pride minecraft championships! (Streamed 6/18/22)

Video Information

I can’t have the flags i’m a duck no you have to choose one oh it’s one of them each side wait where’d they get that oh no you can do the pants and you can do that but some things are hats and some things are in the right hand

So this you can wear this and this and then one oh my god this is amazing yeah it’s so cool whoa i don’t even know which oh they’re wings no those are locked i’m so sad yeah we gotta get those when we uh gotta donate

Yeah the wings look cool oh my god it changes oh shorter chicken we got the shorter chicken do they show up in the games as well on skin what the hell is five i’m wearing i think i like the little rainbow above the head that’s pretty cool

Oh the commentators did i get it i got it i was like where did i go did you fall down i did i got scared [Laughter] wait where are you guys oh there you are oh looking good glue on james needs to use the uh get into the cult oh you look

Great too thank you thank you james is doing his once a year intro yeah yeah he he doesn’t know how to get on this i am going to go on to the the server by the way he joined the room oh yeah but is he even part of the discord

I hope so is he like um all right thank you for the two months uh deanna thank you for the four months and holly thank you thanks does he know imagine if james never i mean would play the exact same what do you mean we’ve done it the same way every time

What is he doing he doesn’t know how to get them on the call james hasn’t heard from you hang on should i just call him up until [ __ ] get in there oh you can see the uh the donation goal at the top yeah so it were 40 000 out of 25 000.

Uh yeah that was just i think they’ll start it when everyone’s in here and stuff oh look at this look at the sky it says pride well the hardest to be the team captain what do you mean we need a team captain yeah why not is gluon gonna be the team captain

I don’t know he’s not even in the call oh glue on the left i think he’s going to get james being so quiet he said oh it’s four o’clock in the morning i figured it out yeah look it’s 4am so you know hi you beat you beat uh laser beam to

The server so that’s good yeah look i mean these things happen yeah yeah and to be honest jamie they give you the four months and like i’m messaging it no one messaged back so that’s not on me yeah you know full responsibility what happened

He didn’t know how to talk to us no i forgot i have this look jack stepped a guy was like call james get him in the car get him in the car here i was so bad at like midnight and had to get a book full of great game

Plays is here so it’s gonna be great i figured out why zeus is now like uh mcc champion yeah was that and it’s not because of the training it’s because he doesn’t live in australia anymore and he just that’s it it is true yeah yeah if i literally

Moved to the other side of the world i would be a champion at this game do it james do it And then you uh during an mcc and then we’ll see if you can play as good as me who’s swapping well james and i wait ollie’s calling me ollie is okay hi hello welcome to the show asha i just want to quickly let you know right now

We are being the first people ever to officially shoutcast mcc and we have brought you in to be the first ever shoutcasting interview how are you feeling about the event sasha i’m feeling good thank you you’re not involved yeah can you get in the castle oh yeah yes i’m sorry

Thank you thank you all right again how are you feeling about the event sasha i’m feeling great i’m feeling i’m really pumped is it is it good to be back with with uh the quote-unquote simmers oh i feel it yeah it feels like home you know

Do you feel like zeus is he’s obviously had a very large training upgrade do you think that’s gonna have any positive effect on the rest of you he’s gonna lead you better than perhaps previously i do but oh we have a visitor do you think that you love him more now as his

Loving girlfriend because he’s good at minecraft i’m gonna have to say yes that makes a lot of sense that makes a lot of sense that’s a great question yeah um so uh we we are big believers and we’ve actually you know you started the campaign but we are now backers of this

Campaign um we’re big believers in not last oh okay yeah me too i’ve been pushing for blue black blue black blue background place for a while now i’m a big fan of the the simmers yeah i mean i mean i don’t want to put any pressure on here but

I actually i actually predicted you guys to beat pink in build mod i have you guys in i have you guys in eighth place for bill maher wow that’s very confident yeah i am confident in you guys just a little bit and listen to each other you could pull ahead because i

Think that team’s gonna fall apart in communications me and zeus do almost break up when that game comes up so i know wow i’ve seen it worrying that the last time i spoke to zeus he said those exact words that is concerning that is a little concerning

Um well we made the eighth place we may see a breakup who knows what’s gonna happen anything could happen on mcc pride exactly it really could sasha it’s been an absolute pleasure i’m gonna let you get back to your team now since we literally just stole you and you had no

Idea what was going on thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you for for having me yeah good luck thank you you too love your outfit by the way thank you thank you you guys are great thank you thank you goodbye goodbye how do i get rid of her

[Laughter] okay i just got interviewed oh they’re having a show over here and i was uh the first guest so that was cool oh nice yeah i’ll join they called me in a private call whoa it’s not even on but uh they you know they said that they

Were feeling really confident they were thinking we were gonna get seventh or eighth in uh bildmar and i said that’s not possible because we almost always break up and then he goes that’s really alarming because zeus said the exact same words verbatim so we might see eighth place we might see a breakup

I said anything is possible we can’t have we can’t have both a breakup and eighth place no i’m gonna say we’re not gonna do well in build mod like yeah like laser beams team with laser beams tycoon tina even when we do good at build mods we do

Bad at build mod you know like we’re like oh we’re doing really good and we look at the points like oh no no we’re not i’m not doing good wait which one which hold on which way the flag the one you want to get

Up top well the big one if you go back in like a little pride merch store yeah yeah yeah i figured that’s a good one you’re like yeah it’s in front of the flags like everyone’s carrying works i mean well not somebody’s random like glue on there

Are a lot of flags there is but this is a big one so where are we standing yeah yeah what are you gonna do here i was just thinking if we could get up top we could we can’t okay right whoever’s in the middle takes this take the photo everybody look upwards

Oh i’m sorry yeah yeah oh wait bro if you look up you can’t see the flag okay yeah that’s you’re right you’re right everybody looks i honestly feel like i’m not part of the team because i’m not matching you’re [ __ ] great you get a rainbow on your head

I do like the unicorn head okay i’ve got like an ounce flag is covering up yeah i’m gonna i’ve got a thousand screenshots okay i think we’re good well that’ll be something one of those is gonna be good so i decided i’m gonna do mcc in third person

Oh yeah but looking but looking back at yourself yeah yeah because i thought that might be the secret that’s dream secret they should do an emcee say what everyone has to play in third place oh yeah that’d be amazing but the difference between top and bottom will be even further

Because the people who are good at the game can third person another twenty gifted holy cow third person everything i’m sorry thank you but we’re eight players also you know what we should be first in the hall of fame and i kind of feel like why aren’t we we’re legends honestly exactly right

How come the hub is like flying behind them yeah that is a lot like something like um boats down there and there’s a flamingo in the sky i cannot get there they always really impressed me with their builds scott’s invited to the bath all right what are we hoping for first battle box

Everything’s been remixed right literally everything’s been remixed is that what i said yeah well i don’t know every game or just the ones that they had already like mentioned there was like four or five remixes that i saw oh and the other thing is do you want me

To do a squad call or squad oh yes oh yeah yeah yeah someone someone wants who wants to do that um i mean you just said do you want me to do it i did like so so you’re going to do it then no you’re going to do it i

Can no i i said do you want to do it oh yeah you didn’t yeah i’m pretty sure you said you want me i didn’t do someone oh okay did i okay i don’t know how to i’m doing i barely know how to stream so i

Can’t do that you know this dream oh i got a name okay can we get a petition to have james stream more often yeah i was mentioning actually now that i’ve got everyone’s audiences here i will be streaming uh this coming saturday yeah 8 a.m uh australian time i’m gonna be

Renovating my builds in the werewolf’s pack oh nice yeah because twitter and stuff do you not like your own builds yeah no i love my builds but i want to use like new objects and debug and all that kind of things without the restrictions oh yeah

I watched this video and i felt really bad about my people yeah yeah yeah i mean i’m a hard task master brilliant incredible amazing show stopping by never the same oh yeah totally unique well time was that again just you see it again again oh 8 am uh

Thank you thank you oh yeah if you guys want to change your color and chat too yeah friday yeah look i’ll post the time color of the squad schedule he’s gonna go live random times for the week oh he was all in this and if you’re

Not there like i’m gonna have a thing where you can’t join my stream unless you’re there within 30 seconds right banned i completely forgot this in this i want to unlock the wings so bad they’re so pretty do we know what the goal for that is yeah what is that 50 i

Think it’s oh my god i just have a lot of snack you know 47 000 already so oh wait i’ll flower crown and pulsating heart maybe that means that the next there we go lobby sessions fellow crafters wait where’s the chat at when i see china

Um if you go to your twitch channel um it’s just next to the stream glue on look it’s your best friend you just took it off man after all this time we’re just doing my twitch chat it’s carl we’re ready we’re ready i’m not ready because i kind of want i don’t want

Where do you find the chat or chat settings that might oh my gosh all these people are saying hi to me in the twitch chat and they’re using little pictures interesting little pictures why does it feel like there’s like 10 000 more people here than usual is it just because everyone’s in the

Lobby spot right here i feel like everyone’s more concentrated at the moment than yeah because i guess where our bodies are you know bigger now because we got all this stuff on we got a lot of match on it’s pretty sweet yeah we actually look really cute everybody looks so good it’s cute

Wait where are people getting the flags too oh yes oh yeah what oh i’m getting more tell them we’re not ready i’m still dressing up okay so we got the new flower crown and the heart look at this what does that look like hang on

Hang on if we get this um this ducky floating floating one where did my parrot go fifty thousand screams oh no it’s a dog it’s a duck okay is it is it a pound i’ve been dumped it’s just because it’s on oh it’s a rainbow chicken we’re both wrong

Oh it replaces my pulsating heart yeah no give me that back oh one minute 25 let’s go wait can i get the fly it’s actually super incredible that they’re 48 000 almost 49 000 raids already yeah i know that that is and i think that today it was like started at

25ish i think so so it’s already gone off there’s a link if you do want to donate to it in the chats yes it’s about to begin I need to turn the sound up i’m not hearing nothing oh yeah how’s my game sound in in my chat by the way guys let me know if it’s is there any music playing yes it’s starting now like it just it just faded it’s also the ping ping ping sound [Applause]

Um why don’t i hear any music flashing lights warning look at the laser show this is amazing this is better than any ariana grande song or concert wait why is there no music for me oh that’s awkward look at the laser because the music has like its own thing

I think i’m like removing all of them did you did it launch the thing when you first started up the uh what are you do you still have your texture pack on no i turned it off now Is mine okay i don’t have any i’m so sad i mean your guys should be okay because you always oh there it goes i feel like we’re always on a corner one and i feel like that really inhibits my shooting ability i feel like we should

Be on one of the ones yeah we’re always in the corner because we get stuck in these weird angles and i can’t shoot anything champions ever do that thing this is dude when you won will you want to call the music okay now i can’t remember i think so oh

Hold on let’s go [Applause] actually the remake looks kind of scary no i like it because i’m gonna be out very soon i can stop messing people up yeah yeah all right that’s very true that’s good what are you voting for for the first one i don’t know whatever you feel like

I don’t know look i’m just gonna see what everyone is us out here yeah what do you mean game else like we literally don’t i’m just trying to win we’re trying to have fun so whatever um if i don’t win i’m not having fun okay how do you guys for the win here

Okay i’ll try get back in there chicken what are we gonna get running as well which means that there’s going to be like different things at different times so we’ll be even worse at it yeah we should be fine we’re going to be even more having fun maybe we should be better

You know i’m just gonna have fun hey guys hey yeah you know what i’m gonna have fun hey i’m over here hey everybody hello look at me wait chat what’s the strap for this do you hold forward and and spacebar there’s no you just said we’re not

Trying to win why are you trying to strap because i hate swimming all right let’s just hold on and hold spacebar at the same time when it starts i’m just jumping constantly all right i wasn’t just gonna plop straight down if that’s what you’re suggesting i was definitely gonna run and jump

Well it shoots it out i’m gonna try to do the opposite of having like strat okay Crouched the whole time are we supposed to be running the road jump and shift immediately you just fall straight down let’s go hashtag not last standby for the game to begin whoa geez but also this is not about winning today it’s about raising money money for a beautiful charity you know

