President Poundcake’s SHOCKING secrets REVEALED!

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You know it stands for sexy Whittle baby you uh you clutched up you were the final bed I mean you had two beds in your onor but you were the final bed kill on the Ender Dragon yeah and you also killed yourself and a few others in

The process of that bed but I was asking Wolfie on stream like hey should I leave and he was like eh I killed every hbg member in extraction uh A League of Their Own you could do that maybe as well that could be a full little idea

You know what if I did who uh what if I did what I lie to you oh well is you’re you’re Spider-Man in this reality so that’s the way you say it the other confus wait how do you know I’m Spider-Man how’ you figure that out all right L welcome back to inside

MC the part of the podcast I sit down with an amazing guest every single week and this week I’m joined with someone who’s who’s a little bit different they they claim to be a speedrunner even though when I when I saw them doing a speedrunning stream the other day it

Wasn’t exactly amazing and uh yeah just just an all round actually pretty cool guy who I haven’t interacted with much and I’d like to interact with more however I am joined with the amazing Pres president pound cake hello it’s me the president pound cake if you will how

Are you today the president poundcake I’m good I’m good I’m sick but I’ve been sick for like you know 45 weeks so at this point it’s just life you have bronchitis don’t you bronchitis y bit of an L when you look at it really is it a

Bit of an L yeah it’s it is honestly a skill issue it is yeah you just need to get B in my humble opinion on me it’s on me I’ll work on that though yeah how are you I’m good thank you I wanted to get

Out of the way at the start of the podcast I’m going to be calling you poundy I know obviously you know this I just mean but for the viewer sake president pound cake for short goes by poundy so if you if you if you’re questioning why why I I start going in

Poundy from now on it’s it’s because of that so yep yep yep yep how’s your day you I didn’t even are you gone I was just say like I didn’t really pick that nickname it just happened oh right yeah I think I think it was like I don’t know

Curry or someone who started it actually no Curry doesn’t even call me poundy yeah I have no idea it just happened and then I started adding a wide random people’s names and I think it just became a thing I think it’s better no it’s easier pound pound cake calling you

Pound is lot easier 100% especially when you’re in a tournament which we we’ll get into talking about little bit later on in the podcast heck yeah any news I know I know you just we’re not just woking up it’s very early for you we’re recording on a Sunday today by the

Wayers because both of us work real jobs so we weren’t able to do a weekday yep we have lives exactly sadly actually I don’t know if working constitutes a life but you know we have to do inqu marks real work but one day one day poundy both of

Us will make content creation full careers right oh absolutely 100% I’ve been I’ve been called the next George not found you actually look pretty similar as well absolutely and you know same same accent same accent honestly I actually I actually got you confused cuz when I announced you I actually nearly

Announced you as George not found yeah yeah no it happens all the time don’t even stress fair enough now yeah should I just start calling you [ __ ] instead of poundy from now one is that where the name came from just so simp simar I’m actually just the AL account

Of gagi no way oh my God that’s crazy that’s actually crazy play any any news anyways anything happened interesting over the weekend that you I know one one thing we’re going to talk about we can still touch on it for the intro anyways that’s see I did play in a tiny little

Event called The Block Wars which was extremely cool um honestly other than that my event my weekend was pretty pretty chill say weekend we’re still in the weekend it’s Sunday well have you got any plans for the rest of the weekend then I should say as well

Uh yeah I’m going to an art institute like an art museum oh okay uh which is going to be very cool and uh I think that’s going to take up a few hours and then I’m really craving a pizza so I’m going to order a pizza for dinner I just

Had refrigerators I mean I ate them literally while on voice school too so you know but yeah you’re also watching a Dortmund match right I am currently watching a Dortmund match because uh I’m very professional and they did score uh like 9 minutes ago which is great not 9

Minutes ago like 5 minutes ago which is fantastic you see Liverpool be Liverpool beat fham they were 3-2 down in like the 8 that game was yeah in the 80th minute that game was insane what a game goes in the 87th and 88th minute to make it for

Is Crazy by the way yeah least exciting Liverpool match common common goes down scores last minute wins it’s just four goals in the last 10 minutes like who even you know and then right now Spurs are winning one nil against City oh that’s a big game anyways poundy I was

Like to give the intro for uh you know you yourself we’ve kind of already T touched on a few topics as well like you’re a football fan etc etc however would you like to give us a little rundown of who you are what you do a fun

Fact if you must sure sure uh let’s see I am president pound cake you can call me poundy or Raj either way um I am an American speedrunner and I’ve been speedrunning for let’s see now I think we’re we just hit the threeyear mark which is kind of embarrassing that I’m

As bad as I am considering I’ve been speed running for 3 years but you started speedr running on November 31st and you started 2020 and you started with 1.6.5 Co-op runs you remember from uh from Jeopardy yep yep yep I wrote it down I didn’t remember I put in the word

Document but yeah that’s how I got my start I started speed running with an IRL friend uh and we didn’t know like what to do we just saw um a certain green speedrunner do it on uh on some videos and we were like oh we could you

Know go in the ne and kill the Ender Dragon yeah I think our I think our PB ended up being an hour and 5 minutes in 1.65 oh jeez that’s actually which honestly you know what a time it’s like you know well I think technically it was

World record cuz no one had a submission in that category when we did it but I don’t think it was great um so what you’re saying is you’re an ex world record world record harder oh I I have many I have uh I think I’m the you know

I have uh the X9 plus Co-op or like 7 to9 co-op world record or something like that oh um I got that with XC I got you know FSG quads filtered seed quads I have that world record or used to again they were both taken from me all right

But you had them and that’s all that matters right I did yeah and that’s all that matters like like you know it’s like it’s the same as Curry way I’m just going to build my career off of used to being you know like in the past being a

World record holder oh shots fired Cory way if you’re listening to this py actually said before the podcast he hates your guts as well that’s why you guys are always F right true so true you know fighting in Block w was the stream before I I it was so funny I don’t know

Why I don’t know why I remember I guess I remember it was about me but when I joined your stream right I Lally just like sent a message like hello like poundy or whatever right and Cory way just turns around and goes oh don’t invite this guy on the podcast office

Cuz you just get failing speed runs over and over he just doesn’t want to see me succeed being like a friendly way right you just to clarify you guys are actually friends like just in case anyone’s listen I mean allegedly but no yeah we’re we’re cool we’re he’s one like he’s probably my

Best friend in the in the speed running Community for sure yeah he’s a really nice guy and if anyone’s if anyone’s wondering you know how do I become friends with curry away because I was just like you know I was just like a chatter he didn’t really know me because

Of my content at first and if anyone’s wondering how I evolved from just being a curry way chatter to a curry way friend uh I went into his chat and talked about feet jokes and talked about feet a lot oh know and I I can’t recommend that I don’t I think you know

His moderators would probably tell me to you know tell you guys to not do that but I’m just saying it works for me so I just I just want to put this out there because I did the same thing with fruit berries and MCC just because it works

For poundy doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you okay just you know obviously you can try if you really want and that’s poundy saying that not me by the way that you can try it I am just let you know that it doesn’t mean just

Cuz poundy here it doesn’t mean it’s a 100% success rate okay you results May Vary and you may get banned but that’s all right with that being said anyways we should we should probably get into get into the part of the podcast where start talking about you and ask you

Questions and and all that kind of jazz right does intruction though I mean I don’t really know why we talked about other people but you know nonetheless still great so poundy president pound cake yes thank you for using my full legal name no worries uh so uh in the Jeopardy

Video you had it in text at the bottom of the screen do not ask where your name comes from however I don’t care where did the name president pound cake come from you because you’re very embarrassed about it and I think that’s what makes even better this story so I’m I’m more

So embarrassed about my ingame name swb pound which is like my Minecraft in-game name yeah um the president pound K uh where it came from is there’s an ego Raptor video who’s like on Game Grumps he’s like an old school animator a lot of people know him as a lot of people

Don’t so it’s fine if you don’t but I used to be a big fan of Game Grumps back in the day and ego wrapped out a video of it was a 5sec long video and the entire video was just a character from Street Fighter saying would anyone like

