaming mobile gaming noob pro hacker Noob vs Pro vs Hacker noob vs pro vs pro vs… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Creeper Race! 😱 #shorts #explosion

    Insane Minecraft Creeper Race! 😱 #shorts #explosionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper Explosion Race🤯 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MrMeadow on 2024-06-02 03:21:14. It has garnered 29518 views and 621 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Welcome to MrMeadow In this channel, we dive deep into the immersive world of Minecraft exploring various gameplay modes uncovering hidden secrets mastering the art of survival tutorials redstone creations adventure maps multiplayer gameplay Minecraft tips and tricks and many more about Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your Minecraft journey you’ll find something to enjoy here. Minecraft Creeper Explosion Race… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC🔥 24kEl1te DOMINATES Minecraft Bedrock LIVE!

    🔥EPIC🔥 24kEl1te DOMINATES Minecraft Bedrock LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘[🔴LIVE] Playing Minecraft Bedrock With Viewers!’, was uploaded by 24kEl1te on 2024-03-25 07:42:11. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:31 or 3871 seconds. I hope you liked the stream! my dc server! : my twitter/x : #minecrtaft #minecraft Read More

  • WafflezMC: Forgotten Minecraft Legends

    WafflezMC: Forgotten Minecraft LegendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Youtubers Lost To Time’, was uploaded by WafflezMC on 2024-07-13 16:00:05. It has garnered 7950 views and 475 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:59 or 899 seconds. Everybody has their favorite YouTubers, but what about the ones who are no longer on the platform? second channel: Insanely special thanks to Misdemeanors for helping me with the script and answering a few questions! also, three of the tracks in this video were made by Scott Buckley, one of my favorite stock music makers! will probably be using more of his… Read More

  • Insane Battle Royale in WWII Castle – 50 Players!

    Insane Battle Royale in WWII Castle - 50 Players!Video Information This video, titled ’50 Players fight in a WORLD WAR II CASTLE SIEGE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by History Recrafted on 2024-06-21 07:04:04. It has garnered 214 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:45 or 645 seconds. In the first episode of History Recrafted, we recreate the Battle of Castle Itter! In this attempt to simulate a war in Minecraft, players are only given one piece of guidance: defend the castle or take it over. Will history repeat itself in this Minecraft experiment? Or will something completely different happen that has some SERIOUSLY BAD… Read More

  • INSANE progress in 10 days – Minecraft Survival Indonesia

    INSANE progress in 10 days - Minecraft Survival IndonesiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ber-awal (Day 10) – Minecraft Survival Indonesia’, was uploaded by putra p on 2024-03-11 22:09:56. It has garnered 233 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:12 or 11652 seconds. Support me, bro. donate (min 1 ribu rupiah) . Join membership to early acces : !commands nightbot !spek !age 1k = 1 minute 50 seconds 10k = 29 minutes 50k = 2 hours 30 minutes 100k = 5 hours 150k = 12 hours moderator = 200k discount. #minecraftindonesia #minecraftliveindonesia Read More

  • Minecraft DeepWorld (ATM9)

    Minecraft DeepWorld (ATM9)A small community driven All The Mods 9 server for adults. Dedicated Game Server: Rocky Linux 9.3 | 32GB RAM Intel Xeon E5-1650 v2 (6C\12T) 300M/300M Connection Locally owned server, no monthly cost! All dimensions have been generated 5000 blocks from spawn. Whitelisted server. Please get whitelisted via our Discord. Read More