And celebrating pride then it totally matters which case that’s great we’ve just got over 50 000 by the way what does that mean what’s scrambled eggs is that like a voting thing so i’m pretty sure there’s like you know at one point hang on we’re actually playing okay yeah hold forward oh

I gotta use the bathroom is ones there’s going to be some hidden ones okay it definitely fell all right oh okay we could move around yeah you need you need to move around sasha behind you oh nice move around move around okay [Applause] yeah there we go there we it okay cool

Let’s go just in the middle here i love that i didn’t even notice the bar was the first thing the beasts there we go i’m gonna go upstairs hey i’m using uh criticals i’m quitting right i mean i’ve walked around and i feel like i feel like i got the gist of this

One where are all the beasts yeah i haven’t [ __ ] either oh here’s one think of that oh get it sorry i’m really in there no you’re okay that’s okay yeah i mean you did great job look where so that’s pretty good Redstone torch dropper clock there’s a button i press the button what does it do i press the button redstone hey what does this do redstone torch what does this do this is doing things this is dropping blocks no no no no no we’ve got to find the items clock redstone torch pressing buttons

Uh are they just you can break wait can you can i get this are they like chests or are they no no no no no you should be able to just find them all right we’re going to use we did this one before you got to use them am i breaking

This thing did i break it we’ve got to press buttons to like do that to press buttons here okay we have to prop we have to craft okay can someone get the gold can someone get gold the gold oh god gold yeah i don’t know what zeus i don’t know what’s going on

Can we build i got some planks how do i make a barrel buns do things okay all right uh so i got gold can someone get is there any iron oh wait no we don’t need that we just need redstone what does this thing do i don’t

Know how to make a barrel how do you make a barrel are we winning here okay i don’t know what i’m doing how do you make a barrel i got uh i got blocks uh planks oh like you can you should be able to look it up

Oh yeah i looked it up like way off right i got oh my gosh i don’t know where to get published oh i got cobblestone it’s on the ground just break the ground oh okay yeah we need a hug this is a hop oh that’s the trunk

I just want to make it just just look it up on the thing hey go on let’s come back yeah i mean a house well can i have i need i need a little bit more um i gave you i gave you more okay uh do you need more

I need one more oh wait what the oh i need a redstone thing where’s the wind survival just break it from the top this is remix so we don’t actually need these we just break them oh it’s like right yeah yeah it’s all remixed so it’s just like breaking the map [Applause] wait yeah they’re giving us stuff to build um so i’m gonna oh oh okay you can get this stuff out here so yeah there’s the trouble right here oh just the cobblestone okay it’s like yeah oh so you went down there and did it okay yeah so if there’s any

Cobblestone grab it yeah okay and then i can just build up and i can try and get into them oh you’re gonna build up some right here yeah oh wait yeah you can build a cross that’s actually a really good idea thank you thank you hey look if this gives me a compliment

I’d take it okay oh wait can i get these ones all right yeah yeah it’s kind of like then build a little path all the way quasi some goes up sun goes down you know what i can build stairs okay we’ve got most of them there’s just

The two on the end now there’s anyone there’s just some over there yeah i’ve got eight couples one more actually i’m just gonna break some i’ve got it how nice okay i’m building a way up here a way up here james uh okay yeah because i guess that’s a struggle

We only did it all the lights already yeah yeah we got it we got it fast you good at games i actually prefer the remix version yeah this is actually really fun it’s more fun this way oh we need to defeat the beast it’s all the um oh the chickens chickens and stuff Good job guys good job murdering innocent animals we got this we got this we’re doing actually pretty damn well make a cake okay okay you want to kill a cow i got sugar we need wheat okay okay i get buckets for the milk don’t kill the cows please

Okay yeah yeah do you have three buckets oh i got two okay i’ve got one i’ve got one can you just give them to me yeah yeah why are you here here do we have uh do we have wheat i forgot how far here we go yeah

We have there was some in the last match i go back there imagine yeah let me look up i’m looking around uh oh i found some i thought some okay just give give some to me we need an egg as well oh the chickens would kill the chicken juice just

Here you go let’s pull it over give it yeah give me the wheat thank you is there a chicken somewhere i don’t think you grab the weed oh okay yeah just throw it back here did we do it what was that sound no someone finishing it did you give me

The weight i did it’s on the table oh okay what’s the deal where’s the chicken i don’t know where you got egg yeah we just need one egg i don’t know this is the problem with this map it’s like where do we go here i’m trying to look like on top of stuff

Because it might be hiding in here maybe oh wait hang on can we go in here oh wait wait can we break this thing i found it is that what was it oh yeah okay for the egg here oh yeah it was way cool because i was trying to parkour i

Just wasn’t good at it i feel like you guys got the gist of this one yeah we got the gist of oh thank you thank you thank you thank you go go go go go go go helps good job james thanks guys all right get ready get ready everyone be here yay

Uh i’m going right now okay i’ll go to sasha okay what do i do i offend the lamps this is so confusing oh that’s the one oh hang on can we light through here though how do we light over this wall here oh james is that the toilet

There’s a thing here oh wait where’s the power coming from yeah where is the power the big block the big block that’s in the uh blogger okay i have three oh red stone wait it’s not crap here’s three redstone but why won’t i need three

Uh well you guys you need to bring it along all the way to here oh okay so yeah you need to bring it inside this room okay there you go it’s coming over here sasha oh okay okay you got it all right go from there oh okay well we don’t have any redstone

Oh you don’t have any no okay once you connect over there yeah well we don’t need this line then i’m sure it’s probably more efficient okay uh i think we did this wrong we needed to you also got to build over here to us because we need it yeah yeah

We we need uh we’re sort of have enough red zone i’ve got plenty more i have another stack oh no oh wait wait all right it’s gonna go this way yeah send it out there we go okay so then how many well how is it

Oh i lit one i lit one that’s my fault okay yeah don’t break our power we need that why is it like one here what’s it not going to this one i don’t know why it’s not going oh yeah yeah build it there uh no build from here oh i see okay and

Then and then we need to go to oh yeah you can pass through there we go so then we come on this one then it goes to this way oh okay do we need to move these little rods on here zeus no no no no no no no okay um okay

You got it oh no oh no i don’t know this one because we’re literally missing the power on like we don’t have enough power here these are repeaters uh yeah i’m trying to there we go uh okay so there’s no we’re just missing this one what i’m hoping this is not going point

You don’t go around I fell right in oh gosh i fell too is there a ladder at the end oh should i have to go all the way back how do we get up how far do i go do i keep going oh shoot i can’t go we didn’t do too bad there The beasts so wait was the redstone the lost one yeah so sorry oh man oh i didn’t realize that there wasn’t enough up there that it just that was unfortunate that’s okay i mean i don’t care but i’m just like that’s pretty impressive yeah yeah No we’re finally getting better well we’re not lost and that’s what’s important hashtag not last let’s go let’s go down here down here so people can actually see can we i mean how far can we go all the way down we don’t see anyone else this is weird

Well we might be able to see the green team because they they didn’t like finish either below anyone else it’s so eerie yeah there’s no sound or anything all right is there a oh there might be an elevator for us to go stand in let’s go this is scrambled eggs i want my

Scrambled eggs i was promised that’s the next one i think we have like infinite eggs and infinite arrows oh okay so that’ll be at the decision yeah okay this one yeah cause we already hit that because that was at 50 000. dang what there’s no we’re closed what what why

It’s like quiet in here yeah why is it there’s no music right yeah hey hey what are you doing i gotta go to the bathroom what are you doing you’re living yeah i did oh you’re gonna i’m sorry i just found illumina oh it’s zeus uh wait get out of the mud

Hey man what’s going on let me in [Laughter] ocupado [Applause] yeah yeah wait let me just go into um let me go into spectate mode let me just jump into crazy real quick i mean i forgot to turn off creative oh my god i wouldn’t say anything don’t worry cara’s got a slurpee

Velvet hey velvet you want a slurpee get back here what’s that oh that’s like in my hand i’m literally trying to give snap not one and sam keeps oh there we go where are you sasha i got one decision diamond oh here we go i already have one is it

Gonna be music again or is it just the d yeah it’s counting down let’s get out of here okay one month multiplier let’s go let’s go yum what does that mean i have a crossbow i have a crossbow yes so james and wait who has the eggs

Okay you have infinite eggs i have one what are we putting on them I don’t know i’m just trying to throw in my egg i’m just gonna start shooting chickens yeah oh i lost my thing where you can get your chicken count up today what are we doing okay i should have got more eggs more quickly because they were shooting him faster i

Could spawn him yeah i could get three here’s here’s the plan with parkour tag i will play the first i’ll play the first four games as the hunter and then uh james you do three sasha does one glue and does one then we all get to go how many are there

Oh there’s ten there’s nine i practice this one and they yeah oh yeah so i didn’t do any practice for this mcc has that question really no it’s not like please don’t back yourself down i mean this message that like i think what time do you message

For me it was like two oh like probably 2 a.m or something yeah when i woke up at like i don’t know halfway to be fair zeus was trying to schedule it this week and then when i looked at my schedule mike zeus honestly with the schedule of looking at it

The only day i could probably do it every time i went into your stream i uh i saw you going so this is how my week looks and then you’re like either in minecraft you’re in uh like this this is how it is for each game i’m playing

Just don’t get hit don’t worry if you it’s awesome if you fall on the ground try and stay wide also don’t group up okay there’s my two tips wait what do you mean but stay wide like don’t go in the middle a lot like trying to like just run along the

Edge of the map yeah okay and then if if someone says turn around like just do a 180 and turn around here’s my here’s my strat zeus and just let me know if this is a bad strad if i fall on the ground panic like crazy do not panic just keep going forward

Hey man just don’t panic okay yeah don’t also also just have fun okay good luck zeus i think chrissy might be joining probably not actually who’s versing can you see can anyone zoom in i have a i have an under eye what do I don’t like this anymore i don’t like this game it’s too stressful okay this game goes let’s raise the heart rate oh god oh my god stay wide okay oh i’m in the middle i’m not white i’m narrow i’m narrow they got me no i’m on the ground i’m on the ground

They’re all there keep going who’s that who’s that is that james i need you to know where the um use the inner frogs you can see him james sit around james keep going see him high see him turn around just um keep moving and go wide but don’t panic but also can

I panic go narrow narrow paddleball panic i can’t i can only hunt for four times how many coins I don’t know why i went this way what if i just stand still that won’t expect it right because that would be moving and they’ll be like why is he not moving maybe he’s good oh my god he’s right there okay oh god go wine keep moving you’re getting

Cornered get out of the corner i got them i got the ball i got them keep going keep going you sounded like a wild thornberry I don’t mean to alarm anyone but are we for this place right now what there’s no way it’s because zeus is a good hunter that’s why because this is actually good at this game now what carrying us oh my gosh i literally fell on the first jump

What do you think it was gonna be uh oh jesus look at me okay i really shouldn’t be sticking in a little group like this i’m gonna keep moving oh i gotta go wide ah they got me here wait i think they’re coming for you well

Okay oh god they come in they’re coming for you go go go one run run run run run run run go wide open go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go

Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go

Go go go go Uh i don’t want a lot more areas not first anymore i haven’t gotten anyone maybe get carl no is this a really good team yeah yeah this is this is the team that’s probably gonna win dream team literally i just missed a couple of hits it’s all right

I didn’t panic i didn’t hit anyone yeah i feel like at one point i think sounded like the guy from very in the middle all right all this okay this is my last one okay we then you guys can just choose whoever wants to go whenever that’s the

Fifth right now that’s pretty good have we gotta get some green ones yet i’ll pretty hunter against the green team okay [Laughter] that was not a good choice by me no i got out what table oh hunting oh geez are they coming towards them the answer was yes he’s very good he’s very good we really didn’t have a chance he’s like insane yeah sapnapp is literally one of