Some pound cake and then another character replies I’d like some pound cake really aggressively uh and and for some reason this 5sec long video led me down a rabbit hole and I ended up like listening on repeat to a dubstep remix of that video oh all the time in like

Middle school and then I just became obsessed with it so that’s how I got pound cake have you ever had pound cake before like have you ever eaten it I have but not until I the first time I had pound cake was in 2020 and I’ve had

This uh I’ve had this used username for since like 2014 or 2015 I’ve never been to out the space I can’t really talk I know there you go yeah you’ve never been to orbit yeah I can’t really be a bit hypocritical do do you enjoy pound cake

Is it nice it’s I was I was disappointed I will say I just I didn’t think it was it was it held up to my lofty standards and like it like it doesn’t deserve to be named after me if that makes sense it’s it’s not bad but it’s like you know

Solid six out of 10 it’s not amazing exactly exactly it’s not like life changing what’s your favorite food sorry we’re going ready off topic here but I have to ask what is your favorite food favorite food it changes a lot I’ve been really eating a lot of sushi recently

Okay um I live like kind of near a sushi conveyor belt place and I’ve been going there a lot um like probably like three times like in the last like 3 weeks so you know but it’s really good and then I’ve also been having sushi for lunch

From a different place so it honestly probably sushi at the moment although I do love a good ramen um honestly it’s a hard question I I uh you don’t have to pick specific one that’s fair you know what I’m going to say sushi I’m going to

Commit to it fair enough I do have I do have another question sorry before we get back on my go ahead what is your mother’s maiden name and the name of your first pet well the name of my first pet is glaze my kitty cat oh I didn’t F

That she also my only pet well I mean it’s my only pet oh I don’t think I have that as my security question anywhere though so I think you’re fine okay good all right like Mother’s to mute that Mother’s M name I’d love to tell

You I don’t think I know you don’t you don’t oh you’re not fair enough honestly you know how how can I leak my information if I don’t know exactly you know what Vibes pure Vibes yeah sorry about your name okay so yeah so you you you listen to this on repeat dubstep

Whatever it was and then you decided to what about the President part part is that just because you love like loved it so much you just thought you’d like make yourself um no like a joke I’m asking I’m asking like serious because you were younger when you made it so was it just

A case so um that was I think all my irls were just making alliterative names of world leaders like I had a friend named Devin who became you know dictator Devon in terms of their in-game name and like I there was like a you know like trying to think like Congressman Carl

And stuff like that you know yeah and I just wanted to fit in so I became president pan cuz I’m a big fan of alliteration I do love me some alliteration can you think of a few top of your head for people’s names I mean

You thought of two there but not even I to do of like world leaders whatever but just like in in general can you think of some alliteration off the top of your head yeah I mean there’s you know it could do like outrageous orbits oh uh although I think that’s ainin

Technically CU it’s a vowel so it’s not technically alliteration it’s actually asant um yeah freaky fineberg love that one French FM y he loves France he really does he really does no he loves FR and if I mean if you have a name request I can I can come up with you

Know some great don’t like I just I’ll just like even General I wasn’t even talking about YouTubers I was just talking about like by own oh just like sexy Steve you know yeah going down to Minecraft r i see cool yeah yeah yeah yeah fair enough Sten awesome Alex so

You got the alliteration part and what about the swb poundy part then where does where does right what does what does firstly what does swb stand for is that part of the story so swb stands for um well you know it stands for sexy Whittle baby um you’re joking I’m not

Joking wh spelled w d I know how to spell will yeah but no you’re not being serious surely I unfortunately unfortunately I am being serious what age were you when you made this 14 oh my god oh no I’m get I’m getting second embarrassment no I still own it again

This is It’s yet another game GS reference where just like for a 4H hour I don’t remember the exact story but for a 4H hour road trip one member would just call the other member a sexy Whittle baby for the entirety of the 4 hours and refer to them as nothing else

And apparently when I was 14 I found that the you I thought that was the funniest thing ever to the point where I made it a part of my identity and you know you could ask me if I regret it but honestly I just tried to suppress it so

I haven’t even like processed it yet to know if I regret it or not I’m surprised you’re like so open with with telling me that I’m kind of I’m partially shocked and I want to how think you tell me well you know we already spoke about feed on

The podcast I figured we’ve already you know hit bottom of the barrel yeah now this podcast has already gone to [ __ ] and it’s been what 20 minutes that makes the best podcast though foundy when we’re talking about you oh yeah hell yeah brother I wish I

Wrote it down cuz I actually thought of like what it could mean I think it’s like like um speed with speed no like I no I was just thinking of like an alternate like name speed runs with your boy yeah like speed speed runs with like

You know um big man poundy there we go yeah that would be you know somehow that would be less cringe than the actual meaning yeah runs with big man poundcake that slap big man pound cake yeah people call me that all the time yeah Big Man

Poundy call you that behind your back as well they like oh look at big man poundy I’m so I’m so jealous no yeah definitely yeah that is that is embarrassing that is embarrass no it’s all right I forgive you I’m going to be with you no it’s funny though it’s funny

And the fact that you’ve embraced it you’ve never actually changed your name even when you grew up and thought hm should I keep like I respect it I respect it so now if president pound cake fit in the Minecraft IGN username would I switch it probably what about

Pre pound day I’ve thought about it prey pound cake fits and that’s what I’ve thought about it’s on your name yeah but it’s yeah it’s just I don’t know I don’t like like cuz I don’t people don’t know what the prey stands for and at that

Point just why have it at all you know at least with FWB you can kind of just like people can kind of just people think like oh it means something mysterious and cool exactly like speeduns with big man Y and then it actually means was it

Again sorry one more time uhhuh it does uh well it stands for a sexy little baby can I put that in the like three podcast Clips go ahe I might I might honestly not use anything from earli and just have that as a first clip of you just going sexy real

Baby oh my God yeah no you know fair fair enough now it’s a sick name it’s definitely it’s definitely originate originate original sorry and you know I actually I actually respect it to be fair yeah I will say like I like I’m very proud of the present pancake

Username I went like there’s so many times where I go into a new chat and people like not even in a speedr running Ser but people would be like wait present poundcake that’s a really good name that’s a really unique name or were you ever in the Counter-Strike scene

Like did you ever watch Pro Counter Strike not really no I I mean I watched a tiny bit of it but it wasn’t something there’s um a Counter-Strike ex Counterstrike Pro and ex valerant Pro um who does like analyst and stuff now his name is sea Garis and like growing up

When I got into like Pro orts he was like one of my like Heroes like he was incred like he like he was one of the best you know ingame leaders in the business and and I don’t know I just thought he was really cool um and I met

Him at twitchcon I just happened to see him walking down the street and I walked over to him and I was like hey can we get a selfie like I’m sorry to bother you and he was like super chill about it and he noticed my badge and he goes

President P that’s incred but one name was it uh Sean Gars okay got you Sean Gars yeah um and he goes present poundcake wait that’s a super cool or that’s like a super unique username he also complimented my shirt which boosted my ego for the entire day but uh was it

Like a Hawaiian shirt by any chance it was a Super Mario Sunshine Hawaiian shirt that slapped actually yeah it was sick but yeah he was like oh that’s a username I’m not going to I’m not going to forget that username ever and I go like wow I mean he’s probably just

Saying that but it’s still super nice for him to say and then I go in his chat and I just say like hi like you know like a week later when I’m home from tcot and he goes oh my God president poundcake you’re the guy with the super

Unique username that I said I never forget I go like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah no it’s a yeah no it’s it’s I like I like the username a lot I will say it’s very funny when I get announced in it anything it’s very funny to see if they

Managed to fit the full president pound cake username in like the the graphic they used to announce my my thing a lot of the times they’ll just go to pound I I did you guys got you got my full name right yeah that cuz you you messaged me

And you like I’m so shocked that you got my fullone name in it oh yeah yeah yeah did I say that yeah yeah I remember that um yeah a lot of a lot of like uh events and stuff will just say like pound cake

Or or you know some way to some way to limit it or it’s either that or the font is just way smaller than everyone else’s font who’s announced which like you know it’s what I signed up for having a long name I don’t mind it but it is always uh

