Prowl8413 – 🔴 Recovering From World Deletion! | Minecraft Classic Lets Play Stream 1

Video Information

Foreign Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Pop up A prowl is never late he arrives precisely when he means to hello everybody what is up I’m not late I’m on time I mean kinda I mean you could technically call me one minute late but that doesn’t count not in streamer World how’s everybody doing today thanks for joining in

Um thanks for the mods for being here I do appreciate it I saw a name pop up they haven’t seen in a long time main mama was up I haven’t seen you in forever thanks for hopping in check out on me make sure I’m still doing okay magnanimous mom what’s up so

Many people here appreciate you all being here do you even know what movie that quote is from yes I know Lord of the Rings I’ve only seen it a thousand times although I’m sure you could pick some quotes from that movie that when you say them I won’t remember them I don’t

Commit I don’t commit words or quotes and movie stuff to memory okay that’s not how this brain works we’re lucky it functions at all people we are lucky it functions at all how’s everybody doing so um are are people like is anybody here excited about classic let’s play if

You are connect can I get like a let’s go and chat or some emojis or something what about second breakfast yeah second breakfast for like I’ve known about second breakfast since long before the hobbits my friend I I practically invented second breakfast okay potatoes boiler Mash’Em stick them in a stew

Oh my God I hate you guys I’m gonna have to go watch them now I really like I I at least watched through them all at least once a year um but like we’re coming up on Harry Potter season two Chad is really humming at you you shall not pass

Oh man that’s one of the most iconic movie lines of all time it really is um let’s go your attitude is relaxing sometimes energy level goes up a little high though it really does um but yeah it’s good in the Harry Potter season now I’ll probably go through and

Watch all seven Harry Potters with the kids we’ve done that like maybe every year since they were like four or something um it’s become a bit of a tradition I guess you could say I’m a big fan of return I like all of them and you have to watch them in the

Extended version you have to watch the extended version of all of them you’re talking like 12 hours of three movies okay you have a goose on your bed a ghost cat she’s back there somewhere oh no under the blanket she likes doing that she’ll crawl like underneath it up it’s the weirdest thing

The books are better I need to read the books one day I just don’t have time for books but maybe I could do like um uh audiobooks and like I could listen to them while I like work you know oh oh hold on you guys are getting a little sneak peek

Of uh something that’s going on here and um oh what was I doing I was going to video uh something that’s been going on here in the let’s play world and the um and the classic world and I’m actually I think I’m yeah I’m working my way back right now so let’s

Do that we include The Hobbit movies with our Lord of the Ring marathons uh I think I did last time um I like The Hobbit movies I also love the uh the The Hobbit cartoon from back in the day I do that and play Minecraft proud that’s cool I should probably do that

Did you delete your world yeah so here’s the explanation oh change scenes sorry uh this one there we go hey you guys can see the screen now um here before before we get started oh man so I’m claustrophobic a little bit so this is hurting me right now

Um I need you guys to do this for me now the cat’s about to start scratching to get out of the room and then the second I let her out the room she’s going to scratch the one in she doesn’t like the door closed anyways I was about to say

Um we have 108 viewers thus far and only 57 likes so if you guys could do a prowl or a favor yeah I’m looking at you right there uh-huh if you could do a prowl or a favor and click that like button that would be amazing go ahead click it give

It a little click click I appreciate it click it nope nope clicking odd number increments only please thank you um uh we actually I saw a little ways to go to get out of here all right hold on let me let the cat out get out of here kitty

She’ll be back scratching at the door in a minute I promise memberathon win um I’m hoping to do it I’m hoping to do it next week like I think I want to have like a few episodes in so people are like like we’ve given the series a chance to like mature a

Little bit and like grab more new audience and I have a couple more episodes out and I think we’ll do it too bad baby zombies can’t spawn that little hole I mean I’m glad they can’t um here wait let me try to do something I think I have

Where is it I think I have something that will like a filter to brighten the screen I do all right cool I’ll turn it on with you guys for a moment so that way you can see it only brightens it for you does not brighten it for me

Hey Sammy how’s it going Sammy let’s get some gold so like I’m super happy to talk about this series with you guys um I’m gonna be extremely honest um I was very worried that this series would not would not do well and I mean you still never know right it’s still

Kind of early on um and episode one’s always like well usually are the best like the most viewed episodes but a really really good series can grow viewership over time it’s just not the norm anyways um I was really worried launching the series that you know wouldn’t like you

Know we I would do a few episodes the turnout for it would be I don’t know kind of like a Bedrock eyed episode that wasn’t about farming you know what I mean that’s kind of what I was worried would happen so I kind of thought yeah we

Might get like a few thousand views on it and then it’s going to kind of fizzle out and like that hasn’t happened at all that has not happened at all you guys have turned out it has been crazy and I’m not gonna lie like I don’t know I

Don’t know about you guys but at least for me one thing that always motivates me in like work that I do is positive reinforcement so like having like a lot of people like comment good things about the series having all the likes all the comments all the views has like really motivated

Me to like be more excited about this than I maybe otherwise would have been am I hitting gravel I am so that’s super awesome again I appreciate all of you guys it’s been it’s so great like the channels honestly the Channel’s in a good spot you know I

Haven’t I haven’t streamed Minecraft in almost a month so like the the memberships are not at a good spot which is obviously a big part of like my normal income but that’s fine like we’re getting the the channel is starting to grow again we’re getting a lot of views

On every video that we post and I’m posting more videos than I have in a long time so all of that feels great where does one find that durability add-on one would find it on my uh in the Discord Channel if you want to see prowl shave his head

3K likes I ain’t doing that for 3K likes my friend no no no um so we are gonna do a member-thon soon a member-thon is basically like a um like you’ll see like on Twitch people talk about sub-a-thons right basically it’s going to be a stream that starts out

With a low timer say like an hour or something and then every time a new membership is purchased whether it be purchased directly or a gifted membership time gets added to the timer so in our case I’m not don’t lock me in 100 yet but I’m pretty sure what we’re

Gonna do for the member Thon is for every one membership that we add we do uh two additional minutes on the stream now there’s gonna be a caveat to this that I have to do that maybe other streamers don’t other streamers they’ll usually just consecutively go all the

Hours and like I have a family guys I can’t do that so the way that my member thought will work when we do it is that like I’ll go for like I’ll start at 9am and then I’ll stream all the way till like midnight minus any time that I have

To get all off like there’s time like I’m not gonna miss my kids soccer practice you know what I mean I love you guys I love my kids more so I won’t miss their soccer practice or something like that but like otherwise I and I have to

Sleep to function I just do I’m old okay um but outside of like those things like I will consecutively keep streaming until until the timer runs out I won’t have any time to do like recording or anything there was no like messing around time it’s like if I’m when I’m streaming

He is quite old I am I’m a geezer yeah I think the 24-hour streams are kind of silly anyways like I guess I I get why people like them from a viewer standpoint anything that like makes the streamer suffer is usually a positive thing um um but it’s it’s honestly it’s not very

Healthy to do that either if you’re young you can get away with it here and there it’s not a big deal but um it’s not it’s not something good to do frequently so that’ll be the plan when the time comes you’re young at heart I mean my my wife

Does call me a third child so magnanimous mom only reason I wouldn’t work is because she doesn’t have a normal spot she’s all over the place she doesn’t she doesn’t stay still very long only like 24-hour streams for charity yeah I mean those make sense but still like

I mean I guess I guess they work oh wait hold on Timmy Timmy did you did you did you call it out did you Tim it’s all the Gizmo hold on we go let me go grab him Timmy Timmy Tim it’s all the Gizmo who’s here right now can give points

Away somebody give Timmy 10 000 points here hold on let’s add a little buddy back here can you guys see him there yeah have you mentioned much no I’m still working my way out of these uh caves my dad is watching your streams oh heck yeah let’s go Timmy Timmy

One eye you have to pay attention we don’t make Gizmo easy to see World deletion okay so let me tell you guys what happened okay I’m gonna tell you the whole embarrassing story I actually don’t give the full story in the episode um because

Um you’ll see it in episode two uh but I don’t get the full story just because I don’t distracting people too long for what’s supposed to be going on on stream is usually not good for for people staying engaged in a video so here’s what happened okay um

Moonstone my editor wanted a copy of the world okay which is common because she’ll go through and like oh man am I my space is full already um I guess we’ll get rid of this and this um but yeah she wanted to get the a copy of the world

Um so she could make my thumbnail for me so I go into I go into the World menu and here I’ll here let’s do it real quick so I here we’re gonna do it on the copy so actually this is the exact scenario I

Had okay so she asked for it so I said okay I’ll get it for you and I come in here and I see copy of classic let’s play and I think oh okay well I need to delete that too I don’t need the copy anymore because the copy is what I was

Doing like the creative uh creative mode like test build like just to kind of like get like a general sense of how I wanted this house to look and then I um and then I would go through and like make the real thing in the main world

Right in the in the survival world so I was like okay I need to delete that and then I clicked edit on classic Let’s Play Because you know I’m supposed to be getting Moonstone a copy of the world so you scroll down to the bottom and I’m supposed to click export export

And then it’ll have something that pops up of like where do you want to save the world you hit okay and it’ll save it like the desktop right um and then I can send it to her but since since my brain was in two different places at the same time ADHD guys

Um and I saw the other world and I thought in my head I need to delete that I clicked on this world to export but my brain was in delete the other world so then I hit delete and then I just immediately went and clicked okay

Because that’s what I do when I hit export because I want to save it to the desktop and I deleted the world and once you delete it like that’s it it’s gone like there’s there’s no getting it back I tried some data recovery softwares it didn’t work

So I had to go back to that um I had to pull up that copy of the world um which existed just prior to me starting doing the build so like a lot of like farming of resources that I had done in between like building parts of

The house and stuff like all of that like progress is completely gone I lost it all so I’ve had to like like rebuild myself back up to where we are so it wasn’t like a ton of progress but it was hours of progress that I lost and it was very annoying all right

Um we’re not going to be giving away um any spoilers about this episode I mean you can kind of see one of the spoilers here already actually I need to keep I need to do something with that we need to uh let’s get fresh one of these one of these and one

Of these uh we’ll dump our extra pick in here let’s go back top side shall we but you’re keeping this seed slash world it’s this is just a copy of the world that we were already in that’s all well that’s all it is I had to work off of that copy

So one thing that sucks about that is I the initial copy of the world actually did not have cheats enabled because a hat and Enable cheats because I didn’t need to I wasn’t using any add-ons that required me to turn cheats on like usual like the camera camera add-on or

Anything like that right oh crap we have to find a way out stop invading my town Jimmy is Jimmy okay Jimmy I don’t know which house is Jimmy’s here let’s go to sleep I I went and looked no show I went and looked like like almost immediately

After I didn’t even close Minecraft yet and it wasn’t there ah there’s Jimmy we haven’t named him yet but this is Jimmy this is his uh this is his composter puppy of the world right that I did the creative build of the house in so this

Is the exact thing that I did I got into this creative copy of the world I made a new copy of it and I deleted the house so there was like a test build of the house there that was positioned it was like it was positioned a little bit closer and it