The like literally the best we still have beef i think we still have a chance go go go oh nice one i got everyone yeah so this is where this is where we’ll start to probably uh drop off a bit um So this is where i’m not hunting anymore not because i’m not hunting anymore this is where they’re gonna look he’s talking about the entire game this is actually the pinnacle of our existence all right all right i’m gonna wait hang on who’s orange okay i’ll go i’ll go okay okay

You got greens you have to press the button yeah okay press the button you go no okay where where are you um where are you where are you guys going okay and this last bit strategy go straight okay they’re on the ground who is hunting for us

Uh oh boy okay they’re over near you oh yeah i’m gonna die i’m gonna keep going you’re gonna die i’m gonna i’m okay they’re coming to you they’re coming to you i’m moving over just keep rotating clockwise yes yeah they got me they got it let’s go that made my day

Okay they’re above you it’s alive okay you say wide stay wide i got one person is that all that matters stay wide that’s are they clumping are they whining they’re on the ground oh they’re on the ground still well they’re coming up the other side of the map yeah

You’re doing good you just stay up just stay up yeah i was scared that they got me i like almost good good job good job [Laughter] good job let’s go you want to do this sasha i’ll try okay that’s fine yeah look it’s like scott

And green i am going to go ahead and apologize in advance i don’t get anyone i’m sorry hey no no no you’ve got this hashtag have All right just keep going left keep going keep going straight keep going straight let me oh my gosh i got stuck though Oh you did a great job james okay does this just keep moving it is tough because i even if i turned around there i think that i would have been i’ve been here but that was very good i’m so sorry i was on the ground the whole time no you didn’t do it

I mean look i wouldn’t have been anything don’t do it i can’t do it it’s very stressful you did good though yeah i know you’re james doesn’t worry about it having fun why do i have to do three rounds because you’re better at movement i haven’t done anything so

Yeah i had to do i had to do four how many do we have left there’s another i don’t like this game at all it’s my least favorite i’d rather battle box a thousand times oh my gosh i want to do another one too i’m not

Used to this side of the map i usually die on the other side all right they’re coming towards us i thought that wasn’t good i wish i want to watch them i thought that was a good scratch i walked into their face they’re coming towards you zoos i’m only

Allow me but they are trying to get you nice james five up oh man go james go go james go oh you’re so close oh no cut them off well done no that’s huge you get all of them yeah nice okay so james you’re going next yeah james you’re better than us

Hunting is definitely more stressful but i hate it easier than not like it was easier to get them than it was to avoid people yeah yeah i think it’s a lot of fun i really like this uh so stressful though all right you got it you got it the last one

You know my address so if i have like a medical issue just it’s called 9-1 and if you go quad i’ll call nine uh tile nine one again i can’t remember the oh they got me i don’t want you going that way i should go there away next time they’re behind jesus oh

I thought that could be a good time to turn around oh and that was really good that i wasn’t there for yeah i’m just gonna hunt him oh you’re doing a great job oh come on get back here you’re a little slippery yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay

Just him but no you’re okay yeah yeah i just wanted to shout on his boss Well that was good that’s huge okay well done like i didn’t need to go to your training session at because all right all right james let’s oh this is the one no glue one do you want to do this one it’s the last one if i can’t

Get him i’m gonna feel real bad okay well you don’t have to do it They’re going right they’re falling down okay it’s laser beam hunting us okay all right okay sasha stop moving well i didn’t even realize you could go up this high on this map yeah okay he’s still behind us i’m gonna cut across you you guys keep going

I mean i’m just doing my thing oh he’s above you oh that was sasha okay so he’s cutting across the top i’m not going to i’m sorry oh sorry james he’s coming across to us he’s on the ground no turn around turn around turn around i don’t know who you’re talking to so

I’m just going to keep oh you i’ll be you okay probably out oh gosh i’ve only got one person oh i got out i got it it’s still alive for oh i thought it was like two seconds oh dang it oh dang i’m sorry you’re supposed to survive i was so close i

That is so stressful that is my least favorite game i’d rather play battlebox a thousand times rather than this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah zeus did drop the ball in that one shot that was requested seems doing great no one was no one responds no one well you’re doing zeus is doing great

Oh yeah he’s all right nice it’s still really good um we didn’t come last and that’s what’s important oh i hate that game it makes my heart rate go up way too much dude when i’m hunting i’m just like good lord this is it yeah this is my last moment

This is where my life comes to an end oh my god okay we gotta you know we got like a uh what 300-ish coin lead honestly i do kind of feel like my death could be via parkour tag it might happen one day my heart will just stop honestly

If there’s a game where i’m going to die while playing it’s going to be popular attack yeah it is very stressful yeah like my diet’s not good so that does not bode well yeah i hope that they make a mistake my diet’s not good how can your diet not be good doesn’t

Deli like make you really lovely food all the time yeah i mean i was kidding yeah i was gonna say that daily makes like food cooks healthy food the food is like so nice and it’s like super healthy so it’s like yeah it’s actually really good

Yeah not like oh let’s go get 20 20 mcnuggets that’s what’s good for dinner oh it’s like yeah it’s like that doesn’t sound like us we better upsize our meal yeah look i don’t wanna i don’t wanna waste my money so i’m going to have to get the

Large you know yeah we may have double the tickets if i get large and spend 30 seconds giant cookies today oh yeah we’re doing it after this it’s good fun good fun good fun oh we’re 60 000 out of 75. oh we got the bow and flamingo i think i

Think we’re gonna get i think we’re gonna get seventh place i’m gonna call it right now ah i’m not sure about that we’re quite far behind is ollie and cpk not playing no yeah they’re just they’re just commentating they’re doing like a video oh that was real i thought they were

Kidding oh no no i was actually in it yeah i thought it was a joke oh wait this that’s funny that’s bad okay that’s cool i’m just happy we got like foot we were like first on the leaderboard for like a moment that was all i know that’s really nice two games

We were first still uh [Laughter] yeah we’re not really good at shooting chickens my team can’t aim yeah well they’re just like on the wall running at first place it’s so funny well all the chickens have left ace race so yeah yeah they’re either in what’s build my heart

On the wall or survivor earlier i need like who promised that they weren’t going to like kill us right away wasn’t there someone that said that that was always i think right no no no no no oh no she was the one that killed us aunt frost okay

Okay now listen what is the strat here this time because last time i was like left out yes okay i will when we when we load in we’ll see where we need to think i think that if we like so who’s very good at clicking no items in a chest i like clicking

Okay sasha and i are going to try and grab a chest we’re going to look at where you can go off the start okay and there should be somewhere where there are chests and you just grab the chest and then go okay we need to meet up though we need

To make sure we stay together we’ll get it up so the first thing we’re going to do You can’t really hide on this one i just saw a rooftop that was screaming our names okay so see this is the house red rabbits okay uh go okay uh i’m rethinking our strategy we’re just going this way because red rabbits are right next to us they could decimate

Us are we going we need to go this way guys be nice to us please yeah no okay so we’re following me and we’re going out to the outskirts see that big house that i’m like there yeah yeah yeah we gotta go there okay sounds good

Yeah it’s just that we’re we’re next to illumina and like dreams team yeah very very good everyone’s like we need to go this time please be nice we got like 40 seconds later anything anyone said because i was typing in chat okay oh i got a wolf okay we’re gonna pull

Fresh oh wait they have pets in this one oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay are there any chests just go out you can break glass as well um he was kissing i knew illumina would do that okay get the stuff from my get the stuff from my body are you dead oh no

Uh how do i do stuff i don’t know why this stuff is i got nothing i got no weapons down i’m getting out of here [ __ ] me everybody i i don’t know if you are scared you’re good you’re good you’re good okay i’ll try and keep you give you updates

And try and find chests for you guys make sure to eat your food eat your food eat your food oh i think it’s okay when you’re hungry oh well yeah it’ll heal you right i got cakes well okay what’s that strat here wait i’m just staying here i’m scared man

Everyone duck so like oh you know we seem invisible wait come on everybody get over here everybody get over here our pets are kind of giving us away they literally okay all right listen listen listen there is a place for you to go over um there it’s a whole house okay

Okay it’s actually behind you so if you come out and go uh go right and then come up yeah yeah go that way james and then go right through the forest i know you can’t see yeah yeah you should go up this way keep going keep going straight keep going straight

And you’ll want to get into the house that’s in front of you it’s the door is to the right yeah yeah just follow the path there keep going keep going you got this this is the doors in here i think oh it’s dark yeah there’s one by the fireplace one turn

Around there’s one by the fireplace well it’s so dark yes it is anyone around you i got pants and i got another cake i think people have been here i’m gonna be honest okay hang on let’s all go to fireplaces and stay in here it’s dark in here i don’t know

We can’t they can’t see us from over here yeah wait we can go guys it goes like way way way up super high to too bright i can’t see you guys it goes really high up i’m gonna turn off my lights okay that’s better okay don’t forget that you can break glass

Um there is also a house behind you if someone is confident enough and has enough gear nope okay uh he’s downstairs right now sasha no i’m upstairs i’m at the very top how do you get up there how do you get the game guys guys come to the comments

There’s a chest really close the front door oh actually you know what don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it they’re they’re they’re people are they’re coming just hold on i’m with sasha james go up here you guys have to crash where’s the ball

Come up here in this room do you need anything oh my gosh if you guys can get out into the roof go go out into the roof how do i get off wait where’s the too come out the window that’s right here how do i go oh yeah right here okay and

Then if you go up yeah there should be on the very very tippy top yeah go out yeah no no go up keep going up be careful there just just go to the left yeah yeah yeah go go here oh i see a chest you can see the chest

Okay yeah and you got to be careful because um oh i see a team right there let’s get back inside james how did you get up top uh there should be a way to get up into the attic okay i think we need to go back in because everyone can see us

Yeah okay Oh you’re kind of pinched just shift on the roof shift on the roof wait where james they’re they’re entering the house they’re entering the house oh god we can make a run for it we can make one further okay i’m staying on the roof the judges coming oh george is coming to

Check you by the way oh my god they won’t find me jojo’s like right there oh the red rabbits are coming through and they’re going to battle the other team james keep shifting keep yeah oh they’re right below us i see them fighting yeah they’re they’re fighting the other team

And they’re going through zeus please tell me if someone comes behind us because we need to turn around because we’re like hiding in a little divot right here yeah so i think you’re safe because the border is there there’s no one behind like oh there’s an airport

Hang on hang on hang on hang on hunger people yeah no no don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it okay just stay just stay where you are just stay just stay if so okay if something is over there if someone goes for it i

Think we should move to the other side of the roof so they can’t okay okay james you need to get out you need to come out now because uh uh let me let me find out yeah yeah go up go up to where sasha and yeah are

They coming back on the red team come back give me a second are they coming up here you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine all right let’s go this way let’s go this way just down the roof there’s one okay yeah go this way yeah go to stay on the roof stay there and

Keep crouching come over to the other side of the roof sasha no no because oh there’s the other team can see red red team can see okay we’re good here we’re good here just don’t go in the uh in the void yeah yeah yeah no this is hide behind this big one

What’s our plan beyond the house this is it this is the this is the plan because everyone’s pinched in the middle they’re gonna stop make yeah yeah but eventually are we gonna have to do something well i mean yeah you’ll have to move in but just move in like

Yeah but staying alive one minute we’ve got one minute we might have to get off the roof now shoot just just oh okay yeah yeah get just they’re gonna come and pinch you try and go oh gosh you’re gonna have to fight quickly i thought you had another minute no no no no

Oh yeah yeah that’s okay where is the laser beam like that but hey guys there’s only three minutes left yeah but hang on this green team still in it though the green scene laser beams he’s the only one you three were surviving for a very long time

Yeah you think i had enough yeah he’ll be higher to use my brother that’s all we did yeah to be honest but there’s only like three minutes left so we stayed alive forever oh my gosh oh well here we go we did but that’s what he’s doing so he’s not going

To get more points than i see he’s saying okay just being alive longer more points not as much as you think you’re killing people or is the is that okay but zeus our strat is not killing people we’re not good at that so staying alive is the