It is always funny say orbit seems to work quite well which quite lucky it’s like it’s long but it’s not too long yeah it’s it’s still useful off apparently what about uh what about speedr running then so you’re an apparent speedrunner in the nicest way possible right from what I’ve seen of

You you don’t really look like a speedrunner poundy all right watching watching that stream where Cory’s teaching you that was that was disgusting all right that was horrible 13 14 minutes or something like that right uh yeah 13 1341 how did you get such a low time uh it’s actually not

That low compared to compared to how long I’ve been speedrunning it’s not a good time which is something honestly like anything below 25 minutes is a good time to me right I mean that’s fair that’s fair you know to like people outside the speed running for yeah it it

Is it is a decent time but I know I’m capable of better it just uh I’m just in consistent and I’m due for like one brain fart every good seed I get and it’s just RNG if that brain fart is going to be survivable or not and then

If it ends up being survivable then you know I uh I can close out the run and have a decent chance but I have been like actually on the grind recently and doing a lot of practice like offline I used to only play like on stream and any

Practice I would do would just be like for 5 minutes at the start of a stream but I’ve been downloading a bunch of like practice Maps recently and like you know doing all that to try and actually get better and it’s shown I think in my mechanics overall but my decision-

Making just leaves a lot to be desired I believe yeah but that’s what happens when you’re rust you’ll get back into it I’m sure anyway yeah yeah we’ll see I think I am capable of getting you know maybe a Sub sub 12 if everything goes right but uh you know who knows may

Maybe sometime soon maybe tomorrow say podcast insation you need maybe tonight I’ll say podcast what time you streaming I no I have work tomorrow so I probably won’t even be there tonight so yeah probably too late for you it’ll probably be in like you know 10 hours from now is

When I’ll start my stream probably oh yeah no definitely not then too late that’s like 2 well if for whoever is listening to this podcast from 10 hours from now I will be live well no because this podcast is coming out next Friday yeah you might be live you can’t don’t

You don’t actually I’ll be live you might be you know you will be I’ll be live hour from now okay this when it comes out they’ll know I was live a week ago oh got you yeah at a certain point you know at some point yeah yeah great oh man what a lovely

Podcast yeah but we like to speed one you got obviously you got into it uh like November 31st end of November start December with the car speed runs uh then how did you kind of transition your way into because I I want to I I’m going to

Actually have to ask if this is real or not did you genuinely join cor Way’s stream and start talk about feet to like you know was that was that a joke or was that serious now that we’re actually into the podcast and only people who are fully committed are going to

Listen so the question is uh if I’m going to like I guess probably rephrase it it’s like how did I go from like doing you know I pretty isolated in the community 1.65 do speed runs to kind of joining the rest of the community and

Like how how did you get into HG that’s the easiest way to yeah sure it’s it’s a long um so the first thing that happened is the first person in like the MC actual Minecraft speed running Community I ever met is talking M cuz he came he

Used to just back in you know November 2020 December 2020 he used to go around in people’s chat that looked like they were speedr running and backseat them in a polite way um and I was like oh that’s nice of him so then I tuned into his

Stream and then he raided like ninjab brain and you know uh silver um and like hamazon and all these other speedr Runners and I was like oh cool and I just kind of started spreading out through these raids and like watching these Runners and this was back when

They were all averaging like silver is obviously going crazy now in terms of content you know back then it was like 10 10 viewers um as like 10 viewers mime had 10 viewers ninjab brain had you know a handful of viewers but it was always

Uh really fun to watch and I just you know did that and you know kind of found my own corner of the community and then eventually like for a year I would kind of only stay in that corner and only go to like w you watch people I was

Comfortable with and then I just kind of like was like I don’t know if I want to keep just speed running I want to kind of do something more so I was like I’m going to like try to host some you know game show cuz I was watching lwig and

Lwig was hosting like he had his Mogul not uh M money or something I think it was called and it was essentially just like Jeopardy and I was like it’s not too hard for me to host I can uh I can get like a a Jeopardy game going and I

Used you know the people I became friends with in the community uh and I asked them like hey do you just want to be on this fun little game show uh and they’re like yeah and then that kind of got spread around uh and that’s I think

The first stream Curry ever watched of me was my first mcsr Jeopardy remember was this what year was this this was mid 2021 okay and I remember like tweeting about it and being like hey that went really well thank you guys for everyone who watched and then Curry responded and

Was like uh this is the first time we ever like directly interacted but he responded to my tweet and was like hey that was like super entertaining I haven’t laughed that hard ages that was like you know like you did a great job and uh fun fact I screenshotted that

Tweet and I have it saved somewhere uh cuz it really motivated me to keep you know keep working on stuff like that I’ll relate in a second yeah definitely yeah that was kind of the Icebreaker and then from there I I kind of was like

Well I can you know I can do this again now that like people have seen that I did one event and even though it was scuffed it was still like entertaining you know yeah and it was still fun for the people to be on so then I was like

Well I can do like another event I’ll go like you know uh I’ll do like a Family Feud and I can have more people and I’ll have like an hbg team if people want to play so I reached out to like fineberg and Curry and I think both my first ever

DMS with them were about game shows um but yeah I just reached out to like both of them and like a bunch of other hpg members and a bunch of other like uh go next gang members and like other you know speed earning communities and just

Kind of brain shottle lot that way and then that’s when I started watching them more cuz up until this point I didn’t really watch Curry I didn’t really watch fine you know uh I kind of stayed in my own corner and just started chatting more and there were you know did talk

About feet a decent amount but I wouldn’t say that was the reason if anything that might have hindered things a bit for a while but why what went through your head to talk about beat so much I’m so confused yeah that’s a good question and I genuinely don’t think I

Have an answer I don’t remember what flipped in my head between like 20 like early 2021 and late 2021 that I just like I will say every like I started talk my feet more I don’t but it was a good bit and it the moment I started

Doing it more like my viewers started increasing I was just one of those things where like it’s just becomes your like for instance for some bizarre reason I see all my streams out and I see all my uh all my podcasts out with don’t eat too much bread pieces and like

It just became a thing that I just say now constantly and it just kind don’t e too much bread I think kind of my vibe yeah and then you know eventually I just became you know friends with more and more hbg members and eventually nerdy shot me an

Invite along with uh who did I join with I think it was group of four yeah it was me mly G Evan K and speckner uh which was very cool cuz we were all hanging out at twitchcon right before that twitchcon San Diego oh cool um yeah no

It was uh it was cool and uh it’s obviously I think not that I’m like a crazy sized Creator but I am super thankful that you know I am where I’m at cuz even though I don’t get the most amount of views or anything like that

I’m still like to have any sort of success on Twitch is so difficult and the fact that not only have I been able to continue streaming and enjoy it but I’ve also been able to make like really good friends and really good connections through it it’s been very cool happy

With that that’s the same with like the podcast kind of going back to how earli I said I’ll be able to relate to you in a second like you know I’m I’m so grateful cuz the podcast at a time of recording this it will it will by the

End of the year and it might even by the time this podcast comes out just based on who’s getting announced tomorrow from I’m recording this who you know is getting an outc it’s like I’m so grateful that despite not even having a th000 subscribers despite like you know

Not even having a th000 followers on Twitter like people are still like yourself now giving me the shot to grow the podcast cuz you know I I I talked about stream about you know I I started off with just inviting friends on which is true I just started off inviting

Friends yeah and even then like you know I’m not I’m not trying to be parasocial here and say like oh me and you are friends but I have had you added on Discord for a while it’s not like I’m just invite you on and I told you like a

Very long time ago that I’d like you to come on the podcast and I think it’s been like what three four months since I invited you on and now you’re finally here it’s like you know I just it’s just I’m I’m very grateful to you as well

Like not trying to make this sloppy but how you mentioned for people giving you the shot it’s like just the guest the guests don’t have to say yes right and not every guest has ever said yes I haven’t ien I don’t have a 100% hit right I think I have like based on

People I’ve invited who I’ve been actually not just like a random sh dark who I’ve had I’ve have added on Discord and then invited him I think I have like a 90% hit rate which is kind of crazy you know when you look at the guests and

Like I hav’t I haven’t invited everyone on I want because you know I’m I’m very backlogged but you know it’s just it’s just taking opportunities doing stuff like what you did you did the Jeopardy game show people loved it and now like with your most recent Jeopardy you had