Didn’t have all the detailing and stuff on it so I went in and erased it all and then put myself in survival but since the world had been in Creative before since it was my test world first it’s now cheats are enabled in the world so I’ve kind of screwed myself

I think there’s technically a way to go into the game files and and like switch it back did you light up the tops of the houses so we don’t have a surprise creeper to take out Jimmy no I’ve not I am not lagging if you’re getting buffering

It’s probably on your end lower the um lower the uh the stream resolution here let’s turn that brightness effect down some there we go watch out for the piglet brutes I know okay so like I have a number of things that we need to do

I’m on a delay sorry it didn’t work yeah try refreshing the stream and then make sure you like put it on like 480p but we’re we’re not having any issues on the stream itself um so like I just need to kind of get back to where I was before we need to

Get some tree farming going um I need to get I had like a I had a two by two one of these grown I don’t have enough saplings for that now so now we got to do that again foreign so like we’re gonna be farming some

Sugar cane some trees like stuff that I don’t need to put like in the episode basically um and then yeah like I want to talk to you guys about the episodes a little bit so like my plan with them isn’t that proud what did I do everything looks good here just weird

You stop um so I’m just kind of generally curious like how did you guys feel about the pacing of the first episode and I’m gonna say this the first episode was paced maybe a little bit faster than what we’ll normally have and the reason why is because episode ones in any

Series it just always does better if you have like a complete build like you want something good and pretty for the first thumbnail so now I have a pretty house for the first thumbnail yeah we got a lot of new viewers in here you guys are awesome thanks if you guys

Would like to donate you just donate the like button donating the like button will bring new people into the stream which would be so awesome like it helps out a ton it gets more notifications sent out to people it’s just generally extremely helpful for you guys click

That like button so please do it um also um we have not had anybody start off the membership gifting yet who will be the first person today who will be the first person in classic let’s play history to donate a membership let’s see who’s gonna get there first the race is on

Right now who’s gonna do it yeah we’re gonna do this too I donated to like and share that’s a great donation as well if you cannot donate a membership then donating a like button is usually a great way to go it’s a great donation tanky monkey was first let’s go Tangy

Monkey with the one gifted membership Tangy was first Tangy kicked it off has anybody else going to participate let’s see goals nice and low today guys only 20 memberships we hit the 20 memberships I’ll turn on gambling for you guys oh Sammy Sammy hit the 10. everybody give Sammy a let’s go

Hype train hype train activated I wish those existed on YouTube but unfortunately they don’t oh I don’t have notifications ah uh here okay I should hear them now I wasn’t hearing them before um hold on my uh oops hold on that needs to go no this needs to go back down

And then where’s that um alert I’m gonna bring it up a little bit so you guys can see the present at least most of it so counter should be at 11. yeah I’ll reset it here uh streamlab still hasn’t figured out how to make YouTube uh uh gifted memberships only count once

Or I’m sorry not streamlab stream elements goals a little hype train days or the random creeper sounds everyone set off constantly those still happen Mane they they do um okay and then um let me turn up points for you guys uh for every membership we get tonight we will increase

The points earning by 10 percent so you guys are up to 17 or a seven percent or a 70 point increase sorry I can’t talk tonight save that for you oh man I hope I have enough dark oak sapphones I think oh yeah we do we definitely do okay that’s good

You need a multi stream I can’t get my Prime sub if you aren’t live oh yeah I haven’t really been like super motivated to kick live on Twitch we were really getting a lot out of streaming on Twitch like membership wise like that sort of thing so

I end viewers like generally so I decided to just like keep everybody Consolidated to one platform hey blobs how’s it going thanks for joining the stream and thanks for the enthusiasm I appreciate you make sure you click that like button I’m excited that you guys are excited

Um oh let’s do this oh wait no no no no no I think I cooked a bunch of taters taters taters oh we got lots of taters now oh Sammy first ever membership received let’s go what’s tater’s precious um and another thing we need to do is um

We need to start like consolidating like all like organizing our storage here a little bit it’s like maybe anything it’s a block we’ll throw all blocks in here for now we might even need two of these we’re gonna do a story like a a smallish storage area actually pretty soon but

That’ll be in video we already did that we were doing hey blobs uh we’re just working like generally on a lot of stuff right now um you guys will see me bounce a lot around a lot today um I want to just get a lot of materials

And we’re just gonna bounce to wherever those materials are available um and try to keep things like any new things that could happen away from stream that way they can happen in the in the video uh let’s see look at chess monsters well we’re we’re taking care of it now what do bubbles

Say full of took yo Gandalf was not messing around prowl’s the only Bedrock YouTuber I know well heck yeah let’s go man you guys are awesome thanks everybody for being here we’re at 11 members remember if we get to 20 we’ll turn on the um the gambling if any if

Everybody wants to gamble their points away I mean if people want to try to like win a lot of points via gambling that’s how that’s that’s what happens right all right um let’s put like let’s get like all ores and drops down in the bottom and we’ll

Keep like all plant-based stuff up here maybe uh we’ll pull that out we’ll pull this out we’ll pull the baked potato out yeah the vegan chest all right um so oh nope he comes back down here Minotaur military tricked me I thought that was a membership for a second wait it’s not night time is it not yet okay um okay so anything like Foods foods and plants we’ll go up Top Foods and plants we don’t we don’t have a lot of that stuff do we

Um I’m not I’m not seeing any more of it okay hold on what are cubes cubes are points that you earned while you watch streams so watching stream is definitely beneficial to you Helen Mick Leon is wood tier remember let’s go Allen be back oh man do you know what else I thought

Too like we really need to up the membership a ton because we have some huge and I do mean huge Halloween events coming up at the end of this month on both of my servers like what like one of them is going to be a fun one

Like kind of like traditional in a sense and the other one I’m not going to talk a lot about but it is going to be literally the most amazing Halloween event that you’ve ever seen a server run that’s how awesome it’s going to be whoa what the oh Steven stop it

All right hold on let’s pull blocks out of here locks blocks I like oh man is this a block or is it not a block I don’t know block we need like another like miscellaneous type chest was it me with the five gifted members

Let’s go was it me that puts us at 17 memberships so far for the Stream sweet ie I appreciate you guys ever so much thank you thank you thanks for gifting those memberships there’s nothing I love more than seeing more Prowlers join that Prowler crew

Oh you know what you guys could do with me maybe we can just drop a few pumpkins around some of the houses to like start to decorate a little bit for Halloween I said some potato in the chat um all right let’s jump up those uh the

Points a little bit more so we’re at uh think that’s right no there we go and then let’s make sure that the goals are set properly uh I think we’re at 17 right okay um I think we need to make another chest what do you think you are

For like some of this like miscellaneous stuff and no better place for it to go than right up here again we’ll be moving out of this fairly soon okay people but we need a place to put like this stuff this this I guess no let’s not do that we don’t do

That this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this doesn’t belong in here and this doesn’t go in there either uh sand okay and I’m gonna keep these only for now because we’ll probably use those a little bit later oh these things need to

Go oh the sword stays that goes this can go up here and we’ll have our pick our ax and our shovel all right I think we’re looking pretty good with chest had Auto sort yeah I think that would be nice too would be really cool to see them do is

It’s to like change storage enough to where like all the mechanics around how we store things are massively different and there’s like a ton of new like Redstone based things you could do to make item sorters like even better or storage even better than it is right now

You know what I mean hey sweet one early game chess or a nightmare um I’ll no early game chests aren’t that bad mid game chests are a nightmare early game it doesn’t take too long to sort things as long as you do it periodically late game obviously like once you’ve

Established like Auto an auto Sorter and you’ve kind of got everything set up like you’re kind of good to go game that mid game is terrible it’s more info about the series so how about some of you guys go through you know what let’s do it let me like

Actually launch a q a so hold on a second hold on a second I have the ability to do this q a through the stream It’ll like give you guys a separate window where you can type your questions and then I can like in a more organized fashion go through and answer them

Um I’ll ask you guys to please like keep the question serious just so it doesn’t clutter and I lose like I I don’t want to miss like good questions and moderators if you guys will um remove like questions that are like like definite repeats and anything that’s not a serious question

Um all right hold on let’s go here start a q a ask me uh ask your questions about classic let’s play all right q a has been started let me switch back over to live chat okay so you guys feel free to ask questions in a few minutes I’ll go over and check

It out okay put your questions in there and in a few minutes I’ll go over and check it out I’m gonna keep my eye on just standard chat for now while you guys get the questions in So PDF will need to remove his own question Jesse will um let’s do some more chopping we need more wood ask a question I’m gonna ask a question right now I’m gonna ask this tree a question wow holy crap like 176 Euros on like a shortly scheduled stream is awesome you

Guys are so amazing thanks for being here oh no so this was the world you deleted yes Michael it was I did explain it a little while ago in full so you might want to go back and watch the stream for the full story but I had to I had to go

Back and use a um a creative copy ahead of the world where I planned my build out and delete the planned build and then switch over to survival and kind of like start over um I think I lost roughly like 15 in-game days something like that so like it wasn’t

Catastrophic but it was it was several hours of work that I lost remember guys get those questions in that q a um yeah crazy Breeze I figured like you were somebody to be able to do that I might have you do that for me because

Um I liked the idea of the fact that I wasn’t um I wasn’t running any add-ons that would take away from me getting Achievements not that I’ve ever been a big achievement person but um I like the idea that I I could earn them here you know what I mean

And I when I lost that from deleting the world I was very sad about it I was hoping it wasn’t bgs3 oh man there’s so much stuff done there I need to I need to get me a new external hard drive I have like all of like my family pictures and stuff stored

On it uh on one but like it’s an old external hard drive so I kind of worry about its um integrity and it’s not enough storage space at this point after years of my wife taking 10 billion photos so I would like to get a larger

Drive and I need I want one that has like some like auto backup feature to it um so I just have it auto back up a couple of different drives for me um so that’s something I need to look into here pretty soon uh no I do I delete copies of Worlds

Fairly frequently aggro but I have so many test worlds I never delete I wish Mojang would give us like a search feature for the for worlds that’d be really nice yeah you know crazy Breeze that’s actually not a terrible idea and it it actually it actually might be something I consider doing

I’ll have to talk to them about it I just hate to keep asking them for more servers you must answer my question they don’t come as Anonymous do they know they’re not anonymous I’m gonna try to answer all of them I’m again in moderators if you guys will like remove like duplicate questions

That would be great um here let’s um let’s get this tree down let’s go grab all those saplings let’s replant our new trees man my keyboard is like my my D button which is the strafe left that button is like getting worse and worse now so like it it constantly stops

Working which is super annoying I need to buy a new keyboard A new mouse maybe a new radiator or thermostat for the the wife’s van there’s a lot of things that I need to buy right now oh man prowl BDF I can’t even see the list of questions

Oh you guys can’t oh interesting I guess it only gives it to me or it doesn’t show it to moderators I didn’t know that I did not know that that’s kind of dumb um it doesn’t give you the option like up like don’t you have a little like

Drop down box up at the top to to view um top chat versus live chat it’s like up in that little like drop down thing for me I don’t know if it’s there for you guys maybe it’s not hey Jordan how’s it going dude fan funding