Only way we make any sort of money in this game the red team’s moving into where lasers at so maybe yeah yeah yeah i think someone saw he doesn’t know they’re coming george is gonna kill him yeah this air drop is in there okay so at least

We’re not we’re locked in eighth place so is it wait are we not have we really [Applause] well done i told you heidi was our strat the last time we played this for contest people don’t know the last we played this we got wiped in the first

At 20 minutes of this 20 seconds 20 seconds yeah yeah that sucks with only three minutes left we stayed alive for almost the whole thing so yeah you did a really really good job as someone who usually dies first i think we did pretty good yeah and i mean first

Out of everyone as usual they came to the zoos and they left they could have wiped this out that’s pretty funny for sure yeah yeah you know i i respect that they like okay zeus is an actual threat yeah i actually do kind of respect that

You know once actually it was good for us because zeus actually did a lot of help for us true you were able to give us intel yeah yeah so i mean really it was like we probably wouldn’t have survived as long as i don’t think we would

I hope you’re okay with that here’s the big question yeah actually it turned out we probably got more coins because i died first yeah you know what aluminum made a really good sacrifice for us and we’re Let’s go Someone actually did that once oh really did it work well all the good stuff was in the middle that’s the thing but we don’t fight so we have to get out as quick as possible yeah yeah oh look we’re hanging out overall that’s so good good job guys let’s go

Yeah no i’m like super happy so far with everything good because he was unhappy he would have liked to stone us immediately let’s go when zeus is unhappy yeah look at me my 135 coins bringing down the team no you were the sacrifice we needed yes yeah usually that points were just

Helping us out well my points were your points i think they get different summer girl uh misfits sailor sparkles thank you it’s good for us you know and that’s what matters so okay now we’re still nice not last no why is there no music in the decision diamond i know

34 that’s not bad just letting everyone in the chats know uh it is at 68 000 out of 75 000. oh very easy link to remember what’s the charity command in my chat you can check it out i mean it’s amazing how much they raised for this it’s really cool yeah i mean

These guys just do this event like they’re not i assume they’re not getting paid directly no no they’re not they’re not you know they never get paid for the love of it yeah yeah and they put a lot of work into it i think i think they’re clearly i mean

This whole thing this is crazy yeah so make sure when mcc island comes out which will be available for the public make sure to support them or you can support them i don’t know mcc island’s like just going to be this like you know the training server but all that sort of

Stuff but yeah they don’t so will it be on like the bedrock store no it should be available for like java and bedrock yeah we should definitely play this is it like a thing you buy or like what is it uh like i mean it’ll just look like a regular use

You get more like permissions if you uh like pay money and support you know how lots of servers do that oh wait wait so it’s a so it’s a minecraft server yeah oh okay yeah it’s just because you just set it you just dropped it and i had no idea what it was

Just needed to be explained damn oh that’s going to be fun i kind of want to die earlier either hole in the wall or sandbag so you can do it i’m excited for either i would do ace ways i’m voting no ace race i feel like bill mod is going to be one

Of the look at our blue chickens in there it’s clear which one we want yeah yeah yeah ace race or hole in the wall are both really fun who’s on it remember why is that chickens moving oh yeah yeah cause i specifically remixed i refuse to do billboard

I refuse i’m going to sit here with my arms crossed and i’m not going to play it that’s literally me i’m wondering what did you not read my message no no why would i why because because you have this platform you can bow down so boeing

People is going to be real but if we go if we all go we’re going to do it all in there they can’t post once in time they can’t all boss all the same time now what has to go on what hand does the blocks go in the off hand yeah

Also why is my game not working so when you need to do like weird chunk issues right now when you do the block and the in your off hand you right click or you left click oh you both click right i’m going oh i’m invisible you’re right invisible place and left surprise

Okay wait wait sasha look behind you look behind you ready surprise we’re working with that surprise trunks are loading because everyone’s just kind of standing here and no one’s going past it yeah it’s weirdly loaded away oh jesus went into it yeah my channel’s not loading yeah my channel can i fall off

The edge oh sasha disappeared oh you’re back whoop we’re back he’s lagging for a lot of people that’s fine well now the problem is we’re going to do well now and people going to play on the lag again So i don’t know if a duo wants to go tnt cobwebs and try place down cobwebs get someone stuck and then just spam tnt around them i think i wouldn’t have enough self-control for cobwebs but to throw some tnt absolutely all right i’ll try

I think we rush it i think we just do we know we rush in okay all right also they hit 70 000. let’s let’s go let’s go all right what am i taking then wait what so what was happening so who’s taking the tnt i mean i’m just simmer

Strutting so i’m gonna sit with strand i think arrows are just the case i like some speed you know what i’ll take some tnt why not all right i think it shouldn’t be called speeding yeah i want to hit up the speed guys no don’t have to see this

So i hang on it’s uh it’s already happening yeah go go go go straight let’s go drop some tnt go go yes that’s all that matters okay simmer straps did not work out yeah i told you can you we gotta ah man okay yeah boeing is really important What are you doing what’s happening i’m standing at my ping oh sorry okay so yeah bowing is gonna be really really important okay you sure don’t try the rush tag like nine more times yeah just to be safe it works we can try on the green geckos but

No okay wait so what are we gonna do zeus you’re you know you can actually play in the the arena afterwards but pretty much up the top here you can shoot down upon people who are actually um putting the wool in so yeah so we should okay we should try and do this

Um i i mean i can t take again for me yeah i can take the um the what do you want i’ll tell you i feel like you’re better at um i feel like i am but then again so we’re not we are not someone can stay underneath as well here

And bow down there oh i fell i’m just not burning well okay i’ve hit cara twice three times car is low make sure there’s no one going for the walls yeah okay oh i’m very low on health now i’m coming around right back i’m very low on health

I’m gonna stay alive just for fun okay i’m i just gotta kill tara yeah okay go go go go go get someone in the middle help okay jojo’s low jojo’s low oh geez i’m up tonight oh god yeah let’s go let’s go let’s go jumping

Just go on the wall you’re still in the room just fill in the wall i’m dead i’m down placing wheels start placing wool filling fill in the last one quick Yeah so cracked let’s go oh my god who can i kill somebody i i think so let’s have a look glue one yeah you shot cara well done this is going to be a little bit of a let’s just have fun on this one what’s this all all four of us rush rush

Yeah yeah get shears out get your wool in your off hand and we’re going left go left left left around here go go go go go go what’s the plan here we’re just doing it we’re doing this oh gosh i fell in i fell in i can’t

Place i can’t place i fell i fell i felt i’m dead oh i’m dead i’m dead you got one that was a good try there’s no way that we wouldn’t get against okay so we can we can do i think what we did in the second round was literally perfect

I can’t tell so we’re going to try that again up the top and start bowing people and then if people are rushing just you know bow them um also tell me if people are doing some um some like a wool rush because i’ll uh i’ll jump in and start oh somebody’s

Gonna keep an eye on them that was stream sniping me how could you whoa okay so what’s the plan okay so we’re gonna do the same thing we did round two like stay at the top um and aim and try and bow them let me

Know if you see anyone start to do wool strat i’ll jump down and try and um kill them stop them wolves you mean the simmer strat zeus qualities okay okay this is miss trent okay rambu’s jumping down he’s going down there coming up oh god i’m in the corner

Yes good job good job zeus get him zeus yes zeus i would have won yeah it was good though you did good that was good all right yeah we did well on that one we did well on that one we killed everyone [Laughter] uh i panicked too much that was funny i because i’m gonna use them but um cobwebs are good if someone’s like chasing you too just whack it down oh this is so much fun this has been way more fun like we’re getting like remember when we used to get zero coins

I’m gonna uh that was my fault i went straight for illumina you need to you need to like not be so grudgy about people okay i’m not grudgy i just have people that i like to fight oh we’re tired eighth now Illumina has no regrets supposedly it’s all right All right so what’s uh yeah we just needed something to keep a lookout for anyone coming around the sides because yeah come up fast all right yeah i i was i was i was following illumina she’s just abandoned okay we okay we’ll do both strat this

Time i promise i won’t run up run off and try everyone ever on people look I’m not really good at using bars i’m gonna use the balls when i’m not against real people then i suck at using bows no they’re coming behind me great uh glue and go help james oh i’m dead okay oh geez dang i got one kill by one i don’t understand

How people like hit like the ten i should have done they’re like yeah you um yeah it’s the crits no i know but like even still like they hit you like once or twice with a stone sword like yeah i just don’t understand i tried quitting i tried when they hear

The battle i forgot no i did try to quit but then i was dead before the [ __ ] i gotta jump and then come down and then hits and by that point i’m dead well look see i’m like with the jumping thing i just bam jump so it’s like i don’t know if

I’m hitting it yeah you see like a little sparkle when you you know no no like i know like i know when you hit it but like you know i’m not timing it i’m just like wow yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a panic i know very well

Okay um so what’s this plan now yeah i’m still here i’m still here He’s weak he’s weak oh i’m also weak okay because i’m dead i’m dead i kind of just gave up before i even tried you just for yourself on the ground and just like take me already i mean yeah a lot look so you think we should go for the summer strat again or

Nah okay when green am i working on screen people do not do not full fill in everything in the green geckos because if we can kill every single one of them that’s a huge yeah that’s huge that’s so big i’m gonna i’m you know i’m i’m really

Bad with buzz i’m gonna stop using it because i just can’t i’m gonna not against real people but then there’s real people they like dodge and stuff oh okay ant frost yeah and be careful of ant’s gonna try and get me okay don’t run off

I won’t i won’t run off this time i promise you all of our bodyguards just stand behind you all right yeah i’ll try your bodyguard i’m trying to get a bow at the beginning i hit one of them i’m gonna hide yeah should we hide like these survivor games no because yeah

Oh geez did i hit sasha uh i’ll go can we hit each other that’s going for me oh i fell i fell down i didn’t realize there’s a pole there answer on the back give that up oh please help yeah i’m dying help help james i’m already going

To be dead so no yeah go go go get velvet going i’m working i’m dead stop spamming there’s four people on me zeus what am i supposed to do that’s not an excuse okay yeah i i didn’t realize that i didn’t realize there was a hole in the

Middle here and i fell directly down and ant saw that so it was a hole yeah so in the middle see how there’s these uh iron trap doors look nice against everything i know about killing people okay all right it’s really like uh oh just to spam but

It’s like that’s all i know how to kill anything it’s click as fast i can click because they’re coming at me it’s like slow down okay what are we doing with the green geckos is that beating us right now overall we can we go okay so you want to try to

Kill them or do we try yes try and kill them beasts be slow if we could get laser beam out i think that that would be he’s probably the strongest at pvp on their team so call that out if you see him we’ll try and uh gang up on him [Applause]

Oh they’re all going uh left okay you know who’s coming here i hit laser once okay later twice i can’t leave you trying to do a boat i got like no health already i don’t understand eat something quick i’ll come back with you guys okay someone over here

Get him get him oh my gosh it’s tycooner’s really low and right in front of you guys oh god this is not a good place to be you know what i’m going in i’m going in go again yeah get put put some stuff i’m dead i’m dead i don’t know i don’t know

I’m dead dude i don’t know i don’t know i thought these were not supposed to be good what happened zeus what happened i don’t know i mean like all died and they’re also like oh do we not kill anybody how did that happen they are doubling up we did

That’s rough we did like i don’t know hit some of them yeah i i think that i think we i don’t know i don’t know how we did we started off so strong and then i don’t know it’s lag i’m gonna call it weird i hit

Laser beam like three times with a bow he should have died yeah but he’s full health well now he would be oh no because tina’s 14. so kuno’s 16. how’s he full oh that’s all right hmm we’re not too far behind them though no we’re still close we’re still in right now

Was that the last one yeah yes okay most of the games i hate have been out of the way except toilet break time goodbye time for the bathrooms what i’ll be i’ll be right back then okay let’s look at the poll oh right yeah yeah poll be right back though