What um fineberg uh Cory way and I feel very bad for forgetting the final name but they were the winner of the previous Jeopardy uh PX 12 yes yes there you go and it’s just like because you did one thing in the community and it’s just because you did one thing that you

Thought was funny and it did really really well and now look and it’s like with the podcast is just something I enjoy it it’s doing good and yeah no and I think it’s important to realize that like if you weren’t doing a good job with the podcast then you wouldn’t have

A 90% hit rate so it’s also on you like if lwis didn’t spend 2 hours on it you know like if if you spend 2 hours on something on a call I don’t remember that Lou’s exact time maybe it was closer to like an hour and a half it was

Something like that it was 2 hours it was over 2 hours cuz the first part was over two hours gotcha but you don’t spend that much time on something as a guest if you’re having a bad time you know yeah exactly so it’s a it’s it’s you know you’re obviously doing a good

Job hosting which is how I feel the same way about like you know jeopardy and Family Feud it’s like obviously I’m very lucky to have these people who want to play but I need to make sure I’m doing a good job of having them enjoy it and I

And I think I generally do yeah cuz that that was a amazing video by the way like you’re so good I I I I was going to watch you at one point anyways I but just once again I’ve been a bit busy and it’s like and obviously you coming on

Podcast kind of motivated me just to watch it so had a rough idea of what it was like I haven’t watched the family food one I am going to watch it I actually I’m I’m caught up with podcast until recording this one so I’ll probably end up watching itrow hon so

Nice yeah it is a bit of investment it’s a little longer minutes yeah that’s what I mean not to claim I I’m fully like thing but I am like cuz once once I’m done recording this I’ll go have dinner and then I’ll probably get to editing

This and it’s like con I got you makes sense makes sense yeah no you’re right it’s it’s like I guess I guess like because fil I interacted with a tiny bit before actually no not really I mean I invited him on but then I interacted him

A little bit with him a little bit before him actually coming on we were fruitberries it was purely just I invited him didn’t really talk in between he came on and it was it’s the longest podcast being like 2 hours 20 minutes or something like that yeah

Jesus so I again of guess what you get what you mean it’s like if they’re not enjoying talking on the podcast they’ try and wrap it up which some people do because of time constraints like I know you today you have to go but if you can

Carry on I have a rough time limit but I can go for a while yeah exactly and that’s what I mean so like a lot of people do kind of just have to wrap it up for the sake of it but like you can tell in the podcast at least I can that

People are enjoying coming on in more people want to come on people are reaching out to damn I actually same with your streams like I I really enjoyed watching your stream with Cory I was able to sit for it normally I watch streams on mute like right now I’m

Watching a stream on mute while we do the podcast it just helps like well it helps to Strat my brain a little bit just to be fair who you watching just not a twitch stream I’m watching the the dormund match oh yeah of course yeah exactly that’s what I mean it’s just

Like to keep our kind of Minds focused in a sense but exactly yours is one that I’m not saying I can’t for anybody but yours is one I can actively watch with sound on just cuz you’re interacting with chat as well you know I like stream

You can interact with chat and keep it interesting and that’s kind of despite being on a call with Cory you were still able to interact to chat consistently no that’s definitely something I try to focus on cuz I think like and I don’t mean this in a negative way at all but

When you’re someone like fineberg and feberg does interact with his chat like he reads it and you can tell when he notices something he hard his like like one of his biggest things is that he’s just so good at the game and people will

Tune in to watch him be good at the game and he does a great job of balancing that with being really entertaining cuz he’s like really fun but like I don’t have that same factor of like well people are going to watch me cuz they

Want to watch me you know play the game cuz I don’t really have that skill factor so I I try to like balance it out by you know being as entertaining as I can and trying to really Foster that you know non you know not a pair of social

Way but Foster that connection with chat to the point where like you know it doesn’t feel like I’m Dono Walling the entire chat yeah and it’s it’s a bit easier few as well like cuz fineberg chat is just outrageous sometimes like with movement it’s like you get lucky if

You see your message but you know kind of just happens that’s why I just um I just ven him $5 to read all my messages you know w w friend look at know uh more on the topic of speedrunning then kind of touching a little bit back on that is

Uh so one big thing that I I bought up with I bought up with a few others but one it kind of means a lot more to you just based on the video you made was the 10man speedrun with xqc oh yeah yeah I’ve bought this up with others but I I

When I bought with the others I don’t really know too much about it but with yours I actually know a decent amount so why I wrote down was you made it a really really emotional ending despite it being severely scuffed you you clutched up you were the final bed I

Mean you had two beds in entor but you were the final bed kill on the end of dragon yeah and you also killed yourself and a few others in the process of that bed however but the dragon died however the dragon died but the speed one wouldn’t have counted unless somebody

Went to the credits as far as I’m aware right yes but nerdy somehow made it into the credits the most clutch moment of nerdy’s life well partially yours as well for having the bed and blowing up the dragon oh yes oh yes what was that whole experience

Like that kind of that kind of it was this whole like this whole talking to you getting to know how you got into the community how you got into hpg that’s what links into this because if you didn’t meet the people you met not to say you wouldn’t have but the likelihood

Of you doing a speedrun cc significantly lowers you know what I mean yeah no 100% 100% so how did like not not even how did that come to be what was the whole experience like right so I was just streaming I was streaming before that and I have like Discord open on my

Second Monitor and I see that I get a ping from K4 not like me directly but K4 posts a link in hbg and all it’s just like some random just created Discord server and all it says is like hey join now if you want a speedrun with XC I’m

Like what so I just I click that button as soon as it pops up and I just see xcc chilling in a in XC and and uh pocs or pocs both chilling in a uh just in a call and I’m like oh well that’s sick is

I I just yeah I didn’t and I’m not the biggest xqc fan specifically you know I’m not I’m not [ __ ] talking but his content isn’t generally for me [Applause] well exactly and it’s one of the most iconic you know people on Twitch so I’m not you know it was it was super cool

What ended up happening is yeah we just ended up like getting the servers figured out and I was like well I’m just going to like you know be myself here I’m not you know [ __ ] you know [ __ ] being shy like [ __ ] being a little timid

I’m just going to you know be myself and if if x ends up hating me or poke ends up hating me that’s fine you know I’m probably never going to talk to them again so it’s not a not a massive deal but yeah we just got like 10 members in

There and I think K4 organized it all and the goal was just to get that world record that like a nine plus world record I think I don’t know what the official category name is and yeah and I was like well I’m just going to be myself obviously like you know my

Content’s weird I put myself out there that’s fine there was a couple of highlights like I remember I hit on xqc like you know I as I I think he was just a little confused but the joke landed in his chat so that’s all I need what was

It I need to hear it h i can’t remember it was something like you know like like he asked if anyone had beds and I said I only have one but we can share it or something like that you know that’s good actually if that’s someone that’s I mean

Yeah if it’s along those lines it’s good yeah I can’t remember you know I can’t I can’t remember it exactly but it is along those lines I remember sh and then obviously the other highlight was everyone like screaming in the end cuz they didn’t know exactly what had uh you

Know like a lot of people had died or a lot of people ran out of beds and they didn’t know exactly what was happening in the end fight so I just like ran over and placed a bed and didn’t care about cover and just blew myself up but I blew

The draging up with me and it died and then I was just screaming at someone to to go and run in the fountain I think like you said nerdy ended up doing that yeah that was a very hectic finish to a very hectic stream but it was so so cool

It was a bit like as I watching about the video like silver runs one runs up right he’s like oh yeah I’m just going to like do the dragon like okay and somebody else goes and does the dragon instead with their beds and then while they’re doing the dir dragon blow up

Silver and then in the process also run out of beds and it’s just like it’s so it was the thing is it was chaotic for no reason like it didn’t have to like it could have just just R up done it and it would have been done but I think that’s

What makes it more of an emotional oh God easy to remember there’s the word I’m looking for easy to remember in a moment you know and it was you who clutched up in the end it was you who got the final kill you can say that you’re you’re the one who