Oh fan funding I think so show super chats interesting okay here um I’m gonna switch over to it and so so I can’t see both chats at the same time guys so I will not be able to see the normal chat while I go through and answer these questions all right

So just disclaimer for you all right we’re gonna I’m gonna hit end on the Q a oh God when I hit end on the Q a it erased all the questions I thought it would just stop you guys from being able to to do it my wife just gave me a loser sign

I’m deleting worlds I’m deleting questions I thought it would just stop you guys from being able to go into it and ask more questions sorry ask your questions again I know better now my bad this is how mistakes are made people oh man look we got more trees coming up

All right let’s do it oh wait let’s go do our Let’s Farm first let’s do some farming they fixed Soldier fighting pathfinding bug yeah it was really that’s I’m really glad they fixed that like fairly quickly they they fixed it quick enough to wear a scene like they were maybe already on

It but I mean we were the only one that I saw anywhere making a big stink out of it crazy Beach remember folks this is how you know it’s a 100 authentic prowl live stream let’s not get that let’s not get that um that sound effect going please don’t

Please don’t encourage PDF he needs no encouragement would you be doing a woodland Mansion or an ocean Monument you know those could be fun like we could do a woodland mansion uh maybe as a um as like part of working on a dark oak Village that could be kind of cool

Since there is no dark Oak Forest Village and then maybe we use the um the ocean Monument as like a place to to work on a like Ocean Village one day remember folks technical difficulties except no imitations you’re the worst salute worst no I don’t have Fortune yet guys we

Haven’t gotten that far we’ll get there soon enough oh we have a friend we’re just like early stages okay very early stages like populated Woodland mansion with villagers that would be cool yeah yeah like I don’t know you could like almost make it like a sort of like Castle type thing

In a way so it would need it would get like a massive upgrade but like you already have all the rooms there so that could be kind of cool Mr Chips pip pip cheerio you can Sprint backwards double tap w and quickly change to s or maybe it was right so that’s no

No I don’t think so I don’t think that’s a thing did you just troll me I feel like you just trolling me soul Tech what’s up dude three more memberships and we will be at gambling level who wants to gamble do we have any gamblers here

Jordan that’s kind of crazy man I’m not gonna go anywhere near that big with the villages like for the most part my initial plans with the villages is is very simply going to be to upgrade the same number of houses that already exist in a village

Where is the Q a it’s still there I have not deleted it yet my wife took a gamble of me does that count I don’t know does she win or lose is the question but like The Villages are going to roughly Remain the size that they already are

It’s possible like I squeeze in a couple extra houses but I don’t think so we’ll see we’ll see how it goes but one thing that I reserved the right to do is in the future whatever I like I reach that point where I connect back up to all the

Villages again I can always go back and like upgrade more or add more to like mix things up a little bit could be very fun oh let’s go over here and get this so the reason why the website’s not working I found out guys for some of you

It’s it’s they’ve they’re now working on it I’m the first one to report this issue to them is if you’re trying to log onto the website it won’t work when you log in with your YouTube account um so what you probably have to do oh man but your points probably won’t show

Up if you try to log in in any other way um you look at the website for what the point redeems are and then redeem redeem them here in the um in the chat um with every single points Redemption I have the command to use in

Chat listed with it like right in the beginning so it’s easy to know was this about world deletion hey Sam wise I talked about it earlier but I accidentally deleted this world and I had a copy of the world that was like maybe like 15 days behind that I

Had to start over from basically um so like right now we’re going through just kind of like recouping and even like maybe getting a little bit further ahead of some like like basic materials a densely yeah all right we’ll come back down and get those in a second

Let’s get our dark oak saplings did they increase the drop rate of these I feel like I see dark oak saplings a lot more than what you used to see back in the day um we’re gonna go cook some more potatoes I think just so we have like a

Good like long-term food supply uh yes Samwise this is the first stream we’re doing from this world actually um you know something that we can do well I I need to save I need to make sure I save like most things for the episodes um and actually this reminds me

Uh here let’s do this and this I don’t want to do I want to make sure I don’t do too much in the streams and it takes away from like the progress of the episodes you know what I mean no my project box oh my God who sunflower not cool

Oh we got some serious dark oak going now um oh Perfect all right we got a good Supply at the of wood coming in now three memberships away from 20 who’s gonna get us there who’s gonna do it and dark oak trees grow with one sapling

No they cannot they can only grow in a group of four Azure Bridgers here what’s up Metro this will be good we need we need the wood we’re gonna have to go out and get some um you know let’s sleep and then we’ll pull

Up the um I’m gonna pull up the Q a and not delete it this time whoa the great Ezra Bridger I know man I’ve I’ve enjoyed watching him in the um Ahsoka series look at that uneven text how do you guys like it 208 wow we have 214 viewers like Wadi

What is up with you guys why do you like me so much I you shouldn’t be here I’m not that important Travis uh one month membership let’s go Minecraft mapping tagged me for some reason I don’t know why okay all right I’m switching over I cannot see the live chat okay I’m switching

Over two d q a chat okay nope that’s the end button you know why I hit the end button because it was like it’s blocking some of the questions that people had and I can’t read like the first I can’t read the first two questions so whoever has the first two questions

I’m super sorry I cannot read it there’s two little badges in the way actually I can get one of them out the way hold on let me click let me get rid of this pinned message and of course now that that just takes up the whole the whole Space is that

Gonna move out the way it did I could I just can’t see the first question now what would be a I’m trying a perfect spawn for you I think it’s the first question I cannot see who asked it would be a perfect spawner for you um

I don’t I just like I don’t know I just like spawning somewhere green as long as it’s somewhere green like I’m fine here while we answer these questions I’m gonna go and I’m gonna go like kind of deep into the woods and like chop down miscellaneous trees I

Don’t want to chop down a lot close to the house because or close to my area because I like the wooded area being there um but yeah if anybody asks like why I’m not answering chat remember I have the Q a screen up so I can’t see any of the regular chat okay

Um are you still getting the lag issue since the update nope it’s been fixed it’s 100 fixed at least for at least the lag issue I was having is is all better now so if you’re still having lag issues then you have something else going on

It’s not what was causing the issue I reported what is the optimal sequence of farms to build in a new world there is no real Optical sequence honestly um like once you get food then it’s just all a matter of like what you need in your world everybody’s world

Is a unique and different experience you might have a certain block that you need a lot of well you’re going to build a farm it’s going to help you get that block in some way um maybe you go for the elytra early so you know doing like a mob farm is going

To be important to you because you you need to have like good access to gunpowder maybe you have a big project that’s going to require TNT that could that could mean you need gunpowder too um maybe you need a lot of like Blackstone which means you’re gonna need

To set up a gold Farm because you can get Blackstone from that like there’s so many things uh well not from the gold Farm but from the barting farm so you needed a gold Farm in a bartering Farm like it’s so unique per player there’s no best farm

Outside of like you need a good food source that’s it um Iron is a pretty common one to start early because we at least until this next update it’s gonna come out if it does come out um hey tanky monkey the five dollar Super Chat we’re all excited for this

Series that’s why we’re here thanks dude I appreciate you Tangy I’m excited for the series too I’m I’m glad I’m so relieved that you guys are excited okay here let me continue on um are we going to be making a Harry Potter Farm get out of here Terry I said serious questions

Um where do you bubble sit where do you expect Farms will fit into the bigger picture of this series are you excited about getting back to what you really enjoy about Minecraft um that’s an interesting question so here’s what I think I’m going to do with farms in this series it’s going to

Be a mixture of what I did and Bedrock guide season one where I like Incorporated the Farms into the builds in some way shape or form either either by burying them underground and then having a representative build for that farm above it visually to represent it

Or like straight up build it into like the town okay it’s gonna be a mixture of that and um what I don’t know what Empire’s s p did for season two I’m assuming they did a similar thing but what Empires s p did for season one which was like each like

Person kind of had like a farm that they did as like part of their base well my thought is each Village that I do will have like a major Farm or resource attached to it in some way so I think that could be pretty cool so

Each Village has like a certain Farm or maybe a couple farms at most that are like it’s trade you know what I mean and then that’s one of the things I’ll gain access to I don’t know where my base is this way I don’t remember my coordinates

So I think generally that’s my plan can you add tips and tricks pop-ups in your videos I’m not going to do any of that in this way and um the classic let’s play because that doesn’t fit the classic let’s play vibe um that I’m going for we’re gonna we’re gonna keep the editing

To a minimum-ish I have a couple of like little editing things I want to add in oh and but I don’t want to go overboard with it because that feels like it takes away from how classic classic let’s play is supposed to play out for like you guys watching

Uh Minotaur what are you looking forward to in any of the updates that are coming out besides offhand well I mean we don’t know when that’s coming first of all um I don’t know I don’t really have anything specific I’m looking forward to I just hope that whatever does come out

That’s something fun and useful in it like I want things that are functional and like give me new things to learn I don’t want to have new things to do necessarily as much as I want new things to learn like give me some cool things that have some like interesting game mechanics

That need to be figured out and that have like a lasting impact on the game so skulk skulk didn’t really do that I don’t think maybe for some a few people it did but like skulk’s not very necessary I don’t need it for anything

So I don’t really mess with it I don’t I don’t feel like the urge like oh man well I can’t wait till I get to the point where I have like skulk sensors because that’s going to make X Y and Z like that much better will you fix the misspelled word in the

Description under the foxy pack add-on it’s portion and you meant potion no I’m not well the difference be between this and the harder core world besides the obvious thematically it’s probably not gonna be that different except for the fact I don’t know it’s probably like partially

Where I came up with the idea for this maybe like the harder core world is kind of like in the back of my head um but of course you know we’re not hardcore and this isn’t a stream world um so like you know let’s be real like people a lot

Of people have done like Village based Let’s Plays it’s not like an uncommon thing I think we’re a little I’ve hit like a unique spot with the idea of like resetting the village oh no no not messing with this extra tall one no we’re building that sucker back

Um so I think I have a unique unique way of doing it but like the idea itself of like upgrading a village is not new whatsoever um but I wanted to give like that old school spin on actually doing it while also putting my own spin on making it

Unique if that makes sense uh well let’s not do that will you give us tasks to complete so we can play along with you in our own world um I would say if you want tasks to complete I would say like I’m gonna go through it

I’m always gonna make goals of things as I go so if you would like to follow along with a lot of my goals I think that could make sense and that could be kind of fun I don’t want to chop down too much out here I have a couple saplings let’s just

Take those back and plant them um when do you think the game becomes Less Fun For You I.E after the dragon once you get elytra Etc um I don’t know I think one so oddly enough being a content creator I think slightly dictates what’s fun to me and what’s not

If people aren’t enjoying and watching in decent amounts what I’m doing it by default their lack of Interest lowers my level of Interest so like when people don’t like watching me build stuff in the Bedrock guide and I do a building based episode or something and like nobody watches it it

Makes me less interested in doing building based episodes like it it takes away some of the excitement of me doing it um but I think that’s also in a way kind of to be expected in the Bedrock guide because that’s not why people watch the guy they watch the guide for my