All right let’s see what should you guys vote for what are they the game you don’t want the least amount of votes we played next what do you want to not play hold up or no build mart wait why what if we you’re just leaving

It till later you think we can do really well in build mod i just hate it i just don’t want it to get played at all it’s gonna get played no i hate it it there’s no ifs ands or buts it’s gonna get played nope i hate

It i’m gonna put this energy out yeah the later the later it goes the worse it is but anyway it’s not gonna get chosen everybody hates that game yeah it’s the least amount of votes gets played next so i’m cool with all of the rest of them except biltmart i hate that game

No offense it’s a very cool game and like if it wasn’t under pressure i think i would actually enjoy it but the pressure of it all actually i don’t know maybe the pressure of build mart isn’t as bad as like parkour tech what’s not as bad i’m thinking build mart maybe isn’t as

Bad as parkour tag because at least no one’s trying to kill me you know yeah that’s true yeah you know like billboard’s kind of like we’re in our own little bubble hey look it it’s definitely less stressful yeah mm-hmm but yeah i’m sorry that’s okay but still

Bad right i found out that i didn’t know this but in build mod every three completions of builds so just it doesn’t matter which three that you do but every three there’s a golden one and the golden one gives you a lot of coins

So if we try and just get like as soon as the golden one pops up everyone kind of like if you’re very close to finishing just finish up your build but if not just start focusing on getting stuff for that one so we can complete it as fast as possible

That is that is the only strat that we should probably like think about in build mart i don’t know if anyone wants to be a floater or anything or we just stick to doing two two people doing two things my son gave me some strats all right

We should um distract them and then go for the wool okay okay so that’s gonna be the next track that’s for next time then no no that’s for this time right now yeah yeah okay now please distract them i want to know what the flamingo thing is

Oh it’s the one of the little uh wearables yeah there’s this one here flamingo flam plants wait i want to go see oh that’s an amazing backpack you get a hot one get some get a big bow on the bottom i love the wings so much i want the wings well uh

There’s how much of this stuff going to get unlocked um i don’t know about the other ones bone flamingo is 75. i’ll be right back that’s the next one okay oh oh like you know he’s like really going okay so yeah he like left the discord and everything who’s chatting to go into

Oh boy he’s like listen um scott can i never change oh he’s fighting with illumina should i go fight with somebody should we all just leave the chat should i go should i go to carl’s champion we all have beef with someone except i feel like i i don’t know james doesn’t

Have any beef you need some beef you know laser beam though don’t you yeah but i have beef for them i mean you could just make something just go get some beef no it’s too early for beef that’s true you guys are up early it’s too early for that he might be

Cranky though which would be a really good time to start some beef because i mean what time is it yeah it’s like 6 23 a.m exactly i’m cranky that early so who knows yeah yeah look it’s a miracle that i’m even able to do anything right now

Uh ryan bashball kitty thank you for the subs i’ll be for if you want oh thanks chad yeah i’ll just beef with chat oh okay okay it’s just so quiet here i don’t know why i see it like glitched out or something because normally yeah maybe um yeah i’ll beef with you james

Gee what the heck was in the last round i can’t believe that you kind of like hit me in the back when i was like turning around gosh yeah well i thought i thought i was giving you a boost you know how you can like hit someone and like yeah what do

You think could be blue flames i was like you could give me antibodies give me antibodies they should this little feature when you fall off and you bounce back up they should put that in the parkour games yeah they should because um that would be really cool yeah

I’m just gonna um play some levels now okay some werewolves shot up right what didn’t play oh build mods being played no it’s not shut up look i’m such a pro i can swim with lava whoa yeah oh my god look we’re almost to the 75k goal

Thank you oh my gosh oh my god look at it flamingos oh my god it’s like so close 49 who’s gonna do the 49 dollars i’m stuck in lava hey i know i want to get out i want to get out Yeah and the bar oh my god my bow look at my bow oh yeah it’s gonna take us forever to get back there if you jump into the void it’s fast we only have eight seconds i was running so fast what the oh right so is it the least

Amount of people who voted wins yeah i think that was least james i like this sleepy gym listen i don’t care i don’t know i don’t care i’m just here to play some minecraft you know why all right so focus on gold bills you might have heard me focus on gold

Builds they come up every i think three builds oh no now are we doing the thing where we split off or are we all just gonna hang out together yeah okay so by the way this overnight we’re gonna need colored glass too you can write oh in the in the chat do slash

Like you’re gonna do a command and then write down things that you might need so you don’t forget but then whenever i have the chat box open yeah but you can just like you you enter because it’s not a valid command and then you can do t and then up and it

Will come back up should i like get a notepad out and start scribbling oh my gosh this is a lot of information it’s literally a good strat don’t don’t go i’m an eye literally do it so i’m telling you you’re gonna get there and you’re gonna be like i don’t

Know what i need and i i’m telling you this is what happened not make a list for me yeah i mean you can you can’t get your chat to do it i feel like chat will be all over the place hang on but there’s three of those four

Of us what are we doing okay i know this build in the middle so i’m i’m gonna do it okay i’ll do the one on the left it looks easy james you wanna do this yeah okay so we need uh um we need uh that word acadia

Um an oak hang on all right uh just like okay right yeah we gotta craft it yeah spruce the lid is just acadian oak acacia yeah who’s this person uh whatever yeah i don’t know okay yeah what’s the um twist let’s go get the word let’s get the wood

Place go on okay uh do you want to get uh acacia and i’ll get oak sure where is wood i don’t even know there’s probably a wood section somewhere it says i don’t know where that is oh my god i know this map how do i get off go up you

Go into that how do i work it okay i’ll get that i get the oak you get the middle i thought it was on the sides yeah yeah yeah yeah okay well let me get more than you Yeah i would always suggest getting more i mean they literally look like fans on the side so that’s not my fault sorry it’s four o’clock in the morning yeah what wait which one did you get one i got i get the achilles i got the oak i

Got oak so you get the other yeah okay i’m not gonna remember how to play minecraft for a second um i like how one thing that we’re good at the minecraft is building and we’re like oh i don’t know man yeah yeah yeah there’s a i don’t know man this building

Thing it’s pretty rough look we when we do good in this game we end up actually doing quite well is that offensive okay we need to do i need it acacia slabs okay i think that’s all i can’t think about how to make a fence right

Now literally type it into the the i am i am have you got everything you need glowing no i need sticks oh well what do you need uh well i need i need um oak steps and a slab and a gates i actually need gates so how many stairs just tell

Me i can do it downstairs oh well oak oak stairs yeah i got them okay i need a gates and they need a slab okay so um that goes all of my knowledge of building in minecraft goes out the window when i’m in this game this is exactly the same

With me it’s like one middle yeah this stairs it stands upside down there i guess like this oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then we’ve got these on this one one two right yeah maybe okay okay we need a gate yeah oops there we go okay cool nice okay blackstone okay oh and we so you want to get the stone and i’ll get the uh spruce okay i need

Could have been oh you’re not drinking oh no i want another brick enough okay Is this another brick oh cheese Oh that’s what that is oh i have spoofs already but do you want to know another way what do we need more another brick what do we need do i need more sasha do i need more um spruce no no no i’m putting some spruce in there i got

The logs and stuff in there i got another brick so let me do that real quick you’ve already got okay do we have black stone or do i need to go get it oh how do i make another i need to go get blackstone yeah you need blackstone how

Yeah cause i can’t i need just the brick how do i get the brick i got the block uh you might need to build it it’s four i’m pretty sure you’re gonna put netherracks in the furnace normally oh no no no no no i can i can actually get another brick

I’ve got another brick but we need to make the fence which you need a brick it’s six isn’t it isn’t it like six blocks but i don’t have any blocks i only have another brick block and i need a single nether brick no not to make a fence you don’t not too

Yes yes you do i’m looking at it oh okay six blocks through everyone while you guys walk on that one i need two what was i looking at i don’t i don’t know oh wait is it the fence of the wall it’s the wall oh okay well that’s cool yeah

Sorry i said fence we’ve got the button i’ve got stones do you have any spruce wood like actually uh yeah it’s spooky yes yes it is a few blocks please oh okay a slab okay i need slab okay i’m gonna make slime we need stairs and slab okay

I’m gonna go get stone as anyone needs stone who you said at one point why why am i confused oh no i got started this other one here leave the stairs stone wall cobblestone the wall is one more forward oh shoot okay okay can i break this in the cobblestone

Oh good that might go too many so i need the wall six of them i got okay sweet okay just put it on put it on put it on okay and we’re done nice so big that is huge okay i just need some cords we don’t have that dude okay keep going

Keep going what am i doing uh no i mean i’ll walk around this one if you want to help me with this one i got some uh stoma already for the wall i got the wall i got the wall um we’ve made it where is quartz oh shoot is it one more oops

Do you have more nether nether brick did you get iron glue on no i haven’t yet i do i’ve got four can that make okay can you put it in a chest somewhere or hold on to it yeah yeah do you have any iron anyone hanging on the lights

Oh james is worried okay okay uh where are you here i got five blocks of iron which is what’s right in the middle chest i’m putting like black stones um you got the chain on that one so that should be good the block quote blocks oh god

Good job james that one wait why not what’s wrong what do we miss there’s not enough stairs there’s ladders ladders at the back oh there’s ladders at the back whole bunch of ladders yeah oh gosh there is okay but there’s a bunch of hang on i’ll make him i’ll make him

Well do you want to have enough thank god maybe i’ll make some module case We need a bunch of birds okay i’ve got several ones okay get some extra bucks i’ve got seven logs of birds you need a copper what type of copper uh i just cut copper stairs okay cut okay what’s going on i need what what my chat’s saying i need remove top layer Wait yeah it’s just stairs remember you can fly in this yeah and stairs at the top oh that’s wrong whoops wait so it’s like do we need any oxidized copper get rid of this get rid of this got 20 blocks there’s two stairs and slabs all along the top

Just put sides on the top yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you i’m bringing papa i’m bringing copper and oat and um birch i got bush too okay i have a lot of birch okay we got this oh no 25 seconds you know we probably

Don’t have it we i don’t think we have it guys no no no okay good try though just just keep building keep building because you can i don’t have anything there’s nothing to build with so i don’t have a name what confused about fences and gates is what i’m urging about um

No not using zeus i was just like i don’t have anything to build with there’s no point going out because oh dang i mean that’s pretty good really like much better than the last in my mind every time that was here we made up the points that

Were no longer last overall so there’s that time yeah let’s go really good well done every geckos pull the blue bats and came 10th so yeah hey that was the best i think we’ve probably ever done yeah i think that was really good this is the kind of game where even when we

Do great we do not so great that’s all right i mean we’re not that we just don’t have the climb that’s true that’s true i don’t know how they got so many points yeah i don’t know how they do it um someone said someone said pessimist

James optimus i like to call myself a realist so thanks for the help too appreciate that yeah and i wasn’t that bad no we did great well done everybody we didn’t break up oh no we didn’t yeah we didn’t work eighty thousand dollars now out of a hundred thousand damn

What did i do oh wait so someone’s like i actually like that game a lot i’m surprised you all don’t like well have you tried playing it I think it’s a really good viewer game which is also why viewers vote for it but um i think we did such a good job there oh way better than that guys i don’t mean to alarm you but i look amazing oh no i’m just standing right now look at this

I’m just i just feel like this is my true form i don’t know i think i look pretty amazing i’ll be living looking at me this morning oh there’s something new oh you do look hey cute exactly what i’m wearing you guys are so rainbow dash we all have the same

Let’s go color coordinating except for me wait let’s get let’s get in the hot tub with our floaties yeah wait you’re not part of our team you’re not in that team excuse me get out dude okay you’re running the team you’re ruining the team photo at this point okay i’m taking it quick

Well we should be looking i don’t know you’re doing good i’m doing good ah excuse me out of here i almost had a good shot you know what maybe it is better to just put like other people’s names in the thumbnail you know let’s go up to dream Again should i do a space or hole in the wall uh or to get to the other side no a little fun okay if these are last three games this could be fun i like these games wait what happened no mega chicken that’s one remix for sands of time what happened to that