Essentially completed the xcc 10 man speedrun yeah I like the like the video title said I carried xcc world record me me when me when KNX out was in my game to do a uh to do an MCC um MCC uh update video and then he died and I won that

Game so I made a video I carried the noite in a game of actually factually it’s true yeah exactly that was a sick video though that whole experience I bet it was really really cool for you and how come like that never happened again is it

Because you kind of just got the WW on and was done or you said you also did je with sqc right or something you mentioned it ear or am I tripping uh no I don’t think I ever did as a XC I thought you said it earlier you did like

A j you hold like a world you used to who was it you used to hold the world record for a Duo run with uh FSG quad Oh no just like an IRL the 1.65 I coop like it wasn’t even probably world record but no one submitted runs

For that category cuz why would you I just why hadc at one point my bad no it was you probably heard it cuz I was talking about the nine plus world record that’s oh and is that the 10 man yeah that’s just okay that’s probably I think

I think when you mentioned it you said duo with see us on that’s I got you yeah it’s probably that makes sense probably made a blunder no it’s proba hear that’s still cool though it’s still very very cool oh 100% yeah anything else to do with speedr running that do you want to

Talk about mention cuz I mean like I don’t know cuz you’ve got obviously got like a lot more going for you right now like there’s outside of speed running I know recently you yourself in hpg raised a good amount of money for the uh Palestine CH children’s Relief Fund I

Really hope I’ve got the right charity here yeah uh it was two different charities so that’s one and then it was Medical Aid for Palestine where this was the second charity okay how much did you raising all in all do you remember so it wasn’t just hpg it was mcsr as a whole

That’s what I meant did I did I say hpg I meant mcsr but no it’s fine uh curry curry um and I want to make sure I get the right names here so it was Curry and Kayla and Abby uh and then I also helped

With some of it but it was mainly them three who organized a lot of it I think we ended up raising almost $88,000 for those two Charities jeez more but between s like say four four each or eight each no like eight total but I don’t know what the split was that’s

What I meant sorry if it was like 50/50 that’s what I meant so yeah it was great to see and obviously like you know you know it’s it’s it’s charity that helps children and it helps people in medical needs so it’s objectively a good cause and you’re always going to have people

Who hate on you for you know putting your beliefs out there it happened you know cuz we did another charity last year was it last year I’ve honestly lost track of time I think it was either last year or earlier this year for you know women’s reproductive rights in the US

And we raised like $20,000 that time um and always you know going to have people being like Oh you know like you’re here to like play Minecraft like you you know you have kids watching you you shouldn’t be talking about these issues and it’s always like I personally I’m like if you

Don’t agree with me politically that’s fine but I’m not going to like censor myself or stop talking about these causes that I care about or these Charities that I care about I’m going to do everything I can to support it and it’s up to you if you care about that or

Not you know so it’s cool it’s super cool to see a lot of mcsr in the same same mindset as that cuz it’s always great to see the community come together and raise a lot of support and money for charity what causes that you know as a

Collective we all care about I think it really goes to show that like even you know a relatively small community cuz we’re not like there’s bigger Minecraft communities out there and there’s obviously bigger twitch communities out there but it’s cool to see that you know if people come together there’s a lot of

Good stuff that can still be done you can still you can still raise a lot of money I mean earlier this year um my dad did the London Brighton cycle which he does every year and uh my stream ended up raising 200 for it was for mental

Health did he do it for mental health he normally does it for I can’t remember what he did it for this ship I think it was still a mental health charity nonetheless but yeah so we ended up I mean I contributed £50 towards it but

150 all in all so 200 how uh how far is London Brighton how many kilometers all right so uh he starts the cycle at give or take 8:00 a.m. in the morning and he gets there right in about 2:00 p.m. I don’t really know how nice so yeah he um

He does it every single year he wants it the Le into Paris like oh damn yeah he’s always ra money for Char which is really really cool so I I enjoy no definitely yeah there wasn’t really much to touch on that one cuz it was just it was just

I just want to bring up that you guys had raised money for I appreciate that always yeah definitely shout out to Curry shout out to Kayla and shout out to Abby for organizing that shout out to everyone definitely and Shout out yeah exactly shout out to everyone who

Participated with that being said then I think we’ve I think this is we move away from speedr running now into other topics cuz there wasn’t really much to talk about there nor when have a speed one on on the podcast it’s the entire podcast but you’re more like just an alleged one

Anyways you know not real yeah I just you know just pretend to just pretend to speedrun sometimes go through the motions from pretending to speedrun there is something very raw that’s been happening recently and that’s you getting in tournaments no way yes tournaments and events and it’s been so much

Fun so uh you’ve been in Mayhem while you’re when’s this this podcast is coming out on the 15th so you’re in Mayhem tomorrow actually right the 16th yeah so you’ll be in Mayhem tomorrow from when this podcast is coming out uh essentially so you were in the first

Mayhem you were teamed with uh I can’t remember who silver runs into other people and then the only one I really care about is your second Mayhem I don’t really care about the other on is because you’re team with me me you fineberg and silver runs the speedrun

Team it went crazy uh we actually did really well as well we came third as a team I think we got third yeah me and you carried as well which was great absolutely we carried the two fraud BG and silver frauds how how is that whole experience finally getting to play in a

Tournament cuz I I know like like in a tournament is of this kind of sense cuz you haven’t really been in it have you yeah I mean that mayam was my first which it’s just fun to do it’s fun to do like cuz I don’t really like anything

Other than Minecraft Speed Learning I’m not a big like UHC guy I’m not a great like parkour challenge map guy I really find survival really boring so it’s cool to see that the other like things in Minecraft that like aren’t as open or that I haven’t done before um it’s

Really fun to participate them and kind of the experience the new stuff and like see how far people’s creativity can go in terms of like the mini games and and the builds and stuff like that so yeah I had a great time in Mayhem and then also

Um yesterday from when this was recorded I played in my first ever black Wars which is uh before you talk about the experience absolutely cuz I like to keep it kind of in order here just so it doesn’t geted up for the listeners before you talk about how that was let’s

First by talking about how the [ __ ] did you get into block president pan KS I know for a while you’ve been making jokes I I said I I think I think on stream today I said was like I was like I watched ound cakes PV I said it’s

Crazy how begging can get you so far but I said in like a jokey way not not actually like serious begging cuz I said it in your stream as well it’s like you know like the D like constantly bringing up constantly saying that you want to be

In and then now you got something in so how did how did that come to be I don’t know how much I can say but I will say I met fire breath man at twitchcon uh and we were both we were at an MCC party and

Curry brought me as his plus one a so I was at the MCC party at twitchcon which was a ton of fun and we I don’t know how drunk fbm was Shane but I was drunk uh off my ass because they had free beers and I took a lot of people’s beer

Tickets because they like had people handing yeah exactly so I I was uh not the most sober but I I remember talking to like Shane about like just block wars in general and being like Oh sneakily like half joking you know if you want to put my name in there then I didn’t

Really think much about it and then you know it’s been like maybe a couple times since then and then I got a DM from Wolfie saying hey I think I think I can leak this cuz the event already happened so it shouldn’t be anything but he said

Hey poundy just out of curiosity are you able to be family friendly and I go like well I can try it’s not my forte um oh know you I mean you talked about the whole having to be family friendly because of lagundo on on stream that

Should be good to share oh there you go yeah there you go yeah so he goes like yeah like and I mean like do you mean like no swearing he goes yeah no swearing at all and so I go definitely a lot easier for me to be non-family

Friendly to be honest but I can shut it off when it’s required uh you know whatever is easiest for you and then I don’t don’t get a DM for a while and then the next day 2 hours before Block Wars starts two like 3 hours before

Block Wars starts I go I get a DM it’s like hey would you be available at 2 p.m. uh Eastern today for Block Wars this hypo the hypothetical situation above was the substitute for ashwag and you’re my best option and I play it cool but I’m freaking out and I go yep that

Totally works for me and then that’s that’s it I just subbed in for ashw who I play a lot of FIFA with by the way so I got to give him a shout out next time we play because him subbing out really uh helped me out are you

What can you leak too much on the future or is it something you don’t really know about yourself if I I don’t really know much about the future you know I’ll take it as it’s given have you been kicked from the Discord server yeah uh no I can