Technical knowledge so then when I try to do something more like world based it just kind of doesn’t fit that’s not why people invest in the series and people that only the people that like that building type of stuff when they go like 10 episodes without

Getting it and then all of a sudden I try to like fit it in you don’t feel like there’s any build up there’s no connection to the world for you so I think that’s where the guide goes wrong in in a way of like trying to do World

Building it just doesn’t work it doesn’t fit so that’s when I lose interest in the world is when everybody else loses interest in the world so here with the theme being like just play the game with me guys like I’m playing the game you’re watching me play

The game I’m telling you how I’m playing the game we’re gonna do some interesting things and then I think between that and being able to constantly go back to the like the early game whenever I whenever I feel like it I guess or whenever I complete like a Majors like project like

A village I get to kind of start over without starting over and I think that’ll keep the world fresh you know what I mean it’s like starting a new world all over and then what I’ll do is I’ll continue to play in that new world

As long as like I’m loving the new world and then eventually when I get that itch of man I really wanted an elytra man I really would like to have some like like maxed out gear then I’ll build the teleportal the the the the portal building thingy and then give myself

Access to this area like once the newness wears off that’s what I’ll do you know what I mean I’m giving myself the freedom of doing that basically I have the freedom of starting a new series whenever I want without actually starting a new series and that sounds really fun to me really refreshing

Um sorry guys there’s a lot of questions um who else we got we mess up the Q a this time nope have you thought about using a auto sorting system for the important things using Auto sorting system for the unimportant things as well um yeah that’s like a late game thing so

It’s probably not something I’ll do incredibly soon because that usually requires a pretty big build a lot of redstone a lot of time but I think it’s something we’ll definitely do at some point in this series um we’ll just have to figure out like where’s the best place to do it what’s

The white right way to do it especially considering how things are going to be so spread out when not if you make a goat horn Farm will you automatically name it ghosts oh my God no we’re not going there during my craft stream what is the airspeed velocity of an

Unlim I don’t even know what that means is that a bird I don’t know what that is Tangy monkey I have a random non-minecraft general question I can use my Xbox controller for Minecraft Skyrim and a couple others but I am I can’t get it to work for Assassin’s Creed no fix nope

Some games just don’t have controller support that might be it Virgie Plato we play a Bedrock my friend do you explain to plan to explore more yes any long-term goals yeah so like the long-term premise of the series guys is that um we’ll go through we will upgrade oh my

Gosh uh we’ll upgrade every house in this Village every house will get some level of upgrade that will keep it like this feels like it belongs in a like Plains Village does it not it uses all of the same type of materials a couple of extra

Little things to decorate it up and make it look pretty right but this is a Plains village house and we’re gonna make all of these houses planes village houses that’ll have their own little unique Flair and it will probably theme a number of them right like if we have a

Tailor here which I think we have a tailor somewhere that’ll be theme like a Taylor’s house this house right here kind of looks like a little Inn it’s so big it has tables and it has a couple beds so like this may become like a little Inn

Maybe we’ll make it make it two stories or something I don’t know right so we’ll do little things to theme the houses but in terms of long term after we’re done with our planes Village I’m gonna I’m gonna call we’re gonna set a last episode of the series we’ll call this place done

I will dump all of my stuff in a in a in a chest in the village like in my house I guess or something like that and then we will set out to find a new Village and as the next episode one for season two and whatever Village I come

Across first that is not a Plains Village because we cannot repeat a Plains Village at least not right away not for a while we’ll do that Village so if it’s Savannah if it’s a tundra if it’s whatever right we’ll do a village there and every so often we won’t do

Like an actual like village Village like I may decide in season three or season four we’re gonna do a swamp Village but since Villages don’t generate in swamps I’ll have to create everything myself so um that could be interesting and fun to do as well we’ll have to like

I don’t know if we’ll pull Villages or if we’ll like do it the zombie conversion way I haven’t thought about it that much yet but basically we’ll be able to like turn around like New Seasons like hopefully every couple months every few months um we’ll see how it goes and how

Everybody likes the pacing and eventually I would like to do villages in like obscure places like in the in the sky and the ocean in the nether in the end like those things sound kind of fun for me too if this if this series really lasts for a long time

That’s what we’ll end up doing how often will you aim to release videos um I mean the the better response videos get the more often I’ll release them you know what I mean I’m sure every once in a while I’ll kind of burn out a little

Bit and I’ll be like yeah I want to make some tutorials but I mean as long as I’m still having fun with you guys as long as we’re the videos are still performing really well and I don’t feel the need to like pump out tutorials to get views and get subs

Then I’ll do more of these what’s your Minecraft username priority 413 um which uh were you ever make an infinity bow on the new let’s play mini is better than infinity only only to give you guys incentive to uh torture me in some way with like donations or something thank you

Are you gonna going to collect every armor trim I think over time we definitely will I don’t know that we’ll make it a big task to like do in one episode here let’s chop trees or something while we’re talking um oh no no let’s get um let’s get more saplings actually

Vote for the Golem in the upcoming mob vote not a question just a threat no I’m sure we have plenty of Golem lovers in here how do I start making videos download OBS and make a YouTube account whoa I almost pulled a blue jay there are gonna make a Charizard statue

Um do you think Mojang should move the delete button so it’s not near the export button um I think what Mojang should do because this is like an honest thing like I’m I take ownership for for my mistake because it was my mistake but I do also

Think it’s a lesson like people probably do that often enough so I think what they should do is they should have like a recently deleted folder so like your last like one or two or five deleted worlds like automatically go into that recently deleted folder now you should be able to

Go in and I guess like remove things from that folder but if you accidentally delete something you would then also have to go and clear the recently deleted folder as well to permanently delete your world and I think that would probably save a lot of people a lot of

Trouble Wayne’s World with tier let’s go Wayne’s World do you recommend invisibility potions in the nether I mean you can that’s not my style I’m always so afraid I’m gonna do something to mess up like I’ll touch lava or I’ll fall from a high distance or I’ll accidentally like hold something

In my hand or something like that and then I’m just gonna get like one shot I’m just gonna die so to me it’s more dangerous not less dangerous but you know that’s probably not the same for everybody how did you come up with this wonderful ideal um I’m just creative

No I won’t take full credit like I it’s like a mixture of a number of things like I already had this idea kind of from the harder core world but then what kind of made me decide to do it recently is a number of the like kermits

And Empires people have all kind of complained I think rightfully so that like they they miss the fact that like they miss making Let’s Plays the way let’s plays used to be made and now like they feel this need to have to like always one-up themselves and

One-up everybody around them and like do 80 hours of progress in a single episode and like highly edit it and do all of this stuff feed Kitty treats is she back there where’s she at All right hold on let’s see if she comes stormy come on storm storm I don’t know oh is she out of the room oh yeah hold on she knows that treat bag sound now foreign she likes them Kitty treats all right stormy stormy has been taken care of

Um anyways so that was part of the motivation was seeing like how everybody like has this what I think is a good complaint about how like Minecraft has gotten like overly complicated in terms of videos and like everybody’s doing these Hundred Days videos and Thousand Days videos and like

Feeling the need to make like some incredible amount of like progress in a short amount of time and it’s very stressful so that was part of my like motivation um also like I was browsing around for people that were doing let’s plays and um I came across a Gemini tase um

Harder hardcore world that she had going and um she mentioned like in the first episode about like having to protect the village so I thought oh like that’s kind of fun too so if I’m gonna do this thing with a village like I’m doing with the harder core world oh crap runaway Pro

Stressed out stressed out run away run away um so if I was gonna do this thing with uh doing Villages I like the idea of like protecting The Villages being like a part of like the lore of the world and the story and then I just kind of came

Up on my own with the idea of like being able to kind of reset the world whenever I wanted to reset the world get away um I thought that sounded like a good way to keep it fresh because one of the things that is really good to do here’s

Some YouTube strategy for me too you guys one thing it is good to do on YouTube is like people do have shorter attention spans and specifically it’s really hard for people to want to get into a series that has like 500 episodes in it it just is or a series

That’s been going for a year or two years because they feel like if they’re not already in the series then they can’t they can’t catch up to the series you know what I mean um it’s too much it feels like a daunting task so I wanted to find my own

Creative way to beat that am I look at him hiding in there and my creative way of beating that was well I’ll just do a new season and like actually do it as a fresh start where I eventually and not in a fresh start anymore you know what I mean

So now whenever I feel like I finish a village I can start a brand new season brand new progress get rid of everything that I have do an episode one of a new season that will hopefully have the effect of making people feel like oh hey like this isn’t

Episode one I can hop into this series because it’s in episode one and then as they go through and watch season two or season three of the series and eventually they see me kind of connect back to things that I’ve already done it’ll make them think wait

You know I like the season three like this is fun I I want to go back and watch season one and season two now and it’ll feel shorter because if you see Five Seasons that are 30 episodes long it feels so much less bad than one season it’s 150 episodes long you know

What I mean so that’s my that’s my thought behind it um you think you’d ever do ancient city Village oh yeah I could see that that’d be really fun what are your goals for this first Village is there a resource Focus I have not come up with that yet

Um it being planes like it it feels to me like it should be something crops related but I have not decided yet so you’re just kind of getting some very initial thoughts clay face with five memberships gotta stood at 20 let’s go Clayface everybody give Clayface let’s go here

Let me pop out of the world really quick because we need to now increase this to what’s our what’s our memory count for the Stream 23 23 members for the Stream so let’s increase Channel points earning by what is that two two hundred and thirty percent right that’s pretty big

Um so that would bring us to this and then also let’s turn it on gambling Clayface you got everybody gambling thanks man I appreciate you Clayface is a champ he’s even been coming into the um into the non-minecraft streams to um do some donations as well which is nice

It’s hard to stay motivated do a non-minecraft stuff because none of you guys come and watch it um a very few if you do but I love playing stuff that’s not Minecraft that’s why I usually will see me streaming it at night a lot of times it’s with the wife sometimes it’s not

Sometimes it’s other stuff but it’s a passion of mine it’s like shooter games especially so when anybody drops in to watch those like I’m so grateful I really am um will you create big builds in this classic let’s play um it’s it’s possible oh my gosh do I

Even have the controller I do it’s possible but it’s not gonna be something that happens earlier on um but like could I decide at some point like I wanna I wanna try to do a big castle or like I want to do this Mega Tower like it’s possible okay

Um but I would not expect it to happen too early on um how do you deal with burnout I just actually said it I like playing games that aren’t Minecraft and I like doing a multiple multitude of different things in Minecraft so like would I burnt out on Minecraft which I

Really don’t get burnt out on Minecraft honestly because I have a healthy mix of like doing non-minecraft stuff but like I go and play fortnite with my wife and with the Minotaur and ghost or I play Diablo 4 or I play Star field or I play Counter-Strike like I just play these

Different games that I enjoy playing um or like I switch what I’m doing like you guys have seen me do this a lot in the Minecraft channel right is like sometimes I just like I feel like I need a break from like survival play mate hopefully that won’t happen now that

We’re like in a world that like we’re both you guys and me are all like super motivated around but like if I did get tired of this world a little bit I would just like go to like make some tutorials and that would like that would keep me