Oh no no no no no no it wasn’t it stands the time and meltdown haven’t been in here so but there was a remix for it it wasn’t in video no it was for like nice just for the video so hole in the wall and get to the other side does my mega

Chicken even count all three of these games i don’t mind playing so yeah i’m gonna say like these three games are fun whatever it’s fine sasha’s not holding a gorge so um because i want to throw things at people we’re going to do it we’re going to do

All these games oh are we doing all of them yeah oh no well yeah that’s what they’re saying i keep telling you sasha i don’t know i don’t know how you don’t understand they’re going gonna do all these games oh okay okay thanks for telling me

Zeus i don’t know why you didn’t tell me i’ve been telling you gloon and you for the last like three days that we’re playing all those years all i’ve known last week yeah you gotta mix in some minecraft there to bring it i know about it greg so i don’t

Really know about anything else yeah but where was i i mean i know i’m just trying to annoy you i’m always really great well it looks really pretty it does it’s so cute and colorful am i gonna get totally lost that should be a poll is global gonna get totally

Lost this is the same one we’ve played before though like yeah we played clouds before that’s true yeah how long have you gone have you played this role though i don’t know a while back i love that your first time will probably suck i like that that’s part of the instructions

See the figures about this is that the right the the way to go is not the way to go it’s the shortcuts that’s where you have to go because everyone’s gonna that requires more skill yeah don’t you don’t have to do the shortcut as long as you finish yeah you’re good

I really feel like that’s just the key is just like just finish is there gonna be music for this thing because i hope so it’s very quiet yes yeah it’s gonna be a little bit ace race a space ace ace race here we go here we go don’t forget to ride

Oh shoot we have to run what the heck why don’t no one tell me that oh my god i forgot first screenshot it don’t screenshot my place who put slow floor there hello oh shoot you want to go on the bouncing back oh gosh that’s a bad idea oh where am i

Okay okay oh shoot oh gosh oh why not i don’t know why i turned i forgot it went that way okay okay 37th screenshot i’m not lost oh no i didn’t actually think i was like that how about 40th i’m not even going back this is where i get confused here

It’s fine climbing up the waterfalls and then i’m gonna go somewhere where am i going do i have to climb the waterfalls i don’t know where i go now yeah hey i’m lost where am i oh boy i don’t there’s no one around me so i haven’t no idea where

I’m having fun walking around the map just as wow finding a place to build oh i have no idea where to go it’s stopped all right you guys don’t do it be fine i don’t know where i’m going james oh wait here’s a pat here oh wait glue on where is it

Uh it’s up here you have to like go to the waterfall i’ll come back for you wait i think i see it i think i see you gonna go oh my gosh why was it so hard i know did you see jacksepticeye was over there with us oh really yeah oh no

Oh oh you’ve got to be kidding me no no no no no oh yes how are you going there this way well i’m back where i started from so bathroom mates Now let him win oh my god that was a lot oh okay climb up here oh my gosh really that that’s not good the newer one i felt was a lot better in they needed to go on the flowers so much quicker okay that’s gonna really set me up

People are now like lapping me by the way i’m gonna be i fell off the map it’s not too bad oh my gosh i don’t want to go all the way down right i mean do i go lay down yeah should i go here okay

Okay that’s not a phone what am i doing i feel like i always miss that um y’all oh no i didn’t get across there okay well let’s not do that one then i’m having a bit of a struggle here oh come on you’re not going better than

Me because i’m literally last place here oh why did i come down here i forgot okay yeah um I don’t know how to get back up no it’s lagging too can i get up to let’s get out of there um i have not even done one lap neither i haven’t either I was pretty confident about this going in yeah i knew this is a map i don’t like because they have that one like i get lost on constantly that water bed i’ve gotten lots of this so many times that i think really that really ruined me

If i knew i was going it would be a big problem or as much of a problem until sucking it but at least i know i’m going i’m coming back up to it again i’m not looking forward to it oh okay well i didn’t know i had to go there

To mess up the flowers this time okay i’m gonna go up here right yeah that’s what i thought that’s better it’s a lot of backtracking that happened so you don’t even need to be in the water oh that was my issue not being the water’s for the best thing

Yeah you don’t even need to i thought you had to be in the water i think i was thinking of the last map yay one lap boom oh my gosh why am i getting stuck with everyone it definitely helps knowing where you’re going true yeah for sure but yeah sometimes they’re a bit

Confusing sometimes yeah well some parts of the map are fine but some are like really confusing Like practice would definitely help me in this game oh yeah i need to get like right there if i just like fall down now because honestly i know i’m supposed to go now it’d be faster for me to fall and try to get onto that little green platform

Which is where i should have went and then you go from there to that that’s what i’m supposed to do here and now what’ll happen okay i’m gonna stop doing that that’s not working for me you work the first time how are you gonna get up then oh just walk up

Mouse pads and stuff oh yeah yeah yeah how do you get the bounce pads i was trying to use my truck but it wasn’t working for me so it was quicker for me to just give up and go around i don’t wanna lose like i’ve gotta okay

Look it’s not great i don’t wanna lose this okay well i’m the one to beat here at last you’re doing great man you’re not panicking come on Sorry i wanted to concentrate because i needed to get a good fine What happened you got first place because i’m getting last place zeus try and jump on there yeah perfect well then sasha make sure to try and get to the top of the water sasha yeah yeah there we go that’s good that’s good yep land on the thing

You can land if you want first yep and then jump through i actually will need your direction because i get so lost okay so jump so yeah yeah jump diagonally to the right here okay yeah you don’t want to go with everyone there okay you can try and jump

Up to the gr like to yeah okay no no no go go keep going around keep going around yeah you got this you got this glow and where you are gonna wow these other people oh okay no no no no no the the next one is yeah

This one and then the one in front of you there and then you want to turn back on yourself yep there we go and then the one on the left bang it’s the there’s no direction on that you would i wouldn’t know that unless i practiced it

And there’s no way i don’t know watch the video which i know i guess i could watch the videos yeah you’re like literally i actually did watch the video it didn’t know just because i i don’t remember in the moment okay it’s right yeah okay i’ll try and guide you i try

And guide you Go behind you want to go okay no actually that’s perfect that’s all good she’s got this yeah you got this this is your shirt i really panicked it’s the flower part yeah oh come on you got this one you’re kidding me oh damn all right jump yeah there we go

Perfect yeah it’s this corner okay so you want to jump front then left i’m not gonna make it and yeah no you will okay then turn around yep there you go and then let yeah and then that one then that then turn it onto yourself and then on

To the left one left one okay okay yeah perfect perfect now get into the water and um i hit or keep going I and it’s like not the place i hate that part that set me back so much people were laughing me by the time i got to it thank you man you’ll be fine no it’s not five tapes just let it out man just let it out

You did great i did great when i wasn’t like in that pod what if it’s gonna like bounce get me back probably over here i can’t believe i finished that’s right with what he did amazing oh my god my heart is gonna be out of my

Chest okay we got two more games we’re still ahead of the green geckos yeah so i mean we got a hole in the wall which i think we could probably i mean that could be anyone’s game to be honest true like i don’t know about that australian lag

Please oh my god actually the thing is they’ve got an australian too so they have they have laser beams so you still need to have that advantage that was so uh yeah yeah okay the exact same direction i’m gonna close the line real quick one sec right i got it i got it

You should be going offline oh i just caught laser beams internet oh nice yeah yeah because we’re both we’re both in sydney so you know like he’s like just next time all right yeah yeah you’re like next door now which is fun too which is different

It’s like the stacking thing now oh yeah that seemed really fun yeah yeah stacks on dream yeah and no one got anyone off i was so upset about that thing i’m sorry it’s so annoying i was like could not find my way out yeah it is it that that one that area

Knowing every time if i was able to play that over and over again i would have no problem but it just i hadn’t not not know how to get that and get food i got stuck a few times that were like pretty detrimental but i mean jeez i can’t

I’m so shocked that i finished shocked but it’s huge that you did so shocked yeah it’s like a really really big thing to finish like if you because because you finished you actually finished a really big deal sorry man Oh thanks for joining the string oh geez all right so see the hole in the wall or stacks on i kind of want to do a hole in the wall because with that because it was it’s also kind of a race thing i feel like a little break from racing

All right i’ve gone home a lot of people can’t hold on i have a bow and arrow so i’ll just shoot a random one oh wait wait wait wait i made it sweet try to get them in there try to keep them in there trying to round them in there

A reason for it there’s three in that one and you can i feel famous i think one of our chickens get all the way over to the other side i don’t know i guess i just i mean we don’t care which one gets played first i like this game

I’m not good at it but i like it oh that’s right it doesn’t have um the platforms so colors if you want to try and help say blue green yellow purple okay because colors are easier to identify than the letter right okay i was watching out like mcc one and

I’m like north and then james is like where the hell is north i always feel that way yeah it’s like what is it i don’t know where there is no way he said zeus james in australia norfolk is different down there yeah it’s the other way that’s true

Northern australia is south so that’s true that’s true that’s where the toilets went backwards north is up and south is left it’s really different here it’s amazing everyone’s in the middle except for me what’s going on why am i still floating above that’s the australian too good oh you’ve got the

Worst lag oh let’s go you should have downgraded your i’m still like cinematic okay i’m in now i’m definitely lagging this is great perfect the amount of times i’ve seen you glitch through these walls it brings me it brings a smile to my face every time i

Feel like they’ll last a few times so it hasn’t worked in my favor so i don’t know i’m sad i know just have daddy slot down on a bunch of movies right now yeah that’s a good idea uh is east left right east is actually diagonal down but um

All right are you ready oh my god oh no okay okay oh green again green wet upside down m stop no blue blue oh shoot oh oh god oh god oh god oh sideways there’s one feet okay i don’t like the fake out walls i’ll put a purple again again

Can you watch out for us now i just can’t see i just can’t see uh red so it’s green green green green again two green oh there’s a zombie green again green again oh what ah yeah you gotta jump a little earlier james that’s sad put a pig down there yellow yellow

Okay all these other people are in my way people something away yellow super well when zeus goes at me you know oh well it just sounds like you don’t want to pay attention to me at all no i don’t think that’s it Oh it’s fun to throw things yeah you got it having a good time oh i got shot into the wall that’s so good is it is anyone still laughing hey we came up from that right now i earned 360 coins that round that was so unfortunate i could i could

Have won that one this game’s fun though like even if i don’t well i’m like it’s still kind of fun honestly yelling at you guys kind of like actually made me concentrate oh i actually don’t know what happened i feel like i wasn’t gonna be hit by that

Shoot i don’t know oh god i don’t know don’t worry i can’t feel like james is so good low blow blue blue i just wanted to throw zombies fair enough yeah do it i’ve got zombies i mean that wasn’t supposed to happen uh yellow yellow okay thank you thank you don’t hit me

I mean you can hit them you can hit them you can hit them off purple purple oh yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you uh oh god what is it uh yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow sorry you got this sorry yellow again sasha sorry

Yeah uh james is going can you help us with which wall it is it’s uh oh it’s red whatever color i’m on top of i’m not sure red again well done that was good green green green green again green again it’s a double jump yeah there you go uh again

Oh my gosh that was so close Oh no i almost jumped that oh are half the wall’s not showing up for you guys yes what did i get okay we are gaining pretty we’re getting some good coins way back yeah i was in 16th place let’s go let’s go okay i’m going to try and not die like

Immediately this time because okay don’t die because it’s really i mean i like this game and it’s sad when you get out really well though yeah i don’t know i i’ve been bad at doing that yeah yeah i always think it’s like a color and then i’m like oh wait no it’s not

That one i believe come on australian lag let’s go i’m glad i’m not the only one who’s having that issue uh green green again um oh how do i do this they go into the center and go into the center here green green again more green any more greens

We have another green please i miss it yeah yeah can we have it yeah blue green’s the better uh blue blue blue the double jumps for us in like australia are so difficult because of the i know that’s what i always get hit off yeah uh yellow yellow yellow