Say that that’s something I said on stream I think I there so obvious there’s a Discord server anyway no no no the Discord server is public but I mean like um it’s not like not public it’s like public knowledge that it exists but I was asking Wolfie on stream like hey

Should I leave and he go like eh so I have no knowledge about how it’s going to work in the future zero knowledge but it was crazy even if it’s just a one-time thing it was so so much fun um and I don’t think I swore which is

Incredible you said freck three times I’m kind of words freck freck does not count yes freck is the you can say freck on like a children’s TV show it’s a squ word I don’t care freck is freck is not a square word past the age of like 10

But yeah I felt like I felt really you know proud of myself that was my highlight in that performance was not swearing now I will say I didn’t expect myself to do well my goal was 25th in Block Wars and I got exactly 25th and I

Will take that the couple moments I felt like you know I definitely could have done better for the team but like overall I had so much fun and I had a couple of highlights I killed I killed every hbg member in extraction which is the last play I killed uh puns I killed

Curry I killed uh Fulham and I killed fineberg so really kind of I don’t know you know I I my goal was to go into that knowing that I wouldn’t do you know amazing individually but that I wanted to go and just be happy with how I performed and get some highlights and

You know do what I could for the team and I think in terms of that I was uh pretty successful I I mean I I had my povs planned I think I told you this I had like two povs planned and and yeah and I ended up watching poundy I mean I

Had the PVS on in the background anyways to like support them but I ended up watching poundy while I uh while I edited away yeah yeah you were my background you about my background stream you should be honored yeah I do appreciate that no you did you did great

And it’s it’s nice to see pling more tournaments you’re now three on the tro for Mayhem so you might not might not play next season who knows maybe they’ll put you four on the tro you never know uh but who knows we might even see you in other tournaments you know MCC live

EU maybe who knows they’ll fly you out they’ll put you on definitely definitely me I’m definitely at the top of Scott’s list you never know though pound cake you never why I just called you pound cake you never know though poundy you know you never know what other people

Are thinking you you got invited on the podcast I’m sure this is something that you maybe you didn’t expect oh yeah I never expected never expected I will say if I got a MCC invite I would like be like hey thanks but give this to Curry

Or Lewis or fineberg first like this is not something like they they deserve it way more than I do that’s fair yeah well I who knows you might say that and then they might be getting invited at the same time you g away your SP for no

Reason they just take it away yeah we’ll give it to them who we were planning on anyways but oh well yeah now too bad for you maybe uh have you ever been interested in maybe joining Minecraft Mania as well I don’t know too much about Mania basically like another

Mayhem another Block Wars really with his own different unique games I mean I’m not un opposed I would assuming it’s you know a fun event which I assume it will be yeah it’s a good event I don’t really have too much pull there considering I’ve only really played one

Tournament in the last like eight months so I don’t I don’t I don’t really have the kind of like thing I had with Mayhem to be able to get like people in the tournament but uh you know if anyone from Mania is listening to this listen

To the party podcast you know if you’re part of the staff team go tell Justin that p p is interested and then you know he can go from there so the thing is they’ve got like the the thing about Mania is they like to keep it like

Viewer friendly as well so it’s they’ve got just got like a really really big roster which is the issue so you know like un like Mayhem where it’s kind like exclusive and Block Wars is exclusive to content creators well content creators in quotation marks it’s like cuz not

Saying any other people aren content creators in Mania but you get I mean it’s more like community based as well yeah so it’s a lot harder to kind of get people into that yeah definitely but yeah so Block Wars all in all was a sick tournament you did pretty well I was

Kind of let down that you a speedrunner didn’t really do amazing in the delivery game I thought You’ do a bit better and also in the build game a little bit faster yeah in order up and in uh in the the build game I was a little bit disappointed the speedrunner pound cake

Here didn’t really but then I guess I guess that’s the alleged speedrunner in in you right yeah I did uh I did good in both PVP mini games which surprised me yeah you popped off you did really really well you cooked in fact yeah overall very very happy with it yeah I

I’m I’m proud of you man I’m happy I’m happy that you’re getting your kind of shot at these things and I hope only for the best going forward with you thank you thank you thank you and and then the final thing I guess this is going to be

A sh podcast actually wow it’s going to be a short inside MC oh no I mean it’s still a great inside MC which just we’re kind of covering topics pretty easily is uh sure sure is uh the your brand new game show Trend so you’ve been uploading on the

President pound Channel as of recently uh let me check if this is still a fact before I before I drop it on the podcast yes if I go to my audience you are on the third page for for viewer for channels that your audience watches and it was completely like unintentional by

The way to have you come on the podcast that was pretty cool that you were also like someone that my viewers watch but uh you know you’ve been getting into like if I go to your channel now you’ve done I made speed Runners answer Minecraft’s dumbest questions which was

Family Feud 2 and you did can speed Runners answer Minecraft’s hardest questions that’s kind of it for like right I mean you did a family field a year ago but that was a year ago yeah family field in a Jeopardy did about a year ago yeah so are you going to start

Looking at doing um are you going to start looking at doing more more like game show have you got more plans show streams and videos I like tentatively I do the issue is that coming up with 50 unique questions for Jeopardy is very difficult to the point where and I like

I think I like hosting Jeopardy a little more I think it is it’s more lineer and easier to digest for viewers obviously I really like Family Feud as well but you should do the chase I have thought about the chase uh I’ve thought about uh Qi as

Well game show like you know it’s not like a competitive game show but it’s still I’ve thought about a lot of British like game show format what you that one game called A League of Their Own you could do that maybe as well that could be a full little idea you nice

What if I did who uh what if I did what I li to you oh I just think we’ like Chase for example the reason I mentioned it first is cuz you could have like fineberg Cory way and uh I don’t know who’s like who’s really knowable about

Like [ __ ] that would be a really good traser just anyone else right and then and then you could have them up against like ask like basic speedrun questions for people but have them up against like people who aren’t fully speed Runners but kind of know like for instance like

I guess for just for sake of like fber Coro film then you have three people and all three so the first person gets to pick their Chaser the second person gets a choice out of the two other Chasers and then the third person is stuck with the thir chaser for example right they

Not stuck with you what I mean and then just have it so like three who aren who are speedr Runners but not fully clued up like the three of them and be fun no absolutely I I definitely have given it some thought and I do want it’s I do

Definitely 100% want to do in the future just game shows in general like just trivia ones are harder like quiz shows are harder just cuz the questions there’s only a finite amount of interesting questions you get out of Minecraft we don’t have to do speed running only though you can move into

Just like actual Minecraft no no no I did for Jeopardy um yeah but still I mean there still like it still like you can also just move into YouTube topics or stream topics or yeah definitely that I think that would take Minecraft YouTubers play fortnite Jeopardy yeah no I could definitely um definitely

Want to explore it especially cuz now I’m trying to uh you know focus on YouTube a little bit more and those videos translate pretty well to YouTube compared to most speedrun like compared to a lot of just speedr running videos so yeah definitely definitely something I’m going to look look into more and

Definitely something I’m going to do in the future I’m excited to see where it goes pound thank you thank you I’m excited to see the future you’re cont like I said I actually do watch your videos give or take when I say give or take yeah you know what I mean

Like I do watch them I appreciate that with uh with that being said then is there anything else that you want to talk about before we get into the Twitter questions is there something you thought I was going to bring up and it’s kind of just went over my head and I let

Me think no I mean I think you covered everything I thought you were going to cover Look Me podcast H there yeah great be great yeah got all the all the interesting all the interesting stuff so basically everything about your life then exactly I do have some Twitter questions

Here so one is from board anim and how do you avoid huge crowds of fans when you go out yeah so I I do have to you know one of those um like fake glasses and mustaches yeah yeah I have to I have to wear one of those and like a hoodie and

Like cuz I get swarmed everywhere I go it makes life very hard I can imagine but you know with it comes you know tons of money and like 2 million 3 million average viewers on Twitch so it’s you know at the end of the day like it’s

Give and take there’s pros and cons but just got to deal with it somehow with great content come great Fame in the words of SP Spider-Man you’re like this is he did say that he was the person well this is you’re you’re Spider-Man in this reality so that’s the way you say