From getting burnt out all right last question what progress limits will you set before you can return to her previous Village um I’m gonna set hard limits um just know that I enjoy the early game so I’ll probably go a decent ways before I connect in like you won’t see me go

Like three episodes in and then hey let’s go back to the old village like that’s not my intent that’s not what I’m gonna find fun so like you may see me get 10 15 20 episodes in I don’t know what that number is going to be but a decent

Amount of progress until I’m like okay like now like I think we’ve got like half of this Village done I think it would be cool if I could speed up the progress now and maybe like add in a couple of like bigger things to do too

Once I have like all of my old stuff that’s kind of how I think it’ll go all right let me pull up the regular chat and we’re gonna end the Q a this will remove all I probably should have read that it says this will remove all questions in the question list

All right guys thanks for participating that q a I’m sorry I wasn’t looking at Main chat while I was doing that I just wanted I wanted to power through it I am looking at Main chat now so feel free to talk in the main chat you missed a hydrate did I

I saw the controller play Oh Terry did one okay I did not see it but I just did it so I didn’t know there was a Bedrock SMP um truly Bedrock yeah there is one I was actually the original founder of truly Bedrock me along with a couple of others two others foreign

I guess let’s check the crops I don’t want to miss out on this uh on this these Birch saplings these things feel kind of rare ish I don’t know why they’re they’re so rare feeling but they are maybe we need to like spread these guys out a little bit further

I like do you plan on streaming tonight not super late because like there’s only so many things that I have to do or need to do prior to like doing some more episode recording um but like I feel like all of this stuff that I’m doing is gonna just help

Me like it’s stuff that I would be doing anyways and it’s not stuff that I need to record necessarily I may even like mention it in the um in the episode and then like half Moonstone like cut in a little bit of the footage of me like chopping some tree this trees

Down and stuff I don’t know I plan on venturing far from this Village before moving to the next Village um like if there’s something I need sure like for the sake of adventuring I don’t know maybe maybe not is that other Series Dead the hunter

Days one I mean it’s on pause right now I think I life got me so derailed from it and once you’re derailed from something like that it just feels really hard to get back into it um and I liked the idea of doing it too

But like it was a lot of work like it’s gonna take me like a probably like a solid like a full week dedicated to game play scripting recording like re-recording like the scripting Parts like it’s a lot of work and then getting that all to Moonstone for her to edit

And then like that takes me away from like doing other things so it’s a time management problem probably we have more like a me thing I guess um but I would hate to like get on that and then like then I don’t put out any of these episodes for a couple weeks you

Know what I mean or tutorials or streams like there’s just so many things that it can take me away from and just wreck my um my mojo oh magnanimous Swan with no sleep oh I could put down this controller now I don’t like that no sleep thing though

That’s gonna be interesting to say the least but you know what I will do at least get some torches around here his idea for prowl why not use a book and quill to write down different things so you can return to it later in game we’re gonna do that um somebody

Mentioned that in the comments of the last video I don’t remember who it was at least I got those ones down I knew you guys would come with that into the darkness sooner or later now remember into the darkness is a five minute timer so after five minutes I can torch again

What is your favorite color orange You’re Just Gonna Knock all this out I think time to go mining that would be a good idea actually we kind of need to do some mining maybe we will I’m gonna cheat the into the darkness and go mining although it leaves me a little nervous for the village here Doesn’t know Papa stuffy blue no way huh what are you talking about I don’t know what you’re talking about I give up I give up I don’t know thank you it’s a movie quote uh yeah no clue foreign oh man like some of these areas even

Here look kind of dark I’m a little scared let’s go to the mines to the mines everyone should know the unladen swallow question I know I’ve heard it but I don’t know what it’s referenced to ah zombie the minds of Moria oh oh that scared the crap out of me like you

Did it right when I landed I thought maybe a creeper came down with me Monty Python the only thing I remember from Monty Python is run away run away [Applause] that scared the crap out of me that that was like that was probably the best one No melee that’s fine we’re down in the caves now I’m gonna turn on the um the enhanced brightness for you guys where is it this is how my cubes are used okay um so I’ve done both sides there here let’s uh let’s break in here a little bit

Weenie body with pigments a lot I haven’t been to the nether yet so it’s all maybe I’ll have it on by the streamathon the member-thon okay so one two three four come on you guys know movie movie quotes are just gonna go right over top of my head now I’m supposed to record

Anytime I find diamonds so we may end up like doing some like scene switching stuff whenever that occurs oh my God what is up with all the points usage what do I have to wear slows so slow without sneaky pants well and without a a like a good pickaxe

I started doing one uh two by one all right uh magnanimous what do I have to wear no music tonight the music’s on maybe it’s just a little low I hear it I’ll turn it up a little bit for you guys um okay princess oh God there we go

This is the first Minecraft live stream I’ve ever watched your videos are great but this is so much cooler thanks for what you do hey thanks I appreciate it make sure make sure you press that like button that’s the best way to show any kind of love and appreciations to donate

That thumbs up I like the music in the background it kind of like helps pass it feels any dead air which is good for video or stream and um sometimes I just like I’m in my head I’m jamming out even though I’m talking to you guys

I think that’ll go that way when we come back through oh I forgot to turn on the timer dang it we’re 23 new members so thanks to everybody who’s donated those so far that gets us up to wait what are we at uh we’re back up to 3 324 members for the month

Uh or total members that we have could we can we hit 350 members by the end of this stream is that possible can we climb our way back up a little bit look at all that baby obsidian man you guys can see so much better than

Me like I keep I glance over at the um at the stream laptop and uh man like you guys can see like three times better than me maybe more smash the like button when I get on always first thing and do on prowl streams or videos awesome thank you

I’m gonna tell you guys I’m gonna give you I’m gonna give you um a little like sneak peek right now not a peak like but a little like spoiler advice kind of sort of you guys smashed the like goal and the uh the comment goal from the um from the first episode

Goals gonna be higher for episode two instead of a thousand likes you’re gonna have to get 1500 likes for me to summon a another raid 1500 likes is gonna be the next one and that might not be it might be harder like I said usually episode ones do

Better than episode twos so you guys gonna really have to bring it Darkness redeem uh the timer the darkness redeem timer ended the timer up now is for the headband um world hard difficulty always playing hard no no no into the darkness is a five minute redeem that ended a while ago

Tml please don’t I don’t I don’t want to run into that ignore me too what do you mean if you guys are talking about the darkness redeem I already told you love crawl mining for diamonds new way so much better yeah I just can’t wait to have like netherite enchantments

And um and Swift sneak read above oh gosh it’s too much chat Bro man I just want to missed her kitty treat redeem because an ad popped up so feel her wrath oh gosh all right I’ll give the is the kitty still back there I’ll give her one more treat one more wait stop it now now I have a princess proud beard let’s go Stormy got an extra treat she’s feeling good about it it’s a great look the princess proud beard we’ll continue for 100 days in the Minecraft world I don’t know what you mean stop it I do not want shriekers can’t wait to what you’re going to do in

The season I like your video awesome thanks dim bloom what foreign I’ve been collecting this Redstone you never know when you’re gonna need it right we could end up doing some big farms sometime later in a series with specific Villages that we do so it’ll be good to have a supply already ready Okay a Wither would mind is much faster you know this is true thank you I’m trying to make sure I stay in the same line I think we are going to write something I always need yeah so you guys will get ad breaks uh every 24 minutes they’re automatically

Being inserted uh just keep in mind since this is YouTube um I don’t I don’t know if it like it does it does it continue where you left off or does it continue you back live if it continues you back to like live where we are you can always rewind it the you

Know 20 30 seconds however much you feel like you need to to make sure you didn’t miss anything oh no torch God dang it okay uh I’m I’m not gonna remember that so I’m gonna move it off my hot bar this can come off and then we’ll turn on no

Torch for five minutes No it goes live okay gotcha so if you ever feel like you missed something this is YouTube like the stream can be can be rewinded so just go back that’s that’s why like ads are so much better on YouTube and twitch twitch sucks for ads I would never run ads on Twitch

Because if you missed something you miss it like it’s gone YouTube’s not like that if you missed something you can just rewind just push skip yeah and also like some people always ask the question like well proud does it do more for you if I watch

The whole ad I don’t think it does just just skip the ads I don’t care probably can turn ads off I know I can I know I can turn ads off but I mean that’s ads ads make me money and I I have to you know pay for three

Thousand dollar car repair that might need another one or two thousand dollars by the end of it so ads are needed ads are unfortunately a uh a necessity right now maybe I’ll like do something to where like I don’t know if we hit like a hundred members or something in a stream

Like ads will go off for the rest of stream or something sometimes we don’t have the skip option well yeah what it does is like if it’s a 15 second or Less ad and doesn’t let you skip um but if it’s more than 15 seconds it does let you skip

What’s wrong with your car um the wise cars need a lot of stuff that needed an alignment there’s something wrong with like the control arms or something like that um the springs um in the front um and then to like do that work they had to also like drain the AC so there’s

Like a lot of stuff that they had to do um I think total would end up being like three grand oh we need to do tires as well so yeah it was a big expense and then now the car is like overheating so I’m hoping it’s something simple like a

Thermostat or like they didn’t plug the fans and they’re back up to the rate like for the radiator or something and it can be easily resolved I don’t want to have to spend another couple Grand struts and tires add up quick yeah it does it adds up really quick proud

You’re the only streamer I don’t mind watching ads for you make enough content that I don’t mind the little inconvenience thanks man I mean most of you guys that are watching like you grew up in the commercial generation like it’s just it’s a necessity I’m a mechanic hey craft how’s it going

Yeah I’m not a mechanic like I used to work on my own cars back in the day like I’ve replaced springs and shocks and headers and exhaust and intake and like I’ve never done any engine work like I never that got that into it but like all

Of your like external stuff like I’ve done all that oh hello more or less oh oh oh oh oh hold on oh we still got into the darkness oh diamonds I need to I need to mark this hopefully that’s obvious enough so I don’t lose it oh hello Enderman

I forgot to record stuff so I may have a moonstone just pull it from the Stream at this point because I wanted her to capture like all of my diamond mining for like a short like quick cut type of time lapse thingy I don’t I don’t want to do too much

Exploring I did see this Lush cave up there so I might like here let’s do it hold on I’m gonna do it this way so it’s easy to find I’ll know exactly where to go oh gosh do not look at him do not look at him prowl do not look at him prowl

Foreign Everything is like really delayed right now okay I think we’re good uh Sammy with the hydrate Wayne’s World helping with the 10 super chat for the repair car repairs thanks Wayne’s World appreciate it man I know everybody has their own stuff going on so I don’t like I don’t expect people to

Donate on my to me for that okay of course like none of these are ready hold Diamond set come on brother we’re getting there it’s not gonna be like Enchanted or anything fancy but we’ll have slightly better gear for a raid foreign Like I can see it on on the stream but it is it is obscured a little bit no Enderman please no Enderman let’s be real guys wow 229 people watching oh my God like you guys are blowing me away like this wasn’t even like a big planned

Stream where I expected to get a lot of people I kind of figured we’d be sitting at the normal like maybe 120 to 150 range like you guys are so amazing thank you if you’re if you’re here if you don’t mind like click the like button it helps