I like the ones where i don’t have to do anything yeah you can just crouch in the middle you guys aren’t having that glitch no no i i had it in the last purple it’s an optifine thing oh it is oh yeah i don’t have any mods on oh

Shoot i do have optifine on uh what is that green green green green green i really couldn’t see what i was doing i was sweating i got uh-huh i got caught by the fake out and i wasn’t really paying attention in front of me no i can’t see anybody that was unfortunate okay I got a pig yeah i really fell off i got fourths uh sixth and then um we got we got some good coins on that though so how do i know what place i was in on the last one yeah i’ll tell you at the end oh okay nice nice that was awesome

That was good 22nd that’s all right better than 40th so wait what does it show that the chat hey seven yeah we did that’s good we made some good questions in that round i think we got a solid eight nine ninth place at this point how many coins did i get

What does it show my coins i will oh it will right now oh hi i got 900. yeah if i had done another good round i would have done 90. supposedly i got more coins in that round than all the other previous rounds as well i know this were a long time ago

But thank you let’s go that’s like you could practice this game but having a million shoes around you makes it a whole different game the last one is to get to the other side yeah you’ve got to be this one’s going to be absolute chaos this is going to

Yeah this is going to be this is going to be fun i don’t know how i don’t know how um terra swoop force is going to go yeah yeah oh i’m so bad at that one normally maybe i can stack on someone for it oh let’s see yeah yeah yeah he’s just gonna

Stack on you for that can we stack on users probably not i’m gonna try and stack on illumina wait that’s what everyone’s gonna be doing we’re going to go for dreams dreams but i have a question if we stack on terrorist food forest does that mean that we can hit things above yes

Yeah that’s why that’s what’s like if we like go on zeus there’s only a few of us you know right now it’s still going to be too difficult like yeah but that’s your problem not mine yeah exactly what i was like what’s happening get good zeus you’ve got four

Because i i’m literally telling you that the gaps will not allow you to fit four people on your back but that’s you have to figure it out i’m literally telling myself it’s not possible i’m telling you to make it possible all right yeah dude yeah very loudly and meanly My prizes oh guys guys we all get to play in dodgeball though that is cool do we not no cause it’s you gotta kill i think the goal for that’s like 200k what oh wow i thought i thought they already said it was already everything was raged all right get on my back

I think so maybe well let’s read let’s read reading supposedly the npcs at the end can stack too oh that’s funny this is gonna be chaos yeah this would be fun i think this is i love that this is the final one too this is making me so nervous

This one’s really fun also very good i want to be ninth overall and it’s shift to get off i’m assuming or unless you get hit off it’s like wearing a boat only inviting yeah i think so i i’m i’m like thirty percent sure i’m not entirely sure

Yeah they said it’s like a regular amount in the game so yeah like yeah i mean think of this way on your back all right okay okay let’s let’s line up let’s line up over here i’m lining okay okay get in line and then just right

Click uh it seems like you know did we line this is it a good idea for us all to stack on each other yes yeah why not we got to do it we gotta try it right yeah we’re gonna try it yeah if we fall off it’ll be just

As much as as if um we hit a wall anyway actually okay all right let’s do it the first one is how amazing would that be you’re not gonna jump right away right we all just no no yeah i’ll i’ll let you okay here we go

We’re all in a single file line by the way yes right click please stand clear everyone’s like going next to dream they don’t understand yeah i will not be held responsible in the event i’m so nervous i feel like i have to pee i i do have to pee yeah i really do

Well if i get on go pee right here we go here we go right click yeah i’m going to come on i think so oh no take me to victory he starts to take me such a good [Laughter] you wait how did you do this i did i did a spam

Fam that’s the best i’ve ever done and i didn’t do anything i feel like we all should’ve been on zoos you did an amazing job well done thank you i finished yeah she did oh nice how am i doing oh why can’t you like i’m sorry glue on i feel bad

No that’s okay did you did he hit the wall or something no you hit the water water and an octopus okay you you can still do it but i genuinely didn’t think that going away no no you’re gonna keep going you’re almost there you’re almost there keep going keep going keep going keep

Going yeah you got this just right up the stairs if you’re too low yeah run up the stairs oh they all fell down underneath oh wait no that’s cpk with the what the heck where are they what the heck oh that’s lame what’s i got that i get a

Point we sack it on can we call that can we question that uh dreams probably changed his skin can you call somebody about this can we cook some phone calls wait we’ll go we’ll get moving on oh gosh okay oh i’m on someone i don’t know who i’m on green

This is a bad idea hey come back here i want to get on something that’s a good idea what why am i oh i don’t like this everyone’s knocking me off i don’t know actually i don’t know how to get back up here this guy sasha i’m still like oh

Last one that’s fine um okay so try and jump yeah go over the left the left side yeah yeah follow the bridge across and then jump it’s going to be quick go up go glen go up go up and then go left along the bridge oh okay

Oops yeah i didn’t realize i was young so i just kept going that was i think about is that we we should got more points because i beat that last one all right try and be on dream okay that was dreamy he’s over here everyone is around him

Well how do you get on his right click or left leg why are we pausing why are we pausing bathroom oh i was lined up oh yes sasha you got the right idea soft map oh time that’s very good if fruit was here that’s who i’d be going for i don’t know

I don’t want to complain yes i don’t know who i’m on but i’m not illuminated it’s on me i think it’s not been good for me so i’m just gonna like screw that up who hit me off um edge oh that’s the one i was so close to him that really sucks

Well that’s obama oh no at least someone’s built this this is good i didn’t realize okay you know that was actually not too bad i finished 18th after falling out there that was way better whoever built that pathway poor illumina what did illumina get i feel like i

Ate plays can you not build when someone’s on your head uh i don’t know that’s a good question the blue bastard’s fourth to finish let’s go that’s huge for our points i think doesn’t it but i should have yeah yeah that’s huge i finished every game but technically

Didn’t finish the last game it’s weird i don’t know where the npc’s went oh let’s go kuno look at that building Yeah that express pathway that someone built that’s what i used the express yeah the blue one over the top oh no oh god everyone hits each other this is a hidden one all right i’m finding aunt frost i feel like stacks stacks is not gonna help on this because everyone’s

Gonna be hitting anywhere yeah yeah yeah yeah i didn’t know this is oh my gosh it’s so close to a hundred thousand dollars by the way oh total you know what i’m just gonna go forward yeah i think i might just try running to be honest okay

I insta got knocked off don’t stack yeah the stacks are not working on this one you can’t even see what you’re doing yeah i can’t see so the thing is this map is not even that long but it’s like everyone hits oh come on don’t hit me yes okay

If you could come back here and carry me over please at the end 17th okay that’s that’s pretty good i got 20. yeah i i hit lizzy i got lauren oh oh no sat naps no who else is in here okay okay okay all right okay sapnap’s hiding he’s hiding and waiting

For people today you got this there you go i’ll tell you just right click oh wait no you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you got this you got this bone steady there you go there you go you’re almost there almost there what the hell happened there i don’t know

Let’s go you you hit ludwig let’s go oh babe dude you have beef with a lot of people today yeah it’s so true i have to cheat on my address or something oh my god you can’t find them they’re hiding in a hole that’s not knowing that you can’t get that though

That’s so that’s what happened to me in the last one i got like getting to the end should be the uh thing i guess it’s because of the mix up with the stacks when they get stacked it kind of does funny things i think he was in

The ball the whole thing was like kind of fly over there i did that like that’s the end you know i might actually just hang back on this one to be honest because everyone builds a pathway let me just use it yeah i find that um

Just building my own big old pack dang someone else’s password i was almost fine get me whoever that stop hitting me behind me come on i finished me finished oh wait no i didn’t someone else dream was using my car oh my gosh It’s still good though we were the fourth team to finish again plus 18 baby let’s go i would have finished sooner but i i didn’t get the best guys we’ve reached a thousand coins oh and we’ve reached a hundred thousand donations whoa 100 000 baby the whole thing let’s go

Hi thank you for the rain so i am like hyper focused oh this has been so much fun thank you for the five months what’s this um this is the one at the um oh this is one too yeah yeah eventually glue and you’re like ah we’re back at the decision

That’s what i thought just happened i’ve never done this one before i don’t think i’ve done this one i haven’t either all right i’m just gonna pick someone oh i’m actually on top of you going okay that’s not a good choice okay who am i on what the

I’m a good player here hey someone’s on top who’s on me why okay that’s that’s right i’m not good at this so who i am on top of someone okay i’m on top of someone now come on be better oh you’re not losing good team you want to be better hello my blocks

Someone is literally on me i think no oh come on well i fell off i’m so sorry i fell into the lava it’s okay i fell asleep Oh my god i fell off again i’m sorry i’m not going to finish whip got you there we go i’m sorry i’m sorry oh geez i should have knocked off okay you got this you got this i’m gonna go on you guys oh you’re on your way stay on call stay okay Sorry guys i got knocked off five times you’re doing great well not really i mean there’s literally nothing you can do if someone hits you off you’re fine i know it is annoying when they do that though yeah so someone was on okay that one was on you i’m floating away

I don’t think you would have been able to make it anyway well i think we were cara stopped halfway right overall yeah we’re nine we’re nine we’re done not less yes all right let me check i’m so glad i didn’t ruin that yeah oh we lost outcome baby

No check it out we are not last event standings not left [Applause] look at that please visit are we to check the results oh no way ah a hundred and two points difference between aqua and red i gotta go we’re gonna go for we’re gonna go for aqua because it’s typing

You can oh they’re glowing are we I don’t have one [Applause] i finally have the wings let’s fly though did i get a flying one oh i didn’t get a fly i’m taking a picture they need to settle on the particles here dude yeah i know my game is like yes lagging it’s okay now after the firework oh you

Lose it oh no yeah so if we get to 120 if you guys donate 20k right now we get to do the 20v20 dodgeball yeah someone donate 20k in two seconds let’s go no i should just do it anyway because they’re never going to do it otherwise

I think they should that would have been fun that would have been so much fun the 20v20 we’re going for ant ant’s team is aqua okay go on aqua it’s really quiet here is it just me it is it was like super hype just then and then really quiet

Uh i was like one quiet in the dark as much as we don’t play it and we can come ninth i love the big ones the big balloons every single one of them on their team played minecraft the last couple of days james didn’t play it at all i haven’t played probably since

The last mcc let me ask you do you think they um even modeled a blue bat uh balloon yeah they did but yeah of course there’s sapphires on the finale before that’s true that’s true yeah can someone fact check that because when was the last time cc that we were in uh

Mcc 19 for the christmas one so what happens if we play minecraft this year what happens if we get to 120k during dodgeball they just put us all in [Applause] well we’re 15 away so [Applause] we’re the true blue blacks blue black [Applause] don’t shoot until we hit 120k dream is down most powerful on their team oh no velvet fell out oh oh oh that’s awkward yikes it happens oh i like the rainbow particle effects yeah oh yeah let’s go let’s go my team

These are two top teams so whoever wins this wins the whole thing yeah it’s it’s twenty thousand dollar prize pool oh my god what was it a hundred and twenty one get about that’s character are they gonna put us all in we i think they i hope so let me swing do another

Oh I’m just watching the donation call now Let’s go awesome that is awesome well done everyone let’s go oh my wait what happened um [Laughter] Get out of here wait maybe it is better to be we’re crazy if we get to like um if we get to 140 the blue glass will automatically win right where’s e is that if we get to 140 blue blatz wins blue bloods blue blood

I’m gonna beat my face dude come out on top of that i feel like i should compete now yeah okay yeah i’m gonna go pee yeah you want me it’s much easier to say blue black it pretty much went up like why am i talking about someone had to win real quick Got it that’s how you win Oh we got wait payment you know you’re not actually playing in that team right now dude yeah but i mean it’s just like they might be like you know do you have you ever gone for a sports team before nah what’s that you don’t sit and then go for the

Rabbitohs and they go we got this dude i don’t know what that is okay i’m back i speed peed oh you want to watch okay oh i peed so fast oh my god sasha let’s go thank you i’m the world record holder in peeing during dodgeball i’m the holder up [Applause]