It the other confus how do you know I’m Spider-Man how’ you figure that out next question is from I Eddie YT uh how big is the pressure being the only real contester to beat xylen ox’s 745 yeah um at the end of the day like you know

There’s a lot of misplays in Z 745 so I don’t feel much pressure cuz I know it’s going to happen eventually yeah at the end of the day you know he got two flint and Steels um he made other mistakes that I definitely can think of and am

Just refusing to mention yeah you don’t you don’t expose that how you’re going to Bear it exactly exactly so I I I see the path to Victory I just need to roll the seed so there’s no pressure on me if there’s anything there’s pressure on Minecraft to give me the right seed yeah

I mean you know obviously they’re not like they’re not you exactly I think that’s what like so there’s no pressure at all I don’t mean this disrespectfully to z z is probably like a top 50 speedrunner in the game right now yeah exactly I mean that you know full

Respect but as someone um you know respectfully about myself I’m top two not two yeah you’re you’re not second but you are top two exactly yeah exactly so yeah okay and then and then the final one and you’re not going to like this one I know someone’s going to make you

Really really angler from bendo it’s not really not really a Twitter question oh my numbers before he comes for the two goal assist per game Star Striker SMH M so for context for the podcast viewers I play pro clubs with bendo and peble and other you know UK people in the

Minecraft SC sphere as well as like awag who has recently joined cool bendo is our Striker whenever he plays and he is averaging two goals plus assists per game on average which is great great for bendo here’s the part he didn’t tell you is that heading in pro clubs is the most

OP thing ever and Crossing is the most OP thing ever so all of his goals come from him standing in the box and hitting B and me and Pebble on the wing doing all the work and giving him the ball only getting two goals a game is disappointing for him he should he

Should not be bragging about it we put Pebble up there cuz last week we had a session where we had Pebble play Striker and cuz bendo wasn’t there Pebble averaged three goals a game all headers from us just spamming crosses into the box it takes very little skill and I’m

Not you know I’m not surprised to see bendo cling on to that the way he’s getting cooked in in fantasy football right now getting cooked by me American football to be clear um you know he’s grasping that straws and I get it but you know he’s coming at the king and he

Missed at the end of the day I’m kind of sad that I haven’t been invited to be honest um I do not have invite for him so I can ask no so bendo bendo said he isn’t going to play much like FIFA yeah like for the rest of year he’s quite

Busy andly yeah he he hasn’t been playing the last like few like I don’t know four or five weeks he hasn’t been playing much so like I feel a bit scared joining without him is what I mean but like if you’re going to be there I I’ll

I’ll buy FIFA right now pound I’ll join how often did you guys play and what time cuz I don’t really want to join it’s weeks we won’t play at all and some weeks we’ll play like three three days a week what time genuinely is it genely uh

Like UK I think like 5:00 p.m. oh that that cooks wait I can actually join maybe early maybe like 300 p.m. I don’t know the UK the US time translation well you’re 5 hours you’re EST yeah no I’m CST uh CST so how how far are you behind

EST how many hours one okay so you’re six hours behind us yeah oh that checks yeah that does check yeah fair I I’ll happily Join one day if if I if I ever get the poundy I will I will trying to put your for here by the way I’m like

Half joking well I mean I I it’s not my decision to make anyway but yeah I can I can put in a vouch you know W same thing you know like like you put in a vouch for me when you talk to no noite right like to join MCC okay we actually made

Like and we actually made an agreement me and AJ so we wouldn’t vouch anyone and I just completely went against it on the podcast I was like literally on the podcast like put youou me no that’s valid ajx got really annoyed but I was

Like I don’t care like P is my Lord and Savior uh the final final Twitter question and I actually have one more topic that I forgot to bring up but it’s better thecast anyways and it is like a serious one uh is from Death emu or death emu however you pronounce it so

Sorry advice for other aspiring speedr Runners don’t um wow that’s a way to put someone off H here’s my advice to people who just want to get into speedr running is enjoy those first few months weeks years however long it takes where you are improving constantly and you have

Visible visible improvements like every time you play just really like focus on enjoying that because the more you play and the more you speedrun it feels like you’re kind of plateauing and it it doesn’t feel like you’re not noticing those improvements within yourself as

Much and then that can lead to a lot of frustration so kind of just yeah like you can focus on getting better and you can focus on sweating but also just like you know make sure you’re enjoying it don’t make yourself speedrun if you’re not enjoying it like if your if your

Only goal is to get a sub eight and you’re not going to be happy until you get a sub eight and you’re not going to like celebrate any of your achievements until that like you know don’t uh it’s not really I I don’t think that’s the

Greatest mental get it to if you’re just going to start my uh my PB is 27 minutes and I only speed I only speed run for a month I got 27 and I threw two sub 20s and it hurt oh no yeah the sub 20 grind

Is the most painful grind I’ve ever been on well being that early on when you don’t really know too much cuz I think I like nearly sub 20 in my second R speed running I like was ready to leave the never 11 minutes without ninja brain bot

Uh and it was like and and then I lost my way and Fortress to get cuz basically I did Monument Str uh so I I know my never portal came out straight right next to a fortress with piglins I traded with the piglins got everything I needed and into

Fortress got the blaze rods then lost my way back and it was the most horrible painful situation in the entire world no oh no that you know it made me realize that I don’t actually want to be a physical speedrunner and I want my inter I want my impact on the mtsr community

To be with like the podcast and bringing on speed sadly I probably won’t really have any one has now on until February because I’ve had so many on I need I need to Branch out on other communities as well yeah that makes sense uh the final topic then which I

Forgot to bring up which I I mean I like once again it’s kind of better anyways cuz this is away from Minecraft completely is you’re a football fan I am a football fan I am watching this Dortmund game right now still one zero still one you’re actually in uh you’re

Actually in my uh my you’re I’m not not even in my I joined yours is the uh Fantasy Premier League which bendo is at the top currently funny enough at the top I didn’t know that and you are you are eigh you are currently like 30 points ahead of me your

Team eight out of 12 team name is Hound Mike Acres it’s great team name why it’s an amazing team name I I love it but but why I just you know why not I really didn’t have a thought going through my brain when I made that one yeah so so

Normally normally not much go go through your brain at all then does it no not really no flashback to swb Pancake oh no um yeah massive football fan I haven’t really been paying too much attention to the fantasy uh Fantasy Premier League FPL because I been two fantasy American football leagues for

Money and two fantasy American basketball leagues for money and I really want to win that money so but I do I’m overall you know I joined a week late in FPL and the fact that I’m not in last and I’m actually doing pretty decent despite that is you know I guess

Americans just know ball more than you know people from England yeah yeah how come you support dormund I just watched a lot of the Bundesliga like I want to say what 11 years ago maybe and Dortmund under clop were just like you know I don’t want to say like they were good

But they were just fun to watch exciting game I mean as you’re seeing with Liverpool now under CL obviously but you know just you can’t even be glor H don’t a [ __ ] yeah well listen you but um hey they’re winning right now so yeah no it

Was just I just I just like ended up watching a lot of Bundesliga and like I just find myself gravitating more to watching the dormund game each week and then I just became like a really big fan I saw them play in Chicago once in a

Friendly uh and you know I got couple of signatures and stuff I actually have assigned I want a giveaway I have assigned Dortmund ball and jersey signed by the entire team um back you can actually win giveaways I would say I always thought it were just fake but you

Proof that you can actually win them it was a it was a Reddit giveaway on the Dortmund subreddit um but yeah it’s signed by like everyone last last time they won the like German version of the FA Cup the DFA pcal so it has like Holland’s signature on it Sancho’s

Signature Roy’s it’s very cool it’s one of my prize possessions that’s really sick H yep yep yep I um I have assigned uh do you know the muffin time do you know a fellow who made the muffin Time song ASDF ASDF yeah Tomy right yeah I uh I I met him at uh

ComicCon yes so I have a signed post and I have a signed muffin time card game box it’s just sting underneath my desk yeah ready for when I move out um and me and my girlfriend move in together we’re going to like put on a shelf that’s sick