A lot it brings one Diamond perfume no not doing that that would take way too long without enchantments uh oh you are not tricking me oh I could place torches again now a lot of Price Place torches I don’t need one right now but you’re excited about Minecraft again

It’s great to see thanks Sammy I get excited about a lot of things you know something else like I really want to start playing a little bit more of is Counter-Strike do you have any Counter-Strike players in here anybody ever play it it’s been around for like 25 years now

It’s been wrong for around for such a long time and it’s like it’s it’s more popular than ever right now it’s crazy it’s one of the most popular games on Steam very fun my favorite FPS awesome strike 25 years ago when it first came out in Alpha

I started at the tail end of the alpha stage of testing and then I played through the beta and all the way up through uh CS Source coming out that’s that’s about when I stopped since 2006 yeah like it was a little bit before that that I stopped but

Counter-Strike 2 just came out so like I’ve been playing I’ve I’ve been playing that a little bit and I’m like I’m every I’m every bit as good pretty much I used to be I wouldn’t say that I’m not as good as it used to be but I still like I feel

Like I I can still do it one two three four with a little bit of practice all right we’re gonna go back this way now I probably stopped in 0203 so you played a lot in the early days then huh I started in 98 is when uh the alpha came out

Team Fortress Yeah TF was awesome ah man I really wish I could remember the community the the set of community service I played on there’s a lot of like really good players from the top clans that played on the server that I played on and we’re part of that like Community I

Can’t remember it if somebody said it like if I if I saw it somewhere it would instantly hit me that was it I think it began with like an F I don’t remember I don’t know if you had any like regular servers that you played on back then

The community that I played with there they had I think like three or four servers that they were in public servers that they ran and then some private servers that uh people could use for like Clan matches and stuff too quick three Arena and doom server I’m

Old I like playing Quake three Quake two was awesome Quake 2 had some of the best multiplayer it really did organic Uber with the 4.99 Super Chat first time catching a stream and you’re not old I’m a Minecraft playing grandma that’s awesome well thanks for being here appreciated

I don’t want to think about being a grandpa one day I’ll tell you guys if you have kids or you’re going to have kids sometime in the near future I’m going to give you this advice now make sure you follow it treat every single moment like you’re in a time machine

And you have the opportunity to go back and relive it you know what I mean we do we have I have I like take advantage of those time machine moments all the time even just little stuff that’s like like generally annoying like Dad come in here

For this or come in here for that like Brave villager I I never miss anything with my kids ever well I will I’ve never miss anything important like I’ll miss little stuff like going to like my in-laws house or something because we do that all the time anyways

But like anything that’s like a big deal I don’t miss it they do they grow up way too fast they really do I’m I’ve I’ve committed from the start that I will not be one of those dads that like looks back at their life and

Was like man I wish I’d done more of this or more of that with my kids I wish I had seen more of their soccer games I wish I’d gone to their soccer practices I wish I wish we I went to Kings Dominion with them I wish like all

These different things right like whatever it is no regrets I mean we all have regrets but no regrets that’s the way I try to live my daughter’s pregnant right now we are so excited heck yeah is he brick rolling us right now I am I’ll never be a parent well that’s

That’s okay too or if it’s for reasons that you don’t have the ability to choose or decide then you know I definitely sympathize or feel for you he was so slow in a one by one hole that’s not a practical way to mine anymore what sure it is my my limitation

Is my mining speed right now in a way so like if I’m mine from the edge of my my mining distance then I do get to instamine it at this speed which is good but like I’m not mining at Max mining speed because if I don’t have it at the

Edge like I catch up to the box as you can see like I’ve caught up to them so um this is still easily the like most economical way to do it even even at the slower speed I would be in Uma in February is that is Umami Uma means Grandma zuba me grandma I missed that I do everything with kids it’s just her and I now some parents don’t have that luxury like my dad he he worked just like my household like we’re a single income household here

Um I wouldn’t have it any other way I love the fact that my wife gets to like take care of all the kids stuff to make sure they’re taken care of because they’re gonna be so much better for it later in life like they really will be

Um and I’ve I’ve forced we’ve we’ve made things work to make that a possibility um but like my dad like he was a single income household as well and like he would work like 5 a.m like he would get up early and leave at like 5 a.m in the

Morning and like he wouldn’t get home until like six or seven at Night by that time he was so tired that he couldn’t do anything he worked weekends a lot of times or it was like had to spend a lot of time taking care of the house like he missed so many things

And I’m grateful for it because the life that he gave me we didn’t have everything we didn’t have a lot of stuff but the things that we need to have is because he worked so hard um but he missed a lot of things and I I

Can tell he doesn’t say it but I can tell he regrets it and just by the way he talks or he wishes it didn’t have to be that way so it’s kind of been like one of my examples luckily a Golem you build will never attack you yeah a Golem you build will

Not attack you if you make the Golem you can punch it it won’t hurt he won’t do anything to you oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap hold on foreign so I got out of factory work one two three four yeah man

You know one thing I I wish would would happen one day in society in general but I could just speak about the the United States because this is where I live is that people would have the ability oh man we got extra stuff uh people people would have the ability to earn a

Comfortable living no matter what job they have you know as long as you’re put in an effort to work full time and then after that like you have enough to at least like live you know what I mean and then you can spend time with your family I think family is ultra important

Yet we have this like expectation as a society in the states that you have to work work work work work work and that’s all you can do and it’s very counterintuitive to the whole family values thing if you ask me we have not found as many diamonds as I

Would like to have found As long as inflation exists normal people can’t live comfortably but it’s a good dream well you realize that a lot of inflation is happening at least in the United States side like 60 of it or something like that our company is increasing prices because people think that prices are going to increase and

What they’re doing is they’re taking the money that they’re getting from the increased prices they’re increasing the pay of the CEOs by tens of millions of dollars and then they’re using the profits to buy back their own stocks to enrich people that have that are like investing in their companies via stock shares

That’s where a pretty decent majority of the um of the inflation is actually coming from no I don’t know like globally what what’s going on but that’s what’s happening in the states prowess played both but he just prefers Bedrock yeah I like Bedrock better what’s next enchanting setup I don’t

Know I don’t know when we’re gonna do that I don’t have a good way to get levels is the problem but I would like to spin the levels that I get to get some enchants I made it hey violet oh Violet’s here okay guys time to enter stream bye dang Uh grief I think that’s oversimplification I think you contribute some of it to that though for sure but it’s not a hundred percent like you have a lot of large corporations out there that are literally jacking up their prices because they they because people

Are being fed in a new or being told in the news that inflation is causing price increases sort of saying oh well you know what we can do we can increase prices by 20 blame it on inflation and then we can like pocket the profits of it so you have a lot of

Corporations in the US are like racking in record profits right now and it’s just base it’s just their greed that’s doing it because they can they can they can do it I mean we live in a a free market capitalist Society here in the US so there’s like nothing to stop

Them from doing it they’re not breaking the rules by doing it they’re not doing anything illegal by doing it like they’re they’re doing what they’re allowed to do by law they’re allowed to they’re allowed to dictate their own prices and whatever means they want to I mean at some point you know people

Just have to like if if you’re okay with like on um hey hydrate if you’re okay with with um unregulated capitalism then I mean that’s just something you have to deal with you have to just be okay with it or you can not be okay with it and you can

Propose regulations that help prevent it Hey Tech Lee what’s up yes my landlord won’t raise the rent on us I said it doesn’t cost anymore Yeah but a lot of landlords are raising the rent because they can either get more because they can just get more money out of it again they could be like oh it’s inflation causing this so like a lot of medium to large size landlords are increasing rent just because they can

I miss 99 gas though yeah me too man there’s a lot of economic myths going on out there that a lot of people just don’t know or understand oh for sure Papa Snuffy but like a lot of things in life there’s things aren’t always black and white there’s so many

Different shades of gray sometimes you just need to find the right shade I tell people generally speaking don’t believe that something has to be all one way or all another way because odds are that’s not the case things can be like I said a lot of different Shades of Gray

You just gotta find the shade of Drake oh oh crap laughs I get for talking economics with you guys oh my God anyways I don’t want you guys to get into like let’s not let’s not get too deep into the conversation because then people are going to argue

And I’m not gonna allow it I’ll I’ll mute all of you guys only I can talk about it because I can I can be the good one to not make art star arguments okay wait where is it it’s right here um can I swim there we go

Oh God no no not something that we’ll uh we’ll be bringing up here today inflation affects everyone proud even the rich yeah but the rich can afford to pay for inflation yeah think of expendable income my friend some people like myself for example I don’t have any Expendable income any

Increase in prices means that I can’t pay for something or I have to work more to afford it otherwise I can’t pay for things whereas many people that are quote unquote Rich although depends on your definition are rich I guess have extra income that isn’t going directly towards things that are

Required to live therefore inflation does not affect people of that type in the same way Read any books by chance uh not much for reader magnanimous mom I’m not sure reader it’s I don’t know it’s not it’s first of all it’s not something I’ve like enjoyed doing as like a uh Pastime type thing back to princess proud gosh darn it how many diamonds do you have now

Um I don’t know decent amount we can’t like I can’t make any of the stuff with the diamonds with you guys because we need I need to save that for the episode Baghdad Islam it’s funny not much for reader cringe I don’t know it’s not something that I

Ever found a lot of joy in video games for that maybe okay it’s daytime uh let’s make sure there’s no invaders we have to kick out of here that maybe like spawned in or something while we were down there movies over books yeah movies are just fancy books with pictures

I think our village is good I don’t see anybody running for their lives discuss four and eight until the sun sets uh I’m probably not a good topic to get into um I’ll just say that we we spend money in a lot of places around the world that we probably shouldn’t

Some of the mindset of like I don’t know there’s still people in Flint Michigan and I think um where is it um uh um then like New Orleans is starting to become a problem we’re like we don’t have fresh drinking water for people have it has anybody heard of

What’s happening in New Orleans right now so um because of like a lot of the like hurricane flooding and stuff that occurred um it it mixed in a lot of uh salt water with the regular drinking water going through their lead pipes in that old city so it’s actually poisoning

Their whole water system so I don’t know I mean I sympathize for people around the world I do but like most countries should probably also like you got to kind of take care of yourselves too we have people we have kids growing up in a city somewhere that

Can’t even safely drink the water without serious health repercussions we should probably spend money on that I think Flint has to have clean water for years yeah it’s been a long time and I think that’s that’s an Abomination like you gotta think you have a lot of

Like children I have kids you know I can sympathize with this you have a lot of children that are drinking water that are drinking or have drinking or like come in physical contact with via showering and stuff like that water that has lead in it and it that’s known to

Cause a lot of uh long-term mental issues and like we’ve known about this what like eight to ten years now with Flint Michigan but we still have it uh fixed it I don’t know man sounds like a problem to me yeah oh yeah Christopher your dude you’re a thousand percent right and then

And then the cover up after the fact I’m with you dude 100 I’m all for accountability I think anybody that anybody that breaks the law I don’t care who they are but especially people that have uh have money and power that usually get away with stuff break the law pay the price dude