No it’s actually the opposite because like uh mariah thank you for the 1500 bids thank you so much lovely eliza thank you for the eight months as well blue black can these guys hurry up i want to play dodge ball [Applause] can dream hit let’s see it’s 3v1 so they’ve definitely got the

Advantage okay take your time thank you if they can get two out well nice What’s one can i get one i got two for two [Applause] weren’t we just playing with bullet what the what oh my gosh oh i didn’t know you could cross the side like that is that not against the rules Wait you can do that oh yeah you can do that literally in one of the mcc’s they like someone jumped grabbed the arrow and then killed the last person for the win it was epic i didn’t see that i assume you couldn’t cross the line isn’t that what the rules and dodgeball are

You can’t get to pass the red If they got the arrow and then killed them all that was pretty funny i’ve never seen anyone do that yeah we’re like oh it’s a bit loud let’s go yeah no [Applause] 31 131 000 almost 42. that’s awesome that’s so cool we were not last isn’t that not long we if you

Want to check are we last night it is a real website i’m not just saying there’s a joke it is a legit website that just plays for every month every mcc is you should put like you just like put so many ads over that thing just like smart i don’t like ads i

Don’t know a website have like an mp3 or midi that plays when you you go on there no that was your website i remember please like i had all that music my name is [Applause] [Applause] red team has yeah let’s hang on uh yeah that is exactly what it okay go on remember i made that did you really yeah you’ll remember it when you say it right i might it’s got like the music and stuff oh my god you dot the glue one are we dr glor so you’re saying we had this joke already yeah we we went i was like wait

You made it yeah but it doesn’t always play so the hilarious thing is that we already had the discussion [Applause] it’s gonna lag my whole computer because there’s so many animations on that stupid website those are the kind of websites it’s so loud oh god stop it ah i can’t hear no way it’s so loud i’m sorry okay it’s gone i hang on i don’t know how to turn it down

Is the problem that’s part of the chart okay my stream turn your volume down because i’m gonna do it again i can’t i can’t hear it sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t that’s just how it goes it’s gonna keep reloading until it works let me get rid of the uh

Yeah what happened to onifez that website was sweet oh i didn’t want to pay for the domain anymore there it This is a real website as well you can go to it didn’t tell you it would last it just says my name yeah it’s your website it’s not are we live oh it’s my website it just happens to be on that domain can i put that on

My resume and stuff yeah it’s all yours man big shots i got my website all right what’s happening with the dodgeballs nice they’re just jumping around every geocities website ever yes i’m going to close it it’s freaking me out now in the full moon it’s too much [Applause] come on dream team

No it’s the other thing i’m rooting for kyle oh that’s fair enough no but you have beef with them so boom oh there’s a beef set aside now yeah Anymore kyle kyle no i mean greg not craig or craig not greg no she was kylis listen i you know what i’m talking about blue it’s a blue blacks [Applause] this could be a tuning point here this could be a they could win this if lead

Win gets as they win oh i got it’s our turn now yeah let’s have the real dodgeball now that was just a warm-up round okay i guess i have that moment first and then we do that i guess i gotta have that moment they’re gonna happen only get the prime coin unicorn

Yes they’re gonna pop you’re gone Well done special pride coin did you know that it was absolutely massive because youtube handled giving out the coins for it last year and didn’t get the dimensions correct so it was absolutely massive i don’t know whether or not it will happen again this year but oh

Really behind it yeah yeah yeah how big was it it’s like uh i i’m so excited it’s like a big medallion pretty much the other one’s the size of like unicorns drowning can i see your coin sometime oh i think my unicorn went to sleep can i see your

Coin sometime and touch him [Applause] muted but i’ll answer for him yes any time no i’m like okay i guess he’s like he really doesn’t want you to touch you like how do i say no about saying no what would you say what did you say oh i almost got tired i

Was just opening up to you saying like i really appreciate your friendship and stuff like that but no it’s a good one i i appreciate your friendship too well i mean i literally said on my stream the other day the highlight of the new york times oh

No i said can i see a coin one of these days oh yeah i’m now on team actually oh right okay i get it right yeah that makes sense oh santa zuzia he just drilled a hole in the coin are we on the same team are you

Guys on the backbone uh yeah yeah how do you know uh yeah oh i’m on yeah i’m on aqua it’s on the right hand side of the screen it says that’s what we were rooting for too kind of yeah yeah cool wait there’s 42 players out of four

I was in for a red team it was a little bit awkward oh my god look at how many coins we have two 22 000 is that a world record from mcc no oh really i don’t think it is now how has all teams put together not beating

The record of one team no no no no no no no it’s like here we go that’s what they had oh i thought it was okay right that makes me yeah i was like i was like how do i stay at the back back of the pack i mean dude i’ve got no

Strategy for this i’m just gonna run around and have fun i think it’s just have a bit of fun right i’m gonna use it yeah there’s no warning in this one there’s no way in this one is that one forty four thousand now okay i can’t see everything oh god oh my god

Oh oh he’s making me dizzy oh wait have you ever heard this by the way where’s the arrows there’s only two arrows still yeah really all right this could take a while it’s normal dodge thing than anything this is great only in practice modes now we can say we’ve officially made it

To mcc dodgeball yes true i can’t everyone’s on the back wall look at the other side if you get a chance to do the same thing who has the hour oh i have an hour i don’t even realize that are you kidding me check your keypad keep checking your just shoot and

I just assumed i wouldn’t have one yeah just shoot uh well tough luck pick it up yourself it snooze you lose are we winning yet have we won the game i might let people who know what they’re doing how did you literally die out of like everyone i don’t know for like one

Let’s go blue black let’s go the blue blacks this is oh green seriously he’s got some money uh this is from up there do you feel like we’re winning or they’re winning you’re winning for sure okay i’m not really looking at the team i’m just like jumping right now i don’t have

Time to look at the other team oh it kills all of us though what velvet is just standing there with that oh i think i’m doing pretty well it’s like i’m winning good job like i’m cowering at this point no you were hit by valkyray oh no

I got to shoot the arrow though that was fun you are carrying at this point in time that’s something let’s go glue on thanks man dude you got this man don’t worry snapnap avenged you sasha killed valkyrie blue team is getting a little low on numbers now they

Both well i mean they both are whoa oh you killed harry we met him at the bottom oh no stop that was taken okay glowing you’re gonna have to start doing stuff soon yeah okay so there’s four people left so okay oh no okay keep dodging keeping unpredictable

Now we’re just playing regular dodgeball at this point right yeah literally don’t fall off nice let’s go jack go go on i’m going it’s fast it’s not good you’re doing good you’re doing good okay yeah someone who’s good at this stuff through that oh my god glue on there’s three of you left

You got this oh god it’s gonna come down amazing oh There’s someone else with an arrow hello nice oh dang 3v3 you might win a dodgeball yeah you get nothing if you win it but you could yeah it’s a really laggy who said zeus was the optimist before because that didn’t sound optimistic oh my god oh my gosh let’s go let’s go

Let’s go go on let’s go [Applause] You officially won mcc dope i wanted the best yeah lauren is op now oh my gosh i think you and zeus need to like go into like a higher tier team now should i dm scott be like coin please oh you’re what why are they up there huh

Rigged yeah why am i not up there oh yeah something that’s one team did not win they won the whole thing that’s rigged so what i’m never playing mcc i’m going to play it again wow they literally hit me players so you couldn’t hit them in to get to

The other side and then they could i can’t believe we got to the final two i mean i did a good job your like unpredictability and your bumbling skills are really paid off i mean that’s how you win in dodgeball you avoid getting hit yeah you don’t know where you’re going to be

He’s the youngest oh thank you give me the i can’t click on the unicorn give me the demo unicorn i just well that’s uh that’s mcc pride and 145 000. travel projects it’s absolutely incredible and glue on one dot ball like i mean yeah is this not the best embassy we’ve ever had

Should i slip into jack’s uh dm’s now i’m like hey man so yeah sure do it yeah we did we won it that was all yeah you alone won it i think yeah oh well with the jacksonville guy no no no i don’t know if i did both the work i mean

You provided a distraction yes that’s an invaluable skill they were like jumping so much they couldn’t even concentrate when they were like this guys his fez is so bright and colorful i can’t see around the fez wait why is this unicorn running around all by itself like yeah i can’t get on

It i’ve been trying on that one was it just a fun one i don’t know maybe it’s just a goofy silly goofy one use that clickbait title i beat i i won fcc dodgeball said uh it was it was like a week ago before werewolves came out and i played

Sims 3 werewolf i said since free werewolves out now technically not clickbait it’s not clickbait but if you read it quickly you might be fooled yeah wish they were that’s pretty funny i think i saw that and i was like that’s right that’s the that’s hitting the youtube algorithm right there

The winning team has my name on it we officially won mcc as you can see here we are yeah there’s me there’s zeus there’s sasha and there is wait where’s gordon i saw him where where is this what are you looking at oh that’s cool

Uh on the stairs like the main you know where all the teams normally are oh yeah oh okay it’s just because there’s only two teams now so we’re all in oh right yeah look at that we’re in the list we won we’re in the list good job guys

Good job all right is anyone continuing streaming because i need to go to bed i’m tired not me no not hermione stuff and things until dinner time so not you either glue on no i’m gonna stay i’m gonna stay oh you’re going to say all right i’m going to raid you glon

Right yeah me too all right you’re about to get a lot of thank you everyone for coming to the stream and if you donated thank you for that um it’s been fun and i’ll be live again on saturday as well for simpson wow wow you guys heard it here first that’s

Right go check out james stream thanks for watching everybody i left they’re all still in there so now you feel like i made a mistake anyways oh that was so fun i’m so so glad we got to do uh the dodgeball at the end that was so much fun it was so chaotic

And i love all of the the little outfits like look at my look at my magic girl wand have i ever looked better in minecraft no no i have not i love it but now it’s just so quiet why why is it there’s like no music in the actual lobby

Hold on i’m sorry i’m gonna put music back on oh here we go here we go That was fun that was super fun oh there we go well i hope you guys enjoyed watching uh all my stressful times and then the fun uh dodgeball at the end it’s always fun when i’m like it’s over now we just kind of goof off we are going to read glue on though

Um pretty awesome they raised 145 000 for the trevor project like that is a crazy big number oh my god what’s happening to me that is a absolutely crazy big number um awesome so so so good yeah you guys can still donate if you want to um but yeah i’m gonna go relax

My unicorn has um gained consciousnesses it now has a mind of its own we’re gonna go right glue on he is going to keep streaming he’s been playing a lot of sims werewolves so if you’re in the back i was checking out i don’t know what he’s

Going to be doing but i assume it’ll be back also yuki angel thank you for the 19 months of mayflower thank you 11. thank you thank you who won it ended up being it was the uh red rabbits dream foolish george not found in carl jacobs but then we all got to play

And the aqua axolotls brought it back but there was 20 of us yeah i’ll see you guys on monday um we’ll probably play you know what no i don’t know i can’t think that far ahead i hope you guys have a great weekend thank you for hanging out this was so

Much fun everything looked so cute um i almost had a heart attack again during parkour tag as per usual i actually feel like bill mart wasn’t that bad maybe i’m starting to warm up to build mine who could have guessed who could have predicted that anyways thanks for hanging out

Have a great weekend and i’ll see you on monday bye

This video, titled ‘pride minecraft championships! (Streamed 6/18/22)’, was uploaded by Squasha Streams on 2022-06-22 17:00:09. It has garnered 17485 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:33 or 11073 seconds.

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    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – 🎮 Modpack - 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – My Twitch – MERCH at Check out FocusFuel: Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: Twitter: Cryptic: YouTube: Pug: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Muzz: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ► Discord ► #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: ➡️Ahmetin Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: 🟣 TWITCH: 🟠 INSTAGRAM: ⚫ TIK TOK: 🔵 DISCORD: 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

pride minecraft championships! (Streamed 6/18/22)