Yeah I used to be obsessed with Tomar yeah so it’s pretty cool meeting him got pit and everything absolutely great that’s so sick that’s super sick enough then yeah I think I think that’s pretty much everything poundy for today’s podcast there we go how long we been recording we’ve been recording for an

Hour and 15 see I made sure to keep it under before you had to go see just that amazing aren we yeah uh with that being said then before I do the outro here I always like to give this opportunity for you to promote yourself who um not who

Are you where can we find you obviously like you got different names in different places so where can we where can we find Mr poundcake yeah so my twitch is where where you’ll find me most of the time prpres poundcake and I also upload YouTube uh videos under the same name president

Pancake I’m trying to get into that more but I’ve uploaded two videos recently like the two game shows we’ve talked about but yeah I stream almost every day I’d say on average I stream like 5 to six days a week depending on how busy I am so that’s uh that’s where you can

Find me most of the time I try to keep my streams as entertaining as possible obviously a lot of speedrunning content sometimes s i do variety games but uh yeah that’s that’s where you can find me Andy said if this podcast gets 100,000 views on YouTube he’ll put me in the

Next game show you know what I will yeah yeah if it gets 100,000 views I will put love you pray it doesn’t even be on YouTube it can be 100,000 views combined oh no yeah no it’s not going to be combined on like spotify’s algorithm really stinks yeah that’s fair that’s

Fair so it have to be like n like it’ have to be like 98,000 on YouTube and then it’ probably be about 2,000 on 2,000 sptify gotta yeah no you’re amaz you’re amazing to a to py nothing but compliments towards the chef here so keep up the

Good and stuff yeah thank you so much that was a really enjoy I really like being on it than thank you so much for having me all good this has been inside MC with the amazing what’s what’s what’s the swb stand for again uh speed speed speed running white bro what was it

Speed running with speedr running with the big man there we go that’s yeah there we go speed run with the big man pound cake thank you for watching stay safe don’t need too much bread pieces

This video, titled ‘President Poundcake – Alleged Speedrunner & Minecraft Game Show Host – 064’, was uploaded by InsideMC Podcast on 2023-12-15 16:00:43. It has garnered 161 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:32 or 3812 seconds.

In the sixty-fourth edition of the InsideMinecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with President Poundcake, the hero we asked for, needed and deserved, my idol, the GOAT, oh and an apparent alleged speedrunner, block wars top frag and Minecraft game show host or something I dont know. During the podcast the two start by talking about how Poundy is actually GeorgeNotFound as well as revealing the dark truth behind the meaning of the Swb in SwbPoundcake. After this Orbitzz and Poundy give their compliments to the chef as well as Poundy revealing how he flirted with xQc. This all followed by him telling the story of how he got into Block Wars as well as that entire experience all followed by how he has now become a Minecraft game show host and then some twitter questions. Oh and how he’s a football fan and supports Borussia Dortmund! This is the President Poundcake Podcast. Interested? Lets get started…

A very special thank you to our Guest(s): @PresidentPoundcake:

Podcast Socials: InsideMC Community Discord: Spotify: InsideMC Highlights: Twitter:

My Socials: InsaneOrbitzz: @InsaneOrbitzz Discord: Twitch: Twitter:

AJX’ Socials: AJX: @AJX Discord: Twitch: Twitter:

Profile Picture & Banner by: my mate Joe

Thumbnail by: @TheAuraCat

#InsideMinecraft #MinecraftPodcast #Podcast

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Own Town in Minecraft!

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    Revealed: Nostalgic Minecraft Moments 🤯 #shorts #shizoVideo Information [Music] me toay my face This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nostalgia 🥹 #minecraft #shortsminecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VekiyMC on 2024-04-30 21:52:35. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. I didn’t except that he would become Herobrine… 😯🤯 #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic videos,minecraft,minecraft realistic, realistic… Read More

  • “Unbelievable! Portal to Magical Forest in Minecraft!” #20

    "Unbelievable! Portal to Magical Forest in Minecraft!" #20Video Information iría juntar flores y qué tipo de flores se preguntarán solo flores amarillas a ver tengo ni una María vamos a empezar una recolección de flores rapidito Vámonos gente Ahora sí solo tenemos que abrir el portal y ahí acabamos el video de hoy gente hemos hecho varias cosas ustedes ya saben lo del Forest No necesitamos un diamante para abrir el portal como moneda de cambio aquí aquí jito acá acabo ser ohj Qué mala suerte tengo no me acuerdo cómo bien era abrir el portal pero yo de los videos que he visto creo que era… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack Goes Viral! 🔥 #Trending

    Insane Minecraft Hack Goes Viral! 🔥 #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new viral hack #trending #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Ankush gaming on 2024-03-03 04:35:25. It has garnered 135 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Minecraft new viral hack #trending #viral #shorts #minecraft #techno gamerz #minecraft in hindi #minecraft mod #minecraft house #life steal smp #Minecraft smp Read More

  • Save Baby Zombie with Herobrine – Insane Monster School Rescue! #shorts

    Save Baby Zombie with Herobrine - Insane Monster School Rescue! #shortsVideo Information 3 2 [Music] 1 This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine save Baby Zombie – Minecraft animation #shorts #fyp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Baby Zombie Monster School on 2024-01-11 05:00:14. It has garnered 22831 views and 1206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. more video #monsterschool #minecraftanimation #shorts #cameraman Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay ft. Pheanx Live

    EPIC Minecraft Gameplay ft. Pheanx LiveVideo Information e e oh oh that hurt for is e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for [Music] no braing Karma that boy [Music] [Music] the night for foring karma second Karma man [Music] he forsaking Karma until he dies Wow Bow oh that not work out that worked out got him going to make it all course people is… Read More


    NEW OP CHAMPION REVEALED in Minecraft PVP 🪐🌟Video Information for the stream delay I really do apologize everyone oh [ __ ] squidy please Jo join join join join join join join join please squidy you need to join right now I have to cover camera too squidy you need to join right the hell now okay I have to cover screen real quick just so yall don’t know what the yes hold on I have to cover camera real quick I have to cover camera I have to oh yeah hi ooto hold on I need to I see change streaming like yall need squidy please… Read More

  • INSANE French Fry Hack w/ Crazy Minecraft Mods!

    INSANE French Fry Hack w/ Crazy Minecraft Mods!Video Information hey guys so we decided that we were hungry we don’t have school today yeah so potato um we would have had more if we didn’t eat one last video it’s just L small we can make this no no we’re not eting we’ll make this one into extra crunchy I don’t know so for today dry wash this wow not in G fuel potato cutting action see this that’s a potato funny enough emry right here is in culinary since he goes to a vocational school this is this is true I’m not I just make french… Read More

  • PumpKraft Modded MC | Modded SMP PVE PVP | Fabric 1.20.1 | Claims Economy

    Welcome to PumpKraft! Feel free to join our server directly or our discord! Discord PumpKraft is a modded Minecraft community with a Prominence 2 [RPG] server! We aim to provide the best modded Minecraft experience possible, and as such we’ve added some extra features tailored for this modpack. Extra Features: Toggleable PvP status Claim protection Homes/rtp/tpa system Playtime ranks Trade shops Server Information: Modpack: Prominence 2 [RPG] v2.8.3 Server IP: We always make an effort to keep this community positive and productive for everyone, and everyone is welcome! Read More

  • parkour civ

    parkour civthis is the server for parkour civ made by evbo there are 20 ep so far and there will be more to come __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Where the hell are the damn mobs?”

    Looks like the mobs heard about social distancing and decided to stay home too! Read More

  • Mojang’s Mess: Has Minecraft Lost Its Shine?

    Mojang's Mess: Has Minecraft Lost Its Shine? In the world of Minecraft, Mojang reigns supreme, But are they ruining the game, is it just a dream? Controversial changes, community in a spin, Do you think Mojang’s mediocrity is a sin? From the 1.9 update, PvP took a hit, Creators and players, feeling the split. Community divided, servers left behind, Mojang’s decisions, not always kind. 1.13 brought oceans, a refreshing sight, But with new content, came a fight. 1.16 revamped the Nether, a true delight, But then came 1.17, delayed in its flight. Split into two, the update’s fate, Disappointment and frustration, the community’s state. 1.18 and… Read More