I don’t care what your political affiliation is because guess what man us regular people they don’t care of political affiliation we are we break the law we find out so I think that’s a fair ask let’s chop some of this All right well uh we’ll we’ll switch away from the um political slash economic talk let’s get back to talking Minecraft so um let me ask you guys oh here let me let the kitten out so how do you guys feel about the pacing of the series so far

Um I think I was saying this earlier and I might have cut myself off because we started talking something else um but episode one was actually paced a little bit faster I think than what I intend to do the rest of the series like this series is going to have a lot of

Recording time included in the videos and episodes oh we gotta go sleep um and the episodes will be longer too like the episodes will be oh hello um the episodes will be probably like 30 like average is with what I want to do is about 30 minutes in length

And like we might not even get a full project done every episode you know what I mean like I might not do a house every episode or something like that we may we may have some projects inside of an episode that we start ah beat you to it magnanimous mom somebody refunder points

If anybody is in here that can happen will all of this world be streamed oh no definitely not this is gonna be like this is definitely a video first series but um like I’ll try to do a lot of this like more monotonous type stuff and

Stream like things that I don’t need to include video for but yeah so like I was saying like I intend for episodes to be somewhere around like 30 minutes in length and like I’m not gonna feel this need to like get some huge project done every episode

You like you guys are just gonna come along for the ride of like doing fun interesting things and whatever those things happen to be that’s what you’ll that’s what you’ll get foreign pieces yeah like the main reason I wanted to do this guys is like there are

So many series that are like super fast paced and a lot of them are really good from people that I like like I think a farzi for example he makes great videos and like dude is just really popping off with like killer content or like flip for example like great content like

Makes good stuff but like these guys will spend like 40 50 60 70 80 hours in an episode like doing something right and like you end up getting like this huge project completed in a 20 minute time frame of what’s cut down for the episode where they’ll they’ll like cut

Down 80 hours of like in-game time that they spent building something and cut it down into 20 minutes will you have a cherry wood built in the series oh I’m sure we will I’m absolutely sure we will um so and then and then like the 100 days

Trend is still like huge and like people follow it like crazy and I think it’s a it’s a mostly like super young crowd that watches that but still like there’s so much of that stuff out there and there’s not very many content creators right now putting out slower paced Let’s

Play videos that are intended to be that way and don’t have to like get big stuff done every episode so you know and that’s the way I like to play anyways it’s hard for me having ADHD to like be able to like really sit and like just

Like grind out like 80 hours of game play in a week to like put into one video that’s not my style it’s not what I enjoy doing so you know I saw a hole in the market and it seemed like something that I would have fun doing so here I here I be

Much longer stream gonna be uh not super long what time is it it’s 10 30 for me so not not a whole lot longer well like we’ll kind of finish up a few little things oh I got a new shulker Farm coming out tomorrow guys it’s like a super duper

Simplified version it’s not like the mega super fast version that you guys got already so if anybody’s like oh man that looks cool but like I can’t build all of that or I don’t want to build all that or that feels too like too much work I got an

Easy one coming for you so stay tuned tomorrow thanks sweet one what happened to your 100 days video I just kind of got derailed from it what happened like didn’t have like I hit like covered for a bit and like I got behind on like my normal videos and

Streams and stuff so then like I started streaming for a bit and then like I got going into like making some tutorials and stuff and then there’s like all sorts of things happen to where like I got derailed from doing it and felt like I needed to play

Catch-up and now it’s just been so long that like I it’s hard for me to find the motivation to like go and just like hop back into that it’s still there I still have the footage that I have like recorded for it I still have the world obviously so it’s definitely something I

Could go back to and the the good thing about it being like just normal modded my like a modded Minecraft is like it’s super easy to just go back to like I could pick it up whenever and it would still be every bit as good as the original intention

Let’s get proud of 1 million oh that’d be great I don’t think we’ll ever get there happy to get the hundred thousand I really don’t expect my channel to ever hit a million subscribers The Voice aren’t here let’s go I don’t think I’m a 100 million subscribers type of content creator

It takes it takes a lot of specialness to get that many people’s attention in that short amount of time so I want to lose miss out any of those here let’s go chop the rest of this down and then we’ll come pick up the saplings and then we’ll replant

Hey no show well thanks for hanging out for a little bit I appreciate it man you just need an accent yeah I need I need to be British or I need to get better at Counter-Strike one or two not a bounce have fun all right Phoenix see you later

The creeper redeem is a dud it was a dud I heard it but it’s all it’s all the timing my friend it’s all in the timing your timing was not great your early game Vibes make me want to start a new world dude early game Vibe is so fun

Again that’s why that’s why I made this series the way I did so I can like just go back into early game Vibe whenever I finish doing a village remodel or you can do a Canadian accent eh I’m not good at accents I actually used to

Be decent at doing accents but I’m not good at it anymore I was never like great but like I could pull off like a couple pretty decent at least for like a sentence or two I could barely talk much less do accents that’s the way I feel nowadays

Oh I didn’t have enough okay do you still play a blue jay I don’t still play with blue jay but we still talk pretty often he’s had a he’s had a lot of stuff going on like he got sick for a little bit and that kept him for making videos now he’s

Out of town for like a work conference so that’s keeping him for making stuff she hasn’t really been very available lately and he he I think he he got sick and then he he was better for like a week and then he got sick again like lost his voice

And then now he’s on this work conference so he’s like been out of commission for like a month now or something crazy I’m literally mute oh really well this is the best place for you then right to be able to hop into like a chat room and

Like just kind of feel like you can like not have to worry about what other people say or think or that you need to like find a way to explain yourself or like whatever you know I don’t want to pretend like I know what’s going on in your life but

I’m sure chat room just feels like a refreshing experience in a way British yeah Mr Chips is British actually are you going to have any kind of streaming schedule um I just that’s that’s like one thing that I’ve always wanted to do but it just does not

Work for me because like let me give you an example here’s my week this week this morning I had to go take the van to get inspected um it’s got a tail light out so inspection failed tomorrow morning I need to go take the van the wise fan to get it

Um to to get them to figure out what’s going on with the overheating that’s Tuesday morning okay Wednesday morning I have to uh tomorrow during the day the new the new light will come in I’ll install it and then Wednesday morning I need to take the van back again to get them to

Reinspect it so it passes inspection um and I think Thursday morning I’m gonna take my car to get it to get it uh washed and properly cleaned out so like there you go and then Friday we may be Friday or Monday we may be doing some

Kind of like fun family thing I don’t know so like if I was running a regular schedule I would end up end up having to cancel all those streams or or like reschedule them and it would if like what if like I’m at a point where I want

To get like a certain video out some some piece of Minecraft news comes out that I want to cover or I’m I’m grinding out a new episode for you guys of this series well then I I would have to move the stream that I scheduled so it just doesn’t work

I wish I kind of wish it would but it doesn’t um inspections are like a state by state thing most I think Most states have like vehicle inspections Junior lake with the wood tier let’s go The Voice gifted one membership let’s go voice just drive my car I think there’s a

Couple states that don’t require inspections but most most states do at least for vehicles of like certain age like until you get to like really old vehicles that are 25 plus years old at that point like a lot of those a lot of vehicles that are that old don’t need inspections anymore

Uh we have to get vehicle inspection every year Most states have vehicle inspections nah really you have to get state inspection every year on the vehicle then I already have a membership weird you guys if you get gifted membership you can always go and upgrade it to a paid membership

Um like guys we’re like mostly done with like the things I really like needed to get done like we can put all this stuff away I think we can go and like pop a lot of this back in here oh I should probably replant this let’s get rid of this stuff um

Is that dark oak yeah Street Plant dark oak and I did not pick up any I did not knock down some birch trees but I did not get Birch saplings yeah like state inspections like they’ll check like your fluid levels of like different systems in the car they’ll

They’ll like oh no I no I did get them um they’ll check like your brake pads your tires basically like you have a yearly or a yearly inspection so you want to make sure that you’re staying safe on the road so like if your tires are down to the

Point where they have almost no tread and you’re likely to like hydroplane or blow a tire while you’re driving I guess like the point being like that’s considered to be unsafe to other drivers and yourself on the road so your vehicle will not pass inspection based on that

And uh you’ll have to replace your tires or put new brake pads on your car or whatever um I think they’ll check some other like basic stuff like tail lights seat belts like they check all that stuff Oh we were gonna plant this it’s smart for sure yeah like I don’t know I just kind of considered it normal and it just made sense to me like hey like the the state doesn’t want me to like let my brakes go to the point where

They don’t work anymore and then I end up killing a pedestrian because I hit the brakes and they don’t work you know what I mean or they don’t want me to go with my tail lights out and then I break and then somebody slams into the

Back of my car because I don’t have tail lights like that kind of stuff so it’s always made sense to me it’s annoying to have to do but it always made sense only 14 states have vehicle yearly inspection that’s crazy like I would have assumed it was almost 50.

As long as it’s free I guess it’s what’s not free it’s twenty dollars to get state inspection and then you have to fix whatever they tell you to fix right like again like I got a tail light out so the shop is going to charge me 300 to

Replace it but I could replace it myself and I found it on Amazon for like 90 bucks so I bought it uh bought a tail light for 90 bucks we just have emissions testing they’re in a vehicle inspections in Indiana you mean some people don’t maintain their cars naturally oh heck no

No people are gonna just go as long as they can go until they they their car doesn’t go anymore like people will ride on tires until they’re bald why because people don’t have eight hundred dollars to replace four tires in their on their car that’s how much it cost me for four

Tires I’d pay 800 bucks that was uh with install which was a pretty good deal like outside of that like most people just like changed their oil regularly that’s as far as people willing to go for taking care of their car if you can granny see a vegan granny

Ah let’s uh let’s give you guys a good look at the house you probably didn’t get an incredibly good look at it in the episode yeah I need to get some string something like that looks good oh man it’s like spread all the way over here I didn’t want it to do that

It’s like a little bit of vines yeah I like the way it’s turned out Yeah yeah sweet one like people will do that all the time my brake line broke one time I was forced to turn right on red at a light that was no turn on red then I seen lights in my mirror oof see state inspection maybe would have helped you

Prevent that maybe it would have seen there was some type of like something going wrong with your brake lines or like maybe you were leaking fluid or something yeah I like this I’m happy with this house I actually have some like decent plans cool plans for the inside

Like I was thinking of like doing like a like there’s gonna be like some stairs down here it’ll lead to a basement uh put a blast furnace here is the fireplace um this is going to be like a little bedroom that like actually steps down into the bedroom and there’ll be a floor

At this level oh you guys are saying that the like extra like brightness is still turned on my bad there we go I saw that it’s bright still and I didn’t connect what that was you’d be more specific yeah I’m super happy with the way this first house turned out like my first

Thought was I was going to go through and like I was going to redo every house in its exact position but that’s going to be a little hard in some spots like some of these are like right on top of each other and like I don’t know like I

Guess some of them like I could just expand this one out a little bit one way but then like I can’t expand it this way because it’s right by this house so I’m gonna have to get creative with some of it I think uh so somehow like this one right here

Is kind of crowding me right here so like this house might actually get shifted back some and then like this road instead of like bending in like this may more like Bend out like this so I might move some stuff I don’t know about combining buildings I don’t mind

The idea of them being kind of cramped oh you guys want to know a little secret here’s like a little like behind the scenes secret only you guys will know this um about my like doing this series okay are you ready for it this is like this

Is one of your treats one of your like little surprises that you get for attending a prowl stream who wants who wants to know my secret lighting up some of these rooftops I do anybody else or just Ezra my guy just tell us I don’t know I don’t I don’t

Know if like you guys want to hear it or not you know I need a little like I need a little like uh confirmation the little confident I’m not making you like donate or something for it I’m not going crazy let’s need a little I need a

I need a little ego stroke okay okay here’s here’s your secret are you ready for it I had a world before this one that ended up being a practice world for this world what I mean is I went through and I recorded a start to an episode one where I went

And found a village and started collecting some supplies and that kind of thing like I probably had like 10 15 minutes of like vid of like actual like usable video footage it would go in an episode I stopped I went back and watched some of it and

Kind of thought about what it was that I did and I was like eh I don’t like how it turned out so I deleted I deleted the footage I deleted the world and started over so this is actually not the first iteration this is the second iteration oh no everything is a lie

It is it’s all a lot pie is alive what does that mean I want to make sure these houses don’t spawn anything I like the looks of these little like these little houses they’re kind of neat like a little bit of detail in them

Is this even real life this we may be we may be living in The Matrix right now the cake is live he not played portal I did not play portal I know what portal is I didn’t play it back when portal came out I was like really heavy into Counter-Strike that’s

All I would play you could not get me to play anything other than Counter-Strike back then oh let’s go this way make them all two and three story no I’ll do something like that but I don’t think all will have so much height variety who remembers that oh not a lot of you

Would some of the people that that like come watch my gaming channel or my uh non-minecraft streams will know I played this game what was it called remember that game I played that was kind of like portal like it had little portals you can go through a blue really aggro I’ve heard that

About portal it’s probably something I should go back and play just just tuning in World deletion yeah the basics of it is I accidentally deleted this world right after I finished recording episode one um due to me being dumb and I had to revert back to a copy I had

Before I had started building the house and then work my way back up we didn’t I I did all that off stream but we did go through and um and get some like General resources to kind of catch back up resource wise so like as we start thinking about

Winding down let me ask you guys a couple things okay um I’ll ask a couple a couple of basic things of you if you don’t mind and give you some like upcoming things that you need to know about alright so don’t leave and you have to stay till the end

Because I want to rage you guys out to somebody and it really it helps the channel get a lot of recognition from like other creators out there and just a little bit of like a forming of a community so I would love it if you guys

Stick around but I have some things to kind of let you know so first of all I thought I saw a spider but I don’t know what I saw um so first of all episode two is coming I am actively working on it right now I should finish recording it tomorrow

Pretty soon and I will send that out to Moonstone so she can start editing we can get it out ASAP and then I’ll start recording episode three right away okay um we do have a super duper crazy easy shulker easiest shulker Farm you’ll ever see coming out tomorrow Ultra simplified

Version it’s like it’s a short tutorial I think it’s like 11 or 13 minutes or something like that make sure you watch it like comment all that stuff okay um we’ll probably do another stream from here again pretty soon uh but probably not before I end up

Doing a stream of non-minecraft I do want to directly invite all of you to please come watch streams where I’m not streaming Minecraft I understand though like if it’s not the type of stuff that you like to watch then I get it like you’re not you’re in no way obligated to

Come watch a non-minecraft stream but I will be streaming some Counter-Strike and some fortnite and then other new games will come out like Forza is it force a seven I don’t know there’s a new Forza game coming out and it’s gonna be on Game Pass so I’ll probably play that

I like racing games we’ll probably play it a little bit just to check it out we need a community Counter-Strike stream I doubt we would have enough people show up um done with Starfield we might go back to it but there’s just like so many things to bounce around between it just makes

It hard to commit to anything um the main thing that keeps me doing a lot in a game like Starfield is the fact that we have Minecraft to deal with like I have to spend maybe three quarters of my week doing Minecraft if not more four-fifths of my week doing Minecraft so like

Outside of that like it’s just one-off stuff that we do right um but yeah if you guys don’t mind if you wanna if you want to support the channel in other ways you could just show up to my non-minecraft streams and come say hi and hang out and watch me

Play a variety of different games watch me get crazy competitive and shooter games and say bad words because that happens um but make sure you’re okay with the bad words part because it’s it’s there’s no way to stop it it just can’t be stopped when I’m playing competitive games

Um Minecraft my brain has a filter for but outside of Minecraft I can’t I can’t control myself um I appreciate you guys hanging out tonight let’s see who we can rate out to again please don’t leave yet let me send you out on a raid if uh if you feel like

It you can subscribe to whoever it is I’ll read you out to at the very least you can be loud and proud in their chat and tell them it’s a prowl raid um if we find somebody to even read out to let’s see if there’s anybody playing Minecraft right now

That I like think is decent enough to send out to I’m not seeing anybody um let’s see if there’s anybody playing Star feet like there’s usually people one this time of night that I I regularly have rated that I like but I’m not seeing anybody yeah Violet did start JC huh

I don’t know who you’re talking about well I know a JC but no maybe just stop it um uh what’s another Counter Strike foreign grounded is another fun Minecraft like game is anybody playing grounded right now oh there’s somebody’s doing like a let’s play series and grounded that could be

Fun I’m gonna send you guys out to that grounded is a super fun game it’s very Minecraft like in a way so I think you guys will like it if you’ve never seen it before it’ll be worth sticking around to watch um let me see who’s this Creator’s name

Uh let me see his name again so I can go to a stream jono plays uh let me type him in jono place I have no clue how big this guy’s YouTube is he’s only got three people watching oh this will be fun all right I’m gonna send you guys out

This dude might freak out this is a fun game I don’t know who this guy is so I’m hoping he’s appropriate for you guys um but I’m gonna send you out to jono please check out this game grounded it is so cool it’s a fun game I played it

For a little bit until spiders tried to eat my face and scared the living crap out of me um but it’s like a survival crafting building games that’s why I think you guys might like it okay so again thanks again I do appreciate you all and I will see you next time oh

This video, titled ‘🔴 Recovering From World Deletion! | Minecraft Classic Lets Play Stream 1’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2023-10-03 16:43:55. It has garnered 4307 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:10 or 9190 seconds.

Welcome to the Classic Lets Play by Prowl! This series is about getting back to the roots of Minecraft, what made it’s lets plays fun and popular to begin with… just playing the game! There are a ton of series out there where the creator makes some huge and ridiculous amount of progress per episode, and you end up only seeing a few highlights of what it took to get there because there was so much done (I’m looking at you 100 days video’s), and if that’s what you want to see here, click away, because you wont. What you will see though are video’s where we go through the world together, building up a village and defending it per season, and once done, we move onto episode 1 of the next season with nothing… find a new village in a different biome (or make our own custom one!) and build it up… oh yeah, and we can build a special structure that will give us access to all of our old stuff from the other village!

Seed: 1160672706937165499

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#minecraft #minecraftletsplay #minecraftbedrock #episode1

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  • Join Minewind: Escape the horrors of the desert island in Minecraft!

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  • 🔥 INSANE! Building My EPIC Basement – Minecraft Survival! 🏰 | Ep. 3 (1.20.1)

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  • Warzonefr

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  • Factions Cove

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  • Evolution of Minecraft Mechanics

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  • Omz Omz Home Alone Minecraft

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  • Insane Minecraft Shizo Golem Brotherhood 🤣🤣 #shorts

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  • Mind-Blowing Shizo Compilation 276 – Must Watch!

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  • 🔥 Insane Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE! Join us on the Road to 10K Subscribers! 🔥

    🔥 Insane Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE! Join us on the Road to 10K Subscribers! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP LIVE WITH SUBSCRIBERS | ROAD TO 10K | TMPBOLTELIVE’, was uploaded by TMP BOLTE LIVE on 2024-05-10 21:11:09. It has garnered 1920 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:37 or 7177 seconds. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVELY AND UNBELIEVABLE SHUPPORT GUY’S 💖FOLLOW ME ❣️ INSTAGRAM – ❣️ DISCORD – JAVA MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP LIVE HINDI | JOIN MY PUBLIC SMP | Minecraft lifesteal smp live TMPBOLTELIVE #minecraftsmplive #minecraftpublicserver #publicsmplive 🔰🔰 Rules of chat 🔰🔰 ►No Spam, Self Promotion, or Promoting Others ►No Racism/Profanity, Treat… Read More

  • Minecraft Stream: Insane Ghostfx Encounter!

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  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Avoid Laughing with BeckBros

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Avoid Laughing with BeckBrosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try NOT To LAUGH (Weird MINECRAFT Edition)’, was uploaded by MoreBeckBros on 2024-03-23 01:35:12. It has garnered 201395 views and 5113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:48 or 1308 seconds. Try NOT To LAUGH (Weird MINECRAFT Edition) 👕: BeckBros Clothing: 👉🏻: Subscribe to our IRL Channel: Original Video: 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Diamondxr’s EPIC Cinematic Studio Plugin for Minecraft!

    Diamondxr's EPIC Cinematic Studio Plugin for Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cinematic Studio Plugin | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Diamondxr on 2024-03-13 09:02:05. It has garnered 3036 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:58 or 598 seconds. ●Hey Diamond here, if you ever wanted to create amazing presentations for your Minecraft server giving your player base out-of-this-world introductions to your server look no further! ●Revivenode Hosting Promocode: DIAMOND ► Plugin ►Pumpkin Bars ✔Join Discord I don’t own any rights to the game as shown on screen. Read More

  • Cranked SMP

    Cranked SMPCranked SMP is a high-quality Survival SMP server featuring unique features, classes, events, and awesome players like you! Our community is super welcoming and friendly – come say hi! BEDROCK SUPPORTED! JAVA IP: BEDROCK PORT: 19132 1.8 -> 1.19 are supported! Read More

  • HomiezClub Server SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java Bedrock

    HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. From building, to adventuring, to redstoning we do it all. There is room for just about any playstyle on our server and we love to hear new ideas. About HomiezClub SMP: The server is whitelisted to provide an exclusive experience and avoid griefers. Only performance mods and Discord bot are used as plug-ins. Recommended modpack for performance and shaders, but no mods are required! Java AND Bedrock compatible! When major updates come out, we prune chunks that have been… Read More

  • MS Builders"2>O 20=8;;0! "2>8 ?@028;0!

    MS Builders”2>O 20=8;;0! “2>8 ?@028;0! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – TNT Launcher Glitchorama

    Minecraft Memes - TNT Launcher GlitchoramaWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More


    BLAZING HOT BABY SONIC PIXEL ART! 🔥 Why does Baby Sonic in Minecraft look like he’s about to drop the hottest pixel art album of 2021? #minecraft #gaming #pixelartgoals Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Bedrock Particles!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Bedrock Particles! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to take your gameplay to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From thrilling PvP battles to creative building challenges, there’s never a dull moment on this server. And with regular updates and events, you’ll always have something new to discover. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and see why Minewind is the ultimate destination… Read More